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1tsy2007-2008 Basinet Final - Exam

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FINAL EXAMINATIONS BASINET Basic Networking Name: Faculty Name: Section: Jorge Bien D. Gonzales Schedule ( ime!

Day" : Student No.: Date of Examination:


Pledge of Honor #$ $ a student of FE% & East 'sia (ollege$ )ledge to exercise integrity and honesty as # ta*e this examination. # consider it dishonest to as* for$ gi+e$ or recei+e hel) in this examination. # )ledge to do all that is in my )o,er to li+e a life of dignity and credi-ility and to create that s)irit in my en+ironment. Students Signature GENE .. /. 1. Date

AL INST !"TIONS# Follo, all instructions carefully. Failure to do so ,ill ,arrant a su-stantial deduction from your final score. 0rite e+erything in non&red in*. No -orro,ing of )ens$ etc. 2ou are not allo,ed to lea+e your seat unless you are through ,ith the exam. #f you ha+e any 3uestions$ 4ust raise your hand and the instructor or )roctor ,ill attend to you. 5. al*ing to or loo*ing at your seatmate (and his!her )a)er" is automatically considered as cheating ,hich is su-4ect to +ery serious sanctions as sti)ulated in the student hand-oo*. GOODLUCK!!!

M!LTIPLE "HOI"E$ (hoose the letter of the correct ans,er. 0rite your ans,er on the s)ace )ro+ided. #f the ans,er is not found among the choices$ ,rite E. %se "APITAL LETTE S only. .. B he )hysical )ath o+er ,hich message tra+els. a. -. c. 6rotocol 8edium Signal d. a 7 e. a$ - 7 c f. None of the a-o+e /. B ' system of ,e- ser+ers and similar ser+ices that o)erates only o+er a certain cor)orate net,or*. a. Extranet d. a 7 -. #ntranet e. a$ - 7 c c. #nternet f. None of the a-o+e ' term used to descri-e the sluggishness of o)eration of o+er,or*ed net,or* a. Net,or* 9oad d. a 7 -. Net,or* :+erhead e. a$ - 7 c c. 9ag f. None of the a-o+e (om)uters in the net,or* from ,hich a))lications$ data and resources are managed and maintained. a. erminals d. a 7 -. (lients e. a$ - 7 c c. Ser+er f. None of the a-o+e ' ca-le -rea*s in ,hat *ind of to)ology sto)s all transmission. Bus d. a 7 ree e. a$ - 7 c 8esh f. None of the a-o+e ' ty)e of 8edium 'ccess (ontrol )rotocol that handles the case of t,o or more ,or*stations un)redicta-ly accessing the net,or* simultaneously. Non&contention d. a 7 Encry)tion e. a$ - 7 c (ontention f. None of the a-o+e he 9ayer in the :S# ?eference 8odel ,hich coordinates the functions re3uired to transmit a -it stream o+er a )hysical medium. a. -.
BASINET -BGon.ales

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' net,or* to)ology re3uires a concentrator or a hua. -. c. 8esh Star Bus d. a 7 e. a$ - 7 c f. None of the a-o+e

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#n a net,or* ,ith /; com)uters$ ,hich to)ology ,ould re3uire the most extensi+e ca-ling a. Star d. a 7 -. 8esh e. a$ - 7 c c. ree f. None of the '-o+e ' net,or* to)ology ,herein it ta*es the form of a closed loo) li*e a ring$ ,ith the nodes connected at certain inter+als. a. Bus d. a 7 -. ?ing e. a$ - 7 c c. ree f. None of the a-o+e ' communication net,or* used -y a single organization o+er limited distance (ty)ically less than .$;AA meters" that )ermits the user to share information and resources. a. 8'N d. a 7 -. 0'N e. a$ - 7 c c. 9'N f. None of the a-o+e he 9ayer in the :S# ?eference 8odel ,hich is res)onsi-le for the syntax and semantics of the information exchanged -et,een the t,o systems. #ts )ur)ose is to resol+e the differences in format and data re)resentation. a. 6resentation d. a 7 -. '))lication e. a$ - 7 c

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a. -. c.



a. -. c.


