Reed, Howard S. (1942) - A Short History of The Plant Sciences .
Reed, Howard S. (1942) - A Short History of The Plant Sciences .
Reed, Howard S. (1942) - A Short History of The Plant Sciences .
edited by Frans Verdoorn
Volume VII
Brief hilltory of ecological work in botany, Plant World a 168. 198, 1905.
Stimulation of plant growth by wellk: poi Bans. BAIUly'8 Encyclopedia of AQ'rl-
eulture, 11: 11l(}7. .
Value of certsdn nutritive elementl! to the plant cell. AnnnlR of Botany 20:601.
Modern Ilnd early ldeaa upon the eubject of root excretions. Popular Selene.
Monthly 78 :267. 1908.
Manual of bacteriology for 'l-gricultllral and general Bclence stlldentB. Boston.
New York (etc.). Ginn and Co. 1914.
Cedar runt disease of apples caused by GynmoBPorangium juniperJ.vlrglnlanne.
Va. Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bull. 0; 1915. (With C. H. CRABILL).
Nature of the Q'rowth rate. .Jour. Gen. l'hYa .. 2:54li.661. 1920.
Growth and sap concentration. Jour. Agr. ReB, 21 :81-98. 1921.
What can biology contribute to the world of today 7 1928. Riverside, California.
Quantitative aRpeeto of the problem of growth and dIfferentiation. Intcrnatlonnl
Congress of Plant Science. Ithaca, New York. l'rociledinga, 2:1096-1106. liJ29.
Random obscrvations on citrus fruits abroad. California Cltrograph 16. Nov.
La nature de Ill. croissance. Bull. Soc. Botanique Genllve 24.:202-219. 1981-82.
The effects of dne aJld Iron salts on the cell stl'udtUl'l! 0:( mottled orango l<lIWeli.
HlIgardill 9: 118-180. Jan. 1985. (With J. DUl"Rlhtoy).
Oellular nutrition and immunity. Rapports du lle Congrila Internntlonllio de
Pathologle comparee. Athens, 1986.
Ixtlilxochitl II and Cemponllan: a preliminary study of a Me:1Cillnn J.>lcture
Chroniele. HIBpanic American Historical Review 18 :66-75. 1938.
Cytology of leaves affected with little-leaf. Amedcp,n Journal of BotnllY 21):
174-186. 1935.
HOWARD SPRAGUE REED was born, August 6, 1876, at North East, Penn-
sylvania. A.B., University of Michigan, 1903; Ph.D., University of Missouri,
1907. Pursued investigations at Naples Zoological Station (Smithsonian lnst.
table), 1913; Strassburg, 1913; Geneva, 1930. Asat. in plant physiology.
Univ. Michigan, 1899-1903; Instructor in botany. Univ. Missouri, 1903-06;
Soil chemist, Bureau of Soils, U. S. Dept. Agr., 1906-1908 i Prof. mycology
and bacteriology, Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and plant pathologist in Expt.
Sta., Professor plant physiology, Univ. of Cali:(.n:-nia, Citrus Expt.
Sta., Univ. 1935-. Guest prof. Geneva, 1930; Externul exam.
Sydney, 1935. .Member edit. bd. of Grvwth; Assoc. Edit. of Uuiv. California.
Publ. Agr. SeL, Bronze Medal, Soc. Nat. d'Acclitnat. de Franca,
1935; Correspondallt du Mus. d'Histoire Nat. de Paris.
of the
BY ,
P1:0/e8S0r 0/ Plant PJ.;Y8ioloEI;Y
Unipc1:sit2 0/ Cal:/ornia
First published MCMXLII
By the Chronica Botanica Company
of Waltham, Mass., U. S. A.
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Work on the history of a subject is inevitably a reflection of
the interest of the writer. This is especially true in writing a
book which deals with historical matters. I am not only aware of
many great omissions in the writing of this book, but also of my
own inability to treat certain of the subjects. I have preferred to
deal with subjects on which I felt some competency, rather than to
cover a large number of subjects so briefly that the account would
scarcely be readable. I will take this opportunity to note that
there has been. adequate treatment in various recent bool\s of sub-
jects such as systematic botany, phylogeny, and paleobotany, to
which the reader may go. The new field of genetics, with its cosmic
subject of plant breeding and evolution, has been discussed recently
by several competent writers. In similar fashion, the new work on
growth, tropisms, and hormones has been discussed by WENT,
THIMANNJ and others. I have discussed the subject of plant geog-
raphy to the end of the nineteenth century, preferring to refrain
from discussion of recent work in ecology, sociology, etc., in which
it seems that the concepts are so lacking in precise definition that
discussion of them can wait for the :pen of another writer.
The account of work in the plant sciences given in this book
is intended for the average graduate student in our universities,
rather than for the specialist in science or in history. The former
class of readers has had ill the past few treatises on the
ment of the plant sciences which were suited to his mental level.
The latter class has had more treatises than they could read, regard-
less of the adjustment to their mental levels. A resume of the
subject is not a history unless it portrays to some extent the evolu-
tion of the plant sciences; how the beginning was made and' how
each grew out of some previous stage. It is important to know
how we arrived at our present station on the road from Then to
Now, as well as to know where we are now. Since science owes
much of its development to man's natural curiosity about his envi-
ronment as wen as to his elemental need for food, clothing and
shelter, I have started with the development of botany in a very
early era and spent perhaps too much time in discussing the
achievements of races at the dawn of history and subsequently.
Those hairy and unkempt ancestors who devoted most of their
lives to securing the material for the daily ration learned much
about plants which has been handed on to us. Their biological
skill has never been properly appraised. Men of the Stone Age
of culture met their requirements for food, clothing and shelter
fairly well but no one at any age of the world has fully gratified
the which we call "scientific". It is this instinct which
characterized the development of the plant sciences and I have
endeavored to show a few of the elemental stages in the history
of the subject in the first part of this book.
The marvelous development of the biological sciences in the
years when differentiation and specialization grew up constitutes
the subject matter of the latter part of this book. 'I have tried
to show the extraordinary development of the biological sciences in
the years since the publication of "The Origin of Species" and the
attempts at a better interpretation of natural phenomena which
followed that epoch-making book. I have tried also to show the
impact of the plant sciences on the affairs of the times, although
fully conscious of my inability to deal competently with the matter.
In this, as in other cases, contemporaneous history is the most
cult to write. It is easier to speak with assurance of first things
than of last things. I have also attempted to bring to notice certain
of the newer aspects of the twentieth century, in which the younger
student must live and work.
'After the men who assembled knowledge about plants, others
came who ground lenses, through which they peered into the sub-
stance of the plants, and they were followed by others with more
cunningly devised instruments which revealed not only cellular
but molecular structure. Research work, which has become so
intensively developed since the beginning of the twentieth
tury, is highly organized. The demands upon workers become more
insistent with the passing of the years, eliminating thereby the
tradition of the college professor in his ivory tower and his life
which centered about the shady, cloistered walks of academic
At this point I wish to express my gratitude to a host of
friends who have helped to alleviate the task of writing a book
on such a broad field. My great indebtedness to Professor HERBERT
M. EVANS for his never-failing inspiration through the writing of
this manuscript, as well as for valuable typographic assistance
which he generously furnished, will ever be gratefully remembered.
Also I wish to express my thanks to other colleagues and friends
whose friendly criticism of subjects with which they were far more
competent to deal than I helped me to find my way through the
wide range of.subjects which I attempted to discuss. Among those
who are to be mentioned in this connection are Dr. H. A. BARI(ER
FOSTER, Mr. M. J. HAGERTY" Professor D. R. HOAGLAND, Dr. D. T.
MAcDOUGAL, and Professor RALPH E. SMITH. However, I must
accept final responsibility for the manner of writing and for the
statements herein contained.
It is also a pleasure to acknowledge the financial aid granted by
the Council of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science and the assistance furnished by the Works Projects Admin ..
istration (official project 65-1-05-91BIO). Acknowledgment will
also be made in the proper places for the permission kindly given
by various authors and publishers to reproduce illustrations. I
would thank Mr. C. C. TEBBUTT also for his faithful work on
ing the drawings from which many of the illustrations were made.
The work is documented but not encumbered with footnotes
and side references. Believing that the graduate student should
have things presented in such a way that he can see the end of the
sentence from the beginning, I have not made many detailed ref-
erences to I have put into the reading lists subjoined to
each chapter only such titles as I believed the graduate student
can reasonably expect to read. The works cited frequently have
long bibliographies, which the specialist or the student who wishes
to pursue the subject may use if he wishes.
BERKELEY. Autumn 1941.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6 .
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
TION til II .. .. .. .. .. " .. 'III "" 113
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chap'ter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
TION... . .. .." ...... I ... ....... 215
Chapte1' 15.
Chapter 16. ,
Chapter 11.
Chapter 18.
MYCOLOGY. ., 266
Chapter 19.
Chapte-r 20.
SCIENCE. . . . 309
INDEX. . .
. . . . . . . 810
Chapter I.
The study of the broader aspects of the plant sciences ought to
orient the student and to counteract. to some extent the effects of
the inevitable specialization which modern scientific curricula
impose upon him. The flood of technical papers which continually
surges over the tables and into the bays of the libraries dismays
the student who wishes to evaluate the progress of science. To
say nothing of the cultural, there is also Practical value in having
some background for judging things pertaining to a field of science,
if one is to avoid grasshopper habits of thinking.
It may be important to. consider the development of the plant
sciences in four stages, which, although they are not chronologically
distinct, are phases of the evolution of the subj ect.
A. Accumulation of infonnation.
B. Verification.
C. Classification.
D. Interpretation.
It is unnecessary to elaborate these points. The first and possibly
the second phases deal essentially with realistic concepts, while
the others obviously introduce idealistic concepts growing out of
the others. In a piece of research all these stages
are mare or less apparent, and each is kept in its proper place.
A brief account of the development of the plant sciences aspires
to give the reader an orientation of himself with respect to the
diverse ramifications of the subject . If only moderately successIul,
it will show how the knowledge of plants has been obtained, hit by
hit, from many sources. Since science is so largely an account of
what has been learned about natural phenomena, there is value,
for both the professional mim and the layman, in some sort of an
idea of how we have obtained this considerable body of knowl-
edge which we possess. It may make us more patient When we
survey the state of our present knowledge in which so many prob-
lems remain unsolved and others have not even been approached'.
Thele is a danger that the results of modern scientific. study
may not only astound US
but blind us to the fact tha.t discoveries
equally stupendous been made in other days. Those who
would deny that there was any progress before the modern era
certainly lack proper orientation and fail to realize that the results
of modern science were dependent upon the antecedent results
of uncounted workers. If we can see further than our predecessors
it is because we are standing on their sho'Ulders. It is perfectly
evident to the informed observer that the complex results of the,
present supersede in many ways those of the past, but he should
remember that, in all probability. they, in their turn, will be
superseded by the results of the future.
Howard S. Reed -2-
A Short History
The progress of botanical, as well as other, science has wit ..
nesBed man's almost endless groping and fumbling. Seldom did he
find the right path first, but only after he had made.many detours
and wandered up many blind alleys. He found that, as he ascended
the hill of knowledge. the horizon expanded, and his ideas, which
originally seemed so prominent, appeared ultimately as, small
mounds on the intellectual landscape.
One must get a long view if he can distinguish the real
tion of man's progress in botany among all the devious, pu.erIle
ways in which he squandered his time and energy. And let lt be
remembered that we of this day may be, and probably are, beating
about the bush or chasing rabbits as assiduously as our prede-
cessors. The retrospective view of the development of plant sci-
ences should engender a profound tolerance of others, because the
ways of mankind are very uncertain at the best.
A brief acquaintance with the history of work in the plant
sciences impresses one with the genius and chara.cter of those
who, through many centuries, have studied the manifold aspects
of the plant world. Believing that the student should associate
a man with something more than his scheme for classifying things,
I have sought to give vitality to outstanding men, no less than to
recount their scientific accomplishments. We cannot know them
only as pictures on a page, or as shadows moving along a wall, or
as names perpetuated in genera and species. There were men
with encyclopedic minds who wrote great books about the world
and all its creatures, and there were sandalled friars who brought
from some pilgrimage a few seeds in the folds of their robes.
They led the way for the professor in academic garb bearing his
precious degree, magna cum laude.
These men of whom I write in the first part of the book had
to learn. 'how to live in times of transition and of revolution, when
thr,ones fell, or when pestilence stalked abroad in the land. They
had to solve problems of human engineering in their day in
tion to their botanical pursuits. They had to learn how to live
with other people: kings, popes, caliphs, captains, presidents, deans
(and perchance, wives). By and large they encountered most of
the problems of authority and organization which confront the
modern teacher or student. Their solutions of these problems
interest us no less than how they investigated the mysteries of the
organic world. I think that we shall see that most of the men
who made the history of the plant sciences were strong, brown-
cheeked, bright-eyed. A few suffered from bodily infirmities, it is
true. Others poured out their lives too rashly on the altars of
science. They contributed something to the advancement of plant
science because they were willing to renounce transitory desires,
or love of ease.
In spite of outward differences, all these men were suffused
with a zeal for acquiring a better understanding of the organic
world. Motives, as usual, were mixed, but they sought the truth.
They were a wide-eyed and persistent race who saw where others
were blind and found where others fumbled. DOlninatcd by a
reverence for life, nothing was so small or mean that it could be
disregarded in the contemplation of an orderly concept of the uni ..
verse in whIch they lived. Worship of life in a blind way is not
but reverence for life is the beginning of wisdom.
Chapter I -3-
A scientist is a product of the times in which he lives. Thus,
one will see reflected in the lives of most of them ideas which were
borne in by the tides of human affairs. At times original research
flourished, at others it was subverted to so-called practical ends
until it finally ceased to exist. When the implications of science
began to be disturbing to the vested interests of church and state,
scientists with their backs to the wall were often fighting for
truth and freedom.
Specialization in science led to division of labor which. in' turn,
required the cooperation of others. Science is so essentially a
social phenomenon that the individual accomplishes little without
the help of others. It began to make noteworthy progress when
one mind struck fire from another; when it used the help not only
of other scientists, but also of printers, photographers,
etc. From the time that BRUNFELS walked to Hornbach and back,
,to urge BOCK to pUblish his Herbal, there has been a spirit of
mutual encouragement among the leaders in botany.
Scientific societies which afford a prompt means for com-
munication of new results, also have developed an esprit de corps
which has contributed greatly to the promotion of research.
Among the events of the 19th century which indicated the
impetus given to biological studies by the pUblication of DARWIN's
Origin of Spec1:es in 1859 none was more significant than the rise
of international congresses. Students and professors had, since
the Middle Ages, visited and studied in institutions outside their
own countries, thereby demonstrating that true learning is not
confined by national boundaries. It was perhaps natural that the
enkindled interest in biological studies made men more anxious
to broaden their fields of knowledge by conference with those who
shared their interests in other countries. In so doing they were
accomplishing more effectively the aims which they had had as
.individuals. International congresses were also a symbol of the
new freedom that science found after the emergence of the great
ideas presented by DARWIN.
The first international plant science congress was held in
Brussels in 1864 and was designated as "Congres International
d'Horticulture". The small group of horticulturists and botanists
held sessions which were probably rather informal. In 1865
another congress. attended by about 300 members, was held in
Amsterdam, where 70 years later the last was held, with an attend-
ance of approximately 1000 members. During that 70-year epoch
two congresses were held in Brussels, three in Paris, and one in
each of the following: London; St. Petersburg, Florence, Amster ....
dam, Genoa, Vienna, Ithaca, and Cambridge. Although hampered
by international crises the spirit of cooperation in science steadily
grew. Prominent scientists accepted positions of responsibility
and unselfishly promoted the interests of the congresses.
,The world CD-me to expect important announcements of new
diSCOVeries, integration of ideas, the unification and simplification
of terminologies, improvements in documentation, and similar
objects. Perhaps the intangibles were the greatest products of
the congresses, among which would come the inspiration received
from conferences with colleagues, statements of research pro-
grams, and amity among scientists.
Howard S. Reed -4-
A Short History
.The development of a rational attitude toward science in the
epoch mentioned was fostered, to say the least, by the congresses
and symposia in which scientific workers participated with such
enthusiasm. This attitude may be measured, however inadequately,
by the increased funds dedicated to the purposes of science in all
The growing spirit of international comity manifested by the
creation of many sorts of associations may be seen also in the
foundation in 1905 of the International Institute of Agriculture
at Rome. Primarily concerned with questions of pr:oduction and
marketing, it was nevertheless of importance for the plant sciences,
serving as a center of information on all subjects connected with
agriculture and forestry. It was intended to keep pace with
modern inventions of communications and transportation in mar ....
keting agricultural products and in the control of plant diseases.
The idea of the Institute originated with DAVID LUBIN, a Cali-
fornian, who secured the necessary adherence of the principal
countries of the world. The Institute was formally organized and'
furnished with a building by King VICTOR EMANUEL III of Italy.
In 1910 there were 42 countries in the organization, each with its
official delegate.
Among the pUblications having importance for the' plant sci-
ences, there were the monthly International Review of Agricul-
ture (in five languages) and the International Review of the
Science and Practice of Agriculture.
Since 1932 the Institute has been a consultant on agricultural
matters for the League of Nations. It organized (1926) a World
Forestry Conference
and (1929-30) a World Agricultural Census.
To promote the study of Ag:dcultural Ecology an International
Institute was organized in cooperation with the Italian Royal
National Academy in 1923, and formulated a comprehensive pro-
gram of investigation based on fundamental scientific principles.
The section on Plant Protection issues its monthly bulletin which,
together with information on new and actual facts reported by
different countries, contains a section on phytosanitary legislation
and an up-to-date bibliography.
JACOB ERIKSSON, the Swedish phytopathologist, envisioned the
necessity of effective international cooperation in plant protection
and was active in creating the necessary implements for its opera-
tion. The International Institute of Agriculture in Rome invited
the French Government to invite all contributing states of the
Institute to an international phytopathological confet'ence at Rome.
In response to the call a conference was held in 1914 in Rome at
which 39 delegates from 31 states (20 European and 11 non ..
European) were present. The aim of this convention was to
organize an international convention acceptable to all states. The
convention was intended to establish the principles for the organ ...
ization of a phytopathological service in different countries. The
act. creating an international conference of phytopathology was
wrltten at Rome in 1914 and accepted by the delegates. Due to
the decision of this conference, the question of international col ..
laboration in order to combat the diseases of plants was in some
degree .. at least on paper - solved. By professlOnal inspection and
control, the principles were fixed for preventing as far as possible
the spreading out of dangerous diseases from country to country.
Chapter I
Nevertheless, it was a priori easy to anticipate that it would
be very difficult, if not impossible, to create an act which would
obtai!} approbation from all countries of the world, especially since
war Intervened soon after the act was adopted. There was a
tendency to isolate one nation from another and a disinclination
for col1aboratioll between different nations. As a result, only a
minority of 9 states ratified the act.
It apparent that plant pathologists did not possess
enough InformatIOn about some of the diseases to make the inspec-
tion work effective. The suggestion was made at several of the
international congresses that there should be established a conti-
nental institute for plant pathological research somewhere in
Europe, to facilitate investigations of these problems.
Whether the botanist attends seminars or the meetings of
scientific societies, he must read the literature and by that means
avail himself of contemporaneous, as well as historical' results.
There were published in 1938 a total of 11,000 botanical papers,
according to WELLElNSlEK, or nearly 30 per day. Of this number
1/3 dealt with classification, nomenclature, and plant geography.
Obviously a survey of that number of publications is impossible
for any reader; however, he may avail himself of reviews in
abstracting journals and of valuable indexes to current literature
for information on any particular subject. Most of the 11,000
botanical papers which appeared in the year mentioned were writ-
ten in such technical language that they could not be readily
appraised by any, except a group of specialists, although the results
presented in some papers may have had importance for the pop ....
ulace. For many years the intelligent reader has had difficulty in
understanding what the workers in science were trying to say,
and, as a result, the general public has been too long in ignorance
of many matters which were important for general security and
wel:Care. Some technical papers were often devoted extensively
to matters of priority or nomenclature in which the reading public
had small concern; other papers were written in a phraseology
necessarily technical.
The cultural values of science for technical as well as
technical minds have begun to receive more adequate recognition.
The willingness to accept guiding principles based on a body of
accurate verifiable observations is pl'eferred to opinions based upon
traditional authority or outworn beliefs.
rrhe beginning o:f the twentieth century saw a movement started
to summarize and present scientific discoveries in a way which
enriched the literature of, science. Periodicals and books began
to appeal' in all countries in which science was progressing. Their
accounts of new discoveries g:l'adually superseded the fantastic
stories formerly written by The intelligent reader
has asked that facts should be set forth as facts and not as fables.
The improvement in accuracy of presentation came from the
sion of scientifically trained writers into the field, who have shown
that truthful narratives may be fascinating reading.
Endowments to support a few of the interpretative periodicals
were created by the year 19BO and societies sponsored other
cations. Most of them however depended upon the sales of their
Howard S. Reed -.6- A Short History
There has been and perhaps will always be a necessity for
permanent records of technical work, published in a form readily
understood by relatively few, and there has been developed a
method of photographing manuscripts on reels of narrow film
which obviates the slower and costlier methods of reproduction
on the printing press.
It becomes increasingly obvious that the field of the plant sci-
ences is broad and that some means of orientation is a paramount
necessity. This fragmentary presentation of the history of the
plant sciences is intended to guide students during the formative
period to a better understanding of past and present trends, and to
clarify the increasingly complex situation into which they will
eventually be thrust.
Chapter II.
The dawn period:- At what time and by what means plants of
the earth and sea were discovered, tested, and utilized we have
extremely fragmentary records. It is certain that it took a very
long time, so long in fact that the wild progenitors of some plants
are not now known. Settled abodes and communal life were
sible until man had begun to cultivate the land and to obtain a
dependable harvest. Every important agricultural plant is a
human achievement because it represents, not only discovery, but
also profound modification of a wild species. The degree to which
plants have been modified; whether consciouslY or unconsciously for
human needs is a measure of man's ability to stabilize his,
The discoveries of plants and their uses began at some very
remote period, probably in the Stone Age. Prehistoric men knew
and utilized practically all the important foods of our time. They
planted in localities where the harvest would be ample and where
the distance from the tribal dwelling was not too great for purposes
of protection and cultivation.
The starchy foods, then, as now, undoubtedly made up a large
part of the diet. This class of foods comes from plants which grow
rapidly, yielding food which is palatable, nutritious, and digestible.
Wheat1 rye, barley, rice, and oats were the cereals chiefly grown
in the old world, and maize in the new world. The inhabitants of
Switzerland as early as the Neolithic period, cultivated three kinds
of barley and at least five kinds of wheat, four of which might be
regarded as distinct species. Ol1.e variety of wheat apparently had
been brought from Egypt along with Panicurn and Setaria which
supplemented the other cereals.
The high value placed upon wheat by the more progressive
races and the ease with which it could be carried on their migra-
tions may account for the wide distribution of the plant. The
existence of different names for wheat in the most ancient lan-
guages probably means that the tribes, before they had developed
a language, migrated from their original home, carrying the
precious seed. Whether wheat came originally' from the plateaus
of Central Asia or from the Nile valley, it has been for a long time
in cultivation, and is preferred by the majority of the white race.
Legumes have also been cultivated for a long time by the people
of all continents. Peas and beans are not only edible when green,
but the dried seeds contain a maximum of nourishment in a small
quantity. The vines and husks can also be used a.s fodder for
domesticated animals.
The edible leaves and shoots of many other plants have long
been utilized for foods. The esteem for bamboo shoots in China
and the HDish of Herbs" in other countries bears witness to the
Howa.rd S. Reed -8-
A Short HistorY
importance of such foods among ancient peoples. Accustomed as
we are to succulent and nutritious vegetables, it is not easy to
realize that the stringy roots of wild parsnip or carrot should ever
have been sought as food, yet from what we know of the food of
savages we need feel no doubt on this point.
Men of those remote ages also knew, in addition to food plants,
others which had remedial properties. Steeps and brews o:f leaves,
or roots, or bark were administered for diseases of children and
their parents. Poultices of the bruised leaves of particular plants,
laid on a wound, staunched the bleeding and hastened the forma ..
tion of a clot. Seeds of some plants had purgative properties, or
power to allay pain, or to induce sleep. N at all their herbal lore
was valid, - not every plant whose leaves had the shape of a hound's
tongue would heal the bite of a dog, neither could every leaf shaped
like a heart, cure cardiac affections. But in a simple, trial-and-
error way they began to learn the remedial properties of plants.
Originally, every parent was undoubtedly something of an herbal-
ist and ministered toO his family, but as knowledge grew and tribal
organization arose there were people who assumed superior knowl-
edge of herbs and who lcept supplies for use in time of need. These
medici11e men a.nd the herbalists who collected medicinal plants
were botanists of a SOlt, but different from the farmer or herdsman.
This chapter will give a brief survey of the history of the
origins of some important phases of the plant sciences in a few
races. It will show how conscious efforts on the part of men led
to a knowledge of the plant world and ultimately to some important
discoveries. The inception of a civilized life was largely dopendent
upon man's biological skill in domesticating and perpetuating both
plants and animals.
Plant LQre of Assyria.:- Assyria was in large part an alluvial
plain deposited by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The waters of
these rivers had been used from remote times for irrigating the
soil of the fertile plain. An records indicate that agriculture devel-
oped early in Assyria and was successfully nrosecuted for many
centuries. Among the writers of antiquity Who commented on the
system of agriculture were HERODOTUS ill the fifth century B.C.
and PLINY in the first century A.D. who stated that wheat was
cut twice and subsequently afforded good pasturage 'for sheep.
Remains of plants were not as well preserved in Mesopotamia
as in Egypt, but some reliable information has been recently
obtained about the cereals. From excavations of a prehistoric
site near Nineveh carbonized grains of barley, and a primitive
small type of eromer were taken in 1933. PERCiVAL says these are
the earliest grains hitherto discovered in Mesopotamia and belong
to a period 4000 B.C. or earlier.
When and where the Assyrians got their crop plallts is not
definitely known. Some were indigenous, others undoubtedly came
from the Iranian plateau. TIGLATH-PILESER I (1130 B.C.) made it
a matter of record tha.t he had brought cedars and other trees as
well as rare vines from countries that he had conquered and ha.d
planted them in the gardens of his own land. In addition to
cereals, the Assyrians cultivated fruits, including apricots, figs,
olives, pomegranates, quinces, and grapes. ,
Chapter II -9- Antiquity
The date palm, whose fruit was utilized in many ways, was one
of the most important tree crops, it could be eaten fresh or dried,
it yielded sugar, and the sap of the tree could be fermented to
wine. The culture of the date palm in Assyria went back to an
early time as shown by sculptures on very old temples. It was
almost the only tree that grew there, and it grew in marvelous
abundance. Stem. leaves, and fruit were all utilized. Its trunk
was used for the columns and roofing beams of temples and houses,
also for binding the brick walls of the cities; its fibers were twisted
into ropes; its leaves woven into baskets; and its tender tips were
boiled and eaten as a vegetable.
A scientific discovery of fundamental importance Was made in
Assyria, namely, sexuality in the date palm. Sculptures show that
Assyrians artificially pollinated the spathes of the pistillate trees,
and several Greek writers commented on this custom of the Assyr-
ians. Knowledge of sexuality in plants remained at that point
until CAMERARIUS made the discovery of sexuality in plants and
showed that transfer of the pollen was necessary to
fertilize the pistillate flowers of the Mediterranean fan palm. One
must admit that the Assyrians and many of their successors
wrongly applied the ideas of maleness and femaleness to other
plants, such as Cyperus and mandrake, to which certain ideas of'
magical powers were also given.
An Assyri,an herbal of the seventh century B.C. (THOMPSON
1924) gives a list of medicinal and semi-medicinal plants. Like
many other herbals, it is a compendium of older ideas about plants
intelligently and methodically arranged. A study of the document
indicates that the doctors and chemists of Nineveh had a very
respectable knowledge of plants and their uses. The author of
the herbal made an attempt to classify the plants, beginning,
ically enough, with the grasses and continuing. with the rushes
and Euphorbias. In other r.espects he was less consistent. For
example; he grouped the Papavers and GU(Jurbits together because
the names of the principal plants in those groups begin with the
sign II U L, and he scattered composites throughout his entire
series. .
Two examples from the herbal will show how the subjects were
GISIMMARU, Da.te Palm. Its Ilcleall heart thou shalt clHaw in thy
mouth." The inside of the vel'Y top of the ia edible, having the
color and consistency of celery heart. XENOPllON mentions it, saying that the
soldiers ate the crown of the palm and Were surpl'ised at its appearance and
ptlculiar flavor. . .
The sap of a palm is obtained by cutting off the head of the palm and
scooping out a hollow in the top of its stem, where the sap can gather. After
six weeks the trunk becomes exhausted and is then cut down. Hal'ein perhaps
lies the explanation of the "palm :from the north" probably referring
to some peculiarity of the rare palm not P.'rowing satisfactorily above Tuz
Khurmati). Tuz Kl1Ul'mati is the highest point at which the pallU flourishes;
above this the palm is Pl'actically worthless as a fruit tree, Down. in the
southr where the palm is cultivated for its f:t:uitl this wasteful method would
hardly be employed.
HAsANU, Thyme, a drug for the lUngs, to be chewed. A drug fol' the
dyspnoea, to be drunk alone in oil and beer. Its smell revives an epileptic,
Thymo is also used tor hardness of breathing.
Howard S. Reed -10- A Short :History
The names which the Assyrians gave their plants persisted for
a long time and were carried, probably by merchants, . into the
western -world. The following list will illustrate.
Assyrian or Sumerian
Western. Language
(through Arabic)
(through Arabic)
(through Arabic)
Kardamon (Greck)
Kel'asus (Greek)
In course of time, all industries gave way to war and splendor,
leaving only slaves to till the fields. All Commerce passed into the
hands of the alien Arameans of Syria. The rank and file of the
armies also had to be filled with foreigners. In the seventh cen-
tury B.C., the Empire was overthrown by the Medes. Inhuman
cruelty, senseless brutality, and incredible mercilessness ended all
Assyrian civilization.
Plant lore of Egypt:- The portion of Egypt traversed by the
Nile is the seat of an exceedingly ancient civilization which,
ing its branches, fostered the development of civilization in other
countries. The unique behavior of the Nile, its pel'iodic overflow
aIld its deposits of fertile soil, need only be recalled to account
for much of the rich development of human activities in this region.
Six thousand years ago the Egyptians had a calendar year divided
into three periods, Flood, Seedtime, and Harvest. "It is certain
that Egypt had dOlnesticated the wild ass, bred cattle, practiced
irrigated farming, was using metals, had invented writing, and
had developed government on a big scale, before northern lDnl'ope
had seen the last of tho Ice Age". (DORSEY 1931).
Food plants began to be cultivated in Egypt, or somewhero ill
the Fertile Crescent, at least seven, and possibly ten thOl1S[llHl yours
ago. Records of the botanical achievements of the Egyptians arc,
nevertheless, 'scanty whel'e we should expect to find them almndant.
The crops in Egypt were planted and cultivuted presumably by the
conquered natives, whereas epic poems were written and heroic
events recorded by the transplanted kings oJ intruding dynasties.
What we know has been obtained indirectly and not :fro.m
records such as the Chinese made. Fortunately, pictures 011 the
"valls of some of the tombs are in such good state of prOfmrvation
that the plants can be recognized; and, bptter still, funeral wreaths
and jars of food placed Ileal' the sarcophagi have remained un-
changed for thousands of years in that dry climate. li'IJINDEItS
PETRIE found a number of funeral wreaths which containc(l more
than twenty species in an almost complete state of proscrvntioll.
Roses had been picked in the bud stage in order to prevent the
petals from falling. 'rhe dried flowel's were ca.refully soaked in
water and could then be examined with ease. A few fragments
of plants were accidentally preserved alsQ ill sun-baked bricks, in
Chapter II -11- Antiquity
addition to the straw of barley or wheat that was used to bind
HERODOTUS, the Greek historian, travelled in Egypt about 465
B.C. and left an entertaining account of what he learned.
l'At present, it must be confessed, they obtain the fruits of the field with
less trouble than any other people in the world, the rest of the Egyptians
included, since they have no need to break up the ground with the plough,
nor to use the hoe, nor to do any of the work which the rest of mankind find
necessary if they are to get a crop; but the husband-man waits till the rivel'
has of its own accQrd itself over "fields and withdn.wn agal11 to its
bed, and then sows his plot of ground, and after sowing tUTUS his swine into
it - the swine tread in the corn after which he has only to await the harvest.
The swine serve him also to thresh the gl'ain, which is then carried to the
garner". (RAWLIlfSON'S translation).
FlO. 1. -- Illgypthul tomb D!c1;urcs. A. ROnf1ing wheat (rn-obltbly T. dic(Jcclm) :C)'um HOSIoJr.-
LINt. l'he ItullI!lum n.t l'hcb08. n. Das]{ct of v(lgl.ltabloa (prolmbly onions and rndiahos) c()vered
with a bunch of onions. BenlhUBsnn. C. Lotus flowers on offedn.(ts to the clend. XVI lIth
dynaBty. Dell' cl-Bnhd. D. ](a.!enchoiJ llll. Ternllle of ICn:t'nak. Thebes about 1500 B.O.
Professor SCHWEINFURTH, a careful student of plants who
resided many years in Cairo, recorded a wealth of interesting
facts about the tomb-pictures and the plant remains in the tombs.
In addition to the foods placed in the coffins
he identified many
plants from the mummy-wrappings. He luade a special point of
the fact that tho species found in tho ancient tombs are identical
with those growing in that locality today.
Although we know little of the people who domesticated or
cultivated these plants, yet it is possible from the remaills to form
some idea of the fields, kitchen gardens, and orchards of Egypt
before the time of ABRAHAM (2400-2200 B.C.). Pictures from
the walls of the ancient tombs are important sources of informa-
tion concerning plants. UNGER has reproduced many pictures of
importance in which we see onions. figs, dates, and other foods.
Dishes of food in the tombs included pottage made from lentils.
A8panzuus and artichokes, however, were incorrectly identified
by some explorers and have not yet been indicated :from ancient
Egypt. 'rhe picture of so-called flartichokes" probablY represent
Romaine salad, aCCOl'Clillg to REIMER.
Howard S. Reed -12-' A Short History
Examination of the contents of the oldest known human stom-
achs was made by ELLIOT SMITH, and by NETOLITZKY. The last
meal eaten by these men 6000 years ago contained barley, millet,
and tubers of the nut rush. According to Mrs. V. L. TACKHOLM this
millet was not Panicum miliuceu11t, but Echinochloa colonum Link.
The assurance of a food supply has always depended upon the
culture of cereals. The climate and soil of Egypt are well suited
for the prodUction of wheat, barley and millet. According to the
ancient Hebrew neighboring tribes, went to Egypt in
times of crop failure to. buy grain. The Roman Empire depended
largely upon Egypt for its supply of wheat. Although Egypt
suffered crop failures at times, the water of the Nile made possible
a fairly stable agriculture.
In the predynastic period the Egyptians cultivated wheat and
barley, a period probably extending from about 5000 B.C. down to
3400 B.C. The wheat which was grown was it primitive form
known as emmer ('l'riticum dicoccum) with flat ears having long
awns. The naked grains are narrow and pointed at each end,
distinctly different from the plump seeds of modern wheat. In an
Egyptian tomb of the First Dynasty (3400 B.C.) an ear of bearded
grain carved on ivory was found; this may have been barley, but
presumably was emmer. Seeds of a naked wheat taken from an
ancient granary have not yet been positively identified but is prob-
ably Triticum durum, according to PERCIVAL. Although UNGER
found a small grained wheat in bricks supposed to date from about
3359 B.C. and identified it as T. vulgare an"tiquorum, SCHWEIN-
FURTH found in the tombs no wheat other than the T. vulga,ro
which is today cultivated in Egypt.
The cultivation of wheat as it is known today in ITIgypt ante-
dates the invasion of the Shepherd Kings (71700 B.C.), but the
cultivation of the six-rowed barley (Hordaurn hexcUltichon L.) is
perhaps still more ancient. Furthermore the manu:facture from
barley of l)ooza, a beer, appears to date back to the time o:C
TUS (Fifth century B.C.). Wild barley and wild emmer grow at
the present time in Palestine, Syria and regions near the Caucasus,
according to PERCIVAL. These two cereals may have attracted the
attention of the first cultivators and have beon selected hy them
long before the dynasties of Egypt were formed. Emmol' and bar-
ley have been found in prehistoric sites by BEUNrl'ON at Badari
and Montagac1da, and by Miss CATON THOMPSON in the Paymnn
desert, and in the intestines of prehistoric mummies by the Hoarst
Egyptian expedition. The cultivation o:f these cercnll:l has been
placed by some archaeologists as early as 10,000 or 1.5,000 B.C.
The procedure of the barley harvest is shown ill 'figure 2. First,
the standing grain was measured by a cord in ordo].' to assess the
field for the dues of A m 1..1 n. Two men wallwd along the edges
of the field, the foremost holding a reel adorned with hend of
the god in ram form, his comrade held the other end of the cord.
The owner followed in the rear. 'l'his simple comlmtation,
ever, needed two scribes to book it, and a po1icenutll with
upraised club (center) to keep order. The second picture shows
the method of harvesting the grain aiter the dues were settled.
The ears were cut and carried off in panniers, leaving the stalks
to be pulled up later (from DAVlElS and DAVIES; Theban Tombs
Series) .
Chapter II -13- Antiquity
In addition to these cereals, the Egyptians brought into culti-
vation plants such as beans, lentils, radishes; melons, onions, and
garlic. HERODOTUS mentioned several of them as articles furnished
to laborers engaged in the construction of the Great Pyramid.
There is no evidence that these plants were imported or used else-
where at that time for food, and it seems fairly certain that they
were homegrown.
The plants utilized in medicine by Egyptian physicians were
numerous according to the Ebers and Hearst medical papyri. Of
the two, the Ebers, coming from Thebes, bears the marks of riper
scholarship and of a more systematic arrangement. It may have
been one of a collection belonging to a great Theban priesthood.
, FIo. 2. - I-InrvI;sting b[trlcl' In Egypt. Pl()tu"('e :l:rom the Inter tomb of Mcnkchepel"l"Rllonb.
FJfUt Mem. Ep:YI)tinn Tombs eedes. 1938. Plntes XVII and XVlII. Sec explanatIon in the
text. By permission 0'( the Egypt SocIety.
The Hearst papyrus, written in the period between the 12th and
18th dynasties was probablY a reference book for local physicians.
Among the plants mentioned by the latter papyrus are barley,
beans, cedar, dates, grapes, lotus, myrrh, olives, sycamore, tama-
risk, and wheat.
The use of fine linens and tapestries indicates that :flax was
cultivated from very early times, indeed, there are reasons to
believe that it was obtained from Babylonia. A discovery of linen
in MENES' tomb at N egada . fixes the date in the First or Second
Dynasty. A thread found in one of the bricks at Dahschur carries
its cultivation back to nearly 4000 B.C. Seed capsules of flax are
found in very early tombs, (3,g., by G. M5LLER at Abusir e1 Malak
'(First or Second Dynasty); others have found them llumerous in
all periods. SCHWEINFURTJ"I found seed capsules attached to their
stalks in a tomb of the Twelfth Dynasty (2400-2200 B.C.). The.
Egyptian flax was apparently an annuaL form, since ancient pic-
tures show that the plants were pulled instead of being cut.
The discovery and utilization of papyrus will ever be regarded
as one of the g'reatest biological accomplishments of the Egyptians.
The plant is represented many times in their pictures of river
scenes. It was so characteristic that it was used as the symbol for
Howard S. Reed -14-
A Short I-listory
Lower Egypt, or North. Since the supply of wood was scanty,
Egyptians c-onstructed boats with bundles of the long flexible papy-
rus stemS
and water-proofed them with bitumen. The "Ark of
'bulrushes" in which the infant Moses was abandoned was doubt-
less such a craft. Charcoal was made from the stems. The starchy
rhizomes of the plant were cooked and used for food. The achieve-
ment of paramount importance in the history of civilization was
the manufacture of paper from the pith of papyrus which facili-
tated the communication of ideas and the development of a culture
which has been admired for thousands of years. HERODOTUS said:
The byblus (papyrus), which grows year after year in the marshes, they
pull up, and, cutting the plant in two, reserve the upper portion for other
purposes, but take the lower, which is about a cubit long, and either cat it
or else sell it. Such as wish to enjoy the byblus in full perfection balm it in
a close dish heated to a glow. Of the lotus
Nymphaea lotus, he said:
There is also another species of tho lily in Egypt, which grows like tho
lotus in the river and resembles the rose. 'I'he fl.-uit springs UIJ side by side
with the blossom, on a separate stalk, and has almost exactly the look of
the comb made by wasps. It contains a number of seeds, about the sizo of
an olive stone, which are good to eat: and these are caton hoth A'rocn nnli
dried. (RAWLINSON'S translation).
The pomegranate, although probably introduced from Asia, was
frequen.tly represented in pictures in the old temples. 'rhel'c is no
doubt but that it was highly esteemed by the Egyptians. MASPEHO,
in 1882, found the remains of pomegranate flowers in a. tomb of
the 20th to 26th Dynasties at Thebes. FLINDERS PETHIE fonnd
three unri1Jc fruits in Hawara (Second to third c(mtm:y A.D.).
Records of the cultivation of the grape and of tho making of
wine in Egypt date back five or six thousand years. They
for instance on the tomb of PTAH .... HO'l'lllP, who livai! at l\{emphis
about 4000 B.C. Paintings of vine cultivation and wino making
are often met with during the }l"ifth DYllt\sty. Raisins nl'(J fre-
quently found in the old tombs, also grape leaves and branches.
RUBENSOHN found a mummy from the scoond A. D., whose
head and neck were wrapped cmthely in vine loaves and hl'nnehos.
Many interesting references to pomegranates and dntos in :rclation
to medical p:tescriptions are given in the Pa]1Yl'llS IlJlwrs.
Many ideas in the Mate:da Medica- of the' apponr to
have been borrowed later by the Greeks. A largo lltlmb(11' of tho
remedies mentioned by DIOSCORIDES may be found ill tlw u1etHeal
papyri and are prescribed for the identical diseases. Sinee tho Hl't
of medicine in Egypt had reached a fairly ac1vnncod stago whon
the oldest medicnl papyrus was written about I9DO B.C., it
sarily implies a long development, probably from 3000 B.C.
In conclusion it may be said that Egyptian botany was
ical. Plants were domesticated, or were introduced from Chaldaoa,
their uses discovered, and grain was exported. Perhaps tho fertil-
ity of the soil and the assurance of abundant harvestFl worn unfa-
vorable for extended intensive study by tho intclleetnaI men of tho
country. No herbals were written and few names of IlIOU who
understood plants have come down to us. Civilization to
leap forward when agricultural complexes were adopted. 'l'lhc dis-
covery of new and valuable fooel-plants and theil' cultivation was it
stimulus which provoked the invention of collateral Or subsidiary
Chapter II
'IOnce the technique of crops was discovered in the Nile Valley, tor
example Egyptian life began to blossom like a garden. Not that every
"blossom" was beneficial to mankind; hilt life, :freed of the haunting fear of
want, began to blossom out in new fields of endeavor. Life was so rich and
BO easy that they could afford to spend an enormous amount of time on trying
to make life eternaP', (DORSEY 1931, :po 261).
The sabbatical The Pentateuchal codes of the Hebrews
required the people to allow the lands toO lie fallow every seven
years as well as to observe certain other rules concerning property.
The Book of the Covenant does not specify that the same year
should be observed by all districts and all individuals. In its
essence it was undoubtedly the survival of a period through which
almost agricultural community has passed. Apart from the
FIG. S. - Egyptia.n tomb picturell. A. Mnn cnnying u bundle of 'atulks of Cllparl-!',
Papyrus plant. ICum III Achmar. B. Destruction o.i! date palm trees by enemies.
spiritual implications of the sabbatical year, the curtailment of
grain production necessitated a septennial reduction in the number
of live stock which, by culling out the unfit, resulted in improve-
ment of the quality of the remaining animals. Furthermore, the
decrease in the quantity,of grain l'educed the tendency of the people
to trade with neighboring countries and served to prevent the
accumulation of unwieldy fortunes. The year of fallow was also
an unquestioned benefit to the land, by preventing exhaustion of
fertility, weediness, and, in arid cpuntries, conserved moisture; ,
Plant lore of China: Everything which has been learned
about the ancient Chinese indicates that they had a settled system
of agriculture at a very early date and that they successfully
domesticated and cultivated many Asiatic plants. In remote times
the Chinese had already developed a system of fallowing the land.
Instead of regular, permanent fields they had probably only
rary clearings which they abandoned at the end of a few years,
leaving the natural vegetation to regain possession of the former
fields while they cleared new areas.
Howard S. Reed
A Short History
The Chinese peasants' age-old custom of deserting their villages
entirely from the middle of spring to the end of autumn and going
to live in groups of three families each in communal huts erected
in the midst of the fields may be regarded as a vestige of the time
when the temporary fields were in the virgin forest, far distant
from the village. The reclamation of the land from river and
swamp was a long and painful process requiring the erection of
dil{es against inundations and the digging of canals to drain and
dry out the soil.
All these tasks had been accomplished so long before the dawn
of history that their very memory was lost, and they were believed
to have been accomplished by heroes descended from Heaven at
the beginning of the world - HUANG-TI, the Yellow Emperor;
SHEN-NUNG, the Divine Plowman; and finally YU, the Great.
The fields, which were periodically re-allotted, formed blocks of
approximately one square Ii (15 to 20 hectares), each forming one
ching divided into nine equal lots cultivated in common by eight
families. Each family kept for itself the cultivated produce of one
lot while that of the ninth went to the king or to the feudal lord
by way of tribute. Scattered and almost lost in the midst of the
plain, little clusters of mud huts were erected in groups of
five, the winter dwellings of the peasants. These groups formed
the smallest religious and administrative divisions.
No authentic writings on the customs of the agricultural
munities of the earliest times in China are known, but subsidiary
information may be obtained from some of the classics which show
the agro-botanical basis of their civilization., In the subjoined
translations of the Odes of Pin we get a picture of the life of
Chinese agriculturists from as early as 1796 to 1325 B.C. (from
LEGGE's translation).
(From The Chinese Classics. Jas. vol. IV. BODle XV Ode I).
1. In the seventh :month, the Fire Star passes the meridian:
In the 9th month clothes are given out.
In the days of (our) first month, the wind blows cold i
In the days of (our) second, the air is cold j-
Without the clothes and garments of hair,
How could we get to the end of the year?
In the days of (our) third month, they take their plows in hand j
In the days of (our) fourth, they take their way to the fidds.
Along with my wife and children,
I carry food to them in those acres.
The sUl,'veyor of the fields comes, and is glad.
2. In the seventh month the Fire Star llasses the mol'idian:
In the ninth month, clothes are given out.
With the spring days the warmth begins,
And the oriole utters its song.
The young women take their deep baskets,
And go along the small paths,
Looking for the tender (leaves of the) mull)e1'ry
As the spring' days lengthen out,
They gather in crowds the white
That young lady's heart is wounded with sadness
For she will (soon) be going with one of our pridces as his wife.
Chapter II -17-
3. In the seventh month the Fire Star passeS the meridian i
In the eighth month are the sedges and reeds.
In the silk-worm month they strip the mulberry branches of their leaves,
And take their axes and hatchets, \
To lop off those that are and high;
Only stripping the young trees of their leaves.
In the seventh month, the shrike is heard;
, In the eighth month, they' begin their spinning;-
They make dark fabrics and yellow.
Our red manufacture is very brilliant,
It is for lower robes of our young princes.
4. In the fourth month, the small grass is in seed.
In the frfth, the cicada gives out its note.
In the eighth they reap.
In the tenth the leaves fall.
In the days of (our) first month, they go after badgers,
And take faxes and wild cats.
To make furs for our young princes.
In the days of (our) 2nd month, they have a general hunt,
And proceed to keep up the exercises of war.
The boars of one year are for themselves;
Those of three years are for our prince.
5. In the fifth month, the locust moves its legs,
In the sixth the spinner sounds its wings.
In the seventh month, in the fields;
In the eighth month, under the eaves i
In the ninth month, about the doors;
In the tenth month, the cricket
Enters under our beds.
Chinks are filled up, and rats are smoked out l
The windows that :face (the north) are stopped up i
And the doors are plastered.
Ah, our wives and children,
Changing the year requires this;
Enter here and dwell.
6. In the sixth month they eat the sparrow-plums and grapes;
In the aeventh, they cook the k'wei and pulse,
In the eighth they knock down the dates i
In the tenth, they reap the rice,
And make the spirits fOr the spring,
For the benefit of the bushy eyebrows,
In the seventh month, they eat the melons; .
In the eighth, they cut down the bottle-gourds;
In the ninth, they gather the hemp-seed;
They gather the sowthistle and fb.'owood of the Fetid tree;
To feed our husbandmen.
7. In the ninth month, pl'epal'O the vegetable gardens for their
And in the tenth they convey the sheaves to them;
'the millets, both the early sown and the late.
With other grain, the hemp, the pulse, and the wheat.
Oh my husbandmen. '
Our harvest is all collected.
Let us go to the town, and be at work on our house.
In the day time collect the grass.
And at night twist it into ropes i
Then get up quickly on our roofs;-
We shall have to recommellce our sowing.
Howard S. Reed -18-
A Short History
S, In .the days of (our) second month, they hew out the ice with
harmonious blows;
And in those of (our) third month, they convey it to the ice houses,
(Which they open) in those of the fourth, early in the morning,
Having offered in sacrifice, a lamb with scallions.
In the ninth month, it is cold, with frost:
In the tenth month, they sweep clean their stack-sites.
The two bottles of spirits are enj oyed
And they say, (Let us kill our lambs and sheep,
And go to the hall of our prince,
There raise the cup of rhinoceros horn,
And wish him long life,-that he may live forever.)
There is a tradition that the Emperor who reigned
about 2700 B.C., is the Father of Agriculture and Medicine. He is
supposed to have invented the plow and the plowshare; to have
sowed first the five Idnds of grain, and to have composed the first
treatise on medicinal plants in a work known as Shen Nung pen
ts'ao ching, the classical herbal of SHEN-NUNG. The first mention
of this work occurs in the bibliographical section of the Chien Han
Shu (History of the Former Han dynasty, B.C. 206 - A.D. 24) in
which it was said that the herbal of SUEN-NUNG consisted of 20
chapters. It is not known exactly at what time the 8hell Nung pen
ching was first written down, but there can be no doubt that
it is one of the most ancient documents of Chinese materia medica.
In the centuries which followed, copyists and transcribers some-
times added references to additional plants.
SWINGLE found a valuable Japanese reprint of this ancient
Chinese work published about 1625, written by MIU a
native of Ch'ang-shu in the Soochow prefecture, entitled Shen
Nung pen ts'ao ching suo
We may assume with a high degree of certainty that all plants
mentioned in the medical herbal of SHEN-NUNG and in other early
works are indigenous to China and have not been introduced from
other countries. It was not until about 120 B.C. that tho Chinese
became acquainted with the distant parts of Asia, especially west-
ern Asia. Probably all plants designated in Chinese writing by
one peculiar character are indigenous.
Mr. HAGERTY, translator of Chinese in the United States De-
partment of Agriculture, has made translations 1'01n tho works
under discussion. The following excerpts 1'01n writers :J.l'G of
singular interest, not only because they concern a well-known :f:l'uit,
but because they show that some supposedly modern methods of
insect control have had a vogue for many centuries in Chhla; e.g.
Chi Han (Description of the flora of the southern regions, 290-807
A.D.) stated:
The Kan orange (Cit1'US nobilis LoUl',) belong'S to tIw chU (C. sincmfi.'1
Osbeck) class. It has a sweet delicious flavor which is especially 1'0mnrlmblp.
There are yellow and deep red fruits. 'l'hc deep red nrc called hu-kan, or
pot mandarin oranges .... The llCOlJle of Chiao-chih (Cochin-China) usc mat
bags in which they stOl'e ants and sell them in the rnarlc()t. The nests 0:( these
ants are like thin silken floss. 'rho mut bags are attach(ld to the hl't\l1chcs and
leaves and when the ants are they arc removed and sold in the rnal'1wt.
These ants are 0' reddiSh-yellow color and lal'g'cr thall ordim1l'Y Hnts. In the
southern regions, if the mandarin trees arc without these ants. their fruits
will be injured by swarms of boring' insects and thCl'C will not be one
. . . At !lresollt there arc two mandarin trees in the Imperial Garden callod
Chapter II -19-
Hua Lin Yuan and when these bear fruit the emperor commands his ministers
to hold a banquet beside the trees where he gathers and dispenses gifts of the
fruit. (Transl. by HAGE:RTY).
There can be no doubt that most of the oranges are indigenous
to China and have been cultivated from remote times. Each species
or variety bears not only a different name, but is mentioned in
several ancient works. Mandarin oranges and pummeloes were
mentioned in the tribute of Yu from the province of
(2300 B.C.). The lemon tree is frequently raised in a dwarf form
in pots as an ornamental shrub and also for its fruits at Peking.
It is called Siang-t'ao and may have been introduced, since this
name does not occur in ancient books.
The orange and certain other fruits in China were sometimes
called "wild", or "mountain" fruits, not because they were undo-
mesticated, but because of the method of cultivation on mounds.
HAGERTY suspects that this usage of the word was based on an
ancient belief that it was best to plant fruits which had seeds or
stones on mounds or hillocks. He refers to passages in LI SHIH-
CHEN's Pen ts'ao kang mu which confirm this idea.
Tea (Thea sinensis) 7 the most renowned among Chinese culti-
vated plants, is now well known by the peoples of a large part of
the world. Its culture has been said to date from the sixth
tury A.D., but there is good linguistic evidence to indicate that tea
was used both medicinally and as a beverage at a much earlier
period. As even today the Chinese use the leaves of plants or
trees other than Camellia species to make the infusion called "ch'a",
it is likely that they did likewise in ancient therefore the
question is somewhat complicated, LINDLEY stated that the only
country in which tea has been found in a wild state is Upper
Assam, and added that a Japanese tradition favors the supposition
of its Indian origin. The Chinese appear to Imow nothing of this
legend, however, and the Pen-ts'ao states expressly that in China
wild growing tea can be found.
With the aiel of philology it is possible to tt'ace a number of
origins of Chinese plants. The pomegranate and the common pea
came from western Asia, rrhe carrot, a favorite vegetable of the
was first brought from western Asia to China at the time
of the Yuan Dynasty according to the Pen-ts'ao hence
the name, Westel'n Rape. ,
The work of plant selection and cultivation often received the
attention of the rulers, according to ancient records. The Emperor
KHANGHI (1662-1723) related how he once noticed ill a peasant's
field a rice plant which had produced mature seed much earlier
than the rest of the crop. He ordered his servants to gather the
seeds of the precocious plant and he propagated it in his own gar-
den. He concluded his account of the selection as follows:
Tho grain is long and of a rather reddish color, but of a sweet perfume,
and a very pleasant flavor. It has bean. named or "1m perinl rice";
because it was in my gardens that it was fu'st cultivated, It is the only ldnd
that can ripen north o:E the Great Wall, where the cold begins vcry early, and
ends very late, but in the provinces of the south, where the climate is milder,
and the soi I mOl'C fertile, it is easy to obtain two harvests a year from it,
and it is a sweet consolation to mo to have procured this advantage for my
Howard S. Reed '
-20- A Short I-listory
The t::hinese gained knowledge empirically which proved to
have enormous importance for others as well as for themselves. A
small desert plant called 4
Ma Huang" has been known in Chipa
for thousands of years. It was, collected and used for the allevIa-
tion of asthma, hay fever, and other affections of the nasal
passages., The plant is Ephedra and is valuable for its content of
the alkaloid ephedrine. Two species of it are found in China,
namely, E. sinica Stapf; and E. equisetina Bung., which yield the
commercially important alkaloid now known and widely used as
the hYdrochloride.
Chinese plant lore developed under conditions such that the
knowledge obtained has never been widely dispersed, bnt has been
to a large extent a racial culture. One who studies the subject
will undoubtedly be impressed, however, by the success of the
people in learning the flora of their region. Certainly. their
work compares favorably with that of DIOSCO:RIDES who had much
the same object in mind.
After a long period in which the most elementary things wore
learned about plants, the Chinese incorporated their plant lore
into their social and economic life, as shown by the importance of
the belief in the Emperor SHEN-NUNG. Impelled to continuous
activity by popUlation pressure and by recurrent famines, they
have searched, tasted, collected, and identified the rich flora of:
eastern Asia. Their botanical productions were the marvel of
occidental travellers who eventually found and carried them to
many other countries. Since Chinese botanical literature is not
widely known, even in China, the formal records of the accomplish-
ments of these early students of plant lore have not reached many
great libraries, since for many centuries the manuscripts could be
reproduced only slowly and expensively.
Plant lore of the American Indians:- Fortunately :for the study
of cultural the races which inhabited the Americas when
discovered by Europeans were in the Stone Age. We are .able,
therefore, to obtain some ideas from them about the technics of
discovery and domestication of certain plants and to judge the
amount of time required for the achievements.
The Nahuatl tribes of Mexico 'had developed n great scientific
interest in plants as well as a knowledge of their economic
erties. At the time of the conquest (1520) none of the nations of
Europe were much superior to the Mexicans in botanical lore, for
they had established a botanical garden on a more elaborato scalo
than had then been attempted in Europe.
In one of his letters to CHAltLES V, HERNANDO ConrrES
mented on the trade in dried roots and medicinal plants in Mexico.
"There are houses as it were of apothecaries where they sell medi-
cines made from these herbs both for drinking and for use as
ointments and salves", Not only had they acquired scientific and
economic interest in plants but they' had developed an aesthetic
appreciation of plants for their beauty alone. Flowers were thon
cultivated extensively ill the Valley of Mexico and sold in great
quantities in the markets for the adornment of houses and temples.
This love of flowers has persisted to the present time, and flowers
still occupy much space in the markets. Noone can fail to be
Chapter II -21- Antiquity
impressed with the great number of words in the Nahuatl language
which have the termination "Xochitl", meaning "flower".
The existence of a systematized body of botanical and pharma-
ceutical knowledge is attested by the Badianus Manuscript written
in 1552 by two Indians and ,given an interpretative translation by
Dr. EMILY W. EMMART (see reading list at the end of this'chapter).
The richly illustrated manuscript was written in Aztec by one of
the Indians and translated into Latin by the other. This herbal
, contains the earliest information about the plants used by those
people for narootics, emollients, astringents, purgatives, tonics,
etc., and, moreover, gives directions for preparing and using them,
since both wild, and garden plants are listed for these purposes, it
is evident that there was an extensive trade in herbs. '
We may not assume that man has been present on the
American continent an indefinite time; he arrived perhaps not
more than 10,000 years ago. Since there is evidence that during at
Fro. 4. - Planta from a Me:dcmn picture-chronrcle of 168(): yuccas (Y90tl)
and agave (met!). by QUAIUTIlIt laflO).
least half this period maize (Zea, Mays) existed in its present high
state of specialization, man must be credited with the ability to
have produced this plant from very unpromising material and to
have disseminated it over two continents in about 5,000 years.
There can be little doubt that, in the Americas maize was the most
important source of starchy :food for a large part o:f the aboriginal
population since it grows quickly and produces a large amount of
food per acre. Europeans became acquainted with maize after
the expedition of COLUMBUS to Cuba in 1492, who found it culti-
vated there by the Indians. The word maize which COLUMBUS
adopted for this cereal is derived from mahiz, the name used by
the Haytians.
The most ancient maize is that of the pre-Incas of Peru, Ears
well preserved in the tombs of these people appear to belong to
the varieties which are grown in those regions today, thus demon-
strating that ill the course of many generations there has been no
appreciable change. Nothing suggesting a feral maize has ever
been found, and it can only be concluded that this cereal attained
Howard S. Reed
A Short History
its present form earlier than the pre-Inca burials. Maize has also
been found in old burial sites in Utah and in the mounds of the
Ohio valley, resembling that produced by the Indians of those
regions in modern times.
A remarkable instance of the antiquity of maize was given by
DARWIN who, at Tacna-Ariea, Chile, found ears of maize and 18
species of marine shells buried in soil, now at least 85 feet above
the level of the sea. Pre-Inca burial vases on which n1aize waS
used as a'n object of decoration have been found in very ancient
graves at Chimbote, Peru, and, incidentally, inform us concerning
the varieties of maize known to the Indians of that time.
In Mexico the esteem for maize is indicated by the maize cult
of the goddess CrNTEurrL whose name was derived from contli the
name given maize by the Toltecs. The first fruits of the maize
harvest were offered to CINTEUTL as were the first fruits of the
grains to her Greek counter-part, CERES. rrhe gods of maize in
Mexico enjoyed a prestige no whit less than those of rain or war
but were regarded with affection rather than fear. The Aztoe
tribute lists show that maize was one of the important items
lected annually from the subject communities.
The problenl of the ancestry of maize has not bean solved defi-
nitely. The plant has never been found growing in a wild
indeed, it seems poorly adapted for that mode of life sincn it is
unable to perpetuate itself except in cultivation. The nearest living
relative of maize is the grass Euchlaena moxicana which the Mex-
icans commonly call teosinte. It grows in Mexico and Guatemala.
with a curiously discontinuous distribution and with an altitudinal
range of from three to five thousand feet. In Mexico it grows .as
a weed in the margins of maize fields, but in Guatemala it is found
in a wild state, wholly independent of cultivation. Both maize .and
teosinte have a chromosome number 211 = 20; and hybridize
readily. Botanists have assumed that maize originated as a mutant
of teosinte, and that the mutant had some value as human food.
Unfortunately, no proof of this theory has been obtained
theories likewise lack confirmation.
The region in which maize originated is not now dofinitoly
known. The question is complicated by the fact that mai?o has
never been found in the wild state and that its immediate ])l'ogoni-
tor is unknown. The opinion of botanists who have tho
question is not unanimous. If we assunlC that maizo dnvolorwd
from teosinte (Euchlaena mexicana) both of which have 20 diploid
chromosomes, it seems logical to regard Mexican and Gnatomalan
uplands as the home of maize especially since teosinte is illdigmlOus
there. KEMPTON found that the center of to03i11to is at prosont
around San Antonio Huxta in northwestern Gnutomala whoro it
occurs as a wild plant wholly independent of cultivation.
Upon the basis of extensive 111orphologicHI and
researches MANGELSDORFF and REEVES have :formulated (19an) .n
theory of origin of maize which started with an ancostraI 01'J11
belonging- to the Andro'lJO{Joneae. They consider that the modern
type of maize is a domesticated variation of n wild Zen 1nnllS whidl
descended with T1'ipsacnm, but by a different path, from that com-
mOll remote ancestor. They are inclined to regard Jii1whlrw't/,a
as a plant of recent origin which had no part hI the genesis of
Chapter II -23- Antiquity
If we assume that a cultivated plant originated in the region
where it later shows the greatest diversity, it seems logical to
regard Peru as the home of maize. V AVILOV and his associates
found in that country the greatest multiplicity of types. If maize
had been carried from the point of origin into . a mountainous
country having a variety of soil and climatic conditions, that
try would in time contain a multiplicity of types and hence a great
variety of species. This is precisely what one finds in the steep
and narrow valleys of Peru. On the other hand, no plants have
FlO. U. - 'I'I.AWO, Aztec god oJ! ruin, with stulle of mni:r.e in onl) hlln'! and a of maize nt
lowe!:' right. li'l'Om NUTTA1,1., 'l'hQ Boole of IHe or tha [moicnt Mcxicnna.
been found in Peru which might be considered as the real Or poten-
tial ancestors of maize, consequently the evidence that maize origi-
nated there is rather weak.
HistoricaI1y speaking, we may regard with some confidence the
incontrovertible evidence that this valuable plant was brought into
cultivation and perpetuated by tribes which were in the Stone Age
of civilization and that it has been a staple article of food since
that time.
Whatever its origin, the plant went through a long process of
skillful cultivation and selection performed entirely by the Amer-
ican Indian. We cannot fail to be impressed with this achievement
of a race of men who had not emerged from the Stone Age when
the work was done. In the course of centuries, the Indians had
prodttced varieties adapted to various soil and climatic conditions
as well as for special purposes. They grew Flint corn which :ma-
Howard S. Reed
A Short History
tured in a short growing season in the North Atlantic seaboard,
and another kind in the south. They had Dent corn and the
small-eared, large-seeded Cuzco corn, The white race has pro-
duced no noteworthy varieties of maize in the four hundred years
they have cultivated the plant, having merely adopted the maize
they found growing in the fields of the Indians. . deg!,ce of
differentiation was so great that each group of IndIans, Indeed
often each family had its own varieties, differing in
respects from those of neighboring tribes, the differences becommg
greater ill proportion to the distances separating' the tl'ibos. Maize
of a particular color was required for rnany ceremonial purposes
and the tribes planted the fields at some distance from each other,
so that there would be no cross pollination. An Aztec codox has
been found showing the stages in the development of tho lnnize
plant from planting to harvest. From the character of tho hoad-
dress of one figure in the codex, it seems evident tho IJI'oduction
of pollen as a feature in the production of Inaize was rceognizcd.
The termination of the headdress of this figure sug'gosts pollen
grains adhering to a highly conventionalized tassol.
Thin cakes of maize bread, called tortillas by tho Mexicans,
tlaxcalli by the Aztecs, accompanied by bGans mul poppm's
washed down with drinks made from mag-uey or cacao wero the
standard diet of the Aztecs and other tribes of America. rClwy
called the dried ears of maize centli, and the shelled corn, UcwUi,
maize in the milk, or roasting ear stage, was called Mush or
gruel called atolli was madc 1'.'0111 the seeds. To make it tho soeds
were hulled in a lye made from wood ashes, washed, lnaRhod
boiled in water. It was variollsly seasoned or sweetened, and
eaten either hot or cold.
Spanish writers have given acc<,mnts of how tho Indians
"planted four or five seeds in hills which were spaced at the dis-
tance of a pace from each other" 1 and the Indians of the A tla.ntie
coast followed almost the same planting practices. ':nlC planting
and cultivation of maize in the fields were carded out by hund
labor with the assistancc of primitive tools. details of the
cultural operations varierl with location .and with tl'ilntl mor(!$.
Early writers on aboriginal agriculturc frequently eommcmted
on the care bestowed on the fields of maizo and beans. WOOD
(1629) in "New England Prospect" wrote thut the Indi::ms kept
the field HSO cleare with their Clamme shell"hooas as if: it wm:c H
garden rather than a corne-field. not snffel:ing a chouldng wecde
to advance his audacious head above their infant corne, or an
undermining worme to spoile his spurnes".
A large of the labor of cultivation was pCl'fol'mnd by the
women, who apparently were adepts in the a'rt of maize (mlturc,
in the manner of extirpating vy-eeds without injury to
the maIze roots. CARRIER (1923) emphaSIzed some of the impor-
tant principles of tillage observed by the American Indians. The
art of tillage was undoubtedly better practiced by them than by
any other race with the exception of the Chinese. It will be :t:'ccalled
that the principal cereals of Europe at that time, were broadcasted
and received no tillage.
Squashes were also grown and constituted an important part
of the food supply of the North American Indians. These plants
were usually grown in their cor'nfields just as yellow pumpkins are
Chapter II -25- Antiquity
now grown. The graves of Peru and the cliff dwellings of Arizona
contain gourd seeds and implements made {)f gourds.
Potato:- The discovery and domestication of the potato (Solanum
tuberosum) is another botanical achievement for which the Amer-
ican Indians deserve great credit. Lacking written records of
their ancient cultural activity, we must rely on such materials as
have been found in the burial sites in Peru and Chile. Desiccated
tubers and potato-vases are sometimes found in association with .
the mummified bodies of prehistoric men. Although the evidence
is scanty, it is important to note that in no other part of the world
can one find evidence of ancient potato culture. The dispersal of
the plant from South America has occurred only since the six-
teenth century incursion of Europeans into South America.
On the high barren plateaus and lofty valleys of the Andes, to
which the tribes of some legendary age migrated, life conditions
were severe. In place of the diversified flora and fauna of the
tropical forests there were treeless, wind-swept slopes 011 which
the principal plant growth was a coarse SUP(L grass. Community
life in settled abodes was possible there as a result of an agri-
cultural technic in which the potato played an important part.
Today, as then, the Indians in this locality live in thatched stone
huts near their fields or their rock-wallecl terraces. All work in
the potato fields was done by hand and all hands worked. .
Although various species of wild tuber-bearing S olanums grow
as far north as Colorado, nowhere were they utilized as crop
plants, although. at times the natives ate them. We do not know
why the tribes which penetrated into the western part of South
America seized upon Solanum and developed a ruderal plant, While
the same or related folk north of the equator developed maize
instead of the potato. More than ninety varieties of the' Andean
potato differing from 011e another in color, size, shape, flavor, anci
earliness are cultivated by the natives today. Since the potato was
not widely dispersed until after the Europeans came to America,
it may be assumed that the actual discovery and utilization had
occurred only two or three thousand years previously. The Indians
also devised a method of drying the potatoes which was certainly
an economical way to store the crops, since the dried potatoes could
be kept for long and were also easier to transport over the steep
mountain trails.
Evidence of skill in plant breeding or selection is afforded by
the characters of potatoes capable ,of growing on the bleak cold
plateaus of Peru Bolivia, where it forms the chief food of the
people. To meet this condition the Indians ctlltivate varieties
which withstand lower temperatUl'es than the ordinary potato and
the ShOl't day environment. VA VILOV identified and named these
varieties, S. Ajanhuiri and S. Juzepczu7cii which resemble the
ordinary potato except that the first has a chromosome number
2n ::= 24 and the second, 2n = 36. If the latter is a hybrid of two
distinct species, one of which is capable of withstanding l()w temp-
eratures, we may conclude that the Indians possessed not only a
high degree of intelligence, but also a ponderable agricultural back"
ground. As a measure of human skill it con1mands more attention
than it has received.
The history of the cultivated potato in ancient times was not
. recorded for many reasons, but the people have preserved sonle
Howard S. Reed -26-
A Short :History
of their ideas in pottery. Jars and vases which convey many impor-
tant points about the ancient potato have .been found in the graves
and old village sites. p.otatoes are first mentioned in EUl'ope!111
literature in a letter from PETER MARTYR to Pope LEO X descrIp-
tive of the products of Darien.
There are certain roots which the natives caU potatoes and which grow
spontaneously. The first time I saw them, I took them for Milanese tUl'niJ)s
or huge mushrooms. No matter how they are cooked, whether roasted Or
boiled, they are equal to any delicacy and indeed to any food. ThaiI' skin is
tougher than mushrooms or turnips, and is earth colored, while the inside is
quite white. The natives sow and cultivate them in gardens afl they do the
yucca ... and they also eat them raw. When raw they taste liko green chest-
nuts, but are a little sweeter.
The first published account of this plant in America was writ-
ten by PEDRO DE CIlJJZA DE LE6N who ill 1538 found tho potato in
the upper Cauea Valley in what is now Colombia, and afterwards
at Quito. He sllccintly stated that many of the villages which he
saw were in territory so high and cold that roair.c eould hot he
grown and that the principal food crops were pal)as (Solanum
tu.bBrosum) and quenoa (Seeds of Chenopodi1ltn queno(t). The
name of CmzA DE LEON'S work was Chronica del Peru, a journal
which he wrote from night to night while his comrades were
sleeping. In this he describes papa8 as Cia ldlld of ground nut
which when boiled becomes as soft as a cooked chestnut but which
has no thicker skin than a trume". Afterwards in writing of the
elevated Callao region the plant is mentioned in greater delail.
The inhabitants in that part of the world live in villages surrounded by
cultivated fields, the principal Cl'OP of which is papas, which I havCl alrencly
stated in this history are like turmas de tierra. 'l'!lcsc they dry in tho sun
and keep from one harvest to another. And they call this 1) (Lrm. it is
dried, chuno, and among them it is esteemed and held llreciol1E1 :for they have
no ditches like many others in this Jdngdom to irdgat(! their fieldH and if
there is a dearth of natural wuter to make theiJ,' Cl'01'S, they suITer from a
lack of :f;ood and work, unless they are provided with this Elustcnnncc ()f tIried
papas. And many Spaniards have become rich und returned to Spain 111'08-
perous only from carrying chuno to sell to the mines of. l'oi;o:;L
ACOSTA, writing forty years h:tter, also commontod on tho fact
that the climate of the elevated portions of Peru was so cold nnd
dry that cereals could not be grown, yet potatoos WOl'C generally
The original habitat of the potato is a matter of rmramount
importance for many reasons. but is not dc'finito1y known. All
evidence so far obtained agrees in locating tho original homo in
South America. On the basis of personal oxploration, WIGll"r
concluded that the plant from which our Dotntoes have dasconded
was a native of the central Andean region, hut; he is convincod that
Solanum tube""osu1n now grows only under CUltivation. He says:
Every reported occurrence of wild 801nnum tubm'oflwrn thnt I have boon
able to trace to a specimen either livillg or 11l'es(u'v(!d in tlHl h(ll'hul'ium hUB
proved to be a different species. 1n fact, so far as Ule hql'hurimn is
concerned, I have not found in any ot the principal hOl'bul'ia specim<'lIls of
Solanum tube'l"osum collected in an undoubtedly wild state. After a
nnd a half of intermittent coUecting, thero is no botrmical evidonce that tho
species is now growing in its original indigenous condition a.nywhore.
Chapter II -27- Antiquity
WIGHT is firmly convinced that S. tuber08um does not now
exist in a wild state in Chile, but that does not preclude the possi-
bility that it was at some remote time indigenous. No archaeolog-
ical data which establish the date that potatoes were brought into
cultivation have yet been reported from Chile. We find, however,
that although the Chileans had a native name for the wild bitter-
tubered variety, "Maglia", they borrowed the Peruvian name,
papas, for the potatoes they cultivated. Since the food problem
in Chile was less acute than in Peru and Bolivia, less emphasis
was apparently placed on its culture and the Chilenos suavely
adopted the Peruvian name.
A variety of S. tuberosum w11ich has a chromosome number
2n = 24 and yellow flesh occurs in CUltivation in the Andes. This
is called "papa amarilla" and on account of its flavor is a great
favorite with the natives. Evidence from pottery found in burial
sites indicates that this variety, or one bearing similar tubers,
was cultivated as long ago as 800 A.D. The cultivation and per-
FIG. 6. XlllltthllRoma. {f11t(J.ctttxool.itt), nn illus-
tration from the BADIANUS Manuscript, 1652. The
)Jlnnt WIlS cultivnted In Mexico and hlB'bly prized by
Lhc .t\o;tecs for the relie! af f\nglnll Dnd :[01' other
mnlu<11<lB. by permission of the J ohn8
Hoplcins Press.
petuation of this variety is further evidence of a IJlanned selection
sillce the ordinary variety of the Andes has a chromosome
ber of 2n = 48.
V AVILOV and his associates concluded :from various lines of
evidence that there were two centers of distribution of the potato
in South America; one 011 the plateaus of BoUvia and northern
Peru, another on the island of Chiloe and the adj acent mainland
of Chile. In the first mentioned localities the soil is poor, rainfall
is scanty and the days are short; in the second, the soil is rich,
rainfall is abundant and, during the growing season, the days are
long. They regard the potatoes of these two localities as distinct
species, each having 48 diploid chromosomes. They designate the
species as Solanum andigenum, and the Chilean
as S, tubwro8um and consider that the latter is identical with the
potato cultivated in North America and Europe. The fact that
the potato thrives in the cool, moist climate of northern Europe
lends support to this assumption. There is no historical proof,
Howard S. Reed -28- A Short History
however, that the potato which was carriea to Europe towards the
end of the sixteenth century came from Chile and not from Peru.
The foregoing sketch of the discovery and selection of the
potato should be supplemented by an account of the cultm'al
ods by which the Indians obtained sufficient production of tubers
to keep themselves alive. The Inca nation not only developed agri-
culture, but also built imposing buildings and cities, dcvel(>l1ed a
social and political structure, and lived at peace with their neigh-
bors. Their skill in the arts of civilization is the marvel of all
who have studied it.
WIGHT (1916) has stated that the Indians of the mountain
regions of Peru and Bolivia today, as in ancient times, work the
soil with wooden ha:nd tools, Several men worldng together dig
the soil with spades which are more like bars than spadeR, Women
turn over the clods thus pried up and build a sort of ridged bed
on which the potatoes are planted. In the island of Chiloe where
rainfall is more abundant and the soil more fortile, the (:ultnral
operations are simpler. The native, using a sharp staJ.::o, nUllws
holes in the ground from 16 to 18 inches apart. After
a tuber in each hole he presses back the soil with his foot, lwins up
clods, and throws them upon the row. After crushiilg thesn dads
with mallets, he considers the planting operation to be eOHlvl(\tc.
He may hoe the soil once or twice during the season, but no fur-
ther work is performed until he digs and carries a way tho crop.
With these primitive methods, the South American Indians
were able to set up a permanent agriculture and for ecnturins to
perpetuate without deterioration a plant whieh has been valuable
in many parts of the world.
. When and how potatoes were carried from South Amcl'iea. to
Europe is not definitely known. Most of the accounts :forttwrly
given have been discredited by later historians. It seems to
assume that Spanish travellers carried them thither from Poru
along with other loot. 'rhere is 110 evidence howovor, that
DISH or DRAKE introduced potatoes into rrho fonnor
navigator reached Plymouth on September H, l.G8H, but Cr .. t1l:H'US
had received potatoes on January 26, 11)88. alld planted thom in the
Botanical Gardens of RUDOLPH II in Vicnna. In his Historia
PJantarurn, published in 1601, he stated tbat J)otaio mlltu.I'O was
established ill many gardens in Italy eal'Iior than HiSS. We! may
infer from various bits of evidence that the potato had beon
bl'ought to Spain as em;ly as 1570,
One of our choice fruits, tho avocado, was esi(l(unNl by the
Indians for its food and medicinal Pl'opGl'ties. 1'he Aztces
the tree Ahuacaquahuitl, which the Spaniards shortenod to
cate, from which the Americans have dopal'ted uy it
cado, In. addition its use as toad it was supposod to
therape.utlC A decoctIon of 01' n. of a seed
placed. In the cavlty of a tooth was supposed to Clll'O toothaeh(.1. A
decoctlOn of leaves 01' btl,.l'}{: of the trce was l'oputoc1 to have as
many beneficient uses as a person had ai1mcntf:l,
The limitations of space forbid the discussion of fUl'thm' rec-
ords of the discovery, and perpetuation of plants by the
people of antiquity. This brief survey mHy giVe the rendo!' a useful
conception of the. initiation of man's acquaintance with tho
Chapter II -29- Antiquity
table world. The acquaintance was many times begotten of neces-
sity, at other times it originated in superstition, and often came
after failures due to various conditions over which man had no
control. Out of it, however, came a knowledge of plants. Although
it was almost entirely empirical knowledg'e, man had accumulated a
store of information which enabled him to obtain the daily ration
for himself and his family and, in many cases, to acquire the amen-
ities of civilized life. Our progenitors developed a biological skill
which is no less Ineritorious than our mechanical skill. From them
we of the present day obtained the plants from which food and
textiles are derived. Our age-old freedom from the necessity of
winning our foods from the wilderness may have dnlled our appre-
ciation of the achievements of the herbalists and gardeners of the
past. Today the emphasis is laid upon machine technics, but for
centuries man had developed biological technics which underlie our
whole complex modern life.
BADIANUS Manuscript: An Aztec herbal of 1552. Translated and annotated
by EMILY WALCOTT EMMART, 1940. Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore.
BRETSCHNEIDEll, E. V. (1882-95): Botanicon sinicum. Jour. Royal Asiatic
Soc. Gt. Brit. and llcland. North China Br. New Ser. 16 :18-230; 25
469; 29
CARRIER, L. (1923): 'rhe beginninga of agriculture in America.
Hill, New York and London.
CIEZA DE LEON, P. DlIl (11554): La chl'onica del Peru, nuevamcnta escrita
(Pt. I.). M. Nudo, Anvers.
DORSEY, G. A. (1931): Man's own show; civilization. Harper, New York
and London.
Egypt Exploration. Soc. (101(j-33): Theball tombs series (Editors: N. DE
G. DAVIIilS and A. H. GARDINlm). Egypt Exploration Fund, London.
HAWKS, E. (1928): Pioneers of plant study. The Sheldon Press, Landau;
, Macmillan, New York and Toronto.
KEMPTON, J. H. (1926): Maize and man. Jour. of Heredity
LAlJRENT-TXCKHOLM, V. (1932) Bibliogl'aphical notes to the flora of Egypt.
Festskrift till VERNER SODERBERG, den fjtirde Oktober, 1932. Kgl. Hov-
boktrykeriet Iduma Trycked A.-B., Stockholm.
LEGGEJ, J. (1861-93): The Chinese classics. Trubner, London.
MANGElr"SDORF, P. C. and Hm'lVES, R. G. (1939): The origin of Indian corn
and its relativGs. Texas A g'}'. Exp. Sta., Bull. 574.
MASPElRO, H. (1927): The origins of the Chinese civilizntions. Ann. Rapt.
Smiths. lust. 433-452.
Papyrus Ebers (1931): The Papyrus Ebers, translated from the German
version by CYRIL P. BRYAN. Apvleton, New York. \
SAFFORD, W. E. (1925); 'l'he potato of: romance and reality. Jour. of Hered-
ity 1.6 :112-126, 175-184, .
SALAMAN, R. N. (1937): 'fhc potato in its early home and its introduction
into Europe. J our. Roy. Hort. Soc. 62 :61-75, 112-123, 153-162, 253-266.
SARTON, G. (1934): The artificial fel'tiUzation of date-palms in the time of
ASHUR-NASlR-PAL, B.C. Isis 21 :8-13.
STUAHT, G. A. (1911): Chinese Mataria Medica; vegetable kingdom. Amer-
ican Presbyterian Press, Shanghai.
THOMPSON, R. C. (1924): The Assyrian herbal. Luzac and Co.,
UN"G:mn, F. (1857-59): Botanische Streifziige auf dem Gebiete dar Culturge-
schichte. Gerold's Sohn, Wien.
WIGHT, W. F. (1916) t O:rigil1, introduction. and 11rimitive cultm'C of the
potato. Proe., Potato Assoc. of America, 3d ,ann. meeting, su-52.
Chapter III.
The rise of natut .. al philosophy:- The ethnobotanical poriod
nessed some notable advances in man's knowledge of the l)lant
world, advances which were entirely empirical and charac,tcrized
by the accumulation of information about plants. All the tr!nmphs
of discovery and domestication had been won by tho trml and
error process, as was the discovery 0:[ the art of roasting pork,
according to the classical story of CHARLES LAMB.
The first attempts to understand the nature of the plant world
generally ended in futile anthropomorphic fables or in deifkation
of important plants. In general, man's knowlcdgo of plants
sistec1 of a mass of unrelated facts, principally gained, it is b:no,
by experience, but totally unorganized so as undorstanding any
relationship was concerned. Slowly at first, hut gradually aeeeler-
ating, men began to search for l'utionnl explanations of natural
phenomena, and this was a tremendous ,incentive to addi ...
tional knowledge about them. As more information waR obt:lltW(i
theories could be extended or replaced by better Con-
tinual verification was necessary, especially when, as alwaYH
pens, theories were in opposition to each other, mwh
activity helped the other forward. This process of vorifkatioll a.nd
reconciliation has been one of tho important tasks of ill all
ages and is still important today_
Regardless of how this process got started, we Imow thnt it
became a vital stirring force in sixth ccmtury B.C. It; is inter-
esting to note that this eruption of intellectual aetivity happmw<}
not in one but in many countries; .to wit, in Gl'O<W() , in PaloHtizw, in
Babylonia, India, and China. It is l"Olnurkab]c how tho hllrnnn
intellect has enjoyed these seasons of flowering at about tlw Hamo
time in mnny countries, situated at great diRtane(JR fl'om each (If 11m ..
The Semitic mind was imbued with an idem of H divino imma-
nence in the universe and was conC(1l'nOrllTIOrC with
the nature of Deity than that of the Cosmos. It 'was, how('ver,
awal( to the problem of man the finite in tho IH'OHOlWO of nod
the infinite, and necessarily, to that of the l1atUl'C of mall, H8
ill many of the ancient Hebrew writings. Tho hil'ltorical imllol.'tnllcO
of Hebrew cosmogony upon in .and
modern times can never be disregarded.
Early Hebrew philosophy is pietul'cd ill the book of .rob, whieh
remains one of the great books of literature. It wriUcm
by an unknown author in Palestine during' the POl'Rian domination
of that country, or possibly at the boginning' of tho Jlm'joel,
the most plausible date is the fifth ccmtury B.C. SAWl'ON
sizes the unique scientific spirit which ncrvudcs the document. It
is one of the great skeptical dramas of literatul.'o in whieh cnrrollt
beliefs were scrutinized and analysed in a way which rcnninc1s one
of SHAKESPEARE and GOETHE. This unknown writer attempted
Chapter III -31- The Nascent Period
an explanation, not only of the Deity, but also of the Cosmos -
a task which has occupied many. another writer from that day to
this. He expounded an idea of man and his place in the universe.
setting man in the presence of the Infinite and showing that the
whole is greater than any of its parts:
Hast thou perceived the breadth of the earth? Declare if thou knowest
it all. Where is the way where light dwelleth? And as for darkness, where
is the place thereof that thou shouldest take it to the bound thereof, and thai;
thou shouldest know the paths to the house thel'eof? Knowest thou it because
thou wast then born, or because the number of thy days is great?
To a botanist the following passage is of interest:
For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout
and that the tender branch thereof will not cease. Though the root thereof
wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground; yet through
the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant.
Hebrew philosophy had little, if any, influence on Greece. At
what time Egyptian geography and Babylonian astronomy and
astrology reached Greece, it is impossible to say, because we have
extremely fragmentary records of those times.
Greece was a young, vigorous nation, a frontier, if you like so
to designate it, when the civilizations of Egypt and Babylonia had
passed their apogee. Hardy individualists searching for more
freedom in the less well-known northern regions had reached
Greece and doubtless enjoyed the oppo}.i:unity to impress new
peoples with the traditional beliefs and sayings of their homeland.
In Greece there was no formalized and thought was
free to develop unhampered by the dogmas of a priesthood which
reserved for itself all rights to higher learning and the prerogative
of drawing conclusions. Religion in Greece never became a rational
institution as in Egypt, Palestine and Assyria. In Greece religion
was always primitive, even when social and political thought was
well advanced. There was public instruction of a Idnd; not highly
developed; in rather rudimentary, since the youths had to
learn only reading, writing, arithmetic, music and gymnastics.
Beyond this stage the individual had to map out his own courses,
usually choosing a school master to whom he went for n10re
advanced studies. It thus happened that an unusual degree of
academic freedom was achieved in Greece. It was a tradition that
Hthe Gl'eeks seek after wisdom".
In course of time a succession of men appeared in Greece who
attempted to give some sort of rational explanation of the Cosmos.
Unfortunately, we have only fragments of their writings and can
obtain no adequate idea of what they wrote. Having neither the
papyrus of the Egyptians 110r the clay tablets of the Assyrians,
they depended upon the perpetuation of the spoken word rather
than upon complete written accounts of their ideas. It is certain,
however, that they made some discoveries of fundamental
tance in mathematics, astronomy, geography, physics,
tology, and medicine.
DmMOCRITUS OF ABDERAJ born between 470 and 460 B.C., had a
surprisingly modern point of view in science. Casting aside most
of the former ideas of the origin of matter; he undertook to
late a natural explanation of the structure and nature of matter.
DEMOCal'fUS adopted and :further developed the idea of LEUCIPPUS
Howard S. Reed
A Short I-listory
that the universe consists of a myriad of particles moving in empty
space. He went beyond his predecessors by his more
b'eatment of the philosophical doctrine of knowledge and IS
regarded as the founder of the atomic theory.
Few records of DEMOCRITUS' discoveries about plants remain,
but he appears to have thought their were due to the
size and arrangements of the atoms of whICh they were composed.
He said according to THEOPHRASTUS, that the rapidly growing,
shori plants must have straight veins through which the sap
and the winter cold could penetrate rapidly. NIKOLAOS DAMAS-
KENOS g!ouped him with the philosophers who attributed
gence and '-understanding to plants.
HIrpOCRATES, 'IThe of Medicine" (borll J:\,bout 4GO B,C.)
is reputed to have been one of DEMOCRITUS' disciples. He to
an advanced age, being famous as the founder 0:[ the Hippoeratic
school of medicine which started the study of the caUSCH of diseasQ.
According to HIPPOCRATES and his school, four humors, blood,
phlegm, yellow bile
and black bile, circulated in tho hmnan body;
health depended upon the proper proportions of these hmnol'n.
is tempted to comment upon the scientific imporLance of the idea
that disease is due to natural causes in an ag'e when it was gener-
ally considered to have been of origin, but :r()t' Um
present, we must content ourselves with tho knowledgo that .it (!l:lst,
new light upon the use of herbs. A list of about 2/10 T)lants llS(\<l
in medicine may be found in the writings of tho Hippocratic school,
but they were mentioned primarily for their .medieillal IH'O})Ot'ties,
not being described botanically.
The Greek root-diggers (rhizotomoi) Hud drug nwrdtants
(pharmacopuloi), who engaged in the business of eollectillg and
preparing drug plants, acquired knowledge which lllU:::It lUWll
advantageolls. Their knowledge of plants was, hOWOVlll', mupirieal
and full of superstitions and would have con1::dlmtod littlo 1..0 tho
science of botanYI without by OUlCl!, TJmt
THEOPHRASTUS realized the limits of the knowlocigo of plants VC):{-
sessed by the root digg'erl:1 and ch'ug merchants is indicato(l by Uw
following' excerpt from the IDnquil'Y into Plant8, n:
Further we lUay add statements made by dl'Um.','jstB aJHl lwl'lHh1nlm'5,
which in some cases may bo to tho Iloint, but in (IthlH'H eontaiu 11XUl-mlll',ttiollH.
Thus they enjoin that in cutting some roots one should stl.lud to w.inciwnrci
for instance in cutting 1'hnlJ.'1ia" among' othm's, mHl that 011(\ Hlloulcl 1iJ:Ht
anoint oneself with oil, for that on os hody will swell TIll if (lilt' iitnndl'l tlw
other wll;Y. Also the of the wild rose must bo g'ntlwl'tHi Htllntiinp,:
to the wll1dward, SmC(l othel'wlse thero il-l danger to th<l CYOH, All-lo t1utt Snl1W
should be gathored at night, others by day, and lmtm(\ fHm
strIkes on them, for instance, those of the plant called honcy,aucldc!.
_ Although the ,people ,of that day wore munvare of it, Hcicme()
turned a co:r:ner III the J:ourth century B.C. r:Chings were atudi<!d;
analysed a.s a basis :for ratiollal ideas .about
theu' characters. The developm(mt of biology U::1 H Heimwn
began WIth the work of ARIS'fOTLE and in Grmlco.
, the The prodigious activity of AlU8'l'OTLE
(B84-32,3 B.9,! marks climax of the Age or Cho(1co.
The velY 0?{lstelfce of hIS wOl'ks proves not SImply thnt ho had an
encyclopedlC mmd of the highest order, hut also that a large.
Chapter III -33- The Nascent Period
amount of scientific research had been accomplished by his prede-
cessors. His deep mathematical knowledge was happily balanced
by a very extensive acquaintance with every branch of natural his-
tory. There is a marked difference between ARISTOTLE and his
teacher, PLATO, who had tried to set up a unitary ideal to adum-
brate the infinite and unsearchable. ARISTOTLE'S philosophic sys-
tem was more closely allied to what we call the scientific point of
view. He was untiring in his search for facts, fertile in explana-
tions which are marked by practical good sense, and based on
historical and scientific considerations. He combined in himself,
as few other philosophers have done, scientific and metaphysical
For scope of interest and learning, ARISTOTLE has
no equal. His ideas pervaded the western world for hundreds of
years. VOLTAIRE tells us that two years after KEPLER published
his De IYloUbns Stellae Ma'rtis, and in the yeax' of GALILEO'S observa-
tions of the moons of Jupiter, the Parliament of Paris passed a
law to make chemists conform to the teaching of ARISTOTLE under
pain of death and confiscation of goods.
ARISTOTLE' was born in 384 B.C., the son of NICOMACHUS, physi-
cian to the royal family of Macedonia. Born in Stagira, a small
Greek colony on the Maceclonian coast, he was sometimes called
the Stagirite. His father, NICOMACHtJS, was a member of the guild
of the Asclepiads which was composed of physicians using herbs
and other remedies known only to members of the guild. At seven-
teen ARISTOTLE went to Athens where he met and became a
pupil of PLATO. The institution where PIJATO taught, known as
the Aoademll, was simply a grove of trees where the Teacher and
his pupils were wont to assemble. ARISTOTLE, though
a biologist, was closely attached to his master and continued to be
a member of his school until PLArro's death in 347 B.C. ARISTOTLE
perhaps expected to become head of the Academy. In this, how-
ever, he was disappointed and left Athens to reside at the court
of a sovereign of a small Greek state on the coast of Asia Minor
opposite the island of Lesbos. Here ARISTOTLE'S bias toward l1at-
ural history had full play. He enjoyed ample leisure and good
opportunities for investigating marine animals. The results of his
investigations at Lesbos frequently come out in his biological
In the year 342 B.C. ARISTOTIJE received an invitation from
King PHILIP of Macedon to become the tutor of his son ALEX-
ANDER. He accepted and settled in Macedon, where he remained
seven years. ALEXANDER owed much to the training received from
the great biologist, if we may judge from certain of his later
interests. In the year 336 PHILIP was assassinated, ALEXANDER
succeeded to the throne, and ARISTOTLE returned td Athens.
When ARISTO'rLTIl returned to Athens, he opened a school of his
own instead of returning to the Academy. He established his
school in the walks of the Lyceum where he lectured. According
to tradition he gave two kinds of instruction; in the morning he
taught to a rather small circle of advanced pupils his esoteric doc-
trine, in the evening he expounded his exoteric teaching in the
form of more popular lectures to a larger' audience. Of the equip-
ment of the school in boolts and mate l'ial, we know
Howard S. Reed -34- A Short History
After the death of ALEXANDER (323 B.C.) the party opposed
to Macedon seized power in Athens and ARIs'rOTLE felt constrained
to withdraw from Athens.
ARISTOTLE founded the first botanical garden of which there is
any reliable record. A number of. his biological works
vived, and, fortunately, are in a fmrly good state of preseryabon.
Four are major treatises, and there arc a number of less Impor-
tance. The major works are most frequently referred to by their
titles translated into Latin.
(a) On psyche (De anima) .
(b) Histories about animals (Historia animalIum)
(c) On the generation of animals (De generatione animalium)
(d) Of the parts of animals (De partibus animaliull1)
. These treatises contain not only his own knowledge but ::llso a
compendium of all that had been learned by his predecessors. They
were intended to become a part of his cyclopedic cosmic tllOOX'Y, a
scheme which has been the admiration of the studGnts o:E the AUC-
ceeding centuries.
On psyche deals with what we may call the living lwinciplc,
qUality, nature, essence, or whatever we may can it, that distin-
guishes living substance. This quality, nature, or esscnco dU])l.\\ts,
ceases to exist, or to act when living substance dies. int:ol'-
pretations have been placed on Aristotle's idoas; but he is rngardcd
as the founder of the theory of vitalism. which dominated biological
science for centuries. ARIS'l'O'l'LEl rouched the conclusion that tlwre
were different Idnds or orders of psycho or soul. He WHH Iud to
differentiate between a vegetative, an animal, .a rational l:1()ul.
The vegetative soul is shown by plants, which exhillit the phe"
nomena of nutrition, growth, and reproduction.
The animal soul is higher than the vegetative, whilo animals
have the properties of plants, they also have sensation and the
power of movement.
The highest s'0u1 is that found in m[\l1, who oxhibitH nIl the
qualities of the lower forms of life, und certain others. H(l reaSOllS
and his movements and actions arC} clil'eetcd by his thoughts. Ito
is therefore equipped, according tQ.. not only with a
vegetative and an animal soul, but also with a rational (H' all Lut(ll-
lectual soul.
Ouly fragments remain 0:[ bo1:anieal writinWI. Un-
fortunately, his five Dooks, cited by himself on tho tl}()ory of plants,
are among the lost works. What little we have) i::; dm'ivml :from
incidental' statements scatterod through his othor wriUllg,'1.
AmSl'O'rLE ascribed the longuvity of tl'ons to tlwil' low WHtel'
content. Herbaceous plants, heing succulent, ute short liv(Hl
their moisture is readily congealod in winter. He wa::; not (',oni(mt
however, with this apparent1y simple cxplanation 0:[ longovity. lIe
believed that the prollcrty of growth Hnd rog'ol1ol'ation explained
much that had puzzled him. Noting that dostructioll or tho trunk
and branches is oftcn followed by an upsln:outinp; of !lOW shoot.s
from the stump, and that new roots grow f17on1 tI\o ohlm: roots,
learned that the life of the tree continuos, "})1;\1't dying and ],)art
l?_eing ,born". He that .the vital pl'inciplc exists lJotCllM
bally In part, evon a slIp call the ,whole 1llant.
The nutrItlon of organIsms appcnl'S to have gIVen hun H knotty
problem to solve, and he was obliged to resort to dinJc(!tic
Chapter III -35- The Nascent Period
and metaphysic in place of experiment. He realized that nutritive
function clearly separates the living from the dead:
There is a general opinion that opposites are nutrim.ent to opposites; not
of course in every case, but among such opposites as have not merely their
birth from each other, but their growth as well; for many things arise from
each other, but they are not all quantities; for instance, health :from illness.
(De anima Book II, chapter 4).
Observing that there is a vital principle which maintains the
hereditary properties of an organism, he concluded that the f.ood
prepares it for its work. therefore it cannot continue to exisL when
deprived of food. His discussion of nutrition leaves us mystified
and unsatisfied, but we are certain. that he visualized the problem.
He commented on the fact that green is the characteristic color
of plants, although, naturally he. had no real explanation of it,
nor even approached the significance of chlorophyll.
The plant was an integrated thing to ARIS'l'OTLE; leaves, shoots'
and roots were not merely appendages of the plant but were mem
bers of an organized thing. Each of them had its own character-
istics but they had dependencies, relations, and harmonies which
interacted to maintain the life of the whole.
Theophrastus of Eresus:- Botanical science in its broadest
aspects received a tremendous stimulus in Greece under the leader-
ship of THEOPHRASTUS and his disciples. He was the founder
of botanical science and one of the greatest botanists of all time.
In his ability to collect information, to .make careful observations,
and to reason from cause to effect he is comparable to his great
teacher, ARISrl'OTLE. THEOPHRAS'l'US was born, ca. 371 B.C. in Ere-
sus on the island of Leshos. He first attended the school of a philos-
opher in his native city, but went to Athens. as soon as possible and
studied in the Academy until PLATO'S death, 347 B.C., then, while
still a young man, he .i oined himself to ARISTO'rLEl. This was the time
when, as previously stated, ARISTOTLE left Athens to live at the
court of a small Greek state on the coast of Asia Minor opposite
the island of Lesbos
near Eresus, the birthplace 0' THEOPHRASTUS.
