14 PPGWAJ3102 Topic 7 Lreading Skills
14 PPGWAJ3102 Topic 7 Lreading Skills
14 PPGWAJ3102 Topic 7 Lreading Skills
7.1 Synopsis
This module intends to help course participants to learn about reading techniques and about the Barretts Taxonomy of reading comprehension
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7.4 SKIMMING AND SCANNING 7.4.1 What is skimming Skimming is a quick reading of a text with the purpose of mainly to identify the main ideas of the text. It involves glancing through a text to get a general impression or to get an overview of the content. Skimming is 3 to 4 times faster than regular reading and it is usually done when there is a lot of material to read and only a short amount of time is available. When we skim we skips the details to get the gist of the text.
7.4.2 What is the purpose of skimming? To find out: Purpose of text What needs to be read Whats important and whats not relevant Text organisation 7.4.3 How to skim? Read the first and last paragraph Read headings, subheadings, titles, subtitles, and illustrations Read the first sentence of every paragraph Skimming works well with dates, names and places 7.5 What is scanning Scanning is a quick reading of a text with the purpose of mainly to search for key terms or to search for a particular information in the text When we already know what we are looking for we can scan through a text to find the information It is a good reading technique to use to determine whether a text will have the answers you are looking 7.5.1 How to scan First look at how the author organizes his information Look for bold faces, italics, or different sized fonts The author may also put key information in the margins of pages Scanning works well with dates, names and places Try to anticipate how the answer will appear and what clues you might use to help you locate the answer
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Use headings and any other aids that will help you identify which sections might contain the information you are looking for Read selectively and skip through sections of the passage
EXERCISE 1: In the blanks given below, write whether you would most likely skim or scan to do each of the following: 1. I would ______skim______through a table of contents to see what information a book contained. 2. I would _______scan_________ through the glossary of a book to look for a certain topic. 3. I would ________see________ through the headings of a report before I read it to see if the topic interested me. 4. I would _________analyze_______ through the first paragraph of a book to see if it was about the same character as a previous book. 5. I would _______go through_________ to find a phone number in the telephone directory. 6. I would ________study________ to search for an unanswered question on an exam. 7. I would ________search________ to find a location on a map. 8. I would _______scan_________ to find my flight on a schedule at the airport. 9. I would ________scan________an advert to find out the cost of something. 10. I would _____skim___________ to refresh my memory about an article Id read before.
Answers 1. skim 6.scan 2. scan 7.scan 3. skim 8.scan 4. skim 9.scan 5. scan 10.skim
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7.6 THE BARRETTS TAXONOMY OF READING COMPREHENSION The Barretts Taxonomy of Reading Comprehension was designed to help teachers formulate comprehension questions or to develop test questions for reading. It
classifies skills and orders them according to the degree of complexity. It consists of five categories. The first two categories which are literal comprehension and
reorganization deal with facts presented in texts and therefore result in closed questions that have a single correct response. The other three categories that include Inference, Evaluation and Appreciation will always involve the students own background of experience. As a result, it is possible to have as many different but correct responses as there are students present since each brings to school a different background of home, family, friends and learning. These remaining three categories thus lead to the development of open-ended questions. Below are the five categories of the Barretts Taxonomy. 7.6.1 Literal Comprehension Level 1: Recognition 1.1 Recognition of Details 1.2 Recognition of Main Ideas 1.3 Recognition of a Sequence 1.4 Recognition of Comparison 1.5 Recognition of Cause and Effect Relationships 1.6 Recognition of Character Traits 1.2 Recall 1.1 Recall of Details 1.2. Recall of Main Ideas 1.3 Recall of a Sequence 1.4 Recall of Comparison 1.5 Recall of Cause and Effect Relationships
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1.6 Recall of Character Traits 2.0 Level 2 : Reorganization 2.1 Classifying 2.2 Outlining 2.3 Summarizing 2.4 Synthesizing 3.0 Inferential Comprehension 3.1 Inferring Supporting Details 3.2 Inferring Main Ideas 3.3 Inferring Sequence 3.4 Inferring Comparisons 3.5 Inferring Cause and Effect Relationships 3.6 Inferring Character Traits 3.7 Predicting Outcomes 3.8 Interpreting Figurative Language 4.0 Evaluation 4.1 Judgments of Reality or Fantasy 4.2 Judgments of Fact or Opinion 4.3 Judgments of Adequacy and Validity 4.4 Judgments of Appropriateness 4.5 Judgments of Worth, Desirability and Acceptability 5.0 Appreciation 5.1 Emotional Response to the Content 5.2 Identification with Characters or Incidents 5.3 Reactions to the Authors Use of Language 5.4 Imagery
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7.7 The Barretts Taxonomy in detailed Level 1 1.0 Literal Comprehension Literal comprehension focuses on ideas and information which are explicitly stated in the selection. Purposes for reading and teachers questions designed to elicit responses at this level may range from simple to complex. A simple task in literal comprehension may be the recognition or recall of a single fact or incident. A more complex task might be the recognition or recall or a series of facts or the sequencing of incidents in a reading selection. (Or these tasks may be related to an exercise which may itself be considered as a reading selection .) Purposes and questions at this level may have the following characteristics.
