Saes A 210
Saes A 210
Saes A 210
SAES-A-210 Management of Pyrophoric Wastes Document Responsibility: Environmental Standards Committee 12 April 2011
Previous Issue: New Next Planned Update: 12 April 2016 Page 1 of 6 Primary contact: Findley, James Eric on 966-3-8760387
CopyrightSaudi Aramco 2011. All rights reserved.
Document Responsibility: Environmental Standards Committee Issue Date: 12 April 2011 Next Planned Update: 12 April 2016
Scope 1.1 This standard establishes acceptable practices and responsibilities for the handling and disposal of waste materials containing pyrophoric iron sulfide scale from process equipment and piping, including pipelines, tanks, and vessels. This standard applies to all onshore and offshore activities. This standard does not address the cleaning of process equipment and piping that potentially contains pyrophoric iron sulfide. For guidance on cleaning petroleum storage tanks, refer to ANSI/API Recommended Practice 2016, Guidelines and Procedures for Entering and Cleaning Petroleum Storage Tanks.
Background 2.1 Pyrophoric iron sulfide is considered to be hazardous due to its reactive nature. Pyrophoric materials may react spontaneously with oxidizing materials, such as air, generating heat. If flammable materials or vapors are present, pyrophoric iron sulfide can act as a source of ignition, potentially causing a fire or explosion. Pyrophoric iron sulfide scale is a product of corrosion and may form in process equipment or piping by reaction of sulfur-bearing hydrocarbons with iron or steel in a reducing environment, in other words, in the absence of oxygen or other oxidants. Process equipment and piping used to handle sour crude, highsulfur fuel oil, asphalt, sour gas, or similar products are potential sources of pyrophoric iron sulfide. Iron sulfide scale is typically removed using high-pressure water streams. Iron sulfide scale is sometimes treated in place with aqueous potassium permanganate solutions, or other oxidizing agents such as sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide. Use of oxidizing solutions can potentially produce excessive heat of reaction and undesirable byproducts. Treatment with oxidizing solutions shall be performed only by persons that are knowledgeable and experienced in these techniques. Waste materials that are suspected to contain pyrophoric iron sulfide are considered hazardous due to their reactive characteristic and shall be managed as hazardous wastes. Pyrophoric waste materials may have additional hazardous characteristics such as toxicity. In this case, these materials may still be hazardous even though the reactive characteristic is eliminated by treatment.
Conflicts and Deviations 3.1 Any conflicts between this standard and other applicable Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards (SAESs), Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs),
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Document Responsibility: Environmental Standards Committee Issue Date: 12 April 2011 Next Planned Update: 12 April 2016
Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be resolved in writing by the Company or Buyer Representative through the Manager, Environmental Protection Department, Dhahran. 3.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this standard in writing to the Company or Buyer Representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302 and forward such requests to the Manager, Environmental Protection Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.
References The selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction, maintenance, and repair of equipment and facilities covered by this standard shall comply with the latest edition of the references listed below unless otherwise noted. 4.1 Saudi Aramco References Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures SAEP-302 SAEP-358 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement Management of Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM)
Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse and Disposal
Saudi Aramco Materials Instruction CU 22.03 Processing and Handling of Hazardous Material
Industry Codes and Standards American Petroleum Institute ANSI/API RP 2016 Guidelines and Procedures for Entering and Cleaning Petroleum Storage Tanks
National Fire Protection Code NFPC, Chapter 40 Liquid and Solid Pyrophoric Materials
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Document Responsibility: Environmental Standards Committee Issue Date: 12 April 2011 Next Planned Update: 12 April 2016
Requirements 5.1 Handling Potentially Pyrophoric Wastes 5.1.1 Recommended personal protective equipment for personel handling pyrophoric materials includes: safety goggles, face shields, nonflammable clothing and gloves. Once potentially pyrophoric iron sulfide scale, dust, deposits, or sludge have been removed from process equipment and/or piping, the waste material shall be kept from contact with air by wetting with water, or by inerting, until they have been treated or removed to a safe area. Water dissipates any heat generated and isolates the materials from contact with air. Once these materials begin to dry, they may ignite spontaneously in air. Potentially pyrophoric waste materials shall be handled in noncombustible containers such as steel drums or lugger bins. Potentially pyrophoric materials shall be handled and/or stored in quantities of no more than 225 kgs (500 pounds). Larger amounts shall be segregated into containerized piles separated by at least 3 meters (10 feet). A minimum distance of 8 meters (25 feet) shall be maintained between pyrophoric materials and other hazardous materials. Pyrophoric materials must be isolated from oxidizing and combustible materials. Refer to U.S. National Fire Protection Code, Chapter 40, Liquid and Solid Pyrophoric Materials for further guidance on storage of pyrophoric materials.