It is quite possible, although proofs are lacking, that the disciple
'foHowed his master thither. In Stagira, where THE01;)HRA.STUS
probably sat with the youthful ALEXANDER listening to the lectures
of ARISTOTLE, he owned a landed estate which he bequeathed to
DroGENES LAERTIOS, according to his last wil] and testament. Who
can say what influence this discipleship had both on the relations
of TI-IEOl'HRASTUS to ARISTOTLE and on the whole organization of
botany? Be that as it may, until ARISTOTLE] fina1ly left Athens in
322 B.C. Tr-IEOPIIRAS'rus was never separated from him again.
There is evidence that ARISTOTLE had the greatest esteem, for
THEOPHRASTUS. Tra.ditionally the original name of the latter was
TYRTAMOS, but ARISTOTLE soon gave him the name EUPHRASTOS
the Eloquent, to be replaced later with THEOPHRASTUS, the Divine
spokesman. A more reliable indication of ARISTOTLE'S esteem COll-
sists of his will by which he made TI-IEOl'HRAST'OS his legatee and
gave him the Lyceum with its garden and his library which was
the largest which had ever been assembled. THEOPHRASTUS took
ARIS'l'O'l'LE'S son under his particular care after his father's death.
Howard S. Reed
A Short :History
THEOPHRAS'l'US is said to have had 2000 disciples and to have
written more than 200 treatises, of which his two botanical works
"The history' of plants" and "The causes of plants" are the most
important that have survived. Many of his observations were
made in the garden of the LyceUln, but his know ledge, by no means
confined tQ the plants of Greece and Asia Minor, included many
plants brought from Asia by ALEXANDER'S followers. It is even
possible that he sent out trained observers to explore and report
on the plants of remote places. The style of his books suggests
that, as in the case of ARISTOTLE, what we possess consists of notes
for lectures, or notes talwn of lectures. There is 110 literary charm;
the sentences are for the most part compressed and highly elliptical,
to the point sometimes of obscurity.
THEOPHRASTUS' writings showed that he had acquired a great
store of knowledge about plants in addition to all that which ARIS-
TOTLE had attained in his brief day.
He wrote from tho midst of an advanced civilization; a state of society
in which there was much farming, extensive cultivation of the vine and olive,
fruit growing, market ga1:dening, and cultivation of medicinal, aromatic, and
ornamentally flowering shrubs, hel'bs, and trees; a time when many culti-
vated varieties of all sorts of thing's had been derived tlll'ough cultivation, and
when it was perfectly well known that such improved varieties can not be
depended on to come true to seed, hut may be preserved, and the stock of each
increased by division of roots, by cuttings, and by grafting. (GnEFJJ:'IB, Land-
marks of botanical history).
Outstanding is THEOPHRAS'l'US' way of organizing his knowl-
edge, placing parts in their relation to each other, and to the whole
plant. In this task he went far beyond ARISTOTLE. Whether he
learned the principle of classification from PLATO or frOln ARIS-
TOTLE, he appears to have been the first to apply it systematicaJly
to plants. He classified them as trees, shrubs, and herbs, thus
originating a system which endured for 2000 years. When he
discovered the forms and functions of the plant organs he was
remarkably free from the errors of his predecessors, who tried
to harmonize everything in the plant with the form and func-
tions of animals.
At the outset THEOPHRASTUS grappled with the problem of
qlassification, realizing that there mnst be a principle, or set of
principles, according to which he could make an orderly arl'anp;'O-
ment of what he saw in plants. He said, "In considering
distinctive characters of plants and their nature generally one m.ust
take into account their parts, their qualities, the ways in whicb
their life originates, and the course which it follows in each case i
(conduct and activities we do not find in them, as we do in .Hlli-
mals)". THEOPHRASTUS had a peculiar genius for classification.
Throughout his botanical works the constant impliod questions
are: "What is its difference ?" and "What are the characteristic
features in virtue of which a plant may be distinguished from
other plants, and which make up its own natu1'c, or essential char-
a.cter 7" For example, in Book I of the Enquiry into Plants he
Wherefore the differences between plants must be observed in these :pal'"
ticulars, since talmn together they show forth tho general character of each
plant. But, before we attempt to speak about each, we must nu\lw 11. list of
the parts themselves. Now the primary and most important parts, which
Chapter III -37- The Nascent Period
are also common to most, are these - root, stem, branch, twig; these are
the parts into which we might divide the plant, regarding them as. members,
corresponding to the members of animals; for each of these' is distinct in
character from the rest, and all together they make up the whole.
THEOPI-IRASTUS proceeded cautiously in defining plant organs,
preferring physiological to morphological characteristics. He said
the root is that by which nourishment is taken up, - a safe defini-
tion, but not very satisfactory to modern botanists who demand
morphological distinctions. It was a definition which he originated
and which he intended should displace one which merely stated
that the root was the underground part of the plant. The roots
of herbaceous growths he classified as ligneous, 'fibrous, and fleshy;
and these included many things recognized in modern botany .as
subterranean stems, that is bulbs, corms, tubers, and the more
thick and fleshy forms of root-stock, or rhizome. Although tempted
to criticize him for these mistakes, we should remember that for
two thousand years and more botanists accepted the definition of
He designated the stem of a plant primarily as the main vehicle
of nourishment to the other parts; adding that it rises up singly
from the ground. This was to distinguish it from the branches
and leaf stalks, both of which were known to him to be channels
also for aliment. This definition, equally with that of the root,
evinces his distrust of morphological characteristics as definitive,
and his feeling that the physiological ones are safer. He did not
attempt to characterize the leaf morphologically, or even physiolog-
ically, for he could not with any degree of certainty name its chief
function. So, without vouchsafing any definition of it, he merely
described its many aspects.
Leaves are commonly attached to the stem or branch or whatever elae
supports them by a stalklet; tl1ia either firm and holding the leaf steadily in
a certain position, or olso slender and feeble, allowing the leaf to hang down-
ward and perhaps trelnble with the passing breeze, or even to become inverted,
turning the usually paler lower face upward, But there ate also leaves with
no atalldet, these adhering directly to the branch. Somo leaves arrange
selves only in opposite pairs, with regular intervals between the pairs, while
others are scatte1'ed singly and without order np and down the ste-rn,. (GREENE,
Landmarks of botanical history).
THEOPHRASTUS' perspicacity never showed to better advantage
than in his descriptions of the nlode of germination and the subse"
quent development of the seedlings. He emphasiZed the fact that
wheat and barley come up with a single leaf (rnonophyllous plants),
but that peas, beans,' and chick-peas have several leaves
phyllous plants). He also recognized the unbranched stems and
parallel leaf-veins of the plants now called Monocotyledons as dis-
tinct from the branched stems and netted leaf-veins of the Dicoty-
ledons. It is remarkable that this fundamental distinction was
overlooked for so many centuries by botanists. He distinguished
the types of root and shoot development of the two saying that
the leguminous plants have a single woody root from which
cate side roots arise, but wheat and barley al1d other cereals
have a number of fine roots wherefore tl\e.y are matted together.
The leguminous plants, e:xcept beans, have many side growths above
from the stem, while the cereals, which have many roots, send up
many straight shoots. .
Howard S. Reed -38- A Short History
The system of plant classification which THEOPHRAs'rus evolved
was largely based on the characters of the leaf. 1-1'01' him and for
others it is an obvious and useful character and has been followed
from his time to the present. Accordingly, we find such specific
names as, salicij'olia, malvaefolia, cordi/olia, 1'otuncUjolia, and the
A nomenclature of some sort existed in THEOPHHAS'l'US' clay,
in fact had long been recognized by root-diggers, wood-cutters,
charcoal-burners, and farmers. If a genus consisted of several
kinds of plants, each was designated by a second nanw, being
what we would call the species name; for example, white oak, silver
fir date palm, and the like. rrHEOPHRASTUS gatherod and codifred
, the names of nearly 500 plants so that the nmnes obtained general
recog'nition, in fact, some of the names are used in the modern
system of nornenclatul'e.
THEOPHRASTUS recognized ecological groups of wild plants,
emphasizing the differences between habitats,
Others affect only marshes 01' othm' very wet placeBo Some cannot live
in very wet gl'ound, but restrict themselves to dJ.'Y ground. Certain others
are littoral only. A few trees thrive in either moist land 01' dry i such arll
the myrtle, alder, and willow,
He also points out that there are trees, pcc:ulial' to nlOuntain
districts, and others confined to lowlands and plaillH, as in<lig(mOllS
in the former habitat the 'fir, wild l)ine, spruce, holly, box, walnut)
chestnut, and many more are mentiollod. Othol' kinds grow only
on the plains; among them are olIn, ash, Inaple, willow, ahkl', and
poplar; while a few kinds of trees common to both rlloulltain
and plain. 111 the mountains some b.cos like the "vild pine. :for
example, thrive on slopes that look southwa.rd and will hardly
grow at all in other places, while others un the contrary, muoug
them the til', attain perfection on the cool and sidos, awl if
ever seen else\vherc, have an inferior growth and is uu1iko
As a general l'ule the kinds of trces growing in eool uud shady
places are tall and straight, their trunks not forking or partiu!:!: into
subsidiary or trunk-like branches; but he' noted that
growths of this latter description arc found in open and slllmy
places. Certain trees are wont to grow nowhere but along' \vatul'-
courses and certain others belong' exclusively to th.e highest e}UVH-
tions of the mountains near perpetual snow.
De Causis Plantarun1 contains less of scienti1ic interest than
the Historia, but carries on the inquiry in a philosophieal Hpil'it.
The subj ects discussed are (1) propagation of plnnts by :i\n0,<lH,
grafting, and budding; (2) the effects of wcathet' and soil; (:{) tho
arts of cultivation; (4) growth and periodicity ill plants; (f heut
and cold in plants.
, THEOPHRAsrl'U8 was a pretty orthodox vitalist, in hnt'mollv
with his teacher ARIS'l'O'l'LE. Although soil, light, heat, otc., may
affect the growth and fruit production of plalltR, thol'D iH still an
innate factor whieh is independent of the external factors. ))is-
cussing the periodicity of growth, he said:
Perhaps this question is a general on6 and concerns also the other rml.'ll'!
of the plant. For though every living thing' is nourIshed, growth will rmlUlt
only whcm it is nourished by the impetus for g'el'nlhu\tion i now; all phmtH,
Chapter III -39- The Nascent Period
everywhel'e, old as well as young, feel the urge for growth , , , For the
branches, whether large or have within themselves certain vital prin-
ciples, which when they are warmed up in spring, send forth buds even though
the plants be not rooted below, This is most readily seen in the slips taken
from vines and other plants and set in pots; for as soon as the seaSon comes
on, the buds open U11 before the leaves grow , , This would indicate that
such plants are already in possession of the vital elements and capacities.
THEOPHRAS'l'US was not so far removed from the atmosphere of
supernatural ideas that he could escape belief in spontaneous gen-
eration. After discussing the ways by which plants may be repro-
duced, he said:
Spontaneous generation takes place in smaller plants, especially in those
that are annuals and herbaceous. But it still occaSionally Occurs too in larger
plants whenever there is rainy weather 01' some peculiar condition of air or
soil; for thus it is said that silphiUlU sprang' up ill Libya when a murky and
heavy sort of wet weather condition occurred, and that the timber growth
whicl1 is now there has come from Borne similar reason or other; for it Was
not there in f01'Uler times,
Just to show that there was another side to the question, he
put forth observations about the dissemination of small seeds and
the trans.port of seeds by rivers, "WherefOl'e also, changes in the
courSes of rivers make many places wooded that before were
woodlcss" .
Space does not permit speaking further of the scientific
advances which TUEOPHRASTUS made. Perhaps enough has been
sHid to establish his right to the title "Father of Botany". His
life must have been a remarkable experience; he studied under
PLATO and ARISTOTLE, witnessed the careers of PHILIP and
A.NDER of Macedon, and knew the latter personally. He died about
285 B,C., having remarked, "We die just when we are beginning
to live
The Ptolemaic school at Alexandria:- vVhen Greece lost her lib-
erty after the dissolution of the Alexal1drian empire, she lost also
her scientific originality. FrOlu the time of ALEXANDER to that of
AUGUSTUS, the great city of Alexandria became the center of
Greek intellectual activity, where, for a few centuries, conditions
for scientific development were extremely favorable. The result
was an assemblage of men having gonuine scientific talent. In
the wealth of its endowments the "MUSeum''; or college and library,
founded in the Bgyptian cnpitul by the first PTOLEMY, otrered unri-
valled attractions to learned men.
P'rOLEMY I (c. B.C.) surnamed Sote?' (Uthe Preserver")
was a Macedonian having marked ability as a soldier. He was
one of ALEXANDER the Great's favorite generals in his eastern
campaigns. On the death of ALEXA.NDER (323 B.C.) and the subse-
quent division of his realm, Egypt and Libya fell to the share of
PTOLEMY. While nominally only a satrap of these provinces, he
was iI'om the Drat virtually an independent ruler. In 306 B.C. he
became King in name as well as in fact.
The transplanted Greelt culture mingled with new aspirations
, gathered frorn Egyptian and other sources, and assumed an ana-
lytic, rather than synthetic approach to problems of the l1atural
world. Men like EUCLID and HEROPIlILUS, ARCHIMEDES and ApOL-
LONIUS turned from the methods of PLATO and ARISTOTLE feeling
Howard S. Reed -40- A Short History
that enoug'h had been done in the way of philosophic synthesis and
that the time had come for a new method of attack on the individual
problems of science by the combined efforts of specialists who
had the merit of having invented some of the new methods of
investigating nature.
Perhaps the ball would not have started to roll so fast without
the kick given to it by PYRRHO (360-270 B.C.) who is remembered
for his deep-rooted skepticism. He maintained that no knowledge of
things is really possible and averred that man can know nothing
nor prove anything, - neither the possibility of knowledge nor the
justification of doubt. This iconoclastic principle naturally
eluded any philosophy of nature, but it was just the thing which
drove the philosophers to devote themselves to special studies on
definite scientific subjects and the Alexandrian medical school
advanced the science of biology.
HEROPHILUS (ca. 300 B,C.) a teacher and investigator in Alex-
andria, was one of the greatest anatomists of antiquity, but his
writings were lost. He was especially famous for discoveries in
human anatomy. Skeptics as they were, he and his pupils despised
the traditional fear of dissecting human bodies. and the enlight-
ened Ptolemaic rulers placed material at their disposal. HEROPHI-
LUS, according to report, carried out investigations on living human
beings criminals condemned to death - whose internal organs he
studied in the living state. He investigated the circulatory sys-
tern; the walls of the arteries and veins; compared the pulse at
different ages and under different bodily conditions.
In the province of botany no real advancement was made at
that time in Alexandria. .
General interest in the development of science requires mention
of EUCLID (323-285 B .. C.), the eminent mathematician who taught
and founded a school of mathematics at Alexandria in the time of
PTOLEMY 1. He was essentiaUy a systematizer and compiler. His
13 books of the Elements of Geometry have remained to our day
the basis of the teaching of that subj ect. They were partly
original and partly compiled.
The decline of Greek learning:- The scholarly work of the
lemaic school was eventually seriously impaired and lost its vitalit:r,
d ne in part to clashes between rival teachers and also to the lack
of support by the later ptolemaic kings. The degraded natures of
those who ruled and oppressed their subjects would not <:mcourago
such noble pursuits as those of scholars. The fmishing blow to
scholarship was given by the fanatical Christian Church in Egypt.
In the m.other country the Greel{s also forgot how to study
things objectively and to draw logical conclusions from what they
learned. A fog of mysticism overspread the intelIccts of men. In
contrast to the objectivity of THEOPHRASTUS in studying plants, a
decline of interest in natural philosophy followed and a mounting
Interest in sorcery, magic, poison-antidotes, love-philtres and the
Greco-Roman writers:
The Romans being a practical poople,
held agriculture in the highest esteem. MARCUS POROIUS CArro
was born at Tusculum in 234 and died at Rome in 149 "B.C.
While Roman armies were waging the Punic wars, CATO
Chapter III -41- The Nascent Period
UThe wr,ote his De Re Rustica, which ranks well in the
field of Roman literature. It was the first agricultural book written
in Latin. Our interest centers in the list of 120 plants which he
mentions, including the varieties and certain imported plant prod-
ucts handled by the apothecaries. CATO had no sense of necessity
for classifying plants, except in connection with the business of
farming, gardening, and fruit growing. His list of plants lacks
organization and names were sometimes repeated.
COLUMELLA) V ARRO, and VERGIL subsequently wrote in liRe
manner on agricultural matters, but their works show little of the
scientific spirit of inquiry which characterized the Greeks.
The second half of the first century A.D. was a time of revival.
A sharp recrudescence of intellectual energy can be witnessed in
almost every field. Geographical horizons were enlarged; London
was established as a Roman settlement; AGRICOLA sailed for the
first time around Britain; an Ocean route to India was opened up
through the Red Sea; wealth increased. Into this world which
bristled with opportunities for assembling and multitudes
of new discoveries, CAIUS PLINIUS SEOUNDUS, known as PLINY, the
Elder, was born at Como in 23 A.D. and died while observing the
eruption of Vesuvius in 79. Historians have frequently commented
upon PLINY's extraordinary capacity for work and described the
way in which he continuously studied, read
or dictated to his secre-
taries. Since the circumstances attending his death throw so much
light on the man, it will be worth while to mention them. While
with the fleet at Misenum (modern Miseno) 1 he saw the great cloud
rising from the crater of Vesuvius and taking the shape of an
Italian pine tree. He went at once to the shore near Pompeii,
observing and dictating notes on the phenomenon to a secretary.
Despite it surging sea beneath and a shower of hot ashes and
pumice from above, PLINY continued his way to the shore. Having
landed he consoled his fl'iend who had caned for help, bidding
him calm his fears, and asked to be conducted to his bath. In
spite of the eruptions and of the terrors of the inhabitants PLINY
went calmly to sleep. Eventually the earthquakes and the fall of
red-hot cinders were so dangerous that it, was decided best to flee
to the shore where an angry sea was surging. PLINY was induced
to lie on the ground on a rug spread for him, where he was eventu.:. \
ally killed by sulfurous fumes. When he was found latel' he was
whole and uninjured, appearing as though he were asleep.
PLINY'S "Natural History" in 37 books is a very elaborate
encyclopedia, often uncritical, but of great value, since it contains
a wealth of information not to be found elsewhere. He said it was
compiled from some 2000 volumes, most of which haVe since been
lost. It had a profound influence on the students of biological
problems from the time of the Roman Empire through the Middle
Ages and almost to the dawn of the 19th century. During the
Middle Ages most writers were content to copy PLINY, errors and
all. It was the foundation of the encyclopedias of BARTHOLOMAEU8
KONRAD OF MEGENBERG and others. PLINY had visited
Afl'ica, Egypt, and Greece, served in the army in Germany and
reached the shores of the North Sea in Belgium. He collected
information wherever he found it. His principal authorities wel'e
undoubtedly Greek; ARISTOTLE and THEOPHRASTUS were frequently'
mentioned. Despite errors which we are obliged to admit, viewe<:\
Howard S. Reed
A Short History
as a naturalist, PLINY was one of the most meritorious of the
Roman writers. . .
Plants occupy the attention of 16 of the 37 books; descnptlOns
of trees fill four books, agricultural subjects three and medicinal
properties of plants the ...
The following extracts wIll g'lve the reader an Idea of hIS lUCId
style and his attention to details:
The acorn of the beech is similar in appearance to n kernel, enclosed in a
shell of triangular shape. The leaf is thin and one 01 the very lightest, is
similar in appearance to that of the poplar, and tUl"llS yellow with remarkable
rapidity, From the middle of the leaf and upon the uppal' side of it, thorp.
mostly shoots a little green berry, with a pointed top (one of the galla
duced by oviposition of an insect). The beech is particularly agreeable to
l'""ts and mice; and hence it is, that where this tree abounds, those creatures
are sure to be plentiful also. The leaves also are very fattening for dormice,
and good for thrushes too. Almost all the trees bear an average crop but
once in two years; this is the case with the beech lnore particularly. (Book
16, chapter 7).
The other trees that beal: acorns, properly so-called, are tho l'obur, the
aesculus, the cerrus, the holm-oak, and the cork-tree: it is contained in a
rivelled calyx, which embraces morc or less of it, aceol'ding to the sevel'al
varieties. The leaves of these tl'cas, those of the 11olm-m\k excepted, a:rc
weighty, pulpy, long, and jagged at the edges, and they do not tUl'n yellow
before they fall, as with the beech; they are also longer or shorter, as the
case may be. (Book 16, Chapter 8).
PLINY seemed to have little interest in the classification of
plants on the basis of their resemblances. He classified trees as
forest trees, exotic trees, and fruit trees. He divided the forest
trees into glandiferous and the former including all
the catkin bearing trees, the latter most of the Conif(1.'Jae.
From 79 A.D. to 1469, PLlNY's work existed in manuscript.
During the Dark and Middle Ages, however, the esteem for the
H istoria was so great that copies were made in great numbers, as
shown by the fact that some 200 manuscripts are known today.
When the new learning- started in Europe it was necessary to purge
the copies of errors which had crept in. Its prestig'c during tho
Middle Ages was no doubt due in part to the fnet that it was
written in Latin which was the language of the SdlOlul'S of the
DIOSCORIDES, a Cilician Greek, who lived in the fn'st cCllhn.'y
A.D. was the lTIOSt important botanist after rrHEOPIIHAWl'UA. His
principal writings. were on medical botany. During' tho Middlo
Ages his work was fai' more popular than that of TIUWPlIRAS'l'U:::;
, though he knew less ubout botany. Fo}' more than 1500 years ho
was the alpha and omega of European botany.
PEDANIOS DIOSCORIDES was a native of the city Anazarbos in
Cilicia. There is some doubt about the time when he lived, but
it seems safe to assume that it was in the 1il'st century A.D. He
was a learned physician, had travelled extensively to study vlallts,
and had obtained knowledge of remedies obtained from sourceS
other than plants. He acquired so lTIuch information about plants
new and old that he was impelled to make descriptions not only
of their pharmaceutical properties, but also of their habit of
growth and form. Therefore he described their roots, stems, loaves,
and sometimes their flowers always the entire plant, not H frag-
ment. The number described Was about 600, no smaH task.
Chapter III -43- The Nascent Period
He gave the vernacular names of the plants, but often supple-
mented them with the Latin, Punic, Egyptian, Dacian, and Gallic
synonyms. He made no genuine classification, grouping plants
merely as culinary, and medicinal kinds, though there is
evidence that he knew more about the matter than we suspect. At
any rate, he did not follow the plan of his illustrious predecessors
of grouping plants as trees, shrubs, and herbs. For example, some
aromatics are trees, others shrubs, and still others herbs. The
same is obviously true of culinary, and of medicinal plants. He
arranged plants with labiate flowers in one series, those with legu-
minous flowers in another, and those with umbelliferous flowers in
still another.
The pictures of the plants, as well as descriptions, gives the
herbal even greater importance than any previous work on plants.
So far as we know it was the first illustrated herbal, though there
had been many plants represented on buildings and in tombs of
the Assyrians and Egyptians. It is not difficult therefore to under-
stand why DIOSCORIDES' herbal has been more attentively studied
word for word and line by line than any other book on botany
which has yet been written, unless we should be obliged to make
an exception of BA UHIN'S Pinax. During the Middle Ages no drug
plant was considered genuine unless it could be identified by DIOS"
CORIDES' description.
As students of classical botany, we cannot fail to be interested
in the history of the manuscripts of DIOSCORIDES' herbal. Although
written in Greek, it was translated at an early date into Latin,
For many centuries Latin versions continued to appear, since that
was the universal language of the schools. The earliest and most
beautiful is the Byzantine MS. known as the Codex Al1iciae JuIi-
anae, prelJnred for the Princess ANICIA JULIANA, the dnughter of
FLAVIUS ANICIUS OLYBRIUS, who was emperor for part of the
year 472. 'rho Princess ANI CIA JULIANA died in 527. About the
year 1562 this MS. was purchased by the Holy Roman Emporor
and broug'ht to Vienna; at the instigation of ANDREA
The parchment MS. was sUlnptuously reproduced in photogra-
vure in 1906 and published in two large folio volumes by SIJ'l'HOFF
under the direction of DE VRIES, prefect of the university of Leiden.
It show$ that the original pages are dog-eared, their margins notch
and fissured, yet the illustrations of plants are eloar. Many a scribe
has annotated them in Greek and Arabic. The pictures look as
though the plants had been flattened by pressure, and a strong
tendency to conventionalize them is apparent. There was an
attempt to show the roots as well as the stems, since the physicians
believed that the greatest concentration of medicinal qualities was
in the root. Flowers were generaI1y, but not universally, depicted.
DroSCORIDES' work is also of importance for the study of ancient
chemistry, as it describes simple chemical preparations (for ex-
ample), to obtain mercury from cinnabar, or potash from tartar,
mentions tho earliest reactions of wet analysis, the detection of iron
vitriol by means of gall-nut juice, and quotes many chemical
There is need for but a word about ancient science. attempt
to a rational explanation of the world was supreme in
Howard S. Reed -44- A Short fIistory
the minds of the men who made this period of the rise of natural
philosophY one of the greatest intellectual epochs of all time. Men
began to think originally and fundamentally about the universe,
supernaturalism and mythology were abandoned in preference for
logic. During this time the foundations for scientific study of
nature were and although the building was long
the foundations were found when the intelloctual rubbish was
eventually removed.
DroSCORIDES (1934): The Greek herbal of DIOSCORIDES; illus. by a Byzantine,
A.D. 512; EngHshed by JOHN A.D. 1655; Qd. and first printed.
A.D. 1934, by ROBERT T. GUN'l'HER. O:x:ford University Press, Oxford.
GREENE, E. L. (1909): Landmarks of botanical history. Part I - Prior to
1562 A.D. Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous
tions, Part ot vol. 54, Publica-tion 1870.
HAWKS) E. (1928): Pioneers of plant study. Sheldon P,ress, London; Mac-
millan, New York and Toronto.
NORDlo)NSIOOLD, E. (1928): The history of biology (Transl. from the Swedish
by L. B. EYRE). Knopf, New York and London.
SARTON, G. (1927): Intl'oduction to the history of Vol. 1. (Carnegie
Institution of Washjngtoll, Pub. no. 376).
STROMBERG. u. (1938): Theophrastea., Handlingar Goteborgs k. vetensknps-
och 5. Sel'. A, Ed. 6, No.4, 1-234.
THEOPHRAsTua (1916).: Enquir.y into plants ... with an English tltmsl. by
Sir ARTHUR IloRT, bart. Heinemann, London; Putnam, New York.
(1027): De causis plantaruUl. Book Ohe. Text, critical appa-
ratus, translation, and commentary, by R. E. DENGLER. Thesis (Ph.D.)
Univ. of Pa. :
Chapter IV.
It will evoke no surprise to find that the scientific study of
plants fell into abeyance about the beginning of the third century,
when all other channels of progress for intellectual streams were
closing. When freedom vanished, when superstition superseded
science, and profligacy displaced industry, the progress of science
was stopped. The scope of this book will not permit an analysis of
what some of the most eminent scholars in the world have critically
and thoroughly described as the eclipse of the human spirit in
those centuries.
Seeking to preserve the empire, the Romans stifled agriculture
and other arts. They built roads to the provinces instead of mak-
ing improvements in agriculture. Over those roads they
ported the foods. which their tax-collectors squeezed out of the tribes
of the conquered lands, and over the roads they sent armed forces
to liquidate any tribes which were inclined to be ungenerous with
their goods. In their minds, this was the way to stabilize the em-
pire. Roman Science, if it can be called such, was concerned only
with practical affairs. This exclusively empirical concern is one of
the signs of a dying science. The bad government of the north
European colonies caused a decline and eventual abandonment of
many of the farms. Natural resources were wasted.
For a time the extension of trade routes promoted the develop-
ment of geography and, very incidentally, the knowledge of exotic
plants and animals. Homan trade routes penetrated far into
tral Africa and eastward across Mesopotamia and Iran to India
and China. The routes and means of intercommunicati<)ll were
highly developed as the few itineraries which have been found
clearly indicate. In 1923 eUMON'l' found at Salihiyeh on the
Euphrates a fragment of the shield of a Roman soldier bearing a
list of the army's stopping places. The caravan route by which
silks and other products were carried fr,om China to Rome was
mentioned by several Chinese writers of the third century, but no
valuable work on geography or natural history was written.
GARGILIUS MARTIALIS is one of the few writers of this period
about whom we have any inf.ormatio1l
scanty though it is. His
works on the medical properties of fruits and herbs were subse-
quently prized in Europe, for, although he did :q.othing original,
his writings wero free from the superstitions prevalent among the
writers of his day. What he said was in the tone of a scientist and
based on sound botanical principles. The fragmentary knowledge
we possess of his writing is derived from a manuscript found in
1826 in the Royal library in Naples, and from one found in the Vat-
ican library. He devotes four chapters to a discussion of plants,
viz., quince, peach, almond, and chestnut.
Howard S. Reed
A Short History
APICIUS COELIUS was the pseudonym of a whimsical gourmet
who wrote a diverting cook book in the third century. MEYER says
that no writer of ancient or medieval times knew this man or his
work. The manuscript was found in 1454 and acquired for the
Vatican library. The man appears to have been sOlnething of a
wag, but the names of the plants which were utilized in one form
or another in the cuisine of his day are of some interest. His work,
moreover, is the first comprehensive cook-book of the western
world. Concerning the name "Apicius" there is no little confusion.
GOLLMER mentions that of four men who have come down in Homan
literature, only three can be definitely connected with it. All of
them were, according to the standards of the time, great gour-
mands or gourmets.
According to some writers, only MARCUS COELIU'S ApICIUS, who
was also known as MARCUS COELIUS should be considered as the
author of the famous book. That is, however, by no means cer-
tain, for the uncertainty of the earliest writers leads one to believe
that the proper name of this one was allowed to be lost und the
name of APICIUS substituted, since he was concerned with a work
on the art of cooking. This would be worthy of note, because
we know that the old Romans were accustomed to designate choke
and coveted foods with the name "Apicius". For us, however; it
is quite certain that all of the previous writings given out appeared
under the name of COELIUS APICIUS.
The important point is that some empirical writer on
definitely knew a respectable list of plants and that he recorded
their names. Native and important plants were included. It shows
that these names were so generally known by the folk of thnt day
that the plants could be readily distinguished by anyone who could
read. Possibly this was the result of the reading of CN1'O and
other agricultural writers.
The first half of the fifth century was a time when barbariUl1H
were invading and plundering a decadent Rome, but pm' CO'ilt?;((,
much culture from the Mediterranean region seeped into the inter-
ior of Europe. One of the important agencies in this diffusion of
south European ideas was the activity of: Christiml n1issional'io.!-l
who penetrated the uncivilized northern countries, carrying with
them some of the Roman civilizution, often, the innato .innlousy
and doctrinal strife of the theologians were the driving
which sent the non-conforming mmnbcrs to new 'licldf1.
In one of the provinces of "the Roman EU1pil'G a new hook on
remedies was written in 410. The author, MARcELLm'l EMPIHrcuH.,
of Bordeaux, not a physician according to own statement, ap-
pears to have acquired considerable kl10wlcdgQ of the in
which he lived, and wrote his treatise De mec1ieamcntis in the forn'!
of a letter to his sons. As a piece of medical literature his writing
was comparatively worthless, but it has much of botanical interest
in it. MEYER said;
After PLINY, I of no other writer until MAIWfo:IJT,US, who dOSCl'ibcd
more plants; and he wrote, not for the learlled, but for his Coltic (!Omputl'iots.
And as he says, l1e drew his information, not from tho writings or his 111'0-
decessors, l;'ut from the mouths of the common IlCOV1c. So we rna};, l'ogard his
as the rudIments of a F'lora GaUica.
PSEUDO-ApULEIUS wrote an herbal which is dnted in the fourth
century. Of the real author we 1m ow little since he hid behind the
.. ...{:
\ 0
/g f;..
I \
I \
I ,
, I
I \
___ __ -..--. __ , _________ -J
FJG. tt. - routes between Chinn, India, and Em,'ope over which silk and
apices and plants were carded. Drafted by C. C. TEBBUTT.
Howard S. Reed -48-
A Short History
presumably fictitious name of ApULEIUS PLATONICUS: He seems to
have been neither R'onlan nor Greek but may possIbly have been
a native of north Africa.
This fourth century herbal was ostensibly an atlas of plants
in which the descriptions were omitted, the idea being that the
native plants could be identified by the pictures. The oldest copy
extant is on parchment and is in the abbey of Monte Cassino in
Italy. It contained about 130 repTesentations of medical plants
and was based on DIOSCORIDES and the M edicina Plinii. The o:dg-
inal figures must date back to very early times and probably repre-
sent a school of phytography derived from late Roman art. 'rhis
herbal of merits attention because, being copied
frequently, it had a very great influence during the Middle Ages.
Undoubtedly it was the most practical and the most widely used
book of remedies then in existence. The manuscripts were often
interpolated with alien texts in the COUI'se of time, e.g. prayers,
. charms
and conjurations wore added, also pictures of poople who
used some renledy or other, or had had it given to them.
In the fifth century the Roman Empire of the west fell, a vic ....
tim of the insidious forces which had weakened it for so loug.
This was the time of ST. AUGusrrINEl, one of the greatest futhers
of the Church. Although primarily a theologian, he developed the
idea of potential creation which implied a theory of evolution.
A beautiful manuscript (BODLEY 130), the Herbal of ApULFJIUS
BARBARUS, from the early 12th contury, has been described by
GUN'rlIER (1925). It contains descriptions of 130 plants in as
many chapters according' to a uniform Systelu. This herbarium was
based on the real DlOSCORIDES and on the M edidna PUnii, while
the lists of synonyms, which are similar to those prcflxcd to the
alphabetical Greek manuscripts of DXOSCORIDES, also inclUde somo
plants of a North African origin. In several ways the work o:f
ApULEIUS shows the transition from heathen to Christian
cine. ApULEIUS was a pagan, and in the oldest manuticripts tho
names of herbs are :followec1 by In.-ayers and incantations to he
recited on gathering them, handed dowll, perhaps :from ancient
Greek or Tuscan herbalists. Eaxly monldsh transcribers
ized the work by a slight alteration o:i: the prayers; but in later
medieval editions, these are either omitted, as in the Ang]o Saxon
version, or replaced by the Creed and Paterlloster, whicl1, cleclared
the Canons of the Church, were alone to be repeatod on sueh
, The Herbarium associated with the nUnlO of: LUCIUS ,APUL'DJIUS
MADAURENSIS, the famous philosopher nnd author, is now beli(1Ved
to have been a much later production, probably :\ Latin eompila-
tion of the fifth century.
COSMAS INDICOPLEusrrEs, born in Egypt, probably in AlexHndria,
wrote a book on geography, 534 to 547, entitled "Christian Topog-
l'aphy". This work is of g;rent interest, though the author's aim
was chiefly to refute the theory that the earth was round, and to
prove that MOSES' tabCl'lll:l.clG was a model of the universe. He
was probably a N estorian Christian. 'Indicopleustcs means the
Indi,a-travellet. He visited Ceylon, India
Ethiopin, and the Sinaitic
PenInsula and knew the sources of the Dlue Nile. He was nt
lis, Ethiopia, c. 525, and copied the Adulitic inscriptions referring
to the expedition of one of the Ethiopian kings into Asia, 247 B.C.
Chapter IV
-49- The Retrogressive Period
While primarily a geographer
he wrote something about the plants
which he saw in the Far East, about the pepper tree, for instance,
which ,he said, itself around another stronger tree for sup-
port, lIke a grape VIne. "Each fruit has a two-leafed green, like
the green of the rue". . He refers also to the sandal wood, and to a
large nut called HArgellia", which may possibly have been the
This was the time at which the Codex Aniciae Juliana was writ-
ten and when the 'first great monasteries were founded in which
learning was conserved during the Middle Ages, although science
was at a low ebb.
The age of JUSTINIAN (527-565) marked a halt in the general
decline of Europe. The age is celebrated for the codification of the.
civil law of the empire and for the emancipation of Europe from
the tyranny which Persia had maintained over the silk trade (fig.
8). Whether the imports from China came by land or water, it
was always the Persians who flrst received them, and they watched
jealously to see that it reached the Eastern Roman empire through
no other hands than their own. Costly and prolonged war was
waged on this account. By a combination of wars and deviolls
diplomacy the control of Persia was broken, but it was finished by
the introduction of silk culture into Europe.
. Two N estorian monks (ironically enough, they were Persians)
who lived in China became familiar with silk worm culture and
believed that it might be possible to duplicate it in southern Europe.
The monks perceived that the transfer of living worms from China
to Europe would be impossible, but the eggs could be carried to any
country, however remote. They accordingly hollowed out their
canes, filled them with the precious eggs and thus bore away,
undetected, a richer spoil than had been won by battIe or conquest.
The mulberry tree grew best in Greece, but careful work under
the direction of the monks was required to develop the silk indus-
try. By the time of the Crusades, however, silk manufacturing
had been developed, not only in Greece, but also in Italy and Sicily.
In spite of certain palliatives, the decline of the Empire was on
its way. By the order of JUSTINIAN the schools of Athens were
closed. In the years that followed, the barbarous nations from
the north converted the Roman Empire into a desolation and then
settled themselves in the ruins. In the seventh century the Latin
language ceased to be spoken in Italy. In 732 the Saracens were
defeated by CUARLES MARTEL at Tours. In 800 CHAALEMAGNE
was crowned. As far as the plant sciences. are concerned, cen-
turies passed without any progress. It is true that herbals were
copied, often with falsification, since no one had the wit to make
any attempt at verification or investigation; but the Schoolmen
smothered the spirit of science. '
The Macer Floridu8 de vi,,'tutibu8 herbarum was written in the
second half of the eleventh century, This is .a poem describing
in 2269 hexameters the virtues of 77 herbs and roots not based
on original observations, yet it is very important, for it is one of
the earliest Western documents proving a revival of interest in
botany. Its immense popularity from the tenth century almost
to our OWll time, is attested by numerous reproductions in
script and print. Its contents are based on the Medicina of
PSEUDO-PLINIUS, on the Olera of G.ARGILIUS MARTIALIS, on an early
Howard S. Reed
A Short History
Latin translation of DIOSCORIDES, etc. The authorship of this
treatise has been considerably discussed, and the question is not
by any means settled, though it seems highly probable that it was
written by Qno OF MmUNG on the Loire about the end of the eleventh
Chinese writings:- In China herbals and monographs of
tion were written in the 11 th and 12th centuries. If one may
judge from their contents, the quest for knowledge of plants re-
ceived the attention of eminent scholars who were frequently
rewarded with royal favors.
The Cheng Lei pen ts'ao (1108) written by T'ANG SHENWEI, a
physician of SHU (now western Szechwan) during the Sung period,
is a very important work, for in addition to being the best of that
period it is also a repository containing much material fl'om works
the originals of which are long since lost. rrhcl'c were 31 ch'l.tan
(books) which when completed he called "The of Cheng
Lei" and sent to the Imperial Court. It was distinctly a medical
herbal or "book of simples" and must have been very well InlOwn
since it -was republished many times.
Sorghum vulga're Pel's. is one of the important cultivatod
grains in China, where it is known as HEao liang", uShu shu", dc.
Recent studies by HAGERTY have shown that the plant was illtro-
'duced during the Southern Sung period, 1127-1278. What appears
to be the first authentic account of this grain occurs in it work 011
agriculture and sericulture published in 1273. Some Chinese
writers attempt to place its culture in the pro-Christian era -hut
their claims seem rather fantastic. Through an ettor in interpreta-
tion its introduction into China is attributed to the third century.
The perpetuation of the error in subsequent Chinose worh::s hus
been the cause of much confusion in writings concerning tho distri-
bution of this grain. Based upon linguistic evidences, it would
scem that Sorghum vulgare Pel's., originally came from Abyssinia
and was introduced iuto China from India.
The early culture and utilization of S . Pers. in
China is well-documented ill T' AD HUNG-CHING'S (1G2-5B() book,
quotations from which are given in the Fen t,q'ao kana 'I'nn and
other Chinese herbals. Owing to its classiflcation ns a f.ruit, ae-
counts concerning it were separated from SO'rtlh:um 'lml[Ja'1'o PcroM.,
which was placed in the grains classification. rrhe Chillese nte tho
raw canes, cooked them to make a syrup and n crudo sort of
sugar .
. outstanding works on cultivated trees also appeared in
ChIna In the 11th and 12th centuries.
Ts' AI HSIANG wrote a treatise on the lychoe in l.Or)!) in which
he records many important facts about the tree and shows gront
facility in botanical descl'iption. The nalTIC of tho monograph
was Li-chih-p'u. From data furnished by M. J. HAGEWl'Y, wo -}oarn
that Ts' AI HSIANG (1011-67) was a noted scholar and trustworthy
public official of the Sung dynasty.
It is a matter of abundant record that the Jyclwo if) un impor ..
tant product of China and that no less than nine special
graphs have been written 011 it .. rrhc author gave a doscl'il1tion
of the area over which the lychce is grown, a critical discw'lsicm
of the horticultural varieties, the climatic conditions suited to the
Chapter IV -51- The Retrogressive Period
tree, its principal insect pests, the longevity of the tree, production
and export of the fruit, methods of preserving the fruit, and other
sUbjects. As a piece of botanical workmanship it is unsurpassed
for the accuracy of its descriptions of the color and the form of'
leaves, the size and appearance of the fruit, accompanied as they
were by illustrations. The appearance of this remarkable mono-
graph a few years before the conquest of England by WILLIAM OF
N QRMANDY is an indication of the early development of horticulture
in China.
A monograph on the oranges of Wen-Chou, Chekiang, written
in 1178, is of even greater interest because of the accurate descrip-
tions. Its author was I-IAN YEN-CHIH, eminent prefect of Well-
Chou. The work contains descriptions of 27 kinds of citrus fruits
(sweet oranges, mandaTine oranges, and kumquat) with discussion
of the culture of the trees, adaptability of soils to citrus trees,
control of harmful insects and fungi, and harvesting the fruits.
Its special excellence is in the description of the fruits of each vari-
ety in which he gives the shape, texture of the rind, color, juice
content, flavor, aroma, and keeping quality_ The treatise com-
pares favorably with those of modern times.
HAN YEN-CnuI, for example, wrote:
The T'icn ko.ll is similar in appearallce to the 'l,'ung-t'ing Ran but its
tl'ec g'l'OWS higher. Every fruit contains eight segments. The skill turns
to yellow before the frost comes. 'l'he fruit is much sweeter than other Kan
and it ripons much ea.rlier ..
He stated that both the Kan (mandarine) and Chil (sweet
orunge) are suited to "nitrous soil" and succeed better near the
rivers or sea. Whenwer planted, the soil must be well drained by
ditches. River mud should be spread around the roots of the
treeS in winter, irrigation water and liquid manure ought to be
given in the summer, HThose who succeed in malting the leaves
abundant and fruit plentiful will be regal'ded as the best garden-
ersl1. I-IAN YlDN-CI-IIH was surprisingly modern in his directions
fOl' pruning the trees, for control of insect and fungus parasites,
for harvesting and storing the fruits, and so on.
Islamic science:- The extraordinary rise .and development of
Islam contributed little to the plant sciences, but it formed a
haven in which many of the cbssicaI works were protected from
the dostruction and devastation suffered by true learning in Europe.
The followers of the Prophot were practical, not scientific, people.
For untold they had wrested a living from an arid,
inhospitahle soil. The palm trees of the oases and the milk and
flm.:;h of their flocks wex'e their principal sources of sustenance.
The Arabic schools profoundly venerated ARISTOTLE and other
Greek scholars, but they made no claim to originality.
rrhe extraordinary beginning of Islam is so well known in
l-1}]ito of its tremendous importance, the briefest account of it will
bt: sufl1cicnt. MOI-IAMM::rnD was born at Mecca about 570, felt a call
to pro11hesy in 610, and began to do so about three years later.
'1'ho cl'iUcal time of his life came in 622 when he migrated with his
followers from his indifferent native place to Yathrib, later named
nl-Medina, i.c. the city of the Proph,et. This time of crisis was
called the Hegira, and 'fixes Moslem chronology. MOHAMMED died
in 632. The Islamic world reached a position of power, splendor!
Howard S. Reed -52-' A Short History
and prosperity about 750 as the result of capable rulers.
lation of Greek works was encouraged and we find today III V;;tl'lOUS
libraries beautifully illustrated manuscripts of DIOSCORIDFlS and
commentaries on GALEN. Several important works of the latter
have been preserved for us in the Arabic translations although the
Greek originals were lost.
From the eighth to the twelfth century, pharmacy reached a
high stage of culture among the Arabs the careful stu4y
they gave to the valuable drugs produced 111 thelr country. ArabIa
was the habitat of the trees and shrubs that supplied the then
known world with aromatic gums and valuable spices, such as oli-
banum, myrrh, cinnamon and cassia, and commanded tho main
trade Toute of the spice merchants from to' west .. whkh a1s.o
brought the Arabs in contact with the Orwnt. They also
vated the study of chemistry which they brought to boar on their
knowledge of plants and herbs. The Arabs produced 110 purely
botanical works in which either the nature of plants or their r01a ....
tionships were discussed. Even ABUL AUBAS, called liTho Bob,:m ist"
and IBN BAITHAR, surnamed ALOSCIIAB, - the two men who knew
most about plants wrote only as on the medicinal
uses of plants.
The conquering tribes spread westward from the Persian Gulf
along the northeTn coast of Africa, across the Mediterranean into
Spain, carrying with them their 'fJwros.
The Arabs covered the countries which they sottled with net-
works of canals, giving to Spain a system of irrigation by pumps,
water-wheels and floodgates. They established the cultUre of silk,
the manufacture of paper and other textile :fabrics in Spain.
tracts of land which now lie barren were once covered with olivo
groves, and the envh'ons of Seville alono, under Moslem rule
tained several thousand oil fa.ctories, according to AMlilIiJU ALI.
Some of their plant introductions such as alfalfa and a1mond still
bear their Arabic names. The Arabs brought also 'thoil. fine m'cluwd
and garden fruits, many of which wero originally from PorHiu.,
together with others like ginger, saJfron, and myrrh. Wlum the
Spanish and Portuguese went out to colonize the Now vVodel in
the 16th century they brought with them those Arabie crops lmd
domesticated them in the Americas. '
AUD-ER-RAH:MAN 1 (757-788) formed Spain into an
caliphate, and in the eighth century, Cordova beenroo tho
for the teaching of science and was made the Moorish capihlI. This
caliph laid out a botanical garden at Cordova, causod rare nlants
to be collected in Syria and other parts o'f Asia, and planted the
first date palms to be grown in Spain. The librm:icR aUachucl to
the m,os.ques Were centers of activity :for scribes, notaries, and
secretarIes who sat at the foet of a master. Cordova was a center
of. learning four centuries be:fore Paris or Oxford; a civilir.od dty
WIth lights and water and general culture six centuries boforo Paris
or .Moorish Spain had at one time seventy pub1ic librarios ;
Cordova s hbrary had 600,000 volumes. In the ninth contul"Y an
Academy of Science was founded at Bagdad.
. Arabic writers began in the eighth ceili:lll'Y to prodUce a spocinl
type of literature on natul'al history. ALL-ASMA.'1 OJl' BASRA (740-
828) composed books with the following titles: HO
the camel", HO
plants and trees", "On tho vine and the
Chapter IV
The Retrogressive Period
tree", "On the making of man". IBN WAHSHIYYA (ca. 800) com-
posed the Nabathean agriculture, a book which contains some use-
ful information on animals and on plants and their cultivation
mingled, however, with legends and forged translations from Baby-
lonian and other Semitic SOurces. The book of Spanish agTicul-
ture by ABU SECHARJ AH IBN ALW AM was written in the 12th
The medical writers of Islam are justly renowned and exerted
a strong influence on the practice of medicine in Christian countries.
A Persian herbal of the tenth century A.D. was written by
of Science It p. 678). It was concerned chiefly with medicinal
plants and is strongly reminiscent of DIOSCORlDES. One finds in it
many words of Sanscrit origin, so it would seem that the author
included plants introduced from India.
Concerning this work the author said:
I have searched in all the books of the wise men and the doctors who
have written much, and have industriously studied their writings 011 the
simple and the compound.ed medicaments and foods, in addition I have studied
the effects of the remedies, their uses, their bad e:ff:eds, and their characters
which fall into four grades.
Of the 584 substances discussed in relation to pharmacology,
practically all are of vegetable origin. The following passages
show the nature of the herbal:
Idschas, the plum. There are several val:'ieties of. the plum. The best
are the garden plums; these make the body supple, They drive out the yellow
bile, especially when it is SOUl', They case the discomfOlt of the which
is caused by heat. They diminish the yellow bile and l'eturd sexual desires
... If one washes tho mouth or gargles wine in which leaves have been boiled,
he alleviates all complaints of catal':rh which exist in the throat, neck, and
chest. The gum of tho tree ol'adieates herpes and blemishes. of the skin ...
Utl'udisch, CitT"UB Medica, the citron. It is of four constituents. 1. The
rind is like firo, hot and dry in the second degree. It sweetens the breath
and strengthens stomach. Its resembles that of cinnamon; 2. Th'3
flesh is like water, cold and moist in the middle of the first degree. It is
hard to digest, therefore bad for the stomach i it causes gas and colic pains.
The concent:t:a.tod sap is strongel' and hottor in consequence of the honey and
the hot medical principles which arc mixed therewith. 3, Its sap, the so-called
acid is, like the earth, cold and dry, at the end of the second degree, it
diminishes the yellow bile, relieves the palpitation of the heart caused by thG
heat, and supports the body. The acid removes warts and black spots and
dispels the ictheric yellow color of the eyes when you drop it into the eyes.
4. ,'he seeda of the citron are like nil', hot and moist in the middle second
degr(.lc. They are hard to digest, used against haemorrhoides, and' work efl't-
dently as an antidote for scorpion bites if one puts two Miskals (12 g.) into
the food and takes it, or applies finely ground seeds to the place whore bitten.
The leaves are silnilar in effect to the rind, but in temperament
Melissa offic;inalis. Chewing the leavea make the breath fragrant and removes
the odor of onions and garlic from the mouth. says that tho oil ot the
citron rind may be of use in paralysis of the face and in paresis of the
extremities; also it IYlay be used :for scorpjon bites as well as the oil of the
seeds. The Chinese orange also acts as a strong antidote when dried, pounded
flne and mixed with honey. Its concentrated juice discharges the yellow bile
Bnd suppresses nauseai it increases j;lcxual desire and is in general aimilal."
to'on juice,
Howard S. Reed
A Shol't History
Tamr, Phoenix dactyli/era. The dates are difficult to digest but 'Vcry
nourishing. Consequently they strengthen the body, increase the blood and
the semen. Almonds and the poppy alleviate the harmfulness of the dute,
even so the Sikangabin if one drinks it afterwards ... 'I.'hc best dates are
those from "Hirun", after them come the yellow; the darker, arc, tl:c
worse. After eating them one should eat P?megl'anates ,01' ,drmk
and sugar, or vinegar and rose water to wInch corw/na. was, add,ed.
Tamr ul-hindi Tamwtindus indica. The IndIan tamannd lIke the
plum. moist, but .and weakens. It is cold and dry in the second
degree. It consists of :fiber, seed, and jelly. It l'cpresse.s the and the
yellow bile, stops nausea, softens the body, and allays tlUI'st. It (11alle1s the
yellow-bile fever, but is harmful to lungs and chest.
Thum, Allium scttivum, garlic. The garlic is a means whereby the health
is perpetuated because it has the power to prevent stagnation of tlw blood.
It is at the same time a food and a useful remedy. '1'ho garlic which gl'OWS
wild ... is employed ag'ainst corrupted humors. The garlic is advnntageoutl
to the body so long as it is sound, but not to the poisoned body; on that account
it acts as an antidote for deadly poisons, and snakes ilee aWay :hom "it. We
should not be without it in anY' kitchen, 1101' leave it out of any ;food, l'lor
despjse it on account of its unpleasant odor ... it drives away thl) tnotluwhe
if you bruise it and lay it upon the tooth ... it CU1'es baldness by Htil'uulatillg'
the growth of hair ... it increaseS the natural hent of the body, and IlfO-
motes digestion.
Rumman, Punica, granat1,f,m, the pomegranate. All kinds of
act as astringents and ll1t.tke the teeth short. Tho swc(.\t l1()mcgl.'anutcs countcl'-
act heaviness of the stomach l'esulting from acute if they nrc tnkc.n
with roasted barley meal.
It is evident that the writer was giving, as com11iotely as he
was able, the pharmacological knowledge of his day for tho bcmcftt
of all who could read. He seems to take for g-rantod a knowlodgc
of plants on the part of his readers, for he docs; not givo any
characters of a plant which would enable one to idelltify it.
though he often quotes GALEN, he seldom :mentiollS DW8COmrJNS.
Yet there is much to suggest that he borrowed cxieuaivcly from
IBN SINA (980-1037), known to the world as AVICENNA, wns
a man of unusual talents. He was a Persian by birth and a .lH(}-
long student of botany. The Canon of Medicinc whieh lw eompilod
is an encyclopedic work, which, aftGl' being translated into Latin
in the 12th centm:'y by GERARD OF CREMONA, had a groat vogue in
Europe. In the last 30 years of the "fifteenth it hllmod
16 times, 15 editions baing in Latin, ana in HebrDw. In tho fol-
lowing century tlwre WCl'C lllorc than 20 editions.
AVERROES (1126-1198) a native of COl'clova was tho
nature philosopher of the Middle Ages. In his VhiloRophy 110
lowed ARISTOTLE and his principal work took the fOl'm of
taries on ARIS'l'orrLE.
AHMAD AL-GHAFIGI was born in Andalusia llOH.l' COl'dova and,
although the dates are we can placo him ill th(l 12th
century. of Sim111c Drugs" consisted of abl'idg<:nnents
from the wrItIngs of DlOSCORIPES and GAU<JN, adding' tho recipes
of later physicians just as Anu MANSUn. MA WAFFAK had done
IBN BAITHAR, horn at Malaga, travelled in search of lllants in
Tunis, Egypt, Gl'eocc, Syria and as far as Modina and Mosnl. He
died in 1248 nt Damascus. He was probably a beLtor botanist than
Chapter IV
-55- The Retrogressive Period
any other Arab named, for he described about 1400 plants, and
described only what he saw. In addition to the various works on
medicinal plants he wrote a book on lemons which was translated
into Latin by ANDRES ALPAGO and published in Venice in 1583
and in Paris in 1602.
While the system of feudalism was establishing a centralized
aristocracy in Frankish Gaul. the Saracens had obtained control of
, the Mediterranean. By the middle of the ninth century Islam was
a formidable Mediterranean power and deprived Christian com-
merce of its opportunity for travel and trade until the eleventh
When Al'abie science came to a standstill about 1100, botany
had lost all pretense to originality and had become merely a list
of drug plants.
We owe a debt to the Islamic world for harboring the classical
results and writings of the Europeans, adding to them some of the
plant lore of the Orient. The indifference of the medieval European
to Islamic science was stupendous, as shown by the paucity of
knowledge of the East brought back by the Crusaders. There were,
however, a few narrow channels in Italy and Spain through which
some of the learning returned.
Salerno on the Bay of Paestum, Naples, was the seat of a
school which preserved some traces of Greek medicine. Paestum
was originally a Greek colony. A medical corporation existed at
Salerno as early as the ninth century. We may be sure that those
early Salernitan physicians had some acquaintance with Greek
medicine. The traditions of Greek medicine had never been entirely
interrupted in South Italy and in Sicily; definite traces of it being
found as late as the seventh and eighth centuries. Barbarian,
Latin, Greek, Jewish, and Moslem influences were naturally and
gradually synthesized and produced the first medical school of
Europe at Salerno. The influence of that school grew rapidly
during the second half of the 11th century and even more so dur-
ing the 12th. The first Crusade (109G to 1099) gave it a
erable impetus. (See also fig, 28).
A 'runisian adventurer with a shady reputation, CONSTANTINE
THE AFRICAN, passed i several years at Salerno before he took holy
orders at the famolls monastery' of Monte Cassino in Campania,
where he took up the work of translation about 1070 and translated
many works from Arabic into I,rttin. His influence on the School
of Salerno was transitory, although his translations from the Arabic
writers played a unique part in introducing Islamic .culture into
Europe. CONSTANTINE'S Latin versions are often inaccurate and
confused, but they arc typical of much of the Barbero-Latin litera-
ture of the Middle Ages. He was often dishonest, claiming for
himself many works which he had translated from Arabic. N ever-
theless, CONs'rANTINE did bring back some of the culture o'f the
Greeks which had been salvaged by the Arabs and Persians.
In 1085, the Spanish Christians defeated the Moors at 'roledo
and the city which had been the greatest center of Moslem
learning in the West. Latin scholars then began to go to Toledo.
The best they could do was to translate. The intermediaries for
the learning, and later on for the translations, were native 'Jews
and former Moslem subjects (Mozarabs). The library in Toledo
was a fountain 0:1: knowledge to' which prominent men came from
Howard S. Reed -56-
A Sbort History
many places in Western Europe. Archbishop RAYMOND founded
a school of translation which continued to the thirteenth century,
utilizing the services of polyglot Jews who spoke Arabic, Hebrew,
Spanish, and perhaps Latin. GERARD OF' CREMONA (born 1114)
went to Toledo where he worked for twenty years translating
important Greek and Arabic works with the help of Jews and
Palermo, Sicily, was another center of scholarly scientific work
under Emperor FREDERICK II who was really interested in biology.
His collection of living animals was remarlnlbJe. Under FRED-
ERICK'S patronage, MICHAEL Seo'l' translated the biological and
zoological works of ARIS'l'OTLE from Arabic and Hebrew versions.
GARGILIUS, M. Quintus (1828, 1831): ... De arbol'ibus pomifcris. (In MAl,
A. Cardina.l, ed.: Classico:tum auctorum e Vaticanis codibus cditol'um.
tom. 1: 391-413; tom.. 3: 418-426)
GROFF, G. W. (1921): The lychee and lung-an. Orango Judd Co.
HAN YlilN-CI-IIH (1D23) HAN ygN-CnUr's Chit Lu (Monogrnph 011 tho
oranges of Wen-Chou, Chekiang), trans. by M. J. I-IAGIolRTY (li1xtruit: do
T'oung Pao, 2. s6r., vol. 22).
HAWKS. E. (1928): ]?ioncol's of plant study. The Sheldon press, I.otlrlon I
Macmillan, New York and rrOl'onto.
HEARD, G. (1937): The source 0:( ciVilization. Hat'por, Nnw YOt'l(,
HUDSON, G. F. (1931): Europe. and China. Arnold, London.
MARCELI,U8 ElMJ:>nucus (1.916): Marcelli De 111cdicumentls lih(l! l'ccl.mauit
Maximilianos Niedermann. (In C01'PUS lllcdiCOl'ml1 latiuol'U1l1, v. t.
MElYER, E. n. F. (1854-57); Geschiehte det' Botullik. Geln;iider BOl'ntdiger,
Konigsberg. .
REYES E., ed. (191.7): Dos noticias hist6ricas del immortal l)ot(mico
y sacerdote hispano-valentino Don Antonio .T086 CavanillcB .. Al'tlH:1
grafieas Mateu, Madrid. (Contains 11 bibliography of Islamic writiuJ,:'1-l on
Chaptc'J' V.
The intellect of Europe did not suddenly waken after the long
sleep of the Middle Ages, but about the 13th century there were
some confused strivings at places and some awalcening of minds
at others. The uncritical attitude and slavish devotion to dogma
were destined to disappear, not suddenly) but after a long struggle
against medieval conceptions of God, man, and the world. What
men have learned about the cosmos in 'which they live has been
won at tremendous cost.
An interest in natural philoSO}1hy first showed itself in the
revival of encyclopedias. A few men conceived the plan of putting
into writing their ideas O'n the world in which we live, and, while
these were obviously incomplete, they eventually awakened an
interest in observation and experiment.
Encyclopedic writers: .. We may start our survey with ALBERTUS
MAGNUS, HDoctor Ulliversalis" (circa 1193-1280). His name was
originally ALBERT VON BOLLSTADT and he is known to have belonged
to a noble Suabian family. Concerning his early years little is
known with certainty. He entered the university of Padua where
he found a congenial environment and where he probably first
familiarized himself with the philosophy of ARISTOTLE. Here he
quickly won the admiration of students and teachers, and here he
entered the order of Dominicans. There can be little doubt that
ALBERT possessed one o'f the greatest minds of all time and that
he merited the title frequently applied to him of the "Aristotle of
the Middle Ages
His life was enriched with various experiences and full of
achievement. In addition to his ecclesiastical interests, he had an
extensive knowledge of geography, astronomy, medicine, .botany,
and zoology. After teaching at variolls places in Germany, he
was sent to Paris, where, from 1245 to 1248, he expounded the
9,octrin0s of AmsTorl'LE. One of his pupils was THOMAS AQUINAS.
In 1259 Pope ALEXANDER IV appointed him bishop of Ratisbon,
but he retired to a convent in Cologne in 1262 to devote himself to
the adaptation of Aristotelian philosophy to the use of the Latin
races. His success in this great task is noteworthy because of the
prevailing opposition to ARISTOTLE'S doctrines on natural science
and metaphysics which had been created by the condemnation
of the school of Paris in 1210, 1215, 1231, and 1245.
He had the courage to reject some superstitious ideas but con-
tinued to believe in many others, and his writings are not deficient
in medieval traits and symbolical imagery. This simply illustrates
how difficult it is to emancipate the mind from accepted ideas in
a lifetime. He not only reconciled his theories with Christian
orthodoxy, but eagerly included fresh information, whatever its
Howard S. Reed -58-
A Short History
source. He realized that scientific information cannot be attained
without investigation, and even recognized to a small .the
value of experimentation, but he was, nevertheless, often uncntlcal
and awed by authorities. His writings on all subjects fill 21 folio
volumes. MEYER gives an extended synopsis of his botanical
In attempting to estimate the value of the scientific work of
ALBERT we must keep in mind the mental attitude of the people
and the methods of promulgating knowledge in his' day. With all
his medieval backgrounds, he did exhibit genuinely scientifIC traits.
The excellence of his work is the more amazing when we realize
that he had neither microscope nor chemical reagents.
De vegetabilibus, the botanical work, is based on that of NICH-
OLAS OF DAMASCUS which ALBERT believed to be AmSTO'l'LE'S. De
vegetabilibus was widely distributed and widely read ill the
teenth and fourteenth centuries, not only in the cloisters, but also
in the farm houses and homes. PIETRO DE CREscEN'rns made libN
eral use of ALBER'r's work. He drew heavily on the writings of
AVICENNA (IBN SlNA) for his information about the modicinal
uses of plants. Eventually ALBERT'S botanical wade waR almm-lt
forgotten until MEYER of l{()nigsberg rediscovered the famous work
and emphasized its tremendous importance.
De vegetabilibus is a medical herbal only incidontally; it is,
prinlurily a book of plant descriptions with a discussion of
philosophical questions. He dealt, moreover, with plants he knew,
and not with fabulous fictions about thorn.
ALBERT'S ideas on plant morphology are the first OIl record ::dncc
the time of THEOPHRASTUS, but as he did not know
writings he must be credited with originality. lIe obi-lorve<l that
thorns are stem structures, while prickles arc superficial; tl:lat a
cluster of grapes is sometimes replaced by a tondril, (l'l'{fO, the
tendril must be an incompletely developed flower clu}1tol'. Ho
recognized the pentamerous symmetry of tho wild rose an(i of the
apple core. His description of the fruit of tho apple with its
three coats; the five-chambered core, the floral recclltaelo ahovo, the
seeds with the testa, and the two hemispherical eotylcdons, is a
ALBERT believed that species arc mutable but we 'find in his
writings 110 theories of the evolution of organie liIe. Ho gruI)plcd
with the problem of plant classi'ficatioll all which no progress had
been made since THEOPHRAS'l'US rouJthly divided plants into trem:;,
shrubs, and herbs. According to S'rRuNz, Ar..rmwr's classiflcation
was as follows:
1. Leafless Plants (mostly crYlltogams)
II. Leafy Plants
1. Plants with cortex 01' bark (MOllocotylc(lollS).
2. Plants with tunica (Dicotyledons).
a. Herbaceous, without nodes.
b. Woody (ligneous) I with nodes.
The logic of this classification is certainly ::tl)],>aaling to no l11odol'n
botanist. . ,
wrote about plants for the people of his tin10,
he descnbed thIngs that he saw. The rule of the Dominican O.tder
required its members to travel on foot, consequently, he had abun-
Chapte-r V -59- The Renascent Period
dant opportunity to observe the flora of Germany as he travelled
back and forth across the land on ecclesiastical missions. His
freedom from sophistry was due, to some extent, to the f:iwt that
his feet caIne into contact with the soil where plants grew.
According to ALBERT, wheat prefers heavy soils; the first growth
is mowed or pastured off, that it may not run too much to straw, for
rank straw has little grain. Wheat grain produces the best and
most desirable bread. Without bran the flour gives the most nour-
ishing bread, with bran it is more digestible. The beech (Fagus
sylvatica) makes the best fuel, or charcoal, but is poor building
material because it is very susceptible to injury by insects. The
young leaves serve as food for man and the nuts are used for
cattle feed although they do not produce as solid flesh as that
obtained by feeding with acorns. 'rhe oak (Quer'cus robu,r) and
its acorns are carefully described. The wood is almost as good
as birch for wood carving. The gall-apples "in which a little
worm grows" were used at that time for the manufacture of black
Cultivated plants of the orchard and garden were of great
interest to ALBERT; he was naturally familiar with vineyards and
grapes, having passed many years in the Rhine valley, The Wal-
nut tree (Juglans regia) is planted in deep holes and at distances
wide enough to permit them to reach their normal size. He advises
that one should frequently scoop out basins around the trees, so
that the fruits should not be blank, and that one should split the
bavk of the trunks from above downward, so that the umodern
part" may harden. This practice, according to ALBERTI should be
followed for almost all trees. The walnut tree does not bear flow-
ers, only long green outgrowths (purgamenta). He pointed out
that the tree is unfavorable to surrounding cultivated plants on
account of its Hindwelling extreme toxic bitterness" - a fact
recently "discovered'1.
The vegetable garden, according to ALBERT, should be on a soil
which is rich and well watered. On that account it should have a
spring or a pond, or at least a cistern, in which to store rain water.
The garden work as a rule should begin in March, but for early
and abundant vegetables it should be started in September. After
being sown, the seedlings stand too close together and therefore
should be transplanted, so that each may have sufficient room for
development. Great care should be taken to protect the garden
plants against damage by animals. Soot is to be strewn against
worms; fresh seeds soaked in wine are to be used against cater-
pilHtrs, while ants are repelled by the heart of a night owl laid
on their hills.
ALBERT named and discussed radishes, carrots, cabbage,
lettuce, endive, spinach (mentioned for the first time in Europe),
chenopodium, mustard, cress, cucumbers, and savory plants for
seasoning, summer savory, lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) , thyme,
fennel, onion, saffron, and medicinal plants, such as parsley, celery,
elecampane, salvia, fenugreek, etc.
BAR'rHOLOMAEUS ANGLICUS" another encyclopedic writer of the
13th century, was an English Franciscan of whose life little is
known. He' lived until about the middle of the 13th century. He
studied at Oxford, joined the religious order in France, and was a
lector at Paris about 1220 and at Magdeburg about 1230. His
Howard S. Reed -60- A Short History
broad knowledge of theological, philosophical, and scientific sub
jects had a great influence on the world in which he lived and
moved. The work entitled "De proprietatihus rerum" (c. 1230-
1240) was widely circulated for upwards of three centuries and
was translated into several European languages. Students in' the
universities, as' well as the laity, read it eagerly., It is said that
it was one of the books which the students in Paris could hire
for their perusal. The book is important for the historian of
science because of BARTHOLOMAEUS' discussions of geography, psy-
chology, anatomy, physiology, disease, plant and animal life, etc.
also known as THOMAS OF BRABANT,
was a Dominican who lived in Cantimpre near Cambrai in what
is now Belgium in the thirteenth century, and died, probably in
Louvain, c. 1271-1280. He may have attended some of ALBERT'S
lectures, but can hardly be called the latter's disciple. His two
main works are (1) "De natura rerum", a popular encyclopedia
of science, to the preparation of which he devoted some fifteen years
of study and completed it between 1228 and 1244; (2) "Bonum uni-
versale de apibus", a collection of droll stories for the edification
of the clergy.
THOMAS' De natura rerum was translated into the venlacular
German by KONRAD OF MEGENBERG and published under the title
of Puch (Bueh) der Natur.
We may step ahead temporarily to speak of this Puch der
N atur, published about two hundred years after the time of
THOMAS OF CANTIMPRE. The first edition seems to have appeared
in 1475. It was almost entirely a translation of De natura rerum,
although some have thought that the material was drawn from De
vegetabilibus of ALBERTUS. The following excerpts will show the
type of plants mentioned.
Wir schilllen nu in disl1l vierden stuck des Puoches sagen von allerlai
Puuman ulld des lh'stell von gemainen paumen, dar nach von wolsmeckenden
und gar edeln paumen
ErIn == Alnus
Mandelpaum = Amygdalu8
Puochen = Fagus
An disem fUnften stuck des puoches shiill wir aagen yOU den kriiutern,
und des craton in ail1er gemain.
Wel'muot = Abs'inthi'ltm
Anetlcraut = Ancthull (Dill)
Epf = A1)iurn = Allium
Patonigen = Betonioa
Basiligen = Basil == Ocimu1Yl,
Saffran = Crocus sCLti't'w:; (SI:l:lfron Crocus)
Ah'uun = ]\'ilLndragorct
Although there were no great advances in botany immediately
after the death of ALBERTUS MAGNUS, there was a gradual awaken-
ing of the scientific spirit in Europe. Astronomy and physics
were finding new ideas about the cosmos and substituting'
for dogmas, in spite of unrelenting opposition on the part of the
church. The discovery of the Americas dmnallded a revision of
many respectable and staid ideas. There was a growing suspicion
that after all the new ideas of the scientists might be right.
Invention of The European invention of printing from
movable type about 1440 greatly aided the promulgation of ideas
Chapter V -61- The Renascent Period
on all sorts of subj ects. Books then became the property of the
laity as well as of the monks in the cloisters. Printing from type
inuetfa.1D irtlltrra: elf
f berba cuius folia runt rieut folia aike
kcn.{fl:fupcs filts longttudims cubiti
aut nU021ntl aut plus:feumm dus "irt ...
dc:.tcudens ad nigredinem:ma$1lttudiniS fa
be comunis: babcll$ quail dfiglem in medio
ficut fafeolus;1 rcUtalli voctit (415 fabartaltl.
eperationes ..
fiue faoa inuerfa invino t)ecocta
ad tertium tUI1102eS I)C gCijltalmIU P20ftClt.
CI fomento ct c,: ,,",eto Decocta tnolfS
rat '; UUQzib!:) quoq$ (obuftis ...
dtf .. ClEt [\10cl ci .pdciTe .. o ffltcf
-ocniq5 fillquarfiq5 (im6 ad co,:
dIces'Z Qd '00101(,5 plodcft
(UIIl Vftnftate fuilli adlps:pr fe i)ee"
tee ad tcrtias co%tics ftllunt aluum ..
Flo. 8. - Palm. PI'obnbly Vicia fa 1HZ. Drtus
Sanitlltil'l, Venetlj,s 1511 (Latin repl'!nt of the origlnnl
Ge)'man EdItion, Mnln'll 1485).
also eliminated the errors and the interpolation of the ideas of the
copyists. The art of printing also came at a time when men were'
becoming inquisitive about the plant world. They had ranged
Howard S. Reed -62- A Short History
through field and forest for plants to make the brews and teas
for their homely remedies. They had names for most of the local
plants, but they yearned for more extensive knowledge. Hence
it came that the first books were descriptions of plants and they
were written by men who had had medical educations.
Classical herbals:. The name was not coined for some
time, but it is now in common use to designate one of those old
books about plants.
It is now in order to mention and discuss briefly some of the
historically important herbals.
KONRAD OF MEGENBERG translated and published Puch der
Natur, as previously mentioned, in 1475. This work contains much
that appears to us today as pure nonsense. Certainly the inclusion
of fabulous stories about mythical creatures retarded rather than
advanced the natural sciences. The botanical portion of the work
lists the Latin and vernacular names of less than a hundred plants
and gives their medicinal properties. It also contains the earliest
known wood-block illustrations of plants published in Europe. The
work must have found ready sale, if we may judge from the num-
ber of editions subsequently issued.
The Herbarium of ApULEIUS (mentioned in the preceding
chapter) Was published in Rome in 1481 or 1483 by LIGNAMINE.
The success of this herbal was also great, if we may judge from
the sca:l'"city of extant copies, even though it reproduced chiefly the
superstitions and fabled plants of the Dark Ages. LIGNAMINE was
not a printer, but he was a master at furnishing copy. Being- enthu-
siastic about the possibilities of spreading knOWledge by means of
the printed book, he invited two German printers who had come
to Italy, to set up their press in his palace. In addition to theo
logical works, LIGNAMINE wanted to publish something new. He,
therefore, gave the printers the manuscript of ApULEIUS, which
he had found in the Benedictine monastery of Monte Cassino.
LIGNAMINE's name appears on the title page as the printer, but it
is more probable that he was only the patron of the printers.
Herbarius Latinus, the first herbal printed in Germany,
although anonymous, was a compilation from medieval and classical
writers. It was intended for the poor people and therefore
described cheap and homely remedies such as could be found in
field and forest. The text is in Latin, but all names of plants are
given in German, as well as in Latin. It was published by PETER
SCHaEFFER at Mainz 1484.
Gart der Gesundheit, a new creation in the vernacular of Ger-
many with nearly 400 illustrations, was also published by PEJ'l'ER
SCIIOEFFER in 1485. This was not the work of a single author but
a compilation worked out by the printer and the scholar like other
medieval hooks. It was partly based on the Herbarius Latinus pub-
lished the preceding year, but the text figures were printed from
entil'ely new and more accurate cuts.
Many herbals were produced in the next twenty years in the
Netherlands, France, Italy, Switzerland, and Germany. All were
compilations and often translations of other herbals; sometimes
a printer' sold the wood-cuts to another printer.
The Ol'tus (or Hortus) Sanitatis was an illustrated Latin
translation of an earlier Herbarius. Like all of the early herbals,
9)(a larine.wcccrbodon.ara.,bard"
r S('rap.111 hb.aS'src.cap.bard .aucr.
l5alicm. "ilj .fil1lpJicium pbarlllll.'i?J.,
tie rofa.5ubftiCl3 ems eft copofira cy fubtLln
tl3 aquofa (alidll cum 'Ooabu5 alljs qualitan,..
bUG pCTl11irta fliptlca fc; -z alltara:CULUS tttpri-
(ltas eft in qU4lntitatc tali:q Uta cozpo2a Dllb{ ...
ria virtute fim:uu no potrune 'Olffolurrc rirru..
UIl1 '1 (Ct11(!H1US eft Illaggil thpticul1l q;
rofa.-et idC3 rof.a CUIn fhptidtatr.quc rftmcal
inett ci tlUI"M 'Z fimilttudo Ilrutretis
dinatlornspaucc.7 couet'llr apoflcmanbus CQ;
ltdls itl tltlOPIO CO;":1 opottet 9' n," ....
CflW Ct ca:'1 abrcmdantur fIlmirarrloJ ous w[..
de di fo:picibus:q rcfcruC11f p:o mroicamim..
oleu,rofa,c-rtin nanma fU{8
medium iter namra fOre q 010.'1 l
qua 'Uranf i aU5Jilit<p
fpfolUl1l:-'l in to ell j)tt1dradi ad ,{,fUll-'
dum C02P02is!"l bumcctQ.tco2pa
fatur cfi accta z inullftLf caput cU (0: -= C;:OU(llif;
"01021 caplM facto cp;caltdltate q)i ro ...
fenccllnturop3 9? 'iJcHcccnf til Vl11bla:1'COl11o ....
"l ('ofanl cll frig-idlot ("pIe
)tione teperata.non tri l1lultu5 : 'Z ipfa Qdcl11 eft
fubtllls multc fubhlLt3tis.1 figllulll in boecft
4' rora 'Ocliccaturctto. 3fdfO quia in Ca non eft
il1lqua odot ciuo Vlncit:t p%opte
rca fdlinat'l replct "ias odo2atus.
FIG. 9. - .n08fJ. Ol'tUII Snnltntls. VenetUa 1511
(t.atin reprint of tho original Gorman Edition,
Maim: 1486).
Howard S. Reed -64- A Short History
it is highly prized by bibliophiles, especially for its weird pictures
of imaginary creatures. (A few of the best of these pictures have
been reproduced in ARBER'S The buying public was
no doubt interested in this book for many reasons, but chiefly
because they sought remedies, cures, and palliatives in the animal
and vegetable realms for their -bodily and mental afflictions. The
circulation of the book came to an end by the middle of the 16th
The writing and publication of new and better herbals was
perhaps the chief botanical accomplishment of the 16th century.
They served a great purpose in their day, but we cannot at present
see evidence of such genius in them as that which char.acterized
the next century. We must remember that the object in the minds
of these writers was utilitarian. They were concerned with the
medicinal properties of plants, much as DIOSCORIDES had been, and
were anxious to depict the chalacteristics which should enable men
to get the right plant for a particular purpose. The elegance of
their work and the power of independent observation entitle the
herbalists to our respect, although we must admit that they con-
tributed little to the advancement of plant science, except by their
success in accumulating ]mow]edge of plants for a foundation for
following generations.
Herbalists in Europe:- OTrro BRUNFELSIUS (BRUNFELS) was first
in time among the German botanical reformers of the 16th century
and first in rank. This industrious but pathetic man was born in
1464 at Mainz and died in 1534 at Berne. His earthly lot was
certainly not a happy one. In early life he expressed the desire
to enter the Church and to talre orders. His father opposed the
plan but O'rTo, after he attained legal age, entered a Carthusian
monastery in Mainz. Eventually he espoused the doctrines of
LUTHER and renounced the religious order into which he had
entered at the cost of family strife.
In Strasbourg whither ERUNFELS went, he participated in the
Lutheran movement by preaching and writing. Unfortunately, he
contracted tuberculosis which so impaired his voice that he could
no longer preach. He therefore opened a school fol' boys when
he was past fifty years of age. Moving to Switzerland, he obtained
the position of city-physician in Berne shortly before his death.
Our admiration for his excellent botanical work is enhanced by
the thought of the vicissitudes of his life.
Herbarum vivac eicones was the title of BRUNT!"ELS' botanical
work published at Strasbourg in three volumes in the year 1530.
BRUNFELS was chiefly interested in the medicinal uses of plants
and intended to guide those who went to the fields to collect plants.
r_rhe great merit of the work lies in the selection of material and
the excellent phytography. The figures are a tremendolls improve-
ment on the crude wood-cuts of the 15th century herbals. His
brief descriptions are in large part quoted from tho writings of
classical and medieval times. Each began with a list of the names
in different languag'es followed by statements taken from ancient
writers and concluded by his OWll idea of the plant and its qualities.
More than any other BRUNFElLS' herbal may be considered as a
link between ancient and modern botany. It is both tho end of a
long line of classical and medioval works on medicinal plants and
the beginning of modern taxonomy. The text was virtually a com-
Chapter V -65- The Renascent Period
pilation of the writings of his predecessors, and in this respect is
somewhat medieval in character. The illustrations on the con-
trary contribute something new, because they are life-like figures
and not copies of previous pictures. They are so good that it is
possible to identify most of the species represented. Unfortunately
some of the figures do not correspond with the text. The mistakes
may have been made by the printer. Among the species illustrated
there are 47 which appear to have been new.
A few names from BRUNFELS and the modern equivalents may
be mentioned:
25. He?'ba paral1}sis, Flores eluvium, Cluvis S. Petri, Geel Himmelschliissel,
Weissz Betonien I. 96. = Primula veris L.
46. Viola sylvest'l"'is, Wilde Viohi.ten 1. 137 = V. hi'l"'ta L.
49. Crus galli, Kleiner Hanfuosz, 1. 145 = Ranunculus L.
68. Hepatica, Edel Leberkraut, Hyrszklec, 1. 190. = Anemone hepatica L.
69. Ieooraria, Leberkraut 1. 191. = Marohantia polymorpha, L.
128. Acetosa, La1Jathu1n aoeto8U1n, Saurampffer,' II. 72 = Rumere ace to sa, L.
It cannot be truthfully said that BRUNFELS had any valid ideas
on classification of plants. When he used the word "species" he
did so in the general sense of "kind
He mentions various plants which were grown in gardens for
decorative plants or for their desirable odors. Yellow Bachelor's
Buttons were used for bridal wreaths, and Monkshood was a
rite flower among the German matrons. The Stock and the Pinks
were associated because of their odor. Iris germanica
was grown as an ornamental plant as well as for the sake of its
fragrant rhizome, which is one of the sources of orris-root.
associated in several ways with ERUNFELS, who once walked from
Strasbourg to Hornbach (a distance of sixty miles) to urge BOCK
to publish a new herbal in the vernacular. TRAGUS (or BOOK)
had furnished various bits of material to BRUNFELS which the
latter was pleased to use in his Eicones. BOCK wrote and pub-
lished New Kreutterbuch in 1539, describing but not illustrating
plants he had found in the woods and fields. However, the editions
of 1546 and later were well illustrated. 'His descriptions of flowers
are important indications that he comprehended things by which
his predecessors had been completelY baffled. He recognized the
corolla, stamens, and pistils as essential parts of many flowers
and apprehended something of natural relationships. He repre-
sented in one of the figures the root l10dules of a bean plant, though
he made no comment about them.
V A:LERIUS CORDUS (1515-1544) was the first to draw up botan-
ical descriptions in a systematic form, studying the living plant
in flower and in fruit, and including details about the types of
plants, forms of the parts, colors, odors, and tastes. He began
to note the anatomy of the various parts, for example, the number
of cham.bers in the ovary, placentation, etc. and was the :first to
speak of pollen and to make a distinction between an umbel and
a corymb. V ALERlUS CORDUS died tragically in his 29th year after
having written five books of his Historia Plantarum. CONRAD
GESNER published the work in 1561-63, but saw fit to add 280
figures taken from BOCK's I{reuterbuch. VALERIUS owed much to
the work and inspiration of his father EURICIUS CORDUS; both
father and son did his part for the advancement of science by'
I-Ioward S. Reed -66- A Short History
fighting against age-old superstition and bigotry during the rebirth
of interest in intellectual work. It is difficult to say who was
greater - the father in his struggle to plant new ideas and to in-
spire his son, or the short-lived youth.
The herbal of VALERIUS CORDUS published pasth umously by
GESNER in 1561 is important because it contains not only medicinal
plants, wild or cultivated in Germany and Italy, but many foreign
woods, barks, fruits, and resins acquired from other countries.
CORDUS wrote his "Historia Plantarum" in Latin. His descriptions
of plants were more accurate than those of any of his oontempo-
raries, and relied less on the descriptions of the botanists of
One of the most meritorious and noteworthy herbals of the 16th
century was the De Historia Stirpiunl of LEONHARD FUCHS (1501-
1566). Superior to his contemporaries in the matter of scholar-
ship, FUCHS made himself eminently useful wherever he went.
He studied medicine at the university of Ingolstadt and was later
a.ppointed professor of medicine. Becoming physician to Mar-
grave GEORGE OF BRANDENBUIW, he distinguished himself by his
successful treatment of successive epidemics of the plague. Later
he returned to the professorship in the university of Illgo1stadt,
but his stay was short, because he had meanwhile embraced the
Lutheran faith. Within less than a year he withdrew and rejoined
the Margrave of Brandenburg, soon left that position, partly
because of the reappearance of the plague. In 1535 he was
appointed professor of medicine in the newly organized Protestant
university of Ttibingen, although he was subsequently offered
attractive positions elsewhere, FUCHS remained at Ttibingen for
the remaining 31 years of his life.
FUCHS was primarily a medical botanist. There was nothing
of the plant anatomist or physiologist about his work. His idea
of the flower in general is similar to that given by THEOPHRASTUS.
He distinguished two kinds of flowers, the leafy and the capillary,
but regarded both as being united in flowers like the rose. His
definition of a calyx was, "It is a kind of bag within which at
first the flower, and, after that, the soeds are onclosed". He
arranged the plants in the De Historia Stirpium alphabetically by
their Greek names, hence we find no attempt at classification. In
spite of these limitations the Historia which he producod, perhaps
as a recreation from his professorial and medical warIe, commands
admiration. The illustrations were made by two artists and tho
cuts by the best engraver in Strasbourg. The beautiful work con-
tained about 500 artistic platos, excelling even those of BRUNFELS.
The original edition written in Latin and published in 1.542 was
followed the next year by an edition in German augmented by six
FUCI-IS listed and described many indigenous plants which are
not found in BRUNFELS. N ow introduced plants woro also listed
and accompanied by figures. (Triticum t'u,'i'giclu,m) Zea (fig.
10), Ribes rUb'i'u,1n, Phaseolu,s v'u,l[Jari8, and Taoetes TJatllZ(t).
fore it is apparent that FUCHS considerably augmented the list of
European plants. The first edition of FUCHS' herbal contained pic-
hu'os of 511 plants. FUCI-IS did not often name the localities in
which the plants grew, but those he does mention are mostly in
the vicinity of Tlibingen.
Chapter V -67- The Renascent Period
FUCHS was more of an industrious compiler of information
about plants than a botanist who was interested in investigation of
plants, but so well did he succeed in his worle of compilation that
FlO. 10. - Maize. Turcicum frulllcntum (Tiircldsch Korn). from FUCHS'
New KreUterbuch. 1643. One of the earliest figurell of maiM In Il European
he laid a solid foundation for subsequent research. He enjoyed the
study of plants as such, but his heavy duties as a physician and
professor of medicine compelled him to restrict his energy to the
compilation of medicinal and edible plants. His work gives evi-
dence that, in spite of his attitude of reformation, he was still
Howard S. Reed -68- A Short History
imbued with a belief in the supreme authority of DIOSCORIDES.
For him, the word of DroscORIDES was final, nothing should be
added or taken from it.
REMBERT DODOENS (1517-1585) was another medical botanist
who in 1554 published an important herbal, Cruydeboeck, utilizing
many of the wood blocks from the octavo edition of FUCI-IS. The
book was translated into English and published with some additions
by HENRY LYTE under the title of A Niewe Herball (1578). DODO-
ENS published in 1583 a larger work, Stirpium Historiae, in which
he described many of the plants of the Netherlands which had not
previously been studied and attempted a scientific arrangement of
a e
0)1. -.5nljef( 0 dZ"i(ctt
FIG. 11. - 'l'he llulboua iria
(his bttlbolla) from Or,U$TUS' edi-
tion of DOllOENS'
Antwerp, 164A.
attention not only for his writings, but also for his career. He
was a native of Arras and began his studies at the university of
Louvain. After brief sojourns at Marburg, Frankfurt, Strasboul'g,
and Lyons, he entered the university of Montpellier in 1551, where
he became interested in the study of botany. He obtained his
degree in medicine in 1553, then travelled through Piedmont and
Geneva, Basel, and Cologne to Antwerp, HI'riving just after
the Cruydeboeck of DODOENS had come fr,om the press. His first
important accomplishment was the translation of this herbal into
Fl'ench (1557). His first important original work was Rariorum
aliquot stirpiUln per Hispanias obscl'Vatal'llm . . . (1576) in which
he described plants seen on a trip to Spain and Portugal.
Converted to Protestantism by MELANOHTHON, CLUSIUS was
ostracized by many of his influential and wealthy patrons for his
relig'ious tenets. While directing the Botanical Garden in Vienna
he introduced many plants previously unknown to Europe, among
them, the white potato :from South America. In every way he
Chapter V -69- The Renascent Period
extended the botanical horizons of his time; by his travels, by
the introduction of exotic plants, and by his superb powers of
The first Englishman to make a distinctly, important contribu-
tion to botany was the versatile WILLIAM TURNER (?1515-1568).
The appearance of his herbal marks the beginning of serious
botanical work in England. He was prompted to undertake botan-
ical work because of the imperfections of the Grete HerbaIl, which
was often inaccurate in plant descriptions and perpetuated more-
over many medieval superstitions concerning plants. Libellus de
re herbaria novus (1538) was a small book in which TURNER pub-
lished the names and descriptions of many British plants and
included the localities in which they had been found.
FlO, 12, - Apple tt'ee (uppel-
boom) and fl'ultR, D01)OENS' Cl'uydt-
Iloeck Antwel'p, 16401,
TURNER embraced the reformed faith at Cambridge and became
an ardent preacher of the new doctrines. He left the University
in 1540 and travelled about England, but his religious beliefs
brought him into disfavor with church dignitaries, and led to
imprisonment and later to exile from England. During his enforced
visit to the continent TURNER improved his time by travel and
study. Having studied under GIIINI at' Bologna, he took a degree
in medicine. He visited GESNER in Switzerland and corresponded
with FUCHS, from whom he obtained the use of the wood-blocks
which had been used in the publication of FUCHS' Herbal of
1545. He thus learned more from the botanists of the continent-
during his exile than he could have learned if he had remained
unperturbed in England. He was requested to return to ,England
to take the post of physician to the Duke of Somerset who was
also greatly interested in the study of botany and who had a lar'ge
garden. ,
, In 1551 he published the first pa:rt of his HerbaIl, followed by
the second in 1562, and the third in 1568. It was entitled "A new
Howard S. Reed -70- A Short History
Herball, wherein are conteyned the names of Berbes ... with
the properties, degrees, and natural places of the same, gathered
and made by WYLLIAM TURNER, Physicion unto the Duke of Som-
ersettes grace". The work is reminiscent of BRUNFELS in the
attempts to describe what he. actually saw. He said in defense of
the work, "I wente into Italye and into diverse partes of Germany,
to knowe and se the herbes my selfe". He wrote that herbal in
English in order to aid the apothecaries who, he said, did not know
Greek or Latin and who needed more knowledge of the plants they
The following excerpt from the herbal casts an interesting
light on the man - his caution, and his attempt to compare what
different authors had said. In conclusion he states that he has
seen only dried specimens, his own judgment therefore may not
be entirely reliable. Here are marl{s of a good scientist:
Amaranthus is not the same herbe in Galene/that is in Plillye/for their
descriptions of Amarallthus are diverse & differing. Amaranthus of Pliny
as he writeth him seliel is rather a purple care then a floure . . . It is called
in English/ purple velvet floure/ 01' flour amour. The herbe which is llamed
in Dioscorides Elichrisonl is also called of Galene Amarallthus/ and thus it
is described of Dioscorides. Heliochrisoll hath a litle whyte braullche/ grene/
streight & stronge and narl'owe leaves like unto Sothernwod/ ccrtaine
spaces goyng betwene the leavesl the top is al yelowe/ and is full of l'ouudc
knoppes lyke unto drye ben'yes/ the roote is verye small ... Matthiolus su.yth
that this herhe groweth much in Hetruria/ I never suwe it growc as yet but
onlye drye ...
The plants are arranged alphabetically since no thought was
then given to plant relationships. TURNER It'new more plants than
one might think possible and gave to many the English names they
bear. With an apparently inborn zeal for reformation TURNER
swept out many of the old superstitions about plants.
The influence of gardening on the development of botany may
be seen in the work of .tOHN GERARD (1545-1612) who had an
unusually extensive private garden either in Fetter Lane or Hol-
born in London and had charge as well of other gardens. GERARD
published (1596) an account which contained over 1083 spocios of
the plants growing in his garclen. This account, entitled Catalogus
arborum fruticl1m ac plantarum tam indigenarum quam
arum, is a notable example of the development of ganlening in the
16th century showing the extent to which plants, regardl<:lss of
their utility, were assembled frOIn many parts of the world.
In 1597 GERARD published his greatest wo rlr , the Horball, or
Generall Historie of Plants, illustrated with over 1800
of plants, only 1() of which were or.iginal and quite infel.'ior to the
others. One of the most interesting original illustrations is that
of the potato, although It was pUblished over the incorrect and
misleading name "Potatoes of Virginia - Battata Virginial1H sive
Virginianorum et Pappus". This error was perpetuated for some
time, but eventually it was ascertained that the potat.o did not come
from Virginia, and that it does not belong to the species Ipornea
batatas. GERARD's portrait bearing the date of 1508 holding a
flowering shoot of the potato was inserted at the end of the preface
of the herbal. The prominence thus given was perhaps an
tion of his esteem for the potato.
Though this book is known as GERARD'S IIerbaIl and hears his
name, it is not an original piece of work, and the history of its
Chapter V
The Renascent Period
publication does not reflect very great credit on its author. GERARD
seems to have been gullible with respect to many plant myths and
to have appropriated the work of others without properly acknowl-
edging his sources. The edition of the Herball published in -1633
was greatly improved by THOMAS JOHNSON) a London apothecary,
who corrected many errors and illustrated it with PLANTIN'S
I cJJhlCpJujlridm4io,.
The great marlIl Marigoldc.
Fro. 13. - Caltha 7laluBtriB maior (The
grcnt Marsh Marigolde). "Marsh
gold hath great; brond laaues somewhat
round. smooth, of n gallant grennll colour,
slightly indented or tmrldc abuut the edl?;Cs.
among which r1se vp thicke fnt stnlkcB.
likewise green!!; wherupon do g-rowe good-
ly Yellow floweX'a, glittering like gold, and
like to those of Crowfoote, but grenter:
the roote is amull, composed of verle munie
strings , , .". From. GERARO'S Herbo.ll,
p, 670 (159'1).
Another herbalist, very different from the others, who also
made important contributions to botanical science was ANDREA
CmSALPINO of Arezzo. As a child he hated study and
drill work; his parents and teachers, finding punishment to be of
no avail) finally despaired of ever educating him, but being left to
his own devices, he astonished them by becoming an outstanding
scholar. He eventually went to Piaa and studied medicine and
botany under GHINI. In 1555. he succeeded ALDROVANDI as the
director of the botanical garden at Bologna a'nd two years later
he became professor of botany there, occupying also the medical
chair. In 1592 he went to Rome, as physician to Pope CLEMENT
VIII, and also as professor of botany at Sapienza UniVersity.
Howard S. Reed -72-
A Short History
De plantis, the most famous work of CESALPINO, appeared in
1583. It consists of sixteen books, fifteen of which describe some
fifteen hundred plants, ,and one, the first, only thirty pages long,
states his theory of botany in concise terms and is more valuable
than the other fifteen combined. '
In addition to his book, his herba1'ium, consisting of 260 pages
with 768 well-mounted plants with their names in Latin and in
Italian dialect, is still in existence.
His approach to botany was very different from that of any
of his contemporaries, and indeed is not found again until the time
of LINNAEUS two centuries later. He was essentially a philosopher,
of the Aristotelian school, and was seeking a system of. plant classi-
fication based on philosophical reflections rather than on the 1:eal-
istic utilitarian approach of most physicians and pharmacologists.
In substance, CESALPINO showed on philosophical grounds that
there must be classification, and proceeded to carry out this classi-
fication mainly on the basis of charHcter of fruits and seeds, hut
he considered also the period of viability of the plant, the situation
of the radicle, the form and nature of. the roots, and the presence
or absence of flowers and fruits. Many of his ideas on plant
physiology and anatomy are quite as interesting as they aro falla-
cious. He had anticipated the discovery of the circulation of hlood
in animals and sought a similar function in plants. The seat of
this function, or the Hplant soul", was supposed to be the 110int of
j unction of the root and stem. As he considered plants to be an
imperfect imitation of the animal kingdom, he carried his analogies
further. The ,pith corresponds to the spinal cord and is the sourCe
of heat energy. He said further
As the nature of plants possesses only that kind of soul by which they
are nOUljahed, grow, and pl'oduce their likc, and they arc thorofore without
sensation and motion in which the natul'o of animals consists, III ants have
accol'ding'ly need of a lUuch smaller appal'atus of oI'gans than nnimala. .Hut
sillce the fUllction of the nutritive soul consists in l)roducing' something liltt')
itself and this like ho.s its o:l'igin in the food for mai.ntaining' the Itco of the
individual, 01' in the seed :for continuing tho sp(!cics, 'perfect plants have a't
most two parts, Ol1e part called the root, by which they 11l'(JCUl'C food; the
other by which they bear fl'uit, a kind of foetus for the continuation of the
species; and this part is named the ste111 in smaller 11lants, and the trunk in
With all his emphasis on seeds, he donied tlw existcmca of sex
in plants. Lenves, he bGlieved, functioned ill nutrition, but 1no1'O
importantly as protection for the fi'uits, and were producod from
the bark. He believed that seedless plants were "bred of putre-
faction" .
Many of his observations are more cOllstructive than the
going. He recognized a defInite pattern of phyllotaxy, and, in
anticipation of GOETHE, believed that flowers had arisen :from
leaves. Of fruits, he says:
As the final cause of plants consists ill. that propagation which is c:fToctcd
by the seeds, while pl'opag'atioll from a shoot is of a morc imperfect nature,
so the beauty of plants :is best shown in for in the munbcr
of parts, the forms, and varieties of the fruit-bearing stage
shows far more adorrunent than the unfolding shoot,
He clearly stated that some plants have two' seed-leaves, while
wheat hp,s but one, and sometimes these leaves sprout above the
Chapter V -73- The Renascent Period
ground and nourish the seedling, while others are used up before
the seed sprouts. CESALPINO exerted a more profound influence
upon botanists of the following century than any of the 16th cen-
tury writers. His importance has been ably and critically dis-
cussed by SACHS.
JOHANN BAUHIN (1541-1613) who was at one time a pupil of
FUCHS, later of ALDROVANDI at Bologna, described about five thou-
sand species in a clear and accurate manner, taking into considera-
tion all the organs and properties of the plant as well as its ecology.
Pinus Maritilna.l.
l"m. 14. Pinus 'ma?'itima from MA'rTUIOU
and OAMEIIAnnrs, New (VmnZASIJUA
Compile}'). -- "Die Flchtcll lao lJCY dem Meer
wnchsen I sind I wle nuB dem GBmnIde
I 90 ulhlcr nUChgellct!'.t nUg"cnscheinlich zu erken-
nen. Dhme Baumc habcn langer I glll.tter I
schoner zirhcln I !indore hlattel' I und
His important work was his Historia plantarum U11iversalis in
three volumes. His illustrations consist of 3,577 wood-cuts, taken
largely from FUCHS, but the paper and pl'int are of such poor
quality that they are of little value.
KASPAR (1560-1624), the younger brother of JOHANN BAUHIN,
was a more important botanist. He was not strong, and his family
planned for him to enter the mil1istrY1 but he, like his father and
brother, insisted on studying medicine. After having been taught
by his father, he entered the University of Basel at the age of
sixteen. When the plague threatened, he went to Padua. His
wealthy god.,father in Holland died about this time, leaving him an
Howard S. Reed -74-
A Short History
extensive library and a considerable fortune, of which BAUHIN
made good use. He spent two years in Italy collecting plants,
then travelled over much of France and Germany, studying at
Paris, collecting and studying plants everywhere, and becoming
acquainted with other botanists. In 1580 his father's illness
recalled him to Basel, and the following year he received a degree
to teach botany and anatomy.