1.1 Recognition Recognition requires the student to locate or identify ideas or information explicitly stated in the reading selection itself or in exercises which use the explicit ideas and information presented in the reading selection. Recognition tasks are:
1.1.1 Recognition of Details The student is required to locate or identify facts such as the names of characters, the time of the story, or the place of the story (or just about any other kind of explicit fact or detail requiring literal comprehension.)
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EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. Locate the name of _____ 2. Find the following information: date of flight, time in orbit, speed of the space craft, and the height reached. 3. Watch for details as you read. 4. Find the story by using the Contents pages. 5. Read and find out: If _____ thinks _____ ; the time of day _____ 6. Add each explorer to your chart telling Who, What, Where, and When. (This exercise even though it involves the recognition of sixteen separate details is considered on question.) Skim (or read) for locations, names, or dates.
1.1.2 Recognition of Main Ideas The student is asked to locate or identify an explicit statement in or from a selection which is a main idea of a paragraph or a larger portion of the selection. (At times caution and real discernment must be utilized to distinguish a main idea from a detail.)
EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. Find out what _____ is going to do. 2. What happened when or during _____ ? 3. What important thing did the character find out? 4. What part did the character play in _____ ? 5. Underline the main ideas in this _____ .
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1.1.3 Recognition of a Sequence The student is required to locate or identify the order of incidents or actions explicitly stated in the selection.
EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. Read to find out : What did _____ do first? 2. What did _____ do next? 3. What did _____ do last? 4. Be prepared to tell how Geraldine changed her white dress to red and yellow and what happened then. (This sentence contains two separate questions: how Geraldine changed her dress requires the recognition of a sequence, Level 1.13; what happened then requires the recognition of a main idea and is classified at level 1.12.
1.1.4 Recognition of Comparison The student is requested to locate or identify likenesses and differences in characters, times, and places that are explicitly stated in the selection. (Levels 1.14, 1.24, and 3.4 involve comparisons. Seeing likenesses and differences, seeing relationships, and making comparisons between characters, incidents, and situations are fairly synonymous at these levels. However, when a cause and effect relationship exists, it shall be classified at the next higher level of the taxonomy provided the criteria of some other level are not more nearly met. There is a level for cognition of comparisons, a level for recall of comparisons, and a level for inferring of comparisons. Examples for each of these levels define what constitutes a
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comparison question.)
EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. Read to find out the differences between _____ and _____ . 2. Look for ideas which conflict with each other. 3. Are _____ and _____ the same? 4. Find similes; find metaphors. 5. Read to find out how _____ changed. 1.1.5 Recognition of Cause and Effect Relationships The student in this instance may be required to locate or identify the explicitly stated reasons for certain happenings or actions in the selection. (Cause and effect are not restricted to motivations and interests. For example, there are cause and effect relationships which are inorganic.) EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. Find out the reasons for _____ ? 2. What caused _____ ? 3. What were the results of _____ ? (In this example the effect has to be recognized.) 4. Find the sentence that tells why _____ did (or was) _____ . 5. What happened to shorten his stay at _____ ?
