Wilkinson Et Al 2012, Practical Array Optimisation

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Geophysical Journal International

Geophys. J. Int. (2012) 189, 428440 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05372.x

Practical aspects of applied optimized survey design for electrical resistivity tomography
Paul B. Wilkinson,1 Meng Heng Loke,2 Philip I. Meldrum,1 Jonathan E. Chambers,1 Oliver Kuras,1 David A. Gunn1 and Richard D. Ogilvy1
1 British 2 Geotomo

Geological Survey, Kingsley Dunham Centre, Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5GG, UK. E-mail: pbw@bgs.ac.uk Software, 115 Cangkat Minden Jalan 5, Minden Heights, 11700 Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia

GJI Marine geosciences and applied geophysics

Accepted 2012 January 9. Received 2012 January 9; in original form 2011 July 8

SUMMARY The use of optimized resistivity tomography surveys to acquire eld data imposes extra constraints on the design strategy beyond maximizing the quality of the resulting tomographic image. In this paper, methods are presented to (1) minimize electrode polarization effects (2) make efcient use of parallel measurement channels and (3) incorporate data noise estimates in the optimization process. (1) A simulated annealing algorithm is used to rearrange the optimized measurement sequences to minimize polarization errors. The method is developed using random survey designs and is demonstrated to be effective for use with single and multichannel optimized surveys. (2) An optimization algorithm is developed to design surveys by successive addition of multichannel groups of measurements rather than individual electrode congurations. The multichannel surveys are shown to produce results nearly as close to optimal as equivalent single channel surveys, while reducing data collection times by an order of magnitude. (3) Random errors in the data are accounted for by weighting the electrode congurations in the optimization process according to a simple error model incorporating background and voltage-dependent noise. The use of data weighting produces optimized surveys that are more robust in the presence of noise, while maintaining as much of the image resolution of the noise-free designs as possible. All the new methods described in this paper are demonstrated using both synthetic and real data, the latter having been measured on an active landslide using a permanently installed geoelectrical monitoring system. Key words: Inverse theory; Numerical approximations and analysis; Tomography; Electrical properties.

1 I N T RO D U C T I O N Automatic multi-electrode multichannel (MC) electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) instruments have enabled rapid and exible collection of data for electrical imaging of the near surface. The availability of such systems has stimulated recent research into optimal survey design algorithms for ERT (see Wilkinson et al. 2006a; Coles & Morgan 2009; Maurer et al. 2010 for a general overview and specic references). When compared to standard survey designs, such as the dipoledipole or WennerSchlumberger arrays, these algorithms substantially improve the resolution of ERT images while still using the same number of measurements (Stummer et al. 2004; Wilkinson et al. 2006b; Loke et al. 2010a,b). Several different approaches have been proposed to maximize resistivity image resolution including: reconstructing comprehensive data sets from a linearly independent complete subset (Lehmann 1995; Zhe et al. 2007; Blome et al. 2011); maximizing a sum of the Jacobian sensitivity matrix elements (Furman et al. 2004, 2007); maximizing a sum of the model resolution matrix elements (Stummer et al.

2004; Wilkinson et al. 2006a; Loke et al. 2010a,b); minimizing an average measure of the point spread function (Loke et al. 2010b) and maximizing the determinant of the normal matrix (Coles & Morgan 2009). Of these, the methods based on the model resolution matrix have probably been the focus of the most research effort. But regardless of the optimization method, generally very little attention has been paid to the additional design constraints that arise when applying optimized surveys in the eld. These constraints are: the avoidance of electrode polarization effects; the efcient use of multiple measurement channels; the presence of noise in the data; and the desirability of making reciprocal measurements to assess noise levels. The notable exception is Blome et al. (2011) who present a practical method for recording a low-noise complete polebipole data set with a MC system. In this paper we address three of these practical restrictions. We present a method to rearrange the order in which the optimized data are measured so that electrode polarization effects are avoided. We also extend the Compare R (CR) method of Wilkinson et al. (2006a) to make full use of multiple measurement channels, thereby
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Applied optimised ERT survey design

designing near-optimal data sets that can be collected much more quickly than those generated with the existing algorithm. Finally, we modify the core of the CR algorithm to incorporate error estimates, producing survey designs that are more robust in the presence of random noise. We test the new algorithms using both synthetic data and real measurements made using a permanently installed timelapse resistivity monitoring system on an active landslide. Although this work specically focuses on adapting the CR method, the approaches that we have used are generic and should be applicable to any of the aforementioned optimal survey design algorithms. 2 T H E C O M PA R E R M E T H O D The optimization strategy used in this paper makes use of the model resolution matrix R, which quanties the degree to which each model cell in the resistivity image can be resolved by the measured data. For the linearized least-squares inversion method, the relationship between the measured data and the model cell resistivities is given by (GT G + C) ri = GT d Cri 1 , (1)


Figure 1. Optimization performance in terms of average relative model resolution S for three variants of the CR algorithm compared with the single step algorithm.

where the Jacobian matrix G comprises the logarithmic sensitivities of the measurements to changes in the model cell resistivities, the constraint matrix C contains the damping factors and roughness lters, d is the data discrepancy vector, ri1 is the vector of logarithms of the model resistivities from the previous iteration and ri is the change in model parameters for this iteration. The model resolution matrix (Menke 1989) for this formulation is given by R = (GT G + C)1 GT G. (2)

