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Spreadsheet Option Functions Available with Derivatives Markets, third edition

Robert L. McDonald July 19, 2012

1 Introduction 1.1 Spreadsheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Using the Add-ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 A Note on Array Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Black-Scholes Functions 2.1 Prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Greeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Black-Scholes Array Functions 2.4 Black Formula . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Perpetual American Options . 2.6 CEV Pricing . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 Merton Jump Formula . . . . . 3 Binomial Functions 4 Exotic Options 4.1 Vanilla Barrier Options . . . . 4.2 Other Barrier Options . . . . . . 4.2.1 Cash-or-Nothing . . . . . 4.2.2 Asset-or-Nothing . . . . . 4.3 Asian Options . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Compound Options . . . . . . . . 4.5 Exchange and Rainbow Options . 5 Interest Rate Functions 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 12

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This is documentation for the option-pricing functions available in the spreadsheets accompanying the third edition of Derivatives Markets. All are userdened functions in Excel, written in VBA, with the code accessible and modiable via the Visual Basic editor built into Excel.



The following spreadsheets come with the book: OptAll3.xls This provides examples of most (not all) of the pricing functions described here. OptAll3.xla This is an add-in version of OptAll2.xls. See Section 1.2. OptBasic3.xls This provides the basic Black-Scholes and binomial calculations, along with formulas for barrier, binary, and perpetual options. It is a subset of OptAll3.xls. OptBasic3.xla This is an add-in version of OptBasic3. VBA examples3.xls This contains the VBA examples from Appendix D. Data.xls This spreadsheet provides stock price and option price data for some of the end-of-chapter problems.


Using the Add-ins

Spreadsheets dened as add-ins have the extension .xla. Add-ins are typically used to provide additional functionality for Excel. The add-ins provided on this CD-Rom allow you to have the option pricing functions automatically available for use when you run Excel. To use the add-ins, you rst need to place this le where Excel can nd it. Oce 2003 By default, according to the Excel help le:

Add-ins are stored by default in one of the following places: The Library folder or one of its subfolders in the Microsoft Oce/Oce folder. The Documents and Settings/<user name>/Application Data/ Microsoft/AddIns folder. You can place the add-in elsewhere, but you will then have to browse for it to use it. To install the add-in, select Tools|Add-ins and check the box for OptAll2.xla. If the add-in you want does not appear in the list, you need to select browse and locate it yourself. Once you install the add-in, you will have access to all of the functions in this spreadsheet, without needing to open the spreadsheet explicitly. 2

Oce 2010 On the File menu, click Options, and then Add-ins. At the bottom of the dialog is a button that says Go. Click this. Then click Browse on the dialog that pops up. You can browse to locate your add-in. Please note that when you use add-in functions in a spreadsheet, the functions are not saved with your spreadsheet and do not move from computer to computer with the spreadsheet. If you want to have a portable spreadsheet you should start with one of the option pricing spreadsheets, modify it as you please, and then save it under a dierent name.


A Note on Array Functions

Some of the functions described here are array functions. This means that the output of the function can be in more than one cell. In order to enter an array function, do the following: 1. highlight the output range 2. press the F2 key to edit the rst cell in the range 3. enter the formula 4. press the control, shift, and enter keys simultaneously. Once you have completed these steps, you will notice that cells in the array range exhibit the formula you entered surrounded by curly braces. Once an array function is entered in a range, that range can only be edited or deleted as a single entity. Excel will prohibit you from editing one cell of an array.

Black-Scholes Functions

The following symbol denitions are used in this section: s = stock price, k = strike price, v = volatility (annualized), r = interest rate (continuouslycompounded, annualized), t = time to expiration (years), and d = dividend yield (continuously-compounded, annualized).


Function Description European call option price European put option price

Function Denition BSCall(s, k, v, r, t, d) BSPut(s, k, v, r, t, d)


European call delta European put delta European call gamma European put gamma European call vega European put vega European call rho European put rho European call theta European put theta European call psi European put psi European call elasticity European put elasticity Implied volatility for European call The option price is entered as c; the volatility entered does not matter. Implied volatility for European put The option price is entered as c; the volatility entered does not matter. Implied stock price for a given European call option price Implied stock price for a given European put option price

BSCallDelta(s, k, v, r, t, d) BSPutDelta(s, k, v, r, t, d) BSCallGamma(s, k, v, r, t, d) BSPutGamma(s, k, v, r, t, d) BSCallVega(s, k, v, r, t, d) BSPutVega(s, k, v, r, t, d) BSCallRho(s, k, v, r, t, d) BSPutRho(s, k, v, r, t, d) BSCallTheta(s, k, v, r, t, d) BSPutTheta(s, k, v, r, t, d) BSCallPsi(s, k, v, r, t, d) BSPutPsi(s, k, v, r, t, d) BSCallElast(s, k, v, r, t, d) BSPutElast(s, k, v, r, t, d) BSCallImpVol(s, k, v, r, t, d, c)

