The Maqlu Text
The Maqlu Text
The Maqlu Text
[TABLET I] I have called upon you, Gods of Night, with you I have called upon Night, the Veiled Bride, I have called on Twilight, Midnight, and Dawn, Because a sorceress has bewitched me, a cunning woman has accused me, caused my God and my Goddess to be estranged from me; I have become pathetic to those who see me, el a-me-ri-ia5 am-ru-us a-na-ku im-di-ku la sa-la-lu ma ur-ra I am unable to rest day or night qu- im-ta-na-al-lu- p-ia and a gag continually filling my mouth has kept food far from my mouth, -pu-un-ti pi-ia5 ip-ru-su mme ma-ti-ti-ia5 -mat-tu- has lessened the water passing through my throat; e-li-li nu-bu- hi-du-ti si-ip-di my praise has become lament, my rejoicing, mourning: i-zi-za-nim-ma ilime rabutime i-ma-a stand by me Great Gods, give heed to my da-ba-bi suit, di-ni di-na a-lak-ti lim-da judge my case, grant me a decision. e-pu-u salam amelkaapi-ia5 u fkaapti-ia5 I have formed a figure of my sorcerer and my sorceress, e-pi-ia5 u mu-te-pi-ti-ia5 of my enchanter and my enchantress; -kun ina ap-li-ku-nu-ma a-dib-bu-ub have laid them in the fire for you to bring me di-ni a Judgement; - i-pu- lim-ni-e-ti i-te-'-a la babecause she did evil against me, false charges na-a-ti she conjured up against me: i-i li-mut-ma a-na-ku lu-ub-lut may she die, but I live! ki-pu- ru-hu- ru-s-u- lip-pa--ru Her bewitchments, her magick, her spells must be undone! is bnu lil-lil-an-ni qim-ma-t a-ru- The Tamarisk, tall at the crown, purifies me! is giimmaru lip-ur-an-ni ma-hi-rat ka-lu- The Datepalm frees me, that which catches ru all the wind, frees me! am matakal li-bi-ban-ni irsitimtim ma-la-a- The matakal makes me shining, which fills ta the Earth; ternatu lip-ur-an-ni e-am ma-la-a-ta The Pine-cone frees me, that which is full of seeds. ina mah-ri-ku-nu e-te-lil ki-ma amsassati In front of you I became light, as light as grass; e-te-bi-ib az-za-ku ki-ma la-ar-di I am shiny and pure, like narden-grass. The spell of the sorceress is hateful; tu-- fkaapti li-mut-te tu-ur-rat amt-sa ana p- lin- qalet her word come back in her mouth, let as-rat her tongue be tied! in el ki-pi- lim-ha-su-i ilime mu-i Let the Gods of the Night overcome her ti spell! 3 massartime mu-i lip-u-ru Let the three night-watches dissolve her ru-hi- lim-nu-ti evil spell! p- lu- lip lin- lu- tbtu Let her mouth be talc, let her tongue be salt, which spoke the baneful magick formula, let iq-bu- amt limuttimtim-ia5 ki-ma lip lit-ta-tuk it disintegrate like talc! N al-si-ku-nu-i ilime mu-i-ti it-ti-ku-nu al-si mu-i-tum kal-la-tum ku-tm-tum al-si ba-ra-ri-tum qab-li-tum u na-ma-ritum - fkaaptu -ka-ip-an-ni e-li-ni-tum ub-bi-ra-an-ni ili-ia5 distar-ia5 -is-su- eli-ia5
i-pu- ki-pi ki-ma tbti li-har-mit qi-is-ru- pu-ut-tu-ru ip-e-tu- hul-lu-q kal a-ma-tu- ma-la-a sra ina qi-bit iq-bu- ilime mu-i-tum TU6 N
The magick she did, let it dissolve like salt! Her knots are undone, her machinations are destroyed, all her words fill the steppe, upon this command that the Gods of the Night have given! Incantation formula. Incantation. O Earth, Earth, yes Earth! Gilgame is the master of your curses! What you have ensorcelled, I know it; what I have ensorcelled, you do not know it. What my sorceresses have ensorcelled is loose, and nobody can undo it, it has no undoer! Incantation formula Incantation. My city Zabban! My city Zabban! My city Zabban has two gates: one to its east, the second to its west. One to its sunrise, one to its sunset.
N irsitumtum irsitumtum irsitumtum-ma d gilgame bl ma-mi-ti-ku-nu min-mu- at-tu-nu te-pu- ana-ku i-di min-mu- ana-ku ip-pu-u at-tu-nu ul ti-da-a min-mu- fkaapatime-ia5 ip-pu- e-ga-a pa-ti-ra pa-ir l irai TU6.N N ali-ia5 zab-ban ali-ia5 zab-ban
ali-ia5 zab-ban 2-ta abullatime- 1-it ana sit dami -ni-tu ana erib dami 1-it ana si-it damii -ni-tu ana e-rib d amii a-na-ku e-ra ha-as-ba ammatakal na--ku I am lifting toward you the bloom of matakal-weed; a-na ilime ame mme a-nam-din to the Gods of the sky I bring water. kma ana-ku ana ka-a--nu ul-la-lu-ku-nu- As I do clean you i so clean me! Incantation formula. at-tu-nu ia-a-i ul-li-la-in-ni TU6.N N ak-la ni-bi-ru ak-ta-li ka-a-ru ak-li ip-i-i-na ka-li-i-na ma-ta-a-ti d a-nim u an-tum i-pu-ru-in-ni man-nu lu-u-pur a-na dbe-lit sri ana p lkaapi-ia5 u fkaapti-ia5 i-di-i hur-gul-li i-di-i ipat-su apqal ilime dmarduk lil-sa-ki-ma la tap-pa-li-i-na-a-ti liq-ba-nik-ki-ma la ta-im-me-i-na-a-ti lu-ul-si-ki-ma a-pu-ul-in-ni lu-qu-ba-ki-ma i-min-ni ia-a-ti ina q-bit iq-bu-u da-nim an-tum u dbe-lit sri TU6.N N ap-ra-ku al-lak '--ra-ku a-dib-bu-ub a-na li-it lkaapi-ia5 u fkaapti-ia5 dasarl-du10 bl a-i-pu-ti i-pur-an-ni am qu-la irsitimtim i-ma-a nri qu-la-ni na-ba-li i-ma-a amtsu Incantation. I have barred the river-crossing, I have barred the harbor, I held back the magick spells of all countries; Anu and Antu have sent me. Whom should I send to Belit-seri? In the mouth of my warlock and my witch stuff a gag! through the incantation of the Sage of the Gods, Marduk! They should call you, but dont answer them; they should address you, but dont listen to them. Should I call you, answer me; Should I address you, listen to me, to the order that Anu, Antu and Belet-seri have given! Incantation formula. Incantation. I am sent, I go; I am ordered, I speak; against my warlock and witch Asalluhi, the Master of the Art of Incantations, has sent me. Be aware of what is in the sky! Notice what is on the Earth! Be aware of what is in the river! Take notice of the word of what is on the land!
aru na-zi-qu tur-ru-uk e tal-lik gihatti u gimar-te-e tur-ru-uk e tal-lak li-iz-zi-iz har-ra-an mrat ilime ra-butime a-di a-mat lkaapi-ia5 u fkaapti-ia5 aqab-bu- uu i-pa--ar immeru i-pa--ar a-mat-su-nu lip-pa-ir-ma a-ma-ti la ippa--ar a-mat a-qab-bu- a-mat-su-nu ana pn amti-ia5 l iparrik ina qi-bit dasari-l-du10 bl a-i-pu-ti TU6. N N dnusku an-nu-tum salmnime e-pi-ia5 an-nu-ti salmnime e-pi-ti-ia5 salmnime lkaapi-ia5 u fkaapti-ia5 salmnime e-pi-ia5 u mu-te-pi-ti-ia5
Wind that is the carrier of the Stick and Hammer, strike it! The image of the Stick is broken, strike it! Let them stand on the Way of the Daughter of the Great Gods until I speak the word of my warlock and my witch. The lamb will free! The sheep will free! Their word may be loosed, but my word will not be loosed. The word that I speak, their word cannot impede it! Upon the order of Asalluhi, the Master of the Art of Incantations! Incantation formula.
Incantation. These images of my sorcerer, these images of my sorceress; these images of my warlock and my witch, these images of my sorcerer and my enchantress, salmnime sa-hir-ia5 u sa-hir-ti-ia5 these images of my stupifier and my stupifyress, salmnime ra-hi-ia5 u ra-hi-ti-ia5 these images of my bewitcher and my bewitchress, salmnime bl ik-ki-ia5 u blit ik-ki-ia5 these images of my lord opponent and my lady opponent, these images of my lord enemy and my lady salmnime bl sir-ri-ia5 u blit sir-ri-ia5 enemy, salmnime bl ri-di-ia5 u blit ri-di-ia5 these images of my lord persecutor and my lady persecutor, salmnime bl di-ni-ia5 u blit di-ni-ia5 these images of my lord accuser and my lady accuser, salmnime bl amti-ia5 u blit amti-ia5 these images of my lord slanderer and my lady slanderer, salmnime bl daba-bi-ia5 u blit daba-bi- these images of my lord detractor and my lady detractor, ia5 these images of my lord nemesis and my lady salmnime bl egirri-ia5 u blit egirri-ia5 nemesis, salmnime bl limutti-ia5 u blit limut-ti-ia5 these images of my lord evil-doer and my lady evil-doer, d nusku da-a-a-nu tidu--nu-ti-ma ana-ku Judge Nusku, you know them, I dont know la i-du--nu-ti them, ki-pu ru-hu-u ru-su-u up--e-e limtheir trick, magick, spell, evil plotting, nu-ti ip- bar-tum a-mat li-mut-ti rmu zru ensorcellment, pressure, evil word, love, hate dipalaa zitarruta kadibbida k-hunga fact-twisting, murder, paralysis of the mouth, change of heart, glowing of face, folly, abalbala su-ud pa-ni a-ni-e t-mu ma-la ibu-u-ni is-hu-ru-ni u--as-hi-rueverything that exists, everything they have ni drawn to them, these are they; these are their images, an-nu-tum -nu an-nu-ti salmnime-unu kima u-nu la iz-za-az-zu salmnime-ubecause they cant stand for themselves, I nu na--ku lift them toward you. You, Nusku, Judge, who catches the bad and at-ta dnusku dainu ka-id lim-nu u a-abi kuus-su-nu-ti-ma ana-ku la the enemies, catch them before I am
ah-hab-bil salmnime-ia5 ib-nu-u bu-un-na-an-niia5 -ma-i-lu4 pani-ia5 -sab-bi-t kidi-ia5 -tar-ri-ru irti-ia5 id-i-bu esemti-ia5 ik-pu-pu a-hi-ia5 un-ni-u ni-i lib-bi-ia5 is-ba-tu 100. lib-bi ilime itti-ia5 -za-an-nu- emqiia5 un-ni-u li-it a-hi-ia5 i-pu-ku bir-ki-ia5 ik-su- man-ga lu--t -mal-lu-in-ni akleme ka--pu-ti --ki-lu-in-ni mme ka--pu-ti i-qu-in-ni rim-ki lu--ti -ra-me-ku-in-ni nap-al-ti am-me lim-nu-ti ip-u-u-inni ana lmiti i-hi-ru-in-ni mme napitimtim-ia5 ina qab-r u-ni-lu ilu arru blu u rub it-ti-ia -za-an-nu at-ta dgira qa-mu- lkaapu u fkaaptu mu-hal-liq rag-gi zr lkaapi u fkaapti mu-ab-bit lim-nu-ti at-ta-ma ana-ku al-si-ka ki-ma dama dainu di-i-ni di-ni puruss-ai purusus qu-mu lkaapu u fkaaptu a-kul ai-bi-ia a-ru-uh lim-nu-ti-ia m-ka iz-zu lik-u-u-nu-ti ki-ma mme ndi ina ti-qi liq-tu- ki-ma ti-rik abnme ubntime--nu liqta-as-si-s ina qi-bi-ti-ka sir-ti l innakaruru an-ni-ka ki-nim l innennu TU.N N dnusku ur-bu- i-lit-ti da-nim tam-il abi bu-kur den-lil tar-bit aps bi-nu-ut dbl ame irsitim 125.
destroyed! Those that made my images, have imitated my shape, they attack my face, they tied my neck, they hit my breast, they bent my back, they made my arms weak, they robbed my virility, they made the heart of God angry with me, they weakened my strength, they shook the strength away from my arms, they bound my knees with paralysis, they filled me with fainting, they let me eat cursed food, they let me drink cursed water, they washed me with dirty water, they smeared me with the juice of bad weeds, they mocked me like a dead person, they put my life-essence in the grave, they made God, King, Master and Prince angry with me; you, O Girra who burns the warlock and witch, who kills the bad offspring of warlock and witch, who destroys the bad people, that is you! I have called on you, like ama the Judge, right me, make my decision! Burn the warlock and witch, eat my enemies, consume the ones who wish me evil! May they catch your tempest! May they find their end like sewer water! May their fingers like those of stonemasons be cut off! Upon your majestic command, which does not change, and your promise, which does not waver! Incantation formula. Incantation. Mighty Nusku, offspring of Anu, true image of your father, first born of Enlil, offspring of the Abyss, product of the Lord of Heaven,Earth, I picked up the torch, I have illuminated you, the warlock who has cursed me; now curse him with the spell that he used on me! The witch who has cursed me; now curse her with the spell that she used on me! The sorcerer who has ensorcelled me; now ensorcell him with the spell that he used on me! The sorceress who has ensorcelled me; now
-i tipra -nam-mir-ka ka-a- kaapu ik-ip-an-ni ki-pi ik-ip-anni ki-ip- kaaptu tak-ip-an-ni ki-pi tak-ip-anni ki-ip-i
ni e-pu-si 130. mu-te-pi-tu te-pu--an-ni ip- te-pu-an-ni e-pu-si salmnime ana pi-i salmnime-ia5 ib-nu bu-un-na-an-ni-ia5 -ma-i-lu ruti-ia5 il-qu- rti-ia5 im-lu-su sissikti-ia5 ib-tu-qu e-ti-qu epirhi.a p-ia5 is-bu-su d gira qar-du ipat-su-nu li-pa--ir TU6. N 135. N anaii ti-pa-ru salmnime--nu a-qal-lu -tuk-ku e-e-du ra-bi-su e-tim-mu la-ma-ti la-ba-si ah-ha-zu l lilu flilitu ardat lili mimma lim-nu mu-sab-bi-tu a-me-lu-ti hu-la zu-ba u i-ta-at-tu-ka qu-tur-ku-nu li-tel-li am la--mi-ku-nu li-bal-li dami lip-ru-us ha-a-a-ta-ku-nu mr d-a mamau TU6.N N dnusku ur-bu- ma-lik ilime rab-time tuppu Ikam ma-aq-lu- [TABLET II] N dnusku ur-bu- ma-lik ilme rab-time pa-qid nindabme ka-la digig mu-kin ma-ha-zi mu-ud-di-u parakkme u4-mu nam-ru qi-bit-su si-rat 5. sukkal da-nim e-mu- pi-ris-ti den-lil e-mu- den-lil ma-li-ku a-du- digig ga-ru ta-ha-zu ti-bu- dan-nu
ensorcell her with the spell that she used on me! The enchantress who ensorcelled me; now ensorcell her with the spell that she used on me! Who made these images in my image; who reproduced my shape; they took my saliva, they ripped my hair, they cut off the hem of my robe, and took the earth from where my feet fell. O Girra, the Hero, undo their incantation! Incantation formula. INCANTATION: I raise up the torch and burn the figures of the Demon, the Spirit, the Lurker, the Ghost, the Lamastu, the Labasu, the Ahhazu, the Lilu, the Lilitu, the Nightmaid, and any Evil that seizes humanity; dissolve, melt, drip ever away! May your smoke rise ever skyward, may the Sun extinguish your embers! May he extinguish your emanations, the son of Ea, the Magus! Incantation formula. Incantation. Mighty Nusku, Counsellor of the Great Gods! Tablet I, Maqlu
ina ba-li-ka ul i-ak-kan nap-ta-na ina -kur ina ba-li-ka ilme rabtime ul is-si-nu qut-rin-nu ina ba-li-ka dama dainu ul i-da-a-ni di-i-nu ha-sis u-me-ka te-it-tir ina i-dir-ti taga-mil ina puqi
Incantation. Mighty Nusku, Counsellor of the Great Gods! Overseer of the sacrifices of all Igigi, who founds cities, who reviews the seats of the Gods! Brilliant day, the promise of which is sublime, Messenger of Anu, who is obedient to the Secret of Enlil, obedient Enlil, counsellor of the Igigi, powerful in the fight, and whose rising is powerful, Super-brilliant Nusku, who blinds his enemies to the earth, without you there is no meal in Ekur, without you, the Great Gods do not smell incense, without you, the Judge ama does not hold his court. Whoever remembers your name, you save him from difficulty, you spare him
I have turned to you, I have sought you out, my hands are raised, and at your feet I throw myself; qu-mi ka--pi ka-ap-ti burn the warlock and the witch, lkaapi-ia5 u fkaapti-ia5 r-hi ha-an- away my warlock and my witch, lose their ti napita--nu lib-li-ma life very fast, very rapidly, ia-a-i bul-lit-an-ni-ma nar-bi-ka lu--pi spare my life so I will be indebted, so I can d-li-li-ka lud-lul praise your greatness! INIM-INIM-MA H-BR-RU-DA sa-lam lip-K N dgira blu git-ma-lu ga-ra-a-ta na-bi um-ka Incantation. To dissolve a spell with the help of an image made of Talcum. Incantation. Girra, Perfect Master; You are Powerful is the meaning of your name. Nanna, you see everything. You lighten the dark house, Eternal New Light of the countries. You light up everything; I stand in front of you, because you restore justice. Like Sin and ama you make right, so restore my right, make my decision! To your brilliant light I come, to the shining torch, I come, Master, I am grabbing the hem of your coat, the hem of your divine coat I am grabbing. She has packed the heart, the head, the neck and the face; she packed my looking eyes, packed my going feet, packed my walking knees, packed my guiding arms. Now, in front of your Great Divinity, the crossed copper images of my warlock and my witch, my sorcerer and my sorceress, my stupifier and my stupifyeress, my enchanter and my enchantress, my lord opponent and my lady opponent, my lord enemy and my lady enemy, my lord persecutor and my lady persecutor, my lord accuser and my lady accuser, my lord slanderer and my lady slanderer, my lord detractor and my lady detractor, my lord nemesis and my lady nemesis, my lord evil-doer and my lady evil-doer; they gave me over to a corpse; they subjected me to ridicule, to the evil Utukku or the evil Alu or the evil Etimmu,
ana-ku ardu-ka annanna apil annanna ilu- annanna ditar- annannitumtum as-hur-ka e-e-ka na--a qt-ai -palka ak-mis
from distress. I, you servant N., son of N., whose God is N., whose Goddess is N.,
nanna-ra-ta na-bi m-ka tu-nam-mar bitatime ka-la-ma tu-nam-mar gi-im-ra ka-li ma-ta-a-ti -u at-ta ta-az-za-zu-ma ki-ma dsin dama ta-din-nu di-i-nu di-e-ni di-ni puruss-a-a purusus a-na nri-ka nam-ri az-ziz a-na elle-ti ti-pa-ri-ka az-ziz blu sissiktu-ka as-bat sissikat ilu-ti-ka rabi-ti as-bat .......... -si il-ta-si eli-ia is-bat lb-bi qaqqadi kidi-ia5 u muh-hi is-bat n-ia5 na-ti-la-a-ti is-bat sp-ia5 al-la-ka-a-ti is-bat bir-ki-ia5 ib-bi-ri-e-ti is-bat id-ia5 mut-tab-bil-a-ti e-nin-na ina ma-har ilu-ti-ka rabtiti salmnime siparri it-gu-ru-ti l kaapi-ia5 u fkaapti-ia5 e-pi-ia5 u mu-te-pi-ti-ia5 sa-hir-ia5 u sa-hir-ti-ia5 ra-hi-ia5 u ra-hi-ti-ia5 bl ik-ki-ia5 u blit ik-ki-ia5 bl sir-ri-ia5 u blit sir-ri-ia5 bl ri-di-ia5 u blit ri-di-ia5 bl di-ni-ia5 u blit di-ni-ia5 bl amti-ia5 u blit amti-ia5 bl dabbi-ia5 u blit dabbi-ia5 bl egirri-ia5 u blit egirri-ia5 bl limuttimtim-ia5 u blit limuttimtim-ia5 ana lmiti pu-qu-du-in-ni nam-ra-su kul-lu-mu-in-ni utukku lim-nu lu-u al lim-nu lu-u etim-mu lim-nu