The leading diagonal elements of R give an estimate of the resolution of the individual model cells, which we call the model resolution and denote R. The model resolution takes values 0 R 1 (Wilkinson et al. 2006a), where 0 is unresolved and 1 is perfectly resolved. The model resolution is maximal throughout the image space for the comprehensive measurement set, which comprises all possible unique four-electrode measurements. To improve the stability of the inversion in the presence of noise, the comprehensive set is reduced by removing the Wenner- type measurements and all others with geometric factors greater than a prescribed limit (Wilkinson et al. 2006a). The CR method attempts to nd a survey design that maximizes the average model resolution for a given number of measurements much smaller than the size of the comprehensive set. For practicality, it uses a locally optimal successive design algorithm rather than a global optimization method. In this approach, introduced by Stummer et al. (2004) and improved by Wilkinson et al. (2006a), all possible measurements are ranked in order of the estimated improvement which they would make to the model resolution of a baseline measurement set. Several highly ranked measurements are then included in the set, the model resolution is recalculated and the process is iterated until the survey contains the desired number of measurements. The estimates of the model resolution changes depend on scaled sums of sensitivities, which can be calculated efciently because their computational cost scales linearly with the number of model cells. Wilkinson et al. (2006a) demonstrated that signicantly greater model resolutions could be achieved by calculating the change in the model resolution, R, exactly. While calculating R scales with the cube of the number of cells, calculating R scales as its square if the ShermanMorrison Rank-1 update is used. This approach is therefore still practical to use for optimal survey design in 2.5 dimensions. By reimplementing the original
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CR algorithm to take advantage of modern cache architecture and parallel processing capabilities, Loke et al. (2010a,b) demonstrated that using this method was feasible for up to 60 electrodes. We have since found that, on a 64-bit platform with sufcient memory, optimization of any realistic (i.e. up to a few hundred electrodes) 2.5-D survey should be possible. A version of the parallelized CR algorithm is used throughout this paper and was implemented using the GotoBLAS2 accelerated Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines libraries (Goto & van de Geijn 2008). In the original formulation of the CR method, the conguraRb ( j ) tions are ranked in terms of m j =1 Rb ( j ) , where Rb is the resolution of the base set and m is the number of model cells. The highestranking conguration (with sensitivity vector g1 ) is added to the base set at each iteration. The next highest ranked conguration, g2 , is only added if it has a suitable degree of orthogonality to the rst, which is assessed by checking that |g1 g2 |/(|g1 | |g2 |) is less than a given linear dependence limit (lim). In the original CR method, the best model resolution was found to be given by lim = 0.97. This process is repeated until a certain number of congurations have been added (here we used 9 per cent of the size of measurement set at the start of the iteration), after which R is recalculated and the next iteration is begun. The optimization performance of this method is shown in Fig. 1 for a linear array of 32 electrodes, with a base set comprising 159 congurations (dipoledipole with a = unit electrode spacing and n = 1a 6a) and the nal set containing 575 congurations. The plots show the average relative m R( j ) 1 model resolution S = m j =1 Rc ( j ) , where R is the resolution of the optimized set and Rc is the resolution of the comprehensive set. The blue curve shows the performance of the original CR method and the dashed black curve shows the resolution achieved by the brute force approach of adding only a single conguration at each step, which gives the best possible performance for this type of local optimization procedure. Since we published the original CR method, we have found that a slightly modied ranking function m Rb ( j ) j =1 Rc ( j ) produces better results, as shown by the red curve in Fig. 1. We have also found that using a variable linear dependence limit improves the optimization performance further. The green curve shows the results obtained by setting lim = S at the start of each iteration. This imposes a stricter limit when the size of the array is small causing more advantageous congurations to be selected, but as the array grows, and the best congurations have already been added, the limit is relaxed. The combination of these two improvements brings the performance of the CR method very close to the


P.B. Wilkinson et al.

Figure 2. (a) Model resolution distribution R for the comprehensive measurement set. (b) Forward model used to generate synthetic data. (c) Relative model resolution Rr for the dipoledipole survey. (d) Inverted resistivity image from dipoledipole data. (e) Relative model resolution Rr for the CR survey. (f) Inverted resistivity image from CR data. Also shown are average resolution values S and correlation and structural similarity coefcients (P and ).

single-step results, while maintaining its speed advantage (the single step results took 14 min to calculate on an eight-core Intel Xeon X7560 processor,1 whereas the three CR methods each took 32 s). Fig. 2 compares the results produced by the new CR method against a standard dipoledipole survey conguration. Both consist of 575 measurements, for the dipoledipole survey the dipole length was a = 1 4 electrode spacings and the dipole spacing was n = 1a 10a, whereas the optimized survey was as described earlier for Fig. 1. The electrode spacing was 4.75 m and in both cases the maximum permitted geometric factor was K max = 39 396 m (equivalent to a = 9.5 m, n = 10a). For simplicity, the constraint matrix was chosen to represent a simple damped (LevenbergMarquardt) least-squares problem, C = I (Loke et al. 2010b found no signicant differences between using damping or smoothness constraints). The damping factor = 0.001 was chosen so that the model resolution was small (R 0.05) at the base of the image (in general higher damping factors reduce the model resolution; see Loke et al. 2010a for a detailed discussion). The model resolution distribution across the imaging region for the comprehensive set is shown in Fig. 2(a). The distribution of the relative model resolution Rr (the model resolution normalized by the comprehensive set model resolution) is shown for the dipoledipole survey (Fig. 2c) and the optimized survey (Fig. 2e). The dipoledipole average model resolution is S = 0.629, but the optimized model resolution is signicantly greater at S = 0.717 for the same number of measurements. Comparing Figs 2(e) and (c) shows that the optimized survey produces high relative resolution values throughout the model space, compared to the dipoledipole survey where the model resolution decreases rapidly towards the sides, corners and base of the image. We tested the dipoledipole and optimized surveys against a synthetic model comprising four resistive prisms of = 100 m buried

at different depths in a background of = 10 m (Fig. 2b). The data were calculated using the Res2DMod program with a nitedifference forward modelling algorithm. They were inverted with the associated Res2DInv software using the same model cell discretization and an L1 -norm (blocky) model constraint (Loke et al. 2003). Res2DInv used a nite-element method to avoid having the same combination of discretization and modelling algorithm in the forward and inversion processes. Qualitatively, the optimized inverted image resembles the forward model more closely than the dipoledipole image. The shapes of the prisms are more accurately recovered (especially that of the deepest prism) and their resistivity contrasts are also closer to the forward model (especially for the right-hand prism). For a more quantitative comparison, we calculated the Pearson correlation coefcient P and the structural similarity coefcient (Wang & Sheikh 2004) between the forward and inverted models. The Pearson coefcient gives a simple measure of image correlation, whereas the structural similarity coefcient emphasizes similarity in structure and contrast. They both give more reliable measures of image similarity than the rms difference metric (for details see Wang & Sheikh 2004). Both give the value 0 when comparing the target image to a random image with the same mean and variance, and 1 if the comparison image is identical to the target. For the dipoledipole image, P = 0.825 and = 0.785, but both coefcients are greater for the optimized image which gives P = 0.837 and = 0.794. 3 A P P L I C AT I O N T O F I E L D D ATA When inverting a comprehensive measurement set, there can be signicant sensitivity to resistivity variations beyond the ends of the line of electrodes (Maurer & Friedel 2006). Therefore an inversion of a comprehensive set must incorporate these outer-space regions in the model. Because the optimized sets are designed to approach the sensitivity of the comprehensive set, their inversions

