Efficient Use of Paper Rule
Efficient Use of Paper Rule
Efficient Use of Paper Rule
3: All courts and quasi-judicial bodies under the administrative supervision of the !" Fo%&at and St!#e#: a$ COURT-BOUND PAPERS % All pleadin&s, motions and similar papers intended for the court of quasi-judicial body's consideration and action b) DECISIONS, RESOLUTIONS AND ORDERS imilarly covered are ()*+(, submitted to the courts- and , . Single space 1"/ spacin& bet0een para&raphs )asily readable font style of the party's choice 1#-si1e font 132 3 4"/2 0hite bond paper Margin: 5eft % 1"/2 ,op % 1"22 (i&ht % 1"02 6ottom % 1"02 Co"ie' to $e fi#ed( a) S!pre"e C#!r$ a" 7ivisions 1 ori&inal 8mar9ed$ # copies 2 sets of anne3es 8one attached to the ori&inal and an e3tra copy$ b" )n 6anc 1 ori&inal 8mar9ed$ 1# copies 2 sets of anne3es 8one attached to the ori&inal and an e3tra copy$ Additional (equirement 8for the eventual establishment of an e-filin& paperless system in the judiciary$ oft copies 8*7: format$ by email or !7 ;oluntary basis for the first < months follo0in& the effectivity !ompulsory after0ards 8unless the period is e3tended$ b) CA an% San%iganba&an 1 ori&inal 8mar9ed$ 2 copies =ith anne3es CTA a" 7ivision 1 ori&inal 8mar9ed$ 2 copies =ith anne3es )n 6anc 8on Appeal$ 1 ori&inal 8mar9ed$ 4 copies =ith anne3es
): (equest 8anne3es should be actually filed 0ith the court$ !omply 0ithin / 7AB upon ()!)C*, Handout on AM 11-9-4 SC+ EFFICIENT USE OF PAPER RULE Date of Effecti it!4: January 1, 2013 A""#ica$i#it!A: All courts and quasi-judicial bodies under the administrative supervision of the !" Fo%&at and St!#e10: c$ COURT-BOUND PAPERS % All pleadin&s, motions and similar papers intended for the court of quasi-judicial body's consideration and action %) DECISIONS, RESOLUTIONS AND ORDERS imilarly covered are ()*+(, submitted to the courts- and , . Single space 1"/ spacin& bet0een para&raphs )asily readable font style of the party's choice 1#-si1e font 132 3 4"/2 0hite bond paper Margin:)) 5eft % 1"/2 ,op % 1"22 (i&ht % 1"02 6ottom % 1"02 Co"ie' to $e fi#ed( e) S!pre"e C#!r$ a" 7ivisions 1 ori&inal 8mar9ed$ # copies 2 sets of anne3es 8one attached to the ori&inal and an e3tra copy$ b" )n 6anc 1 ori&inal 8mar9ed$ 1# copies 2 sets of anne3es 8one attached to the ori&inal and an e3tra copy$ Additional (equirement 8for the eventual establishment of an e-filin& paperless system in the judiciary$ oft copies 8*7: format$ by email or !7 ;oluntary basis for the first < months follo0in& the effectivity !ompulsory after0ards 8unless the period is e3tended$ () CA an% San%iganba&an 1 ori&inal 8mar9ed$ 2 copies =ith anne3es CTA a" 7ivision 1 ori&inal 8mar9ed$ 2 copies =ith anne3es )n 6anc 8on Appeal$ 1 ori&inal 8mar9ed$ 4 copies =ith anne3es
Anne)e' 'e% ed on ad e%'e "a%t!(* >(: .o need if based on record of court already in adverse party's possession
1 2 3 4 5 6
6y ?a" !hristina " (eyes 81# January 2013$ ec" @, A"?" 11-A-#- !, E((icien$ Use #( Paper R!le, 8.ovember 13, 2012$ ec" 2, A"?" 11-A-#- !, E((icien$ Use #( Paper R!le, 8.ovember 13, 2012$ ec" 3, A"?" 11-A-#- !, E((icien$ Use #( Paper R!le, 8.ovember 13, 2012$ ec" #, A"?" 11-A-#- !, E((icien$ Use #( Paper R!le, 8.ovember 13, 2012$ ec" <, A"?" 11-A-#- !, E((icien$ Use #( Paper R!le, 8.ovember 13, 2012$
6y ?a" !hristina " (eyes 81# January 2013$ ec" @, A"?" 11-A-#- !, E((icien$ Use #( Paper R!le, 8.ovember 13, 2012$ ec" 2, A"?" 11-A-#- !, E((icien$ Use #( Paper R!le, 8.ovember 13, 2012$ ec" 3, A"?" 11-A-#- !, E((icien$ Use #( Paper R!le, 8.ovember 13, 2012$ ec" #, A"?" 11-A-#- !, E((icien$ Use #( Paper R!le, 8.ovember 13, 2012$ ec" <, A"?" 11-A-#- !, E((icien$ Use #( Paper R!le, 8.ovember 13, 2012$
>(: .o need if based on record of court already in adverse party's possession ): (equest 8anne3es should be actually filed 0ith the court$ !omply 0ithin / 7AB upon ()!)C*,