gall lim-nu lu-u ilu lim-nu lu-u rbisu lim-nu d lamatu lu-u dlabasu lu-u dahhazu l lilu lu-u flilitu lu-u ardat lili lu-u li--bu si-bit adi lu-u be-en-nu ri-hu-ut dul-pa--a lu-u AN-TA-UB-BA lu-u DINGIRHUL lu-u U-DINGIR-RA lu-u U-dINNIN-NA lu-u U-GIDIM-MA lu-u U-UDUG lu-u U-NAM-L-LL-LU lu-u lama-tu sihirtut marat da-nim lu-u SAG-HUL-HA-ZA mu-kil r limuttim lu-u di-kis rme im-ma-t ri-mu-t lu mimma lim-nu u-ma la na-bu-u lu mimma e-pi li-mut-ti a-me-lu-ti sab-ta-ni-ma mu-a u ur-ra irednime-ni -hat-tu- rme-ia kal u4-mi sab-ta-nima kal mu-si la -ma-ar-an-ni e-nin-na ina ma-har ilu-ti-ka rabtiti ina kibri-dit ellititi a-qal-li--nu-ti a-arrap--nu-ti nap-li-sa-an-ni-ma be-lum -suh--nuti ina zumri-ia5 pu-ur ki-pi--nu lim-nu-ti at-ta dgira be-lum a-li-ki i-di-ia bul-lit-an-ni-ma nar-bi-ka lu--pi dli-li-ka lud-lul INIM-INIM-MA H-BR-RU-DA salam siparri kibri-dit-K N dgira a-ri-ru bu-kur da-nim da--in di-ni-ia at-me-e pi-ris-ti at-ta-ma ik-li-e-ti tu-u-nam-mar e--a-ti dal-ha-a-ti tu-u-te-e-ir
the evil Gallu or the evil God or the evil Rabisu, Lamatu or Labasu or Ahhazu, Lilu or Lilitu or Ardat Lili or Fever, the Sibit adi disease, or Epilepsy, the Product of ulpaea, or Antaubba or Evil God, or Hand of God, or Hand of Goddess, or Hand of the Spirit of the Dead, or Hand of Utukki or Hand of the Human Being, or Lamatu, the Young Daughter of Anu, or Saghulaza, the Record-keeper of Debts, or Cooking of the Flesh, Paralysis, Consumption, or everything bad that doesnt have a name, or everything that does bad things among human beings, which holds me prisoner during the night, which chases me during the day, which destroys my flesh, which seizes me, which doesnt let me free for one night! Now, in front of your Divine Greatness, I burn them, I incinerate them completely with pure sulphur. Look at me, Master, tear them out of my body, dissolve their spell! You, Girra, Master who walks on my side: if you keep me alive, I will praise you, I will adore and serve you! Incantation to undo a spell with a copperfigure and sulphur. Incantation. Burning Girra, First-born of Anu, who leads my hearing and speaks my decision, you are; you lighten up the darkness, you bring order to what is disordered, destroyed; to the Great Gods you grant a resolution, while for you no God makes any decision. It is you who give order and direction; you bind the evil-doer, you strike quickly the evil enemy. I, N., son of his God, whose God is N., and whose Goddess is N., with witchcraft I am bewitched: this is why I
a-na ilime rabtime purussa ta-namdin la ka-a-ta ilu ma-am-man purussa ul i-par-ra-as at-ta-ma na-din ur-ti te-e-me e-pi lum-ni at-ta-ma ar-hi ta-kam-mu lim-nu ai-bu ta-ka-ad ar-hi a-na-ku annanna mar ili-u ilu- annanna ditar-u annannitum ina ki-pi lu-up-pu-ta-ku-ma ma-har-ka
az-ziz ina pn ili u arri na- ..zu-ra-ku-ma du .. ana mah-ri-ka el a-me-ri-ia mar-sa-ku-ma -pal-ka ak-mis
d gira ur-bu- ilu el-lu e-nin-na ina ma-har ilu-ti-ka rabtiti 2 salmanime lkaapi u fkaapti siparri e-pu-u qa-tuk-ka ma-har-ka -gir--nu-ti-ma ka-a- ap-kid-ka u-nu li-mu-tu-ma ana-ku lu-ub-lut u-nu li-ti-ib-bi-ru-ma ana-ku lu-i-ir u-nu liq-tu--ma ana-ku lu-um-id u-nu li-ni-u-ma ana-ku lu-ud-nin d gira ar-hu si-ru ilime ka-id lim-ni u ai-bi kuus-su-nu-ti-ma a-na-ku la ah-hab-bil ana-ku ardu-ka lul-ub-lut lu-u-lim-ma ma-har-ka lu-uz-ziz
at-ta-ma ili-ia5 at-ta-ma be-li at-ta-ma da-ai-ni at-ta-ma ri-su--a at-ta-ma mu-tir-ru gi-mil-li-ia TU6.N
have come to you! In front of God and King I am encircled: that is why I have turned to you! To whomever sees me, I am an unpleasant sight: this is why I have thrown myself in front of you! Great Girra, Radiant God! Now, before your Great Divinity, I have made two images of the warlock and the witch, in copper, by your hand; before you I have crossed them, I have given them to you. They may die; but may I live! They may detour; but may I go straight! They may reach their limit; but may I grow! They may become weak, but I strong! Powerful Girra, illustrious among the Gods, who seizes the evil and the ememy: seize them while I do not perish, that I, your servant, may stay alive, may be safe, may stay standing in front of you! You are my God, you are my Master! You are my Judge, you are my Helper! You are my Avenger! Incantation Formula.
INIM-INIM-MA H-BR-RU-DA sa-lam Incantation to undo the spell with a bronze siparri-K figure N dgira a-ri-ru mar da-nim qar-du 105. iz-zu aheme- at-ta ki-ma dsin u dama ta-da-an-nu di-i-nu di-i-ni di-ni puruss-ai purusus qu-mi ka--pi ka-ap-ti d gira qu-mu lkaapi u fkaapti d gira qu-li lkaapi u fkaapti d gira qu-mi--nu-ti d gira qu-li--nu-ti d gira ku-u-us-su-nu-ti d gira a-ru-uh--nu-ti d gira su-ta-bil--nu-ti e-pi ki-pi lim-nu-ti u ru-hi-e la tabtime a-na li-mut-ti ik-pu-du-ni ia-a-i dan-nu ma-ak-kur-u-nu u-ul-qi u-bil bu--u-nu ik-ki-e-ma el ma-na-ha-te-u-nu hab-ba-ta urbi-is d gira iz-zu git-ma-lu ra-ub-bu ina -kur a-ar tal-lak-ti-ka tu-ap-ahu-nu-ti a-di sur-ri ina a-mat d-a ba-ni-ka dama an-namru 7 apqall uut eri-du10 lik-pi-du--nu-ti ana limnuttimtim TU6.N Incantation. Burning Girra, First-born son of Anu! You are the sternest among your brothers, you who makes right like Sin and ama. Give me justice, make my decision! Burn the warlock and the witch! Girra, burn the warlock and the witch! Girra, fry the warlock and the witch! Girra, incinerate them! Girra, fry them! Girra, get them! Girra, devour away! Girra, take them away! They who inflict the evil witchcraft and malevolent spell, who thought of me with evil intention: let a criminal take their possessions! Let a thief steal their property! Let a looter invade their residence! Furious Girra, Perfect and All-powerful, in Ekur where you go back, as fast as possible calm down! By the word of Ea, your procreator, and of ama, I have become radiant; may the seven apkallu of Eridu think of them with evil intention! Incantation
formula. 125. INIM-INIM-MA H-BR-RU-DA salam lii-K N dgira ga-ru u4-mu na-an-du-ru tu-te-e-ir ilime u ma-al-ki ta-da-a-ni di-N hab-li u ha-bil-ti ina di-ni-ia i-ziz-za-am-ma ki-ma dama qu-ra-du di-i-ni di-ni puruss-ai purusus qu-mi ka-a-pi u ka-ap-ti a-kul ai-bi-ia a-ru-uh lim-nu-ti-ia m-ka iz-zu lik-u-us-su-nu-ti TU6.N INIM-INIM-MA H-BR-RU-DA salam titi-K 135. N dgira ar-hu bu-kur da-nim i-lit-ti ellitimtim -qu-tum da-la-a ar-hu id-di-u-u zik-ri ilime ka-ai-nu na-din nin-da-bi-e ana ilime digig -kin na-mir-ti a-na da-nun-na-ki ilime rabtime d iz-zu gira mu-har-mit a-pi d gira al-la-lu- mu-ab-bit iseme u ab-neme qa-mu- lim-nu-ti zr lkaapi u fkaapti mu-hal-liq rag-gi zr lkaapi u fkaapti ina u4-mi an-ni-i ina di-ni-ia i-ziz-za-amma e-pi bar-ti te-na-na-a ku-u-ud lim-nu kima salmnime an-nu-ti i-hu-lu i-zu-bu u it-ta-at-tu-ku l kaapu u fkaaptu li-hu-lu li-zu-bu u lit-ta-at-tu-ku INIM-INIM-MA H-BR-RU-DA salam itti-K N ki-e-e li-bi-i ki-di-e a-ra-ab-bi-e na-ad-ri-e n ti-pa-a-ri ra-kib -a-ri li-ru-un hu-un-ti-i ka-s-a-u i-za-an-nun ki-ma -ma-me el-ku-un ki-ma siri li-te-ru-ba-ma i-s-a Incantation to undo the spell with an image made of dough Incantation. Powerful Girra, Terrible Weather! You lead Gods and Princes right! You lead the trial of the oppressed man and the oppressed woman; come to my trial! Like ama the Hero lead my trial, and make my decision. Burn the warlock and the witch! Eat my enemies! Devour those who wish evil! May they catch your ferocious weather! Incantation formula. Incantation to undo the spell with an image made of bronze. Incantation. Majestic Girra, First-born of Anu! Radiant offspring of the Great ala! Majestic, Forever New, Constant Word of the Gods, who distributes the offerings to the Gods the Igigi, who gives brilliance to the Anunnaki, the Great Gods! Furious Girra, who destroys the conduit, Strong Girra, who destroys wood and stone, who burns the evil offspring of the warlock and the witch, who destroys the wicked offspring of the warlock and the witch! Today come to my trial furiously, you, who makes submission..... seize the evil! As these figures drip, melt and dissolve, so may the warlock and the witch drip, melt, and dissolve! Incantation to release witchcraft with a figure made of asphalt. Incantation. K, Lib, Kid! Arabb Nadr! Who carries the torch, rides the Wind! Lirn Hnt! Kasayau Iznnun! Rain like Heaven on them! Like a snake may they come in, go hither!
lik-tum-ku-nu-si siptu iz-zi-t rabtut d -a mamai tu6-kug-ga-e dnin-a-ha-qud-du li-la-ap-pit bu-un-na-an-ni-ku-nu TU6.N INIM-INIM-MA H-BR-RU-DA salam kuspi-K 160. N e-pu-u-ni e-te-ni-ip-pu-u-ni ki-ma ki-i-ti ana ka-pa-li-ia ki-ma hu-ha-ri ana sa-ha-pi-ia ki-ma ka-a-pi ana a-ba-ti-ia ki-ma e-e-ti ana ka-ta-me-ia ki-ma pi-til-ti ana pa-ta-li-ia ki-ma pi-ti-iq-ti ana na-bal-ku-ti-ia ki-ma mme mu-sa-a-ti a-sur-ra-a ana mal-li-ia ki-ma u-u-rat bti ana bbi ana na-saki-ia ana-ku ina qi-bit dmarduk bl nu-bat-ti u dasari-l-du10 bl a-i-pu-ti e-pi-u u e-pi-ti ki-ma ki-i-ti a-kap-pil-u-nu-ti ki-ma hu-ha-ri a-sa-hap-u-nu-ti ki-ma ka-a-pi ab-ba-u-nu-ti ki-ma e-e-ti a-kat-tam-u-nu-ti ki-ma pi-til-ti a-pat-til-u-nu-ti ki-ma pi-ti-iq-ti ab-ba-lak-kit-u-nuti ki-ma mme mu-sa-a-ti a-sur-ra-a ma-al-la--nu-ti ki-ma u-u-rat bti ana bbi a-na-assik--nu-ti titalli lil-li-ka salam lkaapi u f kaapti N INIM-INIM-MA H-BR-RU-DA salam itt gassa bullulu-K N at-ti man-nu fkaaptu ina nri im-lu- tita-ai ina bti e-ti-i -tam-me-ru salmanime-ia ina qab-r it-mi-ru mu--a ina tub-qi-na-ti -laq-q-tu hu-sa-bi-e-a ina bit lalaki ib-tu-qu sissikti-ia ina askuppati i-bu-u epirhi.a p-ia -pur ana bb ka-a-ri i--mu--ni lipa-a-ki
May the furious great incantation of Ea the Magician Fall on you of Ninahaquddu, May they destroy your appearance! Incantation formula. Incantation to undo the spell with a figure of kuspum. Incantation. They did magick, they did ceaseless magick! They tried to roll me like a ball of wool! They tried to clap me to the ground like a bird-clapper! They tried to destroy me like a chip of rock! They tried to cover me like a net! They tried to roll me like a wick! They tried to climb me like a wall of clay! They tried to fill me with dirty water! They tried to sweep me out the door like household refuse! But I, by order of Marduk, the Master of the Holy Evening, and Asariludu, the Master of Magick, the sorcerer and sorceress like a ball of wool I roll them! Like a bird-clapper I throw them to the ground! Like a chip of rock I destroy them! Like a net I cover them! Like a wick I roll them! Like a wall of clay I climb them! Like dirty water I fill them! Like household refuse I sweep them out the door! May the image of the warlock and the witch become ashes! Incantation. Incantation to undo a spell with a figure of asphalt covered with plaster. Incantation. Who are you, witch, who took the clay from my river? Who burned my figures in her dark house? Who spilled my water over a grave? Who gathered sprigs of my fruit trees in the corners? Who cut the seam of my robe in the house of the Tanner? Who gathered up the dust of my feet on the threshold? I sent to the mouth of the harbor, where talc was bought for you;
-pur ana hi-rit ali iq-ri-su--ni ti-i-taki -ta-pa-rak-kim-ma a-li-ku ti-nu-ru d gira mu-un-na-ah-zu d gira id-di-u-u nur ilime ka-ai-nu sin ina uruki dama ina larsaki nergal a-di um-ma-na-ti- d itar a-ga-deki a-di ku-um-mi- a-na la-qa-at zri lkaapi u fkaapti
d d
ma-la ba-u- f kaapta li-du-ku-ma ana-ku lu-ub-lut -u la e-pu---im-ma i-pu- 200. -u la as-hu-ra--im-ma is-hu-ra i-i tak-lat ana ki-pi kit-pu-du--ti a-na-ku a-na ez-zu dgibil da-a-a-nu d gira qu-mi-i dgira qu-li-i d gira u-ta-bil-i TU6.N 205. INIM-INIM-MA H-BR-RU-DA salam titi lip bullulu-k N at-ti man-nu kaaptu tub-ta-nain-ni a-na li-mut-ti ta-te-ni--in-ni a-na la ta-ab-ti ta-as-sa-na-ah-hur-in-ni al-ki ul i-di bit-ki ul i-di um-ki ul i-di ubat-ki ul i-di 210. dme li-ba--ki utukkme li-te--u-ki etimmme lis-sah-ru--ki be-en-nu la ta-a-bu eli-ki lim-qut rabisme li-mut-ti li-kil-lu r-ki d .............u dul-pa--a li-na-ru-ki d ............. en i ......... -ki li-ip-it d gibil iz-zu la pa-du-u lb-bi-ki l-is-suuh d gu-la a-zu-gal-la-tu rabitutu li-it-ki li-imhas d gibil iz-zu zu-mur-ki li-ih-mut ..... ellitumtum mrat da-nim am ina kar-pat na-an-hu-za-at [isatu] ... libbi .... dgibil qar-du sa-ma-a ... ....... ..... -ma-mi ik-u-du ................. qu-li i kat-ta......... qu-mi ha-an-ti lkaapi-ia5 u f kaapti-ia5 na-pi-ta--nu lib-li-ma ia-a-i bul-lit-an-ni-ma nar-bi-ka lu-pi
I sent to the moat, where clay was picked up for you; I sent against you a portable furnace, the fire already lit, the Forever New Girra, Constant Light of the Gods; Sin in Ur, ama in Larsa, Nergal next to his people, Itar in Akkad next to her house: may they seize the offspring of the warlock and the witch, however numerous they are, may they kill the witch, but I stay alive! Because I did not bewitch her, she bewitched me! Because I did not ensorcell her, she ensorcelled me! She trusts the spell that she designed, but I trust my Judge Gibil! Girra, burn her! Girra, incinerate her! Girra, strike her! Incantation formula. Incantation with a clay figure dipped in talcum. Incantation. Who are you, witch, who visits me continuously? Who continuously looks for me with evil intentions? Who continuouslly looks for me with unfavorable intentions? I dont know your city, I dont know your house, I dont know your name, I dont know your residence. May the edu-demons visit you, may the utukku-demons look for you, may ghosts hover around you, may a bad epilespy fall upon you! So may the evil stool lift your head, may the God...... and ulpaea kill you! May the God..... wash you out! May Furious Gibil, who knows no pity, steal reason from you! May Gula, the Great Physician, strike your cheek! May Furious Gibil burn your body! Pure Daughter of the Sky-God Anu, who is spread in the vessel, ..........of the heart..... Gibil the Hero... ............................... which the sky ................................ burn ..... incinerate as fast as possible! Of my warlock and my witch, uproot the life! Let me live, so I can praise your greatness;
d-li-li-ka lud-lul TU6.N INIM-INIM-MA H-BR-RU-DA salam isbini salam iserini-K 230. N kaaptu mut-tal-lik-tum sqtime tuppu IIkam ma-aq-lu-
so I can adore you! Incantation to undo the spell with a figure of tamarisk or cedar-wood. Incantation. The witch, who goes on the roads. Tablet II of Maql
[TABLET III] N fkaaptu mut-tal-lik-t sqtime mu-tir-rib-tum bttime da-ai-li-tum bi-ri-e-ti sa-ai-di-tum ri-ba-a-ti a-na pani- arki- is-sa-na-ah-hur izzazaz ina sqi-ma -sah-har pII i-na ri-bi-ti ip-ta-ra-as a-lak-t etli damqi du-us-su i-kim ardatu damiqtumtum i-ni-ib- it-bal i-na ni-kil-mi- ku-zu-ub- il-qi etla ip-pa-lis-ma dta-u i-kim ardata ip-pa-lis-ma i-ni-ib- it-bal i-mu-ra-an-ni-ma fkaaptu il-li-ka arki-ia i-na im-ti- ip-ta-ra-as a-lak-t i-na ru-hi- i-di-hi ip-ru-us --as-si ili-ia5 u ditar-ia5 ina zumri-ia5 fkaapti ina kul-la-ti aq-ta-ri-is tta e-pi-ti-ia ab-ta-ni salam- -kun i-na lb-bi-ki lip ha-bil-ki 20. -sa-an-ni ina kalatime-ki e-ra qa-ma-ki e-ra qa-ma-ki a-mat-ki lip-ru-us e-li li at-ta-pah i--ti ina aplan li at-ta-di lik-ti a-na bt ter-ru-ba at-ta-di i--ti te-pu-im-ma dgibil li-kul-ki tu-e-pi-im-ma dgibil lik-u-ud-ki tak-pu-di-ma dgibil li-duk-ki tu-ak-pi-di-ma dgibil lik-me-ki har-ra-an la ta-ri li--as-bit-ki dgibil ha-bil-ki d gibil ez-zu zumur-ki li-ih-mut TU6.N Incantation. The witch, who goes on the roads, who invades the houses, who walks in the alleys, who hunts over the square; she turns around, front and back, she stays standing in the street, and turns her feet, in the square she blocks the way. She took away the strength of the beautiful man, she took away the fruit of the beautiful girl, with one look she took away her attractiveness, she saw the man and took away his strength, she saw the girl and took away her step. The witch saw me, she followed me, with her venom she blocked my way, with her magick she hindered my gait. She pushed my body away from my God and my Goddess. For the witch I plucked clay from the potters wheel, I made a figurine of my sorceress. In your body I lay some talcum, the Destroyer. In your kidney I put some eru-wood, that burns you, eru-wood, that burns you, to inhibit your venom! Above the city, I light up a fire; underneath the city I throw a potion. Where you go in I light up a fire. Whey you arise, may Gibil devour you! When you settle, may Gibil seize you! When you carry, may Gibil kill you! When you draw, may Gibil burn you! To the Land of No Return may Gibil, your tormentor, let you go! May the Furious Gibil burn your body! Incantation formula.
