Morethan 3 Years of Experience in RF Engineering, Technical Consultation. Presently Associated With
Morethan 3 Years of Experience in RF Engineering, Technical Consultation. Presently Associated With
Morethan 3 Years of Experience in RF Engineering, Technical Consultation. Presently Associated With
Seeking assignments in RF Optimization/ Netwo k !lanning with an o ganization o" epute in the #ele$om se$to . S%NO!S&S MoreThan 3 years of experience in R engineering! "ec#nical $onsul"a"ion. %resen"ly associa"e& 'i"# -Actix Post processing. Through prithvi information solutions Ltd. Hyderabad as Post processing (RF) Engineer. (n)ol)e& in *ri)e +es"! ,p"imi-a"ion of "#e ne"'or. by analy-ing "#e /og files genera"e& in *+ 0 by 1"a"is"ical Repor" of "#e cells "o mee" "#e +arge" 2%(! resol)ing )arious $us"omer %roblems in 3e"'or. $oncern an& s"rong .no'le&ge of R . %roficien" in lea&ing "elecom projec"s. 1.ille& in "roubles#oo"ing 0 problem resolu"ion4 "rain an& super)ise "ec#nicians in 5uali"y! a&#erence "o 'or. or&er specifica"ions an& e5uipmen" main"enance. 6xcep"ional "eam managemen"! organi-a"ional an& analy"ical s.ills couple& 'i"# &emons"ra"e& rela"ions#ip managemen" an& communica"ion abili"ies.
'RE'S OF E(!ER#&SE RF Enginee ing o $arrying ou" *ri)e +es" for op"imi-a"ion 7sing 8gilen" 90.0!$3+ 0 +6:1. o $arrying ou" op"imi-a"ion! accep"ance "es"ing 0 sec"or a-imu"# planning of ne' si"es. o %ro)i&ing 1uppor" "o (mplemen"a"ion! ;en&or 0 R "eams for 3e"'or. <ro'"# 0 R op"imi-a"ion ac"i)i"ies an& "roubles#oo"ing of faul" 0 comple"e opera"ion 0 main"enance of )arious si"es. Netwo king Ope ations o :apping clien"=s re5uiremen"s an& arc#i"ec"ing cus"omi-e& "elecom solu"ions "o sui" "#eir re5uiremen"s. o :anage "#e in buil&ing cabling 0 up&a"ion of rou"ing &e"ails. o Rou"ine moni"oring of performance repor"s as a measure of pre)en"i)e main"enance. o 1"u&ying of co)erage %erformance > $all *e"ail Repor"s. o 6ffec"ing measures>mo&ifica"ions in "#e opera"ing proce&ures "o op"imi-e resource 0 capaci"y u"ili-a"ion4 ?uali"y! (n"erference 0 +raffic &is"ribu"ion aspec"s.
I- E PERIE!"E# ($.$ %ears) ). OR*'N&S'#&ON+ !R&#,-& &NFRM'#&ON SO./#&ONS .#0. ,%0ER'1'0 2)% 3 months4 ! oje$t-) ! o"ile 0esignation 0u ation .o$ation -endo + + + + + RF !ost p o$essing Enginee . RF Enginee 5an 6778 to till date 9).3 %ea s: ;hennai. 'l$atel .u$ent.
Project Details:
( am ' as 8 R @6ngineer &oing pos" processing in 8c"ix "ool for $*:8 0 6;*, +ec#nologies. <ey Responsibility ' eas+ 6xpor"ing +ab files for gi)en log files <enera"ing $all &e"ails 0 analysis repor"s
<enera"ing /ayer3 :essages. <enera"ing Rx +#roug#pu"! +A +#roug#pu" 0 %ing repor"s <enera"ing repor"s. %reparing %re 0 %os" &ri)e comparison. <enera"ing $11R!C,1R!C, R0$*R R6%,R+1
6. OR*'N&S'#&ON+ '!'R'5&#,' #O#'. SO./#&ONS .#0. M'0/R'& 2).= %ea s4 ! oje$t-) ! o"ile 0esignation 0u ation .o$ation -endo + + + + + RF 0 i>e test ? Optimization RF Enginee 5uly-6773 to 0e$-67732@months4 1angalo e. A#E.
Project Details:
A#E ##S. !RO5E;#-R 8nalysis for Bangalore $lus"er. <ey Responsibility ' eas+ !ost ! o$essing of *ri)e *a"a of (n&i)i&ual $lus"ers in Bangalore :e"ro. (&en"ifying "#e %roblema"ic 8reas. /ea&ing s'ap 0 #an&ling ++1/ 5ueries regar&ing s'ap. 1ugges"ions "o impro)e "#e 5uali"y of "#e 3e"'or. in Bangalore :e"ro. 3eig#bors ,p"imi-ing 0 ,pera"or 5ueries solu"ions. Optimization+- %#ysical an& %arame"er )erifica"ion !op"imi-a"ion of ne' si"es! *ri)e "es" an& log file analysis ! .aye B@messages s"u&y ! 1ugges"ion "o c#ange "#e +il" !#eig#" !a-imu"# !po'er e"c . base& on &ri)e "es" analysisC Neighbo .ist op"imi-a"ion an& plan for ne' si"es Statisti$s Monito ing :@Regular si"es s"a"s moni"oring for %re an& %os" op"imi-a"ion !cus"omer complain"s! $#ange in #ar&'are or sof"'are up gra&a"ion! poor 5uali"y of ser)ice of cells e"c. !a amete base optimization+ - af"er #opping implemen"a"ion! &ri)e "es" resul"s! &aily s"a"is"ics moni"oring! performance repor"s s"u&y e"c. %lan for capaci"y en#ancemen" or re&uc"ion base "o c#ange in "raffic loa&. R *a"a base an& parame"ers planning for ne' si"es. $oor&ina"ion 'i"# planning "eam for ne' si"e )ali&a"ion an& 'i"# sys"em ;en&er "eams for "#e up gra&a"ion cri"ical ne"'or. complain"s e"c. Netwo k Optimization: 3e"'or. performance! $o)erage an& $apaci"y planning! Can&off parame"er an& 1ys"em performance analysis! $apaci"y >Can&off> *rop>Bloc. performance re)ie'! *ri)e +es"ing! 1ingle 1i"e an& $lus"er +es"ing. ;o>e age Optimization: 8""en&ing cus"omers facing co)erage problems an& fin& solu"ion for "#e problem by &oing %#ysical ,p"imi-a"ion. ! oje$t-6 ! o"ile 0esignation 0u ation .o$ation -endo ! oje$t 0etails+ A#E ! oje$t "o 'ndh ap adesh 28pril@2007 +o Dune@ 200E4. + + + + + RF 0 i>e test ? Optimization RF Enginee 5uly-677= to 5une- 67732) %ea 4 'ndh ap adesh. A#E.