Data 9in* 6hysical

d. a 7 e. a$ - 7 c

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Session f. None of the a-o+e Net,or* de+ices that are used to connect multi)le net,or* connections into more managea-le configuration. a. Bud. a 7 -. S,itch e. a$ - 7 c c. Gate,ay f. None of the a-o+e ' modem technology that uses existing t,isted )air tele)hone lines to trans)ort high&-and,idth data. a. D(E d. a 7 -. D E e. a$ - 7 c c. DS9 f. None of the a-o+e De+ices ,ith no )rocessing ca)a-ility. E3ui))ed only ,ith in)ut and out)ut de+ices for data!command in)uts for the host and +ie,ing out)uts!results. a. erminal d. a 7 -. host e. a$ - 7 c c. Su)er (om)uters f. None of the a-o+e #t is the exchange of data (in the form of As and .s" -et,een t,o de+ices +ia some form of transmission medium. a. Node d. a 7 -. #nternet e. a$ - 7 c c. Data (ommunication f. None of the a-o+e ' ty)e of Net,or* to)ology ,here each node on the net,or* is connected to e+ery other node. a. Star d. a 7 -. Bus e. a$ - 7 c c. ree f. None of the '-o+e ' logical communication )ath is esta-lished -efore any message can -e transmitted. a. Cirtual (ircuit d. a 7 -. Datagram e. a$ - 7 c c. C6N f. None of the a-o+e he :S# ?eference 8odel layer that con+erts the actual data to -inary format. a. Session d. a 7 -. 6resentation e. a$ - 7 c c. rans)ort f. None of the a-o+e %sed to -e a-le to con+ey electrical signals from one machine to another. ransmitter ?ecei+er ransmission 8edia a-o+e (lassifications of ransmission a. -. c. a. -. c. d. a 7 e. a$ - 7 c f. None of 8edia ' the


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Net,or* f. None of the a-o+e Net,or* de+ices that ena-les one net,or* to communicate or connect ,ith another net,or* (internet,or*ing". a. Gate,ay d. a 7 -. Bue. a$ - 7 c c. S,itch f. None of the '-o+e echnology to interconnect 9'N ,ithin a s)ecific geogra)hic region such as a city. a. 9'N d. a 7 -. 0'N e. a$ - 7 c c. 8'N f. None of the a-o+e Ex)ansion card that is added to a com)uter to ena-le it to communicate to a net,or*. % 6 ca-le d. a 7 Net,or* #nterface (ard e. a$ - 7 c ?J 5; f. None of the a-o+e #t is a net,or* that holds sharea-le resources consist of clients that recei+e +arious ser+ices and ser+ers ,hich )ro+ides +arious ser+ices to clients. a. 6eer to 6eer d. a 7 -. (lient ! Ser+er e. a$ - 7 c c. erminal host f. None of the a-o+e he 6hysical 9ayer is concerned ,ith all of this exce)t: a. 6hysical 'ddressing d. a 7 -. 6hysical o)ology e. a$ - 7 c c. Data ?ate f. None of the a-o+e he :S# ?eference 8odel layer that handles routing functions. a. 6hysical d. a 7 -. Net,or* e. a$ - 7 c c. Data 9in* f. None of the a-o+e he :S# ?eference 8odel layer that guarantees data transmission end&to&end. a. 6hysical d. a 7 -. rans)ort e. a$ - 7 c c. Session f. None of the a-o+e General characteristic of (a-le that defines the maximum length of the ca-le -efore the signal -egins to ,ea*en -eyond the )oint ,here it can -e read accurately. a. 8aximum Segment 9ength d. a 7 -. (a-le Grade e. a$ - 7 c c. Band,idth ?ating f. None of the a-o+e ' ca-le consist of single semi conductor at the core$ surrounded -y an insulating layer$ -raided metal shielding (-raiding" and an outer co+er. a. % 6 d. a 7 -. S 6 e. a$ - 7 c c. Fi-er :)tic f. None of the a-o+e (ategory of % 6 ca-le that is suita-le for data transmission of u) to .AA 8-)s. (at ; d. a 7 (at < e. a$ - 7 c (at . f. None of the a-o+e ' Fi-er :)tic com)onent that may -e necessary to -oost the light signal. a. :)tical ?ecei+er d. a 7 -. :)tical ransmitter e. a$ - 7 c c. :)tical Fi-er f. None of the a-o+e (oaxial ca-le terminator that is a -arrel ,hich )ushes on and loc*s into )lace ,ith a half turn. a. Fi-er :)tic d. a 7 BASINET