His Phytopinax (1596) described 2700 species, beginning with
the Graminaceae and ending' with Papilionaceae. A portrait of
the author at the age of twenty-nine appears in this book.
The Prodomus theatri botanici (1620) contains a terse and
orderly diagnosis of 600 plants which he believed to be new,
including the potato, to which he gave its present name of Solanum
tubero8um. This book contains. 140 good illustrations, while the
Pinax is not illustrated. His greatest work was a much-needed
synonymy of plants, giving all the names by which different writers
had designated each plant. This book to which he devoted 40
years was his Pinax theatri botanici (1623) containing 6000 spe.-
cies. He applied mostly binomial names, and attempted a
tion by natural affinities proceeding from the grasses through the
lilies, dicot herbs, and shrubs and trees. SACHS evaluates the work
as follows: "it is still indespensable for a history of individual
species. No small praise to be given to a work that is more than
250 years old". BAUHIN'S method was most valuable because he
discarded an the old ideas of medical superstition and sought a
classification according to natural affinities, but he was singularly
oblivious to the importance of flowers and fruits.
Though JOHANN and KASPAR BAUHIN never collaborated, there
is a genus of lianas or "turtle-ladders" which PLUMIER dedicated
to them, calling it BAUHINIA. It includes 150 species, the most
striking of its features being the twin-lobed leaves, symbolic of
the two brothers.
Herbalists in the Orient:.. This brief account of herbals and
their writers will conclude with a mention of two celebrated Chi-
nese herbals of that period, which, although comparatively little
known in the Occident, have been of tremendous importance in the
Orient. These works, like their European counterparts, were
highly esteemed by the laity as well as the scholars and were fre-
quently republished: They constitute important source material
for the history of the utilization of wild plants and their domestica-
tion. Many illustrated herbals which embodied the results of plant
collectors and cultivators, were published in China,
The Chinese people have for centuries lived close to the soil and
have felt the necessity of securing every plant that could possibly
serve for human food. Fortunately, the Chinese flora is rich in
species. After centuries of agro-botanical work the Chinese people
have a vastly larger number of crop plants than the farmers of
Europe or America. Their experiences have also given them
knowledge of many medicinal plants which otherwise would have
remained unknown. To a considerable extent the Chinese make
no sharp distinction between food and drug plants; practically
all of the food plants are used in their materia medica.
CHOU WANG HSIAO who published in 1406 a remarkable herbal
illustrated with wood-cuts of high alitistic quality (fig. 15) was
Chapter V -75- The Renascent Period
an imperial prince, son of the first Ming emperor, HUNGWU, who
reigned from 1368 to 1398. Prince CHOU, being painfully aware
of the terrible suffering of the people during the recurrent famines,
engaged in the laudable enterprise of increasing the food supply.
He had a checkered career, serving part of the time in high
official posts and part of the time being in disgrace or banishment.
From 1382 to 1400 he is said to have lived on his estates in Honan
province, where he secured from farmers and hermits 400 or more
kinds of plants supposed to be suitable for food in time of famine.
These he set out in a garden where he personally observed them,
drew up descriptions, and had artists make drawings of them. He
then arranged these plants in groups according to the edibility of
their leaves, fruits, blossoms, roots, etc., and published the work
under the title Chiu huang pen ts'ao or "Relieve Famine Herbal"
FIG. 16. - Illustrations from tho Ohlnese "Relieve Famine Herbal", Chlu hunngo
pen tll'ltO wl'ittcn in 1406. Left: Li tzu shu, the Li plum, PrwnU8 communia lIuds.
Ei"ht: Hsiian ts'uo hUll, bloslloms of lillmerocallia (probably Hflmaraoalli8 ful'llG L,).
RePl'O(!UCOIl by .J. S. YIP.
with a preface by his friend and helper, PIEN T'UNG, dated 1406,
in which year it was probably printed.
In this remarkable book Prince CHOU briefly described and
figured 414 species of plants, of which only 138 had been discussed
in previ,ously published herbals, and 276 were here described and
figured for the first time. Furthermore this excellent herbal
dated by 69 years the first European printed book containing fig-
ures of plants (KONRAD OF MEGENBERG's Puch der Natur). As
the Chiu huang pen ts'ao is primarily concerned with wild growing
plants that can be used for food in time of famine, it is not limited
to plants known to have medicinal virtues. It is, in fact, a valuable
early treatise on Chinese botany, and because of its excellent illus-
trations is an outstanding work ill its class.
The "Relieve Famine Herbal" must have become a very pop-
ular work in China and waS worn out by frequent use as is
Howard S. Reed -76-
A Short History
denced by its extreme rarity. It is known that it was reprinted in
1526, 1555, and 1566.
The other herbal, better known in Europe since numerous trans-
lations have been made, is the first treatise of this kind in which
botanical subjects were critically treated. It is the Pen ts'ao lmng
mu (1590) written by Lr SRI CREN. It contains 52 chapters enu-
merating the 16 divisions and the 62 classes under which the whole
matter is aTranged. The section on plants contains 5 of the 16
divisions, namely:
Ginseng (Jen-Sh{Jn) , liquorice, mint, Hibiscus, ['i'is, rhubarb, Aconitum,
ACO'l"'U8, Tupha, ferns, etc.
Hemp, barley, wheat, buckwheat, sesame, rice.
- LeeIcs, garlic, onion, carrot, spinach, sweet potato, beets, melons, mush-
Plum, apricot, peach, apple, orange, walnuts, dates, peIlller, tea.
Thu,jo" cedar, pine, camphor, StC'f'ouli(t, elm, willow.
It may be said that LI SHI CHEN was the first and the last
critical writer on Chinese natural science and that he has 'never
been rivalled by other authors. He spent 80 years on the work
and consulted about 800 authors. As an example of the value of
this herbal, one may note that it contained a notice and illustration
of maize. LI
s detailed description and crude 'figur(:) leave no
doubt as to its, identity. This shows that maize had then become
an important food plant in parts of China. The assumpti<)ll that
maize may have been introduced into China in pre-COlomb inn times
is. disproved by the absence of any notice of this cereal from all
Chinese herbals published prior to the discovery of Ameriea.
Botanical explorations:. Medieval Eur,opeans seldom travelled
far, and the Orient was not in their pathway. Few were
geous cnough to penetrate countries about which :fabulolls and tcrl'iM
fying tales weTe told, consequently commerce between JjJurope and
China was left to foreign traders. The travels of the Vcnethm,
MARCO POLO (c. 1250-1324), were therefore unique and the narra-
tive which he subsequently wrote gave Europeans almost the only
knowledge they possessed of the Orient for centuries ('fig. 7). He
mentioned, but gave no descriptions of such Chinese plants as
wheat, Tice, peaches, quinces, ginger, bamboo, etc., which were
generally connected with the economic and social life of the people.
POLO spent about 24 years chiefly in China, where, for three years
he administered a whole province.
The knowledge of geography might have been immensely prow
moted by POLO'S accounts of oriental countries, but the majority
of the people accused him of gross exaggerations and outright fab-
rications. Subsequent travels have, however, established the accu-
racy and veracity of his narrations.
IBN BA.TUTA (1304-1378) of Morocco visited countries of the
Near and Far East in the 14th century and left a noteworthy narra-
tive in which his experiences are recorded. He was primarily
interested in the religious and social customs of the people! writing
Chapter V The Renascent Period
always from the standpoint of the theologian. Intending only to
make a pilgrimage to Mecca and other cities revered by Mohamme-
dans, eventually he visited Anatolia
Persia, India, China, and
northern Africa. IBN BATUTA discovered nothing of great botan-
ical importance. His records of plants are in terms of food
and raiment. But he gave a permanent and colorful record of
the life of the Orient. The absence of any real spirit of inquiry
on the part of IBN BATUTA is a commentary on the scientific spirit
of his time, rather than on that of the man. The sudden change
in attitudes in the following centuries is one of the characteristics
of the Renaissance.
We have already seen that some of the European botanists were
interested in travelling in search of new plants. CL USIUS found
many things of interest in southwestern Europe and when he
later directed the botanical garden in Vienna, he obtained and
cultivated many extra-European plants.
NICOLAS MONARDES (1493-1588) was an eminent physician in
Seville, who, although he never visited the Americas, wrote two
volumes on their natural products which kindled lively interest in
the New World plants. The first was published in 1569, the second
in 1571. Both were so popular that he combined the two and
published them as one volume in 1574.
rrhe title of the combined work was, "Primera y seg-vuda y
tercera partes de la historia medicinal de las cosas que se traen
de nuestras Indias Occidentales que siruen en medicina" (Seville,
1574). MONARDES was supremely enthusiastic about the additions
to materia medica obtained from the New World. He wrote
unhampered by too many facts and, having an apparently eredulous
mind, wrote in a fashion which makes diverting reading. If half
that he wrote we:t'e true no one need have been ill for long. He
shows many evidences, however, of a real interest in science and
experimented on his patients. He sometimes concluded his dis-
cussion of some new herb by saying that this was what he under-
stood from those who brought it to Spain, and that when he had.
had time to learn more of it, he would write of its use.
The esteem in which the writings of MONARDES were held is
shown by the promptness with which they were translated into
other languages. JOHN FRAMPTON, a British merchant who had
been in Spain, translated and published the combined work in 1577;
three years after it was published in Seville. The arresting title
of the English edition was "Joyfull Newes out of the. Newe Founde
Worlde, written ill' Spanish by NICHOLAS MONARDES, physician \ of
Seville, and Englished by JOHN FRAMPTON, Merchantt Anno 157717.
FRAMPTON published a second and enlarged edition of this work
in 1580. The knowledge of the new medicines was disseminated
by CLUSIUS who translated MONARDES' work into Latin and first
published a part of it in his Exotica.
The wealth of material brought by xplorers and their reports
about other plants in the Americas doubtless inspired PHILIP II
of Spain to send a competent man to explore and investigate some
of the fantastic stories about the products of that wild, luxuriant
country. His Majesty doubtless knew the innate propensity of
sailors to go beyond the facts when descanting upon matters of
a remote and seldom visited land. He therefore commissioned
. his physician, FRANCISCO HERN.ANDEZ, to embark on what was
probably the first botanical expedition sent out by a government,
Howard S. Reed -78- A Short History
and to obtain information, not only about plants and their uses,
but also about the antiquities and political conditions of the coun-
tries visited.
HERNANDEZ sailed from Spain in 1570 for Mexico bearing the
title of Protomedico of the Indies and taking his son as assistant.
It was fortunate that he was commissioned to explore a country
as rich in plants as Mexico and where the inhabitants had done
so much botanical and horticultural work through many centuries.
HERNANDEZ' enthusiasm may well have been kindled by the dis-
covery that the Mexican people had an empirical materia medica
of many years standing and well-organized botanical gardens.
There were parts of the new world where his success would have
been more difficult. He proceeded to study the plants and their
medicinal properties, making experiments not only on patients in
hospitals, but also upon himself. While on an exploring trip in
Mechoacan he narrowly escaped death as a result of an experiment
with the latex of Hchupirre". Native physicians worked with him
in te.sting the e.ffects (on patients t) of native drugs and l'eported
on the results of their tests. With indifferent success HERNANDEZ
also wrote descriptions of the plants from which the products were
obtained. It is many cases to determine what plants
he was discussing because both the descriptions and the drawings
are vague in respect to important matters. The book is, however,
of great interest as an early American herbal, though it failed to
play its deserved role in the development of botany.
PHILIP II had assigned a period of five years for HERNANDEZ'
exploration and appropriated funds accordingly. As often hap-
pens, the funds ran short hef.o1'e the work was done, and HlnRNAN"
DEZ suffered acute financial embarrassment. He had completed
16 folio volumes on the plants by the end of 1575, yet remained
two years longer without salary from the king before returning
to Spain.
The results of this first official scientific expedition for the study
of plants are of g:t:'eat historical interest because they assembled
and conserved a mass of information on ethno-botallY which other"
wise would have been lost. 'The lack of scientific spirit in the
work may be due partly to the fact that it was not published until
long after HERNANDEZ' death and partly to the fact that only a
fraction of it was eventually published by reason of many vicissi-
tudes. The best known edition was published in Madrid in 1790.
The records of plant introductions into Europe arc not com-
plete in all respects, but there is much evidence that the work of
men like MONARDES
OVIEDO, and HERNANDEZ resulted ill bringing
in many plants, of which only a few may be briefly mentioned
Tobacco was first carried to Europe by a soldier returning
from Florida and imprisoned in Portugal. JEAN NICOT, French
ambassador to Portugal at the time, obtained from the prisoner
some of the seeds and grew plants in his garden. After seeing
them flourish there, he sent some powdered snuff to King FRANCIS I
and to CATHERINE DE'MEDICI, in whose court it obtained a great
vogue for use in headaches. The royal recommendation influenced
its subsequent diffusion. In 1635, however, LOUIS XIII of France
interdicted its, use except on prescription of a physician; it was
not many therefore, before smoking began to supersede the
Chapter V
The Renascent Period
remedial use of tobacco on the continent. Sir JOHN HAWKINS
probably carried it to England in 1565 and it was being used for
smoking by Sir WALTER RALEIGH by 1573, probably after a second
introduction by DRAKE. ,
By other routes the Europeans received products like guiacum,
balsam of Peru, sarsaparilla, sassafras, cinchona, capsicum, ipecac,
and copal. .
As MONARDES said (FRAMPTON'S translation), "as there are
discovered new Regions, new kingdoms, and new Provinces by
our Spaniards so they have brought unto us new Medicines, and
new Remedies, wherewith they do cure many infinnities, which,
if we did lack them, would bee incurable and without any remedie".
European missionaries in the Orient began to communicate
'information about Chinese plants in the 16th century. MARTIN DE
HERRADA, an Augustinian monk, spent three months in 1575 at the
port of Ts'uan chou fu in the province of Fu lden. His observa-
tions were published by a brother monk, J. GONZALEZ DE
DOZA in a book entitled "History of the great and Mighty Kingdom
of China" (Rome, 1585). While the information about plants in
the book is brief, it is important. After mentioning the excellence
of the chestnuts and melons, he reports that "The Chinese have
a kind of plum, that they call leechias, of an excellent, gallant
taste". Here we have the first known mention of the Litchi
phelium litchi Camb.) by a European writer. HERRADA also
rep-orted that the cereals cultivated in China were wheat, barley,
millet, and maize. The mention of maize ;is important because it
shows that the Spaniards who took it to the Philippines at aU
early date were instrumental in the plant into China.
The four centuries which have been considered in this chapter
cover a period of great importance in the development of hotany.
During this time a true revival of the scientific spirit took place,
not only in regard to the plant sciences, but also in regard to all
activities. The reawakening showed itself in many different ways
according to the circumstances and training of the men who devoted
their lives to some phase of science. The period considered was
characterized by an immense activity in the accumulation of knowl"
edge about plants. The motive for collecting much of this informa-
tion was the interest in medicinal herbs. The world found plants in
the fields and woods which could be used for healing many infirmi-
ties. People therefore went to extremes in looking for some cur-
ative property in every plant. Unfortunately, they were often
disappointed. It was necessary, however, to have accumulated a
considerable body of information before any intelligent work could
be started on a scientific discovery of the principles of plant life.
A great widening of the horizon of men's lives occurred with respect
to the vegetable world. Starting first in their own towns and
countrysides and ending eventually in China, India, and in the new-
found world of America, they found a wealth of new material.
ARBElR, A. (1912): Herbals. University Press, Cambridge.
ANGLICUS, by R. Steele (Ed. and Comp.). Ghatto and Windus, London;
Luce, Boston.
:Howard S. Reed -80-
A Short History
GREENEl, E. L. (1909): Landmarks of botanical history, Part I - Prior to
1562 A.D. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, Part of Vol. 54.
HAWKS, E. (1928):' Pioneers of plant study. Sheldon, London; Macmillan,
New York and Toronto.
MEYER, E. H. F. (1854-57): Geschichte del' Botanilc. Gebriider B,orntrager,
MONARDES, N. (1577): Ioyfvll nevves out of the nevve founde worlue , .
Englished by IlION FRAMPTON. London, W. Norton. (Transl. of his
"Primera y segvnda y tercera partes de la historia medicinal .. "
Sevilla, A. Escriuano, 1574).
ROHDE, E. S. (1922): The old English herbals. Longmans, Green, London,
New York, etc.
SACHS, J. VON (1890): History of botany (1530-1860) ... authorized transl.
by H. E. F. GARNSEY ... Rev. by I. B. BALFDun. Clm'endon Press, Ox-
ford. Original German ed., 1875. .
SARTON, G. (1931): Il1tl'oductiol1 to the history of .science, Vol. 2. Publ. for
the Carnegie Institution of Washington by the Williams & Wilkins Com-
pany. Baltimore. '
SCHWER1'NER, T. M. (1932): St. Albert the Great. Bruce, New York, Mil-
wa ukee
SPRAGUE, '1.'. A. (1928): 'l'he herbal of OTTO BRUNFElJ,S. Linn. Soc. London,
J oumal 48: 79-124.
-- -- al1d E. NELMES (1931): The hG1.'bal of LEQNUAl1.nT FllOHS. ibid.
48 :545-642.
--, - _- and M. S. SJ,>UAGUIil (1939): The herbal of VALERIUS CmwlJs. iMd.
52 :1-113.
SmuNz, F. (1926): ALllElR.'l'US MAGNUS, K. Konig, Wien und Leipzig.
SWINGLfol, VI. 1'. (1930): Notes on Chinese accessions on medicine and
teria medica ... (In U.S. Library of Congress. RellOrt of tho libralian.
1929-30: p. 368-379).
Chapter VI.
The importance of the scientific developments in the seventeenth
century has often been emphasized by historians and humanists.
Science, which had been wakened in the sixteenth century, began
to show activity in the seventeenth an activity which eventually
changed man's affairs. New systems of philosophy were formu-
TON. Men realized that the. new knowledge which was being ac-
quired needed organization and the inadequacy of facts handed
down from the past and the importance of experimentation wel'e
keenly realized about the same time by men of that generation in
many countries. These men played the part of reformers. They
encountered no end of opposition and sometimes left scanty rec-
ords of their studies, but they broke roads on which others travelled.
At the beginning of the seventeenth century, astronomy had
probably advanced more than the other sciences, due largely to
the discoveries made by the use of the newly invented telescope in
the hands of men like GALILEO. We shall see that a great advance
in the biological sciences also followed the invention of the micro-
scope during this century. Knowledge of the living world grew
by leaps and bounds when precise observations were possible.
Biology in the seventeenth centU1:'y received a great impulse
from HARVEY'S discovery of the circulation of the blood (1628).
and BORELLI's attempt to give a mechanical explanation of life
phenomena (1685).
Scientific societies and scientific academies were organized to
encourage science and to afford their members an opportunity of
presenting the results of their investigations. These institutions
performed important functions in many since many of the
leading scientists of the seventeenth century were not in univel'si-
ties. Some of the societies were chartered by sovereign powers,
thereby giving them a definite and more enduring status. In Italy
the Accademia dei Lincei was organized by Dulw FEDERIGO CESI
in 1601 (dissolved in 1(57) and the Accademia del Cimento by the
MEDICI hi-others, Grand Duke FERDINAND II and LEOPOLD in 1657.
The Royal Society of London (1662) was inspired by BACON'S New
Atlantis. The Academie des Sciences (1666) in France was chart-
ered by LOUIS XIV whose liberal offers had attracted scholars from
all quarters. Th'e Berlin Alwdemie der Wissenschaften (1700)
was founded by LEIBNITZ.
A revival of interest in natural JOACHIM JUNG
(1587-1657) gave an impetus to botanical study which continued
for many years after his time. It was said of him that "he was a
philosopher of the type of CESALPINO
but without Aristotelian
obsessions" .. Born in Liibeck, he obtained at the age of 22 a
professorship in mathematics in Giessen
and received the degree
of doctor of medicine in Padua in 1618. While at Padua, he
Howard S. Reed A Short History
undoubtedly became conversant with the ideas of CESALPINO who
had been dead only 15 years. He settled in Hamburg in 1628
where he remained the rest of his life. "
JUNO's significance in biology lies in his philosophical con-
cepts of living organisms. For the first time since ARISTOTLE and
THEOPHRASTUS the principles of botany had become a subject of
interest. JUNG'S writings contained almost nothing on experi-
mental work, especially on the subject of nutrition. Other con-
cepts rested, not on new observations, but on the interpretation of
existing observations and on plants already known.
JUNO described no plants, nor founded any system of classifica-
tion, but devoted himself to morphological problems which might
serve as a basis for such a system. He departed in several par-
ticulars from CESALPINO, e.g., discarding the classification of
plants into trees and shrubs. He thought that the leaf was an
important character for classification, but that other organs like
thorns, color, odor, taste, etc., were entirely fortuitous. Discard-
ing the ancient classes of trees, shrubs, and herbs, he reduced all
to the same terminology. He was interested in the general parts
of the plant and decided that the important parts were the I'oot
and the stem; accordingly, the trunk of the tree and the culm
of the grass were stems. In this way he expressed the idea which
permeated the entire work, "All parts which in their inner nature
are alike must bear the same name regardless of their shapes".
He considered that the general parts of a complete plant were root,
stem, leaf, flower, fruit, and seed. He definitely excluded the
"cordus" of AmS'l'O'l'LE which was supposed formerly to provide
a junction between stem and root. A complete flower was said to
be cOlnposed of flower leaves, dust leaves, and style, which JUNG
designated as folium, stamina, and stilus. He saw the difference
between dorsiventral flowers (Salv'ia) and radial flowers (tulip
and rose). He was undoubtedly one of the first of modern bohtllists
. to study morphology apart from taxonomy. His thorough compre-
hension of the natu:t:'e of the plant vitalized the subject of botany
and started a much needed reformation. There is no proof that
JUNG possessed a herbarium although ho knew from his experi-
ence in Italy the usefulness of collections of dried plants,
After considering the functions of p 1ants, .TUNG came to the
following conclusions: (1) The plant possesses no intelligent soul
which enables it to distinguish advalltng'eous from harmful nutri-
ents; (2) The mouth of the root is so devised that it does not allow
all saps to enter, i.e., the pores of the root are closed and imperme-
able to a given substance in one species, but open and Ilcrmcable
in another; (3) Plants, like other living things have excretions
which are given off to flowers, leaves, and fruits, even as resins,
and fluids.
JUNG's effectiveness was partly lost because he personally pub-
lished nothing of his botanical work; our knowledge of it is obtained
from two volumes later published by his students. The two
works are entitled "Doxoscopiae physicac minores" (HW2) and
"Isagoge phytoscopica" (1678). The first work is not purely
botanical, but contains five fragments which treat of the estab-
lishment and recognition of species, the homologies of organs, and
the life of the plant. This last division which treats various
physiological problems has already been mentioned.
Ch.apter VI The Seventeenth Century
The "Isagoge" is a "Handbook of Botanical Study" containing
theoretical considerations of plants, but formulating no system of
classification. Although it contained only 46 quarto pages, it can
be regarded as a pioneer work in botany because it evolved a
terminology with a clearness of perception which has been excelled
only by LINNAEUS. The following quotation illustrates its style:
"A leaf is that which stretches out from its place of attachment
in height and length so that the surfaces of the third dimension
are dissimilar to one another; it is the leaf's inner surface which
is differentiated from the outside". He was undoubtedly one of
the first botanists of modern times to study morphology apart
from taxonomy and his thorough comprehension of the nature of
the plant vitalized the subject of botany. Notwithstanding the
. complex diversities of plants, JUNG discovered relationships and
essential characters theretofore unperceived by his predecessors.
With all his skill in detecting the nature of the plant, he held the
opinion, prevalent at the time, that mosses and fungi were not
"complete" plants, but were aborted plant foetuses. He started,
nevertheless, a much needed reformation in botany.
Systems of plant classification:- JOSEPH PITTON DE TOURNEFORT
(1656-1708L who was born at Aix in Provence, introduced ideas
of plant classification which were distinct advances, although he
failed to comprehend the sexuality of plants. In his opinion the
morphology of the flower and fruit was the proper basis for classi-
fication of plants and he opposed the idea that the root, stalk, and
leaf could provide reliable characters. He revived the concept of
genera and species which had been formulated by KASPAR BAUHIN,
but placed the chief emphasis on the genus. Perhaps his most
valuable contribution to botany was the start he made in working
out a system of groups higher than genera, for example, presence
or . absence of a corolla, cruciform corollas, and so forth. It is
true that he gave no names to these larger groups, and that his
classification was highly artificial, but it was an expression of a
valuable idea and maintained its position till the time of LINNAEUS.
After having explored his native province, he was sent at the
expense of the king to Spain, P,ortugal, the Grecian archipelago,
the Black Sea, Asia Minor, etc. He published several botanical
works including "Voyage du Levant" (1717),
ROBERT MORISON (1620-1683) was a Scotsman who made great
additions to the knowledge of plant classification in the seventeenth
century, although hampered by a nature that was inclined to be
contentious and chsputatious. On leaving college, he became em-
broiled in the troubles of the English Civil War and joined the
Royalists against CROMWELL. After their defeat, he went to
Paris; where he engaged in the study of botany under ROBIN, bot-
anist to the King of France. In this undertaking MORISON was
particularly successful and attracted attention to his ability as
a botanist. The King's uncle, GASTON, duke of Orleans, appointed
him director of his private garden at Blois, a position which he
held from 1650 to 1660, when his benefactor died. The House of
Stuart having been restored to the throne in England, CHARLES II
invited MORISON to return. He accepted and was made Physician
to the King, Royal Professor of Botany, and Director of the Royal
Gardens. Owing to his fortunate situation, he was able to carry
Howard S. Reed -84- A Short History
on and finish a great deal of work. In 1669 he accepted the post
of professor of botany at Oxford University, where he remained
until his death. .
MORISON'S ideas were set forth in his Hortus Regiua Blesensis
(1669) 1 which formed part I of his Praeludia botanica in which
he gave the rudiments of his system of classification. His most
important work was Plantarum historiae universalis Oxoniensis,
Pars secunda, .. (1680), which described herbaceous plants. The
first part of the Plantarum historiae, on trees and shrubs, was
never printed. Some have doubted, said PLUNKENE'r, whether it
was ever written, but there is reason to believe that it had been
completed in manuscript form prior to his decease. MORISON's
system was founded all the fruits and on the habits of the plants
conjointly. For example, Class 1 was "Scandentes", Class 2
"Leguminosae", and so on.
MORISON has been censured for his arrogant and disputatious
attitude toward other botanists. He implied that he had drawn
all his information first hand from the study of plants and main-
tailled the utmost silence respecting any assistance drawn from his
predecessors; yet it was perfectly evident that he had drawn freely
on CESALPINO, GESNER, and others.
If anything were needed to show that the age of the
was over and that a new cra in the study of plants had 110g'lln, we
could point to the work of .JOHN RAY (1628-1705). The greatest
advance in plant classification in the seventeenth century was made
by RAY, a lllan who exemplHied the highest ideals oJ science, ehar-
acter, and scholarship, The system of classification which he
founded was the basis for that of DE .JussmlU and of DE CANDOLLE
and had therefore an abiding influence on the development of
The accounts of RAY'S interesting life have becu so frequently
and so well given that the briefest notice. will here ,<guffico. Ho had
a brilliant career as a student at Cambridge University. Thoro he
pursued theological studies and was ordained, as a ministel' in
1660. He then held a fellowship in Trinity Collep:e
conscientious reasons, he resigned the fellowship in HHi2 and
left Cambridge. For severnl yoars he travelled extonsiv<:!ly in IGng-
lanel and Scotland and on the Continent. Tile travnl was made
vossiblo through his warm friendship with WrLLUGUBY, a man
who possessed a considerable fortune and was able to ])l'ovidc for
aU nAY's IH ..\ods. RAY'S love of the natural manifested
from student days, asscrtocl itself in several ways. His botanical
excursions around Cambridge wore gradually extended to cover
England and Scotland. Eventually he tl'avcllod for three years
over France, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Hnd other
regions, studying the plant life as he travelled.
RAY's '11rst publication was a modest catalog of plants growing
ill the vichiity of Cambridge, but in an appendix he stated tenta-
tively his ideas on classification which were Jater developed.
His large three-volume work, Historia plalltal'U1l1, was pub-
lished between 1686 and 1704. The whole plant ldngdOlu was
divided into herbs and trees, exemplifying again the influence of
the Greeks almost to our day on botany.
He divided the herbs into Imperfectae (algae, fungi, mosses,
ferns - but these terms, however, did not have the same connota-
Chapter VI
-85- The Seventeenth Century
tiol1 as in use) and Perfectae, which were further
subdivided on the basis of the cotyledon into 19 dicotyledonous
and 3 monocotyledonous groups. Trees were divided also into
monocotyledons and dicotyledons. This classification was not per-
fect by any means, but it expressed some important ideas. True,
most of his classes had been previously named by and
were very unequal in extent, but they emphasized the importance
of the flower and fruit for classification. The book in its second
and subsequent editions was popular and its method was taught
widely by some of the most eminent botanists on the Continent.
In 1688 RAY published Fasciculus Stirpiul11 BritannicarulTI" which
was an enlarged edition of the catalog of English plants which he
had published in 1670. On the eve of publication of this new edi-
a dispute with his publishers arose which led to its appearance
as a totally new work. He accordingly abandoned the alphabetical
arrangement of the catalog and grouped the plants according to
his own scheme of classification. This book which became very
populax' with the botanists of that period was, in fact, the basis
on which the floras of England have subsequently been founded.
It was simplHied and made more generally useful than its two pre-
decessors by its systematic arrangement and the reconsideration
of . generic characters of an increased number of plants. .
The final system of RAY (taken from SACHS' History of
any) :
i-PlnntclCl submnrimlC PO]YX:CB, }l'U"U8)
iii-Musci (Confcl'vac, Mosses, Lycopods)
iv-Capillal'cs (Ferns, Lcmna, Eqltisot1t1n)
(b) Pn:RFECT.A.l!l
DicotyloclO'l108 (binis cotyledonibua)
vi-Planh)<!tulae iucteseentes
vll-J)iijcoideE!C seminc tlltl)OaO
ix-CalJitalae (vi-ix arc compoaitac)
x-Semine nudo flolitlll'iO (Val<l:riancae, Mirabilia, Tkeai11Jl, etc,)
xiv-V crticcllntllu (Labiatae)
.xv-Somine n11do POiYBPOl'mO (Rnmmoutus, Rosa. AliBma)
xvi-Pomifc).'ae (GU(Jurbitaoeae)
xvil-Bnccifcl'lte (llu1J1M,, llryoni(t. Sola.num, Menvanthes)
xviii-MultiRiliquM (Scdmn, IlclieboreC!e, llut011tll6, A8<J!epi(8)
xix-Vascnlifm'uo rnonollctaiae (Various)
xx-Vusculi'fcruc dlpetuiae (Val'ious)
xxl-'I'etl'RpetuhuJ lIiliquQsu(! (Crnciferao, Ruta, Mo:notropa)
xxiii-Pentapetnil1e vnaculifemc enangioBPermae (V m'joua)
MO'llocot71ledonC8 (singulua aut nulliB cotyledonibus)
xxiv-Gl'aminlfol!ae fiorifcl'ae vAlIcnlo tl.'ioaPflulal'i (LitiaCBlr.Il, Zi1l0iberacllae)
xxv-Stuminae (Gl'[l.BSes)
xxvl-Anomalne IncorLae sedla
B, PLANTAEl QI!1:MMIl'IllnA-m (AllUonms)
(It) MO'tlOcotylodQlICI1
xxvli-Arborei'l n:rundinnceuc (Paitne,. D1'acaena)
(b) DiCJotll1:lJdollsS
xxviU-ArpOl'cB flOl'() [L remota seu a:pcta,lae (ConiflJrae and various others)
xxix-Arbo:t:<!s f:ructu umblllcllto (various)
xxx-Al'bol'CB fl'uctu non (VIl:r!OUEl)
xxxi-Arbores fl'Uctu sieeo (varIous)
BilIquoaae (woody l"a.piliona.O(l(lc)
xxxiH-Al'borcs anomalae (Pious)
Howard S. Reed -86-
A Short History
Starting with JUNG'S definitions and terminology, RAY
fully investigated and extended the entire subject. Having trav-
elled and studied plants in the field under various conditions from
Scotland to the Mediterranean, he could appreciate the variability
of plants in different habitats. There is evidence that he pondered
the species concept more thor-oughly than any of his predecessors.
He was pretty well convinced that species were constant, although
there were certain minor variations in every specie$. The species
character was transmitted from parent to offspring, the minor
characters were more indeterminate. He may appear to be a hit
inconsistent in giving credence to certain prevalent beliefs that
may change into Loliurn, but there is little evidence
that he believed in the mutability of species. When on8 con-
siders the state of botany as RAY left it and compares it with
what JUNG found after the time of the herbals, he is impressed
with the advances made in the seventeenth century.
Microscopy and micrography in the seventeenth century:u The
first compound microscope was undoubtedly made by ZACHARIAS
JANSSEN, a spectacle maker of Midc1elburg, Holland, who about
1590 p1.'esented to CHARLES ALBER'r, Archduke of Austria, an instru-
ment which he had made. That primitive microscope was about
six feet long, was mounted on a thick ebony board, and contained
only two lenses.
ROBERT HOOKE (1635-1703) is credited with being one of the
fil'st to apply the microscope to biology and its usefulness was dem-
onstrated by results which he published ill Micrographia (1.665).
HOOKE was an anomalous character, no more biologist than a
physicist, technician, philosopher, or chemist, but he devoted him-
self so industriously to research that there was scarcely a discovery
made in his day that he did not hesitate to claim as his own. The
Micrographia which contained observations on feathers, lice, fleas,
etc. is largely an assemblage of curiosities, but among them is a
trenchant observation on the structure of thin sections of charcoal,
which he compared with eork and other tissues. He found that the
cork was "all perforated and porous, much like a honey comb,
but that the pores of it were not regular". He called the pores
and the separating walls "intel'stitia
HOOKE became strangely interested ill cork and reached the
conclusion that it must be the outgrowth of the bark of a tree,
and estimated that a cubic inch of cork contained more than twolvG
hundred million pores. Continning, he said:
N or is this kind of texture peculiar to cod\: only j for upon mmmi nation
with my microscope, I have found that tho 11ith of an 1%101', or almost any
other tree, the inner pulp or pith of the Cany, hollow stalks of several other'
vegetables - as of Fennel, Carrets, Bar-docles, 'l'casels, Foarn, some kinds
of Reeds etc., have much the same kind of schematismc, as I have Intely
shown that of cork ..
It is important to notice that HOOKE conferred the name HCGll"
on the units of plant structure, and that it has been
though used in a sense different from what HOOI{]:;1 had in mind.
AN'rHONI VAN LEEUWENHOEK cloth Inel'chant and
wine-taster by trade, and a correspondGnt of the Royal Society of
London, is another engaging figure in the history of the 17th
,century. In 1654 he married and settled in Delft, where he lived
the remainder of his long life. He devoted his spare time to lens
Chapter VI -87- The Seventeenth Century
grinding and making microscopes. It is said that he made over
400 microscopes, of which he bequeathed 26 to the Royal Society
of London. Owing to his skill in grinding lenses he developed that
art further than anyone had done previously. With his superior
microscopes and unwonted powers of observation he made dis-
coveries which became classical. He examined all sorts of things
much as HOOKE had done, and with as little attempt to organize
them into a definite system. The forms and activities of animalcules
in bodies of water, gutters, and ponds were studied and faithfully
described. He discovered protozoa and bacteria in the course of
his work. Naturally, he did not know what they were but he
made drawings of them. He did, however, come to the very defi-
nite conclusion that they reproduced their own kind, instead of
arising spontaneously. He was the first to observe the striation
of muscle fiber and the red blood corpuscles, and was the first to
prove tlmt arte:ries and veins were actually c011nected by networks
of capillaries, and thus completed HARVEY'S discovery.
The results of LEEUWENHOEK'S work were transmitted in dis-
cursive letters to the Royal Society of London. LEEUWENHOEK
made no attempt to apply his discovery of microbes to a theory of
contagion. He discovered them in waters and infusions, even in
the bodies of living animals, but appears never to have suggested
in his writings that such "animalcules" threw any light on the
etiology of morbid infections. Many years were to pass before
the full significance of his discovery was realized.
The inception of plant The science of plant anatomy
was founded in the 17th century by two men 'Of outstanding ability,
MALPIGHI and GREW, whose results were simultaneously laid before
the Royal Society of London in 1671.
MARCELLO MALPIGHI (1628-1694) was born near Bologna and
at an early age entered that university where he distinguished
himself as a student. He was intermittently a professor in the
university until 1691, when his health demanded his retirement,
and he went to Rome as private physician to t)1e P-ope. With the
help of the newly invented microscope, MALPIGI-II was intent on
discovering all he could about the anatomy and physiology of plants.
Although we of this time can see many mistakes in his observa-
tions and explanations, they contain much which is still useful.
While studying the anatomical structure of stems he was con-
tinually concerned with the movement of sap and the translocation
of foods, although little was known at the time about the functions
of the organs of plants. He was thus interested in building up an
integrated knowledge of the plant. Omitting an account of his
pertinent discoveries in animal physiology we pass to his work on
plant anatomy.
Following a paper presented to the Royal Society he published
"Anatome Plantarum" in 1675. This exceptional work dealt with
the anatomy of plants and considered their functions. He began
with the stem and its bark, which he saw was composed of tiny
sacs (utricles), i.e., of cells. In the wood he distinguished fibers,
tubes, and other constituents, and he concluded that the wooel of
trees grew by periodic transformations of the inner bark into
wood. The fibers, said he, were for the conduction of water and
the tubes for the conduction of air, which is as important for plants
Howard S. Reed -88- A Short History
as for animals. The name tracheae which he bestowed on the ves-
sels in stems and on the air tubes in insects is an example of his
search for analogies between plants and animals. His belief that
there were peristaltic movements in the tracheae lasted long after
his time. The important discovery that the layers of tissues in
leaves and young shoots are continuous with those of the main
stem was made by MALPIGHI. His concept of tissues as exemplified
in the following quotation enabled him to clear up many mistakes
concerning roots.
'rhe roots of trees are a part of the stem, which divides into branches
and ultimately ends in capillary threads; tt'ees are therefore essentially nne
tubes which run separate from one another under the ground, but gradually
collect into bundles; these bundles unite further On with other and larger
bundles, and all together ultimately join to form a single cylinder, the stem,
which then by a separation of the tubes at the opposite extremity stl'ctches
out its branches, and by the continued gradual separation of the larger into
smallm' bundles, finally expands into leaves; and so reaches its furtherest
To MALPIGHI belongs the credit of discovering stomata of
leaves and of rightly understanding their function. He compared
buds from which leaves and branches arise with the ovary and
uterus; leaves were the places in which sap is elaborated, and flow-
ers were described with extraordinary care. He arrived at the
curious conclusion that the flower leaves were organs for the
tion of ignoble saps in preparation for the formation of noble
fruits. However, he described accurately the seed coat and the
process of germination and held fairly correct ideas on the nutri-
tion of plants.
The second part of the "Anatome Plantarum" began with a de-
scription of the germination and growth of the seedling, followed
by a long chapter on galls which were therein for the first time
correctly described. He knew that the galls on legume roots were
not produced by insects.
NEHEMIAH GREW (1628-1711) who, jointly with MALPIGHI,
founded the science of plant anatomy, was born at Coventry. His
education was obtained at Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, and subse-
quently at Leiden where he received the degree Doctor of Medicine
in 1671. Returning to England he practiced medicine at Coventry
and subsequently in London. He never held a position in a univer-
sity, devoting his time to his professional duties and his scientific
researches, becoming Secretary of the Royal Society in 1677. He
was a man of genius and skill, endowed with the spirit of research.
He published mfhe Anatomy of Plants Begun" in 1672 and uThe
Anatomy of Plants" in 1682.
GREW saw clearly the problems of plant anatomy and physi-
ology. His drawings are especially commendable, -being more exact
than those of MALPIGHI. His combined representations of cross
and longitudinal sections of stems still can be used for delineating
the structure of wood. It is not too much to say that in their
time and with their equipment GREW and MALPIGHI advanced the
science of plant anatomy as far as was possible. -No important
advance on their ideas on plant anatomy was made for more than
a century.
GREW dealt primarily with the histology of tissues, not with
individual cells, nevertheless his casual observations on the union
Chapter VI -89- The Seventeenth Century'
of cells with each other and on the structure of fibers and vessels
formed the basis for the researches of later histologists. We owe
to GREW the term "parenchyma". He compared its structure to
""the froth of beer or eggs", remarking that the sides of
""bladders" are as transparent as water, or the bodies of some
insects. GREW thought that the cells, fibers, and vessels
bound tog'ether by a web {partly longitudinal, partly transverse)
of finest threads. In this he must have been unwittingly led .astray
by torn spiral threads in the preparation. He said that the trunk
is composed of skin, cortical body, ligneous body, insertions, and
pith. He described the structure of the wood more precisely than
any predecessor, saying that the lignified part "is nothing else
but a cluster of innumerable and most extraordinary small vessels
or concave fibers", and found nothing corresponding to valves in
the pores or vessels to regulate the flow of sap. He thought that
the structure of pith was similar to that of honey comb. The most
exact comparison he could conceive of the whole body of the plant
was with a piece of fine lace tissue, such as women make on a
pillow, fOl.'"the pith, the medullary rays, and the parenchyma of the
cortex "are all extrcam Fine and Pel'fect Lace-work".
GREW was not palticularly clear about the -flower structure
because he did not comprehend its nature, nor indeed, did anyone
else at that time, He named the parts the "impalement" (calyx),
the Hfoliation" (corolla), and the "attire".
The ideas of MALPIGHI and GREW on leaves are worth repro-
ducing since they were so pertinent and each in his way marked an
advance. The following excerpts are shown in parallel columns.
MAI,PIGlII - The Z(laf.
In their develulHTIlmt Nuturc ill so fertilc
thnt nlnntH IIIHl(,lll' tu vegetate on nccmmt [If
thc 1('H.vI.% The lenves I\l'e lu'rnns"tl In dill'llI:-
cnt DOflitiOIlH nnd ol'lll)l' on tho flhnotl1 nnel
outgrowinP.' ]jlldH: frequently ill thc)y
llt'(!11 k hI nih'l'mLtillg' (ll'CIClI', lUI we fiCO
in I'OjlllIlItl, L<J.t('IU1l, Om'lIllw. Citnt8, Rosa. ca-
n-ina, VI!IWrt, Ilhumnlt8, Juju/Ia. On
thoBH 01' mOL'!) h'IWOfl may grow
il'um ouo twhf, und thOKO in the middle of
thl) twiv, m't' lnl'Wit' mill willet', tho otlicl'tj
Mm'c,lovc!l' the illLul'nntuiy pillce,d ImwC'1l tnko
no ).lofliticln BO thnt two sh'ai)>:ht lIuoll
dl'I\WIl frolll 1,aHI; to IIlH1X would not touch
lIll thn iC)IIV(!A, Oil tlw contrm:Y th'lY arc ]liU(l()rl
In dlffl!l'cnj. nJ'<h'l', )10' th,lt, (lV(lry third loaf
I1uintR in UlH aumC' dJrr.'ctic)n. ill
other" like tlw ollic "from WhOAC lengthy Ahootn
l1U1nCl'OUB 11'llvnA nl'iso It ill IlUflcult to dlM-
COVCl' l1. Ilymetry.
GnEW - On leu1)os.
Another URI.) (of l[\voll) is fnr augmentn-
Unn ; 01' tlHl capacity fol' tho du[: nnd
IIInlllilltl<>ll of n 'l'l'oll or othm' PIn lit. al'e ita
l'lIlVHH. l?or hfll'n{n the J.ignOIlB l!ody lJolug
int,o snlall Flbm'R. and these rUlllling
nil nlolll': theil' lax aud IlIlongic Parcllchyma;
theY' llrc thus 1\ bmly 'fit .eOl' the imtlibition <J"f!
1lII.1l and onBie growth. Now the Siln having
H f1'oe recelltion into th(l louves. it aWl givos
wuy to the noxt 1.11 the Dl'nncl1()S
nml 'rl'Unk, noll tho voyuinrr or tho IIn1)
for the mounting of that in the Root,
und Ing-I'CflH of that in tho Il'l'onntl. Xlut wel'C
thol'o no lenvo to multo IL free or
snp, It mHat noeds bll atugmmt In <Ill the
rllll'tA til tho Root, So thQ )loot being
uiOHg'd itA :l'et'mentil1A' tllld other offices will
he voyded llnd BO the c.lue growth (.of the
whole, . As in the motion of It Watch. nlthollR'h
th", ol'jgin[l] terlll thereof he the Svrlng, yot
the cflp!Lclty fo!' Its cOntlnllunce in a due
thl'i;n\p;hout nU wheels, ia the frlle
lImI easy motIon of the BlllIunce.
It is appropriate to co:rp.ment on the relations between these
two eminent meu, lest there be any misconceptions on the subject.
GREW's innate modesty and professional appreciation of MAL-
PIGI-II'S work impelled him at one time to cease his researches and
leave the field to his Italian rival, but the Royal Society urged him
to continne them and in 1'672 appointed him curator to the society
for the anatomy of plants. GREW was deeply conscious of this
honor expressing nothing but praise for MALPIGIII and his work.
MALPIGHI exhibited an equally conrteous spirit and had GREW'S'
Howard S. Reed -90- A Short His tory
work translated into Latin for his own use. We cannot but admire
this example of scientific courtesy.
Physiology in the seventeenth century: In this epoch when the
subject of plant physiology was begun, men's attention was directed
to the physics of absorption and translocation of sap. Their minds
were undoubtedly turned in that direction by HARVEY'S discovery
of the circulation of the blood. "This discovery of HARVEY'S cre-
ated an immense sensation; during the immediately succeeding
decades after its pUblication (in 1628) it was the one great ques-
tion of the day and occasioned a vast quantity of literature both
for and against it" (N ORDENSKIOLD, p. 141).
JUNG'S views on the absorption of substances by roots have
already been mentioned. He seemed to have had some idea that
roots exercised a selective power in absorbing substances, but it
was crudely stated. The fruitful investigations of MALPIGHI and
GREW afforded a sound basis for their discussions of the problems
of sap translocation in plants. Their attempts should be empha-
sized in view of the fact that no advance in this field had been
made for nearly 2000 years.
MALPrGHI said "There are several kinds of vessels in plants
both in the bark and in the wood in addition to latex tubes and
resin canals; the sap can flow upwards and downwards as we see
when a branch continues to grow after having been bent down-
wards. FU1'thermore, if a part of a leaf be cut the sap can make
new paths". He believed that the sap absorbed by roots ascended
through fibrous constituents of the wood and that air ascended
through tubes he named tracheae on account of their resemblance
to the breathing apparatus of insects. MALPIGHI broke from teleo-
logical moorings. He proceeded to formulate a general theory of
sap circulation based upon patient, observations
including the function of the leaves, In all this he. rested on the
. secure foundation of his discovery of the continuity of tissues
throughout the plant.
GREW'S ideas on sap movement in plants were hardly as success-
ful as MALPIGHI'S. We can credit him, however, with the idea thnt
the sap ascends solely through the wood and with recognition 0:[
the role of capillarity aided by lateral pressure of the turgid paren-
chyma. He thought that the rise in the wooel occurred only in the
spring, that for most of the year it rose in hark. He seems to have
had no adequate conception of the role of a living substance which
constituted a definite part of the Ol.'ganism, but was secnre in
his knowledge of the continuity of the vessels in wood, leaf, etc.
Re refers many vital phenomena to "fermentation", a term
endowed with mystery in his day as well as in ours.
It would be futile to put into the statements of MALPIGHI and
GREW meanings which obviously had not dawned at that time.
They should be extolled, however, for their work 011 plant anatomy
with its emphasis on physiology. Had they lived and workect two
centuries later, they would most certainly have given a splendid
exposition of the movement of sap and of its physiological func-
tions. Both men repeatedly emphasized the importance of
as organs for the elaboration of food.
J. B. VAN' HELMONT (1577-1644) was one of tho greatost chem-
ists who preceded LAVOISIER. He devoted much attention to the
Chapter VI -91- The Seventeenth Century
f;ltudy of gases, and is supposed to have been the first to use the
word gas as a generic name for all elastic aeriform fluids. He was
also the first to take the melting point of ice and the boiling point
of water as standards of the measurement of temperature. The
process of fermentation, he said, must produce a Idnd of air 'simi-
lar to that which is liberated when charcoal is burned, or which
sometimes renders the air of caves unfit for respiration.
VAN HELMONT performed an experiment on plant growth in
which crude quantitative methods were used, and although he was
erroneous in his conclusions and his work received no immediate
scientific attention, he did something to combat the Aristotelian
idea of plant nutrition. The oft-quoted experiment was as fol-
lows:- He planted a willow branch weighing five pounds in a pot
containing 300 pounds of dry soil. The pot was given nothingt but
water. A cover prevented solid matter like dust from falling on
the surface of the soil. When the experiment was discontinued at
the end of five years, the willow had grown to a tree weighing
164 pounds, and the soil weighed only two ounces less than at
the beginning. VAN HELMONT concluded from this result that
the increased mass of the tree had been derived from the water
and not from the soil, and that the tree made all of its substance
from the water absorbed. VAN BELMONT was more than two
centuries ahead of his time, and may therefore be pardoned for his
conclusion. He deserves credit, however, for experimenting on
the question and for drawing conclusions which l'este.d on the
results obtained and not on the classical ideas of plant nutrition.
At last there was an idea that the nutriment of plants is not
obtained like that of animals.
EDME MARIOTTE (c. 1620-1684), who was active in developing
experimental research in France, incidentally paid some attention
to the physiology of plants. He opposed the prevalent AI'istotelian
theory of plant nutrition and attempted to substitute for it the
concept that the whole process of plant life and llutrition is based
upon physical forces. He did not experiment on plants, but made
some very pertinent observations, stating that e.g., if une grafts
a scion of "Bon Chretien" pear on a wild root, the sap of the latter
nourishes both the graft and the stock. On the fm'mer it pro-
duces well-flavored fruits; on the latter only wild fruit, conversely,
if one grafts a scion of the wild on the cultivated pear, the tree
thus grafted produces only wild fruits. The sap of the original
(stock) trunk therefore acquLres different qualities in each graft,
as shown by the character of the fruits. Another nail in the coffin,
of the classical theory of nutrition was driven by the observation
that diverse species of plants find, in the same soil, substances
necessary for synthesizing a great variety of materials.
MARIO'l"rE's interests in physical science led him to think .about
the flow of sap in plants. The ascent of sap was ascribed to
larity, but he thought that the latex corresponded to the arierlal
blood, &nd the watery sap to the venous blood.
Botanical explorers and explorations:- HANS SLOANE (1660-
1753) a man of talent, education, and personality studied in Lon-
don. Paris and Montpellier. At the age of 28 he embarked for the
West Indies as physician to the Duke of Albemarle, eventually
arri ving in Jamaica.
Howard S. Reed -92- A Short History
"He was", says PULTENEY, "the first man of learning, whom the love of
science alone had led from England, to the distant parts of the globe; and,
consequently, the field waS wholly open to him. He was already well ac-
quainted with the discoveries of the age. He had an enthusiasm his object,
and was at an ag'c, when both activity of body, and vivacity of mind, concur
to vanquish difficulties".
Dr. SLOANE returned from his visit to the West Indies in May
1689 bringing a collection of not fewer than 800 species of plants,
a number mnch larger than anyone had hitherto brought to Eng-
land. He published an account of Jamaica plants in his Catalogus
plantarum. (1696) following, as f::1.1' as possible, RAY'S system, and
eliminating synonymous names. RAY eventually incorporated
SLOANE'S list of J)hmts in the third volume of' his I-listoria plan-
tarum generalis. In addition to his activities in establishing the
Chelsea botanical garden and to his duties as president of the
Royal Society of London, SLOANE found time to describe l)lants,
correspond with JOHN RAY, and to form a scientific collection and
library which, after his death, formed the nucleus of the British
Museum. The figure of this eminent man is still conspicuous after
two centuries.
JAMES CUNNINGHAM, who investignted the flora of China more
thoroughly than any European had :fonuerly done, was sont in 1HB8
to China as physician to the English factory at Amoy. CUNNING-
HAM appears to be the first English writer who gave an accurate
description of the tea tree, and has the distinction of being the first
European who made botanical collections in China and whose rich
herbarium safely arrived home. He sent to PIJUKENET and PE'l'IVER
a larg'e number of new plants which they studied and described,
While European botanists were collecting and accurately de-
scribing their flora, an epoch-making piece of work was being done
luccas. Having been appointed to a post by the Dutch India
Company, he went out in 1653 and took up residence 011 the small
island of Amboina southwest of Coram which was important to
his employers on account of its spices. HUMPHIUS' assiduous work
011 the natural history of Amboilla and adjacent islands won for
him the appropriate name, "the Pliny of the Indies", His work
made the world better acquainted with this small out-of-the-way
island than with many a larger and more frequented Hrca.
MERItILI. WI'ote (lD17), "'rho flol'a of Amboil1a is typieal1y
although a few A ustl'alian types arc 11l'csent as in other parts of the Malnyan
lcgioll. Pl'actically all of the species found along the 8ca coa::;t of gmtm'al
distribution from India to Mnlaya and Polynesia, Likewise l1lOl'lt of tiw 1:11l(!cios
found in the settled arcas at low and medium altitudes, weeds of eultivnti(ll1"
and the generally cultivated economic and ol'namental plaJlts HL'U tho flamo
as those usually found throughout Malaya, vel'Y many of whieh uro nnw dis-
tributed in ull tropical regions .... From the standpoint of endemic slweies
most of the neighboring islands ar(! probably of much g'l'catm: than
is Amboina, but from the ot the history of Malayan hotany, no
part of the Moluccas can be compared with W'.
RUMPHIUS' renowned work, the "Herbarium Amboincllsc'"
(1741-1755) I contains descriptions aIH1 illustrations of the :flora of
that island which are truly remarkable when one realizes that all
was the work of one man who labored uuder tremendous handicaps.
He described and named about 1700 forms. Many of RUMPHIUS
Chapter VI
-93- The Seventeenth Century
forms were certainly varieties. His idea of species was naturally
not that which is held today, yet his pioneer work has an abiding
value. Although the work was pre-Linnea}). and exemplifies no
definite system of classification, subsequent writers made the
Rumphian descriptions (and figures) the types of many binomials.
LINNAEUS made reference to very few Rumphian names in the
first edition of Species plantarum, but his successors adopted many
of them. LINNAEUS based certain binomials on the illustrations
and descriptions in RUMPHIUS' HHerbarium" but wrote no descrip-
tions other than those he took from RUMPHIUS. LINNAEUS and his.
pupil, STICK MAN, attempted to reduce the "Herbarium" to the bi-
nomial system (1754), but no botanical specimens from Amboina
were available to European botanists until late in the 18th century
and then the numbers were small.
The tragic circumstances under which RUMPH IUS' work was
done must not be overlooked. From his arrival on Amboina in
1653 he worked assiduously on the Hel'bariul11. and in 1670 had
nearly finished, but was anxious (as many another botanist has
becn) to make one more trip of observation. This last trip, he
adnlitted, was responsible for the blindness which afflicted him
the rest of his c1.ays. N evcl'theless, with the help of his wife and
of men sent by the Dutch East India Company he worked on.
He was engaged in a translation of the Latin text of his work into
Dutch when in 1674 the island expexienced a great earthquake in
which his loyal wife and eldest child were killed. He continued
. the work vvith such help as he could get, but in 1687 suffered the
loss of some of his precious manuscripts and the illustrations for
the Herbarium by a fire which also destroyed his honse and his
librHry. Yet his courage was not daunted, with almost incredible
devotion he renewed his work and replaced all the lost illustrations,
utilizing the talents of his son and such other assistance as he
could get.
The manuscripts of the first six books were eventually finished
in .1690 and sent to Batavia, Java, to be transmitted to Europe.
But apparently followed them, for the ship "Waterland"
on which they were carried was destroyed by the French and the .
precious manuscript was lost. A copy of the manuscript had been
kept, however, from which the work was reconstructed, but it was
some years later before a new copy was sent to Holland. The
manuscript of the Auctunrium which H,UMPI-IIUS completed only a
few months before his death was copied at Batavia and sent to
Holland two years after the death of RUMPI-IIUS at Amboina.
rrhe Herbarium Amboinense laid in the offices of the Dutch East
India Company for over' 30 years. before it was edited and
The light kindled by this valiant man has illumined the scien-
tific studies of the Indo-Malayan flora for over two
thanks to his spirit which knew no defeat.
DOBE:r,L, C. (1932): Antony van Leeuwenhoek and his "Little animals".
cou.rt, Brace, New York.
GREEN, J. R. (1914): A history of botany in the United Kingdom. Dent &
Sons, London and Toronto j Dutton, New Yorlt.
Howard S. Reed -94-
A Short History
IIaarlem, Koloniaal Museum (1902): RUMPHItIS Gedenkboek, 1702-1902. J.
1. de Bussy, Amsterdam.
HAWKS, E. (1928): Pioneers of plant study. Sheldon Press, London;
millan, New York and Toronto.
MERRILL, E. D. (1917): An interpretation of RUMPHIUS' Herbarium amtioin-
enSe. Bureau of Printing, Manila.
N ORDEN SKIOLD, E. (1928): The history of biology (transl. from the Swedish
by L. B. EYRE). Knopf, New York and London.
PULTENEY, R. (1790): Historical and biographical sketches of the progress
of botany in England. Cadell, London.
SACHS, J. VON (1890): History of botany (1530-1860) .. authorized trans!.
by H. E. F. GARNSey rev. by I. B. BALFOUR. Clarendon Press,
Oxford. (Original German ed., 1875).
SClIMUCK:EU, T. (1936): Geschichte del' Biologie. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,
Chapter VII.
The remarkable gains of the 17th century were the vehicles
of scientific thought for many a day. The freedom to investigate
things in the universe and the invention of lenses pushed forward
the biological sciences. If science was less inventive in the 18th
century, it, nevertheless, had the merit of solving some of the
problems inherited from by-gone ages. Happily, so far as the
plant sciences were concerned, the mystifying attitude of the
ancients had been dispelled and the age of the experimentalist was
at hand.
Discovery of sexuality in plants: 'The nature philosophy of the
Greeks had contributed nothing of value to the proper under-
standing of the process of fertilization in plants. The empirically
derived knowledge of the Assyrians and Chaldeans concerning
the necessity for pollinating the pistillate spathes of the date-
palm was repeated by THEOPHRASTUS and PLINY. It is possible
that PLINY understood that the process of fertilization required
the transfer of a material from one to the other, and that this
material was the pollen dust. CESALPINO reiterated the Aris-
totelian doctrine that the IJl'oductiol1 of seeds was simply a nobler
form of reproduction than that by buds. MALPIGHI was silent on
the subject, and GREW got only far enough to say, "That the
same plant is both male and female, may the rather be believed
in that snails and some other animals are such" (Anatomy of
Plants, 1682). As early as 1686 RAY had admitted that the exist-
ence of sexuality in plants was probable but that it required more
proof. It is all too evident that the question of sexuality baffled
those who used only observational and descriptive methods. The
answer was obtained by those who used experimental methods -
the new 'bool of biological research. '
Although the epoch-making discovery of RUDOLPH CAMERARIUS
(1665-1721) was published in the closing years of the 17th, we
shall include it in a survey of the 18th century. He became Pro-
fessor Extraordinary and director of the botanical garden at
Ttibingen in 1688, and professor of physics in 1689. He was a
botanist of renown who reported his results in letters to savants
in other universities.
A female mulberry tree observed by CAMERARIUS once bore
fruit although no male tree was in the vicinity, but the berries
were seedless. This led him to extend his investigation by sepa-
rating dioecious plants in a garden. He set two female specimens
of Mercuriali8 annuu apart from others and watched their seed
formation. The plants grew well but were seedless in contrast to
others which were amongst male plants. On August 25, 1694
he wrote a letter entitled "De sexu plantarum epistola" to V ALEN-
TIN, a professor at Giessen, in which he painstakingly discussed
Howard S. Reed -96- A Short History
the views of ancient writers on the flower and concluded with an
account of his own results. He reported that when he removed
the male flowers of Ricinus and Zea mays he got no seeds. From
this he concluded that no ovules of plants could ever develop into
seeds without first being prepared by the pollen which is borne
in the stamens. "It therefore follows", said he, "that the sta-
mens are the male sexual organs in which that powder which is
the most subtle part of the plant, is secreted and collected, to
afterwards be supplied from thence". In these words the process
of fertilization was more correctly explained than ever before.
The whole tone of the letter shows that CAMERARIUS was deeply
impressed with the extraordinary importance of the question, and
that he was concerned to establish the existence of sexuality on
a secure basis. Probably his most important statement was that
in which he came to the conclusion that the "apices" with their
pollen are the male; and the style and ovary are the female
organs in the flower.
Among CAMERARIUS' many experiments were several failures,
which, in his scientific way, he took pains to report. He was
much disturbed to find that three plants of hemp taken from the
field and set in the garden produced fertile seeds, and upon
repeating the experiment by growing the plants indoors in pots,
he obtained the same results. In this case it seems that he left
to someone else the cutting out of the male plants.
The importance of CAMERARIUS' discoveries soon became appre-
ciated by other investigators; some denied them; others declared
they knew them all the time; but here and there, some were
sufficiently aroused to put them to the test. Among the latter
was JAMES LOGAN (1674-1751), governor of Pennsylvania. He
set some plants of corn at opposite ends of a plot of gl"ound, about
80 feet apart. In one gTOUp he left the plants intact, but from
the others he removed the male panicles. Late in the summer he
observed that the ears of the hills in which the plants had been
decapitated were all sterile except Hone large ear which grew out
somewhat further from the stalk than usual, and on that side
too, which faced another hillock in a quarter from which our
strong-est winds most commonly blew". An ear among the unmu-
tilated group, which had been wrapped in muslin, remained with-
out a fertile seed. It thus appears that LOGAN may be
with the first appreciation of wind pollination. The exact data
of this work is not known, but it appears to have been published
in 1739.
Years pa8sed before anything more of importance was dono.
J. G. GLEDITSCH (1714-1786), director of the botanic garden in
Berlin, endeavored to attain perfect conviction on the point by
many years' experiments with diverse plants. A female palm
(Chamaerops hU1'nil-is) which had been brought to Berlin from
Africa had never been known to produce seed, though it wus
about eig'hty years old, and he himself had observed it for aLont
fifteen years. There was no male tree in Berlin, so he procured
part of a male inflorescence from a tree growing in Leipzig, from
which he obtained pollen, dusting it over the female flowers and
tying it on to the inf-torescence of the Berlin tree. result
was that fruit ripened the following winter and germinated in
the spring. Though this was only doing once more what
Chapter VII
-97- The Eighteenth Century
'!US had repo.rted the Assyrians as doing in the fifth century B.C.,
It was experimental proof of the sexuality of plants.
Attempts to discover the facts about reproduction in plants
were thereafter made by VAILLANT, LINNAEUS, and others, but
the next definite advance in this field was made by J. G. KOEL-
REUTER (1733-1806) who conducted his experiments partly in
the of Calw in Wurtemberg, and partly in St. Petersburg,
BerlIn, and Leipzig. From 1764 to his death in 1806 he was pro-
fessor of Natural History in Karlsruhe. He discovered the func-
tion of nectar and the role of insects and wind in the pollination
of flowers, and, most important of all, he made plant hybrids. He
wrote graphically and with poetic grace. His first and most
important work entitled "VorIaufige Nachricht von einigen das
Geschlecht del' Pflanzen betreffenden Versuchen" was published in
four parts in 176'1., 1763, 1764 and 1766.
KOELREU'l'ER described for the 'first time the process of natural
pollination in Iris, Malva, and other plants, concluding that flowers
that were incapable of pollinating themselves were pollinated by
insects. In order to discover how effective insects were in the
fertilization of flowers, he pollinated 310 with a brush, leaving
the same number to be pollinated by insects. The number of
seeds formed in the latter case was only a little less than in the
former. Having interested himself thus far in pollen, he pro-
ceeded with the microscope available in his day to study the struc-
ture of the pollen grain and successfully described the double
wall with its exterior sculpturing. He noticed that something
escaped from the pollen grain after it had lain for some time
,on the stigma and fancied that this something was an oil, which
united with another oil secreted by the stigma, and that the com-
bined fluids passed down the style to the ovary and there induced
the formation of the embryo.
GLEICHEN and others had thought that pollen grains contained
spermatozoa and must burst to discharge them in order to effect
fertilization, but KOELREUTER did not regard the bursting of the
grains as a natural process, since they obviously possessed devices
for its prevention. He started with the hypothesis that the oil
,on the surface combined with the moisture of the stigma forming
a new substance, as an acid and an alkali unite to form 'a salt,
and that this substance, if fertilization is to ensue, must be
abs,orbed by the stigma and conveyed through the style to the
ovules. This view he later retracted, finding it to be inconsistent
with the facts revealed by his experiments in hybridization.
I{OELREUTER's fame rests upon his hybrids between Nicotiana
paniculata and N. rustica and his discovery that the hybrids were
sterile. He made other crosses between species of Dianthus,
cyamus, Ketmia, Matthiola, and Verbascum and learned that
bridization is, in general, only possible between nearly related
plants. By pollinating the stigmas with pollen taken from another
species, he established the prepotency of pollen taken from other'
flowers of the same species, and concluded that in the natural state
of things and under ordinary conditions hybrid plants are with
difficulty produced in nature .
. We pass to one of the. most engaging botanists of the 18th
century. CHRISTIAN KONRAD SPRENGEL (1750-1816) " author of
an interesting book entitled "Das entdeckte Geheimniss del:" Natur
Howard S. Reed
A Short History
im Bau und ill der Befruchtung del' Blumen". Published in 1793.
one hundred years after the publication of CAMERARIUS' "De sexu
plantarum epistola" 1 it contained the results of brilliant researches.
The purpose of the book was the explanation of the structure of
flowers, their colors and odors. ,It exhibits much of the spirit
and method of DARWIN but is often stifled in a teleological
While employed as pastor of the church at Spandau, SPRENGEL
became interested in the study of botany and as his interest in
botany grew, he neglected the duties of his office, the Sunday ser-
mon being often entirely omitted. Finally he lost his church and
went to Berlin where he lived in straitened circumstances, shunned
by men of science on account of his eccentricities. There he sup-
ported himself by giving instruction in languages and, botany, using
his Sundays for excursions which anyone might join on payment of'
a fee of a few groschen. Inevitable disgust with the way in which
his work was treated led him to forsake botany and devote him-
self to languages.
In "Das entdeckte Geheimniss" SPRENGEL examined the com-
mall wild flowers of his country, noting the adaptations they
show to their envir.onment and to insects. Setting out with the
conception of a "Wise Author of nature who has not created one
hair without a definite purpose", SPRENGEL'S study of apparently
insignificant facts brought about much clearer understanding of
the meaning of flowers than had ever been given before. He first
regarded the modifications of the flower as existing for the sale
benefit of insects, but later the study of some species of Iris led
him to the conclusion that the whole structure of the flower was
an adaptation to secure pollination by one or several species of
insects. SPRENGEL showed cross pollination to be the rule rather
than the exception and stated that, "Since very many flowers
are dioecious, and probably at least as many hermaphroditic flow-
ers are dichogamous, Nature appears not to have intended that
any flower should be fertilized by its own pollen". Dichogamy,
the maturing of stamens and pistils at different times, had been
previously noted by KOELREUTER but without appreciation of its
SPRENGEL noted that ,the markings of petals and their colors
could serve to guide the insects to the nectar glands. He dis-
tinguished between anemophily and entomophily. He showed that
all flowers "which are without a proper corolla and have no
calyx in its place, are destitute of nectar and are not fertilized
by insects, but by some mechanical means, as by the wind". He
also observed that such flowers produced light pollen and in large
amounts, while the reverse was true of insect-pollinated flowers.
He indicated that all the devices of flowers, whether for insect
pollination or for wind pollination, pointed indubitably to the
fact that as far as possible, nature avoided self-pollination. '
we have the problem of cross pollination stated. It rested here for
a long time. CHARLES DARWIN was the next to study jt and
to answer the question why it should be .so.
Studies on Fungi:. In the 18th century botanists began to give
some attention to the nature of fungi. As early as 1729 PIER'-
ANTONIO MICHELI (1679-1737) had observed that germinating
Chapter vn
-99- The Eighteenth Century
spores gave rise to threads and that these ultimately produced
"Methodus Fungorum" (1753) is a small work, illustrated
with six good plates, in which the author, J. G. GLEDIrrscH, classi-
fied fungi into 11 genera, such as BY88US, C l({,v aria, Agaricus,
P eziza, etc.
MATHIEU TILLET (1714-1791) made protracted observations
on the cause of wheat smut (bunt) and published his dissertation
in 1755. Although he failed to discover the causal fungus, he
established the fact that the disease was transmitted by the smut
dust on the seed. FELICE FONTANA (1730-1805) in 1767 gave a
clear account of the nature of grain rust which he ascribed to a
fungus parasitic on the plant. He found hyphae but was dis-
appointed because he could not find the "flowers, seeds, or buds".
A reve:t'sion to the assumption that all diseases of plants were
non-parasitic is seen in the dissertation by J. C. FABRICIUS (1745-
1808) published in 1774 and in ZALLINGElR's "Morbis Plantarum"
(1779) which holds that fungi are the product rather than the
cause of disease.
Progt'ess in plant classification:- By the middle of the 17th cen-
tury the number of plants known and named had become so large
that chaos resulted from all attempts to classify them by any
system then known. All who worked persistently on the problem
felt the need of a more orderly system. THEOPHRASTUS and others
had made a crude classification of plants into trees, shrubs, and
herbs, utilizing very obvious characters. In the course of time,
however, it became apparent that classification must be based on
characters of greater fundamental importance than either relative
size or longevity.
KASPAR BAUHIN, who distinguished genera and species by
names and fl'equently used a binary nomenclature, had made a
great advance on FUCHS. CESALPINO had suggested a definite and
logical arrangement into classes based on the characters of the
seed and embryo, but his work had little influence either upon his
contemporaries or his success'ors. RAY, who distinguished mono-
cotyledons and dicotyledons, has already been discussed.
Without mentioning several others whose contributions served
to clarify the problem of classificati,on, we may next consider
CAROLUS LINNAEUS (1707-1778L who profoundly impressed him-
self and his work on botany in his own and succeeding generations.
LINNAEUS elaborated a skillful system of plant classification called
the Hsexual system" because it employed the stamens and pistils
as critical characters.
In view of the numerous biographies of LINNAEUS, the following
brief sketch of his life will suffice. His birthplace was Rashult,
in the province of Smaland, Sweden. Dissatisfied with the Uni-
versity of Lund, where he started his educational career, he went
to Upsala, where he came under the influence of CELSIUS. Seeking
to widen his knowledge by travel and field work, he made an excur-"
sion to Lapland which appears to have left a permanent impres-
sion on the man. On later journeys to HDlland, France, and Eng-
land, he met prominent naturalists of the time. Refusing offered
positions, he returned to Sweden and was, in 1741, appointed to
the coveted position of professor of botany at Upsala in which he
Howard S. Reed -100-
A Short History
remained until his death in 1778. The admiration and esteem he
won are attested by the many honors he received, and by the
great number of earnest students who sought him out in Upsala.
He trained an enthusiastic group of naturalists and sent out col-
lectors to discover new plants which would fill up the gaps in
the system, of classification. Throughout his life he retained an
engaging naIvete, tinged often with romanticism. He referred all
causes to the Eternal Being whom he :regarded as the first great
Cause, and he believed that species were immutable.
Of his numerous writings we can mention only a few - Systema
Naturae (1735), Genera Plantal'um (1737), Philosophia Botanica
(1751). and Species Plantarum (1753).
Although LINNAEUS showed no genius for original scientific
work 'such as JUNG'S, he had a great mind and has made succeed-
ing generations his debtors for his powers of analysis, descrip-
tion, and diagnosis. His system of classification, in spite of its
short-comings, was workable and was adopted by botanists in
Germany and England, as well as in Sweden. -It was left for
others to establish systems in which natural relationships were
more accurately recognized.
LINNAEUS' system was obviously simple; for example, 11lallts
whose flowers contained one stamen were in the class Monandria,
those with two stamens, in Diandria, and so, Triandria, Tetrandria,
Pentandria, etc. All plants, according to LINNAEUS' system were
thus arranged into 24 classes. Arbitrary as it was, it met the needs
of the day and was generally welcomed by systematists who were
becoming overburdened by the ever-mounting numbers of plants.
This system was published in tabular form in the first edition of
"Systema Naturae" (1735) and in 1737 in "Genera Plantarum
eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum ... " (Fig.
31). _
The limitations of the system are such as naturally follow when
one depends on characters derived from one set of organs instead
of considering the aggregate of characters. LINNAEUS had a poor
idea of cryptogams, all of which he put into a single class. He
also neglected the anatomy and physiology of plants. LINNAElUS
himself regarded the "sexual system" as temporary, useful until
the affinities of genera could be determined and natural groups
established. If he conceived that the construction of a natural
system was one of the primary tasks of botany, he was
less far from regarding a "natural" as a phylogenetic system,
based on the idea of descent. LINNAEUS firmly believed in the
constancy of species, even if in the later COl.}rse of his life he modi-
fied it by subscribing to the new formation of species. In this
respect he was more of a medieval than a modern botanist.
LINNAEUS' significance lay not entirely in the creation of his
system, but also in the creation of a new and precise nomenclature
of botany. The world owes him much for the establishment of
the binary system of by which every plant name is
expressed by two words - genus and species. Many plants had
been known for a long time by binomial terminology (KASPAR
BAUHIN and JOHN RAY), but the names were often expanded into
three or more terms; e.g., Gramen geniculatum aqua'ticum. LXN-
NAEUS established the rule that every plant should have only two
names. By his extensive studies and writings he showed how
Chapter VII . -101- The Eighteenth Century
this could be done. His concept of the worth of genera and species
was perhaps the most important contribution he made to systematic
botany. Botanical nomenclature is regarded as beginning with
the general application of binomial names to plants in the uSpecles
Plantarum" (1753).
The use of LINNAEUS' system was so obvious and convenient
that the discovery and classification of plants was in danger of
becoming a mere pastime for those who enjoyed cataloguing and
sorting plants. Although he did not live to work out a natural
system, he supplied certain fundamental ideas upon which others
built. His arrangement of genera into orders was based, not on
anyone distinguishable character, but, as LINNAEUS himself said,
on the simple symmetry of all parts. In fulfillment of this plan
he arranged the genera which he had established into 67 orders
and published them in 1751 in the uPhilosophia botanica
Strangely enough, he gave no indication of the characters by which
they were distinguished. Some of his orders represent natural
groups, but since the majority contained inconsistent mixtures,
the matter was left by LINNAEUS in an extremely unsatisfactory
In his own time there was a rising tide of opposition to
NAEUS' system of classification. In Germany opposition came from
the followers of RIVINUS, founder of a classification based on the
divisions and shape of the corolla; HALLER, who was hostile to
LINNAEUS' innovations, also made attempts to substitute other sys-
tems. LINNAEUS' system was not well received in France. MICHEL
ADANSON had again directed the attention of botanists to the
existence of natural affinities of plants, and BERNARD DE JUSSIEU
founded upon them a natural method which is often designated
as the system of Trianon, because plants in the Royal Garden
were arranged according to it.
BERNARD DE JUSSIEU (1699-1777) was a member of a family
which through almost a century and a half occupied prominent
positions in the Academie des Sciellces, in the Royal Gardens, and
in the Museum of Natural History in Paris. His brothers ANTOINE
and JOSEPH were also botanists of merit. The former was suc-
cessful in the field of economic botany, the latter travelled in the
Americas and enriched the Museum with many new plants. BER-
NARD was professor of botany and demonstrator at the Royal
The de Jussieu genealogy:-
It appears that LINNAEUS was immensely impressed by the
knowledge of the talented BERNARD, who started to arrange thl;)
plants in the Royal Garden according to the Linnean system. As
he elaborated the .plan, he introduced various changes and eventu-
Howard S. Reed -102- A Short History
ally the system of LINNAEUS became the system of DE JUSSIEU.
Being dissatisfied with its incompleteness, he never published his
entire arrangement, but his nephew, ANTOINE-LAURENT DE JUSSIEU
(1748-1836) later incorporated it with his own work and pub-
lished it in "Genera plantarum secundum ordines naturales dis-
posita" (1789).
The system is generally acknowledged to be a triumph in classi-
fication according to natural affinities and for the assignment of
characters to the smaller groups which we would now call families,
but which he called orders. According to A. L. DE JUSSIEU'S sys-
tem there were 100 orders (or families), each carefully charac-
terized. The excellence of his work is attested by the fact that
nearly all are still recognized. Let it be noted, moreover, that he
was a believer in the constancy of species.
Since this system of DE JUSSIEU was so fundamental for all
subsequent progress in the elaboration of natural systems, it is
necessary to give a view of it in the following table.
Acotyledones -
Stamina hypogynll
- - - - - " p(ll'igynl\.
... epigyna
Stamina cpillyna
Allctaiac "t>crigyna
" hypogynu
Corolla hYPog'yna
Monolletaiae "ll(!rigynn
Dicotyicdones - - -1 " epig:yna
Stamina cpigynn
Polypetalll.e "hYPOgynfl
" pCl'igyna
Dicllnes irregularea - -
;;;th"rIR ()onnn.tis
As an illustration we may mention the contents of some of
these classes. Class I contained fungi, algae, hepatics, mosses and
ferns, and also Naiades, which includes a number of aquatic flow-
ering plants remotely related to the others. Since the exact knowl-
edge of cryptogams had to wait on the development of the
compound microscope, it is not surprising that imperfections in
classificatiO'n were included. However, it was an improvemeilt 011
any preceding system in that respect.
Class II contained the orders A1'oideae, Typhae, Cyperoideae,
and Gramineae.
Class III contained the orders Palmae, Asparagi, Junci, Lilia"
Bromeliae, Asphodeli, Narcissi, bides.
Class IV contained the orders Musae, Cannae, O?ch7:des, llyd'ro-
Class V contained A ristolochiae.
Class VI contained Elea[Jni, Thymeleae, Proteae, Poly-
goneae, Atriplices, and so forth.
It is evident that DE JUSSIEU retained RAY'S distinction of
Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons although he considered that the
Cryptogams were a class of equal rank with them.
The 18th century, therefore, witnessed important fundamental
work in plant classification. When the century ended there was
established a binary system of nomenclature, based on the genus
and species, an exact method of plant description, and a system
of classification which was essentially based on natural affinities.
The accomplishments in this field of botany in the 18th century
outweigh all that had been done in the preceding ages.
Chapter VII
The Eighteenth Century
Experimental work ill plant physiology:- The first physiological
work which had a lasting influence was done in the 18th century.
The fragmentary work of VAN HELMONT and MARIOTTE stood by
itself, stimulating no subsequent work of a similar nature. MAL-
PIGHI was much nearer the truth than anyone had been before
him when he discovered that plants, as well as animals, require
air to breathe and when he repeatedly emphasized the importance
of leaves in the elaboration of plant food. His statements have
been reported in chapter 6. MALPIGHI was one of the first to con-
sider the physiology of the plant obj ectively and to coordinate
physiology with anatomical organization.
FlU, lll. .-- HAl.E;J' ue1l1onlltmtion of IL method for collecting the
wnto!.' ll,v plants. From Vegetable Stnticlcs, p. GO (1727).
STEPHEN HALES was the first great figure in plant
physiology, since he was the first to conduct experiments on plants
and to get quantitative results. Some of his experiments, such
as those concerned with the movement of sap, are still after the
lapse of two centuries, quoted in modern botanical text books.
This is in itself, an indication that HALES was a genius of an
entirely different order from those who had preceded him in the
fleld of physiology. The circumstances of his life were' conducive
to study and research. Prominent in the scientific life of his time,
honol'ed by universities, active in civic work, an inventor, and
perpetual curate of Teddington in Middlesex, he lived a rich
and satisfying life. His acquaintance with the works of HARVEY
and BORELLl on the mechanics of the circulation of the blood in
animals prompted HALES to extend their discoveries with the aid
of the llew and exact physics which had been elaborated since
HARVEY wrote his book. The outcome of that work was Haemo-
staticlcs (1733), published as the second volume of his Statical
Essays. .
Howard S. Reed
A Short History
The botanical work for which HALES is justly famous is
table Staticks" (1727) which later formed the first volume of his
Statical essays. This work deals with the movements of sap in
plants and reflects the influences of NEWTON and BOYLE on HALES.
The study of transpir"ation for which he is so renowned forms
the subj eet of the first part of the book. HALES determined the
loss in weight of a potted sunflower plant and measured the leaf
and root area with meticulous care. He then repeated the determi-
nations on a variety of other plants. He measured also the cross-
section of the main stem of the plant from which he proceeded
to calculate the actual velocity of the flow of sap in the plant as
he had determined the velocity of the blood stream in animals. He
soon discovered that the rate of sap flow varied in different plants.
He demonstI'ated the lifting power of transpiration by record-
ing the passage of water through an apple branch whose base
was immersed in water and with genuine critical insight compared
it with the amount passed through the adjoining piece of stem
under a hydrostatic head of seven feet. These cautious compari-
sons which he made were unknown before his time.
To clinch the matter of transpired water, HALES went further.
I-lis own words may be appropriately quoted:
Having by many evjdent proofs in the foregoing experiments seen the
great quantities of liquor that were imbibed and perspired by trees, I was
desirous to try if I could get any of this perspiring' matter i and in order to
it; I took several glass ehymical retorts, bap, (Fig. 9) and put the boughs of
several sods of trees, as they were growing with their leaves Oll, into the
retorts, stoping up the mouth p of the retorts with bladder. By this means
I got several ounces of the perspiring matter of Vines, Fig-trees, Apple-trecs,
Cherry-trees, Apricot and Peach-trees j Rue, Horse-radish, Rheubarb, Parsnip,
and Cabbage leaves; the liquor of all of them was very clear, nor could I
cover any different taste in the several liquol:s: But if the :eetort stand
exposed to the hot sun, the liquor will taste of the coddled leaves. (P. 103).
It is interesting to see that HALES used the three methods of
estimating transpiration which have been employed in modern
times, viz., weighing, using a rough sort of potometer, and
ing the condensed moisture.
After the experiments on transpiration, he turned his atten-
tion to capillarity and root pressure as factors in raising the sap.
BALES was the first to measure root pressure, although the bleeding
of trees _ at certain seasons of the yeaI' must have been long l\:nown.
Patiently repeating the measurements of root pressure, he found
that there came a time when the sap did not rise in the mano-
meters. After reporting all of his results, he concluded, "It seems
evident, therefore, that the capillary sap vessels, out of the bleed-
ing season, have little power to protrude sap in any plenty beyond
their orifices; but as any sap is evaporated off, they can by their
strong attra.ction supply the great quantities of sap drawn off by
perspiration". We appreciate the soundness of his reasoning all
the more since we realize that the mechanism of root pressure is
not yet ful1y explained. HALES had proof that the sap in plants
circulates, not as in animals, but ill response to imbibition and
transpiration affected by seasonal conditions.
Experi:!:nents on ringing or girdling of pear shoots showed
results '\'\.hich waited full many a year for adequate explanation.
He saw that the margin of bark above the decorticated ring swelled,
Chapter Vll
-105-- The Eighteenth Century
but that the margin below showed no increase. He concluded that
the di,fference was due to the interruption of the flow of nutrients
and to their accumulation in the upper margins. He also observed
that a band of cortex isolated by girdling lived and regen-
erated 1f it contained a leaf bud, but 'not otherwise. His figures
!eave no doubt of his perception or something of great physiological
Although MALPIGHI had announced that leaves were concerned
with nutrition and that respiration was a universal process in
plants as well as in animals, he let the matter stand there. HALES
contributed to the solution of the question by his conclusion that
leaves were of primary importance because they acquired some
part of the plant's nourishment from the air. He that
"air makes a very considerable part of the substance of
HALES' work on assimilation was nothing but a very modest begin-
ning, but it showed that he was far ahead of his contemporaries.
Quantitative studies on the growth of shoots and leaves initiated
by HALES showed that there were gradients, i.e., the apical region
of the vine was the most actively growing region. HALES will ever
be remembered both for his remarkable discoveries and for th-e
introduction of quantitative methods into plant physiology. SACES
said about him, "HALES had the art of making plants reveal' theJl}-
selves. By experiments carefully planned and cunningly carried
out he forced them to betray the energies hidden in their appar-
ently inactive bodies".
The scientific heights rea(fhed by HAL"llS were not maintained
fo:r long. In the half century which followed the publication of
"Vegetable Staticks" plant physiology fell back into a state chars1r
terized by poorly planned experiments and illogical conclusions
which misled others and fostered p.ernicious errors which were
not soon eradicated.
The Swiss entomologist CHARLES BONNET (1720-1793) ad-
vanced certain preposterolls ideas about leaves. His book "'Re-
cherches sur l'usage des feuilIes des plantes" (1754) launched a
host of misconceptions about the ability of leaves to absorb dew
and rain water. Admitting that water escapes from leaves during
the day, he Assumed that no transpiration occurred during the
night and the sap then returned to the roots and,
that water vapors, rising from the earth and conde11sing on the
lower sides of the leaves; were sucked into the plant and conveyed
to the stem. BONNET never displayed his sophistry more' plainly
than when he claimed that this vapor-capturing function was an
adequate explanation for the heliotropic and geotropic movements
of leaves. ,
MONCEAU, 1700-1781) experimented, in company with BUFFON
and independently, in animal and vegetable physiology. He was
also interested in nautical matters and during the latter part of
his life was engaged as inspector-general of marine for the Chan-
nel district of the French coast. His botanical work may be
regarded as the inception of forest botany. DUHAMEL'S "La phy-
sique des arbres" (1758) is a work in which he sum-
marized the work of HALES and others and recorded as well much
that had been known by gardeners and foresters. An air of
evalism often tinges his explanations of experimental work. He
l-Ioward S. Reed -106-
A Short History
adopted ideas about leaves, but paid much more atten-
tion to their anatomy. He perceived that the heliotropic curvatures
of leaves were conditioned by light, but could not understand why
movement of Mimosa leaves occurred in the darkness. His ideas
on the functions of leaves are far inferior to those of HALES. ,
DUHAMEL'S observations and experiments on the organization
and growth of woody plants were far more successful, though his.
descriptions are extremely prolix. He decorticated trees and
observed the regeneration of new cortex when the exposed areas
were covered to prevent desiccation of the wood. He inserted
silver wires horizontally into tree trunks (1) between the wood
and cortex as well as (2) in the cortex. He found that in (1)
the wires became embedded in the wood; in (2) they were pushed
out and remained in the cortex. From these and other experi-
ments DUHAMEL concluded that cortex is not converted into wood,
but that wood grows by the addition of new layers which arise
from a gelatinous layer between wood and cortex. His numerous
experiments on girdling trees and observations on their anatomy
seem not to have given a more precise idea of the cambium.
His discussion of the action of fertilizers on plants was a repe-
tition of what the gardeners and orchardists of his time knew. His
ideas on plant nutrition betray much that was Aristotelian in con-
ception. DUHAMEL's discussions of the diseases of trees, though of
little scientific value, have great historical interest. He observed
that sometimes insects or extremes of moisture or temperature
produced injuries which greatly affected the life of the tree. The
fact that he attempted to relate diseases to assignable, material
causes merits our attention, although he had little to offer in the
way of prevention or cure.
JOSEPH PRIESTLEY (1733-1804) is famous for the discovery of
oxygen and of its' production by plants. He was educated for
the clergy and served in several parishes in England. He pur-
sued chemistry as an avocation, but his experiments uncovered
fundamental facts and his results were recorded with clarity
and accuracy. While he was a tutor at Warrington academy he
wrote the "History and Present State of Electricity" (published
1767) which cemented his friendship with BENJAMIN FRANK!JIN.
Its publication was the occasion of the author's election to the Royal
Society. His fame as a chemist rests upon his pUblication HExpcl'i-
ments and Observations on different kinds of Air" (1774, 1775,
1777) . In 1774 PRIESTLEY, by heating mercury monoxide, obtained
gaseous oxygen, the fundamental properties of which he descrihed
and called "dephlogisticated air". Later LAVOISIER gave it the
name which has since been used.
PRIESTLEY had noticed in 1771 that plants confined in an atmos-
phere rich in fixed air (carbon dioxide) produced in the course
of several days large quantities of dephlogisticated air (oxygen).
He concluded erroneously that the process was due to the growth
of the plants. His work was concerned with the chemical changes
in air and he was interested solely in the effects that plants had
upon air and not at all in the reciprocal influence of .air upon
plants. His discovery, nevertheless, was so fundamental and
opened the way to so many subsequent fruitful investigations
that his work may not be disregarded. SCHEELE, a Swedish chem-
ist. undertook a study of this function of plants and obtained
Chapter VII
-107- The Eighteenth Century
results which contradicted PRIESTLEY's conclusions. He found that
plants produced carbon dioxide instead of oxygen, but he had not
given them sufficient illumination. PRIESTLEY repeated his experi-
ments, obtaining irregular and confusing results; he eventually
abandoned further work on the problem. He never discovered the
r.ole of light in the production of oxygen by plants. PRIESTLEY's
discovery of oxygen, however, which was to play an important
part in the New Chemistry founded by LAVOISIER, not to mention
his observations on the exhalation of oxygen from green plants,
surely entitle him to recognition in the scientific world. (Fig. 30) .
PRIES'l'LEY may be considered a pioneer in the progress of man's
emancipation from the realm of mysticism and fantasy. He was a
sincere seeker after truth, and, although violently partisan, a man
of irreproachable character. He was an extreme radical both in
religion and politics. Endless strife and personal persecution were
his lot. His home having been mobbed and pillaged, he escaped
with his life and fled to London. Finding nothing but opposition
and strife there, he fled to America and settled at Northumberland,
Pennsylvania, where he spent the rest of his life. He declined the
offer of a professorship of chemistry in Philadelphia, and later
of the principalship of the University of Pennsylvania.
Knowledge of the activity of plants in changing the composition
of air, was immensely increased by JAN INGENHOUSZ (1730-1799),
a Dutch physician who also had wide scientific interests and knowl-
edge. In many ways the personality of INGENHOUSZ was a counter-
part of PRIESTLEY'S. He came from an a"ffiuent family, well edu-
cated, a favorite of royalty, and a conformist in social and religious
INGENI-IOU8Z was educated for the medical profession and prac-
tised for six years in the Netherlands. Although a busy physician,
he seized every opportunity to prosecute scientific studies in physi!cs.
In 17m) after the death of his father, INGENHOUSZ migrated to Lon-
don where he became a member of a group of distinguished scien-
tists. He was called to Vienna to serve as court physician on -
account of an epidemic of smallpox of unwonted severity which
had claimed as victims several members of the Royal family. He
remained from 1768 to 1779 in Vienna whe:r:e he achieved great
success in immunizing patients by vaccination, then returned to
Stimulated by the discoveries of PRIESTLEY, INGENHOUSZ began
again to study the relations between air and plants. His essay,
HExperiments on vegetables" (1779), reported that the growth of
plants had nothing, to do with the purification of the air, that they
were able to purify the air only when they were exposed to sun-
light, under such conditions they absorbed air and exhaled oxygen,
and that this function is m.ore active in bright sunlight than in
the shade, and that at night, contrariwise, they vitiate the air as
animals do. His demonstrations of the dependence of oxygen
formation upon light solved the problems which. baffled
He slcetched in its outlines the cycle of carbon In nature, showmg
the interdependence of plants and animals, since air rendered
for breathing by animals is purified by in hgh.t.
Time and again INGENHOUSZ speaks of "bad aIr , rneaumg
which is unfIt for animal respiration, showing that hIS
interest in the action of green plants was c'l1ll
to theIr power to
Howard S. Reed -108-
A Short History
"purify" the air. He also discussed the value of green in
dwellings and the species of trees which should be planted In gar-
dens. He decided that plants in living rooms were detrimental to
the composition of the air unless they were always exposed to the
sun light. INGENHOUSZ did not advance any idea about the com-
ponent of "bad air" which was removed by the plant; his interest
seems to have been directed to the phenomenon of purification of
air and its relation to animal life. Be it remembered,' however,
that he worked on these problems before LAVOISIER had established
the composition of carbon dioxide and the nature of combustion.
INGENHOUSZ was no more a botanist than PRIESTLEY, he was a
physician and physicist who by untiring work and splendid intelli-
gence gave a directive influence to plant physiology. He was
not content until he had made exact measurements <;If the gases
evolved by plants thereby laying the foundations, as HALES had
done, for quantitative work. HALES had given very plain intima-
tions that some important part of the nutritive substance of the
plant is derived from the atmosphere, but INGENHOUSZ, although
stating in the preface to his book that the purification of the air
serves the plants as some kind of nourishment, did not definitely
advance knowledge of the subject. The physiologist feels inevit-
able disappointment that INGENHOUSZ did not pick up the thread
where HALES dropped it. 1
INGENHOUSZ returned to the problem of nutrition subsequently
and reinvestigated it after LAVOISIER had discovered the composi-
tion of carbon dioxide. We find the new ideas discussed in INGElN-
HOUSZ' "Essay on the Food of Plants and the Renovation of Soils
(1796), transmitted to the British Board of Agriculture. In this
"'Essay" we find a growing belief that carbon dioxide is absorbed
by the plants, but its author is not clear as to whether all is
absorbed by leaves or partly by roots. Since organic manures
added to the soil disengage a great quantity of carbon dioxide, it
seemed probable to him that the principal attention in manuring
'ought to be directed to the time of applying it to the soil. If it
is applied when it i$ in the height of its putrid fermentation, the
growing- plants may absorb the "fixed air", or carbonic acid, either
in a nascent state, or as it is being incorporated with various salts
and earths which are to be found in almost all soils.
INGElNHOUSZ made some pertinent observations on the liberation
of carbon dioxide from soils. "All this shows in a manifest man-
ner", he said, "that the soil draws incessantly from the incumbent
air the oxygen, the general acidifying principle". He could not
know that were responsible :for most of this
oxidation. Yet
he saw that siliceous sand, either dry or moist,
does little or nothing at all to injure the air over it; nor is it
materially affected by being shut up with pure water. He sug-
gested that farmers add acids to the soil, since his experiments
with them produced increases in plant growth.
JEAN SENEBIER (1742-1809) made further advances In physi-
ology and wrote the first general treatise on the subject (Physiol-
ogie Vegetale, 5 vols., 1800). SENEBIER, born in Geneva, was
minister of the church of St. Ev.angile and city librarian. A revo-
lution in Geneva drove him to the Canton Vaud, where he wrote
the treatise mentioned above, but in 1799 he returned to Geneva
and participated in a new translation of the Bible. He also
Chapter VII -109- The Eighteenth Century
lated the important writings of SPALLANZANI, studied chemistry
under 'l'INGREY, and investigated the physics of light. All in all,.
he was extremely conversant with the scientific literature of his
time and had a literary skill adapted to the readers of his day.
SENEBIER'S important contribution to physiology was "Experiences
sur Paction de la lumiere solaire dans 1a vegetation" (1788) in
which he critically reexamined all that PRIESTLEY and INGENHOUSZ
had done. He was seldom satisfied with the results of a single
experiment, but repeated it with a different plant or under S0111e-
what different conditions. In so far as possible, quantitative meth-
ods were always employed. He used algae and subaquatic plants
as well as the cut branches of herbs and trees. The results were
meticulously compared and, whenever possible, differences were
explained, sometimes he admitted that the results were inconclusive.
He proved that light, not heat, is the effective agent in the
fixation of carbon dioxide and that oxygen is only liberated when
carbon dioxide is present, but he advanced no further. He regarded
light as a flood of corpuscles which escape continuously from the
sun, i.e., a form of matter which entered into combination with
bodies which they struck. "It appears from my experiments", he
wrote, Uthat the light decomposes the fixed air in the leaves".
SENEBIER characteristically tried to relate the events observed by
him to physical and chemical processes, thus severing the age-
long tie with Aristotelian biology. He discussed, INGENHOUSZ'
work at length, with much of it he was in agreement, but with
some he differed. W orldng at a later date, he was better equipped
than INGENHOUSZ with chemical knowledge. .
The development of plant physiology in the 18th century is
truly significant. The speculative efforts of the predecessors Of
the investigators of this period were abandoned and experimental
researches initiated. One must be conscious of the effects of N ew-
toni an physics and, towards the end of the century, of the dawn
of the new chemistry. The atmosphere was charged with new
and stimulating ideas which changed men's outlooh: on the uni-
verse. If biology seemed to lag behind astronomy and physics,
it is but another instance in which the difficulties of scientific
examination of sentient organized beings have baffled investigation.
Botanical exploration in the 18th century:,. ,JUAN DE LOUREIRO
was one of the most devoted students of the south-
eastern Asiatic flora who went out from Europe. After his arrival
as a J eauit missionary in Cochinchina, he apparently gained intlu-.
ence for we find him holding office at the court of the king, His
slight knowledge of medical arts rendered him very popular among
the people. Since European medicines were not within his reach,
he was forced to depend entirely on native drugs and by investi-
gating them he was led to study the flora of the country and to
make botanical collections. Thus he accumulated a good herbarium
of approximately 1000 species. .
He was not a professional botanist but had acquired good botan-
ical knowledge to whom we owe one of the most important
butiol1s concerning the flora of the eastern part of the trans
Gangetic Peninsula and of South China.
. In 1790 LOUREIRO proceeded to Canton where. he continued his
botanical researches for three additional years. Although
Howard S. Reed:
-110- A Short History
ers living at that time in Canton were not allowed to walk beyond
the limits of the factories, LOUREIRO hired a Chinese peasant,
acquainted to a certain degree with the medicinal plants of the
country, to make collections for him. This Chinaman communi-
cated also the common names of the plants. Since there appeared
to be some discrepancies in the names, LOUREIRO obtained a good
Chinese work on botany and not only verified all names given
him, but also spelled the names in his Flora Cochinchinensis accord-
ing to the Mandarin dialect.
LOUREIRO seems to have embarked with his collections in 1782
stopping for three months on the island of Mozambique where he
collected more specimens. In Portug'al, his native country, he
spent several years preparing for publication his botanical work
"Flora Cochinchinensis" (1790).
MICHEL ADANSON (1727-1806) was a traveller-naturalist who
possessed to an extraordinary degree the zeal for explorations.
Having enjoyed the best educational opportunities that Paris
afforded and attracted the attention of men like REAUMUR and
CUVIER, he was well fitted for a scientific career. ' This brilliant,
but enigmatical, character in 1748 gladly embraced the opportunity
to go to Senegal in west Africa. It was a very modest position as
far as remuneration was concerned, but ADANSON was young and
full of zeal. and positions in France were already filled with older
It is not easy to describe the fervor with which young ADAN-
SON embarked on this trip. CUVIER in writing about it said, HThe
motives of his decision for Senegal are curious. It is of all the
European establishments, the most difficult to penetrate, the hottest,
the most unhealthy, the most dangerous in all respects, and, as a
result, the least known to scientists". In later years ADANSON
confessed that it took a great deal of courage to undertake single
handed a task which ol'dinal'i1y demands the collaboration of a
botanist, a physician, an anatomist, and a draughtsman, but these
considerations daunted him not at all.