1.1.6 Recognition of Character Traits The student is required to identify or locate explicit statements about a character which help to point up the type of person he or she is.
EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. Read orally the parts which prove that he was clever, bold, kind,
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courageous, and intelligent. 2. Find the words and phrases which describe the characters. (Some of these words and phrases describe character traits. Of course, many descriptive words and phrases do not pertain to character traits.) 3. Find agnomens. (Nicknames)
1.2 Recall Recall requires the student to produce from memory ideas and information explicitly stated in the reading selection. Recall tasks are:
1.2.1 Recall of Details The student is asked to produce from memory facts such as the names of characters, the time of the story, or the place of the story. (Recall of almost any explicit fact or detail from the selection is included. A single detail as well as several details scattered throughout the story are both level 1.21 questions.)
EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. What hardships were endured? 2. How much land was claimed? 3. Who paid for his journey? 4. Over what kind of land did they travel? (This question requires recall of details from several places in the story; however, no sequencing or reorganization is asked for.) 5. Write a list of all the details you can remember.
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1.2.2 Recall of Main Ideas The student is required to state the main idea of a paragraph or a larger portion of the selection from memory, when the main idea is explicitly stated in the selection.
EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. What did the _____ mean to this world?[ 2. What important statement did he make? 3. What uses were made of _____ ? 4. What knowledge was gained from _____ ? 5. What did he or she do _____ ? 6. What did he or she say? (This question refers to what Stanley says when he first met Livingston and in this instance constitutes a level 1.22 thought process.) 8 What happened to _____ ? 1.2.3 Recall of a Sequence The student is asked to provide from memory the order of incidents or actions explicitly stated in the selection. (A sequence will be constituted only when order of occurrence is specifically required.)
EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. Describe in correct sequence _____ . 2. Look at the illustrations and tell the story in sequence. (The illustrations aid the recall but are not sufficient.)
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3. Number these _____ in the order in which they took place in the selection. 4. Make a chart that shows the _____ throughout the selection. 5. Tell in correct order _____ . 6. What happened on the fourth day?
1.2.4 Recall of Comparison The student is requited to call up from memory the likenesses and differences in characters, times, and places tat are explicitly stated in the selection. (Questions are classified at this level if they ask for likenesses and/ or differences.)
EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. Compare and contrast one journey with another journey as to: climate, terrain, natives, length of time, difficulties and successes. 2. How was this _____ different from others? 3. In what ways were _____ and _____ similar? different? 4. Compare and contrast each of the following pairs: (Each pair constitutes a question.) 5. Compare the size of _____ and _____ .
1.2.5 Recall of Cause and Effect Relationships The student is requested to produce from memory explicitly stated reasons for certain happenings or action in the selection.
2. Why was _____ so determined to _____ ? 3. What was the purpose of _____ ? 4. What caused _____ ? 5. Why did _____ decide to _____ ? 6. How did _____ accomplish _____ ? (This action in such instances causes an effect.) 9 What was the reaction of _____ to _____ ?
1.2.6 Recall of Character Traits The student is asked to call up from memory explicit statements about characters which illustrate the type of persons they are.
1. Why are they well suited to _____ ? 2. How did Stanley feel? (The story states that Stanley felt shy.) 3. How had he shown he was _____ ? 4. What was _____ like? 5. Summarize her attitude toward life. (In spite of the use of the word summarize, this question actually calls for no more than the recall of an explicit statement.
Barrettes Taxonomy - Level 2 2.0 Reorganization Reorganization requires the student to analyze, synthesize, and/ or organize ideas or information explicitly stated in the selection. To produce the desired thought product, the reader may utilize the statements of the author verbatim or he or she may paraphrase or translate the authors statements.
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2.1 Classifying In this instance the student is required to place people, things, places, and / or events into categories. (When pupils are asked to recognize or recall certain kinds of details, relationships, or traits, they are in effect classifying, but at a lower level of the taxonomy. The key to this level is that things must be sorted into a category or a class.)
EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: Read each phrase below. Does it tell you who, what, when, how, or where? 1. Sank here. (A phrase taken from a selection) 2. Which of the following are _____ ? 3. Place the following under the proper heading. 4. Classify the following according to _____ . 5. Which of the following _____ does not belong. (Where based upon the selection and not merely a matter of word meaning. Care also has to be exercised in such cases to make sure the inferring of a comparison, level 3.4 is not necessitated.)
