HPLC Manual: Sample Preparation
HPLC Manual: Sample Preparation
HPLC Manual: Sample Preparation
Krystyna Brzezinska (kbrzez@mrl.ucsb.edu) December 2008 All samples must be filtered. It is highly recommended that you check the separation by TLC and/or column chromatography before attempting an HPLC run. If running UV detection on your sample, run a UV-VIS spectrum first to see where the maximum absorbance is. Concentration for the HPLC is best around 25-50% w/v (g/mL). The more concentrated the samples are, the better (even neat), AS LONG AS THE SAMPLES ARE NOT TOO VISCOUS OR HAVE SOLID PARTICLES IN THEM. The analytical column can run 1-4 mg of sample per run. After filtration through 0.45 m filter transfer solution into the auto-sampler vial (3/4 of the vial must be filled or use small inserts for vials (150 and 300 L). It is the best to play with the HPLC variables such as mobile phase and flow rate to get the best separation. After you finish flush the column with polar solvent to make sure that all species have been removed from the column. Afterwards run non-polar mobile phase (hexanes) through the column for storage. For column longevity, it is best to store non-polar solvents in the column and HPLC plumbing. RUN SAMPLE when instrument idle (only green icon is available): 1. Delete unused rows. Insert more rows if necessary- change name, vial #. Load carousel with your vials. 2. Dont change rows: Condition Columns (ramp flow up to 1 mL); Equilibrate; Purge Injector; Purge Detector; Condition Columns, Ramp Flow Down, or PDA lamp OFF; Injection volume 100 L and # of injections 1. 3. Click on the green icon. For automatic results use Run and Report, continue on Fault- Run. 4. If you are not satisfied with integration you can change it (see analysis) and print it again. ADD SAMPLES to the running GPC (only red icon is active): 1. Edit- Alter Running Sample- OK. Red and green icons should be active. 2. Insert rows, change name, vial #. Dont forget to load carousel with vials. 3. Dont change rows: Condition Columns; Equilibrate; Purge Injector; Purge Detector; Ramp Flow Down, or PDA lamp OFF; Injection volume 100 L and # of injections 1. 4. Click on the GREEN ICON. Only red icon should be active. For automatic results use Run and Report, continue on Fault- Run. 5. If you are not satisfied with integration you can change it (see analysis) and print it again. ANALYSIS: 1. Open Browse Project from the Empower- Results- open your run with left mouse. Using left mouse integrate signals, Quantitate (icon). Click on the icon Save ALL- close analysis window. Update Results. If you need to integrate few signals which are close to each another use CTRLALT and click with left mouse between signals 2. REPORT: With right mouse click on your updated analysis- Preview/Publisher Open Preview/Publisher with left mouse- Use the Report Method- GPC Default Individual Report- OK. 3. SCALE CHANGE: after closing first window with right mouse click on the GPC resultsChromatogram Properties- Scaling- change Y-start and Y-end- Apply- close. You must save properties to be able to print. After you finish please ALWAYS change properties- Y should be ~ 50 and save. Dont save any changes to the GPC Default Individual Report. 4. OVERLAY: Empower- Results- with left mouse (SHIFT) select data- Tools- Compare. UV DATA: 1. To change wavelength- in the RUN window- Edit- UV- change wavelength (you can choose wavelength from 200-800nm)- save. 2. Analysis- Channels- UV Data. Click on signal with right mouse- Extract Spectrum- Extract Chromatogram. Export UV data- copy and paste into Paint. Export data as Paint. 3D plotWindow- 3 D Plot EXPORT DATA:
1. 2.
Empower- Browse Project- results-choose your run- Database- Export Method- ASCII- BrowseChoose E: or I: drive- write name of your file- OK SAFELY remove a memory stick.