MTD Syllabus
MTD Syllabus
MTD Syllabus
1. Introduction : Classification of machine Tools, Elements of machine tools, selection of speed and feed, various types of clutch systems, tool drives and mechanism, general requirements of machine tool design process as applied to machine tools, layout of machine tool, various motions introduced in machine tools, parameters defining limits of motions. Requirements of machine, tools drives, mechanical and hydraulics transmission used in machine drives their elements 2. Design of machine tool structure: Function of machine tool structure and their requirements. Design criteria, materials, Strength and Rigidity consideration, process capability and compliance, static and dynamic stiffness, basic design procedure, design items like beam, column, housing, rams, etc. 3. Design of guide ways and power screws : Function and types of guide ways, design of slide ways, force analysis of Lathe guide ways, design of antifriction guide ways, design of power screws
4. Design of Spindle and spindle support : Function of spindle unit requirement, material of spindles, design calculations design of antifriction bearings, sliding bearing used for spindles 5. Dynamics of machine Tools : Vibration of machine tools and dynamic rigidity: Effect of vibrations, source of\ vibrations, self excited vibration, single degree of freedom chatter, velocity principle and related models, regenerative principles, chatter in lathe, drilling, milling & grinding, machine tool elastic system, general procedure for assessing Dynamic stability of equivalent elastic system.
6. Automation: Automation drives for machine tools, Degree of automation, Semi automation, analysis of collect action, design of collect, bar feeding mechanism, tooling layout, single spindle mechanism, analysis, swiss type automatic machine. Loading and unloading. Transfer- devices, Modulator- design concept, in process gauging.
7. Introduction to machine tool control: Control system of machine tools: control, mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, numeric and fluidic. Basic principle of control, hydraulic controls, fluid controls, numerical controls, feed back systems, Primary systems programming. Term Work:
Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Machine tool design N. K. Mehta, 1984, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. Principles of Machine tool G. C. Sen and A. Bhattacharyya, New Central book agency, Calcutta. Design of machine tool S. K. Basu, Allied Publishers Bombay. Design principles of metal cutting machine tools F. Koeniga Berger Machine tools design by Mehta: Tata McGraw Hill Principles of machine tools by Sen et al Central Book Agency Machine Tool Design by Bassu & Pal: Oxford & IBH Machine tool Design vol. i to iv by Acherken: Mir Publishers Design Principles of Metal cutting machine tools: Koenigsberger: Pergamon