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Applied optimised ERT survey design


Figure 3. Model resolution distributions for (a) the dipoledipole survey and (b) the CR survey. The dashed lines indicate the ends of the linear electrode array. The outer-space regions extend by four electrode spacings beyond the dashed lines.

must also account for variations in the resistivity in the outer-space regions. For the synthetic data tests shown in Fig. 2 the outer-space was homogeneous, but this will not generally be the case for eld data. The extents of the outer-space regions with signicant model resolution are shown in Fig. 3 for the dipoledipole and comprehensive sets considered above. The dipoledipole survey has negligible model resolution in the outer-space (Fig. 3a), but Fig. 3(b) shows that signicant model resolution values occur up to four electrode spacings (19 m) beyond each end of the line for the optimized survey. Therefore for testing with eld data, this region is incorporated into the inversion models. The eld data sets used in this paper were acquired from an active landslide site near Malton, North Yorkshire, UK (Chambers et al. 2011). The site is being monitored using an automated time-lapse ERT (ALERT) system (Wilkinson et al. 2010) to study the hydraulics of landslide processes. The ALERT instrument uses wireless telemetry to communicate with an ofce-based PC that runs control software and a database management system. The control software is used to schedule data acquisition, whereas the database management system stores, processes and inverts the remotely streamed ERT data. The capability that this provides for exible and remotely congurable data acquisition is ideal for testing optimized survey designs without needing to manually revisit the site. The research site is located on a south facing valley side with a slope of approximately 14 . The bedrock geology, from the base to the top of the slope, comprises the Lias Group Redcar Mudstone Formation (RMF), Staithes Sandstone and Cleveland Ironstone Formation (SSF) and Whitby Mudstone Formation (WMF), which are overlain at the top of the hill by the Dogger Sandstone Formation. The bedrock is relatively at lying with a gentle dip of a few degrees to the north and the strata are broadly conformable (British Geological Survey 1983). Slope failure at the site is occurring in the weathered WMF, which is highly prone to landsliding. The landslide is characterized by shallow rotational failures at the top of the slope that feed into larger-scale slowly moving lobes of slumped material, which extend approximately 150 m down the slope. The data were collected from one of ve permanently installed parallel linear electrode arrays running approximately south to north from the base to the top of the hill, each comprising 32 electrodes with along-line spacings of 4.75 m and interline spacings of 9.5 m. The objective of the installation is to visualize and monitor resistivity changes associated with hydraulic precursors to slope failure using
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time-lapse 3-D ERT. The 3-D data comprise along-line congurations as well transverse and diagonal cross-line measurements (it is worth noting that there is no evidence of signicant anisotropy in the 3-D data). However, the structure of the subsurface is such that it is valid to invert the along-line data from individual arrays in 2.5 dimensions (Wilkinson et al. 2010) and hence the site is suitable for testing optimized 2.5-D survey designs. The selected linear array was chosen to intersect the edge of an active lobe, although it should be noted that the landslide did not move during the acquisition of the data presented in this paper. The data sets were measured in normal and reciprocal arrangements (Parasnis 1988) for both the dipoledipole and optimized surveys. For each conguration, the apparent resistivity value was taken to be the mean of the normal and reciprocal measurements. The difference between the measurements was used to calculate the standard error in the mean for each conguration, which we refer to as the reciprocal error. Fig. 4 shows the distributions of reciprocal errors and inverted images for the dipoledipole and optimized surveys. All data were inverted using a model that incorporated an extra 19 m outer-space region at each end, although only the region of the model between the end electrodes is shown. The reciprocal error distribution for the dipoledipole set is shown in Fig. 4(a). It peaks at just below 0.1 per cent and the maximum error is < 3 per cent. The inversion used an L2 -norm (smoothness) model constraint and converged after four iterations to an rms mist of 1.1 per cent. The inverted image is shown in Fig. 4(c) and its resistivity structure and variations are consistent with the expected stratigraphic sequence (this is discussed in detail at the end of the Section 4). By contrast, the data for the optimized set exhibited some very large reciprocal errors (in certain cases over 100 per cent, see Fig. 4b). These caused the model to converge to a very high rms mist of 39.4 per cent; the resulting image is shown in Fig. 4(d). The cause of the signicantly larger data errors in the optimized survey was found to be electrode polarization, caused by the use of electrodes to measure potential that had previously been used to pass current (Dahlin 2000; Merriam 2005). 4 M I N I M I Z I N G P O L A R I Z AT I O N EFFECTS If standard metallic electrodes are used to inject the current for a resistivity measurement, then charges will build-up at the metal/earth interfaces. Any potential differences subsequently measured using either or both of these electrodes will be affected by this polarization as it decays. Although non-polarizing electrodes can be used to avoid these effects, they are more expensive and difcult to emplace than metal stake electrodes. To permit the use of metallic electrodes, resistivity metres use alternating positivenegative pulse sequences to minimize polarization errors. This is generally very effective when the decay of the polarization is approximately linear (Dahlin 2000). But errors will still occur if the duration of the measurement window is similar to the characteristic timescale of the decay, typically between a few seconds and tens of seconds (Dahlin 2000; Merriam 2005). Ideally the measurements should be arranged so that during the collection of the data set no electrode is used to measure potential after previously transmitting current. This is easily achieved for a dipoledipole survey, but for a general survey it is likely that no such arrangement will exist. In that case, it is sufcient to arrange the measurements so that enough time will elapse after a given electrode has transmitted current to let any strongly non-linear polarization decay occur before the same electrode is used to measure