2.2 Outlining The student is requested to organize the selection in outline form using direct statements or paraphrased statements from the selection.
EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. Organize the facts into main heads and subheads to form an outline.
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2. Complete the following outline. 3. Divide the story into _____ parts.
2.3 Summarizing The student is asked to condense the selection using direct or paraphrased statements from the selection. (This level is interpreted as also being applicable when less than the entire selection is condensed.)
EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. What has happened up to this point? 2. Tell the story in your own words.
2.4 Synthesizing In this instance, the student is requested to consolidate explicit ideas or information from more than one source. (The pupil is required to put together information from more than one place. More is required than just a collecting of information for this information must become fused so that information from more than one source provides a single answer to a question. While the taxonomy refers to a single selection, quite often in order to answer a question, information obtained from a previous selection or selections must be utilized. The intent of the taxonomy, despite its restrictive reference to the selection, is not only the reading comprehension questions from review units, lessons, and exercise, but also many other reading comprehension questions.)
1. How long did the entire _____ last ? 2. Fill in your time line. 3. What was the speed of the _____ ? 4. Did _____ have enough _____ ? 5. Compute _____ . 6. How many times did _____ take place ? 7. On what day did _____ happen ? 8. Figure out _____ .
7.7 Inferential Comprehension Inferential comprehension is demonstrated by the student when he or she uses the ideas and information explicitly stated in the selection, his or her intuition, and his or her personal experience as a basis for conjectures and hypotheses. Inferences drawn by the student may be either convergent or divergent in nature and the student may be asked to verbalize the rationale underlying his or her inferences. In general, then, inferential comprehension is stimulated by purposes for reading and teachers questions which demand thinking and imagination that go beyond the printed page. (Personal experience is interpreted to include formal learning experiences, as well as those things which the reader has personally experienced in a first hand situation. Prior knowledge, regardless of where this knowledge came from, is an integral part of inference. The crucial factor distinguishing inference questions from recognition and recall questions is that their answers are not explicitly stated but must be inferred.)
7.7.1 Inferring Supporting Details In this instance, the student is asked to conjecture about additional facts
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the author might have included in the selection which would have made it more informative, interesting, or appealing. (Whether or not additional details are indeed more informative, interesting, or appealing is largely subjective. If the inferring of a detail is required, the question is to be placed at this level.)
EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. Did he realize _____ ? 2. Was the discovery planned or accidental? (The classification of this question at this level is another example of making a debatable decision in favor of the higher category. The statement in the text says, He sailed west toward Greenland, but because of bad storms he went off course and came instead upon an unknown land.) 3. How did she converse with the natives? 4. What was the weather like? 5. Do you think _____ ? 6. Did _____ believe? (Such a question may go beyond inference and require level 5.2, Identification.)
7.7.2 Inferring Main Ideas The student is required to provide the main idea, general significance, theme, or moral which is not explicitly stated in the selection. (Such questions may pertain to part of a selection.)
EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. What is the main idea of this _____ ? 2. Discuss the significance of _____ ?
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3. Read these short workbook selections and then select or write the best title for each. (This question goes beyond synthesis and requires inference.) 4. What is the poem or story saying? 5. Answer this riddle. (Where more than mere word meaning is required.) 6. Read these paragraphs and then write or select the main idea of each. 7. Write a sentence summarizing the main idea of _____ .
7.7.3 Inferring Sequence The student, in this case, may be requested to conjecture as to what action or incident might have taken place between two explicitly stated actions or incidents, or he or she may be asked to hypothesize about what would happen next if the selection had not ended as it did but had been extended.
EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. Many days from _____ through _____ are omitted in her report. Suggest the events that happened in those days. 2. What will happen next? 3. What happened between _____ and _____ ? 4. Place these _____ in logical order.
7.7.4 Inferring Comparisons The student is requited to infer likenesses and differences in characters, times, places, things, or ideas. Such inferential comparisons revolve around ideas such as : here and there, then and now, he and she, and she
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and she.
EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. Compare: effectiveness and value to future explorers. 2. Compare _____ as to completeness and importance or detail. 3. How does _____ resemble _____ ? 4. Compare _____ with _____ . 5. Are _____ and _____ related? 6. Complete the following similes or metaphors. (If based on ideas in the selection.)
7.7.5 Inferring Cause and Effect Relationships The student is required to hypothesize about the motivations of characters and their interactions with time and place. He or she may also be required to conjecture s to what caused the author to include certain ideas, words, characterizations, and action in his or her writing. (Why and Because are often clues to this category.)
EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. Why did Marco Polo say, Take this book and cause it to be read to you? (The answer requires inferring why people would have to have the book read to them.) 2. Why was it necessary to _____ ? 3. Why would _____ ? 4. How did _____ know _____ ? 5. Why did they _____ ? 6. Why did the author include _____ ?
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7. What is the result of _____ ? 8. What might have happened if _____ ? 9. What makes this _____ a _____ ? 10. What makes you think _____ ? 11. Did _____ because _____ ? 12. How could _____ ? 13. Why is it helpful to have a _____ ?
7.7.6 Inferring Character Traits In his case, the student is asked to hypothesize about the nature of characters on the basis of explicit clues presented in the selection. EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. List their character traits. 2. What did _____ prove about their attitudes toward _____ ? 3. What does _____ tell us about her? 4. Is _____ very wise? 5. What kind of person is _____ ? 6. What words will describe _____ ? 7. What was _____ s attitude about _____ ?
7.8 Predicting Outcomes The student is requested to read an initial portion of a selection and on the basis of this reading he or she is required to conjecture about the outcome of the selection. (An initial portion of a selection may be no more than the title.)
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EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. Do you think _____ will _____ ? 2. What do you think will happen? 3. Will he help them? 4. Someone may predict _____ ? 5. Read _____ and guess what will happen.
7.9 Interpreting Figurative Language The student, in this instance, is asked to infer literal meanings from the authors figurative use of language.
EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS: 1. What is meant by the phrase, continue unrolling the map? 2. Interpret the following figurative expressions:
Source: The Barretts Taxonomy of Cognitive and Affective Dimensions of Reading Comprehension in www.vdac.de/vdac/index.php?option=com_docmen&task=doc
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EXERCISE 2: Read the text below and do the task that follows: Their Right To Safety With very few exceptions, the birth of a child is greeted with at least some measure of joy. So, it is truly heartbreaking to hear the sad stories of children who called Childline Malaysia, the telephone helpline for children. One cannot but feel enraged by the fate that has befallen them. Abused, neglected and made pawn in the cruel game that separating parents play, these children are helpless to deal with the fate that the cards have dealt them their emotional health dangling at the end of a telephone line, outsourced to a helpline manned by kind strangers. Where are the parents? What kind of people are they? These are the questions that should follow every instance in which a child has been hurt or killed. But sometimes, it isnt. Children are abandoned at o rphanages even though they have parents and families. Three young sisters swept away by strong currents while swimming near a waterfall allowed to stay in the water even though it had started raining. A 3year-old girl suffocates in a hot locked car because her father forgot about her. What kind of people are they?
Maybe they are not evil. Maybe they didnt intend for their child to die or to get hurt. Maybe theyre really sad now, because their child is gone or injured. Maybe they have learnt their lesson. Maybe all of these are true. But that is small comfort to the child who is dead, hurt, abused, neglected or abandoned. As party to the Convention on the Rights of Child (CRC), Malaysia agrees that children deserve special protection. We agree with the convention that parents have the primary responsibility for the upbringing and development of the child. We agree that a child has the right to a certain standard of living that would ensure the development of the child, and that parents are primarily responsible for providing this. We agree that state should protect the child from all forms of abuse, maltreatment and neglect.
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English Language Proficiency I We reinforced this commitment by an act WAJ3102 of Parliament, when we enacted the Child Act 2001, which promises to protect the child and has specific provisions that can be used against anyone, including parents, who ill-treats, neglects, abandons, exposes a child to danger or leaves a child without adequate supervision.
