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Transmitted Obligation

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Transmitted obligation

A LAW EACH DAY (KEEPS TROUBLE AWAY) By Jose C. Sison The Philippine St ! "#$%&$'""&

The !i(hts n) o*li( tions o+ pe!son !e t! ns,itte) to his hei!s -pon his )e th *y . y o+ s-//ession. This is ill-st! te) in this / se o+ Tin . Tin . s the o.ne! o+ 01"2" s3- !e ,ete! p!ope!ty. On A-(-st '%1 %24%1 she ente!e) into /ont! /t o+ le se /o5e!in( the s ,e p!ope!ty in + 5o! o+ TRCDC +o! pe!io) o+ '" ye !s s-*6e/t to !ene. l .ithin &" ) ys p!io! to its e7pi! tion. The /ont! /t lso p!o5i)e) th t sho-l) Tin )e/i)e to sell the p!ope!ty TRCDC sh ll h 5e the p!io!ity !i(ht to p-!/h se the s ,e. By 5i!t-e o+ s i) /ont! /t1 TRCDC p-t -p /o/8pit on s i) l n). On J-ne %41 %22% TRCDC .!ote Tin in+o!,in( he! o+ its intention to !ene. the le se. Ho.e5e!1 it . s Tin 9s ) -(hte! Annie .ho !eplie)1 s8in( TRCDC to !e,o5e the i,p!o5e,ents *-ilt the!eon s :she is no. the *sol-te o.ne! o+ the p!ope!ty:. ;t ppe !s th t the s-*6e/t p!ope!ty . s sol) *y Tin to Annie on A-(-st <1 %22" +o! the ,e sly s-, o+ P%"1""" s ,e!e +o!, lity so th t Annie , y h 5e p!ope! !ep!esent tion .ith TRCDC in the *sen/e o+ he! p !ents. ;n + /t title h s l!e )y *een t! ns+e!!e) in Annie9s n ,e. ;n o!)e! to !esol5e the , tte!1 TRCDC p!opose) th t the le se *e !ene.e)1 *-t Annie )e/line). Then TRCDC lso o++e!e) to *-y the l n) *-t Annie li8e.ise !e+-se) to sell the l n)1 .hile the i,p!o5e,ents :i+ +o! s le sh ll *e s-*6e/t +o! pp! is l:. When e++o!ts to !esol5e the / se + ile)1 TRCDC +ile) /o,pl int ( inst Tin n) Annie +o! nn-l,ent o+ the s le to Annie n) / n/ell tion o+ he! title1 spe/i+i/ pe!+o!, n/e o+ its !i(ht o+ +i!st !e+-s l n) ) , (es. A+te! t!i l1 the Re(ion l T!i l Co-!t (RTC) !en)e!e) 6-)(,ent e7ten)in( the pe!io) o+ le se to se5en ye !s t ,onthly !ent l o+ P%"1""" *-t )is,isse) TRCDC9s /l i, +o! ) , (es. TRCDC ppe le) the )e/ision to the Co-!t o+ Appe ls (CA). While the / se is pen)in( in the CA o! on = !/h %&1 %22&1 Tin )ie). The!e +te! on J-ne %>1 %222 the CA !en)e!e) )e/ision ,o)i+yin( the RTC )e/ision n) o!)e!e) TRCDC to i,,e)i tely 5 / te the p!e,ises1 p y P%"1""" ,onthly !ent l -ntil it +in lly 5 / tes the p!e,ises1 , 8e ne/ess !y //o-ntin( o+ the ,o-nt it h s )eposite) s !ent ls n) to llo. Annie to .ith)! . the P0'"1""") l!e )y )eposite) s !ent ls. W s the CA /o!!e/t? The CA is p !tly /o!!e/t only. Un)e! the te!,s o+ TRCDC9s !i(ht o+ +i!st !e+-s l s /ont ine) in the Cont! /t o+ Le se1 Tin h s the le( l )-ty to TRCDC not to sell the p!ope!ty to ny*o)y1 e5en he! !el ti5es1 t ny p!i/e -ntil +te! she h s , )e n o++e! to sell to TRCDC t /e!t in p!i/e n) s i) o++e! . s !e6e/te) *y TRCDC. ;t is only +te! TRCDC + ile) to e7e!