Motion To Take Deposition

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Republic of the Philippines National Capital Judicial Region REGIONAL TRIAL COURT Pasay City Branch 113


Spec Proc No R-PS!"-1#-#3$#%-C&

SPOUSES BENJAMIN M. CLARIZA and ISABELITA C. CLARIZA, Pe titioners. x-----------------------------------------------------x


Petitioners, by counsel, respectfully state'

(n early part of %#1#, the petitioners, )ho *igrated to the +nited

States in 1$$,, arri-ed in the Philippines for their yearly -isit and to file and prosecute the instant Petition for the !doption of *inor Julie !nn Clari..a, )hich they filed )ith this /onorable Court on %0 June %#1#

1n 1% July %#1#, this /onorable Court issued an 1rder setting

the initial hearing of this case on %3 Septe*ber %#1# at ,'3# a *

Petitioners respectfully *anifest that they could not possibly

attend the hearing on %3 Septe*ber %#1# and the subse2uent hearings that *ay be scheduled by the /onorable Court for the reception of their testi*ony because they are already scheduled to lea-e the Philippines for the +nited States on 5 AUGUST 2 !

3ue to their predica*ent, the petitioners pray of this /onorable

Court that they be granted lea-e to ta4e their deposition upon oral exa*ination pursuant to Section 1, Rule %3 of the 1$$5 Rules of Ci-il Procedure, to )it' 6S7C8(1N 1 Depositions pending action, when may be taken. By lea-e of court after 9urisdiction has been obtained o-er any defendant or o-er property )hich is the sub9ect of the action, or )ithout such lea-e after an ans)er has been ser-ed, the testi*ony of any person, )hether a party or not, *ay be ta4en, at the instance of any party, by deposition upon oral exa*ination or )ritten interrogatories 8he attendance of )itnesses *ay be co*pelled by the use of subpoena as pro-ided in Rule %1 3epositions shall be ta4en only in accordance )ith these Rules 8he deposition of a person confined in prison *ay be ta4en only by lea-e of court on such ter*s as the court prescribes :

Section 1# and 10, Rule %3 of the 1$$5 Rules of Ci-il Procedure

pro-ide that )ithin the Philippines, the said deposition *ay be ta4en before any 9udge, notary public, or any person authori.ed to ad*inister oaths


Since the /onorable Court had already obtained 9urisdiction o-er

the person of the petitioners upon their filing of their instant Petition, they are )ithin their right to re2uest for lea-e of court to ta4e their testi*ony by deposition upon oral exa*ination

PRA"ER =/7R7>1R7, in the interest of 9ustice, it is *ost respectfully prayed that an 1rder be issued by this /onorable Court allo)ing the petitioners to ta4e their testi*ony by deposition upon oral exa*ination before this /onorable Court on 2# JUL" 2 ! at ,'3# a *

1ther *easures of relief, 9ust and e2uitable in the pre*ises, are li4e)ise prayed for

?a4ati City for Pasay City, %1 July %#1#


;@> ? A Building, 1;# !*orsolo St Begaspi &illage, ?a4ati City By'

&INSTON M. GINEZ Roll No 01110 P8R No %11,,3;@#1-1;-1#@?a4ati (BP No ,1#%10@#1-#,-1#@Ca*bales ?CB7 No (((-##1;;#<@ #;-#0-1#@Pasig City

JOEL RA"MOND R. ARCINUE Roll No ;0<31 P8R No %11,,30@#1-1;-1#@?a4ati City (BP No ,1#%1%@#1-#,-1#@?a4ati City ?CB7 No (((-##1;01#, issued on #;-#0-1#@ Pasig City


THE CLERK OF COURT R8C, Branch 113, Pasay City /all of Justice, Pasay City AreetingsD 3ue to the urgency of the instant ?otion and it being a non-litigious *otion, please sub*it the sa*e for consideration and appro-al of the /onorable Court i**ediately upon receipt hereof JOEL RA"MOND R. ARCINUE

HON. TERESA BUENO'CABALUM 8rial Prosecutor 1ffice of the Pasay City Prosecutor /all of Justice, Pasay City OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL 1;# !*orsolo St , Begaspi &illage ?a4ati City Aentle*en' 3ue to the urgency of the instant ?otion and it being a non-litigious *otion, please ta4e notice that the sa*e )ill be sub*itted for consideration and appro-al of the /onorable Court i**ediately upon receipt hereof JOEL RA"MOND R. ARCINUE

Copy furnished' HON. TERESA BUENO'CABALUM 8rial Prosecutor 1ffice of the Pasay City Prosecutor /all of Justice, Pasay City OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL 1;# !*orsolo St , Begaspi &illage ?a4ati City

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