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0ireless d. a 7 0ired e. a$ - 7 c 0i&Fi f. None of the a-o+e ' ca-le that is most commonly connected to net,or* de+ice +ia a ty)e of sna)&in )lug called ?adio Jac* 5;. a. Fi-er :)tic d. a 7 -. % 6 e. a$ - 7 c c. (oaxial f. None of the a-o+e (ategory of % 6 ca-le that su))orts giga-it technology. a. (at ; d. a 7 -. (at < e. a$ - 7 c c. (at . f. None of the a-o+e (oaxial ca-le terminator that is allo,s a secondary ca-le or ca-les to -ranch off from a main line. a. Fi-er :)tic d. a 7 -

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a. -. c.

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-. c. 1=. E (oaxial a. -. c.

BN( &connectors

e. a$ - 7 c f. None of the a-o+e 1>. F

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ca-le standard used for hic* Ethernet. ?G D > d. a 7 ?G D @ e. a$ - 7 c ?G D .. f. None of the a-o+e #t is a com)uterized center that is res)onsi-le for connecting calls as ,ell as recording call information and -illing. a. 8 S: d. a 7 -. (ell Site e. a$ - 7 c c. (ontrol to,er f. None of the a-o+e he outer o)tical material surrounding the core that reflects the light -ac* into the core. (ladding d. a 7 (ore e. a$ - 7 c Buffer (oating f. None of the a-o+e (ategory of % 6 ca-le that is -asic t,isted&)air ca-ling used in the tele)hone system. a. -. c. (at ; (at < (at . d. a 7 e. a$ - 7 c f. None of the a-o+e a. -. c.

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'))lication of 0ireless Data (ommunication that allo,s dri+ers$ )ilots and shi) ca)tains to *no, their location on earth. a. 6agers d. a 7 -. (ellular 6hones e. a$ - 7 c c. ,o&,ay radios f. None of the a-o+e Normal )hone lines filter out fre3uencies ,hich falls out -elo, 1AA and a-o+e 15AA Bz. a. %ndou-tedly true d. a 7 -. False$ it does not filter e. a$ - 7 c c. False$ it filters -et,een f. None of the a-o+e De+ices that are actually multi)ort re)eaters. Bu-s d. a 7 ?outers e. a$ - 7 c Gate,ay f. None of the a-o+e #t is considered as the most dominant 9'N echnology in the ,orld today. a. o*en ?ing d. a 7 -. o*en Bus e. a$ - 7 c c. Ethernet f. None of the a-o+e ' to*en ring field that alerts the recei+er to the start of the to*en or data frame. a. #nformation Field d. a 7 -. Destination 'ddress e. a$ - 7 c c. Start Delimiter f. None of the a-o+e Standard that refers to an Ethernet net,or* that uses hinnet (a-ling. a. .ABase d. a 7 -. .ABase; e. a$ - 7 c c. .ABase/ f. None of the a-o+e he Net,or* De+ice used in a o*en ?ing 'rchitecture is called 8ultistation 'ccess %nit a. %ndou-tedly true. d. a 7 -. False$ it uses a ?outer e. a$ - 7 c c. False$ it uses a S,itch f. None of the a-o+e 5 in the ;&5&1 rule signifies: a. No. of re)eaters d. a 7 -. No. of segments e. a$ - 7 c c. No. of segments used f. None of the a-o+e a. -. c.

