Main Idea 2

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Main Idea
Directions: Read each passage and ask yourself, What is the author doing in this paragraph? Write your answer in the summary o! and then think of an appropriate title for the passage ased on the main idea of the passage" #" $eing a clown isn%t all fun and games" Rodeo clowns e!pose themsel&es to great danger e&ery time they perform" When cow oys dismount or are ucked off of ulls at riding competitions, rodeo clowns 'ump in front of the ulls and motion wildly to get their attention" (n this way rodeo clowns pro&ide an alternate target, and in doing so protect the rider" )o you see, sometimes clowning around can e serious usiness" )ummari*e this paragraph in one sentence" Be specific and clearly explain the main idea. Rodeo is a dangerous game. Rodeo clowns are purposely done for attracting the bull.

+n appropriate title: Rodeo, Rodeo, Rodeo, -" .he wol&erine, a medium si*ed mammal weighing no more than /0 l s", has earned its reputation for ferocity with its documented a ility to kill prey many times its si*e" .he reason why wol&erines ha&e so many conflicts with other animals 1including wol&es, cougars, and e&en ears2 is pro a ly ecause of the wol&erine%s preferred hunting style" Rather than chasing down or tricking its prey like most hunters, the wol&erine prefers to take its meals directly from other hunters" )o while a polar ear or a lone wolf might e en'oying a hard earned carcass, a hungry wol&erine may try to take his lunch" .his keeps the wol&erine in plenty of fights" )ummari*e this paragraph in one sentence" Be specific and clearly explain the main idea. Wolverines are real animals. They are strong animals and they like to hunt by getting it from other animals.

+n appropriate title: .he Wol&erine 3" )ometime in Decem er of #45#, Dr" 6ames Naismith, a gym teacher at the 789+ 9ollege in )pringfield, 8assachusetts was trying to keep his gym class acti&e on a rainy day" :e wanted a &igorous game that would keep his students mo&ing" +fter re'ecting a few other ideas ecause they were too rough or not suited for the walled;in gym, Naismith wrote out the rules for a game with peach askets fi!ed to ten;foot ele&ated tracks" Naismith%s students played against one another, passing the all around and shooting it into the peach askets" Dri ling wasn%t a part of the original game, and it took a while to reali*e that the game would run more smoothly if the ottoms of the askets were remo&ed, ut this game grew to e one of the most popular sports in +merica today" 9an you guess which one? )ummari*e this paragraph in one sentence" Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.

Basketball started in the !"#s when a gym teacher let the students play a game. They need to shoot it in a peach basket. The game became famous until now.

+n appropriate title: .he :istory of $asket all <" What%s that humming sound? 9ould it e humming ird, the only ird capa le of ackward flight? :umming irds ha&e many uni=ue flight ha its that distinguish them from other irds" 8ost irds flap their wings up and down to fly, ut the humming ird mo&es its wings forward and ackward &ery rapidly in a figure eight pattern" .his allows the humming ird to ho&er in position, fly upside down, and mo&e a out &ery rapidly" +nd while other irds ha&e to push off with their feet to egin flying, and work their ways up to their top speeds, the humming ird can oth start flying at ma!imum speed and stop flying instantaneously" +fter you%&e seen a humming ird in flight, it%s unlikely that you%ll mistake them for another ird" )ummari*e this paragraph in one sentence" Be specific and clearly explain the main idea. $ hummingbird is a uni%ue bird because it can fly backwards. $lso& it can fly upside down.

+n appropriate title: .he :umming ird /" Remem er, if something is worth doing, it is worth doing correctly" .hat said, the key to making perfect cookies is merely a matter of preparation and precision" .o egin with, read your cookie recipe thoroughly efore aking" 8ake sure that you ha&e all of the necessary ingredients efore you continue" Ne!t, use good tools and utensils" )ometimes, the craftsperson is only as good as his or her tools" $y using good tools you can minimi*e mistakes and impro&e the =uality of your product" >astly, you should use top =uality ingredients" ?nlike in the fairytales, you can%t turn lead into gold" (f you use poor =uality materials, you%ll create an inferior product" )o, to make perfect cookies you should use the highest =uality materials a&aila le" $on apatite, )ummari*e this paragraph in one sentence" Be specific and clearly explain the main idea. To make the perfect cookies you should buy the high %uality ingredients and use good utensils.

+n appropriate title: :ow to make the perfect cookies @" .he term machine gun is commonly applied to any gun that is designed to fire repeatedly and in rapid succession for as long as the trigger is held down" During the course of warfare, the trigger of some machine guns may e held down almost continuously for hours to create suppressant fire 1rounds fired not necessarily to kill an enemy, ut to pre&ent them from attacking2" +ll of this firing can generate a lot of heat, which may cause the weapon to o&erheat

and malfunction" $ut this situation has een addressed in a num er of ways" Aor one, practically all machine guns fire from an open olt, which allows air to cool the reach etween ursts of fire" +dditionally, some machine guns ha&e remo&a le arrels, which allow hot arrels to e replaced" +nd some ad&anced machine guns e&en ha&e sophisticated arrel cooling systems, which maintain a functional heat le&el within the weapon" +s you might ha&e concluded, a lot of rain power has gone into keeping those guns firing" )ummari*e this paragraph in one sentence" Be specific and clearly explain the main idea. The machine gun is a kind of a gun that has a lot of bullets. It is different from other guns because it can fire many times to prevent attack.

+n appropriate title: .he characteristics of the machine gun

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