BSPutImpVol(s, k, v, r, t, d, c)

BSCallImpS(s, k, v, r, t, d, c) BSPutImpS(s, k, v, r, t, d, c)


Black-Scholes Array Functions

The functions in this section are all array functions (up to 16 16) and have an extra string, x as a parameter. This parameter controls the output, with a c denoting call and p denoting put, and d, g, r, v, t, and e denoting delta, gamma, rho, vega, theta, and elasticity. A+ means continue placing the output in the same row and a / means move to the next row. For example, the string cp+cd+cg/pp+pd+pg will output a 2 row, 3 column array containing a call price, delta, and gamma in the rst row, with the same information for a put in the second row. BS(s,k,v,r,t,d,x) BS Text(x) BS Text Greek(x) Black-Scholes prices and Greeks Array function providing text description of the items in the string x Array function providing text description of the Greeks corresponding to items in the string x


Black Formula

The Black formula gives the price of an option where a futures contract is the underlying asset. The Black formula is the Black-Scholes formula with the dividend yield set equal to the interest rate. It is implemented as an array function, exactly like the Black-Scholes array functions described in Section 2.3. In particular, x is a format string, controlling the output of the function. BlackFormula(s,k,v,r,t,d,x) Black Text(x) Black Text Greek(x) Black-Scholes prices and Greeks Array function providing text description of the items in the string x Array function providing text description of the Greeks corresponding to items in the string x


Perpetual American Options

There is no simple pricing formula for American options except when the options are innitely-lived. These functions are array functions, returning the option price and the stock price at which the option should optimally be exercised, in that order. The results may be returned in either a horizontal or vertical array. Function CallPerpetual(s, k, v, r, d) Function PutPerpetual(s, k, v, r, d) Perpetual American call Perpetual American put


CEV Pricing

The CEV model for the stock price species the instantaneous standard deviation of the stock return as (S ) = S ( 2)/2 (1)

Thus, the CEV pricing formula has two parameters in place of volatility: and . Setting these parameters appropriately requires care. If you observe a stock to have a 30% volatility, then given a , you would set such that = 0.30 S (2 )/2 When = 2, the CEV pricing model is the same as the Black-Scholes formula. The CEV pricing functions are CEVCall(s,k, ,r,t,d, ) CEVPut(s,k, ,r,t,d, ) CEV call price CEV put price


Merton Jump Formula

The Merton formula for pricing with jumps requires three extra parameters: the jump probability, ; the expected size of a jump when one does occur, J ; and the volatility of the jump magnitude, J . In the implementation here, the jump mean and volatility are measured with respect to the natural log of the jump. The jump pricing formula returns both the call and put prices in a 2 2 array. MertonJump(s,k,v,r,t,d,,J ,J ) Call and put prices when the stock price can jump, with the jump magnitude determined by the lognormal distribution.

Binomial Functions

The following symbol denitions are used in this section: s = stock price, k = strike price, v = volatility (annualized), r = interest rate (continuouslycompounded, annualized), t = time to expiration (years), d = dividend yield (continuously-compounded, annualized), N = number of binomial steps, opstyle = option style (0 = European, 1 = American), and vest = the period of time during which the option cannot be exercised (after this time, exercise is permitted). If N, the number of binomial steps, is set less than or equal to 0, then N is internally reset to be 100. By default, all binomial calculations are done using the forward tree used in Chapter ??. There is a constant in the VBA code called TreeType. If set equal to 0 (the default), all calculations are done with a forward tree. If equal to 1, a CRR tree is used, and if equal to 2, a lognormal tree is used (see CSection ??).

The functions in this section are all array functions, returning the option price, along with delta, gamma, and theta, in that order. So, for example, if you just enter the BinomCall function in a single cell, it will return the option price. If you enter it as an array function spanning two cells, you will get the price and delta, etc... The array can be entered either horizontally or vertically. BinomCall(s, k, v, r, t, d, Binomial call opstyle, N) BinomPut(s, k, v, r, t, d, opstyle, N) BinomCallBermudan(s, k, v, r, t, d, opstyle, N, vest) BinomPutBermudan(s, k, v, r, t, d, opstyle, N, vest) BinomOptFixedDivCall(s, k, v, r, t, div amt, div h, div next, opstyle, N) Binomial put Binomial Bermudan call Binomial Bermudan put Binomial call price when underlying asset pays dollar dividends in amount div amt, with the rst payment coming at time div next, with dividends spaced div h apart. The function Binomial put price when underlying asset pays dollar dividends in amount div amt, with the rst payment coming at time div next, with dividends spaced div h apart.