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BN( e. a$ - 7 c &connectors f. None of the a-o+e (oaxial ca-le standards used for hin Ethernet. a. ?G D > d. a 7 -. ?G D @ e. a$ - 7 c c. ?G D .. f. None of the a-o+e ' de+ice that can regenerate net,or* signals at the -it le+el to allo, them to tra+el a longer distance on the media. a. ?e)eaters d. a 7 -. ?egenerators e. a$ - 7 c c. Bu-s f. None of the a-o+e Fi-er o)tic )ro)agation 8ode ,herein multi)le -eams from a light source mo+e through the core in different )aths. a. 8ultimode d. a 7 -. Single mode e. a$ - 7 c c. Broadcast 8ode f. None of the a-o+e (a-le ,here in the )lastic insulation is color& -anded for identification. (olors are used -oth to identify the s)ecific conductors in ca-le. a. % 6 d. a 7 -. (oaxial e. a$ - 7 c c. Fi-er :)tic f. None of the a-o+e Standard for short&range radio lin*s -et,een mo-ile 6(Es$ mo-ile )hones and other )orta-le de+ices. a. >A/..; d. a 7 -. Bluetooth e. a$ - 7 c c. 99( f. None of the a-o+e (a-le modems conce)t that s)lits the C -ands to the C set and #nternet access -ands to the 6(. a. S)litter d. a 7 -. Di+ider e. a$ - 7 c c. #n+erter f. None of the a-o+e y)e of Bu-s ,hich does not mani)ulate or +ie, the traffic that crosses it. #t does not -oost or clean the signal. a. 6assi+e d. a 7 -. 'cti+e e. a$ - 7 c c. #ntelligent f. None of the a-o+e 'n > -yte series of 'lternation . and A -its. %sed to announce the coming frame and synchronize it. a. 6ream-le d. a 7 -. y)e e. a$ - 7 c c. Data f. None of the a-o+e 'n electronic de+ice that o)erates only on the 6hysical layer of the :S# model a. ?e)eaters d. a 7 -. ?outers e. a$ - 7 c c. Gate,ays f. None of the a-o+e Field in the Ethernet )ac*et that contains data for error detection. a. y)e d. a 7 -. 6ream-le e. a$ - 7 c c. Data f. None of the a-o+e ; in the ;&5&1 rule signifies: No. of re)eater d. a 7 No. of segments e. a$ - 7 c No. of segments used f. None of the a-o+e .ABase ca-ling uses ,hat ty)e of (a-le. a. ?G & ;> d. a 7 -. ?G & > e. a$ - 7 c c. % 6 f. None of the a-o+e

-. c.

a. -. c.

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(a-les that ha+e earned the nic*name Ffrozen yello, garden hoseG in attri-ute to their large (half& inch" diameter and stiffness. a. ?G D > d. a 7 -. ?G D .. e. a$ - 7 c c. ?G D ;> f. None of the a-o+e 6ort used to connect hu- that is do,nstream from the other and used exclusi+ely for cascade connection. a. Do,nlin* 6ort d. a 7 -. Ex)ansion 6ort e. a$ - 7 c c. %)lin* 6ort f. None of the a-o+e 8aximum num-er of cascaded hu-s that can -e connected. a. 1 d. a 7 -. 5 e. a$ - 7 c c. ; f. None of the a-o+e o*en ?ing frame format -yte that indicate ,hether the frame contains data or control information a. Start Delimiter d. a 7 -. 'ccess (ontrol e. a$ - 7 c c. Frame (ontrol f. None of the a-o+e Electronic de+ice that can relay frames -et,een t,o originally se)arate 9'Ns. a. Bu-s d. a 7 -. ?e)eaters e. a$ - 7 c c. Bridges f. None of the a-o+e (onnecting this hu- through the interface allo,s these it to -e treated as a single hu-. a. (ascades d. a 7 -. Stac*a-le e. a$ - 7 c c. 9in*ed f. None of the a-o+e 8inimum num-er of -ytes set for the Data field of an Ethernet )ac*et. a. /1 d. a 7 -. 5< e. a$ - 7 c c. .; f. None of the a-o+e he first standard for 9ocal 'rea Net,or*s a. o*en Bus d. a 7 -. o*en ?ing e. a$ - 7 c c. Ethernet f. None of the a-o+e hin (oax are also *no,n as a. hinnet d. a 7 -. (hea)ernet e. a$ - 7 c c. hic*net f. None of the a-o+e he actual maximum length a hinnet ca-le can carry signal. a. .>; m d. a 7 -. ;AA m e. a$ - 7 c c. /AA m f. None of the a-o+e