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Figure 4. Distributions of reciprocal errors for (a) the dipoledipole survey and (b) the CR survey before rearrangement to avoid polarization effects. The resulting resistivity images and rms mist errors are shown in (c) and (d), respectively.

potential. Dahlin (2000) showed how this can be achieved for a regular structured measurement sequence like a Wenner-based survey. But for a general survey comprising a mixture of the fundamental four-electrode conguration types there will probably be no such natural ordering to exploit. Despite the ongoing research effort into experimental design for ERT, very little attention has been paid to electrode polarization. Although Stummer et al. (2002) noted that optimized measurement sequences should be designed to avoid polarization effects, to our knowledge this was not actually implemented in their design algorithms or in any other subsequent work on the subject. The problem was noted again by Loke et al. (2010a), who tackled the problem by sorting the four-electrode congurations, which have the form C1 , C2 , P1 , P2, into ascending electrode order, with P1 varying most rapidly, then P2 , then C1 and then C2 . After sorting, sections of the conguration list with common C1 and C2 electrodes were reversed if any electrode used to measure potentials in that section had been used to pass current within the previous 1, 2 or 3 congurations. Although this tended to work well, it is nevertheless easy to envisage cases where it would fail. Also it was designed for single-channel (SC) operation and although conceptually easy to extend to MC, the likelihood of MC measurement sets causing it to fail would be much greater. Here we describe the use of a global minimization method to rearrange measurement congurations to reduce electrode polarization effects. The reordering algorithm is generic, suitable for SC or MC data collection and should be applicable to resistivity measurement surveys designed by any algorithm. We assume that a measurement command with M channels will involve two electrodes transmitting current and M + 1 electrodes measuring M potential differ-

ences, which is the method of MC acquisition implemented by the ALERT instrument. The ith such command will be denoted Ci 1 , Ci 2 , Pi 1 , Pi 2 , . . . , Pi (M +1) . To reorder the command sequence we calculate a cost function for its arrangement c = i (1/di ), where di = ji and the jth command is the rst subsequent command containing a potential electrode that was used as a current electrode in the ith command (i.e. di is the smallest positive integer for which {Pj 1 , Pj 2 , . . . , Pj (M +1) } {Ci 1 , Ci 2 } = ). For example, if electrodes 4 and 6 are used to transmit current in command i, and subsequently electrode 4 is used as a potential electrode in command (i + 3), then di = 3. In the case that both current electrodes in command i are not subsequently used to measure potential, we set 1/di = 0. By reordering the commands to minimize c, we aim to maximize the time between any electrode passing current and then subsequently being used to measure potential. We used a sequence of n = 64 randomly generated 10-channel commands to test the reordering algorithms. The cost of this original command sequence was 48.92 and the distribution of CP separations d is shown by the grey histogram in Fig. 5(b). To illustrate the challenges of minimizing the cost function, we initially generated 64 000 random rearrangements of the commands (10 000 iterations and 64 rearrangements per iteration). The blue curve in Fig. 5(a) shows the minimum cost found by random reordering as a function of the iteration number. After 10 000 iterations, the minimum cost achieved was 35.32 and the distribution of d was as shown by the blue histogram in Fig. 5(b). For comparison, the Loke et al. (2010a) method produced a cost of 39.23, conrming that it is not well suited to rearranging general MC command sequences. The optimal reordering of the measurement commands is a combinatorial minimization problem similar to the well-known

2012 British Geological Survey/NERC, GJI, 189, 428440 Geophysical Journal International C 2012 RAS

Applied optimised ERT survey design


Figure 6. Minimum cost function values achieved using reversals (blue squares), moves (red circles) and in combination (black crosses). The error bars show the standard error in the means. Note that the length of a reversed/moved section excludes/includes the rst command, respectively.

Figure 5. (a) Costs of rearranging a random survey as a function of iteration for three minimization strategies. (b) Resulting distributions of CP separations.

Travelling Salesman problem. An efcient reordering method in this case is to either move or reverse a randomly selected portion of the sequence (Press et al. 1992). Using these more efcient permutations in place of randomly rearranging the entire sequence produced a much reduced minimum cost of 12.19, illustrated by the red curve in Fig. 5(a) and red histogram in Fig. 5(b). To generate new test sequences, we always permuted the sequence with the minimum cost encountered so far. This gave a rapid improvement in the cost function at the expense of nding a local minimum, which is analogous to rapidly cooling, or quenching, a molten metal. Better results are possible using simulated annealing, which is a global minimization method more analogous to slow cooling, which leads to a lower energy state. To use the simulated annealing method we employed the same combination of reversals and moves, but assigned a temperature T to the system that was slowly reduced at each iteration. The initial temperature T 0 was taken to be the standard deviation of the costs of n randomly rearranged sequences. Each new test sequence (of cost ct ) then replaced the currently held sequence (of cost c0 ) with probability p = exp[ (ct c0 )/T ]. Doing so always accepts permutations with lower costs, but will also sometimes accept those that produce higher costs. This allows the algorithm to escape from local minima, but with progressively lower probability as the temperature is reduced. We found that T = T 0 (1 q/Q)5 produced reliable results, where q is the iteration number and Q is the total number of iterations. The minimum cost found by this method for the random 64 command sequence was 9.36, shown by the green curve and histogram (Figs 5a and b respectively), and took 3.8 s for 10 000 iterations. Note that as the algorithm performs n sequence
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Figure 7. Distribution of CP separations for the CR survey, before and after rearrangement using simulated annealing.

permutations per iteration and the time taken to calculate the cost function scales linearly with n, the overall time taken for a sequence with n commands scales as n2 . To nd the best combination of reversals and moves, we conducted 10 trials using only reversals for 14 different maximum permutation lengths (shown as blue squares in Fig. 6). We also did the same using only moves (shown as red circles). The results showed that moving a section of the command sequence to a new location in the list was more efcient than reversing a section of the sequence. We then tested a combination of moves and reversals, with a given probability of reversing a section (black crosses in Fig. 6). Within error, this produced equally low costs for 0 prev 0.4. We arbitrarily chose prev = 0.1 for the results shown in this paper, in combination with a maximum permutation length of 7 for reversals and 1 for moves (N.B. the stated length of a reversed/moved section excludes/includes the rst command, respectively). The optimized survey with 575 SC commands discussed in Section 3 had an initial cost of 86.39 and a d value distribution shown by the grey histogram in Fig. 7. We found that Q = 500 iterations of the simulated annealing procedure were sufcient to reduce