( 'or.e& as a R 6ngineer F*ri)e "es" 0 ,p"imi-a"ionG "#roug# 8paraji"#a for 8% Reliance $*:8 projec". <ey Responsibility ' eas+ 8nalysis of &ri)e "es" file for " care of ex"ernal in"ernal in"erference in "#e ne"'or. '#ic# in)ol)e analysis of Rx le)el! Rx 5uali"y! 6R! %ilo" pollu"ion! 6c>(o! an& cell planning of R parame"er in problema"ic areas. ( am able "o prepare "#e neig#bor lis" of ne' as 'ell as s'ap si"e an& #o' "o configure in ser)er. ( #a)e a "#oroug#ly .no'le&ge of #o' "o op"imi-e "#e si"e performance! an& if i"s &egra&e& #o' ( can impro)e. ( #a)e .no'le&ge of #o' "o enable mar.o) call! an& neig#bor lis" up&a"ion priori"y 'ise *ri)e "es" 0 op"imi-a"ion of $*:8 3e"'or. *ri)e "es" of $*:8 (n"erface of ne' si"es! s'appe& si"es 0 upgra&e& si"es. Can&off reason measuremen" "#roug# RA le)el! RA 5uali"y an& +iming a&)ance. :easure& "#e /ong>/a". of par"icular si"e 'i"# "#e #elp of <%1. :easure& "#e bearing angle of "#e sec"ors 'i"# "#e #elp of magne"ic compass an& c#ec.e& "#e a-imu"# of sec"ors . /earne& abou" cloc.'ise s'ap an& an"i@cloc. 'ise sec"or s'ap an& "o elimina"e i". %repara"ion of 1$ + s#ee"s. %reparing Repor"s for eac# si"e af"er &ri)e "es" analysis . Repor" genera"ion for cus"omer presen"a"ion. *ecision for an"enna "il"ing an& #eig#" re&uc"ion. %erforming 8ccep"ance +es" 0 $ompara"i)e +es" for pre@s'ap an& pos"@s'appe& si"e. ;R&#&;'. S<&..S ? 5O1 ;OM!.E(&#% :an :anagemen" 1.ills. $apable "o 'or. un&er s"ress an& Resul" orien"e&. Rea&y "o 'or. ex"ra #ours of a""en&ing "ec#nical issues 1#oul& possess a posi"i)e a""i"u&e! #ig#ly energe"ic 0 goo& communica"ion s.ills! 6specially exposure re5uire in &ealing 'i"# )arious agencies. #E;,N&;'. E(!ER&EN;E 1"rong .no'le&ge of 6;@*, H6)olu"ion *a"a ,nlyI. or'ar& /in. an& Re)erse /in. rame 1"ruc"ures in 6;@*,. 6xper"ise in R ,p"imi-a"ion of $*:8 an& <1: 'ireless 3e"'or.. 1"rong .no'le&ge of $*:82000 9A air (n"erface 1"an&ar&s. 1"rong .no'le&ge of <1: 2no'le&ge of 8n"ennas an& R %ropaga"ion 6xper"ise in JA$ 90 B11B. 6;*,! 7:+1
8$+(A @%os" processing an& genera"e "#e final repor"s. 6*8+@for %os" processing of /og files. 8<(/63+ *ri)e +es" +ool. JA%,1 $3+ *ri)e +es" +ool for $*:8 JA%,1 $38 8nalysis +ool for $*:8. +6:1 (n)es"iga"ion *ri)e +es" +ool for $*:8. :ap(nfo %rofessional E.0 H<(1 +oolI. <oogle 6ar"# for R 1ur)ey in 7rban areas.
#R'&N&N* E(!ER&EN;E +raining of 9 'ee. &ura"ion in J+6 for 6;@*, %rojec" (mplemen"a"ion. +raining of 9 'ee. in J+6 +6/6$,: for *R(;6 +ools $3+ an& $83. !ERSON'. 0E#'&.S *a"e of Bir"# %resen" 8&&ress : 9E"# Duly 99E6 : %lo" 29.:o#an 3agar! 1rungeri $olony 2o""ape"a!Cy&eraba&@500035! 8n&#rapra&es#.
( #ere by &eclare "#a" "#e abo)e informa"ion is correc" "o "#e bes" of my .no'le&ge.