Yet what does it have to take before we throw the book at these irresponsible parents? At what point do we stop looking at the negligent parent as if he or she is a victim just because his or her child is dead? What does it have to take for us to look at a childs death as the theft of that childs right to life?
Task: Read the newspaper article above and formulate at least three comprehension questions for each of the first three categories of the Barretts Taxonomy of Reading Comprehension
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Barretts Taxonomy - Level 4 Evaluation is the fourth level of Barretts Taxonomy. Essentially, a higher level of thinking is required in making evaluations. Evaluative judgment is the key to this category. This calls for critical thinking as in essence evaluation deals with judgment which focuses on qualities of accuracy, acceptability, desirability, worth, or probability of occurrence. Purposes for reading and teachers questions, in this instance, require responses by students which will indicate whether or not the student is making an evaluative judgment. The students judgment will be based on internal and external factors affecting his mind. The external criteria affecting the student will be provided by the teacher, other authorities, or other written sources. The students evaluative response is also determined by internal criteria provided by the students own knowledge, experiences and values. Evaluative thinking may be demonstrated by asking the student to make the following judgments: Judgments of reality or fantasy; Judgment of fact or opinion; Judgment of
Judgment by the reader on whether it is reality or fantasy and whether it could really happen will be based on his or her own experience. Some questions asked could be: Examples and Patterns 1. Is _________imaginary? 2. How many unreal things can you find? 3. Did_________ really happen 4. Is __________ fact or fiction? 5. Is __________possible?
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Does the author provide adequate support for his or conclusions? Is the author trying to sway your thinking? Questions of this type require the student to be critical and to analyze and evaluate the writing on the basis of the knowledge he or she has on the subject. It requires he or she to analyze and evaluate the intent of the author. Examples and Patterns 1. Do you think__________ had anything to do with ___________? 2. Which __________ seem to be correct? 3. What strange ideas did ____________ have? 4. Which _______ are facts? Which are Opinions? 5. Based on the facts given, does _________ seem reasonable?
Is the information presented here in keeping with what you have read on the subject in other sources? Questions of this nature call for the reader to compare written sources of information with an eye toward agreement and disagreement and completeness and incompleteness. Examples and Patterns 1. Did _____________ ever actually ____________________? 2. Continue to check on ______________________________ 3. Why was ___________ true / untrue 4. Is adequate information given about___________________? 5. Is ______________ really? 6. Which ideas are still accepted and which ones are no longer believed? 7. Label each _____________ true or false? 8. Find proof from other sources that _____________________
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Judgments of Appropriateness
Judgment of appropriateness requires the reader to analyze and evaluate the relative adequacy of different parts of the selection. Do not limit your questions just on the main character, nor should you limit them just to the narrative text. Examples and Patterns 1. Which part of the story best describes the main character? 2. Is the action taken by ________________ appropriate for the occasion? 3. Could we use the following details from the text ,_____________to support the issue? 4. State the line that supports the idea that_____________ in the text 4.5 Judgment of Worth, Desirability and Acceptance
Was the character right or wrong in what he or she did? Was his or her behavior good or bad? Questions of this nature call for judgments based on the readers moral code or his or her value system. The same holds true for judging the moral character of a political, social, or economic policy in information or expository texts as well as evaluating an authors proposal. Examples and Patterns 1. Do you like the character? 2. How do you feel about this character? 3. Is ______________ the right thing to do? 4. Is _________ acting fairly? 5. Why was it wrong for______________ to ______________? 6. What do you think of ______________ s attitude? 7. Is a high degree of _________________ a good quality to have?
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Appreciation involves all the cognitive dimensions of reading as cited earlier. Appreciation deals with the psychological and aesthetic impact of the text on the reader. It calls for the reader to be emotionally and aesthetically sensitive to the work and to have a reaction worth of its psychological and artistic elements. Appreciation includes both the knowledge of and the emotional response to literary techniques, forms, styles, and structures. This includes the readers emotional response to the content; identification with characters or incidents; and reactions to the authors use of language such as imagery. In greater detail, Appreciation involves the following:
The reader is required to say his or her feelings about the selection in terms of interest, Excitement, boredom, fear, hate, and amusement. It is concerned with the emotional impact of the work on the reader, not necessarily the emotional impact of the total or the whole work. Examples and Patterns 1. Are you surprised? 2. Why did you like or dislike this selection? 3. Was the selection interesting? 4. Did you find it funny? 5. What part of the story did you find most exciting? 6. Questions requiring the pupils to respond to the plot. 7. Did the story have a happy ending? 8. Which_______ did you enjoy most?