N 2-ta i-na mrtime da-nim ame 3 i-na mrtime da-nim ame tur-ri ul-ta-nim-ma ul-tu ame ur-ra-da-ni e-ka-a-ma te-ba-ti-na e-ki-a-am tal-la-ka a-na e-pi-i u e-pi-ti annanna apil annanna ana sahari ni-il-li-ka a-na lu-uq-qu-ti hu-sa-bi-i-na a-na hu-um-mu-mi hu-ma-ma-ti-i-na li-la-a-ti hu-lu-pa-qa a-na a-ra-pi niil-li-ka N fkaaptu nir-ta-ni-tum e-li-ni-tum nar-in-da-tum a-i-ip-tum e-e-pu-ti mulahhatumtum a-gu-gi-il-tum f qaditu fnaditu d itar-i-tum zr-ma-i-tum ba-ai-r-tum mu-i sa-ayyu-di-tum kal u-mi mu-la--i-tum ame mu-lap-pit-tum irsitimtim ka-mi-tum p ilime ka-si-tum bir-ki ditartime da-ai-ik-tum etlme la pa-di-tum dsinnitime -ah-hu-ti-tum sab-bu-ri-tu ana ip-i- u ru-hi- la u-arru man-ma e-nin-na-ma e-tam-ru-ki is-sab-tu-ki u-te-nu-ki u-ta-bal-ki-tu-ki u-ta-pi-lu a-mat ip-i-ki d -a u dmarduk id-di-nu-ki ana dgira qura-di d gira qu-ra-du ri-kis-ki li-ih-pi mimma ma-la te-pu-i li-am-hir-ki ka-a-i N dit el-lu nam-ru qud-du-u ana-ku e-pi-u-u-a apqallu aps e-pi-e-tu--a mrtime da-nim ame 65. e-pu-u-u-ni e-te-ni-ip-pu-u-u-ni
Incantation. Two are the Daughters of the Sky-God Anu, three are the Daughters of the Sky-God Anu! They find a rope-ladder and descend from the sky! When do you rise? Where do you go? The sorcerer and the sorceress of N., son of N.? We went to cast a spell, we went to gather their branches of fruit, we went to pick up their refuse, we went in the evening to set fire to the huluppu-vessel! Incantation. Sorceress, murderess, nightmare, narindatu, aiputu, magick priestess, snake-charmers, agugiltu, prostitute, hierodule, Itar devotee, zermaitu, who catches in the night, who hunts the whole day, dirties the sky, touches the earth, gags the mouths of the Gods, who binds the knees of the Goddesses together, who kills the men, who doesnt spare the women. Destructatrix, evil woman, against your ensorcellment and witchcraft nobody can fight! Now they saw you, now they grabbed you, they changed you, they brought you imbalance, they mixed up your magick word, Ea and Marduk; they surrendered you to Girra the Hero! Girra the Hero! May he break your knot, and everything that you ensorcelled, may that fall back on you! Incantation. I am the Light, Shining Pure River. My sorcerer is the Wise One of the Ocean. My sorceresses are the Daughters of the Sky-God Anu. They have ensorcelled me, they have continuously and constantly ensorcelled, they have ensorcelled, they have spared my body nothing; they have continuously ensorcelled, but they could not seize me! I have magick, and Igrabbed their mouth. I became shining like the river in my country.
e-pu-u-nim-ma ul ip-du-u zu-um-ri e-te-ni-pu-u-nim-ma ul i-li-- sa-ba-tiia a-na-ku e-pu-u-ma ..... pi-u-nu as-bat e-te-bi-ib kima dit ina adi-ia
e-te-lil ki-ma nam-ru ana bt puruss-ia lkaapi-ia5 u fkaapti-ia5 d it........... -ru na-bal-kat-ta--nu lis-kunu-ma ki-pu-u-nu el-u-nu li-bal-ki-tu-ma a-na muh-hi-u-nu u la-ni-u-nu lil-li-ku ki-ma di-iq-me-en-ni li-is-li-mu pa-ni-nu li-hu-lu li-zu-bu u lit-ta-at-tu-ku u ana-ku ki-ma dit ina ad-ia l ellkuku N
I became pure like the Shining One for my court appearance. My warlock and my witch The River.....may they...... do them! May their tricks fall back on them, and fall on their head and image! May their face become black as with ashes! May they drip, melt, and dissolve, but I, like the river in my country, be pure! Incantation. Incantation. There surrounds me the Sutite, the Elamite chases me! I am surrounded by flood, furious storm flood! The witch is a Sutite whose attack is strong! The nightmare is an Elamite whose hit means death! Gibil, companion of ama, come closer! Like the mountain comes to rest through sulphur, so may the sorceresses and witches, the magick of my witches of my nightmares, Gibil burn! May the Pure River break her heart! May the Pure Water dissolve her spell, but I pure like the river in my country! Incantation. Incantation. Who are you, witch, in whose heart lies the evil word against me, on whose tongue the magick against me forms, on whose lip the spell against me starts? In the step you take stands death. Witch, I seize your mouth, I seize your tongue, I seize your seeing eyes, I seize your going feet, I seize your walking knees, I seize your leading arms, I tied your arms on your back! May Sin, the Twin-shaped, destroy your body, throw you in a ditch of water and fire! Witch, like the seal-cylinder warmer, may your face become burning and yellow! Incantation. You there, who have bewitched me! You there, who have charmed me! You there, who have ensorcelled me! You there, who have oppressed me! You there, who have seized me!
N la-man-ni su-tu- e-la-mu- ri-daan-ni kat-man-ni a-gu- e-du- sah-panan-ni 80. kaaptu su-ta-ta da-a-nu i-bit-su e-le-ni-tu e-la-ma-ta li-pit-sa mu--tu
gibil tap-pi-e dama i-ziz-za-am-ma ki-ma adi ina kibri-dit i-nu-uh-hu ki-pi ru-hi-e ru-si-e fkaapti-ia5 85. e-li-ni-ti-ia dgibil liq-mi d it ellu lib-ba- li-ih-pi mme elltime lip-u-ra ki-pi- u ana-ku ki-ma dit ina ad-ia lu ellkuku N N at-ti nam-nu fkaaptu bau a-mat limuttimtim-ia5 ina lib-bi- ina lini- ib-ba-nu- ru-hu--a ina ap-ti- ib-ba-nu- ru-su--a i-na ki-bi-is tak-bu-us izzazaz mu--tum f kaaptu as-bat pi-ki as-bat lin-ki 95. as-bat nII-ki na-ti-la-a-ti as-bat pII-ki al-la-ka-a-ti as-bat bir-ki-ki e-bi-ri-e-ti as-bat idII-ki mut-tab-bi-la-a-ti ak-ta-si i-di-ki a-na ar-ki-ki d sin el-lam-mi-e li-qat-ta-a pagar-ki a-na mi-qit mme u iti lid-di-ki-ma f kaaptu ki-ma si-hir kunukki an-ni-e li-su-du li-ri-qu pa-nu--ki N at-ti e te-pu-i-in-ni 105. at-ti e tu-e-pi-i-in-ni at-ti e tu-ka-i-pi-in-ni at-ti e tu-hap-pi-pi-in-ni at-ti e tu-sab-bi-ti-in-ni
at-ti e tu-kan-ni-ki-in-ni at-ti e tu-ab-bi-ti-in-ni at-ti e tu-ub-bi-ri-in-ni at-ti e tu-ka-si-in-ni at-ti e tu-la--in-ni tap-ru-si itti-ia ili-ia5 u ditar-ia5 tap-ru-si itti-ia e- e--tu ahu ahattu ib-ru tap-pu u ki-na-at-tu a-liq-qa-kim-ma ha-ha-a utuni ummi-nu diqri a-mah-ha-ah a-tab-bak ana qaqqad ragga-ti im-ti-ki N e-pu--ni u-te-pi--an-ni i-na mi-li nri e-pu--an-ni
You there, who have squeezed me! You there, who have destroyed me! You there, who have tied me! You there, who have bound me! You there, who have besmirched me! Who alienated my God and my Goddess from me, who alienated my male friend, female friend brother, sister, comrades, companions and servants! I take flakes of ashes from the oven, soot from the pot, I mix them with water and I drip it on the head of your evil figurine. Incantation. Who bewitched me, ensorcelled me? Who bewitched me by high water in the river? Who bewitched me by low water in the river? Who said to the sorceress, ensorcell!? Who said to the inspiress of insanity, make insane!? This is her barque. Like this barque crosses, so may her spells cross and come back on her head and her figure! Come! May her right be defeated and my right prevail! Incantation. Incantation. Sin has built my barque, between her horns stands the potion, as freight; within it the warlock and the witch sit; within it the sorcerer and sorceress sit; within it the inspirer of insanity and the inspiress of insanity sit. Let the mooring-rope be cut! Let the moor be let go! May it go astray in the middle of the sea! May a strong tide push it out into the ocean! May powerful waves batter it! May a favorable wind not blow, may they not be found! By the order of Nusku and Girra, the Gods of their trial! Incantation. Incantation. Latu of the streets, why do you press me constantly? Why your messages? Witch, inhibited is the word!
i-na mi-ti nari e-pu--an-ni a-na e-pi-ti ip-i-ma iq-bu- a-na sa-hir-ti suh-ri-ma iq-bu- an-ni-tu lu-u maqurru- kima maqurru an-ni-tu ib-ba-lak-ki-tu kis-pu- lib-bal-ki-tu-ma ina muh-hi- u la-ni- lil-li-ku di-in- lis-sa-hi-ip-ma di-e-ni li-ir N N maqurri-ia5 a-na dsin -e-pi ina bi-rit qrneme- na-at pi-ir-tum
-bu ina lb-bi- lkaapu u fkaaptu -bu ina lb-bi- e-pi u e-pi-t -bu ina lib-bi- sa-hi-ru u sa-hir-t maqurri-i-na lib-ba-ti-iq a--al- mar-kas-sa-i-na lip-pa-tir-ma tar-kul-la a-na qabal tam-ti liq-qil-pu ..... LU .... e-du-u dan-nu a-na tam-tim li-e-si-nu-ti am-ru-ti a-gu-u e-li--nu li-tel-lu4-u ... ar--nu a-a i-zi-qa-am-ma a-a i-hi-taa-ni... ina qi-bit dnusku u dgirru ilime dini--nu N N LA-t su-qa-ti am-me-ni tug-danar-ri-N-ni am-me-ni na--pa-tu-ki it-ta-na-lak-ani f kaaptu SAG.DUme a-ma-ti-ki
am-me-ni it-ta-nak--da a-na lu-... el-li a-na -ri ab-ta-ki a-.... -rad a-na qaq-qa-ri-im-ma -sab-bi-tu ina kib-si-ki rbisa -e-ab etim ri-da-a-ti harran-ki --as-bit a-mah-ha-as muh-ha-ki --an-na t-enki a-dal-lah lb-ba-ki ta-ma-i-i rme-ki
Why ....... I climb on the roof, I see you! I climb down to the ground, and I see you! On your path I set the stool, I set the Death-Spirit of Persecution on your path. I strike your skull, I confuse your mind, I bring your insided into disarray so that you forget the flesh, sorceress and deep sorceress! I am the sky; you cannot touch me. I am the earth, you cannot confuse me. I am the point of the thorn, you cannot crush me. I am the sting of the scorpion, you cannot touch me! I am a peaked mountain; your ensorcellment, your chanting, you spell, your evil machinations, dont come close to me, dont approach me. Incantation. Incantation. Hand, hand, powerful hand of man, which like a lion grabs the man, like a slingshot threw the man to the ground, like a net covered the strong one, like a snare caught the leader, like a trap covered the powerful! So the warlock and the witch, may Girra burn your hand, so may Girra devour, may Girra drink, may Girra remove! May Girra scream against your powerful hand! Because your hand has ensorcelled, may it burn your body! May the Son of Ea, the Magician, destroy your power! May the breath of Girra envelop your face! Like an oven through its defective places, like the pots through their soot, may the Furious Girra destroy you! So your witchcraft, your evil spell, may not come close to me! Climb like the fish in my water, like the pig in my mud, like the matakal-weed from the meadow, like the grass on the bank of the canal, like the seed of the ebony tree on the shore! Shining Itar, who lightens the evening, over to fate I am given, by the order which the Powerful Girra has spoken, and the Burning Girra, Son of Anu, the
e-pi-tum u mu-te-pi-tum amu a-na-ku ul tu-lap-pa-tin-ni irsitumtum a-na-ku ul tu-ra-hi-in-ni si-hi-il isbal-ti a-na-ku ul tu-kab-ba-si-inni zi-qit aqrabi a-na-ku ul tu-lap-pa-tin-ni adu zaq-ru a-na-ku ki-pi-ki ru-hi-ki ru-su--ki up--u-ki limntime la itehme-ni la i-qar-ri-bu-u-ni ai-i N
N rit-tu-ma rit-tu rit-tu dan-na-tu a-me-lu-ti kma ni is-ba-tu a-me-lu kima hu-ha-ri is-hu-pu it-lu kima e-e-ti -kat-ti-mu qar-ra-du kima u-u-kal-li a--rid-du i-bar-ru kima gi-par-ri ik-tu-mu dan-na l kaapu u fkaaptu rit-ta-ku-nu dgira liq-mi d gira li-kul dgira li-ti dgira li-ta-bil
rit-ta-ku-nu e-pu-u zu-mur-ku-nu li-ih-mut li-is-pu-uh illat-ku-nu mr d-a mamau 170. qut-ri dgira li-ri-ma pa-ni-ku-nu ki-ma ti-nu-ri ina hi-ta-ti-ku-nu ki-ma di-qa-ri ina lu-hu-um-me-ku-nu li-is-pu-uh-ku-nu-i dgira iz-zu ai ithume-ni ki-pi-ku-nu ru-hi-ku-nu limnu-ti e-til-la-a kima nnhi.a ina mme-e-a kma ahi ina ru-um-ti-ia kma ammatakal ina -sal-li kma amsassati ina a-hi a-tap-pi kma zr isui ina a-hi tam-tim el-lit ditar mu-nam-me-rat im-ti -su-rat balati us-su-ra-ku ana-ku ina qi-bit iq-bu- dgira ra-ub-bu dgira a-ri-ru mr da-nim qar-du
Hero! N rit-tum-ma rit-tum rit-tum dan-na-tum a-me-lu-ti f kaaptu - pi-i-ki da-ab-bi-bu - dan-na-ti rit-ta-ki lu a-ma-tum -ak-ki bitu a-ma-tum -ba-a-ki l kaapu u fkaaptu e-pi u e-pit bi-il rit-ta-ku-nu-ma ana iti lud-di N N bi-li bi-li qi-di-e qi-di-e tuppu IIIkam ma-aq-lu- Incantation. Hand, hand powerful hand of man! Witch, because of your slanderous mouth, because of your powerful hand, I brought you the word from the city, from the house I look for the word for you. Warlock and witch, sorcerer and sorceress, I lay down your hand, I will throw it in the fire. Incantation. Incantation. Cook, cook, burn, burn! Tablet III of Maql
[TABLET IV] N bi-li bi-li qi-di-e qi-di-e rag-gu u si-e-nu e te-ru-ub at-lak at-ta man-nu mr man-ni at-ti man-nu mrat man-ni -ba-tu-nu-ma ip-e-ku-nu up-e-ku-nu te-te-ni-ip-pu--ni ia-a-i lip-ur d-a mamau lis-bal-kit ki-pi-ku-nu d asari-l-du10 mama ilime mr d-a apqallu a-kas-si-ku-nu-i a-kam-mi-ku-nu-i a-nam-din-ku-nu-i a-na dgira qa-mi-e qa-li-i ka-si-i ka-i-du fkaaptime d gira qa-mu- li-tal-lal i-da-ai ip- bar-tu a-mat limuttim rmu zru dipala zitarruta kadibbid KU.HUNGA abalbala su-ud pa-ni u -ni-e t-e-mu te-pu--ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur a-na lpagri ta-hi-ra-in-ni te-pu--ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur a-na gul-gul-la-ti tap-q-da-in-ni te-pu-ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur a-na etim kim-ti-ia tap-q-da-in-ni te-pu-ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur a-na etim a-hi-i tap-q-da-in-ni te-pu--ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur a-na etimmi mur-tappi-du pa-q-da la i-u-u te-pu--ni tu-e-pi--ni d gira lip-ur a-na etim har-bi na-du-ti tap-q-da-in-ni te-pu--ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur Incantation. Cook, cook, burn, burn! Meanness and Evil, dont come in: go away! Who are you, whose son? Who are you, whose daughter? You who sit here and command your sorcery, your plots, against me! May Ea the Magician undo and nullify your sorceries! Asariludu, the Magician of the Gods, son of Ea the wise! I bind you, I tie you up, I give you over to Girra, who burns, incinerates, binds overpowers and seizes the sorceress! May incinerating Girra strengthen my arms! The Magic, Revolt, Malediction, Love, Hate, Injustice, Murder, Paralysis of the Mouth, Tearing of the Insides, Glowing of the Face and Insanity you have done, you have made others do, may Girra undo! You marked me for a corpse, you have done, etc. You turned me over to the Skulls, you have done, etc. You turned me over to a ghost of my family, you have done, etc. You turned me over to the ghost of a stranger, you have done, etc. To a wandering ghost who has no caretaker, you have done, etc. To a ghost inhabiting ruins you have turned me over, you have done, etc.
