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Hipolito Ruiz, Travels in Peru and Chile Epilogue by Augustin Jesus Barreiro
Appendices: Documents from Spanish Archives Index of chapters in Ruiz, Travels in Peru and Chile
338 340
360 366
and companions
p. p. p. p.
read R.
line 18 Cujute,
read Cujete.
30 last line Parkinsonia, and glandulosa, read Parkinsonia glandulosa. 43 line 7 caerulea, read coerulea.
line 13
p. 67 line p. p. p.
78 line 17
read alata.
118 line 11 continu-, read continued. 136 line 30 amentos, read aments.
182 tisaceiro, read tisackeiro.
p. p. p. p.
368 Index
367 Index
Questions of orthography of place names on the maps generally may be by reference to the Index of Geographical names at the end of the volume.
of Epilogue). British Museum Note on the Ms. of Ruiz (cf. Chapter (Natural History) Library Catalogue, p. 1765 lists a Ruiz Ms. as follows: Ruiz Lopez (H.) [original manuscript] Relation historica del viaje que hizo a los Reynos del Peru y Chile el botanico H. Ruiz en el ano de 1777 hasta el de 1788, en cuya
[Revised transcript of
about the
the beginning of an
The various
botanical expeditions dispatched to the Western hemisphere
in the last quarter of the 18th Century unquestionably deserve high rank among Spanish contributions to science. Undertaken at a time when botanical work had
received a powerful stimulus through the publications of Linnaeus, these expeditions mark an important epoch in the botanical history of this continent. To
students of the flora of the former Spanish possessions the names of Peter Loefling, Sess6 & Mocino, Ruiz and Pavon, and Mutis and his collaborators will always
performance of the botanists in the field. An outstanding exception is furnished in the published works of Ruiz and Pavon. Their Quinologia, Systema, Prodromus, and three splendid folio volumes all that were actually completed of the Flora form a monument to the zeal, industry and persistence of the botanical explorers
of Peru.
A brief outline of their travels is given in the Quinologia (1792) and again in the Prodromus (1794). The existence of a more detailed account of their excursions among the mountains and valleys of Peru and Chile was generally unknown and even unsuspected until the discovery of the manuscript of a Relation del Viaje
which Ruiz had prepared from
his diaries
and completed
The circumstances of its discovery after the lapse of almost a century and a half are set forth by Father A. J. Barreiro in the Epilogue provided by that eminent member of the Academy of Sciences of Madrid, who edited and annotated the
and appended pertinent official documents from Spanish archives. fact that this work of Ruiz awaited publication for a hundred and forty years detracts but little from its present value or interest. His original account of the historic botanical expedition, on which he and his famous companions spent more than ten years, must be considered a major addition to the still relatively meager literature of Peruvian botany. In view of the fact that Field Museum has undertaken to publish a new
Flora of Peru, it is considered appropriate to call attention to this recently discovered account of the botanical explorations of the early Spanish students and to provide an English translation. For permission to do so, the Museum is under
Academy of Sciences of Madrid, particularly to Dr. Jose Cuatrecasas, through whose offices authorization was obtained during the troublesome period of the recent Spanish civil war.
obligation to the Royal
The text of the work is mostly of botanical interest, and the translation is intended primarily for botanical readers. It follows the original as faithfully No as the English language permits and at times perhaps even more closely. literary graces have been added in the translation; no attempt has been made to In the alter the style or to improve the author's more rambling sentences. matter of scientific names, only obvious typographical errors of the Spanish edition have been corrected, generally with reference to the other published works of Ruiz and Pavon; however, many of the names that appear in the text seem not to have been published elsewhere. No attempt has been made to modern-
ize terminology; thus, for example, Jatropha Manihot, Pinus chilensis and Platanus otahetianus are transcribed without footnotes. The spelling of vernacular and
geographical names also follows closely that of the Spanish edition, sometimes to the point of inconsistency. Doubtless some typographical errors remain, and in spite of all care, others have crept into the translation.
Ruiz was not a zoologist and one looks in vain for a single scientific name for any of the relatively few animals mentioned. A zoological index to the volume would consist of a list of vernacular names; but the author must be credited with some zoological knowledge such as of the life history of the liver fluke of the sheep, and with one of the earliest of existing accounts of the habits of leaf-cutting ants. Curiously enough, he evinces no suspicion of the true nature of the almost unbearable irritation of the skin that robbed him and his companions of sleep after
excursions into the forest.
For assistance in the task of preparing the present publication, acknowledgments are made to Mrs. Pura Ferrer for making a first draft of translation, to Miss Sophia Prior for checking the botanical names and preparing the index of plant names which substitutes that of the Spanish edition, to Miss Lilith Butler for typing, proofreading, and work on the geographical index, to Mr. Albert Frey for the production of the maps, and especially to Mr. David Gustafson for his careful and scholarly editorial work and close attention to diction.
B. E.
Comisidn de EstudlOS
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to Lurin to
Huanuco to Cochero
to Quivilla
and Companions
of the Provinces of
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Visited by Ruiz,
Pavon and
Organization of the expedition Gomez Ortega consulted Botanists and draftsmen Addition of Dombey From Madrid to Cadiz Preparations for the voyage Departure Good voyage Arrival at Callao.
Our Majesty, the Catholic Monarch Dn. Carlos, eager for his subjects to receive the benefits and profits that could be obtained from the vegetable kingdom by methodical investigation, and also for
and thus to make and economic
the promotion of botany throughout all his domains in America, it possible to discover and increase the number
interest, issued,
and others of commercial, industrial, artistic, on April 8, 1777, royal orders that two botanists, disciples of his Royal Garden of Madrid, should go to the said kingdoms with two draftsmen to observe, describe, and draw, and to form herbaria of the plants that they might discover in those
of medicinal plants
The King was informed by the first professor of botany, Dn. CaGomez Ortega, about the most studious and advanced pupils this science. He named me as first botanist and chief of the
and as second Dn. Jose* Pavon, and as first draftsman Brunete, and Dn. Isidro Galvez as second. Likewise, he gave permission to the French botanist Dn. Jose" Dombey to go in our company to said kingdoms of Peru as commissioned by his King for the purpose, and with the definite condition that on his return from Peru, before going to France, he should leave in Spain a copy
Dn. Jos
of his observations so that the Spanish botanists could incorporate them in their works; this he apparently never did, or only in part,
submitting some specimens of dried plants with very few notes and a few descriptions.
On September
predicted for me in accordance with the dangerous character of the disease that I had been suffering from for more than four months.
In the 18 days that we lived in Cadiz we equipped ourselves with the things most necessary for the voyage and were ordered to make
by way of Cape Horn in H. M. S. "Peruano," which was commanded by Dn. Jose de Cordova. On October 18, 1777, we, the two
Spanish botanists and the second draftsman, passed in taking on board the boxes of paper, books, presses, and so forth, but returning a little late to Cadiz we found that the port was closed for the night, so that, after the sailors had carried us out of the boat on their shoulders for a long distance, and a little wet, we had to spend the night, dressed, in the poor house of the keepers. The French botanist and draftsman Brunete, who missed us in the lodgings, were convinced, by what was said that night in Cadiz, that the boat had set sail, and they spent a very anxious night; before dawn they brought all the equipment to the Puerta de Bahia, having forgotten in the lodgings some of our things that we could not find later, and with an order of the president that as soon as it was daylight they should be permitted to board a boat to overtake our vessel if this had already set sail.
The 19th found us all aboard, and at nine in the morning, with a moderate E. N. E. wind, we departed with all sails set. At 11:30, the wind having died down, we anchored in 8 fathoms of water. On the 20th we set sail, at 3 in the morning with a fair E. wind as before, steering to the W. At noonday the wind came a little cooler from the S.W., and the horizon became dark and windy; for this reason the captain, with the approval of officers and pilots, decided to
return to Cadiz.
2 o'clock we raised flag and pennants; a little later we fired a calling the harbor pilot, repeating this four times. At 3 o'clock the weather cleared after several showers, and we could see the tower
of of
San Sebastian to the N.E. At 4:30, coming through the shoals San Sebastian, the pilot boat arrived and took charge of our entrance into the bay. At 5:45 all sails were furled and we cast anchor in 8 fathoms of water, mud bottom, the Punta de San Felipe S.W. and the Castillo of Santa Catalina to the being to the W. N.N.E., all by the compass. At 6:30 we launched the boat and the jolly boat. Dusk came with the horizon dark and showery. A fresh wind came from the S.W. and thus we remained all
The 21st came with showers, and the pilots, having come aboard at 10:30, decided that the weather was unfavorable for starting; for this reason we stayed in port until November 4th, and at this
time the weather cleared and we set sail at seven in the morning with the three maintopsails. At 8 o'clock we unfurled all sails; at 8:30 we lowered the boat and the jolly boat, and the pilots left when we had rounded the points. At noontime we sighted the tower of San Sebastian at an angle of 82 1' 4" E.; according to this observation in the latitude 36 34" and longitude 10 8' we were 4^ leagues from the tower by the French chart.
we saw
ballenatos, tiburones, bonitos, bufeos, albacoras, lobillos, and other fishes and a variety of birds that were seen also on the return from
November we saw the island of Salvajes and and on the 7th of February Tierra del Fuego, and Staten Ascension, Island on February 8, 1778, without having seen during the whole voyage more than one vessel until we came to the vicinity of Pisco where, about 25 leagues from the port of Callao, we met two small packets that were carrying slaves of both sexes to Pisco. On April
the 12th of
20, 1778 at 8 o'clock in the morning, we discovered land at a distance of 10 leagues. The 6th of February we saw the island of San Lorenzo, and we thought that we had run aground on one of the
in front of the
pueblo of Lurin.
Presentation to the Viceroy Visited by the literati Survey of the environs Lima Surprise of the Indians Botanical work Extent and limits of the province of Cercado Climate Parishes The stay in Carabaillo The robber
Hacienda of Torreblanca
After having secured the license and passport from the Viceroy, we started our botanical excursions the 4th of May of the same year, about the ravines of Lima and the truck farms and villages of the province of Cercado, walking on foot and with our portfolios under our arms in order to collect in them any plants that we could find.
This work caused great curiosity among the natives, who were not accustomed to go on foot in the country nor to see such activities as ours; for this reason they stopped everywhere to observe us with surprise and astonishment, pointing their fingers at us and calling us herb doctors.
and plants on foot through the fields of Lima and the towns near the capital until the 22nd of July; during this time we dried, described, and sketched various new plants and some already known to botanists, but observed and described in a hurry and with less care and exactness than by the method used by Linnaeus, which was the one we had adopted as the most approved in all Europe for determining and describing plants, new as well as those already known, being satisfied to indicate the generic, specific, and trivial names of the best described, and to record their local names and
their virtues.
The province
It is
province of Huarocheri; on the south by the province of Caneteand on the west by the South Sea. Its climate exposes one to fevers, colds, influenza, tetanus, diseases of the lungs, rheumatism, smallpox, mal del valle, and
venereal disease.
The winter cold is not felt by people from other colder countries, but it is penetrating for the natives, and in this season the atmosphere is laden with a mist that lasts all morning until noonday and sometimes all day and night; they call it garua, which means drizzle. There are no storms, but in the spring, which comes in October and November, there are great earthquakes. As
does not rain in this district nor along the coast, the houses
and ranches are roofed with wood, reeds, chacla, and so forth, and a cement of a very sticky clay. All the fields give an abundance of corn, beans, some barley, squashes, and various types of pumpkins, vegetables, sweet potatoes, fruits, and flowers in the gardens and The most important products are alfalfa and maizillo, orchards. which are taken to market in Lima to sell for fodder for all kinds of animals. Without these plants it would be impossible to maintain
so many animals, notwithstanding that in the winter many people take their cattle 5 or 6 leagues from Lima, to the pasture grounds of the farms, which some people own for that purpose.
There are a few haciendas where they make some sugar, but is manufactured mostly is atuarapo (sugar-cane juice), miel (syrup), chancaca (bread prepared with molasses), and alfenique (a paste of sugar and oil of almonds).
The rivers that water these fields are the Rimac, the Carabaillo, and Lurin, that come from the cordilleras of Canta and Huarocheri. When the snow melts, these rivers have abundant water, sufficient to water the whole valley, but in the dry season the water is very
In the towns of this province illness is treated with medicines come from Lima, but those who cannot afford to pay use herbs
to this province,
Aside from the parishes of Lima, there are seven more in the province, which are that of Carabaillo with an annex called Lacosi; of Late with an annex named Rinconada; of Lurigancho with its annex called Huachipa; of Bellavista, founded after the event of October 28, 1746, when a flood covered the town and garrison of Callao, a fourth of a league from this port in direct line toward Lima.
in the copy.
Hip6LiTO Ruiz
is now the fort or garrison of San Fernando, In this bay, which is protected at the southeast by an island called San Lorenzo, there anchor all the vessels that come from the southern parts of America and those that arrive from Spain.
The fifth parish is that of the town of Magdalena with an annex called MiraThe sixth is that of Surco with an annex named Chorrillos inhabited by fishermen who sell their catch every day in Lima. The seventh parish is that
of Lurin with
July 22, 1778 we left Lima bound for the province of We stopped over night in the hacienda of Caravaillo three leagues from the city, the Marques de la Rl. Confianza, owner of the hacienda, and the lawyer Dn. Manuel Graso with two more gentlemen having accompanied us from there. We spent the night of the 23rd in the tambo or inn of Copacabana, where we were attacked, a little after evening prayers, by robbers whose chief, named Uracan, came in disguise to the tambo to ask for alfalfa
He was accompanied by two negresses who remained on horseback while Uracan entered into a dispute with the innkeepers for the purpose of surprising us and taking our arms and everything that could be found where we were lodging; but having seen through his trick, we surprised him by pointing two pistols at his chest, and the five of us surrounded him, making him give up a long sword with which he scared the poor muleteers and passengers that he met, robbing them of whatever gold and silver they had.
for his horses.
This the mayordomo of the Count of Villar told us when he arrived with two negroes shouting to the innkeeper to tie that hardened bandit, the captain of four others that had gone a little ahead, where he knew they were waiting for him or his results. The negresses, seeing Uracan tied, left on a run to inform their companions, but the mayordomo with his negroes ran after them, and, when they did not want to halt at his command, the mayordomo fired twice and shot the mare on which one of the negresses was riding, and the other, not daring to continue, stopped and was taken prisoner by the negroes and the mayordomo. Tied with Uracan, they were to of the of Villar and, the three of the hacienda Count conducted them having been separated, they confessed that their intention had been to come at 10 o'clock at night to rob us when we were asleep.
At this news we decided to stay awake and stand sentry in the gate under a huarango tree near-by, changing sentries every half hour. At 9 o'clock in the evening we heard the hoofs of the horses that
the four companions of Uracan were riding, and three times they were asked in a loud voice "Who goes there?" The sentinel dis-
charged his gun in that direction with such good aim that the bullet, having passed through the ear of one horse, struck Uracan's bodyguard, who fell to the ground badly wounded, and his companions escaped leaving him helpless; all of this was discovered the next morning when the mayordomo went to inspect the field in the direction in which the shot was fired the night before, and found the man with a broken thigh and weakened by much loss of blood.
That very morning the mayordomo took the two bandits and the two negresses to Lima. The wounded man died on the third day. Uracan was exiled to Valdivia, and the two negresses were given back to their owners as no other offense could be proven against them than that of having been carried off by the bandits to travel in their company. The two bandits that were in jail were denounced by public crier as fugitives from several prisons.
The 24th we arrived at Torreblanca, hacienda of Dn. Toribio Brabo de Castilla and half a league from the town of Chancay. This gentleman treated us with great generosity and ordered his servants and mayordomo to give us food and anything that we might need during our stay in his house, which lasted until the end of August, and at this time we went to the town of Huaura where we lodged in the beautiful hospital founded by the Illmo. Sr. Castaneda,
a short time before.
We stayed in Huaura until the 22nd of October, when we returned Lima with a quantity of dried plants, descriptions, and sketches
we made on foot through those mountains and where the horses could not take us, and because of the intense
of plants gathered on the coast, hills, valleys, and ravines of the province of Chancay, with not a little fatigue and difficulty because of the excursions
The town
Limits and extension Ports, Rivers Animal and vegetable products Climate Fertilcoves, and small bays The huano Silver mines Grave mounds Ancient monuments ity of the valleys
Jurisdiction of the province
Salt mines
At a
from the
distance of 12 leagues to the north of Lima, and half a league sea, is the town of Arnedo, capital of the province and the
settlement that one meets on the road from Lima. This town commonly called Chancay. It has been the residence of many
It is divided into
jurisdiction of this province starts six leagues from Lima. two territories: one to the east, with cold climate,
called Chacras,
named Costa
There are 30 leagues of road along the coast from south to north, and 27 from west to east. It is bordered toward Lima by the province of Cercado, to the north by that of Santa, to the north and northeast by Caxatambo, and to the east by that of Canta. There are several ports on its coast. The first one in the south is the most spacious and calm, called Ancon, on the coast of which live a few fishermen that take their fish to Lima. Traveling to the north, one finds that of Arnedo or Chancay, where all the huano [guano] or fertilizer used in the province to fertilize the soil is landed, and some wood brought from Guayaquil. A little farther on is that of Chancaillo; The port of at this small port very few vessels land huano. Huacho follows. It is also small, but nevertheless some vessels usually anchor in it when they go or return from Guayaquil to Lima.
Besides these ports there are a few coves and small bays but they
offer little safety.
In the southern part is irrigated by two rivers. Pasamayo river that comes from the Cordilleras of the province of Canta and fertilizes the valley of Arnedo and Pasamayo, and in the northern part the Huaura river that descends from the mountainous country of Caxatambo and waters the beautiful sugar-cane valley of Huaura. This river has more water throughout the year. Near Huaura it passes under an arched bridge built between the rocky banks that confine it for more than four hundred feet. To one side of the town there is a small fort that was used in earlier
This province
times to guard the town from the enemy. At the entrance to the gate of the bridge, there are two columns under which are two stones On one, there are carved the royal arms of Spain, in the ground. and on the other is found this inscription, "Reynando Philipo 3o. This bridge was begun and completed in the year 1611, the commissioner being Dn. Jose* de Rivera y Avalos." On two other stones placed in the columns, one reads the following inscription: "His
Excellency Sr. Dn. Juan de Mendoza y Lima, Marques de Montesme, being Viceroy in 1611." And on the fourth stone one reads the name "Juan del Corral," the artisan that directed
claros, built
the construction.
In the mountainous country of this province and its cool ravines the following products are gathered: arracachas, yacones, massuas, potatoes, and ockas. In the ravines that are temperate in climate
there are produced beans, corn, and wheat. In the punas or high cold grounds where there are only herbs, there is an abundance of
ichu and other grasses that feed many herds of sheep and cattle that are consumed by the hacienda owners and their negroes.
From the Castilian sheep they get some wool with which they manufacture xerga in the workshops, and from the milk of the cows they make butter and cheese. On the punas one finds vicunas, llamas, huanacos, and viscachas. In the ravines and mountain ravines are found some deer, bears, foxes, small pumas, and sheep.
In the coast and valleys the climate
than that of Lima because the air does not allow the formation of so many dense clouds, and thus the sun is not covered all day as happens in Lima almost every day in the winter. In spite of its general pleasantness there are a few places exposed to intermittent fevers and other sickness due to the great humidity and stagnant irrigation water, together with the excessive heat throughout the year; these are also the reasons for the abundance of fleas, piques,
or jigger-fleas,
yucas [cassava],
and camotes
following fruits are very common: sandias [watermelons], pepinos [cucumbers] that are different from those in Europe,
chirimoyas, anonas, huanabanas, huayabas, palillos, paltas, lucumas, paeans, granadillas, tumbos, ciruelas de Fraile, agrias, and
manzanas, membrillos, melocotones, and duraznos, which are produced only in the foothills of the mountainous ranges.
There is a great abundance of oranges, limes, lemons, sweet and sour citron, and grapefruits. In the gardens as in the orchards, one finds a great variety of flowers such as arirumas, narcisus,
de cuenta, feligranas,
marimonas, piochas, narbos, claveles, roses, jasmin, espuela de caballero, chochitos, albaca, oregano, mejorana,
paxarillos, ambarinas,
In the time of the garuas or rains, the hills and slopes of this are covered with many different plants that in flower present a beautiful carpet to the visitors as well as to the people that go there for diversion and a few days in the country; the lomas of Lachay, that are situated between Arnedo and Huaura, have
great name and fame in Lima for variety of plants and flowers. As to the opinion of the people who think that it is a paradise covered with a multitude of different plants, there are at most
species that cause this beautiful and varied ground cover of Lachay, and only 12 species more conspicuous and more abundant than in the other lomas of Lima, Lurin, etc., where the same plants
some 40
but without producing the beautiful sight of those at Lachay. With these plants and their roots they feed great quantities of pigs, horses, and cattle at the time they call the season of lomas, which As these lomas are on the road along the coast, is in the winter.
the plants serve as pasture for the animals of the muleteers when, from the heat and dust of the sandy grounds, they come eager to refresh themselves on these juicy pastures.
is the most abundant grain gathered in the valley of Arneit serves for the maintenance of the negroes and workers because do, of these haciendas; in addition, the owners of these fatten about 30,000 pigs. The greater part of them come from the valley of Huaura and
supply Lima.
Each hacienda owner slaughters his cattle mostly on Saturdays and sells the lard and fat together at 2 rs., 2^, 2^, so that the money
Chancay from
alone comes to
Formerly, the main harvest in these valleys was of wheat and wine; at the present time there is none of the latter.
The valley of Huaura is more than 10 leagues in length and more than 2 leagues in width at the site of the town but continues beyond, becoming narrower near Sayan. It is occupied by sugarcane plantations. There is an hacienda in this valley that sends to Lima 50,000 pesos worth of sugar of superior quality, each arroba selling for 3}^ and 4 pesos.
In this province it has become so necessary to use huano or to fertilize the maize plants that without it they produce
little. The natives use two handfuls for each plant as they plant it, and two more when it grows and they clear away the In the whole province more than 60,000 fanegas of huano weeds.
consumed per year, and each weighs 8 arrobas and is worth Each one of the vessels carries from 600 to 1,000 fanegas. The pilots maintain, and apparently with good reason, that huano is the true manure of birds called huanoes, and of others that sleep at night on those small islands situated at 5 leagues from Pisco and near Canete and Arica, towards the northern part of the coast. They assert that so great is the multitude of birds that come and inhabit those islands that there cannot be the slightest doubt that they produce yearly as many fanegas of huano as are used in the provinces of Chancay, Pisco, etc. Moreover, they affirm that some islands that are buried in the manure have been bare of this soil for some years, as some have thought, or of this huano, as is evidenced by the petrified eggs that are found buried in the manure and the ground of bare rock of which those islands of the southern sea generally are made, and that after a certain time the carriers have returned to gather and load innumerable fanegas of it.
The use of this huano has recently been discovered, and the birds have been living on these islands since time immemorial, so it is not surprising that it is only manure of birds reduced to the
consistency of yellowish soil of the color of ochre of Siena, by the action of marine acid, wind, sun, and water. It gives off such a heavy odor that it gives headaches to those unaccustomed to it.
In the hill of Jeguan near the town of Arnedo, there is a silver mine that a few years ago was worked and produced from 50 to 80 marks [8 ounces] of silver per box.
Between Jeguan and Torreblanca there are a multitude of huacas or Indian graves from which we took several instruments and vessels of clay and a thousand other trifles that accompanied the bodies that
had gone to waste there since paganism.
At a distance of one league from Huaura to the north, there are some strong walls three yards in width at the base and gradually narrower at the top; they extend about three leagues; apparently they served as a boundary between the lands of some caciques. Beyond the port of Chancaillo, there are found two lone stones that, because they bear some remote resemblance to the "sea wolf" [sea lion], the Indians call "the wolf" and "the she- wolf," and they are convinced that they came out of the sea and were turned into stone. The truth is, that they are two very peculiar stones and the only ones found in those hills and sandy beaches on which there are many sea lions and great quantities of carrion vultures that come to eat the ones that perish. Four leagues to the south from Huaura, at the edge of the sea, there are abundant deposits of salt which is taken in rectangular blocks of 75 and 100 pounds. This salt, as has been
said in the survey of Lima, is a natural muriate of lime that, in the damp climate, dissolves in great quantities in a short time; for this
reason, in the mountains, montafias, and other damp places, they keep it near the fire so that it will not stick together. From these salt
from an insect called alicuya in Peru and pixguin damaging the liver, causes their death.
This province
of all classes.
in Chile that,
divided into nine parishes that in all comprise 14,000 souls parish is that of the town of Arnedo or Chancay, capital
in 1563, the Viceroy then being the Conde de for the university which never was established. It is the best city of the province, the one with most inhabitants of all classes, but with few families that are fairly well-to-do. It has the best buildings and a very spacious
of the province;
was founded
square in the middle of the town at one side of the parish house; the camino real [royal highway] that goes to the coast and mountainous regions, passes" through it; it is called the Calle Mayor, being very straight from one end of the town to the other. Besides this there are other streets that cross without order.
There is a royal hospital and a convent of Franciscan monks. The pueblo San Juan de Huaral is the only one annexed to this parish, but there also belong to this parish district the many haciendas in the valley which are owned by native gentlemen who have their families living in Lima, though some of them stay the greater part of the year on their chacras, that are cultivated by negro slaves.
The town
located a quarter league from the sea at the entrance and farms that beautify it with a
The buildings are of one story only, like those in Lima; some have a second one for grain. They are constructed of the same materials and in the same style as those of Lima, as are also all the buildings along the coast. Near the salt deposits there is a port where they land the huano.
to at
The 2nd parish is that of Huacho, the first town that is found from Arnedo Huaura beyond the sands and hills of Lachay. It is located a mile from the sea, the beginning of the valley of Huaura. Although in the part of the town where
is a church there is a large square, there are but few small buildings. Its extent about a league square and it is divided into chacarillas or orchards, each with a rancho where the farmer and his family live; for this reason it is the most beautiful and best cultivated town that can be found in the vicinity of Lima, and I am of the opinion that of its kind it is the only one in Peru, as each Indian has around his house or rancho his fields with grain, vegetables, and fruit trees in sufficient abundance not only for his support and that of his family but for sale to travelers and for transport to Huaura, Arnedo, and Lima.
must be fed
in their
You find in this town the most exquisite anonas that are known in Peru, and you find also the canafistola and tamarinds. In fact, Huacho is a small garden where nothing in the vegetable kingdom is lacking for the amusement, pleasure, and support of its inhabitants, all of whom are Indians, very industrious and of good disposition, with an occasional half-breed.
in the
natives of
of Huaura with all kinds of provisions; by the women who from maize make
a chicha
among the best that are known in Peru. The 3rd parish is that of the town of Huaura founded annexes, Mazo and Vegueta, with few Indians near the
by the
in 1608.
has two
Franciscan monks, rebuilt in the year 1781 and a royal hospital, finished in 1764 Illmo. Sr. Dn. Juan de Castaneda Velazquez de Salazar, bishop of Panama
later of
died the in same year that the hospital was finished, and endow it in accordance with his charitable intentions.
The construction of this hospital was paid for by the King, and for its maintenance there was assigned the tomin [head tax] of the towns of Vegueta, Supe, and Barranca, which meant that each Indian had to pay 5 reales a year.
In those times the Indians were numerous so that there was enough for the suband treatment of the sick. Today the tomin amounts to only 34 pesos and some lands and annual pensions that make a total of 250 pesos. The main
and the
a cross-vault in whose arms and head there are placed the beds of the rest serves as a chapel so that the sick can hear the Mass from their
The town
low and
The population is composed of Indians, criollos, The main road passes through the same street.
The 4th parish is that at Barranca, seven leagues from Huaura. Its annex is Supe, five leagues distant from the village. The 5th is that of Aucallama, founded in 1551. In this parish, they worship a miraculous image of Nra. Senora del Rosario, that was donated with appropriate ornaments by Sr. Carlos V. The 6th is that of Sayan, with two annexes, Tapaya and Quintay. This last town belongs to the province of Caxatambo. The 7th is that of Chanchas, Marayo Checras, with ten annexes, Juraciaco, Picoy, Parquin, Yacul, Canin, Moyobamba, Punun, Turpay, Tongos, and Chiuchin, where there are some baths of thermal waters, where many people come crippled from rheumatism and venereal diseases, and become well after bathing in and drinking those waters; our colleague Dn. Jose Dombey analyzed them when he went there with a Sra. Oydora of Lima, who was crippled and returned in the same condition to this capital. Here Dombey found several plants of which we had gathered many in Tarma and other places at the time when Dombey was in Chiuchin. The 8th parish is that of the pueblo of Paccho with eight annexes: Ayaranga, Huacar, Musga, Llacsanga, Apache, Santa The 9th and last parish is that of the Cruz, Huanangui, and Auquimarca. pueblo of Yguari with six annexes: Llancao, Obeguet, Huachinga, Yunhuy, Acotama, and Huaycho.
Miraflores and Surco
Picturesque landscapes The ruins of Pachacamac The Location of Lurin Form of the houses Administration Entertainments and patrons Products Militia Manner of fishing Most common fishes Fevers and their remedies Birds Plants.
Lurin river
On October 22, 1778 we returned from Huaura to Lima, where we finished the drying of the plants we had discovered in the province of Chancay and put in order and boxed up for safe transportation all the other natural products, and we provided ourselves with everything necessary to go on to Lurin, because we had heard of the
fertility of its
On the 5th of December we started together from Lima to Lurin, passing to one side of the pueblos Miraflores and Surco, both situated on level ground and with pleasant breezes; for this reason
and because of the luxuriance of the trees of the farms, orchards, and gardens abounding in all kinds of fruits, vegetables, and flowers, many families from Lima come for fifteen, twenty, or more days of rest. At a quarter of a league from Surco we found the hacienda called San Juan, where they manufacture a quantity of sugar, alfeniques, chancaca, miel, and huarapo from the sugar cane. Farther on there is a beautiful olive grove; passing this, one enters on a sandy stretch that extends to the Lurin river and in which not a trace
To the left there are life is found even in times of rain. the lomas of Lurin, which in winter are covered with small plants; then many people from Lima come for recreation in the country.
of plant
the right hand side near the river, there can be seen over a bluff the ruins of the Castillo de Pachacamac, in which the Gentiles [Incas] kept five thousand men in arms. At the foot of this castle
town very populous in the times of the Incas. At a short distance from this, there flows through the reeds the river called Lurin, which at times when it rains in the mountains increases in volume so much that the fords are lost; and for this reason
are also the ruins of a
they send chimbadores [guides] who look for the shallow parts in a river to carry the travelers from one side of the river to the other, but notwithstanding this help, many persons and cattle are usually drowned every year. At times of drought, this river is almost without water, but its banks are pleasant and beautiful with the shrubbery and plants by which they are covered.
fathers of
San Pedro, which is a small sugar estate, as is that of San Juan. It produces more than 10,000 pesos worth of sugar,
alfenique, etc.
Beyond this hacienda there is found the pueblo of San Pedro de Lurin, distant a short six leagues from Lima and a quarter of a league from the sea in a luxuriant and beautiful valley with a mild and much healthier climate than Lima and the other towns of the
this reason
Lima and
selves there.
some viceroys and other gentlemen of some holidays and amuse themThis pueblo is inhabited by 120 well-to-do Indians
families spend
with as many houses or ranchos, mostly constructed of quincha or wild cane and straight logs that generally are of willows and Erythrinas called hauyros, green and frondose;
them are
plastered in and out with mortar, and sometimes they are whitewashed, especially on the inside, with lime made of shells. They
are of one story only, square, with a flat roof. Each house has an orchard with various kinds of flowers, and in each are found suches
many as five different and beautiful colors. There are four principal streets named Calle de Malambo, Calle del Mentidero, Calle Nueva, and Calle de la Costilla. The others have no name, except one called de la Palma.
or Plumarias of as
All the streets are straight
situated the
one side
and in the center of the town is plaza, square and spacious, with the church at and the assembly house on the other.
Every year they name three alcaldes [mayors]: two for the pueblo and one for the country, with one alguacil [constable] each. Furthermore, there is a cacique, governor and defender of the Indians.
and variety
This pueblo presents such a beautiful sight with its luxuriance of flowers that can be seen among the adobes in the orchards, that it could be called "the Town of Recreation" because all of it is a delightful place. Nevertheless, it has a walk called the
del Diablo [the devil's claw] because the shape of a stamped on a stone to be seen there.
On the day of San Pedro, the patron of the place, there are bullock and fireworks. On the day of San Miguel there are the same
entertainments, and some years there are bullfights; for this reason many people come from Lima and occupy themselves with diversions
and games
for fifteen to
twenty days.
They celebrate also the day of Ntra. Sra. de Guadalupe; and on the day of San Nicasio, festivity of "precepto" for the Indians, in the afternoon there are cock or duck races for which the birds are hung by the legs, head downwards, so that the most dexterous rider on horseback who pulls the head off the animal, is the winner. When the races are over, they set off a few fireworks hung from the
the procession
cord, while the Saint's procession enters the church. When is finished, all the Indians go to the houses of the
of chicha.
fertile and productive, the what is necessary for their support. Their most important commerce is in fish, which they take to Lima to sell; nevertheless, with the fish, some of them also take yucas, sweet potatoes, beans, and squash, the only foods with which
they maintain themselves, using instead of bread, boiled maize, of which they raise a big crop for the chicha which is never lacking in the town, and they make it in the following manner. They take as much corn as they want and put it to soak for one night, then lay it out on banana leaves, and cover it with other leaves until it In this condition they spread it out to dry in the germinates. sun so that they can reduce it between two flat stones into meal, which they boil twice, each time with a suitable quantity of fresh water. When it is almost cold, they strain it, squeezing it out well, and put the liquor in earthen jugs to ferment for two or three days, in which time a pleasant-tasting beer or intoxicating liquor is produced which they call chicha.
of fifty men each, whose duty it is to go to the port of Callao twice a year for work on vessels and to take care of the sick in the hospital of Bellavista.
a day.
floats of
The method of fishing used by these Indians Mora [a rush], well tied and capable of
three days in the water, and to go out to sea for a distance, where they cast the net, and then they separate in opposite directions as
Afterward they return to shore, and when they are near land the two fishermen approach each other to close the net so that the fish within it may not escape. Then they land, and by the strength of their arms pull the fish ashore. The most common ones that are taken here are corbinas, lenguados, robalos,
far as the rope allows.
The anbonitos, anchovetas, pexe reyes, pexe sapo, pexe gallo. chovetas are greatly esteemed in Lima for their delicious taste
Although Lurin enjoys a very mild climate the greater part of the year, fever is common in winter; they cure this with a concoction of yerba hedionda, apples, and the juice of lemons, and cream of tartar, taken before breakfast for three days, half a quart a day. Some years there is much smallpox. There is always caracha or itch and gonorrhoea, and it also happens that some women suffer from cancer and spasms. The medicines commonly used are herbs administered according to the ability and experience which they have acquired one from another.
In a little brook in the hills there is a spring between two rocks, with very pure and clear fresh water. Between the town and the sea, there are some small lakes from which some of the fish already named are obtained and, in addition,
ducks, zambullidores, aradores, herons, flamingoes, and other aquatic In one of these lakes, called that of Sn. Pedro de Quilcai,
the site of the ancient town of that name; but its inhabitants had to abandon that place on account of the frequent overflow of the sea caused by earthquakes, and those that were not drowned by
the sea
Opposite the shore at Lurin, and about three leagues out at sea, number of rocks or banks extending from N.W. to S.E. in a straight line, the first about two leagues distant from the last. The first rock is called Viuda [Widow] because it is alone and farther distant from the rest; then follows the one named Pachacamac, which is the largest of all. There are several caves in this barren island inhabited by a variety of birds, among which are a mass of nestlings. When a person approaches the entrance of one of these caves, they set up such a clamorous squeaking that it sounds like a multitude of braying asses that deafen you with their noise.
there are a
they gather quantities of huano for the benefit Farther on there is another rock called Arenisco. It is very small and has the shape of a pyramid. After that comes one named San Francisco, a little smaller than Pachacamac and of the shape of a tall pyramid, and finally, one finds the one named "The Hunchback," for its shape, and the only one among the smaller ones that has a name.
this island
Besides the
flowers that
and ornamental
almost the same plants that have been noted at Lima, but there an abundance in the former place of species that are rare in these fields, and there are also found some that are different, of which I gathered and described the following. Dianthera repens. Heteranthera
Lithospermum dichotomum, tiqui-tiquil. Nolana acutanguThe chickens feed on the last-mentioned plant. Convolla, vulus secundus, campanulas de lomas. This is a plant which can serve as an ornament in gardens because of its light blue flowers and the size of its corollas; its root is purgative. Convolvulus sepium L. The infusion of this milky plant also is used as a laxative. Convolvulus stipulatus. Cordia rotundifolia, tina and membrillejo, for the shape of their leaves, which are much used in infusions for jaundice.
Lycium falsum,
cachicasa, that
Asclepias haslata, amarra judios, because its shoot is very long and branchy and is used to tie various things. Solanum variegatum,
pepino; they propagate this plant by the stems as the seeds do not give fruit until the second year after it is transplanted from the nurseries which they make for that purpose. This plant is laden with fruits the size of eggplants, varying in color from yellowish,
whitish, and spotted with different colors: purple, violet, and sometimes reddish. Its excessive use causes tertian fevers and stools with blood and is very harmful for the mal del vicho or dysentery.
melons, but is not so sweet and pleasing. Hydrocotyle vulgaris and umbellata L., orejas de abad and patacones, for the shape of their leaves. The juices of these
two species are used to cure mouth sores and, if applied to pimples, they clean, heal, and cure them. Plumeria rubra, suche, P. tricolor, suche blanco-rosado, and carinata, purple and rose.
suche turumbaco. They are milky-juiced trees of beautiful luxuriance and loaded in January, February, and March with thousands of beautiful flowers. They grow to a height of 6, 7, and 8 yards. They can hardly be distinguished from each other except by the color and size of their flowers. They last two or three years without drying out after they are cut, and they take root easily, if planted after one or two years. They bear leaves only at the tips of the branches and flowers in the center, as if in flower pots. They are beautiful trees for gardens and their shade is not harmful.
Alstroemeria peregrina L., pelegrina, for the beauty of
and Chancay.
It is a plant that is cultivated in gardens for ornament. Amaryllis aurea, amancae antiguo, a beautiful flower for gardening; its bulb
surrounded by many smaller ones. Polyanthes tuber osa L., margaritas blancas. Its odorous flowers are used for ornament in gardens and in mixtures, and its bulbs are applied as an emollient
Pancratium flavum. A beautiful flower of an orange Cassia mimosioides L., huarandillo, and Cassia Tora L., canafistola cimarrona. With an infusion of one or the other of these
in poultices.
purge themselves.
unas de
gato, for the thorns on its branches. Sapindus Saponaria, jabonera. It is a tree of about 8 or 12 yards in height, of ordinary wood and
with which the children used to wash baize cloth, as Sesuvium Portulacastrum L., litho. With it forms suds like soap. this plant, that resembles purslane, they make glass in lea and it is used in some places for soap in place of the bars. Malva rotunCrescentia Cujute, tutumo, is a tree of 6 to difolia and sylvestris. 8 yards in height, with masses of branches erect like rods and of a beautiful green. See the account of the plants of Chancay for the use of its fruit called tutumas. Lantana salvifolia, maestrante. Its decoction and infusion are used against jaundice. Dolichos uncinatus L., trifolitos and taconcitos. Dolichos Lablab L., frijol
leafy. Its fruits, called cholocos
de Antibo, and in the mountains sencapuspu. Although the seeds are somewhat bitter, the slaves on the plantations consume quantities of these beans,
hot water over night. Phaseolus vexillatus, frijol cimarron [wild Crotalaria incana L., cascabelillos, for the noise that the bean]. seeds make within the pods. Hedysarum asperum, pega-pega, because
with the stickiness and roughness of their leaves and pods, they adhere to the clothes of those that pass near them. Erythrina corallodendron L., huayro and huayruru. This tree grows to be 8 or 10
yards tall; it is covered with thorns and it bears so many flowers that when these trees bloom, they form together the most beautiful sight from a certain distance, because they appear like trees loaded with coral the color of scarlet. The pods are eaten when green, but
They are propagated by cuttings and root very quickly, and in a short time they grow thick trunks; therefore they use them for straight posts in the corners of the ranches. Hypericum angulare. Senecio scandens. Eupatorium scandens, yedra. Bidens cuneifolia. Lobelia decurrens, contoya. The Indians use the
are somewhat bitter.
and decoction of this plant as a drastic purgative, and when want to stop its action, they drink cold water. Pistia Stratiotes, they
lechuga cimarrona.
Passiflora minima, borbo cimarron. Passiflora
foetida L.
Mimosa pernambucina L., cierrateputa, for the action of its leaves when the plant is touched. It is abundant in the closing Mimosa punctata ? L., tapateputilla. It is the most senfields. grain
have seen, for as soon as you touch a leaf with a finger or any other object, all the other leaves of the plant suddenly appear retracted and closed, so that in a whole afternoon I could not gather an open leaf between sheets of paper in spite of all the efforts I made. It is found spread on the ground where it is dry and sandy between the huarancales. The powder of its leaves is esteemed in Lurin as the best healing remedy for ulcers. Mimosa Inga L., pacae, is a very frondose tree of about 15 or 20 yards in height. From its thick trunk is obtained wood valued for various purposes, and the pulp of its fruits or pods is like white cotton, juicy and sweet, of pleasant flavor, and it is much esteemed by the fair sex because real of pacaes serves for entertainment at the holidays. Laurus Persea L., palto, is a very stout and frondose tree of about 12 to 28 yards in height. Its wood is valued for several uses, and the flesh of its fruits, called paltas, which is of a light
sitive species that I
is very tender, and buttery, and partakes of a flavor very similar to that of fresh nuts, especially if eaten with bread; but the more usual way to eat this fruit is to add some salt to it; nevertheless, it is very good with honey and not to be despised in salads. These fruits do not ripen so that they can be eaten until a few days after they have been cut from the tree; then they are seasoned. The largest and best paltas that are known in Peru are the ones from Sta. Olalla and Chavin. The seeds from the palta are used as astringent in dysentery and give a red ink that is
green-yellowish color,
used by many to mark white clothes. The meat burning sensation of piles when applied by itself to the parts and without the need for the addition of oil, saffron, and egg yolk that some people add to it. Sagittaria sagittifolia L. Gentiana Conchalaguala, conchaguala. It grows only six inches high and is found in the hills in the time of lomas or in winter.
Stay in Surco Plants collected and their uses First shipment of plants and drawings sent to Spain (1779) Shipment by Dombey.
On February
to Surco without
ing our excursions in the fields of Surco, a pueblo of few Indians and
with some houses and orchards belonging to gentlemen from Lima, we gathered several plants, and among them I observed and described the following. Utricularia aphylla. Sagittaria dulcis, escobilla. Heliotropium pilosum. Cynoglossum pilosum. Ipomoea acuminata and A few trees of this kind subrotundifolia. Cedrela odorata L., cedro. are found transplanted from the forest. In some orchards they are up to 20 yards in height, leafy and beautiful for the short time that they have been planted. Illecebrum Achyrantha L. This plant is preferred to others for leaves in which to wrap fruits that mature or become soft, so that they can be eaten, such as the
lucumas, ciruelas de Fraile, Cynanchum racemosum?, piochas. Plant well suited to cover summerhouses and lanes in gardens as Its milky juice is reputed to be it spreads and tangles very much. a strong cathartic, and with the flowers women embellish their Anethum parvum, heneldo cimarron. This plant is used in hair. of the heneldo. Pancratium maritimum L., coronas de Rey place and caribaeum?, pilillas. Women adorn their hair with both flowers; Achras mammosa, they are also used as ornaments in gardens. lucumo. Tree of about 15 to 20 yards in height, thick, leafy, and
so forth.
platanos, and
green color; gives abundant fruit called lucumas, with a small point and weighing 4 to 10 ounces, green on globose the outside and with dark yellow flesh; the fruit cannot be eaten until a few days after they are gathered and covered with cloth,
bran or
or other materials,
keep them
and to
vinous fermentation.
The wood
grain, flexibility,
and resistance
Tropaeolum majus L., mastuercillo. This plant is used against scurvy, and the buds of the flowers are often pickled like Innkeepers and people of refined tastes also add the flowcapers. ers to salads, which attain a not unpleasant taste. Larrea glauca, Parkinsonia, and glandulosa. Poinciana bijuga, tara. Shrub, about
4 to 6 yards high, of beautiful appearance when in bloom. Its pods are used instead of galls for making ink, and with them, as well as with the wood, they tan and dye leather. Triglochin paluslre.
hirta, hypericifolia,
of the
Peru to destroy cataracts of purge the bowels. Spondias Mombin L., ciruelo agrio. This tree grows to almost 6 yards, is a handsome tree with bunches of fruits called ciruelas agrias, which are bittersweet and not at all unpleasant to the taste. Cleome triphylla L. Cassia tenuissima, Malva coromandelina? Escoba cimarrona. Corchorus siliquosus L. Melochia
corchorifolia L.
and Chamaesyce, yerbas de la golonmilky juice of these three plants in the eyes, and with infusions they
i.e. woman-woman, because of the property that this plant has of correcting menstruation. Bidens tripartita L. Sisyrinchium palmifolium. Acalypha indica L. Ambrosia maritima L., artemisa, which is used instead of Artemisia Zizania octandra. Juglans nigra L., nogal de la tierra, officinalis.
tall tree,
its fruits,
when they
alfajor of very good this shrub Castiglionia lobata, pinoncillo: grows almost to 5 yards; it has leaves four months of the year; the rest of the time
fruits, for
make an
a little larger than pine-nut kernels; they contain a small almond, white and sweet but very laxative, and for this reason people use
them to play mean tricks, preparing them as candies or extracting the milk and mixing it with cow's milk so that the deceit cannot be detected. The way to check the bowels is by drinking a lot of cold
Some have
four of those seeds or almonds, especially those that suffer from venereal troubles. Even the boys know its properties, and it is
perhaps to their curiosity and pranks that we owe our knowledge of this and many other plants. Erigeron philadelphicum, Samolus Valerandi, Psoralea capitata, yerba de San Agustin, de la Trinidad, del carnero, and huallicaya. In Peru they frequently use the fresh
leaves of these plants to cleanse dirty ulcers and produce new flesh, and afterwards they heal them with the powder made of dry leaves.
this time,
went to Lima to put in order the collections made up to and we sent them to Spain in the vessel "El Buen
Consejo" that
April (1779). tions of the vegetable kingdom was composed of seventeen boxes of live plants, 242 drawings, and 11 boxes of dried plants in which
the port of Callao for Cadiz, in the month of shipment of dried plants and other produc-
On March
we had made
of live plants, we asked permission and passport from the Viceroy to go to the forests of Tarma and Xauxa, for we had been informed
of their fertility
and abundance
of rare
and valuable
we asked and being equipped with all we we decided to start on the 12th of May.
Journey to
Yauliaco Pucara Dangerous of Huarocherl Fauna of the
The encanada
San Mateo
The province
On May
On the 13th we reached Surco, a town of the province of Huarocheri with a population of about 100, without any other incident than the excessive heat and the plague of mosquitoes, over the troublesome and dangerous road that starts from San Pedro de Mama. On the 14th we passed through San Juan de Matucana, a town of about 160 people, and reached San Mateo, where the corregidores [magistrates] of Huarocheri often reside; we had walked long stretches on foot, along those dangerous inclines, ravines, and walks of steps made of small stones from the river put one on top of the other, without the use of lime, plaster of Paris, mud, or any other equivalent material to hold them together, so that in parts the road is a wall of stones brought together on the mountain side and the top is covered with soil tramped down by foot. If one stone gives way on those roads, it is certain that the rest will follow, likewise any beast or person traveling there at the moment.
the 15th
we waited
San Mateo
for the
persons that were at their little farms, so that on the following day they might give us beasts of burden; we finally obtained them by force of insistence with the mayors, and at eleven we left San Mateo
and passed the night at San Juan de Chicla. On the 17th we were informed that the muleteers and peons that the mayors had given us had gone back to San Mateo taking with them three transport mules, and we were left with only one muleteer unable to load and conduct so many loads of baggage over those roads. Although we were in a district of 60 people, we found only with great difficulty three pack mules instead of those that had been taken by the muleteers to San Mateo. After having searched in all the ranches of Chicla, we found only one man that was going to the mill at Yauliaco; we asked and begged him kindly to help
Hip6LiTO Ruiz
the muleteer to load the beasts, which he would not do until we used force and threats; then we all helped those two men to load. We again begged the Indian to accompany us to the next town with the loads, paying him in advance what the muleteer told us
pay him, but we were unable to make him take even double pay. had walked barely 50 yards when the Indian that we had begged and forced to aid us disappeared; for this reason we all had to act as muleteers until we reached Yauliaco, where the Indian had preceded us and told the mayordomo all he pleased about us. This man came with several Indians to the road, and he had the first load that came along brought to his room and unloaded to pay for what he thought was our insolence in forcing
received the volley of threats from the mayordomo and, being unable to contradict him, they decided to abandon the load and to continue on their way.
They were already about one-eighth of a league distant when arrived at Yauliaco with the last loads and, finding the mayorthe two chests by his side and surrounded by all him with courtesy and asked him what those
domo with
and such words that the whole world seemed too small for him at that moment. Thinking that he was Andalusian, I answered him even more strongly, and I told him all that had happened to us, and he not only yielded but begged me to call my friends and pass the night in the rancho, and he promised to give us for a guide the Indian that had caused all the trouble, and all the aid that we might need to continue our trip. The good Vizcayno, ashamed of that Andalusian temper, served us an excellent supper and breakfast, and next day he provided us with the three mules required, taken from the field, and the same Indian to help the muleteer. So ashamed was this mayordomo that he did not dare dine or breakfast with us, as we found out later from his employer, Dn. Pablo Carreras, owner of that mill.
the excessive cold, my servant went in to cut the straps from the loads, and with a rope we succeeded in getting them to solid ground
where we left them, and we walked alone through those punas and where the mules wanted to take us, until, stumbling here and falling there, we came to Pucara at 10 in the evening very cold and very hungry. At 11 at night the miners of Pucara sent two men and two he-mules to bring the chests that had been left on the banks of the laguna, and they returned at 12:30. The 19th we stayed in Pucara so that I could dry in the sun my clothes, books, papers, and so forth, all of which I found tinted with several colors that the artists had put in loose in papers in the chests at the time the clothes were packed.
these silver mines that are found from San Juan de Chicla
to Pucara
and that are in very cold mountains and punas, they use the llamas or sheep of the region to carry the metals from the mines. Instead of wood they use champas or turf that they get from the swamps in which many plants grow, very small although with
many-branched, strong roots which, with the soil that they hold, form a kind of material suitable for fuel; but it gives off much smoke of a very unpleasant odor, and harmful especially to persons not used to its odor and continuous smoke, because it produces a a choking sensation with bad headaches and irritation of the eyes, and causes nosebleed and inflammation of the throat when one goes
out into the fresh air to get rid of the headache.
In the midst of
extracting the treasures hidden under the snow in these tainous regions.
The most common plants that exist in these damp places from which they get champas, are gentians, geraniums, valerians, and some grasses, all very small plants that spread or adhere to the spongy ground; the beasts become stuck there very easily, and then one sees the water that is covered with the champas.
We four travelers left Pucara on the 20th, with headaches, watery eyes, rash on the face, and open or cracked lips, and more or less dizzy from the smoke that is continually present in all the rooms of the houses.
At a distance of about half league from this smelter, we passed a short natural bridge formed by the waters of a brook that passed under it. Another half league from the hacienda Pachachaca we
crossed a plain called Chaplanga or
Hip6LiTO Ruiz
than 600 feet in length and as many in width. It is so level that a a brook of very clear, petrifying water extends and runs over all of it, and it is no doubt this quality that has made it form that gentle and beautiful cascade, which looks like a single piece of porcelain made and placed there on purpose. At a few feet from Chaplamha there is another natural bridge under which the water of this cascade runs rapidly, and the water from the brook of the former bridge and from many other small brooks that descend from the cordillera and punas. A little ahead, this brook unites with the famous river Pari, the first bridge over which is of rope or cables, so that with pulleys they pass the people in a wicker basket or in a sack of leather from one side to the other. At 8 P.M. we reached the Puente de la Oroya, built with cables made of hide and thin vines. Beasts cannot be transported over this bridge, so that it is necessary to carry all the loads on the shoulders and leave the burdened animals to cross the river swimming; we started this work at such a late hour that bunches of ichu grass, with which the two roofs at the entrance of the bridge were covered, served us for lights. Before we passed the loads, one of the party tried to get a mule across the bridge, and as the hole where the cables are fixed had only two boards, the mule fell in, and to get her out of it required more than an hour; for this reason the others were taken across at the ford and, as the river runs so rapidly, one of them was drowned. It took us three hours to take the loads and saddles across the bridge, so that it was 12 when we arrived at the pueblo of Oroya.
The above-mentioned bridge is about 40 yards in length and less than two in width. When one crosses, it shakes and swings from one side to the other so that with the noise of the river below, it causes terror even to think of crossing it at night.
On the 21st, because the alcalde of San Mateo had sent us some more muleteers who joined us before we reached the bridge of
Oroya, we four travelers were able to set out from this pueblo at daybreak and entered the pueblo of Tarma, capital of the province of that name, leaving the loads to the care of the muleteers that arrived next day without any trouble. On this trip we suffered many hardships and repeated tragedies, as may be inferred from what has been said already and, to complete our tribulation, after two mules had been lost by drowning, another was stolen the day the muleteers arrived at Tarma.
All the way and specially around the quebrada of Huarocheri we collected many of the new and rare plants which cover the margins
brooks and
that drain
From Lima
on both
San Pedro de Mama, the grounds of which are you find in succession farms or
plantations of sugar cane, alfalfa, sweet potatoes, potatoes, cassava, yacones, squashes, porotos or beans, maize, figs, plantains, and many other seeds and fruit trees belonging to the country, which make
all of
From Chaclacayo
to Cocachacra one can see, on the sides of the the ruins of several towns of the gentiles, most of them showing
that they had had but few houses. Near Surco, there is a little brook that passes through the road and comes from a small cut in the hills, and the natives assured us that the water of this brook
causes the sickness there called verrugas [papules] and especially by those who, sweating, drink of it.
From Lima
to Cocachacra the
In the canon from San Pedro de Mama to the cordillera, night comes one hour earlier and dawn an hour later than in the heights and open places, because of the elevation of the mountains and the
morning and is concealed by the lofty crests at 2 or 3 in the afternoon. While the rays of the sun pierce the depths, one feels such an excessive heat that it would be intolerable to walk in the gorge if it were not for a fresh breeze that comes down from the mountains at the same time almost daily, tempering and
at times refreshing the whole gorge.
From Cocachacra
on, the
mountains and
beans, corn, and arracachas are planted and harvested. The climate of this gorge is generally mild and healthy; nevertheless, there are some places where the people suffer from tertians at the beginning or at the end of the rains, the seasons for which should be called autumn and spring. The Indians cure themselves of this and other
maladies with herbs administered by themselves because there are no doctors or surgeons.
From Surco to San Juan de Chicla, as the valley is very narrow, there are very few farms and properties, except small fields of alfalfa,
in this gorge is, throughout almost all of its length, narrow and very dangerous, since it is near the river bank, and as this river comes from the mountains to San Pedro de Mama by such a narrow cut and with such velocity that it forms an almost continuous waterfall, in parts it is made frightful by the noise and concussion of the water against the great rocks that are found in the middle of the river, so that it is impossible for travelers to hear each others' questions even if shouted, and with the fog or mist and small drops of water that are scattered in the atmosphere and around the circumference of the big rocks, necessarily, travelers cannot avoid getting wet in many places along the way. In some places the falls of the river are so serene and beautiful that they charm and distract the imagination with the foamy, smooth water, which at a distance appears like pure snow that is always in movement or in total repose, forming extraordinary and beautiful designs.
The road
Among the various declivities and narrow passes of the road there one called Punta de Diamante, situated between San Juan de Matucana and the tambo called Viso. This declivity is so steep and narrow that one shudders at crossing it, and the animals have to climb it at a run and stop from time to time at the small offsets to rest and recover their breath in order to continue to the summit. If any person or animal should fall from this declivity, it would be useless to look for him, for the force of the fall and the pounding of the waters against the rocks would mangle him completely.
Many pieces of the road are formed from small rocks put one over the other from the border of the river to the top of the road, which, if any stone from its foundation should become dislodged,
would be entirely ruined. The resistance of these roads is particularly worthy of admiration, as the rocks are not cemented together with any lime, gypsum, mud, earth, or any other material used for that purpose, and they resist those tall pilcas or walls the pounding of the water and have endured since the time of the Incas unto the present with no other care than some repairs when needed.
In this gorge of San Mateo there is an abundance of a species and other birds that with their singing and variety of colors help to amuse the curious traveler and offer him disof little parrots
This province borders to the west on the jurisdiction of Cercado, which begins five leagues from Lima. On the north it is bordered by the provinces of Canta and Tarma and on the east by that of Xauxa. It is 30 leagues in length and 6 in width. It has two distinct climates: one more or less temperate in the valleys, gorges, and
canons, and the other
In the encanadas and temperate lower elevations as on some slopes of the hills, they cultivate various roots, fruits, and seeds such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, arracachas [apio], yucas [cassava],
yacones, okas, ullucas, massuas, plantains, pacaes, paltas, palillos,
guavas, lucumas, chirimoyas, soursops, membrillos, and frutillas, Alfalfa is never lacking in corn, abas, and porotos or beans. this district, and in those places that, even if they are valleys, are near the punas and Cordilleras where frigid temperature does not
it is replaced by alcazer, which can be planted in some punas, but must be in enclosures made for this purpose within the towns.
The mountain ridges are barren and during the greater part of the year are covered with snow; for this reason there are very few plants that can be seen in the crevices of the holes and rocks. In the punas the grass and the ichu are abundant, and support great flocks of sheep and many herds of cattle and horses, and the great number of llamas or native sheep which, as has been said before, the miners use to transport metals from the mines to the smelters which are always situated in the creeks and canons.
and a
In the punas there is an abundance of vicunas and huanacos species of rabbit called viscacha [chinchilla].
There are many lakes in these punas; one of the largest is that Huacracocha, which is three quarters of a league in length and In some of these lakes there are fish about one league in width. There is an called vagres and cachuelos, both delicious in taste. abundance of several species and kinds of birds, such as the huachas (the maw of which applied to cotos or goitre, the Indians affirm has the virtue of dissolving it), ducks, swans, freguilles, sarapicos dominicanos (a kind of eagle), condors or vultures, neverillas llorones or burladores, because they moan and later make a sound as if they were laughing heartily. These and the ducks always inhabit the lakes; the birds of prey are found in the rocks and punas; the swans,
sarapicos, neverillas, freguillas, and huachas are always near the border of the lakes and swampy places.
Near the towns some other birds are found, such as cascabelipapamoscas, zorzales, and gorriones or pichuisas, and one species
of aloica or calandria.
to the
Some small lakes that are met before one reaches Tuctu, give rise Lima river, and others empty by way of the provinces of Yauyos and Canete, and swell the Mala river, which like the Lima
has its outlet in the southern sea; the little brook of Sta. Olalla The remaining joins the Lima river near San Pedro de Mama. lakes of this province empty their waters to the north and form
the voluminous
In the quebradas and heights are found various medicinal plants, some of which are taken to Lima to be sold, such as the authentic
and true calaguala, the quinchamali, salvia, excorzonera, puma, and santra, and several others of which they make frequent use.
In the gorge of San Mateo de Matucana, 3 species of loasas abound, 2 calceolarias, 2 celsias, 2 saxifragas, 2 chilcas or molinas, 2 mespilus, 1 ferraria, 1 tropaeolum (which is cultivated and the root is eaten), 1 duranta, 1 talictrum, 1 fuchsia, 2 euphorbias, 1 buddleia, 1 sapium, several species of cactus, and various other plants of the Diadelphiae, Syngenesia, and Cryptogams, of which individual mention will be made in the Flora Peruana.
the different silver ores of exquisite purity, the most in Pucara and in the Cerro del Nuevo Potosi situated in Sauli, where there are thermal baths.
Between Cocachacra and Surco, there is, as has been stated before, a brook that drains into the Lima river and the waters of which produce the trouble called verrugas. On the way between Pucara and the Pari river, there are two small bridges of one arch each, cut by nature in the rock, and a plain called Chaplamha, as is told in the account of the journey from Pucara to Oroya.
This province is divided into eleven parishes that are The 1st, that of Huarocheri with two annexes named Calahuaya and Alloca. The pueblo of Huarocheri is the head of the district. The 2nd parish is that of the pueblo of San Lorenzo de Quinti with the four annexes of Huancayre, Quinti, Tantaranchi, and Carhuapampa. The 3rd is that of the pueblo of Olleros with the annexes of Mactara and Chatacancha. The 4th is that of the pueblo of Chorrillos with 6 annexes, viz. Chontay, Cochahuayco, Huamansica, Sisicaya, Langa, and Lahuaytambo. The 5th parish is that of San Cosme and San Damian, with the annexes of Sunicancha, Tupicocha, and Santiago de Tuna. The 6th is that of Sta. Olalla [Eulalia] (where they
proper to
that country) with four annexes: San Geronimo de Punan, Chaclla, Xicamarca, and The 7th that of Carampoma with the annexes of Laraos and Huanza. Collata. The 8th is that of Sa"n Pedro de Casta with four annexes; San Juan de Iris, Hua-
chupampa, Chanca, and Otao. The 9th, San Juan de Matucana (pueblo of 160 inhabitants) with these annexes: Surco (town of 100 inhabitants), Nangos de Cocachacra or Cochacra, San Pedro de Mama, San Bartolome, and Sta. Ines.
The 10th parish is of San Mateo de Huanchor. This pueblo, which is usually the residence of the mayor, is divided into two suburbs called San Antonio and San Mateo and has 100 inhabitants. This parish has 3 annexes, that are those of
San Miguel de Viso, San Antonio de Yauliaco, and Pumacancha. Between this pueblo and San Mateo is found a district named San Juan de Chicla with 60 inhabitants. Some say it is a pueblo, but others say it is only the residence of Indian peons that come from other towns to work in the mines. The llth parish is that of San Antonio de Yaulia with 13 annexes, namely: Pumacocha, the Asiento de Carahuacra, Pucara, Pachachaca (past Pumacancha are the haciendas de Ingenio, called Bellavista, after which come Ciricamcha, Yauliaco, Yanacolpa, Tingo, Casapalca; on the right-hand side one leaves Piedra
Parada, and beyond the ridge of mountains and in front of Pucara is the Ingenio de Tuctu), Santa Rosa de Yaco or Saco, Conception de Pacha, San Cristobal de Hucumarca, San Francisco Solano de Trapiche, San Geronimo de Callapampa, Santiago de Huayhuay, San Antonio de Huari, and San Lucas de Chacapalpa.
The Indians
and work
of this province
of planting
in the mines.
The women
These women, on church holy days, take care of decorating the and saints with flowers from the country and others that they the little gardens around their houses. in grow In each town there is usually no more than one church or chapel
3, 4,
or 5 altars.
Stay in Tarma Plants found in this province and their medicinal value Landscapes The convent of Ocopa.
On the 21st, as soon as we arrived in Tarma and since the governor of the province was absent from the town, we went to the house of
Gomez de Toledo, to ask for quarters, immediately and with great activity, entertaining us that night and the next day at the table in his house.
the comandante, Dn. Francisco
which he arranged
we wrote
to the
governor, Dn. Juan Jose de Abellafuertes, who was at Pasco, giving him notice of our arrival and the object of our commission, so that
with his consent we could go in search of plants in every place in that province and be helped with food and beasts and all other necessities for the excursions and journeys that we began on the 26th, and continued to the 24th of April, 1780, through the cuts,
canons, and hills of Tarma and through the montanas of Huasahuasi and Palca. During this time we discovered a considerable
number of trees, shrubs, grasses, and herbs, many of them of known uses and virtues, all of which will be described extensively in the
Flora of Peru, and
I restrict
with their
names and the Indian ones, if they have any, together medicinal and economic uses.
Cassia undecimpiga, setacea, procumbens, and hirsuta, the first two known by the names of hatumpacte and pachapacte. These have been used for a long time as purgatives, and their leaves are preferred to those senna leaves brought from Lima for the same
purpose by the doctors. Celsia (affinis) lanceolata, huayansacha. Solanum calygnaphalum, nufiumya. Solatium lyciodes, foetidum, ama de casa, aserplanatum, sericeum, quercifolium, menhas, havanense,
Saxifraga tridactylites L., puchuppus and Limosella subulata. siempreviva. use this chilca. They plant to dye green Eupatorium aromaticum, and yellow, and the pounded leaves are used to clean and heal ulcers and, above all, to soothe bruises and sprains. Buddleia incana, quisoar, quishuara, and colle, the trunk of which is used for buildings
and plows, for its strength and durability and for the peculiarity of being resistant to insects. The Indians boil the shoots and drink the water as a cleanser for viscous humours and for colds, and from the pounded shoots, with urine, cooked over the fire, they form a poultice to banish toothache, applying it inside and outside. Some people color their food with the little heads of the flowers.
G. n. Polygala aff. caerulea, chisp-huinac and pahuata-huinac, The women wash their hair with an infusion is, grows at night. of this plant, rubbing it in water because its soapy substance cleans the hair and makes it grow if the infusion is used frequently. Garthat
make use
not only in Tarma melancholy, pain in the sides, and lassitude, for which it is boiled in wine or rum with water. Psoralea punctata (Dalea? L.), with which some of the hills are covered, forming a beautiful carpet with the green of its small leaves and flower spikes, exhaling a certain pleasant odor when the sun shines upon them in the morning. Sisymbrium Sophia L. This plant is very common in this province and in Huamalies. It is greatly esteemed by some for the virtue they claim it has against the retention of the urine. They give it the name of ucuspatallan. Hedyotis conferta, thymifolia, juniperifolia,
decoction of this fragrant plant, but also in Lima and other places, against
Briza media L. Sedum ceallu, ceallu, for the likeness of its leaves to the human tongue. They use the juice of this plant to destroy cataracts of the eyes. Salvia grandiflora, plumosa, andfragtostissima, Salvia sagittata, huarnica and chenchelcoma and sal via menor. salvia real. Some Indians eat the leaves to prevent worms. They attribute remedial virtues to this plant in asthma and as a pectoral, and they think that it makes sterile women fecund. They use it as an aperitive plant, diuretic, vulnerary, consolidant, and as a
restorative of the appetite.
Periphragmos uniflorus.
of orchards
This shrub
of the pagans, who as a magic plant; but today the Indian women decorate the church altar's and saints with bunches of these flowers. Panicum
Passiflora ciliata, purpureum. Lupinus argenteus, quitatauri. urra-purupuru. Passiflora mammosa and biflora. Pteronia spinosa. Rhinanthus sagittata and glutinosa. Polylepis emarginata, quinhuar or quinuar. The trunks of these trees are used by miners for
Hip6LiTO Ruiz
the beams of their factory buildings. It is not spoiled by borers. Its bark peels
many layers thin as sheets of paper. Tillandsia recurvata, revoluta, coarctata, Huehle, huehle, and usneoides L., sal vagina and sadcopra, millmahina and
off in
cotalaura. The Indians make great use of this plant in hot baths to invigorate the nerves, to recover lost strength, and to induce They make mattresses with the leaves, because they claim sleep.
and other insects and that moreover it from backaches and kidney trouble. They apply this plant, pounded and with lard, to cure piles. Astragalus capitatus, garbancillo. Animals die that eat too much of this plant. Cleome glandulosa, tacma. Lycium obovatum, espino. Senecio nitidus, Acaena ovalirevolutus, abrotanifolius, frutescens, and quercifolius. Cacalia serrata. Polypodium serratum, lineare, folia and lappacea. Calaguala, fine callahuala which is the true and authentic calaguala of the shops and the Polypodium incopcam, cuca-cuca and incopcam
it is
shunned by
benefits those
coca of the Inca, because the Incas used it instead of coca. it is used to induce sneezing and to relieve the
crassifolium L., puntu-puntu and lengua de of the infusion and decoction of these roots
against pains in the sides, and they are gathered in Peru to send to Europe under the name of calaguala gruesa. See my discourse about the calagualas included in the 1st book of the Memoirs of the Royal
of Medicine of Madrid printed in 1796. Acrostichum palmatum, Marantae L., and Cuacsaro, cuacsaro. See the same disPteris ternata, culantrillo, lineata, tricourse about this plant.
angulata, tomentosa, and trifoliata. Polypodium coronarium, exaltatum, erecto-lineare,fibrosum, glabrum, nutans. Phylitidis L., repandum,
revolutum, rhombeum, obovatum, scolopendroides L., and virginianum L. Acrostichum revolutum, lineare, and calomelanos L. Asplenium
caudatum, falcato-lineare, multifidum, and lineatum. Adiantum capilTrichomanes crispum, lineare, and obovatum. Lycopolus veneris L.
and pyxicatus L.
Sessea dependens.
Justicia incana.
Margyricarpus subfructicosus, yerba de las for the resemblance of its sweet and tasty fruits to pearls.
the coast of Chile they are abundant, also Plantago hirsuta and Acrostichum squamato-tomentosum, nitidum, sulphureum,
obovatum, squamatum.
Hemionitis rigida.
Lycopodium subulatum.
Cervantesia tomentosa, whose fruits, that resemble the hazelnut in taste and size, I ate several times without any harm, although
they are not used for that purpose in that country. Datura sanguinea, This tree is very floripondio encarnado and puca-campanilla. beautiful because of the abundance of its large red flowers. Its leaves have emollient and anodyne properties, and its seeds stupefy and cause insanity, and the natives say that some people have become crazy by merely going to sleep under its shade. Galium mucronatum,
Calceolaria scabra, uniflora, croceum, corymbosum, and ciliatum. tomentosa. Valeriana lanceolata, huarituru. Peperomia pubescens. Its roots are used to heal fractures. Valeriana thyrsiflora, coronata,
Pinguicula stellata. is used as a very Ipomoea subtriloba, papiru. In Huancavelica Jarava ocssa and ichu. Ichu, strong purgative. it in of firewood to melt When tender use cinnabar. they place
interrupta, globiflora,
tuberous root
it furnishes excellent pasture for cattle, llamas, vicunas, alpacas, venados, and huanacos all ruminant animals. They use this grass as roofing for buildings and they fill mattresses with it; it is also used as fuel for cooking and for warmth for, even if it is green, it
Finally they make it Anchusa alba. similar things. Gomphrena purpurea. Atropa biflora. Saracha biflora, the small fruit of which is eaten by children. Gardenia spinosa, milluscassa. Oenanthe?
they make
Celastrus triflorus, rurama and picma. From its wood carpenter tools because of its strength. Anemone digitata,
Dichondra repens, fragosa, crenata, multifida, reniformis, frutilla de monte, for the similarity of the leaves with those of the strawberry. Anemone pubescens, polizones. Gentiana
arracacha cimarrona.
Caucalis grandiflora.
Rhamnus Cynanchum
minimum and
glandulosum. Asclepias cordata. Illecebrum lanatum. Achyranthes mucronata. Sambucus glandulosa. This small tree can be found only in the mountain towns, and they use it as they do Sambucus nigra. Stereoxylon resinosum, tiri encarnado and chacha-
Desfontainia spinosa. Nicotiana Tabacum, true tobacco. Varronia Tournefortia polystachya and virgata. Nerteria
coccineum, margaritas encarnadas. Crinum? sagittatum, margarita. Pancratium viride. Its flowers are all green, like half of those
of the white
asiatica L.
Hip6LiTO Ruiz
Berberis mucronata
Piper scabrum and Churumayu, churumayu. Cynoglossum revolutum. Triglochin ciliatum. Chenopodium tuberosum, ulluco. Its roots are used as food, and its decoction serves as an expectorant and is claimed to make childbirth
linearis. Ornithogalum pyrenaicum L. Cyperus Tropaeolum tuberosum, massuas, the tuberous roots of which are cultivated and eaten in Peru and are of an inverted conic shape and of a golden or yellow color. Dodonaea viscosa L., chamisa and chamassa. Its crushed leaves are applied effectively in poultices for sprains, and its trunk and branches are used for fuel in Tarma and
other towns.
Coccoloba nitida and volubilis, chocllocopa. The infusion is used as a superior diuretic in urinary Gualtheria cordifolia, alba, hirsuta, rhinnin cussau. Colucrocea,
Used as an
and verticillata, mollocanto; its ripe fruits are eaten by and they often make of them an excellent preserve with Embothrium emarginatum, catas and mastimpanrani, i.e. sugar. priapus simiae, for the shape of the pistil and follicle, very similar Its pounded leaves are used to the genital parts of monkeys. for bruises; from its flowers the Indian women form sprays to decorate the altars and arches that they erect for processions. Vaccinium biflorum. Rhexia repens, ola-ola and olla-olla. It serves as a yellow dye if mixed with other plants. Rhexia hispida. Weinmania oppositifolia. Arbutus multiflora. Andromeda affin. purpurea, macha-macha. Its fruits eaten in excess are intoxicating; for this reason they gave it the name. Vaccinium affin. trinerve, punctatum,
grandiflorum, uchu-uchu,
aji-aji or
shape of
its corollas,
fruit is eaten
nitidum, lanuginosum, and alatum, pucssato. Its often sold in the market by the Indian women.
Portulaca pilosa.
Rubus biserratus, salvifolius, and fructicosus L., siracas. Geum urbanum L. Loasa spiralis. Vallea cordata, cunhur. Rubus roseus, chilifruta. Psidium nitidum, aseca. Duranta plumosa, and tomentosa, sanacassa and tantarprieto. Gardoquia conferta.
Potentilla prostrata.
Rhinanthus rugosa.
Thalictrum polygamum L.
Bartsia hirsuta,
and subspinosa, millucassa. Its fruits are eaten. Geranium filiforme. Slum biternatum. Hedysarum pubescens. Ruellia prostata. Cytisus This plant is Hypericum subulatum, chinchanho. purpureus. generally used as a yellow dye. Eupatorium angulatum and trinerve.
Aster pinnatus,
the plant
and Vira-Vira, vira-vira, i.e. gordura-gordura, since crushed and used for contusions and sprains. Melastoma
tiri bianco. This plant is used to make a yellow dye, the color changing with the addition of other plants. Molina make use of to this scabra, taya. They great plant fumigate the
rooms, and the Indians employ it also as a superior stomachic. Helianthus glutinosus and lanceolatus. Molina uniflora, ferruginea,
torium subsessile and Huaramachia, huaramachia. Pteronia? gemina. Polymnia resinifera, puhe and taraca. This plant is plentiful in
in transparent
resin that exudes white drops which, when reunited, form a compact mass that loses its transparency but not its odor, similar to that of the goma de limon. They apply it as a plaster for fractures and headache. Bacasia spinosa. Atragene villosa. Perdicium lanatum. Cosmos laciniata. Bidens pinnato-multifida. Ranunculus cordatus.
Virgularia revoluta, mancapagui. Talinum ciliatum. Viola obliqua, and subulata. Lobelia purpurea, tomentosa, purpureoMaxillaria alata, bicolor, tricolor, grandiflora, viridis, and bicolor.
Masdevallia uniflora,
angulata, uniflora.
Sobralia dichotoma.
Satyrium album, luteum, bicolor. This family of orchids is so plentiful in the quebradas of Huasahuasi and Palca, that it would be difficult to find any other place in which there are so many plants of this kind, for it appears that nature has destined this land for
that purpose since the beginning of creation.
Notwithstanding the variety and abundance of these plants in these parts, there is no lack of many other species at the other entrance to the montana of Panatahuas, and even in the actual
trees, rocks,
This family deserves a monograph upon these localities, and the number of species would probably be more than 500. Among the maxillarias there is bicolor which is called caeca, that means pavement, because the land is so covered with its bulbs that it looks like a pavement placed there on purpose. These bulbs are so juicy and tender that they can be chewed very easily, and they
give so much tasteless juice that six of them are sufficient to quench the thirst; the Indians do this very frequently when they pass through those places in order not to go out of their way to drink in
the depths of the quebradas. Plazia conferta. Cissus obliqua. Croton pulverulentum and striatum. Siegesbeckia occidentalis L. Clusia? thurifera, arbol del incienso, for its exuding resin that is used in Peru for incense. Sepium nitidum, chichis. Coriaria pinnata. With the
racemes of this plant the Indians dye their cotton and wool. Aralia aff digitata, Myrica sternutatoria, tuppassaire and ssaire. They use this shrub to dye cordwain black, and its pulverized bark makes one sneeze immediately on snuffing a little powder instead of tobacco. Although this powder excites speedily to ten or twelve sneezes without pause, it does not irritate or harm the nose as do other excitants, for when the nose is blown and wiped with a handkerchief, the sneezing stops and the stimulus also. It has been found that this powder clears the head and relieves headaches, etc. Sisyrinchium luteum and purgans, ossca purga and paja purgante, for the value of its roots used by the Indians as one of the best and most active purgatives.
by simply drinking cold water. Urtica spiralis. the incisions and cut branches of this little tree there flows a
Urtica orbicularifolia
and fumans.
the rays of the sun strike this plant in the morning, it expands such a multitude of flowers that the fine dust from the anthers fills
if it were a dense pall of smoke, remaining for more than two hours, and during this time it continues to open flowers and anthers with marked elasticity greater than that of the other spe-
the air as
Ephedra distachyd L. Atriplex monoica. Betula alba L. Salix pyramidalis. Viscum luteum and sessile. Lycopodium dichotomum. Mutisia acuminata, chimchiculma, chincumpa, and huincus. It is a beautiful flower for gardens because of its size and color.
cies of the genus.
the 13th of June the peons and train of pack animals in the company of Dn. Juan Jos de Avellafuertes left the pueblo of Tarma,
governor of the province, to join the peons that P. San Jose, Apostolic missionary of Ocopa, had taken with him on the 10th, and also the P. Guardian of this convent, who had started from Tarma on the
llth with the idea of opening the road to Chanchamayo that was impassable for many years, because the inhabitants of that town had moved to Tarma after the last invasion by the Indians, and also with the idea of establishing a fort with a corresponding settlement such
as there had been formerly.
Isidro Galvez
to the province of Xauxa, two leagues from Tarma. found in ruins the conspicuous castle of Tarmatambo, from which can be
seen the ruins of a pueblo of the pagans that is situated at the very top of a hill. By this castle passes the royal highway of the Incas that runs from Cuzco to Quito. We continued by this road a long
way and, leaving it after about two leagues, we turned to a wide, barren plain or pampa of more than half a league and, crossing a hill, we came to another pampa of more than one and a half leagues, at the end of which there is a spring of abundant clear, cool, soft, and very fine water, that probably comes under ground from a lake that can be seen on the right-hand side of the road and about a quarter league distant. With this water they irrigate two
small quebradas where they raise wheat and barley. From this spring we passed to a wide plain very fertile in grass with which they feed great numbers of sheep, cattle, horses, and pigs. Afterwards we entered another plain also abounding with pasture. Having passed a small ridge, we crossed the little brook that comes from the spring already mentioned and came to a pampa in which there is a lake
about one league in length and a quarter of a league in width. At the left-hand side of the lake are seen two towns, and various haciendas extend all over the pampa, which on account of the climate produces nothing but pasture that, although it is scanty, is good for the cattle. There are, in this lake, an abundance of totoras or eneas and various aquatic birds. At the end of this pampa one goes down to another lake almost as large as the last, but with less water and more marshy and muddy, and at a short distance there is seen the pueblo of Xauxa, the capital of the province of this name, where
the 28th
we went
Rosa de Ocopa,
leagues distant from Xauxa, passing through the pueblos of Mojon de San Lorenzo and Apata, in the vicinity of which a small lake is seen
arrived in the convent after midday, and we used the afternoon to inspect that magnificent construction and to
to the west.
examine the neighborhood with the purpose of discovering a few new plants, distinct from those produced in the province of Tarma,
The convent
is of the best that is found in whitewashed inside and out. It is surrounded by tall and luxurious alders at the facade, which is of excellent modern It has a spacious court with various rooms for the architecture.
It is
travelers that
adorned by a beautiful garden with an abundance of excellent vegeIn the interior there are two cloisters, each one with its tables. little garden of different flowers and aromatic plants of Europe and of
the region.
In one of these cloisters there is painted the life of Saint Francis done by a good painter in pictures that fill the recesses of the four walls. In the other cloister are the paintings of the martyr missionaries that suffered martyrdom on various missions and excursions into the montanas of the heathens. Among the martyr missionaries, there are found several seculars that accompanied the missionaries in their preaching and martyrdom. An extensive plan of converted pueblos is also to be seen. On the second floor there is another cloister with a Calvary, and in each one of the three angles a big cross with a crown of thorns and a clock with
of Assisi,
an appropriate
The silence and retirement, and the care taken with the mystic ornaments that are found in this convent edify and inspire to the deepest devotion and meditation. The church has only one
single, spacious
a square room, decorated as much as the church, for the ornaments and chalices For the four walls. each priest there is a vestment and a occupying The walls are adorned with beautiful paintings brought chalice. from Europe. Among these there is a Passion of Our Lord, in pictures covered with glass. This entire collection is of Roman paintIn another higher row, there is found the life of Sta. Rosa in ings.
The vestry
small squares of stone. This convent possesses an abundant library of books on various subjects and arranged in alphabetical order.
Many windows in the vestry as well as in the cloisters are of white and transparent stones resembling glass, for which they
are substituted.
On the days of the Porciuncula of Saint Francis, in Lent, and on other religious days, many people come from the province of Xauxa, from the province of Tarma, and elsewhere in the vicinity
to confess and to receive Holy
to en-
gage in spiritual exercises. From this convent they send missionaries to all the towns bordering on the heathen Indians, in order to give them spiritual nourish-
ment and
sionaries with all that they need for support and for the fulfillment of their ministry; to the expenses for this, His Catholic Majesty
contributes a certain
of pesos.
In the orchard of Ocopa there is a birch (Betula alba L.), from the root of which there rise nine new trunks, thick, very tall, straight, and very luxuriant. The rest of the birches that surround the convent are wont to produce two to four equal and very frondose trunks
The brook that waters the orchard and the trees, even though much more ground. After having examined this convent of Ocopa, we went on to
pass the night at the pueblo of Concepcion, distant a league from Ocopa, crossing a brook that in time of rain carries much water and
dangerous to ford.
On the bank of this brook I found the Calceolaria linearis, which was sketched by Galvez in Concepcion, and I described it and put
to dry.
company of soldiers is stationed The pueblo has many inhabitants, with an abundance
of food, with a large square plaza, and its jail is the most secure one in the province, and for this reason prisoners of importance are
sent there.
On the
we returned
in a spacious
buildings are of
and are paved only at the principal crossings. a mud forms that makes them impassable. The the usual kind, and some houses are very good and
but most of them have only one story. They are mud, lime, and stone and roofed with tile. The largest is a large square and always supplied with provisions. In plaza this plaza is the principal church, served by two priests, and on the other facade there is a beautiful, roomy chapel where masses are have two
built of
celebrated daily.
The temperature of this pueblo is cool throughout the year, and feels the cold more here than in the rest of the valley.
The water that is used in this place comes from a chalky spring to which everybody comes to fetch it, and to give the animals drink; drink, for this reason the water is always muddy or turbid at the
movement that the people make to get it and with the hooves of the animals that come there to drink. The truth is that this defect, of having water always turbid, could be remedied at a
very small cost by the numerous inhabitants of Xauxa by building a reservoir and an aqueduct from that to the town.
Seasonal differences in the vegetation Abundance of cattle The Revolt of the Indians (1742) Plants Towns and annexes Excursions of the naturalists Hardships and misfortunes Journey to Huanuco Details of the landscape Dyeing processes The town of Reyes Its products Origin of the Ucayali, Huallaga, and Maranon The town of Pasco
The province
level valley, or
of the
climate of this beautiful valley is generally temperate, but one feels the cold, especially at night, on account
In winter there
are continual frosts, and for this reason vegetables become scanty, and they cannot get the alfalfa that is raised in the vicinity of some
away the
in fact is
produced from
There sugar. They gather plentiful harvests of wheat and barley. is no lack of maize, potatoes, ockas, yucas, arracachas, yacones, and
fruits, vegetables, and flowers in the gardens and orchards. the ridges and at the entrances to the montanas, coca, pineapples, plantains, papayas, and other fruits are gathered.
In time of drought one cannot find in the greater part of this spacious valley any plant that measures any more than half a foot in height, except in those few lower spots where sugar cane is produced, but in spring all the fields are beautiful.
made. heads
pigs are raised; from them good hams and sausages are In the heights where it is cold the natives raise innumerable of sheep, and with the wool they make xerga (a cloth by that
name), and the women weave wool and cotton, especially into ponchos.
