Biochem Practice Exam (Lipids)

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The key takeaways are that lipids include fatty acids, glycerolipids like triglycerides, glycerophospholipids like phosphatidylcholine, sphingolipids, and sterol lipids like cholesterol. Lipids serve important structural and functional roles as energy stores, signaling molecules, and insulation in membranes and myelin sheaths.

Fatty acids are carboxylic acids that combine with glycerol in triglycerides or with phosphate groups in phospholipids. The most common naturally occurring fatty acid double bonds are cis double bonds.

Lipids function as insulation, energy storage, and structural components of membranes. They also serve roles in cell signaling as prostaglandins and involvement in processes like inflammation and ovulation.

CHAPTER ELEVEN LIPIDS AND MEMBRANES 1) Fatty acid groups are referred to as ________ groups.

A) Acetyl B) Acyl C) Prenyl D) Isoprenoid E) Isopentenyl 2) The double bonds in naturally occurring fatty acids are usually _______ isomers. A) Cis B) Trans C) Both cis and trans D) Essential E) Nonessential 4) Fatty acids react with alcohols to form _____. A) A ides B) Ethers C) Anhydrides D) Epo!ides E) Esters !) "rostaglandins are in#ol#ed in _________. A) "#$lation B) In%la ation C) Me &rane co position D) Both A and B are correct E) All o% the a&o#e are correct %) The functions of fat include A) Ins$lation B) Ener'y stora'e C) (ater)repellent properties D) Both A and B are correct E) All o% the a&o#e are correct &) 'a(es A) Are co ple! i!t$res o% nonpolar lipids B) Are esters %or ed %ro lon')chain %atty acids and lon')chain alcohols C) Contain hydrocar&ons* sterols* and alcohols D) Both A and B are correct E) Both A and C are correct )) "hospholipids are A) Str$ct$ral co ponents o% e &ranes B) S$r%ace acti#e a'ents C) Rich ener'y so$rces D) Both A and B are correct E) All o% the a&o#e are correct *) "hosphatidylcholine is sometimes referred to as ______. A) PIP+ B) Cephalin C) Cera ide D) Cardiolipin E)None o% the a&o#e are correct Ans Ans $ Ans Ans Ans $ Ans Ans A Ans B

1+) The myelin sheath A) S$rro$nds ner#e cell a!ons B) Contains lar'e a o$nts o% cardiolipin C) ,acilitates ner#e i p$lse trans ission D) Both A and B are correct E) Both A and C are correct 12) The role of #ery low density lipoproteins is A) Sca#en'in' the cholesterol %ro cell e &ranes B) Transportin' o% lipids %ro li#er to tiss$es C) Transportin' o% cholesterol esters to the li#er D) Both A and B are correct E) All o% the a&o#e are correct 14) 'hich of the following molecules is not a lipid, A) ,atty acids B) Steroids C) Isoprenoids D) (a!es E) All o% the a&o#e are lipids 1!) The basic structure of biological membranes is a conse-uence of the physical properties of _______. A) Proteins B) Phospholipids C) Cholesterol D) (ater E) None o% the a&o#e are correct 1%) A membrane.s fluidity is largely determined by the percentage of A) Phosphatidyl choline B) Phosphatidylethanola ine C) ,atty acids D) Cardiolipin E) -nsat$rated %atty acids 24) /0% Fatty acids A) Ha#e a do$&le &ond si! car&on ato s %ro the car&onyl end o% the chain B) Ha#e a do$&le &ond si! car&on ato s %ro the ethyl end o% the chain C) Ha#e si! do$&le &onds in the olec$le D) Ha#e three ore do$&le &onds than ). %atty acids E) Contain si! trans do$&le &onds in the olec$le 2*) 'hich of the following structural features distinguishes thrombo(anes from prostaglandins , A) An ether rin' B) "ne "H 'ro$p C) T/o do$&le &onds D) "ne do$&le &ond E) trans do$&le &onds 1+) 2eutral fats belong to which of the following, A) Phospholipids C) Prosta'landins E) ,ree %atty acids B) 0lycolipids D) Triacyl'lycerols


Ans B


Ans B


Ans B

Ans $

Ans $

11) 3n addition to the prostaglandins and leu4otrienes the autocrine regulators include5 A) B) C) D) E) Arachidonic acid Linoleic acid Thro &o!anes Steroids All o% the a&o#e are correct

Ans 6

12) 6hoose the lipid class that acts as surfactants. A) B) C) D) E) Triacyl'lycerols ,atty acids (a!es Phospholipids Both A and B are correct

Ans $

11) 7embrane proteins are lin4ed to anchor molecules through a ___________ lin4 A) B) C) D) E) Ether Ester A ide A ino Plas a

Ans 6

14) 'hich of the following is not li4ely to be a naturally occurring fatty acid A) B) C) D) E) C1.H+2C""H C13H+4C""H C15H.1C""H C12H.5C""H C14H.4C""H

Ans B

1!) The function of dolichols is to A) B) C) D) E) Transport s$'ars in 'lycoprotein synthesis Bind car&ohydrate on the cell s$r%ace o% &acteria Bind to o!y'enated carotenes Ser#e as prec$rsors o% carotenoids They are de'radation prod$cts o% steroids

Ans A

41) "hospholipase 6 hydroly8es ______ ester bonds in phospholipids A) B) C) D) E) C)1 C)+ C). Both C)1 and C)+ All o% the a&o#e

Ans 6

44) 'hich of the following is not a function of phospholipases, A) B) C) D) E) Me &rane re odelin' Si'nal transd$ction Ener'y stora'e Di'estion To!ic Phospholipases

Ans 6

4!) 7embranes are rigid when they contain A) B) C) D) Lar'e a Lar'e a Lar'e a Lar'e a o$nts o% cholesterol o$nts o% $nsat$rated %atty acids o$nts o% sat$rated %atty acids o$nts o% /ater

Ans 6

E) A and B

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