ADANSON reached Senegal in April 1749 and remained four
years and four months making an inventory of the natural resources
of the country for the India Company which had established t:rad-
ing posts there. He found, and one can imagine with what satis-
faction, that most of the animals and plants he saw were :not
even mentioned in the books that he had studied, for the very
good :reason that men of science had never seen any of them.
He set out to study and classify them, eager to know their affini-
ties and to establish their relationships with animals and plants
that he had formerly studied in France, either in the cabinet of
REAUMUR or in the Jardin Royal. In addition to collecting, classi-
fying, and preserving specimens, ADANSON was elaborating little
by little his natural system of classification. From Senegal he
wrote in 1750 to BERNARD DE JUSSIEU announcing his system. "His-
toire naturelle du Senegal" (1757) and uFamilles des Plantes"
(1763) which he published after his return to 11""rance,
senteel the results of his surveys of Senegal. Out of his jungle
experiences ADANSON evolved another idea much in advance
of its time, namely, the mutability of species. Although crudely
and imperfectly formulated, this idea preceded LAMARCK by forty
years and DARWIN by nearly a century. ADANSON's ideas were
Chapter VII
-111- The Eighteenth Century
received with hostility by inferior rivals who should have fostered
them, and years passed before anyone took up his unfinished work.
The work of explorer, taxonomist, systematist, philosopher, and
encyclopedist has rarely been so perfectly accomplished by one
Sir JOSEPH BANKS (1743-1820) was by all odds the most exten-
sive and intrepid botanical explorer of the 18th century. It is said
that his early interest in botany was kindled by reading a copy
of GERARD'S HorbalI which he discovered among his mother's books.
His zeal for collecting plants was unsurpassed, but he had no great'
ability as a writer or interpreter of botany.
In 1766, after having been elected a fellow of the Royal Society,
he began his travels by a trip to collect plants in Newfoundland
and Labrador whence he brought the first scientific collections to
England. Shortly thereafter BANKS joined Captain COOK who
was then preparing for his voyage around the world, accompanied
friend of LINNAEUS, and two artists. They vis-
ited Rio de Janeiro, Cape Horn, Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia, the
Malay Archipelago, Cape of Good Hope, and St. Helena, bringing
back plants collected in these regions. During the visit to Tahiti,
BANKS sowed seeds of various Brazilian plants. The expedition,
apart from its geographical results, rendered great service to
botanical science in the accumulation of specimens of the greatest
value and importance. In 1772 he explored the Hebrides and Ice-
land, and discovered the great geysers of the latter country. His
great collections ancllibrary, now preserved in the British Museum,
are accessible to naturalists of all countries and form the basis of
many important systematic works. It is clearly impossible to
relate all the expeditions which brought back to Europe a wider
scientific view of the flora of the world in the 18th century. All
of them; travellers, collectors and systematists, laid the foundation
for the science of phytogeography which had a remarkable devel-
opment in the 19th century.
This glimpse of botany in the 18th century, which is con-
fesseclly fragmentary, may suffice to show that the scie1].ce was
undergoing a restless development. The compact sod WhICh cov-
ered many a field of thought was broken and overturned. The
century was a time of criticism, and agnosticism in intellectual
life. Mixed with the garnered grain there was much chaff. The
natural sciences had not then begun to consolidate their gains.
With the exception of the central European states, the vested inter-
ests of church and state were indifferent, to say the least, to scien-
tific progress. N otwithstanc1ing the resistances of .the philosophical
and political strongholds of the day the plant sclences made con-
quest of new territories from which they have never been forced
to retreat.
CLARK-KENNEDY, A. E. (:1.929): S'l'EPHEN HALES. University Press, Carn-
GREEN, J. R. (1.914): A history of botany in the United Kingdom. Dent,
London i Dutton, Now York.
HAWKS, E. (1928): Pioneers of plant study. Sheldon Press, London; Mac-
millan. N cw York.
JACKSON, BENJ. D. (1923): LINNAEras . the story of his life, adapted from
the Swedish of T. M. FRIES. WithGl'by, London.
Howard 8. Reed -112- A Short History
LoUREIRO, JUAN i>E (1790): Flora Cochinchinensis.. 3 vols. Ulyssipone.
(German transl. 1793 by C. L. WILLDENOW, Bel'lin).
NORDENSKIOLD, E. (1928): The history of biology (transl. from the Swedish
by L. B. EYRE). Knopf, New Yorlc and Londoll.
PEATTIE, .D. C. (1936): Green Laurels. Simon & Schuste:t", New YOl1c.
RENDLE, A. B. (1904-1925): The classification of flowering plants, 2 vola.
University Press, Cambridge.
ROBERTS, H. F. (1929): Plant hybridization before MENDEL. University
Press, Princeton.
SACHS, J. VON (1890): History of botany (1530-1860) ... authorize-d transl.
by H. E. F. GARNSEY rev. by I. B. BALFOUR. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
SCHMUCKER, T. (1936): Geschichte del' Biologie. Vandenhoeck & Ruprcaht, .
Chapter VIII.
The importance of certain cultural relationships fragmentarily
sketched in foregoing chapters must now be more specifically dis-
On preceding pages I have narrated how GERARD and P ARKIN-
SON based herbals on the plants cultivated in their gardens; how
PHILIP MILLER and HENRI DUHAMEJ .. studied acclimatization and
made experiments on pol1ination in their gardens.
The business of gardening influenced the development of the
plant sciences in untold ways through the arts of selection, domes-
tication, and cultivation. It also ministered to the study of plant
taxonomy, hybridizing, medicinal properties, and food values. A
garden is a bit of land where certain natural tendencies are isolated
from others and given fuller expression. There would llUdoubtedly
have been a greater lag in the plant sciences had it not been for
the development of public and private g'ardens, and the interests
they engendered. They sent many a person to the woods and fields
for seeds and fruits, and not a few to foreign lands for new botan-
ical treasures.
Roman Gardens:.. The ancient Romans, who were noted for
their predatory conduct toward other tribes and peoples, as well as
for an absence of scientific ability, pilfered, extorted, plundered, or
despoiled other lands of fruits, grains, and vegetables which,
through centuries of toil, had been tamed and bred. The luxurious
Roman villas, each surrounded by exquisitely beautiful gardens,
were characteristic of the unwonted extravagance of the Augustan
age. GraduallY the size of the gardens was increased, the expensive
decorations multiplied, and picturesque scenery developed, as One
may see today at Tivoli. PLINY was interested in market gardens
and the cultivation of medicinal herbs. In opposition to the glut-
tonous and extravagant mode of life of his time. he extolled the
garden as a means for acquiring a rational mode of life and a
source of healthful, nourishing food. The CUltivation of a plot of
ground where food plants were grown was one of the important
duties of the slave's husky wife. PLINY'S practical mind was
more interested in the utilitarian than in the esthetic aspects of
gardening. Flowers, though beautiful, were fragile and soon
faded; culinary and medicinal herbs really ministered to the needs
of humanity.
The craze for novelties and out-oI-season viands for the sated
appetites of the Roman overlords compelled the gardeners to invent
methods for forcing, and ingenious tricks in cultivating exotic
plants. Accurate reports of the methods employed were not pub-
lished, naturally enough; OIl. the. other hand, there were oft-.
FIG. 17. - Gardening Bcene from "Les occUPll.tiona
des mols". Grandes Heul'es de Rohnn. 11lth centurY. 'rho
Mastel' Gardener wielded the pl'Uning hook nnd his
servant the hlltttock. From n copy In the BlbJiothequo
Nationll.le. Pal'is.
Chapter VIII -115- Gardens
repeated statements of magical incantations of reputed efficacy,
many of which have been recorded and transmitted to the present
Regardless of the methods employed, we lmow that the Romans
succeeded, often at great expense and labor, in assembling and
cultivating in their country more new sorts of food plants than
any other people had acquired. Apples, pears, and plums came
from Greece, Armenia, Numidia, and other places, the peach from
Persia, the fig, olive, and almond from Syria. PLINY mentions
twenty-two kinds of apples, eight of cherries, three of quinces, and
so forth, indicating that as the years went on the gardeners selected
out new varieties of the fruits introduced. The Roman officials in
charge of colonial outposts were seldom interested in ameliorating
conditions for the inhabitants, but a few encouraged Roman settlers
to transport, and plant, vines and trees. By the third century A.D.,
Flo. 11l. - De area (flailing from P. CMIiICIilNTIIS. De OOlIllbus
AgdcultUl'ne Pnrtlbus ct de Plantnrum BusiI, 1548.
the apple is known to have been introduced and cultivated in the
British Isles.
North European gardens:. During the Dark Ages in Europe,
it is not surprising that there was little attention paid to
introducing and planting new fruits and vegetables in the gar-
dens. From the time of CHARIJEMAGNE gardens and orchards
were mentioned as a part of the property of monasteries and
other religious houses in northern Europe. As the size of the mon-
astery grew, due to the influx of young men, it became desirable
to enlarge the gardens to provide food, as well as employment, for
the members of the religious house. In many cases monks were
able to bring trees and plants from the home of the Mother Church
in Italy and to cultivate them in the new environment. Moreover,
when marauding armies devastated countries, the properties of
the church were generally spared, and consequently many varieties
'Of fruits and vegetables survived which would have become extinct.
Howard S. Reed -116- A Short History
if grown on unconsecrated soil. The number of vegetables grown
for food' was not large; however, they had spinach and other
Ugreens". The former, carried northward from the Mediterranean
countries had become a half-wild thing, carelessly cultivated, and
often trddden under foot of man. Then there was the "Good
Henry" (Chenopodium Bonus-Henricus), which, tJ;lough
vated, jumped the garden walls and led a precarlOUS eXistence,
growing tenaciously between paving stones and in fields along the
The gardens of the Benedictine monastery of St. Gall, near the
Lake of Constance, were described in a "Bauriss" compiled in 820
by one who had evidently written the plant names memory
in his old age, and made no attempt to separate medicmal from
culinary plants. Moreover, many vegetables in current use were
altogether omitted. Since he told how they were arranged in the
garden, we can surmise that he had been the gardener. He told
FIG. 10. - De hla qune (graftage) froID P. CRESCENTIIB. Ill]. cit.
of lilies, roses, mints, and fenugreek (the Greek hay) in one bed;
in. Herbularius" there were sage, rue, gladiolus, and cum ..
mm; In the vegetable garden, "The Hortus", there were onions
and garlic, dill and beets, parsnips and cabbages. It is worthy of
note that the preponderance of plants was of Mediterranean
gin, brought thither, perhaps, by itinerant monks.
. The No;th. Europeans neither discovered nor domesticated any
lmporta-r:t crop plant, but they were adepts at receiving
and cultIvatmg exotlcs. In the early days their diet during much
of year must have been monotonous, to say the least, and con-
dUCIVe to the liberal use of alcohol to stimulate a jaded palate.
When once the appreciation of Italian gardens had crossed
the Alps, it awakened in northern Europe a lively enthusiasm for
the art of .gardening. Renaissance a notable widening
of the horIzon of men's mInds, and the sixteenth century herbalists
made the world acquainted with a vast number of plants. Never ..
Chapter VIII -117- Gardens
theless, the supply of plant material for gardens was scanty until
after 1600. Apparently there had been few attempts to that time
to domesticate and select plants for gardens. In certain respects
the north European gardens in the time of the Renaissance were
modelled after the Roman gardens, but they often included bowling
alleys, or fountains, and perhaps mounds. In one respect they were
similar - in attempting to isolate the portion of ground devoted to
the gardens. Fences and walls were built to imprison the vege-
tables and flowers, each in their proper place, thereby often ob-
scuring plants, except the tallest. Walls of clipped trees of cypress,
or of yew, were sometimes substituted for masonry. Theyeventu-
ally curved and curled the walks into mazes and labyrinths, mak-
ing knot gardens in ultra-baroque patterns. Geometrical sym-
metry was the rule. Fruit trees were sometimes planted within
and bordering the garden walls, and eventually were pruned. to
Fla. 20. - De nllio (onion) from P. OnESCIl)N'l'US,
permit them to be supported by the walls. The Italian influence in
Elizabethan times was suited only to large gardens. Garden con-
struction and planting followed the concomitant increase in private
wealth, no less than they followed the northward spread of other
arts and sciences.
The establishment of university botanical gardens in 1533 at
Padua, in 1547 at Bologna, in 1560 at ZUrich, in 1570 at in
1542 at Leipzig, in 1621 at Oxford, was the means of. disseminating
knowledge of which had formerly been confined largely to
printed books. The botanical garden of the University of Leiden
owed its initial development to CLusrus who obtained many new
plants by exchange and from explorers. The impulse given to
botanical study by the establishment of gardens at centers of learn-
ing seems perfectly natural. Both the scientific and the culinary
garden were places where plants were tested and examined. The
better one knew the native climate, soil, and habits, the better the
results he would obtain. Although. printed records are scarce, some
information about the garden plants may be gleaned from a study
of the paintings of the day, especially those of the Dutch School.
Howard S. Reed -118-
A Short History
Post-Renaissance Developments in European Gardens:- In-
spired by a desire to make the gardens as complete as possible
and to beautify the environs of their homes, there was in all the
countries of Europe, in post-Renaissance times, a mounting inter-
est in the plants brought from other countries, following the era
of discovexy and colonization. Tobacco and tomatoes were origin-
ally grown as ornamentals in the flower gardens, along with the
small fritillary, which was at that time designated the "Turkie" or
"Guinihen" flower, or "Checkered Daffodil".
The discovery of the beauty and earliness of exotic flowers in
English gardens was clearly set out by JOlIN PARKINSON in his
Herbal, published in 1629. He said, in that work, that these flow-
ers blossomed so early in the year. that they seemed to make the
garden a delight even in the winter time, lasting until indigenous
flowering plants come on. In his discussion, he evidently had in
mind the gentry and nobility of his country, who could afford to
buy exotics. Tulips were carried from Holland to England early
in the reign of Elizabeth, being taken in all probability by the
Flemish Cloth-makers who fled the persecutions of PHILIP II
and the Duke of ALBA in 1667. The volume of imports is indi-
cated by PARKINSON's mention that they had almost a hundred
sorts of daffodils, both sing1e and double, and about ha1f as many
hyacinths. The list of other exotic plants in his discussion includes
almost exclusively south European plants. The indigenous plants
which had been domesticated and utilized for flower gardens in-
cluded violets, columbines, primroses, and cowslips. He sagaciously
remarked, however, that many of the so-called "native" plants
were actually brought to England a long time previously and culti-
vated so long that the memory of man ran not to the contrary. He
had some trenchant statements about survivals and acclimatization
of the introductions and, consciously or unconsciously, hit upon
some important concepts in adaptation, dormancy, and growth. In
all that he said about the culture of indigenous or exotic plants,
he gave reasons which he learned from experience, omitting all the
old-time superstitions and fairy stories. Gardening and the phar-
macopeia had begun to emerge from the erstwhile domination of
sorcery. When he knew of no beneficial medicinal properties, he
mid so, though adding that claims for the same had been made in
former times.
It is difficult to say when gardening became a national recrea-
tion in England and Scotland, but apparently it antedated the
founding of the Royal Society, or the creation of the Chelsea Physic
Garden. Writers in the 17th century presented various ethical.
practical, medicinal, and spiritual reasons for gardening-, but one
suspects that these were merely pretexts for doing something they
loved to do, and would have done anyway. Londoners as early as
the twelfth century seemed to have some gardens of pretension,
though it is probable that the most important parts of them were
the walls and fountains.
The tulip and its cultivation in Europe is a notable example
of a mania for garden-flowers which stimulated an interest in the
breeding and selection of varieties by amateurs. The Turks, from
whom European tulips were obtained, had cultivated the plants
for an unrecorded time. GESNER saw the plant for the first time
at Augsburg in 1559 and described it with a figure. In Holland,
Chapter VIII
-119- Gardens
the craze which began in 1634 for tulip breeding and selection
reached such a pitch that governmental intervention was eventually
necessary to stop the wild speculation. DUMAS' "Black Tulipu
gives an interesting picture of the tulip mania. CLUSIUS, who had,
'propagated tulips on a large scale in Holland, described (1576)
the plant and published a picture of it. He introduced tulips into
England about 1577, where they were popular for a time, although
eventually superseded by other introductions from the Americas
and South Africa. LA QUINTINYE listed 416 named varieties of
tulips' in 1697. ,The early pictures of tulips show many varieties;
with flower segments (at least the outer) acute. The broad,
rounded, erect petaled forms were developed by the Dutch gar-
deners and produced wholly by selection. The "Breaking" in the
color of the tulip flower, described originally by CLUSIUS, is now
ascribed to a plant virus. Double tulips made their appearance at
an early date in Holland and continue in cultivation.
Immigrant plants began to arrive in the sixteenth century.
Austria, under the stimulus of CLUSIUS and JACQUIN, was the
portal through which foreign plants entered. FRANCIS I, Emperor
of Austria, encouraged the introduction of exotics, and sent out a
notable expedition in 1754 which brought home plants which
formed the basis of the beautiful Schonbrunn gardens. Plants fI'om
the Atlantic seaboard of North America were not 'widely grown
in Europe until after the founding of English and Dutch settle-
ments. Their introduction then followed so rapidly that by the
year 1700 there were 150 American plants in cultivation in Europe,
and their numbers cOl1tinued to increase until the time of the Revo-
lutionary War. The disruption of travel and communication by
the' contemporary wars is graphically set forth in the letters of
botanists in the 18th century. There is no way of knowing how
much valuable material and labor was lost through acts of Van-
dalism, shipwrecl\:, and war, as shown by two excerpts, viz., ALEX-
ANDER GARDEN to JOHN FiLLIS, .Tuly 6, 1757.
"My grief at my own and your disappointment is inexpressible. A few
days ago I heard that both Capt. COATS and CHEESEMAN were taken, and
with them the two most valuable collections of seeds that ever I could
ise or eVen hope to procure for you .. Good God! what i!;l the meaning that
out of 21 Carolina ships that sailed from hence in January last and the
beg'inning of Feb. there should be 19 taken, and with them no less than five
hundred thousand weight of our best Carolina indigo."
JOHN ELLIS to C. LINNE, London, Dec. 21, 1762.
UNow we are to have a peace, I shall extend my correspondence, and
hope to meet with many neW discoveries; which; if I do, shall immediately
communicate them to you."
The jmpOltation of forest trees, tardily undertaken, was an addi-
tion to English and French gardens in the eighteenth century. The
value of the exotic trees which had found their way to England
was discussed by MARK CATESBY in his "Hortl.1s Brittanico-Ameri-
can us", and the physiology of trees by DUHAMEL in "La Physique
des Arbres" (1758). PI-IILIP MILLER discussed Magnolia grandi-
flora, stating that it had been planted in England before 1739,
although the majority of the trees wel'e destroyed by the
severe winter of that year. He said, "If this tree can be so far
Howard S. Reed
-120- A Short History
naturalised as to endure the cold of our severest winters abroad,
it will be one of the greatest ornaments to our gardens ... "
EVELYN'S diary contains frequent allusions to arboriculture. and
his "Sylva" recommended species to be planted. Through British
officials in the New Wm'ld, EVELYN secured seeds and, sometimes,
seedlings of forest trees and shrubs of New England and Virginia,
including cedars, pines. oaks, maples, etc. His directions (dated
1 sepr . 1686) for the preparation of shipment of trees are worth
"The trees in Barills their rootes wrapped about masse: The smaller
the plants and trees are, the better; or they will do well packed up in matts;
but the Barill is best & a small vessell will containe enough of all kinds
labells of paper tyed to euery sort with ye name .. "
A goodly collection of Virginia trees was carried to England
and planted by the younger TRADESCANT at Lambeth where some
of them reached a high degree of perfection. among them the
Tulip-tree, on which EVELYN commented favorably.
In the 16th. and still more in the 17th, century there was a
ventilation of men's minds. More new thoughts came to them than
in almost aU of the preceding two thousand years. Even a grinlY
gardener would straighten his bent back and rub his eyes to see
a new plant from the outside world.' No less a personage than
Sir FRANCIS BACON, who started a train of new thought which
apparently will have no end, shifted men's eyes to the magnitude
of the living universe about them.
If there was less reverence for the authority of DIOSCORIDES and
PLINY, there was no whit less reverence for Holy Writ, as shown
by the fact that about one garden book in every three had copious
references to the Garden of Eden or to the cholce plants which
must have been cultivated there by Adam and Eve while they were
still in a state of purity and innocence. WILLIAM COLES' quaint
book called "Adam in Eden", published in 1657, was characterized
by its subservience to classical authors, showing how hard it is
for the human mind to free itself at once from all the chains which
bind it to the conservative ideas of the past. In the same vein of
thought, the liberal use of the word "Paradise", the abode of the
blessed, came into garden literature. The idea of a Paradise of
Flowers, in JOHN PARKINSON's famous "Paradisi in Sole", implied
a better condition of body, mind, and soul resultant from the main-
tenance of a good garden, a belief which probably appealed strongly
to the bewildered world of their day.
RICHARD BRADLEY'S practical mind was occupied with kitchen
gardens, physic gardens, and nurseries for the propagation of
trees. He praised the kitchen gardens of England for the variety
and quality of their produce, but condemned the French gardens
because they had little more than herbs for fruits and salads. He
was charmed by the abundance of exotic plants in the physic gar-
dens at Amsterdam, where plants had some sort of classification,
and where the professors COMMELIN and RUYSCH read to the citi-
zens twice every weel{. Gardening in Holland had already begun to
benefit from the commerce with the East and the West.Indies.
The beginning of the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew was rather
casual. If the date 1760 be accepted for the foundation, it must
be admitted that even the royal patronage did not produce any
Chapter VIII -121- Gardens.
remarkable results. When, after the death of the queen who had
sponsored the garden, Sir JOSEPH BANKS assumed charge in 1772,
the development of the gardens on a scientific plan began.
ical collectors were sent overseas for plants. King GEORGE III and
his queen encouraged the project; for a time everything went well,
but misfortune befell .it later, and things went badly until 1841
when Sir WILLIAM JACKSON HOOKER was appointed director. In
the succeeding century the garden and herbarium made remarkable
advances in many lines, becoming a great international center of
research and dissemination of knowledge.
Plant Introductions:.. A few parties went out at this time in
search of new plants for the fields and gardens. Among them,
JOHN TRADESCANT" who was born about 1570 and died about
1637, is thought to have made a journey to Russia in 1618. It is
quite definitely known, however, that in 1620 he voluntarily joined
an expedition against the pirates of Algiers. We shall probably
never know what his life was like while they were slaying Sara-
cens on the Barbary Coast, or where they landed, or how much of
the time Brother JOHN used his trusty sword to uproot native
plants. At any rate, he brought back with him a variety of apri-
cot which was commented upon by JOHN PARKINSON in the follow-
ing words: "The Argier Apricotke is a smaller fruit than any of
the other and yellow. . . This with many other sorts JOlIN TRADES-
CANT brought with him returning from the Argier voyage, whither
hee went voluntary with the fleete that went against the pyrates
in the yeare 1620." Having returned from this adventurous trip,
TRADESCANT became the Royal Gardener. He established a physic
garden at South Lambeth, and was the first Englishman "who made
any considerable collection of the subj ect of natural history". His
son JOHN (1608-1662) added largely to his father's collection, and,
in 1637, visited Virginia, where he collected flowers, plants, shells,
and so forth.
One of PARKINSON'S associates was WILLIAM BOEL (BULL) 1 a
native of the Low Countries, who traveled and collected in Spain
and Portugal (1608) I in Tunis and in Barbary. PARKINSON'S com-
ments are interesting, even though at variance. In one place he
speaks of BOEL as "going into spain almost wholly on my charge,
but bringing me little else than seedes of Chiceling Peas for my
money". Yet he gave the seeds to others, so that "I beate the
b1,lshe and another catcheth and eateth the birds". However, at
another place PARKINSON says, "He gathered about two hundred
sorts of see des ... all of which I had my part and by sewing them
sa w the faces of a great many excellent plantes, but many of them.
came not to maturitie with me, and most Qi the others whereof I
gathered back seedes one yeare by unkindly yeares that fell after-
wards have perished likewise".
Still men explore for plants. Out where there are unclimbed
mountains furrowed with green valleys, the explorer flirts with
death to court some dainty beauty of a Primuln, or revel in the
ravishing radiance of a Rhododendron in flower.
Pleasant to read in the lap of an arm-chair are the romances
of plant hunting, because their writers relate chilling, bruising-
climbs, alternating with strenuous trips through steamy-hot, leech-
infested jungles in search of something rare. . Who would not de-
Howard S. Reed -122- A Short History
light to read again the journal of DAVID DOUGLAS, who' perversely
went alone on his searching expeditions, until he met a gruesome,
tragic death in Hawaii; or of NUTTALL, "Old Curious, the sailors
called him", whose eagle-eye missed nothing, who used the barrel
of his musket as a receptacle for the seeds he collected?
To look at the names of some genera of plants is to reincarnate
some botanist like BARTSC:a who, at LINNAEUS' request went out
to Surinam where he died within a few months. The following
excerpt, apropos of a new genus, contains LINNAEUS' eloquent
appreciation of the man:-
"1 have called it Ba?"tsia. for JOHANN BARTSCH of Konigsberg, doctor of
medicine, a well-favored, youth, and unquestionably moat
learned, a credit to his country. I formed his intimate acquaintance in Bel-
gium, and insph'ed in him an invincible passion for plants and insects to such
a degree that he had few superiors in examining the minutest parts of plants
and describing them with great acuteness. The position of
to the Belgian Society of East Iudia falling vacant, the immortal BOERHAAVIUS
chose me for Surinam; when however I declined to make my home in the
torrid zone, a child of the North by birth and training, that lllan of blessed
memory granted me the privilege of nominating for the post whomsoever I
wished. This proposition delighted my honorable friend BARTSCH for no
other reason than that of the plants. He was recommended to BOERHAAVIU3,
was accepted, and sailed' for Surinam. There, because of some inexplicable
hatred and ill-will on the part of the governor of Surinam he never enjoyed
a single happy hour; as a result he died six months later, the victim of ennui
dislike, poverty, and heat, though if ever a man deserved a better fate it was
he. The character of the man is evidenced by his Dissertation on Heat and
by his letters dispatched to me from Surinam, full of the most interesting
observations on plants," (Translated by Professor W. H. ALEXANDER).
In later years there were men like FARRER who climbed the
Stone Mountains on the eaves of the world in Asia, where he found
Primulas and Rhododendrons. In Szechuan he found a few sere,
dried out plants of a Primula after a long day's climb over the
rock-faced hills. The discovery kindled all the emotions of a
hunter in him, and impelled him to explore all the chaffy capsules
on the brown stems. The small pinch of seeds acquired was
enough, however, to get living plants which turned out to be a new
species, Primula rupestris, related to P. sinensis. Ere he died of
a fever in Burma he found the sturdy P. 8onchijolia which flowered
in April and seemed to love forcing its way through the snow, the
dainty, star-like P. alsophila, and the small rock-plant P. mos-
cophora, which .. Hin sheeted masses twinkles at you as you climb
the breakleg stairway". FARRER died in the jungles of Upper
Burma. After his death they made a coffin and carried it on coolie-
back to Konglu where he was buried in a clearing above the fort
on Konglu-bum.
Out of Eastern Asia have come many of our finest members of
the Lily family. They are distributed over the entire area between
Afghanistan on the west, India 011 the south, Kamtschatka on the
north and the Philippines on the east. In India, the lilies are
generally found only high up in the mountains; in China they grow
from sea level up to 13,000 feet; in Japan, Formosa and Korea
they range from sea level to the high mountains while in their
northern limits they are confined to low altitudes, usually river
valleys. Probably the oldest and most widely cultivated is L.
Chapter VIII -123- Gardens
tigrinum) the Tiger Lily. For more than 1000 years it has been
grown by the Chinese for its bulb. Only in the foothills of the
Lushan range does it grow wild in China, but it is plentiful in
central Korea. The lily was formerly grown less for its flowers
than for the edible bUlbs. Species having white bulbs were pre-
ferred. But at present the lily is more widely cultivated as a
garden flower.
Euro.pean gardeners have depended upon oriental species of
roses for breeding stock for many generations. LA QUINTINYE
("Instruction pour les jardins", 1697 edition) wrote of the Rose
of China, but said it had several other names. He mentioned the
size of the shrub, saying that it eventually attained the heig'ht of a
tree. The parents of the modern cultivated rose of our gardens
were three Chinese species. One of these, the China Month1y rose
(Rosa chinensis) , had been brought to India early in the seven-
teenth century by a captain of the British East India Company.
It was introduced into Holland in 1781 under the name Bengal
rose; hence it was thought to be a native of India. Sir JOSEPH
BANKS broug'ht it to England in 1789. In 1804 the first rambler
rose (R. multiflora, Var. carnea) reached England, followed in
1808 by the first tea-scented rose (R. odorata), both coming from
China, These three species, then, have furnished the entire stock
from which our modern roses have developed, hybridization and
horticultural techniques having produced the wealth of garden
forms now known.
The Hollanders appear to have had an outstanding passion for
gardens and gardening. Their interest in exotic plants and the
influence of the East brought home by traders further affected their
garden designs. Holland was the plant nursery of Europe. From
it emanated influences which spread to other lands. The Dutch
doubtless first learned of the cultivation of oranges through the
Italians, for in the middle of the seventeenth century Genoa was a
great nursery for orange and lemon seeds. Needless to say, the
climate of Holland would not permit the culture of citrus trees in
the open, but the Dutch, in their enthusiasm, developed the orange-
ry, which later became an important feature in the gardens of
many other countries.
Acclimatization:- Little by liftlet as the introduction of foreign
plants went on, gardeners and farmers learned that there was such
a thing as adaptation to the new environment. This was empir-
ically learned at first, but gradually. came to be recognized as a
characteristic of the living plant.
GUY DE LA BROSSE proposed to LOUIS XIII in 1628 a plan for a
royal garden for the cultivation of medicinal plants, to which the
sick might have recourse, where the students of medicine might
learn, and where those who profess it might be addressed when
needed. He reported that he had included not only domestic
plants, but also those of the most distant countries which could be
grown in the climate of Paris, not so much as to learn their ap-
pearance, as to try their virtues and to learn how they had changed
their properties. BROSSE then relates some interesting things about
changes. For example, said he:
"We know that many plants grown in a new region lose much of their
original condition. The seeds of the Florentine sweet fennel degenerate in
Howard S. Reed
-124- A Short History
the third or iourth year, and cauliflower in the second. They report that the
fruit of the peach is poison in Persia, but loses its "malice" when transplanted
into Europe. However that may be, we do not wish to maintain that it is
true of all. Tobacco (Peton) was cultivated for 50 years in France, and I
know of no evidence that anyone has changed the seeds, yet it retains all the
virtues which nature originally gave it. If it is not as potent as in its original
home, at least it is proportional and is quite useful to us. The loss of proper
ties is not as common as their decrease, because the seeds seem to transmit
PHILIP MILLER ("The Gardener's Kalendar", 1769) gave opin-
ions which indicated that there had been progress in acclimatiza-
tion and selection, saying that a number of exotic trees, shrubs,
and plants which had been brought to Europe had then become:
lias it were, denizens in England, being so far naturalised as to thrive in
the open air without shelter . . . and by making trials with many of those
plants which were formerly nursed up in greenhouses and treated with great
tenderness, they have been found to thrive and flower lUuch better when
planted in full ground and treated with less delicacy."',
One of PHILIP MILLER's first papers read before the Royal Society
was "A Method of Raising Some Exotick Trees".
Sir HANS SLOANE, who will ever be remembered for his gen-
erosity to the Chelsea Physic Garden, wrote as follows in 1684 to
RAY regarding their success in handling tender plants:
"I was the other day at Chelsea and find that the artifices used by Mr.
WATTS have been very effectual for the Preservation of his plants, insomuch
that this severe winter has scarce killed any of his fine plants. One thing I
much wonder to see. Cedrus Montis Libani ... should thrive so well as
without pot or greenhouse to be able to propagate itsel:f by Layers this'
spring. Seads sown last Autumn have as yet thriven very well.1t
. '
A survey of the writings of the gardeners of that time affords
evidence that this process of acclimatization, which started, of ne-
cessity more or less empirically, developed into one of the fine
arts of gardening in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The
combination of the talents of men like PHILIP MILLER and Sir HANS
SLOANE in acclimatizing non-indigenous plants enriched greatly the
horticulture of England. MILLER's superb work entitled "Garden-
er's Dictionary" (1731) gave directions wherever possible for the
selection of desirable characters in plants; e.g., roguing the garden
before seed formation, selecting seeds from early maturing plants,
selecting seeds from the hardiest plants. In their time there was,
however, a dependence of English gardeners upon Holland for
satisfactory seeds. Whether the desired quality pertained to the
vigor of the strain, early maturity, or freedom from disease was
not stated. In many cases there was undoubtedly a lateness in
,maturity in England which prevented the plants from ripening
their seeds. . Therefore, it was necessary to look to some other
country for fully matured seeds. MILLER'S careful directions for
the selection of seeds of flowering and kitchen plants were there-
fore important for the gardening industry.
WILLIAM WATTS (in a letter to the Royal Society in 1751)
enumerated exotic trees he had observed in the gardens of the
Bishop of London. The list included the black walnut, maple,
cedar, and others from North America, the pistach, carob, Cedar of
Lebanon, and others from the Near East. WATTS emphasized that
Chapter VIn -125-
these trees grew successfully in climates and latitudes very differ-
ent from their native habitats, and commented on the importance
to the country of such introductions.
RICHARD BRADLEY'S ingenious ideas about grafting exotics upon
native plants to increase their hardiness were based on his observa-
tions that the grafted tree partook somewhat of the nature of the
stock upon which it was worked. This original and valuable
observation was subsequently applied with a certain amount of
success to horticulture, but could not be applied to such extreme
cases as BRADLEY suggested, e.g., changing the species, or produc-
ing hybrid fruits by grafting one tree upon another of the same
In conclusion, emphasis must be laid upon the fact that men
PARKINSON were scientific gardeners in the sense that exact ob-
servations and experiments were included in their garden pro-
grams. If the modern garden, replete with plants of exquisite
beauty and expressive of fine ideas, carries on the tradition of the
ancient garden, no less do the university botanical gardens, the
plant-breeding plots} the nurseries, the acclimatization gardens,
and the agricultural experiment plots specialize in problems which
intrigued the gardeners of a century long past, problems which
they saw but were unable to solve.
BRADLEY, RICHARD (1726): A general treatise of husbandry and ga:rdening. 2
vola. J. Peele, London.
CECIL, EVELYN (1910): A history of gal."dening in England. Ed. 3 (with
bibliography). Dutton. New York.
EVELYN, JOHN (1664): Kalendarium Hortense. Macoclr, London.
FALKENBERG, PAUL (1899): The garden and its development. Smithsonian
lnst: Annual Report, 1899 (published 1901), Was11ington.
FARRER, REGINALD J. (1926): On the eaves of the world. 2 vols. E. Arnold,
GRAS, NORMAN S. B. (1940): A history of agriculture in EUrope and Amer-
ica. Ed. 2, Crofts, New York.
GOLTZ, T. VON DER (1890): Geschichte der Landwirtschaft. In his Hand-
buch der gesamten Landwirtschnft 1 :1-50. Laupp, Tiibingen.
JOIlNSON, GEORGE W. (1829): A histo:l'Y of English gardening. Baldwin &
Cradock, London.
KNIGHT, THOS. ANDREW (1797): Treatise on the culture of the apple and
pear. (several later editions). London.
LA QUINTINYE, JEAN DE (1699): The compleat gardIner .. (a translation
by LONDON and WISE). Gillyilower, London.
MILLER. PHILIP (1731): The gardener's dictionary. (numerous later edi-
tions). Printed by the author, London.
PARKINSON, JOI-IN (1629): l?aradisi in sole Paradisus terrestris. Lownes &
Young, London. Also a facsimile reprint by Methuen & Co., London. 1904.
PULTENEY, RICHARD (1790): and biographical. sketches of the
progress of botany in England . . 2 vols. T. Cadell, London.
ROHDE, ELEANOUR S. (1924): The old English gardening books. Hopkinson,
TOLKOWSKY, SAMUEL (1938): Hesperides; a history of the culture and use
of citrus fruits. Bale and Curnow, London.
WRIGHT, RXCHARDSON (1934): The story of gardening. Dodd, Mead. New
Chapter IX.
Pioneer works:- The world of plants and trees and its manifold
relations with climate and continent began to be scientifically
studied at the opening of the nineteenth century. Explorers had
found plants and systematists had evolved ideas and schemes for
their classification. There was then born of man's curiosity an
impulse to know something about the physiognomy of the plants
of mountain and plain, of island and continent. Specifically they
asked "What are the relations between the ensemble of climatic
factors and the character of the vegetation of a region like Europe
or North America?" It is true that farmers and herdsmen had
long possessed a certain empirical knowledge of the distribution
of plants important for them and their flocks, but the great botan-
ists had not previously thought of plants in terms of geographical
distribution or migration .
. One of the pioneers in the scientific study of plant geography
was CARL LUDWIG WILLDENOW (1765-1812) of Berlin. He pub-
lished a comprehensive study in 1792 entitled "Grundriss del'
Kratiterkunde zu Vorlesungen entworfen" (English translations
appeared in 1805 and 1811).
It is doubtful whether anyone prior to WILLDENOW'S time had
given so good a description of the relation of seed dissemination to
plant distribution or such clear concepts of plant associations. He
commented on the characteristic limitations of species in a way
which suggests faintly the idea of endemism, and also described
the remarkable affinities often exhibited by plants of widely sepa-
rated regions.
WILLDEN OW observed that there was a remarkable resemblance
between the trees and shrubs of northern Asia and northern Amer-
ica though there was slight resemblance between the herbaceous
plants. Thus, he said, in northern Asia we find Acer cappadocium,
Alnus glutinosa, Fagus sylvatica, Sambucus nigra, and the corre-
sponding trees and shrubs in northern America are Acer sacchar-
inum, Alnus serrulata, Fagus latifolia, and Sambucus canadensis.
In like manner he commented on the similarities between the
shrubs of the Cape of Good Hope and Australia, and likewise
between the floras of the Bahama Islands and the neighboring
Having formulated characteristics of the floristic al'eas of
Europe, WILLDENOW sketched their centers of dispersal and their
approximate boundaries. In so doing he remarked that they gen-
erally intermingle at the boundaries and enrich the flora of regions
like southern France. He clearly recognized and tried to explain
the dispersion of plants from definite centers, and the dependence
Chapter IX -127- Plant Geography
of plant geography on geological history. His was a veritable
pathfinding piece of work.
The subject of plant geography received a great impetus from
the writings of the traveller ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT (1769-
1859), who likewise contributed to nearly every branch of science,
and who was perhaps the last of the cosmographers. His concep-
tion of the universe as a whole was no less remarkable than his
faculty of observing and explaining single phenomena.
In his native city of Berlin HUMBOLDT received a good educa-
tion, and in the universities manifested unusual abilities .. He was
originally a student of geology and mining, but the desire for more
freedom and especially for exploratory travel impelled him to
resign his position with a mining syndicate and to prepare for
travel. In Paris he met AIME BONPLAND (1773-1858), a young
French botanist, who joined him. They sailed from Coruna in June
1799 for Venezuela, where they explored prior to making their way
to the Andes and Peru. Taking advantage of the exceptional oppor-
tunities of the country, HUMBOLDT devoted himself to studies on
electrical and astronomical phenomena, but also acquired valuable
information about the cinchona (quinine) tree and its culture.
From Peru they went to Mexico where they explored for a year
studying the physical geography of the country. They returned
to France in 1804 and immediately proceeded to arrange their
manuscripts and collections, a large part of which, however, had
been lost by a shipwreck.
They published a work of 30 volumes. "Voyage aux Regions
equinoxiales ... " of which the first 14 were devoted to botany;
5 were devoted to physical geography, geognosy, and astronomy;
and 1 to the geography of plants.
HUMBOLDT seems to have observed, independently, that plants
are gr,Quped into societies, or associations; and speaks of the differ-
ing composition of plant associations in tropical and temperate
zones. He showed the value of isothermal lines in physical geog_.
raphy and plant geography. .
Among his minor works, uAnsichten der Natur" (1808) has
had the widest distribution and has been translated into nearly
every European language. In this book he gave short sketches
of the life history of various plants and of the aspects of vegetation
in the lands he visited.
Later in his life HUMBOLDT devoted himself to writing "Kos-
mos", an encyclopedic work in which he attempted a comprehen-
sive explanation of the universe. This also was translated into
many languages and made a profound impression. .
The development of plant geography simultaneously received
an. added impetus from the work of ROBERT BROWN (1773
1858) a
Scottish botanist of unusual talents. BROWN was appointed
uralist on the recommendation of Sir JOSEPH BANKS for a British
expedition sent out under Captain FLINDERS for the survey of
the Australian ooasts. This gave him four years (1801-1805) for
exploring the little lmown flora of that country. Soon after his
return he was appointed librarian of the Linnean Society of Lon-
don. His "Botany of Terra Australis" appeared in 1814. BROWN
discerned that scarcely more than one tenth of the species found
in "Terra Australis" had been observed in other parts of the. world,
and carefully compared them with other regions. He concluded
Howard S. Reed
-128- A Short History
that the Australian flora resembled" more closely those of India
and South Africa than that of South America. BROWN was a man
who could think of floras in terms of continents and could elaborate
relationships which completely escaped others. A. VON HUMBOLDT
called him Botanicorum facile Princeps. The papers he published
on the affinities and geographical distribution of genera and species
mapped out new fields in which much productive work was later
to be done.
Formulation of concepts and terrninology:- A further advance
was marked by the publication of "GrundzUge einer allgemeinen
Pflanzengeographie" by SCHOUW in 1823 in which important
foundations were laid. The author
J. F. SCHOUW (1789-1852)
was professor in Copenhagen and had been attracted to the study
of plant geography by the works of HUMBOLDT. After a summer
spent among the mountains of Norway and the years 1817-1819
in Italy and Sicily. he realized how little had been done toward
establishing fundamental laws for the science of plant geography,
and himself undertook to formulate the laws and establish the
rudimentary principles for this new science.
We owe to SCHOUW several of the conceptions and much of the
terminology which have since become fixed in the literature of
plant geography. The first part of his book deals with the effect
of external factors on the distribution of plants but, like other
plant geographers of the time, he dealt principally with tempera-
ture. In addition, he was the first to give definite descriptions of
certain societies and to recognize the grouping of plants according
to the water content of the soil. The edaphic factors are fully
outlined, but not explicitly treated. The effect of light is also
very briefly treated: he dismisses it by" saying, "Without doubt
it also serves to nourish the plant".
SCHOUW looked for characteristic plants in the flora of each
part of the world. He concluded that the genera Solidago and
Aster were so predominant in North America that it could be
denoted the kingdom of those genera. This kingdom was also
characterized by oaks and pines and by a deficiency of Cruci/erae,
U mbelliferae, Cichorieae, and Cynareae, an absence of Heathers
and an excess of Vacciniaceae. So also, the kingdom of the
Magnoliae was characteristic of the most southern parts of the
United States. He said, likewise, that the flora of southern Europe
is the kingdom of the Labiatae and Caryophyllaceae, since the
region is the habitat of so great a number of species of those fam-
ilies. He was thus doing in a broader and more comprehensive
way what THEOPHRASTUS had done in his time.
In the dawn it was hard to distinguish the essential features.
of this unexplored field of botany. When it came to understanding
the distribution of plants of remote and isolated regions, botanists
were confronted with a hard problem.
" The comparative readiness with which air temperatures can
be determined and isothermal lines established afforded a method
extensively utilized in mapping life zones. In spite of a certain
amount of naIvete on the part of the earlier workers, among whom
1\1EYEN may be noticed, the general boundaries of life zones were
established. MEYEN (1804-1840) discerned the similarity of alpine
plants of distant mountain ranges, but was baffled by the absence
Chapter IX
-129- Plant Geography
of vegetative bridges between them. His ingenious, but specious,
theory of Spontaneous Generation (1836) was the only escape
possible to him. Shackled as they were by the theory of the con-
stancy of species, botanists of that day gave attention principally
to discussions of the validity of species descriptions. Rather than
admit that there had been any change in life fonns they cried
that the species had been founded on inconstant characters, and
that what is inconstant cannot define the species!
J. THURMANN, in "Essai de phytostatique" (1849) elaborated
on the importance of the subjacent rocks on the distribution of
plants in the Jura. Hard rocks are sterile on account of their un-
changeability which is opposed to the formation of detritus. Soft
rocks are sterile occasionally in consequence of their compactness
and impermeability.
The subject of plant geography was greatly clarified and meth-
ods of attack were formulated by ALPHONSE DE CANDOLLE (1806-
1893) who had a particular aptitude for numerical and exact forms
combined with an acquaintance with the physical sciences. He
inherited the industry and ability of his father, AUGUSTIN PYRAME
DE CANDOLLE His book "Geographie Botanique Rai-
sonnee" was published in 1855.
DE CANDOLLE tried to discover the laws of the distribution of;
plants on the earth. He devoted considerable space to the role of
temperature in geographic distribution. He distinguished between
the temperatures effective for plant growth and those which (being
near or below the freezing point) are sub-minimal for growth. He
concluded that the summation of temperatures effective for growth
was a useful' criterion for determining the range of species. At
the cost of great labor he computed temperatures within the range
and near its limits for many species
and the areas of species
according to families. DARWIN commended DE CANDOLLEts dis-
cussion of the relation of the size of families to the average range
of individual species, but believed that a better method would
have been to use the size of genera instead of families as a basis. '
The problem of the origin of existing sp,?cies was considered and
he concluded that there are numerous facts which go far to prove
the geological antiquity of the greater part of existing species;
and that their creation was probably successive.
Floristics:- The classical studies of JOSEPH D. HOOKER (1817-
1911) on geographical distribution, endemism, and affinities
brought to a climax the investigations of the mid-nineteenth
tury botanists. He was the second son of Sir WILLIAM JACKSON
HOOKER (1785-1865) professor of botany in Glasgow and, subse-
quently, director of Kew botanical garden. In 1839 at the age
of 22, JOSEPH, having passed his examinations in medicine, enrolled
as assistant surgeon and botanist on .the "Erebus" then about to
start in company with the "Terror" on a trip four years
under command of Sir JAMES Ross. The purpose of the trip was
a magnetic survey of the Antarctic region, giving HOOKER an
opportunity to collect and observe in many places in the southern
hemisphere. When the season prevented the ship from entering
the circumpolar seas they visited islands and continents where
HOOKER had opportunities to make botanical studies.
Howard S. Reed
-130- , A Short History
The results of his botanical work were assembled and published
(1844) in "Flora Antarctica", an epoch-making publication the'
realm of floristics. It contains not merely reports of exploratIons"
or descriptions of new species, but illuminating discussions of dis-
which were the most scientific essays up to their time,'
In them he commented on the uniformity of the flora of the Ant-
arctic islands and on the similarity of species on the high moun-'
tains of southern Chili, Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand.
The work was highly esteemed by LYELL and DARWIN. The latter
wrote, HI have finished your essay. To my judgment it is by far
the grandest and most interesting essay 011 subjects of the nature
discussed I have ever read". HOOKER travelled widely in studying.
plants. His enthusiasm for the field led him to make arduous jour-
neys to observe and to collect plants in distant countries. In 1848
FIG. 21. - The Hooker Onk at Chico, Califol'nia. 1l large Sl)ecimcn of Q.te1'rms
lobata.. dedieated to. Sir JOSEPR D. HOOH,EIl., who visitl!d California in 187'7 with D ....
GnAY. Dmwn f.'om Ii photogl'l.lph taken in 1)38. Height of tree 101 feet, Allowing
two square feet each pel','lOTI. 'l,885 people could stand nnder its branches. '
he went to India where he remained for three years obtaining
results which provided material for much of his later writing. In
1860 he joined an expedition to Syria and Palestine; ill 1871 he
made the first botanical exploration of the Atlas range, and in 1877
visited the western United States in company with ASA GRAY.
From first to last HOOKER was interested primarily in geograph-
ical distribution, and he successfully elucidated the important sub-
ject of endemism. What he did for the Antarctic flora in his youth
he continued in mature life for the Indian flora, The "Flora of
British India" (1872-1897) was, as he said, a pioneer work, but
he expressed the hope that it might "Help the phytogeographer to
discuss the problems of distribution of plants from the point of
view of what is perhaps the richest, and is certainly the most
varied botanical area on the surface of the globe". HOOKER was
not only a scientific systematist, he was interested in the great
Chapter IX -131- Plant Geography
question of the ongm of species and an intimate counsellor of
DARWIN. His conclusions on the evolutionary question were based
on his intimate studies of life forms in many parts of the world.
AUGUST GRISEBACH (1814-1879) was one of the first to define
types of physiognomy of vegetation with respect to climate. In
"Die Vegetation del' Erde" (1872) he named and accurately de-
scribed 54 (eventually 60) vegetative forms, arranged according
to the important climatic regions. In this he emphasized and elab-
orated ideas first proposed by HUMBOLDT, but his work was a great
advance upon all that had been done previously, and had a very
significant influence upon all subsequent work in plant geography.
GRISEBACH travelled widely, He was appointed professor of
botany at Gottingen in 1841 and director of the botanical garden
in 1875.
GRISEBACH seems to have comprehended fully the implication
of evolutionary concepts in interpreting floristic characters. He
---------- _ __;..------------__,...--
Fro. 22. - 'I'hc Gray Hel'barium of Harval'd University, an jmportant center :Cor botunloal
WOlle. The dellositOl'Y of many collections of Gn",.,. reside(i in the house at the left.
(Fl'om a picture made about 1800).
was aware that the mutability of organisms and their powers
of response to their habitats were factors of great importance
for understanding the problems of physiognomy. It is not sur-
prising to find several references to GRISEBACH'S work in DARWIN'S
The problems of floristic plant geography in North America
were elucidated by the work of ASA GRAY (1810-1888) of Harvard
University. His extensive study of the vegetation based on mate-
rial seut by various explorers in the western part of the conti-
nent and obtained all his own travels, developed a comprehensive
conception of the varied plant formations of the United States.
In an address delivered in 1884 he surveyed the characteristics
of the North American flora in a way that has been unexcelled.
The origins of the flora were succinctly discussed and its affinities
with other continental floras were depicted.
Howard S. Reed -132- A Short History
One of his most important works was on the affinities between
the floras of Japan and North America (1859). Important be-
cause it discussed the question whether the observed distribution
of congeneric or other nearly related species is primordial, and
therefore beyond all scientific explanation, or whether it may be
to a certain extent a natural result. In it we find t.he method and
spirit of DARWIN exemplified. It opened the road for the intro-
duction of the new ideas on the origin and relationships of living
things and showed that GRAY could make excursions into the
realm of ideas as well as that of plants.
Other writings of GRAY'S rdealt with Forest Geography and
Archaeology in which questions of endemism and rainfall were
discussed. HSequoia and its History" was written in 1872.
, The epoch-making work of A. ENGLER (1844-1930), "Versuch
einer Entwicklungsgeschichte der Pflanzenwelt" (1879-1882), is
certainly one of the outstanding works on floristic plant geography.
He was appointed professor of botany and director of the botanical
garden in Berlin in 1889. His comprehensive studies were sum-
marized in 36 theses and presented in an introductory chapter.
ENGLER was also impressed with the importance oI' the geological
history for the understanding of floristic problems. Time and
again he went back to the tertiary epoch in correlating the plant'
distributions. He bas been criticized for his emphasis on the
effects of the Ice Age and other geological epochs on contemporane-
ous vegetation, but his exposition of the importance of the geolog-
ical history cannot be gainsaid. .
The floristic aspects of plant geography were further elabo-
rated by OSCAR DRUDE (1852-1933) in his "Handbuch der Pflanzen-
geographie" (1890) . The development of floras was considered
primarily with respect to the physical geography of the land area,
with proper recognition of climatic factors and is strongly reminis-
cent of the concepts of GRISEBACH. He grouped the vegetation of
the earth into 20 floral kingdoms, and in his later works into 35
DARWIN'S "Origin of Species" gave a great stimulus to the
study of all biological phenomena, but especially to that of adapta-
tion. Of all the books which preceded, it dealt most directly and
scientifically witb the origin and meaning of adaptation. It is
not too much to say that DARWIN excelled all others who had
attempted to explain the problems of adaptation since the struggle
for existence selects the organisms which possess adaptations fitting
them to their environment.
Following his first great work came further studies on adapta-
tions of plants - Insectivorous Plants, Climbing Plants, The Power
of Movement in Plants, Animals and Plants Under Domestication,
Physiological plant The growing appreciation of the
importance of the physiological factors in plant geography came
to fruition in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. It became
increasingly clear that there were intimate relations between the
plant and its environment which should be investigated on a physio-
logical as well as a floristic basis. Investigations in this field deal
with the economy of plants and their responses to environmental
Chapter IX -133- Plant Geography
This province has been variously designated as Oecological
Plant Geography, Physiological Plant Geography, or Ecology. He
who can visualize the plant as an integration of living parts, or
the meadow as an integration of individuals and species, has
embarked on tlie study of ecological botany in its broad sense.
The problem of the influence of environment on the plant which
had been by HUMBOLDT was seriously undertaken by
VESQUE in 1878 and by BONNIER and FLAHAULT (1879). The last
named men explored the peninSUla of Scandinavia and compared
its flora with that of the Alps. They discovered many important
relationships between the plant forms and soil-light-heat condi-
tions. BONNIER's experimental cultures extended the previous
knowledge of the effects of climate on plant forms and FLAHAULT
developed new methods of research in Plant Sociology.
VOLKEN'S work on the flora of the Egyptian-Arabian deserts
(1887), while descriptive, was a great demonstration of the impor-
tance of ecological methods in plant geography.
SCHENCK turned especial attention to the relations of aquatic
plants to their environment (1886). Leaving to his colleagues the
task of travelling to distant lands, he took up a careful biological
study of the plants near at hand. He investigated such subje.cts
as the anatomy of the submerged organs, the wintering of the
plants, the germination of the seeds, etc. SCHENCK showed the
immense value of such work for the study of adaptations.
The problems and results of this province of plant geography
were formulated and discussed (1895) in "Plantesamiund" (Ecol-
ogy of, Plants) by EUGENE WARMING' (1841-1924), professor in
Copenhagen. The appearance of the book was timely and it had
a great influence on the subsequent development of ecology.
WARMING discussed anew the factors of the environment and
developed new ideas on adaptations of plant formations. One
by one he studied and described the plant formations with respect
to the physico-chemical factors of their habitat. He concluded:.
that every species must be in harmony, as regards both its external!
and internal construction, with the natural conditions under which
it lives. It will be exterminated or displaced by other species,
when the change in the environment is so great that adaptation is
impossible. "Thus", said he, u we impinge upon the problem of
the origin of different species". '
A. F. W. SCHIMPER (1856-1901) shortly thereafter published
"Pflanzengeographie auf physiologischer Grundlage" (1898). This
scholarly and important work showed what had been done toward
a complete study of the plants of the world and included results of
his own studies. His genius for exact observation and his ability
to systematize knowledge would have delighted HUMBOLDT. In
the book SCHIMPER discussed (a) the environmental factors, (b)
formations and guilds of plants, and (c) zones and plant geographic
regions. He considered that the relations between the forms of
plants and the environmental conditions at different places on the
earth's surface were the legitimate province of physiological plant
geography. From first to last he connected the morphology and
physiology of plants with their grouping into zones and regions.
The earlier idea of the biological unity of natural plant associa-
tions began to be elaborated in the latter part of the nineteenth
century. STEBLER and SCHROETER investigated (1892) the plant
Howard S. Reed
A Short History
. associations of the Alpine meadows and pastures, concluding that
these natural associations had a biological unity. As expressed
later by FLAHAULT and SCHROETER, "An association is a commu-
nity of certain floristic composition, of uniform habitat conditions,
and of uniform physiognomy'7. Under the hand of SCHROETER and
his disciples the ideas of plant sociology have been more fully
developed, as shown in several modern books. POUND and CLEM-
ENTs, description of the phytogeography of Nebraska was the
first of a series of studies which have been extensively developed
in America. The idea of Succession of plants has been promul-
gated by CLEMENTS and by COWLES in America.
The twentieth century has been a time of rapid development
for ecological plant geography and has seen precise methods of
investigation supplant some of the hasty reconnaissant methods of
earlier days. Gradually the weaknesses which characterized some
of the observational type of work are being eliminated as systemat-
.ists, physiologists, and geneticists are combining to study the great
problems of the vegetation of the earth.
BONNIER, G. E. M. and FLAHAULT, C. (1879): Observations sur les modifica-
tions des vegetaux 8uivant les conditions physiques du milieu. Martinet,
BRAUN-BLANQUET, J. (1928): Pfianzensoziologie. Springer, Berlin.
---- (1932): Plant sociology; trans}. by FULLER and CONARD. McGraw-
Hill, New York and London.
BROWN, ROBERT (1814): General remarks, geographical and systematical, on
the botany of Terra Australis. Appendix to: FLINDERS, M., Voyage to
Terra Australis. London.
CANDOLLEl, A. L. P. P. lJE, (1855): Geographie botanique raisonnee. Masson,
FLAHAULT, C. (1881): Nouvelles observations sur les modifications des vege-
taux suivant les conditions physiques du milieu. Paris.
---- (1907): Les progres de la geographie botanique depuis 1884. Prog-
gressus :rei botanicae, I: 243-317.
GRAY, A. (1889): Scientific papers ... selected by C. S. SARGENT. Houghton
Mifflin, Boston and New York.
HUMBOLDT, A. VON (1807): Essai sur la geographie des pI antes (In HUM-
BOLDT, A. VON, & BONPLAND, A.: Voyage, part 5, Physique generale et
geologie. F. Shoe1l, Paris).
-- -- (1850): Views of nature ... ; transl. from the German by E. C.
OTTE and H. G. BonN. Bohn, London.
REED, H. S. (1905): A brief history of ecological work in botany. Plant
World 8: 163-170, 198-208.
SCHIMPER, A. F. W. (1898): Pflanzengeographie auf physiologischer Grund-
lage. Fischer, Jena." . .
---- (1903): Eng. transl. by W. R. FISHER. Clal.'endon Press, Oxford.
SCHOUW, J. F. (1822): Grundtraek til en almindelig Plantegeographie. Gyld-
endal, Kj0benhavn.
---- (1823): (German translation) Grundziige einer allgemeinen
zengeographie. Berlin.
WARMING, E. (1895): Plantesamfund. P. G. Philipsen, Kj0benhavn.
---- (1909): Oecology of plants (Eng. transl. by GROOM and BALFOUR).
Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Chapter X.
The first hundred years-from Linnaeus to Hofmeister:.. The
science of botany was dominated at the beginning of the 19th
century by the achievements of systematists who had made such
notable progress in the preceding century. Although LINNAEUS
had written uPhilosophia Botanica" it probably does not justify the
title. His ideas on morphology seem superficial, since they were
. elaborated for the practical purpose of classifying plants and were
often dominated by a spirit of scholasticism. He propounded the
theory that one form grows out of another, e.g., he derived leaves
and parts of flowers from parts of the stem, and considered (as
many a subsequent student has done) that the parts of flowers
are modified leaves.
Although CASPAR FRIEDRICH WOLFF had made (1759) a valiant
beginning by his study of the development of organs from the
growing point, the subject of developmental morphology received
its greatest impetus from one to whom WOLFF'S work was unknown.
This man was the Poet-Philosopher GOETHE (1749-1832), founder
of a school of idealistic philosophy in botany, whose writings
though entertaining, were often a puzzling combination of shrewd
observation and a priori reasoning. GOETHE gave his doctrine
the caption "metamorphosis
, but the word as employed in botany
has not the same connotation as in zoology, because the embryo
of the plant develops along lines entirely different from the embryo
of animals.
GOETHE said (Doctrine of metamorphosis. 1790): "It is open
to observation that certain exterior parts of the plants sometimes
change and pass into the form of adj acent parts, either wholly, or
in a greater or less degree
He formulated the concepts of a
normal (ascending) metamorphosis and an abnormal ( descend-
ing) metamorphosis. A foliage leaf might expand into a sepal in
normal metamorphosis, or contract into a stamen in abnormal
metamorphosis. Everything 'in plant forms was idealized.
GOETHE unf,ortunately used the term metamorphosis at one
time literally and at another time figuratively, leaving one to make
his own interpretations. At this distance it is unprofitable to
attempt to clarify his confused and, at times, contradictory views.
GOETHE and his followers derived an idea of archetypes from
PLATO, according to which every plant has a fundamental plan,
if only one could discover it. GOE1'HE was more indefinite about a
spiral, ascending metamorphosis by which the parts of a plant
underwent cyclic transformation. His idea that the cyclic tendency
in plants represents the female, and the vertical tendency the male,.
exemplified the extreme of idealistic philosophy. Although much.
of what he wrote on this subject seems strange to us today, out of it
came the valuable idea that the stuff of life is plastic and that
there is the possibility of change.
Howard S. Reed -136- A Short History
The idealistic interpretation of morphology was subsequently
propagated enthusiastically by men who were, in spite of certain
aberrations, imbued with the principles of scientific research. K.
F. SCHIMPER (1803-1867) made a serious attempt to learn some-
thing about the spiral arrangement of leaves by a system of numer-
Qlogy, which anyone with good eyesight and a little patience could
use. He found that the divergences of leaves on the stem can be
reduced to a few types expressed by the series of fractions 1/2, 2/3,
3/5, 5/8, 8/13 etc. The whole thing had a deceptive simplicity, but
it enabled the observers to make concise and elegant descriptions
of the intricacies of leaf arrangement. Although the business of
leaf counting and number writing in themselves were fruitless
exercises, the ideas of phyllotaxy advanced the study of morphol-
ogy by demonstrating that organs had a definite distribution in
ALEXANDER BRAUN (1805-1877), a leading and influential Ger-
man botanist, sought to discover the principles of growth and
form in the processes of regeneration and rejuvenescence. Al-
though he contributed to the advancement of morphology, he re-
tained many idealistic concepts of plants. BRAUN made an
important distinction between stem, leaf, and root in contrast to
GOETHE'S idea of the archetype. The stem, with its leaves, was
one unit of structure and the root another. he
maintained (perhaps. for the first time) that the succession and
alternation of shoots in the development of the plant represent
facts of importance for morphology. In the development of the
shoot (or bud) a succession of leaf metamorphoses may be ob-
served, namely, "cataphyllary", 4'euphyllary", "hypsophyllary",
"petals", "stamens", and "pistils". In BRAUN'S mind
these successive leaf formations represent a striving for complete-
ness, a process which begins anew with each shoot. His belief
in the essential homology of all the structures of his seven forma-
tions was an outgrowth of his idealistic philosophy of plants. .
Before the ideas of the school of idealistic botany had run
their course, a strong counter movement had been started by
SCHLEIDEN (1804-1881) who insisted that botany is an inductive
science. He examined and criticized with asperity the ideas of all
his contemporaries. Iconoclastic to an extreme, he advocated the
disregard of most works that had been written prior to the appear-
ance of his "Grundzuge". Quoth he,
Books have been written when plants should have been examined, con-
jectures have been made when investigations should have been IJursued. Hence
for about a century we have but revolved in a circle, without making the least
advance or discovering neW fac.ts . .
Happily these scathing criticisms stimulated men to new, obj
tive researches on plants. It was the period when the importance
of developmental morphology was recognized. In spite of a
taill amount of incompleteness, SCHLEIDEN'S "Grundztige der wis-
senschaftlichen Botanik" (1843) is a remarkable book
one which
win still repay studious attention.
A. P. DE CA:NDOLLE (1778-1841) labored to establish theoret-
ically the unity which lies at the basis of the most diverse plant
configurations. He thought that the most diverse genera of each
Chap,ter X -137- Morphology
family, as well as the families could be referred to a definitely
regular and systematic "type". The German school under JUNG
and GOETHE had sought this unity in the several parts of the
same plant; the French school under JUSSIEU and ADANSON had
sought the same unity for the analogous parts of different groups
of the plant kingdom. DE CANDOLLE apprehended that both types
of endeavor should be unified, but he erred when he thought that
he had actually succeeded in uniting them so that "Each might
serve for the fulfillment of the other". He spoke always of organs,
, designating the cells as "elemental organs", the stems, roots, and
leaves as "fundamental organs"; yet he said little of the relation-
ships into which his theory brought all plants or organs.
Following the work of these pioneers in the field of morphology
there was a more scientific, objective study of what we now recog-
nize as fundamental morphology. Its progress was so closely re-
lated to a series of fundamental studies on the lower and higher
plants that we must give consideration to the discoveries about the
morphology and anatomy of thallophytes and bryophytes before
proceeding to discuss the larger problems.
The formation of the assemblage called thallophyta was made
in 1836 by ENDLICHER (1805-1849) who based his classification on
the absence of organs which. could be considered stems and leaves.
While it is not quite true to say that some of the kelps like Lami-
naria lack stems and leaves, yet in view of their habits and methods
of reproduction, the classification is now generally recognized .
. Whatever the form of the vegetative bodies their sex organs are
one-celled, or, if multicellular, the gametes are not surrounded by
a layer of sterile cells.
Although VAUCffER (1763-1841) discovered (1803), conjuga-
tion in some algae it was not until 1857 that PRINGSHEIM discov-
ered the process of fertilization in Saprolegnia contributing thereby
to the understanding of developmental morphology in the lower
orders of plants. In chapter 17 it will be shown how TULASNE,
OERSTED, PRINGSHEIM, and DE BARY demonstrated the cycles of
development in the fungi and explained the nature of the asexual
and sexual generations. .
The belated development of the knowledge of the comparative
morphology of the thallophytes possibly accounts for the absence
of such weird and occult ideas as attended the morphology of the
flowering plants.
The antheridia of mosses were seen by HEDWIG (1730-1799)
and NEES VON ESENBECK (1776-1858) observed (1822) the dis-
charge of the antherozoids of Sphagnum. UNGER (1800-1870) dis-
covered (1834) the antherozoids of this plant and rightly'assumed
their function. MIRBEL (1776-1854) described in a classical treat-
ise the remarkable structure of M archantia, the development of
gemmae, germination of spores and was the first to show the
adaptability of bryophytes for experimental morphological investi-
gations. He saw the egg-cell of the archegonium, but did not
realize its significance. VALENTINE is generally credited with the
discovery of the egg-cell of the archegonium, but his ideas of the
sexuality of mosses were inferior to those of HEDWIG. He deter-
mined the position of the archegonium but did not recognize how
the sporophyte grew out of it. ROBERT BROWN (1773-1858) had
. early been attracted to the study of mosses but the true nature
Howard S. Reed -138- A Short History
of fertilization in the group was not understood at the time. He
considered the spores as seeds, reflecting the ideas of his time that
the structures must be homologous with those of flowering plants.
SCHLEIDEN failed to grasp the meaning of these organs and de- '"
elared dogmatically that mosses, club-mosses, ferns and horse-tails
are sexless. He regarded most of what had been said about anther-
idia and antherozoids as imagination.
The alternation of generations in plants:- A new, vivifying spirit
came into plant morphology when WILHELM HOFMEISTER (1824-
1877) published his "Vergleichende Untersuchungen" (1851) in
which the comparative morphology of the higher cryptogams was
HOFMEISTER's achievements are the more remarkable since he
never attended a Hochschule or University. The son of a music-
dealer and a music-dealer and bookseller himself, he was called
at the age of 39 to a Professor's post in Heidelberg whence he
'went in 1872 to Ttibingen. His most productive period in research
was that during which he was engaged in business, but he trained,
while in Heidelberg, some of the eminent botanists of the later
19th century. From Heidelberg he issued his two chief books,
"Lehre von der Pflanzenzelle" (1867) and "Allgemeine Morphol-
ogie" (1868).
HOFMEISTER recognized the "corpusculum" of ROBERT BROWN
as an archegonium, and the endosperm on which the corpuscula
are formed as the prothallium which, however, was formed in the
interior of the macrospore and no longer lived independently. He
was the first to demonstrate that the moss plant corresponds to
the prothallium of the vascular cryptogams and to the endo-
sperm in the conifers. He greatly clarified the ideas on the mor-
phology of bryophytes by his investigations on AnthocBros. His
distinction between the vegetative structure and the sexual organs
it produces was something new and timely. He finally demon-
strated the process of sexual reproduction in the bryophytes which
had been regarded by many botanists as "agamic" plants.
The crowning achievement was HOFMEISTER'S establishment
of the alternation of generations in the plant kingdom. Start-
ing with the more obvious cases of the mosses and ferns, he ex-
tended tHe relationship of gametophyte and sporophyte generations
to the gymnosperms and angiosperms. We owe much to HOF-
MEISTER's skill and patient observation by which the facts were
discovered, but it is not amiss to say that he left it for later writers
to discuss and to champion the law of the alternation of generations.
The antheridia of fern prothalli were discovered independently
by NAGELI in 1844 although he apparently did not recognize at
the time the importance of his discovery. He failed to recognize
the archegonia for the female sexual organs. A short time there-
after Count LESZCYC-SUMINSKI discovered (1847) archegonia but
considered them as naked ovules from which embryos developed.
This discovery aroused great interest and really marked an
advance. He described the antheridia and antherozoids, detecting
the tufted cilia which NAGELI had overlooked. He described tfle
archegonia incorrectly as ovules without envelopes consisting of a
papilla (the neck) which, when perforated, gave the antherozold
access to the embryo sac within. He was correct, however, in
Chapter X -139- Morphology
tracing the further development of the embryo and its various
organs. He thus clearly showed in ferns since the sexual
organs are produced on the prothallus and the embryo plant is
the result of a process of fertilization.
The discovery of sexual organs in other pteridophytes followed
shortly. HOFMEISTER succeeded (1852) in germinating spores of
Equisetum and ill producing prothallia bearing antheridia and
archegonia. He presented (1855-57) the first complete account of
the life history of Isoetes although many puzzling questions were
left for later botanists to answer. He apprehended the importance
of the, pteridophytes as links between the old group of cryptogams
and the phanerogams. Furthermore, his researches inspired great
activity on the part of others in the study of the entire field of
comparative morphology.
FARLOW (1844-1919) added a significant fact when he discov-
ered (1874) that in certain ferns the sporophyte might arise vege-
tatively from the gametophyte without the formation of archegonia,
a phenomenon he called "apogamy".
PRINGSHEIM (1824-1894) discovered the corresponding phe-
nomenon, "apospory", in mosses in 1877. He thereupon formu-
lated the theory that the gametophyte and sporophyte generations
in the mosses were homologous and that sporangia were likewise
homologous with antheridia and archegonia. He postUlated a
fundamental agreement between the somewhat irregular alterna-
tion in algae and fungi and the regular alternation of generations
in mosses and pteridophytes. The alternation in mosses is thus
due to the reduction of the indeterminate series of asexual fonns
of the thallophytes to one which remains inseparably connected
with the sexual generation on which it originates. Refusing to
split about the relations of thallophytes to the higher plants,
he carried the concept of homology upward and extended it to the
gametophytes and sporophytes of the highest as well as the lowest
forms of plants.
CELAKOWSKY (1834-1902) agreed in many particulars with
PRINGSHEIM'S concepts, but introduced the view that the sporo-
phyte of the moss is not only antithetic to the gametophyte in com-
pleting the life cycle, but is a third type of generation interpolated
the sexual and the first neutral or asexual generations of
the thallophyte.
In the next few years there was lively discussion of the origin
of the sporophyte and the trend of its evolution in the higher vas-
cular plants and whether it has passed through a stage analogous
to the sporogonium of mosses and liverworts.
Eventually the problem was clarified by BOWER (b. 1855) who
supplied (1890) evidence in the support of CELAKOWSKY'S idea.
The intercalated sporophyte, said he, has been produced by the
amplification of the zygote. The subdivision of the zygote into
numerous cells has brought aboutJ as the result of a single sexual
fusion, the possibility of a large number of offspring. In the
lower forms the sporophyte is all sporogenous, but, as its size
increased, a progressive sterilization of its tissues ensued, leaving
only a parl which possessed the function of spore production.
Moreover, this progressive sterilization in the pteridophytes may
account for many stages in their evolution. BOWER concluded that
there was no evidence of a sporophyte in the algae, though the
Howard S. Reed -140- A Short History
archegoniate plants undoubtedly rose from the algae. The access
to water was an occasional occurrence when certain forms acquired
a terrestial mode of life, thus less dependence could be placed on
sexuality for reproduction and an alternative method of increase
of individuals was substituted. The ,Zygote when once fertilized
might then divide up into portions which could originate new indi-
viduals and the absence of water would favor their dispersal. In
forms which acquired a habitat on land, the sporophyte assumed
a higher morphological and physiological differentiation in which
the acquisition of a food supply was highly important. In a later
modification of his views, BOWER concluded that the alternation
of generations in the archegoniates should be discussed on its own
merits and not as a homologue of algae and fungi which are not
subjectl as he said, to "amphibia} stabilization". BOWER'S intro-
duction of the biological concept into the theory of alternation of
generations threw a new light on the problem. He emphasized
and verified an earlier view that veget1;Ltive advance in the evolu-
tion of plants is conditioned on the sterilization of potentially
propagative cells.
Support for the antithetic view of the sporophyte was advanced
in 1894 by STRASBURGER and others who discovered that the num-
ber of chromosomes was reduced in the divisions of the spore-
mother cells. STRASBURGER considered that the reduction-division
may be interpreted as a return to the original condition, from
which, after it has attained sexual differentiation, offspring are
produced having a double (diploid) number of chromosomes.
Opposition to, the antithetic view was raised by those who
maintained that the origin of the sporophyte of terrestial plants
was the. differentiation of a vegetative form, fundamental to game-
tophyte and sporophyte alike. The latter view was championed
(1896) by SCOTT (1854-1934) who emphasized that the zoospores
fonned from the germinating oospore are in no way different
from the so-called zoogonidia formed on the vegetative plant at
various stages of its growth.
The upshot of all the investigations was the establishment on
a sound basis of the fact of an alternation of generations through-
out the vegetable kingdom. The long task was finally completed
80 years after HOFMEISTER started his independent, epoch-making
work. There are some wide gaps between the morphology of the
algae and the archegoniates but they do not controvert the con-
cept of alternation of generations. Nevertheless, it must be real-
ized that the controversy between the adherents of the Hhomolog-
ous" and "antithetic" theories of alternation is by no means settled.
Important evidence has been recently obtained from a study of
existing as well as extinct plants which at present precludes sum-
mary judgments.
The stele:- The importance of the central cylinder of the stem
was realized long before any success crowned the efforts of those
who attempted to classify its tissues. DE CANDOLLE distinguished
(1819) cortex, liber, alburnuffi, lignum, and medulla as the com-
ponents of woody stems, but had no genuine comprehension of the
organization of the stem. There was no real insight into the
problem of histology at that time, in fact, one may say that the
problem was then in the condition where it was left by MALPIGHI
Chapter X -141'-
and GREW. DE CAN DOLLE classified stems of the higher plants as
exo- and endogens upon the basis of the differentiation of the
stem tissues, The earlier writers found this classification useful
and adopted it. CARL SANIO (1832-1891) started the investigations
which led to the understanding of secondary meristems, the origin
and structure of secondary tissues, etc. He emphasized continu-
ally the ontogenetic features of the growth of tissues. He dis-
covered (1863); not only the place and method of origin of the
cambium, but also its cyclic activity and the consequent formation
, of annual rings of wood. Men had known in a vague way some-
thing about secondary growth of woody plants since the time of
DUHAMEL, but SANIO brought to it precision and clarity.
DE BARY'S encyclopedic work on comparative anatomy appeared
in 1877 and represented, in the author's words, "an epitome of the
present knowledge of the anatomy of the vegetative organs of
vascular plants". This scholarly compilation emphasized the anat-
omy of the matured tissues of the plants and deliberately mini-
mized the ontogenetic aspects of anatomical problems. DE BARY's
viewpoint was based upon the conviction that the mature structure
of the plant required more careful attention than juvenile stages
which, in his opinion, had been overemphasized by many workers
at that period.
The theory of the stele was formulated by VAN TIEGHEM (1839-
1914) which is fundamental to much subsequent work. He con-
cluded that root and stem are essentially similar since each pos-
sesses a stele (a definite central core) and a cortex which surrounds
the stele. In the stem the stele may not be as distinct as in the
root, in both organs the stele contains Hconjunctive tissues" as
well as vascular strands. He defined the peri cycle as the limiting
layer of the stele, the endodermis as the inner layer of the cortex,
and the epidermis as its outer layer. He emphasized the fact tnat
roots have a symmetrical structure, not only with respect to their
vascular bundles, but with respect to the arrangement of secondary
roots. VAN TIEGHEM and his students elaborated his. theory, on
the basis of comparative morphology and phylogeny. Although
they laid a solid foundation for the further study of this important
structure, they were unsuccessful in showing that all stelar types
might have arisen from a single type. .
SACHS concluded that the origin of the cambium ring was the
chief difference between roots and shoots in the gymnosperms and
dicotyledons. The difference, said he: .
Consists merely in the fact that in roots the phloem does not lie outside-
the xylem bundles (in the radial direction), but is disposed altel'nately with
it all the periphery of the axial fibrovascular cylinder. When the cambium is
once fonned, it behaves in precisely the saroe manner as it does in the stem.
JEFFREY (b. 1866) who moditied VAN TrEGHEM'S concepts of the
stele, introduced the terms siphonostele and protostele, the former
being tubular, and the latter rod-shaped. He concluded that the
siphonostele had arisen from the proto stele, hence there is actually
a basic (phylogenetic) homology between, the two types.
JEFFREY's work convinced him that the pith is extrastelar in
origin, and that it represents cortical tissue which invaded the
stele in its phylogenetic evolution. Not only did the cortex thus'
Howard S. Reed -142-
A Short History
invade the stele, but phloem, pericycle, and endodermis also entered
the xylem core. Thus he accounted for the primitive type of
siphonostele which possesses internal phloem, pericycle, and endo-
dermis. As evolution of plant structures proceeded these extra-
stelar tissues tended to disappear leaving only a perimedullary
zone to represent the morphological history of the stele.
There has been a great amount of controversy and discussion
of the anatomy of the stele, but it cannot be summarized here.
There can be little doubt but that the evolution of the stele has
been a significant factor in the development of ferns and their
allies. The importance of the vascular system can only be appre-
ciated when one considers the long process of progressive adapta-
tion to terrestial life and the dominant position of gymnosperms
and angiosperms in the vegetation of the earth. TANSLEY referred
some of the anomalous structures in the stele of the ferns to the
blind alleys into which the evolutionary processes wandered.
One who surveys the voluminous literature on the stele is in-
clined to marvel at the great amount of controversy and discussion
about its structural anatomy. We will do well, therefore, to recall
the words of BOWER:
A conducting column constructed as is that of a Dicotyledon or of a
gymnosperm is thus a living whole: as such it suffices for meeting the require-
ments of unlimited growth. The adjustment of extending efficiency to increas-
ing requirement is automatic, whether it be in respect of mechanical strength,
of storage space fOl' formative material, or of capacity for water-transit: while
- ventilation is provided for by the interce1lular spaces which traverse the
medullary rays. The method of increase by cambial activity is such as will
meet each of these needs until the limit of mechanical Tesistance is reached.
Beyond this some change of material, or of the method of its use would be
necessary to prevent collapse. (Size and form in plants, 1930).
Systematic The idea that a plant has an orderly
arrangement of its parts had been expressed in various ways by
the botanists of the 18th and earlier centuries. The systematists
had made general use of the concept in constructing their schemes
of classification, but the idea of organography was still vague in
the minds of most botanists at the beginning of the 19th century.
Inspired by the idea of a natural system for the classification
of plants, A. P. DE CANDOLLE (1778-1841) proceeded to formulate
(1813) an idea of symmetry in the structure of plants. We see
in his efforts the beginning of an earnest attempt to use com-
parative morphology, not as an end in itself, but as the means to
an end. He was at that time formulating his ideas on classifica-
tion which he believed would be based on the plan of symmetry,
especially of the floral organs. DE CANDOLLE's concepts were an
expression of the belief that there is some sort of unity in nature,
though he did not lose himself in the fantastic numerology of
some of the nature-philosophers of that time. His doctrine of sym-
metry was the basis of all systBmatic morphological work in France
for many years. Unfortunately he and his followers concerned
themselves too exclusively with the morphology of the mature
plant, neglecting developmental morphology.
The importance of anatomical characters in organography was
emphasized in 1872 by VAN TIEGHEM (mentioned in a previous
paragraph). The three fundamental organs he distinguished were
Chapter X -143- Morphology
roots, stems, and leaves. The root is characterized by its axial
symmetry and by the centripetal differentiation of its primary
woody bundles; the stem by an axial symmetry, but the differentia-
tion of its first woody bundles is centrifugal; leaves are charac-
terized by a bilateral symmetry. He also showed that each organ
of a plant includes three regions - an external envelope, a cortical
or median region, and a central region. After having delimited
the diverse zones in organs, VAN TIEGHEM described their charac-
teristics and made a comparative study of them in the three mem-
bers of the plant.
SACHS believed that the parts of plants may be referred to a
few original "members". if due regard is paid to their develop-
ment, their mutual positions, the relative order of their formation,
and their earliest stages. The plasticity of the members of a
plant, said he, is shown by the fact that leaves may perform, not
one but many functions. A particular leaf may however perform
a particular function, the nature of which is a problem for physi-
ologists to investigate. As the process of organogeny proceeds,
the morphological character of a given plant "member" is often
lost, hence it is necessary to retrace the series of changes from the
original form, a state in which the several members are extremely
similar to one another. SACHS considered that this was a scientific
concept of metamorphosis. "Metamorphosis is the varied devel-
opment of members of the same morphological value resulting
from their adaptation to definite functions".
Noting that the different members of a plant arise from one
another by branching or by budding, SACHS conceived the idea of
homogenous or heterogenous members. A for instance,
branches in the production of new roots. A stem, however, may
prodUce not only new stems, but leaves, roots, and hairs. But
since members which are morphologically dissimilar differ from
each other more in degree than in kind, the difference between
branching and the production of new members must be regarded,
not as an opposition, but only as a gradually increasing differentia-
tion of the members which arise from each other.
This concept of metamorphosis is obviously based on sound
scientific foundations and contrasts very sharply with that formu-
lated by GOETHE. SACHS did agree with some of the ideas of the
Nature-Philosophers in his concept of unity in diversity. A mem-
ber of the plant organization is not a thing apart, something pre-
formed and destined from the egg to be what it is and nothing
else. It is something plastic, capable of growth in different ways.
His ideas on the histological application of this subject will be
presented in a subsequent paragraph in which meristems will be
KARL GOEBEL (1855-1932) broadened the field of organography
and clarified its principles. His science of organography was
based on the concept that the forms of plant members are deter-
mined by causes which may be defined by objective investigation.
Morphology should no longer be kept separate from physiology.
His "Organographie der Pflanzen" contains an extremely compre-
exposition of the subject, and has been of great service
in the subsequent study of morphology, because of its emphasis
on the relations between organic form and function. He was from
the beginning an ardent admirer of the English philosopher, HER-
Howard S. Reed
A Short History
BERT SPENCER. He was at one time an assistant to SACHS in har-
mony with whom he always maintained the dependence of form
upon function.
GOEBEL considered that the fundamental problem was not phylo-
genetic development, but development in general. The study of
ontogenetic development is more important, said he, because it
permits of experimental study, and conclusions can only be accepted
when they rest upon experimental proof. Since form and func-
tion are always co-determinate, a change in one leads to a change
in the other. His doctrine of morphology has been fundamental
to modern research in this field, especially his ontogenetic and
experimental studies. He based his ideas of morphology upon the
concept that the plant is a living body whose functions are
intimately related to the outside world, and that all morphological
characters are, or have been, adaptive.
GOEBEL employed the word "metamorphosis" to denote organic
development, but not in the old idealistic sense. By it he would
express the idea that a change in function produces a change in
form. According to him, no uindifferent rudiment" exists, for
every rudiment has its peculiar qualities, Which determine its devel-
opment. Leaf metamorphosis, he said, is primarily; an ontogenetic
process in which the path of development of originally identical
primordia, i.e., foliage leaf primordia, is diverted into other chan-
nels as a result of internal and external changes. The phenomenon
of metamorphosis is always related to a change in function and is
not limited merely to the transformation of organ primordia.
Cataphylls and other diverse types of foliar structures he assumed
originated from foliage leaf primordia. For this concept so funda-
mental to research in morphology we shall ever be indebted to
GOEBEL. His healthy skepticism of the assumptions freely made
about homologies and phylogenetic interpretations has kept open
the paths of objective research. He used the word metamorphosis
to denote organic development, not, however, in the sense of the
school of GOETHE in which one specialized organ changed into
another, but rather to express the idea that a change in function
produces a change in form.
The concept of the meristem is so important in organography
that a short discussion of some important studies will be included
at this place.
NAGELI (1817-1891), who coined the word, defined meristem
as a group of cells capable of division. In this sense it is more
descriptive than the "Punctum Vegetation iSH of WOLFF. Mor-
phologists soon came to a realization that here was a veritable
Pandora's box out of which came the diverse elements of the plant
body. NAGELI showed (1858) that the sequence of cell divisions
have great importance in determining the form of the plant mem-
ber. Cen divisions are sometimes very regular and easily followed
but this is not a general rule. Having been greatly impressed by
the sequence of cell divisions in the apical cell of thallophytes, N A-
GELI assumed that the heart of the meristem of all plants was an
apical cell (Scheitelzell) and maintained that there was no funda-
Chapter X -145- Morphology
mental difference in the mode of origin of apical tissues in vascu-
lar cryptogams and phanerogams. HOFMEISTER supported NAGELI'S
idea, although he admitted that there would be some difficulty in
proving the' assumption. Subsequent work on the growing points
of gymnosperms and angiosperms failed, however, to show a real
apical cell.
SCHWENDENER announced that the single, three-sided apical
call is the exception and not the rule in the shoot apex of gymno-
sperms, and suggested that the apex is frequently crowned with
four equivalent juxtaposed initials.
A great impetus to the study of meristems was given by HAN-
STEIN when he formulated a histogenetic theory of the shoot apex.
He designated (1868) the cell layers of the stem apex of angio-
sperms as dermatogen, periblem, and plerome and considered that
they give rise to epidermis, cortex, and stele respectively. HAN-
STEIN'S theory was a great vivifying influence on the study of mor-
phology, bringing into the field the importance of developmental
studies, a technique later emphasized strongly by GOEBEL. Fur-
thermore it was a release from the formalism of the doctrine of a
single, immortal, apical cell which had to be found even though
it did not exist. HANSTEIN reported that even in the embryo of
phanerogams there was no evidence of an apical cell, but on the
contrary, there was at an early stage a clear differentiation into
an outer layer and an inner core of tissue. His viewpoint was
obviously ontogenetic. in contrast to NAGELI'S which was phylo-
genetic. HANSTEIN'S doctrine taught that each of the layers in
the shoot apex of angiosperms arose from a definite initial or group
of initial cells. In other words, that a differentiation already
existed in the youngest stages of the shoot apex.
It is not surprising that this histogen theory of the shoot
apex of phanerogams should elicit pungent denials 011 the part
of the men who formulated the doctrine of a single apical cell.
NAGELI was especially outspoken in his opposition to the histogen
SACHS accepted the histogen theory but conceived that the
differentiation rested on a physiological basis. He postulated th1:'ee
systems of tissues - epidermal, fascicular, and fundamental, the
latter lying between the first two. .
SACHS also adopted classification of tissues as meri-
stems and permanent tissue, emphasizing, however, that it does
not wholly dep:;nd upon the age of the cells. He distinguished two
classes of growing points -:- one with an apical cell (usually the
cryptogams) and the other without an apical cell (as in phanero-
gams) but was not inclined to attach undue importance to the
differenc\3s, adding,
"But whenever a differentiation of tissues of this kind occurs in a
it only takes place progressively; originally the Whole mass of the growing
portion of the plant (stem, leaf, or root) consists of a uniform tissue out of
which, by diverse development of its layers, these tissue-systems have their
origin. This tissue of the youngest parts of plants which is not yet differen-
tiated may be termed Pl'imary Tissue, or since its cells are always capable of
diVision, Primary Meristem
, The HAN STEIN concept of the shoot apex prevailed for. some
time although the validity of the histogenic layers could not be
. established in all plants. KOCH proposed a new classification lin
Howard S. Reed -146- A Short History
1891 accordiIlg to which there were only two embryonic zones,
viz., an outer mantle of cells containing dense cytoplasm, and an
inner core of cells containing vacuolated cytoplasm which absorbed
dyes with less avidity than those of the outer mantle. The inner
core of cells produced only the pith, while the outer mantle pro-
duced epidermis, cortex, procambial tissue, and leaves. He con-
cluded that the meristematic tissue of the apex grows as a whole
and that HANSTEIN's histogenic layers have no real existence.
Since 1924 the histogen theory has been generally replaced by
the Tunica-Corpus theory of SCHMIDT. This appears to be the
most satisfactory concept of the shoot apex of angiosperms yet
formulated. According to its author, the "tunica" consists of the
outer meristematic layer or layers of cells, and the "corpus" is
the central meristematic aggregation of cells in which divisions
occur in many planes. The theory of shoot apex organization is
not formalized, on the contrary, it is non-committal concerning the
future derivatives of the meristematic tissues. It emphasizes the
developmental rather than the structural processes of apical
growth. The "tunica" is regarded as an enveloping layer con-
sisting of one or more layers of cells which divide generally, but
not always, by anticlinal walls. The itcorpus" is regarded as a
growing mass of undifferentiated cells which divide in many planes,
.and thus contribute to the mass of the stem. The investigations
of FOSTER have shown that the shoot apices of border-line plants
like gingko and eycas have a unique type of apical structure. The
"central mother ceBs" of the apex resemble to a great extent the
cells at-the summit of the apex of certain vascular cryptogams.
Obviously no rigid morphological concepts will apply to all groups
of plants.
Physiological anatomy:- The work of VOCHTING (1847-1917)
which appeared in 1878 was an organographic rather than an ana-
tomical approach to the problem of morphogenesis, although some
attention was necessarily paid to the cell theory. In so far as
possible VaCHTING undertook to investigate the effects of internal
and external factors on the formation of organs on isolated parts
of plants. He brought a fresh, new method of attack to the prob-
lem of morphogenesis, in contrast to much of the contemporaneous
work which hung on the idealistic pegs of classical morphology.
His work on organ-formation led to the idea of a definite orienta- .
tion of factors in the plant which presided over the processes of
bud development, of root formation, and of complex interrelations
between parts.
It is gratifying to see how VaCHTING surpassed the achievement
of so keen-eyed a man as HOFMEISTER who had published his work
"Allgemeine Morphologie del' Gewachse
10 years earlier. HOF-
MEISTER had been able to formulate such concepts as "shoots of
varying dignity", "extension of the embryonal elements in the
growing point", "adventitious shoots", "spatial relationships of
lateral shoots", etc. but out of it came no such comprehensive view
of the problem of morphogenesis as VOmITING gave. By oft-
repeated experiments he clearly established the existence of specific
growth responses in the morphologically apical and basal regions
of stems, roots, leaves, and fruits. He interpreted these to mean
that there was a definite "polarity" in the plant, meaning that
Chapter X -147- Morphology
there was an undetermined factor which regulated the growth of
axial organs somewhat as the forces in a bar of metal determine
its magnetic properties. He showed that each isolated piece of
shoot is the bearer of a force which endeavors to form shoots at
the tip, and roots at the base. The magnitude and nature of this
force naturally varies according to the age and the structure of
the shoot. He concluded his physiological-morphological work with
a chapter on the physiological individuality of the organism which
emphasized the organogenetic problems of plant growth. Admit-
ting that the cause of growth is unknown, he emphasized that
inherent forces in the organism oJ,Jerate to produce an orderly
distribution of matter in space and time.
The study of physiological anatomy of plants which began about
1870 emphasized another phase of morphology and anatomy. To
a certain extent the study of any problem in anatomy involves
physiology and the concept of physiological anatomy is somewhat
hard to define.
SCHWENDENER (1829-1919) opened the way for the study of
physiological anatomy by the publication in 1874 of his theory of
the mechanical principle in the structure of monocotyledons. Al-
though it is not a profound discussion of stem structure it appears
to have motivated others who went further into the causal relations
between stem structure and physiological functions. SCHWEND-
ENER dwelt at length upon the similarities between the structure
of stems and of beams, girders, etc. referring the arrangement of
the woody tissues to the conditions imposed by the environment.,
SACHS' (1832-1897) pertinent discussions 011 the role of tissue
tensions in growth emphasized the importance of turgor in promot-
ing and directing the growth of organs and commented upon the
relation of turgidity to organ structure. Thus the ideas of
SCHWENDENER were extended. SACHS referred the formation of
annual rings in the wood of trees to the retarding effect of exter-
,nal pressure on the cells. He reported that the pressure in the
spring was less than in the fall, thereby permitting the formation
of wood cells with larger lumina in the spring. He also discussed
the influence of light and gravitation in determining the growth
of plants, resulting in the familiar shapes of symmetry and dorsi-
ventrality. External conditions may also influence growth indi-
rectly by affecting the formation and transport of necessary
materials. SACHS recognized that there are contrasting internal
conditions which are' inherent in the organization of the plant and
which are generally termed hereditary. He envisioned the reality
of the internal factors governing speci"fic and determinate organiza-
tion but was naturally unable to determine their nature.
The name of HABERLANDT (b. 1854) will be at once associated
with the development of physiological plant anatomy. The first
edition of HABERLANDT'S UPhysiologische Pflanzenanatomie"
appeared in 1884, the sixth in 1924. He gave a refreshing exposi-
tion of the anatomy of plants in relation to physiological functions
without, however, entering the physiological field as SACHS had
done. He named twelve anatomico-physiological systems (meri-
stematic, tegumentary, mechanical, etc.) without attempting to
demarcate their ontogenetic or phylogenetic relations. The stor-
age systems might be in one case stems, in another, bulbs, in an-
. other tubers. His analysis of relations between structure ,and
Howard S. Reed -148- A Short History
environment has proved useful in physiological ecology in relation
to the adaptations observed in various habitats. HABERLANDT's
classification of the elements of the conducting systems is in con-
trast to that formulated by morphologists, and has not been gen-
erally adopted. He recognized three: (1) the leptome, consisting
of protein conducting elements (sieve tubes, and companion cells,
and possibly cambiform cells); (2) the hadrome, consisting of
water conducting vessels and tracheids; (3) the mestome, or con-
ducting bundle, consisting of the leptome and hadrome. III most
cases each vascular bundle is enclosed within a bundle sheath com-
posed of parenchymatous cells which he regarded as conducting
parenchyma. Without introducing any essentially new material,
HABERLANDT gave a rational discussion of the "Ventilating Sys-
tem" of the plant, in which he emphasized the importance of open
channels for the gaseous interchanges with the surrounding air.
It will be recalled that MALPIGHI had been greatly with
this problem.
A philosophical discussion of the problem of size and form in
plants by BOWER brought together (1930) in a comprehensive way
the morphological and physiological relations of the evolving plant
kingdom. In place of the earlier didactic discussions of the
form relations of plants, BOWER wrote of the plasticity of form
and structure in relation to size, showing how the phylogeny of the
plant as well as the physiological processes have operated to pro-
duce what we now have in the plant kingdom. He believed that
form in relation to size is due only partially to the conditions
during individual development. Nevertheless, throughout the
lution of any given race, susceptibility to the conditions of the
environment has existed and will have had cumulative effect in
producing the results now manifest. The obvious trend towards
larger plant bodies in the process of evolution naturally imposed
severe conditions on the development of the absorbing, ventilating.
and photo-synthesizing systems. BOWER advanced the idea that
changes in contour, either of internal or external surfaces, are
proportional to the area exposed. He emphasized that it was the
success of the higher land plants in adapting their structure to
their size - factor requirements which made possible their continued
growth. Phylogenetically they started with a simple organization
and developed an apparatus which allowed them to carry out the
functions of a small, simply organized pJant. Consequently the
three morphological factors which have greatly contributed to the
success of massive plants are continued embryogeny. internal ven-
tilation, and cambial activity. BOWER placed the origin of the first
factor early in phylogenetic historYt the origins of the other two
came later. The last two are important because they provide an
automatically increasing surface of exposure both of the tracheal
elements to living cells, and of internal cells to the atmosphere.
Meanwhile the endodermis was obliterated by the consequences of
secondary growth in many plants. These relatively few types of
changes made possible the continuance of the necessary physiolog
ieal processes, thus allowing increases in size of the spermato-
phytes until the limit of mechanical resistance was reached.
s synthesis of the elements of the physiological and mor-
phological relations of the plant and his adherence to known fac-
tors make his discussion an important c.ontribution.
Chapter X -149- Morphology
Morphology of the flower: The tantalizing complexities and
almost bewildering variations in structure of the angiosperm
flower have been assiduously studied, but morphologists still differ
in their interpretations of its structure. It w{JUld seem that TENNY-
SON'S soliloquy on the mystery of the "Flower in the crannied wall"
is as much of a problem as ever.
The problem was first attacked by the idealists and later by
the mechanists, each of whom conceived of the flower in his own
way, often to the exclusion of all other ways. GOETHE seems to
have considered the flower as a unit structure, a modified vegeta-
tive shoot, in which each part of the flower corresponded to foliar
appendages of the shoot. The floral organ had thus arisen by a
metamorphosis of the vegetative shoot and its organs. GOETHE's
"foliar theory" of the nature of the flower formulated on the basis
of resemblances is held today by some, but sharply challenged by
other morphologists. The organographic approach which appears
to have been inherited from GOETHE'S ideas of archetypes and meta-
morphosis was to him the logical approach.
Inspired by the doctrine of organic evolution, EICHLER (1839-
1887) investigated the floral anatomy of each natural order and
of each of its subdivisions and published them under the title
"BWthendiagramme" (1875-8). His extensive descriptions of the
types of flowers were eagerly read by some, but ignored by others.
EIOHLER's elaborate system of diagrams of floral architecture was
based mainly upon the resemblances of structure found in families
and genera. In his HBltithendiagramme" he unmistakably based
interpretations on evolutionary concepts. From it no important
conclusions were obtained which answered the question "What is
a flower?"
The earlier view of floral morphology was gradually modified,
chiefly due to the influence of GOEBEL, to regard the flower as a
shoot bearing sporophylls. GOEBEL showed that sporangia are
sometimes produced on normal green leaves of Botrychium (accom-
panied by a reduction in the size of the leaf) and concluded that
sporophylls are metamorphosed foliage leaves. Furthermore, the
discovery of the significance of alternation of generations brought
a realization that stamens and carpels, since they are concerned in
spore production, are not truly sexual organs. BOWER modified
the theory of floral metamorphosis in a different way. Having
studied the sP9rebearing members of the pteridophytes, he formu-
lated a concept of the origin of flowers from a sporangial or strobi- .
loid form, in which the formation and distribution of sporangia
were the important considerations. According to ,BOWER sporo-
phylls antedate foliage leaves in such a strobiloid form. If there
has been a process of metamorphosis it has resulted in the steriliza-
tion of the outer sporophylls, by which the organs of the perianth
were produced. BOWER'S theory of segregation has proven to be
of great value in clarifying this situation. BOWER concluded that
the whole shoot of relatively primitive vascular plants was
serving both vegetative and propagative functions. In
the course of evolution one part of, the shoot became exclusively
vegetative, while another produced sporangia. There has been,
therefore, a process of segregation vegetative and repro-
ductive functions rather than metamorphosis. of relatively unspe-
cialized rudiments.