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Teachers questions of this nature will elicit responses from the reader which demonstrate his or her sensitivity to, sympathy for, and empathy wit characters, happenings, and ideas portrayed by the author. Examples and Patterns 1. What words will describe the feelings of ________________? 2. How did they feel when _____________________________? 3. Will_______________ be difficult for ___________________? 4. Encourage pupils to identify with ______________________? 5. Do you think he will follow advice? 6. Did she act recklessly? 7. Write your own ending to this story. 8. Devise a conversation between __________ and __________. 9. What would you do if you were_________________________ 10. Relate___________________ to your own life.
The reader is required to respond to the authors craftsmanship in terms of the semantic dimensions of the text. Look at the writers use of connotation and denotation of words. This level pertains essentially to the appreciation of the authors skills and craftmenship in selecting and using words. Emotions are inherent in appreciation. Examples and Patterns 1. Why is _________ a good term? 2. Why did the author use this word____________ instead of ____________? 3. What personifications, allegory, puns, malapropisms did the author use?
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4. What loaded language was used? propaganda? understatements? exaggerations? emotion-laden words? 5. How did the author express the idea of_________________? 5.4 Imagery
In this instance, the reader is required to express his or her feelings with regard to the authors artistic ability to paint word pictures which cause the reader to visualize smell, taste, hear, or feel. Examples and Patterns 1. Dramatize the story or reenact selected scenes 2. Read expressively, with rhythm (as in story telling or choral reading ) 3. Find words and phrases which help you to build a mental picture of__________. 4. In a minds- eye picture, how did he look? 5. How does ___________ make you feel? 6. What has the author created? 7. How did the author cause you to ___________?
Exercise 1 Read the extract of The Unicorn in the Garden by James Thurber and answer the questions that follow.
"The unicorn is a mythical beast," she said, and turned her back on him. The man walked slowly downstairs and out into the garden. The unicorn was still there; now he was browsing among the tulips. "Here, unicorn," said the man, and he pulled up a lily and gave it to him. The unicorn ate it gravely. With a high heart, because there was a unicorn in his garden, the man went upstairs and roused his wife again. "The unicorn," he said, "ate a lily." His wife sat up in bed and looked at him coldly. "You are a booby," she said, "and I am going to have you put in the booby-hatch."
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1 a) b)
Construct 3 questions based on Barretts Evaluation category. Construct 3 questions based on Barretts Appreciation category
Task 1: Access the Internet and download the full text of The Unicorn in The Garden by James Thurber. Task 2 : Answer the questions based on the text, print it and present it for discussion with your lecturer.
Source: The Barretts Taxonomy of Cognitive and Affective Dimensions of Reading Comprehension in www.vdac.de/vdac/index.php?option=com_docmen&task=doc
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Exercises for practice Barretts Taxonomy of Reading Comprehension Literal Comprehension 1. Read the newspaper report and answer the following questions: Robbery AtIbnus By : Din Darmo SEREMBAN, Wed Four men armed with pistols struck at the well-known Ibnu Jewel and got away with RM200,000 worth of jewellery, early today. The robbers all wearing masks, entered the shop soon after it opened and overpowered the only security guard, who was caught off guard. There were no customers in the shop at that time. Ismail Ali, 45, was knocked unconscious but his condition is reported to be not serious. The robbers smashed the showcases using axes and grabbed the jewels. They used two bags to fill the stolen jewels. Seremban CID Chief AssistantCommisioner, IdrisNapiah said,The robbers escaped in a red Proton Wira believed to be stolen. A plainclothes cop was just leaving a coffee shop opposite when he saw the robbers getting into the car. He opened fire and hit the rear windscreen of the robbers car. It is believed one of the robbers may be injured. I urged all doctors to report cases of gunshot wounds. Idris also said police are investigating the robbery and urged all jewellery shop owners to improve the security of their premises. BeritaHarian, 25 Mei 2011
1. When did the robbery happen? 2. How many robbers were involved? 3. Were they armed? 4. How much loss was estimated? 5. Did the robbers manage to escape? 6. Was anyone hurt? 7. What advice was given to jewellery shop owners?