In the higher and colder punas, there is an abundance of vicunas and huanacos, the wool of which is gathered to make delicate weaves
To be able to catch these animals to advantage, the natives arrange chacos or hunts, as is explained in the account of the province
Through the middle of the province of Xauxa runs the Oroya river, called by others the Pari; it comes from the province of Tarma and has its origin in the famous Laguna de Reyes, or Lake
Chinchaycocha, of which
of the latter province.
we have
This river that in Xauxa is called the Xauxa river and takes different name wherever it passes, until it enters the Ucayali that joins with the Maranon river, is of very little use for watering the valley of Xauxa because of its depth; nevertheless, its waters could be conducted through canals if there were more need of it.
on a
In the time of the Marques de Canete, Viceroy of Peru, at about from the pueblo of Xauxa, they built a stone bridge with a over the Pari river, but its waters destroyed it because arch single of the laziness of the natives, who took no care to repair it, unlike that over the Huancayo river which, though built at the same time, exists up to the present and is very advantageous for communications and traffic in those pueblos. Thus the Huancayo river, like all the small brooks of the province of Xauxa, joins the Pari river after having irrigated many fields of the province.
5 leagues
this valley of ment there.
In past times they thought of founding the capital of Peru in Xauxa, but several obstacles prevented its establish-
many towns
already converted
to the Catholic faith, revolted and threatened hostilities in this province, such as took place in that of Tarma and Huanuco, where
new pueblos were destroyed, some of them with many inhabsuch as Huancabamba, Cerro de la Sal, Metraro, Eneno, Tulumayo, Urubamba, and others.
In the territory of this province there are several old pueblos in and some small forts of the pagan Indians.
Although there are several silver mines in this province, at present only one, that was discovered in the year 1779, is worked as the rest do not pay the cost of the labor. There are various medicinal plants in this province, but all are very small and adapted to that cold climate. Among them, there
of the true legitimate calaguala, Polypodium CalaDiss. de la Calag. Act. Acad. Ruiz. guala
an abundance
The plants that are produced in this valley are very few, and the fruit trees and other trees very rare.
which is cited the the and with uses and that place province properties they have.
This province includes fourteen parishes: The first is that of Xauxa, head whole province, with two annexes named Ricran and Mojon. The second parish is that of Apata with the annexes Uchubamba and Huamali. The third is that of Conception with a convent of Observancia de San Francisco. The fourth is that of Comas with one annex called Andamarca, and is situated on the frontier of the montana. The fifth is that of San Geronimo with the annexes Hualhuas and Quichuay, and the sixth that of Huancayo, with two priests and the annexes Pucara, Huayucachi, Caxas, Punta, Zapallanga, Miraflores, Hualayo, and Mejorada. The seventh is that of Cochanhara with the annexes Pariahuanca and Acobamba. The eighth is that of Chongos with the annexes Carhuacallanca and Colca. The ninth parish is that of the town of Chupaca. The tenth is the pueblo of Sicaya. The eleventh is that of Orcotuna, the twelfth that of Mito. The thirteenth is that of Matahuasi and Cincos, with the annex of San Antonio de Huancani. The fourteenth is that of Huaribamba with the annex named Muquiyauyo.
district of the
There are scarcely 53,000 inhabitants in this province, most half-breeds and Indians, because there are barely 2,000 Spaniards and sixty slaves, negroes and mulattos.
On the 30th of July I returned with the draftsman to Tarma, because I saw that in this province of Xauxa there were no products with which I could occupy my time to advantage, and, without anything special having happened to us on the way, we entered
that of
before vespers. The distance from the pueblo of Xauxa is nine leagues.
Until the 2nd of October, 1779 I continued making my excursions the quebradas and hills of Tarma, in which time I discovered
In September, Mr.
cause of the return of Senora Oydora, whom he had accompanied during the time she stayed at the thermal waters. Our companion Pavon went with draftsman Brunete to the fort
of Palca.
Mr. Dombey
1779, at 9 o'clock in the morning, I left in the comfor the fort of Huasahuasi 5 leagues distant
Chilensis sive descriptiones
Flora Peruviana
Hip6LiTO Ruiz
from Tarma; we
way and
of Picoy, the natives directed us to the path that should have taken us to the road to Huasahuasi, on which we found one of our mule-
whom we continued until we reached the top of the Portachuelo, where there is a wooden cross; in that place there almost always blows a strong cold wind, and a thick, humid fog commonly covers the place, so that at 12 to 14 feet travelers cannot distinguish each other. Here we were caught in a heavy rain for over an hour.
teers with
arrived at three-thirty in Huasahuasi, a pueblo of those parts, the last of the province of Tarma, with its lands bordering on those of the heathen Indians. It is situated in a deep ravine on the
of a river that is small, but quite noisy because of the rush with which the waters descend and break on the rocks and stones.
fort with a garrison of eight men with two small cannon, one of iron and the other of bronze and forty new muskets that just had been
sent to replace as many old ones of no further use. Two leagues this town there begins the montafia real, 1 to which the savages
come on
the 7th
their hunts.
we made
and three peons, penetrating down the river until we reached the hut of the advance sentinel, where we left all the horses and started on foot to inspect those beautiful fields, delightful for the variety of the plants and the fragrance they exhale.
There are so many and different species of gynandrous plants that the rocks appear to be paved with their bulbs and the ground tinted with their flowers. We returned to the fort with more than
forty plants,
Tarma and
its ravines.
new, and different from those that we had found We continued working in Huasahuasi
and on that day we went to the Royal Coffers of Xauxa to get a third of our salary, Mr. Dombey having stayed
in Huasahuasi.
the 15th
stayed in
come to Fort Huasahuasi after Pavon's return from Lima, where he arrived on the 25th with two chests of dried plants that had been gathered in Palca, where they found, as we did, great numbers of precious plants, Gynandrias or orchids. They went on to Huayabal, the road to which was already open at that time, and
Forest of
tall trees
without undergrowth.
On the 31st of October, 1779 I went with Mr. Dombey and draftsman Galvez to the montana called Churupallana, a distance of 5
leagues from Huasahuasi, on account of the height of its ridge and the many turns that the road makes to climb to the summit. Accom-
panying us were the ensign of militia, our servants, and four Indians that went as peons. We had hardly climbed halfway up the mountain when it started to rain; it continued without interruption until dawn next day. A short time before dawn we heard mournful screams in the woods that sounded as if they were made by people in conflict and that put us into a state of apprehension, especially all those of us who did not know the cause that produced such an extraordinary lamentation in that solitude, but the ensign of militia acquainted in those parts, and having some cattle feeding there the whole year on account of the abundant, tall, and good grass assured us that the noise was not from the Indian savages as might be presumed, since the place was only six leagues from Chanchamayo, where at present there were thousands of those
Indians for the purpose of preventing the construction of the fort
and town that we Spaniards were going to repeople in that plain and on the banks of the river. The ensign added that the extraordinary noise and those mournful screams that we heard in the
montanas, were caused by certain birds, called almas perdidas
[lost souls], that commonly inhabit the most isolated parts of these montanas and are heard regularly at night and at dawn. At this time we lighted a big fire to dry our clothes that had become wet during the night. After having warmed ourselves, although the woods were full of water and it was threatening to rain again, I went into them with the peons and servants, the draftsman staying in the hut in company with Mr. Dombey who, having slipped the afternoon before, could scarcely walk because of the pain in the injured leg. I came out of the woods very soon afterwards with an abundance of flowering branches from beautiful trees and shrubs; we made a big bundle of them and took it to Huasahuasi and, after having aired them, we put them to dry, but left some branches in water, to describe and sketch as we did on the
following days.
On the 1st of November, 1779, seeing that the rain continued without a let-up and that there was no prospect that the weather would improve that day, we decided to return to Huasahuasi.
Hip6LiTO Ruiz
had hardly come down a league when we found ourselves out which continued to discharge rain all day on Churupallana, but from there on we experienced a very strong, stinging sun, which compelled us to find shade under the luxuriant trees on the banks of the Siusa river, where we collected several plants, some of which we dried and preserved, keeping others to describe and sketch. We arrived at the pueblo at sundown.
of the dense cloud
the 3rd
sent a servant to
partner and Brunete the draftsman had made at Palca and Huayabal, in order not to have to do them again but to progress with our work by doing others. The servant came from Tarma on the 4th, bringing
the drawings.
On November 24th I went with Mr. Dombey to a place called Lanco, a league and a half distant from Huasahuasi; in this place there are so many species of orchids, and in such abundance, that it is astonishing even to look at the patterns they form on the ground with the peculiar structure of their flowers, leaves, and bulbs which the Almighty gave to this rare family of plants, of which there are some bulbs of which we chewed and drank the juice to relieve our thirst, as did the Indians who came with us, without need of going down to the river to drink, because their taste was pleasant and we noted no suspicious flavor. On November 26th, Dn. Jose Pavon having returned from Lima, I went with Brunete to Huasahuasi to complete several drawings of the orchids, of which he had found an abundance in Palca, and of other Dioicas and Polygamias, plants that had been taken incomplete on the expedition from Palca and Huayabal. On the 5th of December, 1779 I returned to Tarma Dombey and draftsman Galvez, and Pavon and Brunete
five of
with Mr.
stayed in
1780; on
the 19th at 2 o'clock in the afterto the top of Oroya, where we enwithout mishap noon, traveling countered a good hailstorm and afterward a heavy, continuous shower that not only soaked us and silenced us neatly but also hid some
I left
parts of the road from view. Galvez, trusting in his mule and thinking that he could reach the town of Oroya before sundown, went
me behind, but had the misfortune to wander off the right road about a quarter of a league, which I noticed when I saw him almost at dark, at the summit of a hill, where at my loud cries and whistling he stopped, but as the distance that separated
ahead leaving
went toward
partner after marking my way by throwing pieces of paper on the ground, shouting at intervals, until he understood me and followed me in search of the road. After having found it, as it was dark already, we were forced to allow the mules, very tired by this time, to take us at their own will, and at a slow and tired pace they brought us to the pueblo of Oroya at 8 :30 at night, very wet and very cold. We had the good fortune to have the mestizo, at whose house we arrived, give up his bed with good, clean wool bedding,
which both
of us found room; and the mestizo and his wife put our clothes to dry around a fine fire.
servants, who had come ahead of the muleteers, each one a leading horse by the bridle, were lost, although one of them was familiar with the road, and they went on so as to sleep at the pueblo of Reyes, having strayed from us at least eight leagues. The muleteers, being unable to climb to the summit of Oroya on account of the rain, took shelter in a cave, where they spent the night; at 10 o'clock on the next day they arrived at this pueblo, whence we had sent an Indian to look for the servants, who arrived at 11 on the same
day, and we started all together at 1 o'clock from Oroya, after having crossed the famous Pari river and lost a mule by drowning.
we were caught by several we reached Pachachaca, where we stayed a good while until the afternoon would clear. At 5:30 we On the continued our journey and arrived at Pucara at vespers. 21st we left this smelter, accompanied to the cordillera by the
At a
distance of a mile from the bridge
squalls of hail
rain, until
miner of this property. crossed the cordillera under an intolerable sun, although it was well covered with snow.
Coming down to Casapalca, I had the misfortune to fall into a narrow cut or gorge formed by the rains, but was fortunate enough to stay astride the mule and to have the horse, which was tied to the girth of the mule, although he fell after me, strike the mule on one side while I was bending to the other, thanks to the warnings of
partner to guard myself against the fall of the horse; it was hurt very little, but the mule was hurt in the haunches and head,
and the saddle was torn to pieces. I broke one of the silver spurs and completely smashed the head of my whip, and I received a light scratch on the right cheek from a hoof of the horse, which, on getting up, delivered some kicks at the mule and myself, who found
myself down with one leg under the mule, being unable to move from the place, not even an inch. No sooner had I cut the halter by which the horse was tied to the girth of the mule than he started to walk down the gorge, scratching his belly at some very narrow places, but because he was free and had long legs, he could pass the narrow places while the mule could not, with or without saddle, because she was short and pot-bellied, so that I was forced to remove the saddle, and with a rope my partner hoisted it and with a rock tried to open more space to get the injured mule out from that ravine. This was finally accomplished. The animals were caught by a mestizo who was passing at the time, and we tied the saddle the best we could and continued our retreat to San Mateo.
A short time after we left the gorge into which I had fallen, we found that another traveler had had the same misfortune, but his horse had broken a leg.
On the 22nd we left San Mateo and went without mishap to pass the night at San Pedro de Mama, where we arrived at 8 o'clock at night and slept in a field so that the horses might graze during the
We arrived in Lima at noon on the 23rd, without any other inconvenience than the excessive heat of the quebrada. On the 24th the muleteers arrived at Lima.
and moving the dried plants, completing the drying and description of several we had gathered on the way and of some collected in the I made a fair copy of the descriptions from Tarma, fields at Lima. arranged my herbarium by classes, putting the generic and trivial names on the plants, boxed them for shipment and cleaned several packages of plants that I had left in Lima and that had become
infested with the insects that Linnaeus calls Termes fatidicum Syst.
Nat. Tom. 1, par. 2, fol. 1016, which he claims to have been the to examine in dried plants that were sent him by Loefling.
I also found in some plants another species of insect, smaller but of a different genus and not at all harmful to herbaria, in which they are never found if the plants are well dried. Neverthe-
less I
in them.
After having finished this and other work that we did in Lima, we all decided to leave the boxes of dried plants in the Royal Armory, for which we presented a petition to the Viceroy, who ordered that a suitable place be assigned us for them. At the same time, we asked
some months' salary in order to proceed to the montanas of Huanuco, and notwithstanding some objections made by the officials of those coffers, the Viceroy ordered it to be given to us, on account of our having to go to places distant from the Royal Coffers, and we were obliged to become bondsmen for one another for
to be advanced
the return to the treasury of the salaries that in case of death would not become due.
rented a room for storing the trunks, boxes of paper, and was not needed on the journey which we were
the 24th
in Cocachacra, using our capes as bedding. inconvenince than the excessive heat of the sun.
On the 25th we left Cocachacra at daybreak and went on, expecting to sleep at the hacienda or ingenio of Pumacocha. Having traveled that day along the sides of mountains and very dangerous slopes, we arrived at San
Mateo at 4
in the afternoon
thinking that
could climb
and descend the hill of Cacray, we resolved to leave San Mateo and go to San Juan de Chicla, but night came when we were in the upper part of the ridge, and we were forced to let the mules conduct us until we came to a dangerous pass, where we alighted on the advice of the miner of Pumacocha whom we had met before we
to this place. He invited us to his house to pass the night there; for this reason we did not go on to San Juan de Chicla.
the same day, Dn. Jose Pavon and Dn. Jos Brunete left Tarma by the same road, and Mr. Dombey took the road through the quebrada of Canta.
At 8 o'clock in the morning on the 26th we left Pumacocha with a rather cold wind that lasted until we climbed the mountain where, although it was covered with snow, we were well warmed by the sun. Having passed the mountain and Lake Huacracocha, we arrived without incident at Pucara, where we passed the night. We had already alighted when there came a terrific hailstorm accompanied and followed
in this
On the 27th we left Pucara and came at nightfall to Tarma without On the 30th the muleteers arrived in Tarma. We stayed
town until the llth of May, 1780, finishing several descriphad been left incomplete during the preceding excursions. At the same time I inquired from some women that were occupied with dyeing wool and cotton, about the colors they used for their dyes.
tions that
To dye
pilcay as some pronounce it, which is a mass of red tiri, two pounds and one ounce of
[gals.] of
red they prepared the following mixture: Of pircay, or made with true cochineal, eight ounces
alum put
it is washed and dried. The mass and cochineal well mashed and then dried.
The cochineal is gathered, although but little of it, in the quebrada from Tarma to Acobamba, but it is not as good as that which is cultivated and brought from other places; this is not done in Tarma because of the laziness and abandon of the natives. The tiri is a species of Melastoma.
Violet color.
of lye of quinoar or
two ounces
Greek pitch
all of this
very good violet. Yellow color. They take equal parts of fine or yellow tiri and of chinchanho, a species of Hypericum, a little piece of alum and some urine, boil all together in water with the wool until this takes the color that they desire. If they do not want a bright yellow, they omit the alkali.
Aromo color. They take four ounces of pahuau, a species of Bidens (foliis Nasturtii), boil it with 16 pounds of the above-mentioned yellow, and the wool comes out a beautiful aromo color.
They take
well extracted,
four ounces of pahuau, boiled in 6 quarts of water and afterwards they put the wool that has been
takes the orange color. male chilca, a species of Eupatorium, and they boil them in plain water with indigo and urine and, after the color has become green, they boil the wool until it takes the color.
They take
sticks of the
Violet color.
in pieces,
They take sticks of the wood of tara, Poinciana bijuga, and they put them in the sun, taking care to sprinkle them from time
to time with urine and, after they are aired, they are boiled in plain water with red and the wools or cottons take on a beautiful violet color when boiled in that
They take dry pods of tara, and with a little soot they boil them and then they put the wool in the mixture after this wool has been treated with green vitriol and washed well until the acid cannot be detected, the wool comes out a good rust color. Cinnamon color. They take pahuau and tara sprinkled with urine as has been said about the violet color, a little alum, lemon juice, and soot, and boil the wool until it is dyed the color of cinnamon.
color. in plain water,
They take the bark of the walnut-tree, Juglans nigra L., soot, which are boiled together in ordinary water, and then they add wool treated with alum, and boil it until it takes the color of raisins.
Raisin color.
and Greek
the 9th of May, 1780 we sent the muleteers from Tarma to Huanuco; and because it had rained on the 10th when Dn. Jose* Pavon and Brunete left in the early morning, I delayed my trip with Dn. Isidro until the llth, when at 8 o'clock in the morning
left Tarma and started for the pueblo of Reyes, where we spent the night, passing a hacienda called Las Casas, three leagues distant from Tarma, where they harvest a great quantity of potatoes and barley, short-eared but very well filled. A half league from this
hacienda one enters a beautiful and very extensive pampa or plain, with very little grass, that reaches to Reyes, 10 leagues distant from the pueblo of Tarma.
The pueblo of Reyes is situated in the middle of the pampa of the same name, and has a cold climate the year around; for this reason trees, shrubs, and grass are not found in its vicinity, and they
must plant barley in order to have alcazar [green barley] months of April and May to maintain their animals and to
travelers, because the rest of the year account of the cold.
in the
cannot be produced on
This little green barley is planted in fields enclosed with stone fences that they have around the town and even within it, because far from the town they cannot plant on account of the cold.
On the whole of these pampas of Reyes and Bombon they plant no other crop than roots called maccas, and even these not beyond the pueblos of Ordones, Carhuamayo, Ninacaca, and the annexes of
these three parishes.
natives are convinced that by eating the root of the maccas, are which as big as hazelnuts and taste very good when they are women can make themselves fruitful; for this reason many boiled,
are childless request them. The truth is that the maccas are stimulating, at least when eaten in quantities.
On the 12th we left Reyes at 7 o'clock in the morning. It was very cold due to the frost of the night and the dense fog that generally comes almost every day at 4 or 5 in the morning and lasts until 8 or 9, when the sun disperses it.
Half a league from this pueblo
Vico (as has been said in the description of the province of Tarma) we crossed the already mentioned highway of Reyes with great difficulty, as that great work of the pagans was already almost entirely destroyed, and we passed Carhuamayo and Ninacaca and, leaving Vico to one side, we came to Pasco before vespers.
Hip6LiTO Ruiz
In these large pampas of Bumbun, or Bombon,asitis called today, the three famous rivers Ucayali, Huallaga, and Maranon have their
course through the province of Xauxa and the montanas with the Apurimac river, which joins the voluminous Pano or Beni river that crosses the pampa of the Sacramento, where it takes the name
Ucayali and joins with the Maranon river in the lands of the Omagua Indians; the second comes from Lake Yauricocha two leagues from Pasco and waters the province of Huanuco to the montanas of Cuchero and joins a little below this town with the Monzon river that comes from the province of Huamalies, and together they traverse the lomas to form the Huallaga river that empties into the Maranon river near the pueblo of Laguna.
river, called Maranon, has its origin in Lake Lauricocha between the pueblos of Jesus and Lauricocha and, crossing through the provinces Huamalies, Chota, Caxamarca, and Pataz and by the kingdom of Santa Fe", it joins farther on with the two previously mentioned rivers. Lake Chinchaycocha is hardly 4 leagues from Lake Yauricocha and 10 from Lake Lauricocha and, although their waters take opposite directions, after they have gone their
The 3rd
separate ways many leagues, they join in the country of the Omaguas, under the name of Maranon, the most voluminous river that
known in the world. Its mouth at the ocean of the North is 85 leagues wide. Some are of the opinion that this river was given the name of Maranon on account of the many turns that it makes
its origin to its outlet into
TOWN OF PASCO. On the 13th of May we left the town of Pasco, where the Royal Coffers are situated so that the miners of all those mines can come .to pay their fifth and to smelt the cones of silver that are extracted in their works. This town is situated at the foot of a lake the waters of which are retained by a dam that lets out only
for the use of the smelter.
The streets, improperly called so, as they are without order, are not paved except for some pieces of sidewalk, and are perennially filled with mud. The buildings are the best of all of the towns situated in the pampas and punas of Bombon, because several miners, merchants,
and silver refiners live there; the construction is of mud and stones, and they are roofed with wood or ichu; they are one story high and
their shape
on the outside but
many of them on the inside, although most of them are completely smoked; they are not clean inside. Their rooms are generally dark because of the few and small windows they use on account of the continuous cold that prevails the year round, and the inhabitants are forced to keep a brazier or fireplace always burning with champas and taquia, which is sod and manure from sheep; for this reason smoke is always present and an intolerable stench that gets into the clothing and even into the body, and lasts many months, even though the natives may go to other warmer climates and stay there a long time.
Only the interest in the silver could induce people to live in those places and force them to live closed in, smoked, and frozen with the cold, and unable to walk any long distance on foot without resting and taking fresh breaths, so as to be able to breathe and not suffocate with the nitrogen and carbonic acid gas that are expelled from the calcined minerals and the champas, and that fill and infect the atmosphere with a mephitic and fatal air that they call beta.
Passing several smelters of minerals and lakes we came down to the quebrada of Quinua, a name given to it for the tree called the quinar or, as others pronounce it, quinhuar, which is abundant there and is very useful to the miners of the hill of Yauricocha for the construction of houses and smelters and for fuel, as the wood is
very strong and resistant. From this tree we established the genus Polylepis, a name taken because of the peculiarity of its bark to peel in many thin layers in the manner of vellum or of paper the color
of molasses.
PUEBLO OF CAXAMARQUILLA. We went on to Caxamarquilla, a pueblo of a few inhabitants, situated on the summit of a high hill, though it has also a few houses with several families on the bank of the river; throughout the year they enjoy the best climate in the valley, and they have very good pieces of ground planted with maize, massuas, potatoes, alfalfa, cabbages, lettuce, garlic, onions, and carnations and other ornamental flowers.
We had hardly dismounted in Caxamarquilla when a furious storm came up with thunder and lightning accompanied by a hailstorm that lasted continuously for more than an hour.
to Caxamarquilla is a succession of which are produced by the animals when pits it rains and, when the downpour stops, they become open graves affording very bad footing and very likely to cause horses to stumble and fall, and break their hind or front legs, as happens many times.
Hip6LiTO Ruiz
Caxamarquilla at 10 and, because of the all filled with water and the ground very slippery; for this reason we traveled with not a little discomfort and much effort to the pueblo of Huariaca, situated on the brow of a hill with good soil and covered with various plants which are continually green, and some of them in flower. From Huariaca on, there is a road about half a league long with very few holes, but dangerous because of the declivities and ravines sloping toward the river; beyond this space the road is more level and without hazard until half a league past San Rafael, a small pueblo situated in a small valley with a good climate and at the bank of the river; from there one climbs by a steep hill and about a league of bad road to Rondos, a small Indian pueblo situated on a plateau that is formed at about the middle of the high hill. Its
the 14th
hail of the
temperature is cool, and cold at night; for this reason there are in its neighborhood only potatoes, quinoas, and abas, and some vegetables for consumption, and in the deep quebradas plenty of
Rondos is covered with a variety of minor plants, bushes, shrubbery, trees, and with excellent grass for all kinds of cattle, and for this reason numerous deer frequently appear at
hill of
the road.
passed the night in Rondos. From Quinua to San Rafael there are found at all times alfalfa, vegetables, meats, and other kinds of provisions, but bread is not to be had from Pasco to Huanuco.
small, green,
and some
flowering throughout
the year.
we passed on
species of
Caxamarquilla, huehne of the size of a heron with long, thin legs and long, sharp On its head it has two white, long linear feathers. Its body bill. is gray, with some white feathers on the breast.
we saw
only two
DISTRICT OF AMBO. On the 15th at daybreak, we left Rondos and climbed more than a league of road, very bad because of the many holes that are found in it until one reaches the summit of the hill over which the road continues to the district of Ambo, a distance of
from that pueblo. At this place the river that comes valley of Huariaca joins the river that descends from Huacar, and they form the Pillco river that with that name passes Huanuco. From Ambo to the city of Huanuco there is a level road five leagues in length and very attractive because of the many
five leagues
down the
houses and orchards that are found along its course. One notes on a penetrating and agreeable scent, produced by the perfume that is exhaled continuously by the chirimoyas, guavas, and other fruit trees native to this country and the orange and lemon trees that are plentiful in those orchards. We entered the city of Leon de Huanuco de los Caballeros at three in the afternoon burned by the sun, although its rays were tempered by the north wind blowing in the whole valley from 11 in the morning to 4 or 5 in the
this road
The day before, all my other companions had arrived at Huanuco, all together we spent the following days until the 21st in making
the necessary preparations to begin our work, looking for rooms, and returning the visits that we received from all the most distinguished persons.
the 21st
we made
first of
until the
of July,
when we
During the 42 days that we remained working in Huanuco, we gathered various plants of which I could describe only the following: Buddleia sarmentosa. Solanum incanum and spicatum. Sessea stipulata. Calyxhymenia viscosa. Loranthus puniceus, liga. Prunus
It is virginiana, cherry, for the color, size, and taste of its fruit. cultivated in some orchards of Huanuco. Cuphea ciliata, yerba de
weakGen. nov. Celsia aff. linearis. Heliotropium incanum, parvicalycum, and lanceolatum. Lepidium foetidum, pichiccara, huaura, and mastuerzo silvestre. It is used frequently in enemas to cure the mat del valle, the plant being extracted and rubbed in water and applied hot to the affected parts to clean and heal them. Pounded with lard it is applied to the
culebra, the decoction of which is used frequently to relieve ness and lassitude. Gardoquia striata, socconcha and pichuisa.
Lantana purpurea. Malva aspera. Urena trilobata, and biserrata. Bignonia coerulea, yaravisco. The natives use the bark of this tree for anti-venereal decoctions; from the wood they make
vases in which they put water and drink of it freely against rheumatic pains, and finally they use the powder of the leaves to heal sores after having cleaned them. Coreopsis trifida. Viola purpur ea. Passiflora quadrangularis L.,
tambo. Its fruit, which is the size of a grapehas a bittersweet taste that is not pleasant, but nevertheless
the natives eat it. Mimosa expansa. Tessaria integrifolia, paxaro bobo. Verbena hispida. Salvia nodosa, sacconche, and racemosa. Oestrum undulatum, miu.
From Huanuco
Accident to a mule
Fatiguing march Appearance Description of plants Departure from Difficulties on the march.
arrangements Cuchero and, feeling that I had strength enough to undertake it, I left with the two draftsmen on the 2nd day of July, 1780, following the two botanist companions who had started the day before from Huanuco for the same pueblo. We traveled three leagues this day with no little difficulty caused by my lack of strength.
for the journey to
my bed, I made
On the 3rd at dawn we continued our second day's journey through a very high declivity, dangerous because the road was in part very difficult and the hill so steep that there is no way to save one's life After passing the if one falls from that narrow declivity to the river. a and road with one arrives at many kinds latter, regular pleasant of shrubbery and plants that are found up to the town of Acomayo, that is situated at the entrance to the quebrada, where the montana At a distance from this small Indian pueblo, we spent the begins. a big rock where we could scarcely find room, and we under night the hours awake because of the disturbing noises that came passed from a near-by rock and of the singing of the thousands of little toads that inhabit that place. It had scarcely begun to be daylight on the 4th when the muleteers went to get their animals, and they found a mule dead that had not been tied for grazing like the rest but had come to harm. One of the muleteers went to Acomayo in search of another mule, and we continued our journey accompanied by two men from the pueblo of Huanuco who were passing to the montana, traveling always among shrubs and thorns and other twining plants that cross the narrow road from one side to the other so that it is necessary to walk with the utmost care in order not to hurt one's face and hands on the thorns and branches. At a distance of about a league and a half we found in some fields a number of deer that were grazing without fear of those of us who passed among them. Half a league ahead we came to a very dense montana and a
road full of holes, where it is necessary to let oneself be guided by the mules without attention on part of the rider except to free himself of the branches of the trees that cross the road, in order not to fall, as happens many times to those who travel absent-mindedly.
Hip6LiTO Ruiz
of those
who travel here walk on foot, because the roads are branches to the height of a loaded mule, and they walk barefoot on account of the ever prevailing mud that is found all year round in those places, and on account of the wretchedness in which the natives live. We climbed the steep, hard ridge with great toil, because of the very narrow and deep road and the high steps of which it consists and its deep holes and mires.
free of for this reason the transport
Frequently, these roads are blocked with fallen old trees, and men carry hatchets to cut them, and
the Indians never travel through these montanas without carrying machetes for the same purpose. At two in the afternoon we arrived
Tambo, which is a small plain with a roof made branches and ferns, under which travelers take cover at night and when it rains. In this place I described the purple-leaved cascarilla or quina, that is, Cinchona purpurea, which is abundant there. At 4 we arrived at the pueblo of Chinchao where we rested from the fatigue of the road and the bad past nights. On the 5th we left this town at 8 o'clock in the morning, although the roads were impassable with the rain that fell all night. We passed many farms or plantations of coca, the only product that is cultivated and sold in this quebrada, because all the other things that are planted are only for consumption at home together with other provisions that
at the place called
the night
found the road to Rosapata in which chacra we passed so bad that the mules could scarcely walk without slipping at every step, and many times they slipped with great dexterity by placing the four feet together when the road was steep; other difficulties of this road were the crossing of branches that impeded the traffic, the narrowness of the slopes, and the continuous climbs
and descents.
the 6th
after having suffered numerous falls and great discomfort on the way, because this road was even worse than those of preceding
together in a small ranch that our companions had found. On the 7th the three of us lodged in another one-room hut of the same kind, damp and badly protected from wind and water, as are the very few that can be found in that poor pueblo.
Pueblo Nuevo The Huanuco river and its tributaries Pampahermosa Commerce of the Indians of Langostan The Inca Blowguns Manner of hunting with them Products of the mountains of Cuchero Climate Its effects and the apparel of the peons Fauna of the district of Cuchero Flora Sufferings and want Before the Chuncho Indians Departure from
Extent of Cuchero
Plants described.
At a
sides by other higher and rough hills clothed with big trees, shrubs, reeds, and innumerable plants that cover the entire ground, without leaving the smallest place to plant anything, and without pasture. The pueblo of Cuchero hardly occupies 300 yards in length and 50 in width; in this space there are 11 ranches, a small church with a room for the missionary under
distance of 26 leagues toward the north from the town of of Cuchero is situated in a small plain on a
spiritual guidance there are also recently converted Indian inhabitants, who, being unable to support themselves except with maize and yucas that they planted in small clearings near the pueblo to the east, and with the fish and game that they obtain from the river and mountains, were conducted two years ago by P. Fr. Juan Sugrafiez to a better place, where they founded the pueblo of San Antonio de Chicoplaya or Pueblo Nuevo. The cascarilleros, or collectors of quina, took possession of the ranches as soon as the Indians were moved to Pueblo Nuevo. There are only two entrances to Cuchero, one to the south from Huanuco and the other through the north on the road to the landing place two short leagues downhill to the Huanuco river; it passes there with a considerable volume of water, which comes from the
Chumayo, Cascay, Acomayo, Yarumayo, Panao, Sto. Domingo, and Chacahuasi rivers, and many other small brooks that descend from all those mon tanas. At half a league from the wharf it is joined by the Chinchao river, a league farther down by the Cayumba river, and five leagues down the large Monzon river empties into it, going on through Pampahermosa to Lamas until it joins the famous
Maranon river near the pueblo of Laguna. The Indians of Pampahermosa go up this
wharf at Cuchero, going upstream in eight to twelve days a hundred miles, which they make in four days coming down. The Indians of Lamas spend two or three months in going up to Cuchero and
return in about twenty days. The trade of these Indians consists only of certain cotton materials, tobacco, cacoa, loros, monkeys,
parrots, and some resins and poisons for hunting with a weapon called the zerbatana [blowpipe], in the use of which they are very skilful. They mix this poison from several milky plants called
vejucos, boiling
so that to use
and preparing them in the form and to anoint the points of the
of a solid extract,
little sticks, called
darts, they dilute it first with the milk of the roots of yuca, or Jatropha Manihot, that is cultivated in abundance in the hot valleys
and montanas of Peru, as an edible root when roasted or boiled; from it they get an excellent starch and in some places also make
They use the leaves boiled in water to reduce oedematous inflammations, bathing them with the decoction. They make the zerbatanas from the chonta palm, the wood of which is black and very hard, making two half-tubes beautifully worked and polished on the inside with very fine sand as smooth as the barrel of a gun; afterwards they unite them and dress them with agave thread and they smear them with some resins, producing a perfect tube about two and a half yards long, placing in the opening two tusks of wild boar or other animals, adjusted perfectly so that no air escapes at the time of discharging the dart. This is a small stick of the size of a darning needle, made of wild cane with a very sharp point in front and covered at the other end with wool or
the bread called cazabe. cotton of inich, a kind of Bombax, forming a little ball so that it may enter snugly into the zerbatana and without much pressure, so that
may discharge the dart with violence and it will take its without deviation. The poison is so active that the blood of the bird or other animal hit with the dart begins to clot immediately. In shooting at monkeys, the Indians take the prethe breath
caution of cutting off the point of the dart and then replacing it again, because the speed with which those cunning animals pull
left in,
out the darts does not allow the poison to act, and if this is not they do not die no matter how deep it may have gone in unless it be in a vital spot, but when the point has been cut it remains within and takes effect actively. The game that they hunt with
this poison is eaten
month three individuals from the Renta de Tabacos, accompanied by the priest of Cuchero, embarked to go down to Lamas with the order to establish navigation and the transport of tobacco by the river to Cuchero and to send it afterwards
the 9th day of this
in loads to
Huanuco and Lima. Inasmuch as a few days later there arrived at Cuchero a countermand to the effect that in case the
individuals had not
but to return
to Lima, it is to be suspected that this excellent project will not be carried out which in judgment would be the principal means
expanding the province of Huanuco and of founding new settlements from the pueblo of Lamas along the whole course of the river and of establishing a good commerce in cacao, resins, quina, balof
sams, seeds, and various other products that grow wild in those montanas, such as the arbol del sebo, the almendron, the
and so
climate of Cuchero
nighttime it falls to 6, 7, reputed with good reason to be unhealthy, as are all the places in the mountains where humidity and heat are frequent; to this is added the poor ventilation of those places and the abundance of carbonic acid gas that is expelled by the trees and plants during the
continuously mild in the daytime the and 21 degrees Reaumur and in the and 8 degrees. Among the natives it is
which contributes to excessive transpiration, so that one perspires and drinks water to excess and the body swells and loses its coloring, or auriflamen, as they call it. No less unfavorable to the health of those people and to the peons that come from
night, all of
places for the gathering of coca and cascarilla, the food with which they maintain themselves, for they are reduced to salted meats, yucas, maize, peas, and beans, and to going barefoot,
covered only with a shirt and short pants of tucuyo or of thin baize.
There are two scanty springs of water in the neighborhood of To conduct the water from one of them to the town, the missionary father has taken trunks of the tree called tucuna, a species of Cecropia, splitting them in two lengthwise and leaving
In the whole district of Cuchero there is no pasture since it is all covered with very tall trees, shrubbery, and minor plants; for this reason they do not keep any other stock than some chickens and pigs, but in the mountains there is an abundance of parrots, magpies,
turkey hens, mountain chickens, pajaros arrieros and bacas, two kinds of mountain pigeons, and some night birds with a sad song, like the so-called alma perida, owls, and bats with such a love for the blood of the horses that the animals that spend the night in that place show many bites on their necks in the morning. There are many little birds of sweet song, such as the oropendola [weaver
birds], picaflores
[hummingbirds], papamoscas [flycatchers of fam. a kind of ruisenor [nightingale], zorzales [thrushes], Tyrannidae], and birds of seven colors, and above all the so-called "organist" that with its melodious warbles and trills, enraptures, enchants, and amazes; if its song were lengthy instead of short, there probably would be no other bird in the world to compare with it. This little bird, as big as a canary, feeds on the berries of the innumerable species of Melastomas that abound in that whole montana. In the mountains of Cuchero there are also found monkeys, peccaries, michus, bears, armadillos, casonas or forest dogs, cavies, macamucas, leoncillos, and huayhuas, a kind of small weasel a little larger than a house rat, but longer, and swifter in all its movements, moss-colored on the back and yellowish on the belly, and with a bushy tail like the fox; it is tamed very easily and hunts rats. I had one for more than four months, and during the last days she used to jump to eat at my table and got on my chest without hurting me. A variety of
small butterflies, ants, horseflies, mosquitoes, and many other insects are abundant in those forests. There are three species of bees, two that manufacture very good honey and wax, especially the larger
one, which in size is a half smaller than the common European bee, with the difference that it does not sting and almost always makes
other two are very small, the size of an ant. One of them makes small honeycombs of good honey and wax and does not sting; the
is all
able smarting when it stings and causes a large swelling that lasts many hours. Although the natives say that there is a snake more than six yards long, I saw only four or five small species and a viper
called flamon, that, although very slow in its
dreaded by the natives that they flee from it as from a great enemy, on account of the force of its bite and the speed with which the
poison coagulates the blood. The antidote that those people have discovered to save themselves from death when they have been bitten by the flamon, is human excrement dissolved in urine or
water, taken by mouth, and applied to the bite. I dissected one of those vipers which was two yards long, and I have seen them as
long as three and one-half yards. This one was about as thick as a wrist, and it was of a dark gray color on the back and a darker gray on the belly with lines whitish and brilliant. It had a wide head and a flattened mouth like that of a toad with only one row of curved
teeth in each jaw, with only the difference that the fangs are longer
and more curved; its eyes were dull, and the tail was 6 or 8 inches long and round like the rest of the body. When the Indians saw me skinning the first one, they left me and told me not to touch it because the poison might kill me. Among the many species of trees, shrubs, and plants with which these rocky montanas are covered, one finds the beautiful cascarillo from which cascarilla bark or official quina is obtained, especially in the hills of Casape, Casapillo, Cayumba, and San Cristobal de Cuchero. In these places the trees grow to excessive size, some of them being more than 40 yards tall, and thick and luxuriant in
In order to live in this pueblo, one must bring food from Huanuco because there is no surplus to be found among the poor, unhappy people who inhabit this place and the coca haciendas that are found in that quebrada.
At the end of the month that we stayed in Cuchero, we suffered continual difficulties and need because, as we were inexperienced in this place, the food that we brought on the advice of the natives
and not
eat salted
half putrid,
of the best, so that some days we had to and boiled maize and roasted yucas
instead of bread.
Hardly a month had passed since we came to Cuchero when, on August 1st, 1780, a few minutes after vespers, a peon of the cascarilleros (gatherers of Peruvian bark), named Salinas, spread the alarm and assured Mr. D. and Pa von that we were surrounded by more than three thousand Chuncho, or savage, Indians. To the questions asked him he added that he had seen in Alcalde Minaya's clearing about half an hour before sunset, more than two hundred Indians who had climbed the trees to examine the ground. This sudden incident at such an hour not only surprised and alarmed everyone in that pueblo, but it also frightened Dn. Pavon and Mr. Dombey, to whom the information had been given by the peon Salinas, to s,uch a degree that they decided that the five of us should
by the road to Huanuco notwithstanding the darkness of the which was dangerous with the dense fog that had come after
vespers in that whole montana, and the wretchedness of the road The reasons that all filled with holes, mud, and great precipices. we gave one another for remaining in the pueblo had no weight with any of us, so, taking our arms and some bread in our pockets,
and loaded with our books of botanical descriptions, we left Cuchero with a boy as guide, followed at a few paces by Dombey, Pavon,
I alone stayed behind on account of my Galvez, and Brunete. state after the sickness that I had just passed through, but I resolved to defend myself or die. At that time of the night we sent a man named Rafael Figueroa to an hacienda about half a league from Cuchero to call the cascarilleros, and about fifteen more
Cuchero, and they joined us before nine in the evening. to the road like Dombey and Pavon, at the beginning they called to the others and followed the echo, but since those that were ahead did not answer, those in the rear called me so that we could return to the town, where after much talk we decided to pass the night with sentinels at the end of the road so that the peons should not escape and leave us alone. Among the 45 people that we were, we hardly had one and a half firearms, because the mayor had provided himself with a rusty blunderbuss, without a lock, that he found in a corner of the house of the missionary who on this occasion was in Lamas with the tobacco officials and to be able to discharge the blunderbuss, he had provided himself with a half-burned stick from the fire. The second piece of firearms was that of draftsman Galvez, whose flint had broken, and the largest piece was as big as a silver real; to fire it, it was necessary to strike seven or eight times. To this misfortune was added another one. When he went to load it for the second shot, he was unable to get the ramrod out of the gun and it was necessary to dis-
men from
charge the second bullet and lose it, so that we had only my carand its ramrod was used by Galvez and me. With these three firearms we discharged about twelve or fifteen bullets into the air in
the course of the night to frighten the Chuncho Indians because they are much afraid of firearms. The peons, our servants, and we ourselves
prepared the other arms that were reduced to half a dozen sabers
and knives, and all armed pointblank, we passed the night, some playing and others sleeping. The three companions served as sentinels at the end of the road and, observing how hastily the fog gathered in the quebradas, went down to the river to get water, climbing slowly and spreading over the
and three
they repeated this operation three or four times during the hours
between midnight and five in the morning. At this time it began to dawn, and we could relax our vigilance, sending two men to the place where Salinas had said that he saw the savage Indians. Our companions Dombey and Pavon spent more than four and a half hours in getting to Casapillo, which is about half a league distant from Cuchero, suffering indescribable hardships on the way where
travel almost on
break a leg or the head in the deep holes where they had to walk in to their knees. The boy who served as guide did not know the way, and for this reason they would have fallen into a precipice if their fear had not kept them back. They arrived at Casapillo covered with mud; there they secured clothes and dried those that they had on. They passed the rest of the night at watch over their arms with no less care and fear than we had of the Indians; but the peons were happy with a jug of rum that our companions paid for.
mud up
The 2nd day of August it was barely daylight when our companions sent Juan de Mata and two men with him to Cuchero to find out if the savages had killed us; they thought this had happened, because that and how they could save their lives, had been the subject of their conversation all night long.
Informed by the foreman Juan de Mata that our companions were not thinking of returning to Cuchero, we seized two mules, that had just arrived with food for the cascarilleros, to carry our loads and to take loads of cascarilla on their way back.
Cuchero at three in the afternoon, and with no little we were traveling on foot, we went to pass the night a little beyond Casapillo, and there in the morning after the third we met our companions, and together we continued our trip on foot until we came to the hacienda of Machainio or Rosapata where we spent the night. On the 4th, after having been provided with horses, Dombey and Pavon went off on the road to Huanuco, leaving the loads in Cuchero in the care of their servants until they sent muleteers from Huanuco to get them. We three went to Chinchao to continue our botanizing for another month.
trouble, because
companions at Huanuco the city's miliand the news spread even to Lima that motion, we had been killed by the savages and that these Indians had invaded our lands; for this reason the Commandante of the montafias, Dn. Simon Govea, sent to them Lieutenant Dn. Francisco Senas so that, after being informed of what had happened, he might When the said take the necessary measures to resist the heathens. Senas reached Chinchao, he was informed by us that all had been an invention of Salinas, and he returned to Huanuco after going through Casapillo, where he also was one of the principal overseers. During our stay in Cuchero we discovered many plants, of which
arrival of our
nitida, cascarilla or
Hip6LiTO Ruiz
Cinchona magnifolia, flor de Azahar. Vainilla officinalis, vainilla, the fruits of which are gathered by the Indians and sold in Huanuco. Sauvagesia ciliata, yerba de San Martin. Polypodium simile L., Lonchitis cultrifolium, amomum, racemosum, and tyrsoideum, the seeds
which are quite aromatic and oily, for they spot all paper in which they are kept. Psychotria lutea, repanda, and rubra. Heliocarpus glandulosa, balsa wood, as the trunk of this tree is used for balsas or Prunus nitida. Hippotis triflora. rafts, very light and buoyant. and Tafalla glauca, aitacupi almaciga, for the resin that this tree in similar in odor and color to the grains of produces drops, very the almaciga. Laurus aurantiana. Acalypha Condalia sessilis. Lisianthus and Melastoma pubescens purpurea. grossularioides. is. lobata and Melastoma quadrangular Begonia obliqua. grandiflora,
and latifolia. Solanum anceps, ternatum, and de monte. The Indians eat their fruits. Comrocotico laciniatum, Lobelia scabra. Besleria radicans and biflora. melina nervosa.
Ruellia allata
and paniculata. Rhexia purpurea. Polygala affinis alboLantana aculeata. Browallia demissa. Vandellia diffusa.
tinctoria, gives a beautiful canary-yellow color. Godoya and oblonga spathulata; both species are known by the name of laupe, and their wood is valued for durability and resistance. Sanchezia Miconia pulverulenta, triplinervis, and lanuginosa. Cyprioblonga. pedium grandiflorum. Paulina striata. Maranta capitata. Cuellaria obovata. Guatteria glauca. Clusia rosea, Ageratum secundum.
matapalo, the resin of which is used in hernia. Senecio pyramidatus. CiConvolvulus quinquefolius. Cissampelos cordata and peltata. Molina quinquenervis. trosma pyriformis. Cestrum pulverulatum. Laugeria hirsuta. Verbena adpressa. Eupatorium hirtum. Cytisus purpureus, chucholle. Sobralia dichotoma. Cecropia aquifera, tacuma. Coussapoa latifolia and obovata. Ficus striata. Coffea occidentalis.
Theobroma Cacao. Erythrina incarnata, haynura, abundant in Puzuzo. Palma pullipuntu. Palaua hirsuta. Peperomia obliqua, Echites acuminata and subsagittata. striata, scandens, and concava.
Piper acutifolium, scabrum, polystachion, obliquum, filiforme, acuminatum, ovatum, and mite. Calceolaria perfoliata. Justicia tenuifolia and punctata. O'Higginsia aggregata. Riqueuria avenia. Negretia
plana. Vismia tomentosa. Macrocnemum pubescens. Bixa Orellana, The seeds are reputed to be an achote, achiote, and huantura. excellent diuretic, and they give color to food and serve also as dyes.
This tree
of pastures
Chinchao and
Agricultural products
Plants gathered.
or adobe,
of straw.
very bright
and, although in the other seasons of the year it rains frequently, there is not a day when the sun does not shine. The prevailing winds
are north and south, and for this reason the climate
thermometer goes down to six or eight degrees Re'aumur during the night, and rises at most to twenty-four degrees.
In the vicinity of Chinchao there passes a little brook of good, and transparent water that descends by a small gorge situated
no pasture, and the little that is found where they have cut down the trees is a very rough and hard grass that is eaten only as a matter of necessity by the mules that come and go in the valley to take the loads of coca and cascarilla or quina.
able to get that poor and scanty pasture, the natives are to burn those places in the months of July and August to obliged prevent any trees and big plants from growing, and in that way to
get more tender grass.
To be
Some food is usually to be found in this pueblo since it is on the route from Huanuco to the 74 coca plantations that exist
in the valley
to four or
Aside from the coca, Erythroxylon common, ordinary which is the commercial Coca, only product of that valley, they roots some and fruits for their plant support, such as yucas, achyras, a arracachas, potatoes, mallicas, species of Dioscorea, ssagui (a species of Calla), montafia cabbage (a species of Carica}, sugar cane, maize,
beans, anonas, avocados, plantains, papayas, and some pineapples. The chicha is seldom missing in this pueblo and on those haciendas
There are the same kinds of animals, birds, and insects that have been mentioned in the account of Cuchero. Like that of this pueblo, the terrain of Chinchao abounds in various kinds of trees and plants.
During the month that I stayed in this place, I gathered a beautiful collection of plant skeletons (dried plants) and sketches, of which I This shrub is described the following. Erythroxylon Coca, coca.
cultivated in the whole quebrada of Chinchao, in Puzuzo, ChacaAcosta huasi, and in all the entrances to the montafia of Peru.
Schinus Mayco, mayco. A beautiful little tree, but its shade causes a great number of poisonous boils, with burning and itching, that appear on the hands and the exposed parts of the body of those who seek shade under it. Not all constitutions are receptive to this poison, which is cured with the Valeriana chaerophylla, known by the name of albergilla, roasted and applied as hot as it can be borne. Sisyrinchium Bermudiana?
Peperomia purpurea,
Solanum diformifolium, obliquum, pubescens, variegatum,andacuminatum. Fuchsia mitifolia. Melastoma subsessilis and cordata. Amaryllis miniata, lacre de montafia, because the gluten of its bulbs which, when cut and exposed to the
Psychotria truncata.
air turns the color of sealing
wax, is used to close letters that then cannot be opened without tearing the envelope. Crotalaria retusa? Gonzalagunia dependens. Cornidia umbellala. Passiflora maliformis, Urtica sparsa, geniculata, striata, nuda, and granadilla de mono. fumigera, which has been discussed in another place in this book. Dracocephalum? odoratum. Aster crosum. Condalia lanceolata and
obovata. Eupalorium obovatum, carinatum, and coriaceum. Ageratum secundum and trinerve. Melastoma crenata and carinata. Macrocnemum venosum and corymbosum, ccarato, i.e. cow's hide, from the size and consistency of its leaves. Achyranlhes geniculata. Molina venosa. Calla acuminata and polystachia, ssagui and gaqui. They
cultivate this plant in order to eat its fleshy roots, which are bitter and poisonous when they are not cultivated. Pothos sagittatocordata and hastata. Arum rosaceum, a plant that climbs the trees and kills them. Roetia glandulosa. Arum lanceolatum. Clinopodium procumbens and biserratum. Althaea cornuta, an Urena? Eupatorium balsamicum, the flowers of which are in great corymbs and exhale a sweet aroma very similar to that of black or Peruvian balsam, and which may be noticed all over the quebrada from sunrise to
Echites spiralis. Besleria diversicolor Serapias ciliata. Senecio odoratus. Palaua biserrata. Polygala aff.
and montana, the roots of which they make the use already mentioned. Dioscorea triloba, mallica or papa de montana, which they cultivate between the coca trees to gather the fleshy roots, that are quite large and are divided into several branches like the roots of Peonia; inside their color is purple, and the flavor is very good and pleasant to the taste when they are boiled or roasted Mecardonia ovata. Cacalia? pubescens. Bombax trilobum, huampo and balsa wood its moss cotton, although a little short, can be used for mattresses and pillows owing to its softness and light weight and because, when
incarnata. Ficus retusa? Lobelia hirsuta. Escobedia scabra, saffron spice of the
compressed, it returns to its spongy state by exposure to the sun. Its wood is esteemed for rafts because of its light and buoyant quality. Sobralia dichotoma and amplexicaulis. Actinophyllum pentandrum. Gesneria acinaciformis. Heliconia latifolia and angustifolia. MalCostus ruber. Satyrium pubescens. Lisianthus pighia glandulosa, corymbosus and
Departure of Galvez, Brunete, and Ruiz Finding of cinchona some march Plants gathered Stramonium and its uses Case of The maguey and its many uses.
On September, 1st 1780, draftsman Galvez left Chinchao for Huanuco, and on the 3rd Brunete set out in my company, and without trouble we reached the inn at Pati, where we spent the night with much inconvenience as the cold wind came through that shelter everywhere. Here is found not only Cinchona purpurea, but also officinalis, of which a few arrobas of bark have been gathered. On
at 5 o'clock in the afternoon
the 4th at 8 o'clock in the morning we left Pati, and we arrived in the pueblo of Acomayo
after having suffered greatly on the steep ridge of Carpis from the climb and descent of those steps and the holes and bad condition of
the road. On the 5th we arrived in the city of Huanuco at 4:30 in the afternoon, leaving the muleteers behind with the loads.
During the months of September and October I gathered, dried, and described the following plants in the vicinity of Huanuco. Coccoloba carinata, mullaca, the infusion from which is used against
bladder trouble. Ruellia ciliata. Pectis trifida, afcapichana, a bitter Lycium plant used against fevers in infusions and decoctions. spathulatum. Croton nudus. Varronia erecta[f]. Agenium pimpinelaeTribulus maximus L. Indigofera argentea. Melochia plicata. folia.
Rauwolfia flexuosa, turucaffa. Triumfetta subtriloba and Lappula. Its flowers expel a beautiful fragrance in the morning, and from its branches small crosses are made in some places, the thorns serv-
Bignonia pentagona. Zinnia pauciflora L. Datura conco tronco and franuco, the name by which it is known in all of Peru for its abundance and the bad use that the Indians make of its seeds reduced to powder, to stupefy one another when they feel offended, by putting a certain quantity into food or drink; hence the common saying in Peru: Esta chamicado or chamicada, a person who is pensive, taciturn, or too happy or drunk.
ing as arms.
years of age gave another boy of his own age chamico powder in bread, and in a few hours its malignant properties produced their
Our companion
Dombey was called to treat him and, although he administered repeated emetics, the boy became stupefied and did not at that time regain his natural happiness and skill in boyish games and pranks. This plant is so abundant in Huanuco that there is not a street where it is not found and, on account of what had happened, the corregidor ordered that all the plants in the town be burned; this order was carried out exactly as given but, when we later returned to Huanuco we found the same abundance in the streets. The crushed leaves and seeds are applied as a poultice to skin bruises with very good results. Some drink the infusion of a few leaves for irritation of the
by drastic purgatives. The crushed leaves apwith to plied vinegar spine and kidneys are often used to mitigate the fevers and pains of gout and to reduce the inflammation of hernias. Agave americana, maguey of Mexico, pita and ancas champatra, a plant very abundant in the province of Huanuco; its boiled roots are employed by the Indians as an excellent sudorific for rheumatic and venereal pains. The stems, that regularly grow to 8 or 10 yards, are straight and as thick as a thigh at the base and, getting thinner toward the tip, are used instead of beams to roof houses and, although they are spongy so that their heart serves as excellent tinder, they resist the weight that is put on them and never become insect-eaten. From the leaves the natives get thread for various purposes, and from their juices they make an admirable
urine and sores caused
extract, or "honey," as it is called, to clean and heal ulcers. method of obtaining this honey is to half-roast the leaves
hot and then to evaporate to the consistency of honey, which they apply to cure the scabies that animals get in the head and feet. They use maguey to enclose orchards, and it forms an impregnable enclosure for all kinds of animals.
express the juice while
Padre Acosta, speaking of the maguey, calls it "the tree of wonders" because of the many useful things that are made of it, such
as wine, vinegar,
and escabra, cabullas or native magueyes; from obtained for various purposes, and their stems are used to cover roofs in the whole province; removing the woody exterior, they use it as tinder, burning it first at one end so that it will catch fire more readily at the stroke of the flint against the stone.
these thread
It is
an excellent substitute
had arranged the dried plants of my collections into classes and had put the generic and trivial names on each species, I decided
to go with draftsman Galvez to the province of Huamalies.
Departure from Huanuco
mule Arrival at Chavinillo The corregidor Dn. Ignacio de Cahuac, Ovas, and Chupan Vegetation Woolen works.
Loss of GalUlloa
On October 25th, 1780 I left Huanuco with draftsman Galvez at 8 o'clock in the morning; there was some cloudiness that ended in a copious rainfall just as we had passed the quebrada of Las Higueras, pleasant and interesting on account of the luxuriance and fertility of its fields and the plantations of vegetables and corn with which the
two banks
of the river are covered, cultivated by the Indians of those Six leagues from Huanuco the guide stayed behind because his
mule was
tired, and Galvez, a servant, and I continued our trip half a league ahead, where we lost our way until a traveler put us right. As Galvez was turning his mule to return to our road, the animal lost its footing and fell over a high, sloping bank, Galvez being saved by holding on to a small plant. At this misfortune we left the servant with the injured animal and, Galvez mounting the servant's mule, we continued our way to the town of Chavinillo, a distance of 14 leagues from Huanuco, where we arrived all wet at 5 o'clock in the afternoon without having been notified that the corregidor Dn. Ignacio de Ulloa had just left the town after he had finished the trial of several rebellious Indians later sent to the house of correction in Quivilla; for this reason we found only women and four men in the town. We passed the night in great discomfort, reclining on some stone benches on which there was a little ichu that served us as mattresses.
On the 26th we passed through the pueblos of Cahuac and Ovas, where the corregidor, with 200 mestizos that he had with him, had finished meting out justice to the rebellious people of that town and had sent them to Chupan where he punished those who had taken
part in the revolt.
The town
cold climate; one finds there only grass on which great numbers of cattle and sheep are raised, and one sees no large plants, unless it
be Sambucus nigra within the settlements, but in the depths they plant potatoes, the only product in those towns. On the 27th we went on to Quivilla, taking ahead of us the rebellious people to make them pay for their guilt in the house of correction that
the 28th it was raining, and we could not go out to find plants in that quebrada, and we were satisfied to examine the work of the house of correction and the warehouses for woven goods which
are brought by the Indians of that province in great quantities, as this is the largest branch of trade that they have.
following days until the 2nd of November I made several through the quebrada, notwithstanding the continued
found scarcely any larger plants, and the few that are had already examined in Huanuco and other places.
For this reason we decided to return to Huanuco by way of the old town of Huanuco, but this we could not do on account of the rains, and we passed on the 2nd to Chavinillo, wet to the bone, and had several scares as we traveled for more than an hour in the dark over bad roads with narrow and dangerous precipices. On the 3rd we arrived in Huanuco.
province The river that crosses it is the Maraiion, according to La Condamine and other geographers The Patay RonAbundance of cattle The dos, Tazo, and Huanuco rivers Fertility of the soil trade in wool Discovery of silver in the desert of Huayanca Discovery of mercury and silver in the hill of Chonta and district of Ayras Placer gold in Chavin
Thermal springs and ancient monuments Aetites Parishes Quivilla and the Inhabitants of this province and their dress Drunkenness and its consequences Love of dancing.
pagan Indians. Its length from north to south is 82 leagues, and its width from east to west is 30, although in some parts it is only 12.
It is divided into
of the
mountains and
having a mild
climate and the high ground a rigorous one, especially in its southern part. In the principal quebrada or narrow valley of this province,
a river that Padre Fritz in his geographical letter holds to be the Maranon, an opinion also held also by M. de la Condamine; Padre Fr. Manuel Sobreviela confirms their opinions, in a map made in 1791.' It has its beginning in Lake Lauricocha at the end of the of Tarma, 6 leagues distant from that of Huamalies. The province
Patay or Rondos
that joins with the Huanuco seven leagues farther below the wharf In the parish of Huacaybamba there are found some of Cuchero. farms with so much heat the year round that to this is attributed
the fact that the inhabitants are darker than those of the rest of the province; that is the reason they call them zambos.
seeds, such as some wheat, barley, maize, potatoes, ockas, alfalfa for the animals, sugar cane from
which they make chancaca, alfenique, honey and guarapo, guavas, excellent and large paltas and chirimoyas, plantains, tunas, figs,
peaches; and, in the montana, very good pineapples.
written in the margin of the original, and no doubt in Spain he finally wrote the history of
his journey.
gardens they cultivate a variety of flowers with which, during the year, the women decorate the altars and images in the churches. The montanas produce a multitude of trees and plants with medicinal and various other uses. They also produce the cascarilla or quina oficinal and other species, samples of which I have in my possession. At the entrances or edges of the montanas there are some coca trees the leaves of which they sell to the miners of Huayanca and Pasco. There are also found precious woods.
As for the elevations where no fruit is raised because of the cold, thousands of heads of cattle and horses graze there, and for this reason there are many farms in the punas. The pasture on which all these cattle are maintained is the grass called ichu, and some other
smaller grasses and small nutritious plants.
They gather considerable amounts of wool from which they make native cloth; the principal commerce of this province is taking this cloth to be sold at Bombon, Lima, and other places.
Besides the wool that they obtain from the sheep of the whole
province, they buy many arrobas from other places, so as not to stop the work in the mills, and usually these purchases are paid with the cloth made from the same wool.
In the years 1778 and 1779 many silver mines of good yield were discovered in the desert of Huayanca. Some ores had given 400 marcos [3,200 ounces] per box. For this reason there is a town of about 500 inhabitants today, while in the year 1776 there were only vicunas and other animals of the punas inhabiting that site. In the hill called Chonta they have discovered a mercury mine, from which they have taken some small quantities of that metal. Some twenty years ago they discovered silver mines in the district of Ayras, where there are only two miners working and there is only one country house, at a short distance from Huayanca.
There are some gold mines that are not worked because of the great cost of operations. In the town of Chavin there are gold washers, and some persons have taken out good quantities of the metal.
Between Aguamiro and Banes, there are fountains of thermal Near this last town are the royal highway of the Incas which I mentioned under the province of Tarma, the ruins of one of their palaces with a bath of stone perfectly joined, and the ruins of a temple and fort in the summit of a mountain looking towards the
Quivilla or Maranon river. Finally, in a pampa or plain with a cold climate, called Huanuco el Viejo, 14 leagues distant from where the
city of
The province of Huamalies is divided into 8 parishes distributed on the two banks of the river, and most of the towns are located on high ground. The first parish is that of the town of Banos with 7 annexes named Rondos,
Cosma, Chupan, Quipas, Chuqui, Marias, and Margos that belong to the jurisTarma. The second is that of the town of Jesus with the annexes Xivia, Huaccrin, Choras, and Llacos that also belong to Tarma. The third is that of Pachas with the annexes Sillapata, Lianas, Aguamiro, Ovas, The fourth that of Llata with the annexes Pufios Cahuac, and Chavinillo. and Miraflores. The fifth that of Zinha with the annexes Punchac and Huacachi. The sixth that of Chavin de Pariarca with the annexes Tantamayo, Hacas, Xican, The seventh is that of Huacaybamba, in which they Chipaco, and Monzon. grow sugar cane, with the annexes Rondobamba and Huarihancha. The eighth is that of Huacrachuco, where sugar cane is raised also, with the annexes Llamos and Quirin.
diction of the province of
The valley of Arancai, situated to the east [?] of the Monzon river, has five farms that belong ecclesiastically to the parish of Uco pertaining to the province of Conchucos.
In the large house of correction at Quivilla, that is in the center of the province on the banks of the Maranon, the corregidores had their residence until the year 1780 when Dn. Ignacio de Santiago de
Ulloa established his in Huayanca, on account of the discovery of the mines. Quivilla belongs to the parish of Pachas.
In Quivilla, to facilitate the communication of the pueblos of one bank with those of the other, there is an excellent cable bridge constructed by Corregidor Dn. Domingo de Cagiga, who was killed by the Indians who later went to Quivilla and burned his house in the dead of the night. This bridge is more than 30 yards long and is well constructed on top of some rocks.
The majority of the inhabitants of this province are Indians, and some are mestizos but very few are whites. They dress in clothes from their own looms, of a navy blue color. They walk barefoot even on the coldest of days and, if at any time they protect their
feet, it is
with a piece of cowhide to cover the sole of the foot, tied with two strips of the same hide, This footwear is called sucuyes.
Many women
in the
dress in arracos
towns as on the farms where many spend their lives taking care of the cattle and spinning wool in the fields, for the making of xergas, tucuyo, ponchos, neckpieces, handkerchiefs, and rugs of different forms and sizes, decorating them with various animals, birds, and other figures.
The Indians
are given to drunkenness, especially on holidays, of this, they continually start disturbances themselves or with the mestizos and sometimes with the
and corregidores. In the towns where there is a cacique, dissensions are known to have lasted more than a year, the cacique inciting the Indians not only of his town but of other towns as well, and neither the authority of the justices nor the respect for the priests has been
priests, justices,
The women are more peaceful and not at all inclined to drunkenness, and they try to keep the Indians from many fights. They are more industrious in any type of work and prove it by their continuous attention to the ranches, family, and cattle, and they do not take part in the drinking bouts of their husbands; if they do so at any time, it is when they seed or plant the little farms and at this work the husband helps with all of his relations. If it were not for the chicha that their wives make for these days, the Indians would not help with this work.
In the harvest the
or weedings.
women work
The Indians are very fond of dancing festivities and, when they have them on the days of the Feast of the Three Kings, Corpus, and the days of the patron saints of their pueblos, and so forth, the fun and drunkenness last eight or more days, and if the corregidores and justices did not make them work to pay their tribute to the King, and other taxes that are imposed, the whole year would be a holiday; so it is said that one day of drinking is worth more than hundred lashes.
The Indians
are not religious, in contrast with their wives,
on feast days as well as on workdays decorate the altars and images with various flowers which they cultivate in their gardens
for that purpose.
more friendly and charitable in the midst of their poverty produced by the laziness and abandon of their husbands, who spend in drink what their wives make with their continuous work of spinning wool, weaving, and planting. On November 2nd we returned to Huanuco through Chavinillo.
are also
Misfortune of a muleteer Incidents of the trip the year 1780-81 Plants gathered and their uses.
On November
companions' salaries
authority given to me by them for that purpose. I spent the night in San Rafael. On the 21st, when we had traveled more than a and a half league beyond Huariaca, the leading muleteer's animal
and the rider dismounted in the middle of a very and narrow incline, so that he had to walk behind his mule. dangerous On arriving near the summit of the hill, the mules that were going ahead stopped and, to make them start again, he threw a stone, but at the same time his mule gave him a kick in the face that broke the cheek bone, and he fell to the ground unconscious, where with his twistings he would have been in imminent danger of falling into the river from those heights, if I had not dismounted so quickly and pulled him by the legs to the middle of the road. At my cries his brother and my servant that were ahead came immediately, and between the three of us we were able to hold him until he came to his senses. For the time being I placed two handkerchiefs drenched in brandy on his cheek to stop five spouts of blood that came out of that poor muleteer in profusion, as if from as many incisions. We took him to the first brook and washed him, and I applied some balsamic plants pounded between two stones, and with these I succeeded in stopping the bleeding completely, because he was almost fainting and could scarcely speak. We took him afterwards to the first house, where I treated him again and left him with instructions, telling them what to do with him until my return from Pasco; the rest of us continued our journey thither, reaching that town at eleven at night with great difficulty on account of the darkness of the night and the lightning and thunder that followed us for more than two leagues on the heights of Bombon where we lost our way. I stayed one day in Pasco, and on the 23rd we returned to Caxamarquilla, being unable to continue farther because of the heavy showers, and because my servant and the muleteer had gone astray more than two leagues.
On the 24th we stopped to sleep at Rondos, and we found the man who was hurt at Huariaca more spirited and determined to go
Huanuco by way
of the quebrada,
been treated. We arrived at Huanuco on the 25th without any other trouble than losing a mule and its load of silver in one of the precThe wounded man recovered within two months, after havipices. ing had four pieces of bone extracted from his cheek.
From the 4th of November, 1780 until the 22nd of March, 1781 we continued our work in the hills, quebradas, and valleys of Huanuand during this time I finished several descriptions of the plants brought from the montanas. I dried and described the following plants gathered on the road and in the territory surrounding Huanuco. Viola bicolor. Eupatorium scabrum. Spermacoce pilosa,
Cardiospermum biternatum. Vermifuga corymmatagusanos, contrayerba and chinapaya, which is employed crushed and is applied in the form of a poultice to cure maggots
tenuior, uspica.
very useful. Calceolaria pinnata L., Ricinus communis, higuerilla de la Ricinus ruber, higuerilla mexicana. From the seeds of
it is
Callisia repens L.
by expression, an oil that is used for lighting their houses, and especially for the lamps in the churches. They also use this oil as a caustic and suppurative for external tumors. Achyranthes obovata and rigida, Moorish grass, female and male, the decoction of which is used to stop hemorrhages, and when ground with salt is applied to clean ulcers and heal them, poultices being changed every 24 hours. Finally, with them they cure injuries to the feet caused by the pricks of their calyces to those that go barefooted, for the grass is so common in Huanuco that its plazas and streets are paved with them. Celosia conferta, yerba de la sangre, on account of the property of the juice and decoction of its bulbs, of stopping the flow of blood. Sicyos cirrhosa, calabaza Bauhinia rosea and aculeata. Gencimarrona, or wild pumpkin.
tiana serrata, minutissima,
and luteopurpurea. Lobelia subpetiolata, Molina Acaena amentifolia. and purpurea. Malva incana. Tagetes integrifolia, chinchi. palmito.
Eryngium coeruleum. Salvia alba. Calceoand viscosa. Periphragmos uniStrong wood suitable florus and flexuosus. Pineda incana, llogui. for making ramrods and walking canes. Horminum? triangulare. Aster lyratus and lanuginosus. Urtica ruDioscorea acuminata. Sida incana. Mimulus subumbellatus. gosa. Piper angustifoliSolanum um, moho-moho, and lineatum. Psychotria hirsuta. Caballeria ferruginea. angustifolium, dichotomum, and diffusum.
Passiflora subtripartita.
laria dentata,
Sanicula canadensis L.
Cuellaria ferruginea.
Banisteria fulgens.
Hip6LiTO Ruiz
Asplenium salicilifolium. Adiantum trapeziforme and brachiatum. Hemionitis falcata. Polypodium acanthifolium, volubile, racemosum, furcatum, trilobum, dichotomum, and acutifolium. Pteris bipartite,, Marchantia polymorpha L. Tricurvata, auriculata, and crenata. chomanes fimbriatum and interruptum. Lycopodium peregrinum, nutans, and prostratum. Scorzonera ciliata and peruviana. Bryonia cordifolia. Phyllanthus Niruri L. Narcissus odorus, abundant in Lima and Chancay. Eupatorium sagittatum.
of the road
The advice
of a traveler
Arrival at Huariaca
Plants of
this region
On the 22nd of March, 1781 I left Huanuco for Lima and, without any mishap on the way, I slept that night at the site of Ambo; on the 23rd I went on from there to the pueblo of Rondos ahead of the muleteers, with the purpose of gathering the plants that were in bloom at that season.
the muleteers stopped one league from the that the road was too heavy from the rain that pueblo, claiming overtook them during the trip.
this reason
The draftsmen Brunete and Galvez left Huanuco on the 23rd, and Dombey and Pavon on the 24th. This same day my muleteers arrived at Rondos at 10:30, and at this hour I made them unload the paper and presses to accommodate and change the plants that I had gathered. At 12 I left Rondos, travelling with the muleteers until 5 in the afternoon when, to avoid a furious and sudden storm, I went ahead with my servant and my bed, leaving the muleteers with the rest of the loads because it was impossible to hurry the mules, frightened as they were by the noise of the thunder and lightning, and the heavy showers that followed. The men had to stay in that place in order not to expose the mules to a fall down one of the precipices and ravines of the slippery road that remained to Huariaca, where, in spite of the dark night and the terrible storm, I arrived happily, following the sound of the steps of a person that I heard walking ahead of me with his donkey after my servant had fallen behind and failed to answer my calls. I asked the Indian or mestizo where he was going, and what the distance was to Huariaca, and how many bad passes there were. To all my questions he answered in Spanish, and he promised to tell me when we reached the bad passes; this he did properly, otherwise I would have fallen into the river on one of the three occasions when my mule slipped, but the Indian told me to let the animal get up and walk at his will without my touching the bridle. After having passed all the bad places, I begged the Indian, offering him money, to go back and look for my servant, but he answered that the latter would appear sooner or later. Nevertheless I continued to repeat the whistling, calling for my servant, and he did not answer
path, leaving
long after the Indian, or whatever he was, had gone ahead by another me after he had told me that I was near the town.
For more than half a league my servant did not answer me; for this reason I thought that he had fallen down the precipice to the noisy river that prevented us from hearing one another.
A little before reaching Huariaca I repeated the whistle and had the satisfaction of hearing my servant answer, saying that the mule with the bed and the other saddle mule that came unencumbered
had been
and the
orders to the alcalde to send two Indians in the morning in search for the bed; they found it, a league and a half from Huariaca, on top of the mule which was resting in the road. For the saddle mount
he asked to have a horse tied in the plaza, and mule appeared in a quarter of an hour.
whinnied, the
found myself in such imminent danger of narrow path made slippery by the water that poured without ceasing from the bursting of the frequent clouds that succeeded each other without intermission for more than an hour.
The muleteers
arrived at Huariaca on the 25th, with the loads we had to stay and dry them that day.
At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the draftsmen arrived at this town, and they went the next day, leaving the loads behind. I followed my muleteers about 2 leagues, going ahead then to the mine at the cerro of Yauricocha, being detained there by another storm like the previous one.
arrived at the cerro without having experienced on the road misfortune any except the cold of those heights, the inconvenience of several mudholes, and a brief shower that caught me a little before arriving in the town. The muleteers did not come until the 27th. On the following day, the 28th, we left the mine of the cerro; I slept in Diezmo on the skin used under the riding-saddle, because my muleteers had taken a different route. The 29th I spent the night in the estancia of Palcamayo without any other trouble than the cold of those punas, situated at the foot of the cordillera where, notwithstanding the cold of the nights, they keep numerous cattle and Castilian sheep these graze on the ichu and the short but abundant grass that is found there throughout the year with other plants,
there are several gentians and some Diadelphias, Synand Cryptogamias. genesias, On the 30th we were overtaken a league from Palcamayo by a thunderstorm and by lightning, and a copious fall of hail followed that lasted for two hours until we crossed the lofty Cerro de la Viuda, that is permanently covered with snow because it is the
among which
highest in
those cordilleras.
At 8
o'clock at night we arrived at the pueblo of Culluay so wet shivering with cold that the overseer of the muleteers came
of tertian fever such as
the 31st
travelled only four leagues, because some of the feet, owing to the dampness and the hardness
we spent the night in a small hut, a quarter from Obrajillo; the extreme heat caused by the rays of the sun is felt there in the daytime. On the 2nd we slept in another little hut half a league from Quibe, and because I could not find there any plants different from those found in Lima, I went ahead of the muleteers by the road to Rioseco, a very hot, dry, and sterile place, as it is boxed in between two high hills of rock and sand. I passed the hacienda of Caballero where they maintain a number I arrived at of cattle and horses in the alfalfa and grass fields.
April 1st, 1781,
of a mile
Lima without any special incidents on the trip they had made through the town of Tarma and the quebrada of Huarocheri. Finally on the 15th Dombey and Pavon arrived by way of the quebrada
Canta without other misfortune than many showers and cold weather such as I had experienced, and that of being held up by robbers who tried to steal their mules one night.
As the
result of our daily excursions, our legs were covered, as ended in very annoying and
itching pimples, so that especially at night we passed whole hours scratching until our skin was raw. The remedy for our trouble was
either to leave the
montanas or not to walk on Our companion Pavon was stricken, besides this
with a skin
with matter which cover the hands and the buttocks and sometimes the neck, accompanied by some fever. This malady originates,
according to the Indians, from two species of Schinus, known there by the name mayco. This affliction is cured with albergilla, a species of Valeriana, which is applied roasted in bunches as hot as it can be borne over the boils, and in that way they disappear in 8 or 10 days. While this malady lasts the patient is almost unable to work.
Limits of the province of Canta Plants of this region Population.
The province
province of Tarma, to the west on that of Chancay and part of the province of Chacras, to the south on that of Huarocheri, and for the rest on the province of Cercado. It extends 24 leagues from
The climate in the mountains and in the punas is quite cold, and at night it freezes and there is ice, but in the daytime this is melted by the heat of the sun. In the folds and low places of the mountains it is temperate, but in the luxuriant quebradas hot all year round. The land is broken, although on the sides of the mountains and in the quebradas there are some small plains where they plant and gather various roots and seeds, such as potatoes, massuas, arracachas, maize, abas, beans, barley, alfalfa, vegetables, and several
fruits of the country,
In the heights and mountainous regions where there of ichu and short grass, many cattle are kept and
an abundance
of llamas,
vicunas, huanacos,
and viscachas.
In the houses and farms of the punas and the mountains, they burn champas or tufts, prepared as I have already told in the account of the mine of Pucara.
way down
are a few mines that formerly were worked and gave as much as 200 marcos [3,200 ounces] of silver per box, but none are worked
in this province.
vitriol ores
There are gravel pits, and hematite, alum, and two hills of magnetite.
There are various small brooks that descend from the range of mountains and quebradas, but there are only two rivers with an abundance of water; one is the Carabaillo that has its origin in the lakes Hacaybamba and Sorococha; it empties into the sea to the south between Lima and Chancay. The other river is the Huombra that comes from Lake Punrum, which is 3 leagues in length and 2 in width, and enters the Pari or Oroya river, as do also the waters
that pour from lakes Huaychao, Pamacocha, Cullue, and from Lake Huayllasrun, that is 5 leagues in length and 2 in width.
the snow
In some quebradas, the malady called verrugas is common and, does not break out immediately, there follows a long, troublesome, and dangerous sickness. To cure the verrugas the natives
if it
make much
Also very
The natives blame on the sting of the uta, a very small insect almost imperceptible to the naked eye.
this affliction
larly of the face; it is healed only after a long culty, and for this reason many people die of it.
some cases
of tertians, pains
and spotted
by the Indians with herbs, as there are no doctors there, nor could any be maintained with the scanty means of the inhabitants, so that they make use of medicinal herbs which are very abundant in those quebradas, serranias, and punas. Among these plants there
are the true calaguala, the ramaysantra, quinchamali or chimchamali, chancano or huachancano, that is, poor man's purge, Euphorbia tuberosa, of the roots of
about a drachm
which the Indians make frequent use, taking an infusion for a laxative and, when they want to
stop the action, they take a glass of cold water. In Huanuco they make a conserve with equal parts of sugar and fresh roots, and they give two drachms for each dose; in this
There are many different species of cactus found in the hot quebradas and on the sides of the hills, and in the depths there is an abundance of calceolarias, several Syngenesias and Malvaceas;
there are
other precious plants, such as the molinas, sarachas, periphragmos, loasas, Fraxinus, Scorzonera
This province includes 54 pueblos and some ranches and farms, 12,150 inhabitants, most of them Indians, and not more than 60 Spaniards and 1,730 mestizos. It is divided into 9 parishes, which are: The first that of the pueblo of Canta with the annexes Chaqui, Carhua, Obrajillo, and Pariamarca. The second that The third that of of Pamacocha with the annexes Ccarhuacayan and Llanta. Pari with 12 annexes: Uchayucarpa, Huayllay, Huaychao, Pacaraos, Vichaycocha,
Santa Cruz, Sta. Catalina, Chapca, Ravira, Chuspas, Culli, and Viscas. The fourth that of the high Atabalillos with the annexes Pasachisque, Huaroquin, Ccormo, Pirca, Banos, and Ataxpamarca. The fifth that of Lampian with the The sixth is that of the low Atabalillos with the annexes Cotoc and Carac. annexes Pallac, Chaupis, San Agustin, Huascoy, San Juan, and Pampas. The seventh that of Huamantanha, where they worship a sacred crucifix which is visited very often; with the annexes Puruchuco where there is excellent earth for the making of pottery Quipan, Marco, Sumbirca, Aina Huandaro, and Rauma. The eighth is that of San Buenaventura with the annexes San Jose, San Miguel, Huacos, Huaros, and Culluay. The ninth is that of Arahuay with the annexes Bucas, San Lorenzo, Pampacocha, Anaica, Yaso, Mayo, Quion, Tansa, and Quibe. Here is found a poor chapel that was the house in which the glorious Sta. Rosa de Lima lived several years.
work mostly as
drivers of mules,
especially in the mines of the hills, carrying the ore from the mines to the smelters. Others work at digging mines and for that reason
The women work the fields and take care of the family while the husbands labor at the mines. They also spin, and one sees some wool and cotton cloth for their use. They dress
have many mules.
many petticoats. From the 16th of April, 1781 until the 4th of July of the same year, we stayed in Lima drying the plants that we had gathered on
anacos and
the the
them by
classes in
finished with the descriptions of the same, and I arranged packages and then collected several plants in
hills and valleys of Lima to replace those sent in the boat "El Buen Consejo," which, we were told, had been captured by the English, but we did not know then that it had left all the freight in the
Islas Terceras.
After packing in boxes the products gathered in Tarma and Huanuco, and their montanas and trails, we decided to go to the province of Chancay a^ain, to replace the loss of the dried plants and sketches from that province that were sent to Spain in the vessel
The hacienda
of Torreblanca
and Dn. Toribio Bravo Botanizing and plants gathered Trip to Huaura and plants studied Tutumos, huanabanos Uses and common names.
Lima by order of the Viceroy, to go in the company of an official of the navy and a pilot to the port of Callao where they were to make some observations on the tides. We arrived at Torreblanca at 7:30
at night without mishap.
From the 6th of July, 1781 until the 10th of August of the same we stayed in the hacienda of Torreblanca, accompanied many
days by the owner, Dn. Toribio Bravo of Castilla, a gentleman of the most distinguished nobility of Lima and one of those who took pains to help us in that country, for he not only asked us to stay in his house but also provided us with food at his table both times we stayed there, and sometimes he accompanied us on our trips.
During this time we explored the hills, slopes, and valleys of Chancay, Pasamayo, Jeguan, Retes, and Laral, where we discovered several new plants of which I described the following. Chenopodium album, yerba del gallinazo, the decoction of which is used with good results against jaundice. Amaranthus retroflexus and spinosus L.?, yuyu. We ate its leaves several times in boiled salads, and they have the property of softening the stools. Allium triquetrum L., and angulosum, feligranas. Serapias flava. Satyrium viride. Banlisa rivularis. Solarium repens and peruvianum, wild tomato. Jussiaea peruviana,
flor del clavo.
Galinsoga quinque-
The natives make use of the radiata, and quadriradiata, pacoyuyu. of for sores of the mouth. these two treating Eclipta juice species alba L. Sida frutescens, pichana. The roots are sold in little bunches by the negroes and are used in Peru to clean the tartar off the teeth;
they also serve the
fair sex for diversion, especially
Bidens cuneiformis.
Calceolaria pinnata L.
Valeriana Spilanthes urens, salivatoria. tropium synzystachyum. pinnatifida. Malva peruviana L. Buddleia occidentalis. Boerhaavia
viscosa, pegajosa.
Hedysarum prostratum.
macoce tenuior L. Potamogeton compressus. Xuarezia biflora, thee del Peru. Oenothera prostrata. Encelia obliqua. Sidalutea. Elateriumpedatum, caihua.
It is cultivated in Peru, and its fruits are used instead of young pumpkin, filled with ground meat or meat balls. When eaten young and tender, they taste like Spanish cucumbers.
Elaterium bifidum, caihua de lomas. Atriplex crystalline/,. Bowlesia palmata. Sobreyra repens. Matricaria tripartite,. Campanula biflora.
On the llth day of August, 1781 we went from Torreblanca to the pueblo of Huaura, where we arrived at 10 o'clock in the night, without other inconvenience than the excessive heat, after we had
Lachay where there were dense fogs. We stayed in Huaura until the 3rd of September of the same year. During this time we sketched and dried some plants, and I
crossed the hills of
described the following. Crescentia Cujete, tutumo. From its fruits, called tutumas, the exterior of which is very heavy and strong, the
make cups to drink chocolate or mate. They are made by merely sawing the fruits transversely and cleaning out the pulp and seeds with which they are filled. Afterwards they trim them around the edges and bottom with a thin plate of silver or gold to embellish them. They also use these calabashes or tutumas to keep balsams and resins, making a small hole in one of their extremities and emptying the pulp through that. From this pulp they make a preserve, excellent for the cure of internal abscesses, by adding equal parts of sugar and sweet oil of almonds and cooking them in the same fruit over a low fire to the consistency of honey. The dose is a half to one ounce. Cassia Tora, wild canafistola. With the pulp found in the pods the natives purge themselves, as also with the infusion of the fresh leaves from a half to one ounce. Molina scandens, chilca. From the crushed leaves and shoots of this they make a poultice to soothe pain from sprains and bruises. Sida jamaicensis and cristata L. Salvia rhombifolia. Anona muricata, huanabano. Tall, thick, luxurious tree of beautiful green, cultivated in Peru.
The fruit called huanabano is of the shape of a heart, and some them are from one to six pounds in weight, Its meat is white and has a bittersweet taste, inferior to the chirimoya and the anonas in all its qualities, and for this reason one cannot eat so much of this fruit as of other delicate fruits that are species of the same genus. From the trunk of the huanabano are obtained good boards, beams, and planks for buildings and other works. Dolichos Soja?