BinomOptFixedDivPut(s, k, v, r, t, div amt, div h, div next, opstyle, N)

Exotic Options

The following symbol denitions are used in this section: s = stock price, k = strike price, v = volatility (annualized), r = interest rate (continuouslycompounded, annualized), t = time to expiration (years), d = dividend yield (continuously-compounded, annualized), rho = correlation coecient, and H = barrier.


Vanilla Barrier Options

For ordinary barrier puts and calls, the (descriptive) names are of the form Option Type + Barrier Type For example, the pricing function for an up-and-in call is CallUpIn. CallDownIn(s, k, v, r, t, d, h) CallDownOut(s, k, v, r, t, d, h) Down-and-in call Down-and-out call

CallUpIn(s, k, v, r, t, d, h) CallUpOut(s, k, v, r, t, d, h) PutDownIn(s, k, v, r, t, d, h) PutDownOut(s, k, v, r, t, d, h) PutUpIn(s, k, v, r, t, d, h) PutUpOut(s, k, v, r, t, d, h)

Up-and-in call Up-and-out call Down-and-in put Down-and-out put Up-and-in put Up-and-out put


Other Barrier Options

For most other barrier options, the function names are mnemonic, and have three parts: Payo Type + Barrier Type + Option Type In particular, The payo type is one of Cash the payo is $1 Asset the payo is one unit of the asset The barrier type is one of DI down-and-in, in other words the stock price is initally above the barrier, which must be hit in order for the payo to be received. DO down-and-out, in other words the stock price is initally above the barrier, which must not be hit in order for the payo to be received. UI up-and-in, in other words the stock price is initally below the barrier, which must be hit in order for the payo to be received. UO up-and-out, in other words the stock price is initally below the barrier, which must not be hit in order for the payo to be received. The option type is one of Call in order for the payo to be received, the asset price must be above the strike at expiration Put in order for the payo to be received, the asset price must be below the strike at expiration

For example, an option that pays $1 if the stock price exceeds the strike price at expiration, provided that the barrier, below the inital stock price, has not been hit would have the name CashDOCall = Cash Payo of $1 + DO if the barrier, below the intial stock price, has not been hit + Call and the stock price exceeds the strike at expiration


Cash-or-Nothing Cash-or-nothing call Receive $1 if st > k at expiration Cash-or-nothing put Receive $1 if st < k at expiration Cash-or-nothing down-and-in call Receive $1 if st > k at expiration and the barrier H < s has been hit. Cash-or-nothing down-and-out call Receive $1 if st > k at expiration and the barrier H < s has not been hit. Cash-or-nothing down-and-out put Receive $1 if st < k at expiration and the barrier H < s has not been hit. Cash-or-nothing down-and-out put Receive $1 if st < k at expiration and the barrier H < s has been hit. Cash-or-nothing up-and-in call Receive $1 if st > k at expiration and the barrier H > s has been hit. Cash-or-nothing up-and-out call Receive $1 if st > k at expiration and the barrier H > s has not been hit. Cash-or-nothing up-and-out put Receive $1 if st < k at expiration and the barrier H > s has not been hit.

CashCall(s, k, v, r, t, d) CashPut(s, k, v, r, t, d) CashDICall(s, k, v, r, t, d, h)

CashDOCall(s, k, v, r, t, d, h)

CashDOPut(s, k, v, r, t, d, h)

CashDIPut(s, k, v, r, t, d, h)

CashUICall(s, k, v, r, t, d, h)

CashUOCall(s, k, v, r, t, d, h)

CashUOPut(s, k, v, r, t, d, h)

CashUIPut(s, k, v, r, t, d, h)

DR(s, v, r, t, d, h) UR(s, v, r, t, d, h) DRDeferred(s, v, r, t, d, h)

URDeferred(s, v, r, t, d, h)

Cash-or-nothing up-and-in put Receive $1 if st < k at expiration and the barrier H > s has been hit. Down rebate Receive $1 at the time the barrier, H < s, is hit. Up rebate Receive $1 at the time the barrier, H > s, is hit. Deferred down rebate Receive $1 at expiration if prior to expiration the barrier, H < s, is hit. Deferred up rebate Receive $1 at expiration if prior to expiration the barrier, H < s, is hit.



Note that there is no dierence between an option that pays H if the share price hits H , and an option that pays a share if the share price hits H . AssetCall(s, k, v, r, t, d) Asset-or-nothing call Receive one unit of the asset if st > k at expiration Asset-or-nothing put Receive one unit of the asset if st < k at expiration Asset-or-nothing down-and-in call Receive one unit of the asset if st > k at expiration and the barrier H < s has been hit. Asset-or-nothing down-and-out call Receive one unit of the asset if st > k at expiration and the barrier H < s has not been hit. Asset-or-nothing down-and-out put Receive one unit of the asset if st < k at expiration and the barrier H < s has not been hit. Asset-or-nothing down-and-out put Receive one unit of the asset if st < k at expiration and the barrier H < s has been hit.