You have locked images of me in the wall, you have done, etc. You have put down images of me on the threshold, you have done, etc. You have locked images of me in the entrance to the wall, you have done, etc. salmnime-ia ina ti-tur-ri taq-bi-ra-ma You have buried images of me on the bridge um-ma-nu -kab-b-su te-pu--ni so that people stepped over them, tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur you have done, etc. You have dug a hole in the basin of the salmnime-ia ina bu-ri iqi lalaki bra tap-ta-a taq-bi-ra te-pu--ni wash-house and buried images of tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur me there, you have done, etc. You have dug a hole in a gardeners ditch salmnime-ia ina iqi llkuribbi bra tap-ta-a taq-bi-ra te-pu--ni tuand buried images of me there, you e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur have done, etc. Images of me out of tamarisk, out of cedar, salmnime-ia lu-u isbni lu-u iserini lu-u lip out of talcum, lu-u ikri lu-u kuspi out of wax, out of sesame, lu-u itti lu-u titi lu-u lii out of asphalt, out of clay, out of dough; salmnime sir-ri-ia pa-ni-ia u la-ni-ia teimages, likenesses of my face and my figure pu--ma you have modelled kalba tu--ki-la ah tu--ki-la and given them to a dog, to a pig, to eat, to the birds of the sky; have thrown them in issuru tu--ki-la ana nri tadda the river; salmnime-ia a-na la-ma-ti mrat da-nim Images of me to Lamatu, Anus daughter, you have given, you have done, you have tap-q-da te-pu--ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur made others do, may Girra undo! Images of me you have given to Girra, you salmnime-ia a-na dgira tap-q-da te-puhave done, etc. -ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur
a-na sri ki-di u na-me-e tap-q-da-in-ni te-pu--ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur a-na dri sa-me-ti tap-q-da-in-ni te-pu-ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur etc. a-na dbe-lit sri u ba-ma-a-ti tap-q-dain-ni te-pu--ni tu-e-pi--ni d gira lip-ur a-na utn la-ab-ti tinri kinni KI.UT. BA nap-pa-ha-ti tap-q-da-in-ni te-pu--ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur salmnime-ia a-na lpagri tap-q-da te-pu-ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur me salmni -ia a-na lpagri ta-hi-ra te-pu-ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur salmnime-ia it-ti lpagri tu-ni-il-la te-pu-ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur me salmni -ia ina sn lpagri tu-ni-il-la tepu--ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur me salmni -ia ina qimah lpagri taq-bi-ra tepu--ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur me salmni -ia a-na gul-gul-la-ti tap-q-da te-pu--ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lipur salmnime-ia ina igri tap-ha-a te-pu--ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur me salmni -ia ina asquppati tu-ni-il-la tepu--ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur me salmni -ia ina bi- dri tap-ha-a tepu--ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur
You turned me over to the steppes, the open country, the desert, you have done, etc. To the inner wall and the outer wall you you turned me over, you have done, You turned me over to the Mistress of the Steppe and High Ground, you have done, etc. You turned me over to the bread oven, the stove, the pail of coals and the bellows, you have done, etc. You have given images of me to a corpse, you have done, etc. You have given images of me for a corpse, you have done, etc. You have laid down images of me next to a corpse, you have done, etc. You have put down images of me in a corpses lap, you have done, etc. You have buried images of me in the grave of a corpse, you have done, etc. Images of me you have turned over to skulls, you have done, etc.
mme-ia it-ti lpagri tu-ni-il-la te-pu-ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur mme-ia ina sn lpagri tu-ni-il-la te-pu-ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur me m -ia ina qimah l;pagri taq-bi-ra te-pu-ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur ina ..... -tim mme-ia taq-bi-ra te-pu--ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur ina ..... -tim mme-ia taq-bi-ra te-pu--ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur ina ..... -me mme-ia tah-ba-a te-pu--ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur mme-ia ana dgilgame ta-ad-di-na te-pu-ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur ana .... -li-e ta-hi-ra-in-ni te-pu--ni tue-pi--ni dgira lip-ur a zikurud a-na pa-ni dsin te-pu--ni tu-epi--ni dgira lip-ur a zikurud a-na pa-ni dul-pa--a te-pu-ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur a zikurud a-na pa-ni MULU4-KA-DU8-A zikuruda................................. te-pu-ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur a zikurud ................................. te-pu-ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur a zikurud ................................. te-pu-ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur a zikurud ................................. te-pu-ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur a zikurud ................................. te-pu-ni tu-e-pi--ni dgira lip-ur (break of about 6 lines) .............. GAB TIN ta-........ u uhuli tu-ram-me-ki-in-ni ..................... tap-qi-da............... ................ -a-ti tu-e-bi-la........... ................ btu tu---qi ai.......... ina pn....................... -zi u bb bti ma-........... ina pn ib-ri tap-pi u ki-na-at-ti KI. MINA ina pn abi u ummi ahi u ahati mri u mrti KI.MINA ina pn bti u bbi ardi u amti sih-ri u ra-bi bti KI.MINA el a-me-ri-ia tu-am-ri-si-in-ni.... ak-ta-mi-ku-nu-i ak-ta-si-ku-nu-i atta-din-ku-nu-i ana dgira qa-mi-i qa-li-i ka-si-i ka-i-du fkaaptime d gira qa-mu- li-pat-tir rik-si-ku-nu li-pa--ir ki-pi-ku-nu li-na-as si-irqi-ku-nu ina q-bit dmarduk mr d-a apqalli
You have put down my water next to a corpse, you have done, etc. You have put my water in a corpses lap, you have done, etc. You have buried my water in a corpses grave, you have done, etc. You have buried my water in a corpses....... you have done, etc. You have buried my water in a corpses....... you have done, etc. You have scooped out my water in ........ you have done, etc. You have given my water to Gilgame, you have done, etc. You have picked me for .......... of the ditch, you have done, etc. You have cut the throat before Sin, you have done, etc. You have cut the throat before ulpaea, you have done, etc. You have cut the throat before the constellations Cygnus and Lacerta, you have done, etc. You have cut the throat...... you have done, etc. You have cut the throat...... you have done, etc. You have cut the throat...... you have done, etc. You have cut the throat ........ you have done, etc. You have cut the throat....... you have done, etc. ....................................
59. 60.
In front of ...... and the gate of the house, In front of comrades, companions, and servants of the same, In front of the father and mother, brother and sister, son and daughter of the same, In front of the house and the gate, slave and maid, small and large, of the same, you made me ....... to whomever looks at me. I have bound you, I have tied you up, I have surrendered you to Girra who burns, incinerates, binds and seizes the sorceresses. May the burning Girra untie your knots, undo your enchantments, remove your ropes, upon the order of Marduk, son of Ea the
Wise, and of Girra the Praising, the Wise, the Son of Anu, the Hero! Incantation formula.
N at-ti man-nu fkaaptu zitarruta puaa lu-u ib-ru lu-u tap-pu-u lu-u ahu lu-u it-ba-ru lu-u -ba-ra lu-u mr li lu-u mu-du-u lu-u la md lu-u lkaapu lu-u fkaaptu lu-u zikaru lu-u sinnitu lu- hab-lu lu ha-bil-ti lu-u lkur-gar-ru-u lu-u sah-hi-ru lu-u ... lu-u nar-in-du-u lu-u mu-lahhe lu-u a-gu-gi-lu-u lianu nukur-tum ina mti ibai .......-tu gikak-ku-u li-e-bir-ma ................... -mid-su-nu-te TU6.N N nir-ti-i fkaapti-ia5 u ku--pa-ti-ia5
Incantation. Who are you, sorceress, who commited murder? Whether comrade or companion, whether brother or friend, whether stranger or fellow-citizen, whether known or unknown, whether sorcerer or sorceress, whether man or woman, whether murderer or murderess, whether kurgarru-priest or sahhiru, whether one..... or a narindu or a snakecharmer, whether an agugilu or a foreigner who happens to be in the country, .......... the weapon........ to the land, ......................dont come close! Incantation formula. Incantation. My murderess, my sorceress, my enchantress,
(10 lines missing) is ................... ma-............... a-........-si--nu-ti...... a-ta-am-ma-ak--nu-ti ki-.......... a-ak-kan--nu-ti ana pi-i dgira qa-mi-i qa-li-i ka-si-i ka-i-du fkaapatime TU6.N N damii man-nu abu- man-nu ummu-u man-nu a-hat-su-ma u- da-a-a-nu dmarduk dsin d................... ilu git-ma-lu..................... d ama ............................ i-i di-tar a-hat-su-ma u-u da-a-a-nu ki-pi -hal-laq.............. ep-u bar-tum mat lemut-tim -pa-ar ...............................TU6.N N i-pu--ni i-te-ni-ip-pu--ni gu-ti-e-ti e-la-ma-a-ti ma-rat ha-ni-gal-bat-a-ti 6 ina mti i-rak-ka-sa-a-ni rik-si 6 riksi-i-na 7 pit-ru--a ma ip-pu-sa-nim-ma kal u4-mu a-pa--ar-i-na-ti ................... ...................... ................................ I grab you,................. I put you in the fire which burns, burns, binds, seizes the sorceresses! Incantation formula. Incantation. Who is the father of the son, who his mother, who his sister and brother his judge, of Marduk, Sin.................. The Perfect God.................... ama.................................. And she, the Goddess his judge, I destroy the sorcery, witchcraft, revolt, malediction, upon the order of ......... Incantation formula. Incantation. It hexes, and it hexes all the time. The Cuthites, the Elamites, the daughters of the Hanigalbatians. Six on the land tie knots. Six are their knots; seven are my loosenings. What they tie by night, I untie by day.
kal u4-mu ip-pu--nim-ma ma a-pa--ar-i-na-ti a-ak-kan-i-na-a-ti ana pi-i dgira qa-mi-i qa-li-i ka-si-i ka-i-du fkaapatime TU6.N N ru--a ka--pat ana-ku pa-i-ra-ak
f f
What they tie by day, I untie by night. I put them in the fire which burns, incinerates, binds and seizes the sorceresses! Incantation formula. Incantation. My danger is a witch, I am released. The witch is a witch, I am released. The witch is an Elamite, I am released. The witch is a Cuthite, I am released. The witch is a Sutian, I am released. The witch is a Lullubian, I am released. The witch is a Hanigalbatian, I am released. The witch is an agugiltu, I am released. The witch is a narindatu, I am released. The witch is snake-charmer, I am released. The witch is a magick priestess, I am released. The witch is a metal-worker, I am released. The witch is a bump on my gate, I am released. The witch is a fellow-citizen of mine, I am released! I have gathered her images, and I have sent them to the west. The figures of the seven and seven witches have I given over to Girra. In a portable oven I have burned them. Gibil, burn my warlock and my witch! Gibil, incinerate my warlock and my witch! Gibil, burn them utterly! Gibil, incinerate them utterly! Gibil, seize them! Gibil, devour them! Gibil, take them away! May the raging Gibil calm down! Gibil, ................. The sorcerer and the sorceress, the enchanter and the enchantress, may they truly........ But I, I let the water of the flood come upon them! Incantation formula. Incantation. My enchanter and my enchantress Tablet IV Maql
kaaptu kas--pat ana-ku pa-i-ra-ak kaaptu e-la-ma-a-ti ana-ku pa-i-ra-ak f kaaptu qu-ta-a-ti ana-ku pa-i-ra-ak f kaaptu su-ta-a-ti ana-ku pa-i-ra-ak f kaaptu lul-lu-ba-a-ti ana-ku pa-i-ra-ak f kaaptu ha-bi-gal-ba-at ana-ku pa-i-raak f kaaptu a-gu-gi-lat ana-ku pa-i-ra-ak f kaaptu nar-in-da-at ana-ku pa-i-ra-ak f kaaptu mulahhat ana-ku pa-i-ra-ak f kaaptu e-e-ba-a-ti ana-ku pa-i-ra-ak
kaaptu qur-qur-ra-a-ti ana-ku pa-ira-ak f kaaptu i-i rbis bbi-ia ana-ku pa-ira-ak f kaaptu mrat li-ia ana-ku pa-i-ra-ak -pur a-na e-rib dami salmnime-si-na il-qu-tu--ni 7 u 7 fkaaptime salmnime-i-na ana dgira ap-qid ana -tu-ni a-lik-ti a-ar-rap-i-na-ti d gibil qu-mi lkaapi u fkaapti d gibil qu-li lkaapi u fkaapti d gibil qu-mi-i-na-a-ti d gibil qu-li-i-na-a-ti d gibil kuus-si-na-a-ti d gibil a-ru-uh-i-na-a-ti d gibil u-ta-bil-si-na-a-ti ez-zu dgibil li-ni-ih-ka-na-i d gibil lu-li-mu li-...-ki-na-i l kaapu u fkaaptu e-pi u e-pitum u-nu lu-u ............... -kam-ma ana-ku mme mli-ma lu-u-ba--i-na-a-ti TU6.N N e-pi-tum mu-te-pi-tum tuppu IVkam ma-aq-lu-
-bat ina silli a-ma-ri a libitti -bat-ma ip-i-ia ip-pu- i-ban-na-a salmnime-ia5 a-ap-pa-rak-kim-ma amhautu u damaammu -sap-pa-ah ki-pi-ki -tar amtime-ki ana p-ki ip-i te-pu-i lu-u at-tu-ki salmnime tab-ni-i lu-u t-me-ki mme tah-bi-i lu-u ra-ma-ni-ki i-pat-ki ai iq-ri-ba amtme-ki ai ik-uda-in-ni ina q-bit d-a dama u dmarduk u rubti d be-lit il TU6.N N man-nu p ip-til utteta -qas-sir ana ame ki-pi ana irsitimtim bar-ta puu ana amirri ilime rabtime ip- bar-ta amt limuttimtim man-nu -qar-rib ki-ma p la ip-pat-til uttatu la uk-ta-assa-ru ana ame ki-pi ana irsitimtim bar-tu la in-ni-ip-pu- ana mrat ilime rabtime ip- bar-tum amat limuttimtim l itehu l i-qar-ru-bu ip- bar-tum amt limuttimtim l iteha l i-qar-ru-ba ia-a-i TU6.N N du-un-na-nu du-un-na-nu prisis puru-us-si-e-ni i-na ma-har dnusku u dgira u-bil-te ak-naat al-ki na-bal-kt-tum u-um-ri na-bal-kttum i-na na-sa-ah pII lkaapi-ia5 u fkaapti-ia5 pII-ki uk-ni lillu li-bi-il-ma fkaaptu ana da-ai-ni- daianu- kma ni li-sa-a el- lim-has lt-sa li-tir amt-sa ana p- e-pi-ti mu-te-pi-ti ki-ma amnini li-nu- ki-pu- ki-ma amazupiri li-sap-pi-ru-i ki-pu- ki-ma amsahli li-is-hu-lu-i ki-pu- ki-ma amKUR.ZI.SAR li-sa-am-mu-si ki-pu-
sit in the shade of a porch made of clay tiles. She sits and does her tricks, makes images of me. I send against you thyme and sesame; I disperse your sorcery, send you word back into your mouth! May the tricks that you have created turn themselves against you! May the images which you made resemble you! May the water that you scooped be your own! Your magick shall not come close to me, your word shall not reach me! Upon the order of Ea, ama, and Marduk, and the Lady of the Gods! Incantation formula. Incantation. Who has tried to bind the chaff after he tied the barley? Who has ever ensorcelled Heaven, done magick against the Earth? Against the Irri, the Great Gods, who has ever done magick, brought evil words? As chaff cannot stand in a bundle, neither can magick be done against Heaven or Earth, to the daughter of the Great Gods magick, sorcery, baneful words, do not come close; so, magick, sorcery, baneful words do not come close to me! Incantation formula. Incantation. Dunnanu, dunnanu, who makes our decision, in front of Nusku, in front of Girra, my portrait is laid down. Come, attack! Rage! Attack! While you tear off the feet of my sorcerer and my sorceress, put your own feet down. May the sorceress be dragged in front of a judge! May her judge roar at her like a lion! May he strike her cheek and turn her words back in her mouth! Of the sorceress and the greater sorceress, may her magick sting like mint! May her magick scratch her like saffron! May her magick penetrate her like mustard! May her magick bind her like kurzisar-weed!