L., frijolillos, the seeds of
and luxurious tree, between round and conic in shape and resembles the pineapple, with a hard and scaly skin and a white, tender pulp, sweet and soft like butter and of a more delicate taste than the fruit of the chirimoya, particularly those that are grown in the town of Huacho, from where they sent them
cultivated in Peru.
Lima as a great delicacy. Its wood has the same uses as that of the huanabano. Dianthera mucronata. Lycium aggregation, macato
pagui or quiebra
burns and
usually burns and breaks the pots that happen to be at that time on the fire. The ground leaves mixed with lard are applied as an emollient
and suppurative.
Alstroemeria peregrina L., peregrina, a plant with flowers of varied tints, that serves for decoration in the garden.
Boerhaavia scandens L., yerba de la purgation, on account of the property that its decoction has to resolve and cleanse gonorrhoeal discharge. Centaurea napifolia L. The infusion and decoction is used for
treating intermittent fevers. Cissus compressicaulis, yedra. MalIts fruit has a very sweet and cloypighia nitida L., ciruela de Fraile. ing taste, and its seeds taste like almonds but are very nauseating.
In order to mature, this fruit must be kept in straw, bran, or other matter for a few days after it is ripe, and then it becomes as
Its flesh is red. Cordia rotundifolia, tina and membriit the quince. Its decoction is used with good because resembles llejo, results for the cure of jaundice. Poinciana Luxuriant . , pai-pai.
soft as butter.
which has several uses in carpenter shops because and its pods are used for black dye and to make a very good ink on account of the gallic acid in which they are rich. Malva coromandelina? Calyxhymenia ovata and expansa. Mimosa sensitiva, tapate and cirrateputa, for the peculiarity that this plant
tree the trunk of
of its strength,
has of contracting
is ripe.
its leaves when touched. Passiflora foetida, puchechildren eat the ripe fruit, and the ants eat it before it Salvia excisa. Physalis angulata L. Basella rubra. Tillaea
exhales, similar to
Atropaumbellata. Crotalaria laburnifolia L. Mimosa latisiliqua, yerba de la lancha. The natives say that the animal that eats of this plant
loses the hair of the
mane and
a long time. They also say that any person who washes his hair several times with the water in which the leaves of this plant
will become bald-headed. Sida americana and Water in which this plant has been rubbed is used Peru in combing their hair to make it grow.
by the women
hacienda El
Its Its
good management.
3rd, 1781 we went from Huaura to the pueblo of Sayan, a distance of ten leagues inland, crossing the hacienda called "El Ingenio," of Dn. Francisco de la Puente, a gentleman from Lima, at which they make every day from 20 to 30 loaves of fine sugar, each one weighing two arrobas. Each one is sold at 30 or 40 reales of that coinage. At this hacienda, which was formerly the property of the Jesuits and is about one league in length and one in
On September
width, and on level ground, two sugar mills operate every day.
When we had crossed this hacienda, we traveled through the one named Pativilca, owned by Dn. Pedro de la Presa, a gentleman from Lima, larger in extent than the previous one, but actually they have only some cattle, and they do not make the excellent sugar that in ancient times used to be made there, because the owner has taken all the negroes away to another hacienda. From Pativilca we went to the hacienda Humaya, much larger than the previous one and the property of the sons of Dn. Juan Antonio Blanco. This hacienda had also been property of the padres of the Compania. Sugar cane is ground day and night with four, and sometimes six, changes of oxen, and every day they get 30 to 40
loaves of sugar of quality superior to that of any of the neighboring haciendas. This hacienda needs about 150 negroes more than it
has, so that the work in the mills may not stop, as happens frequently for lack of men, and because the negroes are liable to be sick there.
Because of the great humidity and excessive heat many die and others are crippled for life and unable to do even the simplest manual labor. The place is about 5 leagues from the pueblo of Huaura. From there we went to the hacienda Quipico, owned by Dn. Antonio
Boza and administered by one of his sons. In that also they harvest about 24 to 30 loaves of sugar, and it is more than two leagues in length. The workshops, living quarters, and church of this hacienda are better arranged than any of those previously mentioned and than the others in the valley.
The buildings of the haciendas Paila, Punga, Seca, and Almacen do not detract any from those at Quipico, and yet the best are in
the hacienda de Puente.
The millroom
of the hacienda
the sugar
larger than those in other haciendas, and the rest of the shops is worked are not inferior at Humaya.
slept in Quipico, where we stayed a day because we found there Sr. Dn. Joaquin Galdeano, the attorney general, who was exiled with half his salary by order of Sr. Visitador Areche. He
stayed at this hacienda thirty months, until by order of the Ministry of the Indies communicated to him by the same visitador, his exile was ended, and he was named Oydor de Mexico, an appointment that came thje^day before our arrival at Quipico.
On the 4th we inspected the whole hacienda, at which I described the Momordica operculata of Linnaeus, so abundant there that the dried fruits, called jaboncillos, serve the negroes as excellent
wash the gourds or calabashes from which they eat. we left a little after noon, accompanied by Sr. Galwent to the pueblo of Sayan where, arriving at 3 in the and deano, afternoon, we noticed that those near-by hills and quebradas did not have materials for our work; informed by the natives that until we reached the sierra we would not find plants, we decided to return
dishcloths to
the 5th
made the to Torreblanca to finish several plant descriptions. muleteers load the mules, and we went to spend the night at Andahuasi, hacienda of the Augustine fathers of Lima, where they make
18 to 20 loaves of sugar daily. They had just finished a big rectangular addition with many rooms or little separate ranches well distributed in uniform rows, so that the negroes that were married
could sleep separated from the single couple in its own ranch. The priest or
men under one key, and each monk that made this hacienda
from the arid field, began work with only 14 pesos, but through industry he had improved it so that it produced a profit of 60 pesos a day with the prospect of soon yielding more. In this hacienda there is an abundance of Parkinsonia aculeata that we sketched and
dried the next day.
This valley is very pleasant, gay, and interesting because of the sugar-cane properties, the variety of fruits and seeds that are gathered there, and the variety of trees and plants that grow spontaneously. It is surprising that almost all the hacendados of this valley are always short of money and without a sufficient number of people for their work, especially since they have discontinued the yearly shipments of negroes that used to arrive in Lima, the owners making from 40,000 to 60,000 dollars annually in sugar, sirup, chan-
Location of Sayan
Barrenness of the
The pueblo
or red clay
hills that surround the quebradas of Sayan and five leagues are arid all the year round, without any plants to be seen on ahead, them, large or small. A league distant from the pueblo of Sayan by
the same quebrada, begins the jurisdiction of the province of Caxatambo, where there are some silver mines. Through the other
quebrada descends a small brook whose waters suffice to irrigate the small plantations situated on both sides. All through this valley and these quebradas the heat is excessive all the year round, and the sky is generally clear night and day and without rain or drizzle except on the coast and for about two leagues inland from the sea, which has its drizzles and mist as on all the coast
the 6th the draftsmen went to Huaura, and from there they went on to Lima. With my companion Pavon I returned from
Andahuasi to Torreblanca by the narrow passes of Jeguan I experienced great heat because of the bare and sandy
ravines until a league before entering the hacienda of R , by which we crossed to that of Esquivel. Later we reached Torreblanca where we again found Dn. Toribio Bravo of Castilla, our
benefactor and lover of botany and other sciences, as he showed by accompanying us to the country, not only at his hacienda but also in Lima in the hills of the Amancaes where he gathered various plants.
On the 7th I went to survey the hills of the hacienda of Jeguan, the property of Dn. Mauricio Zuazo, a gentleman from Lima. There I gathered several plants, among them the Salsola fragilis that is plentiful in those open fields of sulphate of soda that are there called
because this salt in fact contains much niter or nitrate of potash; of this I picked some crystals on the grass.
all of
and feed a great number of hogs in order to supply of Lima and the pueblos of that province.
these haciendas in the vicinity of Chancay, they keep lard to the city
Plants gathered
Uprising of Tupac-Amaro.
On the 9th of September, 1781 we two Spanish botanists went on to Lima without experiencing other discomfort on the way than the heat of the sandy places between Torreblanca and the heights
or plain of Copacabana. remained in Lima until the 13th of December of the next
and description of various plants gathfrom Huaura and Sayan and from this town to Torway reblanca and Lima, among which there were the following. Dodartia fragilis. The famous Platanus otahetianus, called the arbol de las mantas, because in the islands of Otaheti, they get from its bark, blankets of four and five yards in length and two and a half in width, without any other labor than pounding the bark on a flat stone and freeing the fibrous parts of sap and woody crust:
year, completing the drying
ered on the
afterwards they often paint them with circular spots in several colors. In Lima I saw two small trees about four or five yards tall, brought there from the islands of Otaheti, with several bread trees that had been destroyed by some mules in the same orchard, so that I could see only the trunks divested of bark. Rudbeckia multifida or Cosmos pinnatus of Cavanilles, which is used as an ornament in gardens. Llagunoa triphylla, rosary tree, because the round and
black seeds resemble the beads of a rosary. Hibiscus rosa sinensis, and esculentus L., napu, with the fruit of which the negroes prepare a dish, disagreeable and offensive to us for its mucilaginous quality. Helianthus pubescens, anisillo de lomas, for its fragrance that is more pleasing than that of anise seed. Weinmannia pinnata, transplanted to
Parkinsonia aculeata L.
of this plant could be used for their flexibility, length, and strength, to make little baskets, mats, and several other things, especially if
they would prepare them as is done with esparto grass and flax. Atropa aspera. Ipomoea hirsuta. Tessaria dentata, paxaro bobo; the wood of these two shrubs is that most frequently used in Lima and in the towns of the coast, although as firewood it does not last long because it is light; they use their branches to cover the roofs
of the ranches.
new paper
to free
after distributing
packages according to
classes, I
packed them
boxes for
in the
safe shipment.
we had arranged
province of Chancay and the vicinity of Lima, and had deposited the boxes of dried specimens, sketches, seeds, and other natural products in the hall of the Royal Armory in Lima, we resolved to
of Chile, not only because of the information of the fertility and abundance of the plants and other natural products of that earthly paradise, but also because we could not penetrate into the montaflas of Peru, as several of its provinces
we had
were in revolt because the brothers Gabriel and Diego Tupac-Amaro were determined that one of the two should be crowned in that kingdom. They might have succeeded if it had not been for the activity, speed, and zeal with which Sr. Visitador Areche beheaded
these rioters, going for this purpose to Cuzco.
Granted permission from the Viceroy of Peru and from the Visitador to go to the kingdom of Chile to continue our undertaking, we arranged for our passage with the captain of the vessel named
"Nuestra Senora de Belen."
Departure from Callao Navigation Phosphorescence and heavy sea Misfortune on board.
of the sea
Strong wind
On December 19th, 1781, we left Lima with our baggage to board the vessel "Belen" in the harbor of Callao. It was going to the kingdom of Chile to load wines and grain in the port of Concepcion. On the 20th the ship was inspected by the chief guard of
the port of Callao, and the 21st we set sail at 10 o'clock in the morning with little wind; at 6 o'clock in the afternoon we could still see the point of the island of San Lorenzo near the port of Callao, but
traveled two miles per hour during the day. during the night.
the 22nd at nine in the morning the wind began to blow from we traveled at two to three miles an hour, the sky
We saw a great and seals. The 23rd dawned cloudy and with the same wind blowing from the south, and we traveled up to three miles an hour; we had some heavy seas, the sun came out, and the seasick came to dinner, as they had not done on the previous days. Up to the 27th we sailed with the same wind, traveling from two to four and a half miles per hour without having changed the sails since we left Callao. At night, on the 25th, a handsome calf fell into the sea, but we could not rescue it, and later we missed it. From the 28th the wind freshened more from the south, and we had some showers. We traveled from three to six miles until the 15th of January, when it was observed that we were at 32 2' without having had any of in the sea anything of nor noticed mishap importance, having more importance than some goldfish and, during the last seven days, some streaks of fire.
remaining cloudy
of bonitos, dolphins,
noticed such fire or sparks of light in the rudder, stern, and prow of the boat were on fire with wine or sulphur spirits, also the wake left by the boat. The cause that produces this light or phosphorus is attributed
by some to the bituminous or oily substances that are expelled by various fishes, which, mixed with the marine salt and churned by the rudder or prow of the vessel or with the waves motivated by the wind, form the beautiful phenomenon. To observe if there were any
insects, as others
had suspected, or to see if it was some oily substance, water and agitated it with sticks and other instruments of several kinds of metals, but we discerned only a few small lights, but no insect or oily substance although we used
pails of
so strong that
the 17th to the 26th the wind continued to cool, and it was it was necessary to gather the sails, and in those days
and the foresail. There were many continued and violent showers, rolling, and pitching from stern to of the knees and other timbers of the ship and prow, heavy cracking endless numbers of heavy waves came in by the hatchways, and we suffered continuous and troublesome heavy seas, all of which kept us in constant fear. When we went to eat, we had to do so holding ourselves with ropes, each one with his plates in the hand, and consailed with only the mainsail
was done to rescue him, we never saw him again on account of the heavy seas and the vessel's having seven miles of headway. This unfortunate person was going to the city of Conception with sugar and other commercial products. Not daring to go to the
privy, he tried to
move his bowels at one of the chain wales, from which when the boat rolled.
On the 26th we sighted the island of Sta. Maria by the prow, and a little later the Tetas de Biobio; for this reason, and because the wind had increased its velocity, we gathered the sails until it calmed
at nightfall
accomplished without mishap until midnight when the wind died down and did not blow again until 7 in the morning; at this time, the sails being hoisted, one of them knocked a sailor, who was workAs the wind was blowing ing, into the sea from the main-topsail. the sea was and the vessel was turned with ease, and calm, gently they threw two pieces of wood overboard, to one of which the sailor
laid hold; it served to
support him until they lowered a boat, for which he was asking insistently. This was done with the utmost speed, and four sailors went in it; they picked him up a mile away from the vessel and, when he was in the boat, he took an oar to warm up and to drive away the cold, so that he arrived at the vessel without further mishap, and he suffered no ill effects.
came from Talcahuano with an the royal squadron a boat, commanded by Sr. Bacaro, that was anchored in that port. He was given the mail and returned
9 o'clock on the 27th there
officer of
to the port.
At 2 in the afternoon near the anchorage, the vessel missed the turn, and for this reason it was on the point of being dashed to pieces on a rocky bank, from which we were saved by the activity
who cut the anchor's cable, and the boat was stopped a few yards from the banks. The captain went ashore and went to Conception for a license to permit him to unload. It became calm on the 28th, and the vessel was towed to sea after the hoisting of the anchor, and we set sail. The vessel succeeded in making the first and second turns, but on the third we lost some ground, and we could not steer close to the wind on the fourth, so we dropped anchor again in nine fathoms of water. Suddenly we found ourselves in four, but in a little while the wind carried the vessel to ten fathoms, where we stayed anchored until the next
of the boatswain,
maestre de campo
cepcion, Dn. Ambrosio O'Higgins, who had come to Talcahuano on account of the arrival of the vessel and because the fleet was there. This official received us very affably and offered us all the help that he could give. He fulfilled his promise very generously, giving us our meals for as many days as we wanted to go to eat at After 12 o'clock we went to Concepcion without any his house.
When we reached Concepcion de Chile, rooms could not be had in one place until the 7th of February, 1782 and in others until the 12th, because the houses were not big enough, as the city was only 31 years The buildings had been finished only 17 years on the site old. where the people who moved from Penco el Viejo have been living since the 24th of November, 1764, on account of the flood and destruction caused there the 24th of May, 1759 by the great earthquake and tidal wave, when nothing was left in Penco but some remains of the ruins and a fort with some farm buildings.
13th of February, after having returned the visits received distinguished people of the city, we began our botanical excursions through those fertile fields, and we continued them with many discoveries until the 24th, when we went to the fort of Arauco in company with the mre. de campo.
On the
Crossing of the Biobio The rafts The territory Abundance of horse farms The guazos Plants and their applications The cinnamon tree Superstitions of the Indians Reception of Mre. de Campo Villagra Murders committed by the Indians Defeat of the mre. de campo The Araguete river The plain Arboreal vegetation The Carampangue Piedras de cruz Salutations Speeches
of an old man Plants of the field near Arauco Preparations for the parliaments Revolt of 1766 Quarrelsome character of the Indians Cremation of dead from the plague
On the 24th of February, 1782 at 2:30 in the afternoon, the two draftsmen and botanists Dombey and Ruiz left in company of Dn. Ambrosio O'Higgins Vallenar, Lieutenant Colonel of the Royal Armies and Mre. de Campo of the plaza of Concepcion, for the plaza of Arauco where he was going to talk with the Indians of that vutalmapu. As we arrived at the shore of the Biobio river where the rafts were ready, it began to rain very hard, so that some were of the opinion that we should go back to the city and make the trip another day; but the rest of us insisted on going on, and this was the opinion also of the mre. de campo. He ordered the rafts to be brought, so that in half an hour we safely crossed the river, which at this season is about half a league wide but in the wintertime widens to about a league. This river has a sandy bottom without rocks to interfere with the passage of the rafts. They are constructed of five or seven logs a quarter of a yard wide and three or four yards long, nailed to others that cross underneath and, the middle beam being longer and the laterals gradually shorter, there is formed a long raft over which they make a lengthwise seat or barbacoa of sticks joined together with strips of hide, as a place for the baggage and a seat for the passengers. At the ends of the raft there is a short space left free for the use of the ferrymen, and from this they guide it with poles four or five yards in length. They may also tie the raft to the tail of a horse, which, sometimes walking and at other times swimming, pulls it and passes from one side of the river to the other; but this method is more dangerous because the horses are apt to stick in the sand and, with the violent movements which they make to free their feet, they may upset or bury the raft in the sands, a thing that did not happen this time to those that were hauled by horses. Farther down the animals cross
this river
swimming, directed by one or two naked men on horseback who go with them. After passing the river, we went up to the fort of San Pedro, and from there we were escorted by a company of militiamen, to sleep at Esquadron, a country house 5 leagues distant from San Pedro by a smooth and pleasant road covered with spreading trees and plants that are green throughout the year and form a beautiful sight. We crossed some plains called lagunillas because in time of rains they fill with water and must be crossed in rafts. This place is one league from San Pedro and the same distance from the sea. On this whole unappropriated coast, there are several pasture grounds for the king's horses, which are cared for by
extensive and pleasant plain, and on this they plant and gather various fruits and seeds for their support, with the definite obligation of militia service
in case of
necessity to go out and fight against the Indians. The weapon that is used by these guazos 1 is a long spear, of about three or four yards,
which they are very skilful, running on horseback with surprising speed and freedom through those hills and plains. The more hilly region and the mountains are inhabited by pagan and
in the use of
renegade Indians.
On the 25th, because of a heavy rain that lasted from the night before until 10 o'clock in the morning, we stayed in Esquadron, inspecting those fertile fields, and in them we gathered many plants
we sketched and
canelo, because of the odor and taste of which are extremely pungent. These trees exude a few tears of aro-
matic gum. The smoke of their wood is annoying to the eyes. The bark and leaves preserve clothes from moths and, boiled, they furnish baths against convulsions, nervous debility, spasms, paralysis,
and ringworm, and against the frush and many use it, adding urine and salt. Its smoke purifies the air, and for this reason they use it for fumigations against contagious diseases and against insects. The infusion of its shoots brightens the color of indigo; for this reason they mix it with the dye of that substance. Some use it against venereal eruptions, in baths and fumigation. The natives make use of the leaves of these beautiful and showy trees for fishing, pounding and
Americanism equivalent to
of the plains.
them in the brooks and rivers. They get very good planks and boards for buildings from the canelos, and under their shade the Indians used to hold their councils and conjurations in order to discover hidden offenders and punish their crimes. For this superstitious ceremony they call the most famous and oldest machi or
soothsayer who, when the whole multitude of Indians are kneeling around a tall and spreading canelo tree, with the greatest respect, silence, and attention and with their eyes fixed on the ground, climbs the trees from which she makes her invocations, calling to
Pillan, or God, in the direction of the four principal winds, throwing, after various ceremonies, a little stick in each direction. These
ceremonies are followed by a long speech and, when finished, she answers all questions put by the caciques. The machi, as if she were an oracle, answers what she pleases, and in that way she blames those she has in mind to destroy, for her sentence is executed as if it were a true order from Pillan. Finally, in a short speech, she exhorts all to give thanks to Pillan and then recommends that her sentence be carried out. Then she descends from the tree and, while all are standing, she is given a small drum, so that at its sound all of them will follow her around the canelo tree until the machi thinks it is time to start drinking the chicha that they have prepared for feast. With this they get drunk, and killings and warfare between the opposite parties result from her diabolical sentences. The canelos
dry and smooth Their bark and leaves have a very bitter, biting, sharp, and nauseous taste, although somewhat similar to that of cinnamon. Wild doves are very fond of eating canelo berries or fruits, and for this reason great flocks of them come during the time that the tree is in fruit, but their meat then gets tough and is very disagreeable to the taste.
are abundant in the
fields in
summer and
the 26th
arrived at the stopping place called Coronel, a distance of two leagues from that horse farm; here the militia company was exchanged for
another, also armed with lances which they carried resting them in the saddle or stirrup, with the metal point upwards. To change the militia the captain of the company sent an officer with sword in
hand to come and meet the mtre. de campo long before he arrived at the place where they were stationed. After he had given the message, which consisted of greeting the chief and saying that his captain was awaiting him in a certain place, and had received the answer, he returned at a gallop to his company. This, divided in two lines, then
passed in front of the whole retinue after both performed the customary courtesies and ceremonies and after two or three men from the heights were examined to see if there was any trouble on the part of
the Indians.
At a distance of a league from Coronel we arrived at Playa Negra, a place so called on account of the dark color of the sand, and also to distinguish it from another farther on with white sand and called Playa Blanca. Following this is the hill of Concura, and at the top of this is situated the plaza of the same name, five leagues from In this plaza they changed the militia again with the Coronel. same ceremonies as in the other places. When we came down the hill of Concura, we came to a beach a quarter of a league in length, by which the Indians from the plains or from Santa Juana had an easy outlet, that is from Fort San Pedro to this beach, because from San Pedro up river the Indians have several outlets. They use these from time to time, as happened in 1772, when they cut off the head of a valiant officer who had beheaded three Indians a few days before, while defending himself bravely from a band that had encircled him in the woods; from this danger he saved himself then, but he could not free himself after he was surprised together with two soldiers, whom they burned alive in a ranch after having tied them
After passing the beach we crossed the hill of Villagra, with three leagues of climb and descent. This name was given to it after the
battle that the Indians fought there against Mre. de
Campo Villagra, who was buried there, and his men destroyed. At the foot of this hill there is another beach about a mile long where we ate in the shade of several apple trees and other trees by which it is surrounded. Afterwards we climbed the hill of Chivilingo where a guard is placed by the mre. de campo to prevent the passage
of arms, wines, liquors, merchandise,
Spaniards and guazos often exchange with the Indians for ponchos, a trade that is not allowed without permission from the mre. de campo.
After descending this hill, we crossed the river Araguete, a that is also given to the beach and plain that extend to the
Carampangue river, five leagues distant from the other. On this plain there are seven spacious and straight lanes of different wild trees, formed, according to the natives, by nature; but it seems
impossible that nature would place the seven lanes at the same
distance, giving them forty to fifty yards of equal width throughout their length of five leagues, so that there is not a plant or a shrub in
the rows, namely arayanes, pataguas, bolbus, maytenes, peumos, litres, voguis, and other climbing and twining plants, the variety of the foliage of which, the intertwining of the branches themselves, the diverse and continuous green of their leaves, and the size, color, and fragrance of their
make up
and fruits and other parts present the most beautiful tones and the most wonderful rustic sight. The ground, which at this time was covered with small fruits or strawberries of exquisite taste and
other small plants with various flowers, contributed not a little to heighten the effect. The streets or lanes are the distance of a rifleshot from the sea and are situated on a sandy ground, which proves
made by
Beyond the plain is the river Carampangue, a name that means car a de leon [lion face], derived perhaps from the great flood and ebb of more than a league when the tide rises or falls; but when the river
The Carampangue is perhaps 100 swells, it is crossed in rafts. yards in width at this place. Three leagues up river from this ford, there is a creek in the vicinity of a mill, where one finds cylindrical stones, somewhat oblong, with both extremities flat, showing a cross resembling that of the Order of Malta, which is present also in every transverse fragment into which it may be divided. The stones are of several sizes and of different colors; most of them are white with a black cross, and black with a white cross; some are bluish and others
When we had crossed the river, the governor of the Indians, named Neculgud, which means perdiz corredora [running partridge], presented himself to the mre. de campo with two companies of
Indians on horseback formed in two lines without any other arms than the sabres that were carried by those in charge of their small banners. The music they had was produced merely by some small flutes or little wind instruments, called pivilcas, the sad and mournful sound of which can scarcely be heard at a distance of fifty feet.
Governor Neculgud, after he had greeted the mre. de campo, ordered his companies to start at a good gallop, as is the custom on such occasions, and they were followed by two other companies of our militia armed with lances; after them followed the suite of the mre. de campo, closing the two lines. Near the plaza there was a
crowd of Indian men and women in shelters of branches they had made on both sides of the road for cover during the five days they had to be there until the end of the meeting. When the mre.
de campo passed with his
suite, these
many times the words: "maximari senor, maximari capitan." At the entrance to the plaza the companies of Indians were stationed in two lines through which all our people entered Arauco, in front of of the barracks, in which we found the troop of that garrison formed in a row and playing a march to the sound of the drum and fife while the chief and his suite passed.
The mre. de campo dismounted and gave orders by means of the interpreters for the caciques to come in and greet him and to appoint the day and hour for the parliament. The greetings lasted
the rest of the afternoon, or about one hour and a half. This ceremony, that was begun by High Cacique Neculgud and was continin order by the oldest and most honored caciques, consists merely of their presenting themselves one by one at two paces from the mre. de campo. The cacique greets the latter with a bow and then, raising his head, he goes to the chief, saying "maximari senor" and puts his right hand over the left shoulder, and with the left hand, in which he carries his hat, he gives a pat on the back. Then he retires with another bow; to all of this the mre. de campo responds, as do all the others that have had to suffer this long, tedious welcome.
Finishing the greetings, the mre. de campo gave thanks, in the of the King and the President, to the caciques that had sheltered and had given help to the troops that passed freely, without
the least extortion, through their lands to the plaza of Valdivia; then he reprimanded several caciques who had encouraged others to start a riot against their neighbors. All of this he made clear by means of the interpreters. Many of the principal and better-inclined Indians offered to inform the mre. de campo in case of any new feud
any suspicion of riots and uprisings. At the sound of retreat the caciques and the Indians that were in the plaza went out, and the doors were closed until the next day, the day marked for the
the 27th at nine in the morning, when the caciques had congregated and had seated themselves in the patio of the house of the
mre. de campo, with a multitude of Indian men and women standing behind them, and when the same greetings had been exchanged as on the previous day, the parliament was opened by a short speech
de campo said that His Catholic Majesty would be very sorry that there could be no peace and harmony among the Indians and no co-operation with the Spaniards, because he had to use force to punish the mischievous and put an end to their plots, Afterwards they were notified, and the disorders, bad conduct, etc.
in which, in short, the mre.
order was repeated, that at no time were they to leave the coast without sentinels, so that they could inform the plaza of any vessels that
might be seen in numbers above two. That they should not permit any deserter from the plaza of Valdivia to pass through their lands. That they should not admit or hide any fugitive
any reason promoted a who incited some caciques against others, should be taken prisoner and safely conducted to the plaza to be punished as he deserved. That every robber, Indian or Spaniard, should be captured and brought to the plaza, or at least held, and notice be given to the commander immediately. That they should help one another in case that the Pehuenche or Huiliche Indians, their bitter enemies, should make war on any of their number. That they should take care to plant their land with seeds and fruits for their sustenance. That they should live without disorder and drunkenness and should observe all that makes for a peaceful and well regulated government.
offenders there.
for revolt,
The junta was finished at one o'clock in the afternoon, and the caciques were given a glass of wine with which they hailed Our Monarch and his Family. Among the caciques there was one 86 years
old who, when hailing the King, threw the wine into the air with joy and happiness, and in the performance of his act he burst into tears. This good old man had walked 85 leagues on foot to come to the parley and showed so much pleasure when he heard that more towns
were wanted, that he offered to build the church of his district at his own cost, and asked earnestly that priests be sent for the divine service and spiritual nourishment which they had been without for
this day we walked over the entire hill of Colocolo, and the coast and vicinity of Arauco, where we gathered several curious plants that I described and gave to be sketched. Among these
of instruments.
nervous pains, and its wood is strong for handles Mutisia spinosa, Cymbanthes punctata, etc.
During the days of the parliament the young Indians passed the time riding their horses in a small plaza outside the other in the manner of picaderos, making the horses bend their knees, stand on two feet and on three, and jump in various ways until the animals were tired.
We inspected the ranches in company of the mre. de campo, and the wives of the caciques treated us to their chicha; in return we
morning of the 28th, the caciques gathered same ceremonies as on the previous days; the articles of the previous day were repeated to them, and several caciques were reprimanded who had been accused by the others of various crimes. Then they gave thanks to the mre. de campo, or "Martin Campo" as they called him, for the good and sane advice he had given them, and anew they offered to warn him of any disorders that might occur and to maintain peace and quiet among themselves. This same day the Indians left for their lands, and no one remained in or out of the plaza, except Neculgud.
o'clock in the
At 8
For the celebration of these parleys, by order of the King, a certain quantity of wine and meat was sent to the caciques to be distributed among the Indians; because these provisions are not sufficient food for the five, six, or seven days that the juntas
often last, they also provide their own chichas, corn flour. With all of this they make merry, Indians get drunk; they also use these days to around the shelters, a form of amusement they
so soon.
These Indians, called coast and plains Indians, are generally short in height and commonly have ugly faces, in contrast to the Peguenches or those of the cordilleras, who are tall, or to the Huiliches
or Indians of the southern part, who are of taller stature the nearer they are to the Strait of Magellan and the lands of Patagonia. The
and waist, and short, rough woolen without some use soles; stockings plain homespun cotton shirts, and the caciques use linen ones. They cover themselves with a poncho, instead of a cape; they use slouch hats but they do not wear shoes or any equivalent. The women wrap their bodies with a cotton blanket tied at the waist with a belt, ribbon, or band, also of cotton, fastening the ends on each shoulder with a wooden pin, so that the whole body is covered except the arms and from the ankles down. Over this blanket they cover their backs with two or three other smaller blankets of about a yard or a yard and a half square, whose upper ends, carried over the shoulders, are fastened over the chest with other stick pins introduced or pinned horizontally with the point to the left side, leaving its head, small face, or plate on the
dress with jacket, breeches,
right side. From the two sides of the tupos [stickpins] they hang several llancatas or chaquiras, that is, beads and ribbons of several
They put two, three, or more strings of beads of various about their necks. They decorate their ears with uples or
arracadas [earrings], that are little plates of silver very thin, square, or half-moon-shaped, about two or three inches long and each weighing about half an ounce, with a little handle that is curved
from one upper corner to the other and that pierces the ear. The hair, which is generally thick, long, and abundant, they divide into two braids, each one falling between ear and cheek to the chest, and on the forehead there is a large lock of hair of the length of the face, which, divided into two parts along its sides, makes them look very well. They walk barefooted, and do not use shirts or petticoats. When they do housework, they pin the ends of the exterior blankets to the back to be out of the way of the work they are doing; in this way they leave the arms bare. They wait on their husbands even to saddling their horses. The younger girls obey the older one that is married and, even if this one is uglier than all the rest of them, she is the most beloved and the most respected in the house. Among the Indian women there are graceful and grave
are very fond of all kinds of alcoholic liquors, and drink until intoxicated, chicha of corn, apples, huighan (Schithey and 7ms), quinoa. They marry as many women as they can support, without other ceremony than giving a present to the fathers or relations of the brides. When any of the wives die, the parents or relatives return to the husband another gift equivalent to the one that he gave them when he married. They have no religion or believe in a supreme being, whom they call cult, although they in the and believe immortality of the soul. On this subPillan, they de religidn y funerales, of the Comof the see V Sistema ject chapter
The Indians
pendia de la historia
civil del
Reyno de
Ignacio Molina, translated in Madrid in 1795 by Dn. Nicolas de la Cruz, page 84. They are very superstitious, accepting all that the
male or female machis or soothsayers say, as revealed to them by Pillan, and of it they say that it was communicated when they asked.
who renounced
their religion after the general uprising that happened in the year 1766. It was started in Angol on December 25th, at three o'clock
by the Indian Cunifiancai; he stole mules and horses the to belonging Spaniards, wounding three soldiers and the capataz of the troop Alberto Fernandez, and killing one of the servants.
in the morning,
Dn. Salvador Cabrizo ordered the signal given which calls the troops arms to go to the plaza of Nacimiento, where he arrived safely at nightfall, because he was not secure in Angol. Commonly, the renegades are the most crafty and principal agents of disorders and
The Indians are generally sullen and belligerent; they fight and make frequent excursions on horseback, and they use the lance and
For war they dress lague, arms that they manage with dexterity. in untanned leather jackets of cow- or horsehide, with a hat of the
same material decorated with feathers of various colors on the crown. Their war music consists of some small drums and pivilcas, small instruments on the order of a horn. If any one contracts a contagious disease or has died from one, they burn him alive or dead, with his poncho and other belongings and even with those who have taken care of him during the sickness; sometimes they take him to the woods where they throw him tied into a fire, so as not to contaminate
other people.
The Indians
time they
subject to the President of South Chile. Those from the three vutalmapus of the coast, plains, and slopes of the cordilleras, grow several kinds of grain for their support, keep herds of all
kinds of animals, and catch the excellent fish and mussels that are found abundantly in the rivers and on the coast. Most of the Indians of the fourth vutalmapu, called Pehuenches, that inhabit
generally kill the men and capture the women to serve them as their own; as a result of this union there are among them many white
of these
frontiers of the
through Tucapel, Imperial baja, to Toltero bajo. The second is Santa Barbara and continues through Angol, Mopecura, Imperial alta, Maguehue, and Tolten alto. The third is through the slopes of the cordillera from Nacimiento
in the plains that start in
The fourth is in past Chacayco and Menayco to Querchereguas. the cordillera and comprises only the Pehuenche Indians. These four vutalmapus are distributed among the president, mre. de campo, commander of infantry, and the sergeant-major. Beyond the Pehuenches, towards the south, the Huiliche Indians live; they are not subject to
any of these chiefs and are much more savage than the most harmful and violent in the pampas of Buenos Ayres.
clear proof that the Huiliches also believe in the immorthey live in the belief that when they die
they make a voyage to another shore; for this reason they are buried with food and saddle horses to travel in greater comfort, and the mourners pray to Pillan and the Ballena to help them in their voyage.
There are
old people
years of age, without gray hair, and with all the teeth white and strong, either as an the result of their way of living or by reason of the mild climate.
All the Indians are declared enemies of the Spaniards and other Europeans, or rather of our ideas and customs, and it is very difficult to induce them by mild and reasonable methods to live in settlements. If the Chileans were permitted to dominate them by force, they would compel them to live in settlements, or in a few years they would put an end to them, to be free from their forays and frequent robberies at the haciendas that they destroy at times, killing some of the people that live in them.
When these Indians start a general revolt, besides the signals that they place in the mountains with lights and fires, they try to capture a Spaniard. Then, forming a cahuin or council of war, they put the man in a hole and, with superstitious ceremonies, they kill him with a blow of a macarra, take his heart, dip the points of their lances in his blood and then suck it. Afterward they cut all his
and toes and distribute them to the factions in what they the running of the dart, and the caciques that receive any of those parts of the Spaniard, are thereby sworn to join in the uprising, for which, with the utmost secrecy, they also call the Yanacorras, Indians who serve the Spaniards, who buy them for that purpose, but without considering
During their
travels, forays,
revolts, each
rations for a few days; these consist of a little of or flour of roasted corn, or of beans, only bag ulpo or also wheat, barley. They carry a vessel of horn that they call
carries with
huampar, in which to mix the flour with water; that usually is their only nourishment and on it they live for many days. When it is gone, if they do not find any better food, they nourish themselves with the blood of their own horses; and if these animals die from the
repeated bleedings they
The men ride well and on horseback are skilful in handling lance, lague, macarra, spade, cutlass, knife, and dagger. They fight and attack in platoons. They make their assaults and quick forays from ambush,
When any
die in battle,
taken to hide them from the Spaniards, to never give any mercy as they kill them immediately.
good they
are excellent swimmers, especially the Indians of the coast. they assemble to gather mussels, they put out in rafts or canoes with their wives, who are the ones that dive into the sea to
pry loose and get the shellfish, and the men stay in the rafts to receive the catch and to help them come up from the bottom of the
when they
When the women give birth, they have the habit of washing themselves, as well as their babies, in cold water.
To establish tranquil relations and commerce with these Indians, we Spaniards have sought to use all means that policy has dictated,
but none has been enough to conquer their persistence in their wild and savage life. The last method was to force them to live in settlements, and this idea was accepted by some; but in the year of 1766 they revolted, as has been told, and they burned all the churches and buildings of Angol and other pueblos.
In several parleys that have been held repeatedly, they have promised peace and good harmony; but this has lasted a very short
In the last general parley celebrated the 21st of December, 1774 by Governor Dn. Agustin de Jauregui in the Campo de Tapique, they agreed, among 18 other stipulations, to send
several caciques to Santiago with the title of ambassadors, and to date they maintain this kind of embassy and, to hold them more
twenty-two young men, sons of the caciques Indians, are educated in the college of San Pablo.
and principal
general parliaments that are celebrated with these Indians to talk about peace or its continuation, consist of some juntas of the caciques and principal Indians, attended by the president of the royal audiencia as captain general of the kingdom, the mre. de
occasion they
For this of Conception, and other officers of the army. make shelters of branches and camping tents in the
plains. distributes among
and spacious
president razors, colored beads, ribbons, and many other baubles that, though of little value, are greatly prized by the Indians.
Orders regarding the plaza of Corcura Fishing on horseback in the sea anizing in the vicinity of Concepci6n Plants sketched and described.
plaza of
us to the Araguete river. At ten o'clock we arrived at the plaza of Corcura, where the mre. de campo gave the necessary instructions to do some repair work on it. We went to eat at the district of Capitan, after remaining a while on the beach that is situated at the foot of the hill of Corcura. There we watched the act of fishing on horseback; this performance the fishermen execute with great dexterity and without danger because the horses are so well trained that, when they see a wave coming, they turn their backs to receive the blow in the back, and the horseman at the same time bends his body so that the water passes over him. Turning immediately towards the sea, they continue gaining ground until the horses start swimming, and then the two fishermen get together and, closing the net, they take it to shore with the fish that is in it. At two o'clock we left Capitan, and we reached Fort San Pedro at four. We crossed the Biobio river in rafts pulled by the horses, and we entered Concepcion before vespers, without having had any trouble on this hurried trip that was made at a trot and gallop from Arauco.
From the 2nd of March until the 24th of April, we continued working in the vicinity of Concepcion, making daily trips on horseback through those fertile fields and woods in which we gathered, dried, and sketched great number of valuable trees and plants of which I described the following. Calceolaria scrophulariaefolia, rugosa, sessilis, and dentata, arquenitas and arguenillas. Cotyledon lyratum. Nicotiana angustifolia, wild tobacco. Cestrum virgatum, pargui and palgui; its decoction is used by the natives as a remedy against intermittent fevers; of the infusion of the inside bark they take some large cupfuls hot for stomachache. The lye from the trunks and roots of the palgui is very good for cleaning clothes, and the
juice of the berries gives a beautiful bluish color tending
toward purple.
Aster lanuginosus.
Solidago secunda, Coriaria nervosa,
for dyeing a beautiful, permanent yellow color. bullel; this plant they also use for a yellow dye.
patagua; this tree is abundant in several and the places where it grows are called by the natives pataguales; from the trunks they get excellent timbers, Loranthus verticillatus, ictnigo. Oenothera boards, and beams. or from its Schinus, huighan lineatiflora. huignan; ripe fruits or the Indians and Creoles make an excellent pods chicha, valuable trouble and bladder From this sickness against dropsy. they had
provinces of Chile,
by frequent use
of the chicha.
the whole tree, drink this chicha all the time; they make rubbing the fruits in water until they give up the sweet part,
in this state
they leave
until it gives off a vinous odor. resin produced from these trees is excellent for toothaches and headaches, applied in a plaster on
the temples and behind the ears, and it is frequently preferred to other resins by musicians for use on the bow of the violin. Tricuspidaria nutans, patagua, the trunk of which makes very good boards, while its bark serves for tanning. In some places one finds on these trees a kind of silkworm. They grow in damp places. Mutisia
Mollugo radiata. Myrtus nuda, white Loranthus arrayan. semicalyculatus, michtria, ictnigo, and quintral, names also applied to the other species of Loranthus; it is used for a black dye. Aristotelea glandulosa, maqui; from its fruits they make a bittersweet and tasty chicha, excellent for refreshment; applied on the back and kidneys, the mashed shoots of the maqui
wild carnation.
mitigate and temper the excessive heat of these parts in a person with fever and, masticated, they clean and cure sores in the mouth.
The pounded bark is good for making rope, and the wood, because of its light weight and flexibility, is suitable for rafters of roofs, for hoops, and for musical instruments. Molina concava and
mashed and applied to bruises and Myrtus communis, sprains, and Bidens. Chenopodium amarum cheguen arrayan. Coreopsis and dulce, quinoa amarga and quinoa dulce. Chenopodium multilinearis, romerillo; its leaves
used in Chile as a digestive in place of tea. This plant is quite fragrant. Myrtus acuminata, arrayan Colorado, for the color of its strong lumber, useful for many kinds of carpentry work. Gomortega nitida, queule. After the
and handsome
to be
found in Chile and, at a distance, it is distinguished from all others by the verdure and brilliance of its leaves. From its trunk exquisite wood is obtained of a dark red color and beautiful luster. Its leaves, that have an acid, astringent taste, stick to the teeth when chewed, because of the great amount of resin that they contain; squeezed between the fingers they expel an odor similar to rosemary and to spirits of turpentine; for this reason it is much used in medicine to stimulate and comfort. Its beautiful fruits are as big as a small hen's egg and have a brilliant yellow color that invites tasting, but if one eats many, they cause a headache. The pulp is quite sweet but has little juice; and its pit or stone, as hard as a rock, contains two or three small almonds. This tree is always green
it is
usual for
flower again when the fruits are ripe. Another species of cuzle, the natives say, is grown in the mountains from Arauco to Valdivia, but I have not seen any but the stones of the fruits. Acaena trifida,
pinnatifida, pimpinela cimarrona, and amaerinifolia, broguin. The pinnatifida is used as an excellent diuretic and refrigerant, and the decoction or infusion of the broquin is used to resolve gonorrhoea.
Triptilium spinosum, siempreviva, because the odor of its flowers continues after they have been dried for many years. It is a beautiful
plant for decoration and has excellent diuretic properties; for this Fuchsia reason it is frequently employed in urinary troubles. violacea, thilco; its wood is good for making black dye, and its infusion and decoction is applied as a refrigerant in taberdillo (a hectic
Santolina scabra. Eupatorium burning fever) and chavolonjo. urens. Euphorbia portulacoides L., pichoa; the natives take the decoction of this plant as a purgative. It is very drastic, and to stop Volkameria verticillata, haumun, its action they drink cold water. and its fruit chaguis; when this shrub blooms, it is all covered with flowers, and it gradually fills with fruits, forming a beautiful sight. Euphorbia tricuspidata. Bromelia bicolor, and sphacelata, chupon.
Sophora cassia L., mayo. Cassia reflexa, mayo and mayu. With the bark of this plant they dye the color of golden yellow. Quadria pinnata, avellano de Chile and negu; its wood is excellent for making oars, and its fruits are sold in the market of Lima by the
of avellanas.
Woods and
kind of olives
Origin of the
draftsman Gdlvez and I went to the hacienda of Culenco, twelve leagues from Concepcion, fording the Andalien river eight times through Palomares and crossing the Nongen.
of April, 1782
The 24th
During our stay in Culenco we explored the woods and fields, as well as those at the haciendas of San Salvador, Yeguaragui,
Parral, Rosario, Cangrejillos, and Chaymavida; the fields are suited to all kinds of fruits and seeds, and with the abundant grass
There are few hacendados that plant wheat and barley, because the pasture is so good that they are satisfied to breed cattle, of which they slaughter great numbers for changuis or hung beef, grease, and tallow; and to have one or two vineyards of 40,000 or 50,000 vines from which they obtain great harvests of exquisite wine as good as that of Valdepenas. In the orchards of these haciendas they cultivate several fruit trees from Spain, such as the apple, pear, cherry, clingstone and freestone peach, fig, walnut trees, and
pines, chestnuts, olive trees, and quince trees that they call lucumas, with a delicate taste and odor. There are several kinds
and and
of grapes, among which the muscatel and Italian are delicious, as are also the Joaquin pears and other European fruits, which are of better quality in this climate than in Spain. They prepare
olives there so small that they look like peas, and they are eaten with a spoon because their pits are so small and tender that they can be chewed with ease; there is no need of ejecting them if one does not wish to. In the woods there are wild trees of beautiful wood for
buildings and other uses, as in Concepcion and other provinces. In one word it is a beautiful country in every way.
Psoralea glandulosa that grows there in all the valleys and gullies. Very few plants were found on these excursions that differed from
those found at Concepcion; among them we sketched the Sophora cassia and the Mimosa carbonaria, espino, of which I shall speak elsewhere as well as of the other plants gathered on this trip.
Plants gathered
On May 3rd, 1782 we returned to Conception, where we continued our excursions and botanical work until the month of December; during this time we dried and sketched many plants and trees, of which I described the following. Campanula filiformis,
hunopergi. Embothrium obliquum, dentatum, raral. The bark and leaves give a good black tint or dye, and the wood is used in the Emb. lanceolatum, nothro. When our construction of arches. troops were surrounded by the Indians in the hill of Villagra, they
found themselves obliged to make small cakes with the seeds of this shrub, although they are so small and give so little flour, but the need of food forced the men to use what they could find. Lardizabala The pulp of its fruit has a biternata, coguillogi or traunuvoqui.
is eaten by the natives. With this reed they and cane, and the roofs and crosses of the houses Aextoxicon because of its flexibility, durability, and strength. punctatum, aceitunillo, for the resemblance of its leaves and fruits
poisonous to
goats; from its trunk the natives get very good wood, beams, and boards for construction and other carpentry work. Decostea scandens,
yelmo; this climbing shrub stays green the year around. Ruizia fragrans, boldu; this small tree stays green the whole year, grows from ten to twelve yards, blooms in August, and sprouts in October.
It gives beautiful and pleasing shade by the density of its branches and leaves; their wonderful fragrance that it continually exhales, somewhat resembling cinnamon, spreads all over those fields for The mashed leaves are used by the natives to long distances. and to cure its pains, and with their juice the stomach strengthen with extracted water, they stop earaches. They apply them halfroasted, crushed, and sprinkled with wine, for colds in the head.
and antihydropic. They are boiled for general baths and are used like bay leaves for condiments and for pickling fish. The ripe fruits,
although small, are very appetizing because of their fine, sweet taste. With the stones of these fruits some persons make rosaries since, besides being hard, they are naturally carved. Barrels made of the wood improve the quality of the wines that are contained in them.
enemas to move the bowels. Dioscorea filiformis. Azara obovata, lanceolata, and elliptica, corcolen; all these small trees are a beautiful sight when in bloom, and their yellow flowers are as
deliciously fragrant as the flowers of the aromos. Erysimum tubeSophora alata, pilo or pelu. Tree with an excellent, white, and solid, heavy wood for making keels of boats on account of its
hardness and resistance; the pods are used for black dyes. Viola, and chilensis, violets, are used in place of Viola martia. Anemone digitata, anemona. Croton trinerve. Ribes punctatum.
Coccoloba hastata, quilo. Horminum? salviflorum, alhuelaguen. Cynoglossum decurrens and pauciflorum. Fagus Pellin. They call this tree pellin when it is old, roble when it is in its greatest vigor, and
trunks they get beautiful timbers, wood is of the best known for the making of keels and keelsons of boats and for many other The crushed kinds of building, also for carts and parapets. bark prepared with lime and bran tans and dyes sole leather red. This tree breeds two species of excrescences: one is called diguenes and is a kind of puffball of an obovate shape and the size of a chestnut of white color, but when the balls get ripe they become reddish
it is
honeycomb in which one finds some insects; thought that they must be insect nests. The natives eat them raw, notwithstanding their insipid taste, similar to that of some tender mushrooms. The other excrescence is a small gallnut, reddish and adorned with small blunt points that the natives take
full of
holes like a
to be the fruits of the tree, without noticing that they enclose only small worms while the true fruit has three seeds. Macignata,
guillipatahua, a tall tree with a thick trunk that makes good timber. Its bark is used to pickle hides; it is also a powerful emetic, and in greater doses purges the bowels, as do also the fresh leaves infused
in water,
which is the way they use them. Gnaphalium uniflorum. Talinum monandrum, nitidum, and umbellatum, yerba de la mistela,
its flowers,
because with
hyalinorrhiza, crispa, and Cornucopiae L. Gunnera thyrsiflora, panke. The root of the panke or pangue is as big as a thigh, it penetrates almost a yard into the ground and divides into two or three branches of the same thickness; the people use them for tanning hides. The stems of its leaves, called nalcas, are eaten raw when cleaned of the
fibrous parts; they have
Hip6LiTO Ruiz an acid, astringent taste, and the gum found in abundance in the shoots and tender stems is applied
with considerable benefit to the kidneys to mitigate the heat of the blood in high fevers. Gualtheria acuminata. Pourretia coarctata, cardon and puya; the wood of the stem is used in place of corks for the cover of earthen jars, and a bunch of its flowers, which are fragrant and pleasing, applied to the ear mitigates pain and restores hearing. Poly gala vulgaris L., quinclin; it is used as a diuretic in infusions. Geum urbanum L., quelgon and canelilla, for the odor of its roots, used in decoctions as an aperitive and resolvent. Sisyrinchium cavum. Cymbanthes punctata, arquenilla, the infusion of which is given as a diuretic. Myriophyllum verticillatum L. Solanum cristatum, natre; it is used in infusions with good results against the chavalongo, a kind of tabardillo [burning fever]. Ornithogalum coeruleum. Loasa tricolor, ortiga. Serapias plicata, gavilu
and margaritas.
Soliva sessilis.
pretiatus, retamilla,
Hague; these two thorny plants are used by the Chileans as a hedge around their properties, and with the barks of the roots, which make suds like soap, they wash cotton clothes, tocuyo, and even linens. Aster repens. Amaryllis formossisima L. Galvezia punctata, pitau, a tree small but leafy, of handsome appearance, green all the year round and of better fragrance the more its glossy leaves dry. Torresia utriculata, ratonera, because its tuberous roots,
tender and transparent and of the size of small misshapen pearls, serve as food to the many rats that come to the places where these
Silene anglica L. Alstroemeria Salsilla L. Sapium fragrans, collihuay; its roots when burned expel a delicious fragrance, but produce headaches in those that get too close to the fire
plants grow.
of this plant.
Its juice or
quality that persons have lost their sight when some of the milk got into their eyes while they were cutting firewood. Myoschilos oblongum, godocoypo, that is, food of the coypo. This small shrub
one of the very few in Chile that lose their leaves, and
before budding. Sisyrinchium echinatum. This plant, after it is dried and kept between papers, leaves a beautiful pink color stamped
on them; from
this it is
presumed that
as a dye. Cineraria fasciculata. Sonchus purpureus. Statice Armeria L. Phlox aterifolia. Lithospermum muricatum. Serapias lutea. Mimulus luteus L. Sisyrinchium caducum, setaceum, and quadriflorum, guilmo; its roots are used frequently in decoctions to purge the bowels and for venereal humours. Ornithogalum plumosum; its
white flowers are covered with long hairs. Pavonia sempervirens, a tall, luxuriant, and beautiful tree which stays the green throughout year; its wood is white and workable, and has in the center. It is fragrant like sassafras; from wavy stripes the trunk they get good beams, girders, and boards for buildings and other works of carpentry. In Chile they use its leaves instead of bay leaves in the preparation of pickled fish and other dishes;
laurel of Chile, is
might find excellent employment in medicine, on account of its fragrance and the corroborant properties of its leaves and wood, hot baths of which fortify the nerves and are useful in paralysis, spasms, and convulsions; an infusion of the leaves taken at all meals relieves rheumatic pains. Ferraria Lagues. The bulbs or onions of this plant, called lagues, grow in abundance in Chile, and are eaten baked, boiled, and even raw; but the baked taste best, and after
that the boiled, the taste being like that of hazelnuts. The pigs that graze in the places where these plants grow become admirably fat, and their meat is delicious. Loasa laciniata, wild ortiga. Buddleia globosa,
pagnhin. It is a beautiful shrub when in bloom and in the fruits are of the size of a small hen's egg and
Sisyrinchium alatum, and multiflorum, tecal The Chileans use this species as an active purgative, infused or boiled in water. Rhamnus verticillatus, chacay; the infusion of its bark is employed against boils. The wood is inPlantago corruptible; for this reason they build huts with it.
are found hanging.
hispidula. Hedysarum plumosum. Ornithogalum sympagantherum, Its bulbs or onions that have the shape of a Cucurbita Laillmo.
genaria, or calabash, taste very
they are delicious. They use the decoctions to produce menstruation, to hasten childHerreria stellata, quila and birth, and to lessen bladder pain. salsaparrilla, because their creeping roots are used instead of the Smilax Sarsaparilla. This plant is an excellent food for cattle, and
the shoots, resembling canes, have the same uses as reed grass. Dioscorea hastata. Lotus utricularis. Salpiglossis sinuata. Senecio
good when boiled, and even raw Verbena corymbosa, and multifida, sandia laguen.
Oenothera mitis and oblonga. Hypochaeris laciniata. Lathyrus Scabiosa sympaganthera. Myosotis Lupinus rhombeus. and Cissus striata, vogui, a name also used corymbosa gracilis.
by the Chileans
Aldea pinnata. hispida. tree whose wood is used for buildings, raft poles, and other works From of carpentry. Lathyrus lutescens. Alstroemeria Ligtu, Hutu.
Hip6LiTO Ruiz
the roots of this plant the Chileans get a very white starch with which they make very delicious mazamorra [a sort of pap, made of flour, honey, and sugar], or puches, soft and transparent as jelly, that not only is rich nourishment for children and old people, but also is preferred to any other nourishment for the sick, because it can be digested with ease and because it has no odor or taste that could make it disagreeable; on the contrary, with the sugar and
powdered cinnamon they add, the taste is delicious. They get this starch, or "flour of Hutu" as they call it in Chile, by grinding the roots between two stones and placing the product in water, collecting the liquor in trays or troughs and straining it; after sedimentation, they decant it, and the flour stays in the bottom, is dried in the sun, and is kept to be sold. Each zelemin [about an English peck] usually is worth 2 rs. in their currency. In Fort San Pedro they make much of this flour, that is greatly esteemed in Lima and in the whole kingdom of Chile by people of good taste. From all the
species of Alstroemeria they can get a similar flour because all of them have tuberous roots of the same consistency, odor, taste, color, and transparency. Oenothera incurvata. Astragalus dependens.
Serapias alba.
a beautiful
tree, and its trunk is used for many purposes because its wood is strong and red and becomes brighter by pouring urine over it, so that they make walking canes of it and various articles turned on the lathe. The bark is used to dye hides, and with the seeds they sometimes purge themselves. Laurus rubra, peumo. A tall and very leafy tree, and therefore, of beautiful appearance and lovely shade,
it is full
pulp and are disagreeable in taste to are not used to eating them, they are very tasty to the
natives who, after boiling them in water without any condiment, suck with avidity the little pulp covering the seeds or pits, which are bitter, viscous, and so disagreeable in odor and taste, resembling that of celery, that they cause nausea. The wood, bark, and leaves have the same taste and odor as the pits. From the trunk of this tree they get very good beams, planks, and boards for various uses, the wood having good working qualities and resistance. The bark possesses astringent properties and gives an orange color in tanning.
the fruits they attribute antihydropic properties. The country who are very generous in inviting to their table any traveler
that happens to arrive at their house at midday, encourage him to eat with this expression: "Join us, my dear, in the pot; it has
maythen and magthun, a handsome abundance of its pendant branches, the perennial green of its leaves, and the many flowers and fruits with which it becomes loaded. It generally grows among shrubs and small plants; this circumstance makes it stand out and be more conspicuous and
tree because of the
well-known to
found on
the same grounds; its shade and smoke, when it is burned, produce a multitude of poisonous pimples on the exposed parts of the body of persons who take shelter under it or inhale the smoke or the
vapors expelled by
it is
placed these two trees near each other on purpose so that one could curb the bad and rapid effects of the other, simply by applying the the crushed leaves in the form of a poultice over the pimples and by
purging the bowels with an infusion of leaves. In Chile some people use the leaves of maythen, instead of senna leaves. Many persons, although they sleep under the lithre and inhale its vapors and smoke, do not get sick or suffer any harm; but there are some who are so susceptible to this poisoning that after a short time they become ill and are attacked by fever. The wood of the maythen is white, and
it is of good quality, and suitable for cattle eat its tender branches with relish.
Boundaries of the province of Puchacay Botanizing at Huilguelemu The Chilean pine Plants of Rere Medicinal and industrial uses The pizguin More plants.
In December, 1782 the three botanists and the draftsmen left together, for Fort Nacimiento, that is situated at the foot of the cordillera, where by royal order they were cutting Chilean pines for masts and the interiors of boats. We passed through Hualgui, capital of the province of Puchacay, which borders to the west on the province of Concepcion, to the south on the Biobio river, to the east on the province of Rere, and to the north on that of Itata. It
has two parishes; they are those of Florida and of Conuto, besides that of the town of San Juan Baptista de Hualgui.
province of Rere,
arriving at Huilguelemu or Estancia del Rey, capital of the all of us spent the night there in the house of
Dn. Miguel Montero, corregidor of the province, who informed us of the fact that there were very few plants in Nacimiento to occupy
us according to the purpose of our commission; for this reason, impressed by this information, I determined to stay in Huilguelemu with draftsman Galvez to gather and sketch the plants that were present in those fields and woods. My companion Dn. Jose" Pavon, with draftsman Brunete and Mr. Dombey, went ne*xt day to Nacimiento; they returned on the fifth day to Concepcion, having satisfied themselves about the information given us by Corregidor Montero. Dn. Jose" Pavon went in company of Dn. Isidro del Postigo, naval official in charge there of the commission for the cutting of the pines, from Nacimiento to the cordillera to get branches of these pines that we might inspect them. This I did myself when my companion left for me in Huilguelemu, while on the way back to Concepcion, branches with strobiles or small cones and amentos or male shoots, after the three botanists had agreed that it was a species of the genus Pinus of Linnaeus, although a dioecious tree. time
remained with my draftsman one month in Rere. During that I gathered and gave to be sketched several plants of which I described the following. Stereoxylon virgatum, revolutum, Hun and siete camisas, and pulverulentum, mandono. Alstroemeria revoluta, All these plants are valuable for discolor, tricolor, and sanguined. gardens on account of the color of their showy flowers, and useful for their tuberous, white, and juicy roots from which one can get
is taken from the liuto or Alstroemeria Smegmadermos emarginata, quillay, a big, tall, and luxuriant tree; from its crushed bark the natives make balls, that they sell for half a real, for washing cloth instead of soap, and with the decoctions they give enemas against hysterical attacks. These trees are also found in abundance in the provinces of Puchacay, Concepcion, Itata, Cauquenes, and Maule, and in almost the whole kingdom of Chile, where they make use of their trunks for beams, planks, and excellent boards for buildings, framework of windmills, and mines, and other work, because it is more resistant in damp places than in dry. Stachys lanuginosa. Eryngium ciliatum, achupalla; trifidum, anisillo and Eryngium tripodum, calcha; its stalks, or part of them that grow buried underground, are eaten raw as a salad and taste like endives. Fabiana imbricata, pichi, a shrub that is abundant on the beaches and sands of the rivers and lakes near the sea of the provinces of Rere and Itata; it is recognized there as an admirable specific to cure the pizguin of the goats and sheep, a sickness produced by an insect that breeds in the livers of those animals and that causes the death of whole flocks. However, the hacendados, experienced in the knowledge of this sickness, immediately take their flocks to graze where there is pichi, and with this nourishment they get well and fat in a short time; when they kill a goat or a sheep later, no pizguin is found in the liver. This same sickness strikes the sheep of Peru when they have grazed on weeds, particularly in the montafias where there are no grasses or small plants, as we ourselves had found in case of the sheep that we had taken there at various times.
Fragosa spinosa. Sisyrinchium Aster multifidus. Carthamus ciliatus. Tropaeolum Chaetanthera ciliata and serrata. Navarretia inOldenlandia uniflora.
Gardoquia multiflora.
Boundaries of the province of Rere
Its climate
Salting industry
Gold wash-
The province of Rere is bounded to the west and northwest by the province of Puchacay, and to the east and south by the fortresses that we have there to prevent raids by the Indians living in the cordillera. The capital of this province is the town of Huilguelemu or Buena Esperanza and today called San Luis Gonzaga or Estancia del Rey, with a parish in the same town, where all the people from the nearby farms and haciendas gather for Mass and all the other Christian observances, except from those places where they also
have Masses on holy days.
as that of Concepgood harvests of wheat are gathered. Little wine is produced, and it is very inferior to the wine of Nipas and other haciendas of Itata and Puchacay. Plenty of cattle are slaughtered for charqui, Some flocks of sheep and goats are also raised in fat, and tallow.
tion, so that
There are deposits and washers for nuggets of fine gold, of which they gather considerable quantities in the course of the year by only washing the sand of those deposits that are from two to five yards deep. They sometimes get nuggets, or papas, as they call them, of a half or one pound, and even of two pounds in weight; those of half an ounce are common.
At a
there are
distance of two or two and one half leagues from San Luis, some hills near the Biobio river where one finds round
stones like bullets and others larger than-'walnuts; of these I gathered two bags, digging with a knife on the surface of that copious deposit.
In Rere there is an abundance of small parrots, treguiles, aloicas, sparrows, and other small birds called huros, that destroy the plantations of maize, beans, wheat, and other small grains, not only in this province, but also in others in the kingdom.
short distance from San Luis Gonzaga, there is a brook abounding in shrimp and crabs that have a delicious taste.
At a
Excursions in the neighborhood of Concepcion Plants gathered The shade of the lithre The maythen Uses of the merulanguen and other vegetables Collection of woods The Chilean pine and its great utility.
continued all of our botanical excursions through the mounand fields of Concepcion and Cauquenes until the 29th of March of the same year; during this time we dried and made drawings of a great number of plants of which I described the following. Lardizabala triternata, coguillvogui its fruits are edible and, although they are smaller than those of biternata, are equally sweet and tasty.
A large tree,
of its globose crown of foliage and green color the year round, though it is greener in spring and more exuberant then than in winter. It gives such fine shade that, more
than any others, it invites the traveler to shelter in summer and on days of hot sun. The lithre shade is so malignant that it immediately produces in many persons that have sought its shade, a certain kind of purulent pimples accompanied by fever on all those parts of the body that have been uncovered during the siesta.
The same
vapors in the description of maythen, which is its antidote, as are also, according to the repeated observations made by the natives, grains of corn chewed and applied to the eruption caused by lithre. Notwithstanding the malignant property of this tree, its thick trunk yields valuable timbers for the keels of boats on account of its peculiarity of increasing in strength the longer it stays in water; they also make from these trunks excellent beams, planks, and boards
for buildings, wheels, and axles of carriages, points of ploughs, and other uses. Loasa multifida. Stemodia maritima. Laurus revoluta,
caused by the smoke from its wood and the the when wood gatherers cut it, as has been explained expels
effect is
ligney-lingue. This tree is very common in the bishopric of Concepcion and in many places in that of Santiago. Its trunk is valued for
wood is solid and spotted like jasper, and wash basins, trays, and bowls. With the bark they tan sole leather and red gauntlets. The fruit gives a bitter taste to the flesh of doves that eat it, and it is poison to ruminant animals.
small articles because its
it is
confertum, merulanguen; the infusion and decoction of this much used in affections of the chest and also against coughs
the chest, as they say, and to cure this sickness. Oenothera grandiThe natives assure us that the juice and the flora, guadalaguen. hot infusions of this plant will make internal abscesses discharge. Hyssopus? punctata. Molina reticulata, racemosa, viscosa, and oblonga. Hydrocotyle akhimilaefolia, Erigeron scabrum and canadense L. exhales a fragrance like the torongil. Campanula denticulata. Arbutus racemosa. Fagus oblongifolia, pellin; luxuriant tree with excellent wood for buildings, parapets, keels, keelsons, props, and other works of carpentry, for its durability in water; it is one of the few trees that loses its leaves in winter in Chile; with the bark wools are dyed dark purple. Oxalis prostrata, yerba de la perdiz. It is so abundant in spring that the fields of the coast of Concepcion form a beautiful carpet with the green leaves and the more or less Its leaves are very agreeable brilliant gold color of their flowers. to the taste and, because of their slight acidity, some people use them
in salads.
While we remained
excellent collection of
colors, grain,
by their and consistency, makes one admire the greatness of the Creator. These were lost with all the collections from the kingdom of Chile there were many representing all the three kingdoms of nature in the wreck of the ship "San Pedro de Alcantara." We also sent to Madrid, every month, packages of all the seeds that we found in those beautiful fields, mountains, and fertile coasts.
the description of the Pinus chilensis started in Huilguelemu, by going with Dn. Jos Brunete, so that he might sketch the habits of this magnificent tree, to the road of Talcahuano, where there were three female trees, one of them stretched on the ground,
I finished
made an
by the roots. This very tall tree, although dioecious, in all its parts of fructification with the generic character corresponds of Pinus of Linnaeus, according to the examination made by us
but held to
three companions;
we agreed unanimously
was a new
of this genus and probably the most valuable of all those discovered up to that time for its exquisite white wood of excellent grain for
working and
of boats
to the Pehuenche and Huiliche Indians, and finally for its resin, very useful in medicine. There are cones that contain as much as
a celemin or almuz of pine nuts, bigger than acorns, in the shape of a wedge, and of the the color of chestnuts in and out, and with a similar taste raw, boiled, or baked, for they are eaten in all these ways. The resin possesses especial balsamic virtues and to large wounds it is applied by the very men that cut the trees, when by neglect or accident the axe slips and they get cut themselves. They also apply it as a soothing remedy for all fractures in any part of the body. (See the description of this singular tree in the Flora Peruviana et Chilensis, where the curious will find all the account that they could desire of its structure and its economic and medicinal uses and virtues.) I will say here only that the Chilean pine rises to forty, fifty, and sixty yards in height and that, according to the account of the natives, forests of it extend more than 200 leagues from 36 south unto near the straits of Magellan; its territory is inhabited by the Pehuenche and Huiliche Indians. Padre Ignacio Molina in his Natural History of Chile, describes this pine. Lamarck has separated it from the genus of Pinus and called it Dom-
beya and Antonio Lorenzo Jussieu, Araucaria. This last was adopted my companion Dn. Jos4 Pavon in the description of this tree
that he presented to the Real Academia Me*dica of Madrid, but on no other grounds than his own choice or that of a third person, as
I have proved in my Respuesta para desengano del publico a la impugnacion que ha divulgado prematuramente el presbitero Jose Antonio Cavanilles contra el Prodromo de la Flora del Peru, impresa en Madrid en 179 J^.
and parishes of the province of Concepcion The bay of QuiriShape, quina Talcahuano and its castle Valdivia and its origin Earthquakes and inundations in 1730 and 1751 Description of Concepcion Its inhabitants Convents Birds Mammals "The amphibious horse" Fish Crustacea Mollusks Echinoderms Amphibia Reptiles Arachnids Insects Plants.
The province or corregimiento of Concepcion of Chile consists only of the small territory that lies between the sea on the west and the boundary of the provinces of Cauquenes and of Puchacay that lie to the east and northeast of Concepcion about two leagues distant. From north to south it extends from the Andalien river to the Biobio river, including the places called Mochita, quebrada of Carcamon, and Hualpen, and the ports Penco el Viejo and San Vicente, not frequented by boats and situated behind the Tetas de Biobio next to the port of Talcahuano and in which the vessel "San Miguel" was launched in our presence, and, finally, the port of Talcahuano with a great bay that has at its entrance a desert island called Quiriquina, where they quarantine people that come from Peru and other places with smallpox and other contagious diseases, which the officials try to discover when any ship gets into port. This bay has two entrances: a big one in the north where the big ships come in, and a small one on the south for smaller vessels.
In Talcahuano, that may have thirty people, there are bodegas or warehouses for products and goods that are taken to Peru; from there four to six ships come annually. In the hills of Talcahuano there is a castle to defend the port and guard the entrance;
in this there is small garrison of troops, regulated
by a commandant
who governs
This province has three parishes: Concepcion incorporated in the Cathedral, and those of Hualgui and Talcahuano.
In the year 1550 Valdivia founded the city of Concepcion at the port of Penco, in 36 43' southern latitude and 303 18' longitude from the meridian of Tenerife. In 1567 the Royal Council was
established there; this was ended in 1573, and in 1609 it was reestablished in the city of Santiago. Concepcion of Chile was destroyed several times by Indians, and by earthquakes, especially
wave that
of July, 1730, an earthquake being followed by a tidal flooded most of the city. On the 24th of May, 1751 with
another earthquake, the sea again overflowed twice. The first time the people were warned to flee to the hills, which they did, most of them in undershirts, as it was night; the second time the sea flooded and ruined the whole city. For this reason it was moved to the valley of Mocha on the 24th of November, a distance of three leagues from Penco, near the Biobio river, and at the foot of the hill of the Puntilla where the gunpowder warehouse is situated.
The streets of Conception are laid out in straight lines from northeast to southwest and from northwest to southeast; its ground is sandy and remains uneven, because of the few inhabitants and The houses are of a single story, it has been built, constructed of timber, lime from shells, and stones, with adobe baked in the sun, and are roofed with tiles; most of them have partitions of boards, which is the quickest and cheapest material because of its
the short time
abundance in woods and fields. The population is composed of ten thousand souls, more than half of whom live in their haciendas, The men are or campanas as they call them, most of the year. and serious of of healthy, stature, appearance, generally good good and formal in their behavior and dealings. They dress in Spanish The women are of medistyle, but on horseback they use ponchos. um stature, pretty, healthy, clean, affable, and obliging; they dress in the fashion of Lima.
As to politics, this city is governed by a council composed of one corregidor [magistrate], two ordinary alcaldes [mayors], four regidores [aldermen], a royal alferez, and the other corresponding
The ecclesiastic chapter consists only of the bishop, dean, archdeacon, a magisterial canonry, and another of mercy; although according to the regulations the number should be much larger, the small decimal taxes have not permitted it to date. There is a small cathedral situated in one of the facades of the big town plaza or square which is in the center of the city, to the right of the Bishop's palace, where they worship Our Lady of the Snows, a miraculous
image by whose intervention there have been many miracles. The religious convents are five, namely those of the Agustinos, Mercedarios, Franciscos, Dominicos, and San Juan de Dios. There is a monastery of barefoot Trinitarians, a colegio, and a meeting house.
place of the
this city is not walled, it is the principal garrison
of the
and the commandant or mre. de campo kingdom reside there. Formerly, the
captain general and the president of the royal council of Santiago lived in this city six months each year, but now they live in this capital of the kingdom of Chile the entire year. There are also
royal coffers with their accountant and treasurer, customhouses, and some traders in European and native products.
The bishop resides in this city, and his jurisdiction comprises the six provinces or corregimientos of Concepcion, Cauquenes, Chilian, Itata, Puchacay, and Rere, none of which has appropriations; nor do the corregidors [Spanish magistrates] have other salary than the very small judicial revenues. For this reason these posts
are not desirable and no one wishes to claim or solicit
so that this
always by
them at court, of Santiago are provided for almost the captain general of the kingdom.
and the bishopric
Besides these corregimientos there are three governments belonging to the kingdom of Chile which are provided for by the king; these are Chiloe", Valdivia, Valparaiso, with the comandancia [district] of the island of Juan Fernandez, the commandant of which governs in political and military matters.
The climate of this province during the four seasons of the year, as in the other provinces of this bishopric, is generally milder than the climate of Spain, with which country the kingdom of Chile has
a notable resemblance in this as well as in many of its natural The winters are not so cold, nor the summers so excessively hot; for this reason, most of the trees are green and leafy throughout the year, especially on the coast and at the seashore where the waves beat against the trees. The sky is beautiful, and in clear weather the nights are bright, even when there is no moon. The most usual and healthful winds are from the south and southThe west; with the winds from the north it rains abundantly. wind, called puelche, that comes from the cordillera is cold and dry to extremes and very harmful to the health, causing paralysis, convulsions, colds, that turn into burning fevers that are called chavalongos, though others more dangerous come from sunstroke; the Indians and the people of the country cure these with cold baths on the head and with infusions of several plants. When the puelche blows for a long time, it is a sign of earthquakes.
This bishopric, like the whole kingdom of Chile, is a country very fertile in pastures; for this reason there are many mountain animals of all species, such as zorzales, gallinas, aloicas, gilgueros, pirenes. Those used for food are the torcaces, perdices, papagayos,
tortolitas, cotorras,
of the rivers,
have a delicious taste. The papagayos breed in the steepest ravines where the guazos, or people from the country, get
fearlessness, coming down the ravine tied with a rope that at the other end is tied to some tree, if there is any, or if not, to the horse they are riding; as they gather tricahues, they haul them up by the same rope without thinking that their lives depend on the strength of the rope and of the girth and on the loyalty and tameness of the horse, because if that fails they fall into the river, or if the horse gets restless or frightened or cannot hold the weight, they are liable both of them to fall into the river or be dragged along and cut to pieces. Besides the birds used for food, wild or domesticated (that are the hens, turkeys, doves, ducks, and
geese), there are in Chile calandrias, or tencas, that imitate the song of the birds they hear; tordos, papamoscas, and small birds that sing
new day with their towns and singing, inhabiting villages; woodpeckers that bore trees with their beaks, making quite a noise with their blows; tichles or chilis from which this kingdom took its name; pillos, a kind of heron, from which they get beautiful feathers for writing; treguilles, watchmen dependable day and night, because when they hear the least of noises of persons or animals they fly away, repeating incessantly the word treguill, so warning others of their species, (they commonly live in damp places and near the lakes); gualas, urus, that eat the seeds that are sown, and because they are small birds, neither the beans, vetches, nor peas, nor even the abas are free from them; gallinazos with black and with red heads; small eagles, of brown color; condors, big eagles; gavilanes and lechuzas; herons or garzotas; Martin pescador, golondrinas, piuques, cucus, and chonsoftly; picaflores,
chones, a nocturnal bird of such sad singing that hear it, they take it as a bad omen.
At the seacoast and lagoons, there is an abundance of potojuncos and rabijuncos, nestling birds, gulls, alcatraces of beautiful feathers, jardelas, cuervos marinos and of game birds, ducks; zambullidores,
gallinules, gualas,
a species of duck; flamingoes, geese, swans, bandurrias, piuquenes, and coscorrobas, a specie of goose the cackle of which is called coscorroba, whence the name.
The domestic animals are cattle, Castilian sheep, goats, pigs, good horses, mules, and asses. The wild animals are small pumas, small wolves, foxes, and chingues [skunks]. In the cordilleras, there
are vicunas, huanacos, deer, chilihuegues, topos, mice, and pericotes or ratones. In the lakes, rivers, and coastal marshes you find the
coipo, a species of large rat, otters, wolves, pumas, cats, and bears. They assure me that in Lake Avendano there is a kind of amphibious
horse that sometimes has been seen playing on land. In the year 1723 a guazo roped one such, but it jumped into the lake where
developed such strength that, if the man had not cut his rope, he might have been drowned with his mount, as it dragged him to the shore very violently. In Lake Papal, a distance of twelve leagues from Avendano, they found one of those horses dead and floating in the lake; it was taken ashore in the presence of the corregidor and many people, and we noticed that it was double the size of the land horse, of a sorrel color, with thin neck, small ears, and plenty of long and thick hair on the neck and tail; the limbs were slim and without joints, and to all appearances with gristle instead of
bones, and terminating in soft and flat paws in the shape of wings. For lack of interest they were satisfied with this short examination.
Fish and shellfish are found in quantities, and there are some very delicious taste. In the rivers are found truchas, corbinas, In the sea the following eels, puyegues, anogagatos, and mirereyes. are very common: bobalos, one of the most excellent, corbinas, cabrillas, lenguados, pexe reyes, pexe sapo, pexe gallo, pexe perro, puyeguenes, aoumes, lisas, pintadillas, dorados, caugues, anchovetas, sardinas, tollos, congrio, vieja, pampanito, chichi, boconos, terguillas,
pintarrojas, vagres, chalacos, tembladerilla, bollizos; ballenatos of large size that come to the island of Quiriquina and even to the
of Talcahuano; tiburones [sharks], or taurones as they are by the sea people and in America (when they are small they
and at
The bestesteemed), and octopuses, a kind of "mamas." liked shellfish are chores, cholhicas, and female dollimes [mussels]
the flesh of which
in taste
differs notably in its color being like the yolk of an and consistency, from the flesh of the males of the three egg which is species gray or viscous white, loathsome, and almost chalky; most times they are full of very tiny pearls, among which are found some of the size of peas and even the size of small chick peas, but because the supply is small and because in general the pearls are so Dollimes are also tiny, the natives do not care to gather them. found in rivers and lakes. There are four species of apancoras or crabs of the sea called talicunas, reynas, remadoras, and peludas; two species
of crawfish or crabs,
rivers, salt
one with a delicious taste being found in the marshes, and lakes, and the other on land, where it bores
For this reason Linnaeus called it Cancer talpa; ordinarily this is not eaten, because it has little meat and its shell is very hard. In the rivers and salt marshes there is a kind of small apancora that, because it has little flesh and because its shell is very hard, is not gathered either. There is an abundance of sea urchins and shellfish: picos, tracas, navajuelas, chapes, petacones, palanganas or aseytaderas; locos, the flesh of which needs to be pounded with a heavy stick to make it tender; pipes, a kind of barnacle that adheres to fish and other shellfish; oysters in banks; peninpenin, so called for its shape; potos, that are rosas, olonturies, and sea anemones. Pinnes, starfish, and several other small snails and shellfish are found in rivers, salt marshes, and lakes. Frogs are found of more than two pounds in weight. Large toads are seen in the fields when it rains in the summer; there is another smaller species of toad that is scarcely larger than a cricket but much more troublesome than this, and with a similar noise. There are two or three species of small snakes. Scorpions are found in the quebradas under the stones; among the several species of house and country spiders, three are rather conspicuous. One is big and hairy, another smaller, about one-sixth the size of the former; both are harmless and carry their young on their back, but the bite of the third, which is much smaller than the second and of a dark color with a pink posterior, is very poisonous and sometimes fatal, causing a strange convulsion that contracts the limbs with very intense pain. As night approaches, the pains increase until next day when, as soon as the sun comes up, they diminish, and the limbs begin to relax, so that at noonday they feel normal again as if completely recovered. This species is found frequently in the summertime in the grass, and it is at this season
that they bite.
Insects are
of Chile,
a kind of caterpillar of several sizes and colors, and one that lives on the huignhanes is very abundant and among the largest that are found there; from this comes various species of butterflies. Of
pinathas or pinathras, that
an abundance
is moscones, there are several species. zancudos [mosquitoes] and a very small spe-
breeds in the manure of cows. When they fly, they fill the and /air expel a fragrance similar to ambar; some people catch the mosquitoes to put them in their clothes so that these may become
cies that
impregnated with that fragrance. Perhaps this odor can be attributed to Geranium moschatum, which is found in those pastures. Fleas are abundant in the whole kingdom. Bedbugs are not missing in Santiago, where you also can find some chiggers or piques.
Thus in the bishopric of Conception as in that of Santiago, the vegetable kingdom is no less favorable than the animal, because, besides the wheat, barley, legumes, grapes, and other fruits and seeds that are cultivated and gathered, the ground is generally covered with shrubs and trees of excellent timber for factories and construction, plants and herbs of known economic uses and medicinal virtues, as has been said already. With these the natives cure their sicknesses and pains, many being guided by a natural instinct for the
application of these medicines and specifics, and by accident and observations gained by experience. The trees and shrubs suited for construction are the Chilean pine, for the masts of boats; and pellines, ranlies, and listres, for the keels; nebu or avellano, for
peumo, lumas, coihue, belloto, aceitunillo, guayo Colorado, wild lucumo, algarrobo, and espino, a species of Mimosa, molle de Chile, canelo, voldo, several arrayanes, patagua, guillipatagua, pitau, pilo, manihue; pines, olives, cypresses, and walnut of Spain, lingue or linge, huayacanes, coquito palms. The uses and properties of these trees, as of the other plants of Chile, have already been stated or will be stated in their respective places, as I have been describing them; for this reason I shall not repeat them here. Among the fruits found there is the famous Fragaria chiloensis; those called frutillas are found up to an ounce in weight; avellanos and pinones different from those in Europe; nuts,
queule, laurel,
almonds, peladillas, peaches, pears, the excellent Joaquin pear that is sent to Lima as a present; quinces, apples, plums, and grapes
of several kinds,
and vegetables.
Gold Lakes
Thermal waters
and other
country gives
inhabitants an abundance of provisions and much very few who undertake to recover this treasure
that nature so generously offers on the face of the earth. The natives say that, in the sand and salt marshes, there are various other mines of gold, silver, iron, and copper in this bishopric, but because of lack
of workers they are
some places
of the
kingdom and
Coquimbo. Amianthus is found in the salt marsh of the quebrada of MillanAntun, a distance of six hundred feet from Nacimiento; it is of the strength and color of chalcedony, and the natives use it for fuel.
especially in
The natives are sure that it consists of roots of petrified willows because of the form that it presents, and because those trees are found there. It appears to be the species of Amiantus immaturus
L. Syst. N. 158,
Stone bullets are round stones the size of a gun bullet, found in the
Tanahuillin, situated near the Biobio river about two leagues from Huilguelemu, where I gathered a good quantity, digging on the surface of the place.
The natives assert that there are other deposits of these bullets, as well as others of several sizes, in different places of this bishopric; I acquired several of them.
have already said
Cross stones are found in a salt marsh four leagues distant from Arauco, as I in the description of the trip to that place.
Nevertheis found in several quarries excellent for making good lime. they use only the lime from shells of picos, locos, chores, cholinnas, and tracas, calcined; it is not very strong. There are deposits of these shells in many places in the kingdom.
Gypsum, a very special mineral easy to calcine, is taken from several places near Santiago in the Cordillera; after being calcined, it is taken from there for sale to several provinces of the kingdom for use in wine-making over the pressed grapes to facilitate the extraction of the must and its fermentation. In Santiago,
it is
sold for
two or three
Hard coal. There are some mines in Chile. One of them is found near Talcahuano on the road to Conception, another near the road to Penco el Viejo, and
another in Nacimiento.
Black sand, or salvadera, is found in a mine on the hacienda of Culenco, 12 leagues from Conception; another is hi the island of Quiriquina, and there are several others in other places in the kingdom.
a black
it is
a kind of clay more or less pure and of several colors, such as yellow, and other natives use to color jugs, jars, pots, gourds, and pitchers and other pieces of pottery, and also to paint the churches, portals, halls, and friezes and baseboards of houses. It is found in the Colos
vicinity of
kind of clay marl which they use to make Rap or gredas. small gourds, cups, jars, plates, pots, and barritas of several figures that they call barritas de Indias. They put it into water
all the sand and other extraneous substances, passing a thin cloth and changing the water several times after through the heavier portions have settled to the bottom; afterwards they leave it standing for some time, and when the water has been decanted, there remains at the bottom of the vessel the fine and soft clay, which is left to take the consistency required to work it and form
They dry these in the shade, as the heat of the sun would shrink them too much. In case that any of the pieces crack, they attempt to cover the crack with a little of the same clay. When they are thoroughly dried, they are polished and shined as much as possible
or crack
with small touchstones and other very soft stones until they shine like mirrors; later they bake them or not, depending on the use they are going to have, and they give them the colors they desire The black color that they give to the for making them beautiful. pitchers and gourds is obtained with the burnt straw of any grass; at the same time they bake them with the same straw put in little Thus in the use of this method, piles without the use of an oven. as in the manufacture of ponchos, blankets, bands, and other textiles, the Indians have advanced very little from ancient times, because in the graves or huacas there are found pieces similar to those made today. The Chilean ponchos are different from the ponchos of Peru in being of one piece, those of this kingdom being of two or four parts.
is is
found in Chile.
in the hill
In the hill of San Cristobal of Chile there are of Santo Domingo of Chile white, soft ones.
of average fineness is
Maule province.
