FFSP Minutes 1-19-2013
FFSP Minutes 1-19-2013
FFSP Minutes 1-19-2013
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Board members in attendance: Sally Hess, Marylou Klein, Fritz Musselmann, Ron Piasecki, Paula Russo, Richard Goldman, Maryjo Morris, Jamie Jalwan, Tammy Gustafson, Dale Allen, Allen Trovillion Excused Absences: Phil Jalwan, Amy Rodriguez, Cristal Cole, Harvey Campbell, Liza McFadden Staff and other guests in attendance: Elaine McLaughlin, Donald Forgione, Damon Kirkpatrick (Friends of Georgia State Parks) Sally Hess called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM EST. Minutes Maryjo Morris -Motion to approve minutes from October 2012 meeting as written. - Ron Piasecki moved, Richard Goldman seconded, all in favor Treasurers report - Presented by Sally Hess for Phil Jalwan Period ending, 4th quarter calendar year 2012 (covers 6 months of fiscal year) - Total equity is now $62,400. 6 month revenue=$34000. 6 month expense=$29272. - 6 month budget revenue=$33420. 6 month budget expense=$44842. The treasurers report will be sent to everyone via email and will be discussed on the teleconference Feb 7th. Promotions and Membership - Presented by Sally Hess for Amy Rodriquez - We saw good results from the list of Florida residents purchased in November that was used for the December push. Next year we should look at another new list and which group we should target. - We have a new initative that is a TV PSA. It will be aired on 100 local government stations. We were not able to edit it except to add a voice over at the end asking people to join and donate to FFSP. It is a video that the parks used for the state park competition. We are watching for a spike in membership during the next 3 months due to the PSA. The good news from this is that Kristina (FPS intern) created a database of most of the government (city, county, school board) stations and contacts in the state and we will be able to use this in the future. -An ad agency who is a contact of Elaines has agreed to edit a 30/60 spot for us pro bono. We will need to provide the raw footage. The theme will be the accessibility program.
Friends of Florida State Parks, Inc. Board of Directors Meeting January !, "# $
- During the morning session of our workshop DT Minich of Clearwater-St Pete CVB announced that he bought the URL www.weloveourstateparks.com for us (FFSP). - FPS wants to do a special day for FL residents in September that includes free park admission. The marketing will go to every destination marketing group in the state Donald has indicated this may be possible. The CVBs throughout the state would promote on our behalf and under the FFSP banner. Recognition-Marylou Klein Distribution of applications and judging went smoothly although the choices were extremely difficult decisions due to the many worthy candidates. The winners are: Adult Female Adult Male Youth Female Youth Male Short Term Project Long Term Project CSO of Year Volunteer of Year NEWBUSINESS Poster Art Project Sandra Galloway approached the FFSP with the idea of an artist in residence. She has done this on a smaller scale in Delnor Wiggins State Park. She has donated to us the rights to reproduce, and also retained rights for herself, a painting of hers that depicts sandpipers on the beach. We are looking for a sponsor so that we can have 500 posters printed with FFSP and the sponsor across the bottom. These posters would be sold by us (online, events), offered to the CSOs for their gift shops and also used in special promotions. We would like for her to do a few more paintings over time that depict other scenes like trails. Inland lakes, greenways, springs, etc. Board Give/Get in relation to Grants As we apply for grants we have been asked the percent of our total revenue donated by board members. It is expected that every board member gives (and is a member of FFSP). We also give in kind and will need to quantify our in kind donations as well as track our cash donations. Foundations expect 100% board participation in cash giving. Several board members have currently joined at the Patron level or above. Need for New Board Members Effective June 30, 2013, we will need a new treasurer. We are also looking for candidates with fundraising expertise. If you have ideas for new board members let Sally know.
Friends of Florida State Parks, Inc. Meeting of the Board of Directors Clearwater Beach, FL January !, "# $
Membership Change to Single Annual Renewal Date By changing the membership period (and renewal) to a specific month, we can simplify the notification and eblast system. In order to do this we would have a transition where some people would end up with a membership for 16 months. Mike DeMas recommends this change for a number of reasons. Amy wants to kick off a campaign that surrounds earth day during April with a renewal of June 1. By making it June 1, we could have better membership numbers to use in budget forecast for following fiscal year. There was much discussion of how other groups run their renewals. We all agreed to continue to mull it over and vote during the Feb 7th conference call. Possible Joint Presentation to Governor and Cabinet Dale Allen would like for FFSP and the Greenways and Trails Foundation to get an audience with the Governor and cabinet and present the SCORP information to them. All of that information is gathered and sent to the Feds but not released and discussed on the state level. He wants them to recognize the importance of Parks, greenways and trails to our state and local economies. There was discussion but no motions or decisions were made. UpcomingMeetingDates: February 7, 2013 4:00 Teleconference April 12 13, 2013 Board Meeting Jacksonville St. Augustine area June 21 22, 2013 Annual Meeting Tallahassee area August 22, 2013 4:00 pm Teleconference October 11 12, 2013 Board Meeting location to be determined As there was no further business, the President asked for a motion to adjourn at 4:47PM. Fritz Musselman moved and Marylou Klein seconded, all approved Respectfully submitted, Maryjo Morris, Secretary Friends of Florida State Parks, Inc.