ki-ma amkasi li-ik-su-i ki-pu- ki-ma amhati li-ha-u-i ki-pu- ki-ma kit-mi li-ik-tu-mu-i ki-pu- ki-ma amirri li-ru-ru-i ki-pu- ki-ma amnuhurti lit-tah-hi-ra aptime- e-pi-ti mu-te-pi-ti lib-bal-kit-si squ su-lu- lib-bal-kit-si ib-ra-tum ni-me-di- lib-bal-ki-tu-i-ma ilime sri u li
ki-ma kib-si immeri li-sa-am-me-ku-i-ma li-ti-qu-i ki-ma qur-sin-ni imri ina sqi e-te-qu lik-kil-me-i e-pi-ti mu-te-pi-ti ina bi-rit kalbme li-su-ru ku-lu-lu- ina bi-rit ku-lu-lu- li-su-ru kalbme e-li- qul-mu- li-su-ru ki-ma piqan sabiti qu-tur- li-ib-li TU6.N N at-ti man-nu fkaaptu tetenpu- 3 arhme 10 u4-me miil u4-me
May her magick tie them up like cassia! May her magick bind them like thyme! May her magick cover them like alum! May her magick tie them up like a pumpkinvine! May their lips swell up like with asafoetida! Of the sorceress and the greater sorceress, may the street and the path fall upon them! May the room and its chair fall upon them! May the God of the steppes and the city fall upon them! May one chase the sorceress like a dog with a stick, like a lizard with a clod of earth! Chase them to a sheep-path, and pass over them! May one look upon them like upon a donkeys ankle while crossing the street. Of the sorceress and the greater sorceress, may their headband dance between dogs, may dogs dance within their headband! May the axe dance down upon them! May their breath be taken away as if by gazelle-shit! Incantation formula. Incantation. Who are you, sorceress, who worked magick continuously for three months and ten and half days? I raise the chicory, the pride of the mountains, thyme, the prepared food of the earth, acorn, acorn of the hierodule, pinecone, pinecone which is full of seeds. Yes, my sorcerer and my sorceress; break their knots, turn their tricks into stormwind, turn words to wind! May their trickery be blown away like chaff, peeled away like garlic, beaten like dates, scattered like acorns!
ana-ku a-na---kim-ma riqqukukru tanat ad am hatu ti--ut ma-a-ti pitiltu pitiltu qadatime terinnatu terinnatu e-am ma-la-ti an-nu- lkaapi-ia5 u fkaapti-ia5 hipa-a ri-ki-u-un tir-ra ki-pu- ana me-hi-e amtime- ana -a-ri li-in-na--pu ki-pu- kma p liq-qalpu kma mi li--ah-tu kima suluppi lip-pa--ru kima pitilti ina q-bit ditar ddumu-zi dna-na-a be-lit ra- Upon the order of Itar, Tammuz, Nanaya, a-mi the Mistress of Love, dka-ni-sur-ra be-lit fkaaptime N and of Kanisurra, the Mistress of Sorceresses! Incantation. N zru te-pu--ni tu-e-pi--ni ana muh-hi-ku-nu
Incantation. The hate that you have created through your magick, you have created against yourself. zitarruta te-pu--ni tu-e-pi--ni ana Also the murder that you have created, you have created against yourself; the muh-hi-ku-nu dipala te-pu--ni tu-e-pi--ni ana muh-hi-ku-nu injustice you have created, you have kadibbida te-pu--ni tu-e-picreated against yourself; the paralysis -ni ana muh-hi-ku-nu of mouth you have created, you have created against yourself; KUS.HUNGA te-pu--ni tu-e-pi-the kushunga you have created, you have
ni ana muh-hi-ku-nu dububb te-pu--ni tu-e-pi--ni ana muhhi-ku-nu utukku limnu tu--as-bi-ta-in-ni utukku limnu li-is-bat-ku-nu-i al limnu tu--as-bi-ta-in-ni al limnu li-is-bat-ku-nu-i etimmu limnu tu--as-bi-ta-in-ni etimmu limnu li-is-bat-ku-nu-i gall limnu tu--as-bi-ta-in-ni gall limnu li-is-bat-ku-nu-i ilu limnu tu--as-bi-ta-in-ni ilu limnu li-is-bat-ku-nu-i rbisu limnu tu--as-bi-ta-in-ni rbisu limnu li-is-bat-ku-nu-i lamatu labasu ahhazu tu--as-bi-ta-in-ni lamatu labasu ahhazu li-is-bat-ku-nu-i l lil flilitu ardat lili tu--as-bi-ta-in-ni llil f lilitu ardat lili li-is-bat-ku-nu-i ina ni-i u ma-mit tu-qat-ta-in-ni ina nii u ma-mit pa-gar-ku-nu liq-ti uz-zi ili arri bli u rub ia-a-i ta-ku-nani uz-zi ili arri bli u rub a-na ka-a-u-nu li-ak-nak-ku-nu-i a-u-u-tu a-ru-ur-tu hu-us qis lb-bi gilit-t pi-rit-ti a-dir-ti ia-a-i ta-ku-na-ni a-u-u-tu a-ru-ur-tu hu-us qis lb-bi gilit-t pi-rit-ti a-dir-tu ana ka-a--nu li-aknak-ku-nu-i aq-mu-ku-nu-i ina kibrit ellititi u tbat amurri al-qut qu-tur-ku-nu ik-kib ame ip-e-te-ku-nu i-tu-ra-ni-ku-nu-i TU6.N N at-ti man-nu fkaaptu kma ti ik-ki-mu mi 15kam ti-il-ti u4-me im-ba-ru -na-at na-al-i urpata iq-su-ra-am-ma iz-zi-za ia-a-i
created against yourself; the calumny you have created, you have created against yourself! The evil utukku, you have let him seize me; may the evil utukku seize you! The evil alu, you have let him seize me; may the evil alu seize you! The evil ghost, you have let him seize me; may the evil ghost seize you! The evil gallu, you have let him seize me; may the evil gallu seize you! The evil God, you have let him seize me; may the evil God seize you! The evil percher, you have let him seize me; may the evil percher seize you! Lamatu, labasu, the Grabber, you have let them seize me; may lamatu, labasu and the Grabber seize you! The Lilu, the Lilitu, the Night-maid, you have let them seize me; may the Lilu, the Lilitu, the Night-maid seize you! You want to destroy me through oath and proclamation; may your body find its end through oath and proclamation! You have made sure I would incur the anger of God, King, Master and Prince; may you suffer the anger of God, King, Master and Prince! Pain, famine, breaking and cutting up of the body, trembling, fear and depression you have laid in store for me; may pain, famine, breaking and cutting up of the body, trembling, fear and depression be laid in store for you! I have burned you with pure sulphur and salt from the west; I have taken away your breath, a blotch on the sky; your plottings are turned against you! Incantation formula. INCANTATION: Whoever you are, O sorceress, who blows in like the southwind on the 15th day, whose stormcloud gathered for nine days, whose shower fell for a year, who has formed Clouds against me and stood over me: I rise up against you like the Shearer of the Heavens, the Northwind! I scatter your clouds, I destroy your Storm! I scatter your Witchcraft that you piled up over me Night and Day,
a-te-ba-ak-kim-ma ki-ma gal-la-ab ame r iltnu -sap-pa-ah ur-pa-ta-ki -hal-laq mki -sap-pa-ah ki-pi-ki a tak-ki-mi mua u ur-ra
na--pa-rat zitarruti tal-tap-pa-ri ia-a-i N -ru-uh la-a-ni -ru-uh la-a-ni al-lal-lu............. na-mu-............. e-pi .................. ka--pu ............. a-na d.................... N iranme tu-kas-si-ra ...... salmnime tug-gi-ra tu-kas-sa-a....... ki-sir tak-su-ra-ni ki-........ d gira a-ri-ru li-........... d nusku dainu ......... e-pi te-pu--ni ana muh-hi-ku-nu .... pa--ru ki-pu--a....... ina mme ta-bu-ti ........ ana-ku e-te-lil e-te-bi-ib....... N at-tu-nu mme ......... ta-at-ta-nab-lak-ka-ta .... tu-hap-pa-a ka-ra...... mme ........ u .......... mme tmti...... ih-bu-nik-ku-nu-i 7 apkallu u-ut eri-du10........ ina te--nu elli te-...... tuk-sa..... kima ina te--nu ............. lib-bi lkaapi-ia5 u fkaapti-ia5...... ana-ku ina q-bit d.................. a-sal-lah lib-ba-ku-nu ............ a-sal-lah la--me-ku-nu ........... ina q-bit d-a dama dmarduk u rubti d be-lit il TU6.N N e-pi--a e-pi-tu-u-a ka--pu-u-a ka-ap-tu-u-a ik-pu-du libbu-ku-nu limuttimtim ta-te-ni--a ru-hi-e sab-ru-ti ina up--e-e la tbutime tu-sab-bi-ta bir-ki-ia ana-ku ana pu-u-ur ki-pi-ia u ru-hie-a ina a-mat dea u dasari-l-du10 dgira as-sah-ri ina mme a naqbi lb-ba-ku-nu -ni-ih ka-bat-ta-ku-nu -bal-li si-ri-ih lib-bi-ku-nu -e-si te-en-ku-nu --an-ni mi-lik-ku-nu as-pu-uh ki-pi-ku-nu aq-lu kip-di lib-bi-ku-nu -mat-ti-ku-nu-i idiqlat u puratta la te-bi-ra-ni iqa u palga la te-it-ti-qa-ni
and the emissaries of murder that you repeatedly sent against me! Incantation. Powerful is my figure, strong...... who destroys...... who makes........ the sorcerer....... to the God........ Incantation. You tied up my muscles....... you crossed, tied up the images........ the knot which they tied........... may the burning Girra.......... the judge Nusku......... the sorcery you have worked against..... undone is my magick ........ through the healing water......... I become pure, I become shining...... Incantation. You are the waters....... you......... you....... waters........ waters....... ............................ Seven apkallu dwell in Eridu...... On her cheeks............. I........ as I on her cheek............. the heart of my sorcerer and my sorceress.... But I, upon the order of the God....... I overpower your heart....... I overpower your glow....... Upon the order of Ea, ama, Marduk and the Princess, Mistress of the Gods. Incantation formula. Incantation. O warlock and witch, O sorcerer and sorceress, whose heart conceived evil, who sought out evil sorcery, who bound my knees with accursed incantations. To break my spell and my enchantment, I turned to the word of Ea and Asariludu, the firegod Girra In the spring water I have calmed your heart; I have soothed your angry liver; I drove away your heated temper; I confused your mind; I destroyed your plan; I burned your spells; I have numbed your hearts. The Tigris and Euphrates, you will not cross! The moat and canal, you will not pass!
dra u sa-me-ti la tab-ba-lak-ki-ta-ni 135. abulla u ne-ri-bi-e la tir-ru-ba-ni ki-pi-ku-nu ai ithunime-ni a-ma-at-ku-nu ai ik-u-da-in-ni ina q-bit d-a dama u dmarduk rubti d be-lit il TU6.N N iz-zi-tu-nu am-ra-tu-nu qas-sa-tu-nu gap--tu-nu nad-ra-tu-nu lim-ni-tu-nu la d-a man-nu -na-ah-ku-nu-i la dasari-l-du10 man-nu -ap-sah-kunu-i d -a li-ni-ih-ku-nu-i d asari-l-du10 li-ap-ih-ku-nu-i mme p-ia5 mme pi-ku-nu i--tu p-ia p-ku-nu li-bal-li tu-u p-ia5 tu-u p-ku-nu li-bal-li kip-di lb-bi-ia li-bal-la-a kip-di lbbi-ku-nu N ak-bu-us gall-ai..... at-bu-uh gi-ra-ai ah-..... i-na mah-ri qu-ra-di dgira....... N hu-la zu-ba u i-ta-at-tu-ka qu-tur-ku-nu li-tel-li ame la--me-ku-nu li-bal-li damii 155. lip-ru-us ha-ai-ta-ku-nu mr d-a mamau TU6.N N adu lik-tm-ku-nu-i adu lik-la-ku-nu-i adu li-ni-ih-ku-nu-i adu li-ih-si-ku-nu-i adu li-te--ku-nu-i adu li-ni--ku-nu-i adu li-nir-ku-nu-i adu li-qat-tin-ku-nu-i adu dan-nu el-ku-nu lim-qut ina zumri-ia5 lu-u tap-par-ra-sa-ma TU6.N N i-sa-a i-sa-a ri-e-qa ri-e-qa bi-e- bi-e- hi-il-qa hi-il-qa dup-pi-ra at-la-ka i-sa-a u ri-e-qa limuttu-ku-nu ki-ma qut-ri li-tel-li ame 170. ina zumri-ia5 i-sa-a ina zumri-ia5 ri-e-qa ina zumri-ia5 bi-e-
You will not climb over the inner wall or the outer wall! You will not come in through the gate or the entryway! Your spells will not come close to me! Your word will not reach me! By the order of Ea, ama, Marduk and the Princess, Mistress of the Gods! Incantation formula. INCANTATION: Fierce, Raging, Furious, Overbearing, Violent, Evil are you! Who but Ea can dampen you? Who but Asalluhi can cool you? Ea, may he dampen you! Asalluhi, may he cool you! My mouth is water, you mouth is fire: may my mouth extinguish your mouth! May the curse of my mouth extinguish the curse of your mouth! May the plot of my heart extinguish the plot of your heart! Incantation. I have kicked my enemy down... I have killed my adversary........ in front of the Hero, Girra........ Incantation. Drop, flow and drift away! May your breath float to the sky! May the Sun extinguish the glow of your ashes! May he cut away your spy, the Son of Ea, the Magician! Incantation formula. Incantation. May the mountain cover you! May the mountain retain you! May the mountain calm you down! May the mountain overpower you! May the mountain eat you up! May the mountain reject you! May the mountain kill you! May the mountain make you thin! May the poweful mountain fall upon you! You shall indeed be cast off from my body! Incantation formula. INCANTATION: Be off, be off! Be gone, be gone! Depart, depart! Flee, flee! Get off, go away, be off, and be gone! Your evil like smoke, may it rise ever skyward! From my body be off! From my body be gone! From my body depart!
ina zumri-ia5 hi-il-qa ina zumri-ia5 dup-pi-ra ina zumri-ia5 at-la-ka ina zumri-ia5 la tatr ina zumri-ia5 la tetehe ina zumri-ia5 la taqarub ina zumri-ia5 la tasaniqqa ni-i dama kabti lu ta-ma-tu-nu
From my body flee! From my body get off! From my body go away! Do not turn back to my body! Do not approach my body! Do not come near my body! Do not touch my body! By the life of ama, the Honored, be commanded! ni-i d-a bl naqbi lu ta-ma-tu-nu By the life of Ea, Lord of the Deep, be commanded! ni-i dasari-l-du10 ma-ma ilime lu ta-ma- By the life of Asalluhi, Magus of the Gods, tu-nu be commanded! ni-i dgira qa-mi-ku-nu lu ta-ma-tu-nu By the life of Girra, your Executioner, be commanded! ina zumri-ia5 lu-u tap-par-ra-sa-ma You shall indeed be cast from my body! TU6.N N denlil qaqqadi-ia5 pa-nu-u-a u4-mu tuppu Vkam ma-aq-lu- Incantation. Enlil is my head, the day my face. Tablet V Maqlu
[TABLET VI] N den-lil qaqqadi-ia5 pa-nu--a u4-mu ura ilu git-ma-lu la-mas-sat pa-ni-ia kiadi-ia5 ul-lu dnin-lil idme-ai dgam-lum dsin amurri 5. ubntume--a isbnu esemtu digigi la --as-na-qa ru-hi-e a-na zu-um-riia d lugal-edin-na dla-ta-raq irti-ia5 kin-sa-ai dmu-h-ra pII-ai ittanallakaka ka-li-i-na lu lah-mu at-ta man-nu ilu lim-nu lkaapi u f kaapti i-pu-ru-ni- a-na dki-ia5 lu- e-ri-ta la tal-la-ka lu- sal-la-ta la te-tib-ba-a amteme-ka lu ishahuru ina pn ili u arri li-nu- ul-te-sib ina bbi-ia5 dlugal-gir-ra ilu dan-nu sukkal ilime dpap-sukkal li-du-ku lkaapi u fkaapti li-tir-ru amt-sa a-na p- TU6.N N e-pi-ta qu-um-qu-um-ma-tum f kaaptu kud-dim-ma-tum e-pi-ti e-e-bu-tum
Incantation. Enlil is my head, the day my face, Ura the Perfect God is my protecting face, my neck is the necklace of Ninlil, my arms are the Divine Curved Sword of the Western Sin, my fingers are tamarisk, my bones the Igigi; they do not let sorcery penetrate my body. Lugaledinna and Latark are my breast, my knees are Muhra, my feet which wander are each Lahmu. Who are you, evil God, whom my sorcerer and my sorceress have sent to kill me? When you awake, dont go! When you lie in sleep, dont get up! May your words be an apple, bitter for God and King! I set Lugalgirra, the Strong God, at my door; Papsukkal, the messenger of the Gods, also. They may kill my sorcerer and my sorceress; they may turn back their word in their mouth! Incantation formula. Incantation. The sorceress is a qumqummatu. The sorceress is a goldsmith. My sorceress is a magick priestess.
