Busi 520
Busi 520
Busi 520
Professor’s notes*
As of July 5, 2007
Note: All content is based on the professor’s opinion and may vary from
professor to professor and student to student. All content may be changed
without notice. This information is provided to provide an analysis, but is not
binding in any form.
Level of demand = 8
This course requires: a major group analysis, which requires reading and external
research each week; 2 exams, and weekly individual/group discussion board postings.
This course should be taken with other courses within an 8-week format with less
level of difficulty.
Level of demand = 9
Students are responsible for reading 3-4, 20-25 page chapters each week. The
chapters are packed with information, with which the students must learn, apply and
become comfortable.
Level of demand = 2
The course contains no video lectures, however, students are responsible for the
lecture notes that are provided as an outline of the textbook.
Level of demand = 9
The course has 2 online tests (the midterm and final). Although they are open book
and open notes, students are responsible for all material found in the book. Questions
are mostly application oriented, thus requiring students to fully understand concepts.
From a Scale of 1-10 (1=low demands; 5= moderate demands; 10 = very
demanding), how would you rate the level of discussion board requirements in
this course?
Level of Demand = 6
In weeks 2 and 4 students will research (through the online library and text) and
respond to discussion board questions with responses of 400-500 words each. In
addition, students are required, in these weeks, to respond with 400-500 word
responses, to the postings of 2 other students. A good grasp of the topic is required.
References and citations must follow APA format.
In weeks 1-8, students will review and respond to the course discussion board and the
team discussion board so as to add value to the discussion; answer questions and
discuss topics with their classmates.
Level of Demand = 10
Additional Comments:
The course requires a major, 20-30 page team marketing analysis with outside
research. The paper must be written in APA format, with proper formatting, in-text
citations and academic references. Successful completion of this analysis also
requires routine, frequent and substantive communication with team members such
that a logical, “puzzle-like” analysis is created. Students who have not previously
written a research paper or have been out of academics for many years, will be
challenged with this assignment. The research for and writing of the paper should
take place over several weeks; it is not an assignment that can be completed in one
This course moves quickly, therefore students should expect to be very busy for the
duration of the course. There are assignments due each week.
BUSI 520
Kotler, P & Keller, K. (2003). Marketing Management (12th ed.) Prentice Hall (ISBN
This course is designed to provide the MBA student with a working knowledge of the
steps involved in the analytical and decision-making processes involved in
formulating, implementing, and controlling a strategic marketing program for a
product market entry. In addition, this course covers topics such as 1) relationships
among corporate, business level and tactical strategies, 2) relationships between
marketing strategy and the internal/external operating environments of an
organization, and 3) relationships between marketing and other functional areas of the
organization. This course also explores the influences of technology on business-to-
business (B to B) and consumer-to-business (C to B) markets.
In the posting to two others, student responses will be evaluated on the criteria
above, and also on the professional treatment and reflection of the views of
others. In addition, students are expected to: 1) take a position of
agreement/disagreement; 2) demonstrate understanding of the original
author’s points by drawing comparisons to his/her post, and 3) reflect and
comment on the content of the argument offered by the original author rather
than addressing inaccuracies in APA, grammar, or pointing out errors. Keep in
mind, the goal is to reflect on the original author’s work, not reproduce his/her
work, or your original post.
(** In building your position, include content from the text and at least
one additional source. The additional source must be 1) an article
retrieved from any of the Business related data bases on the LU library,
or 2) a scholarly article from a scholarly management or marketing
journal, or 2) a graduate level marketing strategy, marketing
management text. Note, a text used in an undergraduate marketing
course is not an appropriate source. In addition, articles from the internet
(e.g., corporate, government or general websites), or articles from sources
such as NetMBA.com, articles.com, etc. are not scholarly sources.
Grading of discussion board essays that are submitted by the due date will
occur within 5 business days of the due date noted in the course chart. On
the original post, students will receive either: 1) a reflective post from the
instructor in the DB area, or 2) a summary response. In instances where
students don’t receive full credit for their postings, direct feedback to the
student will be given in private by email. Most often, this feedback will
contain individual and specific feedback to the individual. In the case where
there are patterns in errors among the work of the majority of the class, these
may be shared via a collective email (no mention of student identity, of
course) with the entire class.
D. Tests: There will be 2 tests. Individual effort, objective tests are designed
to assess comprehension and application of concepts covered in the assigned
textbook readings. Both tests are open book; however, they are designed to
assess your understanding and application (not recognition) of the text
material. Therefore, many of the questions will require considerable analysis
on your part. The questions for each student’s test are presented one at a time
and randomized, with no one test looking like the other. Printing or saving of
the test (outside the test area) or communicating with others about the test
content is not permitted. Evidence of any of these activities will result in a
grade penalty of 0 for the test, without exception.
See the COURSE CHART in the “About Your Course” area of Bb for test due
dates and chapters covered.
Grading of the group assignment will be based, in part, on the degree to which
the marketing analysis is thorough, theoretically and practically correct, and
logical. The final project shall: 1) follow the required format; 2) be free of
errors in logic; 3) include significant external research, and; 4) demonstrate
MBA-level writing and analysis skills. Though a group grade is awarded, an
individual student may not receive 100% of the team grade if he/she fails to
substantively and routinely participate on a weekly basis, via the group
discussion board, in the group project. Should a student be absent, for any
reason, and be unable to participate in a given week, the team must be
notified. Periodic “group check” postings are required of all group members
and will be conducted during weeks 2, 4 and 6 (as outlined in the “Working
in Groups - Group Management” document).
F. Course Communication
One of the most important aspects of an on-line course is the protocol for
communication from the faculty member. Students should expect the
A. Weight Percentage
Total 100%
Keep in mind, the final course grade is based on points, not percentages. The grade
book on Bb keeps a running total of your points earned. This is the column to watch
as it will be the column from which your final grade will be determined. As you
complete assignments, this total should increase. For example, suppose at the end of
the class, this column shows as 895 points. Since the course is based on 1000 points,
this means you earned 895 points. This should not be interpreted as a grade of 89.5%.
When your grades are recorded for actual assignments, they will show as percentages.
This is done for your convenience. However, behind every percentage, there is a
“point value”. So, if you earn 90% on an assignment that is worth 225 points, this
means you earned 90% of 225 points, which is 202.5 points. Again, the points, not the
percentages contribute to the final grade.
Note: This chart provides a layout for all assignments for BUSI520. Grading criteria
and explanations for these assignments are outlined in the syllabus. The learning
module located in the Course Content area of Blackboard provides specific direction
and access to all learning assignments.
3 12-16 5 1.3, 2.0 and 3.0 Note: Week 6 group check is due.
6 Time to make solid stride on the
group project!