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compares much more closely to the dipoledipole image (Fig. 8c) than the original optimized image does (Fig. 4d), both in terms of resistivity structure and rms mist. Both the optimized and dipoledipole images exhibit resistivity variations consistent with the expected stratigraphic sequence (Figs 8b and c, respectively). The boundary between the Whitby and the Staithes formations (WMF and SSF) has been inferred from the resistivity images and is clearly dened in each case. There is also a clear indication in both resistivity images of slipped WMF material overriding the more competent SSF. The lower boundary between the SSF and the Redcar formation (RMF) has been positioned to be consistent with an auger hole log on an adjacent electrode line (Loke et al. 2010a). It is clear from Fig. 8(c) that the dipoledipole image has not captured the SSF/RMF boundary very accurately, whereas it is much more clearly resolved in the optimized survey image (Fig. 8b). Within the WMF there are higher surface resistivities in the vicinity of the main scarp that are most likely due to increased localized fracturing. These features also seem more clearly dened in the optimized image. These ndings are consistent with the distributions of Rr (Figs 2c and e), which suggest that the optimized survey should produce better resolution than the dipoledipole survey at depth and towards the edges of the images. In general, careful examination of Fig. 8 reveals that the contrast of equivalent features is slightly greater throughout the model space in the optimized image than in the dipoledipole image, supporting the ndings of Section 3 for the synthetic models.

5 M C O P T I M A L S U RV E Y D E S I G N So far the optimization strategy we have studied has produced output suitable for SC measurements. Modern resistivity instruments tend to have MC capability where several potential differences can be measured for each current dipole. The benets of MC operation are clear, with M channels data acquisition can be accelerated by a factor of up to M with suitably designed surveys. Although some standard electrode congurations (e.g. dipoledipole) are naturally well suited to MC operation, optimal survey algorithms must explicitly account for the MC capability of the instrument. Here we present a simple modication of the CR algorithm, which should also be applicable to other optimization methods. We considered the type of MC operation employed by the ALERT instrument and others (e.g. the AGI SuperSting), although the method would be easy to adapt to other MC implementations. A given MC command has the form C1 , C2 , P1 , P2 , . . . , PM +1 , which denotes simultaneous measurement of C1 , C2 , P1 , P2 ; C1 , C2 , P2 , P3 ; . . . ; C1 , C2 , PM , PM +1 . The MC CR (MCCR) optimization method has the same basis as the original SC CR algorithm: congRb ( j ) urations are ranked by m j =1 Rc ( j ) and are tested for linear dependence. But in addition, a set number of MC commands are lled with measurement congurations according to the following procedure: (1) Recalculate R for all unused congurations and sort them in order of descending rank, as for the SC method. (2) Find the next incomplete or empty MC command. (3) If the command is incomplete rather than empty proceed to step 4, otherwise begin the command with the highest-ranked conguration. (4) Find the highest ranked unused conguration that simultaneously: (i) satises the linear dependence criterion; (ii) uses the same pair of current electrodes as used in the command; (iii) has one potential electrode in common with either the rst or last potential

Figure 8. (a) Distributions of reciprocal errors for the CR survey before (grey) and after (black) rearrangement to avoid polarization effects. The resistivity image from the reordered CR survey and its rms mist error are shown in (b) with the equivalent results of the dipole-dipole survey shown in (c) for comparison. The inferred boundaries between the Whitby (WMF), Staithes (SSF) and Redcar (RMF) formations are shown by dashed white lines. The main scarp and slipped Whitby material are indicated by black arrows. North is indicated by grey arrows.

the cost to 0.62 with d values shown by the black histogram in a time of 8.5 s. For comparison, the Loke et al. (2010a) reordering method, which works well for SC survey designs, produced a cost of 2.94. In the reordered survey, there was a minimum of 82 commands before any current electrode was subsequently used to measure potential, a separation in time equivalent to approximately 11 min. The benecial effects of reordering the survey are shown in Fig. 8(a), which compares the distributions of reciprocal errors for the original and reordered optimized surveys. After reordering, the distribution peaks at just above 0.1 per cent and the maximum error is <3 per cent, compared to over 100 per cent in the errors from the original sequence data. Although the optimized survey data still has slightly larger reciprocal errors than the dipoledipole survey (Fig. 4a), these are due to the optimization procedure tending to select congurations with higher average geometric factors (Loke et al. 2010a) rather than being caused by any residual polarization. The inversion of the data from the reordered optimized survey converged after four iterations to an rms mist of 1.2 per cent. The inverted image is shown in Fig. 8(b) and it

2012 British Geological Survey/NERC, GJI, 189, 428440 Geophysical Journal International C 2012 RAS

Applied optimised ERT survey design


Figure 9. (a) Rr distribution for the 58-command multichannel MCCR survey. (b) Inverted resistivity image from 58-command MCCR data. (c) Rr distribution for the 98-command multichannel MCCR survey. (d) Inverted resistivity image from 98-command MCCR data. Also shown are average resolution values S and correlation and structural similarity coefcients (P and ).