Amethyst, or cristalmontano morado, is found in the province of Maule, in that of Petorca a distance of two leagues from the town on the hill called Polcura, and in that of Quillota between Pupio and Flana, where they are better.
in the province of
Rancagua and
in that
Pumice stone is found in abundance on account of the many volcanoes that kingdom has, the principal ones being that of Aconcagua, that of Rancagua towards San Pedro Nolasco, the volcano of Villa Roca near Valdivia, and another in a plain between Chilos and Valdivia.
or rock salt,
found on the other side of the Cordillera towards the side of the provinces of Maule and San Fernando or Colchagua.
salt is
At springs, salt is found in the shape of small tubes like candles, side of the Cordillera.
White and red polcura, a kind of alum, which and dye; it is found in different parts of Chile.
Yellow sulphur, good and pure,
is is
on the other
in Copiapo.
Mineral tar is found in the province of Maule and in the cordillera, but the natives do not know how to give it the required preparation.
by boiling a shrub
Resins are taken from pines, huinghan, litre, and a species of Helianthus that is very abundant in Coquimbo and in Chile; they call this resin "incense of Coquimbo."
Caugue, province of Colchagua. Colina, twelve leagues from Santiago, there are also temperate baths.
Loadstones are found in Copiapo, and twelve leagues from Santiago towards
the coast.
There are several rivers that irrigate the kingdom of Chile from Huasco to the Plaza of Arauco and toward Mendoza: the largest are the rivers Colorado, Tachal, San Juan, Mendoza, Tunuyan, Choapa, Huasco, Limon, Ligua, Longotoma, Aconcagua, Mapocho, Maypo, Claro, Tinguirinica, Cachapual, Lontue, Teno, Maule, Itata, Andarien or Andalien, Lapa, Biobio, Araguete, and Carampangue. These last six are tidal rivers; that is, they flow and ebb and can be navigated with rafts and boats, but not as Molina says (page 44), in ships of the line, from the river Maule and Biobio. Besides these rivers there are many salt marshes or shore lakes aio. other rivers from Arauco to Chiloe': Cautin, Tolten, Valdivia, Chaivin, Rio Bueno, and Rio Sinfondo. There are several lakes in Chile; the best known are the Choapa, Avendano, Papal, Huanacache, Quinel, Nahuelguapio, Villarica or Lauquen, Tahua-tahua,
Aculeu, Bidahuel, Bojeruca, Cahuil, Bocalemu.
At a
distance of seven leagues from San Fernando there is a is an extensive floating sod formed by
the interlaced roots of the maytenes, arrayanes, voldos, and other minor plants, with an abundance of grass which tempts cattle to to go on this small ajid buoyant island when it approaches the shore; they may stay on it for many days until the wind returns it to shore
so that they can leave
kingdom are those of Coquimbo, There are several others, as those of San Vicente, Penco el Viejo, and Collomu, that is a very good port. The commercial products that are produced and shipped to Peru and elsewhere are big harvests of wheat, 2,302 fanegas
principal ports of the
being shipped to Callao in 1780; barley, charqui or hung-beef, fat, which the people of Chile use for cooking instead of the lard of hogs or oil; tallow, of which they export to Peru 302 quintals; hides, tanned goatskins, sole leather, dressed sheepskins, chamois, cheese, of which the best liked is from Chanco; butter, the best being from San Pedro on the other side of the Biobio river; brandies and wines, the best being from the provinces of Puchacay and Itata, the finest and most famous being the wine from Nipas; walnuts, cherries, hazelnuts, almonds, lentils, wild marjoram, saffron, bastard saffron. 1 Other products circulate only in the kingdom, as olive of which oil, they get a very small harvest, greenish, thick, and with not too good a taste; the best is from Coquimbo. Soap is made in quantities in Santiago, with tallow and lyes of espino, and aromo;
they get an excellent wood and make very good soft pan up to 24 hours, and even two days if sheltered. Linen and hemp are produced in the province of Quillota, where they manufacure riggings, ropes, twine, and tow, all of which is supplied to vessels that come to Valparaiso. Other articles manufactured are baize, country bedspreads, and a coarse frieze.
this tree
In Chilian and other places they also make superior ponchos, woolen blankets, spreads, cotton blankets, rugs, and pellones [robes] make of skins for saddles, mats of wool to place as runners over rugs in the wintertime; they manufacture hundreds of them in Petorca. From the sugar cane that is cultivated in Quillota they make some honey, as also from the shoots of the coquito palms; it is very tasty and is called miel de cocos. There is a kind of reed that they use instead of cotton for wicks for candles; they give beautiful light, make little smoke, and can be snuffed with little
Species of saffron;
Spanish ed.
They last a little longer than those that have cotton wicks and do not give headaches; their light is bluish and, when they fall on the floor, they break into several pieces. The people say that the sosa or barrilla grows towards the coast, but I have been unable to find it. From the root of the Hutu they manufacture an excellent flour, as I have already mentioned, which they call Hutu flour; it is in demand in Lima and other places. They manufacture great quantities at Fort San Pedro and in all of that level country. In
Chile they use a great deal of a drink called ulpu, that is made one tablespoon of roasted corn flour, sugar, cinnamon, and of a huampar, or glass, of water. Many, when they do not have corn
use wheat, barley, or beans, and the Indians drink this without
dressing; bean flour taken with water Chile as a sure remedy against distress.
appreciated in
The principal commerce from Peru to Chile Castilian products, that is, from Europe.
in sugar
and some
The kingdom of Chile is unquestionably, as might be inferred from benign climate, its products, and the character of the inhabitants, one of the most pleasant and enviable countries in the world.
Reception in Talca Arrival in Santiago Plants observed during the trip Kindness of the authorities and nobles Ruiz becomes ill Survey of the mercury mine of Coquimbo by Dombey Earthquakes and floods.
into Chile
From Concepcion
had put
in order
On the 30th we spent the night in Potreros del Rey, territory belonging to the province of Cauquenes where, as we went, I gathered several plants. The following day we entered the province of Chilian,
and we spent the night
in a country house. In April, 1783 we continued our trip in company of the muleteers, crossing the provinces of Chilian and Itata; their river we crossed in a raft, with the animals swimming, and we reached Talca, the capital of the province of Maule, where we stayed two days to rest the horses. In this beautiful town we were entertained very kindly by the corregidor and visited by the persons of the greatest distinction. From the province of Maule we passed to that of Colchagua; we spent the night in the town of San Fernando in the house of the corregidor, who was very obliging to us and showed us a vineyard near his house where he had put as fertilizer four thousand fanegas of wheat that had spoiled. From this province we entered that of Rancagua; in its capital we spent the night.
On the 15th, Holy Tuesday, we arrived in the city of Santiago without having had any mishaps on the whole trip, not even a shower. Without trouble we crossed the big rivers on the way from Concepcion to Santiago; the roads are generally level, although there are a few hills, but so low that they cannot be called by that name. On that whole road we could scarcely find any plants different from those already gathered in the provinces of Concepcion, Cauquenes, Rere, and Puchacay, and the hill of Arauco. We could find only an abundance of small trees about six or seven yards in height,
Mimosa (when
expels a wonderful perfume throughout all the fields), and the higarrobo or Mimosa in the province of Rancagua, which are not
found in the above provinces. There are very few towns along but there are large haciendas of grain and cattle of all kinds, with good and large country houses, where the owners receive travelers with the greatest readiness and good will, generously offering them even food, as happened to us in some places.
this road,
Having reached Santiago, the five of us went together to see Presidente Dn. Ambrosio Benavides, who received us very graciously and offered his assistance and his table any time that we wished to dine with his Lordship. The same offer was made to us by the Ilmo. Sr. Obispo Aldaz and the Sr. Regente of that Audiencia, Dn. Thomas Alvarez de Acevedo. All of these three
officials gave us a day of entertainment, each one taking pains to place on the table the most delicious food of the country and the best liquors of the whole kingdom, and many from European countries.
Following the example of these three officials, all the nobility of Santiago paid us a visit and persisted in taking pains to feast us in their houses during the time that we stayed in that capital
of the
of Chile.
few days after we reached Santiago, as a result of the trip my being overheated during botanizing, I contracted a kind of illness that they call chavalongo, which kept me in bed with fever twenty-five days and another twenty-five with a strong pain that settled in my right side and extended to my shoulder; it did not permit such bodily activity as coughing, sneezing, yawning, laughing, or any kind of work.
was at the worst stage of my sickness, the Sr. Regente my companion Mr. Dombey to inspect the quicksilver mine of Coquimbo, which he did on the 21st of May. On this trip he wished to take with him one of the draftsmen, who did not go because I had asked but failed to receive some guarantee Mr. Dombey left against the separation of the two individuals. alone and returned in a few days with samples of the mineral from
resolved to send
several mines, to make the desired tests of all of them. They revealed, as it was said then, that they yielded one ounce of quicksilver for every three pounds of metal; for this reason they sent
general superintendent of Lima two bags of ore, that M. Dombey deposited in the royal customhouse, without hearing later the
The miners
mine did not pay in proportion to its expense; for this reason many of them suspended extraction as many times as they started it. On the 25th of May, 1783, an earthquake of short duration although quite strong, was felt in Santiago.
On June
began to rain
heavily and continued to do so without cessation until 2 in the afternoon of the 17th; for this reason and because the snow of the cordillera started to melt, the rivers of the bishopric of Santiago overflowed so extensively that experts calculated that the losses
by the hacendados of this bishopric were more than two The Mapocho river, that passes through pesos. Santiago, overflowed in such a manner that, after carrying away
ranches and several houses that were located on its banks, entered the city of Santiago in two places, destroying the parapet above the hill of Santa Lucia and flooding many houses and
convents of the district of the Canada and the calle of Santo Domingo. little farther down the bridge, it broke the parapets also and carried away an avenue of trees planted in the time of Sr. Guil and more than three hundred ranches and huts of the poor people; these unfortunate unhabitants were left without clothes, as we could see in the morning of the 17th when they were found, sheltered by the walls, many of them in shirts and covered with the mud that the river had left in the streets and houses where the confusion and crying continued the whole day.
The river carried away a great part of the stone bridge that served as communication between the city and the district of Chimla, when it destroyed, on that side also, the parapets and the convent of the Carmen Bajo, where the nuns climbed to the tower and rang the bells and signaled with their handkerchiefs. From the city three men on horseback crossed the rapid stream by swimming their horses and, entering over the walls of the orchard, took the nuns one by one on the croups of their horses to the convent of the
Dominicans which was being finished in that same district. In the church of this convent, the waters reached more than a yard in The gardens, cells, height, and brought in a quantity of mud. and other rooms of the nuns were completely flooded and full of sand and clay for more than a yard and a half. The furniture and images that the nuns had in their rooms were entirely swept away by the river. The destruction of this convent was such that it could not be rebuilt for less than 100,000 silver pesos. In this district the beautiful house and orchard of one Dn. Luis Zanartu
del Rio, at
a cost of many thousand pesos for all these magnificent works that the Mapocho river destroyed in one day.
Many were the farms, orchards, and pastures that were flooded, and such was the terror caused by this flood that the people of the towns situated on the shore of these rivers went one and all
in great confusion to seek shelter in the hills, as happened to the inhabitants and cattle of Carrizal, where the river carried away
odd things happened in several places in forty-five houses. this flood; many persons were caught unawares and found themselves isolated and protected by the roofs of their ranches or houses,
waiting for death from one moment to another; others climbed trees and held their own against the fury of the waters, and others took to swimming and found refuge in the near-by hills. We had information in Santiago that, in a ranch already surrounded by water,
man sick in bed, and when four men that went swimming him were very near to the ranch, the water carried the ranch and the man downstream. There was a cradle on the river with a nursing baby in it, and a man who was on the shore of the river, thinking that it was a bundle of clothes, had the good fortune to catch the baby by the clothes and to pull him out alive, after he had floated in the water for more than a quarter of a league. The parents that had followed the cradle a long distance had turned back heartbroken, without their child until the following day when they were informed of the deed.
there was a
to help
The Mapocho river carried away the carriages of Srs. Guil and Guirior that were stored near the convent of Carmen. On the
second and third days of the rain, there was much confusion in Santiago with the prayers, cries, and lamentations that were heard everywhere in the city.
After the rain had stopped a few hours later and the river had
receded, by its shores and margins there were found several pieces of furniture and between them a small box with 260 pesos, a pair
of silver spurs, rugs, pictures, and a San Juan de Bulto standing up unharmed with a glass chalice in his hands, and, hanging on a tree, a cart that lacked more than a yard and a half of touching the ground.
During our stay in Santiago we gathered and sketched several plants and completed and revised several descriptions.
Buildings Strange event.
The city of Santiago is situated at 33 35' latitude and 71 longitude, at the foot of the hill of Santa Lucia and at a distance of about five leagues from the cordillera. It lies to the south of the Mapocho river, in a big and beautiful plain a little sloping and airy, with two large districts called the Canadilla and the Chimba on the opposite side of the river, and at the south, at a distance of four blocks from the main square, with a street of about 50 yards in width and 1,800 yards in length called the Canada. From east to west the city has thirteen similar squares and from north to south nine, with as many straight streets, in the center of which is located
the plaza mayor, a square in size; the facade that faces the south occupied by the palace of the president and the royal council; on the opposite side there are houses and shops with porticos; on that which faces the east are the cathedral and episcopal palace,
and beautiful with their flower gardens, most of which can be seen from the streets, and a big court at the entrance; they are constructed of lime and sun-baked bricks, stones, and tiles, and the bases, halls, and courts are painted with earths of different colors, which embellish them wonderfully. Some of the buildings have a second floor. The streets are paved. The houses all have drains of running water which are covered by the pavements of the streets and, although the atmosphere is clear most of the year and the sky beautiful, nevertheless in wintertime there rise from the river and drains dense fogs that cannot fail to be injurious to health.
In Santiago, there is a royal council, established in 1609, composed of the who is governor and captain general of the kingdom, of a regent and five judges, two attorney generals, a head constable and chancellor, a head auditor of the royal treasury, also royal coffers with an auditor and treasurer. The secular chapter is composed of the corregidor, two ordinary mayors, twelve aldermen, and other corresponding officers. The ecclesiastic chapter is composed of one bishop, five prebends, dean, archdeacon, precentor, teacher, and treasurer, four canons of Mercy, and three prebends of rations. A Roman architect was finishing a magnificent and sumptuous cathedral at the expense of the Illmo. Sr. Dn. Manuel de Alday, its very reverend bishop.
There is a mint in which they coin from 700,000 to 800,000 pesos in gold and from 200,000 to 300,000 in silver. There is a university with the title San Phelipe, with 10 professorships, a seminary college for the Creoles, and another of studies for the Indians in the college of San Pablo, that was a Jesuit institution. There are five regular orders; that of Mercy, which was the first to come to the kingdom to preach the gospel; and those of the Dominicans, Augustinians, Franciscans, and Joannites. Besides the principal convents, that of the Dominicans has a new convent in the Chimba and, at a short distance, the chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary, called de la Vida, very miraculous. The convent of Mercy has a school below the dale; that of the Augustinians has another one in the same place; and the convent of the Franciscans has a school in the division of San Diego, and a small convent called Monte Alverne outside the walls of the town, and a convent in the Chimba.
There are seven monasteries; two of Santa Clara, an old one founded for the nuns that found refuge from the cities destroyed during the general uprising of the Indians, and a new one, that of Concepcion, of the Augustinian order; two of Carmen, one in the city and another in the Canadilla that are of the reformed discipline of Santa Teresa; one of the Capuchins and one of Nuestra Senora de Pastorina de Santa Rosa, Dominican.
There are a shelter house, houses of meditation, a foundling home, a chapel
of Charity and another of San Lazaro. The Jesuits had three houses. The parishes, besides that of the cathedral with two priests, are those of Santa Ana, San Isidro,
The number of inhabitants of all races amounts today to about among them there are many illustrious families and some descendants of the first conquerors. The number of Indians is very small. The majority are Spaniards and Creoles. They are of good
height, of fine appearance, well educated, serious in their dealings The business, and gentlemen in their bearing and manners.
feminine sex
and generally
very devoted to music, so that one can scarcely find a young lady who cannot play some kind of instrument, and there are many able to play three or four instruments rather well; and at the same time they sing music taught by teachers, as they are fond of this honest and pleasing diversion.
and the
All the natives of Chile are usually generous towards strangers helpless. They gather in groups for popular diversions and
militia that I
of dragoons and the splendid regiment of saw arrayed on the plaza mayor where they
made their
Copiapo, Coquimbo, Aconcagua, Quillota, Valparaiso, Melipilla, Santiago, Rancagua, Colchagua, Maule, and Cuyo, in all of which all kinds of grains are produced and many kinds of natural
products and, especially, the following minerals are found.
In the corregimiento of Maule in the hill called ths Chivato, there are three gold mines in the same run, two of which yield twenty-five to thirty pesos per box of ore and the third from fifty to eighty pesos. This gold is twenty carats
From a mine owned by Dn. Ignacio Zapata they had taken 100,000 pesos, but because a spring had been struck in the depths of the mine, that was about a hundred estados deep, the mine filled to the top with water, and Zapata lost nearly 200,000 pesos worth of metal that had already been prepared but could not be gotten out on account of the condition of the ground. In this same corregimiento, in the hill called Loma Blanca, there are other gold mines that give seventy to eighty pesos per box of ore; it is fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen carats pure. In this same mine they discovered a rich vein that was called the Mulamuerta that gave 16,000 pesos in only two boxes of ore, each box of ore comprising twenty loads of fourteen arrobas each.
and two grains pure.
In the corregimiento of Colchagua or San Fernando, there are several mines, known being in the town of Nancagua; between these are the ones called Cocinilla and Millague, which give 100 pesos per box, and their gold is of eighteen to twenty carats in purity. In the same hill there is another mine called Descubrimiento de las Catas; the purity of its ore is of about seventeen carats. There are several other mines in this corregimiento, but they are of little value.
the best
In the corregimiento of Rancagua or Santa Cruz de Triana, a mine is being is called Alhue (meaning the Devil) where there are many nugThere is gets of gold of from thirteen to twenty-one carats and two grains. another mine called the Alto de las Salinas, from which, when it was discovered, they took many thousands in gold of eighteen to nineteen carats. It yielded from
worked that
twenty to three hundred and even six hundred pesos per box of ore; it is worked by Manuel Benegas. In this corregimiento there are also the silver mines called San Pedro Nolasco and San Simon; they were worked by Dn. Agustin Castillo, Dn. Manuel Mena, Dn. Miguel Fernandez Quintano, Dn. Jose Palma, and Dn. Agustin Tapia. These ores yield from twenty to forty marks [1 mark equals 8 ounces] of about eleven dineros [1 dinero equals 24 grains] and two grains per box of ore. In the same corregimiento, in the hills called the Potreros, that had belonged to the Church, Dn. Xavier Palacios works some mines of copper mixed with silver of which it is not known, or they have not figured out, how much it yields per box, but it is known that he has sold ore in Santiago at 150 pesos
per quintal
In the corregimiento of Santiago de Chile there are the gold mines called Tiltil and the Guindo, Chicauma, Lampa, Caren, the Manzano, Membrillejo, and
Durazno. The gold is twenty to twenty-one carats and two grains pure. These mines produce sufficient to pay their cost. The gold of the Durazno is of thirteen carats in purity, or in small lots of trabajo acido without fixed purity: at intervals they find gold but, as there is much [sic], it is worked with difficulty. In the district of Tiltil there are copper mines that do not go deeper than sixteen to
twenty fathoms; they yield about sixteen or eighteen quintals per box; superior copper for working, but not so good for smelting.
In the corregimiento of Quillota are situated the mines called La Dormida, from which they extracted more than 100,000 pesos; although these riches are gone, some is still being extracted. This gold was found to have a purity of twenty-three carats and three grains. In the same place you find the mine washers of Culiguay, where they extract much gold of twenty-one to twenty-three carats in purity. In this same corregimiento is situated the mine called La Ligua that has been very rich but is on the decline today. Its gold is of twenty-two carats. In the same ore there is an old mine called Mazon that yielded from four to six thousand dollars per box of ore; today that mine is tumbled down, and it yields In the hill of Petorca there is a copper its owners only enough to pay its cost. mine called La Corrida; it yields from five hundred to one thousand pesos per box of mineral and, when it is low-grade, it yields two hundred dollars; year in and
year out
worked by Dn. Antonio Muxa, Dn. Jose Sepulveda, and Dn. Francisco Larranaga.
In this same district there is a mine that is called the Arcaya, owned by Dn. Martin Brito. The workings of this mine are very deep; an Indian laborer, having found a rich vein in the mine's depths in 1780, covered it up with the idea of stealing its metal, and for this purpose he called eight of his companions and at night they went to get metal. The first to go down to get a sample was the Indian who discovered it and, when he went to load the quipe, there came to him a terrible apparition without hair; however, the Indian came up with the metal, but he was so frightened that he could scarcely speak. He told his companions what had happened, but they did not believe his tale, and six of them decided to go down into the mine with the Indian; the two that had been left behind, noting that the other seven had been in the mine a long time, decided also to go down themselves to see why they did not come up, and a few
man lying on the ground. Thinking that he was asleep, they passed on and shortly found another man stretched out and when they found that he was dead, they returned This made them go to inspect the first one and found him also dead. to the town to notify the authorities, who came with more people; going down into the mine, they found all the men dead, long before they had reached the place where the vein was. The people attributed this natural accident, doubtless caused by gas in the mine,
steps inside they found one
punishment from above for the theft the men were about to commit. One of the two peons that had been saved from the tragedy was an apostate from the religion of the Santo Domingo de Santiago de Chile and, frightened by what had happened, he resolved to return to his convent, but in the neighborhood of Renca he died suddenly. The owners of this mine asserted that it is very difficult
them to find people to work in the mine on account of the depth and the continuous, terrifying noises always heard there. By the way, we will say here that offenders, and other like them, go as mine workers and as crafty people, even though occasionally there are some good ones among them, and they prefer to work for half wages in a rich mine rather than for whole or double wages in a poor
This is because they are possessed with the idea that they can take the metal of the guia for their own without any scruple, as they say that the proprietor is the owner of the vein only because of the custom of naming only him in the petition and title that must be obtained to work it. For this reason, most of the peons steal the best metal from their owners, and therefore the father-confessors have to go to the mine owners to find out if they forgive them their
thefts, so as to
be able to absolve these dissolute people; they have no respect for their employer and less for the judges, because when pursued by them, they get together and with stones keep them out of the mine, which they use as a parapet and shelter for their wickedness and insolence.
There is another gold mine in Petorca, called Old Yerro, which yields little gold but of a quality superior to that of any of those that have already been menThere is another mine is the province of Quillota, tioned in this corregimiento.
called Illapel, in which there are many workings close together and others quite a distance apart. This mine and the one at Petorca are the richest in the kingdom, or they yield more gold, that at Illapel exceeding in purity that of Petorca, as the gold is twenty twenty-two and a half carats pure. There is another gold
Illapel, called the Pupio; its gold is of twenty-two but the ore is not plentiful. Finally, in Quillota there is a mine called Las Bacas, near Illapel; it is filled with water which they remove with a windlass and with much work. It yields a pound of gold per box, of a purity of twenty-one grains and of an excellent color.
In the corregimiento of Aconcagua they have discovered some silver mines that ancient people worked for copper, and this metal was brought in quantities to Spain. As the copper became exhausted and it began yielding silver, the miners abandoned it because they
know how to extract the ore until the mining was resumed with modern methods. It yields from twenty-five to thirty marks per box of picked or double guia; it is silver of high purity. In this
did not
valley the copper mines have declined very much because people have devoted themselves to the mining of silver.
corregidor of this district cannot live from the proceeds of visiting the mines, like the one of Quillota; he draws 1,600 to 2,000 pesos
six pesos,
in that
his expenses with the taxes he takes in wheat at harvest time, conveying it later to be sold at the port of Valparaiso.
In the corregimiento of Coquimbo, there is the Talca mine, that yielded a pound of gold per box and up to six hundred pesos from the picked mineral or guia. Today, this mine is on the decline, and is worked only by pirqueneros, or peons without masters, because the later can get no profit from it. Two rows of houses and ranches
have been abandoned at this mine by their owners who, on account have gone to another place with their business. This gold is twenty carats and two grains pure. At a distance of twelve leagues from Talca there is another mine called the Amolanas, which is in the same state of decline as the mine of Talca; about the year 1750 this mine was very rich, and the gold was There is another mine in Chillamahuida of twenty-one carats. that is being worked, and there they get gold of twenty-two carats and two grains. This gold can never be worked because it is so In the valley of Limari there friable that it turns into small flakes. is situated the copper mine that was worked by Dn. Jos4 Guerrero with the aid of Indians and other neighbors of Coquimbo. In the years 1778 and 1780 there were discovered in this neighborhood some silver mines that promised riches on the surface, but nothing was realized through digging, so that work was suspended. Near this valley there is a hill called Andacollo; on its slope or brow is situated the chapel of Our Lady of Andacollo, whose image is greatly venerated and miraculous. On the hill there are gold mines that are worked although they are of low grade. There are also quicksilver mines in the same hill, which, for lack of encouragement, are not worked. On May 21st of this year, 1783, my companion Mr. Dombey went on a commission to survey and inspect this mine and to assay the metal. Finally, between Coquimbo and Copiapo there is another gold mine called Quebrada Onda which has had its ups and downs; today it yields a pound of gold per box of ore, of a purity of twentyone carats and a half.
of the decline in ore,
The corregimiento of Copiapo, the last town of the kingdom of Chile and where begins what is called the despoblado [uninhabited
region], reaching to Peru, has
an open mine where they work ores and copper. The gold, which is of the kind they call capote, is of twenty- two carats and two grains. In 1772 and successive years they discovered the silver mines, and because careful administrators had come from Peru, they got much pina silver, but this work has declined. With the instructions that the natives have
of gold/ silver,
had from the miners from Peru, they are discovering several mines towards the cordillera one of which, worked by Dn. Francisco Vercasacin, is on top of the earth; its metals are very rich, and it was expected that it would soon produce silver in bars. Between the
Quebrada Onda and Copiapo, there is a valley called the Huasco, where they work many copper mines, and all of this metal regularly goes to Spain; the best mines are the Cortes and the Corbalan. These mines also extend towards the cordillera, where they find the ore called tarilla, of the same metal, worked by Dn. Jacinto
can be said that all From one year to another from 14,000 to 16,000 quintals of copper are exported from the kingdom of Chile a quantity much less than that stated by Padre Molina on page 100 of his Compendium of the History of the Kingdom of
of little value throughout the kingdom, of it is ore of gold, silver, copper, etc.
has been
impossible for me to insert in this place the descriptions of each one of the provinces of this kingdom, which I wrote out at length during
stay there; consequently it has been very difficult to describe in detail the natural products that I saw and about which I had
information that they could be found in such or such a district. But anyone interested will find many of them in the descriptions of Padre Molina. 1
civil del
reino de Chile.
Material shipped
On October 5th, 1783 the five of us left Santiago and, without incident, we went to spend the night at a distance of three leagues, on the shore of the Mapocho river; we passed through the provinces of Aconcagua and Quillota and reached Valparaiso on the 9th; we stayed there until the 14th, waiting for the departure of the native vessel called "Nuestra Sefiora de las Mercedes," which set sail at 2:30 P.M. on the fifteenth with a favorable wind.
Santiago to Valparaiso and in the vicinity of gathered several plants and described the following. Suriana apetala. Aristolochia vaginans; its leaves expel a fetid odor similar to that of the zorrino, and its flowers emit a still more nauseous one. Lobelia purpurea, tupa. Helianthus resinosus, maravillas; in Coquimbo, arbol del incienso, because there they gather its resin that is used in churches instead of incense. Stachys hastala, male salvia; they make the same use of these salvias as do the Spaniards. Fuchsia rosea. Polygala tricolor. Eupatorium salvifolium, barbas de viejo [old man's beard]. Schinus procera, molle de Chile.
way from
the port,
arrived at the port of Callao on the 3rd of November, 1783 at night, and in the morning of the 4th we dropped anchor at the anchoring-ground, without having experienced any other incon-
venience during our trip than the poor and scanty food served to us by the captain of the vessel, but seasoned with jokes and witty stories. We could not put our baggage ashore until the 6th because of holidays. That same day we went to Lima, and we deposited the boxes in the customhouse; from there they were brought to the vessel "San Pedro de Alcantara," in which we were ordered to return to Spain.
We stayed in Lima, waiting for the departure of the "San Pedro de Alcantara" until the month of April, 1784, and during this time I put in order various plants that I had brought from Chile in leather hampers and had packed with many other products for
safe transportation. I finished some descriptions and copied them all in two folio volumes that were sent by mail to the Minister of
the Indies, Sr. Visitador Don Jorge Escobedo. I put names on the drawings and made a list of all of them. And finally I surveyed
anew the
hills and fields of Lima to gather and describe the new that the season exhibited to view. I described the Psoralea plants americana and Theobroma Cacao.
all of
return to Spain had been prepared, there came a royal order for us to continue our work through the montafias of Tarma, Huanuco,
for this reason we had to provide ourselves anew with necessary equipment like that which we had sold at a bargain a few days before. Complying with the royal order, we shipped in the vessel "San Pedro Alcantara," 55 boxes of dried plants, ores of gold and silver,
and Cuchero;
animals, birds, dried fishes, shells, stones, soils, and other curious natural products and instruments and Indian clothing; also 800
sketches of plants painted in their natural colors, and 6 heated cases with 33 pots of plants of valuable trees of Peru and Chile which had been cared for by an intelligent young man for 50 pesos
Departure from Lima
Plants gathered in Yaso
Tiresome march
Illness of Ruiz.
FROM LIMA TO THE MONTA&AS OF HUANUCO Because of the voyage we had made to Chile, the disadvantageous sale that we had made of the outfit we had for traveling by land, and the expenses caused by the preparations for our voyage back to Spain, we were left without the means required for new excursions; for this reason we informed the Sr. Superintendente of the impossiour undertaking it. This minister, after having taken our statement under consideration, offered to make it known to His Majesty so that our pay might be increased; in the mean time he ordered that a year's salary be given us in advance. By this we benefited during our travels and were able to provide ourselves with the
bility of
I, for my part, spending 1,004 silver pesos. Provided with the most necessary items, I left Lima with my companion Dn. Jose' Pavon on the 12th of May, 1784 at 12:30 P.M., and we spent the night in a field two leagues distant from the capital, without any other incident than experiencing two earthquakes, one at eight o'clock at night and the other at daybreak of the 13th.
On On
I described four new plants. a league and spent the night in a country house, where I described three plants. During the afternoon I felt a disturbance of the pulse. On the 15th we went to spend the night near the pueblo of Yaso, where I described five
the 14th
species of Cactus: squamatus, lanatus, erinaceus, echinatus, and cancelatus. Mimosa spicata. Hedysarum mimosioideum. Oxalis, okas.
Hydrolea urens.
Clematis Vitalba?
the 16th
spent the night in the open and I felt worse than on previous days. On the 17th we arrived at San Buenaventura, the capital of the province of Canta, where we stayed one day to rest the animals and to see if, with some rest, I could feel better, but I was stricken witn a strong pain in the right side that did not permit me to carry on some of the natural bodily activities, such as coughing, yawning,
sneezing, laughing,
On the 19th, in spite of the insistence of the corregidor that I move to his house and stay there until I recovered from my illness, we left at noon and went to pass the night in the pueblo of Culluay, where I felt quite weak. On the 20th, although overcome by sickness,
we climbed
the cordillera; in the middle of this climb we had to the spend night on the snow because the mules had become tired out when we climbed the Cerro de la Viuda, and darkness overtook
for lack of
thought I was going to die in that uninhabited place some warm nourishment and on account of the cold I suffered during the night. I was attacked by a terrible griping and thirst, and we had to break the ice to drink water. They had to put me on horseback on the 21st because I had not the strength to do it by myself, and we went to spend the night at the rancho of Palcamayo, where we had a sleet storm of more than two inches. On the 22nd we went to Diezmo, where I felt a little relieved of the pain in my side. On the 23rd we came to the town of Pasco, where
us there.
until the 27th in order that I might keep to my bed few days and be able to continue our journey, as we did on that day, going to Caxamarquilla where, with the benefit of a good lettuce salad and the apples that I had eaten in Pasco, I felt much better. We reached Huariaca on the 28th, and there I repeated the salad and felt much relieved. On the 29th we left this town, and at a distance of half a league a load with two of my companion's cases fell into the river, but we fished them out and put all that they contained in the sun and succeeded in drying everything that day. On the 30th we went to the pueblo of Rondos, where I felt quite feverish on account of my exposure to the sun the day before. On the 31st we went down to the asiento of Ambo, where I arrived sore and almost without strength to keep myself on my feet. The following day, the 1st of July, 1784, my companion found himself without his muleteer, who had fled with the mules, afraid that several debts he had in Huanuco would land him in jail; finally they furnished us with mules, and we reached Huanuco, where I spent a few days in bed and succeeded in recovering my health.
we stayed
for a
Huanuco on the
fourth day after our arrival without having had any special mishap on the way.
we acquired the provisions necessary for the three months that we decided to spend in the montanas of Puzuzo, forty-five leagues distant from Huanuco, after we had been informed of the
fertility of
that place bordering the territory of the Carapacho Indithe 5th of July we sent two men with fifty sheep for our
Departure from Huanuco Itinerary, and Puzuzo Work done by the botanists.
At noon on the 8th of July of 1784 I was able to leave Huanuco with twenty-one loads of food, presses, papers, books, and other I necessary equipment for my use and that of the expedition. camped about two leagues from Huanuco, near the town of Valle. On the 9th I spent the night at Tambillo, eight leagues distant from Huanuco, where I described Ambrosia Marco, which some Indians apply under the saddle pad of the horses to prevent their fatigue, Cestrum rigidum, and a species of Rhexia, cachigusi, a plant used for a yellow dye. In this place, among many other plants, Psoralea glandulosa is found in abundance. On the 10th I passed the pueblo of Panao, where I stayed one day, the llth, to change mules and then continued my trip. This same day my companion Dn. Jose" Pavon
I gathered several plants and corrected described Ornithogalum compressifolium, Perdicium lanatum, and Psoralea datesa?
In Panao
I left Panao on the 12th with fifteen Indians to conduct the loaded mules through the declivities and dangerous places. I spent the night in the pueblo of Chaclla, situated in a beautiful elevated plain with a cold climate and abundant pastures, three leagues from the river. On the 13th I left this first pueblo, accompanied by an Apostolic Missionary father from Ocopa, and went to pass the night in a place called Llamapanahui, where I examined Smilax China which I had found a league back, and I described the beautiful Dalechampia rosea. This day I gathered many and special plants, notwithstanding the difficulty of the way, especially at the Cuerno Retorcido and Torre sin Agua. Before reaching the Cuerno Retorcido, we found a silver mine which a miner had abandoned because he had no money to work it. On the 14th we went to the pueblo of Muna,
accompanied also by the missionaries of Ocopa, after having crossed the quebrada and river of Santo Domingo and the steep hill of this same name. On this side the climb is painful and dangerous, including some forty long and excessively steep turns; on the opposite
side, however, it is more gradual and not really dangerous. crossed another brook and began the ascent to the pueblo of Muna by another hill no less difficult and dangerous than the last one,
HiPdLiTO Ruiz
particularly the Ladera de la Colmilla, where the narrowness elevation above the river make one shudder when crossing.
On the 15th we left Muna, and we passed the night three leagues from there in a small clearing called Tambo Nuevo which, although cold and filled with water by the frequent showers that fall there almost daily, so abounds with ichu that the muleteers stopped, in spite of the dense and damp fog, to let the animals graze on that grass and rest, so as to be able to continue the ascent of this elevated hill, for at the summit there are no trees nor any other larger plants
except a species of Stereoxylon corymbosum,
of suiba.
by the name
These small trees grow to be eight or ten yards tall; their trunk and branches are so covered with black mosses and lichens that they appear like trees singed and clad in mourning. They have the property of burning so badly and emitting so much smoke that no one can get warm by their fire or endure the nuisance of the dense smoke. Among the smaller plants, there is an abundance of two species of Ranunculus with a beautiful pink flower and another with green flowers, the Swertia corniculata, two Gentiana, one Hedyotis, and two Syngenesias. I felt indisposed and had such distress that I could hardly continue the trip next day, the 16th, but it was necessary to go on a league and a half where, on account of the grass and the continuous showers, we had to stop at the side of a field somewhat sheltered from the cold that was felt in those heights. Although we made six big fires, we spent a very cold night with great inconvenience on account of the dense smoke formed by the wood of the suiba, after having crossed the Portachuelo in the snow
very frequent the greater part of the year though From this summit one can see a multitude not turn into ice. they do of peaks of the cordillera of the Andes all covered with snow, and a great expanse of hills and mountains covered with trees and plants
sleet that are
of the Sacramento.
the 17th
by the
cold, wind,
and smoke,
and by an immense number of white mosquitoes called huahuaches, which can hardly be seen on account of their small size; their bite,
however, can be
a great deal, as
lasts for
a place called the play a [shore], where we were wet most of the night from a shower that did not stop until after midnight. Here the muleteers had to go to the woods to look for carrizo to feed the animals. On the 18th we went to the place they call the Tramo, where I felt much better from the stomach pains
other mark.
and the distress that had hindered me from picking many more plants than the ones I gathered in these delightful woods. Next day I arrived in Puzuzo at the time the bells were being rung by order
who was in that remote place to administer to the fourteen families of which the pueblo nourishment spiritual is composed. Three leagues from Puzuzo there are salt-water springs that are sufficient to salt the waters of the river and make it unpleasant to the taste. On the 20th I put my luggage in order and prepared everything necessary to begin work.
of the missionary,
21st, and the two draftsthe 22nd, without having experienced any other inconveniences than such as I had suffered.
work on the 23rd that continued until the 20th of when the draftsmen left Puzuzo to go to Huanuco, which September, neither my companion nor I could do until the 27th, when the
During our stay in Puzuzo, I described 403 plants and corrected some 250 of those gathered in Cuchero, Chinchao, and other places. About 300 plants were sketched, and I dried 314. We gathered many seeds and several species of woods and other odd native things. The fear of the jaguars, bears, wild hogs, tapirs, and other animals that are found in the luxuriance and denseness of those forests, and the difficulty of traveling through those fertile montanas made it impossible for us to examine a great number of very tall trees, reeds, palms, and beautiful plants with which those low and high hills, ravines, springs, and margins of the river are entirely covered. Although we had to walk on foot and scrape ourselves to pass, we went as far as the Huancabamba river that joins the Puzuzo river two leagues below this town, the two forming
descriptions of
There were days when we walked on foot through those forests seven, and eight leagues and returned at night to the all in tatters caused by branches and thorns, and thirsty, out towrj of breath, and exhausted, but loaded with beautiful plants. Many times we were saved from death from the sudden fall of some old trees and from landslides of rocks and of soil that followed the fall, especially if it had rained, and at other times from the resulting havoc caused by the fall of the trees that our peons felled for us to examine. We botanists worked so hard here that we left Puzuzo practically naked and with our legs and thighs flayed on account of eruptions and itch that followed after any walk in those woods.
Location of Puzuzo Lack of pastures The river Particles of gold Harshness of the water and its effects Inhabitants Vegetable products Commerce Climate Fauna Bridges Harmful insects Plants.
some places. It is surrounded by high and continuous hills entirely covered by large and spreading There trees, reeds, or twining plants, shrubs, bushes, and herbs. is no grass for the animals to graze, and for this reason the fifty sheep that we brought for our food, became so thin in a few days
at most four to eight blocks in width in
were as transparent as parcha little animal or fluke, of the shape of a watermelon seed, that consumes the liver. This ravine is bathed by a river which is formed by the water that descends from the Portachuelo of Mufia and the following hills, cascades, and several salt-water springs that are found at its margins. The bed of this river is of big rocks and sand with clay. In its water there are lisas, cachuelos, and boconcitos of from two to three pounds. All these fish have a delicious flavor.
In the sand and
that, after they were skinned, they ment; several died from the pizguin,
we gathered some
bank to wash.
there are also found small particles of gold; soil from the
Three leagues from Puzuzo the quebrada begins to widen and, more than a league below, it narrows again in such a way that there is no more space than is occupied by the river. Because of its depth this river cannot be used for the irrigation of the small plantations that the inhabitants have, and they use the water of some springs which, wherever it passes, leaves stalactites or
daily of this water, and for this reason they are so and swollen and have such bad color. The natural laziness sickly of these Indians keeps them from using the water of a rivulet called Chinizo, which is a quarter of a league from the town; from this place we had it brought to us for our own consumption, because it was sweet, clear, and without a sign of containing the least trace of gypsum, alum, or other earths or salts. The advice we gave not to drink that limewater on account of its harmfulness, them, was of very little use to the Indians, and only the missionary father
They drink
sent with a
the water of
The pueblo of Puzuzo is reduced to fifteen small huts, one church, the house of the missionary father which they call the convent, and a hut for the traders that are in the habit of coming to this miserable
There are only fourteen men in this pueblo today, miserable because of their poverty and bad nourishment. They are small and ugly-faced. They use trousers and jacket with a shirt made of
tucuyo, and they go barefoot. The women, whose appearance is even worse, wear aprons and skirt and also go barefoot. They love chicha and Venus.
There is not a valley or a meadow in that whole vicinity; for this reason the Indians have a few clearings on the mountain slopes and
river banks for cassava, sweet potatoes, ssagui, corn, and mountain beans, the daily food of these poor people. The rice that sometimes is planted by the missionary is very welcome, as are also the
peanuts and sugar cane which they eat as sweets. In their clearings they also plant a Diadelphia that they call berbasco, and it is used in fishing. Without cultivation they have anonas, caimitos, guavas, sweet and bitter oranges, and limes, and lemons; these trees and the place where they are found indicate that there was a large town in ancient times and that its founders or inhabitants were more industrious than the present people. There are other wild fruits that they eat with appetite, such as a species of Spondias which they call manzanas de monte [mountain apples], and the species of Celtis that they call atpuallin. Pineapples, bananas, and papaws are found at the side of the plantations and are the fruits that they use most. The only article of commerce they have is coca, which they exchange with the traders that come there, for corn, cakes, woolens, cotton goods, tucuyo, belts, beads, and other trifles, with which they dress and adorn themselves on festival days and when they get drunk from chicha made from corn. The men as well as the women are much given to the use of coca, which they keep in their mouths continuously; for this reason their mouths are always green and filthy. They also eat the shoots of the chonta and other palms and as many
These Indians are so lazy and slack that if the missionary father make them plant and cultivate the soil for the few products that have already been referred to, they would live very happily
did not
savages and would go naked like the other barbaric Indians of the Carapacha tribe.
The climate
perspires to excess. The heat is tempered by the north wind that blows from eleven in the morning until nightfall; without this relief one could not go out of doors at this time in places bare of trees.
Storms and showers are very frequent, but we noticed no thunder. It rains to excess during the months of December to April and sometimes also in November and May; for this reason the place is not
very healthy. These Indians can give no account of the diseases that are common there; but it can be seen that they suffer continuous pains in the whole body, that they are covered with purulent pimples, that they lose their color, that they have little strength and are short-lived. They treat themselves with herbs.
In the woods there are found tigers [jaguars], leoncillos [pumas?], [bears], javalies [peccaries], gran bestias [tapirs], saginos, osos ormigueros [anteaters], guamataros, michus, mucamucas, [opossums), and huaihuas [coatis]. The most common birds found there
are pichicapapanes, no vengas aqui, yasefue, woodpeckers, hummingbirds, pajaros hediendos, pajaros de siete colores, quianquianes, fandangueros, and some very small ones with beautiful song, such as
the organists, papamoscas, and oropendolas. There also can be seen one or other aquatic bird and some herons. Mosquitoes are very rare and cause little trouble. There are no reptiles or insects other than a variety of small ants, but the bite of one that is found in the palo santo is insufferable, and its smart lasts for several hours. There are a
is it
also a species of
bee, the honey and wax of which are very good; comb in the trunks of trees or on the ground.
river has two bridges made of reeds, one at one side pueblo and the other two leagues farther down, where it joins the Huancabamba river. The way to the Mayro is by this bridge, but it is usually out of order as it is used only when the missionary fathers pass over it for the conversion of the pagans. At one side of this bridge grows a multitude of palms of several species, such as the chonta? wild chonta, camona, cuyol, sia-sia, and palmitos, on the fruits of which many wild animals feed. This is one of the most
The Puzuzo
of the
poor people
About three leagues from Puzuzo, there are several coca plantings who are persecuted for debts by justices, priests, and
the worthies of the pueblo where they leave their families abandoned
that I described while we remained in Puzuzo the Sanchezia ovata. Pitrex are following: Spigelia Anthelmia. Bixa and wild the natives muricata, maxpachin achote; unguiculatum. use its seeds to dye various things and to color food, as they do Paullinia pinnata, rubicaulis, gracilis, also with Bixa Orellana.
Ruellia bicolor, coccinea, maculata, punicea, Hamelia secunda. Gardenia longiflora, iscumnim;
the corolla is eight to nine inches in length, and white; the Indians eat the sweet pulp of their ripe fruits that are three inches in length,
cylindric in shape,
Banisteria papilionia, auriculata, Aralia aff. trinervis. Foveolaria flabelliformis, climbing plants.
and yellow.
Cerdana alliodora, garlic tree, on cordata. Clitoria? pubescens. account of the odor of its leaves and bark, which are used by the Indians as a condiment. On this tree small ants gather, the bite of which produces a wheal that lasts from sixteen to twenty hours, with considerable sting at first but subsiding later. These insects totally destroy the leaves of the Cerdana and, cutting them into triangular
pieces like deltas, they carry
in a peculiar,
these uniform fragments of the leaves wasting space. to their nests, they hold them by the shortest side and pushing the longest upward and the other forward, they carry them as if
To convey
they were small boats with lateen sails swaying with the wind, with the greatest speed although the small piece of leaf is six times bigger than the ant. There are so many ants busy in this exercise all day that they have made a path about eight inches in width. They call them tragineras [porters], on account of their ceaseless Having inspected some anthills, I have at times found activijty.
arranged. Cinchona grandiflora, azucena. Cinchona rosea, asmonich. With the leaves of these trees the ants make the same havoc, and
this reason one occasionally finds on these two trees only one or two branches with whole leaves. The bark of both species The Indian women decorate images with bunches is a little bitter. of flowers of asmonich. Tabernaemontana corymbosa, a tall tree that abounds in resin that is white when it first exudes and later turns red; the milk that springs from these trees when they are cut is so
stains the ground.
Bletia catenulata
Cecropia canescens, tacuna, a tall, beautiful tree, the jointed and hollow trunk of which sometimes contains, from joint to joint,
drinkable water without any taste, and the Indians, when mountains and unable to find water, quench their thirst with it. Coussapoa radicans, chichillica, a tall tree; from its trunk roots are produced that descend and push into the ground or twist themselves about other tree trunks in the vicinity. From its flexible bark the Indians make fishing nets, and pouches in which they gather coca or other products to carry home, and several other implements; they also make rope, and finally they tie and hold together the timbers of their houses with them. Passiflora VesperPothos apetala, sagitatto-cordata, tilio, vesicularis, serrata, and rubra. Arum auritum L., lanceolatum, geniculata, laciniata, and umbellata. Calla nuda, remedy lineatum, parviflorum, tripartitum, and volubile.
in the
against snakes, because of the virtue attributed to the roots against snake bites. Calla bracteata, pinnata, radicans, and undulata. Clarisia racemosa, tulpay. Clarisia biflora, yasmich. thick-
stemmed and very tall tree, with beautiful wood, from which there is obtained by incision an abundance of white resin that exposed to the air becomes gray and has some elasticity. This resin is excellent for waterproofing, and the Indians cover their blowpipes with it. An incision made in any part of these trees brings forth so great a quantity of milk that it covers the ground and curdles into resin. The bark of the tulpay is of a bloody color and brighter; the bark of
the roots that extend horizontally shows through in many places so red that it looks as if blood had been spilled there. Capsicum
frutescens L., arnaucho, and pubescens, rocobo; both species very abundant in Peru. Solanum grandiflorum, mite. Betula acuminata. Myristica longifolia, arbol del sebo. From the seeds a fat like tallow
is pressed out; for this reason they have given it that name. This precious tallow with no bad odor or perceptible taste, but only oily and smooth, is used by the Indians for light. To obtain this oil, they
it hot between two stones. a Myroxylon peruiferum, quino-quino, very tall, leafy tree, with a and ash-colored outside as are all its large trunk, straight, smooth, branches. The bark is of a straw color, white on the inside; according to the greater or smaller quantity of resin with which it is permeated, it is more or less grainy and heavy and sometimes has a greenish It has color, at other times a yellow, and at others a dark brown.
and press
an odor and a taste quite similar to the balsamo rubio peruviano, that, under the name of white balsam, is sold in stores and pharmacies. Many persons in Peru call this resin estoraque [storax], and they use it to perfume their rooms, as they also do with the fruits which, powdered together with the bark, they mix with tallow or resins and apply in plasters to relieve headaches. The freshly crushed leaves heal new wounds as do the balsam and bark, known as admirable balsams and vulneraries. From the fruit of the quinoquino, called quina-quina, they make the oil of the same name. They take four ounces of well mashed fruits and soak them in a pint of wine for twenty-four hours, after which they boil them over a low fire with a pound and a half of common oil until it dries; then they add a pound of turpentine and finally an ounce and a half of incense and as much of myrrh. This balsam is said to have a miraculous effect on ulcers of the breasts, and to close up and cure ulcers and sores.
From the trunk they get beams for stanchions, and they prefer these trees to others for their strength and durability. At the end
of the branches of these trees, as they are farther removed from the trunk, the birds poccochycuys, kcuychis, or hediendos, make their nests in preference to other trees. See the description that I have
in 1792, where the reader will find all other information regarding this matter. Olmedia aspera and laevis. Trees that on incision give
an abundance of a very white milk, which, exposed to the air, turns into a very elastic resin of a reddish-chestnut color; it can be shaped into any form desired. Aechmea paniculata. Pourretia lanuginosa.
very showy plant because of the color of its Crinum? luteum. Plant with beautiful flowers of goblet shape, of a yellow color, and green at the borders. Achras tetrandra, caimito. A very luxuriant tree about twelve to
leaves, bracts,
Bromelia incarnata.
its fruits
like peaches; they have a delicious taste Alstroemeria fimbriata. Guarea abrupta, ferruginea, and purpurea, yechenor; the last one is used by Indian women to dye their wools and cottons a violet color. Laurus pubescens,
purpurea, fragrans, muca-muca. The seeds of this last species are aromatic and good for the stomach, and the Indians gather them to sell to the traders that come there. Swietenia macrocarpa, an Mahomi?
tree with a large trunk and valuable wood. Heisteria coccinea a tree twelve yards high and very leafy. Cassia procera, canafistola.
Tree more than forty yards in height, thick-stemmed and leafy; pods, that are from four to six inches long, contain a bitter pulp with which the natives purge themselves. Cactus parasiticus. Calyptranthes paniculata. Shrub with flowers that exhale a wonderful fragrance. Prunus amara. Calyplectus acuminatus, cabeza de
fera, aceyte de Maria. conspicuous tree on account of the disposition of its branches in whorls and the bright green color of its leaves
and leafy
Verticillaria balsami-
and branches. It distils a greenish resin that the Indians call balsamo and aceyte de Maria, which they gather in quantities in
Trillis auriculata. Guatteria lutea. Erinus Verbena virgata. Bombax aculeatum, inich?; its cotton they call sun cotton and blowpipe cotton. It is a thick-stemmed, Bombax microcarpon. A very tall, corpulent, tall, and leafy tree. and leafy tree, of which the cotton has a tobacco color or the color of the wool of the vicuna. One of these trees that was cut by the peons for us to examine might have killed my companion and me if we had not fled in a hurry at the warning cries of the peons. Ery-
the rainy
Securidaea scandens and punctata. Polygala rhombiflora. Galega Dolichos umbellatus, mountain bean. The natives eat hirsuta.
which has a good taste but produces flatulence. Lobelia and laciniata. Satyrium bicolor and plantagineum. Epidendrum coronatum, cristatum, viride, and equitans. Vanilla volubilis, vainilla. Sobralia biflora and dichotoma. Gongora quinquenervis. Urtica baccifera and aculeata. Begonia cuculPhyllanthus foetida. and lata, purpurea, repens. Jatropha urens. Anguria trilobata and Smilax China, purampui and santo palo. The infusion trifoliata. of its roots is an excellent sudorific and anti-rheumatic. See the use made of them in Peru, in my memoir on the Raiz de China, published in the first volume of the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Medicine
its fruit,
of Madrid, printed in 1797. Carica septemlobata, papayo. Its fruit, called papaya, is as large as a small melon and tastes much like one, but to improve its taste a few longitudinal incisions need to be made the day before, so as to rid it of a certain milky substance that imparts
Clusia radicans, pullapuil, quelpuan. when bearing fruit that somewhat rebeautiful small, leafy tree, sembles the apple or, more closely, the mangosteen. The fruit is of a pinkish white color and impregnated, like the whole tree, with
and spinosa.
The Indians
both species called atpuallin; they are of the size of a cherry, yellow Celtis scabra, chichillica. in color, and sweet. Its bark has the same uses as the bark of the Coussapoa radicans. Guarea tomentosa. Mimosa quadrijuga, and nodosa, pacae de monte. Carludovica acuminata and palmata. From the unexpanded leaves of this last
plant, thin, straight,
cuyol, and
palm has the trunk covered with long, black, sharp spines. Its wood is black on the exterior, solid, and very hard; nevertheless it is easy to work lengthwise, so that the Indians make bows of it and the points of their arrows, ramrods, walking sticks, and blowpipes, beautifully polished. and tasty, raw or cooked,
but reputed to be coarse. I have eaten them in salads, raw and cooked, and they have not caused me any harm. Nunnezharia fragrans, chutasllium. The flowers of this small
of the
beautiful palm.
Iriartea deltoidea,
and luxuriant palm. Calamus hamatus, cacharpurin. Climbing palm that extends many yards, holding on with the barbs that it has at the end of its leaves, as if they were long fishhooks; for that reason they have given it the name cacharpurin, which means walking courier. Its fruits are found in large racemes and contain a yellow pulp or meat, sweet, and with a very good flavor when they are well ripened. From the small stem the
make fish poles or walking sticks, straight, black, glossy; can be bent into a loop with ease without breaking, when well they seasoned and cured with smoke. Dianthera ciliata and appendiculata. Fagara coriandriodora, culandro, from the smell of its leaves, reminding of coriander. The trunk of this small tree, although it is hardly as thick as a thigh, has wood that is almost as hard as
Convolvulus cymosus.
Ipomoea angulata
Oestrum lanuginosum. Strychnos brachiata, comida de because deer like its fruit. venado, Strychnos auriculata, abilla. The seeds of this plant yield a great deal of oil by expression, and
make various uses of it. Achyranthes papposa. Cynanchum macrocarpum and pentagonum. Aralia globosa. A luxuriant
the Indians
Tournefortia volubilis and longifolia. Bromelia Ananas, pinas, because of the shape of its magnificent and beautiful fruits, some of which are from four to eight pounds in weight and have an excellent flavor when they
tree about ten to fifteen yards in height.
are cut already yellow; they can then be eaten without adding sugar or without having to be kept in a sheltered place for a few days, as is commonly done, so that they may improve in taste after
they have been cut from the plants when green. The plant forms a clump, similar to the aloe, that gives off many shoots, and each one in time carries a pina at the tip of its low stem. If the fruits
are cut before they are ripe, they lose so much in quality that many times they cannot be eaten because of their bitter, viscous taste, and they cause intolerable pain in the teeth, and indigestion and
pains in the stomach. From the piiias a tasty and excellent chicha is made, and they give a pleasant flavor and odor to lemonade and chicha or beer. Pinas cut in circular slices with sugar are put on the table as an appetizer. Everybody knows the superiority of this fruit, when perfectly ripe, over almost all others known in
North and South America for its bittersweet taste, its special The beatas [refragrance, and the cooling property it possesses. in of have skill Huanuco ligious women] singular making pina candy. They first peel the fruits and then boil them in water with or without salt, to remove the acidity and viscosity. When the fruit is in this state, they remove the pulp from the heart that constitutes about half of its bulk, and they pound it with almonds, raisins, sugar, and cinnamon, forming a soft dough with which they fill
fruit already
pinas two or three baths in sugar, and the result is a very delicious candy from two to six pounds in weight; it is sold very dear on account of its tedious and lengthy preparation. Finally from the cooked and peeled pinas the natives make crushed sweets and exquisite taste and wonderful fragrance when the jellies of
G. aff. Piper hexandrum. both species give a dye of a bright violet color. Erythroxylon stipulatum. Oxalis frutescens. Euphorbia erosa. Psidium rugosum, huayabo de monte. It is a small tree of about twelve to fifteen yards in height, and its fruit has scarcely any pulp. Myrtus limbosa. Shrub of about four yards; its flowers exhale an admirable fragrance. Bignonia lanuginosa, muricata,
Justicia spicata.
fruits of
noticed that
the sides of a
had snowed
over them, but on the 19th we could see only a single flower here and there, although the trees were naked of leaves but full of sprouts
or tender fruit.
This tree
Gomara racemosa.
Elephantopus spicatus. Cleome aculeata and longisiliqua. Cavanillesia umbellata, arbol del tambor, because its bark is used for drum hoops; it is a tree of thirty to forty yards in height with a trunk very thick and out of proportion and with such soft wood that it has the consistency of cork or mushroom. The axe cuts into it as if it were a pumpkin, and for this reason, although two men could not embrace or clasp the tree that we asked to be cut, one of them felled it easily with a few strokes. Its crown of branches, that also looks swollen, has almost a spherical shape. This is another tree
in these
montanas that
leaves come.
day the ovary has attained its greatest growth, and as their fruits are formed of four or five big wings, they appear, in the top of the tree, like a multitude of small lanterns placed on purpose on the
The wood, as it is so porous, is extremely light; for this might be very useful for buoys and rafts. Erythrina Tall and thick tree, with a very straight trunk, glandulosa. and very luxuriant. Its wood is soft, white, and of good figure. This species, like the other of this genus, loses its leaves, and the
flowers sprout before new leaves come in; in this state the trees present a most beautiful sight on account of the red color they have as if they were of red coral; a few days after the flowers have faded, the leaves expand, and the trees acquire a beautiful verdure. Negretia spinosa, llamapanaui, that is, eye of the llama or of the carnero de la
powder are applied to the bite of the Indians assert that drinking about a and insects, reptiles drachm of the powder in water is an excellent antidote. The little thorn's or small hairs that in some places are called picapica on account of the ease with which they enter the skin, causing acute pain and indisposition, several persons assured us are an excellent anthelmintic, half a scruple being taken in a cup of chocoAristolochia caudata. Cynomorium late, milk, or honey and water. The use the heads or aments of this Indians ramosum, puyutchrin. that look like a of in the shape of clubs bunch mushrooms plant, or maces attached to a long and branching root, infused in water, to recover the strength lost on long journeys, and therefore they have recourse to puyutchrin when they are tired and fatigued. Acalypha betuloides and polygama. Croton hirsutum, umbellatum, and gummiferum, sangre de drago [dragon's blood], on account of the bloody, gummy-resinous juice that drips in abundance from
seeds reduced to
an incision. Some people gather this resinous gum in calabashes and sell it later as true dragon's blood, and in truth its taste and astringent flavor make it worth using. This small tree grows to twelve or more yards in height, its trunk is straight and somewhat ashen gray, and its semispherical leafy crown gives good shade.
Juanulloa parasitica.
tall Gimbernatia oblonga. suitable for various purposes. Triplaris This tree grows chupillo, and tisaceiro.
from twelve to
of a
large, it
yards high, very straight with its top in the for this reason and because its leaves are very
makes a
beautiful sight when in bloom, especially the female They are large compared with those of the
color and, as they are found in large agreeable sight from a distance. The upper
male, and of a
showy reddish
make a very
trunk and branches of this tree have joints and are hollowed; hence it serves in Puzuzo as habitation for a certain species of ant; thus we found in the trees that we had cut, myriads of these insects, whose bite produces the most intolerable smarting, stinging pain, and a wheal sometimes lasting for more than eight hours. Contrayerba; from its habits and fruits I assume it to be a species of Cissampelos I was not able to see the flower of this or vejuco de la estrella. twining plant, the alternate and heart-shaped leaves of which are covered by a tomentum, as are the shoots and bunches of the oneseeded, drupaceous oval fruits, with little pulp, four lines long
even as a wrist, consists of a thick bark, brittle when dry, and of a singular fragrance; the woody part if cut transversely, presents like many others the obscure figure of a star; therefore, they give it the name of vejuco de la estrella. The Cholone Indians use this root to cure rheumatic and venereal troubles, drinking the decoction of it at night, and not only the Indians, but also the missionary fathers, assert that a few hours after drinking the decoction the patient's temperature rises; this is followed by a very copious sweating that lasts until the third day and, entirely well, he is out of bed on the fourth day with a disposition to work and without the least ill effects. The only thing for which I have applied this root in Peru on the recommendation of the missionary padre Francisco Gonzalez Laguna, has been to relieve the pain of a toothache. It is to be expected that in time this root will have great value in medicine because its taste and odor indicate excellent properties
the side of
and leafy
cedars that shade a great area, and their trunks are more than eight yards in circumference. Two trees that we ordered to be cut to make boxes, carried with them, when they fell to the ground, many
big stones and so
other smaller trees that grew beneath them and dislodged so many much soil from the hill that all together they made
such a frightful noise that we thought at the moment it was an earthquake, or a cave-in of the hill, as we were on the spot and
had forgotten that in the morning we had sent the peons to cut these They were able to bring them down after six hours of work for four men. Besides this beautiful wood, there are many more trees in Puzuzo, valuable for their color, grain, and other qualities. The variety of plants in these montanas is so great that all of them could scarcely be examined in one hundred years by a whole succession of botanists.
Itinerary Report and seeds sent to the Ministry of the Indies Tafalla and Pulgar to the expedition Illness of Ruiz.
Addition of
good nourishment, because instead of bread we were eating baked yucas and boiled corn, and the little meat we had was salty and not very good. We spent the night in the Tramo and the 28th in Cushi, having been caught by a heavy shower that lasted from two o'clock in the afternoon until about nightfall. My companion Pavon's three mules tired, but the muleteer had the good luck to find a change of animals on the way, otherwise it would have been necessary to leave the loads in the desert until after we had reached the pueblo of Muna. On the 29th we went to spend the night on the height of Playa, where we were caught in a dense or thick fog until
muleteers then went to the pueblo of early morning of the 30th; Muna to rest and feed the animals, which could not be done by
the 1st my muleteers stopped in Muna, and in the afternoon companion's muleteer arrived with mules that were lamed on account of the brambles on the roads and the lack of food. On the 2nd my muleteers persisted in traveling to the hill of Santo Domingo but could not be followed by my companion's muleteer until the 3rd; I spend that night in the town of Chaclla. On the 4th I
companion's driver, and we started together from Chaclla with the idea of passing the night in the Portachuelo of Panao, where my companion's muleteer's animals could not climb, so he was obliged to sleep on the bank of the river. This day we had a brief shower. On the 6th I arrived in Huanuco and my companion, not willing to abandon his loads, slept in Yanamayo and arrived without incident in Huanuco on the 7th, although his muleteer had lost another mule. Notwithstanding the troubles of the trip and the lack of food until our
arrival in
of plants,
Muna, we worked along the way and gathered a good which we finished drying in Huanuco.
I notified
the Ministry of the Indies of the discoveries montanas, at the same time sending a good package of seeds for the Royal Botanical Garden. I sent additional packages by the three mail boats of the following months, and during this time I arranged my dried plants, perfected my descriptions, and packed them in boxes for safe transportation with a
On the 12th
Puzuzo and
quantity of packages of seeds and other curiosities. The Indians of Panao brought to Huanuco the loads of raiz de China for which I had contracted with them, and after having had them cleaned and dried, I placed them in five well arranged boxes with two other boxes of roots of the contrayerba or vejuco de la estrella.
idea that after our return to Spain, they could continue working and clearing up doubts and answering questions that might come from Madrid during the publication of the Flora Peruana. On the 20th of this month, Dn. Juan Tafalla started to take lessons in botany under our guidance, and Pulgar in drawing under that of the draftsmen.
The whole month of January, 1785, I spent in bed with a kind of sunstroke like the previous ones; I became free from it at the beginning of February, although I had severe pain in one side and in the back and kidneys for more than fifteen days. % When restored, I continued until June making clean copy of the descriptions worked out in Puzuzo, and on the way, and of others that I made and corrected anew in the vicinity of Huanuco with the idea that at the
same time they might serve as lessons for the new assistant. On the 12th of May, 1785 I notified the Ministry of the Indies of the expeditions we were going to make to the montanas by way of
the quebrada of Chinchao.
Excursions Very abundant colat Macora Hardships Comforts of the draftsmen Excursion of the peons Cholon Revolt of the draftsmen The catastrophy at Macora Flight of the mayordomo Great losses Praiseworthy conduct of some hacenderos Departure from Macora with great hardships Return to Huanuco Intendente Galvez Meeting with him, and proposal of the botanists The draftsmen reprimanded by Galvez Illness of Ruiz Ruiz asks permission to return to Spain Order of the Ministry of the Indies for the discharge of the new assistants, and objections of Ruiz Shipment of living plants.
In June, 1785 we made the necessary preparations to go to Marimarchahua, a coca hacienda in the quebrada of Chinchao. On the 10th we sent two men with 55 sheep for our food. On the 12th I left with Pavon and Tafalla and went to Chulgu to sleep; from there we started on the 13th. When we were three leagues from Huanuco, He followed it and reached assistant Tafalla's mule ran away. Huanuco at night, tired and exhausted not only by the walking but because of having to carry the weight of the pellon that the mule
had thrown on the ground; he lost his traveling case with his clothes and 20 duros that were later recovered almost intact by the alcalde of the town of Cascay. We spent the night on the pampa of Mayo-
the muleteers could not go on to the pueblo rest had gone. On the 14th we overtook the
muleteers, and very late we camped for the night a little beyond the tambo of Pati, where we arrived with some trouble caused by the bad road that was full of holes. We gathered several plants that we put in the press. On the 15th we camped for the night beyond
in a small clearing at the side of the road. Next day arrived at the hacienda Macora, where my companion Pavon had gone ahead in the company of Dn. Mathias Trabuco, the admini-
strator of that hacienda, persuaded by him that the place was more advantageous for our work than Marimarchahua and that he could
On the
we occupied
disposition of everything necessary to begin our excursions and botanical work, and we continued this until the 6th of August, the
of the lamentable
from Macora, after having gone to Marimarchahua. draftsmen arrived in Macora on the 22nd.
On the 24th they began to sketch, and they continued until the 5th of August, when their muleteers arrived for the draftsmen's return to Huanuco without our consent.
During our stay in Macora we made several excursions in the woods, where we discovered a great number of fine trees and plants
We collected an infinite amount of seeds, many tree and some gums and resins; several birds were shot down with gun and with the blowpipe wielded by an Indian from Pampahermosa who very seldom lost a shot no matter how small the bird. I described not only the plants that had been sketched, but also many others that were left unsketched, and finally I corrected various descriptions and finished others that had been made when we first came to these montanas. One day, when we had gone farther than usual into the woods, the guides that accompanied me lost their way, and we walked for more than two hours at night without knowing where we were and without hope of finding a way out. I ordered the guides to discard the plants they were carrying and to follow me, because they had already decided to stay there for the night.
barks, roots,
Although we had to descend through some ravines, in half an hour we found ourselves in the cocal of Mesapaba, barefooted, halfnaked, and bruised by the branches and continuous falls we had had. Finally we reached Macora at 10 o'clock at night, fatigued and exhausted by the long struggle and walk through the mountains. My companion with the assistant had already planned to search for us in the morning with firearms, so that by the sound of the guns we might find them if we had not been killed as they had suspected.
Our draftsmen, as always, worked with every possible comfort without having to go out to the fields or woods, and without taking the long walks that the botanists took almost every day on foot. Thus they escaped the two most troublesome illnesses as well as the constant hardships, knocks, falls, heat, hunger, thirst, showers, storms, and torn clothes that the botanists had to suffer because of
the roughness and steepness of those montanas and ridges.
the 12th
new pueblo
of Chicoplaya
to bring us back information of the condition of the road and also of the plants of that place, with the idea of going there to further
the discoveries of our mission. After ten days our peons returned loaded with a great number of rare seeds and other curiosities that they had gathered by themselves in the mountains, and with others acquired from the Indians, one of whom accompanied them on
their return. This they made by boat by the Cuchero river so as not to suffer again the hardships that they had experienced by land. This Cholon Indian stayed with us several days, getting birds for us with his blowgun which, as already has been said, he handled with unique mastery; he hunted even the smallest hummingbirds without damage to their smallest parts. This Cholon was equally skilful in handling the bow and arrow, and with it he hunted all kinds of animals. We therefore asked him to accompany us in our travels; with apparent willingness he promised to do this, not only in America but also to Spain. When we thought he was most content and obliging, he made an excuse of having to go on a very important errand to the pueblo of Cuchero, but from there he returned to his country, leaving us deceived.
Before starting from Huanuco to the montanas of Chinchao, ourselves to continue at least three months on this excursion; nevertheless the draftsmen, disgruntled, it seemed, with living in an uninhabited country, agreed among themselves to leave Macora at the beginning of August and to leave us alone in the montana. To justify their premature departure they used two pretexts, that there were no more plants to sketch, and that they
The first excuse was to satisfy the mayordomo of the hacienda and other "montaneses" that had gathered there and knew before we did of this untimely march; the second, although one could detect no sign of sickness on their faces and none was ever verified, was for our benefit, so that we should not wonder at the arrival of the muleteers with whom they had arranged for the beginning of August for their return to Huanuco. This departure took place on the 6th, in spite of the reproaches and representations that for our part we made regarding the need we had of them in order to advance the work in their care, which was far behind, on account of the loss of the 800 drawings in the vessel "San-Pedro de Alcantara," and because of the numerous plants daily coming into flower that we had already
described without drawings, besides
plants that
were discovering.
Before this occasion we had not discerned here, any more than in other parts of Macora, the aim and desire of the draftsmen and we gave each one of them 2, 3, and even 4 plants a day to sketch as they
were wont to do, even though incompletely, and without the care and accuracy with which they worked many times in the cities. For this and other similar reasons, few sketches were finished to
our satisfaction and, although we complained of the inaccuracy of their work, they answered that they did not know how to do any better. Nor did we succeed in getting them to draw the fructification first, as being the most important part and most likely to wilt and spoil before the branch or plant. Hence, in Macora as in other places, many sketches were left without the parts of the fructification.
On the 6th of August, after we had sent a peon to Huanuco with the mail and with a package of coffee that we had discovered in that montana, so that Sr. Visitador Dn. Jorge Escobedo might send it as a sample to the minister with ten special small trees, the draftsmen's muleteers arrived in Macora. To avoid the unpleasantness produced by their departure, with a repetition of reproaches, I left for the woods with three peons to look for wood to make boards
At five o'clock in the afternoon on our return towards Macora, one of the peons announced from the top of a hill that the hacienda had been reduced to ashes. The fright, pain, and grief that this bad news caused us cannot be told, particularly what it did to me who was affected more than any one else, and on account of the drawings that by accident had been spared because they had been left abandoned on the threshing floor when the fire surrounded it on all sides and the men fled from the place reached by the sparks and flames. Without stopping we ran in haste down the hill; I fell several times, and almost without breath I reached Macora and went through the fire, where the flames had almost finished consuming the houses
the furniture, baggage, skeletons of plants, books, manuand all the products we had gathered in our big house. The first question I asked was about my manuscripts. I barely heard my companion and the assistant say that every
scripts, provisions,
thing had been burned except the few pieces of furniture that they had near them, when, without thinking of the danger to which I exposed myself and without paying attention to the warning cries
of the people present, I dived into the midst of the flames in search of manuscripts and in vain sought to save them; but two peons
dragged me away from the danger I had exposed was myself already one o'clock in the night, when at the of an old man who was there, called Dn. Agustin Ruiz, request and when I was already exhausted from walking from one side to the other and threatening, like a man out of his mind, the mayordomo, the draftsmen, and even those present, I sat down tired, hoarse, weak, sad and pensive, in the middle of the threshing floor, where
me and
had thrown themselves down and were sleeping quite cold, although surrounded by fire, resting from the bodily fatigue resulting from the work they had done during the day in the effort to save the movables and the houses.
On the 7th, in the morning, feeling calmer and ready to hear an account of the unexpected and deplorable misfortune, I asked how it had happened, and they told me that, as soon as I had gone out, the mayordomo of the hacienda, taking advantage of the favorable day to burn the clearing and the stumps of the trees that had been cut north of the buildings, set fire at the foot of the hill at the summit of which the houses were, and that, the north wind having increased about 10:30 in the morning, at the time the draftsmen departed, the fire extended throughout the entire clearing with the rapidity
Almost immediately the fire was on the roof of our and because of the violence of the flames many leaves on big house, fire passed over the chapel, from which the draftsmen had just left; noticing this from the house of the mayordomo, the above-mentioned Dn. Agustin Ruiz called out to the companions of the assistant and to the servants and peons that were inside. While two peons went on the roof to extinguish the fire, the chapel caught fire, and from
of fireworks.
this the flames passed with incredible force to the big house; having lost all hope of extinguishing the flames, they started in the confusion
to pull out furniture without order and got in the way of one another and, when they tried to go in for the second and some for the third time, the roof caved in completely, burying under it all the things we had stored there and all the plants we had hanging
on the walls and racks we had built to preserve things from dampness. My companion was the only one to suffer a slight burn in his leg when they were coming out of the house and the roof caved in. At this calamity some came with water to try to extinguish the fire, but there were very few people, and the water served only to nurse the flames more and to leave the men too exhausted to be able to rescue the furniture from the main house where the mayordomo lived, which was the last to get on fire with two outbuildings
that served as kitchens.
several persons
When they saw the terrible spectacle, came from the neighboring farms, but they arrived
Only the draftsmen continued unsympathetically on way, although the owner of the hacienda where they were spectators of the misfortune, had insisted, as he later told us, that
The mayordomo of the hacienda ran away, as soon as he found had arrived at Macora from the fields; I did not see him again until I was in Huanuco, where the unfortunate man was made a prisoner and remained almost half a year in jail following the trial for something he probably had not done with any evil intent but for lack of reflection and thought. Nor did we, knowing his innocence and integrity, ask for his imprisonment, but we were satisfied to
get a certificate attesting the true facts of the event as we requested and the intendente Dn. Juan Maria de Galvez asked to be made,
but his assessor Dn. Bartolome" Bedoya unjustly made the event a criminal one as he had an interest in the houses of the hacienda.
the clothes and baggage that I had carried use, all the natural products gathered in those montafias during two months, diaries for three and a half years, the botanical descriptions for four years (among which there
In this
were 600 observed in the preceding years, and finally corrected and perfected in Puzuzo and the quebradas of Chinchao from the same living plants); the works of Linnaeus, Murray, Plumier, Jacquin, and several other books on botanical as well as other subjects; the presses, and drying, preserving, and writing paper; six saddles with
to the assistant, servants, and peons, two months' supply of food we had, with the pewter plates and some silver pieces that were melted and mixed by the fire. At a moderate estimate, the botanists, servants, and peons lost that day from 4,000 to 5,000 pesos, silver, aside from the botanical works mentioned, the loss of which was more painful to me than the 2,404 pesos that I had to spend later to provide myself anew with the most essential implements, as I stayed in the montana like another Simonides, although more disconsolate than he because
finally the
of the lack of
my manuscripts.
of the
hacendados of
that country side came at daybreak with as much food as each one could afford to bring for our immediate need; we thanked them hastily, and against their will they were paid immediately in cash. Then all together we went to extinguish the fire in our big house, and in the ruins we picked up pieces of silver and iron from the
bridles that
When we had
could, in two hampers which had in another one of mine that they
saved, the seeds and other things that were spread out on the threshing floors, and several packages of dried plants that had been saved from the fire were packed in pieces of canvas which were found
half-burned in the ruins; carrying on our shoulders as much as we could, we went to the small, dismantled rancho of the hacienda called Hualqui, where we arrived worn out although it was less than half a league distant. spent the night there with much discom-
came up a furious storm with thunder and lightning, followed by a heavy rain which wet almost all of our poor and ragged luggage although we tried to save it by making small ditches and canals with the pieces of iron we had and with stones about the small rancho.
it rained continuously until noon; but in spite of the that had befallen us, we tried to collect and dry several tragedy that were found around the rancho in some papers that had plants
the 8th
them with
been saved from the fire; and at the same time pencil on brown paper.
started to describe
The weather clearing, we decided to go to the road to commandeer the mules of the traders that came to that montana to get coca; and in fact, we succeeded in assembling the necessary mules to load the little goods we had saved from the fire. Making bundles with the pieces of canvas and chichillica bark, we left Hualqui on the
on foot until we could be the trader's pack animals that we seized on the way. Some hacendados provided us with saddles, and the servants and peons that could, climbed on the mules with packsaddles, changing from time to time, as they got tired. We reached the pueblo of Chinchao in the afternoon, where
9th at eight o'clock in the morning, all walking find saddle mules that of necessity had to
spent the night and I described some plants, and the companion and the assistant changed the ones that gathered on the road and placed them in the press that we still had.
On the 10th we left Chinchao and slept in the inn at Pati. On way we gathered several plants to dry, and I described six of them. On the llth we left Pati and passed, fortunately, without
encountering any showers, the steep, high hill of Carpis, reaching the hacienda Chulgue" at eight o'clock at night, after we had gathered many plants to dry and describe. On the 12th we entered Huanuco at noon, and people came to their doors to see the trophies of the fire evidenced by the pieces of canvas in which were wrapped the loads of plants that had been saved from the fire, because some of them were at the threshing floor at Macora and others at the
entrance of the big house where those that were near the door could be saved.
Until the 17th we continued drying plants and seeds gathered on the way, and describing the ones we brought dried. On that day two companies of the regiments of Estremadura and Soria arrived in Huanuco, commanded by their captains Dn. Diego Herrera and Dn. Juan Vibes to enter the Mayro and establish towns there and to clear the way for navigation and communication with the Portuguese.
On the 19th, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, there arrived in Huanuco the intendant of Tarma, Dn. Juan Maria de Galvez, accompanied by several persons from Pasco and the subdelegado of the secular
chapter and by some priests, officials of militia, and several other important persons that had set out from Huanuco to meet them at the district of Ambo, 5 leagues distant from the city, where
they were received with the ringing of bells and with fireworks, the troops of the militia being extended from the entrance of the city to the house that had been assigned to them. As soon as the chief of the province and of the expedition to the Mayro dismounted, we botanists, together with the secular and ecclesiastical chapters, the
congratulate him.
In spite of this event, so unusual in that country, I described three plants and continued the other work of my commission.
On the 20th the botanists and the draftsmen with the principal people of Huanuco were called by the intendant to a general meetThe journey was ing to decide about the expedition to the Mayro. postponed for that year because the season was too far advanced to undertake it. At the conclusion of the meeting, the intendente mentioned his desire to see the city and its vicinity, and several people from the meeting went along to accompany him. When we had reached the
place called Carrera del
ful it
for beautifying the city, to plant an avenue with different kinds of trees to make a public walk and to furnish recrea-
would be
and desirable shade. The proposal was accepted, and he commissioned the subdelegate and some regidores to accomplish this with the aid of the botanists in the shortest time possible, and this was done, four streets being planted with trees, and two small squares at the ends.
In the remaining days of that month I described various plants which the descriptions had been burned in Macora, and we continued drying many others of the vicinity and hills of Huanuco.
In September, 1785 I replaced, with the drawings and dried specimens, many of the descriptions consumed in the fire at Macora, and later I perfected them with living plants as opportunity offered in the montanas.
On the llth of this month I wrote the news of what had happened
to the Ministry of the Indies, to the acting director, Dn. Casimiro Ortega, to the superintendent of Peru, Dn. Jorge Escobedo, and to the R. P. Francisco Gonzalez Laguna, in charge of botanical matters in Lima. On the 16th I, with my companion, presented a brief to the intendant of Tarma, soliciting a certificate of the happening in Macora so that at any time it could serve us as authentic testimony. So this was decreed, and his assessor was asked to make it, after taking testimony from all the persons that were The assessor, perhaps on purpose, delayed present at the fire. attending to the matter until the 29th, when, at our request, the intendente asked again to have it done, but because the administrator Dn. Mathias Trabuco had not appeared, afraid of being compelled by judicial order, the investigations that remained in order to give us the certificate were suspended for the reason that the intendant and his suite had gone to the province of Huamalies.
I received orders from the ministry of the companion to replace the small trees lost on
received a letter from the general superintendent in which he informed me that he had sent an official order
make a judicial investigation of the letter to the effect that in the another Macora, accompanied by future the draftsmen and others of the expedition would be under the orders of the first botanist. This he did on the grounds that he had had information that the trip was going to last at least three months, and that the draftsmen had left the montanas before this time was up without the consent of the botanists, adding that, if they had stayed in Macora, as they should have done, until the departure of the botanists, they might at least have helped to save from the fire the things that were burned after they left Macora. From all of this he inferred that there existed in the expedition a monster with many heads and no subordination. When the draftsmen read this letter, they got very angry and burst out saying that they did not recognize any other chief than the king and the minister, and that since the last order was for the botanists to replace the small trees that had been lost in the "San Pedro de Alcantara," and did not
to the intendant of
fire of
selves already free from the expedition, were going to Lima to return to Spain.
On the following days up to the 14th, I continued describing several plants, and I answered the letter of the superintendent, sending him a package of seeds of those saved from the fire so that
he might forward them to the Ministry of the Indies, to which I wrote giving information about all that had happened on the expedition. On the 15th I became ill and kept to my bed until the 4th of November, when I got up, though with some difficulty on account of extreme weakness and the pain that, as on other occasions, had settled in my right side; on the 14th I started anew to describe plants and to transcribe the descriptions made after the fire. I continued this work until the 17th of December, when I went to bed again with the same sickness until the 1st of January, 1786, when I got up with the same pain in the back and without any appetite until the 23rd. Then with the help of lemonades and four bleedings I was able to recuperate and to drive off the fever and the dry cough that kept me exhausted until the 22nd of February; then I began to eat
and fresh fish, and through this means I was completely restored to health. On the following days of February and in March, I replaced a good number of descriptions and I corrected not a few of those made on the coast, of plants that were found also in Huanuco, particularly of the Malvaceae.
fruits, vegetables,
Already harassed by repeated sickness and realizing that the work of the expedition that was in my charge was very hard on me and that I felt the burden more every day because I had not the necessary strength to continue, I wrote on the llth of March, 1786 to the Minister of the Indies, asking to be returned to Spain.
On the 13th of March Galvez, the draftsman, and Tafalla, the assistant, went to Pasco to collect pay for all of us from the Royal Coffers. The assistant returned on the 25th with his salary and that of his companion, Galvez staying there a few days longer to await
the arrival of
the 9th of April I received a letter from Galvez, in which he told me that a mule had fallen down a precipice at the
Huariaca river with four thousand pesos and that I should go without delay and see if I could give some advice on how to recover the bags, because the river was getting very high. On the 10th, early in the morning, I left Huanuco in company of Pulgar and my
I arrived that day at the Ollerias [pottery place] where Pulgar and I spent the night dressed because the servant had not been able to arrive with the beds. The multitude of guinea pigs and the fleas that those small animals bred kept us awake all On the llth, on entering Huariaca, we were informed that night. Galvez with all the Indians of a near-by town had succeeded in getting the money from the river and that he had gone to Rondos the afternoon before by a road different from the one we had traveled. Without dismounting in Huariaca, we returned to Huanuco, where we arrived at 11:30 at night, very sore and tired after the 20 leagues that we had traveled that day and the 10 of the day before through
had sent
the 10th of
May we sent
pots of live plants, and on the 27th Pulgar took to Lima as many more plants of different and beautiful trees, with which we not only
replaced the loss of the plants on the ill-fated vessel "San Pedro Alcantara," but also increased the shipment a great deal with the
specimens of quinos, laupes, Weinmannias, laurels, arboles del sebo, yasmich, arboles de incienso, Triplaris or santo palo, coca, Porlieria, quino-quinos, Bombax, and other very special ones from those montanas of Panatahuas.
On May 12th I showed the superintendent the urgent need of added funds to continue the explorations in the montanas, sending him an exact account of the extraordinary expenses incurred with the peons on the journeys and the conveyance of the effects
of the expedition.