ummu e-pi-ti-ia nar-in-da-tum am-me-ni tu-ub-ba-li napititi ana ma-al-ki ana-ku a-na pu-sur ki-pi-ki am....... na--ku riqqu kukru ad ka....... N riqqukukru-ma riqqukukru riqqu kukru ina adnime elltime quddu-u-ti sihrtime tir-hi e-ni-ti sihrtime terinntime qa-a-da-a-ti al-ka-nim-ma lkaapi-ia5 u f kaapti-ia5 dan-nu hipame rikis-sa tir-ra ki-pi-a a-na me-hi-e amteme- ana ri li-in-ni-e-pu ki-pi-a ki-ma p li-a-as-li-mu-i ki-ma di-iq-me-en-ni ki-ma libitti igri li-hu-hu ki-pu- fkaapti-ia5 lip-pa-tir rikis lib-bi- N riqqukukru-ma riqqukukru kukru ina adnime elltime quddu-u-ti sihrtime tir-hi e-ni-ti sihrtime terinntime qa-a-da-a-ti al-ka-nim-ma lkaapi-ia5 u f kaapti-ia5 dan-nu hipa rikis-sa mimma ma-la te-pu- nu-tir a-na ri
My sorceress mother is a narindatupriestess. Why do you bring life to the Prince? But I, to destroy your magick spells, hold up the .......-weed. Chicory from the mountain.......... Incantation. O chicory, chicory! Chicory from the light pure mountains! You, small tirhu-vessel of the Priestess, you, small pinecones of the Hierodule, come: of my sorcerer and my sorceress break the strong knots! Turn their spells into stormwind, their words into wind! May their trickery be blown away like chaff! May they make them black like ashes! May their spells break loose like tiles over the wall! May the heart-muscle of my sorceress be melted! Incantation. O chicory, chicory! Chicory from the light pure mountains! You, small tirhu-vessel of the Priestess, you, small pinecones of the Hierodule, come: of my sorcerer and my sorceress, break the strong knots! And everything you have ensorcelled, we turn into wind! Incantation. Hey, my sorceress, my nightmare! have not given up the contradicting! Why does smoke still smoke in your house? I am sending you....... I destroy your tricks, I turn your words in your mouth! Incantation. In front of Ningirsu in the mountains, began a divine song of jubilation, in front of everybody, it went up to cut tamarisk. ..... sorceress who gathered stone against N., son of N., and prepares evil, I blow on you like the northwind, like the westwind! I destroy your clouds, clear away your bad weather,
N e fkaapti-ia5 e-li-ni-ti-ia5 45. ....a-bu la ta-ku-ni tu-qu-un-tu am-me-ni ina bti-ki i-qat-tur qut-ru a-ap-pa-rak-kim-ma ..................-ti -sap-pah ki-pi-ki -tar amteme-ki ana p-ki N la-am dnin-gir-su ina ad il-su-u d a-la-la 50. la-am kal i-lu-u ana na-kas isbni ......fkaaptu ana annanna apil annanna tu-kap-pa-ti abnme ta-te-ni--e li-mut-ta a-za-qa-kim-ma kima iltani amurri -sap-pah urpata-ki -hal-laq u4-um-ki
mimma ma-la te-pu-i -tar a-na ri N e fkaaptu -ka-ip-an-ni ........ -tum -ri-ih-ha-an-ni ........ -tum i-bu-u epirhi.a pII-ia ........ -tum il-qu- sillu ina igri d ama bl ummntihi.a d-a bl mtime
d asari-l-du10 bl a-i-pu-ti mah-sa lt-sa tir-ra amt-sa ana p-
and I turn everything you have ensorcelled into wind! Incantation. Hey, the sorceress has ensorcelled me! ....she has hexed me! She ...... pulled away the earth from under my feet! She...... removed my shadow from the wall! ama, Master of Artisans, Ea, Master of Determination of Fate, Asariludu, Master of the Art of Incantation, strike the cheek, turn their word in their mouth, the sorceress and the greater sorceress. Like....... talcum of incantation, cut away clothes, like a head of chicory, to ..... do not come close, so their trickery does not come close, their sorcery, their magick, their evil plottings do not come close to me! Incantation formula.
e-pi-tum mu-te-pi-tum ..... lip iptime lubarme batqti 65. kima qaqqad riqqukukri a-na a-ha-me la i-qar-ri-bu ki-pu- ru-hu- ru-su- up--u- lem-nu-ti l itehhme-ni l i-qar-ri-bu-ni ia-a-i TU6.N N at-ta e te-pu-i ka-la-a-ma
Incantation. Hey you, who did all sorts of magick, min-mu-u te-pu-i ia-a-i u im-ti-ia what you also ensorcelled, me and my figure, riqqu kukru adi ihtepi rikis-ki chicory from the mountain will break your knot! imitti-ki u umli-ki ru lit-bal TU6.N May the wind blow away what is left and right of you! Incantation formula. N kibri-dit ellitu mrat ame rabtime ana-ku d a-nim ib-na-ni-ma d-a den-lil -e-ri-duni..... e-pi-tu-a ki-a-am tepui-in-ni...... ............. -ri-du mu ame.......... ma-la pII-ia ki-bi-..... ............. bi-ta ........ na-dtat ipat-su apqal ili TU6.N N kibri-dit kibri-dit............. 7 u 7 kaaptime 7 u 7 ai-ba-ti- adversaries, e............................ ul in-ni-ip-pu-u e-bi-i ......................... ul iq-bi....-me man-nu a-na kibri-dit ip-pu- ki-pi kibri-dit 7 u 7 pume-ni ....... ki-.......-ru-ki ana-ku lu-ub-lut TU6.N Incantation. I am pure sulphur, Daughter of of the Big Sky, Anu created me, Ea and Enlil brought me down. My sorceress has ensorcelled me so....... feet....... ...............the incantation of the Wise One of the Gods is laid down! Incantation formula. Incantation. Sulphur, sulphur......... The Seven Sorceresses have seven ................. will not be done. My sorcerer.......................... did not say..... Who is it, who does trickery against the sulphur sorceries? Sulphur, with which Seven have ensorcelled me....., but may I live! Incantation formula.
N kibri-dit ellitu amKUR.KUR am-mu qud-du-u ana-ku e-pi-u-u-a apqallu aps e-pi-i-tu-u-a mrat da-nim ame ki-i e-te-ni-ip-pu-u-ni ul i-li--a-in-ni ki-i e-pu-u-si-na-a-ti i-te-u-si-na-a-ti
e-til-la-a kima nnme ina mme-ia5 kma ahi ina ru-um-ti-ia5 kma ammatakal ina -sal-li kma amsassati ina a-hi a-tap-pi kma zr isui ina a-hi tam-tim e- dillat-e e- dillat-e nar-qa-ni a-na qaq-qa-ri tu-na-sis-a-ni kim-mat-ku-nu ia-a-i N dit qaqqadi-ia5 kibri-dit pa-da-at-ti pII-ai na-a-ru man-ma la idu ki-rib am AN.HUL.LA p-ia5 tmtu ta-ma-ta rapatumtum rit-ti d kma it qaqqadi-ia5 kibri-dit pa-da-at-ti kma ................... me-ri-ti-ia.......... .........................
Incantation. Pure sulphur, kurkur-weed, I am the pure weed. My sorcerer is the Wise One of the Ocean. My sorceress is the Daughter of the sky-god Anu. Although they have ensorcelled me, they have not overwhelmed me. But since they did bad magick, and sought evil, now rise like the fish in my water, like a pig in my mire, like the matakal-weed in the meadow, like the grass on the bank of the canal, like the seed of the ebony tree on the sea shore, where is the divine support, where the divine support, may you be emptied on the ground, you who shook your head of hair against me! Incantation. The God It is my head, sulphur of my figure, my feet are the river whose inside nobody knows. The Anhulla-plant is my mouth, the sea of distant Tiamat is my hand. Like the God It is my head, sulphur of my figure, like...................... my limbs.................... ................................
(about 15 lines missing; in this lacuna belong the following six lines) 105. N dit a-kul al-ti N e fkaapti-ia5 e-li-ni-ti-ia5 .................... -ba-nu-uk-ki i-...... ................. ame parakki qaq-qa-ri ............ kibri-dit mrat ilime rabtime 110. ......... -ki ina m bubbuli iptatar ru-hie-ki N at-ti tabtu ina -ri elli ib-ba-nu- Incantation. I have eaten, I have drunk.... Incantation. Hey, my sorceress, my nightmare! ......................your.... .................. of the sky, the seat of the Gods on earth, ...............sulphur, Daughter of the Great Gods, will..... your.... will dissolve your sorcery on the day of the new moon.
Incantation. You are the salt that was formed in the Pure Place, ana ma-ka-li-e ilime rabtime i-im-ki den- Enlil has destined you for the meal of the lil Great Gods; ina ba-li-ki ul i-ak-kan nap-tan ina -kur without you there is no meal in Ekur, ina ba-li-ki ilu arru blu u rub ul is-si-nu without you God, King, Master and Prince qut-rin-nu cannot smell the incense. ana-ku annanna apil annanna ki-pi su- I, N., son of N., have held the sorcery, ub-bu-tu-in-ni up--e-e li--bu-in-ni I have let the plottings fester:
putri ki-pi-ia tabtu pu-u-i-ri ru-hi-e-a up-a-e-e muh-ri-in-ni-ma kma ili ba-niia lul-tam-mar-ki 120. N e fkaapti-ia5 lu rah-ha-ti-ia5 a-na 1 brim ip-pu-hu ita a-na 2 bri i-tap-pa-ra mr ip-ri-a ana-ku i-di-ma at-ta-kil ta-ka-lu ina .....-ia5 ma-sar-t ina bbi-ia5 azza-qap ki-din-nu is maili-ia5 al-ta-me subt-li-in-na ina r ismaili-ia5 a-za-raq amnuhurtu dan-na-at amnuhurtu-ma -na-ha-ra kal ki-pi-ki N e fkaapti-ia5 lu rah-ha-ti-ia5 130. a-na 1 briam ippuhaha ita a-na 2 bri i-tap-pa-ra mr ip-ri-a ana-ku i-di-ma at-ta-kal ta-ka-la ina ...... -ia5 ma-sar-t ina bbi-ia5 az-zaqap ki-din-nu ina r ismaili-ia5 aakan 12 is--ir-ri .... etimmi ri-hi-it dgira qa-mi-ki 135. dnisaba ar-ra-tu mu-ga-si-sa-at ubnatime-ki N e fkaapti-ia5 e-li-ni-ti-ia5 tattallaki kal mtti ta-at-ta-nab-lak-ka-ti kal adnime-ni ana-ku i-di-ma at-ta-kil ta-ka-lu ina .... -ia5 ma-sar-t ina bbi-ia5 azza-qap ki-din-nu ina imitti bbi-ia5 u umli bbi-ia5 ul-te-iz-ziz dlugal-gir-ra u dmis-lam-ta-a ilime ma-sar-te na-si-ih lib-bi mu-temi-du kaltime f kaaptu li-du-ku-ma ana-ku lu-ub-lut N e fkaapti-ia5 e-li-ni-ti-ia5 tallakiki kal mtti ta-at-ta-nab-lak-ka-ti kal adnime-ni ana-ku i-di-e-ma at-ta-kil ta-ka-lu ina ..... -ia5 ma-sar-t ina bbi-ia5 az-zaqap ki-din-nu ...................................... ak ............ -lu
break my spells, O salt! dissolve my sorceries, take away the plotting from me! Like my creator, I then want to adore you! INCANTATION: Ha! My sorceress, my medicine-maker; who has lit a fire for one league, has repeatedly sent her emissary for two leagues. I know, I have firm confidence; I have put a watchman in my....., a protector at my gate, I have wrapped a scarf around my bed, I have sprinkled asafoetida at its head, so the strong asafoetida will stop all your sorceries! INCANTATION: Ha! My sorceress, my medicine-maker; who has lit a fire for one league, has repeatedly sent her emissary for two leagues. I know, I have firm confidence; I have put a watchman in my....., a protector at my gate; I have put 12 airri-wood figures, ..... of the Spirit of Death the product of Girra, your burners, and of Nisaba, the Queen who cuts off your fingers! INCANTATION: Ha! My sorceress, my informer, who blows back and forth over all the lands, crosses to and fro over all the mountains, I know, have firm confidence, in my .... I put a watchman, I have put a protector at my gate, at the right and left of my gate I have set Lugalgirra and Meslamtaea; may the Guardian Gods burst the kidneys of the One who steals reason! May they kill the sorceress, but may I live! INCANTATION: Ha! My sorceress, my informer, who blows back and forth over all the lands, crosses to and fro over all the mountains, I know, have firm confidence; in my .... I have put a watchman, I have put a protector at my gate,
(a few lines missing to the end) N rit-ti dman-za-d tuppu VIkam ma-aq-lu- Incantation. My hand is Manzad. Tablet VI Maqlu
[TABLET VII] N rit-ti dman-za-d GIR.TABme .... i-i fkaaptu -nak-ka-ma ki-pi- -.... -pah-kim-ma ki-ma marrati ina ame -za-qa-kim-ma kma iltni amurr 5. -sa-ap-pah urpata-ki -hal-laq m-ki -sap-pah ki-pi-ki tak-ki-mi mu- u ur-ra na--pa-rat zitarruta tal-tap-pa-ri ia-a-i sa-lil nbiru sa-lil ka-a-ru mrme malhi ka-li--nu sal-lu el isdalti issikkuri na-du-u hur-gul-lu na-da-at i-pat-su-un dsiris u dnin-gizi-da lkaapi-ia5 u fkaapti-ia5 ip- bartum amt limuttimtim ai ai i-ba--u-ni bba ai ana bti 15. nin-gi-zi-da li-is-suh--nu-ti lib-bal-ki-tu-ma e-pi--ti-u-nu li-baru ilu arru blu rub lik-kil-mu--nuti ina qtII ili arri bli u rub ai si kaap-ti a-na-ku ina q-bit dmarduk bl nu-bat-ti dasari-l-du10 bl a-i-pu-ti min-mu- e-pu-u lu ku-i-ru ip-e te-pu--ni li-sa-bil ra
Incantation. My hand is Manzad, my Scorpion; ...she, the sorceress, piles up her spells. I...... you, like the rainbow in the sky, I blow on you like the northwind, the westwind, I destroy your clouds and dispel your bad weather! I destroy your sorcery which you have piled up day and night, and the messages of murder which you send me. The ferryboat calls, the harbor calls, the sailors are resting the whole time; wrappings are put at the door and the bolt, the incantations of Siduri and Ningizida are laid, the sorcery, the incantations, the evil calls, the evil word of my sorcerer and my sorceress, should not come close, should not come in! They should not enter the house through the door! May Ningizida throw them out! May they keel over and catch their helpers! May God, King, Master and Prince look at them in an evil way! May my sorceress not escape from the power of God! But I, upon the order of Marduk, Master of the Vigilant, and of Asariludu, Master of Incantation, may everything I have done be propitious! May the sorceries which you have created turn into wind! Incantation. I fructify you, my self; I fructify you, my body; like Sumuqan fructifies his cattle, the ewe with her lamb, the gazelle with her kid, the she-ass with her foal, like the plow fructifies the earth, and the earth receives from the plow its seeds, I have put an incantation on myself.
N a-ra-hi-ka ra-ma-ni a-ra-hi-ka pag-ri ki-ma dsumuqn ir-hu- bu-ul- snu im-mir- sabtu ar-ma- atnu mu-ur- is epinnu irsitimtim ir-hu- irsitimtim im-huru zr- ad-di ipta a-na ra-ma-ni-ia
li-ir-hi ra-ma-ni-ma li-e-se lum-nu ki-pi a zumri-ia5 li-is-su-hu 30. ilime rabtime N amnu ellu amnu ib-bu amnu namru amnu mu-lil zumri ilime amnu mu-pa--i-ih irir-a-na a-melu-ti aman ipti d-a aman ipti dasaril-du10 -ta-hi-id-ka aman tap-u-uh-ti d-a id-di-nu a-na pa--ha-a-ti ap-u-u-ka aman balti ad-di-ka ipat d-a bl eri-du10 dnin-igikug at-ru-ud a-sak-ku ah-ha-zu u-ru-up-pu-u a zumri-ka -at-bi qu-lu ku-ru ni-is-sa-t pag-rika -pa--i-ih ir-a-ni mi-na-ti-ka la tbtime ina q-bit d-a ar aps ina t a d-a ina ipat dasari-l-du10 ina ri-kis ra-ba-bu dgu-la ina qtII pa--ha-a-ti dnin-din-ug-ga dnin-a-ha-qud-du bl ipti ana annanna apil annanna ub-u-ma d-a ipat-ka balti 7 apqall u-ut eri-du10 li-pa--i-hu zumur-u TU6.N N den-lil qaqqadi-ia5 MULKAK.SI. la-a-ni ptu dama nap-hu id-ai isgamlu bb dmarduk uzna-a-a li--u pII-a-a lah-mu mu-kabbi-sa-at lah-me at-tu-nu ilime rabtime ina ame napha-tu-nu kma an-na ku an..... ip-u bar-tum amt lemut-tim la itehhme-ku-nu-i la i-sa-ni-q-ku-nu-i ip- bar-t amt lemut-tim la itehh-ni la isanniq-ni ia-i N N at-ti man-nu fkaaptu puuu sal-mi it-tu-lu la-a-ni puuu la-mas-si 60. i-mu-ru bal-ti -ar-ri-hu ga-ti
May it fructify me and drive the evil out! May they tear away the sorcery from my body, the Great Gods! Incantation. Pure oil, light oil, shining oil! Oil which cleans the Gods! Oil which cures the tendon of man. Oil of the incantation of Ea, oil of the incantation of Asariludu! I have let you drip with the oil of the cure that Ea has given to heal. I have rubbed you with the Oil of Life, have laid next to you the incantation of Ea, Lord of Eridu, of Ninigikug, have chased the Asakku, the Seizer, the Chill out of your body. I have removed the Scream, the Fear, the trembling of your body, have healed the tendons of your ailing members. Upon the order of Ea, King of the Deep, with the formula of Ea, with the incantation of Asariludu, with a big dressing of Gula, with the healing hands of Nindinugga, and of Ninahaquddu, Master of Incantion, let N., son of N., know, O Ea, your Incantation of Life! May the Seven Apqallu of Eridu heal his body! Incantation formula. Incantation. Enlil is my head, the Star Kaksia my figure; the forehead is the Divine Moon-crescent, my arms are the curved sword of the Gate of Marduk; my ears are a tablet, my trampling feet a snake. You, Great Gods who are lit in the Heavens, like ..... sorcery, spells, malediction, do not come close to you, do not push up against you, so may sorcery, spells, malediction not come close to me, not push up against me! Incantation. Incantation. Whoever you are, sorceress, who has made an image of me, who has observed my figure and made a statue of me, has seen my strength, has made my
-sab-bu-u nab-ni-t -ma-i-lu bu-un-na-ni-e-a ub-bi-ru mi-na-ti-ia -kas-su-u me-ri-ti-ia -kan-ni-nu ma-na-ni-e-a ia-a-i d-a ma-ma ilime -ma--ra-anni ma-har dama sa-lam-ki e-sir la-an-ki ab-ni bal-ta-ki a-mur gat-ta-ki -ar-ri-ih nab-nit-ki -sab-bi
appearance powerful, has studied the shape of my body, has reproduced my features, has bound my members, has tied up my members, has bent my nerves; Ea, the Enchanter of the Gods has sent me; in front of ama I have drawn your picture, I have drawn your figure, I have observed your strength, I have made your appearance powerful, espied the shape of your body, I have reproduced your features with pure flour, I have bound your members, I have tied up your members, I have bent your nerves; I have done to you the spell that you did to me, I have let you have the evil encounter that you let me have, I have let you suffer the revenge that you let me suffer! Your sorcery, your tricks, your evil, your maleficence, your evil plottings, your evil messages, your love, your hate, your injustice, your murder, your paralysis of the mouth, your calumnies: may your head stop! With the water of my body and the cleansing water of my hands, may it be taken away, and go to your head and your figure; but may I have life! May affection come to me, favor come to me! Incantation. Catcher of catchers! Sorceress of sorceresses! Whose net has been spread in the streets, whose eyes gaze around on the city square; she selects the men of the city, along with the men of the city she also selects me. She hangs around the girls of the city, along with the girls of the city she also hangs around me. I seek out againt you Kurgarras and Ecstatics; I will break your bond. May Warlocks bewitch you, I will break your bond. May Witches bewitch you, I will break your bond.
