Dan's Resume

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Daniel Welsher

dan.welsher@gmail.com OBJECTIVE Seeking Master's Degree in Foreign Language Secondary Education EDUCATION !a!e Uni"ersi!# o$ New %or& a! 'o!sdam Potsdam, NY Expected Graduation: May 2013 Major: Spanish Minor: usiness !dministration (E)EVANT COU( EWO(* Teacher+s Assis!an! Potsdam, NY Fall 2010- Present Assistant to professors with coursewor ! handouts! tutorin"! and technolo"ical e#uip$ent% ,anish -.- Teacher+s Assis!an! &ead introductory le'el (panish courses% Potsdam, NY Fall 2012 English Teacher "a#apa, $eracru%, Me&ico (u$$er 2012 For ) wee s! tau"ht En"lish to Mexican students at Escuela de *dio$as ,anish T/!or Potsdam, NY (prin" 2010- Present Assistant students in need of extra help% 0ONO( 1AWA(D S'NY Potsdam Dean's List (prin" 2011 S'NY Potsdam President(s List Fall 2011 Sigma De#ta Phi ) Spanish *onor Society 2012- present Long each *igh Schoo# Nassau +ounty S,imming +hampions 200+ Long each *igh Schoo# *onor -o## 200,-200 Foreign Language *onor Society 200,-200) $arsity !th#etic !,ard 200) )EADE( 0I' E2'E(IENCE B3nai B3ri!h 'erlman Cam, Lake +omo, P! (u$$er 2010 General .ounselor/ 0ranslator Super.ised a group o/ ten 0)year)o#ds during the day and night at s#eepa,ay camp +oordinated acti.ities /or campers inc#uding team1ui#ding, tennis, 1asket1a##, dance, arts and cra/ts, soccer, dodge1a##, so/t1a##, and s,imming De.e#oped programming /or gir#s during /ree time inc#uding ice 1reakers and team 1ui#ders, card games, 2spa nights,3 sca.enger hunts, races, campouts and storyte##ing4 roadened camper(s kno,#edge o/ history and cu#ture o/ "udaism 5nstructed the de.e#opment o/ ne, ski##s during 2ho11y3 periods in the areas o/ /riendship 1race#et making, tennis, dance, so/t1a##, and photography4 6rans#ated /or Spanish speaking campers and kitchen ,orkers

(e#es4 D/5ow4 and Wilson 6amilies Long each, NY 2001-200.hild .are Pro'ider -esponsi1#e /or 7)8 chi#dren /rom ages 9):7 a/ter schoo# once and ,eek and on ,eekends Entertained chi#dren ,ith games, cra/ts, and sports Prepared snacks and mea#s and put chi#dren to 1ed VO)UNTEE( E2'E(IENCE )ong Beach 0/rricane and# Neigh5orhood Clean U, Long each, NY 2cto3er 2012 ;rgani%ed gar1age dumpsters /or my neigh1orhood /or a## damages to househo#ds and de1ris4

Daniel Welsher 7 8a&e9A9Wish 'olar Bear wim Long each, NY 200,-2011 UN% 'o!sdam Clean U, Potsdam, NY 7<:<) 7<:: Raked leaves for Potsdam cemeteries and local churches 6/!/re 'h#sicians1Transla!or Long each Medica# +enter, NY 4uly 2010 Assisted nurses with Emergency Room paperwork Translated with native Spanish speakers who needed assistance (ela# $or )i$e Long each, NY 200)-2000ea$ .o-.aptain !ssem1#ed and organi%ed a team to participate and raise money /or the !merican +ancer Society ,ith an a##)night ,a#k Beach B/ddies Long each, NY 200)-2000our Guide =a.e tours o/ Long each *igh Schoo# to and ans,ered >uestions /rom /reshmen on the /irst day o/ schoo# as ,e## as prospecti.e students /rom other districts4 8a&e9A9Wish Beach Bene$i! Concer! Long each, NY 4une 200+ !ssisted the organi%ation, ad.ertised the concert, and so#d t)shirts at the concert to 1ene/it the Make)!)?ish Foundation Tric& or Trea! $or Canned :oods Long each, NY 2cto3er 200,-200) Participated in /undraisers ,ith (nai (rith Youth ;rgani%ation Visi!a!ion !o senior ci!i;ens in n/rsing homes Long each, NY 200,- 2001 5nteracted and p#ayed games ,ith senior citi%ens in Long each Medica# +enter once a ,eek E2T(ACU((ICU)A( ACTIVITIE Spanish +#u1 Potsdam, NY 2010- Present +ampus)+ommunity and Potsdam, NY 2010-2011 Long each *igh Schoo# Marching and 5ass .larinet (ection &eader Long each, NY 2001200.reated and tau"ht routines to other $e$3ers! or"ani6ed practices! offered extra help with $usic and place$ent +oncert@Symphonic and Long each, NY 200,-200 Freshman, Sophomore, "unior, Senior +#ass Spirit +#u1s Long each, NY 200,-200 $arsity S,im 6eam Long each, NY 200+ $arsity Lacrosse 6eam Long each, NY 2001- 200) $arsity Spring 6rack 6eam Long each, NY 2001 $arsity Fa## +ross +ountry 6eam Long each, NY 2001-200+ ?inter 6rack 6eam 6eam Long each, NY 200,-2001

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