Which One
Which One
Which One
One was created from a birth certificate; the other caused the birth certificate to be created. One is a fiction; the other is a living man. One has an account with a lot of real assets in it but he can not get to them for he has on arms. he other one bust his ass wor!ing for wages only to claim to be the other one. One owes ta"es# the other one does not. One has to follow the Bull $hit %aws# but other one has free will and can either follow them or not as long as he does not in&ury anyone or their 'ro'erty. One li!e ( said has an account with real assets# while the other one is hel'ing to create more debt 'a'er for )merica and her children. One has to go along with being re'resented by whomever; the other does not# he can notify the elected officials that he re&ects them as his*her re'resentative +should be done ,- days after they are sworn in.. One has two numbers# one the $$N/ 01,201201,3 and a treasury account / 01,0101,3 +see something fumier with them.; while the other ones tries to claim the $$N/ as his it is not. +(n 4anada it $(N/# could this be the unforgivable sin.. 0. he one in 5ed is a fiction created by you with your birth and by the government with a 'ool of real assets# you were to young at the time to !now about and as you grew u' your government schools never told you so that left the government as the only one with there hand in the coo!ie &ar. he one in Blue is the real son or daughter of 6OD the 4reator of )ll and no that does not ma!e any man or woman a 6od# sorry but that is a fact you are number 1 to 6OD the 4reator of )ll and a 7ree individual on earth. He is also the number 0 creditor to the 7iction8s 'ool of assets.
Now comes the bottom-line, the fiction would like to pay his own taxes, he would like to pay for your medical expenses, education, car, property etc. because he is a really nice guy and he wants you learn to understand what America is about the Non-fiction and not the Disneyland iction!, and then li"e# let other people li"e too and then li"e you life for your $OD, the %reator All. A true man&woman would want to know who they really are, also be a true American and defend their homeland against both foreign and domestic enemies 'the domestic enemies are your own go"ernments (ust look at the laws they pass.) $i"e me *iberty or gi"e me death! sorry about that# that ones already taken, how about Defend your $OD gi"e rights now# for tomorrow you may loose you head for looking the wrong way.! Ne"er e"er stop asking the +uestion ,-.. /f you e"er ha"e a little one ask you why you had better tell them the truth, /f you do not know the truth get off your ass and find it, for you will be held accountable for there being decei"ed.
A li"ing man or woman who accept the fiction name as his or her name is an (NDEN 95ED $E5:EN to his master +government# religious originations and the money changers. ;hat did Jesus say about them<
/n my studies the united 0tates of America is not the only country in the world that this decepti"e practice is underway against the children of $OD the %reator of All.