Howard S. Reed -150-
A Short History
The "foliar theory" has been elaborated in one form or another.
AGNES ARBER (b. 1879) has interpreted (1937) the flower in a
holistic sense, suggesting that it is comparable to a vegetative
shoot in a condition of permanent infantilism. She thus summar-
ized her views:
IIMorphology may be considered as the study of the plant as a whole
under the aspect of form . . . the wOl'd form being used not only in its more
obvious meaning, but also to include the entire organization, external and inter-
nal, from the beginning to the end of the life history".
She did not believe that phylogeny is capable of solving the
fundamental problems of floral morphology.
Another group of morphologists, of whom EAMES (b. 1881) is
representative, has investigated the anatomical structure of the
flower and of its organs, finding therein support for the foliar
theory. EAMES defined (1925) a flower as "A typical stem with
appendages; in no fundanlental way does it depart structurally
from the normal stem with leaves". He found that the number
of vascular traces diverging from the axis to the floral parts of
angiosperms is normally constant, that is, there is usually one
trace to the stamen, .one to the petal, three to the carpel, and the
same number to the sepal as to the leaf. The single traces seem to
represent the remains of fusions of the vascular strands. These
fusions have often occurred between floral parts and their vascular
Miss SAUNDERS (b. 1865)! investigating the homologies in the
anatomy of the flower, found that the floral traces are arranged
in spirals and whorls. The transition from spiral to whorl is
accomplished by a breaking and flattening of the spiral. Each type
of floral structure is said to have a midrib which comes off the
stele in whorls and spirals corresponding to those of the floral
parts. Some variations occur, as in cases where the vascular
strands come off the stele inwardly, breaking the pattern or, rather,
making it less marked.
The greatest difference of interpretation between SAUNDERS
and EAMES is in the interpretation of the carpel. Based upon a
study of stocks and other plants, where the number of valve car-
pels is reduced, polymorphism (a consolidation of the valve carpels)
has occurred. Based upon a study of stocks and other Crucijerae,
SA UNDERS formulated the idea of carpel polymorphism in which
there are two types: valve and consolidated. In the Cruciferae and
other plants, where the number of valve carpels is reduced, poly-
morphism (a consolidation of the valve carpels) has occurred.
GREGOIRE (1870-1938) concluded that flower and vegetative
shoots belong to fundamentally different categories and that the
former was not derived from the latter. The center of gruwth
in the vegetative apex is in a group of cells inside the parenchy-
matous corpus, a short distance below the surface. Growth of
the floral apex, according to GREGOIRE, is due to the multiplication
of embryonic cells in the superficial "manchon meristematique", or
embryonic muff, which has no definable group of meristematic ini-
tial cells. In the shoot apex vascular strands differentiate at the
base of the leaf initial both toward the meristem ring and toward
the tip of the leaf initial, i.e. basipetally and acropetally. In the
ft.oral apex, vascular strands come off the stele without reference
Chapter X -151- Morphology
to the initial floral. parts and vasculation proceeds acropetally.
GREGOIRE concluded that in the flower the tip of the axis is always
entirely used up to form carpels, no residual apex being found and
that the contrast is seen in the vegetative shoot where the apex
. extends beyond the bases of the leaf initials.
The histogenetic approach has also been utilized (1928) by
TROLL who maintained that GOETHE was essentially correct in
stating that morphology is comparative morphology. The HGestalt-
typus" according to TROLL is exemplified by four types: (a) part
of a single flower, (b) a single flower, (c) an inflorescence, (d)
or an inflorescence of inflorescences. TROLL regarded floral organs
as essentially foliar. The carpel is formed from peltate leaves by
an infolding of the margins. He elaborated the idea and showed
how the folding of the carpels may account for the various types
of gynoecia. TROLL's doctrine is the more remarkable when it is
remembered that he supported it by his histogenetic studies.
The morphology of the flower has also been studied (1933) from
the palaeontological approach by HAMSHA W THOMAS who con-
sidered that the foliar theory proved unsatisfactory. He believed
that the Caytoniales) which have pinnate megaspore-containing
branches, are similar to the ancestor of modern angiosperms. The
megasporangium, or seed, was at first single and vartly covered
with a eupule; as development proceeded the seeds became more
numerous and better covered by the cupule until it entirely enclosed
them. Then two branches and their cupules fused to form a carpel,
the carpel wall consisting of fused cupules and the placentae of
fused cupules and the tips of branches, the branch tips forming
the stigmatic surfaces. These conclusions are clearly at variance
with GOETHE's theory. '
Another concept (1936) which is in direct antithesis to the
original idea of GOETHE and the resulting school of thought has
been propounded by JOHN McLEAN THOMPSON, who emphasized
the point that progress in floral morphology has been impeded by
the arbitrary assignment of floral organs to foliar categories.
Using GREGOIRE'S "manchon meristematique" he suggested that
perhaps in the future this Hmuff" will be looked upon as having
fundamentally a sporogenous function spore production. Pro-
gressive sterilization has produced the sterile portions of the andro;'
ecium and gynoecium; the perianth representing complete
Again, he summarized (1937) thus:
"We are left with what appears to be as near an approach to an essential
conception as our knowledge of heterosporous land plants has yet offered,
namely that of a heterosporous axis with microsporangia and megaspol'angia
in ascending succession".
According to THOMPSON such a conclusion is based upon the
complete ontogeny of the flower - from inception to senescence. He
considers any study of ancestral types as a means of interpreting
angiospenny, as known in Angiosperms, to be beside the point
until the so-called "state of angiospermy" is clearly perceived.
The progress of plant morphology since the
ground-breaking work of CASPAR FRIEDERICH WOLFF has been slow
in spite of the assiduous work of many investigators. At times
Howal'"d S. Reed -152-
A Short History
its progress has been seriously hampered by the intrusion of specu-
lation which stifled instead of vivifying investigation. Recoiling
from the doctrines of idealistic morphology investigators have,
nevertheless; repeatedly launched new attempts to determine objec-
tively the actual nature of the plant and its parts. Students of
thallophytes and bryophytes perhaps had the easiest task because
they could study the whole life cycle of these relatively simply
organized plants, but students of the archegoniates and higher
plants, from the beginning found their work beset with difficul-
ties. The chaos of ideas was somewhat clarified by the discovery
that the alternation of gametophytic and sporophytic generations
is such a general character in the plant ldngdom, but there are still
many unanswered problems .
. Morphology involuntarily acquired many of the problems which
baffled taxonomists a11d later was loaded with problems for which
evolutionists demanded answers. Once the door had been opened
no one was found who could shut it .. If it be assumed that plants
of the modern world have descended from common ancestral forms,
can it be assumed that they possess homologous organs, or will it
be found that they have undergone such transformations that
homologies can be found only in closely related groups'? Many
morphologists are still skeptical about the results of phyla genetical
theories on account of the serious gaps in the line of descent. The
general comment on such work is "Interesting, if true".
Anatomical researches have tended to unify the various con-
cepts of plant organization and structure, on the contrary, physio-
logical and organographieal researches have tended to dispell the
ideas of phylogenetic homologies by their insistence upon the rela-
tion between form and function. The formulation of the concepts
of plasticity and response in plant development was a vivifying
influence in the study of morphology.
The student who surveys the history of plant morphology must
be impressed by its gradual emancipation from teleology as the
science has developed. That life forms have evolved under the
changing conditions on the earth cannot be gainsaid, nor can one
contradict the evidence that new form relations have had survival
values. But, as GOEBEL said, the complexity of forms is greater
than that of the environment, and he was accordingly skeptical
about the formation of organs in response to a need for them. The
substantial progress in morphology has come from studies on the
developmental phenomena and this applies particularly to ontoge-
netic development.
Floral morphology appears to be the bete noir of morpholQgical
botany to judge from the divergence of interpretations in the liter-
atm:e on the subject. GOEBEL's doctrine that the sporangia are
()rgans sui generis as much as shoots, or roots is a cornerstone
that is not likely soon to be displaced. To a certain extent it is
supported by GREGOIRE's conclusions ..
:BoWER, F. O. (1930): Size and form in plants. Macmillan, London.
-- -- (1939): Botany of the living plant. 3rd edition, Macmillan, Lon
CAMPBELL, D. II. (1895): Structure and development of mosses and ferns.
Macmillan, London and New York.
Chapter X -153- Morphology
DE BARY, A. (1877): Vergleichende Anatomie der Vegetationsorgane del'
Phanerogamen und Farne. Engelmann, Leipzig. (Comparative anatomy
of the vegetative organs of the phanerogams and ferns, transl. by BOWER
and SCOTT, 1884. Clarendon Press, Oxford).
DE CANDOLLE, A. P. (1813): Theorie elementaire de la botanique. l?al'is.
-- -- (1827): Organographie vegetale. Bailliere, Paris.
EAMES, A. J. and MACDANIELS, L. H. (1925): Introduction to plant anatomy.
1st edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.
FOSTER, A. S. (1939): Problems of structure, growth, and evolution of the
shoot apex of seed plants. Bot. Rev. 5 :454-470.
GOEBEL, K. (1882): Outlines of classification and special morphology of
plants. Clarendon Press, Oxford. (Eng. transl. by GARNSEY, 1887).
-- -- (1898); Organographie del' Pflanzen. Jena.
-- -- (1924): WILHELM HOFMEISTER. Leipzig. (Eng. transl. by BOWER,
1926. London) .
HABERLANDT, G. (1904): Physiologische Pflanzenanatomie. Dritte Aufiage,
Engelmann, Leipzig. (Transl. by DRUMMOND, 1914. Glasgow).
, HOFMEISTER, WILHELM (1851): Vergleichende Untersuchungen. Leipzig.
---- (1868): Allgemeine Morphologie del' Gewachse. Engelmann, Leip-
SACHS, JULIUS VON (1874): Lehrbuch del' Botanik. Engelmann, Leipzig.
(Transl. by VINES, 1882. Clarendon Press, Oxford).
THOMPSON, JOHN McLEAN (1937): On the place of Ontogeny in floral
enquiry. Hartley Bot. Lab. Publ. No. 17, Liverpool University.
Chapter XI.
Botany had a great development in the 11th and 18th centuries
and the ripened fruits of that era were the precursors of a 19th
century of progress in the study of the inner characters of plants.
The cellular structure of wood and cork had been discovered
by microscopists in the 17th century, and the name "cell" had
been applied by HOOKE. The anatomists MALPIGHI and GREW also
saw cells and recognized them as units of tissues, but saw little
that was within the rigid walls. More than a century passed before
gifted men turned their attention to these little units of the
MIRBEL and LAMARCK had recognized the importance of cellular
organization in the structure and development of organisms, but
DUTROCHET first emphasized the individuality of the cell. In 1824
he wrote "This astounding organ is truly the fundamental element
of organization; indeed, everything in the organic tissues of plants
is evidently derived from the cell, and observation has proven that
it is the same with animals",
The science of cytology was born in the fourth decade of the
19th century when a group of extraordinarily brilliant men, skill-
ful in the use of the microscope, and logical in their approach,
began new studies in the anatomy and physiology of plants. The
formulation of the concept of the cell as the unit of organic life
was one of the great biological triumphs of the 19th century.
Once the technique of cytology had been discovered, science fairly
leaped forward into myriads of new paths.
The Cell Theory: .. The inception of the new period was the
discovery of the cell nucleus by ROBERT BROWN, who has already
been mentioned as an explorer of the flora. In 1831
he announced in a paper contributed to the Linnean Society of
London that he had seen a single circular areola in cells of the
epidermis and parenchyma of certain orchids, as well as in the
cells of other plants which were relatively free from granular
matter. BROWN'S concise description is so exact that there has
never been the slightest doubt about the identity of the cell struc-
tUl'e which he saw.
The matter might have rested there for a long time had it not
been taken up by M. J. SCHLEIDEN (1804-1881), professor at Jena,
whose treatise Beitrage zur Phytogenesis" was published in 1838
and is regarded as the foundation of the cell theory. Although he
was wrong in some fundamentally important matters, his concept
of the prime importance of the nucleus in the p-ropagatiol1. of cens
was correct up to a certain point, and this brief publication has
exerted a tremendous subsequent influence on plant and
biology. SCHLEIDEN fastened on the cell theory the false idea
that new cells were derived by budding from the nucleus, which
Chapter XI -155- Cytology
he therefore called the cytoblast; i.e., cell-bud. He believed that the
nucleus rose from the mucilaginous substance of the cell and that
it might later be absorbed into the common mass of the sap.
THEODOR SCHWANN (1810-1882), professor in the university
of Louvain and later at Liege, was impressed with SCHLElDEN'S
theory of cell formation and set himself to the study of the animal
tissues. SCHWANN and SCHLEIDEN worked sympathetically on the
important problems and are to be regarded as co-founders of the
cell theory. SCHWANN said:
"The cell nucleus is usually dark, granulous; often somewhat yellowish;
but some occur which are quite pellucid and smooth. It is either solid, and
composed of a more or less minutely granulated mass, or hollow".
VON MOHL (1805-1872) made far more exact and painstaking
studies on the cell than any of his predecessors, yet, even he, was
not too definite about the multiplication of nuclei. He thought that
the process of .free cell formation was more prevalent than it
really is, and was uncertain whether the process of nuclear divi-
sion can be repeated indefinitely. He wrote (1851):
"The second mode of origin of a nucleus, by division of a nucleus already
existing :in the parent-cell, seems to be much rarer than the new production
of them, for as yet it has been observed only in a few cases ... NAGEL!
thinks that the process is similar to that in cell. division, the membrane of
the nucleus forming a partition, and the two portiOns separating in the form
of two distinct cells. I was quite unable to see such a membranous septum
and a membrane on nuclei generally. The division appeared to me to take
place by gradual constriction. HOFMEISTER thinks that the membrane of the
nucleus dissolves, but its substance remains in the midst of the cell; a mass
of granular substance accumulates around it which separates, without being
invested by a membrane, into two masses, and these afterwards become clothed
with membranes and appear as two daughter-nucIaL"
We surmise that these cytologists had difficulties in distinguish-
ing the contents of cells when we note that VON MOHL stated that
the number of nuclei that are formed in a cell varies from two to
six or more.
W. HOFMEISTER (1824-1877) refuted SCHLEIDENJS theory of
cell formation as buds from the nucleus and proceeded in 1849 to
describe the behavior of the nucleus in cell formation and the
production of new walls. He announced definitely that the nucleus
of the mother cell divided into two, and. that half the contents of
the cell collected around each of the daughter nuclei. He demon-
strated the uuclear membrane and found that before the dissolu-
tion of the nucleus (as then assumed) this membrane and the
nucleoli vanish. He mentioned the "granular plate" between the
two daughter nuclei and evidently saw chromosomes. Beit rem em-
bered that he saw and studied all these structures without fixing
and staining the materials. .
For some time the nucleus was thought to be a vesicle containing
fluids of unknown composition. Eventually it was discovered that
its form and size are of less importance than certain substances
which it contains. Even the arrangement of these substances is
intimately related to the activity of the nucleus.
About 1844 NAGELI and VON MOHL simultaneously began to pub-
lish papers which dispelled many of .the misty ideas about cells.
Independently they distinguished the cell wall from the cell con-
tents. They recognized the "primordial utricle" (cytoplasm), for
Howard S. Reed -156-
A Short History
which VON MORL, as early as 1846, had used the term protoplasm
which had been coined by the Bohemian naturalist, JOHANNES
EVANGELISTA PURKINJE (1787-1869). VON MORL wrote "This
fluid is colored yellow by coagulated by alcohol and acids,
and contains albumen in abundance, whence young organs are
always rich in nitrogen". He perceived that protoplasm was a
peculiar substance distinct from the other contents of the cell and
explained the part it plays in cell division. We owe the concept
that protoplasm is the physical basis of life to MAX SCHULTZE
(1825-1874) and that it is essentially similar in all living organ-
isms. It then 'became evident that the rigid wall which had been
studied by HOOKE and others was not the vitally important part
of the cell. Nevertheless the term' cell has been retained, HERT-
WIG says, "partly as a symbol of loyalty to those vigorous comba-
tants, who, as BRUCKE expresses it, conquered the whole field of
histology under the banner of the cell theory". SCHULTZE defined
a cell as H A small mass of protoplasm endowed with the attributes
of life". It is perfectly clear that neither he nor any other investi-
gator implied that the cell is a simple matter. The physiologist
BRUCKE concluded that protoplasm must possess an exceedingly
intricate structure which baffled the available means of observation.
He very pertinently designated the particle" of animals
and plants, that is to say the cell, as the elementary organism.
SCHLElDEN'S comprehensive book "Grundziige der wissenschaft-
lichen Botanik" (1849) summarized his views on the nature of the
cell and gave his readers a new statement of the cell theory. He
criticised harshly many of his predecessors, but at any rate he
cleared, the air of many misconceptions. He showed the tremend-
ous importance of this doctrine for understanding the salient aspects
of living things and how completely the organism is dependent
upon the varied activities of these living units. The validity of the
cell doctrine is evident from the way in which it unlocked many
closed doors. Of great importance also was VON MOHL's "Die
vegetabilische Zelle" (1851). Further researches were needed to
elucidate the role of cells in connection with development and
inheritance and the end has not been reached even after a century
of intensive study, but the formative period was between 1831 and
Motility of cell contents had been known since its discovery by
CORTI (1774) and its rediscovery by TREVIRANUS (1807) in Chara.
VON MOHL described not only the streaming movements, but the
radial arrangement around attraction centers, the movements of
cilia and flagella, and muscular contraction, but without assigning
any cause of the motion. QUINCKE and BUTSCHLI and others inves-
tigated the movements in emulsions of oils, obtaining results of
great scientific interest. DARWIN clearly described (1875) the
mutability of cell contents in D'rosera leaf tentacles and commented
on the rapidity of the changes in what he called "Aggregation of
the protoplasm" (see quotation on a subsequent page). These
"masses" of protoplasm were shown by DE VRIES to be drops of
solution surrounded by protoplasm. '
Plasmodesmata, or threads of protoplasm which connect neigh-
boring protoplasts, were discovered by TANGL in 1879, and subse-
quently carefully investigated (1901) by STRASBURGER and others.
PFEFFER (1896) believed that these threads facilitate the trans-
Chapter XI -157- Cytology
mission of stimuli from ceH to cell. SHARP (1926) suggested that
they are in part responsible for the readiness with which nutritive
materials are translocated in storage tissues.
The structure of protoplasm:- Cytologists attempted to obtain
a concept of the physical structure of protoplasm. The early work
was done principally with animal cells.
The fibrillar theory which held that fibers arise from the nu-
cleus and radiate through the cell was advanced by the researches
of FROMMANN (1867), PFLUGER (1869 and 1871) and HEIDENHAIN
(1868), and later was developed by FLEMMING (1882).
The granular theory maintained that granules are the essen-
tial constituents of protoplasm. They were designated frmicro-
somes" by HANSTEIN. ALTMANN (1886) who supported the theory
believed that the granules were really living entities, homologous
with bacteria. Although fallacious, this homology opened the way
for a differentiation between the cytoplasm and its inclusions.
The alveolar theory was formulated in 1878 by BUTSCHLI who
expressed the opinion that the reticular structures might be alve-
olar, or foam-like. Later he amplified the theory with which his
name has long been associated. STRASBURGER seemed to agree that
the structure of protoplasm was reticular, but if one examines the
figures in his published work it will appear that he represented
protoplasm as a tangle of short twisted fibers, after the manner
NAGELI'S theory of the idioplasm has now mainly an historical
interest because of his attempt to relate the structure of proto-
plasm to phylogeny. The theory had the virtue of being indefinite
enough to make opposition difficult, while at the same time it was
definite enough to be related to things which one could see in the
cell. NAGELI believed that each body of idioplasm consists orig-
inally of only one group of micellae; as it grows in size it breaks
up into several groups. As growth proceeds, the process is re-
peated, giving rise to new configuratimis in which there are new
combinations of forces, and the body of idioplasm becomes chem-
ically and morphologically more complex. This constituted what
NAGELI called "the automatic perfecting process", or progression
of the idioplasm, and entrophy of organic matter.
NAGELI thus formulated clearly the idea that there are different
kinds of protoplasm, and that one of them (the is
pl'imarily responsible for hereditary characters. His other idea
that the determinants may be composed of relatively simple units
combined in various ways anticipated some of the commonly
accepted theories of the next century concerning the vectors of
hereditary factors.
The response of the living protoplast to various factors was
observed by the first cytologists who worked so extensively on
living cells. HOFMEISTER described (1867) the effects of injurious
chemicals on the motility and distribution of protoplasm within
the cell, KUHNE demonstrated (1864) the change from delicat;l
strands to globular aggregations when cells of the stamen hairs of
Tradescantia were stimulated by the passage of an electric current.
PRIESTLEY concluded (1930) that protoplasm has a seasonal change
in its aggregation condition, whereby the winter gel of the cambial
protoplasm changes into a sol in the spring.
Howard S. Reed -158-
A Short History
DUFRENOY has shown (1935) that invasion of parasitic fungi,
virus diseases, toxic salts, mechanical injuries, and unfavorable
temperatures, generally produce phenomena similar to those which
DARWIN had described as "aggregation". DUFRENOY emphasized
the importance of factors which tend to conserve a certain archi-
tecture in the labile cell constituents, especially as they affect the
interfaces between cytoplasm and vacuole or between cytoplasm
and mitochondria.
The cell waIl:- The early cytologists were justly perplexed by
the extraordinary diversity of form and substance of the cell
wall. Most botanists writing prior to 1840 were silent on the
subject of the growth of the cell wall. PAYEN (1844) determined
that the membrane of all young cells consists of cellulose in a
comparatively pure state. In his opinion, the membranes of older
cells are combined more or less with other organic or inorganic
compounds, through the presence of which the physical and chem-
ical l)rOperties of the cell membranes undergo alterations. SOHLEI-
DEN in his "Gl'undzUge" devoted about 50 pages to discussing the
form and size of the individual cell and concluded that the wall is
formed in some way by the activity of the contiguous cytoplasm.
Aside from his statement that the wall in its original form is
cellulose, he had little to say about composition. Iodine and sul-
phuric acid were the reagents in common use, and most of the
investigators then walked by faith and saw but little. The char-
acter of fungus-cellulose was demonstrated by DE BARY (1884)
and VAN WISSELINGH (1898) showed that it consisted largely of
NAGELI described what he regarded as a second type of, wall
formation, based on a study of pollen mother cen development.
His were the first conscious attempts to refer growth to molecular
processes and his conclusions retain great theoretical importance,
although based largely on the erroneous assumption that the growth
of starch grains takes place by intussusception. NAGELI'S theory
of growth by intussusception was eventually challenged by STRAS-
BURGER who advanced evidence that cell walls grow by apposition
and therefore have a laminated structure. Ultimately STRASBURGER
adopted a theory which involved the presence of protoplasm in
the wall through which new materials could be introduced, but
not in the precise way that NAGEL! had described. TUPPER-CAREY
and PRIESTLEY (1923) and DAUPHINE (1934) concluded that the
existence of protoplasm in the cell wall is highly probable. VON
MORL (1851) held the theory that secondary cell walls had a
fibrous structure, "Since their molecules are connected more firmly
in the direction of a spiral than in any other direction". In recent
years VON MOHL'S theory has received remarkable confirmation
from the results of X-ray studies on cell walls. SPONSLER, SPONS-
LER and DORE, and MEYER and MARK, in a series of papers pub-
lished since 1924, have shown that the cellulose wall of fibers con-
sists of glucose residues linked together in long chains which
extend length wise of the fiber. parallel and uniformly spaced. The
chains may possibly have a length equivalent to 500 to 1000 glucose
Chapter XI -159- Cytology
SPONSLER'S observations (1931) on the wall of the alga Valonia
justify the conception that the wall is composed of very thin,
microscopic lamellae, probably some of them just below visibility.
The lamellae extend tangentially around the wall, forming concen-
tric layers. The distance to which they extend tangentially was
not determined, but may be part way or completely around the
cell. In each lamella the glucose residues are arranged to form
the cellulose lattice. SPONSLER and DORE concluded that new glu-
cose residues are added to the inner face of the cell wall where it
is in contact with cytoplasm, hence growth of the cell wall is. by
BAILEY concluded (1939) that cell walls have a visibly lami-
nated structure in which cellulose is present as discreet but coales-
cing fibrils varying in size and po:r.osity according to environmental
conditions during formation. Lignin and other cell wall constitu-
ents penetrate the pores of the cellulose matrix and form indepen-
dent matrices of their own.
While cytologists were observing the finer structure of cell
walls, the chemist EDMOND FREMY (1814-1894), made an impor-
tant contribution to the knowledge of their chemistry. He demon-
strated (1840) that the hardness of unripe fruits is due to the
presence in cell walls of a substance designated pectose. He
reported t} he had proof, at that early date, that pectose is a
substance distinctly different from the pectin obtained from it by
acid hydrolysis, and that it is not an insoluble calcium salt of
Modern chemists have classified pectic substances as:- (1)
protopectin, formerly called pectose, is the insoluble form which
occurs in unripe fruits and in other parts of plants; (2) pectin is
a term used to designate the soluble pectic substances which occur
naturally in juice of ripe fruits, or are obtained artificially by
the action of mild hydrolytic agents, upon protopectin; (3) pectic
acid occurs naturally in overripe fruits and vegetables and may
also be obtained by subj ecting pectin to hydrolysis. Chemists
believe that the chief constituent of pectin is a chain-membered
polysaccharide consisting of partially esterified units of galac-
turonic acid.
By means of chemicals and stains MANGIN studied (1892 and
1893) the distribution of cellulose and pectosic substances in cell
walls and f.ound them to be very intimately connected. Proto-
pectin and pectic acid were evident in walls of parenchyma, meri-
stematic tissues, collenchyma, and bast. His work considered also
the relation of protopectin to the development of wall from the
cell plate. DEVAUX demonstrated (1896) that protopectin plays
the role of an insoluble acid which is able to combine with kations
in aqueous solution or even from salts. FARR reported (1934) the
isolation of ellipsoidal particles 1.5"..,.. in length and 1.1"..,.. in diameter
by treating cellulosic fibers with pectin solvents. These particles
are composed of cellulose and are free from pectic material. The
diffraction patterns given by X-ray exposure are the same as those
of untreated cellulose, but with sharper lines. FARR concluded
that there is no evidence for the existence of smaller micellar units,
and that these particles, and not the micellae, are the actual struc-
tural units of cellulose. The validity of F ARR'S interpretations has
been questioned by other workers who believe that the alleged
Howard S. Reed -160- A Short Histoey
ellipsoidal particles have no existence in the plant tissue, being
produced by the rather drastic treatments which were used for
their isolation. Further work will doubtless clear up the difficulty
in interpretation.
Advances in the knowledge of the nucleus:- The decade from
1870' to 1880 saw great advances in the knowledge of the nucleus
due, in part, to the researches of SCHNEIDER, FOL, AUERBACH,
RABL, and BOVER!. They demonstrated that as the cell is never
spontaneously generated, but is produced directly by the division
of another cell, so also the nucleus is never created de novo, but
is derived from the substance of another nucleus. The problem of
the nature of the nucleus was attacked simultaneously by botanists
and zoologists with profit to the entire biological realm.
In view of the great importance of his work, a short biograph-
ical note must be inserted concerning EDUARD STRASBURGER (1844-
1912) who was born of German parents at Warsaw and educated
at Bonn and J ena. In 1869 he became professor of botany and in
1873 director of the botanical garden in J ena. He went to Bonn
in 1880 as successor to HANSTEIN. In that university he created
a great center for cytological research to which students went from
all parts of Gel'many as well as from foreign countries. Frequent
references to his discoveries will be made in the course of this
review, showing how he broadened the investigations started by
HOFMEISTER on the of and how he described
accurately the embryo sac in gymnosperms and angiosperms, later
demonstrating double fertilisation in angiosperms. STRASBURGER'S
"Zellbildung und Zelltheilung" published in 1875 and subsequent
contributions to the subject of nuclear organization and mitosis
were the road finders for all subsequent travellers in that province
of cytology. His success was in part due to the perfection of the
microscope and in part to methods of cytological technic. Especial
attention was also directed to the problem of the achromatic
thread, which forms the spindle shaped structure, and its eventual
role in the formation of the cell plate. In addition to his own
researches he wrote the useful "Botanisches Praktikum" which
went through many editions and was translated into other lan-
guages. In cooperation with NOLL, SCHENCK, and SCHIMPER he
wrote the famous "Lehrbuch der Botanik" I which also went through
many editions and in translations. Finally, his beautiful book of
Riviera Travels rounded out his contributions to the enrichnlent
of human thought.
FLEMMING published (1879 also 1882) a description of the
- process of indirect cell division with accurate figures of nuclei at
various stages of division. His contributions to the technic of
fixing and staining must also be mentioned. In 1880 he discovered
the longitudinal splitting of the chromosomes in the dividing nu-
cleus and in 1882 came to the conclusion that each daughter nUcleus
received one half of each of the chromosomes of the mother
nucleus, The correctness of this conclusion was verified for plant
cells by E. HEUSER, and by GUIGNARD (1883). The great import
for cytology of this quantitative division of the nuclear compo-
nents was promptly realized. Since the divisions are equational,
each of the daughter nuclei are similar to each other and to the
Chapter XI -161- Cytology
mother nucleus with respect to their chromosomes. Moreover, since
the somatic nuclei are all alike (except for mutations) in their
chromosomal complements, each of them contains characters pres-
ent in the first nucleus of the series.
VAN BENEDEN (1883) and others came to the conclusion that'
the individuality of the chromosomes is retained throughout the
metabolic stage. ROSENBERG (1909) and NAWASCHIN (1915) con-
firmed the conclusion for plant cells. BOVERI, VAN BENEDEN, and
STRASBURGER also deteITIlined that the number of chromosomes in
any g\ven species is constant.
The individuality of chromosomes was demonstrated (1930) by
BABCOCK in the genus Crepis and further emphasized (1937) by
GUILLIERMOND who showed that the chromosome or prochromo-
some is a permanent unit, though its shape may change as the
resting stage gives way to the mitotic stage.
T,he discovery of these important facts established the law of
genetic continuity and opened the door to a multitude of new dis-
coveries in the field of heredity. It is true that the idea was not
entirely new, for ERNST HAECKEL had announced in 1866 the
hypothesis that the cell nucleus is the principal organ of inherit-
ance. But it is doubtful whether anyone of HAEdKEL's time fore-
saw just how decisively the question was to be' settled by the
The next important question solved was one relating to the
changes in the nuclear constitution of cells which conjugate in
the process of fertilization. STRASBURGER established the fact in
1888 that nU,clei of the germ cells of angiosperms have a reducing
divisiori, as a result of which each gametophyte nucleus has half
the number of chrom,osomes possessed by the sporophyte nucleus.
The reduction occurs both in the mother cells of the pollen and of
the embryo sacs. GUIGNARD also noted this phenomenon in Lilium
and in the pollen mother cell of C eratozamia. STRASBURGER proved
(1893) that a similar reduction also occurs in mosses and ferns.
It is interesting to incidentally, that the slides of Osmunda
used in this work were among the first paraffin sections made by
STRASBURGER. FARMER and MOORE, who investigated (1905) reduc-
tion divisions in animals and plants, applied the term Hmeiosis",
which has since been widely adopted. The terms haploid and dip-
loid have also been generally applied, the first to the reduced num-
ber of chromosomes in the gametophytic generation, the second
to the number in the sporophytie generation.
Abnormal numbers of chromosomes were discovered as the
result of extended investigations of the constitution of somatic
nuclei. In these cases it is usually possible to find multiples of
the haploid number and this anomalous polyploid condition of the
nuclear constitution is frequently associated with anomalous growth
of the plant. Gigantism is frequently associated with tetraploidy.
Miss LUTZ found (1912) triploid (Sn) plants of Oenothera
which showed great variation, and in the same year DIGBY discov-
ered that Primula kewensis is a tetraploid (4n). The skillful work
of TACKHOLM showed (1920) that several species and hybrids of
roses are tetraploids and that others are triploids. DE MOL
reported (1921) that many of the hyacinths in cultivation are
triploids which, on account of the vegetative process of reproduc-
tion, can be perpetuated. LESLEY and MANN described (1925) a
Howard S. Reed -162- A Short History
case of triploidy in tomato associated with enlargement of leaves
and petioles and with partial sterility of pollen. LESLEY has also
shown that trisomic types of tomatoes differ in rate of growth
and in fruit forming characters from the normal. N A WASCHIN
found (1925 and 1927) Crepis species with 3, 4, and 5 times the
normal numbers of chromosomes.
Heteroploidy of the nuclei has also been found. TXCKHOLM
discovered (1922) forms having more or less than the euploid
number of chromosomes, e.g. (2n - 1), (2n + 1) or (4n + 1).
This condition is designated aneuploidy. CLAUSEN and GOODSPEED
found (1924) a trisomic character "enlarged" in Nicotiana tabacum
which is due to the presence of an extra chromosome. BLAKESLEE
and BELLING have analyzed the condition in mutants of Datura.
The loss of a chromosome seems to caUSe greater alteration in
the behavior of a plant than the gain of one.
The results of numerous experiments show that triploid
ploid, and octoploid plants differ slightly from the diploid type
(except in size). On the other hand the gain or loss of one or
two chromosomes or of the addition of a pair produces far greater
effects on the characters of the individual organism. The work of
recent years has shown the importance of genetical work in
junction with cytological investigations.
Raux and WEISMANN believed that the inheritance units are
arranged in serial order along the chromosome. Subsequent
research has shown that the chromosome has a longitudinally dif-
ferentiated structure, though it is not always possible to relate
this differentiation very closely to the apparent fUllctional differ-
entiations. Crossing over has been inferred (a) from the struc-
ture of bivalents seen at meiosis and (b) from the proportions
of different types of progeny found in breeding experiments. In
1892 RUCKERT suggested that paired chromosomes came together
at various points along their length and there exchanged materials.
Although ignored for a time, it is now realized that he was
essentially correct. In 1909 JANSSENS suggested that the paired
chromosomes broke and rejoined at meiosis and that the chiasmata,
whose structure was not then clearly understood were the result
of this recombination. In the light of this theory MORGAN (1911)
was able to put forward the explanation of linlmge now accepted.
The theory of the gene has been introduced (1926) by MORGAN
and his associates as a means of analyzing the constitution and
architectul'e of the hereditary material. It gives a means of inves-
tigating problems of genetics on a numerical basis with a satisfac-
tory degree of accuracy. MORGAN outlined the theory as follows:
"The theory states that the characters of the individual are referable to
paired elements (g'enes) in the germinal material that are held together in a
definite number of linkage groups; it states that the members of each pair
of genes separate when the germ-cells mature in accordance with MENDEL's
first law; and in consequence each comes to contain one set only; it
states that the members belonging to different linkage groups assort inde-
pendently in accordance with MENDEL'S second law; it states that an orderly
interchange - crossing over - also takes place, at times, between the elements
in corresponding linkage groups; and it states that the frequency of crossing-
over furnishes evidence of the linear order of the elements in each linkage
group and of the relative position of the elements with respect to each other".
Chapter XI -163- Cytology
MORGAN and his associates and BLAKESLEE have made exten-
sive genetical researches on the basis of the above theory, showing
that it is not only plausible but useful. Discrete units of the
nature of genes cannot be observed with the microscope. MORGAN
suggested that they are of the order of magnitude of certain pro-
tein molecules. Evidence of their existence has been chiefly
obtained from experimental genetics.
Syngamy:. The union of gametes to produce a fertilized cell is
of course essential to the process of sexual reproduction. In the
foregoing pages the reader has been made aware of the discovery
of important cytological processes in the development of the sexual
cells. It is now appropriate to indicate some of the discoveries
which led to our knowledge of syngamy, or fertilization in plants.
The first demonstration of a union of two masses of living
substance at fertilization resulted from a study of a group of
plants, the algae, in which sexuality had not been proved or gen-
erally admitted, although suggested by HEDWIG, UNGER, and
VA UCHER. The algae were advantageous for the study of fertiliza-
tion, since the development and behavior of the reproductive organs
and. cells could, without elaborate preparation, be readily seen under
the microscope and often with living material. THURET in 1853,
for the first time, saw the active sperm unite with the egg of
FUCU8, and in 1854 proved experimentally that only eggs to whfch
spermatozoids have had access will germinate. FARMER and WIL-
LIAMS (1896, 1898) completed the study of the phenomena to be
observed in the living material of Fuous. PRINGSHEIM in 1856
watched the spermatozoids of Oedogonium push into the receptive
tips of the living eggs and saw the characteristic oospore wall
formed in consequence. Such a union of the protoplasmic masses
of the two sexual cells was soon shown to be a characteristic feature
of fertiliza,tion in a number of algae, thus, DE BARY saw it in Spiro-
{jyra (1858) and PRINGSHEIM (1869) repeatedly observed the
gradual fusion of the motile gametes of Pandorina. It was nearly
thirty years later, however, that this phase of fertilization was
first seen in seed plants by GOROSCHANKIN and STRASBU:RGER.
The brown algae were studied, after the time of THURET,
by FARMER and WILLIAMS (1896), and by STRASBURGER (1897),
both of whom found that the reduction of chromosomes occurred
in the first division of the egg and sperm-producing organs, a
point where it occurs in no other green plants. STRASBURGER
(1906) and YAMANOUCHI (1909) followed out the trend of the
chromosome development in other algae. YAMANOUCHI concluded
that the Fueus plant with its 2n number of chromosomes is the spo-
rophyte and that the reproductive organs arising in its conceptacles
are sporangia, comparable with those of a seed plant. After the
reduction, each of the four megaspores, without escaping, gives
rise to a gametophyte of two fertile cells or eggs. Each of the
four microspores, in turn, forms a gametophyte of sixteen
cells, each of which is fertile and forms a spermatozoid.
The fundamental facts. concerning reproduction in the fungi
were discovered coincidentally with the overthrow of the belief
in spontaneous generation. The splendid work of the brothers
TULASNE on smuts and rusts and their discovery of the oogo-
nium of Peronospora in the years from 1847 to 1854 was followed
Howard S. Reed -164- A Short History
by the observations of PRINGSHEIM (1857) on the development of
zoosporangia and oogonia in Saprolegnia. ANTON DE BARY, of
whom more will be said in another chapter, corrected certain errors
made by PRINGSHEIM and then proceeded to elucidate (1861) the
processes of reproduction in Peronospora. The work of DE BARY
and his numerous students established the fact that the content
of an oogonium is fertilized by the escape into it of the living
content of the antheridial tube that grows beside it.
BREFELD consistently refused to accept the conclusions of DE
BARY that there was any method of sexual reproduction in the
ascomycetes. The earliest cytological work on the ascomycetes
after the detection of their nuclei by SCHMITZ was that of DANGE-
ARD (1894). He described and figured a fusion of two nuclei in
the ascus of Exoascus and of Peziza. The next year, HARPER,
working in STRASBURGER'S famous laboratocy at Bonn, also de-
scribed a nuclear fusion in the sexual organs of the hop mildew,
Sphaerotheca. The whole behavior of the antheridium and the
oogonium and their contents had the significance of a real sexual
process, as DE BARY had asserted in 1863 and in contradiction to
what BnEFELD had maintained.
It was not long until HARPER and others described a sexual
fusion of the same type in several other of the ascomycetes.
Eventually, HARPER determined that there is in these fungi an
alternation of a haploid generation (represented by the vegetative
mycelium) and a diploid generation (the fertilized oogonium and
the ascus-fonning hyphae arising from it). The "second fusion
in the ascus was regarded as a nutritive phenomenon, to
a nucleus adequate in size for the organization of the relatively
large ascus".
Through the years many workers studied the problem of syn-
gamy in the ascomycetes, but detailed accounts of their work can-
not be discussed here. Eventually it was found that fusions of
the cytoplasm of sexual cells without caryogamy occur in the
higher ascomycetes and basidiomycetes. This fusion results in
the formation of a zygote containing both the male .and female
nuclei (the dikaryon). Caryogamy just precedes the reduction
GUILLIERMOND recognized (1940) that the sexual act may occur
at a different phase of the life cycle according to the fungus con-
cerned. In yeasts such as Saccharomyces Ludwigii caryogamy
occurs at conjugation; but that is not true for other yeasts, as
S. ellipsoideu8, where the two haploid nuclei coexist within the
zygote and show conjugate division at germination. GUILLIER-
MOND thus demonstrated by his cytological work that DE BARY
and HANSEN had been correct in placing the yeasts among the
lower ascomycetes next to the Exoascales.
Until toward the end of the last century the basidiomycetes
were assumed to be nonsexual fungi; at least no sexual organs
had been described for them, with the exception of the spermagonia
and aecidia of the plant rusts. The recent work by CRAIGIE on
the heterothallic nature of the spermatia will be discussed in the
chapter on mycology. When ROSEN discovered in 1892 two nuclei
in the aecidiospore of certain species, DANGEARD and SAPPIN-
TROUFFY reported (1893) the occurrence of a nuclear fusion in
the teleutospore. The latter found (1896) that the cells of the
Chapter XI -165- Cytology
aecidiuill,,:,bearing mycelium are uninucleate up to the very base of
the chain of aecidiospores. MAIRE first stated clearly (1900) the
whole nuclear cycle in rusts, demonstrating a real alternation of
generations: the gametophyte or n-generation beginning with the
sporidium, the sporophyte or 2n-generation with the mother-cell
of the aecidiospore chain. The origin of the binucleate condition
of the mother-cell in Phragmidium was discovered by BLACKMAN
(1904) and CHRISMAN (1905). The time and mode of association
of the fusing nuclei, or of their progenitors, are very different in
different forms. The fusion and what appears to be the reduction
division are, however, constant in location in each species and
are always closely associated. In the mushroom, according to
WAGER (1893), DANGEARD (1894). HARPER (1902), NICHOLS
(1904), and LEVINE (1913), the fusion of nuclei occurs in the basid-
ium, and the reduction at the very next division of this fusion-
production when the four spore nuclei are formed.
One of the results of the magnificent work of HOFMEISTER was
the discovery of this regular alternation of a sex.ual and an asexual
generation, not only in the life history of the mosses and ferns,
but also in that of the seed plants. Since HOFMEISTER'S day, de-
tailed investigations by many workers have shown the essential
homology, not only of the spore-producing organs and the one or
two kinds of spores produced in them, but also of the
arising from these spores throughout aU cormophytes, from the
mosses upward.
The fact that the sexual cells of the higher plants are produced
on a plant body, or individual, distinct from that which forms the
asexual reproductive cells, and that in the normal life' cycle the
one type of individual arises from and later gives rise to individuals
of the other type must be regarded as one of the most significant
features of the evolution of plants yet discovered.
The gymnosperms, because of their large eggs, pollen tubes,
and nuclei were suitable objects for study. The salient facts of
the alternation of generations in higher plants were established in
this group. GOROSCHANKIN was able to demonstrate (1883) that
in Pinus purn,ilio, the pollen tube opens at the end, and that through
this pore the two male cells pass bodily into the egg. . GOROSCHAN-
KIN"s mistake in supposing both male nuclei to fuse with the egg
nucleus was corrected by STRASBURGER the following year. The
latter, in 1884, also saw the exit of both male nuclei from the
open pollen tube of Picea, but found only one male nucleus. fusing
with that of the egg. In the same publication STRA.SBURGER also
recorded numerous instances in which he had been able to observe
the same mode of escape of the contents of the pollen tubes into
the embryo sacs in angiosperms. STRASBURGER said. liThe. most
important morphological facts are clear. It is established that the
male nucleus that copulates with the egg nucleus passes as such
out of the pollen tube into the egg
The development of motile
spermatozoids in Cycas, Ginkgo, and Zamia indicates that these
gymnosperms have a close phylogenetic relationship with the
pteridophytes. IKENO published (1901) an account of the fertili:za-
tion process in Ginkgo showing that only one spermatozoid fused
with the egg cell. WEBBER described (1897 and 1901) the develop-
ment of the ciliated spermatozoids and the process of syngamy in
Howard S. Reed -166- A Short History
Fertilization by the union of two nuclei in the angiosperms was
not readily observed by the earlier cytologists, neither was the
entire course of events discovered for some time. GIAMBATTISTA
AMICI (1786-1863), a Florentine astronomer and microscopist,
noted (1823) the extrusion of the pollen tube from the pollen
grain and, in 1830, followed its growth from the stigma through
the micropyle to the ovule of Portulaca. BRONGNIART (1826) and
ROBERT BROWN (1831) also observed the process of fecundation by
the pollen tube. Although BROWN traced pollen tubes fTom the
pollen grain into the ovary and into the micropyle of the ovule, he
was unable to decide whether, in all cases, any substances passed
from the pollen to the interior of the ovule thereby causing the
formation of an embryo. He described the change that follows
impregnation and the gradual appearance of the embryo. The
erroneous views of SCHLEIDEN and of his student, SCHACHT, held
up the matter for a time. These men believed that the embryo
grew from the lower end of the pollen tube, the ovule mel'ely being
a nutrient contrivance. AMICI finally set the matter right. The
epoch-making publication in 1761 by KOELREUTER in which he cor-
rectly described the process of pollination in flowering plants thus
was followed, after the lapse of more than a century, by an under-
standing of the gametic fusion which followed pollination. SrrRAs-
BURGER first demonstrated that the generative nucleus, carried at
the end of the pollen tube, enters the embryo sac and unites with
the egg nucleus. The fact has been abundantly supported by a host
of other cytologists. STRASBURGER and GUIGNARD thought that
only one of the generative nuclei entered the embryo sac, but later
GUIGNARD and NAWASCHIN discovered that both generative nuclei
entered the embryo sac. One of these unites with the egg-nucleus
and thus effects fertilization. The other unites with one of the
polar nuclei (usually the upper); which then unites with the other
polar nucleus. The embryo arises frOln the fertilized egg cell,
and the nucellus, which serves for the nutrition of the embryo,
from the triploid nucleus_ ,
It remained for the cytologists, therefore. in the clQslng years
of the 19th century to solve one of the problems of sexual repro-
duction which had been raised by Assyrians at the dawn of history.
The solution of the problem waited many centuries for lack of
knowledge of the cell and of techniques for its study. The intri-
cate structure of the nuclei and its role in inheritance have already
been surveyed.
Plastids:- The varied forms and arrangement of chloroplasts
intrigued microscopists at an early date. The circulation of plas-
tids in cells of Chara had been noticed some time prior to the dis-
covery of protoplasm, in fact, for a time it was thought that they
swam in the cell sap instead of being carried in the cytoplasm.
VON MORL was very clear in his statements that chlorophyll
is contained only in the plastids; they have a characteristic organ-
ization, they have a globular form in the majority of plants, though
in the algae they may have a band structure. He extracted the
green. pigment from plastids and saw that the substratum had
been little altered in size. The application of iodine to cells from
which the color had been extracted stained the plasts yellow, from
which he thought it probable that they were protein compounds.
Chapter XI -167- Cytology
PRINGSHEIM gave (1879) the name "stroma" to the substratum
of the plastid. SPRENGEL, MEYEN, AGARDH, and others made the
assumption that the plastids have an utricular structure, but VON
MORL was unable to discover the alleged enveloping membrane
distinct from the contents.
The chemist MULDER analysed chlorophyll, obtaining the form-
ula C1sH1SN 203 and assumed that it was allied to indigo-like bodies.
He conjectured that uncolored chlorophyll exists in all parts of
the plant, capable of conversion into green by free oxygen. VON
MORL was unable to accept such a theory, stating that, whatever
its nature, it was always intimately associated with plastids, even
at its first appearance in etiolated plants. VON MaRL distin-
guished between chlorophyll and the red and blue pigments dis-
solved in the cell sap, noting, however, that in some cases organized
chromatophores were present. KUTZING discovered that in some
red algae the chlorophyll in the plastid is masked by red pigments.
VA UeHER first described (1803) pyrenoids in plastids of algae, and
SCHMITZ carefully investigated them, giving them in 1882 the
name they bear. The motile cells of the lower plants, e.g., zoospores
and gametes, frequently contain pigmented structures called "eye-
spots". STRASBURGER showed (1900) that they may arise as a
swelling of the ectoplast. In the zoospore of Cladophora he found
an external pigmented layer superposed on a colorless, lens-shaped
structure. The eyespot in the spermatozoid of Fucus was reported
by GUIGNARD (1889) to arise from a plastid in the antheridial
cell, although OVERTON concluded (1889) that it was formed de
novo in each young zoospore of the green algae he studied. SHARP
summed up the evidence (1926) concluding that in many cases
the structure and function of this problematical body closely re-
semble the ordinary plastid, but in other cases it appears to repre-
sent a differentiation of ectoplast.
The almost invariable association of starch with plastids was
apparent from the beginning of cytological studies but its true
relationship was not apprehended until a later time. It was fre-
quently said that chloroplasts could be transformed into starch
grains and vice versa. The cytologists saw starch grains appear
within chloroplasts under certain conditions, yet there was a prev-
alent belief until 1880 that there could be a free formation of starch
grains either in the cell sap or in the protoplasm, because men
could sometimes see them in chlorophyll-free cells. Then it was
SCI-IIMPER who in 1880 and 1885 proved that starch is not formed
except in a plastid of some sort, be it colorless or colored. SCHIM-
PER and STRASBURGER gave us the names leuco-, chloro-, and chromo-
plasts and clearly expounded their physiological differences. The
progress of knowledge of the genesis of starch will be given in a
SUbsequent chapter.
PRINGSREIM announced (1874) and MEYER concurred (1883)
that the stroma of the plastid has a spongy structure whose cavi-
ties hold the green coloring matter. A stratification of the pigment
was announced (1903) by TIMIRIAZEFF after some skillful work
on the plastids of Phaius. He concluded that the green pigment
formed a very thin layer on the surface of the plastid. The struc-
ture of the plastid has been recently reinvestigated by ZIRKLE
(1926 and 1927) who believes that the chloroplasts of Elodea and
Selaginella are hollow, flattened ellipsoids with a central vacuole
Howard S. Reed -168- A Short His tory
which may contain one or more grains of starch. Modern investi-
gators have returned to the concepts of the earlier workers. They
conclude that the pigment is held in the form of discontinuous
""grana" in the stroma of the plastid.
MOBIUS directed attention (1920) to the relative constancy in
size of the chloroplasts of higher plants. The significant differ-
ences in. the size of chloroplasts in certain genotypes of maize was
determined (1929) by EYSTER. He found that although the size
in most types varied from 6 to 7 J.L. or from 7 to 8p.. in their
length, others had plastids which ranged from 10 to 25p,. in their
rongest dimensions. EYSTER concluded that the size of plastids in
maize was a heritable character. He reported also an inverse rela-
tionship between the size and total number of plastids in a cell.
The question of the origin of the plastids has waited long for
a complete answer. NAGELl saw (1846) the direct division by
elongation and constriction of chloroplastids in algae. SANIO made
the first observations (1864) on the divisions of plastids ill angio-
sperms (see Bot. Zeit. 22 :193). SCHMITZ concluded (1882) that
the plastids of algae were never formed de novo, but arose from
the division of pre-existing plastids. SCHIMPER concurred in the
idea and added that in angiosperms they were originally derived
from the meristem. ALLEN studied (1905) the division process in
Coleochaete, in which each cell and gamete has one nucleus and
one plastid. He reported that after the sexual union of the
gametes the zygote contains one nucleus and two plastids. These
two plastids divide at the first division of the zygote, but not at
the second, the resulting four cells consequently had one plastid
In the ontogeny of the higher plants there remained the prob-
lem of plastid development from the gametes or at any rate from
the embryo plant in the sexual, and from the meristems in asexual
The assumption of SCHIMPER and MEYER that undifferentiated
pJastids multiply by division and are handed down from genera-
tion to generation rested on incomplete evidence, because no one had
ever demonstrated the presence of these plastids in the egg cell.
The question of plastid origin was thrown open again by the dis-
cavery (1897) by BENDA of the mitochondria (often called
chondriosomes) . These organs have the shapes of small granules,
rods; or threads and are almost universally present in cytoplasm.
. LEVITSKY (1910-1913) and GUILLIERMOND (1911 and later)
c:onduded that the leuco-, chloro- and chromoplasts in flowering
plants develop from mitochondria which arise in turn from the .
divisions of pre-existing mitochondria in the embryonic tissues.
LEVITSKY (1910-13) and GUILLIERMOND (1910-19) demonstrated
that the plasts evolved from chondriosomes of the embryonic cells.
The former believed that the chondriosomes arose de novo from
the cytoplasm; the latter, that they were permanent organs, trans-
mitted from cell to cell at the time division occurs. GUILLIERMOND's
experimental results support the views of SCHIMPER and MEYER
In showing that the plasts differentiate from elements which are
e.ver present in the cell, be it animal or plant, and are trans-
mitted from cell to cell.
EDSON'S discussion (1915) pointed out the cytological and genet-
ical importance of mitochondria. The migration of mitochondria
Chapter XI -169- Cytol9_gy
at the samoe time with the nucleus from the antheridium at the
time of fertilization invited speculation as to their function.
This contirmation of the older ideas of SCHIMPER and MEYER
not allowed to go unchallenged. Some writers refused to adrm't
that anything remained to be discovered about the origin of plas-
tids, others considered the alleged structures to be artefacts :om-
duced by physico-chemical changes in the cell constituents.
The situation was somewhat confused by the ideas of a group
of investigators who attempted to reconcile the divergent ideas
above stated. MOTTIER, for example, who found mitochondria
(1918) in all cells of the Marchantia thallus, however, maintained
that they differed, from plastid primordi;:1. He concluded that
leucoplasts and chloroplasts are derived from granular or rod
shaped primordia which are permanent organs of the cell with
the same rank as the nucleus. These primordia were said .to
multiply by division. Full grown chloroplasts also multiply gy
division. He recognized also other granular and rod shaped bodies
which do not give rise to either chloroplasts or leucoplasts
which the name mitochondria is restricted. These mitochondria
multiply by division and are permanent organs of the cell. He
confirmed LWITSKY's and GUILLIERMOND's results, but held, with-
out proof, that mitochondria and plasts are essentially different.
RUDOLPH also concluded (1923) that there are two distinct types 0
of primorida in meristematic cells, notwithstanding a morplm-
logical and histochemical similarity which renders their distinction
impossible> namely mitochondria and young plastids. The first
retain in the growing cell their appearance and their histochemical
reactions; the second develop into chloro-, or chromoplasts.
RUDOLPH's idea was supported by SAl"EHIN, SCHERRER and MDT-
TIER. They believed that the embryonic cells of phanerogams
should contain tiny plasts 0 actively dividing, showing the same
aspect as mitochondria, and only distinguishable from the latter
after they differentiate. They affirmed that plasts had nothing in
common with mitochondria which they regarded as nothing more
than metabolic products. LEVITSKY and others have been unable.,
however, to verify the idea that the mitochondria and the plastid
primordia were different. TWISS, in a very conservative discu$sion
of his results on Preissia and Zea cells, opines that there can be
no question of the existence of mitochondria, nor that they are
normal constituents of cytoplasm. He was uncertain about the
evidence for the division of mitochondria and for their functions
in heredity.
The difficulty of the problem is enhanced by the fact that the
organs are so small as to approach the lower limit of microscopic
visibility. RANDOLPH was unable to discover (1922) the origIn
of what he called protoplastids, concluding that the smallest of
the particles were sub-microscopic in size. He found only one
type of granule. He concluded "The presence of these transitional
stages within a single cell furnishes convincing proof of the origin
of chloroplasts from bodies which at first are scarcely visible, and
which one is led to believe may, even arise de novo from the
cytoplasm'.lI ,.
The question of plastid origin is regarded by most cytologists
as unsettled, though great advances have been made. SHARP re-
marked (1926) that cytologists have probably underestimated the
Howard S. Reed -170-
A Short History
capacity of protoplasm for epigenetic differentiation. If one as-
sumes that plastids represent regional transformations of the cyto-
plasm resulting from the localization of certain processes, they
may be expected to differentiate anew as these processes begin,
and to preserve varying degrees of permanence depending on the
processes involved.
The problem of plastid differentiation was solved by the re-
searches of GUILLIERMOND and his students MANGENOT and EM-
BERGER (1920-24) who demonstrated:-
(1) Chloroplasts and mitochondria exist pari passu in the
vegetative and repl'oductive stages of algae and certain bryophytes.
Each of these arises from divisions of pre-existing chloroplasts or
of mitochondria, respectively, without evidence of transformations
of one into the other.
(2) Embryonic cells of phanerogams contain chondriosomes
which look exactly like those of animal cells; among these chon-
driosomes a part differentiate into the plasts of the green cells,
others remain as chondriosomes; among the chondriosomes in the
embryonic cells it is generally impossible to designate those which
will differentiate into plastids.
(3) Cells which never become green contain leucoplasts which
retain the shape of chondriosornes and can only be known by their
starchforming ability.
(4) It is only in the green cell that a plastid can really be
distinguished from a chondriosome. .
(5) . Chondriosomes as well as plasts are permanent elements,
to be transmitted at all divisions ..
Studying living epidermal cells of monocotyledons, GUILLIER-
MOND observed that leucoplasts and chondriosomes show the same
aspect, and the same feeble refringency. Both consist of a plastic,
semifluid substance, slowly shifted and distoI'ted by cytoplasmic
currents; both are very fragile, easily converted into large vesicles;
both stain in the living cell by Janus Green, methyl violet, dahlia,
and other stains. Both bodies are made up of a complex of lipo-
proteins with lipids (lecithin) which explains why they are
destroyed by ordinary killing fluids. Both react similarly toward
microchemical reagents: therefore plastids behave in all respects
as chondriosomes.
Fern sporangia develop from epiderma1 cells which contain big.
chloroplasts and small chondriosomes; in microsporidial cel1s EM-
BERGER observed that chloroplasts lose their chlorophyll and revert
to tiny elements like chondriosomes. As spores germinate some
chondriosomes differentiate into Cells of prothallia
which will become sexual cells show a similar regression of chloro-
plasts into non-chlorophyll bearing rod shaped elements, the ensem-
ble forming a homogeneous chondriome which, as the egg develops
and tissues differentiate, shows the same evolution as was described
above for phanerogams. Structures which appear like chondrio-
somes obtained thus from the dedifferentiation of plastids may
again yield plastids. Indeed, among the Selaginellae the cell shows
a single plast differentiated from a structure appearing like the
other though noticeably larger, and therefore easy
to detect in any embryonic celL MANGENOT discovered similar
features among the higher algae; the chloroplasts (rhodoplasts) of
the Florideae lose their pigments in sexual cells and there dediffer-
Chapter XI -171- Cytology
entiate into chondriosome-like bodies, later to differentiate again
into colore,d plastids.
The researches carried on by GUILLIERMOND and his students
demonstrated the existence of two categories of permanent ele-
ments which are transmitted from cell to cell at division:- (a)
the chondriosomes which exist either in plant or animal cells, and
(b) plastids which exist only in green plants. GUILLIERMOND
concluded that plastids belong to a sp'ecial category of chondrio-
someS in that they are connected with photosynthesis in green
plants and that both are closely akin, being permanent organs in
the cell, resembling each other.
Vacuoles:- When the early cytologists turned their lenses on
plant cells, they saw that the living organized protoplasmic struc-
tures filled only a part of the space bounded by the cell wall. The
discovery of the vacuole by Sp ALLANZANI led to no true concep-
tion either of the vacuole or of the cell. MEYEN (1835 and 1838)
and SCHLEIDEN (1842) and others clearly distinguished between
cytoplasm and vacuoles.
HOFMEISTER (1867) recognized DUTROCHET'S explanation
(1828) of water intake by endosmosis, and formulated the concept
of turgidity resulting from the flow of water into the vacuole.
HOFMEISTER explained the origin of vacuoles very simply on the
assumption that when the amount of water in protoplasm exceeded
a certain ratio, the excess was excreted in droplets into the interior
of the protoplasmic mass where it assumed the forms of sharply
defined spherical vacuoles, which, by continual volume increases.
broke down the thin intermediate partitions of protoplasm and
eventually formed a single large vacuole. The importance of the
interface between the aqueous contents of the vacuole and the
surrounding cytoplasm was recognized and properly emphasized
by DE VRIES. Recent work by CHAMBERS and others showed that
the membrane is tough, elastic, and sticky, apparently having prop-
erties not possessed by the remaining cytoplasm. LLOYD and SCARTH
have shown (1926) that it has many of the physical properties of
lecithin and that it is, in a measure, independent of the life of the
A true appreciation of the nature of the vacuole was not afforded
until the works of DE VRIES and PFEFFER were published. The
former established that the vacuolar sap is something not only dis-
tinct from the cytoplasm, but essential for the functioning of the
cen. He interpreted aIleW the concept of turgidity imposed by the
endosmotic flow of water into the vacuolar solution.
PFEFFER gained (1886) further information on the phenomenon
of the vacuole through his investigations on the absorption of
certain anilin dyes by living cells. Having found by experience
that methylene blue and other stains exerted no toxic action at
great dilutions, he investigated the processes of absorption with
the so-called Vital Dyes. He discerned that the amounts of methy-
lene blue absorbed by the cytop1asmic envelope were comparatively
small, contrariwise, the dye accumulated in the vacuolar sap,
eventually coloring it more deeply than the external solution. The
absorption of other dyes by the cytoplasmic layer did not; how-
ever, hinder their penetration into. the vacuolar sap. PFEFFER
was one of the first to notice that the absorbable anilil1 dyes can
Howard S. Reed -172- A Short History
give important data on the reaction of protoplasm and of vacuolar
sap, showing the topography of vacuoles and clearing away many
vague conceptions.
A great interest in the absorption of Vital Dyes was eventually
developed, and many important phenomena have been learned by
this technique. GUILLIElliMOND and GAUTHERET discovered (1937)
that there is a certain amount of reversibility in the absorption of
Vital Dyes by yeast cells. They found that the dyes absorbed by the
cytoplasm were actively transferred to the cell vacuole, sometimes
as the Ieuco form. which was reoxidized to the original dye in
the vacuole. Subsequently it may be reabsorbed by the cytoplasm
and transferred again to the external medium. GUILLIERMONV con-
cluded (1938) that both the basal vital dyes and their leuco-
derivatives are accumulated in the vacuoles of living cells, but
they penetrate more slowly than the oxidized forms. . Frequently
the leuco-derivatives have the same properties in relation to the
cells as the corresponding dyes, but it does not always occur.
A correct understanding of the origin of the vacuole was not
easily obtained and there is at present no complete unanimity of
opinion on the subject. PFEFFER and DE VRIES recognized that
the small discrete vacuoles present in meristematic cells coalesced
as growth and differentiation proceeded, thereby forming a single
large vacuole. DE VRIES opposed (1885) the idea that vacuoles
arise de novo, stating that they arise from primordia which he
called tonoplasts. The tonoplasts were conceived to" be definite
organized structures which arose from the division of preexisting
tonoplasts. VAN TIEGHEM endorsed (1889) this opinion, but named
the primordia hydroleucites. WENT formulated (1888) a some-
what different concept of the origin of the vacuole. Having found
extremely small vacuoles in the reproductive cells of algae and in
meristematic cells of the higher plants, he discarded the idea of a
tonoplast in favor of the idea that all vacuoles arise from pre-
existing vacuoles. As a result of the questionable technique which
DE VRIES and WENT employed, adverse criticism was levelled at
their conclusions and the older concept of HOFMEISTER was re-
established. BENSLEY formulated (1910) the new concept of the
vacuome. He described in young cells a very delicate network
which, as the cell ages, enlarges and forms the large vacuole of
the mature cell and believed that the network of canals is homol-
ogous with Golgi bodies.
DANGEARD (1916) observed vacuoles to appear first as tiny,
isolated, bead-like grains,. or as threads which fuse more or
less into a network. GUILLIERMOND showed that the vacuorne is
distinctly different from the chondriome. Each absorbs different
dyes. The colloidal substances in the vacuoles of flowering plants
differ widely in different cases; often the vacuolar contents are
composed of alcohol-soluble protein, mixed with phenol c.ompounds
of the tannin group and closely related anthocyanin compounds.
According to its hydration, the vacuome can therefore show 011e of
these three alternate aspects: (1) solid, round, small bodies; (2)
a mitochondria-like network of thick paste; (3) large, round, ord-
inary liquid vacuoles. In the solid phase the vacuome does not
stain with intra-vitam dyes; in the liquid stage it stains faintlYI
since part of its colloids are thrown down in the form of deeply
stained granules.
Chapter XI -173-
CHARLES DARWIN made (1875) important observations on the
vacuoles of the cells of the tentacles of Drosera
especially with
respect to the effects of stimuli on the forms of the vacuoles. The
sap of those cells contains a purple pigment which enabled DA.R-
WIN to see the changes in shape of the vacuole. The colored sap
was uniformly distributed in the unstimulated cells due to the
parietal position of the colorless protoplasmic material and the
unity of the central vacuole. He made a point of the circulation
of the cytoplasm around the vacuoles. The cogency of his descrip-
2 3 4- 5 6 7 8
FIa. 28. - DARWIN's' :figures of vacuoles in cells of rot'llnaifolia. showing diffcrent stages
of "aggregation". From Inseotivorous Plants, 1875.
tion of the changes in the form (which he called "aggregation")
is worthy of attention today although he used his own terminol-
ogy, as the following quotation will show.
"If a tentacle is examined some hours afte!' the gland has been excited
by repeated touches, or by an inorganic or organic particle placed upon it, or
by the absorption of certain fluids, it presents a wholly chan.ged appearance.
The cells, instead of being filled with homogeneous purple flUid, now contain
variously shaped masses of purple matter, suspended in a colourless or almost
colourless fluid. The change is so conspicuous that it is visible through a
weak lens, and even sometimes by the naked eye; the tentacles now have a
mottled appearance, so that one thus affected can be picked out with ease
from all the others. The same result follows if the glands on the disc are
irritated in any manner so that the exterior tentacles become inflected; for
their contents will then be found in an aggregated condition, although their
glands have not as yet touched any object. But aggregation may occur inde-
pendently of inflection, as we shall presently see. By whatever the
Howard S. Reed -174- A Short History
process may have been excited, it commences within the glands, and then travels
down the tentacles. It can be observed much more distinctly in the uPPfPr cens
of the pedicels than within the glands, as these are somewhat opaque. Shortly
after the tentacles have re-expanded, the little masses of protoplasm are all
redissolved, and the purple fluid within the cells becomes as homogeneous and
transparent as it was at firat. The process of redissolution travels upwards
from the bases of the tentacles to the glands, and therefore in a reversed
direction to that of aggregation." ...
"The little masses of aggregated matter are of the most diversified
shapes, often spherical or oval, sometimes much elongated, or quite irregular
with thread or necklace-like or club-formed projections. They consist of
thick, apparently viscid matter, which in the exterior tentacles is of a purplish,
and in the short discal tentacles of a greenish, colour. These little masses
incessantly change their forms and pOSitions, being never at rest ... It their
shapes are sketched at intervals of a few minutes, they are invariably seen
to have undergone great changes of :form; and the same cell has been observed
for several hours. Eight rude, though accurate sketches of the same cell,
made at intervals of between 2 m. or 3 m., are here given (fig. 7), and illus-
trate some of the simpler and commonest changes ...
"The cell above figured was from a tentacle of a dark red leaf, which
had caught a small moth
and was examined under water. As I at first
thought that the movements of the masses might be due to the absorption
of water, I placed a fly on a leaf, and when after 18 hrs. all the tentacles
were well inflected, these were examined without being immersed in water.
The cell here represented (fig. 8) was from this leaf, being sketched eight
times in the course of 15 m. These sketches exhibit Some of the more
remarkable changes which the Pl'otoplasm undergoes. At first, there was at
the base of the cell 1, a little mass on a short footstalk, and a larger mass
near the upper end, and these seemed quite separate. Nevertheless, they
may have been connected by a fine and invisible thread of protoplasm, for on
two other occasions, whilst one mass was rapidly increasing, and another
in the. same cell rapidly decreasing, I was able by varying the light and
using a high power, to detect a connecting thread of extreme tenuity, which
evidently sel'ved as the channel of communication between the two. On the
other hand, such connecting threads are sometimes seen to break
and their
extremities then quickly become The other sketches in fig. 8
show the form):! successively assumed". (Insectivorous Plants, Chapter lII).
The response of the vacuole to cellular derangements has been
extensively studied by DUFRmNOY (1930 and 1935), and the impor-
tance of this aspect of cellular pathology clearly demonstrated.
Injuries caused by parasitic fungi or by virus disease are generally
reflected in the transformation of the large central vacuole into
many smaller vacuoles thereby greatly increasing the interfacial
surfaces of the vacuolar-cytoplasmic system. Eventually the con-
tents of the vacuoles of affected cells may exhibit discoloration.
DUFRENOY has successfully applied microchemistry to the study
of vacuolar inclusions.
Recapitulation:. The development of knowledge of the cell as
the unit structure of organisms has been briefly traced through a
century of assiduous study by many investigators. The results
obtained in spite of difficulties have shed a beneficent
flood of light on the nature of the organism. The genesis of the
organisms and the centers of metabolic activities have been eluci-
dated to a far greater extent than would otherwise have been pos-
sible. Not only that) but the marvelous coordinations between cells
ha ve explained many of the fundamental processes of growth and
Chapter XI
-175- Cytology
EElAUVERlE, J. (1912): Edouard Strasburger. Rev. gen. bot. 24 :417, 479.
DUFRENOY, J. (1935): Structure et metabolisme cellulaire. Arch. d' Anat.
Micr. 31 :1-77.
GUILLJERMOND, A. (1929): The recent development of our idea of the vacu-
orne of plant cells. Amer. Jour. Bot. 16 :1-22.
-- -- (1940): developmental cycle, and phylogeny of yeasts.
Bot. Rev. 6 :1-24.
-- -- (1941): Cytoplasm. Chronica Botaniea, Waltham, Mass.
GUILLlERMOND, A., MANGENOT, G., et PLANTEFOL, L. (1932): Traite de cy-
tologie vegetale. Paris.
KARSTEN, G, (1912): Eduard Strasburger. Ber. D. Bot. Gesells. 30: (61)-
KUSTER, E. (1935): Die Pflanzenzelle. Fischer, Jena. (Bibliography valu-
able) .
MOHL, H. VON (1851): Grundziige der Anatomie und Physiologie del' vege-
tabilischen Zelle. Vieweg, Braunschweig. (Eng. "transl. by HENFREY,
1852, London).
MORGAN, TH. H. (1926): The theory of the gene. Yale University Press,
New Haven, Conn.
PFEFFER, W. (1886): Uber Aufnahme von Anilinfarben in lebende Zellen.
Untersuch. bot. lnst. Tubingen 2;179-332.
SCHLEIDEN, M. J. (1842-3): Grundzuge der wissenschaftlichen 13otanik. Leip-
zig. (Eng. trans!. by LANXESTER, 1849, London).
SUARI', L. W. (1926): An introduction to cytology. Second ed. McGraw-
Hill, New York. (Bibliography valuable).
TISCHLER, G. (1934): Allgemeine Pflanzenkaryologie. 2te Aufl., Borntraeger,
Berlin. (Bibliography valuable). '
V(INES], S. H. (1892); Nageli (obituary note) Proc. Roy. Soc. 51:XXVII-
WILSON, E. B. (1902): The cell in development and inheritance. Second ed.,
Macmillan, New York.
ZIRKLE, C. (1937): The plant vacuQle. Bot. Rev. 3:1-30 (With bibliogl'aphy).
Chapter XII.
Sap ascent:. The dependence of plants on an adequate supply
of water had been known from the earliest times, but, aside from
MALPIGHI, GREW, and HALES, few had apparently devoted any seri-
ous study to the question. At the inception of the 19th century ..
the old idea prevailed that there was some sort of analogy between
the movements of sap in plants and those of blood in animals.
THOMAS ANDREW KNIGHT, a gifted amateur, experimented
upon trees and demonstrated ascending and descending currents
of sap. Having skillfully removed the bark and cortex, he ob-
served that the buds above the decorticated band developed nor-
mally, in contrast to the buds below the band which were com-
pletely arrested. He concluded that a stream of descending sap
passed through the cortex and that an ascending stream passed
through the alburnum, but he did not understand the forces which
drove the sap through these layers, as well as did HALES, nor did
he perceive any difference in the composition of the two currents;
The subject was investigated and greatly clarified by DUTRO-
CHET who discovered (1826) endosmosis and applied it to the prob-
lems of absorption and transfer. In 1828 he introduced the concept
of osmosis into response and showed that the move-
ments of plant members are often due to variations in cell turgor
which, in turn, are dependent upon osmotic exchanges of fluids.
I Constructing osmometers similar to those employed in modern
physiological laboratories, he recorded the inflow of water against
various solutions and concluded that the velocity of the endosmosis
produced by various densities of the same inner fluid, is in propor-
tion to the excess of the density of the inner fluid over the density
of the water bathing the semi-permeable membrane. DUTROCHET
elucidated certain problems about translocation in Chara and
formulated valuable ideas about the functions of leaves in con-
trolling ascending and descending currents of sap. He may be
regarded as the founder of the science of physical biology in
relation to plants.
The anatomy and physiology of the woody stem began to be
assiduously studied in the first decades of the 19th century, but
without immediately making any conspicuous progress. It was
difficult to free the mind from the idea of a pumping mechanism in
the plant which sent the sap current upwards.
AUGUSTIN P. DE CANDOLLE, a brilliant student and an able
botanist, went off on a tangent with his idea of the contractile
spongiole at the root tip. His spongiole, which was a root-cap,
was said (1832) to have the power of active contraction, by which
it could. suck up the solution with which it was in contact. He
stated that the absorbing force of the spongioles appeared to be
due to their vital 'action, combined with capillarity, and especially
with the force of hygroscopic attraction which is characteristic
Chapter XII -177- Water Economy
of" plant tissue. He was essentially correcf in his ideas of non-
selection by the spongioles, noting that they appear to absorb nearly
everything found in the soil without regard to the needs of the
plant, and he adopted DE SAUSSURE'S idea that the plant roots
absorb proportionally more water than solute. DE CANDOLLE'S
belief in his theory was daunted neither by the fact that the ends
of excised branches absorb water without the action of the lively
spongioles, nor by the observation that disorganized spongioles
give a freer passage than the intact to the passage of sap. He was
correct in concluding that the leaves draw up the sap and exhale
the superabundant water to the atmosphere, thus accounting for
the ascent of sap. He thought that the cellular envelope which sur-
rounds the stem, and which communicates with all the layers by
means of the medullary rays, draws the sap transversally by the
activity of the living cells, and thus resorted to the "vital action"
of living cells as a deus ex machina, when other explanations failed.
MEYEN 1 TREVIRANUS, and others who worked on these problems
were no more successful than DE CANDOLLE. A few words about
their work must suffice. MEYEN'S "Neues System der Pfianzen-
physiologie" (1837-39) rejected DE CANDOLLE's spongiole theory
and adopted DUTROCHET'S conclusions on the importance of osmosis
for acquiring and translocating fluids in the plants. MEYEN, ho,w-
ever, added nothing either essentially new, or of lasting value. He
was pretty certain that the salts which are acquired along with
the water are essential food constituents, but DE SAUSSURE had
discovered that fact and published it in 1804. TREVIRANUS could
not relinquish the concept of a vital force which carried the sap
to the leaves.
The period from 1800 to 1850 witnessed the birth of a new
realistic natural philosophy first in Germany and later in other
c"Ountries. The concept that living matter exhibits definite phys-
ical and chemical properties did much to dispel the esoteric atmos-
phere which had surrounded botany. While the new goal has not
yet been reached, there has been much progress since the outlook
changed. HUGO VON MORL formulated a new and illuminating
concept of the absorption of water and dissolved substance. In his
book "Die vegetabilische Zelle" he said (1851) :
'tIn all plants the fluid nutriment is up by absorption through cells.
As the cell membrane has no orifices, only such matters as a're actually dis-
solved, can be absorbed into the cell" with the water which penetrates the
cell membrane; ... (HENFREY'a translation).
The problem of sap movement in the plant was shown by VON
MOHL to present far greater difficulties than that of absorption
by cells which are in direct contact with the aqueous medium. He
wrote further:
,t At first sight it seems very easy to give an explanation of the ascent
of the sap, both before the opening of the buds at the l'ecommencement of
vegetation, as well as during the period in which the plants are clothed 'With
leaves. During the period of the rest of vegetation, the cells of a perennial
plant are filled with a great quantity of organic compounds, under the form
of proteine substances, sugar, gum, and more particularly of starch, which
latter is converted into sugar at the reco:mmencement of vegetation. In con-
sequence of this, the cell-sap becomes capable of setting up a powerful end os-
mose, and nothing' seems more natural than that the cells of the roots sll-ould
absorb the water which exists around them, and that the sap diluted by this
should be taken up by the cells above, and so be carried gradually upwarps
Howard S. Reed --178- A Short History
from one cell to another, whence the notion that endosmose is the sale and
sufficient cause of the motion of the sap, counts many adherents even in
recent times. But on closer examination the matter appears less simple than
it seemed at the first glance. The organic compounds, especially the starch,
are not, for the most contained in the elongated cells of the wood, in
which the sap ascends, but more particularly in the cells of the medullary
rays and in those of the rind of the root, while in those Monocotyledons, which,
like the Palms, lay up a store of sugar, gum, starch, etc., before the time of
flowering, these substances are deposited in the parenchymatous cells of the
stem. Thus the substances which cause the setting up of the endosmose,
occur in cells which do not preside over the conveyance of the sap, while in
the elongated cells of the wood, substances which would cause endosmose
exist only in inconsiderable quantity, and in the vessels not at all. Row
then does the sap reach the wood-cells and vessels, and how is its lnotion
imparted to it? I consider these questions as unsolved at present" (REN-
FREY'S translation).
VON MOHL attacked the problem with such scientific acumen
that his discussion appears essentially modern even after the lapse
of nearly a century. The world is indebted to him for the first
clear exposition of the r6le of endosmosis in the physiology of the
The next significant advance in the understanding of the acqui-
sition of water by plants was made by SACHS in his discussion of
the importance of root hairs. In his "Experimentelle Pfianzenphysi-
, he gave (1865) an enlightening discussion of the relations
between root hairs and the water films on soil particles. Com-
menting on the fact that it is the younger portion of the root which
absorbs the principal part of the water, he called attention to the
presence of root hairs a short distance back of the growing tip.
His ingenious diagrams showed root hairs among soil particles
each of which held a thin film of water by surface attraction. The
walls of the root hairs being in intimate contact with the aqueous
films remove water from the soil particles and deliver it to other
cells of the root. SACHS was somewhat hazy in discussing the
reasons for the continued movement of water into the root-hair
although he was certainly familiar with the phenomenon of endos-
mosis which VON MOHL had so clearly described.
SACHS was greatly interested in the phenomenon of water
movement in plants and cited luany examples proving that an
upward flow takes place from regions rather remote to the leaves
and gTowing points. The rate of flow upwards, according to
SACHS, is naturally dependent upon various external conditions,
especially upon those which affect the rate of transpiration. The
current of water in the wood which replaces the transpirational
loss, said he, cannot be caused by osmosis, since the vacuoles of
conducting wood-cells are not filled with sap, but contain air
bubbles at the time when the movement is most rapid. In 1874
he announced his conclusion that the water moves in the plant as
imbibed water in the tracheal walls without the cooperation of
living cells, and not in the cell cavities. SACHS emphasized the idea
that the wood consists of a frame work of lignified lamellae which
enclose cell cavities. The walls may contain imbibed water, and
the amouut of their swelling would depend upon the quantity of
water absorbed; moreover, they contain no capillaries into which
liquid or air could directly penetrate. These water-conducting
organs permanently lose their ability to convey water once they
Chapter XII -179- Water Economy
have become air-dry. He admitted that wood, after having been
dried, may become saturated with imbibed water, but added that
this water no longer possessed mobility. SACHS did not pass lightly
over this matter and emphasized that certain unknown internal
factors determine the movement of the transpiration current in the
wood. He pointed out that the natural alteration which occurs
with increasing age and which converts the wood into duramen, or
heartwood, also deprives it of the ability to convey imbibitional
water. Most of the water moves upward in the alburnum, or
,One cannot fail to be impressed by the great weight of the
columns of water in tall trees and with the forces which must
exist to sustain them. SACHS' imbibition theory would account for
such force since it involved intramolecular forces far greater than
the pull of gravity, but he realized that it is another question,
whether the rapidity of the molecular movements of water of this
nature might be sufficiently great to meet the requirements of the
transpiring foliage on a hot day. SACHS left the problem of sap
translocation in plants without having contributed much to its
solution, although his analysis of certain aspects of the problem
tended to clarify it. It was not long until ELFVING and VESQ1;rE
discounted the idea that the sap currents pass through tracheal
walls. When those two investigators plugged the lumina of con-
ducting elements with cacao butter, they found that translocation
practically ceased. SACHS had, however, performed a useful serv-
ice in this field by drawing attention to the physical nature of
forces involved in the phenomena of translocation, although he did
not give any fundamental explanations of the sap flow.
Attention then swung to vital forces which might cause sap
translocation. GODLEWSKI concluded (1884) that the pumping
action 0:1; living cells was necessary. This action he ascribed to a
periodic fluctuation in the permeability of the cytoplasm of par-
enchymatous cells in the plant stem comparable, to the older ideas
on pulsations in plants. In woody plants the cells of the medullary
rays which are in contact with tracheae were assumed to fiU with
water and then by a change in the permeability of the plasma mem-
brane, these living cells were thought to force water into the con-
tiguous tracheae. GODLEWSKI assumed that the injected water
moved upwards rather than downwards because the air pressure
in the tracheal vessels was greater at the base of a plant than in
the upper region. He claimed that his theory explained the radial
position of the bordered pits, which contributed to the stair-case
movement of the water upward in the stem, and also the radial
intercellular spaces along nledullary rays through which an ex-
change of gases necessary for the respiration of the living cells
might be possible. GODLEWSKI was unable, however, to prove the
essential features of this hypothesis. WESTERMAlER and JANSE sup-
ported this theory of the essential role of living cells but without
establishing its validity. SOIDe of JANSE's ideas seem to postulate
the existence of a perpetual motion machine.
The inadequacy of these concepts of the importance of living
cells in sap movement was shown by the painstaking work of the
cytologist, EDUARD STRASBURGER) in his publication "uber den Bau
und Verrichtungen der Leitungsbahnen in den Pflanzen" (1891)
Howard S. Reed -180- A Short History
which contains an extensive summary of previous studies on the
ascent of sap. The descriptions of the anatomy of various groups
of plants is of less importance at the moment than his studies on
the ascent of liquids in trees and large branches. He made many
observations on the rise of liquids, not only in intact trunks, but
through portions of trunks in which the living cells had been
killed by heat or by poisons.
Time and again STRASBURGER returned to the conclusion that
the forces which move the sap upward are physical rather than
physiological. He was working at a time when polemical discus-
sions were rife and his painstaking histological studies on the
length and diameter of tracheids corrected some prevalent miscon-
ceptions. He concluded that the neighboring living cells of the
water channels press into them their cell sap. If the channels were
already full a hydrostatic pressure would be created. The tracheal
channels of the roots withdraw water from the cells adjoining
them. These cells in turn absorb it by osmosis from the soil. He
obtained evidence from young trees which demonstrated that the.
vital hypothesis was unnecessary. For example, he found that
trunks more than 10 meters high continued to draw up water
although the Jiving cells in the base had been killed by exposure
to a temperature of 90C. When the cells at the base of the shoots
were killed by strong poisons, among which copper sulfate, alcohol,
and picric acid may be mentioned, the results were similar. STRAS-
BURGER sawed off, under water, the trunks of young Robinia trees
as tall as 11 meters. After the cut base had been retained in
water for an hour, one of the trees was transferred to aqueous
eosin, whence it absorbed in 24 hours about a liter of the dye
solution which reached the apex of the tree and was found not
only in the vessels of the wood of that season and in the vascular
groups of the Spatholz of the preceding year's wood, but also in
all branches and leaves at a height of seven meters ..
The translocation of sap in the lumen of the vessels was shown
by STRASBURGER'S experiments in which the cut surface of the
exised branch was inj ected with a substance which liquified when
cool. He inj ected the bases of shoots with fluid gelatin, cacao
butter, or paraffin, and observed that the leaves wilted even though
the cut surface was immersed in water. If a thin slice of wood
were removed, thereby exposing the vessel walls, the amount of
water translocated was 1;lot sufficient to prevent the wilting of
leaves. The results of this experiment opposed successfully the
imbibition theory of water movement in plants advanced by SACHS.
STRASBURGER's work led to the conclusion that the ascent of sap
in woody stems was not dependent upon living cells since it moved
through sections killed by heat as well as by chemicals.
J. BOHM had indeed attempted in 1863 to explain upon a phys-
ical basis the rise of fluids in stems but without great success. He
also had shown that translocation could take place through a dead
piece of stem but had been particularly unsuccessful in determin-
ing the nature of the forces involved. He made several incon-
sistent statements about the pressure differences in different cells
and the role of atmospheric pressure in driving fluids from the
tracheae into the leaf cells. BOHM finally came to regard a simple
capillary ascent as a sufficient explanation and his name is now
remembered chiefly for, his formulation of the capillary theory. .
Chapter XII _' 181-
Water Economy
The understanding of the subj ect of sap ascent in stems was
immensely advanced in 1894 when DIXON and JOLY published the
first account of their theory in which the transpirational pull and
the tensile strength of water columns were set forth. Briefly,
DIXON maintained that the evaporation of water from leaves pulls
the water in a continuous column through the tree. Although
DIXON'S theory was frowned upon by other physiologists of the
late 19th centurY7 it ultimately came to be regarded with favor.
SACHS had discarded this theory on the grounds that there are no
continuous tubes in plants, but DIXON and JOLY met the objection,
stating that the water films may be regarded as contj.nuous through
the imbibed material of the transverse and oblique walls. DIXON
assumed, in consonance with SACHS, that the moving water is lo-
cated in the substance of the walls and that the surface tension
forces developed at the surface of the fine-textured substance of
the walls "prevent the water column from becoming indefinitely
attenuated. He concluded that the transpirati9nal pull generated
at the surface of the leaves is transmitted downwards through the
imbibed water in the walls. Eventually DIXON and JOLY abandoned
this modified Sachsian theory since it was ascertained that most of
the water passed upward, not in the walls, but in the lumina of the
vessels. The mechanism was demonstrated to depend on the
tensile strength of a film of water in intimate contact with 'the
walls of the tube which contains it.
ASKEN ASY experimentally demonstrated that the tensile
strength of a moving water column ,was comparable to that in a
tree in which the tension was caused by the evaporation of water
from the leaves. Physicists have estimated the cohesive force ,of
water to be 10 to 150 atmospheres, while DIXON estimated the
cohesive force of the sap to be at least 100 atmospheres. The sap
is possibly more stable under tension than pure water. To ascer-
tain their power of drawing water from the conduits of the
DIXON measured the tensions generated in osmotically active leaf
cells and reported that the leaf cells of Acer macrophyllum were
capable of remaining turgescent and drawing up water against a
pressure of 8 atmospheres. The osmotic attraction which would
give rise to this pressure was calculated to be capable of raising a
column of water to a height of 240 feet.
Initially DIXON and JOLY'S conclusions met with objection be-
cause of the presence of gases in the sap. The opponents of the
cohesion theory of water in vessels considered that the presence
of air bubbles in the water would so weaken the columns that they
would break. The objection was dispeUed, however, when it was
demonstrated that air bubbles do not usually enter a stem until
it is severed. DIXON postUlated that the tension in the sap in the
tracheae is primarily responsible for the incursion of air when
the stem is severed.
BODE studied (1923) the continuity of water columns in intact
plants and obtained enlightening results. He removed'some of the
outer tissue from stems, leaving layers of living cells surrounding
the' conducting elements. His observations on Impatiens, Trades-
cantia, and other plants, made directly under the microscope,
showed the water columns to be continuous even under conditions
of such high transpiration or of such low water supply that the'
leaves were wilted. If the water columns were broken when
under tensile stress tlie vapor phase expanded until it filled 'the
Howard S. Reed -182- A Short Histot"y
element and the column remained broken. If broken when water
was at a pressure above zero atmospheres, the bubble slowly con-
tracted and finally disappeared.
RENNER had concluded (1911) that the tension in the vessels
contracts them, since when the top of a twig immersed in water
is cut, the meniscus falls. BODE confirmed RENNER's conclusions by
direct observation with the microscope, finding a consistent (except
in three cases out of 32) increase in diameter after cutting the
top. Stems killed by boiling in water for 15 minutes gave the
same results as living stems, thereby refuting the argument of
FlO. 24. - MACDoUGAL'S dendrogorapll in position on a small tree trunk. The pen-lever
traces a line on the pa1)er chart on the revolving cYlinder shown at the lett. RClIroduced by
permission from Carnegie Institution of Washington, Pub!. 462, p. 7 (1936).
the opponents of the cohesion theory who maintained that the
contraction of living cells was responsible for the
The validity of DIXON'S conclusions concerning the state of
tension in the vascular elements was established by MACDoUGAL'S
measurements of tree h'unks by instruments which give a graphic
record of shrinkage during or shortly after the periods of
mum transpirational activity, and the recovery following a period
of minimum water loss. MACDoUGAL described (1929) the diurnal
fluctuations in the diameter of the trunks of trees, both young
and old, which give a striking demonstration of the concomitant
stresses due to fluctuations in the transpiration pull on the water
URSPRUNG and his associates undertook a critical study 011 the
phenomenon of suction pressure as a factor in sap translocation
Chapter XU -183- Water Economy
in plants. The existence of an equilibrium between osmotic pres-
sure and the tension of the cell wall had been evident to DE VRIES
and PFEFFER, each of whom formulated some useful ideas about
the importance of turgor in maintaining the activities of the plant.
URSPRUNG regarded osmotic pressure as the difference of pressure
on solution and solvent which produces a condition of equilibrium
such that there is no tendency of the solvent to flow in either direc-
tion. The absorbing function of cells is determined also by this
equilibrium, not solely by the osmotic powers as earlier workers
had assumed. URSPRUNG designated (1916 and later) the force
which drives in water at any given stage of cell distention as the
"suction force", or "suction pressure" of the cell, pointing out that
the absorbing power of the cell, at any time, is equal to the osmotic
value of the cell sap, minus the osmotic value of the external solu-
tion, minus the wall pressure. In order to measure. the sllction
force of the cell, the concentration of the agent in which the volume
of the cell is unchanged must be determined. URSPRUNG measul'ed
the suction force of the cell by determining the difference between
the suction force of the cell sap and the wall pressure. Since the
wall pressure in a plasmolyzed cell is zero, the suction force of
the cell equals the suction force of its contents. In a cell at the
point where it has reached saturation with water, the suction
force of the cell content and the wall pressure are equal, hence
the suction pressure is zero. There is a suction force gradient
in the direction of the streaming water in the plant. The suction
force of the root hairs may be used as an indicator for determining
the relative resistance offered by soils to the influx of water into
the plant. By measurements made in the field, URSPRUNG estab-
lished (1926) the validity of his concept, finding that moisture of
the soil and relative humidity of the air affected the suction force
of the cells. The growth of cells thus paralleled the suction force;
this is logical when one considers that increase in volume depends
chiefly on the influx of water. The maximum growth of the cell
does not coincide with the maximum turgor pressure, but with
the minimum turgor or wall pressure and the maximum suction
pressure. .
The role of root pressure in sap flow was emphasized (1938)
by WHITE who revived the interest in vital forces. The special
technic which he devised utilized excised tomato roots growing in
liquid media. The results indicated that root pressure was not
overcome by opposing forces of 90 pounds per square inch. This
"pressure would be sufficient to raise water to a height of 200 feet.
WHITE did not discount the importance of physical forces such as
the transpirational pull, cohesion, and capillarity in the ascent of
sap, but pointed out that root pressure may be a factor of greater
importance than previously conceded.
Solute transport:- In addition to replacing the water lost by
transpiration and so preventing desiccation, the movement of water
in -plants is intimately concerned in the transport of solutes both
organic and inorganic.
The important phenomenon of translocation of solutes from
one part of the plant to another was not intensively studied
until the middle of the 19th century. When the earlier Aristotelian
assumptions that the physiological processes in plants resembled
Howard S. Reed -,184- A Short History
those of animals were forsaken there was nothing to take their
place until recent years. In spite of a more or less tacit assump-
tion that solutes ascend from the root upward in the xylem and
o descend in the phloem, a vast amount of work has been devoted
to a reexamination of the subject. Due to a peculiar scientific my-
opia certain writers on the question of solute movements ha \"e
failed to _comprehend that it is intimately concerned with water
movement. If substances are dissolved in the water. they move
afong, but first and last the stream is a water stream. \'ve must
not become so intent on the boats that we forget the river.
o Although the ringing experiments of MALPIGHI. HALEd, and
KNIGHT showed an obvious relation between the bark tissue and
the organic nutrition of the plant, real progress on the problem did
not start until the work of HARTIG ill 1837. His anatoTIlical
studies, coupled with ringing experiments and observations on
ph.loem eXUdation, enabled him to develop an idea of a conlplete
mechanism to explain the movement and storage of organic
ents in plants. He regarded the sieve tube as a perforate element
specially fit for the rapid conduction of solutes.
During the next 50 years there was an intensive study of phloem
anatomy which clari:fied the phenomenon of organic nutrition.
Although there was some disagreement concerning the question as
to whether carbohydrates. and organic nitrogenous compounds both
move in sieve tubes, or whether the simpler carbohydrates passed
through phloem parenchyma. the classical view of the sieve tube
as a simple perforate element persisted and the mechanics of move-
ment, though vaguely described, were not seriously questioned.
SAGHS correctly apprehended the nature of the phenomenon
of solute transfer and described the gradients which exist in a
metabolising IJlant. He concluded that transport was due to dif-
fusion from regions of higher to regions of lower concentration
aided by the turgescence and tension of the tissues concerned, but
clearly stated that there was a mass movement of substances
through the sieve tubes and lacticiferous vessels. caused by the
inequalities of pressure and by distortions and curvatures which
the wind produces. SACHS therefore considered that, although the
molecular diffusion of solutes might proceed without a correspond-
ing water flow, there was a movement of water and so1utes in the
mass flow. His statements leave no doubt that he thought that
sugars might pass the walls of parenchyma cells.
o PFEFFER advanced (1876) some concepts which tended to sup-
port the foregoing assumptions on solute movement. He concluded,
for example, that living protoplasts have the power of modifying
their permeability to allow dissolved non-diosmosing substances to
pass, and hinted that the plasmodesmata might afford a passage
of solutes from cell to cell. He considered that streaming move-
ments, which contributed to more rapid distribution of solute in
the cell, might aid in translocation, but did not regard them as of
general importance because he doubted whether streaming was a
normal process in uninJured cells. The inorganic substances ac-
quired by roots pass upward in the transpiration stream according
to PFEFFER but he was less positive about the translocation of prot-
teins, fats, and other metabolic products.
In the beginning of the 20th century,: ideas generally accepted
till then were questioned by new investigators who regarded many
Chapter XII -185- Water Economy
of them as inadequate. RUHLAND declared (1912) that the sIeve
tube is no more permeable to sugars than phloem parenchyma;
SCHMIDT regarded the sieve tube as a normal nucleate cell with
no recognizable specialization for conduction; BIRCH-HIRSCHFELD
abandoned (1919) the phloem as an adequate conductive tissue
and attributed organic transport to a reversal of the normal muvn-
ment of the transpiration stream; DIXON subscribed to the same
While the evidence for this belief was strong, convincing proof
w?-s not forthcoming. CURTIS criticised (1923) the prevalent views
on the subj ect and made experiments which he interpreted to mean
that the inorganic solutes may ascend the stem in the phlo-em.
Most of his work; however, was concerned with the export of carbo-
hydrates and other substances from the leaf, to the neglect of the
movement of soil solutes. CURTIS laid emphasis (1935) on results
of other workers which showed that water and salt absorption do
not always proceed pari passu, although movement after absorp-
tion is influenced and determined by transpiration. His own experi-
ments, however, did not demonstrate that soil solutes ascend the
stem in the phloem. .
MASON and his associates at the Cotton Research Station in
Trinidad who studied the transport of solutes were unable to con-
firm CURTIS' conclusions. MASKELL and MASON reported (1929)
that the major part of the mineral nitrogen absorbed by the roots- .
ascended in the transpiration stream to the leaves of cotton plants
whence, after being elaborated to amino-acids and other com-
pounds, it was exported through the sieve tubes to the roots as ,
organic nitrogen. Their conclusions were'based upon data showing
that the removal of a ring of bark from the stem did not appre-
ciably affect the movement of inorganic nitrogen into the leaf, and
that the total nitrogen of the leaf increased by day and diminished
by night. Their work clearly showed that the migration of nitro-
gen and carbohydrate compounds in the stem is not wholly depend-
ent on the flow of the water stream. The vertical gradients of
total sugars and of organic crystalloid nitrogen in the bark were
in opposite directions. The movement of carbohydrate was down
a gradient of total sugars, while the movement of nitrogen was
against a gradient of organic crystalloid nitrogen. They inferred
that transport occurred in the sieve tubes by a diffusion process,
accelerated in some unexplained way by energy released by respira-
tion, and reported that. the removal of a ring of bark from cotton -
plants was followed by a surplus amount of nitrogen in the stems
and leaves above the ring, whereas CURTIS had reported the oppo-
site effect. '
CURTIS had reported that ringing a .J;tem caused a reductictn
in transpiration, as a consequence of which the ringed branches
would receive diminished quantities both of water and soil solutes.
MASON, and his associate MASKELL, separated the whole foliar 1zyS-
tem of the plant from the root by the removal of a ring of bark
and observed (a) an immediate accumulation of salts in the supra-
ringed stem, (b) after a week a diminished translocation of solutes
as the result of carbohydrate starvation of the roots, (c) a dimin-
ished quantity of salts in the ringed .plants in comparison with
intact plants. CLEMENTS attacked (1930) the problem in a
different manner .. Starting experiments before new growth ap ..
Howard S. Reed -186- A Short History
peared in the spring, e he compared the nitrogen and ash content
of stems before and after girdling. The nitrogen content of girdled
branches had increased at the end of the season by as much as
220 times its original content, and, correspondingly, the ash con-
tent was 90 times the original. It thus appeared probable that
the solutes which ascended through the region of the decorticate<l
ring came from the soil and were carried in the transpiration.
Convincing evidence that the inorganic solutes rise in the xylem
has been recently obtained (1939) by HOAGLAND and STOUT by
the use of radio-active salts. They levered up strips of bark of
Salix and inserted strips of waxed paper between bark and wood
to prevent lateral movements. The bark was intact above and
below the zone of separation. After the salts had ascended to the
tips of the shoots, as shown by the Geiger counter, the lifted zone
of bark was removed and tested. The amounts of the salts found
in them were very small in comparison with the amounts in the
wood and made it apparent that the ascent did not occur in the
phloem elements.
CURTIS maintained that, while some of the solutes ascend in
the wood, t.ransport takes place also in the living cells of the
phloem. When he chiHed the petioles of bean leaves to a temper-
ature slightly above freeziug and enclosed them in an atmos-
phere of -nitrogen the translocation of carbohydrate was stopped
or at least greatly inhibited. From these and other experiments he
concluded that translocation was dependent on living .cells, and
that protoplasmic streaming accelerated the diffusion in the sieve
tube. Actual proof of protoplasmic streaming in sieve tubes is,
however, hard to find and MASON and PHYLLIS rejected (1937)
CURTIS' conclusion.