Indies that the work of the assistants should stop as soon as we returned to Spain. By virtue of this I answered on the llth of the same month that the royal order would be obeyed; but that at the
same time I could do no less than explain to H. M. the application and progress that the assistants had shown, and how important it would be to have them continue the mission after our return to Spain, to
answer questions that might be add to the work with new discoveries that they could be making. I made the same representations to the superintendent of Peru and to the director of the faculty, Dn.
arise, to
Casimiro Ortega.
corrected and
leaving in the care of Padre Gonzalez the 56 pots of living plants, bringing the necessary funds to make the expedition into the mon-
They had the good luck to get to Lima almost all the live plants that they took from Huanuco without having lost but one or two because of the shaking with the ups and downs of the road.
of the vessel
Their use
Macora, and
muna and
this plant with salt in hot baths for oedematous and gouty swellings and for pains in the side; and to relieve the head they take hot
an aperitive and diuretic remedy to banish gloomy and melancholy choler, to clear the spleen, and to diminish obstructions. Cynomorium fungiforme, hatum, puyutchrin. This has the form of a spongy and reddish cake, and over it are plant
infusions of this plant as
sessile many big catkins in the shape of clubs of the size of a hen's egg, also reddish. The Indians eat them to regain the strength lost after long travels and after too heavy work. Heliconia discolor.
Elephantopus capitatae. Clusia racemosum, achyra de monte. Its seeds are still more aromatic than the seeds of cardamon and, preserved between papers, they give off so much oil that the papers become entirely spotted. Escobedia tinctorea, saffron and mountain spice, because its root is used, instead of saffron, to give Bocconia frutescens, palo amarillo, on color to stews and for dye. account of the color of its juice and because the whole of the shrub is used to dye cotton, wool, and other cloth. Hippocratea viridis. Anthodon decussatum. Olmedia aspera. When incisions are made in this tree, a white resinous milk flows, that is very elastic when condensed. Miconia pulverulenta. Costus argenteus and scaber.
Cecropia coriacea.
aff. triflora.
Sobralia amplexicaulis.
very fragrant
and beautiful on account of their size and color. Chaetocrater pubescens and serrata. Ceanothus granulosus. Lettsomia tomentosa
and lanata. Tovaria pendula. Marcgravia calyptrata, purumhigos and higos de monte [mountain figs]. The Indians eat the fruits when they have opened. Loranthus triflorus. Lobelia volubilis. Citrosma echinata. Lisianthus .... This is a beautiful plant for gardens on account of the large size of its pink flowers. Prunus virginiana, cerezo or cherry tree. It is cultivated in some orchards of Huanuco, where they call the tasty fruits cherries. Cestrum
undulatum, hierba hedionda or fetid herb; although this small shrub is fetid, its flowers exhale an agreeable fragrance at night and in the morning; the natives use the infusion and concoction of the miu to temper the heat of the blood and for many other uses, and for this reason they call it yerba santa. Schinus Molle, molle. It is said that the Incas called it the "tree of life," because of its properties and uses. In cases of dropsy, gout, and oedema, baths are prepared with the leaves and bark with salt. From the ripe fruits, rubbing them in water so that they give up their saccharine matter, and later fermenting this liquor, the Indians make a chicha, sweet and agreeable to them and excellent against dropsy. In Peru, even the most intelligent people are persuaded that the fruit of this tree is the true pepper of the East and that it is because they do not know how to prepare it that it is not as much esteemed. Because of the slight taste and resemblance in size and odor that the seeds
of the true pepper, some after roastwith great harm to their health; for this they should be severely punished if, after being warned, they should continue with these harmful mixtures, for from them originate the vicho or mal del valle and terrible hemorrhoids. The white,
of the molle
fragrant resin of the molle, applied in plasters, is excellent for mending fractures and sprains and for cleaning and healing ulcers. From its ashes results an excellent fixed alkali for the purification of sugar
for dyes. The wood is quite strong and lasting in the fire, but smoke causes headaches. From its trunk they cut excellent boards, beams, and timber for various purposes. Vermifuga corymbosa, matagusanos, contrayerba, and chinapaya, in the region of Cuzco; when ground together with salt and lard, it kills the maggots of the beasts more rapidly than when applied alone. Mimosa of the on account farnesiana L., aromo; special fragrance of its the ladies their heads with adorn them, and they are used flowers,
in the
of the
Its seeds when chewed and fragrant flowers is called in Peru. ejected with saliva in any room, give off an insufferable odor,
resembling that of human excrement. Galinsoga quinqueradiata and quadrimdiata, pacoyuyu. The leaves and juice of this plant are used to cure sores of the mouth, as an excellent detergent, and to promote healing. Boerhaavia viscosa, pegajosa. Boerhaavia scandens, yerba de la purgation, on account of the virtues of the infusion and concoction against venereal infections. Calyxhymenia viscosa and Mirabilis Jalapa, trompetillas and flor de Panama, the root of which is used as a mild laxative. Achillea urens, botoncillo; a plant with burning taste, that stimulates salivation as does the pelitre, and they use it against toothache in place of the roots of the latter. It is a deadly poison to guinea pigs. Achillea lutea. It has the same vernacular name as the other and produces similar effects; it appears to be merely a variety of the other. Talinum dichotomum. Tafalla
Krameria triandra, ratafia, pumacuchu, and mapato. This plant grows in the provinces of Tarma, Huanuco, Canta, and Huarocheri. Its root has such powerful astringent properties that it stops any bleeding; and when the infusion or decoction of half an ounce of dried root per dose is taken, or a drachm of its watery extract is diluted in two or three ounces of water, this root serves to clean and strengthen the teeth. This use it had already in Peru
when I discovered its great astringent virtue, superior to that of any other plant known to date for stopping hemorrhages, without the bad effects of other astringents, as has been demonstrated by the experience of more than 800 persons who have taken its extract
under the direction of physicians of the best reputation.
of Madrid, printed in
be found.
palustris. Pectis trifida, ascacpichana, escoba amarga [bitter broom], and canchalagua cimarrona; it is a low plant, extremely bitter and
Porlieria hygrometrica,
tarucasa and huayacan in the kingdom of Chile. In this country, balls, ladles, bodies, and shafts for various instruments are made of
in preference to other substances on account of its In Huanuco these shrubs are used for and resistance. density of handles and fences, axes, hoes, and hammers are also made from their wood. Its leaves watch by day and sleep at night, closing or
folding in such a way that the tree appears to be without leaves or to be dead. The leaves begin to open or unfold half an hour and
a few minutes before sunrise and are completely open an hour and a few minutes after the sun has risen; they start folding up 30 to 40
minutes before the sun sets, and they are all closed an hour and a few minutes after sunset. If it is going to rain the next day, they always announce it the evening before, delaying the folding of the leaves by half an hour and a few minutes more or less, probably
according to the saturation of the atmosphere; to this cause I attribute this movement of the leaflets. I do not doubt that the same phenomenon could also be observed in plants with winged or compound leaves, such as mimosas, cassias, poincianas, and other legumes. It remains, however, to make exact observations to discover this movement of the leaves that varies according to changes in the weather, as I have done with two plants of Porlieria in the voyage from the port of Callao to the Bay of Cadiz, keeping an
exact account in writing, every day from the 16th of June, 1788 until the 12th of September. On that day I landed the 24 crates of different small trees that
port of Santa Maria, where they arrived after 5 months and 12 days of sailing by way of Cape Horn, 77 live plants out of 87 that
the 16th of
delivered to
the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid 68 living plants, notwithstanding the cold season that overtook me on the way between
Croton ciliatum, huanarpo macho and higos del duende. The natives assert that the infusion of the root of this plant excites powerfully to sensual pleasures, and they say that its opposite
the infusion of the huanarpo hembra, or female, another species same genus, whose flowers are white, while the flowers of the male are red. Cacalia punctata, a plant of more pleasant fragrance than that of the Tagetes, which it resembles considerably. Solatium
of the
Spondias Mombin, ciruela agria [bitter plum]. Its fruit red and has a bittersweet taste, quite agreeable. Psidium pyriIt is so abundant in the whole ferum, sahuintu and huayabo.
Huanuco that for that reason the natives are called huyaa term beros, they apply to impostors; to say, "What a big lie!" they use in Peru the expression, "Que huayaba tan gorda" or "What a
valley of
big guava!" The fruits of the huayabo [guava] tree vary so much in color, shape, and size that there are found more than ten varieties,
to which they give as many names, like verde sahuintu, ducasahuintu, coarhuasahuintu, yorasahuintu, etc., meaning green guava, red guava, yellow guava, white guava, etc. From these fruits, that are
desirable to
many, they make a very good candy resembling pear stop bloody urine, excessive flow of menstruation and of the
bowels; this
usually done with fruits not quite ripe, and with ripe same but less effective. The trunk of these
trees looks as if it had no bark because it is smooth and has a dull, tawny color. The leaves, as well as the fruits have a fragrance resembling somewhat that of arrayan and are astringent like the leaves of the latter; for this reason they are sometimes chewed to relieve and strengthen the teeth. Campomanesia palillos, palillo. This tree,
like the preceding, is cultivated in Peru, where they eat its fragrant fruit called palillos, and it is placed in the "mixture of flowers" to
and chuchumeca. Urena villosa and hamata, lausahacha; the women wash their hair with the gum of these two plants, extracted in cold water, for the purpose of removing dandruff and grease from the hair and of making it grow. Spermacoce gracilis. Anona reticulata, chirimoya. In Peru they cultivate this beautiful and luxuriant tree, the trunk of which is very good for various purposes; its flowers exhale a very sweet fragrance, and for this reason they are added to the compound of flowers called "mixtura." In Huanuco its fruits reach a weight of 10 to 12 pounds and, although there are few of this size, there is an abundance of those weighing 3 to 6 pounds, which I have not seen in the rest of Peru, their regular weight in other places being half a pound to a pound and a half. The skins of these fruits vary, being more or less smooth or rough, and so they call the chirimoyas that have points, chirimoyas de cabeza de negrito, and the ones that have the surface smooth, chirimoyas reales. The flesh or pulp is white, juicy, sweet, and very soft. Solanum incanum, yurahuacta, that is, white back, on account of the white color of the back of the leaves; the natives use the leaves to clean ulcers, applying to them the upper surface, and then to cure the sores they apply the under side of the leaves. MalAsclepias curassavica? , arbol de la seda,
cultivate this tree in Peru; its fruits, after they have reached a certain ripeness, are picked and put in chaff or bran, straw or grass, so that, with the heat and the
will ripen
become soft and sweet, red and cloying. The seeds that are sweet also and somewhat similar in taste to fresh almonds serve as a purgative and produce nausea. Rubus fructicosus? siraca;
their pulp
its fruit is
Although this plant is cultivated in several provinces kingdom, where they have large crops and make them into bundles that they call tabaco de andullo and long cigars, it is found wild in abundance in all torrid climates. Physalis pubescens L., capuli; the children eat its bittersweet fruits, and the women that sometimes also eat one or two add them to the mixtura of flowers,
anointing them with a little amber to give them greater fragrance than they naturally have. Finally they serve as ornaments for the hair, placed among the other flowers with which those cleanly people
adorn themselves.
I described anew 180 plants of those of Puzuzo, the descriptions which were burned in the fire of Macora; their generic and
as well as vernacular
names and
in the chapter
on that journey.
Those that I succeeded in describing in Huanuco, of those that were worked on in Macora and that were burned in that fire, are
the following.
Canna paniculata, achyra: the natives eat the roots like the roots of the Canna indica L., also called achyra. Acosta aculeata,
caimito de monte, on account of the similarity of its fruit to that of Achras Caimito. Peperomia foliiflora and concava. Hirtella racemosa. Dorstenia ovalis. Its root is as fragrant as that of D. contrayerva.
Coffea occidentalis,
knew the
Stapelia volubilis. Rhus atrium. give a black and glossy ink like writes it is clear, but as it dries it becomes darker with a varnishlike luster.
name introduced by us among Cynanchum lanuginosum. The juice of its bark and stalks the best printing ink; when one
Murraya racemosa.
Ornithogalum rubrum. Laurus crassifolia and coerulea. Cassia viminea L. Melastoma acuminata and Vaccinium ? bicolor. Trichilia acuminata and trifoliata.
Valdesia repens and ovalis. Triumfetta fructicosa and Lappula L. Myrtus pseudopimentas. The berries have an odor quite similar to the tabasco or malagueta pepper. Prunus nigra. Anona lutea, anona. The fruits of this species ripen on the trees until the skin
turns completely yellow; this does not happen with the chirimoyas, huanabanas, and anonas of the coast that have to be covered with grass, bran, or clothes so that through a short period of fermentation they may become tender and fit to eat. The pulp of the anonas of the mon tafias seems to me more delicious than that of those from the
Justicia mucrotrinervis.
Its leaves are aromatic,
Carpunya, carpunya.
fragrance when
well dried; natives with delicate taste often greater drink one or two cups of the infusion of these leaves made with boiling water to help the digestion, in preference to the tea of the
Piper dichotomum. Its leaves can be substituted for those carpunya as they have almost the same fragrance and taste. O'Higginsia aggregata. Convolvulus quinqueCallicarpa globiflora. Gimbernatia obovata, chuncho; a tall, leafy tree with a thick folius. trunk and with very strong wood. Lisianthus acutangulus, oblongus, and ovalis. Echites acuminata. Cestrum longiflorum and racemosum. Clavija lanceolata. Macrocnemum pubescens and venosum. PsychoEast.
and acuminata. Coffea tetrandra. Porcelia dependens, platanos de monte [mountain bananas], on account of the similarity in the shape
This tall, leafy tree has a with wood. Its fruits, that grow in trunk thick good straight, clusters of as many as nine from each flower, are about 5 inches long, cylindrical and with prominences; between the seeds they
of the fruits to that of the banana.
the fruits
after picking be allowed to ripen in a sheltered or warm place. Chiococca ovata. Cedrela inodora. Tree with an excellent wood; for this
reason, on the day of the fire at Macora, I had had a trunk of that tree cut into boards to make boxes. Achyranthes secunda. Alzatea
The trunk
examined on
the top of Mesapata, was divided into six thick props that formed an arbor underneath, and at the height of four yards they united in a single trunk, divided a little farther up into five arms, thick and
leafy, the central
wards, and
one being erect and the lateral ones extended outof them subdivided into airy, straight branches.
Staphylaea serrata. Aralia aff. ferruginea. Pourretia paniculata and lanuginosa. Loranthus retroflexus. Guarea acuminata. Rhexia grandiflora, a beautiful plant for gardens because
of its flowers.
Rhexia flexuosa.
The Indians
and subpubescens.
Banisteria rugosa. Guatleria dependens and hirsuta. Anona microcarpa; a small leafy tree with small fruits. Mendozia racemosa and
aspera. Gesneria frutescens. Cleome coccinea. Bombax polyandrum or Carolineal Tall tree with thick trunk and soft wood, the fruits
for stuffing chairs
wool can also be spun of the it with wool vicuna of by mixing Huanuco, because by itself This wool has the property that, when it is very difficult to spin.
it is
compressed, it puffs up in the sun, and for this reason it is called sun cotton. When with the heat of the sun the capsules open and the wool covering the seeds expands, each fruit forms a mass of very white and quite bulky fleece. Erythrina articulata, huilcatauri. These thick, tall, and leafy trees flower before the leaves come out, and then they present a beautiful sight. Hedysarum pilosum and
Indigo/era Anil, anil. From this plant is extracted the blue that is used in dyeing. Crotalaria trigona. indigo Negretia mitis. Trifolium hirsutum. Eupatorium canescens and sambucinum.
Elephantopus tuberosus. Tagetes chinchu and anisidora, anis-anis. This species is the smallest that I have seen of its genus, but the
most fragrant.
Orchis punctata. Epidendrum ferrugineum and Maxillaria ramosa. Rodriguezia lanceolata and ensi-
Humboldtia polystachya and acutiflora. Limodorum coriaceum and lineare. Calla canaliculata. Pothos perforata. Arum aliaceum, on account of the very penetrating odor of garlic that this
caustic plant exhales
it is
trampled or
Urtica diaphana. Cucumis purPhyllanthus gemina. Cucurbita fragrans, upe. The natives eat the fruits or
calabashes of this plant stewed, and with them the women decorate and rooms on account of the delightful fragrance that the
without noticeable loss in a whole year; after this they replace them with new ones. Begonia ciliata. Synzyganthera purpurea; a small, low, slender, tree. Cucumis quinquelobatus. Cecropia digitata and aspera. These trees, called tacunas, grow from 30 to 40 yards; the trunk is very straight and jointed and hollowed in the upper joints, in which quite often there is found a quantity of clear, potable water without any
disagreeable taste whatever. In some of them the cavity reaches almost to the roots. The trees are of a beautiful luxuriance, and the leaves follow the course of the sun, remaining during the night with the face downward and in the daytime inclined toward the
Ipomoea glandulifera. Auroras, because their flowers open in the morning and remain open until eleven or twelve of the same forenoon and wilt at two or three o'clock in the afternoon when they have been beaten by the sun so that the pollen or
HiPtiLiTO Ruiz
the flowers of Ipomoea and Convolvulus; they emit an abundance when their branches are cut. Smilax lanceolata. Its fibrous roots have the same use as that of the zarzaparilla. Populus glandulosa. A very tall, leafy tree, with a thick trunk. Schinus aculeatus, huillca. It is a tall, leafy tree with a very thick trunk and covered completely with thorns swollen at the base, in the shape of little nipples or teats with a sharp point in the center. Coussapoa obovata and triloba. These tall trees have
of white milk
a thick trunk and admirable foliage. Isquierdia aggregata. Carica monoica, col de montana [forest cabbage]; although the fruits of this species are not eaten because they are tasteless, its leaves are put in the pot in place of cabbage. The Indians of Pampahermosa carried the seeds of this plant to the quebrada of Chinchao, where it has multiplied abundantly. Myrislica longifolia and oblongifolia, tallow trees, because a heavy oil, similar to cocoa butter is expressed from the seeds and is used by the Indians for illumination. The seeds of the first species are the size of a nutmeg, and the second are the size of hen's eggs. Tafalla triflom, aitacupi, and its resin, almaciga, which they gather in some places for soothing plasters: the whole tree exhales a pleasing fragrance; its resin is white and flows in drops spontaneously. Mimosa Ficus acuminala, cordata, and lineata. Carludovica planisiliqua. latifolia and angustifolia. Martinezia lanceolata. Pullipuntu macrocar pon and microcarpon, pullipuntu. Luxuriant palms that bear their fruits at the base of the trunk. The fruits are numerous and united in big prickly heads like clubs. At the beginning the fruits are filled with a liquid as clear as water, in place of which it is sometimes used by those that walk through the woods; when some
days have passed, it turns milky and acid, and later it changes into a sweet and pleasant emulsion and successively acquires greater
consistency, solidity,
and weight,
For this reason we gave it the name vegetable ivory because it seems to have almost the same qualities as that animal matter, with the superiority of remaining white even after being carved and exposed to the air for many years. Small objects may be turned in a lathe from these fruits with more ease than in the
case of ivory, because the substance of the former is neither splintery nor fibrous like the bones and teeth of marine or land animals.
Ephedra distachya
of uniting fractures,
globifolia, pini-pini.
when applied
It is the
in the
know with
Portulaca pentandra and cristallina. Euphorbia Peplis? In Peru almost all Euphorbias are known by the name yerba de la golondrina, because their milk cures cataracts of the eyes. Lycopodium ciliatum. Elaterium glandulosum. Coreopsis trifida. Pineda incana, llogui. From the woody shoots they make staffs,
walking canes, and ramrods of great resistance. Cleome concava. Solanum pubescens. Coffea subsessilis. Nepeta ciliata and calyciValdesia repens and ovalis. clausa, hupaimuna, both species.
Cissus lobata.
Stops on the way Arrival at Mima Excursions Description of Muna Occupation of the natives Products of the country Population Peaceful character of the Indians Clothing Flora.
On the 2nd of August, 1786, we botanists left for the montanas Muna, and we spent the night on the farm of Taullan, near the town of Valle. On the 3rd we went on to Tambillo without other
incident than the excessive heat of that ravine. On the 4th, passing through the pueblo Panao, we went to spend the night at Huamanmayo. On the 5th, passing through the pueblo Chaclla, we went to spend the night at Pinapata, where we felt quite cold with the In this place we collected frost that is a daily occurrence there.
some new
the 6th
slept at the
of the hill
Santo Domingo; its steep and dangerous ascent has 39 steps in the shape of winding stairs, besides the climb from the river to
the beginning of the winding stairs. Muna, having gathered on the that we put in press to dry.
From the 8th to the 12th we were busy arranging the things needed for work and in making a spacious rancho of timber and branches to accomodate our beds and effects, because the room assigned to us by the missionary father and justice of Muna was too small. Besides, we arranged our traveling tents so as to be able to work with more ease and with better light and to make place at night for the presses and dried plants with which we worked under shelter. Finally I corrected several descriptions made on the trip from Puzuzo and that were burned at Macora.
the 13th
them we found a great number of new plants that we discovered by means of long walks and continuous work through
those woods.
On the 15th the draftsmen arrived in Muna and, after being housed in the house or convent of the missionary father, they began their work on the 16th.
In the mail that the draftsmen brought
me from Huanuco,
received definite information of the loss of the vessel "San Pedro de Alcantara," dashed to pieces on the coast of Portugal against the
products of nature had been rescued as were the boxes with gold
in Mufia until the 24th of September, 1786, when returned to Huanuco because the rains were becoming continuous, and we could no longer work with freedom or to advantage.
We remained
The pueblo
located at 10
Huanuco, to the east 24 leagues by the road from that city, on a plateau that is formed there by that very tall mountain which rises from the river on with five leagues of continuous incline to its summit, a league and a half from the river. Muna is located in a place sheltered from the south, west, and east winds and is reached by the north winds only; therefore the heat is excessive during the day, but is usually tempered by the north wind, which begins to blow at eleven o'clock in the morning.
The ground at Muna, called the rinconada, which is where the natives plant grain and roots for their maintenance, is fertile and suitable for all kinds of grain and fruits, but the natives are satisfied
with maize,
beans, potatoes,
arracachas, achyras,
and some poorly cultivated vegetables. Although there are good pastures between Muna and the river, the natives do not have any cattle grazing except a few mules or Most horses for their transportation to Puzuzo and Huanuco. of the Indians occupy themselves by day with gathering the cascarilla or quina that is abundant in those montanas, as much of the fine, or officinal sort, as of the yellow and purple-leaved kind. They also pick small lots of incense and carry them to
sell for
there are two small brooks with very good water that comes by two gorges from those hills.
There are some wild animals and fowls, as elsewhere in the montana, and there is no lack of redheaded buzzards. Near Muna on the slope of a hill of the rinconada at a corner, there is abundance of a kind of black slate which is found in long,
quadrangular pieces in the shape of bars more or less perfect. I picked up one that I have in my possession, three fourths of a yard in length with four level faces, the two opposite ones polished perfectly and the other two, although one not as much as the other, sufficiently so to sharpen an edged instrument if you put oil on
does not have the same effect if you use water. At its is cut diagonally, one slant in the opposite direction from the other. Some of these slates are found to be of a very dark gray color on some faces. So many were found in that place that from some distance I thought they were pieces of
The number of inhabitants in Mufia barely reaches 40 Indians and a few mestizos, governed by a missionary father from Ocopa,
provides their spiritual nourishment, living continually with For this reason there are no serious disorders, as happens in other towns where there is no one to restrain them from their These Indians are very obedient in all that the drunkenness. missionary father asks them to do; so they meet in church every night and morning after they return from their work and before going out to it, to pray and sing their petitions and praises to God and the Virgin Mother, with the greatest devotion, and no one is absent except for good reason. Although these Indians do not possess riches, nothing is lacking for their sustenance or for ordinary simple clothing, which consists merely of a cloak, jacket, vest, Each shirt, and pants, and for the women, skirt, blouse, and shirt. inhabitant has his own rancho or house, with corresponding fields for plantation, with no sign of superiority of riches among them. On working days only the alcalde [mayor], uses the cloak; but on feast days all the married men use it to church while the bachelors come in their jackets. During the week the padre says Mass early, and most of the people go to hear it, but no one is required to do so on those days except for the praises and prayers in the early
morning and at night. While we remained in Muna, I corrected many of the descriptions already made and described the following, most of which were
Salvia incurvata
Justicia racemosa.
Peperomia acuminata. Valeriana decussata and paniThe root of this species can be used in medicine culata, macae. instead of Valeriana officinalis as it has almost the same fragrance. Embothrium pinnatum, emarginatum, and monospermum. Paco-paco, the first species, is a small tree, but leafy and has rather fetid bark; the second species is called catas, picahuai, and machinparrani. The Indian women decorate the altars and images with the racemes of these flowers, and they form arches with their branches in bloom, which are a beautiful sight when there are church parades; the third
Spermacoce corymbosa.
Periphragmos flexuosus. Lygodisodea foetida, yurahuanium and vejuco bianco [white vine]. This twining plant, whose stems are used as rope to tie the beams in buildings on account of their flexibility and resistance, have a fetid odor like rotting cabbage. Cinchona angustifolia, cascarillo bobo amarillo, on account of the color of the inner side of its very bitter bark. Asclepias
Staphylea serrata.
Synzyganthera purpurea.
acutifolium, lineatum, sessile, incurvum, pendulum, and scabrum. Nicotiana tomentosa. Psychotria alba. Gumillea auriculata. Fragosa
Eccremocarpus viridis. Stereoxylon pendulum, pumaThis small tree, when in bloom, makes a beautiful sight with its racemes of pendant flowers. Its wood is resistant and is used for handles of instruments and various other purposes. Its leaves, especially the buds, are covered with a soothing resin; for this reason they are crushed and applied in the form of a poultice to soothe sprains and bruises. Huertea glandulosa, cedro macho. A tall tree with good wood. Laugeria stipulata. Cestrum rigidum. Genliana violacea. Portlandia corymbosa. The bark of this small shrub is somewhat bitter, and from a certain distance its white
Heliotropium oppositifolium. Clavija spathulata and macrocarpa, monte lucuma, from the shape of its fruits. Echites glandulosa. Lisianthus revolutus and viscosus. The calyces of this small shrub
as well as the flower stalks are covered with a white, crystalline gum that dissolves completely in water and crackles in the fire
Its Gardenia viscosa. Marcgravia pentandra. exhale a flowers, that are found in long bunches, very agreeable fragrance. Celastrus corymbosus, picna, and in Huasahuasi, rurama.
the seeds of this shrub are preserved between papers, these a few days become soaked in oil; from this one may infer that on expression they might yield a considerable quantity. The wood is strong and very suitable for handles of axes and other implements; its foliage is found in corymbs; for this reason it is a garden shrub suitable for forming into various shapes. Celastrus lutescens. This is a tree with very good timber for varied uses. Aralia aff. From these shrubs there flows a white digitata and lanceolata.
Sambucus that completely dissolves in water. as of this shrub they do of glandulosa. They make the same use Sambucus nigra. Berberis lutea, ccarhuascassa and palo amarillo,
is a strong wood for various purposes. Varronia globosa. Solanum stellatum, huiscacassa and campucassa; the spines of this plant introduced into the flesh produce blisters, filled with a watery fluid, that burst and are cured by applying to them the half-baked leaves. Solanum granulosum, chuculate. Tillandsia recurvata, paniculata, juncea, and parviflora. Loranthus Loranthus grandiflorus, moma. Alslroemeria dependens, liga.
Tradescantia deflexa.
phyllum angulatum, acuminatum, and pedicellatum. Gilibertia umbellata. Rhexia alba, quinquenervis, and trinervis. Fuchsia grandiflora, involucrata, parviflora, pubescens, and punicea. Tropaeolum discolor. Melastoma repens, olla-olla. They use this plant for a yellow dye, mixing it with several others. Axinaea lanceolata and Andromeda aff. cordifolia and punclata. Brunellia purpurea. aculeata and inermis. A Eugenia procera. tall, branching tree
with strong wood that has a pleasing smell like that of its leaves. Negretia inflexa and elliptica, llamapafiaui, that is, eye of llama or sheep of Peru, on account of the shape of its seeds, to which is attributed the virtue of being an antidote. Divided into two parts, it is taken in powder and applied to the bites of poisonous animals. Munnozia [N.] planata; a plant with beautiful flowers for gardens.
Bacasia corymbosa.
Sobralia dichoAnguloa uniflora, flor de Espiritu Santo. toma, tahue-tahue; its flowers are beautiful for their color, size, and fragrance. Maxillaria ciliata, grandiflora, longipetala, and
Epidendrum corymbosum,
de todo
cordata, conlorta,
Humboldtia ensiformis, laxa, and punctata. and revoluta. Pothos acaulis. oblonga, parviflora,
Begonia monadelpha, coccinea, hirsula, incarnata, parviflora, rosea, and utriculata. All these plants have beautiful flowers. Jatropha aphrodisiaca, simayuca. The Indians attribute aphrodisiac properties to the root of this plant. Urtica citriodora, on account of the odor exhaled by its leaves. U. cymosa, hirsuta, dauciodora, longifolia, punctata, and rugosa. Morus nigra and spinosa. Citrosma muricala, pyriformis, ovalis, and tomentosa. On all of these small shrubs there is found a fluid that looks like saliva purposely thrown over them. Schinus oblongifolia, mayco. A shrub the shade of which produces a
that later ends in papules with matter, accompanied by fever. Schinus aurantiodora, mayco, produces the same effects as the former species, but the Indians say that the shade of this shrub is more harmful than that of the former. Its effects have been already been explained in another place. Tafalla scabra, It is a branching, leafy shrub with the same fragrance aitacupi. as the species already mentioned elsewhere. Cecropia alba and tubulosa, tacuna. Both species are trees beautiful for their luxuriance and the size of their leaves; these follow the course of the sun, and they always turn their face to it until at night they turn the back up and the face to the ground, although not completely, because they face a little obliquely. Clussia aff. macrocarpa, arbol
del incienso [incense tree], rotundicapsula, arbol del incienso. From both species in Peru they get a beautiful, crystalline resin that is used in the churches as incense; it is found in drops of more than
a pound.
first species,
These trees are tall, frondose, and showy, especially the which grows to more than 40 yards in height. Carica
monte papaya. Caballeria dentata, dependens, ferruginea, and pellucida, manglillos and lucumas. Mimosa punicea, huaita rebozo, on account of the color of its red flowers, similar to the rebozos or mantillas that are commonly used by the Indian women, and monte pacae for the resemblance to Mimosa Inga or pacae. Celtis aspera, chichillica. With the bark of this tree the Indians make fishing nets, bags, and other rough and ordinary weaves, as they do not do anything to refine them; they use them frequently for ropes and for cables. Adiantum reniforme. Morenia
fragrans, sia-sia.
Saracha punctata.
Carludovica trigona.
Pavon's misfortune
prepared for Spain
Illness of Ruiz.
Itinerary Plants, barks, and seeds A large shipment Ruiz studies the Malvaceae of Huanuco and refutes Cavanilles
Llamapafiahui, and a few steps ahead in climbing a one of the mules pushed another loaded one, and the winding hill, latter came tumbling down several yards to the place where Dn. Jose" Pavon was traveling and collided with his saddle mule, which might have gone the same way but was stopped without misfortune because Pavon had dismounted before the pack mule stumbled against his. We continued with good luck, climbing the hills called Torre sin Agua and Cuerno Retorcido, or Twisted Horn, which we climbed on foot because of the excessive steepness of the very narrow and sandy road that had been completely stripped by the burning that still continued that day all over the hill. We ate in the town of Chaclla and for the night went a league ahead, after we had been caught by a shower that lasted, although with short intermissions, until 9 o'clock the next morning. Then we started to load, but it began raining again and continued for more than an hour from eleven
We arrived in the pueblo of Panao to supply ourselves with provisions, and we found there the priest and his assistants, who were celebrating all the feasts of the whole year, a feat which they accomplished in eight consecutive days; we slept in front of Panao on a hill; there we also collected several plants. We spent the night of the 27th in Yanamayo, and there we were caught by a brief shower after we had already put up our tents. On the 28th
o'clock on.
On the way we gathered a great number of plants that were placed to dry, and I described and finished describing them during the following days. Among these plants was Cinchona ovata, cascarilla de pata de gallareta, on account of the external color of
In the months of October, November, and December of 1786, Muna and on the
way; we arranged the dried specimens according to classes, and made them into bundles, packed them well in boxes to send them on their way, with many seeds, barks, roots, and other products and curiosities that we had accumulated.
Every month
sent to the Ministry of the Indies several packRoyal Botanical Garden of Madrid, at
of the progress of our discoveries
the 23rd of
YEAR OF 1787. On the 12th of January, 1787, my companion Pavon left Huanuco with Pulgar, the assistant, taking to Lima 73 boxes of dried plants and other natural products, and 586 drawings and 18 crates of living plants in which were included about 40
quinos or plants of Cinchona officinalis with other precious shrubs of those montanas. All of this was shipped to Spain in the vessels "Brillante" and "Pilar," addressed to H. M. in care of the Exmo. Sr. Minister of the Indies.
Having perfected the descriptions that I had prepared at Macora, on the way, and in Huanuco, and having made a fair copy of them, I started anew to gather the plants of the vicinity of this city that I thought had been lost in the shipwreck of the vessel "San Pedro de Alcantara," although I did not have definite information of this loss. I corrected the descriptions of many, and I devoted myself especially to examining anew the Malvaceae that abound in Huanuco. I did this because of the information that Abbe" Dn. Antonio Cavanilles gave us about having found
new genera of this family among the herbaria of different botanists; by the four printed leaves that he sent us about the
character of said genera, I did not find a solid basis for separating those plants from other genera already established by Linnaeus and other botanists. I devoted myself with eagerness to the
made by Abbe" Cavanilles in the dried specimens he had examined. As we did not have any definite information concerning the
loss of the
800 drawings sent in the vessel "San Pedro Alcantara," the draftsmen were determined not to reproduce them until they
had proof
of their loss.
At the end of April I had an attack of croup that passed with the help of two bleedings and a copious sweat that I had the 2nd
of May, and on this day I received a messenger from Pavon sent from Pasco asking that we send him authorization to collect our salaries from the royal coffers.
On the 12th of May, Pavon and Pulgar arrived in Huanuco with twelve loads of paper and our salaries and other equipment needed for our journey into the montanas of Pillao.
and death
Intervention of Ruiz.
On the 16th of May at 9 in the morning I received a messenger with a letter from the accountant of the Royal Coffers of Pasco, in which he informed me that draftsman Dn. Jos Brunete had been given the last rites of the Church in his own house and requested me to come without delay to that town because the sick man was asking for me. At 3 in the afternoon I left Huanuco with Galvez, the draftsman, and we spent the night on the farm of Ambo. On the 17th near the pueblo of Huariaca I received a second letter from the accountant and another from the subdelegate of the province, in which they announced the death of Brunete and asked me to come without further delay and get the belongings left by the dead man, as he had named me his first executor. We spent that night in Huariaca and on the 18th arrived in Pasco, where the servants of the deceased, the subdelegate, and the accountant gave me the following account of the happenings that preceded the death of Brunete. On
Brunete' s return from
Huanuco with
vants, he had the misfortune to have the mule that was carrying the two traveling cases with the bed, clothing, and several other
precipice of the high and dangerous account of this happening he stayed there that night, after sending the servants to the pueblo of Canta to look for people to help gather the traveling cases and their contents that had been scattered along the steep hill and to the other side of the river, where the mule had been catapulted and mangled. With the aid of the Indians, he gathered almost all the effects, although some of them were damaged. Regret for this misfortune and the bad night that he was forced to spend, affected him very
down a
greatly, so that the servants noticed from that day that his expression was troubled, that his breathing was labored, and that he was very sad; all of these symptoms increased more and more as the
travelers were nearing the cordillera, punas, and mines. When they reached Pasco, Brunete decided to wait for the mail; at that time the accountant observed what the servants had noticed in Brunete, especially on the fourth day when they went together to the coffers, and he noticed that Brunete could not follow him
without resting every ten or twelve steps; Brunete, however, attributed his fatigue to the gases or vapors that are constantly expelled by the minerals of those hills and that sometimes fatigue
asleep during the conversation, asked him if he felt anything the matter with his health and, although he repeatedly denied this,
the accountant made him go to bed and, as soon as he had fallen asleep, they heard such a loud and extraordinarily harsh sound that the companions felt compelled to wake him and ask him again if he felt any indisposition; he answered that there was a slight pain
in the chest and some difficulty in breathing. They gave him some cups of hot water with sugar, and this mitigated the harsh On the 12th he sound, and he went to sleep and was more calm. went to church and, when he returned to the house of the accountant, the latter and the rest of those present noticed a great change in Brunete's face; therefore they advised him to go to bed and called a doctor to give him some medicine, to ease the respiration, and to soften the sound in his chest. The ointment, enemas, and hot water that were ordered by the doctor did not produce the desired effect, and during the night he became lethargic; for this reason they advised him on, the 13th, to make his confession, which he did immediately, and a little later he asked for extreme unction. The illness grew worse each moment until the 14th, when they asked him to make his will in the presence of the subdelegate judge, and between 8 and 9 o'clock at night he died in the place that during his life he had hated the most because of its severe climate and because every time he passed through there he had felt sick. On the 16th they buried him in the church of Pasco with a magnificent attendance ordered by the accountant. An inventory was made on the 19th of May before the subdelegate judge and the proper witnesses, of the belongings of Brunete found there, and this, together with the receipts for the expenses incurred in the burial, was given to me as first executor.
On the 21st, after all details had been attended and spent the night at Huariaca, where we waited
until the 22nd;
he arrived then with the belongings of the deceased went to spend the night at the on the 23rd, and on the three We all of Brunete's following days belongings were sold at auction.
and, after changing the mules, we arrived at Huanuco Ollerias.
rest of the
rough draft. In June I gave notice of the death of our companion Brunete to the general superintendent of the Royal Exchequer of Peru and to the Ministry of the Indies and to the facultative director of the
botanical expeditions.
of plants that I
continued the rest of the month describing plants and drying I made a clean of many lost on the "San Pedro." copy of the descriptions and gave some to be drawn. In July of the same year I repeated the notice of the death of the first draftsman and continued replacing the specimens of plants lost on the "San Pedro" and renewing their descriptions.
new specimens
After having prepared supplies for a trip to the montanas of we decided to begin this journey in August.
Vegetation of
and ravines
the 3rd of August, 1787 I left Tafalla, the assistant, at 9 o'clock and went to pass the night at Chulguillo, a hacienda 3 leagues distant from Huanuco, where there are four date palms that do not yield ripe fruit because
Pav6n and
they are all females and lack the male palm, a circumstance that was not known to the owner of that property. On the 4th we
arrived in Pillao, without anything worth mentioning except the On this road nothing special is to be found great heat of the sun. except the various plants covering the hills and ravines; among them there is an abundance of cactus, tillandsias, manglillos or caballeri-
Macrocnemum, Poinciana, Rubus, calceolarias, and orchids, and many other larger and smaller plants in those good pastures.
as, bignonias, pipers,
the 5th we arranged everything necessary to start our work, placing the camp tents in front of the small rancho that had been been assigned to us by the mayor, in order to be able to dry the On the 6th we began plants with convenience and good light. our excursions through the woods and hills of Pillao. On the 10th in the afternoon, the draftsmen Galvez and Pulgar arrived, and the next day we began to give them plants to draw. We continued working in Pillao until the 25th of September, and during this
time we gathered
dried specimens of
Location, Minerals
climate, pastures, fields
The pueblo of Pillao is situated to the north-northeast of Huanuco and at a distance of 12 leagues from this city, near the summit of an extensive and high hill where the temperature is
pleasant in the daytime but quite cool at night, as they often have frosts. Fogs are also very frequent during the time of the
in the
the Huanuco river, that passes a very steep climb of a league and a half, but all of these grounds are covered with good pastures, bushes, shrubs, and trees, as is the entire ground from the town upwards to the highest of the hills where the quinos or slender cascarillos grow among an infinite numbers of other trees, shrubs, bushes, and grass. The pastures found on the highest ground of Pillao are very abundant and extend, in part, four leagues until they enter the dense montana where no more grass can be seen. In these pleasant places with good pasture, the Indians graze some cattle and some mules with which they travel to the montanas to get quina and coca, the only articles of commerce that those Indians have.
the town
kinds of plantations, but because and the natives are satisfied to plant only the few seeds and roots that they need for their nourishment, these being reduced to corn, beans, potatoes (which are very good, for this reason they sometimes take loads to sell in Huanuco), yucas, and some poorly
fields are excellent for all
of the small
cultivated vegetables.
The population hardly exceeds 55 inhabitants, all of them Indians and poor, in the midst of the riches of those vast grounds they possess, because this is the last town that we Spaniards have in that region, the rest of it being the royal montanas adjacent to the heathen Indians. Pillao belongs to the government of the montanas and to the parish of Valle. Thoughout most of the
it it
lacks the spiritual nourishment that it had a few years ago, was assigned to the missionary fathers of Ocopa, as the last
The other buildings and the church of Pillao are built of soil, adobe, lime, and stone, and are roofed with wooden framework and straw. The ranches are separated one from the other to prevent fire from spreading; behind each rancho the owner has a garden with some vegetables and various flowers with which images and altars are decorated.
In the river they catch bagres and cachuelos with a very deliA fine black sand is found at the margin of the river, below Pillao. In different places there are signs of minerals, of silver and gold, and even in the town itself we started to dig a vein that gave signs of being a branch of a gold mine because of the varied colors of the soil excavated in the two days that we had six men at work there. In the hills of Pillao there are several species
cious taste.
of clay of different colors.
In the town, thrushes and sparrows abound; but in the country, there are turkey hens and gallinas del monte, parrots, treguilles, condors, dominicanos, picazas or woodpeckers, that also are found
in the town,
and several other small montana and water birds. There are many deer and a few leoncillos and michus. The waters of the brooks of Pillao are very good, but on the
heights there are some waters containing lime because they pass through or are detained in cretaceous or calcareous ground. The ground of Pillao is healthful because of its altitude, but conducive to colds and pains in the side. The Indians cure themselves with herbs applied by the women, because physicians are not known there. The enemas are administered by means of a cow's bladder with a little tube made of carrizo or cana braba
[wild cane].
Misfortunes Narrowness of Chacahuasi Torrential rains Earthquakes Landslides Location of Chacahuasi Dangerous environs The Pilco river and fishing in it Birds Butterflies The heat Fogs Unhealth-
the cascarilleros
The bridge over the Rio Grande Hardships of Procedure in crossing the rivers Skin affections caused by the
On the 26th of September, 1787, we left Pillao for Chacahuasi, passing the night on the hill of Sillcay. On the 27th we had traveled barely a quarter of a league from Sillcay, when we entered a very
narrow road, which for more than two leagues is made almost impassable by the deep miry places and holes, with the frequent showers that are experienced at that elevation all year round; indeed it is a very rare day that does not bring rain or fog, though most of the days succeed in getting some interval of sunshine. We spent more than six hours in traveling those two leagues, because it was a rare pack mule that did not fall or get stuck in the mud at least ten times; and there were occasions when they all were mired or lying down at the same time in those swamps and narrow places. The muleteers, being tired of contending not only with the mules but also with the ground in which they sank to above their knees, and not being able to attend to everything
at once, sat
tired and disgusted until we encouraged them by and dismounting helping them to unload, load, and get the mules out of the mud; otherwise we would not have been out of that
small hell until the next day. When we were almost out of those mudholes, to complete the show, two of our pack mules fell down
a slope between trees and bushes which we had to cut to be able to pull them out with ropes and help them climb the slope to the road.
where; and
muleteers, mules, and loads were covered with mud everyit was pitiful to see those unfortunate men, who are
naturally patient and silent, almost crazed and desperate. Finally we reached solid ground, but the road was very narrow and had
high stone steps and was covered with coarse gravel for more than a league. On this stretch the mules suffered greatly from pounding those steps, from the swaying of the loads, and with the pain in their feet caused by the stones; for this reason they arrived bruised and most of them very tired at Iscutunam, a place distant a league and a half from Chacahuasi, with very little and poor grass. Here
we were obliged to spend the night that had overtaken us an hour before arriving at this place, which was very inconvenient, situated
on steep ground, damp and surrounded by different trees, among which abound Cinchona purpur ea, the purple-leaved quina tree.
On the 28th, after having descended from Iscutunam to the river, we had to climb another hill; the winding of its steep road makes
descent no less dangerous, especially for the pack and saddle mules and even for men who walk on foot wearing boots, because the soil is of coarse sand and therefore slippery. We arrived in
Chacahuasi, that is, the "House of the Bridge," because there is one there made of reeds, for communication with the other side of the river, where the natives were drying fine cascarilla and
making extract
When we found ourselves in that very narrow, deep dungeon where the sun penetrates only at midday and, surprised, surveyed with our eyes that oppressive and gloomy, place, in which at night, if it ever were clear at that season, one could count the stars; nothing could make us stay one single day, except the desire to comply with our commission by examining those three towering and inaccessible hills, covered from the summit to the banks of the two turbulent rivers, with tall trees, shrubs, and bushes. Nothwithstanding our feeling of oppression, we discharged the muleteers, and we asked the Indians, who, by order of the mayor of Pillao and at our expense had begun to construct a rancho or shelter, to surround it with pieces of balsa trees, because we had hardly arrived in that deep, dark cavern when copious showers began to fall, the water coming in on all sides of the shelter, the low eaves of which were not sufficient to prevent its entrance.
On the 29th the enclosed rancho was finished and, since the Indians had gone with the muleteers, we were left alone with four gatherers of cascarilla who lived in as many small ranches that two of them had made for this purpose; because the other two ranchos on the opposite side of the little river were already constructed in two small coca groves that belong to the Indians of Pillao. At nightfall the rain continued and throughout all the next
day, the 30th, without let; because of this the river became so swolAt len that its precipitate, noisy current frightened us terribly. the 7 o'clock in the morning ground shook, and this phenomenon
caused great uneasiness on account of the depth and narrowness of At noonday we heard a sudden, terrific the place in which we were.
displacement of several
stones and a great quantity of soil and trees into the big river from the hill of the other side opposite our rancho. The landslide
lasted more than half an hour with repeated intermissions. In the afternoon the slides were repeated until the rain stopped. These landslides of the hills and trees are very frequent in the montanas in the time of rains, and therefore it is very dangerous to travel at that time over its narrow, badly formed trails.
of one of the three very tall, rough hills that form that narrow, triangular depth, bathed by two confined rivers that descend
from the quebradas of the south and east; uniting there with incessant noise, its waters run very precipitately through the quebrada of the north towards Cuchero.
In the vicinity of Chacahuasi there is not the smallest clear space to be found and, although there are three or four coca groves, these are located on the slopes of the hills and at the margins of the rivers on rocky ground and surrounded by bushes and precipices, so that no one could travel through those places at night without being in imminent danger of losing his life. The river that passes by the south quebrada is the same that flows past Huanuco with the name of Pillco, but carrying much more water, and its waters are quite salty, on account of the several saline springs that empty
boconcitos, cachuelos,
from Huanuco on. They fish in this river, getting bagres, and corbinas up to half a yard in length and pounds in weight, but we lacked fishermen.
of birds in that
are the kuiches or poccochicuis, the tunguis, quianquianes, and papamoscas; but half a league from the bridge on the way
may hear the melody and sweet singing of several small birds of different sizes and colors, such as the oropendolas There [weaverbirds], ruisenores [nightingales], and organistas. are few beautiful butterflies, but there is no lack of small moths
to Pillao one or Phalenas, that at night
their wings are burned and they fall ; there are also many mosquitoes and other insects of different sizes that help the crickets, frogs, and
company in that gloomy depth, to annoy us and with their discordant singing and disagreeable and day night incessant creaking and buzzing. This disorderly orchestra, accompanied by that of the two noisy rivers, did not permit us to understand each other's conversation without shouting and repeating most of the words, and it made us stupefied and almost crazy, and
cicadas that kept us
tired of ourselves,
and we had the disadvantage of not being able any place more quiet, nor to better company
The heat
there is excessive and the rains frequent, and from the comes a dense and continuous fog especially from September May, all of which makes that place unhealthy and dismal,
that the food taken there spoils very readily. Even coca that is harvested in that spot is of bad quality on account of the excess of dampness and lack of sunshine, so that it scarcely is desired even by the Indians who cultivate it.
On the way to Chacahuasi very small fields are planted with sugar cane for chewing and for making huarapo [fermented cane juice], a drink enjoyed by the Indians. In the same coca groves and sugar fields there are some pineapples, plantains, papayas, red peppers, yucas or cassava, sweet potatoes, and ssaguis.
In the mornings and afternoons one sees, flying high, flocks of parrots and magpies in such numbers that they shade the ground as if they were clouds. Every day flocks of monkeys come down to the river, jumping from tree to tree with great clamor and racket.
There are two kinds, black and purplish; the and the others small and well shaped.
The bridge over the large river by which the cascarilleros and peons who come for the quina have to pass, is about sixty yards in length and is made of three cables of vines very well joined;
the two lateral ones serve as handrails, and the one in the middle for walking on. From the laterals to the other cable thin vines are
and passed with a turn around the middle rope; they secure and hold together the three ropes or cables, forming all together a bridge with very light balustrades and one that because of this is very dangerous to cross. They renew it every year or before if necessary, and mend it frequently, changing the transverse vines that break or stretch too much, thereby preventing the passengers from reaching the guide ropes; this happened to my companion Pavon, and when he was at the middle of the bridge and not able to reach the balustrades, he would have been in the greatest danger of perishing in the river below if one of the peons had not helped him in that predicament. Likewise the following day, a peon crossing the bridge with a load of three arrobas of quina was saved from falling, as did his load, into the river but, although he
and universal
move man
days; they
appeared at times, in the frequent showers, dense fogs, and very dark nights of those dark solitudes with the greatest of inconveniences and poverty, going little short of naked, and nourished with ccamcha and coca when their salted meat and green peas or beans gave out, soaked continually in the woods, and walking over precipices and inclines so dangerous that only to think of them makes one shudder. When there is no bridge, the Indians pass this and other rivers with rafts that they make of the wood of two species of Bombax or of the huampo, a species of Heliocarpus dioica. Also from the barks of the chuuima, a species of Bombax, they make cables with which they cross the river after having fastened them to trees, timber, or rocks, loaded with a quie or bundle of three arrobas of quina that they bring down from the mountains on their shoulders four, five, or six leagues; many times when they cross the river, this will carry the load away, and sometimes it has happened that the Indians have drowned.
In these deep places the heat is so great and damp that one perspires continually, and those who are not used to walking through the montafias reales 1 are attacked by innumerable eruptions, particularly on the legs, with intolerable itching that starts in the afternoon and continues most of the night, compelling one to scratch with the back of a knife, because the nails are not sufficient, until one makes a bloody mess; this has happened many times to us botanists after we have arrived from the montafias at the ranches or camp
Miserable condition of the cascarilleros
Abuses and outrages Improper felling of trees Imperfect methods of packing Order for our return to Spain Plants gathered in Pillao and Chacahuasi Their uses.
The Indians of the pueblos of Comayo and Panao and especially those of Pillao, have brought thousands of arrobas of cascarilla; nevertheless they are always naked, and they owe almost continually
a hundred or two hundred arrobas, the intrinsic value of which greatly exceeds that of all their dwellings, fields, and cattle. This obvious truth will surprise those that do not know that the buyers recover the money that they always pay them in advance for the quina, by odd and not the most direct methods; but this is not the worst, for most of them die without spiritual help, as we have witnessed several times. Their burial, too, that by schedule is not worth any more than four and a half pesos, is not paid with 50 and sometimes 100 pesos and will never be completely paid, because the priests, interests, and magistrates keep the accounts as they see fit, and they never cancel debts even if they have been paid three times over. The feasts of the Church, since they are observed by the Indians not because of true devotion, rather for getting drunk and so that the priests may make their harvest, are often transferred and postponed by orders of the priests, so that the parishioners may first gather the arrobas of cascarilla that they need to pay Dn. So and So, who has applied some pressure; that is, when they are not relations of the priests, in which case, like these, they will never be completely paid. The people who trade in this branch of commerce try to advance to the Indians not only money, but also baizes, light cotton goods, clothes, and other effects, for which they are always in debt, a practice which has made agricultural production in the frontier towns of the montanas notably backward, so that the Indians, because of lack of nourishment, are more subject to illness and their pueblos are on the decline.
In the year 1784, in only eight days 55 Indians from Pillao gathered 1000 arrobas of quina, but if one examines the wealth of the whole town, he will find it not worth 100 arrobas.
are indolent and lazy in their work, from are oppressed with orders the priests and justices if they do not pay at the time specified and, to get out of debt, they attempt to gather in a few days all the quina that they owe, and so in
who by nature
their rivalry they destroy mountains of cascarilla, cutting all the tree they can in one or two days. Then when they want to remove the bark, the trees are already too dry, so that, not being able to
it with ease, they abandon a great number of trees, or the bark very poorly cut. Other and no less damage has been done to the mountains by cutting the old and new quino trees near the ground, and so it has come to pass that in less than 10 years the Indians of Pillao, who formerly gathered cascarillos at a distance of one or two leagues from the town, have to go more than 14 leagues into the montanas to be able to obtain cascarilla, and they have to transport it on their shoulders 5 and 7 leagues, as they were doing This same mutilation of quino trees has been in the year 1787. on in Cuchero, Sayan, Cayumba, Muna, Panao, and in the going of Huamalies, Tarma, and Xauxa, from the montanas provinces of which they have taken, in eight years, according to ordinary calculations, more than 140,000 arrobas of quina, without counting the many arrobas that have been worked for extract made from
any made from dry, stale bark. On the llth of October they took out, from the Puente de Pillao to Huanuco, 120 arrobas of quina and 6 of extract. On this occasion I observed anew the poor method employed by the gatherers in sacking up and packing the quina in bags of coarse weave or homespun cotton, because while many barks are still wet and somewhat mouldy in their interior, they put them into the sacks, stepping on them vigorously and breaking them excessively so as to be able to get more into the sacks. Afterwards they travel to Huanuco without any covering or, if they use anything to protect the sacks from the rain and fog, it is thin blankets of the same weave, that has little or no value for the purpose.
fresh bark, superior to
On the 12th of October of the same year, I received a notice from the general superintendent, Dn. Jorge Escobedo, that, because of a royal order, I should return with my companions to Lima to go on from there to Spain. This order I communicated immediately to my companions as the most favorable, according to my feelings, that I could give them, considering it as redemption and rest from the
repeated hardships, hard toils, and misery that we had suffered through those thickets and precipices, as we wandered over mountains and deserts, badly nourished and completely exhausted.
During our excursions through the montanas of Pillao and Chacahuasi, I gathered and put in press a great number of plants, of which some were sketched, and I described the following.
achyra; on account of
and va-
Buddleia incana, ried flowers it serves as decoration in gardens. quisoar; its wood because of its strength and durability is valued for buildings. Basella diffusa, uspica. This plant is used in
common food in Peru. Salvia acuminata. Veronica rotundifolia, peregrina, and serpylliAcaena globosa. Celsia affin. ovata and linearis. Phytofolia L. Gualtheria rubra and alba. Calceolaria umlacca icosandra L. Abatia rugosa, tauhac-tauhac, Yoriturp, and Galvetana. bellata. Alchemilla rotundifolia and tripartita. Cinchona hirsuta, fine and Dillenia aff. rubra, incense tree. thin cascarillo. Pinguicula
stews, called locros, a
Myosotis humilis.
hirta. Alstroemeria tomentosa. Rhynchotheca Eriocaulon vaginans and parvum. Psychotria coerulea. Weinmannia ovalis, machi; from its trunk one gets beautiful boards
and planks
for buildings
and boxes.
its leaves have and are very bitter. Anthericum aff. falcatum. Weinmannia pubescens, ovata, and alata. Hypericum subulatum and corymbosum, chinchanho, plants used by the Indians for dyeing wools and cotton yellow. Munnozia corymbosa and venosissima.
ginea, cineraria, linearis. Columellia corymbosa. wood is suitable for various purposes, and
febrifugal properties
Arbutus parvifolia, macha, on account of the intoxicating properties Betula nigra, ram-ram. With the bark of this tree of its fruits. infused in urine, the Indians tan and give color to sole leather, and give a cinnamon color to cotton and woolen goods. The leaves ground with lard in the shape of poultices clean and heal ulcers, and without the lard are used against inflammations; applied to recent wounds they stop the flow of blood. Maxillaria paniculata. Browallia demissa L. Antirrhinum avenium. Sisyrinchium anceps and ocsapurga, palma-palma and paja purgante, for the purgative value of its roots when administered as a concoction. From only tasting of the roots, the mouth retains for more than six hours a biting and bitter taste which is very disagreeable; for this reason I think that this laxative should be administered with care, although
paracso, and in Tarma, where it is they use it very frequently. Vaccinium dependens; a beautiful shrub for
call it
of ocssa purga,
can be shaped like the box; it is known by the Mespilus ferruginea, llinlli. Senecio foetidus. and ovale. Piper granulosum Cuphea cordala. Acrostichum Cuac-
of sachsauro.
saro, cuacsaro, that is, masked back; in the market they sell its roots for the true calaguala, although it does not have the same
anyone who likes may inMemoir on the my Calagualas in the first volume of the Memoirs of the Royal Medical Academy of Madrid, printed in 1797. Andromeda aff. glauca, congama. And. an mellifera,
virtues as this specie of Polypodium, as
form himself
is, sweet honey, for the nectar contained in its flowers. And. aff. bracteata, pucsato; its fruits are very tasty, and the Indian women take them to the market place of Huanuco to sell. Ternstroemia globosa and quinquepartita, beautiful shrubs for gardening on account of the shapes that may be formed from them. Perdicium lanatum. Cineraria lanceolata. Xyris lutea.
sumacmisqui, that
Molina corymbosa, nitida, incana, and salicifolia; resinous, balsamic, and corroborant plants. Prunus ovalis; tree with an ordinary wood. Melaleuca coriacea; shrub ten yards in height. Juniperus aff. Tree of
Dioecia monadelphia. Passiflora rosea, puru-puru. The children Loranthus luteus, enlaora. Shrub of 10 to 12 yards in height and not parasitic, as are the other species of this genus; when it is in bloom, it is very beautiful because of the abundance
eat its fruits.
of its yellow flowers. Polygala aff. discolor, mascca. With the bark of its roots, which are very bitter and form a foam as of soap, the Indian women wash their hair to clean it and make it grow.
Cytisus canescens, chucchoclle. Its shoots or saplings are used to make ramrods, and the leaves are eaten with relish by the cuyes or
ccoyes [guinea pigs]. Solanum nitidum, oblongum, nutans, and stellatum, campucassa, and in Panao called huiscacassa. Their leaves when toasted have the virtue of expelling thorns in the hands or any
other part of the body and draining putrid sores. Caballeria venosissima. Solanum granulosum, chuculate. Anthemis striata, virgenhacha and manzanilla cimarrona or wild chamomile. Anthemis
pallescens; the roots of this plant are more burning and excite salivation with more activity than pelitre; the sharpness lasts on
Cuscuta odorata, cabellos de angeles. Acunna lanceolata, tall tree. Fernandezia denticulata, graminifolia, and haematodes. Bowlesia lobata. Epidendrum scabrum.
the tongue for six hours.
Heliconia described the following plants. Clusia rosea, matapalo; see the Cissampelos villosa. chapter on Cuchero for the application of its resin. Maxillaria longipetala, ligulata, and hastata. Glycyrrhiza undulata. Eupatorium
In Chacahuasi,
culms or hollow canes are used to make bombillas or canoncitos for drinking mate or any other hot liquors, according to the custom in Peru. This grass is excellent nourishment for the animals, and deserves to be extended for that reason all over the world, as it is a magnificent grass and well bunched. Scirpus fragrans; the precious fragrance of the roots is similar to that of spikenard in the green state; it serves also as feed for the cattle that come from
Pillao to Chacahuasi. Heliconia angustiflora. Actinophyllum conicum. In this shrub as in the other species of its genus, there are found drops of white and clear gum that dissolves in water.
aitacupi. Sauvagesia subtriflora, yerba de San Its concoction is employed by the natives against sick-
Tovaria pendula. Spermacoce capitata. Guarea Piper nitidum, asperum, punctatum, crocatum and longi-
folium, secundum, betulioum. Marcgravia monopetala and pentathat false petala, purumhigos, is, figs, on account of the similarity
of the shape and taste of its fruits to figs; when ripe, they are eaten by the Indians. Erythroxylon patens. Costus laevis. Cellis spinosa.
Peperomia rhombea and secunda. Nycterisition ferrugineum, chicchimicuna, that is bat's food; a tall tree, leafy, and with a straight thick trunk with strong wood of good grain. Villaresia emarginata. Clusia decussata and trioecia. Turraea guinata. Croton acutifolium.
Pourretia sympaganthera. Fagara corianof to coriander. on the odor similar account driodora, culantro, of not a very tall Its wood is extreme hardness and, although it is In Chacahuasi tree, it has a medium trunk and good foliage. I observed that this tree was dioecio-polygamous, but it had been considered before as hermaphrodite of the class Tetrandria where
Cynanchum They small of this the of in plant patches plant pueblos Pampamarca, Pueblo Nuevo, Cuchero, and other places in the montanas in
Cissus compressicaulis.
order to harvest
or roasted.
grain which they eat afterwards as camcha, After being made into flour, it is used to make mazaits
[a sort of pap],
morras or pitches
and ullpus; its flour is very white taste than the flour of Zea Mais. Justicia longi-
Psychotria violacea. Melochia cordifolia. Elephantopus Ruellia curvata. Acladodea pinnata. This small tree
has only a trunk without any branches; the leaves are found at the top and, although they proceed from separate points, they present the shape of a parasol in the manner of the tree ferns and
palms: from the extremity of the trunk arises a single cluster of flowers, large and beautiful. This is the only tree I have seen with the peculiarity of lacking branches and not bearing more than one cluster of flowers, which, after the new tip of the tree has grown out, stays inserted at one side of it. Neea oppositifolia. HumboldChondodendron tomentosum. Tafalla racemosa and tia lanceolata.
angustifolia, aitacupi.
Miconia emarginata.
Fatigue of the
Deadly gases
Arrival and
at ten o'clock
in the vicinity
we put
in press.
It rained
on the way.
the 23rd
Iscutunam at nine
in the
league of travel, two of the pack mules became tired. One of them had to stay on the spot because she could not walk any farther, and the other continued with the load a quarter of a league farther, where we left her, changing the load to my servant's saddle mule. The fatigued beast was so furious that if any one ap-
proached her after she had been unloaded, she attacked, biting, and in one of her attacks she seized a mouthful from the side of Tafalla, the assistant, and pulled a strip off his coat from top to bottom, and in half a turn that the mule gave she tore from an Indian a piece of his trousers and afterwards followed him around like a wild beast for about ten paces until he saved himself by hiding behind a tree. In both cases the spectators were surprised, and a little later we laughed excessively at the mere thought of the antics and of the cries of "bull" and "bullfighters" of those who were as frightened as if they had been in the claws of a lion. That lawless animal was left there, and we continued on our way; about two hundred yards farther on, Tafalla's saddle mule felt so tired that it was necessary to take the saddle off and place it on my servant's
saddle mule, leaving the tired mule. and the servants went on foot. A
fatigued pack mule
from which
only a half load on her, and the other half was carried by a muleteer until we climbed the tiresome hill of Saria, where this
mule became so completely exhausted that we had to transfer the half load she was carrying to Pavon's servant's saddle mule, the muleteer continuing with the other half load from Achapatumam until Torrehuasi, a long half league of mudholes and bad road. When the last of us reached the Pascana, the muleteers had gone ahead and had already fixed the camp tents over a place filled with
full of
and was
shivering with cold and with such a high fever, owing probably to fatigue on the way and to the cold that is felt at that altitude the year round, that we though he was going to die that same night;
but with the help of some hot water with sugar and of shelter, he perspired and recovered sufficiently to be able to travel by mule the following day. This night a very heavy shower fell that lasted three hours and soaked almost all of our baggage.
The 24th arrived with a dense fog, so that it was difficult to get the mules; for this reason we loaded a little late and were caught on those heights by a long, heavy shower, with the result that the pack mules were stuck at each step. Because the muleteers were not able
until the
them up, we constituted ourselves their helpers, as before, shower stopped, and they could manage their charges alone. Those of us who rode mules were obliged, by the frequent muddy places, to walk on foot most of the way through those marshes, mires, moors, and mudholes, and we fell into them many times, not one of us escaping these tiresome mishaps during the two leagues of this bad road. All of us came out of this well soaked and covered
to get
from head to
the bridge to
dangerous and very trying climb, because the road is a continuous and narrow declivity of a rocky, rough ground, with high, narrow steps, and on account of there being there what they call beta, that is a silver mine, with antimony, from which gases are expelled that fatigue even the most resistant animals and take the life of many beasts, as is evident from the multitude of bones that are found
From Achapatumam to Sillcay there are three leagues of road, perennially marshy, especially the two leagues near to Torrehuasi. Any animal that is tired when it reaches the mires,
generally dies in them, and for this reason the Indian muleteers try to pass this place in one single day. Only interest or honor
Pillao to Chacahuasi.
with mud.
we were
traveled three leagues until we reached the Tingo, or union of the Acomayo river with that of the Huanuco, having had a brief shower
on the way. On the 27th we arrived in Huanuco without any other unpleasantness than the excessive heat of that quebrada.
From the 28th of October until the end of December of the same we continued drying the plants that we brought in presses from the montanas and the ones we gathered on the way, and the
and other parts of various plants. I finished several and worked anew with other plants of the vicinity of Huanuco. I answered all official letters, and sent to the Ministry of the Indies all the seeds collected in the montanas and at Huanuco.
roots, seeds,
We made
packages of all the dried plants after classifying them. entire collection of natural products we boxed to take to Lima. I corrected the descriptions of many Malvaceae and made clean
of various descriptions.
In the month of January, I described Berberis lutea, ccarhuascassa, that is, "espino amarillo," common sea buckthorn, with wood of which the Indian women dye baizes and cottons a beautiful and permanent yellow color; the Indians make axe handles, hoes, I continued making etc., from its wood because it is very strong.
of several descriptions.
On the 17th of January, we received from the province of Huamalies and from the pueblo Chaucha, 32 mules, with which we equipped the assistants, who left that same day with 25 loads of boxes and other effects. On
the 24th there arrived from the pueblo of Chaulan the
additional mules needed for the rest of us for our departure for Huanuco. This very day we sent the remaining loads with the
muleteers a distance of a league from the city. Because it rained day the 25th, we could not leave until the following day.
Plants gathered and described The Limonia trifoliata and Verbena The Cerbera salicifolia Uses of its seeds Packing the collections Good offices of Father Gonzalez Laguna Settlement of accounts Preparations for embarking Living plants for Madrid Reversal of the edict Embarking in the "Dragon." Arrival in Spain.
On the 26th of January, 1788, 1 left Huanuco with my companion Pa von and our servants; on the advice of a mestizo that joined us on the way near the district of Ambo, we spent the night in the pueblo
On the 27th, we overtook the last muleteers in the descent of the pueblo of Rondos, and we spent the night in the pueblo of Huariaca, where the assistants were detained with the other loads. On the 28th we all left Huariaca, passed by Yacan, a small pueblo surrounded by elders that beautify it and make that height We slept at one of the several conspicuous from a distance. baguenas, or grazing farms, that are found in those cold and high places with bad trails, with many mudholes, mires, and rocks. Here I picked and described the Nicotiana parviflora. On the 29th we arrived at the town of Pasco, crossing through the mine at the hill of Yauricocha, without any other mishaps than frequent hailstorms and showers upon those muddy trails. On the 30th we waited in Pasco for a change of mules, and on the 31st we went on to sleep at the estancia Diezmo.
On the 1st of February, 1788 we went on to the pampa of PalcaWe spent the night of mayo, and we had showers several times. the 2nd on the pampa of Hacaybamba with hail, snow, and showers the 3rd we came to Obrajillo [coarse wool and cotton cloth factory], after having successfully passed the cordillera and its difficult descent
by the rocky, stony road to the pueblo of Culluay. For lack of mules we were detained in the pueblo of
This gave
properties and uses are already referred to in another place. Molina, scandens, chilca, a Lycium umbellatum, quiebra ollas. resiniferous, balsamic, and corroborant plant. Physalis subtriflora. Verbena cuneata. It is found in Mayobamba. Salvia ovata and
Carica canescens, mito, the ripe fruits of which are the size
of an ordinary lemon with a good odor and a not unpleasant flavor. Pancratium uncinatum, chihucanhuaita. Calceolaria inflexa, angustiflora, crenata,
maculata, nutans, trifida, cuneiformis, virgata, pulveValeriana virgata. Galium hirsutum. Saracha contorta, Scutellaria coccinea. dentata, and procumbens. Rhinanthus lutea. Euphorbia tuber-osa, huachamccana; with the roots of this plant the people purge themselves frequently in several parts of Peru, and the Indians of Canta bring them down to Lima with other roots to sell them on the corners of the plaza mayor. Although the is the Indians moderate its action with only a purgative strong, of that cold water. Staehelina sarmentosa, rincri-rincri, is, orejaglass
Achyranthes purpureo-violacea. Periphragmos unia beautiful shrub with which they decorate the fences florus, ceantu, of the orchards and properties, and that in the time of the pagans
oreja [ear-ear].
in their auguries and superstitious rites. Kageneckia lanceolata. Its bark and leaves, which
force, putting
the 7th the mayor, using his power, compelled the Indians by some of them in jail, to transport our baggage because our commands or money paid in advance could not make them do it; in this way we left Obrajillo near noon. We spent the night at
hill of Pacron, where Brunete's mule had fallen down the precipice and had had other mishaps that bad night, costing On the 8th we climbed and luckily passed the it its life. ascent to Pacron, although, in a most dangerous place, the girth of one of the pack mules broke. We slept at Checta. We spent the night of the 9th at the hacienda of Caballero, and from there we went to Lima on the 10th without other unpleasantness than the
we had
we went in Lima
delivered the boxes of products in the customhouse, and to put our baggage; it arrived
the next day with part of the boxes, and these were also taken to the royal customhouse. On the 14th we went to present ourselves to the Viceroy and general superintendent, Dn. Jorge Escobedo, who repeated to us the order for our return to Spain in one of the vessels that were about
During the following days of this month I continued drying the plants gathered on the way. I described Limonia trifoliata, the limoncillo of China, from the fruits of which they make the sweets called This plant is not a native of Peru but was limoncillos de China.
from some Asiatic country to Panama and from there brought to Lima. I examined it and also the Verbena citriodora, cedron, that was sent from Chile to Lima, and there I repeated the description that I made in Santiago de Chile, where this plant was brought from Buenos Aires. I described the Cerbera salicifolia, which, with the previous ones, the R. P. Francisco Gonzalez Laguna was cultivating in his Jardin de la Buena Muerte. With the shells of the fruits of this plant the Indians make a string called cascabeles, which they use frequently in their dances, placing them about the neck, arms, and legs for the rattle they make when they are shaken against each other. To be able to form these strings, they burn the nuts or bony fruits of the Cerbera on one side, not only to open them there to take out the almond, but to make them more solid.
I went to the office of the secretary of the Viceroy and there they handed me a copy of a letter of the minister, Dn. Antonio Porlier, in which he gave us the pleasing news of how satisfied the King was with our work and important acquisitions. On this occasion, the Viceroy, Dn. Theodoro Croix, talked with me, asking that one of the two botanists remain there for the establishment of the catedra and
botanical gardens ordered established in Lima by S. M.; His Excellency thought that Tafalla, the assistant, might be a little too young to perform these duties. I answered His Excellency and his sec-
Dn. Esteban Varea, that the assistant, Dn. Juan Tafalla, was already sufficiently well trained in botany to be able to discharge his commission, and that we others were both called to the court for the publication of our "Flora Peruana" and, that for my part, I could no less than obey the orders of the King. With this answer His Excellency desisted from his proposal and he showed himself well pleased
my way
of thinking.
After having dried the plants we had gathered on the way and into bundles by classes and with their generic and specific names, I boxed them up for a safe journey together with various
made them
and many other products gathered after the packI made fair copy of some descriptions, and I had boxes made and fixed others for transporting to Madrid the living plants deposited in the Jardin de la Buena Muerte in the care of the R. P. Francisco Gonzalez Laguna, who had preserved them with the best of care since we sent them from the montanas of Huanuco.
seeds, stones, ores,
in the
of all of us to ask permission of the ViceSpain with our collections of natural products.
On the 26th we went to say our farewell to Sr. Dn. Jorge Escobedo, who sailed for Spain on the 27th in the vessel "La Concordia."
Because the Viceroy had decreed that our boxes should be divided between the vessels "Dragon" and "Jason," I went to make arrangements with the masters of both vessels about the places where the boxes could be stowed and, when we had decided that they should be placed between decks, I went to tell the Viceroy, and it
ship of draftsman Brunete, exerting myself with Sr. Moreno so that my companion's property might be sent to his sister Dona Agustina
Brunete by the very vessels that were getting ready to set sail after our frigate; this the judge promised to do without delay and assured me that the property would not be delayed in the coffers
as usually happens.
In March, 1788, we three companions called on the Viceroy and asked for our pay as far as due and an advance of some months so that we might adjust our accounts with the merchants and supply ourselves with the necessities for the voyage. There were difficulties about everything, concerning the request by the royal officials from Lima to stop our pay from the officials of the Royal Coffers of Pasco, although we had not received anything from them except by an order from the general superintendency, where they found all of the documents. After we had presented the accounts of what we had asked in Pasco, they gave us our pay for the months due and some advance wages with which we paid our creditors and provided ourselves with the necessary things for our voyage.
On the 18th my two companions went to the port of Callao with the boxes to be distributed as arranged with the masters of the "Dragon" and the "Jason."
I wrote to the Viceroy, asking him for a cabin in which to put the pots of plants; this request was conceded, and I was assigned another adjoining cabin so that I could take care of the plants and could continue writing my botanical observations, as I did during our voyage at the same time as I was bringing to Madrid 23 crates of living plants with 68 species out of the 87 with which I left Lima.
asked for a report of the proceedings about the fire at Macora, was ordered that I be given a decree annulling the sentence passed by the assessor of Tarma, Dn. Bartolome Bedoya, that charged us, the plaintiffs, with the expenses and charges of the lawsuit against Dn. Mathias Trabuco, administrator of the hacienda of Macora.
On the 30th the permit for our voyage to Spain was given us, and the same night we went to bid farewell to the Viceroy; he asked me to return next day in the morning for the document concerning the fire
at Macora.
On the 31st we left Lima for the port of Callao, and we shipped our baggage in the vessel "Dragon" with the 24 pots of plants brought from Lima in six heated cases, placing them in the cabin in such a way that they would not suffer with the rocking of the vessel and so that they could be taken to the quarter-deck when the weather permitted. At 12 o'clock at night after the permits had been signed by the governor of Callao, we set sail and we traveled about a league, anchoring with a kedge anchor because the master was still to come with some things he had to bring from the port. On
the 1st of April at three in the afternoon
set sail.
At dawn
on the 2nd we saw the vessel "Jason" that also was making the voyage to Cadiz, but we did not see it again until after seven days.
There was no mishap on the whole trip that lasted until the 12th same year, 1788; on this day we landed in Cadiz, and there I was in bed with fever for ten days. Dn. Jose" Pavon and Dn. Isidro Galvez set out on their way to Madrid on the 18th of the same month. I left Cadiz the 27th, accompanying the plants. On the 29th they were placed in carts at the port of Santa Maria, and we left for Madrid, where I arrived on the 16th of December. There I was met by Dn. Mario Loredo, my uncle, and Dn. Casimiro Ortega
of October of the
in his carriage.
Lagasca Indifference of the government to the encouragement of the natural sciences The travels of Ruiz and Pavon in Chile and Peru The
Quinologia of Dn. Hipolito Ruiz and the problem of the quinas Description of work and its success Appointment of Dn. Juan Tafalla and Dn. Juan Agustin
Chile and Peru
Manzanilla for the continuation of the campaign of Ruiz and his companions in Tafalla discovers new species of quina trees Attack of Zea on the doctrines of Ruiz and the latter's answer The Suplemento a la Quinologia of Ruiz.
More than a century has elapsed since the botanist Lagasca, after proclaiming the-advantages of the Spanish and American soil for all classes of natural products and the great sacrifices made by our countrymen to study them, expressed himself in the following words in his Amenidades Naturales de las Espanas: "The learned men who wrote about the natural products of Spain and its colonies, could only in this way obtain from nature the knowledge that they left of our soil,
climate, and products. Knowledge as precious as unjustly forgotten, scorned, or at least, held, strangely enough, by the government to be of little value, because it seldom promoted it sufficiently so that it could give the abundant fruit that it
promised; rather, smothered it many times in the very cradle that had been prepared. Such are the effects of the neglect and lack of enlightenment of a government: to spoil the fruit of many expeditions, after having spent on them more money, perhaps, than all other nations put together!"
What a sad confession to make! But the conduct of the public authorities in respect to the natural sciences has changed little, at least since Lagasca's time. Without the least injustice they may well be accused, if not of lack of intelligence,
at least of
in this respect.
expedition organized by the Spanish government in the entire XIX century was the one in 1862 to the coasts of the Pacific, and the fruits of that expedition, so
poorly prepared and so neglected, were also smothered in their own cradle, the means being refused for printing the works in which the collections
In regard to other scientific expeditions of less importance as, for example, the ones made to Marruecos, there has prevailed, almost always, a financial niggardliness so extreme that at times the travelers were placed in the position of having to resort to their own pockets to defray some of the expenses for the jourIt is not, therefore, surprising that our governments should forget the very rich collections of the past centuries, when those of the present time are of so
interest to them. This explains why the Flora Guatemalensis of Mocino and the Flora Novae Hispaniae of Mocino and Sess6 were locked up in the archives; the latter was finally published by Mexicans, although without the 2 corresponding plates, because those had been lost here in Spain.
Madrid, 1926.
by Dn.
very eventful. They were brought from Mexico Martin Sesse in the year 1808; they later passed into the hands of Mocino,
history of these plates
Dn. Hipolito Ruiz and Dn. Jose Pavon were not so unfortunate with their work, but even so their luck and the government were far from favoring them completely. They left Spain in 1777 and arrived at Callao in April, 1778. They stayed ten years exploring Peru and Chile, returning to Spain in the year 1788. Their first work was the Quinologia o Tratado del drbol de la Quina o Cascarilla con &u description y la de otras especies de Quinos nuevamente descubiertos. Del modo de benefitiarla, de su election, comercio, virtudes y extracto elaborado con cortezas retientes y de la eficacia de este comprobada con observaciones; a que se anaden algunos
experimentos quimicos y noticias acerca del andlisis de todas
Madrid, 1792.
The problem
of the quinas offered at that time a truly exceptional medical account of the proved efficacy of quina against fevers, and this explains
the Ministry of the Indies came to assign to these botanists the examination and study of the cascarillas, or quina trees, as one of the principal objects of their trip. It was for that reason, doubtless, that the treatise mentioned had the advantage of being printed before the rest of the works of Ruiz and Pavon. A glance at its pages is sufficient to reveal the care and patience with which it was prepared and the care with which it was edited. There is nothing missing from it that
might be
In the introduction to the work, Dn. Hipolito Ruiz tells of his first observations on the quina tree, in these words: "Even before the departure of Mr. Dombey who, because of his poor health, was obliged to return to Europe in the year 1784, 1 had had the good fortune to recognize the true cascarillo in bloom, in the year 1779, in the montaiias of Cuchero in the province of Panatahuas, 85 leagues from Lima and some 140 from Loja, an observation which I confirmed by repeated examination of its fructification and communicated to all my companions. This happy made me devote myself to this, during the four years that we circumstance
. .
Peru after Mr. Dombey departed, namely, to investigate, to collect, describe and have sketches made of as many species of cascarillos as I could find, the number of which I succeeded in bringing up to seven. The observation and comparison of such a considerable number of species made it easier to correct and perfect more and more the description of the character of the genus Cinchona, sketched by the immortal Linnaeus and improved in the Suplementum plantarum by his son, with the help of the information furnished by our noted botanist and naturalist, Dn. Jose Celestino Mutis, from whose careful and extensive work in the kingdom of Santa Fe, for the term of nearly thirty years, we should promise ourselves excellent observations about the true quina tree, and the history of some species of quinos. These are said to have been discovered on his journeys, quite different, in general, from those here described, and among them, it is to be believed, there would also be some common to the very territories which I have covered in my travels. And although Mr. de la Condamine, in his memoir upon the "Arbol de la Quina," that is found in the volume of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Paris of the year 1738, described and sketched a branch of the cascarillos that he had observed in the mountains of Caxaruma, one will notice, by the comparison of his drawing and description with ours, that he did not take
lived in
who carried them to France in 1814, handing them to DeCandolle who had copies made of them. In the year 1819 they were returned to Mocino, who lived in Barcelona, and later were handed to the doctor who attended him. In 1862 they
in the possession of Dr. Dn. Rafael Esteve, and they were requested in vain. Since then their whereabouts is unknown. There were in all 3,000 plates, botanical and zoological.
time to distinguish botanically the species he indicates and that he had seen as a He reduces them to only one, which is number three, Cascarilla curious traveler. lampina, and not number one, Cascarilla oficinal, that is Cascarillo fino, called quino par excellence, and almost all the writers have been influenced erroneously by this learned academician." Thereupon the author demonstrates the advantages that would accrue to commerce as well as to medicine by the proper differentiation of species of quinos, and he states how pleased he was to see his opinions confirmed, in a writing of Dn. Jose Celestino Mutis about the virtues of the quina, that reached his hands when the prologue of this work was being printed. "What enlightenment," Ruiz adds, "may we not expect from the publication of the Quinologia of such a learned master!" Ruiz also tells that he presented a box of bark of all the different species of quinos to the King, so that he could see the differences at a glance and could convince himself of those of their properties. "If with this treatise," he adds, "one could succeed in removing such serious difficulties [he refers to the confusion and mixture of the different quinas], I should consider justifiable my labors and the risks to my life which I have run more than once in order to gather the materials for this Quinologia with sufficient care, climbing through mountains almost inaccessible, and never marked by human footsteps, and climbing tall trees the branches of which gave way under my feet, to have the satisfaction of being able to present to the public my descriptions made in bad weather under those hardships and with the fatigue and danger that is familiar to any experienced botanist who knows how to appreciate and distinguish these works from those made in the shelter and comfort of a study, which are as different from the first ones as are the plants that are described and sketched in their native places from those that are cultivated for other purposes in gardens or are seen dried in herbaria and are published, although lacking a part as impo rtant as is the information about their uses and properties, in anticipation of the works of their
discoverers." 1
The author
divides his
in the first
Discoveries of the quino tree and names given to it. About About the damage to the mountains where it is found. Re-
planting of these and preparation for exploitation. False and true signs by which to distinguish the species of quina trees. The properties of quina in general and of extract made from fresh bark. 2
Prologue, page
refer to Cavanilles.
ARTICLE I Of the first discovery of the cascarilla in the province of Loja and other terriOf tories, and information concerning its uses to Europeans and other nations. the origin of the name quina and of the names by which it is known in the pharmacies, and of what is there called cascarilla. ARTICLE II Of the discovery in the last few years of the trees of cascarilla fina or quina fina of Lpja, and other species of cascarilla, in the province of Huanuco and the vicinity of Lima. ARTICLE III Of the commerce and consumption of cascarilla in general, deterioration of the mountains where it is found, and proposal of means to restore them and increase the number of cascarillas and improve their quality.
knew the
Dn. Hipolito Ruiz judges probable that the Indians of the province of Loja virtues of quina as a remedy against fevers and made use of the same
before the Spaniards arrived. When our botanists arrived in Peru in the year 1778, persons worthy of credit asserted that, according to a tradition current there, an
Indian of the province of Loja, in the year 1636, had informed the then corregidor who was suffering from fever, about the virtues mentioned. This gentleman used the remedy recommended and, as he regained his health, the news began to spread in the Spanish colony, which promptly followed the example of this public official. Two years later this man heard that the wife of the Viceroy of Lima, Dn. Jeronimo Fernandez de Cabrera, count of Chinchon, was suffering from tertian fever, and without delay he sent some quina bark with a letter to the corregidor recommending very earnestly the use of this remedy.
of that province,
The Viceroy, being of the opinion that no one else could direct the experiment better than that man, called the official to Lima and entrusted him with making
experiments together with the doctors in the hospitals. The order was immediately executed, and the results could not have been more satisfactory.