i-na dnisaba ellitimtim bu-un-na-an-ni-ki ma-il mi-na-ti-ki ub-bi-ir me-ri-ti-ki -kas-si ma-na-ni-ki -kan-ni-in ip- te-pu-in-ni e-pu-u-ki mi-hir tu-am-hir-in-ni -am-hir-ki
gi-mil tag-mil-in-ni -tir ag-mil-ki ki-pi-ki ru-hi-ki ru-si-ki ip-e-te-ki limni-e-te up--e-ki ai-bu-te na--pa-ra-ti-ki li-mut-ti rm-ki zr-ki dipal-ki zitarrut-ki
kadibbid-ki dubbubu-ki li-kil-lu r-ki it-ti mme zumri-ia5 u mu-sa-a-ti qtII-ia li--hi-it-ma a-na muh-hi-ki u la-ni-ki lil-lik-ma anaku lu-ub-lut e-ni-ta li-na-an-ni ma-hir-ta lim-hur-an-ni N ba--ir-t ba-ra-a-ti kaaptu fkaaptime ina sqtame-ta na-da-tu e-is-sa ina ri-bit li it-ta-na-al-la-ka nII- l etlme li ub-ta-na- it-ti letlme li ub-ta-na--in-ni ia-a-i
ardtime li is-sa-na-hur it-ti ardtime li is-sa-na-hur-an-ni ia-a-i e -ba--kim-ma lkurgarme le-e-bi-e rikis-ki a-hi-pi l kaapme li-pu-su-ki rikis-ki a-hi-pi
nar-in-du-ume li-pu-u-ki rikis-ki a-hi-pi mulahhme li-pu-u-ki rikis-ki a-hi-pi 100. a-gu-gil-lume li-pu-u-ki rikis-ki a-hi-pi a-mah-has li-it-ki a-al-la-pa lin-ki -ma-al-la ru--a-ta nII-ki -a-lak a-hi-ki lil-lu-ta ak-ka-a-i ru-uq-bu-ta -a-lak-ki mimma ma-la te-te-ip-pu-i -tar ana muh-hi-ki N ep-i-ki ep-e-ti-ki ep-e-et ep-i-ki
May Kurgarras bewitch you, I will break your bond. May Ecstatics bewitch you, I will break your bond. May Narsindus bewitch you, I will break your bond. May Snakers bewitch you, I will break your bond. May Agulgillu bewitch you, I will break your bond. I eat your cheek, I tear your tongue, I fill your eyes with saliva, I let your arms fall in weakness. You, yes you I let eat rotten garbage, and everything that you have ensorcelled, I turn on your head! Incantation. Your enchantment, your sorcery, the sorcery of your sorceress, the sorcery of your sorcerer, Ea, the Magician of the Gods has undone and turned to water! May your evil mouth be filled with earth, may your evil tongue be tied with a string! Upon the order of Enbilulu, Master of Life! Incantation formula. Incantation. Your tied knots, your evil spells, your mean machinations, your evil messages, Asariludu, the Magician of the Gods, has undone and removed! May your evil mouth be filled with earth, may your evil tongue be tied with a string! Upon the order of Enbilulu, Master of Life! Incantation formula. Incantation. I have washed my hands, I have cleaned my body in pure spring water which comes from Eridu; may all the mean, all the evil, all the bad luck which in my body, my flesh, my muscles exists, anxiety through evil and unfavorable dreams, harbingers, anxiety through untrue dreams, evil and unlucky, through laying-on-of-hands, strangling of life, of divination, through that which I see every day, on which I step in the street, which I see on the sides, the evil edu, the evil utukku, illness, headache, distress,
ep-e-et mu-up-pi-e-ti-ki d -a ma-ma ilime -pat-tir-ma mme u-ta-bil p-ki lim-nu e-pi-ra lim-la lin-ki limuttimtim ina q-e lik-ka-sir ina q-bit den-bi-lu-lu bl balti TU6.N N ki-is-ri-ki ku-us-su-ru-ti ip-e-ti-ki lim-ni-eti up--e-ki ai-bu-ti na--pa-ra-tu-ki limuttimtim d asari-l-du10 ma-ma ilime -pat-tir-ma --bil sara p-ki lim-nu epirahi.a lim-ma-li lian-ki limuttimtim ina q-e lik-ka-sir ina q-bit den-bi-lu-lu bl balti TU6.N N am-si qa-ti-ia ub-bi-ba zu-um-ri
ina mme naqbi elltime ina eri-du10 ib-ba-nu-u mimma lim-nu mimma l tbu ina zumri-ia5 rme-ia5 irnme-ia5 bau lumun untime idtime itttime limntime l tbtime lumun rme ha-tu-ti par-du-ti lemn-time l tbtime II lipit qti hi-niq ui ni-iq ni-qi npe-ti bar-ti at-ta-ta-lu u4-me-am -kab-bi-su ina sqi e-tam-ma-ru ina aha-a-ti e-ed lem-utti -tuk-ku lim-nu mursu di-di-lip-ta
qu-lu ku-ru ni-is-sa-t ni-ziq-t im-tu-u ta-ni-hu -a a-a hu-su-su qis lib-bi gi-lit-tum pi-rit-tum a-dir-tum r-rat ilime mi-hir-ti ilime ta-zi-im-ti ni-i il ni-i il ni-i qtiII ma-mit
lum-nu ki-pi ru-hi-e ru-si-e up--e-e lem-nu-ti amltime me it-ti m zumri-ia5 u mu-sa-a-ti qteII-ia5 li--hi-it-ma ana muhhi salam nig-sagile lil-lik salam nigsagile r-ni di-na-ni li-iz-bil su--qu su-lu- li-pat-ti-ru r-ni-ia e-ni-tum li-na-ni ma-hir-tum lim-hur-an-ni am-hur mi-ih-ru lim-hu-ru-in-ni u4-mu ul-ma arhu hi-du-ti attu hagalla li-bil-la d -a dama u dmarduk ia-a-i ru-sa-nimma lip-pa--ru ki-pu ru-hu-u ru-su-u up--u- lim-nu-ti a-me-lu-ti ma-mit lit-ta-si zumri-ia5 N te-bi e-e-ru mesa qteII-ia ..... -ma qaq-qa-ru mu-hur up-ni-ia fkaaptu -ka-ip-an-ni e-e-bu -sa-li--an-ni d ama pi-ir-ta li-bil-am-ma irsitimtim lim-hur-an-ni N it-tam-ra e-e-ru pu-ut-ta-a a-lik ur-hi it-ta-si abulla mr ipri is-sa-bat har-ra-na e-pi-tum e te-pu-in-ni ra-hi-tum e tu-ri-hi-in-ni -tal-lil ina na-pa-ah dami mimma ma-la te-pu-i tu-u-te-pu-i li-tir-ru-ma li-is-ba-tu-ki ka-a-i N e-ru-um-ma e-e-ru an-nu- lkaapi-ia5 u fkaapti-ia5 it-bu-nim-ma kma mrme lnri -lappa-t nu---nu ina bbi-ia5 iz-za-zi dpalil ina r ismaili-ia5 iz-za-zi dlugal-edin-na a-ap-pa-rak-kim-ma bbi-ia5 dpalil r ismaili-ia5 dlugal-edin-na mli bri dib-bi-ki mli har-ra-ni a-ma-ti-
shrieking, fear, trembling, worries, fear, apathy, pain, aches, crumpling, cutting up of the body, fear, obsession, terror, sin, unfavorable events done by the Gods, wrath, curse through the oath by a God, through the oath of the swearing hand, sorcery, spells, mean machinations of men, may they all, with the water of my body and cleaning water of my hands, go over to the deceiving figure! May my sin carry my image instead of me! May street and path dissolve my sin! May affection come to me, may favor come to me! I have lived through the experience; may it be favorable to me! May the day bring healing, the month joy, the year its bounty. Ea, ama, and Marduk, help me! May the sorcery, the spells, be dissolved! May the mean machinations of men and the oath leave my body! Incantation. Dawn is breaking, my hands are washed; ..... my sin is gone. Because the sorceress enchanted me, the witch made me sick, may ama bring salvation! May the earth take me in! INCANTATION: Dawn has broken; the dalati doors are opened; the traveler has passed through the gate; the messenger has taken to the road. Hey, witch: did you try to bewitch me? Hey, enchantress: did you try to enchant me? Now I am freed by the light of the rising sun; whatever witchcraft you did or had done, may they turn back on you, yes you! Incantation. Morning, ah morning! Truly my sorcerer and my sorceress have plucked their strings like minstrels. At my gate stands Palil, at the head of my bed stands Lugaledinna. I send you, Palil, from my gate; from the head of my bed, Lugaledinna. Your discourse will turn around like a flood
ki -tar-ru ki-pi-ki ru-hi-ki -sa-ab-ba-tuki ka-a-i TU6.N 170. N ina e-r misa qt-ai ur-ru- dam-qu li-ar-ra-an-ni tu-ub lb-bi tbub ri li-ir-te-da-an-ni e-ma -sa-am-ma-ru su-um-mi-ra-ti-ia lu-uk-u-ud unt e-mu-ru ana damiqtimtim li-ak-na 175. ai itha ai isniq mimma lim-nu mimma l tbu ru-hi-e lkaapi u fkaapti ina q-bit d-a dama dmarduk u ru-bti d be-lit i-li TU6.N N am-si qtII-ia am-te-si qtII-ia ........... -hu-u mme mli ra-ub-bat nri 180. ............. bi-li bal-ta-ki ......... NI LUM mi-ra-ni ra-ub-bat-ku-nu kma mme an-nu-ti ip- bar-tum amt limuttimtim u l iteh l i-qar-ri-bu ip- bartu amt limuttimtim l iteh l i-qar-ri-ba ia-a-i TU6.N--NU-RU N a-di tap-pu-ha -qa-a-ka be-l dama tuppu VIIkam ma-aq-lu-
of a league, the flood of the street, your sorceries, your charms, your spells will seize you, yes you! At Dawn my hands are washed. May a propitious beginning begin for me; may happiness and good health ever accompany me, whatever I wish, may I attain my wish, may the dream I dreamt be made favorable for me, may anything evil, anything ominous, the enchantments of sorcerer or sorceress, by the command of Ea, ama, Marduk and the Princess, Lady of the Gods! Incantation formula. Incantation. I have washed my hands, I have cleansed my hands for me; the water of the high flood, the fertility of the river, ......... your strength, ......................... your fertility, like to the waters sorcery, spells and evil words do not approach, do not come close, so may sorcery, spells and evil words not approach, not come close to me! Enenuru incantation formula. Incantation. Until you shine, I wait for you, my master, ama! Tablet VII Maqlu
[TABLET VIII] N a-di tap-pu-ha -qa-a-ka be-l dama ................................ -qa-a ri--ai ................................... be-l dama ................................... tap-ta-ar a-... la .................................. it-te-bi i-kar- .................................. te-bu-u ar-qu- -ma--ra-an-ni be-l dama ................................. e-pu--an-ni .................................. -ra-ah-ha-an-ni ................................. a-hu-la-ai .................................. a-hi nridiqlat ................................. a-tap-pi ................................ na-a-ru .......................................... -u Incantation. Until you shine, I wait for you, my master, ama! ........................ my head is raised, master, ama; ............................... you release; ............................ is raised; ............................ is lifted up; my master ama has sent me! ............................... has bewitched me. .............................. has charmed me. ............................... from the far bank, .............................. the bank of the Tigris. .......................................... canal .......................................river ..................................................
......................................................... .................................................... (small break) N it-tap-ha dama a-ka-ad -na-a ............................................. -e-li ............................................. e-pi-t ............................................ gall id- ........................................... ... -u-lu .......................................... ... -te-ih- ......................................... pa- .................................................. be- ................................................. d -a ................................................... d nin- ................................................. za-am-............................................. la ................................................. kal a-ma-tu- .................................. li-ra- ................................................ pi- ................................................... ........................................................ Incantation. ama, the Father of the country is risen and shining! (Meiers note: Translation of lines 17-32 isnt worth it.)
(small break) N un-du fkaaptu i-bir nra ................... -u i-la-a ................... e-pi-ti -bat ina ni-bi-ri ............ -u-u ka-a-ri ub-ta-na--an-ni ia-i ana sa-ha-li-ia li-..................... -i-ma apqallme aps .................... -zi ni-me-q ni-kil-ti dea iqbu-u la-pan- d -a ar aps lih-da-a pa-ni- li-sa-hi-ip-i be-en-na te--a ra-i-ba li-tir hur-ba-as-sa ..... pu-luh-ta i-da-a eli- ana el salmnime- misa qtII-ia5 i-na riqqukukri ad riqquburi elli i-na amDIL.BAT mu-ul-lil amli misa qtII-ia5 e-te-lil ana-ku .................. ina el sri- ki-pu- lim-lu-u.................sru amteme- ru................... lit-bal mimma ma-la e-pu-u li-tur ana ri N ultu dsumuqn ina ad ils da-la-la ultu kal i-lu- a-na na-kas isbni Incantation. After the sorceress crossed the river, ......................... went under................... My sorceress sits in the ferryboat, .............. the harbor. She looks for me to pierce me. May the Apqall of the Deep...... to her, ................... the cleverness, the wisdom of Ea has spoken. May your face rejoice over Ea, King of the Deep! May paralysis and the angry outburst be subdued, may fear be turned away, the fear that against you................. I washed my hands over their figures, with chicory from the mountains, pine, cypress; with dilbat-weed that cleansed man, I washed my hands. I became pure................ more than her... Her sorceries................ the steppe... I carry away her words......... and everything she has ensorcelled, I throw to the wind! Incantation. After Sumuqan had begun a divine song of jubilation on the mountain; after everybody had climbed up to fell tamarisk;
-bat-ma ummu .................. - -bu-ma i-ma-li-ku..... ahu ....... at-ti man-nu fkaaptu ia-a-i u ram-niia e-pi-t e-pu- ki-pi ik-i-pu ki-pu- lu-u ru ki-pu- lu-u mehu- ki-pu- lu-u pu-u lit-tap-ra--du el N an-nu-u e-nin-na-ma f kaaptu nak-rat-an-ni mu-te-pi-t na-bal-ku-ta-at-an-ni ................................. ina ki-pi- ................................ ka-ap-t ................................. ka-su-ti ................................. lib-bi- .................................. ipat-ki ................... amt limuttimtim-ki .............................................d-a ka- .......................................... ..... -na a-na ............................ u-te-p-lu-ki........................... d -a bl .................................... mimma ma-la te-pu-i li-am-hir-ki ka-a-i TU6.N N pu-u id-bu-ub lim-na-a-ti pu-u im-ta-lik-si-na-ti ka-ap-a-ti ki-pi-i-na e-e-ba-a-ti i-...... -i-na-ti li-ab-ri-i-na-ti li-al-lu-i-na-ti ina i-pat ......... ZI p linu na--pa-rat mi u kal mimi .... te-pu--ni ia-a-i tal..... -pa-ra-ni ana ram-ni-ia ......... ki-pi-ku-nu u ku--pi-ku-nu kma mme mu-sa-a-ti a-sur-ra-a li-mal-li N e-pi-tu mu-te-pi-t mu-ri-bat ki-pi ru-hi-e ..............-ri mu-................................ ..............napitim ta-bi-kt............... ....................-ki............................... ...................SAG.DU.....................
the mother sat down. They sit here and Whoever you are, sorceress, who me and myself ensorcelled, witch who bewitched, may your spells be wind, may your spells be stormwind, may your spells be chaff and fly against you!
65. 66. 67. 68. 68a. 68b. 68c. 68d. 69. 70.
Incantation. Yes, now the sorceress falls upon me, and the greater witch overpowers me, ................................. with her trickery, ................................. the sorceress, ....................................cold ................................... of her heart, .................................. your incantation, .................................. your evil word ................................ Ea ............................. they have confounded you.............. Ea, Master............................... and everything that you ensorcelled, let him make you feel everything that you ensorcelled! Incantation formula. Incantation. The mouth has said evil. The mouth is full of the sorceresses sorceries, of the magick-priestesses........ May they shake off........ May they..... through the incantation....... .................. of the night and..... of the day, ........................... he has sent, .......................... upon myself, .............your spells and your sorceries, like the waters.... Incantation. Witch, greater witch, in the morning you cast the spell ........................ ........................... ........................... (Break)
...........................-ta-pi-...................... ........................... dama ku............... ......................... irsitimtim ai -e- ........ ana lpagri-ki naru u zibu li-in-na-ad-ru qu-lu hur-ba-u lim-qu-ut el-ki kalbu u kalbatu li-ba-as-si-ru-ki
......................... ...................ama................... ...............the earth not............... May eagles and vultures ravage your corpse! May pain and fear fall upon you! May dog and bitch tear you apart!
kalbu u kalbatu li-ba-as-si-ru rme-ki ina q-bit d-a dama dmarduk u rubti d mah TU6.N 90. N at-ta silli at-ta ba-a-ti at-ta ddi at-ta ga-at-ti at-ta pa-da-at-ti at-ta du-u-ti ........................... ta...........................