CRAFTS took up (1931) the histological aspects of the problem
where VON MOHL and HARTIG had left them. He found that the
pores in the sieve plate are not openings, but simply plasmodesmata
surrounded by cylinders of callose and showed that the sieve tubes
became permeable at maturity and demonstrated phloem exuda-
tion in a great variety of plants. Meanwhile MUNCH demonstrated
(1926) that the phenomenon of phloem exudation was a manifesta-
tion of the simultaneous transport of organic solutes and water
through the phloem. The idea of an unidirectional mass flow of
solutes in the sieve tube, originally proposed by HARTIG was re-
investigated by MUNCH and CRAFTS. The theory of MUNCH sought
to give (1926) a complete explanation of the mechanism of solute
n10vement in the phloem. It postUlated that an area of high turgor
pressure in the leaf and an area of low turgor pressure in the
stem exist and that the -pressure difference is sufficient to over-
come the resistance in the intervening regions. His theory obvi-
ated the necessity for assuming that the sieve tubes take any
active part in translocation, postulating that water moves along
with the solutes and that under certain conditions the water must
be liberated.
MUNCH postulated a flow of solution under the impetus of a
gradient of hydrostatic pressure ("pressure flow") in the sieve
tubes through intervacuolar pores in the end walls. His theory con-
troverted the evidence that transport is dependent upon the activi-
ties of living cells in the channels through which the solutes pass.
Chapter XU -187- Water Economy
MASON, MASKELL, and PHYLLIS criticised (1936) the MUNCH the-
ory for the assumption of a uni-directional movement of all solutes
under the total turgor gradient, whereas the proportions of differ-
ent nutrients vary considerably from organ to organ and may
also vary during the growth of organs.
SCHUMACHER made (1930) the . first experimental demonstra-
tion proving that the sieve tube is the actual channel of transport
of carbohydrate and nitrogen. He was able, by clever experimenta-
tion on Pelargonium leaves with a dilute solution of eosin, to close
the pores in the sieve plates with callus, while the protoplasmic
streaming in the phloem parenchyma was unchecked in the petioles.
Since the- flow of nitrogen and carbohydrate in such petioles was
checked, he concluded that the transport of both these materials
occurs in the sieve tubes. Although SCHUMACHER demonstrated
movement of fluorescein in young phloem the rates and
conditions of movement are not such that the same mechanism
could account for sugar movement. BENNETT and ESAU demon-
strated (1936) that the movement of the curly top virus of sugar
beet, after injection into the phloem by the beet leaf-hopper, shows
that this virus moves with sugars along gradients that may be
manipulated by altering conditions of sugar synthesis and utiliza-
tion. This concurrent movement at similar rates of virus and
sugars indicates a mass flow mechanism where diffusion plays
only a secondary role as it determines pressure gradients.
CRAFTS emphasized (1931-36) the idea that there is a simul-
taneous movem.ent of solute and solvent and maintained that any
theory which involved a diffusion of the solute independently of
the solvent was inadequate. He modified some of MUNCH's ideas
concerning the paths of the pressure-flow through the phloem by
postulating that it moves through both the lumen and walls of the
sieve tube; and concluded that the protoplasts of mature sieve tubes
become permeable and allow a ready filtration of solution from
element to element, as well as into and along the walls. From
calculations of the resistance offered by the sieve plate and the wall
he concluded that the resistance of the latter is small in comparison
with the former, consequently the turgor pressure differences would
be insufficient to force solutions through sieve plates whereas the
resistance of walls was small enough to permit the passage of the
entire pressure flow, or mass flow. The osmotic mechanism postu-
lated by MUNCH was operated by a turgor g-radient between the
source (e.g. the mesophyll) and the sink (e.g. non-green eells
utilizing assimilates). CRAFTS maintained (1938) that an osmotic
mechanism of that sort would not explain translocation from the
seed piece of a potato into the turgid growing shoot and postu-
.lated that cells in the sink region, by accumulating assimilates
against a gradient, maintain the pressure flow.
Further investigations will doubtless reveal the forces which
are concerned in the movement not only of water, but also of the
solutes through the phloem ..
The foregoing paragraphs have given a fragmentary account of
attempts to obtain reliable information abqut the conduits and the
forces involved in solute migration. It should be apparent that
the subj ect has received a vast amount of study since the time
of SACHS. Although no definite agreement has been reached, it
seems clear that the migration of solutes in the plant is dependent
Howard S. Reed -188- A Short His tory
upon some special organization of cytoplasm which for its mainte-
nance and existence, requires an expenditure of metabolic energy.
Transpiration:- STEPHEN HALES was clearly aware of the
effects of environmental factors on transpiration, as anyone may
see by reading the account of his experiments published in "Vege-
table Staticks" in 1727. In his writings, he spoke frequently of
the accelerating effect of the Uwarmth of the sun", and of the
diminished transpiration at night and on rainy days. But it was
many a long year before anyone else undertook to study the prob-
lem scientifically. The determinations of environmental influences
at first were largely qualitative, but eventually (in the opening
years of the twentieth century) an increased interest in biocli-
matic factors, leading to investigations on the important phenomena
connected with transpiration, manifested itself.
A precise measurement of the external conditions which affect
transpiration has been sought by physiologists and ecologists inter-
ested in relating plant activities to environmental conditions. The
importance of the plant-water relations began to receive attention
when 'ecology emerged from the descriptive and taxonomic phase
at the beginning of the twentieth century. The relation of exter-
nal conditions to transpiration received greater attention when
ecological studies of plants were extended from cool, humid to hot,
arid regions.
Atmosphe1"ic hU'f}l.,idity. Since the evaporating power of the
air is obviously related to the amount of moisture it contains, it
is easy to understand that some of the first studies on environ-
mental conditions were devoted to measuring the effects of the
evaporating power of the air, since this determines to a large
extent the rate of transpiration of plants. The ratio between T,
the transpiration rate, and E, the evaporating power of the air,
waS termed "relative transpiration" by LIVINGSTON, who in that
way attempted (1906) to measure the physiological behavior of
the plant. To determine the evaporating power of the air, he
exposed a porous-cup atnl0meter, consisting of a flask on which
was mounted a porous porcelain candle. The apparatus was filled
with distilled water and set up in the field. The loss of water was
deterInined gravimetrically or volumetrically. In spite of certain
limitations, the atmometer afforded an indication of the evapo-
rating power of the air and has become a useful addition to experi-
mental technique. LIVINGSTON has devoted much attention to the
perfection of the atmometer and the technique of its use. .
VAN TIEGHEM, observing that illumination accelerated trans-
piration, proposed (1886) the term uchlorovaporisation" to desig-
nate the evaporation of water by chloroplasts, since he believed
that part of the radiations they absorbed would vaporize water.
When it was understood later that the stomata opened in light and
that the temperature of the entire leaf is elevated by illumination,
the concept of chlorovaporisation was abandoned. FRANCIS DAR-
WIN reported (1914) that there was a constant relationship be-
tween the relative humidity of the atmosphere and thetranspira-
tion rate of H edera helix at a constant temperature. HENDERSo.N
obtained results (1926) which. in general, agree-" with DARWIN'S
observation and he was able to amplify DARWIN'S ideas of trans-
piration in an atmosphere of high humidity,
Chapter XII -189-
Water Economy
The water requirements of maize grown under different condi-
tions of air humidity showed significant differences (MONTGOMERY
and KIESSELBACH, 1912). Whether the water utilized was com-
puted on the basis of dry weight produced or of leaf area, a greater
amount was transpired in the drier condition. Although it is
very desirable that the effect of the environment should be stated
quantitatively if possible, no great success has yet been obtained.
KIESSELBACH concluded (1916) on the basis of his findings, that
no definite water requirement exists for a given species of plant,
since, due to natural climatic differences, the requirements varied,
from year to year and in soils of varying fertility. The problem
is complicated by the movement of the stomata which to a very
marked degree regulates the amouht of water passing through
their orifices. The age of the leaf and the concentration of the
cell sap have also been shown to modify the rate at which water
is lost from the leaves. Experiments carried out by THUT (1938-
39) confirm and extend the work of DAR,WIN on the relation between
water loss and air humidity. THUT found that the water loss from
leaves was an inverse linear function of the relative humidity. In
a region of high relative humidity, however, water was absorbed
by the leaves and not lost. The zero point of the water lost from
the leaves to the humidity bottles was interpreted as the relative
humidity of the stomatal openings and the intercellular spaces.
HESSELMAN studied (1904) the plants of the Swedish mead-
ows and determined the effects of shaded and sunny localities on
the transpiration rate, for which he employed the loss of weight.
of potted plants and the recession of water in 'Potometers. He
found that leaves with a strong development of palisade cells,
when exposed to the sun, transpired far more than those with a
weakly developed leaf structure.
A comprehensive study the relation of evaporation and
humidity to the distribution of vegetation in a marsh was made
in 1909 .by YAPP in Wicken Fen in Cambridgeshire, England.
YAPP's work showed how extremely complex the problem really
was, and paved the way for later work which broke up the prob-
lem into its component parts. By means of evaporimeters, he deter..,
mined the evaporation at different levels in the field, finding
immenE?e. variation in the average evaporation at three. different
levels. The air in the vegetation layer was very much more humId
than that outside it. The higher and denser the vegetation, .the
greater the differences in atmospheric humidity between the upper
and lower strata. The temperature measurements showed that
the highest layers of vegetation possess a greater diuTI1al range of
temperature than either the free air above
or the lower layers
of vegetation. YAPP found that the transpiring organs which
occupy the lower strata of the vegetation were not only in more
humid air, but, in general, were under considerably more uniform
conditions than those which reached "the general vegetation level".
Stomatal movement. The relation of stomata to transpiration
was comprehended by many of the earlier physiologists, but their
conceptions were often erroneous because of certain tendencies to
over-simplification of the phenomenon. DE CANDOLLE stated (1832)
that the escape of water vapor from plants was related to the
number of stomata they contain and was clear in his statement
Howard S. Reed -190- A Short History
that light accelerates transpiration. The first painstaking investi-
gation of the phenomenon of stomatal movement was made by
VON MOHL (1856) in which he corrected the earlier misconcep-
tions of the factors involved in opening and closing- of guard cells.
VON MOHL elucidated the whole subject by his discussion of the
role of light and heat, as well as humidity, in determining the size
of stomatal apertures. He showed that changes in shape of the
stomata result from changes in the turgidity of the guard cells,
but recognized that the movement is not independent of the turgor
changes in other epidermal cells. SORAUER observed (1873) an
inverse ratio between density of stomata 011 barley leaves and the
water content of the soil in which they grew, however, the greater
density on leaves in drier soil was chiefly due to the reduction in
size of the epidermal cells of the leaves. It was not until 1878
that VON HOHNEL demonstrated cuticular transpiration as well as
stomatal transpiration, showing that the amount of transpiration
depended upon the thickness of the cuticularized layer. The thick
cuticle and the occurrence of wax were also studied by KOHL and
others who followed VON HOHNEL. LEITGEB considered (1886)
that the turgor of the other epidermal cells is practically the only
factor which determines the opening and closing of the guard cells.
His mistakes arose from'the observation that the guard cells close
in the night and open in the day.
Enthusiasm for the importance of stomatal movements in
regulating transpil'ation led some workers astray, and others to
make certain teleological assumptions. SCHWENDENER attempted
(1883) to arrive at a more nearly correct idea of the phenomenon,
pointing out that stomata are concerned also with the entrance of
as wen as the escape of water vapor from the leaf. FRANCIS
DARWIN'S work in 1898 on the phenomenon of stomatal movement
gave a new appraisal of the factors concerned. Recognizing the
importance of the turgor of the guard cells, he pointed out that
changes in turgor are produced, not only by water, but also by
alterations of a vital nature in the permeability of the protoplasm
of the cells. He forecasted the direction of subsequent studies by
suggesting that the turgor of guard cells may be regulated indi-
rectly like other phenomena of irritability.
BROWN and ESCOMBE's discovery of the rapid diffusion of gases
through small apertures gave (1900) a new view of the questions
of transpiration and of assimilation. They arrived at some para-
doxical conclusions and caused other workers to re-examine the
problem. They showed, e.g., that the open stomata of a sunflower
leaf afforded passage for three to six tilnes as much water vapor
as anyone had ever observed previously. They found that the
rates of diffusion through small apertures were proportional, not
to the areas of the openings, but to the diameter. BROWN and
ESCOMBE showed experimentally that no interference occurs in the
rate of diffusion, provided the distance between the apertures is
somewhat less than ten times their diameters. Under certain con-
ditions the. rate of diffusion may be practically as great as if no
perforated membrane were present. This meant that the trans-
piration from the surface of a leaf bearing stomata was compar-
able to the amount of evaporation from a free water surface.
The increasing importance of quantitative measurements of
stomatal openings impelled workers to invent new methods to 1'e-
Chapter XII -191- Water Economy
place the awkward methods initially employed. DARWIN and PERTZ
devised (1911) a piece of apparatus. called a porometer, which
could be attached to an intact leaf on the plant, without wounding
it. The passage of air through stomata was indicated by the drop
of a water column in the apparatus. The parometer gave more
or less quantitative results and showed some conditions thereto-
fore unappreciated by physiologists. LLOYD employed a method of
direct measurement of stomatal apertures by which he stripped
the epidermis and fixed it immediately in absolute alcohol. He
ascertained (1909) that the regulation of stomatal apertures was
not as simple -as orig'inally supposed since the stomata of some
plants open ill the morning but soon close again. MAXIMOV and
others who have also worked with desert plants have confirmed
and established the fact that the stomata of many plants under
arid conditions remain open for a few hours in the morning, close
before noon, and may remain closed the rest of the day and fol-
lowing night. MOLISCH devised (1912) a method of injecting sto-
mata with liquids which permits direct observation of the stomatal
conditions. He employed a liquid which is capable of wetting the
cuticle of the leaf, e.g., absolute alcohol, or xylol, and which
penetrates and injects the intercellular spaces. The liquid will not
penetrate, however, if the stomata are closed. He concluded that
the stomata were widely open if alcohol penetrated, partially open
if benzol enters but alcohol does not, nearly closed if xylol alone
would inject the and completely closed if none of the liquids
inj ected the leaf.
By means of these and other methods daily variations jn sto-
matal conditions have been extensively investigated. LOFT FIELD
extended (1921) the investigations on stomatal behavior in plants
under arid conditions, demonstrating the effects of climatic and
soil conditions and showing how various factors interact upon the
leaf and its stomata.
TThe importance of internal factors on transpiration has
recently been brought to light by the discoveries of KNIGHT. Not-
ing that the transpiration rate was not always related to stomatal
apertures, KNIGHT discovered (1916, 1917, 1922) that the water
content of the mesophyll cells was an important factor. When
the latter are turgid, the substomatal cavities are charged with
water vapor, and transpiration will be rapid if the evaporating
power of the outside air simultaneously removes the vapor from the
surface of the leaf. He discovered also that the increase in trans-
piration which occurs in incipient wilting is accompanied by an
increase in stomatal apertures, but that the subsequent decrease in
transpiration is reached at a time when the stomatal apertures are
still increasing, due to a decrease in the water content of the meso-
phyll cells. The cells of shade-plants lose their turgor when the
water content has decreased very slightly; the cells of sun-plants,
on the contrary, were found (1925) by Mme. KRASNOSELSKY-
MAXIMOV to lose their turgor more slowly in the change from
incipient to permanent wilting.
SCARTH demonstrated (1926 and 1927) that the H-ion concen-
tration of the sap of the guard cells has an important influence
upon stomatal movement. He found that the stomata of Z ebrina
pendula remained closed in an intermediate_ pH range (5.5-7.0),
but opened in increasing concentrations of acid or alkali. Gener-
Howard S. Reed A Short History
ally, the sap of guard cells was on the alkaline side when the sto-
mata were open. He also observed that starch made its appear-
ance in the H-ion range of closed stomata and disappeared when
they were open, and that the changes were reversible.
Water balance. The earlier writers .on physiology appear to
have had no adequate conception of the water balance in plants
and of its biological significance. Most of them devoted attention
to a single aspect of the problem, neglecting to seb that the water
in a plant at a given moment is the difference between the intake
and outgo under varying conditions. Gradually a concept of a
daily water deficit was formulated, owing largely to the work per-
formed in Arizona and in southern Russia. LIVINGSTON, ILJIN,
MAXIMOV, and others have demonstrated important relations and
have attempted to state them as precisely as possible, though it
is often difficult to estimate the exact effect of the climatic arid
biological factors involved.
Observations made in various ways and on various plants sub-
sequently established the existence of a diurnal water deficit.
THODAY found (1909) that the area of the, leaf during the middle
of the day was appreciably reduced as a result of the losses of
water to the air and that during the night it regained the loss due
to shrinkage. The water deficits in the plant which occur under
arid conditions were demonstrated (1912) by LIVINGSTON and
BROWN and by Mme. KRASNOSELSKy-MAXIMOV (1917) each of
whom made determinations of the actual water-content of plants.
These workers showed that the deficits (depending upon the spe-
cies) were large during the middle of the day, ne:vertheless, the
deficits disappeared during the following night. Pendrographic
records of the changes in volume of tree trunks and cacti obtained
(1936) by MACDOUGAL showed that daily water deficits occur in
massive plants whether in arid or humid habitats.
BRIGGS and SHANTZ made observations (1912) on pot cultures
which showed that as the soil water was gradually exhausted, a time
came when the rate of entrance of water into the lower part of the
plant was surpassed by the rate of water lost. This is the condi-
tion of incipient drying. When the :.water content of the soil falls
to a point where the plant roots are no longer able to obtain water
from the soil particles, the plant becomes permanently wilted.
BRIGGS and SHANTZ designated the water content of a soil at per-
manent wilting as the wilting coefficient of that particular soil.
CALDWELL investigated (1913) the phenomenon of permanent wilt-
ing of plants and found that their water deficits were greatly in
excess of those existing at the point of incipient wilting.
KOLKUNOV began investigations on drought resistance in 1905,
attempting to trace a connection between the anatomical and
physiological characters of cereals and emphasizing the relations
between drought resistance and size of the cells. His conclusions
were eventually severely criticized by other workers. The exten-
\ sive results of work by BRIGGS and SHANTZ did not"'establish any
evident relationships between the efficiency of transpiration and
drought resistance though other important facts concerning water
economy were discovered. Eventually they designated four classes
of drought resisting plants, viz. : drought-escaping, drought-
evading, drought-enduring, and drought-resisting. MAXIMOV con-
sidered (1916) that drought resistance of xerophytes would depend
Chapter XII -193-
Water Economy
upon their capacity to endure more prolonged and sever'e wilting
than mesophytic plants. He emphasized the importance of this
endurance phenomenon rather than the reduction of transpiration
in xerophytism. He stated (1923) that xerophytic plants may
lose half their water content without experiencing injury and that
mesophytic plants
although losing comparatively little water,
experience a reduction in dry weight constituents and ultimate
abscission of the leaves.
Investigations of the physico-chemical properties of the sap of
plants have endeavored to relate their osmotic pressure to drought
resistance. DRABBLE and DRABBLE concluded (1907) that osmotic
pressure varied directly with the physiological scarcity of water.
FITTING, who studied (1911) the osmotic relations of plants, of the
Sahara, found that many plants devoid of water-storage tissues
develop osmotic pressures in the cell sap ranging from 7 to 100
atm. WALTER investigated (1926-29) the maximum concentration
of cell sap which plants can endure without permanent wilting. He
determined in numerous xerophytes the osmotic concentrations of
sap when the plants were in active growth, calling it the optimal
osmotic concentration. He also determined the osmotic
plants living under conditions of marked water deficit, calling these
the maximal osmotic values. Upon the basis of these determina-
tions WALTER proposed a critique of xerophytism. The differences
between the optimal and maximal osmotic values in shade and meso-
phytic plants were small, but in plants of sunny, arid habitats
(xerophytes) these differences were generally large. As a physio-.
logical approach to ecological and distributional problems WALTER'S
critique was very suggestive. ,
Noting the numerous examples in which there was no apparent
relationship between cell sap concentration and drought resist-
ance NEWTON and MARTIN examined (1930) the colloidal proper-
ties of expressed sap and concluded that they are important factors.
Hydrophilic colloids bind water and increase the concentration of
aqueous solutions. This "bound water" was stated to be a more
reliable index of drought resistance than the osmotic pressure of
the expressed sap. Osmotic pressure may be of more direct impor-
tance in absorption, but NEWTON and MARTIN estimated that imbi-
bition pressure was more important in the retention of water by a
plant under drought conditions.
The relations between the of water transpired during
the grand period of growth and the amounts of plant material pro-
duced claimed the attention first of agronomists and later of physi-
ologists. SCHRODER corrected (1895) certain misapprehensions
growing out of the work of the earlier investigations and showed
that there was considerable difference in the water requirements
of various cereals. He concluded that some correlation existed, not
only between the water requirement and the intensity of transpira-
tion, but also between water requirement and drought resistance.
BRIGGS and SHANTZ (1914, 1917) and SHANTZ and PIEMEISEL
(1927) made extensive determinations of the water requirements
of plants growing in the semi-arid regions of the United States in
attempts to estimate the suitability of, various agronomic plants
for cultivation in a dry region., ,Although valuable information
about the water economy of plants was obtained, the results were
Howard S. Reed -194- A Short
not entirely conclusive, since other factors come into play in deter-
mining the relation of transpiration to dry weight of the plant. -
MAXIMOV introduced (1917) the term "Efficiency of transpira-
tion" to express the dry weight: transpired water ratio. He
defil1ed it as the amount of dry material accumulated per kg. of
water transpired. The efficiency of transpiration of certain agro-
nomic and steppe plants was studied at Titlis by MAXIMOV and
ALEXANDROV, giving them a basis for determining the degree of
xerophytism. They found that plants which transpire most in-
tensely use water less efficiently, i.e., have a low efficiency of trans-
piration. Some of the plants showing a low efficiency are
paradoxically semi-desert xerophytes. Annuals exhibiting conspic-
uous drought resistance, e.g'
corn and millet, had significantly high
efficiency values. Other species exhibited intermediate values.
MAXIMOV admitted that the values showed considerable variability
and discussed at some length the effects of environmental factors
upon the efficiency of transpiration.
Significance. There appears to be no unanimity of opinion con-
o cerning the biological significance of transpiration for the plant,
notwithstanding the vast amount of study which separate aspects
of transpiration have received. REINITZER raised (1881) the ques-
tion whether transpiration is harmful, beneficial, or inconsequential
for the plant. Having noted that plants of moist forests were more
luxuriant than those of arid regions, he conducted experiments
under bell jars through which he caused moist or dry air to flow.
He concluded from his experiments and observations that trans-
piration is a necessary evil for the plant. VOLKENS considered
(1887) it unlikely that transpiration is necessary for the exist-
ence of the world of higher plants, since submerged aquatics, no
less than terrestrial plants growing in a continuously saturated
atmosphere, can grow well. He arrived at no definite conclusion
about the necessity of transpiration. HABERLANDT believed (1892)
that the transpiration stream was an important vehicle for the
movement of nutrient salts in the case of herbaceous plants, but
that other forces should be invoked to explain the transport of
nutrients in large woody plants since they ascend to the crown
of large trees in the moist tropical forests.
PFEFFER summarized (1897) his view in a few conservatively
phrased sentences:
"Thus the rapid distribution of dissolved substances is in a large measure
due to the transpiration current, and it is probable that trees and even herbs
would be unable to obtain the required ash constituents in sufficient amount
from the dilute solutions present in the soil by the slow process of diffusion.
Transpiration probably aids gaseous exchange, and may also serve to prevent
plants exposed to the sun from being overheated. It is moreover not impos-
sible that transpiration and the processes connected with it exert influences
upon growth and development which may be of the highest importance. How
far this is true is doubtful as yet, but, on these grounds alone, it is possible
that many plants may be quite una)Jle to live and develop when transpiration
is prevented". ( EWART'S tl'anslation Vol. 1, pp. 234-5).
CURTIS gave (1926) a critical discussion of the conclusions
drawn by various writers on the in which he pointed out
their conflicting ideas. He found little evidence that transpiration
was of undoubted benefit to the plant through its effect on the
intake of water or solutes, since the absorption of nutrients is not
Chapter XII -195- Water Economy
dependent upon water absorption. Since plants best adapted to
hot regions are those which tend to reduce rather than favor
transpira tion, he decided that the alleged benefits from cooling
have greatly exaggerated. In general, he considered that
transpiration rarely, if ever, has any appreciable beneficial influ-
ence. In opposition to the DIXON theory, CURTIS concluded that
when the water supply is adequate and transpiration is not ex-
cessive, it probably has little influence on the life processes, on the
contrary it may be detrimental if the amount of water in the soil
is deficient or transpiration is excessive.
BOWER's contributions to the phylogeny of plants and their
adaptive development have been mentioned in chapter X. It is
sufficient for the moment to recall his ideas on the necessity for
the development of surfaces exposed to the atmosphere and his
statements on the importance of intercommunication between the
members of the plant.
CLEMENTS summarized (1934) views on the utility of the trans-
piration process emphasizing the beneficial effects of transpiration
through temperature stabilization of the plant; through the accel-
eration of the movement of inorganic solutes from root to leaf;
through increasing the rate of photosynthesis; and through the
stabilization of the internal nutrition of the plant.
Resume:- The emergence of a science of plant physiology has
been indicated in an earlier chapter in which the approach was
made by HALES, INGENHOUSZ, SENEBIER, and others. The science of
life phenomena had been singularly sterile for many centuries and
the spirit of scholasticism tended to perpetuate the condition, for
although that spirit was dying, it was not dead.
It was not so much the cynicism of the 18th as the spirit of
honest inquiry in the 19th century that fostered the development
of plant physiology. The haughty attitude of some self-crowned
imperators of science which had formerly barred progress could
not permanently check the spirit of research. Aided by new
discoveries in science and liberated from inhibitions against experi-
mental work, men began to make significant, discoveries about
functions of plants. As a result of the work of the last century
the problems of the water economy of the plant and the transport
of solutes enjoy a position of scientific stability.
BARTON-WRIGHT, E. C. (1933): Recent advances in plant physiology. Church-
ill, London.
BENNETT, C. W. (1937): Correlation between movement of the curly top
virus and translocation of food in tobacco and sugar beet. J"our. Agr.
Res. 54 :479-502.
BRIGGS, L. J. and SHANTZ, H. L. (1912): The wilting coefficient and its indi-
rect determination. Bot. Gaz. 53 :20-37.
BURGERSTEIN, A. (1904): Die Transpiration der Pflanzen. Fischer, Jena.
CRAFTS, A. S. (1931): Movement of organic materials in plants. Plant
Physiol. 6 ;1-41.
---- (1938); Translocation in plants. Ibid. 13 :791-814.
CURTIS, O. F. (1926): What is the significance of transpiration? Science
63 :267-271.
---- (1935): The translocation of solutes in plants. McGraw-Hill, New
Howard S. Reed -196- A Short History
DIXON, H. H. (1914): Transpiration and the ascent of sap in plants. Mac-
millan, London.
GREEN, J. R. (1909): A history of botany, 1860-1900. Clarendon Press,
HARTIG, TH. (1858): tiber die Bewegung des Saftes in den Holzpfianzen.
Bot. Zeit. 16 :329-335, 337-42.
HUBER, BRUNO (1924): Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Wasserbewegung in der
Pfianze. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesell. 42 :27-32.
KNIGHT, T. A. (1801): Account of some experiments on the ascent of sap in
trees. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London 1801 :333-353.
LIVINGSTON, B. E. (1906): The relation of desert plants to soil moisture
and to evaporation. Carnegie Institution, Washington.
MACDOUGAL, D. T. (1929): Hydrostatic systems in trees. Carnegie Insti-
tution, Washington.
MASON, T. G. and MASKELL, E. J. (1928): Studies on the transport of
carbohydrates in the cotton plant, I. A study of the diurnal variation in
the carbohydra tea of leaf, bark, and wood, and of the effects of ringing.
Ann. Bot. 42 :189-253.
-- -- (1928): II. The factors determining the rate and the direction
of movement of sugars. Ibid. 42 :571-636.
MAXIMOV, N. (1929): The plant in relation to water. Macmillan, New
York. (transl. by R. H. Y APP) .
MorfL, H. VON (1851): Grundziige del' Anatomie und Physiologie der vege-
tabilischen Zelle. Vieweg, Braunschweig. (transl. by HEN:FREY, 1852.
London) .
MUNCH, E. (1926): VOl'trag tiber Dynamik del' Saftstromung. Ber. Deutsch.
Bot. Gesell. 44: 68-71.
SACHS, J. VON (1882): Textbook of botany. 2nd Ed., Clarendon Press,
Oxford. (transl. by S. H. VINES).
STRASBURGER, E. (1891) : 'tiber den Bau und Verdchtungen der Leitungsbahnen
in den Pflanzen. Fischer, Jena.
Chapter XIII.
The ability of plants to synthesize the greater part of their
substance from gaseous constituents of the environment was still
imperfectly understood at the beginning of the 19th century.
DE SAUSSURE it is true, shown that atmospheric CO
is util-
ized by the green plant as a source of organic compounds, but
after his work the doctrine of synthesis by plants was destined to
have a long period of dormancy. This lack of appreciation of
carbon assimilation prevailed with respect, not only to the work
BIER. It was SACHS who first formulated (1882) a correct concept
of the place of the living green plant in nature, and proclaimed
that the formation of carbohydrates is the starting point for the
production of all other organic compounds of "the plant.
Since the time of ARISTOTLE there had been Borne notion, often
vaguely expressed, of the effectiveness of the sun's rays to synthe-
size the substance of plants. DANTE wrote (Purgatorio XXV, VV.
77-78) "And that thou mayst marvel less at roy words, look at the
sun's heat, that is made wine when combined with the juice which
flows from the vine
(CARLYLE-WICKSTEED transl., Modern Read-
er's Libr., New York, 1932). . . .
The apparatus:- Although MALPIGHI, GREW and others had made
some tentative statements about the omnipresent green pigment of
plants, it remained for PELLETIER and CAVENTOU to giveritb.4e'
name "chlorophyll" in 1818. It goes without saying that,}'
workers were unaware that the crude extracts which they pre-
pared also contained pigments which are not green, but the name
chlorophyll has been retained for the green pigment of plants
which functions in photosynthetic assimilation of carbon.
The first chemists who studied chlorophyll made the unfor-
tunate assumption that it is a comparatively stable chemical com-
pound and, since they employed strong alkali or acid as a means of
extraction,. they were dealing with decomposition products of
chlorophyll rather than with the substance itself.
STOKES advanced ( 1852) the knowledge of the optical prop-
erties of chlorophyll, later demonstrating (1864) that the chloro-
phyll of land plants is a mixture of four substances, two of which
are green and two yellow, each possessing highly distinctive optical
properties. He reported that the green substances yield solutions
showing red fluorescence; the yellow substances do not. BERZE-:.
LIUS postulated that biliverdin, the green substance f,'!Itl
bile. was identical with chlorophyll, but it was
in 1864. '" ....
The erstwhile chaotic nature of the subject began to assume
orderliness when FREMY demonstrated (1860) that by shaking an
alcoholic extract of leaves with ether and HCl he could separate
Howard S. Reed -198- A Short History
a blue-green and a yellow pigment. It was not certain, however,
whether the two fractions existed in the original extract or
whether they were formed by the action of the acid; as a matter
of fact nearly all the substances described by FmilMY were products
of decomposition, formed by the action either of acids or of alkalies
on chlorophyll. EventuallY it was found that one could extract a
green and a yellow pigment from chlorophyll by the use of neu-
tral solvents. KRAus considered (1872) that the first was true
chlorophyll and designated the second, which was distinctly differ-
ent, as xanthophyll. Discussions of the chemistry of chlorophyll
were rife for many years. Uncertainty prevailed the
chlorophyll of all plants was identical.
DIPPEL found (1878) by the use of a spectroscope that KRAUS'
green pigment contained a yellow pigment different from xantho-
phyll. BORODIN succeeded (1883) in isolating the crystals belong-
ing to two groups of yellow pigments, one characterized by great
solubility in alcohol and slight solubility in benzene, the other by
a high solubility in benzene and slight solubility in alcohol. Other
workers, using various methods, obtained discordant results. Caro-
tin, one of the components of the yellow pigments isolated by
FREMY and others, was discovered in the root of the carrot by
WACKENRODER in 1827, and by BLEY in apricot fruits in 1835.
STOKES' statement that there are two yellow pigments in leaves
(1864) showed that he found a yellow lipoid though he said nothing
about its relation to carotin. The researches of ARNAUD indi-
cated (1885-7) that the crystalline yellow material which he found
associated with chlorophyll was probably identical with carotin
from carrot roots. .
The confused state of knowledge prevailed, however, until the
early years of the 20th century when TSWETT demonstrated (1906)
that the different pigments in a leaf extract could be readily and
distinctly separated by the use of inert agents. TSWETT filtered
either a benzol, petroleum ether; or carbon disulfide extract (free
from water) through finely divided solids in a glass tube. The
pigments, owing to their differential adsorption by the adsorbent,
were stratified in a very striking manner in the column and could
be subsequently separated from one another by a knife. He thus
separated two chlorophy 11 components which he called a-chloro-
phyllin and (3-chlorophyllin, and five yellow pigments, designated
carotinoids, and named, in ascending order of their adsorption;
carotin (not adsorbed), xanthophyll a, xanthophyll a', xantho-
phyll an and xanthophyll f3.
WILLSTATTER and associates finally put the chemistry of chloro-
phyll on a truly scientific basis and elucidated many difficult
lems which had baffled their predecessors. His methods enabled
him to obtain chlorophyll extracts unmixed with other substances
which would have vitiated the results. WILLS TATTER's first paper
was published jointly with MIEG in 1906 and was entitled "uber
eine Methode der Trennung und Bestimmung von Chlorophyll-
derivaten." By his successful methods of extraction he was able
to get material suitable for exact chemical study from various spe-
cies of various families of plants, and from plants growing under
different environmental conditions.
Limitations imposed by the nature of this volume forbid an
extended discussion of the complicated chemistry of chlorophyll
Chapter XIII -199- Fixation of Carbon
and its derivatives. Briefly stated, WILLSTATTER'S researches
showed that the chloroplasts contain four pigments, two green and
two yellow.
These are:
1. Chlorophyll a, Co.H"O.N.Mg + H.O, blue black in the solid state,
blue green in solution.
2, ChlorophYll b, green black in the solid state, pure green
in solution.
3. Carotin, c'IOHM' forming orange yellow crystals.
4. Xanthophyll, :forming yellow crystals.
These are sUbstantially the same as those described by TSWETT,
except that "\VILLSTATTER could not distinguish the four forms of
xanthophyll. In fresh leaves the four pigments were found in
approximately the following quantities, expressed as parts per
thousand: chlorophyll a, 2; chlorophyll b, 3/4; carotin, 1/6; xantho-
phyll 1/3. Although it is known that chlorophyll is the pigment
directly involved in photosynthesis, the role of the various com-
ponents and of the carotenoids is, as yet, unexplained. TSWETT
proposed (1906) that the yellow pigments should be designated
carotenoids. Owing to difficulties in separating them in their pure
state, many investigators were skeptical about the existence of
several yellow pigments. All doubt upon the subject was removed
when WILLSTATTER and MIEG isolated (1907) and crystallized caro-
tin and xanthophyll. They found that these substances may be
quantitatively separated by their differential solubility in petro-
leum ether and 90% methyl alcohol. Carotin is soluble in the first,
and xanthophyll in the second solvent.
A number of the earlier' writers ventured the opinion that
chlorophyll might be formed directly from one or the other of these
yellow pigments but the idea has not been confirmed. Carotin is
a hydrocarbon, whereas chlorophyll (L and b are complex sub-
stances containing pyrrol rings. Relations between the amounts
of chlorophyll and of carotin have been reported (1929) by EULER,
by SJOBERG in 1931, and by MACKINNEY in 1935. The ratio of
chlorophyll to carotin was more constant than to xanthophyll.
Chlorophyll and carotenoids in barley seedlings, in general, fluc-
tuated together, though the carotin/xanthophyll ratio was lower
in chlorotic leaves.
The brown algae were studied in 1865 by COHN who beHeved
that they contain a brown pigment called phaeophyll presumably
related to chlorophyll. TSWETT later alleged (1905, 1911) that
the brown algae contain chlorophyll like other plants but that it is
masked by yellow pigments. The change in color from brown to
green when a thallus is immersed in boiling water was supposed
to be due to the release of the brown masking pigment, or to the
alteration of the yellow pigment. TSWETT also alleged that the
brown algae contained a third chlorophyll which he designated
chlorophyll 'Y' WILLSTATTER and PAGE clarified the problem when
they showed that the brown algae contain, in addition to the pig-
ments common to green plants, another carotenoid with the compo-
sition to which the name fucoxanthin has been given.
Many other carotenoid pigments have been isolated from plants
in recent years and the number will undoubtedly increase.
The relation of wave length of light to carbon fixation has been
frequently investigated since DAUBENY made his experiments in
Howard S. Reed -200- A Short History
1836. SACHS' experiments with solutions of potassium bichromate
and ammoniacal copper oxide in double walled bell-jars demon-
strated (1864) that the decomposition of CO
proceeded almost as
energetically in the reddish-yellow as in full sunlight, and that
very little decomposition occurred in the blue. TIMIRIAZEFF studied
(1875) the decomposition of CO
in leaves placed in different parts
of the spectrum; and ENGELMANN devised (1881) the well-known
bacterial method which shows the liberation of O
from alga fila-
ments. There was general agreement that the greatest activity
occurs in the region of the Band C lines in the spectrum, however,
when other pigments than chlorophyll are present (as in the red
or brown algae) the maximum fixation of carbon may fall in an-
other part of the spectrum.
BREWSTER'S observations made in 1834 on the spectrum of
chlorophyll \ remained isolated until about 1872 when TIMIRIAZEFF,
PFEFFER, MULLER, and LOMMEL independently undertook some
investigations on the relation between the absorption spectrum
and the efficiency of photosynthesis. No little confusion prevailed
among the conclusions of the above mentioned investigators and
SACHS was contemptuous of the entire subject. Their results
seemed either to explain too much or too little. They started
from HERSCHEL'S assumption that a photo-chemical reaction may
be produced only by those rays that are absorbed by the substance
undergoing a change. One of the difficulties in applying HER-
SCHEL'S law was .pointed out by TIMIRIAZEFF, viz., that light was
absorbed by chlorophyll and not by carbon dioxide, yet it is, the
latter which undergoes chemical change. ,He suggested, therefore,
that chlorophyll acts as a sensitizer which absorbs the rays and
'enables them to institute chemical changes in the carbon dioxide.
LOMMEL advanced (1871) the idea that the rays in the part of
the spectrum between the Band C lines in the red which are most
completely absorbed by chlorophyll are the most efficient in photo-
synthesis. The results, obtained by TIMIRIAZEFF and by REINKE
supported this idea. ENGELMANN, who employed a method utiliz-
ing motile bacteria as indicators of oxygen liberation from an algal
filament, found (1882, 1884) a secondary maximum of photosyn-
thetic activity in the blue violet part of the spectrum as well as in
the primary maximum in the red.
PFEFFER, ignoring the fluorescence of chloroplasts, pointed out
that it is of the utmost importance that light which has already
passed through a chloroplast should still be able to be used in
assimilation, for it is impossible in an ordinary leaf for all the
chloroplasts to be exposed to direct, illumination. PFEFFER and
others believed that the photosynthetic activity of the leaf depended
to a great extent upon the intensity of the illumination. The diffi-
culties of interpretation are indicated by the results of SEYBOLD
published in 1932 and 1933 showing the differences in the spectra
of a green leaf and the chlorophyll extracted from it.
The phenomenon of tluorescence which has been frequently in-
vestigated is most l'eadily and plainly seen in chlorophyll solutions.
The fluorescence of chlorophyll and the absorption spectrum of a
chlorophyll solution were discovered in 1834 by BREWSTER, although
the descriptions by NEHEMIAH GREW imply that he saw fluoresc-
ence in extracts of leaves which he obtained by means of oil.
Physiologists have assumed rather tacitly that there is significance
Chapter XIII -201- Fixation of Carbon
attached to the fact that chlorophylls are fluorescent substances,
especially in regard to the transference of energy. TSWETT indi-
cated (1901, 1911) that in light chlorophyll undergoes a change,
resulting in the formation of an isomer of higher energy content.
Subsequently the isomer changes back to the original form with
evolution of the absorbed energy as phosphorescent light which is
absorbed by the carbon dioxide.
ZSCHEILE concluded (1935) that the fluorescent properties of
chlorophyll are intimately associated with the absorption of radiant
energy and its conversion into chemical energy as one part of
photosynthesis. While it is thought by recent investigators that
the property of fluorescence is intimately connected_ with photo-
synthesis, there are many who regard the evidence as unconvincing,
since living chloroplasts show fluorescence so faintly and colloidal
solutions of chlorophyll show none.
The eminent chemist, HOPPE-SEYLER, started a series of investi-
gations upon chlorophyll in 1879 which, he believed, supported the
idea of a relationship between chlorophyll and hemin. He employed
boiling alcohol for a solvent, wisely avoiding the use of acids or
alkalies, the materials he thus extracted from fresh grass were
separated and purified, yielding a crystallizable substance which
he designated chlorophyllan. His misfortune lay in the fact that
it was not chlorophyll. The pigments had been changed by the
action of liberated plant acids and by the boiling alcohol and
contained an appreciable amount of phosphorus. HOPPE-SEYLER
concluded that chlorophyll belonged to the lecithins. In spite of
these errors did some valuable work on the
istry of chlorophyll and stimulated others to undertake studies of
the problem.
VERDElL suggested (1858) that there is a similarity between
chlorophyll and blood pigments. Originally it was supposed that
the chlorophyll molecule contained iron.
In the latter part of the 19th and early part of the 20th cen-
turies there were other attempts to establish a homology between
chlorophyll, the greep pigment of plants, and hemin, the red pig-
ment of blood. MARCHLEWSKI was greatly interested (1909) in
this similarity, but WILLSTATTER and others have failed to establish.
any constitutional relationship between the two. When the pure
chlorophyll was analyzed it was found to contain, not iron, but mag-
nesium. Hemin contains iron. In chlorophyll there is ester forma-
tion with phytol, in hemin a combination with globulin. These
suggestions of chemical relationships between hemin and chloro-
phyll were based largely upon the similarity in constitution of
compounds derived from the two substances. Chlorophyll and
hemin were traced back to the same etioporphyrin, C
Hs6N 4, which
may be regarded as a parent substance, and it is probably to it
that chlorophyll owes its characteristic properties. The best dis-
sertation on the relation of chlorophyll to hemin is undoubtedly
that of MARCHLEWSKI, published in 1909, in which the absorption
spectra of the two were assiduously studied and measured.
Plastids:- The structure of the plastid which was first thor-
oughly investigated by PRINGSHEIM in 1874 has been the subj ect
of many investigations and of controversial dis.cussions. PRlNGS-
HElM concluded that the pigment is held in the stroma of
Howard S. Reed -202- A Short History
the plastid, which has a sponge structure. TIMIRIAZEFF held (1903)
that the pigment forms a layer on the surface of the stroma which
is otherwise colorless. TSWETT assumed (1901) that the pigment
is adsorbed on the surface of the stroma of the plastid, P ALLADIN
suggested (1910) that chlorophyll in the plastids is combined with
lipoid materials, possibly in some form of chemical combination.
PRIESTLEY and IRVING also considered (1907) that chlorophyll is
restricted to the peripheral ring of the chloroplast, where it is
held in the meshes of a network of protoplasm in the two species
of Selaginella they studied.
The actual state in which chlorophyll exists in the plastid is a
difficult matter to determine. WILLSTA.TTER concluded that it must
be in a colloidal mixture because pure solvents such as acetone,
ether, and benzene do not extract the chlorophyll from dried leaves,
but do so at once if a little water is added. He explained (1913)
the phenomenon by saying that the added water dissolved salts
present in the dried leaves, and that the salt solution thus formed
changes the colloidal state of the chlorophyll in the plastid and
makes it easily soluble. Based upon evidence obtained from the
spectrum and from fluorescence, STERN came to the conclusion
(1920) that the chlorophyll must be in true solution in the plastid,
dissolved probably in lecithin or some allied lipoid compound.
According to him the chloroplast is an emulsion or emulsoid with
a chlorophyll-lipoid phase and an aqueous-protein phase.
The chlorophyll unit:- To more than one writer the confused,
and often contradictory, assumptions concerning the assemblage
of chlorophyll molecules necessary for photosynthesis have appeared
particularly futile. The first assumption usually required supple-
mentary assumptions in which imaginary compounds were peculi-
arly abundant. It was impossible to study this synthesizing action
of chlorophyll outside of the living cell; hence the failure of the
conventional methods of the chemist.
It has been variously estimated that from 1000 to 3000 molecules
of chlorophyll are required to fornl an actively functioning unit in
photosynthesis. There was more or less agreement that the num-
ber of chlorophyll molecules greatly exceeded the number of in-
stantaneously reducible carbon dioxide molecules, and that the
number might vary from species to species, or indeed, from time
to time in a given species.
EMERSON concluded (1936) that the so-called chlorophyll unit
may represent the ratio between chlorophyll and some other internal
factor, perhaps the substance which combines with carbon
Production of chlorophyll:- The OrIgIn of chlorophyll early
attracted the attention of investigators. GRIS showed (1844) that
iron is necessary for the formation of chlorophyll and others
thought that it was a constituent part of the molecule until more
exact methods of analysis disproved the idea. It is now known
that iron is necessary for the formation of pyrrol rings in the
chlorophyll molecule. Several other mineral elements are
sary for the production of green color in plants. Magnesium, one
of the constituents of chlorophyll, was shown (HEED, 1907) to be
Chapter XIII -203- Fixation of Carbon
indispensable. REED and DUFRENOY described (1935) the role of
zinc in the production and maintenance of chlorophyll.
PALLADIN reported (1891) that sugars are essential for the
production of chlorophyll in the plant. He showed that etiolated
leaves of wheat7 barley, and other plants contained much soluble
carbohydrate material, while those of bean and lupine contained
little. If etiolated leaves of the former were floated on water in
the light, they became green, while those of the latter did not
regain their green color except when floated upon a sugar solution.
CORRENS demonstrated (1892) that the presence of oxygen was
an additional factor necessary for chlorophyll formation, although
the leaves were illuminated. A small amount of oxygen was insuffi-
cient, an excess was necessary for greening the leaves.
SACHS in 1864 and WIESNER in 1877 showed the influence of
temperature on the development of chlorophyll in plants. The
latter found that the optimum temperature for its production in
etiolated barley seedlings was between 18 and 30C. ELFVING
discovered (1880) that in minimum temperatures illumination of
etiolated leaves produced a deeper yellow color in the plastids, and
concluded that light increased the amount 'of etiolin instead of
The oft-repeated observation that plants deprived of light lose
their green color was discussed in 1859 by SACHS who showed that
in light of moderate intensity decomposition and recomposition of
the pigment goes on continuously. SAYRE investigated (1928) the
.effect of light of different wave lengths on the formation of chloro-
phyll in seedlings of various plants. For equal energy values, the
red were more effective than the green rays, and the green more
than the blue. Radiations possessing wave lengths greater than
680,u.u were not effective in the formation of chlorophyll, but all
other regions of the visible spectrum to 300p.,u were effective, pro-
viding the energy content was sufficient.
TIMIRIAZEFF attempted (1903) to determine whether the sys-
tem protochlorophyll chlorophyll is an oxidation-reduction sys-
tem. Reduction of chlorophyll in pyridine with zinc and an organic
acid yielded a colorless solution which did not show the character-
istic chlorophyll spectrum. In contact with the air the green color
and the specific optical properties of chlorophyll gradually returned.
TIMIRIAZEFF gave the name protophyllin to this colorless reduced
compound. ROTHEMUND considered (1935) that this reaction can-
not be explained as a reversible hydrogenation and dehydrogenation
of the chlorophylls since the reoxidized solutions are different from
the chlorophylls subjected to the reaction.
When the subj ect of chlorophyll production began to be investi-
gated it was discovered that there were certain precursors which
played an important role in the development of the pigment.
Among these was the substance designated leucophyll. LIRa
claimed (1908) that the rate of change of leucophyll into chloro-
phyll is proportional to the light intensity, as long as enough
leucophyll remains to be transformed, after which the rate of
chlorophyll production slows down as it is limited by the rate of
production of new qiIantities of leucophyll. LIRa concluded that
protochlorophyll cannot be converted into chlorophyll. He thought
that the production of chlorophyll from leucophYll is not dependent
on the activity of the living cell, as it may proceed even in dry
Howard S. Reed -204- A Short History
leaf tissue, but it is dependent upon temperature. LIRD claimed
that if the plant tissues die slowly in the hydrated condition, the
leucophyll is changed into the green pigment, protochlorophyll.
The same change also occurs if the tissues are extracted in alcohol.
When these etiolated seedlings are carefully dried, the leucophyll
is preserved and is able to yield chlorophyll if exposed to light.
The substance designated etiolin by earlier writers was desig-
nated protochlorophyll by MONTEVERDE who extracted it from
wheat, maize, and sunflower by means of 95 % alcohol. GREILACH
who obtained protochlorophyll from barley and other seedlings
believed that, under the influence of light, proto chlorophyll was
transformed into chlorophyll, but protochlorophyll has never been
prepared in the pure state, neither has it been transformed into
chlorophyll in vitro. By treatment of proto chlorophyll with acids
or alkalies, LUBIMENKO and MONTEVERDE obtained (1909) deriva-
tives similar to those ottained from chlorophyll. LUBIMENKO in
a later paper assumed that the pigment of chi oro- or chromoplasts
is. derived from a fundamental precursor substance, which he
termed Hleucophyll", which is the precursor of protochlorophyll
and all other related substances. He unfortunately introduced a
number of terms into his discussion, which made it difficult to
compare his ideas with those of other investigators. LUBIMENKO
and MONTEVERDE designated the substance in etiolated plants which
immediately changes into chlorophyll in the presence of light as
4'chlorophyllogen". When all the chlorophyllogen in an etiolated
plant was converted into chlorophyll, the action of enzymes recon-
verted chlorophyll into chlorophyllogen. The formation of chloro-
phyll was inhibited by light of too great intensity.
LUBIMENKO described (1927 and 1928) the pigments of the
plastids and traced their transformations from one substance into
another. He summarized (1932) his ideas of the successive reac-
tions in chlorophyll formation in the following steps .
. 1. Synthesis of leucophyll (a colorless substance).
2. Transformation of leucophyll into chlorophyllogen (a green sub-
3, TransfOl'mation of chlorophyllogen into chlorophyll.
Reactions 1 and 2 occur in the dark, reaction 3 is strictly photo-
Mechanism of photosynthesis:- The essential steps in the process
of the formation of carbohydrates by the photosynthetic activities
of the leaf were not comprehended in even an elementary fashion
until the middle of the 19th century. PRIESTLEY, INGENHOUSZ and
others had been concerned with the effects that plants had on the
air, DE SA USSURE and SENEBIER had comprehended some of the
functions of the plant in assimilating carbon dioxide, and the
former was explicit in his statements that water was fixed along
with CO
DUTRDCHET had discovered that the absorption of CO
and the release of oxygen occurred only in cells containfng the
green substance which PELLETIER and CAVENTOU had described.
It was SACHS who initiated the scientific study of the synthetic
powers of the green leaf. He produced (1862 and 1864) the first
scientific evidence that the starch present in the green cells (pre-
Chapter XIII -205- Fixation of Carbon
viously observed by VON MOHL and NAGELI) is a product of the COli
absorbed, and formulated the statement, which subsequently be-
came almost axiomatic, that starch is the first visible product of
photosynthesis. His opinion was based upon observations on the
distribution of starch in plants and also upon the disappearance of
starch if leaves were kept for several days in darkness. Subse-
quently starch was again formed if the leaves were exposed to
light. BOUSSINGAULT at that time (1864) demonstrated that the
volume of O
evolved in the process is approximatelY equal to the
volume of CO
absorbed, thus supporting a suggestion made earlier
The concept that the pigment enables the cell to assimilate car-
bon dioxide only when associated with a plastid was formulated
(1864) by BOUSSINGAULT; and PFEFFER showed (1881) that plas-
tids without chlorophyll are unable, though illuminated, to produce
carbohydrates. In other words photosynthesis is a process confined
to living cells. PFEFFER (1896) and EWART (1896) showed that
various physical and chemical factors may inactivate the chloro-
plasts (e.,q. heat,. irrespirable gases. narcosis, dilute acids and
alkalies, strongly plasmolysing solutions, etc.). The results led
them to conclude that. the stroma of the chloroplast being para-
lyzed, the chlorophyll pigment, alone, was unable to carryon the
process of photosynthesis. KNY found (1897) .. that photo-assimila-
tion was not accomplished by chlorophyll after having been
extracted from dried leaves, a result confirmed by many others .
. The effect of the concentration of carbohydrate in the leaf upon
the rate of photosynthesis was clearly demonstrated by SAPOSCHNI-
KOFF in 1890 and 1893 in detached leaves of Vitis la,brusca and
Vi tis vinifera. Photosynthesis ceased when the carbohydrate con-
tent of the former reached 17 to 25 percent of the dry weight and 23
to 29 percent in the latter. This inhibition of the Ilrocess has
been confirmed by others with other plants.
The consensus of opinion of recent writers is that carbon diox-
ide must combine with chlorophyll in order to be reduced and this
occurs in a number of steps, requiring the successive absorption
of four quanta of visible light. As a result of the rearrangements
required to obtain formaldehyde from carbon dioxide, some sort of
peroxide is formed. Its subsequent decomposition with the libera-
tion of oxygen by the enzyme catalase is supposed to constitute
the "Blackman reaction".
Within recent times there have been serious attempts to elqci-
date the mechanism of the process. WILLSTATTER and STOLL postu-
lated (1918) that there are at least six reactions involved in the
production of a sugar from carbon dioxide and water. These are:
(1) the diffusion stage; (2) the absorption of COli by plant amino
acids or proteins; (3) the formation of an addition compound be-
tween chlorophyll and CO
; (4) the photochemical isomerization
of the addition compound; (5) the separation of oxygen and for-
maldehyde from the isomer by an enzyme with a re-formation of
the original chlorophyll; and finally (6) the polymerization of for-
maldehyde into sugar.
NOACK assumed (1920) that the photosynthetic process consists
of three steps: (1) a change of the fluorescent chlorophyll under
the action of light and by absorption' of oxygen into a peroxide;
(2) a conversion of COli into a peroxide form without the aid of
Howard S. Reed -206- A Short History
light energy; and (3) a mutual reduction of the two peroxides
with evolution of oxygen, the re-formation of chlorophyll and the
production of the grouping Ho-d-H which would easily con-
dense to carbohydrates. FRANCK also concluded (1935) that chlo-
rophyll must be partially photo-oxidized before the energy it
absorbs can be used for CO
The theory of WARBURG postulated (1919 et seq.) that there
were three essential steps in the phenomenon of photosynthesis;
viz., (1) the photochemical primary reaction; (2) the secondary
reaction; and (3) the acceptor formation. Light, acting on the chlo-
rophyll molecule, wou1d form the photochemical primary product
at a rate proportional to the amount of radiant energy absorbed
per unit time. The second step consists of a l'eaction between this
product and the "acceptor
in which no substances are formed
which automatically release oxygen. The third step (the Hdark
reaction") takes place independently of light in which, according
to W ARBURG, the "acceptor" is formed. This reaction he desig-
nated as the "Blackman reaction". The term "Blackman reaction"
as used in reference to photosynthesis was coined by W ARBURG
who applied it to an ordinary chemical reaction which is associated
with the protoplasmic activity of the cell. It is affected by tempera-
ture changes and is sensitive to narcotics. WILLSTATTER and STOLL
considered (1918) that the HBlackman reaction" consists in the
cleavage of oxygen from a peroxide which is formed in the reduc-
tion of carbonic acid. Subsequently W ARBURG relinquished his
theory and adopted that of WILLSTATTER and STOLL.
WILLSTATTER and STOLL offered (1932 and 1933) strong evi-
dence that chlorophyll acts not only as a sensitizer, but that it
enters into the course of the chemical reactions. Chlorophyll hav-
ing two especially loosely bound hydrogen atoms is assumed to
give off these atoms in reducing CO
and to regain the hydrogen
by dissociating water. They believe that the presence of oxygen
is necessary to start photosynthesis. Therefore they assumed that
mOllodehydrochlorophyll and not the fully dehydrogenated chloro-
phyll is the substance which enters into the reactions of photo-
VAN NIEL regarded (1935) photosynthesis as a process of hy-
drogenation of CO2 , rather than a reduction of carbonic acid. Since
four light quanta are apparently the minimum number which must
be absorbed in order to reduce one molecule of CO
to formalde-
hyde, he concluded that the primary action of light may be to pro-
duce active hydrogen. He laid emphasis on this point since he
had observed that purple bacteria reduce CO
but produce no oxy-
gen, despite the fact that they are abundantly supplied with cata-
1ase. He pointed out that purple bacteria require special hydrogen
donors such as oxidizable sulfur compounds, fatty acids, or even
gaseous hydrogen, while the green plants use water as a hydrogen
donor. Although it is difficult to assume that the absorption of
light by green cells produces active hydrogen atoms, there appear
to be some advantages in VAN NIEL'S hypothesis. In the main it
is simpler than some of those formerly proposed, e.g. each absorbed
quantum is supposed to do the same thing, namely, produce one
atom of hydrogen,
Chapter XIII -207- Fixation of Carbon
Energy relations:. The kinetic relations of photosynthesis were
-.first appreciated and formulated in 1847 when JULIUS ROB. MAYER1
the discoverer of the Law of the Conservation of Energy, announced
that plants acquire solar energy and store it in a fixed form. Since
his time there has been a growing appreciation that all the higher
forms of life on the earth depend on the energy that comes from
the sun through the agency of the green plant.
A host of investigators have undertaken quantitative studies
on the degree to which green plants store the solar energy and the
amount which passes out unused. In the beginning the calculations
were approximations, but refinements of technique were found
later. PFEFFER assumed (1871) that a square meter of the leaf sur-
face of Nerium formed starch at the rate of 0.000535 g. per sec.
Estimating the heat of combustion of starch as 4100 calories per g.
he concluded that 2.2 calories of solar energy was used per sq. m.
per sec., which would be less than 1 percent of the total solar energy
available. This unexpectedly low percentage was confirmed by
measurements of TIMIRIAZEFF. DETLEFSEN made (1888) observa-
tions on the absorption of light in a leaf by means of a thermopile
placing the leaf alternately in air containing 10 percent CO
and in
air free from that gas. In the former case in which assimilation
proceeded, he found that more light was absorbed than when there
was no assimilation. Although his results were vitiated by various
experimental errors, he confirmed earlier conclusions that the per-
centage of CO
fixed is small.
BROWN and ESCOMBE made .an extensive study (1905) of the
kinetic relations of the green leaf. Instead of using the amounts
of starch formed, or of CO
assimilated, they measured the amount
of radiant energy absorbed and transformed into heat with a pair
of differential platinum thermometers. Theirs was by all odds
the most important work on this problem up to that time, and
marked the road for future studies. They determined as well as
possible (1) the total amount of solar radiant energy which
impinged on a leaf in a given time, (2) the amount which was
absorbed (coefficient of absorption), (3) the measure of internal
work of the leaf due to (a) water vaporization, and (b) photosyn-
thesis, and (4) the influence of air movement on the thermal emis-
sivity of the leaf. The energy used for transpiration was many
times greater than that used for photosynthesis. The percent of.
energy used in photosynthesis naturally varied with the intensity
of the light. For example, as little as 0.5 percent of the total inci-
dent radiation received in full sunshine was used in photosynthesis
whereas as much as 4.5 percent was used when the light was
reduced to only 13 percent of its former intensity. They empha-
sized that the leaf possesses a power of selective absorption due
mainly to its specific coloring matter. BROWN and ESCOMBE's work
which has been extended subsequently by others came down to
this: the green plant uses only a very small part of the solar energy
in photosynthesis since it is, under conditions of ordinary illumi-
nation, limited by some other factor.
LUBIMENKO observed (1905 and 1908) that shade plants could
accomplish a given amount of photosynthesis with weaker illumina-
tion than sun plants and that the chlorophyll content of the former
was greater than that of the latter.
Howard S. Reed -208-
A Short History
FRANCK summarized recent conclusions on the energy relations
of photosynthesis in the following statements. Four light quanta
which are absorbed by chlorophyll and transferred to the carbon
dioxide are used to reduce one CO
molecule to formaldehyde and
to set free one oxygen molecule. The result is in good agreement
with thermochemical relations. The energy required to reduce
and water to formaldehyde and H
is equal to the energy
of 3
/2 light quanta of red light. As an .stage between
and formaldehyde the formation of formlC aCId IS assumed.
The former value of the quanta required has been valued
ously by others since WARBURG made the original estimation. EM-
ERSON has recently placed its value at approximately 10.
The induction period in photosynthesis was described (1918)
by OSTERHOUT and HAAS as a result of the observation that about
two hours were necessary for the attainment of a steady rate in
the marine alga Ulva. By means of other methods other investi-
gators have observed shorter induction periods, not only in
but in flowering plants. BRIGGS surmised (1933) that the long
induction period in Ulva observed by OSTERHOUT and HAAS
long periods in darkness might be due to a shortage of oxygen In
the cells. In other words that anaerobiosis might have some con-
nection with the production of an inhibitor.
OSTERHOUT and BRIGGS each have formulated ideas of a chain
reaction, which in its simplest form (BRIGGS, 1933) is represented
by the formula
S = 8, + SI + St
meaning that there may exist in assimilating cells a substance S,
which can be activated by light energy to a form S, which then
breaks down to reform unactivated free substance Sf and the
products of assimilation. When the S substance combines with an
inhibitor i, the substance Sr is formed. From this representation
BRIGGS proceeded to discuss the theoretical aspects of the induction
period in relation to the rate of oxidation and the production of
oxygen in the photosynthetic process.
According to FRANCK and HERZFELD (1937) it is possible that
much of the chlorophyll may be attached to intermediate respira-
t017 products, such as plant acids, after a long dark period. Illumi-
nation could then cause photosynthesis, as in the case of chloro-
phyll-carbonic acid or chlorophyll-formic acid complexes. ,They
assumed that it was probable that photo-oxidation of these plant
acids, probably by a chain mechanism, might also occur. Until
the accumulated respiratory products were exhausted, this oxygen
consumption would largely counterbalance the photosynthetic oxy-
gen production, thus causing an induction period .
. EMERSON criticised (1937) not only the kinetic theory of BRIGGS,
but others, averring that where nearly all of the reactants are
unknown, the prediction of the course of photosynthesis is rela-
tively easy because of the lack of restrictions on the choice of
ORNSTEIN) who investigated (1938) the relations between
chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthesis in Cklo'rolla cells,
arrived at the conclusion that chlorophyll is only active in the
absorption and transfer of light energy to reacting molecules, but
is not linked to chemically active molecules in the Blackman
Chapter XIU -209- Fixation of Carbon
Products of the mechanism:. The first and foremost attempts
to depict the genesis of carbohydrates were made by chemists.
LIEBIG formulated (1843) a concept that they were formed by a
series of steps showing successive decreases in the amounts of
oxygen in the compounds formed and an increase in the amount
of hydrogen. For example, carbonic acid might be reduced to
oxalic, then to tartaric, malic and other fatty acids. This idea
that organic acids are intermediate stages in the production of
carbohydrates, though never proven, has been expressed subse-
quently by other writers, and among them were some who suggested
that formic acid was the first reduction product. The idea that
formaldehyde is the first stage in the formation of carbohydrate
has commanded more attention.
The credit for formulation of the formaldehyde theory usually
goes to BAEYER who, in 1870, advanced the theory that sugar
might be formed from formaldehyde by a process of polymeriza-
tion. It was generally admitted that polymerization may be com-
paratively readily induced, but convincing evidence that formalde-
hyde is actually produced by the assimilation of CO
was not read-
ily obtained. BALY, HElILBRON, and BARKER reported (1921) that
sugar was formed by exposing a solution of formaldehyde to ultra-
violet light. They added calcium carbonate to the solution and
found that the maximum reducing power was about 8 percent,
calculated as glucose. SPOEHR failed, however, to obtain confirm-
atory results, although he exposed 3 percent solutions of formalde-
hyde in flasks to strong sunlight for as long as four months. In
answer to criticisms, BALY stated (1922) that ordinary formalde-
hyde is not condensed to sugar under most conditions but that the
formaldehyde molecule produced in the process of photosynthesis
is in a highly reactive state, designated by him as "activated formal-
dehyde". The number of works on the alleged. formation of
formaldehyde in vitro from carbonic acid is exceedingly great;
but many of them have but little reference to the biology of the
process, in fact some of the proposed reactions would have wrecked
the lnetabolism of any plant.
The study of carbohydrate metabolism followed apace on the
discovery of the salient features of carbon fixation. A few observa-
tions upon the subject must suffice for the present discussion. Many
carbohydrates are utilized or accumulated, or changed from one
form into another. Consequently there is a constantly changing
and often complicated interplay between the products arising from
the process of carbon fixation in the plant.
The way for investigations on carbohydrate transformations in
plants was opened in 1862 by SACI-IS, whose work led him to the
conclusion that starch is the first product of photosynthesis and
that it occurs in the plastid. In the succeeding decades the prob-
lem was investigated by many workers and important discoveries
were made. Some notable exceptions to SACHS' conclusions were
found; in fact BOEHM had earlier observed (1857) that normal
chloroplasts of species of Allium, Galanthus
and other plants did
not contain starch. '
SCHIMPER arrived (1885) at the conclusion that it was possible
that glucose was a preliminary product and that starch only
appeared after the glucose had reached a certain concentration in
the cells. Since the point of equilibrium could differ in different
Howard S. Reed -210- A Short History
plants, SCHIMPER believed that under normal conditions many
plants never reach the stage of starch formation, while in others
it is regularly reached and starch is formed.
SAPOSCHNIKOFF demonstrated (1889) that starch was formed
in leaves normally starch-free when they were supplied with su-
crose. WINKLER later showed (1898) that, with few exceptions,
all chloroplasts and leucoplasts could form starch if the leaves
were floated on sucrose solution. BROWN and MORRIS, who ex-
amined (1892) the leaves of various plants, found sucrose, maltose,
glucose, and fructose and came to the surprising conclusion that
sucrose, in the leaves of Tr01Jae0 lum, was the first sugar to be
synthesized by the assimilatory process. They regarded sucrose as
the starting-point of all the metabolic changes taking place in the
leaf, functioning first as a temporary reserve material and eventu-
ally accumulating in the cell sap of the leaf parenchyma. Excess
of sucrose was converted into starch, while for purposes of trans-
location sucrose was cOllverted to glucose and fructose.
PARKIN, who worked (1911) on Galanthu8, also concluded that
sucrose was the sugar first formed in the leaf. In a later discus-
sion in 1925 he suggested that the equilibrium in the plant may be
Starch glucose Sucrose.
When starch-free leaves were fed with sugar solutions sucrose
proved to be a better former of starch than invert sugar. Since
these two carbohydrates are so intimately connected, he felt war-
ranted in calling sucrose the precursor of starch. DAVIS, DAISH,
and SAWYER studied (1916) the metabolism of carbohydrates in
the mangold leaf and, while they found no maltose in the leaf, they
found that sucrose was always in excess of glucose and they also
concluded that Sucrose was the first product of carbon fixation.
PRIESTLEY advanced (1924) the idea that, since sugars are transi-
tory substances, they pass rapidly into other substances in the
complex chain of metaboHc changes instead of accumulating in
light and there:fore fluctuate in amount. Accordingly hexose, when
its concentration reaches a certain point, is converted into sucrose.
He believed that hexoses. and not sucroses, are the primary photo-
synthetic sugars.
New light upon the subject was supplied in 1924 by WEEVERS,
who compared the sugar content of the green and non-green por-
tions of variegated leaves of a number of plants. In most of them
he found both sucrose and hexose in the green, but only sucrose in
the non-green portions. In other cases hexose in small amounts
as well as Sllcrose was fOllnd in the non-green portions. Results
of a dissonant nature have been subsequently obtained by others.
The transport of sugars from leaves was easily demonstrated,
but the movement of starch presented difficulties. MEYER assumed
(1895) that a diastase was formed in the stroma of the chloro-
plast, but could not extract such an enzyme by pressing the sap of
macerated leaves. BROWN and MORRIS (1893) dried the plants
at 40 to 50C. and showed that the powder obtained by pulverizing'
the dried tissues exhibited enzymatic activity.
When it was established by SCHIMPER's brilliant researches in
1880 that starch is not only a product of photosynthesis but a form
of stored energy of the plant, the last great advance in carbohy-
drate metamorphosis was made. Countless memoirs have since
Chapter XIII -211- Fixation of Carbon
appeared in which a myriad of details have been studied, but no
comparable advance has been made.
The study of the conversion of soluble carbohydrates into all-
important cellulose has been consistently neglected by physiologists
and chemists alike. As indicated in the chapter on cytology, cellu-
lose is formed by the activity of an adjacent layer of cytoplasm
which is in turn bathed by cell sap (a solution of raw materials).
An important theory of the mechanism of cellulose formation by
the deposition of glucose residues was formulated (1929) by
SPONSLER, which is consistent with the idea that the deposition
of new material is made at the interface between the cytoplasm and
the wall and that glucose is transformed directly into cellulose.
From X-ray studies SPONSLER found that the regular arrangement
of the structural units of the cell wall is essentially the regularity
of crystal structure. The glucose residues are not only spaced in
an orderly manner, but are oriented in a definite way with respect
to one another, from which he concluded that forces are involved in
locating and orienting the residues in the cell wall which are com-
parable to those acting in a similar way on the sugar molecules
during the formation of a sugar crysta1. The inner face of the
cell wall may consequently be considered as similar to a crystal
face as regards the distribution of forces involved in the deposition
of new lattice units. The particular structure of the glucose mole-
cule seems to provide an opportunity for a condensation reacti0n
which would produce long straight chains of residues, or cellulose
molecules. He pointed out that there must be another factor in
the transformation of glucose to cellulose, which is associated with
some reaction which can only occur when living protoplasm is
present. Since growth of the cell wall may be localized on one par-
ticular face, SPONSLER concluded that the factor determining depo-
sition is localized in the cell.
BROWN and MORRIS showed (1890) that the cellulose which the
plant produces may in some cases be reconverted into soluble sub-
stances and utilized as a source of energy. They demonstrated
that the dissolution of the cell walls of the endosperm of a seed
during germination is caused by enzymic action.
E. SCHULZE, in his studies published from 1889 to 1892, desig-
nated a group of substances in plant cell walls as hemicellulose,
and showed that they often served as a reserve supply of carbo-
hydrate. It appears from his work that in cell walls there are
various polysaccharides which can be hydrolyzed with dilute
So.! with the formation of mannose, galactose, arabinose, and
xylose. The original term hemicellulose thus carne to include a
rather heterogeneous collection of substances in the cell wall, in-
cluding mannosans, galactosans) and pentosans which are the
anhydrides of the corresponding sugars,
GRUSS showed (1897) that the hard endosperm of date seed
yielded upon hydrolysis mannose. NEWOOMBE found (1899) that
the hemicellulose compound which is important in certain organs
will be attacked by specific cytases. Although he was unable to
separate those enzymes from diastase he could show a differential
action which distinguished the amylolytic from the cytolytic activ-
ities. TOTTINGHAM (1921) and MURNEEK (1929) investigated the
reserve hemicelluloses of fruiting branches of apple trees. They
interpreted their results as strong evidence that these substances
Howard S. Reed '. A Short History
are important as reserve carbohydrates. Hemicelluloses, according
to MURNEEK, made up 17 to 22 percent, while starch was only 1 to
4 percent of the dry weight. E. SCHULZE analyzed (1896) seeds
of lupine in the dry and germinated states, and concluded that the
galactan obtained from them must be a reserve material, since it
disappeared during the process of germination. BERNARDINI and
GALLUCIO, however, found (1912) that during germination in light,
pentosans increased; though during germination in darkness they
increased very little. A clear-cut decision about the physiological
rOle of hemicelluloses is difficult to formulate, since the literature
011 the subject contains many discordant statements. The concept
that they form a chemically distinct group has been abandoned.
Chemosynthesis by bacteria:- The foregoing discussion of the
photosynthetic assimilation of CO
by green plants must be supple-
mented by some consideration of the same process in the photo-
synthetic bacteria. The process, although not known until the
latter part of the 19th century, indicates that the constructive
power of protoplasm is greater and more varied than was thereto-
fore assumed by botanists.
ENGELMANN, who was the first to formulate (1883) a concept
of the photosynthetic power of the purple sulfur bacteria, was
unfortunately mistaken about some fundamental things, due to
faulty technique. He demonstrated, however, that the purple bac-
teria develop best in bright light.
The important discovery in this field was made by WINOGRAD-
SKY in 1887 when he found that the colorless sulfur bacteria in
the absence of light can oxidize H
S and. S to sulfuric acid. He
found that they not only maintain themselves on energy derived
from this oxidation, but are also capable of reducing CO
in the
dark at the expense of this energy. He formulated at that time
the important concept of chemosynthesis, designating therewith
the particular type of metabolism in which the organisms utilize
the energy derived solely from the oxidation of H
S without the
aid of solar energy. WINQGRADSKY maintained cultures of the fila-
mentous sulfur bacteria under a cover glass in a moist chamber
in order to obtain an insight into their physiology. The water
in which they were mounted contained H
S. By continual renewal
of the water, he succeeded in keeping Beggiatoa living for weeks
while making microscopical observations. He assumed correctly
that the Beggiatoa were able to utilize CO
as a source of carbon
with energy made available by the oxidation of H
S. The process
was stated later as
C02 + 2H:.S == HeOR + H20 + 82
WINOGRADSKY saw and depicted the sulfur granules which accumu-
lated in cells of the bacteria under emphasizing
that the sulfur came from the H
S furnished. The energy for the
organisms comes from the oxidation of H
S, without which they
cannot long survive.
The purple sulfur bacteria can also oxidize HaS and S to sul-
furic acid and the idea was advanced that these organisms would
be chemosynthetic.
MOLIseR undertook to study the purple bacteria with which
ENGELMANN had experimented. He eoncluded (1907) that those
Chapter XIII
Fixation of Carbon
organisms were .not autotrophic, but that Hght enabled them to
assimilate organic compounds, and he denied the evidence obtained
S is necessary. It took some time for
the minds of men to comprehend the nature of chemosynthesis in
bacteria, and there were subsequent attempts to uphold MOLISCH'S
erroneous idea. SKENE adopted a better technique than his prede-
cessors and found (1914) that these organisms can grow in a
purely mineral medium containing H
S under almost anaerobic
MOLISCH had considered that the sulfur-bearing (Thiorho-
daceae) a:nd the sulfur-free purple bacteria (Athiorhodaceae) were
fundamentally similar, because he thought that both required or-
ganic matter for their development. The former are, however,
true autotropic organisms since (as WINOGRADSKY reported) they
can construct their own cell components. The process has been
assumed to be:
COa + %H2S + 2H20 = HeOR + + %H2SO.
The phenomenon of chemosynthesis was extensively studied by
VAN NIEL, who concluded (1931) that the purple and green sulfur
bacteria are truly photosynthetic organisms. Under favorable con-
ditions the purple sulfur bacteria dehydrogenate hydrogen sulfide,
sulfur, sulfite, and thiosulfate completely to sulfate with a corre-
sponding reduction of CO
, However, in the absence of oxidizable
sulfur compounds, these bacteria can develop in the presence of
orgal1ic 'compounds under completely anaerobic conditions if there
is a simultaneous supply of radiant energy. The sulfur-free purple
bacteria (Athiorhodaoeae) under aerobic conditions seem to be
independent of light, but under anaerobic conditions light is neces-
sary. The same author. co:ncluded (1935) from a large body of
evidence produced by various workers that the fundamental photo-
synthetic process in the sulfur bacteria in organic media is one
()f the general type
COa + 2H2A (HeOH) + H20 + 2A
in which H
A, the II-donor, is represented by a variety of simple
organic substances.
BOEDLER, J. (1927): . Die Kohlensaureassimilation, ein Sammelreferat. Bot.
Arch. 20: 143-178.
BRIGGS, G. E. (1933): Induction phases in photosynthesis and their bearing
on the mechanism 'of the process. Pl'Oc. Roy. Soc. (London) ,aero H,113:
BROWN, H. T. and ESCOMBE, F. (1905): Researches on some (If the
logical processes of green leaves, 'With special reference to the inter-
change of energy between the leaf and its surroundings. Proe. Roy. Soc.
(London), Sel', B, 76:29-111.
EMERSON, n. (1937): Photosynthesis. Ann. Rev. Biochemistry 6 :535-556
(with bibliography).
HOTTES, C. F. (1932): The contributions to botany of Julius von Sachs.
Annals Mo. Bot. Garden 19
MARCHLEWSKI, L. (1909): Die Chemie del' Chlol'ophylle und ihre Beziehung
zur Chemie des Blutfarbstoffs. 2te Aufl. Vieweg, Braunschweig.
MEYER, A. (1883): Das Chlorophyllkol'n in chemischer, rilOrphologiacher und
biolog"ischer Beziehung. Felix, Leipzig.
Howard S. Reed -214- A Short History
PRIESTLEY, J. H. (1924): The first sugar of photosynthesis and the role of
cane sugar in the plant. New Phytologist 28:255-265.
PIUNGSHElIM, E. G. (1932): JULIUS SACHS. Fischer. Jena.
ROTHMUND, P. (1985): Protochlorophyll. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on
Quant. BioI. 3: 71-79 (bibliography).
SACHS, J. (1862): tiber den Einfiuss des Lichtes auf die Bildung des Amy-
lurns in den Chlorophyllkornern. Bot. Zeit. 20 :365-373.
-- -- (1864): Ubel." die Aufiosung und Wiederbildung des AmylumS
U.S.w. Bot. Zeit. 22 :289-294.
SCHIMPElR. A. F. W. (1885): trber Bildung und Wanderuug der Kohlehydrate
in den Laubblattern. Bot. Zeit. 43:737-743, 753-763, 769-787.
SCHUNCK, E. (1889): The chemistry of chlorophyll. Annals o:f Bot. 3:65-121-
SPOEHR, H. A. (1926): Photosynthesis. Chemical Catalog Co., New York.
SPONSLER, O. L. (1929): Mechanism of cell wall formation. Plant Physiol.
STILES, W. (1925): Photosynthesis. Longmans Green, London (with bibli-
VAN NIEL, C. B. (1935): Photosynthesis of bacteria. Cold Spring Harbor
Symposia on Quant. BioI. 3 :138-150.
WlLLSTA.'l"l'ER, R. and STOLL, A. (1913): Untersuchungen tiber Chlorophyll,
Springer, Berlin. (Eng, transl. by SCHERTZ, F. M, and A. R. Mmz 1928,
Science Press, Lancaster, Fa.).
WlNOGRADSKY, S. (1887): Zur Morphologie und Physiologie der Schwe:fel-
bakterien. Bot. Zeit, 45 :493, 513, 529, 545, 569, 585, 606.
Chapter XIV.
In the early years of the nineteenth century there were no
sound concepts of the origin and assimilation of nitrogen. Men
knew that living beings contained appreciable amounts of nitrogen,
and that some of it returned to the soil, but they were ignorant
of any means for maintaining an adequate supply of soil nitrogen.
DE SAUSSURE's brilliant researches had afforded him no convincing
evidence on the problem. He knew that plants acquired nitro-
genous material from animal or vegetable matter, or from such
ammoniacal vapors as they may find in the soil or extract from
the air. He was convinced that plants cannot grow normally
without a suitable source of nitrogenous material, but further than
that he did not go.
The peculiar value of clover and other Jegumes for soil enrich-
ment had been known since the days of the Romans, but at the
beginning of the nineteenth century opinions differed as to the
reason. When jt was realized that the atmosphere contains much,
and the soil little, nitrogen, it was natural to attempt to discover
some way by which plants could lay hold on atmospheric nitrogen.
LIEBIG, who had controverted, partly by scientific evidence and
partly by polemics, the idea that plants could obtain their carbon
from soil humus turned his attention to nitrogen nutrition. He
concluded (1840) that the nitrogen of the plant likewise comes
from the atmosphere and abandoned the idea that plants obtain
nitrogen from humus, citing experiments in which plants grew
perfectly well in a mixture of charcoal and earth (previously cal-
cined) if supplied at the same time with rain water, With a logic
supremely reminiscent of medieval scholastics, he proceeded to
argue that the nitrogen taken by the plants is ammonia, which
may from the soil, from organic manures, or from the air.
LIEBIG was very positive that ammonia is, and was, the sole
source of nitrogen for plants, stating that "Science is at present
ignorant of any compound of nitrogen besides ammonia capable
of yielding nitrogen to wild plants on all parts of the earth's sur-
face . . . and therefore, until a second source of nitrogen is dis-
covered, we must, in science, view ammonia as the only source".
He thought that all plants are able to secure their nitrogen from
the air, and that legumes and other broad-leaved plants excelled
in that power. His conclusion rested on the fact that legumes
are less responsive to nitrogenous fertilizers than cereals and also
that cereals grow better when a leguminous crop precedes.
LIEBIG deserves credit for his demonstration that the green
plants utilize only combined nitrog'en. His opinion that the ulti-
mate source of the combined nitrogen is the ammonia of the atmos-
phere was not, however, accepted by all the contemporary scientists.
It was soon demonstrated by investigations on'the Continent and
in England that the amounts of ammonia and of other nitrogenous
Boward S. Reed
-216- A Short History
compounds in the air are very small, and that the amounts brought
down in the rain or snow would account for only a small part
of the nitrogen found in crop plants.
Early work on the acquisition of nitrogen by plants:- The way
out of the darkness which overspread the question of nitrogen
assimilation was found eventually not by physiologists, but by
chemists, who were interested primarily' in agriculture. Perad-
venture there were at the beginning of the nineteenth century
experienced farmers whose opinions were nearer the truth than
either the chemists' or the physiologists'.
BOUSSINGAULT undertook experiments on the acquisition of
nitrogen by plants. In 1837 he grew a pot of Trifolium for two
months and another for three months in calcined soil watered with
distilled water and with the access of free air; also a pot of wheat
for two months and another for three months. The total nitrogen
in the seed sown in the two experiments with Trifolium amounted
to .224 gram, When the experiment was terminated, the nitrogen
in the produce, soil, pot, etc. amounted to .276 gram. ,There was
a gain, therefore, of .052 gram of nitrogen, or nearly 20 percent
of the total nitrogen of the product. In the two experiments with
wheat, the total nitrogen in the seed was estimated at .100 gram.
The nitrogen in the product was exactly the same amount. In the
case of wheat there was, therefore, no gain of nitrogen indicated.
Nevertheless the dry matter of the produce amounted to nearly
double that of the see4. From the above experiment he concluded
that certain plants seemed adapted to take up nitrogen from the
atmosphere, but it was still a question under what circumstances
and in what state the nitrogen was fixed in the plant. He con-
ceived that the nitrogen might enter directly into the plant, pro-
vided its green parts were adapted to fix it; that it might be
conveyed into the plant in the aerated water taken up by its roots;
or that the atmosphere contained an infinitely small amount of
ammoniacal vapor. Having found gains in the nitrogen of the
soil-plant system in excess of the amount furnished in the manures,
he speculated about its source. Since it evidently came from the
atmosphere, he thought it might hq_ve been formed by electrical
action and carried down as nitrate of ammonia by rain.
BOUSSINGAULT continued his experiments many years later,
using more refined methods. In his experiments in 1851 and 1852,
plants were grown under a glass jar of about 35 liters capacity,
which rested in a bath of sulphuric acid. Tubes passed under
the edge of the bell jar for the supply of carbonic acid and water
as they might be needed. The medium in which the roots grew
consisted of pumice stone, coarsely powdered, washed, ignited, and
cooled over sulphuric acid. Some of the ash from farmyard
man ure and also from. seed of the kind to be sown was added. He
found that when the leguminous plants grew under these conditions
in which the free circulation of atmospheric air was not per-
mitted, there Was not the apparent gain of nitrogen that had been
met with in his early experiments. Oats grown under similar con-
ditions showed a very slight loss of nitrogen. In 1853, he utilized
a large carboy of white glass, having a capacity of 70 or 80 liters,
into which he placed pumice stone with. ashes prepared as in the
previous series. This was watered with distilled water and then
Chapter XIV -217- Assimilation of Nitrogen
. the seeds were sown. The necks of the vessel were then closed
with a cork. Through a perforation in it, a flask of carbonic acid
was inverted. Access to the outside air was excluded by rubber
bandages. In this, as in the last case, he found that there was no
gain il,l the nitrogen content of lupines or beans.
In 1855 and 1858 BOUSSINGAULT made experiments on the action
of nitrates upon vegetation by growing sunflowers in two separate
pots, each of which contained ignited sand and quartz previously
washed to remove saline material. One pot received .0111 gram of
nitrogen in the form of potassium nitrate, and the other .022
gram. After the plants had grown, they were dried and analyzed.
In the first case, he did not get back in the plant, soil, and pot
the nitrogen of the seed and added nitrates by .0014 g. In the
second case, the loss of nitrogen amounted to exactly 1 milligram.
He found, however, that there remained in the soil an amount of
potassium carbonate very nearly corresponding in potassium to
the amount of potassium nitrate which would represent the ob-
served loss of nitrogen. From this he concluded that nitrates
had been decomposed in the soil by the organic matter of the
I debris of the seeds and of the roots
and that nitrogen had been
VILLE, who also made important experiments, utilized pots con-
taining soil washed and ignited, sand, sand and brick, or sand and
'charcoal, with the addition of the ash of the plant to be grown.
The pots were for the most part enclosed in a glazed case, through
which a current of air equal in amount to several times the vol-
ume of the vessel was drawn daily. Carbonic acid ,and distilled
water were supplied as needed. In 1849 three crops of plants
were grown in sand for two months: namely, one of cress, aIle of
large lupines, and one of small lupines. The air admitted into
the appar'atus was not previously deprived of its natural ammonia.
The nitrogen found in the cress plants amounted to .147 gram, in
the original seed to .026 gram. In the case of the large lupines
the dry matter of the produce was about three and one-half times
\ as great as that of the seeds sown, but there was neither gain nor
loss of nitrogen. The small lupines gave two and one-half times
as much dry substance in the produce as was supplied in the
seeds, but there was an apparent loss of rather more than one-
fourth the nitrogen during the experiment. The total gain of
combined nitrogen in the apparatus, taking the three crops to-
gether, was .103 gram. The nitrogen in the ammonia of the
current of unwashed air was, however, estimated at only .001
gram. M. VILLE concluded, therefore, that the cress had appropri-
ated a considerable quantity of the free or uncombined nitrogen
of the atmosphere, but he said nothing about the loss noted in the
case of the lupines.
Experiments were also made with a current of air washed free
from ammonia. In every case the dry matter of the produce was
many times that of the young plants or seeds. In the case of the
sunflower it was more than one hundred times that of the seeds. In
each experiment there was a gain of nitrogen. In the experiment
with autumn colzas there was 4.7 times, in that with spring wheat
2.2 times, in that with sunflower 25.5 times, in one with summer
colzas 3.4 times as much nitrogen in the total product as in the
original plant or seed. The total amount. of nitrogen gained in
Howard S. Reed -218- A Short History
the five experiments was 1.624 grams, which was 5.3 times as
much as was contained in the total original plants and seeds,
although the air circulating through the chamber had been drawn
over pumice stone saturated with sulphuric acid to remove the
ammonia which it carried.
M. VILLE decided from his experiments that plants can take
up nitrogen in three forms, namely as nitric acid, as ammonia,
and as free nitrogen, enumerating the following conclusions:
"1. By means of niter we may prove without the aid of an enclosing
apparatus that plants absorb and assimilate the gaseous Nitrogen of the
atmosphere. 2. Niter acts by its nitrogen. It is absorbed in the state of
niter. 3, In relation to the amount of nitrogen, niter is more active than
ammonium salts",
It will thus be seen that results obtained by VILLE were some-
what at variance with those obtained by BOUSSINGAULT on the
utility of different forms of nitrogen for plants.
While pioneer work was being done in France on the question
of the nitrogen nutrition of plants, a related line of work was going
on in Britain. There was published in the Philosophical Transac-
tions of the Royal Society for 1861 an elaborate account of experi-
ments conducted by LAWES, GILBERT, and PUGH. These men were
interested in ascertaining the sources of the nitrogen of vegetation
and profited by the earlier work of BOUSSINGAULT and VILLE.
Unfortunately the growth of the leguminous plants in their closed
apparatus was far less satisfactory than that of the cereals. At
the conclusion of their report they said that their experiments on
the question of assimilation did not favor the supposition that
there was any loss of combined nitrogen due to the evolution of
free nitrogen from the plants during growth.
In numerous experiments with cereals grown with and without
a supply of combined nitrogen beyond that contained in the seeds
sown, they found no evidence of an assimilation of free or uncom-
bined nitrogen. The growth of leguminous plants was less satis-
factory and the conditions in their experiments favorable for the
assimilation of free nitrogen was therefore more limited. So far
as they went, however, their results did not indicate to them any
assimilation of free nitrogen.
We now know that there could be no assimilation of free nitro-
gen by the symbiotic bacteria because they had previously steril-
ized the soil or the pumice stone in which the seeds grew. After
a long account of their experimental work, they concluded that
free nitrogen is not assimilated by plants under the wide range of
conditions provided in their experiments. Nevertheless, they
ommended that the several actual or possible sources of combined
uitrogen to plants should be more fully investigated. This was
done many years later and the results were reported at a meeting
in Berlin at which Dr. GILBERT was present.
Ammonification:- The fundamentally important functions of
microorganisms in the formation of ammonia from soil organic
matter were discovered some time after the science of microbiology
had been established. The role of bacteria was suggested when
MUNTZ and COUDON showed (1893) that the process of ammonifica-
tion was stopped by sterilizing the soil. Sim ultaneously MARCHAL
studied (1893) the organisms which form ammonia from the pro-
Chapter XIV -219- Assimilation of Nitrogen
teins of plant residues or of animal manures. He concluded that
Bacillus mycoides was an important ammonia producer in the soil,
but that various fungi were significant in acid muck soils.
The original idea that ammonia production is due principally
to the well known spore-forming bacteria was considerably modi-
fied by later studies. CONN discovered (1919) that Ps. fluorescens
and other non-spore forming organisms rapidly increase in
manured soil and produce ammonia from stable manure. The rate
of ammonia formation depends upon conditions, but effective micro-
organisms are almost never absent according to REMY (1902) and
LOHNIS (1906). The amounts of ammonia present in the soil at
anyone time according to RAMANN (1911) may be between 0.0005
and 0.002 percent.
LATHROP found (1916) that the ammonification of dried blood
in a sandy loam soil was rapid during the first 86 days, after which
the rate decreased rapidly. Four-fifths of the nitrogen of the
dried blood was converted into ammonia nitrogen during the 240
days that the observations were made.
Ammonia as a nutrient:- Information on the assimilation of
ammonium salts by plants is scanty in spite of the subsequent
researches on its formation and occurrence in soils. LAWES and
GILBERT'S classical experiments with fertilizers included ammon-
ium salts, but afforded meager information about their value as
plant nutrients since the ammonia added to the soil does not remain
long until nitrification processes convert it into nitrites and
MAZE concluded (1900) that ammonium salts were as favorable
for the growth of maize as nitrates, provided the concentration of
the former was low. In later stages of development, however,
nitrates were more favorable.
STAHL and SHIVE also observed (1933) that absorption of
ammonia and nitrates by oats and buckwheat is dependent upon the
age of the plant. In the earlier stages of growth those plants
absorbed ammonia most rapidly, but later, at the time of flower-
ing, they absorbed less ammonia and more nitrate.
RUSSELL pointed out (1917) that, although comparisons between
the nutritive values of ammonia and nitrate are difficult to inter-
pret because of the action of bacteria, it has been shown definitely
that ammonia is readily assimilated from weak solutions of am-
monium sulphate. GERLACH and VOGEL grew (1905) maize in,
carefully sterilized solution-cultures and reported that the plants
in the ammonium solutions we're as g'ood as those in nitrate. KRu-
GER who studied the nitrogen nutritjoll of a number of plants
reported (1905) that ammonium SUlphate and sodium nitrate were
equally useful for oats, barley, and mustard; ammonium sulphate
was better for potatoes and less favorable for mangolds. HUTCH-
INSON and MILLER found (1909) that nitrates produced better
growth of wheat, and that both forms of nitrogen were equally
beneficial to peas.
PRIANISCHNIKOV, who devoted many years to' the investiga- .
tion, maintained that-ammoniulU salts have specific beneficial effects
upon plants. He and his pupils studied (1924 and 1926) the rela-
tive values of nitrates and ammonia for plants grown in water
cultures and concluded that the utilization of ammonium salts
Howard S. Reed -220 - A Short History
depends upon the amount of carbohydrate present and upon the
hydrogen-ion concentration of the medium. He believed that plants
absorb ammonia in preference to nitrate because the latter must
be reduced to ammonium compounds within the plant before the
nitrogen can be utilized. The involved explanations which PRI-
ANISCHNIKOV gave concerning the mechanism of ammonium utiliza-
tion are not, however, very satisfying', to the reader. He admitted
that, under natural conditions in a well aerated soil; nitrifying
organisms would continually convert ammonium into nitrate nitro-
gen where bases favorable for the growth of the higher plants
occur, whereas ammonia is likely to be formed in poorly aerated
soils and where mineral complexes incompletely saturated with
bases occur.
PRIANISCHNIKOV reported (1929) that sugar beets took up
more ammonia than nitrate at pH 7.0, but that the relations were
reversed at pH 5.0. The findings of others on this question are
not concordant. For example, ARRINGTON and SHIVE reported
(1935) that at pH 4.0 the'ratio of ammonia to nitrate absorbed
was 4.7 while at pH 7.0 it was 1.2.
HOAGLAND pointed out (1932) that ammonium salts are more
apt to be injurious to plants than nitrates unless temperature,
illumination, and hydrogen-ion concentration are carefully ad-
justed. He found that when nitrogen was furnished as ammonium
compounds the rate of nitrogen absorption increased with an in-'
crease of pH. McKEE called attGntion to the importance of the car-
bohydrate supply in the utilization of ammonia, stating (1937) that
the ammonium ion which is toxic must be converted into innocuous
organic compounds. ARNON discovered (1937) an important rela-
tion of manganese to ammonia utilization.
Nitrification:- Nitrification in soil humus or in other substance
was investigated in a somewhat haphazard fashion until after the
establishment of a science of bacteriology_ Prior to that time
nitrification was considered as a purely chemical reaction resulting
from the oxidation of the gaseous nitrogen of the air in the soil, or
in the compost heap. It is true that BOUSSINGAULT demonstrated
that soil nitrates are formed from humus nitrogen and not from
nitrogen gas, but neither he nor any of his contemporaries consid-
ered that it was anything but a purely chemical process. The first
recorded suggestion that microorganisms might cause nitrification
, came in 1862 from PASTEUR' in the form of a recommendation that
everything which pertained to nitrification should be
in the light of the germ theory. It was sixteen years later that
two French investigators, SCHLOSING and MUNTZ, adduced proof
of the necessity of biological factors in nitrification. These men
were interested in discovering a method for rendering the effluents
of the Paris sewers innocuous for irrigating fields at Gennevilliers
near Paris.
SCHLOSING and MUN'l'Z found (1877) that when diluted sewage
trickled through long glass tubes filled with soil it lost its ammonia
and gained an equivalent quantity of nitrate after the experiment
had run about 20 days. They passed chloroform vapor into the
contents of some actively nitrifying and found that nitrifica-
tion was at once inhibited. The process could be re-established,
by' adding an infusion of garden soil to the contents of
Chapter XIV. -221-
Assimilation of Nitrogen
the They also showed that nitrification could be stopped
by heatIng the tubes to 100
e. Their conclusions that the process
was the result of microbial activities were soon confirmed by many
other but the isolation and identification of the organisms
were dIfficult There were two inherent and unsuspected
reasons for the fallures of the first attempts, namely, the associative
char.acter the nitrite an<:l bacteria and the unsuitability
of rIch bOUIllons and gelatIn medIa for the organisms. .
W ARINGTON, who conducted researches at the Rothamsted Sta-
tion from 1878 to 1891, obtained the first definite evidence that
two groups of microbes must cooperate in nitrification. One group
produces only nitrites, and the other only nitrates. Professor and
Mrs. Frankland reported (1890) that they had isolated the mi-
crobe, but the pure cultures did not produce nitrates. .
WINOGRADSKY'S epoch-making work was in progress at this
time and he soon discovered the salient facts about nitrification.
He succeeded in isolating the two groups of microbes responsible
for the oxidation of ammonia to nitrate; the first produced nitrites
from ammonia, the second produced nitrates from nitrites. The
first are oval, and the second are small organisms. He
. named the oval Nitrosomonas, and the small rod-
shaped nitrate-formers Nitrobaoter. Having shown (1890 and
1891) that the nitrifying organisms do not develop on media suited
to other bacteria, he ingeniously devised media containing only
inorganic salts and replaced gelatin with silica jelly. The two-
fold nature of the natural nitrification process was soon there-
after confirmed by W ARINGTON, MtiNTZ, HALL and others.
The discovery of the nature of the process of nitrification had
great scientific and practical importance since it is apparent that
most of the nitrogen used by plants is taken up in the form of
nitrate. It also showed the significant role of bacteria in the nitro..;
gen cycle in nature. WINOGRADSKY's discovery of the physiology
of the nitrite bacteria went hand in hand with his elucidation of
the process of chemosynthesis already outlined in the chapter on
carbon fixation. For the first time he demonstrated that certain
bacteria could grow and make normal development in media which
contained no trace of organic material, either in light or in dark-
ness, utiliZIng the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere. His experi-
ments demonstrated that the energy employed in the formation of
carbon compounds is derived from the oxidation of ammonia.
The influence of water, temperature, and other factors of .a
nature upon nitrification have been extensivelY
studied but will be omitted from the present discussion, except
to mention the annual periodicity. LOHNIS established (1905) that
at Leipzig there were two maxima, one in the spring, the other in
the fall; and two minima, in midsummer and winter. KING and
WHI'rSON (1900) and C. A. JE!'l"SEN (1910) found tJ:Ie
production in the northern UnIted states In the sprIng. MUNTZ
and GAUDECHON reported (1912) that the maximum nitrification
occurred in France from February to the :middle of April. Rus-
SELL suggested (1914) that the summer minimum is due to the
activities of protozoa and other soil organisms to
nitrifying bacteria, though later work did not yerlfy the hypotheSIS.
Howard S. Reed -222- A Short History
Nitrates as nutrients:- BOUSSINGAULT'S experiments previously
mentioned had shown the value of nitrates as a source of nitrogen
for higher plants, but his contemporaries were slow in adopting the
idea. Imbued as they were with the dogma that ammonia is the
chief source of combined nitrogen for the plant, they assumed
that the nitrate added to the soil must first be transformed into
ammonium compounds.