AssetPut(s, k, v, r, t, d)

AssetDICall(s, k, v, r, t, d, h)

AssetDOCall(s, k, v, r, t, d, h)

AssetDOPut(s, k, v, r, t, d, h)

AssetDIPut(s, k, v, r, t, d, h)


AssetUICall(s, k, v, r, t, d, h)

AssetUOCall(s, k, v, r, t, d, h)

AssetUOPut(s, k, v, r, t, d, h)

AssetUIPut(s, k, v, r, t, d, h)

Asset-or-nothing up-and-in call Receive one unit of the asset if st > k at expiration and the barrier H > s has been hit. Asset-or-nothing up-and-out call Receive one unit of the asset if st > k at expiration and the barrier H > s has not been hit. Asset-or-nothing up-and-out put Receive one unit of the asset if st < k at expiration and the barrier H > s has not been hit. Asset-or-nothing up-and-in put Receive one unit of the asset if st < k at expiration and the barrier H > s has been hit.


Asian Options

There are straightforward closed-form solutions for geometric average European options, but not for arithmetic average options (see Chapter ??). Hence, the only functions implemented in Excel are for options with payos based on the geometric average price at expiration, Gt , which is computed over the life of the option. The geometric average can be computed based on prices sampled N times over the life of the option. If N is not specied, a continuous average is assumed. GeomAvgPriceCall(s, k, v, r, t, d, Optional N) GeomAvgPricePut(s, k, v, r, t, d, Optional N) GeomAvgStrikeCall(s, m, v, r, t, d, Optional N) GeomAvgStrikePut(s, m, v, r, t, d, Optional N) Geometric average price call Option with time t payo max(0, Gt k ). Geometric average price put Option with time t payo max(0, k Gt ). Geometric average strike call Option with time t payo max(0, st Gt ). Geometric average strike put Option with time t payo max(0, Gt st ).


Compound Options

European compound options are options to buy or sell some other option, and as such have two expiration dates. The rst, denoted t1, is the date at which the option to buy or sell an option must be exercised. The second, t2 is the


date at which the bought or sold option expires. The strike price for buying or selling the underlying option at date t1 is denoted x. CallOnCall(s, k, x, v, r, t1, t2, Compound call on call Call option d) to buy a call option PutOnCall(s, k, x, v, r, t1, t2, d) Compound put on call Put option to sell a call option CallOnPut(s, k, x, v, r, t1, t2, d) Compound call on put Call option to buy a put option PutOnPut(s, k, x, v, r, t1, t2, d) Compound put on put Put option to sell a put option


Exchange and Rainbow Options

Exchange options and rainbow options have payos depending on two or more asset prices. An exchange option is the right to exchange one asset for another (ordinary calls and puts are exchange options where one of the two assets is cash). A rainbow option has the payo max(S, Q, K ), where S and Q are risky asset prices with dividend yields s and q , volatilities vs and vq , and correlation coecient . For binomial valuation, the number of binomial steps is N and the option style, OpStyle, is 0 for a European option and 1 for an American option. BSCallExchange(s,vs , s , q, vq , q , European exchange call Option to , t) acquire s by giving up q . BSPutExchange(s,vs , s , q, vq , q , European exchange put Option to , t) give up s in exchange for q . BinomCallExchange(s,vs , s , q, vq , American exchange call Option to q , , t, OpStyle, N) acquire s by giving up q . BinomPutExchange(s,vs , s , q, vq , q , , t, OpStyle, N) RainbowCall(s,vs , s , q, vq , q ,, K, r, t) RainbowPut(s,vs , s , q, vq , q ,, K, r, t) American exchange put Option to give up s in exchange for q . European rainbow call Option on the maximum of s, q, and K. European rainbow put Option on the minimum of s, q, and K.

Interest Rate Functions

These are array functions which compute prices, yields, delta, and gamma for zero-coupon bonds. These functions assume the short-term interest rate is generated by a process of the form dr = a(b r)dt + sr dZ where = 0 for the Vasicek formula and = 0.5 for the CIR formula. The interest rate risk premium is . 12

Vasicek(a, b, , v, r, T)

CIR(a, b, , v, r, T)

Vasicek interest rate function Array function which returns the price of a zero-coupon bond paying $1, the long-term yield, delta and gamma with respect to the interest rate, and the yield to maturity. Cox-Ingersoll-Ross interest rate function Array function which returns the price of a zero-coupon bond paying $1, the long-term yield, delta and gamma with respect to the interest rate, and the yield to maturity.


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