May dog and bitch tear your flesh! Upon the order of Ea, ama, Marduk and Princess Mah! Incantation formula. Incantation. You are my shield, you are my strength; you are my Guardian God, you are my shape, you are my figure, you are my wall, ........................... you.............. (small break)
e tam-hur ki-pi e tam-hur -pi-i KI.MINA ag-ga-t KI.MINA na-kas napitimtim KI.MINA ru--ut-ta .......-ab-tu KI.MINA kadibbid KI.MINA dipa-la KI.MINA zru KI.MINA i-......-pi-i limntime .......................... -ti at-ta ia- a-na-ku ku- man-ma-an ai il-mad-ka mimma lim-nu ai ithi-ka ina q-bit d-a dama dmarduk u frubti dmah TU6.N tuppu VIIIkam ma-aq-lu-
Hey, spell...... hey, evil doing........ the same for a murderess, the same for the cutter of life, the same for friendship................. the same for the Seizing of the Mouth, and the same for injustice, the same for hate, the same for.............. evils............................ You are mine, I am yours, may nobody learn from you, may evil not come close to you, upon the order of Ea, ama, Marduk and Princess Mah! Incantation formula. Tablet VIII Maqlu
[TABLET IX; RITUAL TABLET] e-nu-ma ni-pi-e ma-qa-lu-u te-ip-pu-u When you perform the rite of the series Maqlu, (break) ....................................................... N al-si-ku-nu-i............................ -e ............................................ -bi- ............................................. salam lip .............................................. takan-ma ............................................ in-na-at-tuk .............................................. a-di .................................................. hu-luup-paq-qi ............................................. mashatu .......................................... tbti taakan ............................................ -tu .............................. iptu 3- tamannuma ......................................... hu-lu-up-paqi .............................................. -t ............................................................... Incantation. I have called upon you,...... ................................. you should and.... ............................... a figure of talcum .......................... you should put up and.. ..............................................drips.... ....................................... next to.......... ............................. on the huluppaq-vat .............................................. fine flour.. ................................... you lay on the salt .................................................... ................ you recite the incantation three times and... ................................. on the huluppaq-vat ........................................................... (Large break)
25. ......................................... -u tam-........ .................................... -t u mashatu ........................................................ ti... .................................................... is........ ............................................... salam itti salam titi .......................................... hu-lu-paq-qi ...................................... ina el gizil taakanan-ma ............................................. -hu tata-rasma tamannunu qan tbu ina libbi tu-sa-an-na-a sa-lam dak ina it kibri-it ta-qal-lu asu MUK isata ana libbi hu-lu-up-paq-qi tanaddi
........................................................s ....................................................... ......................................... fine flour... .......................................................... .................................. (of wood)....... .......................................... figure of peat, figure of clay, ...............................on the huluppaq-vat.. ........................ on that you lay the torch... set up and recite. you put in sweet-pipe, a wax figurine, you burn with sulphur-fire, myrtle....-weed, you throw fire in the huluppaq-vat.... (Gap to the end of the Rituals of the First Tablet)
N dnusku ur-bu-u ma-lik ilme rabtime salam lip N dgira blu git-ma-lu ga-ra-a-ta na-bi um-ka salam siparri kibri-dit 30. N dgira a-ri-ru bu-kur da-nim salam siparri N dgira a-ri-ru mar a-nim salam li N dgira ga-ru u4-mu na-an-du-ru salam titi N dgira ar-hu bu-kur da-nim salam itti N ki-e libe ki-di-e salam kuspi 35. N e-pu--ni salam itti gassa bullulu N at-ti man-nu fkaaptu ina nri im-lu- tta-ai salam titi lip bullulu N at-ti man-nu fkaaptu tub-ta-na-inni salam isbni salam iserini 40. N fkaaptum mut-tal-lik-tum sqtime salam tti lip ina r lib-bi-sa ra ina kaltime- tu-sa-na- N 2-ta i-na mrtime da-nim ame salam lip hi-im-ma-ti N fkaaptu nir-ta-ni-tum salam dak N dit ellu nam-ru qud-du- ana-ku salam itti
Incantation. Glorious Nusku, Counsel of the Great Gods: a figure of talcum. Incantation. Girra, Perfect Master, your name is You are Powerful: a figure of copper; sulphur. Incantation. Praiseworthy Girra, Firstborn of Anu: a figure of copper. Incantation. Burning Girra, Son of Anu, Hero: a figure of dough. Incantation. Powerful Girra, Terrible Weather: a figure of clay. Incantation. Awesome Girra, Firstborn of Anu: a figure of asphalt. Incantation. k libe kid: a figure of sesame-butter. Incantation. They have ensorcelled, they have hexed: a figure of asphalt covered with plaster. Incantation. Whoever you are, sorceress, who brought clay out of the river: a clay figure covered with talcum. Incantation. Whoever you are, sorceress who visits me continuously: a figure of tamarisk and a figure of cedar. Incantation. Sorceress who walks on the streets: a figure of clay. You put talcum on her stomach and eru wood in her kidneys. Incantation. Two are the daughters of the sky-god Anu: a figure of talcum, garbage. Incantation. Sorceress, murderess: a figure of wax. Incantation. I am the light; Pure, Shining It: a figure of asphalt.
N la-man-ni su-tu- e-la-mu- ri-da-ni salam itti kibri-dit N at-ti man-nu fkaaptu iq-bu-u amat limuttimtim-ia ina libbi- salam titi ina kunukki arqi amta- ta-tar N at-ti ia-e te-pu-in-ni ditar ...
ha-ha-a -tu-ni um-me-en-na di-qa-ra ina mme ta-mah-ha-ah-ma ana qaqqad salam titi ta-tab-bak N e-pi--an-ni ul-te-pi-an-ni maqur titi 2 salmu ina libbi N maqurri-ia dsin -e-pi .................................... salam li........ N LA sqtime am-me-ni tug-tan-na-rien-ni LA sqi ir-bit-ti lipa tapaa nabsa taka-rik N rit-tu-um-ma rit-tum rit-ta lip N rit-tum-ma rit-tum ..................
Incantation. The Sutian sees me, the Elamite chases me: a figure of asphalt next to sulphur. Incantation. Whoever you are, sorceress, in whose heart the evil word against me dwells: a figure of clay; you write your word on a green seal-cylinder. Incantation. You there, wo has ensorcelled my Goddess....: a clump of ashes from the oven, the soot from the pot. You mix it with water and pour it over the head of the clay figure. Incantation. She who has ensorcelled me, ensorcelled me: a boat of clay with two figures inside. Incantation. Sin has my boat, constructed ............................: a figure of dough. Incantation. ... of the streets, why do you fall on me all the time? .... from the crossroads ..... Incantation. Hand, hand: a hand made of talcum. Incantation. Hand, hand:............ Incantation. Cook, cook: a cross made of pipes of reed. Two pipes which are filled with blood and excrement you lay crossed in the middle of ........................................ Two figures of talcum, two figures of ..... you put on the four points of the cross. You lay ......................................... Incantation. Whoever you are, sorceress who has commited murder: three branches............................ Incantation. My murderess, my sorceress and my greater sorceress: Talcum............... Incantation. Who is the Father of the Sungod: with a piece of white wool you tie three knots. Incantation. I am being bewitched: with a piece of white wool you tie seven knots. Incantation. My companion is a sorceress, I am the unbinder: 14 ......from the crossroads you.................. Incantation. Sorceress and greater sorceress: Incantation. Who has tied the chaff, chaff:
N bi-li bi-li bal-lu-ur-ta qanme gi-sal-li 2 qantime ma-lu- ina muh-hi a-hame ta-par-rik ina ni-ri ina qabal ................................... 2 salam lipi 2 salam ............................... ina 4 ap-pa-a-ta bal-lu-ur-ta te-en-nima taakanan............................................. N at-ta man-nu fkaaptu zitarruta puu 3 hu-sab........................................... N nir-ti-ia fkaapti-ia5 u ku--pa-ti-ia5 lip uban titi............................ N damii man-nu abu- markas ipti pisti 3 riks ta-rak-kas N i-pu--ni i-te-ni-ip-pu--ni markas ipti pisti 7 riks ta-rak-kas N ru--a ka-a-pat ana-ku pa-i-rak
14 LA-ta sqi irbitti ta-............... N e-pi-ta mu-te-pi-ta ri-.......... N man-nu p ip-til p ....................
N du-un-na-ni du-un-na-ni ta-bi-lu ka-.......................... N at-ti man-nu fkaaptu te-te-ni-ippu- riqqu kukru amhatu p ta-ar-rap N zru a te-pu--ni tu-e-pi--ni ana muh-hi-ku-nu N at-ta man-nu fkaaptu ki-ma ti ik-ki-mu mi 15kam N -ru-uh la-a-ni KI.MINA
N irane tu-qas-si-ra N at-tu-nu mme ina mme tu-na-ah N e-pi--a e-pi-tu-u-a ina mme tu-na-ah N iz-zi-tu-nu am-ra-tu-nu ina mme tu-na-ah N ak-bu-us gall-ai ...................... N hu-la zu-ba ina niqnaqqi pn d nusku ..... u N ad lik-tm-ku-nu- aban adi ina muh-hi niqnaqqi taakkanan N i-sa-a i-sa-a tamannunu mashata tanaddidi ......................... arki-su N UDUG HUL EDIN.NA. ZU.E a-di ni-pi-i-a tamannu-ma mashata bbtime te-sir a-na bti terrub-ma a-ar ma-aq-la-a taq-lu-u a-me UB.UB.DI N a-nam-di ipta a-na pu-uh-ri ilme ka-la-a-ma tamannunu N den-lil qaqqadi-ia5 pa-nu--a u4mu...... N e-pi-ta qu-um-qu-um-ma-ta riqqu kuk-ru riqqu N kukru-ma riqqukukru p di-iq-meen-na N riqqukikru-ma riqqukukru .........riqqukukru N e fkaapti-ia5 e-li-ni-ti-ia5 riqqukukru N la-am dnin-gir-su ina ad il-su- d a-la-a riqqukukru
Incantation. Dunnani, Dunnani: herbs............................................ Incantation. Whoever you are, sorceress who continuously ensorcells: you burn chicory, thyme and chaff. Incantation. I have turned the hate that you created against you. Incantation. Whoever you are, sorceress, who rages like the southwind on the 15th day. Incantation. My figure is powerful, my figure is powerful. Incantation. You have tied the muscle. Incantation. You are the waters: with water you appease. Incantation. My sorcerer, my sorceress: with water you appease. Incantation. You are angry, you are raging: with water you appease. Incantation. I have kicked my enemy: Incantation. Drip and dissolve: in a censer............. Incantation. May the mountain cover you! you put a mountain stone over the censer.
Incantation. Away, away: you recite; you sprinkle fine flour. Thereafter, you recite the incantation: Evil Demon,to your steppe, to the outer entrance; then you encircle the entrances with parched flour. You return to the house, at the place you performed the Burning you libate water, recite the incantation I cast an incantation upon the assembly of All the Gods. Incantation. Enlil is my head, my face is the day. Incantation. The sorceress is a qumqummatu: chicory. Incantation. Chicory, chicory: chaff ashes. Incantation. Chicory, chicory: ......chicory. Incantation. Hey, my sorceress, my nightmare: chicory. Incantation. In front of Ningirsu began a song of jubilation in the mountain: chicory. Incantation. Hey, the sorceress has ensorcelled: chicory. Talcum, cut clothes. Incantation. You there, who has ensorcelled everything: chicory.
N e fkaaptu -ka-ip-an-ni riqqukukru lip lu-ba-ri-e parstime N at-ta e puu ka-la-ma riqqukukru
N kibri-dt ellitimtim mrat ame rabtime ana-ku kibri-dt N kibri-dt kibri-dt ................ dt kibri-dt N kibri-dt ellitutu amKUR.KUR am-mu qud-du- ana-ku kibri-dt amKUR.KUR N dt qaqqadi-ia5 kibri-dt pa-da-at-ti kibri-dt amAN.HUL.LA amimhur-lim N dt a-kul al-ti kibri-dt N e fkaapti-ia5 e-li-ni-ti-ia5 ide ul ide kibri-dt N at-ti tabtu ina a-ri elli ib-ba-nu-u ana el kurban tbti tamannunu-ma ina el niqnaqqi qu-ta-ri ina r is maili taakanan f N e kaapti-ia5 lu rah-hat-ia5 ana el amnuhurti tamannunu-ma ina el niqnaqqi ina r ismaili taakanan subt -li-in-na ismaiala taltamimi N e fkaapti-ia5 lu rah-hat-ia5 ana el 12 is-ir-ri tamannunu-ma ina el niqnaqqi ina r ismaili taakanan f N e kaapti-ia5 e-li-ni-ti-ia5 tattanalaki ka-lu mttime a-na el 2 hu-sab ri tamannunu-ma ina imitti bbi u umli bbi kami taakanan f N e kaapti-ia5 e-li-ni-ti-ia5 ana el aban adi tamannunu-ma ina tarbasi ta-na-suk qu-ta-ri N den-lil qaqqadi-ia5
Incantation. Pure sulphur, I am the daughter of the Big Sky: sulphur. Incantation. Sulphur, sulphur: ......sulphur. Incantation. Pure sulphur, kurkur-weed, I am the Holy Weed: sulphur, kurkur-weed. Incantation. The river is my head, sulphur is my figure: sulphur, anhulla-weed, imhurlim-weed. Incantation. River, I have eaten, drunk: sulphur. Incantation. Hey, my sorceress, my nightmare: known, unknown, sulphur. Incantation. You are the salt which was formed in a pure place: you recite over a clump of salt and lay it in the censer at the head of the bed. Incantation. Hey, my sorceress or my trickster: you recite over asafoetida and lay them on the censer at the head of the bed. You surround the bed with a scarf. Incantation. Hey, my sorceress or my trickster: you recite over twelve a-irri-wood and lay them on the censer at the head of the bed. Incantation. Hey, my sorceress, my nightmare who travels through all the countries: you recite over two eru branches lay them on the right of the gate and on the left, of the outer gate. Incantation. Hey, my sorceress, my nightmare: you recite over a mountain stone; you throw it in the yard. The fumigation of the incantation Enlil is my head: inasmuch as they are prescribed for the preparations you mix them together and let them go up in smoke. Incantation. Enlil is my head: you recite. Incantation. My hand is Manzad: fine flour and mixed beer you mix for the preparation of the sick; you spread the gateposts with fine oil. Incantation. I fructify myself: Gar oil.
ma-la ana riksme at-ru itenime tuballal-ma tu-qat-tar- N den-lil qaqqadi-ia5 tamannunu N rit-ti dman-za-d mashatu u bil-litu a-na rikis lmarsi taballal-ma amnu tbu sip-pi-e bbnime taltappat N a-ra-ah-hi ra-ma-ni GAR amni
N amnu ellu amu ib-bu GAR amni N den-lil qaqqadi-ia muKAK.SI. la-a-ni iptime an-na-a-ti ID-nu-ma............. .GI ka-la UZU.ME- - (...).... N dENADA DUMU.U KUR te-ret DINGIR.ME GAL. ME(...) d ENADA LUGAL u-te-ir KASKALka-ana (...) arki- Z.SUR.RA-a GI.N te-es-sir N SAG.BA SAG.BA N tm-mu- btu
Incantation. Light oil: Gar oil. Incantation. Enlil is my head, the Kaksisa is my figure: you take yarn and recite....... You rub oil on his flesh ........... Incantation. Nusku, son of Ekur, of the oracle of the Great Gods... King Nusku, calm down! The road..... Thereafter, you encircle the bed with flourpaste; the incantation Ban, Ban; the incantation Adjured is the House. In the morning you burn a burning, you bring the burning outside and you....... Thereafter you recite the incantation Whoever you are, sorceress, who made a figure: you draw a picture of the sorceress out flour in the basin; you lay upon it a clay figure of the sorceress; he washes his hands. Incantation. Catcher of catchers: a picture of the sorcerer and the sorceress you draw with flour in a basin. You lay a clay figure of the sorcerer and the sorceress upon the flour picture. He washes his hands above it, and he strikes it three times with an eru sprig. Incantation. Your sorcery, your tricks, your washing of hands. Incantation. Your tied knots, your washing of hands: earth; you put it in a basin. Incantation. I have washed my hands, I clean my body: he washes his hands over the proxy figure. Incantation. Morning is breaking: handwashing. Incantation. Morning has risen, is shining: handwashing. Incantation. Tomorrow, yes, tomorrow: handwashing. Incantation. In the morning my hands are washed: handwashing. Incantation. I have washed my hands, I have cleansed my hands for me: handwashing. Incantation. Until you are lit up: tamarisk, dilbat-weed, date-pit, chaff, plaster, diamond ring, chicory, cypress; he washes his hands.
i-na e-ri ....................... -pa ur-pu taar-rap ur-pu ............. bba tuessi-ma ta-...... arki- N at-ti man-nu fkaaptu puu sal-mi tamannunu salam fkaapti qmi ina libbi ernamsi-e te-is-sir salam titi fkaapti ana el taakanan qtII- ana el imisisi N ba--ir-t ba--ra-a-ti salam lkaapi u fkaapti qmi ina libbi ernam-si-e te-is-sir salam titi lkaapi u fkaapti ina el salam qmi taakanan II qt - ina el imisisi ina hu-sab ri ana 3- i-kar-rit N ip-i-ki ip-e-te-ki mis qtII N kisrme-ki kussurtime mis qtII eprahi.a ana libbi ernam-si-e ta-na-suk N am-si qtII-ia5 ub-ba-ab zumri-ia5
ana eli salam phi qtII- imisisi N te-bi e-e-ru mis qtII N it-tam-ra e-e-ru mis qtII N e-ru-um-ma e-e-ru mis qtII N ina e-r misa qtII-ai mis qtII N am-si qtII-ia5 am-te-si qtII-ia5 mis qtII N a-di tap-pu-ha isbinu amDIL.BAT aban suluppi p gassu unuq abanubi riqqukukru riqqu buru qtII- imisisi
N it-tap-ha dama a-bi mti mis qtII N un-du fkaaptu i-bir nra mis qtII 175. N ultu dsumuqn ina ad ils da-la-la p ana libbi karpatLA.SAR tanaddidi-ma ina p- ana libbi nam-si-e tanappahah N an-nu-u in-nin-na-ma salam fkaapti titi teppuu-ma aban ad ina r libbi- taakanan qtII- ana muh-hi imisisi ina hu-sab ri ana 3- i-kar-rit N pu- id-bu-ub lim-na-a-ti mis qtII N e-pi-ti mu-te-pi-ti ina mu-ri-bat ki-pi ru-hi-e 2 aklhi.a 1ta.m salam lkaapi u fkaapti 185. li teppuu-ma ina libbi aklhi.a tarakkas-ma ina imitti- u umli- tanai-ma ipta tamannunu-ma a-na kalbi u kalbati ta-nam-din N at-ta silli mme karpatpurstu tumallima ................................................. ina libbi I-ma .................. -li tuessi tasallah arki- N anaii gam-li-ia5 tamannuma ta-sal-la-
Incantation. ama is lit up, the Father of the country is lit up: handwashing. Incantation. After the sorceress had crossed the river: handwashing. Incantation. After Sumuqan had begun a divine song of jubilation in the mountains: you throw chaff in a thin-bellied clay pot, blow through the opening of a basin. Incantation: Yes, now: a clay figure of the sorceress you put up, and lay a mountain stone on her stomach. He washes his hands over it. He strikes it three times with an eru branch. Incantation. The mouth has spoken evil. Incantation. My sorceress, my greater sorceress, in the morning you cast your spells: two bread loaves, a figure of the sorcerer and sorceress, you make them from dough and attach them to the bread loaves; right and left of him you put them up while you recite the incantation. Thereafter you throw them in front of the dog and the bitch. Incantation. You are my shield: you fill a puritu-vessel with water, ........................... in it you......... on it. You carry it outside and pour it out. Thereafter, the incantation I lift my curved sword: then you sprinkle water; you go out.
Translation from the edition and translation into German of Gerhard Meier (1937), by Marie-Hlne Hoffmann and Ross G.R. Caldwell, 1995