BOUSSINGAULT opposed (1860) this assumption, believing that
the nitrate as such is absorbed by the plant. He obtained undoubt-
edly greater growth from the application of nitrate, though it is
now recognized that his experimental methods were not technically
perfect. DE CANDOLLE had shown (1832) earlier that ,nitrates
occur in a very large number of phanerogams and since his time
the list has been extended. VILLE had been very positive that
nitrate was more active than an equivalent amount of nitrogen in
the form of ammonia, supporting BOUSSINGAULT'S thesis.
Interpretations of some of the early work in this field are
difficult because the workers could not know that changes and con-
versions of the nitrogen compounds were being continuously
wrought by bacteria. The compounds which the plants acquired
weTe usually different iTom those which the e:Kperimenter applied.
The increased use of nitrates in agriculture stimulated the use
of Chilean nitrate. The deposit of Chilean nitrate of soda which
has been so largely used in agriculture was discovered accidentally
by NEGREIROS, a wood cutter. Having built a fire of wood, he was
surprised to see the earth around his fire flash and sputter, then
to melt and run like a liquid flame. The use of nitrate of soda
as a fertilizer was promoted by the methods for partial purification
developed by THADDEUS HAENKE, a naturalist on the Malaspina
expedition which visited the west coast of South America in 1788.
The first exportations of nitrate were made to England about
1820 and the substance was increasingly employed in agriculture
after 1831, until modern methods of nitrogen fixation superseded
to a large extent the Chilean nitrate.
HELLRIEGEL and associates studied the relation of nitrates to
the growth of barley through a number of years, utilizing sand
cultures and providing optimum conditions for the plants. They
showed (1897) a dominant effect of the nitrate added to the sand
cultures. Where no nitrate was added, the plants had at their
disposal only the nitrogenous compounds in the parent seed. The
addition of very small amounts of calcium nitrate produced rela-
tively great increases in the production of grain and straw. From
the time that LAWES and GILBERT initiated their experiments the
effects of ammonium compounds and nitrates upon plant growth
were carefully studied. They confirmed much that BOUSSINGAULT
had reported, i.e., nitrates lJroduced greater vegetative growth.
The leaves usually developed a dark green color and attained
mum size. RUSSELL emphasized (1932) the desirable effects of
nitrates as a source of nitrogen on crops which are grown for
their vegetative organs and, contrariwise, the possibility that the
maturity of wheat and other cereal crops might be so delayed by
the action of nitrates that the crop would be injured by frost.
WALLACE described (1923) the effects of nitrogen deficiency on
apple trees, e.g., early abscission of leaves, death of lateral buds,
reduction of root system, and abnormal color of fruits. Addition
Chapter XIV
Assimilation of Nitrogen
of nitrate to supply a deficiency caused a rapid improvement in
color and growth of the leaves.
The amounts of nitrate to be found in the plant are relatively
small according to various investigators since the time of LIEBIG.
MOLISCH showed (1913) that varying conditions determine the
amount of nitrate present in the organs of the plant. Investigators
generally concluded with the perfectly naive statement that the
amounts were small where the utilization or conversion was rapid.
SCHIMPER's meritorious work, O'n the contrary, elucidated (1890)
some important aspects of the nitrate partition phenomenon, show-
ing that an especially rapid nitrate decomposition occurs in illumi-
nated green leaves, but not in the white areas of "variegated"
leaves nor in the chlorophyll-free aerial roots of Tradescantia. He
also reported that shade-leaves were richer in nitrate than sun-
The effect of the carbon/nitrogen ratio in the plant which was
discussed by KRAUS and KRAYBILL in 1918 attracted attention from
many writers. KRAUS and KRAYBILL found that the flowering and
fruiting of the tomato only occurred when the carbon/nitrogen
ratio varied within a comparatively narrow range. Although a
certain relation may exist in annuals like tomatoes, HOOKER and
BRADFORD who studied (1921) the localization of factors con-
cerned with fruit-bud formation 011 apple trees saw no significance
in the carbon/nitrogen ratio.
Other sources of nitrogen as a nutrient:- The role of organic
nitrogen compounds in plant nutrition has often been discussed.
The incorporation of barn yard manure, of guano, of urea with
the soil, to say nothing of plant detritus aroused interest in the
question in the last century. KNOP and WOLF found (1865) that
the addition of glycocoll, tyrosin, and leucin resulted in protein
formation in cereals grown in water cultures. while other com-
pounds were either indifferent or toxic. In the earlier experiments
the possibility of bacterial action was not precluded. BAESSLER
attempted (1887) to obviate the difficulties by culturing maize
plants in a N-free medium, and transferring them for a few hours
daily into an asparagin solution; through which he succeeded in
showing that there was an intake of N and an increase in protein
at the expense of the asparagin supply.
SCHREINER and SKINNER) who made an extensive investigation
of the effects of nitrogenous soil constituents on plant growth, re-
ported (1912) that nucleic acid, xanthine, guanine, creatinine, and
other compounds had a beneficial effect upon plant growth in
water cultures. Their chemical control showed that there was no
decomposition of the compounds employed to ammonia, nitrite
nitrate, on the contrary the plants absorbed and used them (or
were poisoned by them). The beneficial effects were less marked
where nitrate was also present. Guanidine was harmful and pro-
duced singularly specific effects upon the leaves. In the presence
of nitrates the harmful effect was greater and in their absence
it was least conspicuous. HUTCHINSON and MILLER concluded
(1911) that for peas growing in germ-free cultures some organic
nitrogen compounds were useful as sources of nitrogen, while
others were of indifferent value and,others were toxic. The effects
of urea were generally beneficial according to these investigat()rs.
Howard S .. Reed -224- A Short History
When urea was subsequently manufactured synthetically and sold
at a low price by German chemists it came to be extensively used
as a source of nitrogen.
The reduction of nitrates to free nitrogen or
other forms through the activities of microbes was not correctly
apprehended until the foundations of bacteriology had been laid.
DAVY believed (1813) that free nitrogen might be liberated in the
course of decomposition of organic matter, but he could not prove
the assumption. Subsequently the evolution of nitrogen from sew-
age and from putrefying organic matter attracted the attention of
ANGUS SMITH, a chemist, who published (1867) a menl0ir on the
subject of the decomposition of nitrates in sewage. SCHONBEIN
stated (1867) that soil nitrates were reduced to nitrites. Subse-
quently VVARINGTON observed (1881) that soils could not only con-
vert nitrate into nitrite, but could eventually destroy the latter.
DEHERAIN and MAQUENNE reported (1882) that they fou;nd an
. appreciable reduction of nitrate in the absence of oxygen in field
soils, especially at low temperatures. KELLNER's investigations in
Japan (1884) showed that there were losses of over 90 percent of
the nitrates from the soils of rice fields when flooded. However,
he found that rice plants, especially when young, made better
growth when the nitrogen was furnished as ammonium salts. From
these and other observations it was obvious that the phenomenon
was one of great importance for agriculture.
The role of bacteria in denitrification was suggested (1875) by
MEUSEL, who observed the organisms, and by means of antiseptics
inhibited the reduction of nitrates. Subsequently GAYON and Du-
PETIT, with more adequate bacteriological methods, isolated (1882)
and made pure cultures of a number of nitrate reducing organisms.
The word "denitrification", used for the first time in 1882 by
GAYON and DUPETIT, designated an actual denitrification, i.e., a
reduction of nitrate by bacteria with free nitrogen as the end
point. The term is still applicable, although there has been a lack
of consistency in its use.
n was at one time supposed that the losses in barnyard manure
were due chiefly to the escape of ammonia, but later investigators
believed that the losses are due to the escape of elemental nitrogen.
Active discussion of the effects of denitrifying bacteria was stimu-
lated by the opinion advanced (1895) by WAGNER, who thought
that the addition of barnyard manure might lead to serious losses
of nitrates from the soil
since it adds large numbers of denitrify-
ing organisms. DEHERAIN and MARCILLE reported (1897) that
manure applied in the ordinary amount causes no loss of nitrate.
As a matter of fact, they could demonstrate an actual gain in
nitrates. STUTZER and JENSEN reported (1897) that the activity
of denitdfying bacteria is dependent on their access to a supply
of organic material capable of yielding energy, if necessary utiliz-.
iug rather resistant materials.
Eventually it was found that the activities and distribution of
organisms which reduce nitrates are more extensive than at first
suspected. HJ. JENSEN in 1898 and MAASSEN in 1901 reported that
organisms of the colon group, as well as those of the putrefying
group represented by Pseudomonas pyocyaneus, were active nitrate
reducers. BAUER in 1901 showed that denitrifying organisms live
Chapter XIV __:_ 225-
Assimilation of Nih'ogen
in the sea. Others have extended the knowledge of marine denitri-
fying bacteria. In contrast to the earlier conclusion of LAURENT
that the reduction of nitrate to nitrite occurred only under anaero-
bic conditions, GRAN reported (1901) that certain marine bacteria
actively reduced nitrates to ammonia when thoroughly aerated .
. GILTAY and ABERSON (1892) and MAASSEN (1904) concluded that
the reduction of nitrate affords an important supply of energy for
the organisms, rather than a nutrient.
Favorable conditions for the occurrence of a limited nitrate
reduction in all soils are occasionally found. SCHLOSING observed
(1873) in oxygen-free soil a significant reduction of nitrate with a
very small increase in ammonia. LIPMAN and BROWN determined
(1908) that the decrease'in nitrate in fertile soils could be referred
provisionally to a reduction process. The precise importance of
the reduction of nitrates, however, awaits further elucidation.
NIKLEWSKI concluded (1912) that nitrate l'eduction is a process
of hydrogenation rather than one of denitrification in which there
is an oxidation of hydrogen accompanied by a decomposition of
He found two organisms which exhibited marked ability to
oxidize hydrogen and designated them HydrogenomonCts flava and
H. vitrea. The system hydrogen-nitrate may be used as a source
of energy according to NIKLEWSKI who thought that it is a special
characteristic of the denitrifying organisms which utilize NO;! as
an oxidizing agent. Moreover, he was quite collvinced that many
organisms inhabiting the soil are capable of utilizing N0
for the
oxidation of hydrogen in the absence of free oxygen.
The apparent confusion in the concepts of the denitrification
process may be due to the 'fact that inadequate recognition has
been given to the association of aerobic with anaerobic organisms.
The aerobes may reduce the oxygen tension to a point where the
anaerobes Inay simultaneously reduce the nitrates present to nitrites
and ammonia.
The concepts and terminologies of the subject were considerably
clarified (1904) by H.r. JENSEN's classification in LAFAR'S Technical
Mycology (vol. 3) in which he listed the phases of nitrate reduc-
tion as: (1) Reduction of to NOll and NH
; (2) Reduction of
and' N0
to gaseous combinations of Nand 0; (3) Reduc-
tion of NOg and N0
with liberation of elementary N; (4) Trans-
formation of nitrate N into organic compounds; (5) Liberation of
elementary N by the decay of organic compounds. .
The earlier reports on nitrate reduction by fungi were con-
finned and extended (1889 and 1890) by LAURENT who demon-
strated that species of Alternaria, Cladosporium, Penicillium, and
other fungi carry on that process. !{OSSOWlCZ reported (1914)
that the denitrifying action of mold fungi produced in some cases
and in NBs.
This brief survey of the work on nitrogen assimilation may
indicate the results of a century of work on a phenomenon of great
importance for plants. Scientific researches have elucidated many
of the principles which determine the equilibrium between the
nitrogenous components of atmosphere, soil, and plant. Out of
them have come some rational ideas on the intricate processes by
which. the important protein constituents of the plant are
Howard S. Reed -226- A Short History
BOUSSINGAULT. J. B. (1860): Agronomie. chimie agricole et physiologie. 2e
edit., Mallet-13achelier, Paris.
GREEN; J. R. (1909): A history of botany. Clarendon Press, Oxford (with
bibliography) .
LAWES. J. B., and GILBERT, J. H. (1888): Ou tbe present position of the
question of the sources of the nitrogen of vegetation. Phil. Trans. Roy.
Soc. 43 :108-116.
LIEBIG, J. (1840): Die organische Chemie in ihrer Anwendung auf Agricul-
tur und Physiologie. Vieweg, Braunschweig,
LOHNIS, F. (1935): Handbuch der limdwirtschaftlichen Bakteriologie. 2te
Aufl., Borntraeger, Berlin (with bibliography).
RUSSELL, E. J. (1937): Soil conditions and plant growth. Sevent};l. ed., Long-
mans, Green, London and New York.
SHENSTONE, W. A. (1901): JUSTUS VON LIEBIG, his life and work (1803-
1873). Cassell. London.
Chapter XV.
The importance of nitrogen in the life of the organism and
the ways in which it functions were problems not easily solved for
many years after the pioneer researches mentioned in the preced-
ing chapter. The phenomena could not be adequately explained
until developments in the sciences of chemistry and bacteriology
revealed agencies which were comprehended so vaguely by the
early workers. The discovery that nitrogen enters the organic
world from the vast atmospheric ocean through such a narrow
portal was one of the great accomplishments of science in the last
half-century. Until the recent development of electro-chemical in-
dustries the world's supply of nitrogenous compounds came prin-
cipally from the vital processes of plant ceIIs.
Some of the salient scientific discoveries by investigators of
the biological aspects of nitrogen accumUlation will be found in this
brief chapter. At the present moment it is impossible to estimate
the importance of the process of nitrogen fixation in biological
evolution, or how it has affected racial developments, migrations
of the human race, and kindred phenomena. An adequate discus-
sion of this fundamental factor awaits the attention of some
biological historian.
Nitrogen fixation by non-symbiotic organisms:- BERTHELOT stated
(1892) his belief that microorganisms may enrich the nitrogen
content of soil on which no seed-plants grow and from which all
other supplies of nitrogen (except atmospheric nitrogen) are
excluded. He observed that the process stopped in winter and
was, at any time, completely inhibited by heating the soil to
1000. DEHERAIN and others confirmed these observations. Al-
though unsuccessful in isolating the actual organism which effected
the nitrogen-fixation, BERTHELOT ascribed the function to a series
of organisms in field soils. The absence of exact information about
the effective agent sent investigators on divergent tracks for a
number of years. SCHLOSING and LAURENT, who cultivated
ous plants in the absence of nitrogen compounds, found (1891)
that in certain cases a small amount of nitrogen was fixed, but that
a suppression of the algal growth put an end to nitrogen-fixation.
In the midst of the discussions and criticisms of the concept of
bacterial fixation, WINOGRADSKY announced (1893) his discovery
of Clostridium Pas teurianum , in soils. This large anaerobic organ-
ism, which resembles Clostridium, butyricum, was able to obtain
its nitrogen frqID air which had been carefully purified from am-
monia and other compounds, and, when grown in sugar-containing
solutions, it produced butyric and acetic acids, thereby obtaining
a source of energy. From cultures on artificial media containing
4 percent sugar the gain in combined nitrogen in a few weeks
amounted to approximately 2-3 mg. per gram of sugar utilized ..
Howard S. Reed -228- A Short History
WIJSrOGRADSKY made the important observation that in na-
ture Cl. nearly always occurs in association with
two other bacteria, from which it can be separated only with diffi-
culty, since all can develop in a medium low in 'fixed nitrogen.
When isolated it is an obligate anaerobe, but when in association
with these other bacteria, it can grow under apparent aerobic con-
ditions and fix nitrogen, since they appropriate the oxygen for
their own metabolism. The anaerobic organism can live in the
aerated part of the soil if it is associated with those oxygen absorb-
ing bacteria, or with certain fungi, yet not every organism can
playa protecting role, only those which begin actively to utilize
oxygen, and at the start they must have a supply of combined
nitrogen afforded them. WINOGRADSKY found that nitrogen-
fixation proceeded more rapidly in mixed cultures if a small
amount of ammonia or nitrate was first added.
WINOGRADSKY tested a large number of organisms with respect
to their nitrogen-fixing ability, but found only two which had
even a weak ability to fix nitrogen. Later it was found that some
other butyric acid bacteria may fix appreciable amounts of nitrogen.
It was 1901 when the problem bequeathed by BERTHELOT was
solved by BEIJERINCK
who isolated from soil and described a large
aerobic organism for which he created the genius
When BEIJERINCK introduced soil as an inoculum into solution
cultures which contained glucose as the carbon supply but lacked
fixed nitrogen compounds he obtained Cl. Pasteurianum along with
Azotobacter and other forms. If he supplied carbon in the form
of mannite or potassium or sodium proprionate, the cultures sup-
ported a growth of Azotobacte1" relatively free from other organ-
,isms. KOCH reported (1911), and others have corroborated the
report, that Azotobacter :fixes more nitrogen per unit weight of
sugar decomposed than OZ. Pasteurianum. For example, from 1 g.
of sug"ar Azotobacter could obtain energy for fixing 15 mg. nitro-
gen, while the Clostridiu1n could fix only 2-3 mg. with the same
amount of sugar. BEIJERINCK described two species, A. chroococ-
cum and A. a.qile; the first was obtained from garden soil, the
second from canal water at Delft. The first is a large, round to
rod shaped cell which forms membranes on the surface of liquid
media, which tend to become brown or black with age, and oxidizes
carbon compounds to carbon dioxide and water. The second is a
motile, large, transparent cell with a green fluorescence. KENTNER,
LIPMAN, FISCHER and others have demonstrated that Azotobacter
is widely distributed on land and in fresh water bodies. '
The effects of nutrient conditions upon the physiology of Azo-
tobacter were extensively studied with respect to, mineral constitu-
ents and organic constituents. PRAZMOWSKI demonstrated (1912)
the importance of iron, especially the hydroxide, Fe (OIl) 8, and
BORTELS (1930) the essentiality of molybdenum for Azotobacter.
This organism has such a definite requirement for phosphates that
it was used by CHRISTENSEN (1923) for classifying soils with
respect to their phosphate content.
LIPMAN in New Jersey and GREIG-SMITH in Australia reported
(1906) that the fixation of nitrogen by Azotobacter was enhanced
by several associated bacteria. FISCHER and others, as will be
noted subsequently, have speCUlated on the beneficial effects of
algae on Azotobacter, finding it easier to demonstrate an increase
Chapter XV -229- Fixation of Nitrogen
in nitrogen-fixation in artificial cultures than in field soil. PRINGS-
HElM repprted (1911) that other species of bacteria were capable
of fixing free nitrogen, but they seemed to have less efficiency per
unit of sugar than Azotobacter. PURIEWITSCH reported (1895)
that the fungi, Aspergillus niger and Penicillium glaucum, when
grown on a medium containing inorganic salts, tartaric acid, cane
sugar, and ammonium nitrate, fixed small amounts of nitrogen.
A few other workers obtained confirmatory results, but the major-
ity have obtained negative evidence. The, discoveries concerning
the algae will be summarized on a later page of this chapter.
Nitrogen fixation by symbiotic organisms:- The outlines of the
successful work on the phenomenon of nitrogen fixation by symbi-
otic bacteria are so well1mown that a brief recital of the historical
developments will suffice.
FlO. 25. - MALl>IOIU's figure of Il Viola
FQbQ. root, bearing nodules (m. m), from
OperA' OmniD, Vol. 1, 1687 (Leyden),
MALPIGHI observed the galls on legume roots and published an
accurate figure of a Vicia Faba root bearing nodules in UAnatome
Plantarum" in 1679 and reproduced it in "Opera omnia" in 1687.
He made the trenchant statement that the nodules were not caused
by insects, but he could go no further with the means of investiga-
tion at his command. BOUSSINGAULT, whose work has already been
mentioned, reported (1838) that peas and clover could get ni tro-
gen from the atmosphere, whereas wheat could not. Fortunately
for science the problem was eventually attacked by men whose
efforts were crowned with success.
In the latter part of the 19th century various workers in Ger-
many, France, England, and the United States lagain attacked the
question, utilizing field and pot experiments. Working independ-
ently they obtained new and stronger evidence that leguminous
plants acquire nitrogen from the atmosphere. ATWATER of Con-
necticut demonstrated (1883 and that the nitrogen acquired
Howard S. Reed -230-
A Short History
by peas was 50 percent of the total quantity harvested and he
believed that this gain was due to their power to utilize free atmos-
pheric nitrogen.
It remained for the Russian botanist, WORONIN, to demonstrate
in 1866 that the nodules of legume roots are replete with bacteria
but the nature of the nodules remained a subject of lively contro-
versy for some time thereafter. H. MARSHALL WARD made a care-
ful study of the plants and their nodules, demonstrating that the
formation of root nodules was dependent upon an infection. For
example, Vicia Faba plants when grown in sterilized solutions pro-
duced no nodules, but readily produced them if pieces of chopped
nodules were placed in contact with thei.r root hairs. He saw and
described the characteristic infection strands which penetrated the
root hairs and passed into the cortical cells.
The protracted investigations of the relation of plants to the
acquisition of nitrogen begun by DE SAUSSURE, VILLE, LAWES and
GILBERT and others culminated in the discovery of symbiotic fixa-
tion by HELLRIEGEL and WILFARTH in 1887. The last named
workers grew plants in calcined soil as others had done, but to
some of the pots they added leachings from a fertile soil, in other
an inoculum containing bacteria of the proper species and
variety. They found that peas growing in the inoculated soils pro-
duced root nodules, and, after an initial period of nitrogen de-
ficiency, turned green and made thrifty growth. On the contrary,
peas in similar soil without an inoculum were unthrifty and perished
prematurely. They were most emphatic in their statements that
the legumes are unable to assimilate free atmospheric nitrogen
unless they have the active participation of microorganisms with
which they enter into a symbiotic relationship. They further stated
that graminaceous plants stand in a different category with respect
to their nitrogen nutrition, being entirely dependent upon a supply
of fixed nitrogen in the soil. GILBERT of Rotharnsted was present
at the meeting in Berlin at which HELLRIEGEL gave the preliminary
statement of his results in 1886. Returning to Rothamsted, he
confirmed HELLRIEGEL'S discoveries and later published his find-
ings in collaboration with LAWES. It then became evident that the
failure of the early experiments had been due to conditions which
precluded the entrance or development of the bacteria. These
discoveries of the unique symbiotic fixation of nitrogen which
attracted widespread attention in the realms of agriculture and
science have been tremendously expanded by many workers. The
work has been many times repeated and commented upon so that
a vast literature upon the subject has been produced, thus a greater
appreciation of the nitrogen cycle in nature has been obtained.
There were originally many divergent views of the nature of
the nodules and of the associated organisms. BRUNCHORST coined
(1885) the term "bacteroid" (bacteria-like) to designate the tiny
bodies in the nodule, regarding them, not as living organisms,
but as "organized protein bodies". In spite of BRUNCI-IORST's mis-
apprehensions, the term bacteroid has been adopted by most bac-
teriologists who l1ave studied them.
TSCHIRCH maintained (1887) that bacteroids were not living
ol'ganisms since he was unable to cultivate them in any of the
media he employed. It is probable that he and others arrived at
erroneous conclusions because they were looking for branched
Chapter XV -231- Fixation of Nitrogen
rods in the cultures and failed to recognize the unbranched rods
as legume bacteria. The problem was solved by BEIJERINCK who
demonstrated (1888) that the bodies in the nodules
are true bacteria and named them Bacillus radicicola. PRAZMOW-
SKI simultaneously adduced evidence confirming BEIJERINCK's con-
clusions, showing that legume roots could be artificially infected
with organisms from the laboratory cultures with a resultant pro-
duction of nodules.
Within a few years after the of the nodule bac-
teria it was discovered that certain strains had a specificity pre-
viously unsuspected. HELLRIEGEL found that bacteria from clovers
could not produce nodules on lupines and serradella. NOBBE and
HILTNER found (1898) similar relationships with other legumes
and formulated the concept that each legume had its particular
species of nodule-forming bacteria. The observed specialization
according to their idea was the result of continued association
through which the bacteria were modified to an extent which
rendered them unable to in vade the roots of other legumes. The
species relationship of the nodule-formers was not at, first correctly
apprehended and for a long time it was not scientifically studied.
The name Bacillus radicicola given (1888) by BEIJERINCK who first
obtained it in pure culture was not retained. The specific name
Rhizobium leguminosarum which had been coined (1890) by FRANK
. was subsequently applied by WINSLOW, though it was apparent that
organisms from different hosts were not identical. BALDWIN and
FRED, upon the basis of host relationships, morphology and cul-
tural characters, proposed (1929) six species of nodule-forming,
nitrogen-fixing organisms, namely:
Rhizobium leguminosarum, Frank
Rhizobium trifolii, Dangeard
Rhizobium phaseoli Dangeard
meliloti Dangeard
Rhizobium japonicum (Kirchner)
Baldw. and Fred
Rhizobium lupini (Schroeter)
Baldw. and Fred
Lathyrus, Pisum, Vicia, and Lens.
Phaseolus 'Vulgaris, Ph. angustifolia.
and Ph. multifiorus
Melilotus, Medioago, and Trigonella.
Soja Max.
The manifold relationships between the bacteria and their host
plants have been studied extensively, in many laboratories. Many
new strains have been discovered and the symbiotic relations have
been somewhat elucidated, yet the exact of nitrogen
fixation and the part played by each of the symbionts is not known.,
FRANK believed (1889 and 1890) that nitrogen is assimilated,
through the leaves and that the associated bacteria merely accel-
erated a process occurring in a non-nodulated leguminous plant.
KOSSOWITSCH (1892) and WHITING (1915) demonstrated by rig-
orous gasometric measurements that a nodulated legume actually
absorbs nitrogen through the roots. THORNTON has extended
(1930) the work of others and shown that nitrogen fixation and
carbohydrate synthesis are closely correlated. The fixation of
nitrogen by Rhizobium in the absence of the host plant was orig-
inally taken for granted and several investigators reported positive
results, but subsequently workers with refined techniques have been
unsuccessful in demonstrating fixation by the organism in pure:
Howard S. Reed -232- A Short History
cultures on laboratory media. WILSON reviewed (1937) the work
and discussed the validity of the results of various workers.
VERNER and KOVALEV have reported (1936) that Rhizobium could
independently ,fix nitrogen if furnished with HBios" from a suit-
able source. The suggestion awaits verification by other
VIRTANEN advanced (1933) the idea that hydroxylamin is the
first product in the process of nitrogen fixation. He demonstrated
that the benefit to an associated non-legume came from nitrogen
transferred to it from the legume, and found that soluble nitrogen
compounds accumulate in the substrate if no non-legume is present.
The process of amino acid formation by legume bacteria may be
briefly described as follows: Hydroxylamine and oxalacetic acid
react to form an oxime, in this case, oximinosuccinic acid, which
contains a chain of four carbon atoms. The next step in the
process is the formation of I-aspartic acid; which, by decarboxyla-
tion, is converted into In younger cultures the nitro-
gen is largely composed of I-aspartic acid, in older cultures,
j3-alanine. VIRTANEN and LAINE postulated the steps by which
an amino acid is produced by nitrogen fixing organisms from
carbohydrate and free nitrogen as follows:
\07' oxime of oxalacetic. acid --')- I-aspartic acid.
carbohydl'ate oxalacetic acid
They showed that in the presence of crushed pea plants aspartic
acid can donate amino nitrogen to pyruvic acid with the formation
of alanine. In all, except the earlier stages, the process of protein
synthesis from free nitrogen does not, therefore, differ from that
by which proteins are formed from ammonia nitrogen.
Soil inoculation; .. Within a very short time after the discovery
of HELLRIEGEL and WILFARTH was announced, interest arose in
the question of introducing the necessary bacteria into field soils,
to promote the development of nodules. It was logical to assume
that if these bacteria are so important, one should be sure that he ,
had in the soil a small number of the desired organisms. More-
over, it was thought that the presence or absence of the organisms
might explain the reasons why clover and other legumes failed to
thrive in certain soils. If these nodule bacteria enabled the plant
to lay hold and avail itself of the atmospheric nitrogen, it was hoped
that the farmers would be relieved of the cost of buying outside
sources of nitrogen for their soils. At the outset, the inoculation
was carried out by the transfer of soil from a field in which the
legumes had grown, and which presumably contained the necessary
organisms. Later on, for various reasons, the attempt was made
to cultivate the organisms on artificial media and distribute them
to farmers to apply to the soil or the seed of the crops which they
desired to plant. SALFELD published a work in 1896 in which he
recounted his experiments on soil inoculations and claimed that
they were, on the whole, very beneficial to the crops which were
to be grown. It should be noted, however, that in many cases the
inoculations were restricted to r'eclaimed moor soils of northern
Europe. In the last years of the nineteenth century, many studies
were made of the possibilities of soil inOCUlation. Some were suc-
Chapter XV -233- Fixation of Nitrogen
cessful, others were failures. Gradually attention was directed
to the possibility of the artificial culture method. NOBBE and HILT-
NER put on the market a preparation which was sold under the
trade name of Nitragin on which they obtained patents in various
countries. The results from the commercial culture were quite
variable. In some places increased yields were obtained, and in
other cases no result whatever was observed.
In the United States, work was undertaken by the Federal
Department of Agriculture and by certain state experiment sta-
tions, which undertook to cultivate the organisms on a medium low
in combined nitrogen, and to distribute these cultures as cheaply
as possible for the benefit of the farmers. Some cultures were
absorbed on cotton and distributed in tin boxes; others were made
in liquids and sent out in bottles. In certain cases where plants
were being grown in new regions for the first time, the effects of
inoculation were decidedly beneficial, but in many other cases the
farmers were sadly disappointed in the results of inoculation.
Extravagant claims were generally made by the manufacturers of
commercial cultures as to the benefits to be derived from their
use. In the end, the faith of the farmers in the efficacy of artificial
cultures was greatly weakened. Eventually it was discovered
that it was of more importance to put the field soil into proper con-
dition than it was to inoculate it with bacteria. The failure of
legumes was frequently traced to lack of aeration or to high acidity
of the soil or to lack of organic matter which impaired the water-
holding capacity of the soil.
The subject of inoculation was actively investigated for many
years withoutl however, arriving at concordant results. HILTNER
and others assumed that the variable results might be due to un-
equal virulence of the nodule-forming bacteria. WILSON considered
(1937) that cross-inoculation of legumes and . nodule bacteria is
somewhat indefinite owing to strain variation among the bacteria,
and to host specificity in the plants observed. Certain . strains of
the soy bean organism are able to invade only one or two members
of the cowpea group, whereas others will infect nearly all the mem-
bers that have, been tested. ConverselYI certain plants appear to
be immune to organisms except those isolated from the same genus
or species; others are readily invaded by organisms isolated from
different genera. '
The effects of bacteriophage on the nodule-forming bacteria,
suggested (1932) by LAIRD, have not as yet been definitely shown
to be a factor in infection. It is true that the phage seems to be
widely distributed and that races isolated from nodules are lcnown
to cause lysis of a given culture of the nodule organisms. DEMOLON
and DUNEZ held (1935) that bacteriophage might be responsible
for the "fatigue" of alfalfa soils in France and ascribed the failure
of alfalfa to that factor. They reported that since the phage was
sensitive to dessication, sunlight, temperatures below 100., etc.,
the phage would in time disappear from the soil. V
and KATZNELSON adduced (1936) similar evidence from expen;.
ments on soils in the Yakima district in the state of Washington,
showing that a lytic principle could. be isolated from soils in which
alfalfa had been grown for three years. . They found that the
formation of nodules was poorer on fields from whose soils lytic;.
principles were obtained. .
Howard S. Reed -234- A Short History
Non-symbiotic nitrogen-nxation by green plants:- The theory
that all living plant cells have the power to assimilate gaseous
nitrogen has come into prominence from time to time, in one
form or another. A complete negation of the theory has not yet
been afforded. As a matter of fact it is embarrassingly difficult to
explain why one cell more tha:n another should possess that unique
power. This was at the heart of the problem which engaged
BOUSSINGAULT, VILLE, and LAWES a century ago. Following the
discoveries of nitrogen-'fixing bacteria in the latter part of the
nineteenth century the theory fell into abeyance, but came to the
fore again in the early part of the present century. It is one of
those biological problems which advances and retreats, but never
disappears. FRANK seems to have been the first to raise the ques-
tion of assimilation of free nitrogen by all plants, regardless of
symbiotic organisms. He did not employ a sterilized soil and
admittedly found algae in it. PETERMANN conducted better experi-
: ments and found (1892) that barley was unable to fix nitrogen in a
I sterilized soil, although he had reported in earlier researches that
plants grown in a soil containing algae and bacteria displayed an
energetic fixation of nitrogen. SCHLOSING and LAURENT showed
(1892) that the apparent fixation of nitrogen by oats, mustard,
and cress was completely abrogated by the growth
of algae in the soil.
When MAMELI and POLLACCI announced (1911) that certain
plants showed an increase in nitrogen when grown in nutrient
solutions containing a small amount of combined nitrogen in addi-
tion to the usual mineral salts there was a revived interest in the
phenomenon. The technique used by the authors was much more
refined than that employed by the workers in the first half of
the nineteenth century and was calculated to inspire confidence in
the results. Their failures, as well as successes, were reported.
They concluded that the process of nitrogen-fixation is rather widely
distributed among green plants and formulated the hypothesis of a
catalyser in the living substance capable of nitrogen-fixation result-
ing in the production of ammonia. LIPMAN and TAYLOR, who
attempted to refine the technique of growing flowering plants, re-
ported (1924) that they obtained a significant increase in nitrogen
in wheat and barley but not in peas.
The possibility that certain algae might function as fixing
agents for nitrogen was strongly suggested in 1889 by FRANK'S
results with, mixed cultures in which Oscillaria, Ulothrix, Pleuro-
coccus, and Nostoc were present. Three years later SCHLOSING
and LAURENT found in their mixed cultures (in which Nostoc was
present) a significant gain in fixed nitrogen. The results of other
workers were variable due in part to the inevitability of using
mixed cultures and to faulty technique. SCHLOSING and LAURENT
found that the absence of N ostoe from mixed algal cultures re-
sulted in lack of nitrogen fixation. BEIJERINCK'S cultures demon-
strated (1901 and later) that cultures of blue-green algae
especially Ana.baena and N ostoc will grow and fix significant
amounts of nitrogen on solutions containing little combined nitro-
gen. SCHRAMM who subsequently investigated (1914) the ques-
tion found no ability to fix nitrogen in the Chlorophyceae. In the
controversial era which followed MOORE and WEBSTER reported
(1920 and 1921) that algae could fix free nitrogen but admitted
Chapter XV -235- Fixation of Nitrogen
that it was quite possible that bacteria were present in the cul-
tures, although they noticed no turbidity after 8 days. WANN
concurred (1921) in the reports that certain algae could fix appre-
ciable quantities of atmospheric nitrogen in the presence of nitrate.
His experiments were conducted with pure cultures of algae and
contained glucose as well as nitrate. BRISTOL and PAGE severely
criticised (1923) the chemical methods which WANN employed for
the analysis of his cultures, condemning the entire work. They
concluded their publication with:
tiThe chemical methods used by the present authors were free from the
serious sources of error in those used by W ANN. While it is quite conceivable
that green algae might assimilate atmospheric nitrogen under certain condi-
tions as yet unknown, there is so far no trustworthy evidence that they can
do so".
The majority of microbiologists came to the conclusion that the
power of nitrogen fixation among the algae is restricted to N ostO()
and Anabaena in the Cyanophycpae, though FISCHER propounded
(1916) and PRINGSHEIM agreed (1918) that the results were due
chiefly to the beneficial association of algae and nitrogen-fixing
Nitrogen metabolism:- The nature of the nitrogen compounds
in plants is admittedly complex and it is small wonder that a sub-
ject so profound has taxed the "}Jowers of many modern investi-
gators. A few men of vision made observations based on simple
experiments in the latter part of the 18th century, but the original
advances were not actively prosecuted until later.
ROUELLE separated (1773) a glutinous substance from the sap
of plants and recognized that it was like the gluten of wheat.
After coagulating the substance by the use of moderate heat he
separated it and found that it gave rise to the same products as
wheat gluten and that it could be changed into a body having an
odor like cheese. Many a year passed before anyone improved
upon the method of fractional heat coagulation used by ROUELLE.
The changes in the organic nitrogen accompanying germination
,and growth were studied (1806) by VAUQUELIN and ROBIQUET
who obtained asparagin from asparagus shoots and demonstrated
that it contained nitrogen. It remained for PIRIA to demonstrate
(1844) that asparagin may be formed during the germination of
plants other than asparagus. He examined vetch seedlings which
had germinated in the dark and from them prepared a small
quantity' of asparagin. Being unable to find any asparagin in
ungerminated seeds, PIRIA concluded that it was something arising
from a change in a nitrogenous reserve substance during germina-
tion, a conclusion which was perfectly correct and which antici-
pated in many ways investigations carried on fifty years later.
The significance of organic nitrogenous substances in the metab-
olism of the plant was clearly envisioned by BOUSSINGAULT and
summarized in 1868. He showed that the asparagin produced in
seedlings in darkness can again be utilized by the plants under
the action of light. BOUSSINGAULT surmised that the asparagin
formed might be part of the respiratory mechanism of the plant
itself, although it was not proved by chemical analysis until sev-
eral years later that the asparagin observed was derived from
proteins. PFEFFER adduced (1872) evidence that the total nitro ..
Howard S. Reed -236- A Short 'History
gen in the germinating seed remains constant, unless some form
of soluble nitrogen is added to the medium in which the plant is
growing. The nitrogen in the seeds of leguminous plants, he
observed, is practically all protein nitrogen. When asparagin
appeared. he regarded it as a primary product of protein metabolism
and assumed that the asparagin formed in the cotyledons 'might
diffuse out into the axial organs where, if carbon and hydrogen
were present from some source such as carbohydrates, it might
be regenerated to form protein, although the composition of the
newly formed proteins might differ from that in the cotyledons;
in the absence of available carbon and hydrogen, asparagin would
accumUlate in the seedlings. PFEFFER's work was hampered by
the lack of knowledge of other nitrogenous constituents derived
from proteins. In 1872 the only constituents which were well
known besides asparagin were ammonia and nitric acid. Knowing
that ammonia was toxic and that nitric acid as such did not occur
. in plants, he came back to the opinion that asparagin was the
form in which most of the nitrogenous substances were transported
from cell to cell. He limited his study to leguminous plants, know-
ing 'that there were whole families of plants in which it was im-
possible at that time to demonstrate the presence of asparagin.
He concluded that the problem of transportation was probably of
importance only in the early stages of growth, assuming that the
developing plant was probably able to meet its needs by assimilat"
ing the salts of ammonia or nitric acid drawn from the soil. Al-
though PFEFFER oversimplified the problem he opened a new field
for research.
SC:EIULZE made great advances in the knowledge of protein
metabolism and reduced the subject, so far as possible, to a quanti-
tative basis. His first paper described (1876) the changes in
composition of seeds of yellow lupine during germination and up
to the twelfth day of age of the seedlings, at which time they
contained over 18 percent of asparagin on the dry-weight basis.
Yet even that relatively large percent did not account for the
loss of all the protein nitrogen, so he assumed that "amino-
nitrogen" had been formed. As a matter of fact about one-fifth
of the vanished protein nitrogen could be recovered in the form
of amino nitrogen. While there had been a loss of "dextrinous"
material, there had been a fluctuating gain in glucose. Whatever
. uncertainty we may feel at. the present time in interpreting this
work, we can see that he had shown that the lost proteins had
been transformed dUring germination and seedling growth partly
into asparagin and partly into other products, including amides.,
This conclusion obviously differed from that of PFEFFER, who
assumed that protein disintegration gave rise directly to sugars
and to asparagin, and that protein regeneration in the new parts
of plants consisted entirely in the recombination of these two
A period of active study and discussion followed. Not all of
the findings could be harmonized at the time they were made. Par-
ticularly was the that many plants contained large
amounts of asparagin and others none. To make the matter more
puzzling,. IVAN BORODIN found (1878) that leaves cut from the
shoots of trees might con)tain no asparagin, but if placed with the
cut ends in water in darkness, they would subsequently contain
Cha.pter XV -237-
Fixation of Nitrogen
appreciable amounts of asparagin. 'Whence came this asparagin?
BORODIN concluded that in' living plant organs, it is probable that
protoplasmic activities such as respiration require a continuous
breakdown and regeneration of proteins. This process of break-
down would give rise to asparagin. If sufficient carbohydrate
were available in the form of sugar, the asparagin would be regen-
erated to protein, if not, it would accumulate in the plant. PFEFFER
opposed the conclusions of BORODIN, but SCHULZE accepted them,
stating that they helped to explain many of his observations, and
later obtained evidence to support BORODIN's theory. SCHULZE
suggested that plants in which asparagin could not be found
might contain the acid amide, "glutamine
In that case the fail-
ure to find asparagin in plants of the cruciferae might be due to
the fact that they contained glutamine instead of asparagin. VIR-
TANEN and LAINE suggest that, if aspartic acid should be the only
primary amino acid formed during nitrogen fixation, then the
synthesis of other amino acids must take place at its expense.
They supported (1936) this suggestion by the demonstration that,
in the presence of crushed pea plants, alanine could be formed f,rom
asparagin and pyruvic acid.
PFEFFER concluded that light is not essential for the synthesis
of proteins since the process may proceed in fungi in the absence
of light and chlorophyll. In the seed plants it is evident that
there is a certain amount of specialization in the assimilation of
nitrogen which PFEFFER thought culminated in leaves and other
chlorophylliferous organs. The roots, however, seem also able to
assimilate nitrates and often to form proteins from the amides
which are conveyed to them. It was possible, he thought, that an
cells in a plant might be capable of assimilating relatively simple
nitrogen compounds. FRANK and OTTO found ( 1890) that leaves
of Trifolium contained more asparagin in the evening than on the
following morning and that leaves of Trifolium, Medicago, and
Lupinu8 likewise contained more total nitrogen in the evening than
on the following morning. They concluded from these observa-
tions that the first stages in the synthesis of .. nitrogen compounds
were accelerated by light. .
STOKLASA concluded (1916) from experiments with sugar beet
seedlings that protein synthesis is not strictly limited by light. He
thought that it can proceed in darkness if carbohydrate and nitrate,
or ammonia, and all essential mineral salts are. present; however,
light benefits these reactions by affording a supply of energy. He
suggested that in the darkened plant potassium is able to accel-
erate the breakdown of carbohydrate by respiratory enzymes. In
view of the unsatisfactory nature of much of the evidence pre-
sented by STOKLASA and others it is not yet possible to decide
whether light has any direct influence on the synthesis of protein
or its precursors.
In the vast array of researches which started about that time
on the changes in protein during metabolism in the plant, SCHULZE
clearly maintained the lead. His chief opponent was PFEFFER.
Eventually. SCHULZE arrived at the conclusion that the amino acids
and other products resulting from the decomposition of the reserve
proteins in the cotyledons were transported to the .axial organs of
the plant before conversion into asparagin, and that this was what
had induced him to suggest first his old, and later his new, hypothe-
Howard S. Reed -238- A Short History
sis of asparagin formation. The new mechanism of asparagin
synthesis, however, led him to adopt the opposite view and to
regard asparagin or glutamine as more easily available for pro-
tein synthesis than the amino acids. Asparagin formation was
thus the first phase of protein PRIANISCHNIKOV,
however, opposed this idea and criticized (1899) much of the evi-
dence brought forward by SCHULZE. He disputed the idea that
asparagin and carbohydrates could be said to bring about the regen-
eration of proteins, stating that there was no evidence of the
utilization of asparagin in etiolated seedlings, even when carbo-
hydrates were supplied. He pointed out that asparagin formation
is lmown to be most rapid in the early periods of germination
while seeds still contain adequate carbohydrate supplies. He con-
cluded that protein is regenerated from amino acids, rather than
from asparagin, as the concentration of the latter is shown to have
The nature of proteins in seeds was greatly elucidated in the
opening years of the 20th century by T. B. OSBORNE, who developed
methods for their isolation and purification, by means of which he
discovered the chemical differences in proteins of various plants.
His work revealed an imposing number of vegetable proteins. Os-
BORNE considered that the anlino acids are for the most part
united in the protein molecule in polypeptide union; that is, by
the union of the NH2 group of one amino acid with the carboxyl
group of another.
ZALESKI and SHATKIN reported (1913) results which seemed
to support the conclusion stated by PRIANISCHNIKov-namely, that
protein is regenerated from amino acids. They observed an in-
crease in protein nitrogen in bulbs of Allium Cepa growing over
water accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of amino
nitrogen, but not of amide nitrogen. Originally, PRIANISCHNIKOV
seemed to consider that asparagin was a harmless means for the
storage of ammonia, a substance which in itself would be injurious
to the plant. From a long series of investigations he eventually
adduced' new evidence on the transformations of nitrogen in the
plant. Out of it came the far-reaching concept that amide forma-
tion in the plant requires, not protein, as had been formerly sup-
posed, but only ammonia and some non-nitrogenous precursor such
as glucose, or perhaps some other nitrogen-free material. This
concept opened a new chapter in the study of nitrogen assimilation
by plants and is now widely accepted. MASON and M.ASKELL sup-
port PRIANISCHNIKOV'S ideas on protein formation, showing that
the concentration gradients in the cotton plant suggest that it is
the amino and residual nitrogen which is transported from the
leaves to the boll, and that the concentration of amides in the stems
is due to the storage of these rna terials. The work reported (1930)
by BISHOP also showed that during the development of the barley
grain, the non-protein nitrogen, which is obviously the form in
which it is translocated from the leaves, never exceeds a certain
maximum concentration; and as more and more nitrogen enters
the grain during development, it is forthwith used for the synthe-
sis of the three constituent proteins.
Out of the mass of interesting and important researches, which,
however, cannot be summarized in this place, we may look for
the recent concept by which amino acids are produced by the living
Chapter XV
Fixation of Nitrogen
CHIB:r--:ALL (1939) a chain of reactions, starting
wIth an a-amIno aCId, gomg next to oxalacetIc acid or some sub-
stance containing a chain of four carbon atoms. The ammonia
assimilated by the root system may be condensed with the oxal-
acetic acid or with a-ketoglutaric acid, or both of these substances
to produce aspartic acid, glutamic acid, or both amino acids. Either
of these substances can then donate amino nitrogen to such a-
ketonic acids as are available in the system and are required for
amino acids, and hence for protein synthesis. When nitrogen is
available in the form of nitrates, the synthesis of amino acids
appears to depend primarily upon the process of reduction, although
it is not clear just how all stages may transpire. It seems, how-
ever, that in the plant nitrate is reduced to nitrite; which goes to
hyponitrous acid, and that in turn to hydroxylamine, which then
goes to ammonia.
Investigations in the modern method were not undertaken on
the problem of the synthesis and hydrolysis of leaf proteins until
a comparatively recent date. CHIBNALL found that there was an
apparent constancy in composition of protein preparations made
from the leaves of the runner bean at intervals throughout the
life history of the plant. From this he concluded that preparations
of proteins of any reasonable degree of purity might be obtained
without resort to treatment which brought about partial hydro-
lysis. A little later he devised the method of using ether or chloro-
form for removal of the contents of the cell vacuole and freeing
the plant material from a large amount of mineral matter in solu-
tion. By this means, proteins were obtained in moderatelY good
yields from the leaves of several plants.
By means of his new method, OHIBNALL was able to show that
detached leaves of the runner bean suffered a marked breakdown
of protein, with a simultaneous production of amino acid nitro-
gen, as well as of acid amides, when detached leaves were floated
on water for five days. In 1926 MOTRES reported that the primary
decomposition products in detached leaves of Vida Faba were
amino acids, which underwent subsequent transformation to give
ammonia; hence asparagin or glutamine was postulated, and
MaTHES concluded that this might be due to the lack of sufficient
carbohydrates to provide the necessary energy for living processes,
so that amino acid residues were being utilized in respiration. He
found that detached leaves which are not too old, when exposed to
daylight or fed with glucose in the dark, show no formation of
amides. Those present disappear and are used for protein synthe-
sis. He thinks that amides and ammonia arise directly from pro-
teins or their decomposition products. His final conclusions on his
experiments were somewhat as follows:
The significance of ami des cannot be primarily that of a medium of
translocation. There is translocation of amides only if they; through accumu-
lation, disturb the equilibrium in the region of their formation or if they
are needed in young leaves for protein synthesis. ln both the above cases,
there is no ground for regarding them as other than substances in the form
in which ammonia is rendered innocuous.
The large number and the complexity of the proteins consti-
tute a serious problem for one who would attempt to giVe a brief
clarifying view of their origins. ONSLOW concluded (1931) that
protein IDay be synthesized in the meristematic tissues of growing
Howard S. Reed -,240- A Short History
points and other regions, by the formation of a pattern, the result
of condensation of small active molecules formed in glycolysis
nitrogen being supplied as ammonia, and sugar as sucrose. In
leaves and other organs proteins may also be synthesized and
hydrolyzed. The predominating effect, according to ONSLOW, de-
pends both on the age of the organ and on the amount of
hydrate present. Synthesis predominates in the youngest mem-
bers, hydrolysis in the oldest. Abundance of carbohydrate is
vorable to protein synthesis. With continuous fall in carbohydrate,
hydrolysis proceeds to amino acids followed by deamination to
amides (or ammonium salts of organic acids) and amlTIonia. At
the growing points sucrose, the sugar of translocation, may be
rapidly hydrolyzed, the galnma fructose being used in respiration,
the inactive glucose in cell wall formation. As a result of the lack
of carbohydrate at the growing point, amino acids would be con-
verted into amides (or ammonium salts of organic acids), and
these further yield ammonia.
The discussions of the diverse and, at times, discordant ideas
of the acquisition and utilization of nitrogen have filled this chap-
ter. Within a hundred years the subject has developed from numer-
ous fragmentary opinions to a point where it has commanded the
attention of specialists and men of genius. The biological impor-
tance of the nitrogen problem is increasingly recognized in many
fields of science and new techniques are continually being applied
to its investigation.
One of the scientific achievements of the last hundred years was
the discovery of the process of nitrogen fixation and the salient
steps in the nitrogen cycle in nature. The cultivation of It?gum:i.nous
plants which may supplement the activities of the non-symbiotic
bacteria of the soil has become a means for regulating the nitro-
gen content of agricultural soils. Important results have, and will
continue to flow from the study of the biochemistry of the nitrogen
of plants.
CllIDNALL, A. C. (1939): Protein metabolism in the plant. Yale Univ. Preas,
New Haven (with bibliography).
FRED, E. B., BALDWlN, I. L., and McCoy, E. (1932): Root nodule bacteria
and leguminous plants. Univ. Wisconsin Studies in Science 6, Madison
(with bibliography).
GREEN, J. R. (1909): A history of botany, 1860-1900. Clarendon Press, Ox-
ford (with bibliography).
and PUGH, E. (1861): On the sources of the
nitl'ogen of vegetation, with especial reference to the question whether
plants assimilate free or uncombined nitrogen. Royal Soc. London,
Trans. 151 :431-577.
LtlHNIS, F. (1935): Handbuch der landwirtschaftlichen Bakteriologie. 2te
Aufi., Borntraeger, Berlin (with bibliography). .
NIGETINGALE, G. T. (1937): The nitrogen. nutrition of green plants. Bot.
Rev.,3:87-174 (with bibliography).
ONSLOW, MumlilL W. (1931): The principles of plant biochemistry. Cam-
bridge Univ. Press, London.
OSBORNE, T. B. (1909): The vegetable proteins. Longmans, Green, London
and New York.
RUSSELL, E. J. (1937): Soil conditions and plant growth. Seventh ed., Long-
mans, Green, London and New York.
VICKERY, H. B. (1938): The metabolism of proteins in green leaves, Cold
Spring Harbor Symposia on Quant. BioI. 6: 67-7'1.
VmTANElN, A. I. and LAINE, T. (1939): The mecha.nism of nitrogen :fixation.
Biochem. Jour. 88 :412-427.
Chapter XVI.
The plant physiologist of today, busy as he is with laboratory
apparatus and concerned with the biophysical and biochemical
aspects of the plant, finds it hard to realize the position of plant
nutrition at the beginning of the nineteenth century, when labora-
tories and apparatus were virtually non-existent. There was an-
other factor which retarded the development of plant physiology
at that time. It was the dominance of the idea of vitalism, which
had been inherited from the past, compounded with the often
mystical language of the nature philosopher. The vitalists had a
tendency to regard all nature as too mysterious and too esoteric
to be capable of investigation. The nature philosopher, making a
;few radical premises, assumed that he understood the whole thing
and proceeded, with great alacrity of tongue and generally of pen,
to explain what had hitherto eluded the most careful scientific
Fundamental discoveries:- There was, fortunately, a scientific
unrest in the minds of a few men, which prompted them to- break
through the mist and fog which had formerly hung over the ques-
tion of plant growth and plant nutrition and to make a few bold,
though simple, experiments, which went far to establish the science
on an experimental basis. In doing this, they were in a way reviv-
ing the work of STEPHEN HALES, who had apparently, been forgot-
ten in the years which had passed since the publication of his
wonderful book on "Vegetable Staticks".
THEODORE DE SAUSSURE, a native of Geneva, was the foremost
man in the new era of plant physiology in the nineteenth century.
DE SAUSSURE was born in 1767 and died in 1845, witnessing in his
day a profound revolution in the affairs of politics, society, and
science. His father was an able physicis.t, prominent in education
and science. THEODORE DE SAUSSURE had strong literary tastes,
was elected repeatedly to the Council of Geneva, and although
active in public affairs, never undertook the duties of academic life.
Throughout his writings we see evidence of the benefits of the
freedom of scientific men at that time in the city of Geneva. DE
SAUSSURE was the forerunner of a new school of plant physiology,
represented more than a generation later by BOUSSINGAULT, LIEBIG,
and . He knew how to employ quantitative methods in
dealing with the problem of plant nutrition, and to draw logical
conclusions from his data. _ His writings, like those of STEPHEN
HALES, were characterised by their directness and brevity. He
knew how to design his experiments so that the results spoke for
themselves. .
DE SAUSSURE started with the works of LAVOISIER, INGENHOUSZ,
-and SElNEBIER, but went much further. His great work entitled
"Recherches Chimiques sur la Vegetation" (1804) contained dis-.
coveries which were fundamental for aU later work. He showed
Howard S. Reed -242- A Short History
(1) that the elements of water are fixed in the plant at the same
time as the carbon, (2) that there is no normal nutrition of the
plant without the uptake of nitrates and mineral matter, and (3)
that the nitrogen in the plant substance comes, not from the air,
but from the soil. In his time most people were satisfied that
the mineral matter absorbed and found in the ash of the inciner-
ated plant was without significance. DE SAUSSUREl corrected their
misunderstanding. He showed that when plants were kept in
distilled water, they made very little growth. He also found that
the roots absorbed substances from solution whether the substances
were of any use to them or not, thus contradicting the older view
that the roots had the power of selecting from the soil just what
they required. He also emphasized the fact, known from the time
of HALES, that roots absorb much more water than the plant needs
for nutritive purposes, and that the mineral solution -taken up by
the plant is extremely dilute. He knew that the plant absorbed
mineral substances, not in the ratio in which they existed in the
soil, but in a very different ratio, and that they might absorb sub-
stances which were actually poisonous. DE SAUSSUREts conclusion
that plants were dependent on the nitrogen of the soil was con-
firmed in an unquestionable manner by BOUSSINGAULT, in writings
published between 1851 and 1855.
It is curious that the SPlendid work of DE SAUSSURE invoked
no additional studies by his contemporaries. It was not until 1842
that another contribution on the subj ect of plant nutrition was
published in which exact quantitative methods were employed.
This was the work of WIEGMANN and POLSTORFF. By means of
an unusually refined technique, they proved that when plants were
grown in distilled water, they gained nothing in ash constituents.
When irrigated with solutions of mineral salts, the plants made
good growth, but with distilled water only dwarfed growth. From
their work they concluded (1) that plants, which can develop for a
time at the expense of the inorganic constituents of the seed, cease
growing whenever the supply falls to a minimum; (2) that the
inorganic constituents of the plant are in no way to be regarded
as products of the life of the plant. neither formed out of unknown
elements which make up the organic compounds; (3) that the
amounts of the mineral substances present in the plant are not
increased by the life processes; all amounts above those which the
seed contains are acquired from the external medium.
DE SAUSSURE'S trenchant ideas on the selective absorption of
mineral constituents began to be studied experimentally about forty
years after they were written. TRINCHINETTI confirmed (1843) the
conclusion that plants do not absorb indifferently what they find
in the soil solution, and added that plants of various species grow-
ing in the same soil do not absorb the mineral constituents in the
same ratio. It was eventually found that plants require potassium,
cal CiUlTI , magnesium, nitrogen, iron, and the anions nitrate, sulfate,
chloride, and phosphate in considerable amounts, but it was a
tedious job to eliminate from the list the unnecessary elements.
SALM-HoRSTMAR published in 1856 the results of his experi-
ments on plant nutrition, in which he employed a differential cul-
ture method, whereby he was able to omit one or more given ele-
ments from the nutrient solution. He carried out his experiments
in wax-coated tin pots which contained sand, pulverized quartz, and
sugar charcoal previOUsly boiled with acids to remove small
Chapter XVI
Plant Nutrition
amounts of mineral matter. While he obtained much useful infor-
he was still uncertain about the essential nature of silica,
aluminum, and manganese.
The final evidence concerning the necessity of an element or
a compound was obtained from experiments with water cultures
i.e., solutions of the salts to be tested. This method was first em-
ployed by WOODWARD in 1699, who showed that plants grow better
in river water than in rain water, but best in the water extract
of garden soil. After having been forgotten for one hundred and
fifty years, SACHS reintroduced the method in 1860, and it has sub-
sequently proven to have great worth for stUdies in plant nutrition.
Agricultural chemistry promoted by Liebig:- The related field
of agricultural chemistry was the first concerned .with questions of
plant nutrition. The indisputable proof that p1ants obtain their
mineral nutrients from soils and from nowhere else led the stu-
dents of the new field of chemistry to explore its possibilities in
relation to crop production. The foremost worker in this new field
was the eminent JUSTUS VON LIEBIG, who was born in 1803
at Darmstadt and died in 1873 at Munich. LIEBIG was a pioneer in
many departments in chemistry and will ever be remembered for
his work in the field of organic chemistry. Rejecting the old idea
that plants get their nourishment from humus, he taught that they
get their carbon from the carbon dioxide and their nitrogen from
the ammonia of the air. while they get other constituents such as
potassium. calcium, sulfur. and phosphate from the soil. He
believed that the supply of carbon and nitrogen in the atmosphere
was inexhaustible, but the farmer must need replenish the miner-
als which plants remove from the soil. His greatest service to the
science of plant nutrition was undoubtedly his overthrow of the
theory that plants obtain their carbon supply from .the humus of
the soil, but with respect to the nitrogen source he was decidedly
far from the mark. His idea that the soil was merely a repository
of the mineral plant nutrients dominated the field of agricultural
science and plant nutrition for a long time. At first it was a useful
but later was entirely inadequate for the facts which con-
fronted the student of soil and plant chemistry. His ideas were
published in a book on "Chemistry in Relation to Agriculture and
Physiology" (1840), and found rather wide acceptance in other
The ideas of a static system imposed by LIEBIG prevailed inso-
far as the mineral constituents of the plant were concerned. The
source of nitrogen was believed to be the ammonia of the air. but
convincing proof was not forthcoming. That led to a very uncom-
fortable situation, because chemists knew that combined nitrogen
is necessary and that free nitrogen is useless for nutrition. (See
chapter XIV of this book).
Field and plot. LIEBIG instituted field
with a synthetic to demonstrate the correctness of hIS
ideas. The fertilizer was a failure, because he utilized insoluble
substances as sources of the mineral nutrients and omitted a form
of combined nitrogen which would furnish that element to the
plants. .
In reply. to numerous criticisms which were made, LIEBIG
adopted a sarcastic and bitter polemic
especially against the plant
Howard S. Reed -244- A Short History
physiologists. They, in turn, exposed a number of LIEBIG'S mis-
takes. The controversy, however, impelled others to take up the
subject anew and devote more careful and scientific investigations
to the problem. Among these were the famous Englishmen, LAWES
and GILBERTJ who opened a private laboratory on the land belong-
ing to the former at Rothamsted, and laid out field experiments
with certain fertilizers in 1843. These experiments were designed
to study the effects of chemical fertilizers on land which was
cropped continuously to wheat or barley. As time went on, the
investigation naturally widened its scope and involved many other
important questions. The yield of wheat on a part of the field
to which no fertilizer was added fell off rapidly for a number of
years; then reached a point where it fluctuated from season to
season without any marked trend one way or the other. The lead-
ers in the technique of plot experiments were BOUSSINGAULT, who
conducted work on his estates in France, and LAWES and GILBERT
in England.
LAWES and GILBERT stated that, in a general way, the quantity
and quality of the produce depended, not only on the selection of
the seed planted, but upon the character and amount of manures
added. They hastened to add, however t that no hard and fast
lines could be laid down with respect to these. points. The choice
would be influenced partly by the character of the soil, but very
much more by that of the climate. When one reads the voluminous
reports of the work at Rothamsted, he is impressed with their
resemblance to a system of farm bookkeeping in which the debits
and credits were meticulously entered. They showed the amounts
of fertilizer added to the soil and, after the crop had been harvested,
tried to account for it.
Field observations on the effect of fertilizers were gradually
undertaken in Germany, in the United States, and in other coun-
tries after 1870. In all the crop trials it was implied that the
results were designed to guide the farmers of the region in treat-
ing their soils. Unfortunately, the ratio of cases in which they
were of real help to farmers was small. Equally valuable informa-
tion could probably have been derived from inspection of the fields
of successful farmers. There were many reasons for the failure
of the field trials. One was the variability of the soil and the
season; another was the lack of sufficient repetition to give reliable
average results. -
GILBERT, speaking (1884) on agricultural investigations in
Europe, said that MAERCKER of Halle reported that field experi-
ments with fertilizers were almost abandoned in Germany. He had
concluded that the chemists of the agricultural stations had neither
the means nor the technical knowledge necessary for carrying out
such experiments successfully; that neither the amount of land
nor the funds at their disposal were such as to admit of any safe
deductions for application in practical agriculture from the results;
and that purely physiological problems could be better investigated
in the laboratory or in the greenhouse.
The reliability of the results of plot experiments may be chal-
lenged on other grounds. and analysis of thousands
of plot experiments which have been carried on in the United States
indicate that in the case of corn where a single mineral element is
applied to the soil in any of the recognized forms of commercial
Chapter XVI -245-
Plant Nutrition
fertilizer material, the chances are 2 to 1 that an increase of crop
will be obtained. Where a mixture of 2 elements are used, the
chances are 6 to 1 that an will be obtained, and where 3
or more mineral elements are supplied, the oqds are 12 to 1 that
an increase will be obtained.
In the second decade of the 20th century there was a gl'eat
refinement in the technique of field experimentation, impelled partly
by the attempt to compute the results of experiments with tree
The appearance of an article in 1906 by HOLTSMARK and LAR-
SEN called attention to the errors of field trials due to the inevitable
variations of field results, and they showed how it may be esti-
mated by the use of the standard deviation and the coefficient of
FIG. 26. - The new Rothulnsted Laborntol'ieB (erected 1914-16), where utuditls are made on
of aoU scienco, plant nutl'ition. etc.
variability. They also showed that the coefficient of variability
decreases as the plots are enlarged, but not in direct proportion
to the size of the plot.
The next few years saw the appearance of several articles from
the Rothamsted Experimental Station, which recorded studies of
the soil variations in their experimental grounds and the influ-
ence of size and repetition of plots upon accuracy. The work was
done largely with the yields of wheat, mangolds, and hay crops.
They showed that the reduction in error'in field trials increased
as the size of the plot increased, but that the reduction is small
when the plot is enlarged to a size greater than 1/40 of an acre.
The error may be further diminished by increasing the number
of plots similarly treated and scattering them about the area under
experimentation, but there was not much to be gained by increas-
ing the number of plots above five. In 1910 WOOD and STRATTON
showed that the application of the probable error method to ques-
tions of sampling for analysis to field experiments and to feeding
experiments could yield results of very great value. One of the
valuable things in their article ,was the publication of tables, which
, "
Howard S. Reed -246- A Short History
showed the number of duplicated plots or number of animals in
the feeding trial which must be employed to give any desired
precision in the results. They concurred with earlier workers in
showing that more accurate results may be obtained by employing
large numbers of small scattered plots than by using one large
plot. The work of WOOD on this problem is deserving of the great-
est recognition, since he was one of the first to give really reliable
methods for calculating the probable error of plot experiments.
A somewhat different method of calculating the heterogeneity
of the field and jts effects upon soil productivity was given by
HARRIS in several papers appearing between 1912 and 1915. HAR-
RIS used the correlation method, which seems to be somewhat less
useful as a means of obtaining a corrective term than the use of
the coefficient of variability and the probable error as used by
WOOD and others. Various methods were investigated subsequent
to 1915, but the general trend was toward the use of the probable
error and the co-variant constant, as derived later by FISHER.
COOMBS and GRANTHAM discussed (1916) the variability in
the yields of rice and coconuts, determined the probable errors, and
introduced calculations to show the odds that any increase is a real
BATCHELOR and REED studied (1918) the nature of variability
in the yields of fruit trees and computed the probable errors of
trees individually and grouped in plots. From their calculations
it was possible to determine the number of trees' in a plot and the
number of plot replications necessary to obtain a certain degree
of accuracy in ascertaining whether the differences between treated
and untreated plots were due to the factors concerned. A differ-
. ence between two plots of less than 50 percent of the mean pro-
duction should be considered with caution before ascribing it to
differences in treatment.
In cases studied, the coefficient of variability was reduced 50 per
cent by calculating the normal yield from the nearest controls
instead of using the mean of the entire area.
FISHER showed (1935) the utility 0"1 a systematic arrangement
of plots, known as the Latin square, for reducing the probable
error of experimental treatments. In the Latin square there
is one plot of each kind in each row and one in each column. To
avoid having plots receiving similar treatments in a line along
the diagonal of the square, each row of treatments is moved for-
ward two places instead of one, giving an arrangement which
avoids a possibility that the growth of plants may be unduly influ-
enced by uniform changes in soil fertility which might run oblique-
ly across the field.
The application of statistical methods to results which involve
the inherent variability of biological material has been of inestim-
able value in agricultural experimentation. Modern experimental
work has been thereby emancipated from many of the limitations
which beset the earlier experimenters concerned with field and
plot experiments.
After the great initial expansion of the field of soil and plaut
VILLE, and others, investigations had turned toward analyses and
plot experiments. The last three decades in the nineteenth cen-
tury were marked as a time of confused strivings and halting prog-
Chapter XVI -247- Plant Nutrition
ress in soil science, but opened the way for some significant
vancements in the twentieth. In LIEBIG'S day and for a long time
afterwards the role of the chemist in soil studies was merely that
of an analyst. The science designated as "Bodenkunde" had not
started in 1880. There was no vivifying influence in pla:nt nutri-
tion of a VIRCHOW, PASTEUR, or KOClI.
In the year 1880, just before many new developments in soil
and plant relations took place, men had come to know certain
important things about the phenomenon of the nutrition of plants:
(1) Soils have the ability to support vegetation for an undeter-
mined, unknowable time. (2) Soils are derived from rocks, yet
pulverized rock is not soil. (3) Weathering produces important
changes in the chemisb'y of the derived soils. (4) Mineral con-
stituents are necessary for plants. (5) Mineral constituents are
obtained from the soil. (6) The mineral nutrients absorbed by
plants come chiefly from a fraction of the soil. (7) The osmotic
properties of the contents of root cells are related to their ability
to absorb water from the soil. (8) The ratio of the mineral con-
stituents absorbed by the plant differs from the ratio existing in
the soil. (9) Plant growth is related intimately to rainfall and
temperature. (10) Soil amendments sometimes increase plant
Soil fertility:- LIEBIG stated in HNatural Laws of Husbandry"
(1863) that the power of the soil to nourish plants is in propor-
tion to the physically absorbed nutritive substances it contains,
though the elements held in a state of chemical combination may
be utilized when the former supply has been withdrawn by plants.
This was perhaps the most satisfactory statement of the phenom-
enon hitherto At the time it afforded, to say the
least, a working model of the soil. LIEBIG'S Law of the Minimum
was the formulation of an idea that the yield of a crop was deter-
mined primarily by the amounts of plant food which were present
in minimum quantities. His idea was discussed later as the
ing Factor by BLACKMAN and again by MITSCHERLICH as the Law
of Physiological Helations. The latter law was expressed as a
logarithmic function between yield and the quantity of plant food
constituents, which is virtually the Law of Diminishing Rctul'ns.
The idea of the soil as a dynamic system was slow in emerging.
So far as soil science was concerned, the memorable work of
CHARLES DARW1N on the activities of earthworms was regarded
as a scientific digression more appropriate for leisure reading
than for the announcement of a principle of soil metamorphosis.
When at length the system began to be investigated by
physical chemists, the cOllcept of a changing equilibrium was pre-
cisely formulated as the basis for demonstrating the dynamic
ture of the soil.
The general neglect of the principles of plant physiology and
of plant geography on the part of agricultural chemists is
ing. The water rela.tions of plants and soils, so extensively studied
by plant geographers, could have been of great help in agricul-
ture; indeed, they had been more or less perfectly understood for
a long time by herdsmen and root-diggers. Finally, H1LGARD, a
man trained in botany and chemistry, gave (1892) an illuminating
discussion on the relation of soils to climate. For breadth of
Howard S. Reed -248- A Short History
view 'and wealth of information, HILGARD'S work cannot be sur-
passed, yet it is painful to note how little influence it had at the
time on investigations in plant nutrition.
Eventually the mineralogy of the soil received long overdue
attention. The conclusion reached has been frequently verified;
namely, that soils are much more heterogeneous than rocks, and
that practically every soil contains all the common rock-forming
minerals. The formulation of the concept of the soil as a dynamic'
system took place at the very beginning of the twentieth century
and liberated soil science from the domination of LIEBIG.
MERRILL'S treatise on the genesis of soils and the role of natural
agencies in soil formation, published in 1897, is a landmark in the
development of modern soil science. In his treatise he compre-
hensively described the chemical, mechanical, and biological fac-
tors which act continuously upon the lithosphere, converting the
mineral aggregate into a mantle of soil in which the roots of
plants can grow.
The dynamic nature of the soil:. The phenomenon of base ex-
change in soils, involving some sort of chemical combination be-
tween iOllS and soil colloids, was discovered in 1852 by WAY, the
English chemist, who observed that soil which absorbed ammonia
from stable manure lost an I equivalent amount of and
concluded that the soil silicates were involved. The matter attracted
some attention at the time, but no notable advance occurred until
GEDROIZ began publishing papers which dealt with the effects of
the salts in the soil solution upon physical and chemical reactions
of soils. GEDROIZ discovered (1918) that there are differences in
the readiness with which soils absorb different ions. For example,
the potassium ion is a somewhat more powerful replacer than the
sodium ion and is more readily absorbed by the clay_ He also
found that the ions of the alkaline earths most readily absorbed
are not necessarily the most firmly held againstleaching, but other
reactions may be involved. Agriculturists had known for some
time that potassium fertilizers applied to soils promote the loss
of calcium.
HrssINK gave (1920) a clear exposition of the replacement
process in soils, emphasizing the rapidity with which the equilib-
rium between ions is attained. He concluded that there is a reac-
tion between the salt solution and the easily accessible or surface
particles of the clay-humus complex, and that the replaceable
kations are adsorptively bound to the adsorbing soil particles.
KELLEY, DORE, and BROWN have advanced (1931) the very
plausible idea that easily replaceable ions like calcium are held
on the outside of the crystal-lattice of the clay particles and hence
are readily exchangeable. Others like magnesium and potassium
are held on the inside of the lattice, and since it is not sufficiently'
open to allow egress to the kations, they are not readily exchange-
able unless the lattice is broken by grinding the clay, but some
potassium and important for plant nutrition are
The properties of soils to exchange bases, discovered by GEDRorz
in Russia, KELLEY in California, HrssINK in Holland, and DE 'SIC'"
MOND in Hungary, have elucidated important questions dealing
with soils of high salt content. They have also demonstrated that
Chapter XVI -249- Plant Nutrition
the absorption or precipitation effected by the reactive bodies is
accompanied by the exchange of an equivalent amount of base,
and have concluded that the reactive constituents of the soil are
compounds of alumino-silicic acid, which form a large part of the
colloidal material.
WHITNEY and CAMERON, of the United States Department of
Agriculture, discussed the chemistry of the soil in relation to crop
production in two important papers published in 1903 and 1904,
in which emphasis was laid on the dynamics of the soil solution.
After discussing the results of a vast number of soil analyses,
which included soils from many parts of the country and soils of
various origins, the authors wrote the following statement, which
was then at variance with preexisting ideas:
"From tho results of the other investigations described and the figures
given in the preceding tables, the conclusion seems inevitable that all our'
principal soil types, in fact, pl'actically all cultivable soils, contain naturally
a nutrient solution which varies within comparatively narrow limits with :t:e-
ga;rd either to composition or concentration and which is usually sufficient for
plant growth, Apparently, therefore, all these soils are amply supplied with the
necessary mineral plant foods, and these plant foods arc not in themselves
a matter. of such paramount importance to the agriculturist, for their supply
as regal'ds the plants is determined by the supply of soil moisture which the
crop can obtain fl'om the soil. Tho chemical analysis of the soil can not in
itself, therofol'c, throw much light upon the problem of fertility, but, when
attempting to control the factors governing crop yield, attention must be
directed to the mechanical condition of the aoil as affecting the supply of
soil moisture, with its dissolved minoral nutrients, to the effects of climate,
to rotation, etc,". (Bureau of Soils, Bulletin 22, 1903).
CAMERON developed (1911) the fundanlental ideas of the soil
solution considered as a liquid phase, wherein the roots find ions
which they may absorb. He showed that the commonly occurring
minerals of the soil are far more soluble than had been assumed,
and that the dissolved SUbstances reach a more or less constant
concentration. He emphatically stated that no soil is ever in a
state of final equilibrium, because of the effects of manifold physM
ical and chemical factors.
These pUlJerS attracted great interest among students of soils
and plants and provoked animated discussions for several years
after their pUblication. The broad generalizations expressed by
WHITNEY and CAMERON were subjected to scathing criticism by
their contemporaries, and certain erroneous concepts were later
corrected. l.'hey stimulated, however
new and important re-
searches on the nature of the soil solution.
Further studies conducted in the Bureau of Soils at Washing-
ton led to the discovery that the infertility of some soils is due,
not to a lack of nutrients or to unsuitable physical conditions, but
to the presence of deleterious organic compounds. An improved
growth of I plants followed diverse treatments, which added
no nutrients but counteracted, when they did not remove, the
terious organic compounds. Treatment of the extracts of such
soils with finely divided solids, such as ferric hydrate or carbon
blaCk, adsorbed and removed the substances, with
consequent improvement of their ability to produce good plants.
The removal of such sUbstan.ces by adsorption often enhanced plant
growth more than the addition of nutrient salts to the a.queous
soil extract. SCHREINER and SHOREY isolated from unproductive
cloward S. Reed -250- A Short History
soils, picoline carboxylic acid and' dihydroxystearic acid, both of
which, when tested experimentally, proved to be toxic to plants.
WHITNEY and his associates also developed a useful technique
for growing seedling plants in aqueous extracts of soils. They
showed that the plant-producing efficiency of the extracts was in
general similar to that of the soils from which they were prepared.
BURD and STEWART discussed (1918) the value of water extracts
of soils as criteria of their efficiency to promote plant growth. The
dynamic nature of the soil and the secular changes in the soil solu-
tion were then studied by BURD and MARTIN. By use of a tech-
nique for displacing the soil solution, they demonstrated the impor-
tance of biological factors in controlling the amounts of dissolved
materials in the soil solution. The anions NOH, SO", and HCO
have a biological origin, and equivalent quantities of kations must,
pari passu, enter the solution. They obtained, moreover, from cer-
tain soils, by displacement, solutions which closely approximated in
constitution the soil solution as it existed in those soils at moisture
contents suitable for plant growth.
The relation of chemical composition of the plant to the stage
of growth attracted the attention of workers in America and
Germany, who showed that th1e were very definite changes with
age. LmBSCHER reported (1887) that with the onset of senility,
some of the mineral constituents were lost from the plant to the
soil. He thought that the losses were mainly from dying plant
members. WILFAR'rH, ROMER, and WIMMER made (1905) an elab-
orate study of the composition of barley, wheat, and potatoes at
successive stages of their growth. They showed that barley ab-
sorbed most nitrogen and potassium before the heads were
oped and subsequently lost it, although when nitrogen was
calculated as total nitrogen per plant, the fluctuation in that ele-
ment was less conspicuous. The maximum amount of phosphate
in the plant was found at the time the heads were formed and
diminished relatively slightly thereafter. It will evince no sur-
prise to learn that they found that the fluctuations in mineral con-
stituents were different in potatoes from barley or wheat. The
amounts of potassium, sodium, nitrogen, and phosphates extracted
from the soil by potatoes were greatest near the close of the
growing season. They were perhaps the first to call attention to
the "luxury consumption" of nutrients by plants, a condition which
came to be more adequately recognized later. For example, barley
uses a great excess of nutrients at the time of most intensive
growth and subsequently, after that period has passed, remits
part of them into the soil by one means or another.
JONES and HUSTON reported (1914) that maize showed a period
of very rapid absorption of potassium eight weeks after germina-
tion, ,just prior to the initiation of head forma.tion, followed by a
long period of slow absorption, succeeded in turn by a rapid
tion during the sixteenth, and finally by an absolute loss in the
seventeenth week. The maximum period of absorption of
gen in the same plant was in the eighth and the sixteenth weeks,
with an intermediate period of minimum absorption.
Gradually it became evident that the requirements of the plants
and the supplying powers of the soil are beset with numerous in-
herently complex interrelations. Several American investigators
have shown that plants can adapt themselves to quite a range of
Chapter XVI -251- Plant Nutrition
changing conditions before they show the effects of deficiencies or
excesses. A great advance was made when HOAGLAND and DAVIS
showed the dependence of absorption of mineral elements on light,
through which the plant can manufacture substances capable of
furnishing energy for the process.
HOAGLAND and MAR'l'IN, in concluding (1923) a discussion of
studies on absorption in sand and solution cultures, wrote:
"Plants have great powers of adaptation to different cultural conditions.
It is not at all necessary that some specific solution be provided. The essen-
tial condition of good growth, as far as the mineral elements are concerned,
is that the concentration of each element be maintained above its critical
level. The culture solution must be replenished as absorption of iona by the
plant proceeds, in order to maintain the concentration of any essential ele-
ment above its critical concentration. Finally, the conditions of light and
temperature are of paramount importance in determining the adequacy of
concentration of any essential element". (Soil Science 16 :386).
Soils contain both free and combined hydrogen ions, but it
was impossible to determine thenl successfully until 1909
SORENSEN perfected a new method by which both the free H-ions
and the buffer sUbstances can be determined. HOAGLAND showed
(1917 and 1919) how the concentration of H-ions affected the
growth of barley plants in nutrient solutions, and OLSEN (1921)
determined how it affected the growth of other species. The
physiological action of the free H-ions is considerable, but the
influence of the buffer substances is more indirect and attains
significance when a soil is exposed to influences which tend to
change the hydrogen-ion concentration. LUNDEGARDH and other
Swedish investigators have studied the relations between hydrogen-
ion concentration of the soil and ecological phenomena. There is
now less emphasis laid on this factor than was common in the
second decade of this century.
When chemists fully realized the complex physical-chemical
relations of the solid phase of the soil and the liquid aqueous
phase, with the powel'S of base-exchange superposed, it was evi-
dent that the older ideas on "availability" were untenable. BURD
introduced (1918) the useful concept of the HsuppJying power!' of
the soil, designating therewith the rate at which ions can be
delivered to the plant roots. A very dilute solution, accordingly,
could afford enough nutrients, if the supplying power were
quate. For example, the absolute anlounts of potassium, or of phos-
phate, :might not be adequate at anyone moment, yet they could
suffice if the supplying power were adequate. A very dilute solu-
tion COUld, a.fford enough nutrients, provided it were accessible to
the roots, 'or if the concentration could be fairly constantly main-
tained, or if there were opportunity for roots to spread and develop
a large absorbing surface.
The formulation of the concept of the soil as a dynamic sys-
tem took place at the very beginning of the twentieth century and
liberated soil science from the domination of LIEBIG.
The first three decades of the twentieth century have obviously
been a time of great advance in the knowledge of soil and plant
relationships. Some of the major problems have been successfully
attacked and solved by the concerted efforts of chemists, physiol-
ogists, bacteriologists, and others. The plant has been induced
to answer questions which baffled and puzzled our predecessors.
Howard S. 'Reed -252- A Short HistorY
Analytical worlr was not sufficient. The classical generalizations
of LIEBIG were not sufficient. New and venturesome methods of
experimentation have been developed. Out of them has come a new
conception of the dynamic nature of the soil, which, coupled with
the discovery of methods for the artificial fixation of nitrogen, has
banished the age-long fear of famine. Agricultural yields may
not only be maintained but increased.
Equilibrium factors in the accumulation of .salts by plant cells:-
The attention of investigators early in the present century was
drawn to the very unequal absorption of ions by plants from the
nutrient solution. PANTANELLI and SELLA demonstrated (1909)
the very unequal absorption of ions by Cucurbita pepo. Generally
the anion was absorbed in excess of the kation. HOAGLAND showed
(1918) that barley absorbed more nitrate than sodium fronl sodium
nitrate solution. but that the two ions of potassium chloride were
absorbed by this plant in equivalent amounts. Miss REDFERN
showed (1922) that peas arid corn' absorbed an excess of the
kations from calcium chloride Solution. A multitude of physical
and chemical theories were advanced to explain the phenomenon,
but scant reference can here be made to them. Many of the con-
clusions were based on considerations which left out the plant in
their attempt to avoid teleological im.plications. Some of the theories
were so perfect that they precluded the possibility that salts which
once got into a cell or into the protoplasmic wall should ever
escape into the transldcati6n stream. .
The acquisition by plant roots of solutes from a dilute solution
attracted the attention of physiologists at an early date, but it was
not clearly explained. The theory that ions are adsorbed on col-
loids or precipitated in the cell sap, or the theory of the Donnan
equilibrium as applied to this problem, could not be verified.
The main difficulty in the' problem has been just this neglect
of the plant and its power to expend energy. STEWARD was per-
haps the first to call attention to the relations between respiration
and salt accumulation.
Salt accumulation is not simply the penetration of salts or ions
into the protoplasm, but the accumulation of iOllS in the vacuolar
sap. "This means", said L UNDillGARDH (1934), "that the attrac-
tion between the charged particles of the protoplasm and the salt
ions is eliminated somewhere in the cell, which postulates energy
supply". ."
. HOAGLAND and DAVIS showed (1923 and 1926) that plants like
Nitella and Chara absorb ions from the external solution against
concentration and activity gradients. Factors which determine
the condition of equilibrium for different ions vary rather widely.
The hydrogen-ion concentration of the external medium specially
affected the absorption of nitrates. Potassium, chlorine, and
sodium had higher factors of concentration than sulfate, calcium,
or magnesium. Ions may penetrate into a cell against a gradient,
and nearly all the ions present in the cell sap existed in the ionic
state. The insoluble or combined elements found in the cell wall
or protoplasm, included calcium, magnesium, sulfur, silicon, iron,
and aluminum. Valonia accumulated potassium in amounts greater
than other ions. HOAGLAND and DAVIS emphasized that the process
of salt accumulation seems to be a general attribute of living plant
Chapter XVI -253- Plant Nutrition
cells in a state of active growth and metabolism, and that energy
is expended in the process. S1'EW ARD showed that salt accumula-
tion by storage tissues of potatoes and carrots was dependent upon
metabolic activities of the plant cell associated with aerobic
tion and reflected in the carbon dioxide production, and also upon
the potentiality of the cell for growth. The amount of salt accumu-
lated, however, bore no stoichiometric relation to the amount of
liberated by the accumulating cells. .
HOAGLAND and BROYER demonstrated that young growing roots,
with available carbohydrates at their disposal and suitably aerated,
can accumulate certain ions (for. ex.ample, potassium, bromine,
chlorine, nitrates) with remarkable rapidity, provided that the
root cells the cortical cells are primarily involved - have not
attained what may, for convenience, be designated as a Hhigh
saltH condition; that is, a concentration of salts in the vacuoles
representing some sort of steady state, which retards or prevents
further accumulations, except as l1ew growth occurs or as salt
previously accumulated is translocated to the shoots.
The importance of oxygen supply for the absorption of salt is
just as great in the soil as in the solution cultures. SCHREINER
and REED showed (1908) that fertile soDs have greater oxidative
powers than infertile soils, and LOEHWrNG showed that soil aera-
tion promotes plant growth and mineral .absorption.
BARTON-WRIGHT, E. C. (1983): Recent advances in plant physiology. Ed. 2,
Churchill, London.
BOUSSINGAULT, J. B. D. (1860): . Chimie agricola.
BRElNCHLiEY, W. E. (1927): Inorganic plant stimulants and poisonB. Long-
mans, Green, London (etc.) .
CAMERON, F. K. (1911): '!'he chemistry of the soil solution. Easton.
CZAPEK, F. (1920): Biochemie del' Pflanzen, :ad. 2. 2. AutT., Fischer, Jena..
DEl SAUSSUltE, T. (1804): Rechel'ches chimiquea sur Ia vegetation. Nyon,
Hn,GARD, E. W. (1904): Soils. Macmillan, New York.
LIEBIG. J. VON (1846): Die Ohemie in ih1'6r Anwendung auf Agricultur und
Physiologic. 6ta Aufl., Vieweg, BrAunschweig.
LOEW, O. (1903): The physiological role of mineral nutrients in plants. U.
S. Dept. Agr., Bureau of Plant Industry, Bull. 45.
LUN DEGARD II , 1-1. G. (1930); Klima und Boden. Fischer, Jona.
MERRILL, G. P. (1897); Rocks, and soils. Macmillan, London.
MILLER, E. C, (1938): Plant physiology. Ed. 2 (with bibliography). Mc-
Graw-Hill, New York and London. ,
RUSSELL, E. J. (1987): Soil conditions and plant growth. Ed. 7, Longmans,
Green, LOlldon and New York.
SACHS, J. VON (1887): Lectures on the physiology of plants. Clal'endon
Press, Oxford.
SALM-lIoRSTMAR (1856): Verauche und Resultate 'libel' die Nahrung del'
PtJanze. Braunschweig.
WU,LFARTH; H., H., und WIMMF..R, G. (1906): uber die Niihrstoff-
aufnahme del' Pflanzen in verschiedenen Zoiten ihres Wachstums. Landw.
V crsuchsst. 63:
Chapter XVII.
DE SAUSSURE showed that the ash analysis of a plant was an
unreliable index of its needs, since it absorbed many things of no
use and often substances which were toxic. The desire to ascer-
tain the nutritional requirements of agricultural plants was a
strong incentive to study this question, but little progress was
made until SACHS in 1860 perfected the forgotten technique of
water culture. The successes and failures following the introduc-
tion and use of chemical fertilizers as soil amendments in the
nineteenth century naturally turned attention to the problems of
plant nutrition. The insistence of the agricultural chemists upon
investigations mounted as cases multiplied in which the applica-
tion of fertilizers produced no increase in plant growth. Slowly
at first, the plant physiologists began to unravel the tangled story
of how plants are nourished. Knowing that certain elements
were essential for plant growth, it was reasonable to assume that
each had some specific function which could not be performed by
another element.
Phosphorus: .. VILLE appears to have been one of the first investi-
gators to show (1861) that phosphorus is necessary, for all plant
growth. Although his experiments were performed with sand
cultures. they showed such definite results that there can be no
doubt of his conclusions. He also showed that, in order to serve
as a plant nutrient, the phosphorus must be in the form of phos-
phates. Field observations long ago established that phosphates
promote root growth. Phosphate fertilization is effective for the
growth of root crops such as beets, turnips, and swedes. The re-
curring statement that arsenic salts might perform the function
of phosphates in the plant was finally refuted by STOKLASA and by
MOLISCH ill 1896. BERTHELOT and ANDRE reported (1888) that
the relative amounts of phosphorus in Amarantus caudatus were
greatest in the young plant and decreased to maturity. WILFARTH
and (1905) and BURD (1919) found that the amount
of phosphates in barley straw decreased as the plant matured, and
that the relative amount in the grain greatly increased during the
process of ripening, indicating that the amounts of nuclein-
phosphorus increased at the expense of water-soluble phosphorus
in the straw. REED (1907) found that phosphates were necessary
for the utilization of starch in Spir'ogyra, and that in its absence
starch was transformed (if at all) into unusual forms of carbo-
hydrates. Nuclear and cell divisions were inhibited in the absence
of phosphates, but were promoted by adding a few drops of a solu-
tion of the salt to the culture. KOCH and REED showed (1907) that
the phosphorus of the vitally important nucleo-proteins showed
practically no decrease when cells were grown with a minimum
amount of phosphates; but that the water-soluble forms of organic
and inorganic phosphorus showed relatively great dcclease.
The accelerating effect of phosphates on alcoholic fermentation
Chapter XVII -255- Mineral Constituents
by yeast juice was observed (1903) by BUCHNER who assumed that
it was due to their alkalinity. Living yeast cells contrariwise main-
tain a high rate of fermentation and do not respond to the addi-
tion of phosphate. HARDEN and YOUNG showed (1906) that phos-
phates have an important role in fermentation and that their
presence is absolutely essential for the phenomenon in yeast juice.
They may be considered as a 0' zymase. HARDEN and
YOUNG demonstrated that a definite chemical react jon involving
sugar and phosphate occurs when a soluble phosphate is added to
a fermenting mixture of hexose with yeast juices, maceration
extract, dried yeast, or zymin, resulting in the production of an
equivalent amount of carbon dioxide and alcohol and a hexose-
The equation for the reaction has been written:
2 CaR,.Ou + 2 PO.HR. = 2 + + 2 H20 + C.H100 4 2
Regardless of the nature of the sugar used for fermentation
the hexosediphosphate formed is always the same and is fructosedi-
phosphate. ROBISON'S results showed (1922) that the process is
more complex than had originally been supposed. He found that
if either glucose or fructose were fermented by yeast a hexose-
monophosphate was formed in addition to the hexosediphosphate.
HARDEN and HENLEY, as a result of later studies, concluded (1927)
that the diphosphate, originally described, is formed according to
the equation, but that a part of it is subsequently hydrolyzed with
the formation of a monophosphate.
Sulfur:- From the time of LIEBIG it has been known that sul-
fates are necessary for plant growth. The experiments of BIRNER
and LUCANUS, employing water cultures, emphasized (1866) the
importance of sulfates in comparison with other sulfur compounds.
Fungi and bacteria may, however, utilize various compounds con-
taining sulfur. BERTHELOT and ANDRE, from an investigation of
the sulfur absorption during the growth period, reported (1891)
that the quantity absorbed steadily increased up to the period of
blossoming of annual plants. Comparatively little information has
been obtained on the functions of sulfur compounds in pla'Q,ts.
Who employed the sodium nitroprussid reagent, repOJ:ted
(1902) that cystein was present in the apical meristem of shoots
and roots. Mrs. HURD-KARRER showed (1935) the remarkable
effects of sulfur in counteracting the toxic action of selenium in
plants. She showed that 36 parts per mi1lion of sulfur as sulfate
could overcome the lethal effect of 3 parts per million of selenium
for wheat plants in water cultures. MILLER and others have shown
(1919) that plant growth on many soils is often limited by the
quantity of sulfates present. The growth of leguminous plants
is often greatly enhanced by the application of sulfates, as wen
as by elemental sulfur, but the story is complicated by the mani-
fold relations of soil microorganisms to sulfur, through which the
solubility of cel'tain soil minerals may be increased as the result of
an increased supply of hydrogen ions.
Calcium:- Aside from the earlier ideas upon the value and func-
tion of nitrogen in the plant, the first ideas upon the specific
functions of anyone of the elements appear to have been advanced
Howard S. Reed -256- A Short History
by STOHMANN in 1862 on the functions of calcium. He concluded
that calcium was necessary for the formation of the green parts
of plants, since, when he cultivated corn plants in solutions lacking
calcium, the leaves died at the tips. After the addition of a small
amount of calcium salt, the plants quickly took on new life and
began forming leaves and shoots. W. WOLF appears to have dis-
covered (1864) incidentally that calcium salts had a stimulating
effe.ct on root growth. It has since been shown that other salts
will produce the same effect, but WOLF's discovery appears as one
of the first attempts to explain the unknown but beneficial effects
of calcium salts on certain soils. SCHIMPER, in 1888, concluded
from a study of the green parts of plants, that the principal func-
tion of calcium was to precipitate oxalic acid and soluble oxalates ..
KELLEY and CUMMINS found (1920) that calcium-starved leaves
of citrus trees are considerably more acid and contain distinctly
.less calcium than normal leaves. In opposition to this idea, KRAUS,
adduced evidence (1897) that the importance of calcium does not
depend primarily on its power to precipitate soluble oxalates,
since some plants are able to tolerate their presence in the tissues.
REED and HAAS observed (1923) that calcium is necessary for pro-
cesses of protein synthesis and growth in the young leaves of
citrus trees. Potassium could not perform the functions of calcium.
When the calcium supply fell far below the optimal amount, the
foliage was prematurely shed; the shoots died back after making
a short growth, resulting in the condition known as multiple buds.
The calcium in the trunk and large roots was relatively immobile
and was not useful to the shoots and root extremities. The impor-
tance of calcium for growth and spore formation in Aspergillus
and Penicillium was demonstrated by DAVIS, MARLOTH and BISHOP
in 1928. Spore formation was dependent upon calcium ..
In 1892 OSCAR LOEW ascribed a highly important function to
calcium, regarding it as one of the important mineral bases which
enter into the constitution of the proteins composing the cell nu-
cleus and plastids. According to his interpretation, these proteins
take up magnesium in the absence of calcium, and the resulting
magnesium-protein compound has not the same well-de-llned capac-
ity of imbibition which the calcium-protein bodies possess; hence
the harmful effects observed by all workers when plants grow in
a calcium-free medium which contains magnesium. This deduc-
tion prevailed and stimulated work for upwards of two decades. In
1905 VON PORTHEIM and SAMBC obtained results with Phaseoltw
plants which afforded some support for LOEW' S theory. They
found by analysis that plants grown in solutions lacking calcium
had a much greater proportion of magnesium than the normal
BOEHM began the study of the specific effects o:f
calcium and magnesium on plants. He discovered (1875) the toxic
effects of magnesium salts on plants growing in solution cultures,
but it remained for VON RAUMER to show (1883) the antidoting
power of calcium for magnesium and the ratio of the two elements
for the best growth of plants. He observed that Phascolu8 plants
suffered characteristic injury when grown without magnesium.
After reaching a height of a;bout one meter, the internodes ceased
to elongate. The new leaves remained small and were chlorotic.
,Chapter. xvn
-257- Mineral Constituents
The prolonged investigations of OSCAR LOEW on magnesium
and its functions in plant nutrition produced some important
results. In discussing (1892) the role of magnesium in the plant,
he concluded that one of its functions was to serve as a carrier
for phosphoric acid since magnesium, like phosphorus, accumulates
in the seed. Considering the rapidity with which magnesium salts
are dissociated, LOEW believed that they would present the phos-
phoric acid radical in a form favorable for assimilation. The result
of numerous analyses can be cited to show that magnesium is
usually abundant in the plant where nucleo-proteins are being
formed. If magnesium has such a function, it is evident that a
small quantity could be used repeatedly as a carrier of phosphoric
acid in the plant. BOKORNY duplicated most of LOEW's results and
showed that magnesium is necessary for the development of
nuclei and chloroplasts. BERNARDINI also concluded (1914) that
magnesium is important for the nutrition of the embryo and of
. very young shoots, because it serves as a vehicle for the transfer
of phosphoric acid. Having learned that magnesium is essential
for growth but is often toxic, physiologists, under the leadership
of OSCAR LOElW, at the end of the last century, formulated an hy-
pothesis that there should be a certain ratio of calcium to mag-
nesium for optimum glowth. After a searching review of the
evidence of many workers, LIPMAN failed to find (1916) con-
clusive evidence in support of the calcium-magnesium ratio; rather,
it seemed that there is some other more reliable interpretation.
Knowing that magnesium is a constituent of the chlorophyll
molecule, it was no surprise to discover that a deficiency of that
element shoUld cause chlorosis. REED studied the behavior of
Spirogyra, which he cultivated in magnesium.:.iree solutions, and
reported (1907) that the development of chlorophyll was inhibited.
Vaucheria cultivated in magnesium-free solutions contained none
of the characteristic oil globules. GARNER and associates discov-
ered (1923) that "Sand Drown", a chlorosis of tobacco in South
Carolina, was cured by applications of magnesium. REED .und
HAAS reported (1924) a specific type of chlorosis of orange leaves
due to Inagnesium deficiency, which is characterized by a narrow
chlorotic strip on each side of the mid-rib.
Potassium: BIRNER and LUCANUS, experimenting with oats in
water cultures, gave the 'first proof (1866) that potassium is indis-
pensable for flowering plants and cannot be replaced by other
metals of that group. HELLRIEGEL extended (1867) and confirmed
these observations, but NOBBE (1870) seems to have been the first
to point out the necessity of potassium for the formation of carbo-
hydrates in plants. RUSSELL emphasized (1932) the relation of
potassium to leaf efficiency, and observed that it may explain why
application of potassium to plants is so beneficial in cold, wet
For many years there waS uncertainty concerning the role of
potassium, though the majority of workers confirmed NOBBE
conclusion that it was necessary for the formation of carbohy-
drates. WILFARTH concurred (1905) in this view and observed
that the barley plant apparently uses the carbohydrate primarily
for building up the most extensive plant body possible and, when
completed, begins filling out the various parts and members.
Howard S. Reed -258- A Short History
In 1904 MACALLUM's successful use of microchemical methods
enabled him to demonstrate that the walls of fibrovascular ele-
ments are rich in potassium, and that it is present in particular
regions of the protoplasm of the green cell but absent from the
nucleus. He concluded that it is important in the growth and
formation of the cell wall, because it was abundant in the apical
region of growing rhizoids and pollen tubes, and agreed that potas-
sium is in some way connected with the process of photosynthesis.
PENSTON also used (1931) microchemical methods for studying
the distribution of potassium in the potato plant. Finding that the
element was more abundant in regions of greater physiological ac-
tivity, he supported the idea that potassium is important for protein
metabolism. The positive association of potassium and starch
was not e.stablished, though potassium was more abundant in pali-
sade cells of leaves and in probable association with the process
of carbon assimilation. GASSNER and GOETZE reported (1934)
that the efficiency of potassium in nutrition depends upon age, light,
and nitrogen and must be investigated only when none of these
other factors are limiting. They concluded that the effects of
potassium and nitrogen on protein synthesis are of such funda-
mental importance that their roles must be considered together.
High levels of potassium and 'low levels of nitrogen produced
similar effects upon protein content, chlorophyll content, rates of
assimilation, and respiration.
Iron:- GRrs demonstrated (1843 and 1844) experimentally that
in an iron-free medium leaves were chlorotic and plants made little
growth, but they recovered in a short time if a few drops of a
solution of an iron salt were added to the medium, or if a dilute
solution were applied to the leaves. This discovery has been con-
firmed and the work extended by many investigators. It was
thought by some that iron was a component of chlorophyll? but
careful analyses showed that this is not the case. In some way not
yet understood, iron catalyses the production of chlorophyll.
