Marilyn Milgrom - The Script Questions
Marilyn Milgrom - The Script Questions
Marilyn Milgrom - The Script Questions
? I have paid respect to screenwriting conventions by the use of a screenplay layout, slug lines etc. I have also paid respect by the language used as it is visual to the eye. The world I have created is easy to identify, it is an occasion of a gathering/party. There is a clear want and need. To pay more respect to screenwriting conventions I need to improve my obligation of the script. It is clear there is a risk of family being lost between the two sisters due to their different choice/actions but also due to the teenage boy Daniel. It is clear what is at risk however to pay more respect to screenwriting convention I need to create the stakes even higher and produce more at risk. There is high tension and an awkward atmosphere present. There is enough dialogue shown within the script. inally something is revealed within each scene. How does the script adhere to the guiding principles of the T!" #$I"T #%&"?
'ain character( 'acy Title( &ddiction )this is my first idea of the title* +enre/Tone( ,ocial -ealism, it is a serious tone which is .uite damaging on relationships. ,etting( & house and garden. /ant/"eed/$bligation( The want to en0oy herself at the party. The need to spy constantly on 'olly and be protective. The obligation of responsibility for 'olly taking drugs. $pposition( The influence !llie has on 'olly. 1atalyst for change( 'acy appears in the drug scene hoping 'olly would change her mind on taking the drugs. Themes( drug use, sister rivalry, nature vs. nurture. 1lima2( the e2perience for 'acy watching 'olly using drugs. -esolution( In one way the situation is sorted out due to 'acy giving up with 'olly and walking off however the drug issue is left unsolved and so is a strained relationship. Does every scene reveal something new? 3reak down the scenes using the ,T!# $4T%I"! to demonstrate how each is a conse.uence of the previous scene and in addition brings a new and significant development.
,cene 5( What is revealed: Two twin sisters are arriving to a house, it is revealed 'olly6s approach to the house is a difficult one and 'acy has to nudge her on. 7ou can identify they are going out to some sort of occasion to what they are wearing. In this scene it gives us a sense that both sisters are nervous to the arrival of the house due to their body language. Does the audience understand the themes: The theme of a strained relationship between the two sisters as they are arriving to a gathering together, however instead of being e2cited 'acy is biting her lips and 'olly is looking an2ious and nervous. This is the first sign of a weak relationship. Significance to plot: This first scene is significant to my plot as it shows the frail relationship between the two sisters. It also gives the audience an odd sense about the characters. It signifies the difference between 'acy and 'olly. ,cene 8( What is revealed: The second scene reveals and represents how 'acy is always running around caring for 'olly. It also reveals the alcohol use and compares the sister6s drinks to represent a sorted sister and unsorted sister. Does the audience understand the themes: There is a theme of a weak relationship between the two sisters, there is also the theme of underage alcohol use when 'acy is selecting the drinks. Significance to plot: The second scene is significant to the plot as it compares the sisters choices on drinks, it also suggests and gives the idea of 'olly being a weaker sister and that she may be going off the rails. It represents the strained relationship due to their different choices and actions. ,cene 9( What is revealed: The third shot reveals 'acy again as being a leading figure: this is due to her dragging 'olly along and introducing her to her friends. It reveals 'olly is not interested between the group of 'acy6s friends as it shows
she6s not interested and there is no communication between her and the group. Does the audience understand the themes: The theme of a weak relationship between the sisters and constant worry. Significance to plot: This is significant to the plot as it shows the lack of interest 'olly has with sociali;ing with 'acy6s friends, it also signifies 'acy always looking out and caring for 'olly by making her come over and meet her friends. It is significant as it shows the constant worry for 'acy leaving 'olly alone.
Does the narrative progress cinematically and with minimal dialogue? !2plain how it progresses cinematically rather than with dialogue. How do visuals drive the narrative forward at points? How does sound drive the narrative forward at points? How are visual elements )e.g. aspects of mise< en<sc=ne* used symbolically? $verall my script has .uite a bit of dialogue, the beginning has purposely got minimal dialogue, and this is because I wanted emotions to be shown through action so that I can have a cinematic effect. >isuals such as the sister6s entrance to the house drive the story onwards: however I feel I could cut even more of my dialogue and e2press more emotions through my characters actions. The use of silence between 'acy and 'olly within the beginning structure drives the story on as it reveals the strained/odd relationship. The different costumes of my two characters are used symbolically to remark the two different personalities. The props of alcohol and drugs are symbolically used to represent the danger and the issue/problem between 'acy and 'olly. Is there a clear tone? Describe the tone. Is it consistent throughout? The tone is serious: this is shown through the situations of the sisters and the issue of drug use. However I feel my tone is not consistent throughout the whole script and I need to improve on the tone in specific areas. I need to make the issue of drugs between the sisters more serious by tension etc.