Then they decided to recommend it to the countess, and she also recovered her health, to the great satisfaction of all and especially the corregidor. The countess was eager to make known to the rest of the people the benefits of the bark and began to distribute quina bark free, and when she left Lima in 1640,
she gave some to the Jesuit fathers, so that they might do the same. These in turn sent some to Rome, which was used by Cardinal Lugo with satisfactory results. That is the reason for the names polvos de la condesa, polvos de
Lugo, as well as others such as quina, quinquina or kinquina, kina-kina, corteza peruviana, loxa, china-chana or china-canna, china-chinae or corteza febril, genciana indica, antiquatanario peruviano, and palo de calenturas.
los Jesuitas, polvos de
The author of this work tells us where the different species of quino were found and who the discoverers were, citing on this account Dn. Francisco Renquifo, who found the cascarilla fina or quina de Loja in the year 1776 in the mountains and hills of San Cristobal de Cuchero, in the province of Panatahuas. Three years later, it was observed there in bloom by Dn. Hipolito Ruiz when he visited the same mountains, as has been said above. He says that the first years that the
ARTICLE IV About the native place in which cascarillos About the maturity and cutting of the bark, and of
operations in
Of the waste that occurs
in the cutting and commerce of cascarillas, because too much attention is paid to the color of the back, and of the arbitrariness with which they are mixed and are given preference in commerce for one reason or another.
ARTICLE VI Of the principal dependable criteria that distinguish good species cut at maturity and well prepared and stored.
properties that unanimously cascarilla or quina.
cascarilla of
About the
of producing the extract of fresh cascarilla in Peru. Of Of preference for it to that manufactured in the reasonableness of its price. Europe, and even above the extract of quina in certain cases. Of new observations of its efficacy and means to guard against its adulteration.
doctors began using the cascarilla, a pound of it was worth 6 pesos gold in Peru and 12 in Spain, but later these prices decreased for a time, owing to the campaign
against quina started by the same doctors, who condemned and disparaged whether on account of the ordinary aversion to anything new or because of a
of Hippocrates that says: "Fever should be considered from morbific matter." 1
its use,
Regardless of this, quina regained its value, prevailing in the whole world to such an extent that between the years 1778 and 1788 more than 70,000 arrobas of quina were taken from the mountains of Peru. This gave rise to thousands of abuses in the exploitation of the quina trees, which were cut near the ground, the mountains by such methods being stripped with great injury to the industry. Fortunately, nature itself provided a remedy for such abuses, endowing those trees with the property of sprouting and recuperating ten or twelve years after For his part he exposed in being cut, as Dn. Hipolito Ruiz well observed. his work the deplorable consequences of these abuses, and the King, Dn. Carlos
IV, having resolved to stop them, sent to Loja, in the year 1792, the botanist of the Botanical Garden of Madrid, for the task of examining the quina trees, directing the cutting and ship-
ments, and of coming to an agreement with the corregidor of Loja about what could be done for the betterment and prosperity of this industry.
In this same book are set down the most reliable signs by which cascarilla fina be known and distinguished, the procedure employed at that time in Peru to prepare its extract, and finally the testimony of reliable doctors who testified to its virtue and efficacy in the cure of fevers.
The second part contains the botanical descriptions corresponding to the seven species then known by the author, followed by some observations on the
same species. 2
Quinologia, page
Botanical description of the seven species of cascarilla trees that are found in Peru, some of them recently discovered. About the characters by which quina colorada, calisaya, and hoja de olivo are distinguished, and description of the tree that gives the bark originally called quina-quina, with some chemical experiments and information about its analysis.
Description of the second species of cascarilla from the heights of Pillao, considered in commerce one of the quinas finas.
Description of the third species of quina trees, known in the montaiias of Panatahuas, adjoining the one of Huanuco, by the name cascarillos bobos or
cascarillos amarillos.
Description of the fourth species of quinos, known in the montanas of Panatahuas and Huanuco by the name cascarillos bobos or de hojas moradas.
By way
of supplement, next
of Linnaeus, a tree
comes the description of Myroxylon peruiferum, Peru by the name of quino-quino and its bark as
quina-quina, later applied to the quina or cascarilla of the genus Cinchona, of the
same Linnaeus. 1 The publication of this Quinologia constituted a scientific event of great note, not only in Europe but also in Hispano-America. The proof of this is in the versions made of the same in Italian in Rome (1792), recently printed in Spain; in the German language (1794) in Gottingen, and in English in London (1800).
Before our botanists left American soil, they had the foresight to teach and by order of Carlos IV, Dn. Juan Tafalla and Dn. Augustin Manzanilla, so that they might continue the investigations; the first-named, by study of the And to those tasks they consecrated themflora, and the second as a draftsman. selves with the greatest zeal and industry, as is demonstrated by the numerous collections sent to Spain-, especially by Tafalla. Among the discoveries made by him, we should mention here four new species of quina that received, respectively, the names of cascarillo de flor fina (Cinchona micrantha), cascarillo ahorquillado (C. dichotoma), cascarilla de hoja aguda (C. acutifolia), Cinchona glandulosa (C.
At that time Dn. Sebastian Jose Lopez Ruiz brought from Santa Fe the
cascarillo or
quina with narrow leaves, and this he called quina turnita, C. land-
folia of Mutis,
and C.
angustifolia of Ruiz.
In the year 1801, Ruiz and Pavon published the Suplemento a la Quinologia, with descriptions of the four species from Peru sent by Tafalla and also the quina unita of Lopez Ruiz, who had sent a dried specimen of the same to Dn. Hipolito Ruiz.
In this volume the two naturalists included a work under the following title: Defensa que hacen de las Quinas finas peruvianas y las de Loxa, los botdnicos de la Expedicion del Peru, D. Hipolito Ruiz y D. Jose Pavon, respondiendo a la Memoria que Don Francisco Antonio Zea inserto en los "Anales de Historia Natural," cuaderno no. 5 (1800), sobre las quinas de Santa Fe y demonstracion de que estas son muy inferiores a aquellas. In fact, this Sr. Zea had lived for some time in Santa Fe, where he cultivated the science of botany for two years under the direction of Mutis. When the Quinologia of Ruiz was published in the year 1792, he thought, no doubt, that they were taking the credit from his teacher, and he asserts that they had appropriated the
Description of the
inces of
fifth species of
known by
Description of the sixth species of quinos, known in Panao, a town of the province of Panatahuas, ten leagues distant from Huanuco, by the name cascarillos con corteza de color de pata de gallareta.
Description of the seventh species of quinos, and Muna by the name asmonich.
known by the
natives of Puzuzo
1 This famous botanist wanted to make the name of the counts of Chinchon immortal, and so created the genus Chinchona, dedicated to them, in which there are included the various species of quinas. [Linnaeus erroneously wrote Cinchona instead of Chinchona.]
third part of his discoveries to the damage of his prestige. 1 He then discussed the matter of the quinas, endeavoring to claim for Mutis and his expedition priority in
the discovery of those from Santa Fe and denying that merit to Doctor Lopez, whose botanical competence he places in doubt. He says that there were known only
four classes of quina: the orange, red, yellow, and white; he enumerates their virtues and finishes by trying to reduce the Cinchona hirsuta, the purpurea, and
the micrantha of Ruiz to mere varieties of the C. cordifolia of Mutis. Zea's attacks upon the Quinologia of Ruiz caused him, as well as Dn. Jose Pavon, real surprise, and both were quick to refute them in the "Respuesta," which offers truly interesting information about the expedition of Mutis. According to them 2 Mutis did not start his botanical work in Santa Fe until the year 1784, that is, seven years later than Ruiz and Pavon in Peru and Chile; consequently they could not well appropriate discoveries that had not yet been made. They add, besides, the following observations: First, that the expedition to Chile and Peru was carried on for eleven years by the same individuals, without any other casualties than the death of
Brunete the draftsman, in 1787, while there were very important changes of personnel in the expedition of Santa Fe. Second, that the botanists sent to Chile and Peru traveled on foot over a great part of the territories, making the observations in open country on living plants growing wild, while Mutis, for various reasons, was unable to travel and had to rely upon the information of persons more or less competent, which was very far from supplying personal observations. Third, that the expedition of Ruiz had constantly remitted, since it had made the
excursions, numerous specimens of living and dried plants, dried animals, antiques, etc., to the Ministry of the Indies, as it had been ordered to do, but this had not been done by Doctor Mutis, not even once during the seventeen years
that he had then (1801) been the head of the expedition. And finally, that Mutis had neither sent to Spain any information about his discoveries or personal observa-
made in the 23 years prior to his appointment as director of that expedition, nor had he given to the press any other works than El Arcano de la Quina (without descriptions or sketches) and some others of little importance; this, in spite of the
magnificence with which he was aided by the Viceroy, Archbishop Dn. Antonio Caballero and Gongora, as well as by the governor of the metropolis. 3
Suplemento a Suplemento a
la Quinologia, la Quinologia,
page 23.
pages 110-114.
No. 1 that appears at the beginning of the letter of appointment of Mutis, Ruiz and Pavon say (Suplemento a la Quinologia," pages 24 and 25): "His Majesty ordered to be delivered to him at one time a gratuity of 2,000 doubloons, to pay his debts and to pay the cost of concluding and perfecting his manuscripts in order to send them to His Majesty before starting the expedition. Besides, he assigned them the salary of 2,000 pesos (money of the Indies), and for traveling 4,000, although from then on he always drew the latter amount and, according to information from Sr. Zea, he came to receive even 6,000 pesos." And we add that Dn. Jose Celestino Mutis doubtless knew how to use to advantage the abundant resources with which he was supplied, in influencing effectively the general culture and development of the sciences in that country, that will remember him always with gratitude and veneration; but we suspect that this magnitude of his program and enterprise was a great obstacle that prevented him from completing his botanical work, about which he always seemed to maintain reserve. If the text had been done like the iconographical part, his Flora of Santa Fe would not have a rival in the world today.
In the matter of the quinas it is observed in this reply: first, that the physicians always applied that of Peru and Loja, because they judged it superior to that of Santa Fe, and second, that the classification of the quinas by their respective colors was completely arbitrary and of no scientific value. Such is, in short, the answer of the botanist-explorers of Chile and Peru, to the memoir of Dn. Francisco Antonio Zea. This controversy caused great excitement among naturalists, and constitutes an eloquent testimony to the interest taken at that time in questions
of natural history.
The Prodromo
Contents between Cavanilles and the authors of the Prodromo Criticism of Antonio Lorenzo Jussieu of this work and reply of Ruiz The Systema Vegetabilium Florae Peruvianae et Chilensis of Ruiz and Pav6n.
In 1794 there appeared the Prodromo de la Flora Peruviana y Chilense, o sea Descripciones y Idminas de los nuevos generos de plantas de la Flora de Chile y Peru, by Dn. Hipolito Ruiz and Dn. Jose Pavon. After the Quinologia of Ruiz, the
de la Flora Peruviana y Chilense Draftsmen and engravers Genera dedicated to botanists and patrons of botany Discussions
Prodromo was the first result of their work to come off the press. It formed a volume in great folio with thick linen paper, bilingual text (Castilian and Latin) in two columns, with good type and clean and careful printing.
The text has 175 pages, including the preface, and there follows the iconographical part, consisting of 37 engravings, with 219 drawings made by Dn. Isidro Galvez, 1 and engraved by the artists Jose Rubio, Jose Castro, Vicente Enguidanos,
and Melchor
This work begins with a preface in which an outline is sketched of the history in Spain from the time of the Romans to the end of the eighteenth century; it also has a brief account of the expedition of Ruiz and his companions during the years that they spent in Chile and Peru.
and order
made with
In this work we have yet to recognize another merit, and not a small one: it is that of the dedication of the majority of the genera to Spanish personages eminent in the natural sciences. Across its pages march the names of those who
either cultivated them, especially botany, or encouraged and promoted them by their support, material or moral. Confining ourselves to the eighteenth century, we can assert that the Spaniard will be very rare who does not have his place in
if he was a protector of the science of plants or had dedicated his and zeal to it. Thanks to this foresight, we can recall here the names of P. Martin Sarmiento, Benedictine mathematician and botanist, to whom they dedicated the genus Sarmienta; of Dn. Jos6 Sanchez, professor of botany at the end of the eighteenth century at the Royal College of Cadiz, to whom they did the same with the genus Sanchezia; of Dn. Cosmo Bueno, cosmographer and author of the Historia topogrdfica y natural del Peru, genus Cosmibuena; of Dn. Antonio Condal, physician and botanist of the expedition of Iturriaga and Loefling
the Prodromo,
and generosity we took advantage during our residence in Peru and, since the King confided to his direction our pupils and successors Tafalla and Pulgar, we utilized his epistolary correspondence to the benefit of the Flora of Peru and
1 His signature appears only on the that he is the author of the rest.
engraving, but
explanation of
our works; 1 of Dn. Antonio de
promoter of
arboriculture, genus Quadria; of Dn. Luis Riqueur, first apothecary of Philip V, cultivator of fruit trees in Soto de Migas Calientes and generous donor of this farm
to the then Prince of the Asturias, later Fernando VI, for a botanical garden; of Dn. Francisco Aldea, director of the Royal College of Apothecaries of Madrid,
professor of botany and companion of Quer on his explorations through Spain, genus Aldea; of Dn. Benito Paltor, Loefling's companion on the expedition to the
Orinoco, genus Paltoria; of Dn. Francisco Fernandez Navarrete, very learned collector of natural history manuscripts, especially of Nueva Granada, genus Navarretia; of Dn. Martin Sesse, director of the Botanical Garden of Mexico and
and possessor
chief of the expedition to Nueva Espana, genus Sessea; of Dn. Francisco Fabian Fuero, Archbishop of Valencia, who in his botanical garden at Puzol cultivates
the rarest plants from both Indies, taking advantage of the benignity and fertility of that very fortunate climate, passing them on with the greatest generosity to the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid, genus Fabiana; of Dn. Gaspar Xuarez, native of Tucuman, who, with Dn. Felipe Gil, devotes himself in Rome to the cultivation of exotic plants little known and used, with the idea of investigating their properties and of extending that information and use for public benefit, genus Xuarezia; of Dn. Jorge Juan and Dn. Antonio de Ulloa, companions of La
Condamine, Jussieu, etc., who traveled in Peru for the purpose of measuring a degree of the equator to determine the shape of the earth, genus Juanulloa; of P. Isidro Saracha, Benedictine, "who has continuously engaged in the observation
of plants,
enriching the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid with extremely rare plants," genus Saracha; of P. Matias Villares, Bernardine monk, "who most of his life cultivated a botanical garden in the monastery of Santa Espina (Valla-
does not
tire of
and generously distributed his plants and seeds to the other botanists of Spain, genus Villaresia; of Dn. Francisco Cerda y Rico, active protector of our
botanists, genus Cerdana; of Dn. Vicente Cervantes, first professor of botany in Mexico and also in America, genus Cervantesia; of Dn. Jos6 Antonio Alzate,
man of great knowledge in natural sciences, genus Alzatea; of Dn. Jose Cornide, "diligent and learned investigator of antiquities and of the works of nature, as is manifest in his Ensayo de la Historia de peces de Galicia and other
Mexican, a
publications printed in Madrid, genus Cornidia; of Dn. Antonio Porlier, marquis of Bajamar, who, when he was minister of the Indies added Ruiz and Pavon to
the Botanical Garden of Madrid and ordered the Flora Peruviana et Chilensis to be prepared for printing, genus Porlieria; of Dn. Antonio Valdes, minister of the Navy and founder of the Botanical Garden of Cartagena, genus Valdesia; of Dn. Pedro de Acuna y Malvar, who promoted the edition of that work, genus Acunna;
finally of
scribed the
In this respect the Prodrome constitutes a curious register in which are innames and merits of the majority of those who cultivated the natural
liveliest discussions, as
scarcely been published when there arose about it the happened with the Quinologia but, while in the case of the latter, the adversary had been Dn. Francisco Antonio Zea, this time it was Dn. Antonio Jose de Cavanilles. He was born in the year 1745 and carried on
various studies, without paying attention to botany. In 1777 he went to the capital of France and there, under the direction of the friar Chaligni, he began the
study of that science when he was 36 years of age. He became acquainted with Lorenzo Antonio Jussieu, with Thouin and other men of learning, and made rapid progress in that science, as can be seen from his Disertaciones sobre la clase MonaCavanilles was of delfia de Linneo, which he began to publish in the year 1785. an open nature, original and bold; he had near him the herbaria of Commerson, Jussieu, Sonnerat, and Thouin, made in various places in Asia and America, and taking advantage of this material, he formed new genera and species in great numbers. The first of his Disertaciones had hardly been published when there appeared a certain article signed by a vecino de Lima [neighbor from Lima] in which it was stated that Cavanilles had made himself a botanist impromptu, by establishing his genera and species from specimens dried and deformed by The cultivation, and finally, by creating new groups without good reasons. author of the aforementioned article was Dn. Hipolito Ruiz, who, true to his judgment, demolished the new genera Molina, Palaua, Pavonia, and Ruizia,
In the year 1799, Pavon handed Ruiz an extensive note received from the French botanist Antonio Lorenzo Jussieu, by way of Cavanilles. In this were set
forth some observations about the genera and species contained in the Flora Peruviana et Chilensis, inviting an opportune reply. Dn. Hipolito Ruiz did not delay answering with a very careful letter (January, 1800), in which he explained the motives that had impelled him not to admit the new genera Palaua, Pavonia, etc., created by Cavanilles, 1 and he answered in detail the rest of the
questions of Jussieu.
He also enumerated many species published by Cavanilles as new and that, according to him, were already known and some even cultivated in botanical gardens, and he finishes with these words: "Let us confess in good faith that
who describes from dried specimens is in danger of making great miswhen he even makes them so frequently about plants that he examines while living, as were most of those that I have just referred to." We must
the one
observe that such phrases reflected perfectly the antagonism already existing between Dn. Antonio Jose de Cavanilles and the botanists of the expedition to Peru.
Dn. Hipolito Ruiz had published his Respuesta a Cavanilles in 1796, including a multitude of objections and charges against the botanical works of the latter, and in the same year there appeared the answer of the pupil of Jussieu, 2 Who was right in this debate? With respect replying to the reasonings of Ruiz. to the genera, we can affirm today that Cavanilles was right. The genera Molina, Palaua, Ruizia, and Pavonia have been accepted by science and they continue to
admitted by
In regard to the species, they also figure as legitimate in the works of botany, not all, but a fair number of them.
1 See Suplemento a la Quinologia, pages 131-135, and volume Flora Peruviana et Chilensis, IX-XXIII.
by Dn. A.
Madrid, 1796.
In the year 1798 Ruiz and Pavon published the Systema Vegetabilium Florae Peruvianae et Chilensis, 1 describing in this work 620 species pertaining to the first four groups of the system of Linnaeus. At the same time they made known three new genera: the genus Alonsoa, the description and sketch of which was sent from Peru by Dn. Juan Tafalla; the genus Monnina, dedicated to Dn. Jose Monino, count of Floridablanca, and the genus Phytelephas. Taking advantage of this opportunity, they corrected also some genera of the Prodrome, following indications and information given by Tafalla and other botanists.
first volume of the Flora Peruviana et Chilensis (1798) InexDiligence of Dn. Antonio Porcel Support of ministers Llaguno and Jovellanos The preface to the work Classification adopted Character
Publication of the
plicable delay
of the descriptions
In the year 1798, the first volume of the Flora Peruviana et Chilensis of Ruiz and Pavon was published. 1 This work should have followed immediately on the Prodrome, which was printed in 1794, but its authors say that it was delayed by unexpected difficulties. We do not think that these could have been from lack of money, because in 1789 the King, Dn. Carlos IV, sent a circular to all the official
corporations of our colonies, stimulating their zeal to relieve the penury of the public treasury, with their contributions so that the Floras of America might be published; in fact, soon afterwards there arrived in Spain funds more than suffi-
But whatever the nature of the obstacles, it is certain that they were not removed until the year mentioned, in which, thanks to the repeated efforts of Dn. Antonio Porcel before the Minister of the Indies, Dn.
cient for the object mentioned. 2
Eugenio Llaguno, a royal order was obtained for the immediate publication of the rest of the volumes of this Flora. Dn. Zenon Alonso was charged with supplying all the means required to carry out this royal order, and thanks to this and to the efficient help of Dn. Melchor Gaspar de Jovellanos, who succeeded Llanguo
in the Ministry, the botanists of desires,
This volume has an appearance identical with the Prodromo and is headed by a preface with interesting details that deserve to be recalled here. According to Ruiz and Pavon, the only botanists who explored the flora of Chile and Peru were Jose Jussieu, Fevilles, and Father Ignacio Molina, but these explored only the littoral regions without reaching the very fertile and extensive montanas of the Andes. They also add that some of the species described in this work had already been mentioned or studied by Jacquin and Aublet, who traveled in Martinique, Santo Domingo, Guayana, etc., and others by Vandel, L. Heritier, Jussieu (A. L.), Smith, Cavanilles, Lamarck, Vahl, and Dn. Casimiro Gomez Ortega,
In the Prodromo they had estimated that the descriptions included in this work would reach 2,400 and the corresponding sketches 1,800, but here 3 they affirm that the former would reach 3,000 and the latter 2,000.
have been made according to the manner of Linnaeus, employed to describe the species with the most
Flora Peruviana et Chilensis sive Descriptiones et Icones plantarum peruvianachilensium secundum systema linneanum digestae, cum characteribus plurium generum, evulgatorum reformatis. Auctoribus Hippolyto Ruiz et Josepho Pavon. Reg. Acad. Medic. Matriti Sociis.
2 "Contribucion de las colonias espanolas para imprimir las floras de America en el siglo xvm," by P. Barreiro. Trabajos del Congreso Hispano-Americano de Geografia e Historia de Sevilla, 1930.
Flora P.
Preface, p.
appropriate terms.
At the foot of each one there are cited the corresponding and vernacular names. For reasons of economy, they have now omitted the descriptions in Castilian, contrary to what they did in the
locality, or localities,
In this volume they make known three new genera; the genus Anthodon, the genus Jovellana, dedicated to Dn. Caspar Melchor de Jovellanos, and the genus O'Higginsia, that was dedicated to Dn. Ambrosio O'Higgins de Vallenar, marquis of Ozorno and viceroy of Peru.
species described sum up to 277 belonging to the four first classes of The book is illustrated with 106 plates, with 219 figures, drawn re-
spectively by Brunete, Galvez, and Francisco Pulgar. They were engraved by Francisco Suria, Isidro Galvez, Vicente L. Enguidanos, Miguel Gamborino, Jose Maria Bonifaz, Jose Querol, Pedro Nolasco Gasco, Tomas Lopez Enguidanos, Francisco Marti, Vicente Pascual Perez, Jose Salas, Narciso Cobo, Manuel Navarro,
Vicente Mariani, Mariano Brandi, Jose Rico, Guillermo Orejon, Felipe Prieto, Fonseca, Pedro Gasco, Vicente Albarracln, Vicente P. Perez, Rafael Camaron, Julio Calvo, Francisco Ugena, Fernando Selma, Francisco Perez, Jose Rodriguez, Cipriano Mare, Juan Rodriguez, Jose Bruneti, Jose Castro, E. M. Torre, Juan Bruneti, Francisco Ribera, Jose Vega, Francisco Mollera, Juan Becquer, Francisco Panfil, Mariano Latasa, Faustino M. Torres, Nicolas Besanzon, and Jose Rubio.
that is in 1799, the second volume of this Flora form identical with the first one. In it the authors included two new genera, namely, Calydermos and Leonia (the latter dedicated to Dn. Francisco Leon, who promoted the publication of the volume), and 251 species belonging to The illustrations in this volume consist the class Pentandria Monogynia of L. of 116 plates and 203 figures, executed by the artists already mentioned. They state that some plates of the present book are colored to satisfy the curious, and in fact, these plates exist in the archives of the Botanical Garden of Madrid, but have not been incorporated with the text in many copies. The authors congratulate themselves on the many species described in this volume pertaining to the
was printed
genera Heliotropium, Tournefortia, Nolana, Linanthus, Varronia, Rauwolfia, Plumeria, Cestrum, Solanum, Saracha, Sessea, Periphragmos, Psychotria, etc., etc. They also include here ten species of quinas: eight discovered by them and two by Dn. Juan Tafalla.
Finally they inform us of the following:
1st, that the corregidor of Loja called to Lima by the count of Chinchon to administer the quina to the countess, was named Dn. Juan Lopez de Canizares; 2nd, that Dn. Manuel Alcarraz was the first person to enter the mountains to obtain quinas, and took them to Lima to promote commerce in them in the prov-
Huanuco and Panatahuas, in advance of Dn. Francisco Renquifo, who found the Cinchona nitida in the hills of San Cristobal in the year 1776 when he was returning from the province of Lomas.
inces of
work comes off the press (1802) Its contents and New genera published by the authors Personages to whom some illustrations genera included in the third volume were dedicated Material sent from Peru by Dn. Juan Tafalla Plans of Ruiz and Pavon for the Suplemento de la Flora The preface to this volume and the letter from Ruiz to Jussieu.
of this
The third volume of the Flora Peruviana et Chilensis came off the press in 1802, edited, as were the others, by Gabriel de Sancha. It contained 223 descriptions, corresponding to as many species of classes V, VI, and VII of Linnaeus. The plates that illustrate this volume number 104 and the figures 176. The
authors state that the respective fruits are not represented separately in some of the because they are already found in the drawings of the plants or branches.
By the time that this volume was published, Ruiz and Pavon had already described 142 genera, as follows: 134 in the Prodromo, 3 in the first volume of this Flora, 2 in the second volume, and 3 in the Systema Vegetabilium. In this
are included 7 new genera : Bonapartea (dedicated to Napoleon Bonaparte) Lapageria (dedicated to Josefina Lapagerie, wife of Napoleon), Luzuriaga (to Dn. Ignacio
Maria Ruiz de Luzuriaga, famous Spanish physician, chemist, and botanist), Isidrogalvia (to Isidro Galvez, draftsman of the expedition), Guzmannia, (to Dn.
Anastasio Guzman, pharmacist and naturalist), Conanthera, and Cosmibuena. These botanists state here that, having received enough material sent by Dn. Juan Tafalla after their return, they are keeping, for the Suplemento de la
Flora, the descriptions of all the species of this material pertaining to the first eight classes of Linnaeus, and of others belonging to the less known American genera, besides the study of the new species included in genera unknown in Europe.
In the same Suplemento they had expected to include many plants, specimens which were lost in the shipwreck of the vessel "San Pedro Alcantara," and which they hoped to replace by new ones, substituting with examples from Dombey's herbarium of those that Tafalla could not supply from Peru. The Suplemento was to be composed of four volumes dedicated to the study of all those plants that, after having been discovered in America by Dn. Hipolito Ruiz and his companion, had been described and represented defectively by other botanists. In the preface to this volume 1 they defend themselves against the charges of Zea, 2 repeated by C. Alibert; they inform Cavanilles of the inconsistency of his conduct
in retaining the genus Gynopleura after having agreed that it was a species of Malesherbia; finally they cite the praise accorded by Jussieu to the Flora Peruvi-
In the front of the same volume is printed the letter of Dn. Hipolito Ruiz to Jussieu and the answer to the doubts expressed by him. There is also a note upon the material destined to form the Suplemento. 3
Pages n, in,
3 Catalogue of the species of some genera that we have in our possession, together with drawings of them, pertaining to the first thirteen classes of Linnaeus, which were not inserted in the first four volumes, for the reasons explained in the preface, and for others that need not be mentioned here. All of this and other species sketched in America will be published in the supplement to this work.
Preparation of volume IV Approximate date of its conclusion New genera described in it New species Illustrations Genera and species published by the authors Genera corrected in this volume Suppressed genus Sending of collecRuiz and Pavon criticize the reforms introduced by several tions by Tafalla botanists in the classification of Linnaeus.
After having finished the printing of the third volume of the Flora Peruviana Chilensis in 1802, Ruiz and Pavon continued the work necessary for the preparation of the fourth one. They were moved to do so by the natural desire to bring
their undertaking to a happy conclusion, thus keeping the promise made in the preface of the third volume; aside from this, they were also inspired by the warm 1 praise bestowed by national and foreign botanists and even by the lively discusit gave origin. The exact date on which the fourth volume was not known, but we suppose it was from four to six years after the third one. In this volume Ruiz and Pavon made known three new genera, designated respectively with the names Alstroemeria, dedicated to Claus Alstroemer, Swedish botanist; Thibaudia, in honor of Thibaud, a professor of botany in Strasburg; and Villamilla, in remembrance of Dn. Juan Perez Villamil, translator of Columella and former Spanish minister. Adding the three genera to the 138 already described as new by Dn. Hipolito Ruiz and Dn. Jose Pavon in their former publications, brought the number of such up to 141. The number of species described in this volume reaches 164, remarkable, they say for their medicinal or industrial virtues. 2 They belong to classes VII, VIII, and IX of Linnaeus. Of these, 124, with their corresponding sketches, are distributed among 100 plates executed by the artists Dn. Jose" Rivera, Dn. Francisco Pulgar, and Dn. Jose Brunete. We have counted 37 colored by hand, that accompany the original manuscript.
sions to
The authors
state that,
the Suplemento the plates for described or had been described insufficiently
had made known 922 species, and they add that they proposed to include in many of them, especially those that had not been
to this time, they
by other
In the volume in question (fourth of the Flora), the characters of several genera are described, corrected, and revised, that are already in the Prodromo, and even some of the same Linnaeus and other botanists, as for example, Dodonaea, Weinmannia, Francoa, Sophora, and Myrospermum. They also corrected the descriptions and illustrated the forms of many plants already known and others that, discovered long before in America by the expedition to Peru, had been published by others with defective sketches and descriptions, such as the Dodonaea viscosa L., Weinmannia trichostoma Cav., W. dentata Flor. Peruv., Larrea glauca, Hoffmannseggia falcaria
As can be seen, our explorers did not turn from their desire to perfect the "Flora of Peru and Chile" and to find fault at the same time with the work of Cavanilles, with whom they had continued arguments.
Comentario Literario, in number 29. "This famous work [Flora of Peru] will in botany. The edition is without doubt, splendid, the ." figures deserving particular praise.
p. 1.
In this volume they abolished the genus Acunna, temporarily established in the Prodrome until they could consult the descriptions of related genera, to be found only in books that were not at hand at the time. In consequence of this, the species with which this genus had been formed were included in the genus Bejaria. Nevertheless they retained as legitimate the genus Stereoxylon, against the objections of Mutis and Zea.
They also thought it suitable to include in the genus Caesalpinia, the genera Poinciana and Parkinsonia.
While the first volumes of the Flora Peruviana et Chilensis were being pubDn. Juan Tafalla was continuing his explorations through Quito, Guayaquil, and the montanas of Panatahuas, and sending to Madrid, as a result thereof beautiful sketches, of which four represented as many species of quina trees new to science, that is: Cinchona viridiflora, C. rugosa, C. globiflora, and C. rubicunda. With these and the ones collected by Ruiz and Pa von during their trips through those countries, they succeeded in bringing together in their herbarium all
the species
in the Gaceta de
September 8th, 1807. In this volume several new species are included, belonging to genera also new or known. The genus Laurus is increased with 28 species; the genus Weinmannia with 11; the genus Talinum with 11; the genus Psidium with 6; with the same number, the genera Thibaudia, Semarillaria, and Axinaea; and finally with 5, the genera Foveolaria and Miconia.
In the last decades of the 18th century, and even later, modifications began to be introduced in the botanical classification of Linnaeus, classes being abolished
according to the particular judgment of each author. Thus Linnaeus fil. and Willdenow reduced the first 24 to only 20; Cavanilles reduced them to 15, and Brotero finished by admitting only 12. Ruiz and Pavon protested against these 1 Also innovations, denouncing them as unjustifiable and confusing to knowledge.
the carelessness with which some foreign botanists proceeded to cite the Cienfuegosia of Cavanilles, calling it Antonio L. Jussieu, Fugosia; Willdenow, Cienfuegia, and Lamarck, Cienfugosa, which destroyed the original, legitimate name, without
of them taking pains to add it to the genus Hibiscus, from which it should 2 As can be seen, Ruiz and Pavon followed with great absolutely not be separated. interest the march and development of botanical studies, taking advantage of as
opportunities as were presented to them to perfect their work. Another proof of this is offered to us in the section that under the title of "Addenda et Corrigenda" immediately follows the preface. There are set down interesting observations and new details about the genera already published in the former volumes.
Finally, this
volume is published with an alphabetical index of genera and which shows that it was ready then to be sent to the printers.
1 See their words. Preface to volume IV, p. 3. Ms. "One is astonished by the fact that, during the last twenty years, while noted botanists were perfecting the science, employing the natural method and the artificial system of Linnaeus, other botanists, have forcibly imposed defective classifications liable to errors and very difficult to use, urged thereto by an itching to make innovations and to capture the applause of the public by that procedure. But how much more benefit could accrue to botany if they, omitting the reductions in the classes, would have dedicated themselves to reforming and perfecting the generic characters and to estab-
lishing the
in a
p. 3.
The authors of the Flora Peruviana et Chilensis continue their work Contents of the manuscript and unpublished volumes of this work: V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, and XI Idem of volumes I, II, III, IV, and V of the Suplemento The plates
With the same zeal and steadfastness of which they had given magnificent proof since the first days of their enterprise in 1777, Ruiz and his companion continued working at the compilation of the Flora Peruviana et Chilensis, without allowing themselves to be hindered by the great confusion and excitement
brought to Spain by the French invasion. This is made clear with great eloquence by the rest of the unpublished manuscripts and sketches with which we shall occupy ourselves immediately, reviewing their contents.
Volume V of the Species Plantar um. Several new genera are published in this, among them the genus Pineda, dedicated to Dn. Antonio Pineda, naturalist of the Malaspina expedition (1781-1795). The species described are more than 180, and the plates number 114. It has a preface, without signature, but there is no doubt that the author is Dn. Jose Pavon, who directed the Flora Peruviana et Chilensis
after the death of
in 1816. 1
of the Species Plantarum consists of 99 pages (on each one of which, with the exception of very few pages, is described a new genus or species) and of 153 plates, all colored by hand, with the exception of eight, in black. Draftsmen:
Volume VI
Volume VII. Ms. Consists of 131 pages in folio and as many descriptions some of them new, and of species also new, many of them belonging
moves us
to insert
here as a
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and part of 16, so genera, corrected or reformed, new species with their descriptions and with pictures engraved with the best of care by outstanding professors.
many new
"Most of these plants are shrubs and subshrubs, trees of great interest in medicine, dyeing, and civil, military, or naval construction, or as food for living beings. Some plants are natives of Peru, others of Chile, some are from Guayaquil, and others from the kingdom of Quito.
"Of the live plants whose condition: has permitted it, we have represented the anatomy of the generative parts, some of them enlarged by means of the microscope because of their minuteness. Part of the branches are of natural the anatomical part of the fructification.
size, as is
"This volume V was quite advanced, although not corrected, during the life my never-enough-mourned and wise companion and botanist, the immortal Dn. Hipolito Ruiz, my loyal and generous companion, esteemed for his kind manners
virtues, whose conduct was irreproachable and tireless during eleven years of traveling on very laborious journeys through the rough and fertile mountains, forests, valleys, and Cordilleras of the Andes, of Peru and Chile; he was in peril of death then, both at the hands of savage Indians to whom he exposed himself, and also by the very dangerous illness from which he suffered from the time he left Madrid on the expedition.
"Some of the observations are written in Latin and others in Spanish but, instead of translating them into Latin, I think it is more proper to send them out
in black
XVI, XVII, and XVIII of Linnaeus. It is illustrated by 101 plates, two and the rest colored by hand. Draftsmen: Jose Rivera, Brunete, Pulgar, and Galvez. Without preface or index.
Volume VIII. Ms. Contains the descriptions of several new genera and about 100 species, belonging to class of Linnaeus. Plates in colors 105, done by the artists mentioned above.
Volume IX. Ms. The descriptions amount to 55, class XXI of Linnaeus. Some lack the name of the genus and species, and others the name of the latter. The plates in color number 116. There is one in black. Draftsmen, those
already mentioned.
Volume X. Ms. Descriptions 80. Classes XXII and XXIII of Linnaeus. Colored drawings, 115. Some of these without title. Draftsmen: Brunete, Pulgar, and those already mentioned.
Volume XI. Contains 97 pages with descriptions of several genera and some 90 species belonging to classes XXIII and XXIV of Linnaeus; 81 colored plates of the class Polygamia, 20 of the Cryptogamia, and 20 of palms. The draftsmen, those already mentioned.
During the time that the botanists were completing the volumes of the Flora et Chilensis that we have just finished citing, new shipments of plants, descriptions, and plates were being received from America, sent by Tafalla and
his companions.
In the study of this material new genera and species were found belonging to the classes already included in the volumes printed, or unpublished but already written. Ruiz and Pavon did not want so much effort and sacrifice employed in
gathering such material to go to waste; in consequence, they determined to make known in a supplement, that comprises the following volumes, a review of which
are offering here.
to foreign countries in our majestic, fluent language so that the writers on the natural sciences.
be seen by
"This volume V and the succeeding ones, as to the historic, descriptive part and drawings (some in black and white, others in colors), are equally entitled to share in the praise that the supreme tribunal of justice of the learned national and foreign naturalist-botanists might find it suitable to bestow on Dn. Hipolito Ruiz, my companion and first botanist of the Flora Peruviana et Chilensis, and Dn. Juan Tafalla, a very progressive, tireless, and industrious botanist, pupil of Ruiz and Pavon, who stayed in charge, instructed to continue the new discoveries, by order of the King, Sr. Dn. Carlos IV. In respect to the drawings, the draftsmen are worthy of all praise for their care and skill. Dn. Jose Brunete, who died from pneumonia in the mining town of the cordillera called Pasco, was the first draftsman, a very accomplished painter in oils and miniature, and pupil of Dn. Antonio Rafael Menor. His loss was greatly felt because he was so much needed; but he left some remains of illuminated drawings in which his mastery and expertness shine and for which he is worthy of high praise. Dn. Juan Manzanilla and Dn. Javier Cortes, both pupils of Tafalla in botany, who became also good professors and sent good, interesting collections of herbaria, colored drawings scientifically very accurate, and many good, although incorrect, descriptions; fruits, seeds, gums, resins, barks, and woods of the precious quinas of the kingdom of Quito, and several others, with small planed boards of outstanding valuable woods and some native products. Dn. Francisco Pulgar, progressive pupil of the very accomplished draftsman and colorist of the expedition, Dn. Isidro Galvez, whose knowledge in his noble art of drawing and painting as also in line engraving, was
descriptions (about
100 in
of several genera
plates, 100.
and numerous
of Linnaeus.
II (Supplement). Descriptions 206, belonging to the class Pentandria Plates 152, of which 148 are colored and 4 in black. Draftsmen,
Volume III (Supplement). 100 descriptions. Classes, Triandria, etc. to the Decandria, in part. Illuminated plates 99, corresponding, respectively, to classes VI, VII, VIII, and X. Draftsmen, those already mentioned.
Volume IV (Supplement).
or in part,
One new
and 50
Plates colored
1 of
therefore, that the botanical works of Dn. Hipolito Ruiz and consist of the following volumes: 1 of the Systema Vegetabilium,
the Prodrome, and 3 of the Species Plantarum, all of them already besides 12 unpublished, as follows: 7 of the Species and 5 of the Suplemento. Of these there is a volume, the fifth, that has only the three descriptions above mentioned. Its iconographic part is complete. The other four
are almost finished, like the five of the Species. are ready for printing.
of the latter
superior to that of
"Flora Peruana."
artists in botany as well as in zoology, as is proved in the All the above-mentioned men with the exception of Cortes
have died. "Two-thirds of the plates of this volume were engraved during the life of my partner, but the names and arabic and roman numbers were not engraved. It thus happens that the descriptions, original drawings, and plates have been corrected and increased by those needed for the perfection and conclusion of volume V and, as it is expected that some errors might be made and found in a diffuse work, miki imputetur, place the blame for them on me; I hope that discreet readers may correct my involuntary mistakes with the moderation characteristic of the wise, and I beg them to enlighten me and not to use indulgence, because in matters of science everything should be done for enlightenment and for demonstration of truth, and nothing should be omitted. That is true friendship. Amicu-s Plato, sed magis arnica veritas. I will give, if I live, many thanks to him who enlightens me, because my heart does not admit the maxim veritas odium parit, obsequium amicos, and I confess that this is the way I have done -it. "How strange it is that in such a voluminous piece of work, containing so much meditation on the mysteries of Nature, in which the wisest naturalist, our God, has left us so much beauty, so many fascinating charms, so many objects worthy of the greatest admiration of man, deep study and meditation which lift the soul
of the naturalist to the contemplation of the Creator of the universe, and, according to my manner of philosophizing, one comes closest to some knowledge of our benign Lord through his works which he has left us created in the organic beings and inorganic, this is to me an outstanding naturalist-theologian."
Time consumed
in the preparation of this Flora Those who worked on it until 1816 until 1832 Workshops of Floras in Madrid at the time Royal
commanding that they be directed by the botanist Those of the Floras of Espafia and Nueva Granada also assigned to him The Flora of Peru stays independent Dn. Demetrio Rodriguez is assigned to this Sums expended on the Floras of Nueva Granada and of Peru Scientific value of the latter Comparison of the same with former botanical works of Spanish authors In-
fluence of Linnaeus in Spain Glorious generation of botanists here during the eighteenth century Works and drawings Excellence of the Flora Peruana above the others mentioned Deplorable neglect with respect to this The voice of a deputy What has been published of the Flora Peruana What remains of the
Having finished the preceding account, we shall present some additional information that offers real interest for the proper understanding and appreciation of the importance of this enterprise.
How much time was spent on it? No less than fifty-four years(!), or that is, from 1778, when the work was begun, until 1832, when it was ended. The work of editing was in charge of Dn. Hipolito Ruiz and his companion, effectively helped by Dn. Juan Tafalla, who continued the explorations through Chile and Peru until the beginning of the nineteenth century. Dn. Francisco Pulgar was assigned to
Tafalla as a draftsman.
In 1816 Ruiz died, and then Dn. Jose Pavon and Dn. Isidro Galvez were left workshop of the Flora of Chile and Peru. At that time three similar workshops were functioning in Madrid, the one we have just named and the ones respectively called that of the Flora of Nueva Granada, and that of the Flora of Nueva Espana. It seemed natural that, there being at the Court a scientific center called the Botanical Garden, provided with a good library and dedicated to the cultivation and extension in Spain of the knowledge of plants, the abovein charge of the
should be added to it, under the direction of such competent Dn. Casimiro Gomez Ortega, Palau, Cavanilles, Rojas, and Clemente, and Dn. Mariano Lagasca; this was ordered by royal command of June 17th, 1 1801, August 16th, 1814, and June 24th, 1815. In 1816 Lagasca insisted anew on the convenience of such an aggregation, but he succeeded only in having the materials existing in the workshops of the Floras of Nueva Granada and Nueva Espana sent to the botanist, and that because their directors had died. With respect to the other, it continued independent, owing, no doubt, to the stubborn opposition of its chief who, like Dn. Hipolito Ruiz, had remained apart from that establishment since the time of Cavanilles, disagreeing
professors as
its professors.
In 1828, the Dn. Demetrio Rodriguez, professor of botany, was added to the staff of the Flora of Peru, but there is no evidence of his collaboration in this work. This was exclusively the product of the travellers and artists already mentioned. See Lagasca's information (No. 4 of 1816) with respect to the executors Dn. Hipolito Ruiz. Archive del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. Docket 2,525 taken from the Archive of Alcala. Fascicle "Botanists and draftsmen of the expedition to Peru."
What was the cost of the Flora Peruviana et Chilensis? Although its cost did not reach the amount of 7,500,000 pesetas invested, according to Lagasca, 1 in the expedition of Mutis, we can estimate it approximately at 3,000,000 pesetas. Now,
this expense justified by the importance and quality of the work? We think it was, although this has been very much questioned by Cavanilles and others. Aside from the praises that it drew from men of learning in foreign countries as well as in
it is
moment the perfection with which the descripof genera as well as of species, the considerable number of to science, and the care with which the localities are given as
well the uses of those plants and at the same time the habitus or aspect, if not of every species, at least of the majority of them. All of this, together with the great
of beautiful and very exact illustrations that complete this work, justifies us in characterizing it as something exceptional in the history of botanical science, especially in America.
This character will be more evident if we compare it for a moment with the works about this material that other Spanish naturalists produced in those countries. We can affirm that, since the beginning of the sixteenth century, there has been no lack of Spaniards in our Spanish colonies from whom the vegetable products of those countries deserved especial attention. The annalist Gonzalo Fernandez of Oviedo dedicated to the plants of America books VIII, IX,
of his Historia general y natural de las Indias, islas y tierra firmed Dr. Francisco Hernandez studied Mexican flora during the years 1570-77 that, by command of Philip II, he spent in that country in investigating its natural
X, and XI
work De Historia Plantarum Novae Hispaniae* is, without doubt, work that was produced at that time with reference to botany.
The Franciscan Bernardino de Sahagun also studied the plants of America, Nueva Espana;* and P. Bernabe Cobo, S. J. in his Historia del Nuevo Mundo; 6 P. Jose de Acosta, in his Historia natural y moral del Nuevo Mundo, 6 and some others that we shall not mention.
These productions of a character that we could call pre-scientific were, neverplough that broke the ground of those virgin forests of botany and zoology in the New World, giving us information and facts so numerous and interesting that, thanks to them, the naturalists that came after then could recognize and classify many American vegetables, following the route that had been traced by the authors above mentioned. It is unquestionable that the works of some of these, such as Dr. Hernandez and P. Cobo, are among the most finished of their kind for the epoch in which they were written. It is true that they cannot be compared with the Flora Peruviana et Chilensis, with which we are concerned, because it is a question of works chronologically separated by two centuries and
theless, the
It was published in Madrid in the year 1798 by Dn. Casimiro Gomez Ortega and contains three volumes in large quarto.
3 4
edition, 1870.
Edited in Sevilla, 1890-95, by the Sociedad de Bibliofilos andaluces, under the direction of Jimenez de la Espada.
and IV.
Madrid, 1608.
governed, as is natural, by very different criteria and scientific norms; even so, true that they came to constitute a precedent of a value beyond question for future investigators, a very firm basis for their work, and a revelation to the scienWhat can be claimed for the work of Ruiz and his companion, within tific world.
it is
the considerations above mentioned, as an exclusive quality by which it surpasses ancient works, is the greater number of plants that they made known.
The profound revolution introduced in botany by Linnaeus brought with it procedures of such consequence that they changed completely the course and face of this science. In Spam the influence of the doctrines of Linnaeus was felt, and they were embraced with enthusiasm by the botany professor Dn. Casimiro Gomez
Ortega (1771-1801) and his contempory Dn. Melchor Palau to whom we owe the Spanish version of the Filosofia Botdnica of the famous Swede. They must have been greatly influenced by Peter Loefling, pupil of the Swedish botanist, who
came to Spain in 1751, residing here until 1754, taking part in the expedition of Iturriaga.
when he embarked
for Guiana,
This school gave to science a glorious generation of botanists, to whom belongs the honor of having studied the vegetation of both Americas. They bequeathed to us such eloquent testimony of their campaigns as the Flora Cumanensis, of Peter Loefling (1754-56) ; the study of the plants of Guayaquil and especially the quina
by Dn. Eugenio Alvarado (1755); the works of Mutis and companions on the Nueva Granada (1782-1808), the Flora Guatemalensis, by Dn. Jos6 Mocino, and the Flora Novae Hispaniae, by Mocino and Dn. Martin Sesse (17881808) the researches of Dn. Luis Nee and Dn. Tadeus Haenke on American and Polynesian vegetation (1789-1797); and in conclusion the work of Ruiz and Pavon with which we are concerned here. These works are composed according to Lintree
Flora of
naean norms, and they can be compared one with the other.
then, what position is occupied by the "Flora de Chile y Peru" in respect to the others already mentioned? In regard to the iconographic part, the "Flora of Nueva Granada" is found to be greatly superior as much for the number as for
the excellence and magnificence of the plates, about 7,000 for that of Colombia, compared with 2,000 or a little more for that of Chile and Peru. 1 In regard to the respective texts, we cannot compare them yet because up to the present time the whereabouts of that of Mutis and his pupils is not known. We shall only state
here that the personnel of the expedition of the Flora of New Granada was not constant, as was that of Chile and Peru; this must, doubtless, have been prejudicial
to the unity
In regard to the
and Flora Novae Hispaniae, they have also been lost, a circumstance the more deplorable since a large part of them had been done by Dn. Mariano Echevarria, whom Lagasca, in 1815, held to be the best
illustrations of the Flora Guatemalensis
naturalist-draftsman that could be found in Europe. The iconographic part that we know of in the works the other botanists above mentioned, although good, is inferior in number and execution of the drawings to the Flora Peruvania et Chilensis.
According to Ruiz and Pavon (Suplemento a la Quinologia, page 23), Mutis to have up to 18(!) painters working at the same time in the workshops
of the Flora.
2 In fact, the botanist Dn. Bruno Landete, the geographer Dn. Jose Camblor, and the draftsman Dn. Antonio Garcia, added to the expedition in 1783, later
ceased to belong to
In regard to the descriptions of genera and species, in all of them there are evident the expert hands of great masters who, knowing their profession well, studied and labored long, although most of them could not finish their works on account of adverse circumstances; having made this concession, we will declare here, finally, that the Flora Peruviana et Chilensis is superior to all the others already mentioned on account of the extent and ampleness of the text and for the new scientific contributions that it contains; it constitutes at present, in spite of the lack of the text of vol. V of the Suplemento, a botanical work of highest order and proportions, dedicated to the flora of our former colonies of America.
And now, the reader will ask, as we also do: Is it possible that, after this monument had been almost finished that had cost Spain 20,000,000
and to which our former colonies of America and the Philippines had contributed great sums 1 to have it published, and, finally, when there never were lacking here, even after the death of the authors, very competent botanists capable of directing the publication and of correcting the deficiencies of the text is it possible, we repeat, that it has been left unpublished until now, without the Spanish
government even thinking of redeeming it from an obscurity and forgetfulness so unjust and unpatriotic? Although the nation experienced very deep political and economic crises during the nineteenth century, we do not think that it lacked the funds with which to publish at least one of the volumes, as for example the fourth of the Species Plantarum, which was completely finished with even the engravings for the plates prepared.
And the curious thing about the case is that, in the midst of such neglect, even at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the voice of some deputy could be heard in Congress, asking that young men be sent to our colonies to study their
zoological and botanical products, etc. What ideas could that "padre de la patria" have of the great work carried out in the Americas from 1750 to 1808 by
the scientific expeditions of Loefling, Ruiz and Pavon, Mutis, Malaspina, etc. in order to make known its gea, its flora, and its fauna? Doubtless, he did not know that their fruits had been neglected because, if he had known, it is obvious that he would have asked above everything for the speedy publication of the results. It would have been the most natural thing to do and most in accordance with
common sense.
their energies in the
Unfortunately these ideas did not prevail; hence the naturalists who exhausted American forests, some of them even losing their lives, and the
20,000,000 pesetas sacrificed by the Spanish government for those journeys all availed nought, as if some mischievous shadow was pleased to make a failure of
Of the floras of America already mentioned, only the third volume of the Species Plantarum of Ruiz and Pavon was published within a century. 2 After such deplorthat
we surprised now at the reproaches of foreigners when they tell us we have done no scientific work in our colonies? But, finally, let us pass to another matter. What is left today of the new genera and species made known by
able neglect, are
circumstances permit we shall publish, God willing, the list of donors is in the Archive of the National Museum of Natural Sciences
2 The Flora Novae Hispaniae was published by the Mexican government in the middle of the past century, but without plates.
our explorers of Chile and Peru in the Prodrome, in the Systema Vegetabilium and three volumes of the Species et Icones Planlarum Florae Peruvianae et Chilensis?
We will state first of all, that the creation of these groups depends at times on a very personal judgment in the way of appraising characters, their importance varying, in many cases, according to the opinion of each author. That is why genera and species judged by some as new to science are not always regarded as such by others, and it happens even that a genus or a species eliminated by a naturalist from the catalogue of new ones has been replaced in it, later to figure again in its original category. There are very few authors all of whose creations have been respected, especially if they have been numerous.
The new genera established and published by Dn. Hipolito Ruiz and Dn. Jos6 Pavon amount to 141 according to what we have seen. And so, an investigation of the Index Kewensis has convinced us that 102 genera are still maintained, and in regard to species, these that have preserved the names of said authors exceed 500. If this work were published complete, we can affirm that it would triplicate, at least, the number of each.
Such is the fundamental work of Dn. Hipolito Ruiz, Dn. Jose Pavon, Dn. Juan Tafalla, Dn. Isidro Galvez, Dn. Jose Brunete, Dn. Agustin Manzanilla, Dn. Francisco Pulgar, and the rest of the Spaniards that collaborated in it. In view of our own forgetfulness and that of foreigners, we congratulate ourselves on being able to record their names here and to offer this homage to their glorious memory.
Other works of Dn. Hip61ito Ruiz
Other works of Dn. Jose Pavon.
If the authors of the Flora Peruviana et Chilensis had not given us any more evidence of then* industry and scientific knowledge than that work, it would be enough to immortalize them, placing them on the level of other great botanists and explorers named in history. But then* tireless activity was not limited only to this: Dn. Hipolito Ruiz, especially, and Dn. Jose Pavon, in the midst of continuous work dedicated to the Flora, found sufficient tune to produce other works
shall enumerate.
Besides the Quinologia and the answer to Cavanilles, above mentioned, Ruiz wrote the following.
1. Memoria sobre la Ratanhia (Krameria triandrd) R. & P. Madrid, 1799. Dn. Hipolito discovered the extraordinary virtue of the root of this plant for con-
of this in the treatment of the son of a silversmith from Lima, of a young slave girl of Huanuco, and of a daughter of the physician and first cosmographer of Peru,
the effectiveness of this medicine for curing dysentery, and, once in Spain, he compiled the work, which was presented in 1803 to the Royal Academy of MediThe Academy decided to include it in the second volume of its memoirs, cine. but when the publication of this was delayed, the Academy gave permission to the author to have
1 printed himself.
3. Memoria sobre la Calaguala [Polypodium Calaguala] R. & P. Madrid, 1805. In this memoir are set forth its resolvent and anticoagulant properties as well as
Memoria Memoria
5. 6.
sobre el
Madrid, 1805.
Madrid, 1796.
of the
short notes. 2
1 The manuscript information about this exists in the Royal Academy of Sciences of Madrid and is very laudatory to Dn. Hipolito Ruiz. In it the good results obtained with some patients are cited, according to the testimony of doctors Dn. Ignacio Ruiz de Luzuriaga, Dn. Tomas Garcia Suelto, and Dn. Eugenio de Arrieta. In the same file that contains this information, there is a manuscript of Dn. Jose Celestino Mutis (Santa Fe de Bogota, December 19th, 1803), entitled Plan de curacion de las disenterias. This is based on the use of Yallhoy root.
of Sciences.
of documents,
Ms. 1 Several
clinical cases are
cited. 10.
Reyno de
11. 12.
Reflexiones sobre la raiz de Serpentaria (Serpentaria virginiana) y la del Estrella (Aristolochia fragrantissima) R. P. Ms. 2
Ms. 2
el botdnico D. Hipolito Ruiz al Dr. D. Hipdlito puedan enviar desde el Peru a aquel naturalista algunos zurrones de raices de "China peruana," a fin de que dicho botdnico continue las observaciones sobre la virtud y usos de esta nueva droga sumamente interesante al comercio espanol y de las mds preciosas para el alivio del hombre en sus dolencias. Ms. 2
y usos.
Memoria Ms. 2
"Cynomorium" y
de sus virtudes
Impugnacion de
Ms. 2
Observaciones sobre
Ms. 2
18. 19.
sobre si
Generos naturales. Academia Medica de 2 hay o no. Parecer que did D. Hipolito Ruiz contra Cavanilles. Ms.
Cuestion suscitada en la Real
Observaciones y reparos a las obras del Abate Cavanilles. Ms. 2
Compendia historico-medico-comercial de
Reparos y
reflexiones criticas sobre la
las quinas.
Ms. 3
20. 21.
Experiments sobre las quinas. 1811. Ms. 8 22. Causas por que las calenturas intermitentes no cortdndose en accesos pasan a malignas y contagiosas. Ms. 8
23. 24.
Tratado que puede servir de suplemento al diccionario y gramdtica de la lengua Quechua. Ms. 8
Ms. 9
Ms. 9
Las guerras de
Ms. 9
3 Exists in the British Museum (Natural History). See the Catalogue entitled Cinchona Tercentenary Celebration and Exhibition. London, 1930. P. 100, no. 974.
4 6 6
8 Cited in the "Discurso leido ante el claustro de la Universidad Central por D. Tomas Pascual de Miguel, en el acto solemne de recibir la investidura de doctor en la Facultad de Farmacia." Madrid, 1867. P. 15. 9
The productions of Dn. Jos6 Pavon were not as many as those of Ruiz, but nevertheless he left a legacy of several with merits beyond dispute, which we
cite here.
1. Laurografia o estudio de las especies de Laurel. Manuscript existing in the Archive of the Botanical Garden, accompanied by 28 plates drawn by Galvez and Pulgar and engravings by Suria, Gasco, Rodriguez, and Panfil.
2. Indice alfabetico de todos los nombres indicos, provinciales y castellanos de todas las plantas publicadas e ineditas de la Flora Peruviana y Chilense, algunos de Nueva Espana y la Habana, con la correspondencia de los nombres botdnicos,
genericos y especificos.
como tambien
la construccion civil
Se citan las especies que producen gomas, resinas y bdlsamos, en tintoreria y Medicina y las artes y las maderas para y naval. Ms. Archive of the Botanical Garden of Madrid.
3. Disertacion botdnica sobre los generos "Tovaria," "Actinophyllum," "Araucaria" y "Salmia," con la reunion de algunos que Linneo publico como distintos. Madrid, 1797.
4. Nueva Quinologia. Ms. in the British Museum of Natural History. 1825. This work, in which 40 species of the genus Cinchona are described, was published in London in the year 1862 with great luxury and with the title: Illustrations of the Nueva Quinologia of Pavon, by John Eliot Howard. It has 28 plates in color and more than 100 figures. 1
1 It cannot fail to attract attention that this manuscript and the others by Ruiz above cited have passed to the Museum of London. Perhaps Pavon, urged by pressing needs and without hope that they might be published here, transferred them, as he did a part of the herbarium of the quinas, to Mr. Aylmer Bourke Lambert. See the work Cinchona Tercentenary Celebration and Exhibition, 1930.
Arrival in Spain
Information about
means to combat the plague of ants His appointment as a member of the expedition Leaves for Peru Commissions confided to him His botanical campaigns
His return to Spain (1784) His collections
Inaccuracy of Larousse.
The history of this journey cannot be written without mentioning Dn. Jose Dombey. He was a French physician and naturalist who joined the Spanish
explorers of Chile
of his government.
possessed knowledge not only of botany, but also of other branches of the natural sciences, and was entrusted with the task of studying the plants and other products of those Spanish colonies. The French government assigned him the
salary of 6,000 pounds French currency per year
for his equipment.
and 600
silver pesos, at
one time,
Dombey arrived in Spain in the first months of the year 1777, and a little later, answering an inquiry, no doubt, he presented to the Monarch some instructions about combating the plague of ants, that, after having destroyed the harvest of sugar cane in Martinque, they feared might extend to Cuba. 1 His appointment was made by the Spanish monarch with the caution that he should not publish his discoveries before his traveling companions could do the same, and that he should leave in Spain at least one specimen of each one of the plants he might find. In October, 1777 the vessel that carried the explorers weighed anchor en route to Callao, and six months later anchored in that port after a good voyage. Apart from his botanical work, Dombey discharged several commissions that were confided to him by the Spanish authorities of those countries.
In 1779 he received from Dn. Manuel Guirior instructions to proceed, as a and analyze the mineral waters of Cauchin and vicinity, and he discharged this commission with true zeal. A little later he went to Callao, in the company of several Spanish sailors, to make studies of the tides.
physician, to examine
In 1779 a royal order was sent from Spain for a careful investigation of the existence of saltpeter in Peru, and Dombey was also designated to carry out this 2 commission, as indeed he did, although making a mistake.
little later
districts of Peru,
and he
In 1783, he was assigned anew, by command of the Regent of Chile, Dn. Tomas Alvarez Acevedo, to examine the veins of quicksilver of the hill of Jarilla in the
1 The manuscript is entitled Moyens pour detruire les fourmis dans I'lsle de la Martinique. These means had already been used against the insects in France and in Vals (Catalonia). 2
On the coasts of Peru Dombey found a substance that he remitted to Madrid Paris, calling it by the name of saltpeter, because he thought it to be niter,
but Professor Gomez Ortega, who analyzed it, demonstrated that sulphate of magnesia, abundant in various regions in Spain.
was only a
3 Reflexiones sur les mines du Peru quant a leur formation, par Mr. J. Dombey. Lima, September, 1780 Two pages in folio written on both sides. Archive of Alcala. Bundle 2,525, transferred to the National Museum of Natural Sciences of Madrid.
district of Andacollo,
not far from the city of "La Serena," and after minute study he presented the result of his work, and it brought the warmest praises from the Regent. 1 On the 14th of April, 1784 Dombey retired from the expedition, returning to Spain in the vessel "Peruano," commanded by Brigadier Dn. Antonio de Cordova. The crossing lasted a year and was very trying indeed; they were several times on the point of shipwreck. In spite of this, Dombey recovered somewhat his lost health, arriving in Cadiz during the first days of May, 1785. He brought with him
very valuable collections of minerals, plants, etc., and it was his duty to deliver half of everything to the Spanish government, according to the agreement obtained from him at the beginning. Consequently in August of the same year (1785), a representative of the authorities came to Cadiz to inspect the equitable distribution of these collections; when this was accomplished, Dombey was authorized to send on to Paris the part belonging to him. 2 It was also required of him that he repeat in writing the promise not to publish the discoveries made on this trip until the return of his collaborators. Nevertheless, he obtained permission of the Spanish Monarch to communicate them to the King of France and to the Royal Academy of Sciences of Paris, which was not a small matter.
1 The letter of the Regent is reproduced here as an interesting document: dear Sir: From the context of the report or description "Sr. Dn. Jos6 Dombey: of the quicksilver mines of Xarilla and Andacollo that you remitted to me in triplicate the 30th of August last, with respective plans, geometric and in perspective, of said mines and the metals that you brought to make tests in this capital, and other results expressed in said report, I understand that you have discharged with satisfaction the task entrusted to your care in the order I sent you, under the date of 20th of May, for the inspection and examination of said mines. In view of this, I can do no less than inform you, by means of this letter, that I am satisfied and pleased with the care, zeal, and love for the royal service with which you have discharged said commission. . ." Despatch of Dombey. Personal. 1778Bundle 2,525. Transferred to the National Museum of Natural Sciences 1785. from the Archive of Alcala.
There was thus no confiscation of half of the collections for the benefit of the of Spain. The reproaches of Larousse (Grand Dictionnaire Universel, etc.,
[Vol. VI], p. 1,048) relative to the confiscation are therefore not justified.
Tomas Pascual
of Ruiz Date at which it was terminated InformaProdrome and in the Quinologia The doctoral thesis of Dn. The extract of the Viaje by Jimenez de la Espada Our
advised us
Our additions
account of
Ruiz and Pavon was to keep an exact and detailed the events that happened on their journey from the time of their departure from Madrid until the date of their return. With these journals they could trace a complete and finished picture of their scientific campaigns and the
Approximately eleven years of continuous labor and tiresome travels through the hills and mountains of Chile and Peru gave them abundant and valuable material for writing a Viaje full of profitable information and interesting episodes. They began to do this as soon as they returned to Madrid, with the natural illusion
making public in Spain and to the scientific world, the fruits of a campaign so and results for the sciences. By the year 1793 they had already prepared a fair copy of the Viaje in the expectation of receiving means to enable them to publish it. This copy contained, according to its author, 90 sheets in small 1 writing, and it contained a very detailed account of the work of the expedition. Insuperable difficulties prevented it from being published, and when Dn. Hipolito Ruiz died in 1816, the manuscript must have been left to his family, if it did not pass into the hands of Dn. Jose Pavon.
full of sacrifices
of the
There was some information about the journey by both botanists in the preface Prodrome and by Dn. Hipolito Ruiz in the Quinologia, but it is so scanty that it was impossible on the basis of these statements to form even an approxiit
mate idea of the importance of the expedition. That is why the memory of faded and was preserved only by some naturalists of the past century.
Matters stood that way when, in the year 1867, an individual by the name of Dn. Tomas Pascual de Miguel, possessor of a copy of the Viaje, conceived the idea of utilizing it in the composition of the doctor's thesis with which he com2 This circumstance revived for a while the remempleted his studies in pharmacy. brance of the botanical expedition to Peru, but it was soon forgotten again. Interested in clearing up this matter, we had the good fortune to find an extract of
the Viaje, thanks to Dn. Marcos Jimenez de la Espada, who had the happy idea of making a note, at the bottom of this extract, of the name and place of residence
of the possessor of the Viaje, that
To us
was an unsuspected
clue that
we decided
2 It was published in the year mentioned (1867), with the following title [in Spanish]: "Speech read before the Assembly of the Universidad Central by Dn. Tomas Pascual de Miguel in the solemn act of receiving the degree of Doctor in the Faculty of Pharmacy. Comparison between the botanical expeditions made to the New World by Dn. Hipolito Ruiz and Dn. Jose C. Mutis." We remember having heard from the late Dn. Bias Lazaro that there existed another doctor's thesis about the journey, but we have been unable to see it.
thirty years
had not passed in vain since the death of Sr. Pascual de Miguel. We mention here the questionings and search, almost police-like in method, that were made by us to find the whereabouts of the Viaje; but it would be ungrateful of us to omit now the names of Dn. Fernando Gayoso, Dn. Luis Siboni, and Dn. Jose Reimundo, who helped us in our course. Thanks to the last-mentioned, who had been a clerk of Dn. Tomas Pascual, we found that the daughter of Dn. Tomas Pascual, named Dona Isabel was living in the town of Arvaca; after having made inquiries through the priest Dn. Felix Martin, we went to that town, being accompanied by him to the house of that lady. She received us with the greatest affability and, after hearing the object of our visit, she placed in our hands the desired manuscript, which we brought to Madrid, well worth all the hardships incident to such a tiresome task. Acknowledgment should be made here of our most profound gratitude, first to Dona Isabel Pascual, and also to the gentlemen mentioned above.
shall not
As soon as we arrived in Madrid, we presented the manuscript to our dear teacher Dn. Ignacio Bolivar, director of the Museum of Natural Sciences, who was greatly pleased with the recovery, promising us, furthermore, to have it published as soon as circumstances would permit. After some years of waiting, the opportunity appeared at last, and Sr. Bolivar, fulfilling his promise, ordered that it be done. Thus he is the promoter of this work which, thanks to his zeal and enthusiasm for our scientific glory, emerges from obscurity to be presented to the
educated world.
It is
hoped that
it will
be well received.
for this publication contains 67 double sheets of paper (papel de barba), covered with the handwriting of Dn. Hipolito Ruiz. On most of them the writing remains perfectly legible. There is an abun-
dance of marginal additions, and on some pages, there are interlinear corrections. The orthography and punctuation are very careless. We have corrected the latter. The description of Lima and also that of the city of Huanuco are missing, but there is no doubt that they were included in the last copy prepared for publication. We tried, in fact, to find that copy, appealing to the person who we were told should have it, but our attempts failed, with great noise, and we received a very impolite and intemperate reply through a third person. We forgive it willingly.
To each chapter we have given a number; furthermore, at the head of each we have placed a summary from which one may see its contents. The book also includes some notes, and we should remark here, that those on pages 25-26 [omitted from the English translation], referring to the technical names of fish, are by our dear friend Doctor Dn. Luis Lozano, professor of this faculty of sciences. That the work might be consulted with ease, it is provided with four indices, made by us, one by subject, and three alphabetical. In the arrangement of these, we have had the co-operation, with the greatest zeal and disinterestedness of our dear friend, the curator of the museum and assistant of the university, Dn. Jose
Huidobro, to whom, as well as to the former, we are deeply grateful.
greatly enhancing
is followed by the unpublished documents referring value with references and information not included in
the Viaje.
of the Viaje
Zoological part
It is
Geographical part Botanical part Mineralogical part Curious entomological detail Historical episodes Appendices.
enough to glance through the pages of this Viaje to convince oneself and exceptional document in our Hispano-
American literature. Nearly eleven years of traveling through the lands of Chile and Peru, with the idea of observing, studying, and describing all their products, gave Ruiz and Pav6n more than enough material to give a complete picture of life in those colonies in its various aspects. Consequently, it is not one of those diaries in which are registered chronologically happenings and episodes of a more or less The Viaje that is published today follows a more ample personal character. plan and a more objective orientation. To convince oneself of that, a brief examinait in its principal aspects, will suffice. One of those of great importance is the geographical. Since the Relaciones geogrdficas de Indias, made in time of 1 Philip II, nothing has been written so detailed and complete about the geography
tion of
of Chile
and Peru as
in this Viaje.
work in Lima proper, which they described minutely, and its vicinity, where they caused astonishment to the natives who called them witch doctors, brujos yerbateros. 2 Then they went to the province of Cercado, included in the present department of Lima, and afterwards to the provinces of Chancay (in the same department), Tarma (department of Junin),
Huarocheri (department of Lima), Huanuco (present department of the same name), Xauxa (department of Junin), and Huamalfes (department of Huanuco). Province by province and region by region are minutely described in this Viaje, beginning with the respective limits and continuing to temperature and climate, nature and topography of the soil, natural products, inhabitants, commonest ailments in each locality, etc., etc. In regard to ecclesiastical organization, the author makes reference not only to the convents and shelters existing in each town, but also to all the parishes and the annexes belonging to them. But although the
geographical part is very interesting, the botanical part is much more so. More than 500 genera and 1,600 species of plants are cited in it. And that is not all. There are described furthermore the type and aspect of many trees, shrubs, and herbs, the domestic uses of a large number of the same, their medicinal and industrial applications, their native names and the "why" of each one.
Nor did Dn. Hipolito Ruiz forget the mineralogical part, to which he dedicated principally articles XIV and XXXII, nor the zoological part, of which there is much important information of positive interest in the whole story. Among these there
one worthy of particular mention, and that is the one referring to the small ants, destroyers of the Cerdana, the leaves of which they cut into small triangular pieces, transporting them later, holding them by the sharpest angle and hoisting them in
sail. And so they travel with them, by means of help from the wind, until they deposit them in the anthills in a very clever and ingenious way
1 Published in Madrid in the year 1881, written by Dn. Marcos Jimenez de Espada, who managed the editing. 2 are assured that de los yerbateros.
by the name
so that they occupy the least possible space. This phenomenon, that has been cited by some entomologists only many years later, appeared already in this
desirable detail.
However, there appear in this account some interesting events of historic character, for example: the earthquakes and floods of Valdivia in 1730 and 1751,
respectively; the uprising of Tupac-Amaro in 1781 [page 108]; the murders committed by the Indians in 1766 and 1772 and, not to add any more, the battle of Villagra, in which the maestro de campo of the same name was defeated and killed.
Such are, in short, the contents of the Viaje of Dn. Hipolito Ruiz, Dn. Jose Pavon, Dn. Jose Dombey, Dn. Isidro Galvez, and Dn. Jose Brunete to Chile and
To complete it, it was necessary to have the official documents referring to it, and we have been fortunate indeed in finding them. They consist of the royal letters of appointments, correspondence, instructions, lists of shipments, and other matters of positive interest. With this we close this work which, according to our humble opinion, constitutes a glorious page in the scientific history of Spain.
insert of curious and interesting offidocuments concerning the travels of Dn. Hipolito Ruiz and his companions in Chile and Peru constitutes the natural and pertinent complement of the preceding work and an eloquent testimony to the great importance of those travels. (Archive of Alcala. Docket
collection that
we now
The King: Inasmuch as the exploration and methodical study of the natural products of my domains in America befits my service and the welfare of my subjects, not only in order to promote the progress of the physical sciences, but also to banish doubts and adulterations that are found in medicine, painting, and other important arts, and to increase commerce, and to form herbaria and collections of natural products with descriptions and delineations of the plants found in those fertile domains of mine to enrich my Cabinet of Natural History and the Botanical Garden of the Court; I have resolved to send two Spanish botanists to the Kingdom of Peru, accompanied by a French naturalist, physician, and botanist, and two draftsmen, also Spaniards, to each one of whom shall be sent a separate brevet, or appointment; and having been informed of the good work and the reputation of
Dn. Hipolito Ruiz in this profession, I have come to name him as first botanist of this scientific expedition to the Kingdom of Peru, where he shall serve under the instructions that will be given to him separately, signed by Secretary of State
and with the following conditions: 1st. Peru, his residence in that kingdom on the said
expedition shall be for the term of four years. 2nd. He shall receive the salary of one thousand pesos in the coin of the Indies, per year, from the day of his embarkation at Cadiz or at
Coffers of that
any other port of Spain, and it shall be paid him by any Royal kingdom nearest the place where he may be following his proDuring his journeys in that kingdom for the above-mentioned
purposes, he shall receive double salary to provide for the necessary expenses that he may incur for this purpose. 4th. When he returns to Spain, he shall be
assisted by
given another appointment and he completes and presents the finished work that should be the fruit of his toil. 5th. That the passage by sea from Cadiz or any other port of Spain to his destination shall be paid from the account of my Royal Treasury, and the same shall apply to the journey overland from Madrid to
that port, where he shall be given in advance four installments of his salary in America to equip himself with the necessities for the voyage. 6th. That at the expense of my Royal Treasury he shall be provided with books and instruments of
work for which he is sent. Therefore, I order my Viceroy Governor and Captain General of the Provinces of the Kingdom of Peru, and the Regentes of my councils, Royal Officials of those coffers, and the other tribunals and justices of that kingdom to receive and accept the said Dn. Hipolito Ruiz as my first botanist, rendering and insuring him the honor and distinction that should belong to him for the success of his commission, and the Royal Officials
his profession for use in the
of the Coffers of
by virtue of this, any other coffers of that kingdom, the sum of half his annual salary
and assistance with the cost of the travels indicated in this, my order, and receipt be obtained at the time from the party concerned, for that is my will; and
Office of
my Council
Herewith, His Majesty names his first botanist Dn. Hipolito Ruiz for the mission to the Kingdom of Peru with a thousand dollars a year salary, and under the conditions already stated.
The King: Inasmuch as the exploration and methodical study of the natural products of my domains in America befits my service and the welfare of my subjects, not only in order to promote the progress of the physical sciences, but also to banish doubts and adulterations that are found in medicine, painting, and other important arts, and to increase commerce, and to form herbaria and collections of natural products, with descriptions and delineations of the plants found in those fertile domains of mine to enrich my Cabinet of Natural History and the Botanical Garden of the Court; I have resolved to send to the Kingdom of Peru a French naturalist, physician, and botanist so that, as companion to the two Spaniards of the same profession and with the same destination, he may make observations pertaining to his science and having been asked by the Court of France to name Dn. Joseph Dombey, for this important purpose and having been informed of his good character and the reputation of his work, I have come to name him for this commission in the capacity of companion to the two botanists and the two draftsmen from Spain; he shall serve under the instructions that will be given him signed by my Minister of State and by the General Office of the Indies, and with the salary of 1,200 pesos in the coin of the Indies, which is the salary that the Court of France has indicated; it shall be paid by the Coffers of Luna or with the corresponding order of my Viceroy in accordance with this order in any of the coffers of the Kingdom of Peru nearest to the place where he may be making his botanical observations, and he shall give an account to the Royal Officials of the coffers where payment shall be made of the salary allowed to Dn. Joseph Dombey, so that reimbursement may be obtained in Spain from the Court of France: Therefore, I order my Viceroy Governor and Captain General of the Kingdom of Peru and the Regentes of my councils, the Royal Officials of those coffers, and the tribunals and justices of those kingdoms to receive and accept the said Dombey as botanistnaturalist in the capacity of companion to the Spaniards of the same profession, commissioned for the scientific expedition in those domains, rendering and insuring him the honor and position that should belong to him for the success of his commission, and the Royal Offices of Lima crediting them, if other coffers of that kingdom should pay his salary, by virtue of this, my order, and receipt shall be obtained from the party concerned, for that is my will; and notice shall be taken of this order by the General Accountant's Office of my Council of the Indies. Given at Aranjuez the 8th of April, 1777.
my Viceroy on
His Majesty commissions Dn. Joseph Dombey for the botanical expedition Kingdom of Peru as a companion of the Spaniards of the same profession with the salary of 1,200 pesos a year and the stipulation of reimbursement from the French Court as stated.
to the
APPOINTMENT OF BRUNETE The King: Inasmuch as the exploration and methodical study of the natural products of my domains in America befits my service and the welfare of my subjects, not only in order to promote the progress of the physical sciences, but also to banish doubts and adulterations that are found in medicine, painting, and other important arts, and to increase commerce, and to form herbaria and collections of natural products with descriptions and delineations of the plants found in those fertile domains of mine to enrich my Cabinet of Natural History and the Botanical Garden of the Court: I have resolved to send two Spanish botanists to the Kingdom of Peru, accompanied by a French naturalist, physician, and botanist, and two draftsmen, also Spaniards, to each of whom shall be sent a separate brevet, or appointment; and having been informed of the good work of Dn. Jose Brunete, and his well known ability in drawing, I have come to name him as the first draftsman of this scientific expedition to the Kingdom of Peru, where he will serve under the instructions that will be given him separately, signed by my Secretary of State and the General Office of the Indies, and with the following conditions: From the time of his arrival in Peru, his residence in that kingdom on the 1st.
said expedition shall be for the term of four years. 2nd. He shall receive the salary of one thousand pesos in the coin of the Indies, per year, from the day of
by any Royal
embarkation at Cadiz or at any other port of Spain, and it shall be paid him Coffers of that kingdom nearest to the place where he may be follow-
ing his profession. 3rd. During the trips in that kingdom for the purposes mentioned, he shall receive double salary to provide for the necessary expenses he may
4th. When he returns to Spain, he shall be assisted by my Royal Treasury with half of the salary he received in America, until he is given another appointment and he completes and presents the finished work that should be the fruit of his toil. 5th. That the sea voyage from Cadiz or any other port of Spain to his goal shall be paid for from the account of my Royal Treasury, and this shall apply to the land journey from Madrid to that port, where he shall be given in advance four installments of his salary in America to provide for the necessities for the voyage. 6th. That at the expense of my Royal Treasury he shall be provided with the books and instruments of his profession for use in the work for which he is sent. Therefore, I order my Viceroy Governor and Captain General of the Provinces of the Kingdom of Peru, and the Regentes of my councils, the Royal Officials of those coffers, and the other tribunals and justices of that kingdom to receive and accept the said Dn. Jose Brunete as my first draftsman of the scientific expedition mentioned, rendering and insuring him the honor and distinction that should belong to him for the success of his commission, and the Royal Officials of the Coffers of Lima to pay him, or, with the corresponding order from my Viceroy, by virtue of this, any other coffers of that kingdom, the sum of half his annual salary and assistance with the cost of the travels indicated in this, my order, and receipt shall be obtained at the time from the party concerned, for that is my will; and notice shall be taken of this order by the General Accountant's Office of my Council of the Indies. Given at Aranjuez the 8th of April, 1777. I, the King. Jph. de Galvez. .
Registered in the Office of the General Accountant of the Indies: Madrid, April 12th, 1777. Tomas Ortiz de Landazuri.
Lima, April 10th, 1778. Keep and execute the above Royal Order. And to that effect the Royal Officials of the Coffers of this capital shall liquidate and pay in full to Dn. Jose Brunete the amount that he is entitled to on the terms that H. M. orders. First taking a memorandum in the Tribunal and Royal Office of Accounts. Don Manuel de Guirior. Pedro de Ureta.
Corresponds with the original Royal Order that for this purpose was written by said Dn. Joseph Galvez, to whom I returned it, which I certify. And at his demand in witness of this, I, Sub-secretary of the King our Lord and of the College of this Court and City of Madrid, write the present which I sign and attest the
The appointment
written in the
same form
as this.
L. 2,525,
to South
to go
in the
shall try to live in the best of harmony and good relations with the Dn. Josef Dombey, to win his confidence and profit from his knowledge, not only in botany and natural history, but also in the art and methods of arranging and preserving plants and of forming herbaria.
said Doctor
2. They shall be careful to question him and to turn to him in cases where they think it is necessary or useful to take advantage of his knowledge and experience; although for this they shall not be, or consider themselves, dependent on him, nor shall he treat them as such in any case or matter.
3. They shall communicate to Dn. Josef Dombey the discoveries in botany or natural history that they may make, not keeping any secrets from him, so as to pledge him with this frankness and procedure to equal reciprocity in the things that he himself may discover.
4. If it happen that only one plant, herb, or simple of some odd species be found, there must be no misunderstanding or dispute over who shall keep it. If Doctor Dombey be the first to find and pick it, he shall preserve it for his her-
barium, giving his companions an exact description of it, and permitting them to get an accurate sketch and if possible, without harm to the plant, to take a part of it; the said Mr. Dombey shall consent to our botanists putting at least this part of the plant in the books that they may form.
The same attitude and reciprocity shall be maintained on the part of our observers towards Mr. Dombey, if they be the first ones to see or gather any rare plant of which there may not be many examples; so that the profitable rivalry
that should encourage them in discoveries that many times will be offered by chance, may not degenerate, contrary to our hopes, into disagreement, it will be well for them, as soon as they find genera and new species or such as have been badly defined up to now by botanists, to write them in their respective diaries with the name of the discoverer following the name that at that time has been
given to the plant; and on the first occasion when they reciprocate in the communication of their finds, they shall add their signatures in each diary so that it may be clear who has the first right to publish it.
5. What has already been said is in no way contrary to the agreement that Mr. Dombey has made to present, on his return to Europe, two copies of the observations and herbaria that he may have made, to be compared, in his presence, with those from his companions by professors of our Royal Botanical Garden, and to leave one of them in Spain; it being understood that, if for some unusual reason unlikely to occur, there be only one single plant because they have not been able to find any other, he shall be permitted to leave it in his sample book that he takes to France; but with the condition that, in the one he leaves in Spain, there shall be inserted, in the corresponding place, the description and sketch of the same plant, with observations and notes of any kind that he may have made of it. 6.
The Spanish botanists shall make, independently of Mr. Dombey (although him and taking advantage of his knowledge and intelligence whenever
it necessary), the description of each plant, following the principles or botanical rules of Linnaeus, and according to his sexual system already adopted generally, stating its names in the language of the country, in Spanish, and in
they think
if it
given to it in French by Mr. Dombey, the species and whether it is a plant that is known by a different other provinces of the same America or of the East Indies, or of any
shall not forget to state in their written observations,
if it
be a plant
Europe, what qualities are attributed to it in that country (for this purpose they shall try to inform themselves through intelligent persons and even countrymen), and whether any known author has written about it.
It will be well also to state in what kind of climate and temperature it is grown, to be able to tell afterwards if it be possible to grow the same plant in some different kinds of ground and in the temperature of Spain, or what degree of artificial heat may be necessary to give it in the hothouses that will be constructed in the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid.
8. Care shall be taken to obtain several examples of the plants that are to be placed in the herbaria whenever they are very unusual, or notable for their virtues and qualities, so that if time, or dust or other accident destroy or disfigure one of them, there may be others left. 9. It will not be useless to advise that the principal care and study shall be given to plants and samples little or not at all known in Europe, or that have some special peculiarity, and that are thought to be of service in medicine, commerce, or the arts; and also those plants which, although they have been known for the uses made in Europe of their resins, gums, balsams, roots, and other parts or
products, are not well described by botanists; because, in some respects it would be a waste of time to make observations about plants that are also common and
known in Europe, and to fill herbaria with them, when there is no difference whatever between these and the others; it is necessary to note and indicate simply that this or that plant common in Europe is also found in abundance or sparsely in such and such territory of America.