5.1.3 5.1.4
Treatment of Pyrophoric Wastes Pyrophoric wastes may be treated to eliminate the reactive characteristic by controlled oxidation in air as follows: 5.2.1 Prepare a suitable treatment area such as an earthen pit or bermed area. Access to the treatment area shall be controlled throughout the treatment period. The area shall be isolated from any oxidizing or combustible materials. A water supply should be on hand to control any excessive reaction or heat generation. If the waste materials are potentially toxic, as well as pyrophoric, the treatment area shall be lined with a suitable non-combustible, impermeable liner material such as compacted marl, in accordance with Section 14 of SAES-A-104.
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Discharge waste materials into the treatment area while keeping the materials thoroughly wet. Carefully spread the materials into as thin a layer as practical, using a non-combustible rake or similar device, or a water hose. Allow waste materials to completely dry. Once the materials have completely dried, allow one day for oxidation to take place, then rake to ensure that all material surfaces are exposed to the air. Allow an additional day for oxidation, then repeat as necessary. Pyrophoric materials may be treated with oxidizing chemicals such as an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate, but this should be done only by those with experience and specialized training in these techniques. Typically, the concentration of permanganate solutions is limited to 1%.
Disposal of Pyrophoric Wastes Untreated, potentially pyrophoric wastes shall be managed and disposed of as a reactive hazardous waste. Only approved waste disposal contractors with the capability to handle reactive wastes shall be used for disposal of these materials. A waste manifest is required in accordance with GI-0430.001, Waste Management. Pyrophoric wastes that have been treated to eliminate the reactive characteristic and that are not otherwise hazardous may be disposed of to a Class II landfill. Treated materials that are otherwise hazardous, e.g., toxic, must be disposed of to a Class I landfill once the reactive characteristic has been eliminated If the treated materials are NORM-contaminated, they must be disposed in accordance with SAEP-358 once the reactive characteristic has been eliminated.
Responsibilities 6.1 Facility Operating Department 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 Identify potentially pyrophoric waste materials and manage these in accordance with this standard. Ensure that all personnel that handle pyrophoric waste materials are familiar with this standard and are aware of the hazards. Prepare and distribute waste manifests for waste shipments in accordance with GI-0430.001, Waste Management.
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Environmental Protection Department (EPD/EED) 6.2.1 6.2.2 Provide consultation services to operating facilities in the interpretation and application of this standard. Maintain this standard.
Acronyms and Definitions 7.1 The following acronyms apply to this standard: ANSI API EPD EED 7.2 American National Standards Institute American Petroleum Institute Environmental Protection Department Environmental Engineering Division
The following definitions apply to this standard: Disposal: The final deposition of waste that is not reused. Hazardous Waste: Wastes that are hazardous to public health and detrimental to the environment. These include materials that are flammable, corrosive, reactive, toxic, radioactive, infectious, or carcinogenic (cancer causing). Inerting: To displace the vapor space with an inert gas, such as nitrogen, to prevent the formation of a combustible gas mixture. Oxidant or Oxidizing Agent: A chemical or substance that brings about an oxidation reaction. Pyrophoric Material: Any material that generates heat or ignites spontaneously, or emits sparks when rubbed, scratched, or struck in air. Iron sulfide is an example of a pyrophoric material generated by the Company. Spontaneously: Happening or arising without apparent external cause; selfgenerated. Reactive Characteristic: The tendency of a substance to undergo chemical reaction, either by itself or with other materials, with the release of energy. Treatment: A process in which the physical and/or chemical characteristics of a waste are modified to make it acceptable for reuse or disposal.
Revision Summary New Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard.
12 April 2011
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