electrode of the command and (iv) has its other potential electrode not already in use in the command. (5) Add this conguration to the command and repeat step 4 until either the command is fully populated or the end of the ranked list is reached. (6) Repeat the procedure from step 1 until all commands are fully populated. In the SC CR algorithm, the only criterion on subsequently selected commands is the linear dependence test. But in the MCCR algorithm, three additional requirements (4bd) must also be satised. In practice we found that combining these requirements with a variable linear dependence limit (equal to S ) caused the optimization performance to decrease signicantly in comparison with the SC results. The strict initial limit on linear dependence coupled with the additional requirements was causing the algorithm to select congurations that did not contribute greatly to increasing the average model resolution. Therefore in the MCCR algorithm, we have reverted to the best performing xed linear dependence limit lim = 0.97, which initially allows the algorithm more freedom to choose from congurations that t into the commands. Typically the number of iterations required by MCCR is equal to or slightly greater than the number of commands. This makes the algorithm slower than the SC CR algorithm (e.g. in the previous SC example 15 iterations of the CR algorithm were used, whereas 50100 MCCR iterations might be typical for a 32-electrode array). However, the MCCR method produces survey designs that are nearly as close to optimal as the CR algorithm, with the benet of exhibiting an order-of-magnitude more rapid data acquisition in the eld. The performance of the MCCR algorithm is demonstrated in Fig. 9. We compared the original CR results (Figs 2e and f) with MCCR for two situations, one with the minimum number of commands (58) to accommodate the same number of congurations as the dipoledipole survey and one with the same number of commands (98) as the dipoledipole survey. The rst case took 132 s to produce the 58-command survey with 580 congurations. This yielded an average resolution of S = 0.699 (Fig. 9a) and an inverted image which is qualitatively and quantitatively very similar to that produced by the SC survey, having P = 0.836 and =
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0.794 (Fig. 9b). This survey design contains approximately the same number of measurements as the dipoledipole survey, but it can be collected in 60 per cent of the time while producing a superior image (with S = 0.629, P = 0.825, = 0.785; cf. Figs 2c and d). In the second case, the MCCR algorithm took 251 s to produce the 98-command survey. This gave S = 0.751 (Fig. 9c) and an inverted image with P = 0.845 and = 0.809 (Fig. 9d). This survey contains 980 measurements, but it can be collected in the same time as the dipoledipole survey and produces a superior image than either the dipole-dipole or the 58-command survey. The actual times taken to measure the data with the various arrays were: 13 min for the dipoledipole survey; 78 min for the SC survey; 8 min for the 58command MCCR survey and 13 min for the 98-command MCCR survey. To use the MCCR surveys in the eld, we rearranged the order of the commands using the simulated annealing approach described in Section 4. The distribution of CP separations before and after reordering are shown in Figs 10(a) and (b) for the 58-command and 98-command surveys, respectively. In each case Q = 500 iterations were used as with the SC survey. This took 0.16 s for the 58-command survey, reducing the cost function from 24.08 to 3.13 and increasing the minimum CP separation from 1 command to 6 commands (Fig. 10a). For the 98-command survey reordering took 0.42 s, reducing the cost function from 49.51 to 6.40 and increasing the minimum CP separation from 1 command to 5 commands (Fig. 10b). For comparison, the sorting and reversal method of Loke et al. (2010a) produced cost function values of 8.81 for the 58-command survey and 23.88 for the 98-command survey, and in both cases several CP separations of 1 command remained after reordering. The effects of rearranging the commands to avoid polarization effects are demonstrated in Fig. 11. The data were collected for both surveys in their original orderings and their rearranged orderings. In addition, reciprocal data were collected for each survey in SC mode (note that these SC reciprocal surveys were arranged to avoid polarization effects in the same manner as described in Section 4; the issue of producing MC reciprocal surveys will be discussed in the conclusion). The results of the 58-command survey in its original ordering are shown in Figs 11(a) and (c) (reciprocal error distribution and inverted image respectively). As with the original


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resistances (typically below a few hundred ohms) when the data were collected in 2010 December. Although a limiting K max has been used successfully to reduce noise in real data in previous studies (Stummer et al. 2004; Loke et al. 2010a), a more sophisticated approach is to weight the data according to the error distribution (Blome et al. 2011). The expression for the linearized model resolution in eq. (2) then becomes R = (Wd G)T (Wd G) + C

(Wd G)T (Wd G),


where Wd is the square-root of the a priori data covariance matrix (Miller & Routh 2007). We assume that the data are uncorrelated and contaminated by Gaussian noise with a voltage-dependent standard deviation (Friedel et al. 2003). Because the subsurface resistivity distribution is assumed to be homogeneous at the design stage, the noise prole can be described by K a =+ , a Kc (4)

where a is the apparent resistivity, is a constant background relative error level, K is the geometric factor and K c is a characteristic geometric factor above which the data are predominantly random. Transforming to logarithmic data, l = ln a , the noise prole becomes
Figure 10. Distribution of CP separations for (a) the 58-command and (b) the 98-command MCCR surveys, before and after rearrangement using simulated annealing.

l = ln 1 + +

K Kc


SC survey the data are strongly affected by electrode polarization, leading to many large reciprocal errors and poor convergence of the inverted data (rms mist = 26.2 per cent). By contrast, the reordered 58-command survey has a reciprocal error distribution (Fig. 11b) very similar to that of the reordered SC survey (Fig. 8a), and also produces a similar inverted image (Fig. 11d) with the same rms mist = 1.2 per cent. A detailed comparison of this image with the reordered SC image (Fig. 8b) reveals that the contrast of the features in the MC case is very slightly lower than in the SC case, as would be expected because the average model resolution is lower for the 58-command survey than for the SC survey. However, the improvements over the dipoledipole image are very similar (see discussion of Fig. 8). The results for the 98-command survey are very similar; before reordering many of the reciprocal errors are high (Fig. 11e) and the inverted image is poor (Fig. 11g) with a large rms mist = 24.2 per cent. After reordering, the reciprocal errors (Fig. 11f), inverted image (Fig. 11h) and rms mist (1.3 per cent) are similar to the reordered SC data. In this case comparison with the SC image suggests that the feature contrasts are marginally higher, which is consistent with the higher average model resolution. Again, all the previously observed improvements over the dipoledipole image are present.