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2. Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow. During the holidays, my family and I visited Penang, which is known as the Pearl of the Orient. This once sleepy island has now become an international city. Luxury hotels have sprung up everywhere and there are many places of interest and entertainment for the tourists. The islands latest attraction is the VOR Amphitheatre. This theatre is located along Anson Road in the heart of Penang. It is one of the largest and most sophisticated one-stop entertainment centres in Malaysia. It has restaurants, a theatre, a disco and a laser performance. Hence, tourists can see quality shows while enjoying a good food at reasonable prices. One of the highlights of this theatre is its daily shows, which last for 75 minutes each. The shows are a rich blend of cultural dances and other performances by international artistes. These shows will fascinate all those who attend it, both locals and foreigners. The costumes, stage, lighting and trained dancers make the shows an extravaganza. The local visitors may be familiar with the cultural dances of Malaysia but will be fascinated by the dances from Korea, Thailand, Spain and Italy. These dances are performed in authentic settings. The performers are all very well-trained not only in the dances but also in the styles of the countries represented. It was indeed an enjoyable evening. The excellent food, courteous service and reasonable prices made us all want to go back again. 1. The writer describes Penang at the present day as A. A sleepy B. An international city C. The cultural capital of the world D. The only place in the country with a laser performance 2. In the heart of Penang means A. In a hotel in Penang B. In a housing estate in Penang C. At the countryside in Penang D. In the city centre of Penang 3. Which of these statements is not true about the VOR Amphitheatre? A. It is new in Penang B. It has a show once a week C. It has daily shows, restaurants and a disco D. It is one of the largest one-stop entertainment centres in Malaysia 4. According to the passage, the locals who come here will be fascinated with A. The excellent food B. The courteous service
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C. The dances from Malaysia D. The dances from other countries 5. The word fascinated can be best replaced with A. bored B. amused C. charmed D. astonished 6. We wanted to go again to Penang because of the following reasons except A. The tasty food B. Affordable prices C. Welcoming service D. Cool and refreshing sea breeze
3. Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow. Suddenly from one side a strong wind knocked the plane. It shook from end to end, rose in the air and fell again. Fasten your seat-belts. Hold on! shouted the captain. There was a big wall of black and white clouds in front of them. Heavy rain drove the plane to one side and then another. Suddenly it dropped again. Then it flew into the heart of the cloud. No one could see anything. The captain tried to use the compass, but he could not tell if he was flying east or west, north or south. The passengers were thrown from side to side and two of them were injured. The engine could not be heard above the noise of the thunder. The wind never stopped. There were flashes of lightning. The storm was too much for the plane. The left wing suddenly broke into half. At once the plane started to drop and captain Raj could not do anything to stop it. It drooped very fast. The lightning flashes showed, below them, the green tops of trees in the forest. The wheels of the plane hit the tops of the trees. The sides of the propeller beat against the branches. The propeller cut its way through leaves and branches until Captain Raj stopped the engine. The plane broke up. The tail fell off. A big branch cut through the body and the plane turned over. For a moment the passengers were hanging like bats, then with a crash everything drooped through the trees to the ground. There was no more noise.
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1. Why did the plane shake from end to end? A. The propeller broke B. There was no pilot C. It was knocked by the wind D. It was struck by the lightning
2. Where was the plane when the passengers could not see anything? A. In the clouds B. On land C. In the jungle D. On a wall 3. The engine could not be heard because A. It had stoop B. The thunder was louder C. The wind was too strong D. The propeller was not working 4. When did the plane start to drop? A. When the captain could not use the compass B. When the wall of black and white clouds formed C. When the left wing broke into two 5. The passengers were hanging like bats means A. They were scared B. They were up-side down C. They felt safe D. Hey were brave 6. The best title for this passage is A. The experienced captain B. the propeller C. the storm D. death in the air Adapted from : BeritaHarian
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