/ise the !i(ht o+ +i!st p!io!ity /o-l) Tin then l .+-lly sell the p!ope!ty to Annie. When Tin sol) the p!ope!ty to he! ) -(hte! Annie .itho-t o++e!in( it to TRCDC1 the s le1 .hile 5 li)1 is !es/in) *le so s to en *le TRCDC to e7e!/ise its option -n)e! the le se /ont! /t. With the )e th o+ Tin 1 .h te5e! !i(hts n) o*li( tions she h ) o5e! the p!ope!ty1 in/l-)in( he! o*li( tions -n)e! the le se /ont! /t .e!e t! ns,itte) to he! hei!s *y . y o+ s-//ession1 ,o)e o+ /3-i!in( the p!ope!ty1 !i(hts n) o*li( tions o+ the )e/e)ent to the e7tent o+ the 5 l-e o+ the inhe!it n/e o+ the hei!s. The (ene! l !-le is th t hei!s !e *o-n) *y /ont! /ts ente!e) into *y thei! p!e)e/esso!s@in@inte!est e7/ept .hen the !i(hts n) o*li( tions !isin( the!e+!o, !e not t! ns,issi*le *y (%) thei! n t-!e1 (') stip-l tion1 o! (0) p!o5ision o+ l .. ;n this / se the !i(hts n) o*li( tions -n)e! the le se /ont! /t !e *y thei! n t-!e t! ns,issi*le. The!e is neithe! /ont! /t- l stip-l tion no! p!o5ision o+ l . th t , 8es the !i(hts n) o*li( tions -n)e! the le se /ont! /t1 in@t! ns,issi*le. So Annie s n hei! o+ Tin is *o-n) to +-l+ill ll its te!,s n) /on)itions. Tin 9s o*li( tion to )eli5e! the p!ope!ty to TRCDC -pon e7e!/ise *y the l tte! o+ its !i(ht o+ +i!st !e+-s l , y *e pe!+o!,e) *y Annie n) the othe! hei!s1 i+ ny. So (%) the s le o+ the p!ope!ty *y Tin to Annie on A-(-st %22" is )ee,e) !es/in)e)A (') the hei!s o+ Tin !ep!esente) *y Annie !e o!)e!e) to !e/o(niBe the o*li( tion o+ Tin -n)e! the Cont! /t o+ Le se .ith !espe/t to the p!io!ity !i(ht o+ TRCDC to p-!/h se the p!ope!ty -n)e! !e son *le te!,s n) /on)itionsA (0) the TCT sh ll !e, in in the n ,e o+ Annie .hi/h sh ll *e / n/elle) in the e5ent TRCDC s-//ess+-lly p-!/h ses the s-*6e/t p!ope!tyA (>) Annie sho-l) p y TRCDC /t- l ) , (es o+ P'"1""" pl-s inte!est t the le( l ! te1 n) tto!ney9s +ees o+ P%"1""" pl-s /ost o+ s-it. B-t s hel) *y the CA Annie , y .ith)! . ll the !ent l )eposits , )e *y TRCDC -pon p!ope! //o-ntin( n) TRCDC sh ll p y P%"1""" ,onthly !ent l )-!in( its o//-p n/y o+ the l n) -ntil the p!o/ee)in(s is +in lly te!,in te) *y the )ete!,in tion o+ the !e son *le te!,s n) /on)itions +o! the s le o+ the p!ope!ty1 o! -ntil TRCDC 5 / tes the p!ope!ty i+ it /hooses not to e7e!/ise its !i(ht o+ +i!st !e+-s l (Tanay Recreation Center and Development Inc. vs. Fausto, G.R. 14018 , !pril 1 , 00", 4"" #CR! 4$%&.

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