6 I N C O R P O R AT I N G D ATA N O I S E E S T I M AT E S Once the errors caused by electrode polarization had been minimized, the remaining levels of noise in the data were very low (the majority of the recorded reciprocal errors were <1 per cent). This was due partly to imposing a maximum geometric factor on the congurations used in the survey design scheme (K max ), partly to the isolated rural location of the site and partly to the low contact

In the standard formulation of the inverse problem, the ith diagonal entry of Wd is then simply 1/ li , where i labels the data. To illustrate the effects of incorporating the noise distribution, we used the forward model shown in Fig. 2(b) to generate synthetic data contaminated by noise as per eq. (4) with = 0.015 and K c = 3.1 105 m. These parameters were characteristic of the errors in dipoledipole monitoring data recorded at the landslide site in 2010 September when noise levels were signicantly elevated due to higher contact resistances caused by the preceding dry summer. To compare the results of the dipoledipole survey, the original CR survey and a new data-weighted CR (DWCR) survey, it was necessary to ensure that the same level of regularization was applied (Blome et al. 2011). To this end, we scaled the data weighting by ln (1 + mod ) so that, for data with noise levels greater than a specied cut-off (mod ), the diagonal entries of Wd became ln(1 + mod )/ li . The cut-off level was chosen to represent the level of modelling errors in the inversion (due to e.g. the nite discretization of the differential equations and the approximation of the boundary conditions) and was set to mod = 0.01. Any data with noise levels below mod can be considered to be effectively equally precise with respect to the inversion and their corresponding diagonal entries of Wd are set to 1 (this does not occur in this synthetic example, but is relevant in the following eld data example). Using this data weighting, we recalculated the relative model resolution distributions for the dipoledipole and original CR surveys (shown in Figs 12a and c). The resolution values are reduced in comparison with the equivalent noise-free plots shown in Figs 2(c) and (e). This effect is more pronounced at greater depth, which is due to the decrease in data weighting with increasing geometric factor. The average resolution values decreased from S = 0.629 to S = 0.512 for the dipoledipole survey and from S = 0.717 to S = 0.548 for the CR survey. We also ran the CR algorithm using the scaled data weighting to produce a DWCR survey, which produced the relative model resolution plot shown in Fig. 12(e) with an average resolution S = 0.617, greater than either the dipoledipole or CR surveys. The DWCR survey contained

2012 British Geological Survey/NERC, GJI, 189, 428440 Geophysical Journal International C 2012 RAS

Applied optimised ERT survey design


Figure 11. Distributions of reciprocal errors for the 58-command MCCR survey (a) before and (b) after rearrangement to avoid polarization effects. The resulting resistivity images and rms mist errors are shown in (c) and (d), respectively. Equivalent results for the 98-command MCCR survey are shown in (e)(h).

congurations with signicantly lower geometric factors than the other surveys (see Table 1) and therefore its resulting data had lower levels of noise. Using the same noise prole, 10 different noise-contaminated data sets were produced for each survey design. Representative inversions of a noisy data set for each survey are shown in Fig. 12(b) (dipoledipole), Fig. 12(d) (CR) and Fig. 12(f) (DWCR). It is clear that the dipoledipole and CR survey images have been adversely affected by the addition of noise, which has given rise to small scale artefacts and has impaired the recovery of the geometry and resistivity contrast of the blocks in comparison to the noise-free images, especially at depth. The average image quality measures for the noisy dipoledipole data across the 10 data sets have decreased to P = 0.760 0.007, = 0.727 0.008 compared with P = 0.825, = 0.785 for the noise-free image. Similarly the noisy CR images had P = 0.761 0.011, = 0.722 0.011 compared with
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previous values of P = 0.837, = 0.794. By contrast, the DWCR images are much less affected by the added noise. Although the resistivity contrasts of the deeper blocks are not as quite as well recovered as in the noise-free cases, the images have few noteable artefacts and the geometries of the blocks are more accurately recovered. The image quality measures are also signicantly greater than for the noisy dipoledipole or CR images (P = 0.811 0.003, = 0.767 0.002). Finally, the average rms mist error for the DWCR data was only 1.5 per cent, compared to 2.7 per cent for the dipoledipole and 4.0 per cent for the CR data. Generally, although all the noise-contaminated images are reduced in quality compared to Fig. 2, the degradation has been minimized for the DWCR survey by incorporating the data weighting into the survey design algorithm. We also applied the DWCR algorithm to real data gathered at the landslide site in 2011 May. At this time contact resistances were still


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Figure 12. (a) Data-weighted relative model resolution distribution Rr for the dipoledipole survey. (b) Representative inverted resistivity image from noisy synthetic dipoledipole data. (c) Data-weighted Rr distribution for the original CR survey. (d) Representative inverted resistivity image from noisy CR data. (e) Data-weighted Rr distribution for the data-weighted DWCR survey. (f) Representative inverted resistivity image from noisy DWCR data. Also shown are average resolution values S and estimated correlation and structural similarity coefcients (P and , averaged over 10 images). Table 1. Geometric factors (K ) and data weights for synthetic data using a noise model with = 0.015, K c = 3.1 105 m. K position Dipoledipole K (m) Min Quartile 1 Median Quartile 3 Max 90 716 3134 9401 39 396 Weight 0.66 0.58 0.40 0.22 0.07 K (m) 45 895 5014 24 661 39 396 CR Weight 0.66 0.56 0.32 0.11 0.07 DWCR K (m) 45 851 1680 2403 5014 Weight 0.66 0.57 0.49 0.44 0.32

Table 2. Geometric factors (K ) and data weights for real data using a noise model with = 0.0015, K c = 1.6 106 m. K position Dipoledipole K (m) Min Quartile 1 Median Quartile 3 Max 90 716 3134 9401 39 396 Weight 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.39 K (m) 45 895 5014 24 661 39 396 CR Weight 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.59 0.39 DWCR K (m) 60 895 3581 11 482 15 343 Weight 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.90

low, with the exception of one electrode whose contact resistance rapidly increased during data collection. Data were initially obtained for the dipoledipole and CR survey designs and the noise levels were assessed from the reciprocal error estimates. These were tted to a model noise distribution with = 0.0015 and K c = 1.6 106 m, which was used to design a DWCR survey as was done for the synthetic data earlier. The range of geometric factors and data weights for each survey are given in Table 2. The model resolution distributions for the real dipoledipole, CR and DWCR surveys are shown in Figs 13(a)(c). As with the synthetic data example, the model resolutions for the dipoledipole and