</. B

(onnector needed for a .ABase net,or* is ?J D .. d. a 7 ?J & 5; e. a$ - 7 c ?J D .AA f. None of the a-o+e ' s)ecial ca-le that is used ,hen there is a need to connect hu-s ,ithout the %)lin* )ort. (ross (a-le d. a 7 Straight (a-le e. a$ - 7 c Binary (a-le f. None of the a-o+e o*en ?ing is seen as a )ro)rietary technology. a. %ndou-tedly true. -. False$ o)en technology e. a$ c. False$ shared technology the a-o+e #t is a 0indo,s Ser+er that ena-les dis* 3uotas and indexing. a. -. c. d. a 7 7c f. None of to configure a. -. c. a. -. c.

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File ser+er d. a 7 erminal ser+er e. a$ - 7 c DNS ser+er f. None of the a-o+e y)e of -ridges that can -e used to connect more that t,o 9'Ns. a. Sim)le Bridge d. a 7 -. rans)arent Bridge e. a$ - 7 c c. 8ulti)ort Bridge f. None of the a-o+e he most )rimiti+e and least ex)ensi+e ty)e of -ridge. a. Sim)le Bridge d. a 7 -. rans)arent Bridge e. a$ - 7 c c. 8ulti)ort Bridge f. None of the a-o+e 8aximum num-er of nodes )er segment in a .ABase/ net,or*. a. .A d. a 7 -. /A e. a$ - 7 c c. 1A f. None of the a-o+e hic* (oax are also *no,n as a. hinnet d. a 7 -. (hea)ernet e. a$ - 7 c c. hic*net f. None of the a-o+e hin (oax is much more ex)ensi+e than thic* coax a. %ndou-tedly true. d. a 7 -. False$ it is more ex)ensi+e e. a$ - 7 c c. False$ the same f. None of the a-o+e he actual maximum length a hic*net ca-le can carry signal. a. .>; m d. a 7 -. ;AA m e. a$ - 7 c c. /AA m f. None of the a-o+e

A" ON&M$ #dentify ,hat the follo,ing acronym stands for. .. /. 1. 5. ;. <. =. IEEE 0 INSTIT!TE OF ELE"T ONI"S AN1 ELE"T I"AL ENGINEE S LAN 0 LO"AL A EA NET2O 3 P'P 0 PEE TO PEE

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.A. "SMA7"1 0 "A

SOL8ING$ 'll solutions!ans,ers must -e ,ritten on the s)ace )ro+ided. (onsider a (lass ( net,or* ha+ing an #6 address starting at .@1..11..=;.A u) to .@1..11..=;./;; and is di+ided into 5 su-nets. (om)lete the ta-le -elo,. Su-net . / 1 5 Solution: H of Bost </ </ </ </ Net,or* 'ddress .@1..11..=;.A .@1..11..=;.<5 .@1..11..=;../> .@1..11..=;.//5 Broadcast 'ddress .@1..11..=;.<1 .@1..11..=;../= .@1..11..=;.//5 .@1..=;..=;./;; Sutnet 8as* /;;./;;./;;..@/ /;;./;;./;;..@/ /;;./;;./;;..@/ /;;./;;./;;..@/

IT IS THE TRUE NATURE OF MANKIND TO LEARN FROM MISTAKES, NOT FROM EXAMPLE * Fred Hoyle, Author, I to Dee!e"t S!#$e %e &, %&d&, %&$& 'I $#(e, I "#), I $o *uer+ * ,ul&u" C#e"#r

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