For the formation of herbaria they shall consult their teachers before men have made for their use, and ask instruc-
from Doctor Dombey, who is said to be particularly experienced in this matter; and care shall be taken that the plants and herbs be placed in said herbaria in the best manner possible for their preservation in shape, colors, flowers, and seeds. For this purpose it may be well, as has been said, to inquire of Dombey himself, and also to consult what is said about this subject in several books, written in Latin or in French, that refer to it; these shall be taken along, and among them shall not be forgotten the botanical lessons recently published by Mr. de la Tourrette for the use of the veterinary school of Lyons, France, nor some of the volumes
and famous Linnaeus, who in the third volume of his work AmoeniAcademicae, seu dissertationes physicae, medicae, botanicae, in the article entitled, Inslructio musaei, discusses in detail the precautions that should be taken for the formation of herbaria as to the manner, time, and condition in which it is well to gather plants in order that they be best preserved in all their parts. In the volume entitled Philosophia Botanica by the same author, there will be found a small summary of what botanists that travel should keep in mind, of the books and instruments that should be carried, and even what clothing is most suitable for the man occupied with botanical observations in the field, and of the distribution of the working hours of the day.
of the learned
In another of the volumes of the same author there is an article entitled Perewhich information is found about many of the writers who have discussed the plants of America; this will no doubt shed much light on the subject. Most of these writers have written in a foreign language, and it is almost certain that Mr. Dombey will carry with him those printed in French; and in case the Latin or French language may not be very familiar to some of our observers, it may be necessary also to take several books written in Spanish that have some connection with your work, such as the Principios Botanicos of Dr. Barnades, the Diserlacion of Mr. Duhamel on botanical methods that has lately been published in our language, and others that we shall not name because it is to be assumed they are not unknown to our botanists.
grinatores Americani, in
11. The sketches or drawings that shall be made of the plants shall be made when the plants are still fresh and with their colors and natural green because, if
a long time after being gathered, the plants wither and lose their shape so they do not represent, or give a just idea of, their natural state.
left for
12. Although the principal object of our botanists is the examination, study, and acquisition of all the products of the vegetable kingdom, it will be very desirable for them to apply themselves also with care to the knowledge of the rare trees of America, of their fruits, flowers, seeds, gums, oils, and balsams. Among the trees and shrubs worthy of special attention is the canela of the Quixos in
Peru, the quina or cascarilla, in particular that of the province of Loxa, the ichu that is very abundant in Peru and which is used, among other things, for the smelting of cinnabar to obtain mercury, and several other trees and shrubs which are very abundant in those countries, the dried fruits, resins, and balsams of which are not well known in Europe and may be of great value in medicine and for dyes
and manufactures.
As in one of the instructions that were drawn up last year by Dn. Pedro Davila by order of the King, that the Viceroys, Governors, and Magistrates of the Indies should send to the Cabinet of Natural History of Madrid all the more curious productions of nature, there is an article about those of the Vegetable Kingdom relating to some of the plants, trees, and shrubs of America, and with these instruc-
tions there
is a copy of those by Dn. Pedro Davila, in which there is also another about the manner of preparing and preserving the same natural curiosities that might give some information to our botanists.
formed some
fascicles to
the botanists have a considerable quantity of plants and have be used for the herbaria, they shall try to send them to
city, or safe place, as opportunity offers, and have them deposited in some suitable place in the townhouse, in the house of the judges or the house of the priests, with the necessary precautions so that no one can misplace them and so
that they may not become moth-eaten or deteriorate. In this way the botanists will not increase the number of objects in their care, nor have to travel with the impediment of more loads than necessary. Afterwards they shall collect them all in
order to deposit them in the capital or in the port from which they will to return to Europe.
information about
principal object of this trip being not so much the purely theoretical new useful plants as their acquisition for introduction and use
Spain and even in other countries for the extension of science and commerce and for the benefit of mankind, our botanists shall not be satisfied with examining and describing the plants and preserving their dried remains in the herbaria; they shall also pay diligent attention to making shipments of samples of onions or bulbs, grass, cuttings, and live plants whenever they have the opportunity, addressing them to the Secretary of State and the Cabinet of the Indies, on whose order they shall be deposited and cultivated in the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid, so that on their return the traveling botanists may examine them again more leisurely and perfect their descriptions; and in the same garden care shall be taken to multiply them and make suitable experiments with their adaptation to the climate and soil of some part of Spain. For this purpose the botanists shall
keep in continuous correspondence, addressed to the Ministry, with the professors of Madrid, of whose zeal and willingness to do all possible to contribute to the end that the King has in mind with this journey there is no doubt.
15. In England during these last years, there were published on a single sheet of paper brief instructions about the way to preserve live plants on a long voyage: by following these, the English have brought to London beautiful plants from our domains in America, from their own, and from the most remote countries
of this paper is therefore being sent with these instrucserve as a guide to our botanists in the handling of the live plants that they have to send continuously, and so that a copy of these instructions regarding the care of the plants may be given with each sending of plants to the of the universe.
tions so that
commander of the vessel in which they are sent. Regarding the preparation and remittance of fruits and other dried curiosities of the Cabinet of Natural History, this shall be done according to the instructions in Article 12.
16. And because not all of the plants are of such a nature that they will stand transportation, nor all arrive in good condition, it will be desirable that from all of them without exception there be sent separately seeds and fruits recently dried, numbered the same as the plants, with a small strip of parchment, and packed in pitched boxes so that rats and insects will not destroy them. These
be accompanied by a descriptive
will refer.
Independently of the remittances of live plants and recent seeds, they shall form a collection of seeds, dried fruits, gums, resins, balsams, and other
products and parts that may have some use or deserve to have, not only for the purpose of supplying what is missing in the Cabinet of Natural History, but also in the Archives of Seeds that have been installed by order of H. M. in the Royal Botanical Garden, and serve as a school of botany and materia medica during the whiter.
18. The previous articles concern the quality of professors, and the duties incumbent upon them as such; but there are some other very important warnings to be given to our botanists (which shall be given also directly to Mr. Dombey).
by themselves or through any other person, shall they take part directly or indirectly in any commerce by sending to Europe or receiving merchandise of any kind whatever, because the moment it it is known, or a well founded suspicion
that they have dealings of this nature or have correspondence with any merchant of Europe or of America for that purpose, the necessary steps will be taken even to bring them back to Spain by force and to punish them severely; the persons with whom they correspond shall be warned to watch for this very
carefully to give information of the least transgression of this kind. All that has been said is understood to apply not only to merchandise of commerce, but also to objects of botany and natural history, of which there must neither be any sendings to Europe, except directly to the Cabinet of Natural History and the Royal Botanical Garden, nor any dealings in them in America with the idea of gain, because this journey and work being purely scientific, they shall not forsake, neither the Spanish professors nor Mr. Dombey or others that may accompany them, the study to which they should limit their attention.
19. They shall equally abstain from making plans or drawings of any grounds, towns, ports, or coasts, as none of these have any bearing on the objective of the commission with which they are charged.
be given to Mr.
in French,
may know
of the friendship
it is
to the Spanish professors, but also to inform him of the articles to the idea of the King that Mr. Dombey also be subjected, so that he not allege excuse or ignorance in case of violations.
21. Mr. Dombey shall not refuse to help the Spanish professors in all he can contribute to the better performance of their work, without exception of subject or substance, and there shall be reciprocal relations that each one may contribute
end and object that the King has proposed for this journey, from which great advantages may be secured for the advance of the arts and sciences and consequently for the welfare of humanity, if those taking part in it proceed with the zeal, industry, and good harmony that is expected of them and which is particularly recommended.
his part to the
The draftsmen that will accompany our botanists shall be given suitable addition to the separate instructions that will be given them) relative to the contents in the articles about the harmony and reciprocity that shall be
observed among them and as to the absolute prohibition against mixing in any kind of commerce or any other affair whatsoever that has no connection with the principal object of this trip; these articles should be considered by the said draftsmen as orders and special instructions for them.
the instructions.
some time, which they shall occupy in gathering, examining, and remitting plants that they may observe in its vicinity and in obtaining information and making the necessary arrangements to plan the more important journeys to
places that may be most advantageous. In everything they shall proceed with the approval of the Viceroy and the respective Governors; and before making their proposals they shall decide among themselves, the three botanists signing their names to the decision of the majority, in this as in any other matters that may call for deliberation. In the beginning they shall botanize together until
our Spaniards think that they can make their observations by themselves, and then they may alternate in accompanying Mr. Dombey; though it has to be for short periods, for at the end of a few days they shall again get together and discuss their discoveries.
It will be well not to forget the quina tree and to arrange for the collection and preservation of its valuable bark. The same reminder applies to the study and observation of the cinnamon tree and the ground in which it grows, and they shall consider all possible means of dulcifying it and ascertain if it is possible to make it as good as that of Ceylon which is brought to Europe by the Dutch. These last two reminders are in addition to the longer one in article 12 of the
general instructions.
Instructions that are to be observed by the draftsmen who are going to Peru by order of H. M. to serve by the exercise of their profession in the Botanical Expedition.
As these
artists will
ucts, especially its vegetable ones, without pretending to decorate it or add anything from their imagination; not only do they have to limit themselves to
sketching precisely what the botanists determine to be worth being sketched; but they must work under the inspection of the latter, heeding the advice they may give, whether it is to be careful in drawing this or that part that the botanists consider important for understanding and differentiation of the plants, or when
necessary to represent parts separately and sometimes greatly magnified.
2. They shall afterwards sketch separately, to one side of the general drawing of the plants, the flower and fruit, showing their anatomy as being more important; and all the sketches shall be drawn while the plants are still fresh, for
1 of
the botanists they shall be given a pattern of the size to which they must make their sketches conform, so that they may be uniform and of sufficient size so that, on the return to Spain, the expense and labor of reduction may not be required for the plates to the size that will be given to the work to be published.
4. Regarding the use of colors, as the idea is to make as much progress on the expedition as possible in following the botanists in their work, they shall be satisfied with coloring only those plants that are worth it for their beauty or
showiness or the strangeness of their tints, confining themselves, even in this case, to representing one flower, one fruit, and generally one part of the specimen,
leaving the other in black ink, to be colored on the return to Spain after the sample shown; the same will be understood in respect to some special bird or other product that is judged worthy of being described and sketched. 5. They shall not decline, at times when they may be free from their principal occupation, which shall be that of drawing, to help the botanists in the formation of herbaria and in other important work that may contribute to the fulfilment of the King's service in the present expedition; in the same manner, the botanists shall not decline to help them in all cases in which they can be useful to them, assuring all individuals of the expedition the best brotherhood and mutual cooperation.
6. As it is the duty of the botanists, with their special knowledge, to determine where to botanize, the draftsmen shall go in the company of the botanists to the places where these ordinarily live, a matter which shall be determined by the botanists in private by a plurality of votes in the form expressed in the Article of Instructions, as will be all that is worthy of deliberation and relates to the ful-
All individuals
and use
this expedition are responsible for the proper distribution and other effects that the King has
duty of the first botanist and, in his absence, the second, to entrust the custody and preservation of all or part of them to any of the companions, as it shall be required of all five to see that they are employed justly, and according to the idea of His Majesty, that is, for the use
The draftsmen
to the rigorous observation of the rules in articles 18 and 19 of the general instructions about being absolutely forbidden to engage in dealings of commerce, in
making plans of ports, plazas, etc. And so that they may not claim ignorance or insufficient notification of the order of His Majesty on this point, they shall be given
the General Instructions, so that they may observe them in this respect to them; a copy of these Instructions being given also to the botanists so that the duty of each will be mutually evident to all a copy of
as in
April, 1777.
Francisco Manxon.
Iltmo. Senor:
Iltmo. Sr.
Joseph de Galvez.
I. of the 24th of should inform you that, considering the age, the naturally prudent disposition, and the greater experience in botany of Don Hip61ito Ruiz, this person may be appointed first botanist, and Don Joseph Pa von as second; I have drawn up, as you have requested, the enclosed instructions dealing with the draftsmen that I pass into the hands of V. S. I. for correction or approval in the way you may find most suitable; and finally that, since I received that order, I am occupied with providing the botanists and draftsmen with the implements that they need and that were approved by the King to be provided at the expense of the Royal Treasury. For this last objective and also to give them scientific advice
to help them in the performance of their duties, we have frequent conferences, at which Mr. Dombey also is present, so that at no time could he protest (which we do not expect), that we have not provided or counseled him in everything neces-
sary for the success of a scientific expedition that will be cited with gratitude by future generations as one of the most authentic proofs of the enlightenment of the Our Lord keep the imreign of Our Sovereign and of the Ministry of V. S. I. portant life of V. S. I. for as many years as I desire and as may be necessary.
Madrid, April
Iltmo. Senor.
I kiss
Your most
obedient servant.
Casimiro Ortega.
Iltmo. Seftor
Joseph de Galvez.
the margin of this letter is written. Since Ruiz has already been named botanist in the orders issued, the enclosed instructions are approved for the draftsmen. April, 1777.
17, 1777.
Decided by H. M. in executive action of November 25th, 1776. The two professors that have agreed to make the journey to America and who are proposed by Don Casimiro Ortega as suitable for this, are Don Hipolilo Ruiz and Don Joseph Pavdn. The terms that Ortega thinks can be made with them, in view of the high price of living in the country and the strenuous work of the commission in which they are engaged, the giving up of their homes and careers and the continuous moving and agitation in which they will have to live in making frequent excurI judge that the sions, will be 15,000 reales de vellon a year to each one. trip from Madrid to Cadiz also should be paid for, or the money be given them to pay it. That they also should be given transportation as is done with Mr. Dombey. He thinks that at their return they should continue with the same salary while they are employed in arranging and publishing the works that have been the fruit of their toil, which will give glory to the King and the Minister that promoted it.
that to stimulate our botanists he thinks it would be a good idea them that, if they deserve it, they will be employed in Spain on their return with the same salary, or that they will be maintained for life with at least
to promise
He adds
half of
Ortega also proposes that, due to the fact that Don Joseph Pav6n is financially somewhat embarrassed because of the very small pay he has had in the pharmacy of San Ildefonso, a few months' pay be advanced to him for his equipment.
appointment papers to be sent to them it may be convenient to they arrange their study and work accordingly; for this reason the time might be fixed at three or four years of residence in Peru, at the end of which they shall return to Spain, as it would be temerity to presume that they can discover everything that is to be found in those vast countries, and on the other hand in three or four useful years, if well employed, they may have gathered sufficient materials to publish a work that will be useful to the public and will bring glory to the nation.
in the
Ortega judges that they need to be supplied with the books and instruments two enclosed lists marked with the numbers 1 and 2, adding that he will, with pleasure, supply from his library and study the books that may not be found for sale in Madrid, hoping that later orders will be given to replace them for him by bringing them from France. The books and instruments that are found for sale here should be ordered bought without delay, and Ortega himself will undertake to do so (if desired).
indicated in the
It in the
his opinion that it is absolutely indispensable that the draftsmen travel of the botanists, it being well to advise them to confine themselves
to sketching the natural products, that is, to copy nature exactly without trying to correct or beautify it as is done sometimes by draftsmen who add colors and
ornaments, drawn from their imagination. For this reason he says that in the selection of the two individuals of this kind it will be important to look not only for ability that they may have, but also for gentleness and good temper such that they may subject themselves without difficulty to the orders and direction of the botanical professors; and if it were possible to obtain draftsmen with some knowledge of the Latin language, that would be very convenient, as they could then help the botanists in their observations, and they would unconsciously be instructed
in botany.
be necessary to provide for the supply in Cadiz of paper, small and other instruments that are noted on the lists, which, according to Ortega, are to be found in that port. In case it may be of use, we enclose a copy, marked number 3, of the original account of the purchase of the colors and some utensils made for the draftsmen who went with the botanical expedition of the year 1754. This original account, which by chance is in the possession of Ortega, is from Mr. Loefling, the famous Swedish botanist who went by order of the King in company of the Spanish professors on that expedition, and might supply some information now.
It will also
As it is only just to take all possible measures to get the best results from such a useful enterprise, it might be convenient to advise the Viceroy of Peru to be ready to supply a certain determined sum, for example three or four thousand pesos, which, in case causes and circumstances not possible to foresee now might demand it, could be used, upon justifiable request by the botanists, to the extent that he might think necessary, with the idea of helping them in some urgency, and of greatly facilitating their work.
Enclosed will be found the instructions in Spanish for our professors and a
translation in French for
Mr. Dombey.
it is
these two individuals, and assigns one thousand dollars to each one in the coin of the Indies, providing for their passage from his Royal Account and for the cost of the trip to Cadiz. H. M. fixes the time that they must spend in America at four years, counted from the time of their arrival in Peru, and he offers to continue half of their salary when they return, while they prepare and present the completed work that should be the fruit of their toil, and before they succeed in finding another appointment.
be given four payments in advance to equip themand that they shall be given time to estimate needed for the voyage.
in Cadiz they shall
Ortega has been commissioned, on the terms he proposes, to provide, according to the lists and on condition of their replacement, the books and instruments that he will give from his collection, since they cannot be found in Madrid.
The artists of the Royal Academy are asked to give to Don Ignacio Hermosilla the commission of selecting them and of agreeing to the qualifications that have
been proposed. For this give the order to the "Presidente de Contratantes."
men with
This paper will be used for the purpose of providing the professors and draftsthe things they should have.
Give this order to the Viceroy of Lima; the most, to three thousand pesos in that coin.
My Superior Enclosed you will find the orders or appointments of the botanists and draftsmen for Peru, and in these orders are included all the decisions made about their work so as to avoid having to give separate orders about everything.
They go
this does
in duplicate so that this, or the original,
may be sent to the Viceroy, as not cost anything, and by some chance those carried by each of the may
get lost.
It will
necessary in this matter that you, sir, tell S. I. that the French to say officially that it is 249 P. that his Government has assigned to the French botanist, as should be stated in the records; and I have put in his order the 1,200 because they are the same 2,000 as I have heard mentioned
now be
Ambassador ought
to Ortega
S. I.
and Magallon, even though the same botanist Dombey has written
that this
It also needs to
are going
Aires, for in this case they will find many difficulties at their arrival at Montevideo, if the passes are closed, if the Cordilleras are not passable, and on
Lima they will be unable to work or gain anything by it for their Aside from this, their professional instruments and other things with which we have to provide them, especially paper of all kinds and in great quantities, are perhaps not commonly to be found in Corufia, if they ship in the packet boat, and to carry everything from here will be more costly; and for this trip we shall need to take up with the Office of the Secretary of State the matter about embarkation in the mailboat.
their long trip to
In Cadiz everything can be found more easily and conveniently, and the four to be advanced from their salaries have been ordered in the instructions to be paid by that President.
although they were delayed a little longer, these botanists were sent by Cape Horn, they could land in Valparaiso and, even if they went straight to Callao, they could start their work immediately without the expense and perhaps the difficulties that they would have to overcome in Buenos Aires; if their trip is to be by this route, I also think that there are sailings listed in Cadiz for all of May and the beginning of June.
matter to
S. I. so
Thomas Andad.
Will you please send to the sealer the papers mentioned, or they will attract
be desirable to clear
take the measures required by the order to send the botanists to Peru, up the following doubts:
Whether the French botanist Mr. Dombey has to be given a appointment similar to that of the Spaniards.
certificate of
Whether he has to be sent as a companion; also that Ortega report, which of the Spaniards ought to go as the principal one, chief of our own men.
accompany the
What salary shall be assigned to the draftsmen that are to botanists in their work.
The same as these. Whether in the orders
or nominations it shall be specified that in Peru all five be granted from the Royal Accounts, the expenses of the journeys that they may make together or separately for their observations, as with their salaries they will not cover all the expenses, or whether from here they shall be assigned the amounts that may be thought reasonable.
That during the trips the four Spaniards be given double salary to enable them to cover the expenses, since in Dombey's case his Government should bear the cost, and whatever be indicated should be supplied from there and reimbursed here.
Whether the salary shall be paid to these professors from their appointments, from their departure from Madrid, from their boarding the vessel, or from their
arrival in Peru.
From the day of their boarding the vessel in Cadiz, in accordance with the custom already established for all kinds of commissioners. To whom the commission should be given from now on to draw up the instructions to be observed by the draftsmen or delineators, which according to those handed the botanists are to be separate.
To Don Casimiro Ortega; and they shall be given copy of those carried by March 20th, the botanists so that they may observe the part that refers to them. 1777.
Today March
My Master and Friend: Our botanists and draftsmen are impatient to go, and they dream of nothing but the plants of America. I know that Your Honor has already given instructions and that there are only a few small matters to be decided in order that they may start. As I have given them my word to remind Your Honor about this business, these four lines go to you to ask Your Honor in a spare moment to settle as you think best the following small questions or doubts, that are those which they would like to present to Your Honor's attention.
to issue to Mr. Dombey, as to the Spaniards, a formal appointThis Frenchman would like to go with as much authority as possible; but although because of his knowledge and botanical experience he deserves to be chief of the expedition, I do not know if it would be suitable to give him such a title; you know what the French temper is, and you will recall what has been provided in some of the articles of instruction. On the other hand it would be good to have one as the chief and head to direct the work of the expedition and the young men who have not the experience or the knowledge of Dombey.
we have
The draftsmen desire that they be given the same salary as the Spanish As to this point I think that the expenses of the former will be as great as those of the latter, and the work may be heavier so, if the salaries of all could be equal, it would make them all happy with an addition that in itself is a trifle, and one would gain much by encouraging them in their work. 3rd. If we have to advise the Viceroy and Governors in Peru to pay to all five, including Dombey, for the extra journeys that they may make, together or sepa2nd.
rately, for their observations, since
not be able to
cover those extra expenses, or
if we have to assign them a certain daily allowance be traveling. 4th. If the pay should be given to the Spaniards from the time of their leaving Madrid, or of their appointment, or only of their embarkation.
5th. To whom we shall entrust the task of drawing up instructions that the draftsmen ought to follow, which, as is indicated in the general instructions for the botanists, will be drawn up separately. On this point, I think it well to remember that there are a few points in the general instructions of which it will be desirable that the draftsmen should be informed: for example, not to get mixed up in commercial enterprises, not to get maps or plans from the countries, and I even think that it would not be improper to give the draftsmen a copy of the instructions
by the
I see that, inadvertently, this letter is getting to be too long, as if I did not know that Your Honor needs the time for other business of more importance; the
more so if it is true that the mail from Buenos Aires has arrived with interesting information of the upstarts; although, as it appears, the dominion of Carvallo is about to come to an end completely, and things may take on a different aspect.
and sincere servant.
Good-bye, friend and sir. I am and always Magallon. Signed.
Madrid, February 20th, 1777.
Dn. Casimiro Gomez Ortega has brought me the order that Your Excellence has kindly addressed to me and to MM. Hipolito Ruiz and Joseph Pavon, as well as the samples of cinnamon and clove and the two memoirs which came with them.
I shall neglect nothing,
Don Casimiro G6mez Ortega will kindly help me with his great importance. advice, and the instructions will contribute greatly to the success of our undertaking.
The good
listen to
me and
protect an undertaking from which Spain and the sciences can derive very great profit, has determined the Court of France to add three thousand pounds to my
an obligation which I should add to those which I have already Excellence, and for which I venture to beg you, Monseigneur, to accept my thanks. I shall do everything in my power to merit the continuation of your kindness and protection.
received from
April 29, 1777.
Illustrious Sir:
Sir: The Spanish botanists named to go to Peru believe that it is their duty to render to V. S. I. before their departure their most respectful thanks for the benefits and favors that you have been pleased to grant them and for which they will be ever grateful. The same graciousness and kindness with which V. S. I. has treated
and distinguished them gives them courage to beg of you, not new favors, but only a change in the place where one of them has been granted. V. S. I. has graciously granted them an advance of four months' pay, as stated hi the Royal Order for The situation and their appointments, in the port where they are to embark. lack of funds in which they find themselves, and the need of providing themselves with some clothes and other indispensable things, which could be done with more
Madrid than in Cadiz, compels them respectfully to request of V. S. I. that he be so kind as to command that their advance, which has been ordered by V. S. I. to be paid in the port of departure, be given to them in this It would be for them and for their situation the same as to give a new capital. value to the favor already granted, nor would it, they think, be harmful to the
ease and comfort in
of His Majesty.
So that arrangements may be made that the four[?J botanists, Don Hipolito Ruiz and Don Joseph Pavon, the French physician Don Joseph Dombey, and the draftsmen Don Joseph Brunete and Don Isidro Galvez embark at the expense of the Royal Exchequer in the vessel "Peruano" that is about to make a voyage to Peru, and that they receive eleven monthly payments in advance together with that which is mentioned.
In the vessel "Peruano," that is getting ready in that port for the trip to Peru, Don Hipolito Ruiz and Joseph Pavon, the French physician Don Joseph Dombey and the draftsmen Joseph Brunete and Don Isidro Galvez should embark at the expense of the Royal Exchequer with their baggage and boxes in which they carry the books, utensils, and instruments needed for the discharge of their commission.
the botanists
In the same way V. S. should arrange, in accordance with the Orders that the four Spanish individuals should present, to satisfy immediately four advance payments of their respective salaries, and for the account of the Royal Exchequer to
paper, and everything else needed and stated in the enclosed note, at the earliest possible moment so that they should not for any reason fail to embark in the said vessel. I give this notice to V. S. by order of the King for its exact and due fulfilment. God keep you. C. Joseph, September 19, 1777. Presidente de la Contratacion.
buy books,
LIST of the things that have to be bought in Cadiz for the expedition to be to Peru by order of His Majesty:
Holland paper 4 reams. 12 paper books which to write clean copy of their observations. 2 thousand arranging insects. Boxes with cork for the same use. 6 saws.
6 pickaxes. 6 iron shovels. 6 small hatchets. 6 cut4 dillenianos. All these utensils packed in boxes.
6 chisels.
2 sea-compasses.
Casimiro Ortego.
Illustrious Sir:
24, 1777.
Don Josef Dombey, French naturalistand two Spanish draftsmen so that they may make professional observations in that kingdom, and transmit the various
to send to Peru,
productions of those
Don Casimiro
has been commissioned to furnish everything necessary to these men for the execution of their mission, with the understanding that its cost shall be borne by the Royal Exchequer; and having presented and examined the account of all, that sums up to 8,868 rs. vellon, V. E. are notified by order of S. M. that the Ministry in your charge pay the sum mentioned so that Ortega may be satisfied with the amount in question. God keep V. E. many years. San Ildefonso, September 24,
N. N.
D. Miguel de Muzquiz.
With your letter of yesterday, the 23rd, I have received the two accounts of the instruments, books, and other utensils which have been provided by the botanists, French and Spanish, and their value of 8,868 rs. vellon will be allowed to Your
Honor by the General Treasury, and for this purpose the appropriate order has been sent on this date to the Minister of the Exchequer; I communicate this to Your Honor for your information. San Ildefonso, September 24, 1777. P. Don Casimiro Ortega.
Illustrious Sir:
dear Sir and respected Superior: The 20th day of this month I sent by Box to the Presidente de la Contratacion in Cadiz the boxes of paper, instruments, books, and other utensils that the botanists and draftsmen destined for Peru need for the work of their commission; so that they will arrive in time to be placed on board the vessel "Peruano."
The lists, minus what has been provided to them on condition of replacement from the account of the Royal Exchequer, according to what V. E. Ilustrisima kindly communicated to me in the order of the 21st of last March, are included in the two enclosed accounts, one of which I have provided directly, and the other has been provided under my direction and supplied by Don Felipe de Trapaga from the commerce of this town. I transmit them to V. S. I. so that, if they meet
with your approval, they can be ordered to be paid, or as may be the pleasure of V. S. I., whose life God keep as many years as I desire and as may be necessary.
Iltmo. Senor
is written.
satisfactory, an order should be sent to the Sr. and to Ortega the 24th of September, 1777.
to the draftsmen
Felipe de Trapaga, have furnished to the Kingdom of Peru, by Order of S. M. (may God keep him): at the request of Don Casimiro Ortega, First Botanist of the King our Lord, and in detail, is the following:
of the articles that
25 reams of ordinary paper Marco, mayor at 60 rs. 25 reams of the same paper middling fine at 72 rs. Four ounces of the very best fine lacquer at 200 rs. Half an ounce of fine ultramarine color of the first class Half an ounce of ultramarine ash Half a pound of green destilado Half a pound of green vejiga
1,500 1,800
Half a pound of gamboge
030 064 006 022 020 027-17 064 003 008 096 034 088 056 120 091 010 176 030 080 060 030
Two pounds
Half a pound monopoly Half a pound of Jewish asphaltum Half a pound of burnt saffron One pound and six ounces of fine ochre from Siena Half a pound of Prussian blue of first quality A pound of fine rock alum
Two pounds
One ream
cream of tartar
Three reams of
Four Four dozen of the same at 14 rs. Twelve dozen of the same, common, at 10 rs. Three dozen and a half of fine assorted Lyon brushes at 26
fine paper cut, at 32 of fine paper cut for letters dozen boxes of fine English lead pencils at 22 rs.
brush of Holland, large, gray Twenty-two dozen of fine paint brushes at 8 Two bunches of swan feathers
Eight bars of
China ink at 10
Two arrobas of black pencils with points at 30 rs. And to prepare and grind the colors, I paid And I paid for the making of 10 boxes with their respective
receipt And for three boxes
locks as per
and delivery as per receipt To cover with asphalt, paint with oil color, and number the said boxes,
and the
330 129
And a real and a half that was the cost of a box for the brushes To waterproof and caulk 2 containers in which several books are packed
Sealing and strapping of the 18 packages of which this shipment is composed, and four trunks of used clothes and other effects by the Senor
Administrator of general taxes, so that they might not be opened in the traffic or customhouse of Cadiz
the cost of the boxes and seal them on top of the ribbon
paid to the porters that brought and took the boxes and helped to load them on the carts and take them to be strapped and sealed
an error
Phelipe de Trapaga.
for ten boxes with ten locks, which I have made under the direction of the First Professor of the Royal Botanical Garden and which are to be used to pack several
shipments of paper that are going to be taken by the Botanical Expedition sent to Peru by order of the King, for the formation of their herbaria, and to show that
this is correct, I sign
my name
thasar Ucles.
Geronimo Bal-
According to
Casimiro Ortega.
Account of the boxes made under the direction of the First Professor of the Royal Botanical Garden, that are to be used to carry several things to Peru. Rs. de Von. 033 First, a box made to pack the rest of the big reams of paper, with the lock Two other boxes to carry writing paper, pencils, and colors 036 Six hanks of tow to close the joints on the covers of the thirteen boxes. Glue. Nails and a thousand tacks 036 For work done to cover with canvas and glue around the said boxes 024
This account amounts to one hundred twenty nine rs. de von., which I received from Sr. Trapaga. Madrid, September 12, 1777. Geronimo Velez. According to my instructions. Casimiro Ortega. Signed. LIST of the books, instruments, and utensils that have been delivered according Majesty of the 24th of March of this year, to the botanists who are going to Peru: Rs. de Von. First. A very exact barometer, constructed in Paris with its spiral thermometer encased in the same box 140 Two Reaumur thermometers, which have been compared and tried out, in their boxes 060 Three lenses or magnifying glasses for the observation of the more minute 111 parts of plants 024 Linnaeus, Philosophia Botanica 032 Ejusdem, Genera plantarum Ejusdem, Systema Naturae, in four volumes for the use of Don Hipolito 124 Ruiz, bought from the house of Alberia
to the Order of His
Another set of the same work for the use of Don Josef Pavon, bought from the house of Corradi Jacquin, Enumeratio stirpium Americanarum Of various drugs and chemical preparations that were also considered necessary in the Botanical Expedition that was made to the Orinoco in 1753, and will serve in this one, as much for the examination of water
as to help in accidents that may happen to them in uninhabited places where they will have to botanize For the glass vials in which said preparations are placed, hermetically
100 180
For the amount paid the carpenter for the making of the box with several For
partitions for holding the said vials lock, hinges, and latches for said
copy of the Instituciones Botanicas of Tournefort in three quarto volumes, one of explanation and two of plates The work of Loefling on the plants of Spain and America, extremely rare Noticias Americanos by Don Antonio Ulloa, one quarto volume, in boards Caroli Pisonis, Historia naturalis Brasiliae, one volume in folio with plates El viaje al Peru by Father Feuille, in three quarto volumes
El viaje y observations of Don Jorge Juan, in five quarto volumes P. Plunder, Nova genera plantarum, one quarto volume, rare and with
For several
on botanizing
096 015
This account amounts to two thousand six hundred and four [?] reales de von., which have been supplied by Don Casimiro Ortega in accordance with said order of the 24th of March of this year.
Madrid, September
18, 1777.
able to find a copy of the Historia Natural de NuevaEspana, by the First Physician Francisco Hernandez, that had been considered very useful to have on this expedition, Ortega has been commissioned to continue his search so as to send it at the first opportunity to Lima.
Amount 2,604%
Casimiro Ortega.
Rs. de Von.
Cadiz, October
President Manjon.
Notice is given by the Director of the Transport Fleet of having seen the botanists on the vessel "Peruano."
Illustrious Sir:
My dear Sir: By the contents of the letter of V. S. I. of the 1st of May, I am informed of the decision made by the King, to send to this Kingdom Don Hipolito
Ruiz, Don Joseph Pavon, and Don Joseph Dombey, professors of botany, and the draftsmen Don Joseph Brunete and Don Isidro Galvez, with the object of
making observations of natural products according to their profession, and I am likewise informed of the conditions specified in their appointments, duplicates of which V. S. I. encloses, and of the salaries and rewards that have been assigned
to them; these royal decrees will have, for my part, and in all that has been ordered regarding this matter, the fulfilment that has been requested of me, as soon as
S. I. as
years as I desire.
B. L.
M. de V.
Don Manuel de
Iltma, your most devoted and humble serIltmo. Senor Don Jose de Galvez. At the margin
S. I.
No. 284. The Viceroy of Peru. Acknowledges the receipt of the Royal Order and the appointments which are enclosed, about the arrival of the botany professors and draftsmen for the purpose that is specified in the said documents.
Josef Pavon, Don Hipolito Ruiz, Don Isidro Galvez, and Josef Brunete, assigned to the Kingdom of Peru, report their arrival.
Illustrious Sir:
botanists and draftsmen (named by His Majesty to this Kingdom I. Iltma. with due respect, have the honor
That on the 7th day of this month of April between five and six in the afternoon we anchored in the port of Callao, and our arrival has been accomplished with
great good fortune without our having experienced the smallest discomfort on such a long journey, or having encountered storms as severe as are to be expected on such a voyage. The 10th we went to Lima to present ourselves to the Senor
whom we found in very good health; may our Lord grant the same to Your Excellency for many years. On the 13th we landed all of our pieces of equipment which were taken to the customhouse; we think they have arrived without any damage because they have come well closed and kept in a good place. We are ready to start after Easter on our excursions so that with the aid of our Lord and the favor of V. S. Iltma., we may fulfil little by little the obligations under which you have placed us with the honors, favors, and gifts that you have bestowed upon us. May our Lord improve your life with good health and everything else that V. S. Iltma deserves.
Your humble servants kiss the hand of V. S. Iltma. Joseph Pavon. Hipolito Isidro Galvez. Dombey. Josef Brunete. 1788. The botanists that have been sent to Peru are occupied Lima, July 15, with making the determinations of plants that they have found, and will send them at the first opportunity.
Illustrious Sir:
we informed V. S. Iltma. of our arbecause the short time we had been in the country did not permit us to give any other information. But at the present opportunity we must inform V. S. Iltma. that in this city of Lima and its vicinity, as far as three leagues, we have examined and seen many plants that to date are not known in our Spain or to botanical authors; and establishing a new genus after the careful examination that we have made of them; we have described them as new discoveries, among which we mention the Galvezia limensis, a name that truly belongs to you; and because it is V. S. Iltma. who has proposed this work and who contributes with so much care to have it complete in all respects, to V. S. Iltma. and not to anyone else should go the first fruits not as a gift but as a debt, and our reverent affection would like always to have something to offer you so as to manifest perpetually the indebtedness by which we are bound.
and no doubt we shall do it the 15th of the present Excmo. Senor Viceroy, to whom we have explained our work, and whom we have convinced with our activities, of our
of the
eagerness to accomplish our trust. At the first opportunity that offers, we shall send the plants that we have dried and the corresponding sketches and, with the trip planned, we judge that the shipment will be large, because we have been informed of the multitude and
variety of plants that at the present season are produced on the mountain ridges where we are going.
of the
wish V. S. Iltma. perfect health, and we repeat our protestations of obedience, always awaiting orders of your pleasure.
Iltma. for
Lima, July
of V. S. Iltma.
Hipolito Ruiz.
Josef Brunete.
Isidro Galvez.
Iltmo. Senor
Josef de Galvez.
San Lorenzo, November 24, 1779. To the Viceroy of Peru. That he may arrange that the officers of the Navy that may be in the port of Callao make certain observations about the low and high tide of another port, with the assistance
of the botanist
Mr. Dombey.
NOTE. This order is the result of the report of the First Botanist about this subject and various plants and herbs that were sent by the botanists of Peru by the vessel "Buen Consejo" according to the order of the November 16, 1779.
Illustrious Sir:
In the Royal Order of November 24th last, V. S. finds it convenient to inform me that His Majesty has resolved that the officers of the Navy that are in the port of Callao shall observe and take exact account of the differences between the low and high tide of another port at the various seasons of the year, the observations to be made in the presence of Mr. Dombey, botanist assigned by His Majesty to this Kingdom, and that Mr. Dombey shall oversee their due execution, sending to V. S. that which he may report in writing about this particular; and although at present the naval officers are employed on His Majesty's Fleet sent to the port of Conception for the safety of the coasts of that Kingdom, and the said Mr. Dombey, absent in the province of Huanuco, is busy in the discharge of his commission, I shall take care that on their return they shall make the observations requested and shall send to V. S. what they may report about the matter.
Our Lord keep V. S. many years. Lima, September 20, 1780. Iltmo. Senor. Your most humble servant Agustin de Jauregui kisses the hand of V. S. Excmo.
de Galvez.
it is
Peru states that he will take the botanist that you mention return from the places where they are now, the observations of the low and high tide of the Port of Callao shall be made in accordance with the Royal Order in which V. S. has seen fit to give instructions under the date of the 24th of last
At the margin
The Viceroy
Navy and
another port at the several seasons of the year, requiring the assistance in these observations of Mr. Dombey, botanist assigned by V. S. to this Kingdom, I inform V. S. of this Royal Order that you may arrange for its proper execution, transmitting the written report on this matter. The Lord keep you many years. San Lorenzo, November 24, 1799. Senor Viceroy of Peru. In triplicate.
San Ildefonso, September
10, 1783.
Acknowledging receipt of the letter of the 23rd of August of the present year, where they gave notice of the discoveries made in their profession in the Kingdom of Chile, and advising them to lose no time in making other discoveries and to send on the work that they may have entirely and perfectly finished.
The King has been informed by your letter of the 23rd of August of the present year of the discoveries you have made in your profession in the Kingdom of Chile,
of the
and plants that you have sketched with the rest that you resolved that you continue (as the Visitador General of this Kingdom is advised on this same date) and perfect your investigations in South America in which is included the Viceroyalty of Buenos Aires; and that you make use of the time for your discoveries, and send on all work that may be perfectly finished, as, thanks to the peace, it can arrive safely; I communicate this to you by Order of His Majesty for your information and fulfilment. God keep you many years. San Ildefonso, September 10, 1783. Messrs, botanists and
of trees
mentioned; and
M. having
In duplicate.
Excmo. Senor:
Sir. inform V. E. that about the 26th of this month we are making a trip to the city of Santiago of Chile, where we shall stay describing and sketching the plants and trees of that territory until the end of this year, when we have planned
to return to
those that
Lima and get together the boxes with our collections from Chile with we left deposited in the Royal Armory. By previous mails we communicated to V. E. that the number of trees and
plants sketched in their natural colors reached almost a thousand, and the plants described, more than 1,500; together with the letters we included different seeds
for the
tion in Castilian,
Royal Botanical Garden, a sketch of the new species of pino with and a piece of its wood.
Of the countries through which we have passed we have not found any as the montanas of Maranon, which we entered at the end of the year 1780 and were obliged to abandon in the year 1781, without having collected any great
fertile as
of its
it was our desire to enter again and examine these the great difficulties and trouble) and to live there a year in the
as of
interest for the best results for the purpose that has moved the will of the Sovereign and of V. S. as the prime initiator and protector of this work; it
appears to us that it might be obstructed by a letter that we have just received from the Senor Visitador, a copy of which we take the liberty of enclosing for V. E. so that you may consider it at your pleasure. Our Lord make V. E.'s life prosperous many years. Conception de Chile, March Your most obedient servants kiss the hand of V. E. Jph. Brunete. 23, 1783. Excmo. Senor Don Jose de Galvez. Hipolito Ruiz. Jph. Pavon. Isidro de Galvez.
In the margin
continue and complete their investigations in all that South America in which is included the Viceroyalty of Buenos Aires, and send the finished work and make
of the letter of the Senor Visitador
Royal Exchequer.
In the Royal Order that has to do with your commission for the discovery of the natural productions of this Kingdom, the first stipulation is that your stay in this country is to be four years. And this term having expired last April, doubt now arises as to whether the amounts should be paid or not, that you have been
assigned for the time that has passed and is passing beyond that date, and in consequence it was necessary to get a ruling in respect to that particular clause,
and after His Majesty's Fiscal had heard of it, he answered that you ought to have finished your work in the specified four years, explaining in ample time, in case of not having been able to use it fully, the impediments or accidents that may have hindered you, but that, on the other hand, it does not seem rational by
reason of the slight loss that the Royal Exchequer might suffer, to render useless what has already been spent in your transportation and maintenance, and to leave the fulfilment of your commission incomplete, when, according to the Royal Orders, you have to be taken care of at the cost of the Exchequer until you have
been placed in another position, and since the circumstances of the war do not permit your return to Spain now, it would appear to another Minister that it might be possible to pay you the equivalent of this year's salary and to notify you of the difficulties in paying you from now on, and account should be given to the King so that he may decide what may be his Sovereign pleasure.
In virtue of all this, I have resolved by a decree of this date (as you will see copy of the enclosed order that I am sending by you to the Royal Officers of that post of Conception or to those of Santiago de Chile) to pay you in one or the other of these Coffers double salaries corresponding to one year starting from the first of December of last year to the last of November of this year, hoping that in regard to the time thereafter, you will tell me, in view of the doubt that makes it difficult, what you think might conduce to payment, and of this I will give account to the Court in order that H. M. may determine what may be his Royal pleasure.
in a
ought to say to you in response to the request you forwarded to the First Cosmographer of the Kingdom, Don Cosme Bueno, that I send the enclosed Order from this General Superintendent, so that in one of the said Coffers they may pay you your respective salaries, which of course you will collect in the place you find most suitable. The Lord keep you many years. Lima,
All of this I
me by
18, 1783. Jorge Escobedo. the gentlemen of the Botanical Expedition, Don Hipolito Ruiz, Jose Pavon, Don Jose Brunete, and Don Isidro Galvez.
Lima, November
15, 1783.
The Botanists of Peru. State that the day after their landing in Lima, where they came to arrange the boxes to be ready to execute the orders that might be given to them, they went to see the Viceroy and the Visitador, who told them of
not having received orders from the King or V. E. in favor of or against their stay or return to Spain, nor had they made any decision about one or the other. That at present they are busy arranging their work to other ends. That the finished sketches amount to one thousand; and to one thousand seven hundred the descriptions of trees and plants that deserve every attention for their properties as well as for their uses. About this a work could be published that would result in much advantage and progress due to the patronage of V. E. NOTE. It appears that there are no further instructions required after the Order of the 7th of March of this year, in which it was provided that the botanists might continue in their commission for another year from the day of the receipt of another Order granting their salaries, and were told what they had to observe in their surveys, taking young men to be instructed, etc.
May 17, 1784. There is nothing to be done now, and year on they were given orders to continue.
Excmo. Senor:
of V. E.
At every opportunity our gratitude impels us to inquire about the health and to inform you of the state of our work and progress, either by direct communication with V. E. or through the First Botanist, Don Casimiro Ortega.
Under the date March 23rd of this year 1783, we notified V. E. from Concepcion de Chile of our trip to Santiago, and jointly we enclosed a copy of a letter of the Sr. Visitador of this Kingdom, in which he told us that the term of four years
that the Sovereign had fixed as the period of stay here had already expired.
reached Santiago, we sent you in duplicate the copy of the referred Finally from Santiago under date of September 12th we took the liberty of placing in the hands of V. E. a copy of another, second letter from another Sr. Visitador in answer to the one we wrote to S. Sa. from Concepcion; and at the
When we
and be ready to impose upon us. The day following our landing, we went to see the Excmo. Senor Viceroy, and the Sor. Visitador, who told us they have not received Orders from the King in favor of or against our return to Spain, and to date they have not made any
decision to pass to
to arrange the boxes
decision one
or the other.
to Spain
At present we are arranging our work for the return any other order. The finished drawings number 1,000; and 1,700, the
or to be ready
We do not doubt that with the protection of V. E. we can produce in a short time a work of which the wise discernment of V. E. will perceive the advantages and progress that may accrue to the public, and which among the rest of us will not cease to acclaim forever the immortal name of V. E. as its principal guide and as the patron in Spain of this science which shines so brightly in the other countries
of Europe.
E's. health
as long as
kiss the
of V. E.
Hipolito Ruiz.
has been done up to now. In case that V. E. decides on our return to Spain, we beg of you to issue orders that we be assisted and directed under the same conditions that H. M. ordered
Kingdom. and the enclosed copy V. E. will notice the variety of trees (from which choice woods are obtained for all kinds of construction) and the number of those we have already gathered, described, and drawn.
Our Lord keep the life of V. E. many years: Santiago de Chile, May 6, 1783. Your grateful and obedient servants kiss the hand of V. E. Hipolito Ruiz. Jph. Dombey. Jph. Pavon. Jph. Brunete. Isidro de Galvez. Excmo. Senor
Jose de Galvez.
Duplicate number
7, 1784.
Among other things you are here advised of the general terms in which the botanists are to continue in their commission for the discovery of trees and plants that may be used for the Botanical Garden, and of information for the work of
natural history.
of last year written from Santiago de Chile, reported the finding of beautiful trees and plants in what they have surveyed of the Kingdom of Chile; likewise
they manifest the desire to penetrate the fertile interior of Huanuco and Tarma by more knowledge of the valuable things that they observed there in passing. And the King realizing that this new survey will bring greater advantages to the undertaking assigned to these professors, His Majesty has agreed to extend the time to one year more, starting from the receipt of this order, and to grant the salary that they have been assigned, likewise the allowance that in the judgment of V. E. may seem to be in proportion to the time that they may have to be detained in order to continue the sending of sketches, living plants, and other things pertaining to natural history. His Majesty desires that V. E. inform them that, as soon as this term is finished, they shall embark with all their collections to return directly to Spain without undertaking any new trips by land because this is no longer necessary since a similar expedition has been entrusted to Don Joseph Celestino Mutis; and on the excursions that they may have to repeat to the montanas of Huanuco and Tarma from that capital, they shall take with them at the expense of the King, one or two young men of the necessary qualifications who may become acquainted with, and record in writing, the places where the most valuable plants are found; and who may be so instructed in botany that, when the time comes for the return of the professors to Europe, they may be able
to profit
to continue the study of the science of the plants and the sending of seeds and even to satisfy any doubt or commission that may be confided to them from Madrid during the publication of the works and after it. All this is communicated to V. E. by Order of His Majesty for due accomplishment, and that the Sovereign's intentions may be carried out for obtaining the most advantageous results that can be expected from this expedition for the explanation of natural
God keep
V. S.
P. 3, duplicate.
In the margin
it is
respect with another given last year, the former one should be revoked.
Having notified the King what the botanists of the expedition to Peru propose in their letter of the 12th of September, 1783 and what you suggest with regard to them on the 1st of this month, His Majesty has ordered me to issue the appropriate order (as I do under this date) addressed to the Visitador General of Peru so that he may notify the said botanists that they have been given an extension of another year for concluding their commission, allowing them the
corresponding salary and extras, and to tell them that in repeating the expeditions Huanuco and Tarma they shall take one or two young men so that they will be informed of the places where the most valuable plants are found and can prepare themselves to satisfy any questions that may arise during the publication This I communicate to V. E. for your knowledge. of the work. The Lord keep V. E. many years. Pardo, March 7, 1784. Dr. Don Casimiro Gomez
Excmo. Senor:
My dear
their last letters written in Santiago de Chile the 19th of August and 12th of September of the year 1783 last, give thanks for the distinction received by them
of the
tinuation of good
Mr. Dombey
Royal Medical Academy of Madrid; they testify to the conin which they live among themselves and also with and the draftsmen; they expected to find, as they indeed found on
Lima in October, the orders of V. E. for the continuation of the payment of their salaries; they speak with honest frankness of the little experience they had in all matters at their arrival at Callao, and promise to perfect their discoveries and to achieve further new ones, if His Majesty, on the proposal by V. E., pleases to permit them to stay another year in Peru in order to inspect
their return to
have already attained, the very fertile the loyalty and zeal with which these professors offer themselves for new and more continuous work than that imposed by their official instructions appear very praiseworthy, and I am persuaded that their efforts will produce more results in the additional year for which they ask than in all the former ones, especially if they be told that on completing this term,
again, with the greater practice they montanas of Huanuco and Tarma. To
they should plan, upon the arrival of the orders of V. E. to embark with all their collections to return straight to Europe, without engaging in new trips by land as had been thought before the expedition of Don Joseph Celestino Mutis, had been projected, and that for the excursions that they are going to repeat from Lima to the montanas of Huanuco and Tarma, they have to take with them at the expense of the King one or two young men with the necessary qualifications to become acquainted with the places where the most valuable plants are to be found, and to become instructed in botany so that, when the time comes for the return of the professors of Europe, those young men will be capable of continuing the study of the science of plants and of sending seeds and even of satisfying any question or commission that may be confided to them from here
during the publication of the work and afterwards.
packing the herbaria and drawings, and of protecting live plants in boxes to be shipped and other similar ones, has not been enough for the time they have traveled of late after having completed the four years of their mission; if it appears suitable and just, V. E. could order payment of the amounts that you may think necessary, according to the time that the men have been or may be detained, or whatever may be the pleasure of V. E., who will decide everything, as always, that is most proper and conducive to the service of the King, the good
of the nation,
Our Lord keep the important life of V. E. the many years that that are necessary. Madrid, March 1, 1784.
Excmo. Senor:
of the prog-
ress of our commission, announcing in our last letter the shipment that we had agreed to make of dried plants, seeds, and sketches; we are making it now under the direction of the Master and Captain of the vessel named the "Buen Consejo."
By the enclosed account V. E. will see that the shipment contains 17 boxes and with the one that contains one of these, makes 18. Of these, 11 belong to the Spanish commission; and the remaining seven are a sending by Doctor Dombey to his Sovereign. Of those of the Spanish commission, four have live plants; six are of dried plants, seeds, bulbs, roots, and other natural curiosities; and in one of these that is labeled with the number 6, there is enclosed a small box with the sketches which complete the 11 we have mentioned.
In the same account we give information about the new genera, species, and which they have been placed. Our whole desire has been to succeed and to discharge the trust that was given to us: we desire that our work shall be acceptable in the eyes of V. E., and we beg of you to excuse any error you may
classes in
find, as resulting
from the
to careless work.
We wish to inform V. E. that we have resolved to continue our commission and start for the provinces of Tarma and Jauja where we are assured there is abundant material for us to work on. May Divine Providence permit our Sovereign to see the accuracy with which we intend to carry out his Royal Instructions; and grant that his subjects by this means may find all the happiness that the Monarch has promised and that has been the spirit which has moved this
important work.
attentive servants kiss the hand of V. Exa. Jph. Brunete. Isidro Galvez. Exmo. Senor Don
Salvia coc-
Calceolaria integrifolia L., F. P., pinnata L., F. P. cum lam. verticillala F. P. c.l. Dianthera repens F. P. c.l., verticillata F. P. c.l.
cinea Jussieu, F. P. c.l., pilosa F. P. c.l. Verbena nodiflora L. F. P. c.l. Utricularia bifida L., F. P. c.l.
Classis III.
Veronica limensis
Arundo Bambos L. Commelina tuberosa L., F. P. Alter, vulgo vara de San Jph. F. P. c.l. Alter sine
Cyperus niger F. P.
P. F. P.
Alter s.d.
Scirpus? Alter
Wachendorfia? Genus
F. P.
chaerophylla F. P.
Gramina 29
Classis IV.
Buddleia occidentalis L., F. P. c.l. Cissus cordifolia L., F. P. c.l. Isnardia hastata F. P. c.l. Plantago albicans? L., F. P. c.l. Potamogeton compressus F. P. c.l., marinum F. P. c.l. Scoparia dulcis L. Sp. P. Spermacoce tenuior L. Varietas tenuioris? F. P. c.l. Tillaea perfoliata F. P. c.l., muscosa? L.
Classis V.
Anagallis angulaia F. P. c.l. Anethum parvum F. P. Asclepias curassavica L. ? F. P. c.l., hastata F. P. c.l. Atropa arborescens L., F. P. c.l., physaloides L., F. P. Anchusa L.? tiguil-tiguil. F. P. c.l. Basella rubra L., F. P. Buettneria aculeata
L., F. P.
Brunia videtur F. P.
peruviana F. P.
Cedrela odorata L., F. P. c.l. Cestrum diurnum L., F. P. c.l., P. c.l. Chenopodium rubrum L., quinoa amarga. Cordia
Sebestena L., F. P. c.l. Convolvulus hastatus L.?, albus L., F. P. c.l., sepium L., F. P. c.l., purpureus L.? F. P. c.l. Cosmea montana F. P. c.l. Cuscuta americana
L., F. P. c.l. Cynoglossum pilosum F. P. c.l. Cynanchum racemosum L.? F. P. c.l. Datura arborea L., F. P. c.l. Duhamelia Manglillo F. P. Daucus Gingidium L. Evolvulus stipulatus F. P. c.l. Gentiana americana F. P. c.l., tetrangularis F. P. c.l. Heliotropium curassavicum L., fructicosum L., indicum L., peruvianum L., F. P.
c.l. Hydrocotyle umbellata L., F. P. c.l., vulgaris L., F. P. c.l. Ipomoea coccinea L., lacunosa L. Illecebrum Achyrantha L., F. P. c.l. Linum prostratum F. P. c.l. Lycium americanum Jacq. Am. Myosotis hispida F. P. Morinda? chinchimali?
Nicotiana glutinosa L., paniculata L. Phellandrium Physalis angulata L., prostrata F. P. c.l., pubescens L. Plumeria rubra L., F. P. c.l., inodora Jacq. Am. F. P. c.l., Turumbaco F. P. c.l. Solanum corymbosum F. P. c.l., decurrens F. P. c.l., macrocarpon L., F. P. c.l., montanum
prostrata L.
ciliatum F. P.
L., F. P.
pinnatifidum F. P.
Classis VI.
tuberosum L., F. P.
inia multifida F. P.
s.d. Alstroemeria Pelegrina L., F. P. c.l. Amaryllis aurea F. P. c.l., flammea F. P. c.l. Juncus. Alter s.d. Pancratium caribaeum? L., F. P. c.l., rubrum, sub-tribiale, flavum F. P. c.l., maritimum L., F. P. c.l. Polyanthes tuberosa L. Varietas vulgo Margaritas esmaltadas F. P. c.l. Scilla paniculata F. P. c.l. Tillandsia purpurea F. P. c.l. Triglochin fibrosum F. P. s.l.
mammosa L.,
F. P.
Classis VIII. Octandria Cardiospermum tripartitum F. P. Epilobium denticulatum F. P. c.l. Oenothera prostrata F. P. c.l., multifida F. P. c.l. Polygonum Persic, folio Lin. Sp. P. Tropaeolum majus L., peregrinum F. P. c.l. Classis IX.
Laurus Persea
L., F. P.
Bauhinia aculeata L., F. P. c.l. Cassia mimosoides L., F. P. c.l. Cassia tenuissima L., F. P. c.l., Tora L., F. P. c.l. Jussiaea fruticosa L., F. P. c.l., peruviana L., F. P., repens L., F. P. c.l. Malpighia nitida L., F. P. Oxalis nitida F. P. c.l. Parkinsonia glandulosa F. P.
Paipai F. P.
Classis XI.
c.l. c.l.
Euphorbia Chamaesyce L., hirta L., hypericifolia L., F. P. c.l., striata F. P. Lythrum Hyssopifolium L., F. P. c.l. Portulaca Crassa F. P. c.l., linearis F. P. Triumfetta Lappula L.
Classis XII.
Eugenia uniflora? L., F. P. Loasa aspera F. P. c.L, hispida F. P. c.l., urens F. P. c.l. Psidium pyriferum L., F. P. c.l. Rubus jamaicensis Sist. Naturae. Sesuvium Portulacastrum F. P. c.l. Tetragonia crystdllina F. P. c.l.
Classis XIII.
Anona muricata
L., F. P.
squamosa L., F. P. c.l. Bixa Orellana L. CorMammea americana L. Mentzelia aspera L., F. P. c.l.
XIV. Didynamia
Browallia multiflora F. P. c.l., elata L.? c.l. Guiriora rivularis F. P. c.l. Lantana camara L., salvifolia L., F. P. c.l. Mimulus luteus L., F. P. c.l. Nepeta aut Melissal s.d. Ruellia repens F. P. c.l. Stachys pratensis F. P. c.l. Tourretia lappacea F. P. c.l.
Crescentia Cujete F. P.
Antirrhinum peruvianum F. P.
Galvezia limensis F. P.
XV. Tetradynamia
Cleome triphylla L.
Thlaspi arvense L.
Geranium tuberosum F. P. c.l., moschatum L. Gossypium arboreum L., hirsutum L. Ketmia? s.d. Magallana repens F. P. c.l. Malva coromandelina L., F. P. c. L,
peruviana L., F. P.
c. 1.
Sida lutea F. P.
multifida F. P. c.l., americana L., cordifolia? L., frutescens Few. P., F. P. c.L, hastata F. P. c.L, cristata L.?, jamaicensis L., moschata F. P. c.L, palmata F. P. c.L, paniculata L., F. P. c.L, prostrata F. P. c.L
Astragalus rhombeus F. P. c.l. Crotalaria incana L., F. P. c.L, laburnifolia L., F. P. c.l. Dolichos Lablab L., F. P. c.L, uncinatus L., F. P. c.L, linearis F. P. c.l.
Erythrina Corallodendron F. P. c.L, picto L. Hedysarum asperum F. P. c.L, procumbens F. P. c.L, prostratum F. P. c.l. Indigofera tinctoria L.? F. P. c.L Lupinus stipulatus F. P. c.l. Phaseolus alatus L. ? F. P. c.L, vexillatus L., F. P. c.L Polygala subdentata F. P. c.L, chinensis L. ? F. P. c.l. Psoralea glandulosa L., F. P. c.l.
Hypericum canadense
L., F. P. c.l.
XIX. Syngenesia
Ageratum conyzoides L. Aster divaricatus L.?, verticillatus F. P. c.l. Baccharis ivaefolia L., F. P. c.L, scandens F. P. c.L Altera? Bellis pubescens F. P. c.l. Bidens
cuneiformis F. P. c.L, cuneiformis varietas F. P., tripartita L., bullata L., bipinnata L., F. P. c.L Centaurea napifolia L., F. P. c.l. Conyza cinerea L. ? F. P. c.L Eli-
c.L, margaritiferum L., crispum L. Erigeron raF. P. c.L, bonariense L.?, philadelphicum L. Eupatorium scandens L., F. P. Helianthus decapetalus L.? F. P. c.L, giganteus L.? c.L, valerianum F. P. c.l. Impatiens cornuta L. Lobelia decurrens F. P. c.l. Senecio scandens F. P. c.L,
stipulatus F. P.
c.l. Serratula quinquenervia F. P. c.l. Siegesbeckia orientalis L. Spilanthes multiflora F. P., wrens Jacq. Am., F. P. c.l. Tagetes minuta L. Tragopogon glabrum F. P. c.l.
XX. Gynandria
Passiflora foetida L., F. P. c.l., minuta L., F. P. c.l., punctata L., F. P. c.L, tiliaefolia L., F. P. c.l. Pistia Stratiotes L., F. P. c.l. Serapias latifolia L., F. P. c.l.
XXI. Monoecia
Amaranthus gangeticus L. Ambrosia Manviona L. Casimiroa tuberosa F. P. Cucumis Colocynthis L., maderaspatanus L., F. P. c.l. c.l., grandiflora F. P. c.l. Croton ricinoides, altheaefolium F. Y. R. H. ? F. P. c.l., balsamiferum Jacq.? F. P. c.l., dubium F. P. s.l. Juglans nigra L., F. P. c.l., partheniuml s.d. Pinus. Sagittaria sagittifolia L., F. P.
angustifolia L.
Betula alba L.
Salix Babylonicus L.
Cenchrus muticus F. P. c.l., echinatus L., F. P. c.l., lappaceus L. Mimosa Inga L., F. P. c.l., cornigera L., F. P. c.L, punctata L., F. P. c.L, horrida L., latisiliqua L.,
F. P. c.L, pernambucana L., F. P. c.L, sensitiva L., F. P. c.L, tortuosa L.
XXIV. Cryptogamia
Acrostichum trifoliatum L., F. P. c.l. Equisetum giganteum L., repens F. P. c.l. Lichen, Alter. Alter s.d. MMSCMS squamosus F. P. Polypodium lanceolatum L., F. P. c.L, unitum L.? F. P. c.L, tw^are L.?
(anona), squamosa
tirrhinum peruvianum.
Aster. Asclepias curassavica? (yerba de la seda). Avellanas de ValArachis hypogaea (mani). Baccharis ivaefolia (chilco), scandens (chilca). Bidens cuneiformis. Buettneria aculeata (yerba de la arafia). Basella rubra. Bixa Orellana (achote). Altera (achotillo). Browallia multiflora (jazmincillo de lomas). Brunia videtur. Buddleia occidentalis. Bulbi diversi. Amaryllis flammea (amancae cimarron), aurea (amancae antiguo). Pancratium rubrum; in descriptione sub nomine flavi, caribaei. Scillae paniculatae. Bulbi tres: pancratis, junquillos, et alius liliaceae. Cedrela odorata (cedro). Corchorus siliquosus. Canna indica (achyra). Calceolaria pinnata (yerba de la bolsilla), integrifolia. Crescentia Cujete (tutumas). Campanula peruviana. Cestrum diurnum (yerba hedionda y santa), nocturnum (quiebra ollas). Convolvulus ignotus, albus (campanulas). Ca-
praria biflora. Cordia Sebestena (membrillejo). Cynanchum racemosum (piochas). Crotalaria incana Cassia Tora (canafistola cimarrona), mimosoides (guarangillo). (cascabelillos), laburnifolia (cascabeles). Croton ricinoides, altheaefolium T.I.R.
(pinoncillos), balsamiferum,
Casimiroctyuberosa (flor de San Juan), grandiDolichos Lablab (f'Hjol de Antibo). Dianthera vertiDuhameliaMangliUo(mang\illo). Dolichos uncinatus (taconcillos). Dolichos
Pallares (I took them from a dried plant). Geranium tuberosum. Gossypium arboreum, hirsutum. Guiriora rivularis. Galvezia limensis. Goma de molle, with sticks of arbol de lino. Hedysarum procumbens (pega-pega). Helianthus decapetalus.
camara, salvifolia (maestrante). Loasa urens, hispida (urtiga de la sierra), aspera. Lythrum Hyssopifolium. Lobelia decurrens (contoya). Melochia corchorifolia. Melissa seu Nepeta. Myosotis. Mimosa cornigera (guarango), latisiliqua, punctata (tapate putilla), pernambucana, sensitiva (tapate o cierrate puta), tortuosa (aromo fino). Nolana prostrata. Nicotianaglutinosa,paniculata(tabacocimarron). Malva coromandelina, peruviana (malva cimarrona). Ornithogalum foliosum (margaritas de lomas). Ocimum. Oenothera prostraia. Parietaria videtur. Pistia Stratiotes (lechuga cimarrona). Passiflora foetida (puche-puche), tiliaefolia in bacca et sine Psoralea glandulosa (yerba de bacca. Phaseolus vexillatus (wild frijoles), alatus. Psidium pyriferum (guayaba). Poinciana bijugata (tara), Paipai SanAgustln). (pai-pai). Portulaca Crassa. Physalis prostrata. Phellandrium ciliatum. Plantago.
Palaua glutinosa. Quinoa amarga, dulce. Dugagelia peltata, radix. Polypodia indeterminata. Casimiroa grandiflora, tuberosa (flor de San Juan). Oxalis nitida Solani tuberosi sica duplici modo. Serratula quinquenervia (mata (vinagrillo).
gusanos and contrayerba). Semen alicujus Helicteris? Cujusdam diadelphiae indeterminatae. Cujusdam syngenesiae indeterm. Aloes? Senecio stipulatus. Sicyos angulata. Sisyrinchium Spilanthes multiflora. Siegesbeckia orientalis.
palmifolium. Spondias Mombin (ciruelas agrias). Solanum peruvianum (naranjitas de Quito), decurrens. Sesuvium Portulacastrum (llitho). Sapindus Saponaria (jabonera, bolillos, and choruros). Salvia coccinea, pilosa. Scoparia dulcis (escoSida lutea, frutescens (escoba cimarrona), jamaicensis, hastata F. P., crisbilla).
tata L.?,
palmata, paniculata (mata hyernos). Tourretia lappacea. Tillaea musTagetes minuta, chinchimali. Thouinia multifida. Tetragonia crystallina. Triumfetta Lappula. Verbesina alba. Veronica limensis.
A bag of amethyst stones. A rock in which the others are found. A package of small cocoanuts from Guayaquil. Several small shells. One small basket with 4 humming birds. An earthen pot found in a mine near Naturaleza. Four armaTwo small guaqueros. Small box with fragments of ores. Two bags of dillos. round stones used as bullets. Two marine plants.
in each one its description: there go
15 packages of dried plants that are mentioned above, placed by classes, and from 6 to 12 specimens of each, except from those of which I have not found more than one, two, or three examples.
Joseph Pav6n remits 11 packages and other things that he has found.
Don Joseph Dombey is sending a package of dried plants for the King our I do not know whether they are described and placed in order, because I placed them tied as he gave them to me, in the box I had ready to seal. He also
Lord. sends a small tin can with saltpeter, which
abundant in
this province
in that
Chancay. For the French Court there are seven boxes, two with guaqueros, two with fragments of ores, and the other three with dried plants, seeds, bulbs, and other products.
The 10 boxes that we are sending to the King our Lord are numbered and are marked: To the Exmo. Senor Don Joseph de Galvez of the Counsel of State and Secretary of the Universal Despatch of the Indies, and with the mark E.
In numbers
4, several
and some fruits. Number 6, the seeds; and a small box with 241 drawings. Numbers 7 and 8, two heated cases with live plants. Numbers 9 and 10, two open boxes with living plants. The boxes sent by Don Joseph Dombey to his Sovereign have the distinctive mark F and no numbers.
bulbs, roots,
Oestrum diurnum, 3 plants. Duhamelia Manglillo 2. Sapindus Saponaria 5. BaccharisivaefoliaZ. Altera indeterminata 3. Dugagelia verticillata 5. Congona 2. This plant is no other than the Dugagelia verticillata cultivated in gardens; different from the Dugagelia that is found between the hills, where there are many rocks.
Conyza cinerea
de Fraile).
4 (lucumas). Malpighia nitida 5 (ciruela Asclepias curassavica 5 (arbolito de la seda). Poinciana bijugata 6 (tara). Arachis hypogaea 7 (mani). Passiflora minuta
Wild narbo.
Solanum pepino 4
Psidium pyriferum 5 (guayabas). Tillandsia purpurea Several seeds that have been spread on the soil.
Astragalus rhombeus. Atropa arborescens. An Genus novum? non Wachendorfia. Amaryllis aurea. Alsine stipulata. Asclepias hastata. Baccharis scandens. Bauhinia aculeata.
Bellis pubescens. Bidens bipinnata. Buettneria aculeata. Buddleia Calceolaria pinnata. Cassia mimosoides, minutissima, Tora. Campanula peruviana. Cedrela odorata. Centaurea napifolia. Cissus cordifolia. Cosmea
Convolvulus sepium, purpureus. Cordia Sebestena. Commelina virginica. Croton balsamiferum. Crotalaria laburnifolia. Crescentia Cujete. Cuscuta Americana. Cucumis maderaspatanus. Cynoglossum pilosum. Cyperus. Dianthera verticillata. Dolichos Lablab, linearis, uncinatus. Epilobium denticulatum. Erigeron bonariense.
Fumaria officinalis. Galvezia limensis. Gentiana americana. Geoffraea spinosa. Geranium tuberosum. Gramen. Alterum. Alterum. Alter. Alter. Alter. Hedysarum
procumbens, prostratum. Heliotropium peruvianum. Herbapurgationis. Hydrocotyle vulgaris. Isnardia hastata. Illecebrum Achyrantha. Juncus? Jussiaea fruticosa. Lantana galvifolia. Linum prostratum. Lobelia decurrens. Lupinus stipulatus. Loasa urens. Lycium americanum. Malva peruviana, coromandelina. Melochia corchorifolia.
Oenothera multifida. Ornithogalum foliosum, corymbosum. Oxalis nitida. Palaua dichotoma. Pancratium caribaeum, flavum, rubrum. Paspalum. Passiflora minima, punctata. Phaseolus vexillatus. Phellandrium ciliatum. Plumeria inodora, rubra.
Potamogeton marinum, Polygala chinensis, subdentata. Psoralea glandulosa. Portulaca Crassa. Polypodium unitum. Ruellia repens. Sapindus Saponaria. Serapiast vel orchis? Sesuvium Portulacastrum. Serapias latifolia. Serratula quinquenervia. Schinus Molle. Sida hastata
F. P., cristata Lin.?, moschata, multifida, paniculata, palmata F. P., radiata Lin.? Solanum pepinos, tuberosum. Stachys pratensis. Sisyrinchium palmifolium. Spilanthes urens. Tillaea perfoliata F. P., muscosa Lin.? Tillandsia purpurea.
Utricularia bifida.
The sketches that
calyce et sine calyce. are
made with
parts of the frutification separate.
(b) Calix
Buddleia occidentolis.
(a) Corolla,
Capsula aperta.
(a) Flos.
Capsula aperta.
Calceolaria pinnata.
Capsula in calyce
Cordia Sebestena.
(d) Osiculum.
cum staminibus.
Osiculum per medium sectum. Cosmea montana. (a) Calyx, (b) Capsula.
Crescentia Cujete.
(a) Capsula aperta. (b) Semina. Cucumis maderaspatanus. (a) Pomum apertum seu per medium sectum semina et loculamenta demonstrans.
Croton balsamiferum.
Dolichos Labldb.
Galvezia limensis.
Legumen clausum. (b) Legumen apertum. Corolla cum calyce. (b) Corolla in calyce
incisa staminibus pistilloque demonstrans. (c) (e) Capsula per medium secta. (f) Semina.
Geoffraea spinosa.
Herba purgationis. (a) Corolla cum 3 staminibus et pistillo. (b) Receptaculum in quo corolla 5 fida insidet et abit in capsula. (c) Capsulae clausae. (d) Capsula aperta. (e) Semen, (f) Corolla sexfida cum 4 staminibus et pistillo. (g) Receptaculum in quo corolla sexfida insidet.
Lobelia decurrens.
Corolla naturalis.
Folium naturale.
Mimosa Mimosa
(b) Siliqua aperta. (b)
Palaua dichotoma.
Calyx cum
Capsulae clausae.
Capsula aperta.
Semen. Semen.
Physalis prostrata.
Polygala subdentata. (a) Corolla cum calyce. (b) Corolla cum staminibus. Stamina cum germine. (d) Germen. (e) Capsulae clausae. (f) Capsula aperta.
Sapindus Saponaria. (a) Fructus saturatus. (b) Fructus abortiens. Sesuvium Portulacastrum. (a) Capsula cum 4 pistillis. (a) Capsula cum 3 (c) pistillis. (b) Capsula 3 locularis aperta. (b) Capsula 4 locularis aperta. Semina.
Sida palmata. staminibus.
Calyx et
cum germine
Spilanthes urens. (a) Corolla aucta. (b) Corolla propria aucta. (c) Corolla staminibus. (d) Pistillum cum stigmate. (e) Calyx cum receptaculo. (f)
Tillaea perfoliata.
Calyx auctus.
staminaque aucta.
Stachys pratensis.
(c), (d)
(f )
(b) Calyx,
Thouinia multifida. (a) Calyx, (b) Corolla, (c) Corolla cum staminibus et (d) Capsula clausa. (e) Capsula apice in tres partes dehiscens. (f) Capsula per medium secta, tria loculamenta demonstrans. (g) Semina.
Tourretia lappacea.
Corolla aperta.
cum staminibus
et pistillo.
Capsula aperta.
Wachendorfia non? an Genus novum? (a) Spatha cum 4 floribus clausa. Spatha cum floribus aperta. (c) Capsulae in spatha. (d) Capsula clausa. Capsula per medium secta. (f) Capsula longitudinaliter aperta. (g) Corolla, Corolla patens, (i) Semina aucta. (j) Pistillum.
He keeps the following that have not been finished because some part is missing: Senecio scandens. Duhamelia Manglillo. Jussiaea peruviana, A Diadelphia that is not finished or examined. A Sida. A Baccharis.
Achras mammosa.
Acrostichum trifoliatum.
flammea. Anagallis angulata. Anona muricata, folia et flores, fructus et semina. Anona reticulata, folia, fructus, et semina. Anona squamosa, folia et flores. Antirrhinum peruvianum. Asdepias curassavicat Alsine media. Aster
verticillatus. Aubentonia repens (mayaca). Baccharis ivaefolia. Bidens cuneiCenformis. Browallia elata. Capraria biflora. Casimiroa tuberosa, grandiflora. chrus echinatus. Cestrum diurnum, nocturnum. Commelina tuberosa. Conyza
Cyperus (totora).
Croton ricinoides Americ. fruct., altheaefolium F. I. R. H. 656. Cyperus Alter. An Cyperusl Convolvulus albus. Collinsonia
Cynanchum racemosum.
Datura arborea.
verticillata, peltata.
Erythrina Corallodendron,
Corallodendron, flores et siliquae. Euphorbia hypericifolia, striata. Eupatorium Valerianum, scandens. Evolvulus stipulatus. Guiriora rivularis. Gentiana angularis.
Gnaphalium odoratissimum.
Helianthus decapetalus. Hypericum canadense. Hydrocotyle umbellata. Indigofera tinctoria. Jussiaea repens. Juglans nigra. Juncusl Laurus Persea. Loasa
aspera, hispida.
Lythrum Hyssopifolia. Mimosa Inga, sensitiva. Magallana repens. Oenothera prostrata. Ophioglossum vaginans. Oxalis spicata. Parkinsonia glandulosa. Pancratium maritimum, illyricum. Passiflora tiliaefolia, foetida. Phaseolus alatusl
Physalis angulata.
rubra, Turumbaco.
Pistia Stratiotes.
Polypodium lanceolatum. Polianthes rubra. Poinciana bijugata, Paipai. Portulaca linearis. Psidium pyriferum. Pexe Gallo. Salvia coccinea. Scilla
paniculata,maritima'Lm.l Scirpus A. ScirpusE. Alter. Alter. Alter. Silene pilosa. Solanum decurrens, pinnatifidum, peruvianum, corymbosum, macrocarpon. Sagittaria sagittifolia. Spermacoce tenuior, varietas. Sida lutea. Spondias Mombin. Sisyrinchium palmifolium varietas? tiguil-tiguil, prostratum, reflexum Pav. Trago-
pogon glabrum. Tetragonia crystallina. Valeriana chaerophylla. Verbesina Acmella. Veronica limensis. Zizania octandra.
The sketches
are the following.
that are sent with some parts of the frutification in separate,
Achras mammosa. (a) Flos apertus cum staminibus. per medium sectum. (d) Semen.
(a) Folliculus
Asckpias curassavical
Anona Anona
Fructus. Fructus.
Semina. Semina.
Calyx clausus. (b) Calyx apertus. ut tria perianthia ex quibus constat videantur. (d) Corolla, Capsula clausa. (g) Capsula per medium secta. (h) Semina.
Calyx expansus
(e) Pistillum.
Browallia data,
sula clausa.
Capsula aperta.
Casimiroa grandiflora.
Flos masculus.
Corolla hermaphrodita.
Convolvulus albus.
Croton ricinoides Americana frutesc. Altheaefolium T. R. H. 656? (a) Calyx masculus. (b) Corolla mascula. (c) Calyx femineus. (d) Corolla feminea. (e) Squamae, (f) Stamina mascula. (g) Germen cum stamine. (h) Capsula
Columbea minuta.
Musca quae
Evolvulus stipulatus.
Eupatorium valerianum.
Casimiroa tuberosa.
Guiriora rivularis.
Corolla aperta.
Corolla in calyce clausa cum bractea. (b) Stamina. (d) Corolla cum pistillo. (e) Germen. (f) Capsula clausa.
Capsula aperta.
Semen auctum.
Corolla herma-
Hypericum canadense.
Laurus Persea.
Magallana repens.
Oenothera prostrata.
(b) Calyx cum germine. (c) Semina. cum omnibus partibus suis. (b) Capsula
Capsula aperta. (d) Semina. Parkinsonia glandulosa. (a) Calyx, (b) Lacinia inferior Nectarium. (e) Stamina, (f) Stamen, (g) Pistillum.
Passiflora tiUaefolia.
(a) (a)
(b) Discum membranaceum. est in medio limbi. (e) Germen.
Squama quae
Plumeria rubra.
Plumeria Turumbaco.
Poinciana bijugata. Folium, (e) Semen.
(a) Folliculus. (a)
Petalum inferum.
Poinciana Paipai.
Bacca. (b) Bacca per
Psidium pyriferum.
keeping the following because some parts are not finished yet: nitida. Palaua glutinosa. Ketmia. Sida jamaicensis.
The Indians always duplicate the name of the plant when this or any other thing has any particular virtue or is good for dyes, or if it is a laxative or poison; as quebec-quebec for the Contoya Lobelia of Linnaeus, because it is a very strong
laxative; guarmi-guarmi for the diuretic; pai-pai for a Poinciana
Ageratum conyzoides of Linnaeus, because it is on account of the use they make of its pods for
or growing without cultivation.
dyes, etc.
Excmo. Senor:
dear and most respected Sir: Since I received the order of V. Exa. of the 31st of August last, I have busied myself as much as possible with examining the 13 boxes sent by the botanists of Peru. From their letters of the 5th of April,
it appears that there must be 17 boxes, so that the four with live plants are missing, and it is probable that they may be lost on account of the delay in Fayal and in Lisboa.
the contents of the seven boxes sent by Mr. two boxes for Mr. de Buffon, Intendant of the Cabinet of Natural History; for the Conde d'Angivillers, Director General of the French Academies, and for the State Secretaries Mr. Bertin and Mr. Furgot.
I enclose for
V. Exa. a
list of
to France,
it is
as follows:
From the enclosed list V. Exa. will see that Mr. Dombey's activity has not been limited to the examination of plants, because among other things, he sends several pieces of Peruvian antiquities, of which I presume the Royal Cabinet of Madrid is not lacking, and 37 pounds of platinum ore, precious metal, on account of the scarcity of which in the Kingdom they cannot continue the experiments that I am told should be made in this Mint by order of the King. I reserve for a verbal report to V. Exa. what I have privately done beforehand in such an important matter, and to show you a tobacco box made at my request to demonstrate that it has been discovered how to make this metal ductile and malleable which for lack of this particular quality was found to be almost without use. I have a few pounds left that I ought to place at your disposal until V. Exa. gets new samples from America. In the matter of the discovery of the saltpeter the importance of which I myself confirmed to V. Exa. from Puertollano, under date of the month of August, 1779, it is my duty to inform V. Exa. that then, when we had not yet received the samples in Spain, I expressed myself as I did on the supposition that the discovery would be verified. Now that I have examined the samples, those remitted to Spain, as well as those sent to France, I ought to add in honor of truth, that I have purified and analyzed the salt sent, and it is not saltpeter, but another species of salt that is abundant in several provinces of our peninsula, as
in Aranjuez, Cuenca,
Laguna de Fuente de la Higuera, and other territories, of sal de Compos; it is a bitter salt and a purgative a very low price and is used in the manufacture of aqua fortis.
it is
sold at
a pound of the material in its natural state, I have taken 8 ounces of crystallized salt that I have the honor of sending to V. Exa. so as to demonstrate that this salt does not crystallize in long needles of the regular shape that was observed constantly in the purified niter, and that it does not have the cool and prickly taste and does not light with a noise over coals; on the contrary, it puts out fire as
swells and discharges its copious moisture, and is thus worse than useless for the manufacture of gunpowder. One need not wonder at the mistake Mr. Dombey and his companions made in the naming of this mineral, first, because the object of their journey was not chemistry, for in this science they are not as learned as in botany, and secondly, because they judged what they found in the rough by its exterior appearance. In the meantime it will be proper to revoke the order given to the Viceroy of Lima about sending portions of this supposed saltpeter from the coasts of the South Sea, and if V. Exa. approve, I will on my own account, confidentially and conveniently inform Mr. Dombey of his mistake, and even his
correspondents of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Paris, so that those learned perhaps, that we here adopt blindly and without examination all that is written to the Ministry about these matters from those far lands.
I have noticed also that Mr. Dombey has not sent to Spain a herbarium as complete as the one he is sending to France, and that most of the dried plants come without name, and although some omissions may be due to the haste with which the first fruits of his work were placed on board, it will be proper to ask Mr. Dombey to be more exact from now on in citing the names assigned by our botanists. In this particular I await the orders of V. Exa,. also instructions as to whether we should make the complete delivery that Mr. Dombey begs of V. Exa. to be made of the seven boxes to the Exmo. Sefior Embajador [Ambassador] of France, or to the Consul, as he is soliciting it in both names.
Our botanists and draftsmen have discharged their obligations very well by making this large shipment, and all the contents of the six boxes have been received
It remains for V. Exa. to vouchsafe to give orders about their use and preservation. I understand that the most precious are the 260 sketches and the herbaria. The first could be bound neatly, without cutting off anything, in three volumes, for greater ease in handling, and for protection so that they may not get lost; this will also enable V. Exa. to present them to His Majesty when the
in good condition.
Court arrives in Madrid. About the herbaria, which should be gone over often and preserved from moths, they could be given proper care under my direction, if V. Exa. approve of it, until the return of our botanists, by Don Bruno de Salvador y Carmona, who served as a draftsman for the King in the Botanical Expedition to the Orinoco, and obtained appointment through the Secretaryship in charge of
V. Exa. and, for this reason, enjoys a pension of six thousand reales. Of the seeds a few of each species could be planted in the Royal Botanical Garden, and the rest be distributed to the people that V. Exa. commands and that have gardens in various provinces of Spain, with the idea of facilitating and assuring the propagation of the plants. The same should be done with some roots to see if we succeed in growing them. From the fruits and seeds we could also separate samples and place them in the Royal Cabinet of Natural History, where the armadillos will also be sent as well as this or that curiosity that has come pertaining to that establishment and appearing on our botanists' list.
V. Exa. will resolve, as always, what will be best to do. Exmo. Senor.
Madrid, November
kisses the
24, 1780.
G6mez de
In the margin it is written. These might have been left in the "Buen Consejo" and might have the hands of the enemy with the vessel.
fallen into
we do not have
the delivery of those boxes with their contents, except the Inca dress in our Cabinet and that the King has ordered to be set apart.
In relation to the platinum, I have presented to His Majesty the box sent by the Count of Milly to this professor, with the copy of the memoirs of the first, presented to the Academy of Paris, and the decisions have been made in the separate despatch about the platinum.
Informed, and give the warnings you propose about this
This instruction to Dombey should be official through the Viceroy, besides the one Ortega will make individually. Dated the 3rd of February, 1781.
To make
All that
As proposed.
you mention
In another big box, various sepulchral vases, and two snail shells of extraordinary size, and an Inca dress that was taken from an ancient sepulcher.
3. In another big box, two small boxes of seeds and a tin can that occupies almost the whole box, and it is also filled with many bundles of seeds. 4. In another big box, four bundles of dried plants or herbaria, and two small boxes with seeds of quinoa and two tin cans with the supposed niter or saltpeter that is produced by nature on the coasts of the South Sea.
5. In a medium-sized box, many curious seeds and a herbarium of dried plants or skeletons that has 284 plants; 237 with labels, and the other 47 without them.
6. In a small box, three bundles of platinum of 11 pounds each, for different persons, and other 3 pounds of the same metal for Mr. Sage, and a magnetic stone, and other minerals for the Cabinet of Natural History.
7. In a small box, a piece of a rich silver ore and two pieces of mercury of Huancavelica.
Excmo. Senor:
Sir. As soon as we arrived at the port of Conception to begin the work ordered by the Sovereign, we gave immediate notice to V. E. of our arrival and of the discoveries that we were making: before that we notified V. E. of our trip
to this city
and sent you a copy of a letter from the Senor Visitador and General Superintendent of Lima, in which he informed us of the difficulty found in allowing our salaries and the cpntinuation of our discoveries, as His Majesty, in his Order for our stay in these Kingdoms, had provided for four years only.
Although not yet rested from our travel, from this city of Santiago we informed V. E. of the valuable finds of trees and plants that we had obtained in that district; and in duplicate we remitted the copy of the letter of said Senor Visitador; and of the desire to return to the montanas of Huanuco and Tarma, from which we were unable to get their natural products because of accidents
that obliged us to leave.
Our intention is and has been, to make a second expedition in them; and as now more experienced, we promise, without any doubt, greater results, more likely to satisfy the desire of the Sovereign and, in consequence, the
spirit of
V. E., who with so much love inclines toward the public welfare, the support of the government, and the establishment of the sciences; especially of these last that can be said not to have flowered until now in our Spain.