CR surveys (S = 0.618 and S = 0.683, respectively) were reduced in comparison with the noise-free examples. The model resolution for the DWCR survey was greater at S = 0.711. During data collection with these surveys we noted that the reciprocal errors of measurements involving the electrode at 123.5 m were increasing rapidly and that this was distorting the noise distributions. The electrode was found to have developed a high contact resistance and any measurements involving it were removed from the data. This was taken into account when processing the reciprocal errors and when tting the and K c parameters to the noise distribution. The reciprocal error distributions, with the high contact resistance electrode excluded, are shown in Figs 13(d)(f) for the three surveys. They demonstrate that the dipoledipole data have the lowest overall noise levels and that the CR data have the highest, with the DWCR noise levels in between. This is consistent with the distributions of geometric factors in Table 2. The characteristics of the inverted images are consistent with the dipoledipole and CR images obtained from the 2010 December data (Fig. 8); the dipoledipole image (Fig. 13g) has failed to resolve the SSF/RMF boundary, but it is more clearly apparent in the CR and DWCR images (Figs 13h and i). Also, the resistivity contrasts in the CR and DWCR images are also somewhat greater than those in the dipoledipole image. Because the overall noise levels are low, there are no obvious noise-induced artefacts in the CR image as there were in the synthetic example and hence the CR and DWCR images are extremely similar. In this case, the quantiable improvement resulting from using the data-weighted survey design is that the rms mist error between the inverted and measured data is reduced from 1.1 per cent for the CR survey to 0.9 per cent (the same as for the dipoledipole survey). These results demonstrate that, with both the synthetic and real data, using data weighting has enabled the optimization algorithms to produce surveys that maintain image resolution in the presence of noise while reducing data errors and inversion mist levels.

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Applied optimised ERT survey design


Figure 13. (a)(c) Data-weighted relative model resolution distributions Rr for the dipoledipole, original CR and data-weighted DWCR surveys. Also shown are average resolution S values. (d)(f) Reciprocal error distributions for dipoledipole, CR and DWCR data. (g)(i) Inverted resistivity images and rms mist errors from dipoledipole, CR and DWCR data.

7 C O N C LU S I O N S Synthetic model studies, in this work and others, have shown that optimal survey design algorithms for resistivity imaging produce signicantly better image resolution than standard surveys. But if such surveys are to be applied practically in the eld, considerations other than just maximizing the predicted image resolution must be taken into account. In this paper we have addressed the problems of avoiding electrode polarization effects, making efcient use of parallel measurement channels and making optimal measurements in noisy environments. We demonstrated our methods using synthetic and real data from survey designs generated by the Compare R algorithm, although the solutions we have presented should be easily adaptable to other optimal design methods. To eliminate electrode polarization effects, we implemented a general method to reorder arbitrary resistivity imaging arrays. Using a random array as a test case, we designed a simulated annealing scheme to maximize the separation in time between electrodes being used to transmit current and measure potential, hence minimizing electrode polarization. Our results showed that polarization errors can be effectively eliminated from real data measured using optimized surveys in either SC or MC acquisition modes. We implemented MC optimization by adapting the original algorithm to design surveys sequentially by MC commands instead of by SC electrode congurations. This introduces additional constraints to the design process: all congurations in a given command share the same pair of current electrodes; adjacent congurations share a common potential electrode and no potential electrode can occur more than once in a given command. The resulting model resolution
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distributions and inverted images were nearly as close to optimal as those produced by the SC surveys. Critically the acquisition of real data using these arrays is an order-of-magnitude faster than in SC operation, making the MC survey designs better suited to monitoring dynamic subsurface processes on rapid timescales. To account for the effects of noise on image resolution, we weighted the data using a simple noise model consisting of a constant background noise level and a term dependent on the geometric factor of the measurement. This caused the optimization algorithm to preferentially select measurement congurations with lower geometric factors and hence higher return voltages and lower susceptibility to noise. Results from synthetic and real data showed that, in the presence of noise, this resulted in better image resolution and improved agreement between the measured and inverted data. When using data weighting, it is important to have an accurate model of the noise prole; too much damping reduces the contrast in the image whereas too little gives rise to artefacts (Labrecque et al. 1996), both situations that at least partially negate the demonstrated advantages of using optimized surveys. We made the simplifying assumption of a homogeneous half-space resistivity to model the distribution of noise, thereby allowing us to express the noise as a function of geometric factor rather than voltage. Using a more accurate resistivity distribution when calculating the model resolution has been shown to have little effect on the performance of the type of optimization algorithms discussed in this paper (Stummer et al. 2004). However, prior knowledge of the resistivity distribution could be used to calculate the expected voltages for given measurement congurations and hence weight them more accurately in the optimization. This could further improve results for some of the


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eld examples given in this paper, where the near-surface resistivities vary by an order-of-magnitude. Another consideration, which we have not addressed in this paper, is how to design a MC survey whose reciprocal congurations can also be measured efciently in MC operation. One of the advantages of the dipoledipole survey is that its reciprocal measurements can be organized to make as efcient use of multiple acquisition channels as the normal measurements. In this study, we had to gather all corresponding reciprocal data for our optimized MC eld examples in SC mode. Reciprocal measurement pairs are particularly useful for assessing noise distributions, transient data errors and problematic electrodes. Unlike repeat measurements, they can also identify systematic errors such as electrode polarization (Labrecque et al. 1996). Although noise distribution models could be determined by measuring the potential across a given bipole for a range of injection currents, care would have to be taken to obtain data over a variety of positions and depths of investigation. Problematic electrodes might be identied by contact resistance measurements and polarization effects can be minimized using the techniques described in this paper. But even in combination, these alternative methods do not have the desirable property of measuring the levels of both random and systematic noise in the actual data used in the inversion. Therefore, a substantial challenge for future work to address is the efcient MC measurement of forward and reciprocal data in optimized ERT survey design. Finally, in this paper we have been predominantly interested in designing surveys for general use (e.g. when little or no prior information is available). Hence we used a homogeneous half-space model for calculating the sensitivities and noise models, and aimed to maximize the relative model resolution evenly across the image space. In future work, we will study optimization for time-lapse monitoring, which will incorporate prior estimates of the subsurface resistivity distribution, more accurate noise models and will focus the optimization on regions of the subsurface where signicant changes are occurring. AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S We thank the editor (Prof. Mark Everett) and two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on our original manuscript. This paper is published with permission of the Executive Director of the British Geological Survey (NERC).

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2012 British Geological Survey/NERC, GJI, 189, 428440 Geophysical Journal International C 2012 RAS

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