This desire and constancy will never fail us, although it appears to us to be by the enclosed second copy of the letter we just have received from the Senor Visitador, and we take the liberty to place it in the hands of V. E., for whose life and health your most obedient servants pray to the Almighty.
kiss the
Isidro de Galvez.
Jph. Brunete.
new species of pine discovered in the cordilleras of Nacimiento and Santa Barbara are those that go outside of the bottle in the little box; and several that go enclosed in another without paper. From this tree there are obtained choice timbers and excellent masts for the rigging of vessels. It distils a precious resin that is applied with marvellous effect on sprains, wounds, and in small patches on the temples to mitigate headaches, and especially for migrain. The Pehuenche and Huiliche Indians subsist on the fruits or pine-nut kernels a great part of the year; they eat them raw, but they are much better boiled
Seeds of the
or roasted.
Alstroemeria Ligtu, liutu. From the roots of this plant they get a very white they keep to nourish the sick, in the form of a pap, or mazamorra as they call it in this country; it is easy to digest, and insipid by itself.
flour that
It is
a resistant
The bark of this perennial shrub is sold in the frebul. used for bruises instead of the calaguala: they know by experi-
ence that
does not permit the blood to coagulate and it prevents the formation on the breasts. The women wash their hair with the water of this bark, which makes a foam like soap.
of abscesses
Oestrum nocturnum, palqui. This is a shrubby plant very much used in the to cool the blood; they administer it for jabandillo or chavalongo, making an infusion of the leaves and the barks in common water. The ashes of its roots made into lye whiten cloth better than anything else known in the Kingdom. The cows that eat of this plant invariably swell and die; this does not happen
to other animals.
alata, pilo.
Collihuasi, Collihuasi.
Its burnt roots exhale an aromatic odor with which the people of the country fumigate their rooms; but when a great quantity
wood for small structures. The milk or juice of this shrub is a very and dangerous to the eyes; if any one by accident touches
It is a strong
produces headache.
Coreopsis? Banisteria?
This tree
found in the other parts of the cordillera: we have not used as an infusion in water for a purgative.
Lleuqui or arbol de las uvas. It is grown in the cordillera of Chilian and Yumwe have not been able to find it in bloom. It is quite a tall tree with a strong, useful wood.
Coguill-voqui. It is a new genus of the Dioeciae. delicate taste when ripe, and is not at all questionable.
The pulp
of its fruits
has a
It is a new genus of the Dodecandrias. It is a beautiful much used for construction; it is not very durable.
Huihan, maybe a Schinus; or new genus of the Dioeciae. It gives, although in small quantity, a very soothing and astringent resin. From the fruit a loathsome chicha is made that is commonly used by the Indians. For dropsy the use of this
an admirable antidote.
Lithi or lithre,
new genus
of the Dioeciae.
the strongest
woods known.
It gives
an astringent
who take
under this tree, causing all exposed parts of the body to swell, become blebs or vescicles. Life is endangered if the remedy is not made available; it is chewed corn, its juice or the mayter mashed and applied to the boils. The same effect is produced by the smoke or vapor exhaled from the trunk when woodsmen cut it. The places suitable to plant this tree are noted in
later these
Excmo. Senor Don Joseph de Galvez.
By the letter of V. E. of the 9th of September last, I have just learned that the King has been informed of the discoveries that we have made of natural
products in the Kingdom of Chile, and also how His Majesty, after seeing the sample of pine wood and the sketch that I sent from Conception, has asked that the pine-nut kernels be sent, and also some plants of the same tree and others peculiar
to that
Kingdom; I have given a list of them to the Senor Presidente of Chile and Mre. de Campo, with an explanation of how the plants should be transplanted and carried by land and sea.
Expecting to return to Europe on account of the leave of which we were informed, I gathered, to transport personally, 31 pots of living plants and a box with bulbs of different flowers; these I now remit by the vessel "San Pedro Alcantara" in the care of Jose Jacobeli, to whom as an intelligent and careful man, they have been entrusted. Among these 17 plants will be found of the new species of pine of Chile and the other small trees that are mentioned in the enclosed list; and all or most of them I hope will arrive safely, if they do not lack water and the captain's
be sent to V. E., I have given two folio volumes to the Senor them are contained the descriptions and notes that for my part I have finished, corrected, and transcribed; I have doubled the work since I received the last order of V. E.
So that they
Visitador General; in
The eagerness I have recognized in Mr. Dombey to advance his work even at the cost of my labor and to take the lead in printing it under his name, has obliged me to increase my concern for the advance and perfection of mine, including a well arranged index, since I am persuaded that if it were ready for printing, our Monarch would, under no circumstances, like to give France the glory of publishing it
especially as our nation has few works of the kind and has been and is impeded for this reason. In comparison with that of Mr. Dombey, mine is very
it is
convenient, not alone because it is accompanied by the sketches, but also because smaller and, although he inserts many of my descriptions, I for my part have expended more care in preparation.
This reason and the effort that he has made to complete and correct it by mine, makes me fear also that on some pretext he may get hold of my work there; and for this reason I do not think it superfluous to caution V. E. to be careful,
and not
to entrust
There are 800 or more sketches with which to embellish the book because, although 1,013 have been made, the rest are duplicates on account of the information received that the first ones, which later were restored, had been lost with the vessel "El Buen Consejo." They are no less exact: they have a description of the fructifying parts that go separately, and all carry the generic and specific names, with the exception of those from Chile that are only numbered but correspond to the numbers in the list that I enclose with them in the same box. I know well that the printing of this second book demands more time than can be taken for the printing of the usual literary composition; but with V. E.'s zeal and the keenness of your interest, this difficulty will offer not even the shadow of an obstacle.
I also remit on this occasion a small box of seeds for the Royal Botanical Garden and a small box of fresh extract of cascarilla that, according to the latest test, in respect to the superiority of its properties, and to the preservation of the race, to the best advantage of nature and to the relief of the sick who many times abandon themselves to suffering because they cannot overcome their aversion for the woodiness, bitterness, and bulk of the rough quina; it has been made in the
same montana where it was cut, and care was taken to keep it in boxes of its own wood in which it should not deteriorate even though subjected to the most severe climates and weather.
If it were possible to encourage the manufacturers to employ the very small pieces of bark that break because it is very delicate (which, though the best, cannot be packed in the bags), there could be another branch of commerce no less
valuable, to which could be added that of the salts of this same tree which are wasted and that I have already asked to have extracted in order to examine their
the new excursion that we are contemplating to the Andes, I expect to other useful discoveries, not only because of the experience and help offered, but because of the many chances presented by that wonderful country which has never been crossed by men of learning; on all of this I shall report to V. E. as I do
to Senor
and present shipments. Our Lord keep the important life of V. E. many years. Lima, April I kiss the hand of V. E., your most obedient servant. Hipolito Ruiz.
Four huayabos.
Case No. 2
trees of quina-quina.
or santa.
Case No. 3
Three palillos and one yerba hedionda. .... Three aromos. Two walnut trees and one pacae.
Two Two
achotes, one white
Five tumbos.
of Otageti.
One mamei.
Case No. 5
m X
Four espinos or aromos of Chile; and three yerbas de A huighan and five slips of it; and a peumo. Three pilos. A cuentas (rosary bead) tree, and a cassia.
Several yaraviscos. One aromo, and a root of calaguala.
la lancha.
Case No. 6
.Seventeen small pines of Chile. Four species of plantains: those of No. 1 orange, those of No. II melonshaped, those of No. Ill red, and those of No. IV blunt.
REMARKS ABOUT THESE SAME TREES The huighan and peumo contained in the pot m belong in cold countries and climate like that of Spain; and the same is true of the pines that go in d.d. The
yaravisco V. requires a temperate climate, and grows profusely at the margin of brooks where there is much humidity; its leaves are .healing to wounds and its
bark antisyphilitic.
requires the same but, on account of the tenderness and brittleshoots, these trees should be planted where they will not be exposed to strong winds, because if they are much agitated the roots move and the trees do
The cedar E.
ness of
not grow.
C., and the cacao V. call for a climate that is two need shade and humidity. The rosa de la China M. and the mantica or arbol de las mantas R. that come from Otageti prevail in sandy and humid grounds and grow in torrid regions, and the last one is propagated like the orozuz at the margins of rivers and could be very useful if the natives would prepare its bark like flax.
The quina-quina
the gengibre
tree so that
climb and
because that
the same
Of the achote Q. there are two kinds, one with a violet flower that gives the same color that goes with the dark one; and the other with a white flower which
gives that of yellow color.
plantain b. does not require deep soil, but it has to be very loose and ferwith good dung. It needs heat the year round so that when the stem is reared in the winter, it may bloom in the spring and ripen its fruits before the beginning of the winter: the fruit very seldom ripens on the plant, and in Lima they cut them when they are seasoned, which is when the follicle or fruit sheds the dried flower, and they place them in the oven with a little kindled dung, where they are heated for three days. Those from No. I produce a fruit orange-colored on the outside and straw-colored on the inside; they are good fried. The No. II's are melon-shaped, and yellow on the outside; they are very good. Those from No. Ill are somewhat red on the inside, as the back of the leaf also is; they are excellent and the best of all. The No. IV's are blunt and very fleshy; they also are good, and all have better taste when the covering becomes brown and soft. They bear fruit after a year, and later they bear fruit at any time, providing that they do not lack a warm climate and dung for fertilizer. Be careful that they always
have from 6
to 7 leaves,
Elaterium pedatum
Anona muricata
Oenothera lineatiflora
Passiflora punctata
P. suberosa P. quadrangularis P.
Malpighia punicifolia
Dolichos uncinatus
Bixa Orellana
Yerba de
Sida paniculata
Solanum pepino
Tropaeolum peregrinum
Cassia pubescens
Solanum macrocarpon
Ipomoea, auroras
Zapayo tripon
Alstroemeria Pelegrina
Bulbs of the
Ciruelas agrias.
Outside of the bottle in the little box are the following seeds: Narbo de la tierra. Mani. Chirimoya.
In box No. 18 with the
Cedar. Pacae.
in oils,
In the other boxes are the dried plants, seeds, woods, birds, animals, mineral soils, shells, and several other natural and Indian curiosities.
Excmo. Senor Don Jos Galvez.
have given V. E. accounts of the performance of my commission and of the my work; the zeal with which I have tried to discharge it, V. E. will have observed from the shipment made in the vessel "San Pedro de Alcantara," and in the folio volumes of my botanical descriptions, that I suppose have been sent V. E. by the direction of the Senor Visitador, under whose protection there will not be be the slightest obstacle to their publication in the shortest time possible.
results of
At the beginning of this year, I entered these montanas of Puzuzo, conquering the innumerable difficulties that are caused by the dangers and roughness of the
and forests, and in them I have discovered the special raiz de China that comes from Japan and China to our Europe and Americas, as a very important sudorific, antivenereal, and antirheumatic.
This plant, known to the Indians by the name of purampui, and santo palo, and by Linnaeus given the name Smilax China, caule aculeato ieretiusculo, foliis inermibus, ovato-cordatis quinquenervis, is so plentiful in these montanas that in the district of 40 leagues I have observed it in trails and forests in such abundance that unlimited arrobas of its roots could be extracted each year.
By undertaking the extraction of the raiz de China, our nation will obtain another branch of commerce and will not need to beg the Chinese for it as is being
done at present. Because of the riches and
fertility of these forests
but the scanty means of existence and the short time that we can stay there, because of the showers, and lack of food except that brought from the city of Huanuco at excessive prices, will continue to keep us in want.
for their exploitation,
companions, although tired by the constant labor, are endeavoring, as always, to accomplish their work; and together we pray to the Divine Majesty, for the life and health of V. Exa. Puzuzo, July 23, 1784. I kiss the hand of Vmd., your most obedient servant. Hipolito Ruiz.
No. 390.
Excmo. Senor:
My dear
date of
to this
As soon
as I received the
me under
March 4th
of last year, to prolong the stay of the professors of botany sent to one year so that they might continue their discoveries and
sketches, and to add two young men of such qualifications that, instructed by these professors, they might be able in their absence and retirement to continue
the same work, I proceeded to fulfil the Royal Will as far as possible in which the only difficulty would be the finding of young men suitable to accompany the botanists that came from Europe, but a lucky circumstance gave me the satisfaction
in the
who had
nearly completed their time in the regiment: one Juan Jose Tafalla, pharmacist by profession, and the other Francisco Pulgar, who has been employed
as a draftsman (the
painter in Toledo),
and as the Viceroy, upon the request I made the 15th of September gave both of them leave, I named them to accompany the botanists, each according to his classification, reducing their military terms so that they might go at once to join them in their explorations at Tarma and Huanuco, and assigning to each one of them an annual salary of 600 pesos, starting from the termination of their terms of service in Soria, and of this I notified them by a separate order, and I sent with them the proper notice to the botanists and the orders for the payment of the salaries to the Coffers of the territory, which are those of Pasco.
efforts in their
I added to the botanists only the request for their best work of discovery, and the replacement of the heated cases and live plants that they had shipped on the vessel "San Pedro Alcantara" and that were part of the lot thrown overboard to lighten the vessel; with this the said Royal Order has been complied with, and whatever else has been necessary under the circumstances, which I communicate to V. E. as a matter of record and so that His Majesty may be informed of the exact compliance with his Royal commands. The Lord keep V. E. many years. Lima, January, 1785. Excmo. Senor, I kiss the hand of V. E., your most obedient servant. Jorge Escobedo. Excmo. Senor Don Jose de Galvez.
it is
reports the fulfilment of the Royal Order of the 4th of March of last year by which the stay of the botanists was prolonged for another year for exploration in this Kingdom, and reports the addition of two young men in accordance with the same
Royal Order, and the salary that they have been assigned, as well as the notice given to the botanists for the replacing of the plants that were sent on the vessel "San Pedro Alcantara," and on its arrival were thrown overboard.
In a letter of the 5th of January of the present year, No. 390, V. E. informed having appointed, according to the Royal Order that I communicated of the date of March 4th of the past year, to Juan Jose Tafalla, pharmacist by profession, and to Francisco Pulgar, who has been working as an artist, to accompany
the botanists on their expedition through that Kingdom and to be instructed at their side and to prepare to continue in the future to discover natural objects and
to furnish
such information as may be required, each one of them to receive 600 For the present the King approved the appointment of these men and the salary that has been indicated by V. E., and orders me to ask you to make the corresponding provisions and to advise them of the care with which they should try to profit from the instructions, method, and knowledge of the professors of botany, so that they may make the progress expected of them. The Lord keep V. E. many years. Aranjuez, June 16, 1785. Senor Superintendente Subalterno
of the
No. 943.
Excmo. Senor:
my letter No.
of the 7th of
March, 1784,
390, I reported to V. E. that in fulfilment of the Royal Order I had named the two young men, as requested in it, to
accompany the professors of botany at work in this Kingdom and to be instructed at their side and to prepare to continue the explorations when His Majesty determines to withdraw the principals from here, and in the same letter I also reported that I had assigned only the moderate salary of 600 pesos to each one of the young men mentioned; they are Don Juan Tafalla, pharmacist, and Don Francisco Pulgar, painter and draftsman.
The principal professors were satisfied with this appointment except that they indicated in their first answer that the salary assigned to the two young men was
very small, but to this
answered that there would be time to increase it as their document I remit with No. 1.
repeated, among other things to this effect, the arguments that are No. 2 that the salary of the assistants should be raised, or they should be given their expenses for one of the journeys they were about to make to the montana, but I continued to oppose the increase until I could determine the value of the men, and I agreed to help with the expenses only up to 200 pesos.
cited in
The same argument was repeated by Don Hipolito Ruiz, who praised the industry, care, and accuracy of said assistants, and I could answer only that these praises seemed strange to me, coming from the same pen that had
previously reported directly to V. E. against the same individuals, but I determined not to give them the desired increase in salary, as V. E. will notice in No. 3.
In another
of the assistants
No. 4, Ruiz cleared up my doubts and repeated the praises and their need of higher salary; however, I decided not to assign it.
another letter came on the 10th of March, almost two months after
the appointment of said young men, and after I was convinced of their aptitude and application; under these circumstances, in justice not only to the interested parties but, what is more, for the good of the service, I was obliged to agree to
increase their salary up to one thousand pesos to each one, which they are getting virtue of my order which goes inserted as document No. 5.
have proceeded of my own accord in making this allowance because, alI thought of taking it to the Junta Superior, I considered that in that tribunal there is no information about this matter and that, aside from this, it is included in the cited Royal Order in which His Majesty entrusted the commission to me, and the necessity of the increase was as urgent and justifiable as my modera-
tion in granting
fully in accordance with his beneficent intentions and the discharge of this commission, and I ought only to mention that the burden of the increase of the assist-
ants today
is less
because of the saving of the salary of the draftsman Don Jose died last month, and his loss is also a new reason for the need of
The Lord keep V. E. many years. Lima, June 20, 1787. Excmo. Senor Jorge Escobedo. Excmo. Senor Marques de Sonora.
Copy No.
Senor Superintendente General of the Royal Treasury. Sir: Because the two assistants, Don Juan Tafalla and Don Francisco Pulgar, have to follow us in our excursions through the montanas, and their salary is too limited to enable them to defray the unavoidable expenses that are necessary on such trips, and at the same
time in consideration of the advancement that
great industry, care, and accuracy:
beg of V. E. to give them an allowance for expenses as V. E. did for the trip made last year to the montanas; it is a favor for which they will be thankful and will be in keeping with the pre-eminence of V. E., and it is likewise justice bestowed on these new and studious pupils. God our Lord keep the life and
that was
health of V. E.
11, 1786.
I kiss
Hipolito Ruiz.
Lima, June 1, 1786. Don Hipolito has been answered that I am surprised at which is based upon the supposed progress of the two assistants, when he has informed His Majesty of the ineptitude of these men and of their lack of progress, according to a notice given to me in a Royal Order of the 29th of October of last year which I have just received, and which is filed with the previous ones. Escobedo. This is a copy of the original: I so certify. By order of the Senor
his request,
Copy No. 4
Senor Superintendente General of the Royal Treasury. Sir: Under date of the 21st of June last, V. E. tells me that you are surprised at the request that I made, on May llth, about helping the new assistants with the expense allowance they obtained last year for the trip that they made to the montana, because the basis for their advancement and industry that V. E. says I attribute to those individuals contradicts the information I have given to the contrary to His Majesty. So that V. E. may know that my attitude, now as ever, is a reasonable one, and that this which I have asked for is in order and that the Royal intentions may be fulfilled, I take the liberty of enclosing the two copies of what I wrote before and after to the Excmo. Senor Ministro about the matter. From them V. E. will judge of my good intentions. It is known to S. S. that on the first of January, 1785, I made the statement that the salary allotted to the assistants was insufficient to enable them to follow us on the trips and expeditions into the montanas and asked that you might do what you considered appropriate in the circumstances. Under the date of the llth of January of the same year, I stated to V. E. how suitable the nomination of the draftsman was although the Royal Order did not compel it; and in view of the contingencies that could develop with only one botanist on hand, I asked S. S. for the nomination of another one, proposing in the case Don Fernando Collo: I had been informed that he was a man of sufficient talent
and intelligence to be able to make rapid progress in the science of botany and in guiding the two assistants. On April 11, 1785, in the name of all my companions, I called the attention of V. E. to the small salary that had been assigned to the assistants, insufficient to pay the expenses that are necessary if they are to follow us in our excursions, and so we thought to put the matter before V. E. in order that they might be given the allowance for expenses. Since this request had no effect at that time and my companions did not decide to present a second petition, I alone, impelled by pity, took the liberty of proposing it to V. E., and immediately each one was given two hundred pesos. I have reported to the Excmo. Senor Ministro on several occasions, exactly as to V. E., after having written the first letter enclosed, about the industry, disposition, good conduct, and progress of said assistants. When, at the beginning, I wrote the enclosed to V. E., no other motive actuated me than the desire for the appointment of one who possesses some knowledge of botany, in view of the short time His Majesty had
assigned; at the
almost impossible for the assistant botanist, In His Royal in such a limited time. Writ His Majesty ordered us to appoint one or two young men that V. E. might nominate, instructed in botanical operations, and so advanced that they might be able to answer questions asked from Madrid; and because I thought that in such a short time as a year, this knowledge could not be secured, even though the
same time,
in Latin, to progress so
had been a middling philosopher, I considered it indispensable to represent as such so that they might not blame us for neglect, and also charge us with not having given them their respective instructions. I do not doubt that the
draftsman, when we return, may be able to sketch fairly well what the botanist requests as to plants; but as the botanist must be the one who has to carry the burden of the commission, if he is not well instructed, the fact that the other man
can sketch a plant will be of no advantage if he has no one to tell him exactly what needed to make a good sketch; but as the making of a good sketch does not consist simply in the representation of the visible parts of the plant, but in knowing
how to give them their place, direction, size, and shape without adorning the sketch with additional matter, and without neglecting to sketch the smallest thing found on the plant although it may seem superfluous, because on these factors depend
the perfection and genuine knowledge of the plant, and they are the most difficult to note and sketch. I wrote to the First Botanist of the Royal Botanical Garden
on the same date as to the Excmo. Senor Ministro, the 12th of last June, so that he might be interested and ask S. Exa. to grant what I ask. From the contents of the enclosed letters, and from what I have already said, I have no doubt that V. E. will be satisfied as to my sincerity and of the reason that moved me to write the first
S. Exa. if I did wrong, I beg of V. E. to overlook my carelessness, because my intention was only to succeed and to strive for the due realization of the Sover-
time to
eign's intentions.
Hipolito Ruiz.
Huanugrant V. E. life and health many years. of V. E., your most obliged and faithful servant. Jorge Escobedo. Lima, July 26, 1786.
Look up the preceding and answer that I have been thoroughly informed, and that he knows that, nevertheless, I have helped the assistants with the expense allowance, as in the former instance. I have nothing to add except that the appointment which Don Fernando Collo covets has not been made on account of the real obstacle of his being in his regiment and of there being evidence that he was asking for this appointment because he wanted to leave the service; all of this should be evident as it was to the Reverend Father Gonzalez, through whose hands this Escobedo. request was passed as well as the appointment of the two assistants.
Manuel Jorge
Copy No.
Senor Superintendente General of the Royal Treasury. Sir: Don Hipolito Ruiz, First Botanist of His Majesty in this Kingdom of Peru, with due respect refers to V. S. and says: That in view of the fact that with the salary of 600 pesos allowed to the assistants, Don Juan Tafalla and Don Francisco Pulgar, they could not meet the cost of food, clothes, and expenses incurred in trips and excursions in which
they are to accompany the expedition for their instruction and profit, and that they have always been in debt since they were appointed to this expedition: it is necesit before V. E. for his superior consideration so that, as well as of the care, accuracy, and application with which said assistants are advancing by means of the instruction that we have given them,
informed of
V. E. might issue the necessary instructions so that the salary would be augumented, and the assistants by this means become free from debt and be able to
meet the expenses they will incur in the future; and so inspire them to go forward with more zeal in the advancement of their trust and so that the Royal intentions
thus might be duly fulfilled. He begs and implores V. E. to be so kind as to grant this favor to said assistants, Don Juan Tafalla and Don Francisco Pulgar, increasing
their salaries as
you see
so that they
may become
the necessary expenses that they will incur in the future; that in everything they will receive justice through the favor granted by V. E.
The Lord
10, 1787.
I kiss
protect the life and health of V. E. many years. Huanuco, March the hand of V. E., your most humble and obedient servant.
Hipolito Ruiz.
Jorge Escobedo.
With respect to that which has been stated and many times pointed out by the principal professors of the Botanical Commission about the smallness of the salary of the young assistants by virtue of the Royal Order, whom, according to the same, we have, while their progress and aptitude was being observed, been aiding with a moderate gratuity, to avoid which and to reward
26, 1787.
Lima, March
their industry and to stimulate it, and to prevent their being burdened with debts for lack of salary as represented, and because the fixing of the assistants' pay has been left to the judgment of this Superin tendency, I increase the salary of said young
men, Don Juan Tafalla and Don Francisco Pulgar, to the amount of one thousand
pesos, which they shall enjoy from the month of January of this year, and in order that this salary be paid and prompt advance notice be taken of this decree in the
Tribunal of Accounts, a copy shall be forwarded to the Senor Intendente of Tarma may transmit it to the Royal Coffers of Pasco, so that payments may be made there to said interested parties of the amount due from January, and that which in the future shall become due to them while their commission lasts in that district, and another copy shall be made to be sent to Professor Don Hipolito Ruiz in answer to his previous letter and for his information and that of the assistants, and to inform His Majesty with the copies of the letters that are cited Escobedo. at the beginning of this decree and what has been done about them.
so that he
I so certify.
Manuel Jorge
Excmo. Senor:
inform V. Exc. that today, the 13th of the present month, I arrived at this my two companions, the second botanist Don Jose Pavon and the second draftsman Don Isidro Galvez, after five months and a few days of travel on the frigate "El Dragon" from the port of Callao.
On board of said "Dragon" there have arrived 15 boxes of dried plants and several other products of the vegetable, animal, and mineral kingdoms which, added to 14 that the frigate "El Jason" is bringing, makes the number 29, which are what we could collect since the last sending of 76 boxes, shipped last year on
the frigates "Pilar," "Brillante," and
"La Fee."
At the same time, the sketches have arrived; they are those that, since the last sending composed of 589 sketches, have been done by the second draftsman and the one staying in Lima, following the assistant botanist, named by Order of His Majesty to continue and advance the commission and to satisfy doubts and answer the questions that may be made from the Court during the
publication of the Flora Peruana.
I have also brought 24 crates of live plants of which, although some have died from the cold at Cape Horn, changes in temperature, insects, and other causes
incident to such a long trip
many have
by the
For my part I am bringing two volumes in folio and one in marquilla paper of botanical observations in which are contained two thousand descriptions, most of
which are of new genera and species, and the rest, although very few, of species already mentioned by other botanical authors, their descriptions corrected and
amplified as far as possible.
of the duplicate of
from that
has been
office it
of Peru I delivered a package with the 3rd part botanical observations, which I delivered sealed so that could be sent by the "Jason" to V. E. The assistant botanist
left to
copy the
rest of
are finished, he will transmit them to V. E. through another office, with the instruction that the duplicate and the triplicate be sent by different mail boats on ac-
count of possible
protect the
and health
of V. Exca. for
13, 1788.
I kiss the hand of V. Exca., your most obedient servant. Excmo. Senor Don Antonio Porlier.
Hipolito Ruiz.
the margin it is written. Acknowledge receipt, and return to inform His Majesty with the next despatch.
so that I
Excmo. Senor:
my Flora Peruana y Chilense, which in spite and other inevitable accidents I have been able to compose, by dint of vigilance and application, with 2000 plants systematically described in their native places, with notes on their virtues and the uses of many of them, and
natural desire to embellish
of fires, shipwrecks,
the particular qualities of others, impels me to select meritorious persons to whom I should dedicate the new genera that are contained in it, so that at last, as the
fruit of
my pains and in honor of the Royal Botanical Expedition to Peru, it is indispensable that I should attend affectionately to my desire, trying to ennoble it with the names of men of learning and truly meritorious and illustrious protectors
such as the name of V. Exca.,
who strives with so much zeal for the advancement and other important sciences, without any other motive than public benefit and the good of the Crown. For this reason I have taken the liberty of dedicating to V. Exca. a new genus of the four that have arrived in the
and protection
of this
23 crates of
at Madrid, I shall try to get the duplicate sketch of the Porlieria have the honor of presenting it to V. Exca. but, until I succeed in this, await your esteemed orders.
I shall
On my arrival
protect the
and health
of V. Exca. for
13, 1788.
Hipolito Ruiz.
. .
arbol del Ajo
Genus novum
3 5
chirimoyo lacre de montana
ccarhuas caja o palo amarillo
1 1
canafistola de
pigna cedro
Crescentia Cujcte
Cyrilla dependens
arbol del incienso del Peru
Clusia rotundicapsula
Bignonia coerulea
Ferraria Lague
3 2
palo santo
rosa de China
Gen. novum.
lucuma de monte
Pinus Chilensis
Fagara Pterota
1 1
pino de Chile
arbol del culantro
. .
Laurus Persea
Laurus ex Cuchero
Paullinia magnicapsula
palto o aguacate
montanas de Cu2 5
lucumas de monte
coronas de
arbol de las
mantas de Otageti.
Psidium purpureum
Pteris arborea
Poinciana bijugata
Planta ex Valdivia
1 1
orejona ccaratu
Toluifera resinifera
NOTE. The first number signifies the number of plants from Lima, and the second the number on hand. The letter C means bulb, and the letter E means a cutting from a tree. NOTE. The letter D indicates has been placed) can survive.
NOTE. Besides the plants here listed there are two other small trees, but I do not know what they are; and, similarly there are three species of liliaceous plants, and some small trees that, although half dried, show that they might sprout after reaching a warm environment as in a hothouse.
So that from the 102 trees and live plants that left Lima, 31 have died, and only 71 survive, with two more small trees the names of which I do not know, together with the bulbs of the liliaceous plants and some small plants that are bearing at present.
Organization of the expedition. Gomez Ortega consulted. Botanists and draftsmen. Addition of Dombey. From Madrid to Cadiz. Preparations for the voyage. Departure. Good voyage. Arrival at Callao
Presentation to the viceroy. Visits by the literati. Survey of the environs of Lima. Botanical work. Extent and Surprise of the Indians. limits of the province of Cercado. Climate. Parishes. The stay in Carabaillo.
of Torreblanca.
The town
of Arnedo.
Jurisdiction of the province. Limits and extension. Rivers. Animal and vegetable products. Ports, coves, and small bays. Climate. Fertility of the valleys. The huano. Silver mines. Grave mounds. Ancient monuments. Salt mines. Parishes of this province
Location of Lurin. Form of the houses. Administration. Militia. Manner of fishing. Entertainments and patrons. Production. Common fishes. Fevers and their remedies. Birds. Plants
The Lurin
in Surco.
of plants
of the
Journey to Tarma. Incidents of the journey. Yauliaco. Pucara. DangerThe province of Huarocherf. ous bridges. The encanada of San Mateo.
Stay Landscapes.
The convent
Seasonal differences in the vegetation. Abundance of cattle. The Xauxa river. Revolt of the Indians (1742). Plants. Towns and annexes. Excursions of the naturalists. Hardships and misfortunes. Journey to Huanuco. Details of the landscape. Dyeing process. The town of Reyes. Its products. Origin of the Ucayali, Huallaga, and Maranon. The town of Pasco. Its mines. Caxamarquilla
From Huanuco
Fatiguing march.
Appearance of the
Accident to a mule.
Extent of Cuchero.
Pueblo Nuevo.
Huanuco and
Blowguns. Manner Cuchero. Climate. district of Cuchero. Flora. Sufferings and want. Indians. Departure from Cuchero. Plants described
of the Indians of Langostan. The Inca. of hunting with them. Products of the mountains of Its effects and the apparel of the peons. Fauna of the
Location of Chinchao.
of pastures
Agricultural products.
Departure of Galvez, Brunete, and Ruiz. Finding of cinchona trees. Tiresome march. Plants gathered. Stramonium and its uses. Case of
Departure from Huanuco.
The picturesque ravine of Huanuco. Loss of Galvez' mule. Arrival at Chavinillo. The corregidor Dn. Ignacio de Ulloa. Cahuac, Ovas, and Chupan. Vegetation. Woolen works
Boundaries and extent of this province. The river that crosses it is the Maranon, according to La Condamine and other geographers. The Patay Rondos, Tazo, and Huanuco rivers. Fertility of the soil. Abundance of cattle. The trade in wool. Discovery of silver in the desert of Huayanca. Discovery of mercury and silver in the hill of Chonta and district of Ayras. Placer gold in Chavin. Thermal springs and ancient monuments. Aetites. Parishes. Quivilla and the bridge. Inhabitants of this province and their
Drunkenness and
of dancing
Misfortune of a muleteer. Incidents of the trip. Work of the botanists during the year 1780-81. Plants gathered and their uses
Dangers of the road.
Plants of this region.
The advice
of a traveler.
Arrival at Huariaca.
Limits of the province of Canta. Plants of this region. Population
The hacienda
plants gathered.
Uses and
common names
The hacienda El Ingenio. Its sugar production. Quipico. The farm of Andahuasi. Its good management
Plants de103
Location of Sayan. of the soil
Plants gathered.
Uprising of Tupac-Amaro
Departure from Callao. Navigation. Phosphorescence of the sea. Strong wind and heavy sea. Misfortune on board 109
Arrival at Talcahuano.
at Concepcion
Crossing of the Biobio.
farms. guazos. Superstitions of the
Araguete river. The plain. Arboreal vegetation. The Carampangue. Piedras de cruz. Salutations. Speeches. Instructions. Enthusiasm of an old man. Plants of the field near Arauco. Farewell to the Indians. Preparations for the parliaments. Revolt of 1766. Quarrelsome character of the Indians. Cremation of dead from the plague. Pehuenches and Huiliches 113
Orders regarding the plaza of Corcura. Fishing on horseback in the sea. 126 Botanizing in the vicinity of Concepcion. Plants sketched and described
. . .
Woods and fields of Culenco. Cattle and fruit trees. kind of olives. Origin of the name Culenco
A special
Plants gathered.
Boundaries of the province of Puchacay. Botanizing at Huilguelemu. The Chilean pine. Plants of Rere. Medicinal and industrial uses. The pizguin.
Boundaries of the province of Rere. Its climate. Gold washers. Round stones. Birds of the province
Salting industry.
Excursions in the neighborhood of Concepcion. Plants gathered. The shade of the lithre. The maythen. Uses of the merulanguen and other 139 vegetables. Collection of woods. The Chilean pine and its great utility
. .
Shape, limits, and parishes of the province of Concepcion. The bay of Quinquina. Talcahuano and its castle. Valdivia and its origin. Earthquakes and inundations in 1730 and 1751. Description of Concepcion. Its inhabitBirds. Convents. Mammals. "The amphibious horse." Fish. ants. Mollusks. Echinoderms. Crustacea. Arachnids. Amphibia. Reptiles. Insects. Plants 142
Coal. Clays. Thermal Gold. Metals. Lime. Gypsum. Minerals. Ports. Textile and other industries. waters. Lakes. Rivers. Products.
From Concepcion
into Chile.
Ruiz becomes ill. Survey of the mercury mine of Coquimbo by Dombey. 154 Earthquakes and floods
Strange event
Itinerary. Plants gathered. Arrival at Callao. shipped in the vessel "San Pedro de Alcantara"
Stay in Lima.
Departure from Lima. Illness of Ruiz
gathered in Yaso.
Tiresome march.
Departure from Huanuco. Itinerary, and plants found. Arrival in Puzuzo. Work done by the botanists
Location of Puzuzo. Lack of pastures. The river. Particles of gold. Harshness of the water and its effects. Inhabitants. Vegetable products. 172 Commerce. Climate. Fauna. Bridges, Harmful insects. Plants
Report and seeds sent to the Ministry of the Indies. of Tafalla and Pulgar to the expedition. Illness of Ruiz
Excursions. Very abundant Comforts of the draftsmen. Excursion of the Hardships. peons. Cholon. Revolt of the draftsmen. The catastrophy at Macora. Great losses. Praiseworthy conduct of some Flight of the mayordomo. hacenderos. Departure from Macora with great hardships. Return to Huanuco. Intendente Galvez. Meeting with him, and proposal of the
Tafalla's misfortune.
Arrival at Macora.
The draftsmen reprimanded by Galvez. Illness of Ruiz. Ruiz asks permission to return to Spain. Order of the Ministry of the Indies for the discharge of the new assistants, and objections of Ruiz. Shipment of
living plants
Shipwreck of the vessel "San Pedro de Alcantara." the fire at Macora. Their uses. Curious observations
Plants gathered after
Stops on the way. Arrival at Muna. Excursions. Description of Muna. Occupation of the natives. Products of the country. Population. Peaceful character of the Indians. Clothing. Flora 208
Pavon's misfortune.
Itinerary. Plants, barks, and seeds. ment prepared for Spain. Ruiz studies the Malvaceae of refutes Cavanilles. Illness of Ruiz
and death
of Brunete.
Intervention of Ruiz
Vegetation of
for the
Location, climate, pastures, fields. Population. Building construction. 221 Fishing. Minerals. Birds. Waters. Healthfulness of the place
Tiresome march.
Narrowness of Chacahuasi.
Location of Chacahuasi.
Pilco river
fishing in
Parrots and monkeys. The bridge over the Rio Grande. Hardships of the cascarilleros. Procedure in crossing the rivers. 223 Skin affections caused by the humidity and heat
er felling of trees.
Abuses and outrages.
Imperfect methods of packing. Order for our return to 228 Plants gathered in Pillao and Chacahuasi. Their uses
Fatigue of the mules.
Fury of a mule. Illness of Tafalla. Painful march. 234 Arrival and work at Huanuco. The year 1788
Plants gathered and described. The Limonia trifoliata and Itinerary. Verbena citriodora. The Cerbera salicifolia. Uses of its seeds. Packing the Good offices of Father Gonzalez Laguna. Settlement of accollections.
of the edict.
Preparations for embarking. Living plants for Madrid. Arrival in Spain Sailing in the "Dragon."
Words of Lagasca. Indifference of the government to the encouragement of the natural sciences. The travels of Ruiz and Pavon in Chile and Peru. The Quinologia of Dn. Hip61ito Ruiz and the problem of the quinas. Description of this work and its success. Appointment of Dn. Juan Tafalla and Dn. Juan Augustm Manzanilla for the continuation of the campaign of Ruiz and Tafalla discovers new species of quina his companions in Chile and Peru. The trees. Attack of Zea on the doctrines of Ruiz and the latter's answer. 297 Suplemento a la Quinologia of Ruiz
de la Flora Peruviana y Chilense. Draftsmen and engravers. Contents. Genera dedicated to botanists and patrons of botany. DiscusCriticism of sions between Cavanilles and the authors of the Prodrome. Antonio Lorenzo Jussieu ot this work and reply of Ruiz. The Systema Vege305 tabilium Florae Peruvianae et Chilensis of Ruiz and Pavon
The Prodomo
Llaguno and
Character of the descriptions. New Genera. Species described. Draftsmen. Engravers. Appearance of the second volume of this work (1799). Contents. 309
of the Flora Peruviana et Chilensis (1798). Diligence of Dn. Antonio Porcel. Support of ministers Jovellanos. The preface to the work. Classification adopted.
the press (1802). Its contents and genera published by the authors. Personages to whom some genera included in the third volume were dedicated. Material sent from Peru by Dn. Juan Tafalla. Plans of Ruiz and Pavon for the Suplemento de la 311 Flora. The preface to this volume and the letter from Ruiz to Jussieu
of this
work comes
Preparation of volume iv. Approximate date of its completion. New genera described in it. New species. Illustrations. Genera and species published by the authors. Genera corrected in this volume. Suppressed genus. Sending of collections by Tafalla. Ruiz and Pavon criticize the reforms introduced 312 by several botanists in the classification of Linnaeus
Chilensis continue their work. Content of the manuscript and unpublished volumes of this work: v, VI, vn, vm, Idem of volumes I, II, in, IV, and v of the Suplemento. The IX, X, and XI. 314 plates. The botanical work of Ruiz and Pavon
The authors
Time consumed in the preparation of this Flora. Those who worked on it until 1816. From 1816 until 1832. Workshops of Floras in Madrid at the time. Royal orders commanding that they be directed by the botanist. Those of the Floras of Nueva Espana and Nueva Granada also assigned to him. The Flora of Peru stays independent. Dn. Demetrio Rodriguez is assigned to this. Sums expended on the Floras of Nueva Granada and of Peru. Scientific
value of the latter. Comparison with former botanical works of Spanish authors. Influence of Linnaeus in Spain. Glorious generation of botanists here during the eighteenth century. Works and drawings. Excellence of the Flora Peruana above the others mentioned. Deplorable neglect with respect to this. The voice of a deputy. What has been published of the Flora Peru317 ana. What remains of the genera and species published by Ruiz and Pavon.
. .
Dombey. His scientific competence. Arrival in Spain. Information about means to combat the plague of ants. His appointment as a member Leaves for Peru. Commissions confided to him. His of the expedition. His return to Spain (1784). His collections. Inacbotanical campaigns. 325 curacy of Larousse
journals and the Viaje of Ruiz. Date at which it was terminated. Information given in the Prodromo and in the Quinologia. The doctoral thesis of Dn. Tomas Pascual. The extract of the Viaje by Jimenez de la Espada.
Persons who advised us. investigations. Praiseworthy conduct of Isabel Pascual. Our additions. Acknowledgments to those who have
helped us
Zoological part.
Geographical part. Botanical part. Mineralogical Curious entomological detail. Historical episodes.
of of
of Natural
by Order
H. M.
by the draftsmen who are going to serve in the exercise of their profession
256 258
List of seeds, fruit, bulbs, roots,
Ruiz, giving the Spanish and Indian
List of the contents of the seven boxes sent
List of the small live trees that I
for the
sending in the seven heated cases 284 Madrid. Marks on the pots
oblonga 46, 207 lanceolata 231
brachiatum 92
capillus-veneris 44
amaerinifplia 128 amentifolia 91
paniculata 177
betuloides 181 glandulosa 212 granulata 212 indica 31 polygama 181
conyzoides 31
pubescens 78 purpurea 78
78, 80
trinerve 80
pmnata 46
tun< oll a 30 J}J tnpartita 230 AiHaa v,,, ^ 133 IQQ " nata Air J * All 89 mcarnata o
tetrandral77 Acnyranthes
geniculata 80
angulosum 100
triquetrum 100 Alstroemeria 134 capitata 46 coccinea 46 crocea 46 discolor 136 fimbriata 177 Li gtu 133, 134, 137 peregrina 27, 28, 102 punicea 212 revoluta 136 Salsilla 132 sanguinea 136 secunda 212 spiralis 46 tomentosa 212, 230 tricolor 136 trifida 46 Althaea cornuta 81 Alzatea verticillata 204
232, 233
acutum 92
calomelanos 44 Cuacsaro 44, 230, 231 lineare 44 Marantae 44 nitidum 44 obovatum 44 palmatum 44 revolutum 44 squamatum 44
retroflexus 100
conicum 232
pedicellatum 212
pentandrum 81
Ambrosia 98
racemosum 198
alba 45
bracteata 231
cordifolia 212
glauca 231
mellifera 231
acutifolium 44
digitata 45, 131
caudatum 44
cultrifolium 44 falcato-lineare 44
pubescens 45
Anethum parvum 30
uniflora 212
trilobate 178
lutea 203
fjssum 44
falcatum 230
decussatum 198 Antirrhinum avenium 230
graveolens 140 Aralia digitata 48, 211 ferruginea 204 globosa 179 lanceolata 211 aff. trinervis 175 Araucaria 141
villosa 47
crystallina 101
monoica 48 Atropa
multiflora 46
parvifolia 230
lanceolata 212
racemosa 140
corymbosa 212
spinosa 47 Baitaria
acaulis 238
aliaceum 205 auritum 176
ensiformis 176
frutescens 198
purpurea 46
diffusa 230
Boerhaavia scandens 102, 200 viscosa 100, 101, 200 Bombax 72, 196, 227 aculeatum 178 microcarpon 178
trilobum 81 Bowlesia lobata 231
rubra 102 Bauhinia aculeata 28, 91, rosea 91 Begonia 212, 220 ciliata 198, 205 coccinea 212 cucullata 178 hirsuta 212 incarnata 212 lobata 78 monadelpha 212 obliqua 78 parviflora 212 purpurea 178 repens 178 rosea 212 utriculata 212 Berberis lutea 211, 212, 236 mucronata 46 tortuosa 46
Besleria auriculata 81
palmata 101
media 43
demissa L. 78, 230 Brunelha aculeata 212 inermis 212 Bryonia
cordifoha 92
Bryum mtldum
Buddleia 40
diffusa 202
occidentalis 100
acuminata 176
alba 48, 51 nigra 230 Bidens 62
cuneifolia 28
cuneiformis 100
nasturcifolia 47, 62
dentata 213 dependens 213 ferrugmea 91, 213 latifolia 213 pelucida 213 venossissima 231
pubescens 81 punctate 201 serrate 44
pinnato-multifida 47 tripartita 31
alba 180 brachiata 180 clavata 180 coerulea 67, 68 lanuginosa 180 muricata 180 pentagona 82 planisiliqua 180 stans 42
^^^S^ 45
cancelatus 167
Bi xa
muricata 175
Orellana 78, 175
catenulata 176
bicolor 91 crenata 238 cuneiformis 238 dentata 91, 126 heterophylla 210 mflexa 238 hnearis 50, 51
maculata 238 nutans 238 perfoliata 78 pinnata 91, 100 pulverulenta 238 rugosa 126 scabra 45
scrophylariaefolia 126
Cassia 201
hirsuta 42 mimosoides 28
procera 177
procumbens 42
reflexa 128 setacea 42 tenuissima 31 Tora 28, 101
virgata 238 viscosa 91 Calla 80 acuminata 80 bracteata 176 canaliculata 205 nuda 176
grandiflora 45 Cavanillesia umbellata 181
granulosus 198 Cecropia 73 alba 213 aquifera 78 aspera 205 canescens 176 coriacea 198 digitata 205 tubulosa 213 Cedrela inodora 204 odorata 30, 182, 183
globiflora Callisia
repens 91 Calyplectus
acummatus 178
paniculate 178
expansa 102 Yata 1Q 2 n viscosa 67, 200
deata 140
Celsia 40
hnea rj s
anceqlata 42
indica 203
frutescens L. 176
pubescens 176
napifolia 102
biternatum 91
Carica 80 canescens 237, 238 glandulosa 213
alliodora 175
tomentosa 45 Oestrum
auriculatum 237 lanuginosum 179 longiflorum 204 pulverulatum 78 racemosum 204 rigidum 169, 211 undulatum 68, 199 virgatum 126 Chaetanthera ciliata 137 serrata 137 Chaetocrater pubescens 198 serrata 198
aculeata 181 coccinea 204
concava 207
glandulosa 44 longisiliqua 181 triphylla 31
bisserratum 81
procumbens 81
pubescens 175
Clusia aff. decussata 232
macrocarpa 213
radicans 178 rosea 78, 231 rotundicapsula 213
thurifera 48
tuberosum 46
Chiococca ovata 204
trioecia 232
carinata 82 hastata 131 nidida 46 volubilis 46 Coffea
occidentalis 78, 203
magnifolia 78 nitida 77
officinalis 82,
tetrandra 204
corymbosa 230
ovalis 46
nervosa 78 Condalia
lanceolata 80 80
echinata 199 muricata 212 ovalis 212 pyriformis 78, 212 tomentosa 212
Clarisia biflora 176
rotundifolia 27, 102
trifida 68,
laciniata 47
pinnatus 107
argenteus 198
laevis 232
fungiforme 198
striatus 46
Dalea? L. 43
luteum 177
sagittatum 45
rosea 169
sanguinea 45
Stramonium 82
Decostea scandens 130
Desfontainia spinosa 45
acutifolium 232 ciliatum 201
hirsutum 181
181, 182
hirsuta 202
nudus 82
pulverulentum 48 striatum 48
trinerve 131
mucronata 102
repens 27
crenata 45 fragosa 45 multifida 45 reniformis 45 repens 45 Dillenia aff. rubra 230
Dioscorea 80
acuminata 91
filiformis 131
viscosa 46
67 cordata 46, 230 Cuscuta odorata 231
Lablab 28
Soja? 101 suberectus 31 umbellatus 178 uncinatus 28 Dombeya 141 Dorstenia
punctata 119, 132
acuminatum 232
glandulosum 45 lanceolatum 204 lanuginosum 203 macrocarpum 179 minimum 45 pentagonum 179 racemosum 30
Contrayerva 203
ovalis 203
decurrens 131 pauciflorum 131
tuberosum 131
articulata 178, 205
pedatum 101
capitatae 198, 232 spicatus 181
procera 212
tuberosus 205
dentatum 130 emarginatum 46, 210
lanceolatum 130
obliquum 130 pinnatum 210
Encelia obliqua 101
210, 211
distachya L. 48, 206
Huaramachia 47 obovatum 80
sagittatum 92 salvifolium 165 sambucinum 205 scabrum 91 scandens 28 stridens 231 subsessile 47 trinerve 47 urens 128 Euphorbia 40
Epidendrum acuminatum 47
biflorum 47
Chamaesyce 31
erosa 180 hirta 31
hypericifolia 31 Peplis? 207
portulacoides 128
striata 100
tricuspidata 128
imbricata 137
coriandriodora 179, 232
oblongifolia 140 Pellin 131
contorta 212 denticulata 231 ensiformis 212 graminifolia 231
ciliatum 137 coeruleum 91 trifidum 137
haematodes 231
laxa 212
tripodum 137
punctata 212
Ferraria 40, 98 Lagues 133
filiforme 47
moschatum 148
acinaciformis 81 frutescens 204
hirta 175
verticillata 175
46, 132
trinerve 47 uniflorum 131 Vira-vira 47
oblonga 78 spathulata 78
hirsuta 178
racemosa 181
nitida 127, 128
purpurea 45
ciliatum 45
angulata 47 quinquenervis 47 uniflora 47 Gonzalagunia dependens 80
longiflora 175
hirsutum 308
canescens 43 conferta 46 multiflora 137 striata 67 Gentiana 170 biflora 45
hirsuta 46
rubra 230
abrupta 177 acuminata 204
ferruginea 177 nitida 232 purpurea 177
tomentosa 179
dependens 204
auriculata 211
racemosa 203
tinctoria 78
thyrsiflora 131, 132
glandulosa 211
juniperifolia 43
setosa 43
thymifolia 43
asperum 28 mimosioideum 167
pilosum 205 plumosum 133 prostratum 101 pubescens 47 virgatum 205
Heisteria coccinea L. 177 Helianthus 151 glutinosus 47 lanceolatus 47
aspera 47 contorta 212 cordata 212 lanceolata 233 oblonga 212 parviflora 212 polystachia 205 reyoluta 212 spiralis 47
alchimilaefolia, alchemillaefolia 140 asiatica 46
urens 167
Hypericum 62
angulare 28
corymbosum 230
subulatum 47, 230 Hypochaeris
laciniata 133
tricolor 231
punctata 140
incanum 67
lanceolatum 67 oppositifolium 211 parvicalycum 67 pilosum 30 synzystachyum 100 Hemionitis falcata 92 rigida 44
stellata 133 Heteranthera reniformis 27
Achyrantha 30 lanatum 45
Indigofera Anil 205 argentea 82 Ipomoea 205, 206
acuminata 30
angulata 179
glandulifera 205, 206 hirsuta 107 subrotundifolia 30 subtriloba 45
villosa 179 Iriartea
deltpidea Isquierdia
aggregata 206
triflorum 47
Manihot 72
urens 178 Jaunulloa
parasitica 182 Juglans 62 nigra 31, 62 Juniperus aff. 231
coriaceum 205
lineare 205
peruviana 100
trifoliata 238,
incana 44 longistaminea 232 mucronata 203 punctata 78 racemosa 210 spicata 180 tenuifolia 78
Limosella subulata 42
confertum 140
Lisianthus 199
acutangulus 204
corymbosus 81
oblongus 204 ovalis 81, 204 quadrangularis 78 revolutus 211 viscosus 211
lanceolata 238
oblonga 134
triandra 43, 200
aculeata 78 involucrata 47 purpurea 67 salvifolia 28 Lardizabala biternata 130, 139 triternata 139
rosea 98
spiralis tricolor
46 132
bicolor 47 biserrata 91
hirsuta 78 stipulata 211
Laurus 196
alba 204 aurantiana 78 coerulea 203
foetida 204
fragrans 177
foetidum 67 Lettsomia lanata 199 tomentosa 198 Lichen cinereo-viridis 44
multifidus 44
argenteus 43 rhombeus 133
aggregation 102 falsum 27 obovatum 44 spathulatum 82 umbellatum 237
cuneiformis 47 grandiflora 47, 212 hastata 231 ligulata 231 longipetala 212, 231 paniculata 230
ramosa 205
47 undulata 212
ovata 81 Melaleuca
coriacea 231
ciliatum 207
corymbosum 44 dichotomum 48
lanceolatum 44 nutans 92 peregrinum 92 prostratum 92 subulatum 44
62, 74
foetida 211
Macrocnemum 220
corymbosum 80
pubescens 78, 204 venosum 80, 204 Malpighia
glandulosa 81 nitida 102, 202
nitida 204
aspera 67
repens 212 sericea 204 serrulata 204 subsessilis 80 tomentosa 47 Melochia cordifolia 232 corchorifolia 31 plicata 82
aspera 204
calyptrata 199
crinense 232
ensiformis 179
tripartita 101
148, 155, 201 carbonaria 129 expansa 68 farnesiana 199, 200 Inga 29, 213 latisiliqua 102 nodosa 179 pernambucana 29
planisiliqua 206
Maxillaria alata 47
bicolor 47, 49
sensitiva 102
spicata 167
luteus L. 132
oblongifolia 206
peruiferum 176, 177
subumbellatus 91
acuminata 127
incana 231 latifolia 212 linearis 127 nitida 231 oblonga 140 obovata 47 prostrata 231 quinquenervis 78 racemosa 140 reticulata 140 scabra 47 scandens 101, 237 salicifolia 231 uniflora 47 venosa 80 yiscosa 140 Mollinedia lanceolata 203 repanda 203 serrata 203
oppositifolia 233 verticillata 180
inflexa 212
mitis 205
radiata 127
operculata 104
fragrans 179, 213
nigra 212 spinosa 212
fragrans 179 Nycterisition
corymbosa 230
lanceolata 212
ferrugineum 232
pedunculata 45 Oenothera
grandiflora 140 incurvata 134 lineatiflora 127 lyrata 202 mitis 133 oblonga 133 prostrata 101 O'Higginsia aggregata 78, 204 obovata 211 verticillata 211 Oldenlandia uniflora 137
44 venosissima 230
racemosa 203 Mutisia 212 acuminata 48
spinosa 119 subulata 127
oblpngum 132
corymbosa 133
gracilis 133
humilis 230
sternutatoria 48
aspera 177, 198 laevis, 177
verticillatum 132
132, 133
concava 78, 203 dependens 176 emarginata 176 filiformis 80, 203 Peperomia foliiflora 80, 203
obliqua 78 pilosa 176 pubescens 45
pyrenaicum 46
biserrata 81
purpurea 80, 203 quadrangularis 80 rhombea 232 scandens 78 secunda 232 septemnervis 176
striata 78
Panicum purpureum 43
Parkinsonia aculeata 104, 107 glandulosa 30
Passiflora biflora 43
vexillatus 28
obovatum 44 repandum 44
revolutum 44 rhombeum 44
scolopendroides 44
maliformis 80 mammosa 43
minima 29
quadrangularis 68 rosea 231 rubra 176 serrata 176 suberosa 101 subtripartita 91 vespertilio 176 vesicularis 176 Paulina striata 78 Paullinia 175 gracilis 175 hirsuta 175 laticinosa 175 obliqua 175 pinnata 175 rubicaulis 175 rubra 175
angulata 102 pubescens 203 subtriflora 237 Phytolacca icosandra L. 230 Pineda incana 91, 207 Pinguicula stellata 45, 230 Pinus 136, 140, 141
Chilensis 140, 141
Piper 220
acuminatum 78
acutifolium 78 angustifolium 91
sempervirens 133
trifida 82,
asperum 232
Piper 220
Peonia 81
betulioum 232
Churumayu 46
crocatum 232
dichotomum 204
filiforme 78
incopcam 44
lineare 44 nutans 44
granulosum 230
hexandrum 180
lineatum 91
longifolium 232
racemosum 92
serratum 44
simile 78
mite 78 nitidum 232 obliquum 78 ovale 230 ovatum 78 polystachyon 78 punctatum 232 scabrum 46, 78 secundum 232
Pistia Stratiotes 29
glandulosa 206
dependens 204
Porlieria 196
unguiculatum 175 Planata 175 Plantago hirsuta 44 hispidula 133 tomentosa 44 Platanus otahetianus 107
Plazia conferta 48
compressus 101 compressifolium 27
Potentilla prostrata 46
alba carinata 27
acaulis 212
rubra 27 tricolor 27 Poinciana 102, 201, 220 bijuga 30, 31, 62 Polyanthes tuberosa 28 Polygala albo-purpurea 78 coerulea 43 aff. discolor 231 incarnata 81 rhombiflora 178 tricolor 165 vulgaris 132
apetala 176 geniculata 176 hastata 81 laciniata 176 perforata 205 sagittato-cordata 81, 176 umbellata 176
volubilis 78, 92 Pourretia coarctata 132 lanuginosa 177, 204 paniculata 204
subulatum 46
Polylepis 62, 65
emarginata 43, 44
resinifera 47, 50
acanthifolium 92 acutifolium 92 Calaguala 44, 55 coronarium 44 crassifolium 44 dichotomum 92 erecto-lineare 44 exaltatum 44
rugosum 180
americana 166
capitata 31 datesa? 169 glandulosa 129, 169
punctata 43
acuminata 204
alba 211
angustifolia 204 coerulea 46, 230
punctatum 131
communis 91
ruber 91 Riqueuria avenia 78 Rivina secunda 179 Rodriguezia ensiformis 205 lanceolata 205 Roetia glandulosa 81 Rubus 220 biserratus 46
fruticosus 46, 202
Pteris auriculata 92
bipartita 92
crenata 92 curvata 92
lineata 44 ternata 44 tomentosa 44 triangulata 44 trifoliata 44 Pteronia gemina 47 spinosa 43 Pullipuntu macrocarpon 206 microcarpon 206
roseus 46
multifida 107 Ruellia alata 78 bicolor 175
82 coccinea 175
acuminatus 45
pretiatus 132 prostatus 132
verticilatus 133
pyramidalis 48
sinuata 133
Salvia 40
acuminata 230
alba 91 excisa 102
fragtostissima 43 galeata 210 grandiflora 43
in curvata 210 linearis 237
rugosa 46
sagitatta 43
atrium 203
spinosa 230
acutangula 204
obovata 204 subrotunda 204
glandulosa 45, 211 nigra 45, 84, 211
Valerandi 31 Sanchezia oblonga 78 ovata 175 Sanicula canadensis 91 Santolina scabra 128
tinctoria 126, 127
acutangula 204 obovata 204 subrotunda 204 Senecio abrotanifolius 44 capus 133 foetidus 230 frutescens 44 nitidus 44 odoratus 81 pyramidatus 78 quercifolius 44 revolutus 44 scandens 28 Serapias alba 134
ciliata 81
nitidum 48 Saracha 98 biflora 45 contorta 238 dentata 238 punctata 213 procumbens 238 Sarmienta repens 114 Satyrium 47, 48 album 47 bicolor 47, 178
dependens 44
stipulata 67
Portulacastrum 28
cirrhosa 91
gj da
plantagineum 178 pubescens 81 virescens 205 Vinde 100 Sauvagesia cihata 78 subtriflora 232
americana 102
capillaris 100 cr tata 101
frutescens 100
occidental 48
sympaganthera 133
Schinus 96, 121, 127, 135 aculeatus 206 aurantiodora 213 frondosus 139 Mayco 80 Molle 199 oblongifolia 212, 213 procera 165 Schizanthus pinnatus 114
Scirpus fragrans 232
anghca L. 132
dichotomum 92 Sisymbrium
Sophia 43 Sisyrinchium alatum 133 anceps 230
cavum 132
echinatum 132 luteum 48
multiflorum 133 ocsapurga 230 palmifolium 31 purgans 48 quadriflorum 132 setaceum 132
ciliata 92 peruviana 92, 98
capitata 231
emarginata 137 Smilax China 169, 178
lanceolata 205, 206 Sarsaparilla 133 Sobralia amplexicaulis 81, 198
corymbosa 211
Anthelmia 175
Spilanthes urens 100 Spondias 173
31, 201
Solanum acuminatum 80
acutifolium 211
anceps 78 angustifolium 91 aserplanatum, (T)aspero-lanatum 42 calygnaphalum 42 cristatum 132 dichotomum 91 diformifolium 80 diffusum 91
sarmentosa 238
Stapelia hirta 230
volubilis 203
serrata 204, 211 Statice Armeria L. 132
foetidum 42 grandiflorum 176 granulosum 212, 231 havanense 42 incanum 67, 202 incurvum 211 laciniatum 78 lineatum 211 lycioides 42 mite 176 nitidum 231 nutans 231 obliquum 80 oblongum 231 pendulum 211 peruvianum 100 pubescens 80, 207 quercifolium 42 repens 100 scabrum 211 sericeum 42 sessile 211 sicioides 201 spicatum 67 stellatum 67, 212, 231 ternatum 78 tomentosum 42 tuberosum 42 variegatum 27, 80
corymbosum 170 paniculatum 233 pendulum 211 patens 230 pulverulentum 136 resinosum 45 revolutum 136
rubrum 119
virgatum 136
Stramonium L.
auriculata 179 brachiata 179 Suriana apetala 165 Swertia corniculata 46, 170 Swietenia macrocarpa 177 Syngenesia 98
secunda 127
Soliva pedicellata 212 sessilis 132
racemosa 233
scabra 213 triflora 206 Tagetes 201
anisidora 205
Chinchu 205
integrifolia 91
auriculata 178
Triplaris 196
odoratissima 47
ciliatum 47
octandra 182
dichotomum 200
nitidum 131
umbellatum 131
Ternstroemia globosa 231 quinquepartita 231
Tropaeolum 40
discolor 212
78, 166
Urena 81
biserrata 67
connata 102 Tillandsia 220 coarctata 44 Huehle 44 juncea 212 paniculata 212 parviflora 212 recurvata 44, 212 revoluta 44 usneoides 44
utriculata 132
hamata 202
trilobata 67
villosa 202 Urtica aculeata 178 baccifera 178 citriodora 212 cymosa 212 dauciodora 212
diaphana 205
fumans 48
fumigera 80 geniculata 80 globifolia 206 hirsuta 212 longifolia 212 nuda 80
orbicularifolia 48
longifolia 179
aphylla 30
maximus 82
acuminata 203
^! V icolor
^Q 203
T Tncuspidana
nutans 127
trinerve 46
ovalis 203, 207
hirsutum 205
Triglochin ciliatum 46 palustre 31
Cornucopiae 131
bicolor 91 chilensis 131 lutea 131
paniculata 210
pilosa 45 pinnatifida 100 thyrsiflora 45
Valeriana virgata 238 Vallea cordata 46 Vandellia diffusa 78 Vanilla officinalis 78 volubilis 178 Varronia dichotoma 231 erecta 82 globosa 212 oblique 45 rugosa 45
Viscum luteum 48
sessile 48 Vismia tomentosa 78 Volkameria
verticillata 128
Weinmannia 196
alata 230
corymbosa 133
oppositifolia 46 ovalis 230
adpressa 78
citriodora 239
corymbosa 133
cuneata 237
biflora 101
a6 8
lutea 231
pauciflora L. 82
balsamifera 178
verticillatum 45
emarginata 232
octandra 31
Azofaifo 31
Abilla 179
Azucena 175
Barbas de viejo 165
Belloto 148 Berbasco 173 Bolbus 117 Boldu 130 Bolillos 28, 310 Bombilla 231, 232 Borbo cimarron 29 Botoncillo 200 Broquin 128 Bullel 127
Caballerias 220 Cabellos de angeles 231
Achupalla 137
Albergilla 80
Almendron 73
Almizclilla 102
de casa 42 Amancae antiguo 28, 309 cimarron 309 Amarra judios 27 Ancas champatra 83
Cabeza de monge 178 Cabulla 83 Cacao 72, 73 Caeca 48 Cacharpurin 179 Cachicasa 27 Cachigusi 169 Cafe 203
Caihua 101 de lomas 101 Caiguas 310 Caimito 173, 177 de monte 203 Calabash 101, 104, 133, 182, 205 Calabaza cimarrona 91
Calaguala 40, 44, 50, 98, 231 gruesa 44 Calcha 137 Callahuala 44 Camona 174, 179 Campanulas 309 de lomas 27 Campucassa 212, 231 Cana braba 222 Canafistola 101, 177 cimarrona 28, 309, 311 Canchalagua cimarrona 200 Canelilla 132 Canelo 114, 115, 148 Capuli 203 Cardo santo 309 Cardon 132 Carpunya 204 Carrizo 222 Cascabeles 309 Cascabelillos 28, 309
Cascarilla 70, 77, 87, 209, 224, 228, 229 de pata de gallareta 214 Cascarillo 221, 230 bobo amarillo 211 Cassava 173, 226 Catas 46, 210
de lomas 107
Apio 39 Arbol de cuentas de rosario 212 del incienso 48, 165, 196, 213 de las mantas 107 de lino 310
del sebo 73, 176, 196 de la seda 27, 202 del tambor 181
blanca 137
Arnaucho 176
Arquenilla 132 Arquenitas 126 Arracacha, 39, 53, 80, 97, 209
Auroras 205, 206 Avellano 148, 128 de Chile 128 de Valdivia 309 Avocado 80, 97
Conchaguala 29
Conco tronco
82, 83
Contrayerba 91, 182, 185 199, 310 Corcolen 131 Coronas de Rey 30 Cotalaura 44 Cuacsaro 44, 231 Cuca-cuca 44 Culandro, Culantro 179, 232 Culantrillo 44
Cuter! 129
Cunhur 46
Cuyol 174, 179
Cuzle 128
Ducasahuintu 201
Enlaora 231
203, 309 cabeza de negrito 202 reales 202 Chisp-huinac 43 Chocllocopa 46 Choloco 28 Chonta 173, 174, 179 Choruro 310 Chucchoclle 231 Chucholle 78 Chuchumeca 27, 202 Chuculate 212, 231 Chuncho 204 Chupillo 182 Chupon 128 Churumayu 46 Chutasllium 179 Chuuima 227 Ciarhirachero 42 Cierrateputa 29, 102, 310 Ciruelo agrio 31, 201, 310 de Fraile 30, 102, 202 Coarhuasahuintu 201
Feligranas 100 Flor de azahar 78 del clavo 100, 310 del Espfritu Santo 212
de Panama 200 de la reina 27 de San Juan 309 de todo el ano 212 Floripondio encarnado 45
de monte 45
44, 53, 79, 80, 173, 174, 192, 196, 198, 221, 225, 226, 227 Coguillogi 130
Guadalaguen 140
Gualle 131
Coguillvogui 139 Coihue 148 Col de montana 206 Colle 42 Collihuay 132 Comida de venado 179
Guarango 310
Guarangillo 309
198 128
Hatumpacte 42
213, 309
Macapagui 102
Huanabano 30, 101, 102, 203 Huanarpo macho 201 Huantura 78 Huanucara 67 Huaramachia 47
Huarandillo 28 Huarituru 45
Huighan, Huignan 121, 127, 151 Huilcatauri 205 Huillca 206 Huincus 48
Huiscacassa 212, 231 Hunopergi 130 Hupaimuna 207
Mar a villas
Ichu 36, 45, 94, 97 Ictnigo 127 Illmo 133 Incopcam 44 Inich 72, 178
165 Margaritas 45, 132 blancas 28 encarnadas 45 esmaltadas 307 de lomas 310 Mascca 231
Iscumnim 175
Jaboncillo 104
Mastuerzo silvestre 67 Matagusanos 91, 199, 310 Matapalo 78, 231 Matayerno matahyerno 100, 310
Maxpachin 175
212, 213
117, 135, 139, 152
Paxaro (pajaro) bobo 68, 107, 151 Pegajosa 101, 200 Pega-pega 28, 310
Peladilla 148 Pellin 131, 140
Monte lucuma
Nalcas 131, 132 Naranjitas de Quito 310 Napu 107 Natre 132 Nebu 148 Negu 128 Nogal de la tierra 31 Nothro 130 Nunumya 42
Ocssa 45 purga 48, 230 Oca, Ocka 38, 39, 53, 86, 167 Olla-olla 46, 212 Orejas de abaci 27 Oreja-oreja 238 Ortiga 132, 133 Ortiga de la Sierra 310
Pacae 29, 39, 97, 213 de monte 179 Pachapacte 42 Paco-paco 210 de la sierra 211 Pacoyuyu 100, 200 Pagnhin 133
Pahua 62
Pahuata-huinac 43 Paico 127
Pai-pai 102, 310, 311 Paja purgante 48, 230 Pallares 310 Palillo 39, 202, 309
117, 134, 148 Picahuai 210 Pichana 100 Pichi 137 Pichicara 67 Pichoa 128 Pichuisa 67 Picma 45, 211 Pila-pila 102 Pililla 30 Pilo, Pelu 131, 148 Pimiento-pimiento 46 Pimpinela cimarrona 128 Pina 179, 180 Pini-pini 46, 206 Pinoli 73 Pinoncillo 31, 309 Pinone 148 Piochas 30, 309 Pita 83 Pitau 132, 148 Platano 30 de monte 204 Poguil 126 Polizone 45 Poroto 37, 39 Puche-puche 102, 310 Pucheri 73 Puchuppus 42 Puca-campanilla 45 Pucsato 231 Pucssato 46 Puhe 47 Pullapuil 178 Pullipuntu 206 Puma 40 Pumachillca 211 Pumacuchu 43, 200
pina 198
Puru-puru 231
Puya 132
Puyutchrin 181, 198
Pangue 131
Quiebra ollas 102, 237, 309 Quila 133 Quillay 137, 148 Quilmo bianco 133
Quilo 131 Quina, Quino 70, 71, 73, 77, 96, 209, 215, 221, 224, 226, 227, 228, 229 Quina-Quina, Quino-Quino 176, 196 Quina officinal 87 Quinuar, Quinhuar, Quinoar 65, 43, 62 Quinchamali 40, 98 Quinclin 132 Quinoa 66, 121
Tacma 44
Taconcillo, Taconcito 28, 309 Tacuna, 73, 78, 176, 205, 213
Tahue-tahue 212
127, 307
dulce 127 Quintral 127 Quisoar, Quishuara 42, 202, 230 Quitatauri 43
Raiz de China 185 Ramaysantra 98 Ram ram 230 Raral 130 Ratafia 200 Ratonera 132 Retamilla 132 Rhinnin cussau 46 Rima-rima 47, 212 Rincri-rincri 238 Roble 131 Rocobo 176 Roccotico de monte 78 Romerillo 127 Rosa-rosa 46 Rurama 45, 211
macho 47
Tecal 133
Peru 101
encarnado 45
Tsackeiro 182 Torongil 140 Totora 313
Traunuvoqui 130
Sacconche 43, 68 Sachsauro 230 Sadcopra 44 Sahuintu 201
Salivatoria 100 Salsaparrilla 133
Trifolito 28
Salvagina 44
menor 43
Uchu-uchu 46
Ucuspatallan 43 Ulluco 39, 46 Ullus, Usluss 46 Unas de gato 28 Upe 205 Urra-purupuru 43
Urtiga, see ortiga
real 43 Sanacassa 46 Sandfa laguen 133 Sangre de drago 181, 182 Santo palo 178, 196 Santra 40 Sarachas 98 Sencapuspu 28 Sia-sia 174, 179, 213 Siempreviva 42, 128 Siete camisas 136 Simayuca 212 Siraca 202 Socconcha 43, 67 Ssagui 80, 173, 226 Ssaire 48 Suche 27 blanco-rosado 27 turumbaco 27
Virgenhacha 231
Yasmich 176, 196 Yechenor 177 Yedra 28, 102 Yelmo 130 Yerba de la arana 399
de la bolsilla 309
del carnero 31
de la culebra 67 del Gallinazo 100 de la golondrina 31, 207 de la lancha 102 de la mistela 131 de la perdiz 140
de las perlillas 44 de la purgaci6n 102, 200 de San Agustin 31, 310 de San Martfn 78, 232 de la sangre 91 de la seda 309 de la Trinidad 31 hedionda y santa 309 santa 199 Yorasahuintu 201 Yuca 80, 221 Yurahuacta 202 Yurahuanium 211 Yuyu 100
Zapayo 209
Zarzaparilla 206 Zorrino 165
Bellavista (parish) 13
Acotama (annex) 22
(lake) 151
(asiente) 168
(pueblo) 93
(gold mine) 163 Anaica (annex) 99 Ancalloma, Aucallama 22 An con (port) 16 Ancon (heights) 107 Andacollo (hill) 163 Andahuasi (hacienda) 104 Andalien (river) 129, 151
Andamarca (annex) 55
Andarien (river) 151 Angaraes (province) 53 Angol (pueblo) 123
Carahuacra (annex) 41
(pueblo) 41
Arica 19
Atabalillos (parish) 99
Ataxpamarca (annex) 99 Aucallama (parish) 22 Auquimarca (annex) 22 Avendano (lake) 146, 151 Ayaranga (annex) 22 Ayras (district) 87
Banos (parish) 88 Banos (annex) 99
Barranca (parish) 21, 22
Bellavista (hacienda) 41
Cascay (river) 71 Cascay (pueblo) 186 Castillo de Pachacamac 23 Caugue 151 Cauquenes (province) 144, 154 Cauquenes (mountains) 139
(river) 151
Caxas (annex) 55
Caxatambo (province) 22
Ccarhuacayan (annex) 98
Choapa (river) 151 (lake) 151 Chongos (parish) 55 Chonta (quicksilver mine) 87 Chontay (annex) 40
Choras (annex) 88
Chorrillo (pueblo) 40 (annex) 14
Ccormo (annex) 99
95, 168 Cerro del Nuevo Potosf 40 Chaclacayo 37 Chacahuasi (montanas) 225, 229 Chacahuasf 223, 224, 234 Chacahuasi (river) 71 Chacahuasf (pueblo) 225 Chacayco (pueblo) 123 Chaclla (annex) 41 Chaclla (pueblo) 169, 184, 208, 214 Chaclla 47 Chaivin (river) 151 Chanca (annex) 41 Chan cay (town) 16, (parish) 20 Chancay (province) 14, 19, 100 Chancay (hills) 100 Chancayllo (port) 16, 20 Chanco 152 Chacapalca, San Lucas de (annex) 41 Chanchamayo (pueblo) 49, 57 Chanchas (parish) 22 Chapca (annex) 99 Chaplanga or Chaplamha (plain) 35 Chaqui (annex) 98 Chatacancha (annex) 40 Chaucha (pueblo) 236, 237 Chaulan (pueblo) 236 Chaupis (annex) 99 Chavin (pueblo) 87 Chavin 29 Chavm de Pariarca (parish) 88 Chavinillo (pueblo) 84 Chavinillo (annex) 88 Checta 238 Cheguen (hacienda) 129 Cheuchin (pueblo) 55 Chicauma (gold mine) 160 Chicoplaya, San Antonio de 71 Chicoplaya (pueblo nuevo) 71, 187 Chicla, San Juan de (pueblo) 33, 41 Chiloe (district) 144 Chillamahuida 163 Chilian (province) 144, 152, 154 Chilian 151 Chilos 151 Chimba (district) 158 Chimla (district) 156 Chinchao (pueblo) 70, 79, 192
(river) 71
Chuspas (annex) 99
Ciricamcha (hacienda) 41 Claro (river) 151 Cocachacra 37, 61 Cochahuayco (annex) 40
Colahuaya (annex) 40
Colca (annex) 55 Colchagua (province) 151, 154, 160 Colina 151, 159
Collata (annex) 41 Collico (hacienda) 129 Collomu (port) 152 Colorado (river) 151 Colocolo (hill) 119 Comayo (pueblo) 228
(parish) 55
de Chile (province)
Concepcion de Pacha (annex) 41 Conchucos, Los (province) 88 Concura (hill) 116, 126
Conuto (parish) 136 Copacabana (plain) 107, (tambo) 14 Copiapo (province) 160 Copiapo (town) 151, 163
Coquimbo (port) 152 Coquimbo (province) 160, 163 Coquimbo 149 Coquimbo (quicksilver mine) 155
Corbalan (copper mine) 164 Corcura (hill) 126 Cortes (copper mine) 164
(annex) 88
63, 64
Cotoc (annex) 99 Cuchero (montanas) 74, 166 Cuchero (pueblo) 71, 232 Cuchero (river) 188 Cuchero 75, 77 Cuchero (district) 73 Cuerno Retorcido 169, 214 Culenco (hacienda) 129, 150 Culiguay (mine) 161
Culli (annex) 99
Culluay (pueblo) 95, 97, 167, 237 Culluay (annex) 99 Cullue (lake) 98 Cushi 184 Cuyo (province) 160
Descubrimiento de las Catas mine) 160 Diezmo 94, 168 Durazno (gold mine) 160
Eneno (pueblo) 54 Esperanza, Buena (pueblo) 138 Esquadron (country house) 114 Estancia del Rey (pueblo) 138
Florida (parish) 136
Huaral, San Juan de (pueblo) 20 Huari, San Antonio de (annex) 41 Huariaca (pueblo) 66, 93, 94, 168, 196, 217, 237 Huariaca 90 Huariaca (river) 195 Huaribamba (pueblo) 55 Huarihancha (annex) 88 Huarocherf (parish) 40 Huarocherf (ravine) 36 Huarocherf (province) 33, 39 Huaroquin (annex) 99 Huasahuasi (fort) 55 Huasahuasi (montana) 42 Huasahuasi (pueblo) 56, 57 Huasahuasi (quebrada) 47
Hacas (annex) 88
Huascacocha (lake) 61 Huasco (valley) 164 Huasco (river) 151 Huascoy (annex) 99
Huaura (river) 16 Huaura (village) 15, 21, 107 Huaura (valley) 19, 20 Huayabal 56 Huayanca (desert) 87 Huayanca (mines) 87 Huaychao (annex) 98 Huaychao (lake) 98 Huaycho (annex) 22
Huayllasrum (lake) 98 Huayllay (annex) 98 Huayucachi (annex) 55 Hucumarca, San Cristobal de 41 Huilguelemu (pueblo) 136, 138, 140, 149
(parish) 99
Huamansica (annex) 40
Huanacache (lake) 151 Huanangui (annex) 22
Illapel (gold mine) 162 Imperial alta (pueblo) 123 Imperial baja (pueblo) 123 Ingenio, El (hacienda) 41, 103 Iscutunam (hill) 223, 234 Itata (province) 144, 152, 154 Itata (river) 151
19, 20, 100 Jesus (pueblo) 88
Juan Fernandez
(hills) 18,
61, 77, 85, 90, 168, 184, 187, 192, 196, 198, 203, 214, 218, 236
Huanuco (quebrada) 91 Huanuco (river) 86, 221, 235 Huanuco (montanas) 91, 166
161 Lacosi (annex) 13 Ladera de la Colmilla 170 La Dormida (gold mine) 161 Laguna, La (pueblo) 64 Laguna de Reyes 54 Lagunillas, Las 24
Lima Lima
Nacimiento (pueblo) 149 Nacimiento, El (plaza) 122 Nacimiento, El (fort) 136 Nahuelguapio (lake) 151
Machainio (hacienda) 77
Macora (hacienda) 186, 189, 194, 240 Mactara (annex) 40 Magdalena (parish) 14 Maguehue (pueblo) 123 Mala (river) 40 Mama, San Pedro de (pueblo) 41 Manzano (gold mine) 160 Mapocho (river) 151, 156, 165 Maranon (river) 54, 64, 71, 86 Marayo Checras (parish) 22 Marco (annex) 99 Margos (annex) 88
Marfas (annex) 88
Obeguet (annex) 22
Obrajillo (annex) 98 Obrajillo (pueblo) 237
Marimarchahua (hacienda) 186 Matahuasi y Cincos (pueblo) 55 Matucana, San Juan de (pueblo) Maule (river) 151 Maule (province) 150, 151, 154 Maule (district) 160
Ocopa, Santa Rosa de (convent) 49, 50 Ollerias (pueblo) 196, 218 Olleros, Los (pueblo) 40 Ordones (pueblo) 63 Orcotuna (parish) 55 Oroya, La (pueblo) 36, 59 Oroya, (river) 54 Oroya, (bridge) 36 Otao (annex) 41
33, 41
99 151
Pachachaca (hacienda) 35 Pachachaca 41, 59 Pachas (parish) 88 Pacron (hill) 217, 238
Palca (fort) 55 Palca (montana) 42 Palca (quebrada) 47
(lake) 97
Punos (annex) 88
Pamacocha (lake) 98 Pamacocha (parish) 98, 99 Pampahermosa (pueblo) 71 Pampamarca (pueblo) 232 Pampas (annex) 99 Panao (pueblo) 169, 208, 214/228 Panao (river) 71
Panatahuas (province) 67 Panatahuas (montana) 47
BenI) 64 Parqufn (annex) 22 Papal (lake) 144, 151 Parf (parish) 98 Pari (river) 36, 40, 54, 59, 97 Pariahuanca (annex) 55 Pariamarca (annex) 98 Parral, El (hacienda) 129 Pasachisque (annex) 99 Pasamayo (river) 16 Pasamayo 100
(river) (see
Punun (annex) 22
Pupio (gold mine) 162 Puruchucu (annex) 99 Puzuzo (montanas) 169 Puzuzo (pueblo) 171, 172 Puzuzo (river) 171, 174 Puzuzo 183, 203
Pascana 234 Pasco (town) 64, 90, 168, 195, 217, 237 Patay (river) 86 Pati (tambo) 82, 186, 192
Pativilca (hacienda) 103 Pelchoguin (hacienda) 129 Penco el Viejo (port) 150, 152, 154
(port) 142 Petorca (province) 151 Petorca 152, 161 Picoy (pueblo) 56 Picoy (annex) 22 Piedra Parada (hacienda) 41 Pillao (pueblo) 221, 228, 235 Pillao (bridge) 220 Pillao (montanas) 219, 229 Pillco (river) 66, 225 Pinapata 208 Pirca (annex) 99
San Lorenzo de (pueblo) 40 Quinua (quebrada) 65 Quion (annex )99 Quipan (annex) 99
Quipas (annex) 88
Quipico (hacienda) 103 Quirin (annex) 88
Quinquina (island) 142, 146, 150 Quivilla (quebrada) 84 Quivilla (House of correction) 88
154, 160
Ravira (annex) 99 Renca (parish) 159 Rere (province) 136, 138, 144 Retes 100
Reyes (pueblo)
59, 63
Ricran (annex) 55
(river) 13
Pisco 19
Playa (height) 184 Playa blanca 116 Playa negra 116 Polcura (hill) 151 Portachuelo 56, 170, 172, 184
Potreros (hills) 160 Potreros del Rey 154 Pucara, Prov. Huarocheri 35, 41 Pucara, Prov. Xauxa 55, 59, 61 Puchacay (province) 136, 144, 152
104, 107
Sinfondo, Rio 151 Sisicaya (annex) 40 Siusa (river) 58 Solano, San Francisco de Trapiche (annex) 41 Sorococha (lake) 97 Suayhuay, Santiago de (annex) 444 Sumbirca (annex) 99 Sunicancha (annex) 40 Supe (annex) 21, 22 Surco (parish) 14, (annex) 41 Surco (pueblo) 20, 30, 33
Tachal (river) 151 Tahua-tahua (lake) 151 Talca (city) 154 Talca (gold mine) 163 Talcahuano, Bay 146 Talcahuano (road) 141 Talcahuano (parish) 142 Talcahuano (port) 110, 112, 142, 152 Tambillo 169 Tambillo (ravine) 208
(clearing) 170
Tarma (pueblo) 36, 42, 48, 55 Tarma 33, 47, 58, 62 Tarma (province) 42, 88 Tarma (montanas) 166 Tarmatambo (castle ruins) 49
Taullan (farm) 208 Tazo (river) 86
(river) 151
Tinguirinica (river) 151 Tolten (river) 151 Tolten alto (pueblo) 123 Toltero Bajo (pueblo) 123 Tongos (annex) 22 Torreblanca (hacienda) 20, 100, 105, 107
de de de de
Torrehuasi 235 Torre sin Agua (hill) 214 Torre sin Agua 169 Tramo 170, 184 Tucapal (pueblo) 123 Tuctu 40, Ingenio de 41 Tulumayo (pueblo) 54 Tunuyan (river) 151
Tupicocha (annex) 40
Turpay (annex) 22
Ucayali (river) 54, 64 (annex) 55 Uchayucarpa (annex) 98 Uca (parish) 88 Una del Diablo (walk) 24 Urubamba (pueblo) 54
Valparaiso (government) 144 Valdivia 151 Valdivia (river) 151 Valdivia (government) 144 Valle (parish) 221 Valle (town) 169, 208 Valparaiso (province) 160 Valparaiso (port) 152, 165 Vegueta (annex) 21 Vichaycocha (annex) 98 Vico (pueblo) 63 Villagra 116, 130 Villarica (lake) 151 Villa Roca (volcano) 151 Viscas (annex) 99 Viso, San Miguel de (annex) 41 Viso (tambo) 38 Viuda, La (island) 26
(river) 71
(parish) 41
(annex) 22
Xauxa Xauxa
[Jauja] 47 (parish) 55
APR 13
APR 13
B. E.