GERICKE reported (1925) that plants grown in light of high inten-
sity required more iron than when grown in weak light. The neces-
sity of iron for fungi, which had been observed by RAULIN (1869),
was emphasized when JAVILLIER and SAUTON found that it was
needed not alone for growth, but for conidia production of Asper-
gillus. MACALLUM and others, who used his microchemical meth-
ods, discovered (1891) that iron occurs in the chromatin of the
nucleus, and others found it ill the embryo of the barley grain.
Within the last half-century, the role of infinitely small fac-
tors has become important in the whole neld of biological investi-
gation. Plant physiologists have discovered the necessity for
elements which were formerly disregarded because, in truth, most
of them are toxic to plants, even in small quantities. It is now
conceded that the success of most of the early water-culture experi-
ments with plants was due to the presence of micro-elements in
supposedly pure chemicals by which the needed amounts were
inadvertently furnished.
The nutrition of algae and fungi was intensively studied at an
early date since for these plants it is a relatively simple matter to
Chapter XVII
-259- Mineral Constituents
maintain uniform cultural conditions. In 1860 PASTEUR first cul-
tivated fungi in solutions of definite composition. Subsequently
his pupil RAULIN studied the value of certain mineral compounds
(including copper and zinc) for the growth and reproduction of
fungi. Some physiologists framed an idea that these otherwise
toxic compounds might act as "stimulants", provided the concen-
tration was sub-lethal, but that concept was eventually dropped.
Boron:- The importance of boron for plants was demonstrated
in 1910 by AauLHoN, whose results indicated that it is an essential
element for the seed plants. His experiments showed that differ-
ent species reacted differently toward boron, but for each there
was an optimum which favored the growth and yield of the plant.
Boron in larger amounts, however, reduced the chlorophyll and
checked root development.
From 1914 to 1918 the manufacturers of chemical fertilizers
were often obliged to use potash from unusual sources, some of
which contained boron in amounts sufficient to be detrimental to
vegetation. The problem awakened interest in the whole subject
of the relation of boron to plants. Many papers on th,e subject
appeared following 1920. It was found, incidentally, that small
amounts of boron might be beneficial to the growth of plants. Miss
BRENCHLEY and associates at the Rothamsted Experimental Station
concluded that small amounts of boron are important for the devel-
opment of nodules and the growth of legumes, but that other
plants may thrive without it. SOMMER and LIPMAN showed, how-
ever, that boron is generally essential for the complete develop-
ment of all plants. JOHNSTON and DORE demonstrated (1929)
that the addition of .5 parts per million of boron to the nutrient
solution was essential for the normal growth and development of
the tomato plant. Boron-deficient plants contained more total
sugar and starch in their leaves and stems than normal plants, a
condition believed to be due to the breal\:down of the conducting
tissues, thus reducing their ability to translocate sugar. In the
same year, McMuRTI{ElY found that boron was essential for the
development of'tobacco plants, and HAAS established the necessity
of boron for the healthy growth of lemon trees. When boron was .
deficient there was a gradual reduction in the size of shoots; result-
ing sometimes in the formation of multiple buds and split leaf
veins. When a :small amount of boron was added to the culture
solution, the total sugar content of the leaves diminished and the
plant appeared to recover from the former injury.
SCHARRER and SCHROPP found that a characteristic heart--rot
and dry-rot of sugar beets was remedied by the application of
small amounts of boron to the soil. In 1934 DE HAAN also found
great improvement in the growth of sugar beets and in the yield
of sugar following the application of boron to soils. O'BRIEN
DENNIS :found likewise that boron is efficient in preventing a dis-
ease of swedes (turnips) which occurs in Scotland and other coun-
tries (Fig. 34). In very recent years boron has been :found a spe-
cific for the control of cork-spot in apples and many other abnormal
conditions in plants.
The effect of copper salts on leaves was observed
originally in connection with the results of spraying' plants with
Howard S. Reed. -260- A Short History
copper-lime fungicides. RUMM compared (1893) the tissues in
sprayed and unspraye4 grape leaves, finding differences in width
so small that they cannot be regarded as significant. The palisade
parenchyma cells of the sprayed leaves contained, neve:rtheless, a
greater. number of chloroplasts, although their average size was
somewhat smaller. BAIN reported (1902) that the deposit of
copper salts on l!3aves affected the formation of starch in the
underlying tissues. Grape leaves showed the greatest benefit from
copper sprays, followed by the apple and finally the peach, which
is rarely benefited by spraying under normal conditions. FORBES'
study of the effects of copper salts in irrigating waters and soils
demonstrated (1917) that copper salts were absorbed by the roots
and he traced the channels through which they traversed the
plant, and their accumulation in the meristem. He showed that
Fra. 27. - Tomato leaves exhibiting deficiencies of microelements. A, Healthy: H, mInus cop-
per: O. minus zinc. Drawn from a photograph by ARNON and STOUT. '
when very small concentrations of copper salts were present, the
growth of the plant was enhanced. SOMMER reported in 1931 that
experiments on the growth of various plants in water-cultures
showed that copper was necessary for the complete growth o:f the
plant. In the same year LIPMAN and MACKINNEY showed that bar-
ley plants seemed to be unable to produce seed without a small
quantity of copper in the x'oot medium. Exanthema of trees is
often cured by the applicatio'n of copper sulfate to the soil or to
the tree, but the way in which it acts is not well understood, though
it has been investigated by numerous workers. OSERKOWSKY and
THOMAS reported (1933) that normal pear leaves from localities
where the trees were free from exanthema contained from two to
four times as much copper as those from exanthemous trees.
ALLISON, BRYAN and HUNTER found (1927) that the addition of
copper to plants on the ,muck soil of the Florida ,Everglades was
necessary for the growth of corn and cowpeas, which, without
copper, malre very abnormal growth.
Chapter XVII -261- Mineral Constituents
The importance of copper in biological oxidations was demon-
strated in 1937 by KUBOWITZ who showed that polyphenol oxidase
is a copper protein complex. The protein system, free of copper,
is inactive and up to the optimum, the activity is proportional to
the copper content.
For over a quarter of a century, attention has been
devoted to the possible use of manganese as a nutrient for plants.
Some of the early work gave uncertain results because of the fact
that the iron salts used were almost invariably contaminated with
manganese. It is only under special conditions that one can obtain
iron salts free from a considerable amount of manganese.
Fairly clear-cut results were obtained from the application of
manganese compounds to nutrient solutions for the growth of the
lower organisms. In 1911 BERTRAND and JAVlLLIER reported the
results of experiments in which Aspergillus was grown on solu-
tions with or without manganese sulfate. They showed that the
dry weight of the fungus, as well as its ash content
increased with
the increased concentration of up to a thousand milli-
grams per liter. OLARU made experiments on the effect of man-
ganese on the nitrogen-fixing bacteria from the root nodules of
leguminous plants, showing (1915) that a concentration of 1 part
of manganese per 50,000 of nutritive medium gave increases in
the amount of nitrogen fixed in all cases.
The importance of manganese as a nutrient :for plants has been
investigated by McHARGUE since 1914. He found that leguminous
plants are apparently more sensitive than to the lack
of manganese. In later work he came to the conclusion that, since
tomatoes, oranges and lemons were found to contain appreciable
amounts of manganese, there is a relationship existing between
manganese and vitamins in plant and animal tissues. In 1932
HAAS reported a peculiar type of chlorosis of citrus leaves when
the trees were grown without manganese.
plants suffer from abscission of the young leaves and death of
the shoots. The roots remain healthy in appearance, even though
manganese is deficient for top growth. SCHARREIa and SCHROPP
published in 1934 the results of an extensive series of experiments
in which small amounts of manganese were applied to plants in
sand and water cultures. Within the range of beneficial concen-
trations there appeared to. be two maxima, more distinct in the
water than in the sand cultures. In the absence of iron there
was more inj ury to maize than when both iron and manganese
were omitted. ARNON discovered (1937) that the addition of small
amounts of manganese to media in which ammonium was the
source of nitrogen, greatly increased the growth of barley plants.
, A disease of oats long known as Grey Speck has been found to
be a manganese-deficiency disease. SAMUEL and PIPER found that
manganese is an essential element for plant growth and a specific
remedy for the Grey Speck disease. DAVIES and JONES showed in
1931 that manganese sulfate, applied either before or after sowing
oats, gave complete control of the Grey Speck and stimulated
slightly the seedlings. No seed transmission of Grey Speck was
obtained, although all plants grown on an affected area showed
marked reduction in yield and a lowering of the pe:tcentage of well-
filled grain. . '
Howard S. Reed -262- A Short History
Zinc:- The earlier agricultural chemists showed that the ash
of some plants contained appreciable amounts of zinc. There were
speculations on the significance of this rather unprecedented ele-
ment, but no one had a very clear idea about its physiological
importance. Zinc salts were known to be toxic to plants in small
amounts. Therefore there was a great deal of interest taken in
their effects, especially in the :vicinity of industries which liberated
fairly large amounts of zinc into the atmosphere or into the drain-
age water.
The work of RAULIN, already mentioned, gave definite evidence
that zinc in very small amounts is useful for the growth of plants,
showing (1869) that zinc, as weH as certain other micro-elements,
was beneficial to the growth of Aspe'rgillus in conjunction with
the other necessary mineral nutrients. JAVILLIER published in
1908 the results of his study of the zinc content of about 45 species
representing 27 families of plants 'in which zinc was commonly
present. He believed that zinc had an important physiological
function, but he was not very clear about its nature. When zinc
was added to cultures in which Aspergillus was grown, there was
a definite increase in the dry weight of the fungus. He found
that with increasing amounts of zinc (from one part per 10,000,000
to one part per 10,000) 1 there was an increase in the respiration
of sugar in the culture solution, accompanied by an increase in
the amount of mycelium produced.
The effects of zinc on the growth of green plants began to be
studied about 1913, when VOELCKER published results of pot experi-
ments to test the influence of zinc salts on the growth of cereals.
He showed that the addition of zinc up to .01 per cent will have,
on the whole, a stimUlating result and produce better tillering, but
that above that amount it was toxic. MAZE published (1914)
an important paper showing the beneficial effects of zinc on the
growth of maize, concluding that it has a specific effect on the
growth of higher plants. In low concentration it seemed to act
as a food for the cell, and its physiological action appeared to be
linked with sulfur translocation. However, zinc, when present in
soluble form, was definitely toxic, even at a very high dilution. F'or
example, zinc nitrate at a concentration of 25 parts per million
inhibited the growth of corn roots and killed the plant within one
month, although under these conditions the amount of zinc was
not sufficient to llleet the zinc requirements of the plant. The
results of these earlier investigations 011 the growth of plants sup-
ported the conclusion that zinc is a nutrient rather than a stimu-
lant. BERTRAND and his colleagues found small quantities of zinc
in the juicy part of citrus fruits, but found larger amounts in
chlorophyll-bearing organs. They also showed that the green
leaves of various salad plants were richer in zinc than etiolated
leaves and assumed that zinc plays a role in chlQrophyll produc-
tion, or at least in some process in which chlorophyll is involved.
In 1926 SOMMER and LIPMAN gave additional evidence of the
indispensable nature of zinc for the growth of higher plants. Miss
SOMMER later confirmed the results and extended the observations
to include a number of other plants. The study of zinc in rela-
tion to many agricultural and horticultural problems has been
intensively prosecuted. HOAGLAND and CHANDLElt discovered
. (1931 and 1932) that the tree abnormalities in certain areas of
Chapter XVil -263- Mineral Constituents
California were due to the deficiency of zinc in the soil, and that
when properly supplied
the fruit trees and certain small plants
regained vigor, showed improved growth, and produced satisfac-
tory crops of fruit. In 1931 and 1932 four different groups of
worI{ers in America discovered independently that treatment with
zinc, through the soil or in other waysJ will cure a serious orchard
disease - one that affects trees of some kinds in some areas and of
all kinds in certain areas from Florida westward through Texas,
Arizona and California, and northward at least to the Canadian
line. This disease went by various names, depending somewhat
on the variety of tree which was being studied. On the pecan
and the apple it is called Urosette"; on the citrus tree, Hmottle
leafJl ; on the walnut, "yellows"; on the grapevine, stone fruits and
some other trees, "little leaf"; in maize it is called "white bud"
(Fig. 35),
In 1935 REED and DUFRENOY showed the importance of zinc
in cell physiology of the orange leaf, and determined its
tion in affected and healthy leaves by micro-incineration. They
showed that profound changes in cytological conditions were asso-
ciated with the recovery of affected leaves after having been
sprayed with a solution of zinc sulfate plus lime. Cells which
had been practically devoid of chloroplastids had developed an
abundance of new plastids which had a marked ability to form
starch. ZALESKI and REINHART, in a paper published in 1909
were perhaps the first to point out that zinc sulfate stimulated the
respiration of plants (lupine, maize and pea seedlings), and
SILBERBERG also showed (1909) that zinc increased the respiration
of storage tissues such as beets
sweet potatoes, and kohlrabi.
REED and DUFRENOY found that the cells of zinc-deficient leaves
did not appear to utilize the carbohydrates in respiration. Instead
of forming soluble carbohydrates which were easily utilized in
respiration, there was a tendency to produce lipoid and phenolic
materials, which were obviouslY of small use to the plant cell.
They advanced the theory that zinc has much to do with the activ-
ity of sulfhydryl compounds in regulating the oxidation reduc-
tion potential within the cells. SCHARRER and ScnRoPP made an
extensive study on the influence of zinc and cadmium upon plant
growth, finding that zinc had a distinctly beneficial effect, except
for oats. rrhey were apparently interested chiefly in determining
toxic concentrations for the different plants. They concluded
that cadmium is more toxic and less stimulating than zinc.
STErNBERG demonstrated (1936 and 1939) that zinc is essen-
tial for the growth and sporulation o:f Aspergillu8 niger and that
it seems to be necessary for the utilization of carbohydrates.
SKOOG elucidated (1940) the relation of zinc to growth when he
showed that the growth hormone (auxin) was scanty in terminal
buds and stems of zinc-deficient plants. He concluded that in the
absence of zinc there may be an excessive destruction of auxin
(probably by oxidation) resulting in restricted growth and devel-
opment. Zinc seemed to be necessary for the maintenance rather
than the synthesiS of auxin.
Selenium:- Selenium is present in certain soils of arid regions
and certain salts of selenium are used as insecticides. As much
as 3,000 'parts per million of dry matter occur in some plants of
Howard S. Reed -264- A Short History
western North America. Plants absorb relatively large amounts
without visible injury and yet they may be fatal to animals which
eat them. The toxicity of seleniferous plants was probably first
observed by MARCO POLO, who said, in speaking of the Tanguatan
Mountains: "Travelers, however, dare not visit these mountains
with any cattle but those of the country, for a certain plant grows
there which is so poisonous that cattle which eat it lose their
hoofs. The cattle of the country know it and eschew it." BRET-
SCHNEIDER. thinks that the poisonous plant was Stipa inebrians,
described by HANCE in the Journal of Botany, 1876, p. 211, from
specimens sent HANCE) by Belgian missionaries from the Alaschan
Mountains west of the Yellow River (History of European Botan-
ical Discoveries in China, 1898, London). ,
Seleniferous soils are found principally in arid and semi-
arid regions. In 1856 MADISON, an army surgeon stationed at
Fort Randall in South Dakota, had his attention called to the illness
and death of a large number of cavalry mounts at that station
which had grazed upon the luxurious vegetation. The relation of
stock poisoning to selenium was later established by FRANl(E, of
the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, and was
lowed by a great development of research on the relation between
plants and selenium.
The quantity of selenium absorbed from the soil appears to
vary with the character of the and with the other materials
available for plant growth. To a still greater extent, the variability
of selenium in plants is due to the selective absorption. BEATH
found (1937) one species of vetch (Astragalus missouriensis)
which had 3 parts per million, but another species (Astragalus
bisulcatus) had 1250 parts per million, though both species grew
on the same small plot of soil. In an adj acent plot, a composite
sample of young wheat plants showed a content of 45 parts of
selenium, while Astragalus bisulcatus growing among this wheat
contained 1110 parts per million.
Molybdenum:- The necessity of molybdenum for plant growth
was for a time uncertain because of the small amounts required.
BORTELS found (1930) that both molybdenum and vanadium pro-
moted growth and nitrogen fixation of Azotobacter and he assumed
that they acted as catalysers. Subsequently the importance of
molybdenum was investigated and fully confirmed by others.
STEINBERG extended the work (1936) showing that this element is
also necessary for the growth and development of Aspergillus and
important in nitrogen metabolism. Miss WARRINGTON, who sb.ldied
the effects of supra-optimal concentrations of molybdenum on
plants, demonstrated (1937) that the element was absorbed' and
formed definite compounds with tannin and with anthocyanin in
the plant cell. The essential nature of molybdenum for barley was
demonstrated (1937) by ARNON and subsequently established
(1939) for tomatoes by ARNON and STOUT. They found that the
development of deficiency symptoms was prevented by the addi-
tion of the element in a concentration of 1 : 100,000,000 in the
culture solution.
The historical discussion of the role of micro-elements in plant
nutrition might be extended to include vanadium, titanium, sili-
con, iodine, chlorine and others, but space. forbids. Yet if the
Chapter XVII
Mineral Constituents
foregoing discussion establishes the validity of the extension of
investigations into this new field, it has been profitable.
This brief discussion, incomplete in many respects, shows that
the acquisition of mineral nutrients is an intricate, yet highly
important phenomenon. The historian of the plant sciences is
confronted by the problem of discussing many aspects of this sub-
j ect which, as yet, seem to be loosely connected with the accepted
body of data. The problems of soil formation, of productivity and
infertility have been variously studied by geologists and chemists.
Absorption and fate of the mineral constituents have been eonsid-
ered by physiologists, at first through ash analysis, then by con-
trolled experiments. PI'oblems of a biophysical nature are still
awaiting solution. None of the mineral elements furnishes energy
to the plant; they seem to act as catalysts.
Where so many border-line problems await investigation it is
difficult to obtain a perspective which allows the historian to make
a satisfactory account of the whole subj ect of the development of
the field of mineral nutrition.
Many problems of major importance have not yet been attacked.
We cannot rest content until we know the relation of the mineral
nutrition of plants to longevity, fruitfulness, resista.nce to patho-
logical organisms, resistance to water loss, production of alkaloids,
phenolic compounds, vitamins, sugars and a multitude of other
things. The importance of these things .to agriculture cannot be
BIltNER, ll. und LUCANUS (1866): Waaaerkulturversuche mit Hafer.' Landw.
Versuchsst. B
BnlllNClILEY, W, E. (1927): Inorganic plant stimulants and poisons. Long-
mans, Green, London.
BURD, J'. S. (1919): Rate of absorption of soil constituents at successive
stages of plant growth. Jour. Agr. Res. 18 :151-72.
Cl:tANDLER, W. H. (1937): Zinc as a nutrient for plants. Bot. Gaz. 98 :626-
CZAPIo1K, F. (1920): Blochemie del' Pflanzen, Ed. 2. 2. Au:fi. p Fischo);', Jena.
LOEW, O. (1908) The phyaiologicall'ole of minel'al nutrients in plants. U. S.
Dept. of Agr. Bur. of Plant Industry, Bull. 45.
MAZE, P. (1936): The 1'01e of special elements (boron, copper, zinc,
anese, cte.) in plant nu,tdtion. Annual Rev. Biochetn. 5: 525-588.
MILLER, E. C. (1938): Plant physiology. Ed . .2 (with bibliography).
Graw-Hill, New York and London.
RAULIN, J. (1870): Etudes chimiques sur Ia vegetation. Masson, Paris.
REED, II. S. (1907): 'rhe value of certain nutritive elements to the plant cell.
Annals of Bot. 21: 1501-543.
RussEr/L, E. J. (1987)! Soil conditions and plant gl'omh. Ed. 7, Longmans,
Green) London and Now York.
SCHIMPER, A. F. w. (1888): tiber Kalkoxalatbildung in den Laubbliittern.
Bot. Zoit. 40 :65, 81, 97, 118, 129, 145.
Chapter XVIII.
Early works on fungi: .. Most of the early descriptions of fungi
were included in general works on plants, and they generally
received scant attention. Without adequate knowl!1dge of the
microscopic structures, the early botanists attempted to find too
many analogies between fungi and flowering plants. By some the
fungi were regarded as aborted fetuses 'Of plants.
STERBEECK, who described edible and poisonous fungi, published
UTheatrum fungorum" (Antwerp, 1675) and was followed by
DILLENIUS who laid the foundations for a classification of the
cryptogams (1719). PIER'ANTONIO MICHELI (1679-1737) clari-
fied and extended the knowledge of fungi in his "Nova plan-
tarum genera" (Florence, 172B) , which may be taken as a definite
starting point in the development of mycology.
The German botanist, J. G. GLEDITSCH (1714-1786), attempted
to classify fungi and very logically chose as a basis the organs of
fructification. His "Methodus Fungorum" (1753) contained de-
scriptions of 11 genera, which he grouped as follows:
I. Spore-bearing surface exposed
Byssus, Clavaria, Elvela, Phallus, Bolet1l.,s, Agaricus.
II. Spore-bearing surface enclosed
Peziza, Clathru8, Stemonitis, Lycoperdon, Muco''I'.
Although GLEDITSCH'S work contained little new material, it
was illustrated with five good plates.
FELICE FONTANA (1730-1805), an outstanding Italian scientist,
published in 1767 a work on the rust of grains, which, although
overlooked for many years, is now recognized as one of the first
advances in the understanding of the nature of parasitic fungi
and their relations to their host plants. FONTANA was educated
at Rovereto, Verona, Parma, and at the Universities of Padua
and He was appointed professor of philosophy at the
University of Pisa by FRANCIS I, grand duke of Tuscany, holding
this chair until Archduke LEOPOLD called him to Florence to build
the Museum of Physics and Natural History, which even today is
one of the principal ornaments of that city. He wrote articles in
Italian and French on blood globules, on the circulation of the
sap in plants, on the "tremelle of ADANSON", on snake poisons, and
also a few articles on plant diseases.
FONTANA'S description of the rust of cereals was the first which
really recognized the parasitic nature of the furtgus which attacks
plants. He understood, better than anyone who had preceded him,
that the spots on the cereal plants were caused by minute plants
which nourished themselves at the expense of the tissues of the
host. FONTANA said that the theory held by many of his time
concerning the diseases of grains, such as blight and rust, was that
they had been caused by solar rays w.hich, united and brought to
a sharp focus by the drops of water on the tender small plants,
Chapter XVIII -267-
burnt, scorched, and consumed the grain and leaves. He pro-
ceeded to show how inadequate any such theory wou1d be, by
spraying water on the most tender living plants and also on the
leaves and stallcs of already dried and completely withered plants.
Subsequently, he exposed them for a very long time to the hottest
rays of the sun at midday, and never noticed any burning or black-
ening in any part. He also placed small lenses and pieces of
glass on various leaves, and found that the light which had been
focused in that way upon them was entirely harmless and inactive.
Summing up the results of his observations on the nature of
the rust of cereals, FONTANA concll:\ded by saying that he had
observed with the microscope that the rust he gathered from the
stalk or leaves with a knife was made up at times only of small
eggs, and at other times of Hpiled nails without any single eggs
attached to them". From this he concluded that there must be
two kinds of or at least two different kinds of spores of the
same rust. This led him to the discovery of the urediniospores
and the teliospores. He was, of course, mistaken about many
things that he saw, but he never mistook the real nature of the
infecting organisms, and recognized that the small bodies which
he saw with the microscope were the fruits or pericarps of the
rust plant. Concerning the nature of these sma]] microscopic
plants which live on the grains, he said, HFirst of all, if the stalk
and the leaves are attacked by this terrible malady, the best set of
kernels promising a heavy yield is reduced to nothing, or almost
nothing, because such a great number of greedy and gluttonous
plants ahs.orb nearly all the nutritive humor of the grain, causing it
to become wasted and consumed because of the loss of the nourish-
ing chyle". It was nearly fifty years before anyone else wrote
anything which showed such good sense in relation to fungi and
their host plants.
So enthusiastic was he about the importance of his work, and s{)
anxious that others should participate in the pursuit of his study,
that he went 011 to say:
lithe talents of ma.ny lea:rned botanists could be used to greater advantage
in the field of the vegetable kingdom. If, instead of seriously pur-
suing new systems and enriching with new barba:rous words one of the most
deliglitful, and the most useful, branches of the science of nature,
they obsel'V'od the structure of plants more closely by examining their nature
and econom.y more in detail, especially in the case of the so-called imperfect
plants, which can be properly observed only with the microscope and
ing which confusion, uncertainty, and obscurity reign, even a.fter MICHELI
and DlLLlllNIO". (translation by PmoNE).
The scientific period initiated: .. The opening years of the 19th,
century witnessed a great clarification of ideas concerning algae
and fungi. Many observers who had seen the filamentous hyphae
of. fungi in the tissues of the host plants had mistakenly regarded
them as strands of congealed sap, others had regarded the spore
pustules as morbid symptoms caused primarily by weather or soil
conditions. Mystical and erroneous beliefs about fungi gradually
were discarded and men began to study their actual characters and
l."elations. We may infer that, although this new movement owed
its inception in part to an increasing interest in microscopy, it
was perhaps more d.irectly due ,to the great advances in botany in
Howard S. Reed -268-
A Short History
the preceding century. Botany had become a science by this time,
because knowledge about plants had increased and because rational
ideas had been formulated. It is true that there were still many
imperfections and much remained to be done, but the way had
been found.
There was first a period of accumulation of knowledge and,
almost simultaneously, a logical classification of fungi.
In 1801 CHRISTIAAN HENDRIK (1762-1836) published
the first reliable systematic account of the fungi, the IISynopsis
Methodica Fungorum". It was the solid foundation on which
others were to build.
PERSOON's meritorious work stands in such contrast to the
pathos of his life that a ,few words about his ,career are appropri-
ate. He was born at the Cape of Good Hope, at that time a colony
of Holland. His father seems to have been a man of property who
sent his when 12 years old, to Europe to study where young
PERSOON appears to have worked industriously and to have gained
the affection of his teachers. About 1800 he took up his abode in
Paris whither his reputation had preceded him and where he was
favorably received. It has been reported that he was eventually
forced to live in straitened circumstances. Nevertheless from his
dingy garret lodgings PERSOON corresponded with eminent scien-
tists and issued copy for books of fundamental importance in
In he published a book on the and poisonous musp.-
rooms, and from 1822 to 1828 an incomplete work, the "Mycologia
In 1805 his two volume work, the "Synopsis Plantarum"
appeared which contained a comprehensive enumeration of the
flowering plants then known.
Reverting to his work on the classification of fungi it is inter-
esting to see how simply and perfectly he adapted the pin.oJP,ial,
system of llomenG}ature to the chaotic group which most botanIsts
had shunned. He erected two large classes, each of which
tained three orders.
Ordo Primus:
Ordo Secundus:
Ordo Tertius:
ScIerocarpi (Sphaeria, Hysterium, etc.)
Sarcocarpi (Sphaerobolu8,' Sclerotium, etc.)
Tricospermi (Geastrum, Lycoperdon, etc.)
Gymnospermi (MuCQ1, (fredo, Puocinia, etc.)
Sarcospermi ( Cya'thu8)
Ordo Quartus: Lytothecii (Clathrus, Phallus)
Ordo Quintus: Hymenothecii
Agaricoidei (Amanita, Agarl.cu8, etc.)
Boletoidei (Daedalea, Boletus)
Hydnoidei ,(I-1l1dnum, etc.) ,
Gymnodermata (Thelephora, Me?'ism,a)
Clavaeformes (Cluvaria, Geoqlosswrn)
Helvelloidei (H elvella, Trcmella, etc.)
Ordo Sextus: N aematothecii ( Monilia, I saria, etc.)
He began the science of mycology with practically nothing,
and created a system. He abandoned vague classes, such as BY88U8,
and established genera and species according to the system of bi-
Chapter XVIII -269- Mycology
nomial nomenclature already adopted for other plants. H.e first
rust fungi as a distinct group in ,1818, saying "A small
but VE}ry natural family, very rich in species is that of the Uredi-
all parasitic, mostly under the epidermis of green leaves".
The scientific .. 0:( ... the. fllngi was carried on by
ELIAS FRIES (1794"'1878), son of a prominent, well-educated
ister of the established church of Sweden, who instructed him in
natural history studies and gave him an exceptionally fine training
in the Latin language. While still a child he found a specimen of
Hydnum corraloides which turned his attention to the study of
FRIES devoted his principal attention to the Hymenomycetes,
havib.if'"apparently a poor opinion of parasitic furilti artd an anti-
quated idea of their nature. He was first at Lund, then ill 1834
went to Upsala where he had opportunities to know practically all
the agarics that grew in' Sweden. When he began, PEESQON had
almost finished his work, and it was the foun.dation on whicll FRIES
built. His system of classification, which is a' slig-lit modification
. of has lasted to the present. and is characterized by
the accuracy and conciseness of description as well as by its
usefulness. HSystema Mycologicum" (1821-1829) gave a compen-
dium of all genera and species known at the time. His
on the Hymenomycetes of Sweden was l?t!Plishe.d, 18S'Z:::1863. His
crowning achievement in mycology was a complete text on the
Hymenomycetes of Europe, which included, not only a complete
account of his own observations, but a synopsis of the literature
on the subject, and was finished on his eightieth birthday, the
tjlcones Selectae Hymenomycetum".
The soundness of the early work is witnessed every day and
was recognized by the International Congress whic};l. clrew up xqle
for nomen(!l:,tture of the 'ftingi iil !!l1.0 at'its meet,ing in Brussels.
It WEtS 'agreed then that FRIES' HSystema Myco}oglCum
should be
the starting point for: the nomenclature of the fungi, except for
the Uredinales, Ustilcr..(/inales, and Gasteromycetes which sllould
date from PERSOON's "Synopsis Methodica Fungorum". ,
is also regarded as the "Qf .. .
fying hchens
based on the characters of the organs of
tibn, which was elaborated in his c'Lichenographia Europaea Re-i
formata" (1832). It was he who
and angiocarpou,s, JiGhens. .. 0
The illustrious mycologist (lZD,.p;::.la7{D pub-
lished in 1.837 a paper of importance in which he
into two large - the basidiospores (Basidiomycetes) and
thecaspores (Ascomycetes) based 011 the character of the spore
bearing apparatus. It was his work and that of BERKELEY which
gave exact information concerning the basidia in thE) HymenomYM
cetes and led to their subsequent study.
Systematic wOl'ks:.. The value of microscopical characters as /
a basis for the classification of fungi was demonstrated by A. C. J.
CORD4 (1809-1849), a Czecho!o:valdUJ1, who was custodian of the
Nittiona.l Museum in PragUe (appointed in 1835). His six
urnes of of the microscopic of fungi were the
first extensIve' series ever "'ma;d(";""a1lJ'eif'tl1.ey- 'often are inaccurate}
due to his lack of care or to imperfections in his microscope.
Howard S. Reed -270- A Short History
He included many besides the fleshy fungi which FRIES had
scribed. CORDA was the first to observe (1839) the penetration of
the germ 'tube . of a fungus through the stoma of and also
established the fact that the submerged mycelium is a part of the
fungus, not some other organism. In 1849 when returning from
a collecting trip to Texas, the ship on which he travelled and all
passengers were lost in a storm in the Gulf of Mexico, and his col-
lections were lost with the ship. ANDERS SANDl)E ORSTED (1816-
1872) made a journey to Central America where he found a num-
ber of new fungi which were sent to FRIES and described by him.
The eminent British mycologist, MILES J. J3ERKELEY (1803-
1889) contributed "Introduction to Cryptogamic Botany" (1857)
which was regarded for many years as a standard work on the
subj ect and useful to all mycologists. It was followed (1860) by
his "Outlines 6f British FungologyH, a work which described an
species then known in the British Isles. :!?:E1E.KELEY's pertinent
discussions of subjects such as the habitats, variations, and the
geographical distribution of fungi testify to his ability to visualize
the biological importance of fungi in the organic world. COOKE'S
"Handbook of British Fungi" (1871), and PLOWRIGHT'S "British
Uredineae and Ustilagineae" (1889) also contain important
The science of mycology was initiated in North America by
LOUIS DAVID ,VON SCHWEINITZ (1780-1834), a l\foravian pastor
who worked at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and at Salem, North Caro-
lina. His work in the field of mycology entitled "Synopsis Fungo-
rum in America Bareali Media Digentium" was published in 1834.
SCHWEINITZ' large herbarium was bequeathed to the Academy of .
Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. The fungus flora of the south-
eastern United States was later studied by Rev. M. A. CURTIS
(1808-1872) and by H. W. RAVENEL (1814-1887L for whom the
genus Ravenelia of the Uredinales was named. RAVENEL'S extensive
collections were sold after his death to the British Museum.
c. H. PECK (1833-1917) was one of the eminent mycologists of
the United States, describing and publishing many theretofore
unknown fungi. From 1867 to 1915 he was botanist for the New
York State Museum at Albany, when he issued "Reports on Bot-
any" which contain a wealth of information concerning native
species of fungi. '
J. B. ,ELLIS and B. M. EVERHART studied North American fungi.
Their well-known work on the Pyrenomycetes was published in
1892. R. TIIAX'rl):ll.\'S elaborate monograph on the La;bpulbeniac,eae,
'E. A. :_J3uRT'S work on the and many other studies
on special groups are worthy of more extensive mention than can
be here devoted to them.
J. C. 1\.RTHUR (b. 1850) has been an assiduous student of the
U redinales, especially the connection between their aecial and
telial stages, utilizing the methods of cultures to determine the
alternate hosts. He was professor at Purdue University from 1888
to his retirement in 1915. His work "'rhe plant rusts" (1929) is
the most complete treatise on the subject published ,in the United
BMY, of whom more will be said in a subsequent paragraph,
thoroughly imbued with a belief in natural descent of Qrganisms,
attempted to emphasize relationship in his classification of fungi
, ._1". .. ... \'" "". ..-,' '/ " \ ", , " ,,, ",' .". ,
Chapter XVIII -271-
published in "Vergleichende Morphologie und Biologie der PUze
u.s.w." (1884). His arrangement was =
I. Series of the Ascomycetes
1. Peronosporeae (with Ancylisteae and Monoblepharis).
2. Saprolegnieae. .
3. Mucorini, or Zygomycetes.
4. Entomophthoreae.
5. Ascomycetes.
6. Uredineae.
II. Groups which diverge from the series of the Asco-
mycetes or are of doubtful position
7. Chytridieae.
8. 'Protomyces and Ustilagineae ..
9. Doubtful Ascomycetes (Saccharomyces, etc.).
10. Basidiomycetes.
Groups 1-4 were designated 1?hycomycetes on account of their close
approximation to the algae; groups 7 and 8 in the second category
could be considered with the Phycomycetes; group 9 naturally in
connection with 5, 10 and 6. DE BARY like other mycologists found
difficulty in classifying the'o.Sacolz0rp'f}?,'lICetes. He was confident
that they were related to the Ascomycetes but was uncertain
whether the resemblances were the expression of natural and
phylogenetic affinities. The final evidence on this question was
afforded by GUILLI.ERMOND (in 1903, 1905, and 1917) when he
discovered sexual fusions which result in the formation of asci.
G.4:\.VI\iANN's .,recent classification in his "Vergleichende Mor-
phologie der PUze" shows the simplified modern idea.
1. Flagellatae
2. Myxomycetes
3. Archimycetes
5. Ascomycetes
6. Basidiomycetes
'l'he continually growing body of knowledge of fungi began
about the middle of the 19th century to be augmented by an elucida-
tion of the hitherto unknown life histories of these organisms. The
confused ideas about the nature of fungi then began to be dis-
pelled by exact observation and experimental work.
Polymorphism and parasitism:- The process of unification and
simplification of knowledge of the fungi gathered momentum from
the discovery of p.Qly;morphisUl .in fungi by the brothers r.(PI,.J\Sl'{El,
and of heteroecism in the Uredineae by DE Their prede-
cessors gave only the description and configuration of the external
forms of fungi, emphasizing the shape! and size of the
finding that, in a general way, the distinct form of the reproductive
organs was sufficient for determining, not only genera, but species.
They naturally concluded that distinct spore forms represented
distinct species, as indeed they generally do, but TULASNE discov-
ered that certain fungi may have different spore forms in different
stages of their life histories.
TULAS;NE and his brother OHARLES
intimately cooperated in R. study of botany, LOUIS was
appointed assistant naturalist in the Museum of N a.tural History
Howard S. Reed -272- A Short History
in 1842, one year "'fter he had published his first scientific paper.
When this appointment was made, CHARLES relinquished his med-
ical career and all thought of an independent position in the world.
He was an artist of unusual dexterity who introduced a new type
of botanical illustration, which, though often imitated, has never
been excelled.
Their ma.gnum opus was the "Selecta Fungorum Carpologia"
in three magntficent quarto volumes published in 1861-1865, in
which they demonstrated the pleomorphism of ascomycetes which
had been denied by some contemporary mycologists. They depicted
for the first time the conidia, perithecia, and asci of many impor-
tant parasitic ascomycetes. In addition to his accurate descriptive
work TULASNE concerned himself with the place of fungi in the
biological realm, giving one of the best accounts of their role in
the cycle of nature. He emphasized the phenomena of disintegra-
tion and decomposition in which fungi cooperate with physical and
chemical agencies to convert the dead bodies of plallts and animals
into materials which may be utilized again by successive
" . . . innumerable cohorts of Fungi supply these intermediate forms
for the breaking up of the vegetable or animal dust, and in them it takes on
a new life and is raised by degrees to a higher standing. This is indeed the
reason why, as soon as any vegetable whatever, herb, shrub, tree, 01' even
the smallest part thereof, is dead, it at once becomes the prey of Fungi, legions
of which come in succession one after another, and grow and multiply the
more luxuriantly, the quicker the host diminishes and is consumed by decay,
until nearly the whole of it is exhausted by them, and converted into humus
from which afterwards there will be born a progeny of higher species ... "
" ... But if anyone wonders at the innumerable forms of li'ungi and in
his narrow and petty mind thinks them superfluous, let him contemplate the
whole theatre of nature and then he will admire, throughout each and every
rank of animals and vegetables, a similar abundance of types and a not less
prodigious diversity of forms derived from the same prototype."
TULASNE in investigating the ontogeny of fungi discovered
many important facts about the germination of spores and the evo-
lution of mycelium from germ tubes (Fig. 36). Sclerotia and rhizo-
morphs were faithfully described. He published in 1852 a memoir
on lichens in which he announced that the thalli contain filaments
remarkably like those of fungus hyphae, adding the pertinent
declaration that he had observed remote analogies between their
reproductive organs and those of certain fungi. This seems to
have opened the way for the discovery of the true nature of lichens,
and was another advance in the unification and simplification of
mycology. In addition to his mycological work, TULASNE studied
the problem of the fertilization and embryology of phanerogams,
correcting the erroneous idea that the development of the elubryo
occurs in the tip of the pollen tube. From 1843 to 1855 he pub-
lished on the taxonomy of phanerogams, chiefly South American
PRINGSHEIM in 1857 contributed the first incontrovertible evi-
dence of sexuality in the. fungi when he discovered the process of
fertilization in Sa.prolegnia. Further developments of the knowl-
edge of fertilization have been given in chapter XI of this book.
The first well-founded exposition of the hete;t::otrophic .llature
of the fungi, especially of the parasitic fungi, came from nm nARY
in: in his "Untersuchungen tiber die Brandpilze und die durch
Chapter XVIII -273-
sie verursachten Krankheiten der Pflanzen", who then gathered
up the few grains of truth found by his predecessors and combined
them with his own epochal discoveries of the life cycles of several
I very important fungi.
Before discussing the nature of his work some facts concerning
the man must be presented. ANTON DE BARY (1831-1888) was the
son of a physician at Frankfurt-on-the-Main. He studied at Hei-
delberg, Marburg, and Berlin. After practicing medicine for only
two months he accepted a position as docent at Ttibingen, then he
went to the I-Iochschule at Freiburg, where he established the
first botanical laboratory in Germany. While there he wrote the
book which revolutionized all ideas on the fungi, namely "Mor-
phQlogie und Physiologie der Pilze, Flechten, und Myxomyceten"
(1864-66) . In 1866, refusing a call to Leipzig, DE BARY accepted
the offered chair of botany at Halle, where he remained for six
years, whence he went to the newly organized university in Strass-
burg in and built up a splendid botanical institute where he
remained until death claimed him in 1888. Students from
many and other countries gathered there to work under his inspir-
ing.leadership. It was also a productive time for DE BARY when,
in addition to scientific papers, he wrote his two memorable
books, ItVergleichende Anatomie . der Vegetativen Organe del'
Phanerogamen und Fame" (1877) and "Morphologie und Biologie
der Pilze, Mycetozoa, und Bacterien" ( 1884) .
Today we take for granted that parasitic fungi are causes of
disease of the host, but in 1853 it was otherwise .. DE BARY pro-
duced evidence that the "congealed sap" out of which the
Uredinales and U stilaginales arise is iri reality mycelium and is not
different from the fungus hyphae growing froll?- the spore. He
showed that Phytophthora can penetrate the host through the sto-
mata, though other fungi may penetrate the epidermis. Even dif-
ferent spore forms of a species may not behave simjlarly. A fur-
ther question was the choice of a host; certain species like Phvtoph-
thO'f'a omn?:vora could attack almost every plant, others only a
single, or a few related species. or related genera. .
J=!;ete.l'$m in the rusts was first de:fi!litely established
BARY In 1864: a:qd by at approxImately the same tIme;
"though farmers for at least a century rightly maintained in 'oppo-
sition to botanists that cereals grown ip the yicinipy,
shrubs were particularly subject to attacks of UE ,BARY
originated the method of employing controlled -cultures for secur-
ing exact knowledge of allq ,
histories. .. ... . ....... .
Parasitism and saprophytism were terms without meaning
until PllL. BARY defined them. He was a 'PlJ.ysi()l()gical
classifying fungi according to their nutritive adaptation into (1)
Pure saprophytes, (2) FaCUltative parasites, and (8) Obligate para-
sites. He ascertained how the fungus attacks the host; showing
that in many cases spore germination occurs only in the presence
of the host. He showed that many fungi live epiphytically on the
host, sending to it only haustoria, while others live endophytically
in intercellular spaces or even in the cells themselves. Many re ..
main strictly localized, others grow through the entire host. DE
:BAR1." discovered (1886) the enzyme cytase which destroys cell
wall, and isolated it from fUll,gus Sclerotinia whjch he was
Howard S. Reed -274- A Short History
investigating. He demonstrated that its activity was destroyed
by heating it even for a very short time.
It must be noted that DE BARY, although conscious of his illumi-
nating discoveries, never regarded the problems as finally solved.
On the contrary. he generally concluded by saying that later inves-
tigation will doubtless bring to light additional jmportant facts.
An important addition to our knowledge of parasitic organisms
was provided by the work DiM .. S. (1838-1903) on the
clubroot of cabbage caused by pZasrnodiophQra, a myxomycete.
On account of the wealth and the positiop. of his parents, young
WORONIN received a liberal education, and having graduated from
the University of St. Petersburg went to Heidelberg and thence
to Freiburg, where he came under the influence of ANTON DE BARY.
In 1869 and 1870 he gave lectures on fungi in the University of
St. Petersburg, and from 1873 to 1875 was Reader of Mycology
and Anatomy of the Plant Cell in the Higher Medical School for
Women at St. Petersburg. He refused higher appointments than
these, preferring to live and employ his means in the way in
which he felt he could serve his fellow men best.
When WORONIN went back to Russia, he soon began investiga-
tions on the clubroot of cabbage, which was a serious drawback
to the cultivation of that plant in the vicinity of St. Petersburg.
The disease is known, needless to say, in many other countries:
England, Belgium, France, Germany, Spain and North
America. WORONIN undertook the investigation of the cabbage
clubroot independently in 1873 and completed it in the autumn of
1876, discovering that the actual cause of the disease was a new
organism, Plasmodiophora brassicae. He said nothing about the
novelty of .the discovery, but we may pause to comment that this
was the first time that had been demonstrated ill the
Myxomycetes, and great c-redit should go to the man who had the
insight into the nature of fungi which would warrant him to
undertake the investigation of a disease caused by one of these
very primitive organisms.
Experimental work in mycology was expedited by the improve-
ments in technique introduced by DE BARY, BREFELD, and VAN
TIEGHEM. BREFELD added gelatin or agar to liquid media, thereby
getting a moist surface on which the organisms could be cultivated.
VAN TIEGHEM introduced the small glass cells. which today beat
his name. in which it is possible to ob.serve the development of
microorganisms -under sterile conditions. Mycology adopted, also,
the new techniques evolved by PASTEUR. and. KOCH.
DANGEARD and SAPPIN-TROUFFY in 1893 discovered the sexual
fUSIon: of nuclei in the teliospore, following which there is a true
reduction of the number of chromosomes preceding the develop"
ment of the promycelium. Subsequently DANGEARD discovered a
similar phenomenon of nuclear fusion (karyogamy) in Ustilag1:neac
then in Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes. BLACKMAN (1904) and
CHRISTMAN (1907) demonstrated that there was a true alterna-
of generations in the Uredineae.
REESS started (1870) fundamental studies in the classi'fication
of yeilEits, which were supplemented by HANSEN'S epoch-making
work in 1879. REESS distinguished species according to the
ance of the cells, calling the ellipsoidal cells Saccharomyces
8oideus, and the sausage shaped yeasts S. PastorianU8, etc. HAN-
Chapter XVIII -275- Mycology
SEN showed, however, that one and the same species of yeast can
occur in all these different forms, and that, as a consequence, the
species cannot be determined in that way. E_MIL HANSEN (1842,;,
1909) originated a technique for PYXe !;l,llt)J:re .. inaugu-
rated a new era in tbe-bioTogy of the fungi of alcoholic fermentation.
From 1877 to the end of his life he was head of the physiological
department of the Carlsberg Institute in Denmark.
The physiological action of some of the fungi has been exten-
sively investigated on account of their enzyme prodUction. Indeed,
the biochemical activities of certain fungi occupy the attention of
important institutes for research. Y_e.gt_, though QQ.served. by
LEEUWENHOEK, was discovered and scientifically described almost
simultaneolisly by CAGNIARo-LA'ioUR (1777-1859) a French engi-
neer and physicist, arid by THEODORE SCHWANN (1810-1882), well
known as a co-founder of the cell doctrine. CAGNIARD-LATOUR
stated that yeast is organized matter and that probably the forma-
tion of carbon dioxide and of alcohol is caused in some way by
its growth. SCHWANN. refuted the idea which originated with
GAY-LUSSAC, vi, that (}xygen was the immediate cause which in-
duced alcoholic fermentation, by showing that oxygen did not pro- .
mote oxidation if the air in the flask had been previously strongly
heated. Furthermore, the introduction of fresh quantities of air
which had been heated previously did not promote fermentation.
Physiologic races and heterothaIlism:- , .. DE BARY clearly ahowed
that parasitic fungi are generally restricted in the range of their
hosts. Since his day others have followed up the question of spe-
cialization, finding that there are groups within a species which
differ in their host specialization. was the first to
observe (1879) that there are dJstinct physiologic .. races of para-
sitic :fungi that
races of rust fungI not dIffer morphologIcally. SALMON fur-
ther demonstrated (1903) that physiologic races exist among the
powdery mildews. It has since been learned that physiologic
specialization is very common among widely separated groups of
The differences between races are .. distinguio$hed in part by their
morphology but principally by their physiological be1,1avior. STAR-
MAN is positive that one may distinguish between physiologic races
on the basis of cultural .characters on artificial. .media. or in the
case of some parasTt"es, like Puccinia grarn)iii;is, 9:( ..the hQinla:t1t
as the culture medium in growing the fungus. 'This has led to the
distinction of more than 50 physiologic races of Puccinia
H. M. WAR.D, in 1903, launched the concept of ('bridging hosts
He reported that rust from species A could not infect species 0 ,
but it might infect species B, intermedjate taxonomically between
A and C. On species B the rust acquired the ability to infect C;
therefore, it seoms as though species B was a bridge l?etween A
and C. This theory of adaptation and bridging hosts was for a
time quite widely accepted, but later investigations indicate that
.physiologic races, at least, do not gradually adapt themselves to!.
new hosts. Neither has it been possible in later years to substanti-
ate the results of earlier investigators on bridging hosts. A num-
ber of examples o:f apparent ,jbridging", when analysed, h&ve been
Howard S. Reed -276-
A Short History
proved to be due to mixed cultures. The work of STAKMAN,
PARKER, and PIEMEISEL, indicates that physiologic races, at least
in the rust do not change pathogenicity as a result of host
influences. .
It has been variously assumed that new physiologic races may
arise in one of four ways: ,Adaptation, .hybridization, heterocary-
osis, . or mutation. Most of the evidence at present seems to indi-
cate that physiologic characters in pathogenic fungi are, at least,
as stable as morphologic characters. They are due to genetic fac-
tors, the expression of which may be influenced to a considerable
extent by environment, but there is not strong evidence that they
can be changed by environment.
The so-called Usomatic mutations" or "saltations" are being
more and more observed, in the fungi. These somatic
changes may be 'merely expressions of fluctuating variability, of a
special kind, to be sure, but apparently brought about and reversed
through the influence; it may be, of the internal environment. What
the nature of these influences may be, which cause a temporary
Uconstancy", we do not yet understand. Through how many gen-
erations such an apparent constancy must be taken to establish'
its stabiUty is certainly a vexing question. The psychology of
the investigator, his temperament, and his established viewpoint
influence the interpretations drawn from such experiments.
The mutation of pathogenic fungi is interesting enough as a
biological phenomena, but the vital question for the is:
uIs there a change in appearance?" Sometimes there is. CljgX!3-
TENSEN found that some mutants of H elminthosporiu?n sativ'um
behaved like their parents, others were less virulent, and still
others were much more virulent than their parents. It has been
known for a long time that Rhizoctonia solani has a very wide
host range, but it has been learned only recently that it includes
many races having distinct differences with respect to their patho-
genicity. It has been observed more than once that a variety of
crop plants may apparently suddenly lose its resistance to a para-
site. The phenomenon may be explained now by assuming that
another physiologic race (possibly a mutant) of the fungus sud-
denly appeared. WATERHOUSE has also shown (1929) that new
forms may arise by hybridization.
.. discovered (1904) hE;}terothallism in some of the
lr,[Yc.Q'rineae which he could distinguish by their copulative power.
These strains he designated as "plusH and "minus". Hyphae of
the same strain do not unite to form zygospores ; hyphae of dift'er
ent strains, on the contrary, unite to form fertile zygospores.
1)QPQE described (1920) in. Asoobolu8 magnificu8
and described (1926) this phenomenon in A, ..
and showed that half of the spores in the ascus are of one sex
and half of the other, indicating that there is a segregation of
sex factors during the divisions which occur during ascus forma-
tion. SHEAR and DODGE who investigated the fungi of the Monilia
sitophilu group found (1927) that, instead of one, there are at
least four species which had been included under that name. Fur-
thermore, two of the species are heterothallic. Cultures from
single spores of the heterothallic species produce only conidia, but
the mating of reciprocal haplonts produce perithecia. The physio-
logical significance of hormones in heterothallic fungi has been
Chapter XVIII -277- Mycology
demonstrated (1939 and 1940) in Achlya by RAPER, in the forma-
tion of antheridia and oogonia. He found that hormones produced
by the hyphae cali cause a coordination in the processes of repro-
duction which appears as a chain of reactions. .
The final explanation of the function of the spermatium of the
Uredineae was afforded (1927, 1931) by CRAIGIE, who cleared
up a problem which had long awaited solution. He showed that
these fungi may be heterothallic and that both plus and minus
strains of mycelia develop from germination of sporidia. He mixed
nectar from a minus group of pycnia with pycniospores from a
plus mycelium and found that aecia subsequently appeared on the
leaf of the host plant.. gRAIGU,jl interpreted this to mean that the
pycniospores are unisexual and produce unisexual mycelia, .and
that aecia are formed by the interaction between pycniospores
from mycelia of the opposite strain.
The great historic importance of LOUIS P AS-
TEUR (1822-1895). in science demands mention in this chapter,
although he was not sensu strictu a mycologist. He showed that
tributed . to nearly every branch of physical and natural science.
Working initially in chemistry he discovered optically active sub-
stances and separated them into isomeric compounds. having iden-
tical chemical, but different physical properties. 'Thus he became
the founder of modern stereo-chemistry. He
mental nature of ferll).Emtations of living. and
showed that they produce .. acetk, butyric,. and lactie acids. He
discovered in 1861 that yeast and several species of bacteria ate
able to live in the absence of oxygen, and that such life is associ- .
ated with the phenomena of fermentation. In answer to his
critics he demonstrated that processes of putrefaction and fe:rmen-
tation are initiated only by germs which exist in the atmosphere.
He promptly applied many of his discoveries to the industrial
problems of beer and wine making. His epoch-making works on
anthrax and hydrophobia are well-known contributions to animal
pathology. 1ioDH.'dwHANSEN,and many others built ou the founda-
tion which PASTEUR laid.
Having shown that each infectious disease is caused by a spe-
cific organism, he set free the minds of men from an age-long fear
of scourges from an invisible foe. The world of today hardly
realizes what torments, what gnawing agony, what tragic terrors
had their roots in the belief that demons of disease descended
spasmodically from nowhere. . .
PASTEUR's results provoked an. explosion of wrath, ridicule, and
sarcasm in the German schools of chemistry leading to the oft-
mentioned and regrettable controversy with LIEBIG. In the tumult
which ensued the opponents lost sight of the fact that they were
not fighting for the same thing. LIEBIG contended for a theoretical
and PASTEUR for a biological conception; both were more or less
right. PASTEUR'S ideas were supported by many independent in-
vestigations at home and abroad, he, himself, proving that living
cells were really necessary for the production of fermentation, and
that these living microbes readily gained access to liquids as 'soon
as they were exposed to the air .. He also showed that there was
Howard S. Reed -278-
A Short History
a definite decomposition (autolysis) of the yeast during fermenta-
tion and that LIEBIG was, in that particular, essentially correct. Not
only did he show that no ammonia was split off during the fer-
mentation, but, on the contrary, ammonium salts could be consumed
in the process.
One of the important scientific events of the 19th century was
PASTEUlt's overthrow of the belief in spontaneous generation of
life under ordinary conditions. Challenged as he was by POUCHET,
PASTEUR carried out arduous and oft-repeated experiments to prove
that the microorganisms of putrefaction and fermentation were not
spontaneously generated in a non-living medium. In the end the
two antagonists were allowed to perform their experiments before
the Academie des Sciences in Paris. PASTEUR'S triumph
vinced some of the foremost members of the Academie and his
results were confirmed by other workers.
Biochetuistry:- The industrial importance of yeast has in recent
years promoted an ever-growing volume of investigations in its
biochemistry. BUCHNER made an important advance when, in
1897, he extracted, from yeast which had been ground and pressed,
a zymase which caused alcoholic fermentation. Subsequently the
zyma1:lt!'1 thus extracted proved to be a mixture of at least four
In the dispute between LIEBIG and PASTEUR concerning the
recognition of the nature of alcoholic fermentation, it signified
that neither of them was right, but that, at the time, a third man
came nearest to the truth
viz., TRAUBE, who postulated as early as
1858 that aU of the fermentations brought about by the living
organisms were caused by enzymes secreted by the cells. Finally,
when BUCHNER and HAHN discovered cell-free fermentation, it
had far-reaching consequences, not only for the industries but for
fundamental biological knowledge. BUCHNER had reported in 1899
that he was able to extract zymase from yeast cells by heavy
pressure. He determined that the yeast juice obtained in this way
induced the fermentation of various monosaccharides and of malt-
ose, and that this capability was not lost either by the action of
chloroform, benzene, or sodium arsenate, or by filtration) evap01:'U-
tion, or precipitation with alcohol.
The meritorious work of BUCHNER and HAl-IN showed the way
for the investigation of the sequence of carbohydrate degradation
and the enzymology of many important biological systems. By
their discovery of cell-free fermentation, they not only settled the
dispute between LIEBIG and PASTEUR, but also left to posterity a
means and a method for the investigation of the whole question of
carbohydrate transformation.
HARDEN and his associates investigated extensively (1906-1911)
the biochemistry of alcoholic fermentation discovering, amongst
other things, thai; a salt of hexose phosphoric acid acts as a
enzyme in the fermentation oJ glucose. The true role of
phates in the metabolism of living yeast cells is, notwithstanding
assiduous study, not yet fully l{nown. Although yeast cells may
break down carbohydrates by a detour of intermediate phosphoryla-
tion, it is by no means certain that it is the only way ill which
the transformation is accomplished.
Aspergillus oryzae which is used in Japan for the fermentation
of sake, an alcoholic beverage, produces a notable amount of dia-
ChapteJ:" XVIII
-279- Mycology
static enzymes. As a result of an extensive study of the enzymes
of A. oryzae and other fungi, TAKAMINE introduced (1910) into
commerce products of high enzymic activity under patents, which
are sold under the names of "Takadiastase", "Polyzime" , and
WEHMER discovered (1893) two species of fungi which pro-
duced citric acid when grown upon cane sugar solution, creating
for them the genus Citromyces. It was eventually found, how-
ever, that Aspergillus niger produced greater yields of the acid
and was of greater practical value. At the present time, the
quantity of citric acid being made in England, Belgium, the United
States and Japan, is so great that they are virtually independent
of the imported acid made from citrus fruits.
Fats are synthesized from carbohydrates by a large number
of fungi. Until recently, however, only one species, usually known
as Endomyces vernalis} was of more than theoretical interest,
since it was used for large scale production of fats in Germany
toward the end of the first World War. The production of fats
by Penicillium javanicum has been found to be very large. Under
the best conditions, the weight of fat obtained amounts to about
40 per cent of the weight of the mycelium.
One of the best sources of the vitamin B complex is yeast,
which is in fact one of the very few readily accessible foods con-
taining all the four or Ihore factors which comprise the vitamin B
group. The importance of these factors has led manufacturers
to put on the market a number of preparations of high potency
made from yeast extract or from autolysed yeast.
Ergosterol is synthesized by a number of moulds as well as by
yeast. This substance is the precursor of vitamin D and there are
a number of preparations on the market at the present time. Al-
though ascorbic acids (vitamin C) have not yet been obtained as
metabolic products of fungi, substances closely related in chemical
structure are produced by certain species of PenicilUum.
NIELSEN was successful in isolating (1930) an auxin, or growth-
promoting substance, from the substrata on which either Rhizopus
suinus or Absidia racemosa had grown. The active substance
which he designated "rhizopin" is apparently identical with
acctic acid. Subsequently it was found that other species
of fungi may produce this compound which has a pronounced abil-
ity to promote plant growth.
Lichens: .. The true relationship of lichens to other plants waited
some time for elucidation. The final solution was obtained by
mycologists, but not without opposition from those who held the
prevailing orthodox views of plants. The descriptive work of
FRIES has been previously mentioned. TULASNE in 1852 announced
that there were filamentous elements in lichens which resembled
nothing so much as fungus hyphae, and added that he observed
the somewhat remote resemblance between the reproductive organs
of lichens and certain fungi., In a few years active work on the
problem was undertaken by DE BARY and others with the result
that they discovered that there was in the lichen a remarlmble
association between algae and fungi. ,
For a time it was assumed that the globular alga cells were
the reproductive organs of the lichens, and we must admit that
it was a natural assumption in the case of certain gelatinous forms.,
Howard S. Reed -280-
A Short History
SCHWENDENER finally demonstrated (1868) the alga and
fungus lived symbiotically in the lichen thallus, bringing thereby
a new concept into the realm of biology. BARANETZKY demon-
strated (1867) that the alga could be separated from the lichen
and grown separately if conditions were suitable. REESS (1871),
BORNET (1873) and STAHL (1877) experimentally produced lichens
by combining algae and fungi. STAHL planted spores of Endocar-
pon among green cells or gonidia obtained from the same thallus
and he found it to bear both spermagonia and perithecia. BON-
, NIER went a step further by using pure cultures of a fungus and
of a unicellular alga and IJroducing synthetically a lichen under
aseptic conditions. It was found upon further investigation that
the majority of lichen-fungi belong to the ascomycetes, but a few
belong to the hymenomycetes. SCHWElNDENER found a large llum-
ber of algae capable of entering into the symbiotic association in a
lichen. DE BARY pointed out that the fungus as a strictly obli-
gate parasite is dependent for its vegetative growth on the alga,
without which it cannot reach its full development, and in most
cases scarcely gets beyond the first stages of germination.
Mycorrhiza:- The remarkable symbiotic association of fungi
with the roots of many plants affords a remarkable parallel with
the lichen and affords further insight into the nature of biological
adaptation. The fungus hyphae in some cases form an enveloping
weft of mycelium on the surface of the roots (ectotrophic
rhiza) 1 as in the case of beech roots; in other cases the fungus
hyphae enter the root and are found in the parenchyma cells (endo-
trophic mycorrhiza), as in the case of Andromeda p'olifolia.
The real nature of the mycorrhiza was first stated in 1881 by
KAMIENSKI, who studied the roots of the non-chlorophylliferous
plant, M onotropa. He believed that the fungus played an impor-
tant role in the absorption of food material by roots, since 110
healthy root-cell was in contact with the soil. He distinguished
clearly between parasitism and symbiosis, though he left un-
answered many questions about the phenomena of nutrition.
FRANK discovered (1885) the fungal ,associations in green plants
and studied the roots of oaks, beech, hornbeam, and conifers. He
coined the word mycorrhiza and regarded the association as some-
thing of a morphological entity, emphasizing the symbiosis. He
assumed that the fungal association contributed to the ability of
roots to absorb, not only water and mineral llutrients, but organic
compounds derived from the decay of' soil organic matter. Endo-
trophic mycorrhiza of the orchids and heaths were also studied by
FRANK and their relations to roots and root-cells discussed. His
experiments demonstrated that beech seedlings provided with
mycorrhizas and grown in humus lived longer and were thriftier
than seedlings in sand or water cultures containing the necessary
nutrients in the form of organic salts.
Before long FRANK's ideas were challenged. Many of his con-
temporaries made significant contributlons to the subject, others
were futile. STAHL, of Jena, made an important advance when in
1900 he ,:Qublished a paper entitled HDer Sinn del' Mycorrhizen-
bildung" in which the physiological aspects of mycorrhiza were
again discussed. He was quite convinced that the mycorrhiza is
beneficial for the absorption of mineral nutrients from the soil.
Chapter' XVIII -281- Mycology
When the endotrophic mycorrhizas of orchids were studied
some new and important discoveries of the interrelationships of
the partners were made. GALLAUD showed (1905) that the intra-
cellular hyphae of the fungus thrust branches into parenchyma
cells of the root, where they developed into profusely branched
and that the root cells ultimately digested these
GALLAUD regarded the endophytes as "internal saprophytes",
which1 by their haustoria
received nutritive substances from the
parenchyina cells into which they penetrated. He could only see a
competition between the invading fungus and root cells which,
due to their digestive ability,' could defend themselves. He saw
little to indicate a true biological symbiosis. NOEL BERNARD
obtained (1903) significant results from a study of the role of
elldophytes in the germination and growth of orchid seeds, show-
ing that infection was necessary for successful germination. In
contrasf to the forms which GALLAUD described, BERNARD discov-
ered intracellular mycelia which formed skeins or, in some cases,
conidial-1ill::e chains of short segments. Prolonged cultivation of
the fungus outside of the host so attenuated it that infection, if it
took place, was ineffective. Orchid seed germination in nature
or in horticultural practice was always associated with fungal in-
fection. BERNARD's observations and conclusions threw much-
needed light upon the subject of parasitism and symbiosis, and
opened new lines of work.
RAYNER initiated (1915) investigations on the endophytic my-
corrhiza of Calluna which showed that root infection is an impor-
tant biological factor in controlling' growth. So universal is the
association of the fungus, and so necessary for complete develop-
ment of the plant that she described it as a case of "obligate
mycotrophy" .
The proliferations of roots caused by invading organisms, which
had long been known, received renewed attention after HELLRIEGEL
and WILFARTg's demonstration of the role of bacteria in producing
the legume nodules. Some of the later investigators discovered,
phenomena of importance, and others completely missed the. target.
NOEJ.! BIl}RNARD attacked the problem with a view to
thing of the morphogenesis of the general phenomenon of tuberiza-
tion among plants. His results with .orchids were suggestive of a
tuberizing effect of a commensal fungus in certain orchids, and,
before his untimely death, he attempted to investigate the
cated problem of potato tuber formation.. Although tuber forma-
tion could be accelerated by the introduction of certain fungi into
the soil, he found that they were not indispensable, moreover, com-
mensal fungi are not usually found in tubers of the cultivated
potato. MAQROU found that potatoes growing close to Solanum
d'ulcamara, which was infected, acquired a mycorrhizal fungus.
The mycorrhiza of trees, both coniferous and broad-leaved, was
studied experimentally by MELIN in 1917. The scope
of his investigations was broad eno I h to include many aspects
thereto:fore He discovere .. that the mycorrhiza of pine
roots differ in niode of branching, cQlor, and internal structure
according to the commensal fungus involved, the humus content of
the soil, and other edaphic conditions. One of MELIN'S early note
worthy accomplishments was the identification of the fungi involved
Howard S. Reed -282- A Short History
in the production of the mycorrhiza of various Swedish forest
trees, and the experiments in which he proved their symbiotic rela-
tionships by syntheses. It is true that NOACK and others had pre-
viously assigned a role in mycorrhiza formation to various fungi,
based upon observations, but MELIN proved the relationship by
the synthesis of mycorrhiza by pure culture methods. He also
gave especial attention to the short forked roots of the pine
("Gabelniycorrhiza") and discussed problems of virulence and
infective powers as far as the data permitted. Later MElLIN offered
evidence to show that the mycorrhizal association of fungus and
root afforded small, but necessary, amounts of growth-promoting
substances of the nature of hormones. Birch and aspen ruycor-
rhiza show practically the same structure
according to MELIN
(1923), and are of the ectendotrophic type, and are commonly asso-
ciated with two species of Boletus. He could see no obligate rela-
tionships, however, with the juvenile stages of the trees. MELIN
concluded that the mycorrhiza are beneficial to the tree through
their ability to absorb nitrogen compounds from the soil, though
he found no evidence that th'ey can fix free nitrogen.
The anatomy and morphology of the coralloid mycorrhiza roots
differ in many ways, according to HATCH and DOAK (1933), from
that of the slender, long type of roots which extends the root sys-
tem of the tree.
The beneficial effects of mycorrhizas which were demonstrated
in many instances suggested that some of the findings might be
applied to silvicultural problems. It has been known that tree
growth on certain types of humus is slow and the trees are short-
lived. MELIN gave (1925) reasons for attending to the humus-
layers in the forests and to the general soil conditions which would
favor the development of mycorrhiza. The initial attempts to
improve the growth of seedling's in the nursery were not, however,
uniformly successful. McARDLE concluded (1932) that there was
no effect, either beneficial or detrimental, of the presence of mycor-
rhiza on the roots of seedlings.
RAYNER'S work in England has given evidence that inoculation
of the seed beds with the proper humus improved the growth of
seedlings. She reported (1934) that Scots pine. Corsican pine. and
others made better growth in the first year following implantation
of small amounts of suitable material containing active mycorrhizas
of the species planted, though the superiority of the treated trees
later vanished due to soil factors inimical to the development of the
symbiotic relationship.
Further work supported MELIN'S observations on the growth
of pine seedlings which showed (1927) that the balance between
the two partners was determined by soil conditions. REED and
FREMONT reported (1935) that the nature of the IDycorrhiza at
orange roots depended upon the fertilizers applied to the soil.
Fungi parasitic on Works on systematic mycology
often give scant attention to the fungus pathogens of animals,
though the existence of mycoses caused by Aspergilli and other
fungi has been known for many years. Fungi of this class are
characterized by their high temperature optimum. SABOURAUD's
comprehensive work, published in 1910, focused attention on the
Chapter XVIII -283- Mycology
scientific aspects of a neglected subject, and stimulated further
researches in this field of mycology.
In 1839 LANGENBECK demonstrated fungi in material taken
from a patient with thrush and SCHOENLEIN discovered the cause
of favus. GRUBY described the cause of tinea, circinata, in 1842
and TILBURY Fox described tinea pedis in 1870. VIRCHOW showed
(1856) that Aspergilli could develop in the human lungs and in
the air-passages of birds, entering, no doubt, with atmospheric
In 1894 RIXFORD described a pulmonary infection in man and
in 1896, he showed that the causal agent is Coccidiomyces immitis.
The acute infection has been reported only from the San Joaquin
valley in California. The fungus has been isolatea from soil,
from vegetation, and from the internal organs of slaughtered cattle
and sheep.
The fungus Actinomyces bovis has been known, since 1877, as
the cause of lumpy-jaw of cattle and of swellings in the bodies of
pigs and men. The disease is more prevalent among men engaged
in agricultural pursuits and in the majority of cases :is localized
on the head and neck. The genus Actinomyces has an uncertain
position among the fungi, since they sometimes resemble bacteria
and at others mold fungi. Acharion Schoenleinii is the cause of
favus, a disease of the skin, chiefly of the scalp, characterized by
yellowish, dry incrustations of more or less circular form, com-
posed of the sporules and mycelia of the fungus. Favus occurs
chieflY in Russia and other European and Asiatic countries.
The dermatophytosis of the human foot ("Athlete's Foot")
which occurs Over much of the United States is caused by a fungus
variously designated Trichophyton gypseum, T. interdigitale, or
T. pedis. Several species of Trichophyton infect the human skin
causing various lesions popularly called Ringworm. In the case
of tinea tonsurans, the hair folicles are affected and the hairs are
seen to be twisted and bent. Sometimes the hair shaft contains a
mass of fungus spores. Monilia albicans, the cause of thrush, was
described by ROBIN in 1.843 under the name Oidium albicans. The
organism is probably a weak pathogen, but once a diseased state is
established) the condition is apt to persist indefinitely. The organ-
ism is more likely to find suitable conditions for infection in persons
whose skin is softened by frequent or prolonged immersion in
The encyolopedic works on mycology: .. The necessity of
ling and classifying the information about fungi has impressed
itself on many stUdents of the subject, but few have undertaken
the arduous task of compiling it. The encyclopedic works
pared in recent years have had to face the task of organizing a
vast collection of works dealing with many aspects of mycology.
A few of the useful compilations may be mentioned.
P. A. SACCARDO collected and published descriptions of species
in "Sylloge fungo rum omnium hucusque cognitorum" in 18 vol-
umes (1892-1906), eventually adding supplementary volumes. This
is perhaps the last great mycological work to be written in Latin.
W. G. FARLOW assembled the parasitic fungi of the United States
according to their hosts -in "A provisional host index" (1888-1891) ;
and SEYMOUR has published an enlarged edition of the same (1929)
Howard S. Reed -284-
A Short History
since FARLOW's death. A large compendium of the parasitic fungi
of Europe arranged according to their hosts, the "Enumeratio sys-
tematica fungorum" (1919-1924) in 5 volumes started by C. A.
J. A. OUDEMANS was completed by J. W. MOLL and others. The
volumes on fungi in ENGLER and PRANTL'S "Nattirlichen Pfianzen-
familien" and in the second edition of RABENHORST'S IIKrypto-
gamen Flora Deutschlands", both prepared by specialists in their
fields, have collated important material on mycology. DE BARY
the second edition of "Vergleichende Morphologie . . ." (1884),
assembled and- critically discussed the important works on the
biology of fungi, bacteria, and mycetozoa which had hitherto been
published. The important handbook of W. ZOPF entitled "Die
PiIze" (1890) contained, not only original contributions, but a
discussion of the work of many other investigators.
LAFAR published (1904-1914) his HHandbuch der Technischen
Mykologie" which is devoted essentially to a discussion of the physi-
ology of microorganisms. The "Handbuch
' was an important aid
to workers in the fermentation industries like dairying, enology,
brewing, and pharmacy.
A retrospective glance at the development of mycological work
suffices to show that the group of organisms which began to be
investigated scientifically at the beginning of the 19th century has
been found to be a large and important group of plants. In ways
little suspected at the beginning they are known to have a signifi-
cant place in the cycle of organic life. Their activities are inti-
mately concerned with processes of growth and decay, health and
disease, life and death.
The following chapter will present a brief summary of the
development of the knowledge of plant pathology and will discuss
additional mycological development.
ARTHUR, J. C. (1929): The plant l'usts. Wiley, New York.
M. J. (1860): Outlines of British fUllgO}Ogy. Reeve, London.
DE BARY, ANTON (1884): Vergleichende Morphologic und Biologie del' Pilze,
Mycetozoan -und Bakterien. Engelmann, Leipzig. (Transl. by
1887, Clarendon Press, Oxford).
FnrEs, E. (1821-29): System a mycologieum. Ex offie. Bcrlingiana, Lund.
GAUMANN, ERNST (1926): Vcrg'leichende Morpholop;ie del' Pilze. I"ischer,
Jena. (Transl. by DODGE, 1928, McGraw-Hill, New YOl:k).
GUII,:r..mRM:OND, A. (1920): '1'he yeasts (trttnsl. by TANNER). Wiley,
HAlWEN, A. (1911): Alcoholic fermentation (Valuable bibliagrtLIlhy). l,OIlg-
mans, Green, London.
LAFAR, F. (1904-1914): Handbueh del' tcchnischen Mykologie ... , Vola. 1-0,
Fischer, J ena. (Transl. by SALTER, 1903-1910).
LARGE, E. C. (H)'!O): The Advance of the Fungi. Holt, New York.
LINDAU, G. at SYDOW, P. (1908-1917): Thesaul'us litcl'aturae mycologicae et
licllCnologicae. Borntl'aeger, Berlin.
LUTdEI-IARMS, J, (1086): Zur Geschichte der Myltologie des 18, .Tahrhun"
dCl't (Diss. Leiden) .
PERSOON, C. H. (1801): Synopsis mcthodica fungarum. Dieterich, GUttingon.
RAYNER, M. C. (1927): Mycol':rhiza. Whcldon and Wesley, London. (With
valuable bibliography).
SACCARDO, P. A. Sylloge i'ungorum omnium hucusque cogni"
torum, Vola. 1"25. Patavii (Continuation by A. TnO'l'TEH.).
TULASNE, L. R. and C. (1861"65): Selecta fung-arum carpologia. (Trans!. by
GROVE and SUIDAR, Oxford U. P.). Parisiis in lmp. Typogl'.
Chapter XIX.
The idea of disease in plants had a beginning in the days when
the nature of the' vegetable world was imperfectly understood, and
the role of micro-organisms unsuspected. Many years were des-
tined to pass before plant pathology became a subject which was
scientifically investigated. The first important discoveries were
made by sevel'al amateurs who could see that some extraneous
agent produced deleterious effects on an otherwise normal plant.
Although much of the work of those pioneers Was empirical; it had
the merit of being experimental. Their successors eventually de-
scribed organisms and demonstrated causal relations to patholog-
ical conditions, showing that it is important to study the life-
history of the micro-organism in relation to its pathogenesis.
Historically, it is of great interest to note that the role of micro-
organisms in disease in plants was discovered some years before
their relation to animal diseases was recognized .
....... '-"'An epoch of discoveries .. The illustrious work of
MNfTIUEU DU TILLET on the bunt of wheat is an. example of the
way in which this epoch started. The Academy of Bordeaux jn
.).. 750 offered a prize for the best dissertation on the bunt of wheat.
One year later TILLET, who was director of the mint of Troye, be-
gan his experiments on the problem in which he included tests on
the nature of the soil, the manures applied, time of seeding, quality
of the seed, and the effects of various seed treatments, He soon
found that the cause of the "corruption" was on the wheat seed
and, in some cases, in manure containing straw from infected
wheat fields. He thought that the black dust of bunted wheat
might contain a uvirus" which could infect healthy wheat; an
idea which he confirmed by infecting clean seed with black dust
from bunted wheat, thereby obtaining more bunted heads than in
any other experimental plot.
.. TILLET used an admirable technique o:E plot experimentation, in-
cluding an abundance of untreated plots, replicate treatments, and
an adequate system of. records. He published the results of his
work in 1755 in his HDissertation sur la qui corrompt et
noircit les grains de bled dans les epis et sur les moyens de pre-
venir ces accidens", and received the prize offered by the Academy
of Bordeaux. In a supplement to the dissertation he recommended
the following treatment for the prevention of the bunt: wash the
grain in :flowing water, dry the grain in the sun, wash ,,it in lye,
dry it again, sprinkle it with lye, and dust with lime:' He had
the honor of presenting his results to LOUlS XV who, wishing to
see the actual experiments, commissioned him to conduct experi-
ments at Trianon. Impre$sed by the success of TILLET'S experi ...
ments, the king published: pamphlets containing the recipes for the
Howard S. Reed -286- A Short History
control of wheat bunt and ordered them to be distributed through-
out the kingdom. . .
The extraordinary investigations of BE#'"EDICT PREVOST (1755-
1819), a native of Geneva, on the bunt of wheat opened the way
for fundamental progress in plant pathology. As far as he went
he was correct in his interpretation of the role of organisms as
pathogenic agents. He was not only scientifically sound in his
microscopical work, but also carried out the technical work which
led to the discovery of methods for seed disinfection. He pub-
lished "Memoire sur Ia cause immediate de la carie ou charbon des
bles ... '" (1807) in which he correctly described the spores of
Tilletia tritici and their process of germination in both water and
aIr. He succeeded in infecting wheat seed with the bunt fungus
and recovered its spores from the kernels of the affected plants.
After experimenting with many substances for disinfecting seeds
prior to sowing, he demonstrated the efficacy of copper sulfate,
finding. that a concentration of 1 to 10,000 killed the fungus spores
without notable injury to the wheat seed. He then conducted
field experiments to compare the effects of different treatments. ,',
PREVOST finally made the sapient observation that if copper
sulfate treatment of seed wheat were adopted only by a small
number of careful farmers they would harvest bunt-free wheat
which might, without further treatment, be planted. In this way
he foresaw that they cQuld eventually eliminate the germ of infec-
tion from the soil.
The age-old plague of wheat rust which for long years had
robbed the husbandman of his harvests and his children of their
bread had never ceased to command attention. It was perhaps
logical that the farmers should have comprehended the relations
between rust and barberry bushes better than the botanists of
their time. When at length men began to make a few simple
infection experiments, they were impelled to some extent by the
bitter controversies then raging between those who wished to eradi-
cate the barberry and those who maintained that the diseases on
barberry and wheat were totally unrelated . ,/ THOMAS ANDREW
KNIGHT (1759-1838) made one of the first reliable experiments on
this problem in 1804 when he infected wheat with the rust by
transferring spores from barberry as well as from rusted wheat
leaves. There is little evidence, however, that his discovery led
to any important results. KNIGHT contributed a paper in 1834, on
leaf curl and red spider injury of the peach, in which he reported
that both diseases were controlled wh<:m the trees were sprinkled
in early spring with "water holding in solution or suspension a
mixture of lime and flowers of sulphur". JOI-IN ROBERTSON
observations on the powdery mildew of the peach and his recom-
mendations anticipated, in a way, the work of modern plant path-
ologists. In 1821 he concluded from his infection experiments that
the disease was due to the action of a fungus and demonstrated
that it could he cured by applying sulphur suspended in a soap
'"'''F. UNGER (1800-1870) reverted to the autogenetic conception
of plant di'seases, and, like the scholastics, he made no
ments. ,HExanthema" was the name he applied to the eruptions
observed 011 diseased plants. He published (1833) an exposition
of his ideas on plant diseases in a work entitled "Die Exanthema
Chapter XIX
Plant Pathology
der : .. " and. he subsequent memoirs with
really draWIngs. He retalned, however, the old idea
tha.t the fungi were engendered by the disease, and appears to have
belIeved that t.he hyphae were the congealed sap of the
plant. He mamtalned that the vera causa of disease was an unbal-
anced nutritive condition due to abnormal weather or water rela-
tions. ". It is hardly credible that he shou1d have made such bizarre
statements after having clearly seen the morphology of other
anatomical features in plants. W!,EGJ\1:Al'l':N and MEYEN were con-
temporaries of VNGER, but since they saw effects . rather than
causes neither added anything worthy of comment to the subject.
The stultifying influence of the dogma of spontaneous genera-
tion manifests itself in all the work of the "autogeneticists". '
',' The science of plant pathology was not started until the epoch-
making worl\; of D:m BARY had given an account of the life histories
of important fungi and defined terms like "parasitism";' "resist-
, "iI).iection", etc. As already mentioned in the preceding
'chapter, DE BARY gave a rational basis for plant pathology. His
work on "Die Brandpilze" and the potato disease established the
fact that definite diseases are caused by definite organisms, and he
rightly interpreted what had baffled many others. Similarly the
brothers T.ULASNE. who published their investigations on the .smgts
in J!3_47,.t and their investigations on the development or f;!rgot in'
nave also been discussed. ,,"
, The work of .. (182'5-1910) on plant pathology
supplemented in many ways the mycological discoveries of DE
BARY. KtlHN had studied first at then at Leip-
zig, receiving from the latter University his doctor's degree in
1856. After spending a few years as manager of a large estate
in lower Silesia he accepted a call to Halle in 1862. The pUblication
in 1.8.58 of KUHN's book entitled "Die Krankheiten del' Kulturge-
wachse ... " marked a new era in plant pathology. Having ob-
tained a scientific training, he comprehended the etiological factors
in plant disease. Deeply interested in the life. hi.stories of.
organisms, KUHN also recognized the ,adverse physical agencies due
to climatic and soil factors. While holding the' chair of
ture at Halle he wrote important papers on a variety of other agri-
cultural subjects. His eminence, as an agricultural scientist,
depends however chiefly on his successful work as a mycological
plant pathologist, in which field he initiated many profitable lines
of work. v'
An epoch of expansion:.. Investigations in plant pathology in
the half century following its founding by DE BARY and K"OHN
were devoted principally to studies of the life histories or, as often
termed, biological relationships of fungi. The emphasis on myco-
logical work was necessary and was justified by the l<:nowledge
thereby gained of the modes of reproduction, dissemination, and
infection from studies in controlled cultures and in the field.
It is conservative to say that plant pathology had a great vital-
izing influence on mycology in the 19th century. The names of
other mycologists who did pioneer work in plaut pathology must
be noted.
EnOtrA;Rp PRILLIEUX (1829-1915), professor of botany at the
lnstitut National Agronomique of France was the organizj,ng force
Howard S. Reed -288- A Short History
in plant pathology in his time and the 'first director of the French
laboratory for plant pathology. "ALEXIS MILLARDET (1838-1902),
who published his first paper on plant pathology in 1865, was
commissioned by the French government to investigate two serious
diseases of the vine which had been introduced from America, viz.,
phylloxera and the downy mildew caused by [!lasmopara viticola.
He ''was at that time professor of botany at the University of
Bordeaux. His well-known discovery in 1883 of the efficacy, of a
lime-copper,sulfate mixture (of which more will be said later) as a
fungicide grew out of his wor1): on the mildew.: His introduction
of resistant American stocks on which the European varieties were
grafted solved the phylloxera problem. Many other works on the
etiology of plant diseases came from his hand. WORONIN
S brilliant
work in Russia has been previously mentioned.
""JAKOB, ERIKSSON (1848-1931) for many years professor and
directo'r of the botanical division of the Central agricultural experi-
ment station in Stockholm promoted the study of plant pathology,
the of cereals, in Sweden. In 1894 he made the
first. announcement of pliysiological races in the rust, fungi. He
was also the proponent and main supporter' of the "mycoplasm
theory", according to which the protoplasm of the pathogen lives '
for a in a simply organized form as a plasmodium in the
cells of the host. If conditions are appropriate, this "mycoplasm"
migrates from the cells into the intercellular spaces, secretes a wall
on the surface of the body, and develops into a mycelium. Although
this novel theory has received considerable attention from pathol-
ogists, it still lacks confil'mation. ",
In. plant pathology has been advanced by many workers,
among whom may be mentioned (1864-1.903), COMES
(1848-1917), SAVASTANO (b. 1853), and PETRI (l>. 1875). In addi-
tion to KtlHN and DE BARY the development of plant pathology in
Germany owes much to (1839-1900) who carried the results
of scientific work into agricilltural practices.
Plant pathology owes its establishnlent in to K.
I(b. 1860) who, in 1894, began to give courses in the subject iri the
Sapporo Agricultural College.
In North America etiological work on plant diseases spread
frOln.FA.,RLOW'S laboratory at Harvard University and from the
United States Department of Agriculture a.t Washington. '''I'Work
in the latter laboratory was initiated when F. L, SCRIBNER ill 1886
was appointed chief of the section of mycology. The activities of
the laboratory were then concerned with the qtility of copper sul-
fate sprays for the control of grape diseases;' . ,'" , "
Amon,g- the early problems of this department of agriculture
were SOIne of U11common perplexity. 1'he baffling disease known as
the California I?iseaEl,e, which was" studied by NEWT9N B.
PIERCE and descnbed III 1892, is one of a .dass of maladies wliich
stimulated a vast amount of work in America. and in Europe. No
. one succeeded in fmcling the causal agent. \,,: PIERCE studied the
general and local effects of the disease. VIALA and SAVAGEAU,
described (1892) the anatOlnical features o:f'the' California VinQ'
Disease with great care 'and concluded that a myxomycete to which
they gave the name Plasmodiophora was the t causal
agent. Their conclusions were not however confirmed." Great
credit should be awarded to . .l?IEllWE for his pion,eer. work in a field
'I" ,.," ,"
Chapter XIX
Plant Pathology
r,emote the central offices of the department of
agrICulture In Washlngton.
At the beginning of the 20th century many other centers devel-
oped in the United States in governmental stations and in univer-
sities. The work of investigation and instruction at the universities
of Minnesota, Wisconsip., and Co!nell, and the researches of the
BUTealJ. gf I
dustry had an Important influence on the devel-
opment of p1al"!-t A;rne:t;ican
ety was In, and lts Journal "Phytopathology" began
to be publIshed In 1911. ' , . <
has had its
countrIes where for many centUrIes the culture of tImber trees has
received attention. The i,rnportant ppblications on the diseases
"of forest trees were by WILLKOMM, HALLIER, SORAUER, and f'.J;tANK.
"VVILLKOMM, in his book, "Die Mikroskopischen Feinde des Waldes"
(1866-1867), gave an fl,ccount, of his observations upon the ,XE3Q
rot and white rot of timber. He observed different kinds of hyphae
in rotting wood, but failed to connect them with the fruiting bodies
of the fleshy fungi. Obviously, he added little that was new to
the subject. ",vHis work shows how incompletely the decay of wood
was then understood.,
It remained for (1839-1901) to the
subject of the diae.ases of .. :forest,trees,jn a tIAR-
TIG was a professional forester and naturally well acquainted with
field conditions which influence the susceptibility of trees to the
,invasion of pathogens. ''''In his two classical issued in
1.8.74 and 1878
he desqribeg not only the c,Ausal but also
their actions on the cellular constituents of the wood, indicating
. how they caused diSintegration and' decay. He showed that each
fungus has a specific action upon wood, $0 that it is often possible
by macroscopic inspection of a piece of wood to determine the
fungus concerned in the decay, even in the absence of the fruiting
bod.y."" He included the biologic and ecologic factors in the etiology
of the disease. In his "Lehrbuch der Ptlanzenkrankheiten
, H.AR-
'rIG devoted page after page to the .l?y
pathogens and the specific types of response on the part of tlie
tree to the continued presence of the invader; whether they were
due to decay or to hypertrophy of growth, all were carefully de-
scribed and pictured. These phenomena were more readily studied
in trees than in annual plants. He gave especial the
healing of wounds and the .. p,roductio;Q .o;f in general,
pointing to 'the lirotective action of resinous exudates, as, well as
of tannin, in trees. His work on the dry rot of timber caused by
M eruliu8 lao'Y'ymans (1885) explained the cause of extensive losses
to lumber and of the decay of joists in buildings. HARTIG'S
ing example led to active research by other students of the fungI.
The English botanist, of the
and identIlying caused"decay
and dIsmtegratIOn of the wood;"" Clarlfymg work In fox.eatJ!!tthol-
qgy was also carried on by VON 'J:!!BEUF,
His textbook, of which an English tranSlatIon entitled .. ,9f
in is noteworthy for the 'a?ld
IllustratIons of many chseases of forest trees. The Idea of descrIb-
ing scientHically the abnormalities due to the presence of a para-
Howard S. Reed -290- A Short History
sitic invader belongs properly to HARTIG. Prior to his time, al-
most no one had paid any attention to the real pathogenesis or
pathological symptoms. Since his time, however, there has been
a growing tendency to describe carefully the cytological and mor ..
phological changes induced by plant parasites. E. ROSTRUP (1831-
1907) of Denmark also belongs to this period in which the etiology
of forest tree diseases was thoroughly studied from the standpoint
of mycology.
The appearance of papers about 1900 by ATKINSON, VON
SCHRENK, and SPAULDING may be said to mark the beginning Qf
scientific forest pathology in the United States. The Federal De-
partment of Agriculture established a laboratory of forest pathol-
ogy in 1907, in which problems concerned with epidemics of
parasitic' fungus diseases of timber trees have been investigated,
as well as problems of timber decay.
A brief account of the work of this laboratory on two destruc-
tive tree diseases seems warranted in this chapter, because of
their historical importance.
The "C.hestnut blight
caused by Endothia parasitica, noted
in 1904 on trees in the New York Zoological Park, spread with
great rapidity on the native chestnut, Castanea dentata, and, be-
fore its serious nature was appreciated, had infected thousands of
trees in New York and adjacent states. In little more than ten
years, it had become established in the chestnut forests of the Appa-
lachian region. The public was aroused as never before to the
. importance of forest diseases. Unfortunately the disease had be-
come widely distributed before intensive control work could be
started, and detection of infections on trees was exceedingly diffi-
cult. Federal and state officials, nevertheless, put up a valiant fight
against the epidemic, in which pathologists and foresters utilized
the best available means for combatting this virulent disease.
Eventually they were obliged to relinquish their attelnpts.
The second tree disease which has notable historical importance
in the history of plant pathology is the "White pine blister rust",
a disease which attac]{s the five-needle pines. The appearance of
the disease in North America was a matter of grave concern to
foresters and timbermen. The disease, which probably came from
Asia, was first found in Europe in 1854, reached the United States
about 1898, and was found in New York in 1906 on European black
currant and in New England in 1915 on native pines. It appeared
in British Columbia about 1910 and was discovered at Vancouver
and in western Washington in 1921. In 1938 the disease was estab-
lished in every state on the northern border of the United States
with the exception of North Dakota. In the east it extended as
far southward as Virginia and in the west into California. The
"White pine blister rust" is caused by the heteroecius fungus, ,Cro-
nartiuTn ribicola, which lives alternately on the five-needle pine and
on Rives species (currants and gooseberries).
Detailed information about the epidemiology of the disease is
a prerequisite for any attempted control measures. The qontrol
of "White pine blister rust" is highly successful because based on
the fact that spore distribution is wind-borne. Aithongh the J+pcio-
spores are c::t,rried very long distances from the pine, the teliospores
are carried v_ery snort distances from the Knowledge of
facts such as these makes it possible to decide when and where
Chapter XIX -291- Plant Pathology
control measures should be attempted, or are likely to end in
These two examples are mentioned to show some of the ways
in which national governments undertake to control the progress
of serious epidemics which threaten important plant products.
Nothing like this was known or attempted a century ago. While
success has been far from perfect, it is thought that by the study
of these introduced epidemics and by experimental control, better
methods can be worked out.
Bacterial diseases:- When it was discovered that a sman but
important group of plant diseases is caused by bacteria the scope
of plant pathology was considerably widened. brief
mention of this class of diseases in his "Vergleichende Morphologie
und Biologie .. ." (1884), but said that more extended study of
the phenomenon was advisable. Plant pathologists of that time
were cautious about recognizing the role of bacteria as plant patho-
gens since they knew that all sorts of bacteria could be present on
the surface of plants and that saprophytes often invade necrotic
tissues. Moreover, bacterial pathogens (as is now known) are
often characterized by slow growth, hence their isolation is difficult.
. The first bacterial . was in T.
J. I?YBJ.gLL, professor of botany at the UnIversIty of Illinois. He
discovered that the ,!:wig Blight of .pear". apple, and other pomaceous
trees is caused by a parasitic QfLcillus .:which kills the cells of the
cambium layer. BURRILL named 'the organism Bacillus amylo'JIQ.r'Ms.
This discovery was made only two years after Koc:fI ... had <;lemon-
strated the causal relation between a definite bacillus and
and ten years before U::EIJERINCK. the Ol;ganism of the
legume nodule. Later experiments made by ARTHUR and by WAITE,
using more refined methods. confirmed the essential featu'res of
BURRILL's pioneer work. ' J .. H. WAKKER, working at Amsterdam,
discovered (1883-1884) that the "yellow disease" of hyacinths is
caused by an organism which he named Baa,tllus hyacinthi, The
disease is caused by an organism which mUltiplies chiefly in the
fibrovascular system and progresses very slowly; often the host
plant is not killed for a year or more. WAKKER'S papers were
among the first of scientific importance in the literature of bac-
terial plant diseases.'" ..
After a suitable technique had been developed and some aggres-
sive workers entered the field: the science of phytobacteriology
made rapid progress. .:F\ an pathologist in
the Federal Department of Agriculture, discoveI'ed that
an organism to which he gave the name trach?iphilus is
the cause of a destructive wilt disease The bacillus
grows only in the fibrovascular bundles of the Cucurbitaceae and
pr6duces in them a white viscid mass which interrupts transloca-
tion. The infection is carried by phytophagous insects like Dia-
brotiaa vittata. 1'{EWTON B. PIERCE qemonstrated (1,8,9&) that an
unknown bacterium was constantly associated with the blight of
cultivated walnuts (Ju,glans regia) in California. He first isolated
the organism and published a description of the disease -
monas :juglanc#s, ' .. made a of the resistance of various
hosts to the organism. The organism was proved to be pathogenic
to nuts, leaves, and tender branches of the walnut tree. L. SAVAS-
Howard S. Reed --292- A Short History
TANO, in Italy, discovered (1886-1887) a cultivable organism (Ps.
oleae) in the interior of young, growing olive galls. Later he suc-
ceeded in infecting healthy trees with pure cultures of Ps. oleae
and in demonstrating the etiological relation of the microorganisms
to the disease.
E. F. SMITH and C. O. ToWNSEND demonstrated (1907) that a
previously unknown Pse1.ldornonas is the cause of Crown Gall of
trees. This microorganism produces characteristic hypertrophies
in young tissues r,esembling those of the olive galls studied by
SAVASTANO. In subsequent years SMITH and his asso_ciates prose-
cuted fu'rther studies on the pathology of the disease and suggested
important analogies with cancer of the human body. SMITH
attempted to correlate cell proliferation in crown gall with the
production by the causal organism of an irritating product such as
acetic acid; it was recently Ishown that indolacetic acid is pro-
duced by Ps, tumefaciens and that it stimulates cell proliferation.
Although the crown gall organism for many years had defied all
attempts towards its detection in the crown gall tissues, more is
known about it now than about any other bacterial plant pathogen.
:/ .e._R,THUR and GOLDEN described (1892) a b,act,eriul disease of
sugar beets in Indiana, and soon thereafter the Black Rot of cab-
bage was investigated independently in America by PAMMEL,
RUSSELL, and E. F. SMITH, and by VAN HALL in Holland. O. Ar:pJ;UL
of Berlin made the important discovery (1903) that lJacillus phy-
t(Jphthorus is, the organism which causes the serious disease of
t()es called "J?lack Leg". This disease attacks both stems and
tubers of the 'host plant and is quite prevalent in America and
Europe. Tubers which appear sound externally are often infected
internally and, if used as seed tubers the following year transmit
the infection. "!
t Citrus canker is a bacterial disease of uncommon virulence on
some species of citrus trees in certain cOllntries, It was
ently int;r.oduced from the Orient into the United States about
1911, but was not recognized as a new disease until 1913. The
causal l?bytomonas citri Hasse, which causes lesions
on leaves, twigs, and fruit, was unl{nown to American pathologists
and the disease was confused with citrus scab.
Since no one at the time realized the uncommon infectiousness.
of the disease, it spread rapidly in the southeastern United States,
but the gravity of the situation was soon apparent. Neither the
states concerned nor the citrus industry were prepared to cope
with the emergency. The Federal Government, therefore, acting
in concert with the other agencies, provided funds for interstate
activities. As a further protection the Secretary of Agriculture
declared a quarantine, effective ,Jan. 1, 1915, 1?rohibiting the iI'l,M
portation of citrus llurseI'y stock, buds, scions, or seeds into the
United States from foreign countries. Efforts to check the spread
of the disease by complete defoliation of the infected stock followed
by immediate treatment with a fungicide were ineffectual. The
organism is so virulent that contact of men or animals with dis-
eased trees spread the disease and thus defeated the object of the
work. Success was only achieved by destroying the trees by
ing them with burning oil. ,
The campaign against citrus canker was comparable to the
attacks made in recent years on certain diseases of the human
Chapter XIX -293- Plant Pathology
race. The control measures required were more drastic than had
been the.retofore applied to epidemics of plant diseases. The cost
in state, federal, and private funds was more than $,2.500,000 .and
QPwards of 4,000,000 trees were destroyed. The successful eradica-
tion of citrus canker in the southeastern United States in a brief
period was such a unique episode in modern plant pathology that
mention is justifiable in this place, since it saved a fruit industry
of maj or importance.
Resistance and immunity:- One of the important concepts
evolved from the study of p?-rasitism is the resistance of the major-
ity of plants to infection. ';'The earlier mycologists and pathologists
appear to have been blind to the importance of the phenomenon
until :PJil, nARY produced his illuminating works. He analyz,e.d it
with respect to (a) the attack of the parasite on its host, (b) the
course of further growth taken by the parasite after entry; (c)
the reactions of the host after its occupation and the results of
the reciprocal action of the two symbionts!"'"
DE BARY e!pcidated the. facto;r::;; that are r.e$:ponsible .. for sus-
ceptibility or .in "conne.ction with, the life of. facultative
riftrasifes: He demonstrated that some fungus spores germinate
only when in contact with their host plants; and called attention
to the fact that the mycelia of some obligate parasites are confined
to the immediate point of attack, while others spread widely from
the point of infection over or through the host. DliL BAR'Y and
others concerned with the eiiQlpgy of diseases caused by parasites
clearly stated that often QCGll;t;:S, only when the
is very young. Congenital ability of the host to withstand infection
is termed' resistance. The modern knowledge of susceptibility and
resistance has been summJ:lrized and greatly by MORSTATT
in the 6th edition of SonAuER's "Handbuch der Pflanzenkrank-
Resistance has been investigated with reference to the mor-
phology, genetics, cytology. and physiology of the host plant. The
most obvious type of host resistance is associated with some mor-
phological or anatomical character, and was earlier assumed to
be the only important type. ,
It was ass, umed that P, .. .. or
wa;x:y epidermis, or a cQ,r.r,..Y. &tero, we:re., to,"lnvasion by
parasites ... The idea, was sQPported by $ who dis-
covered (1896) that the mycelium of 18
to the chlorophyllous" p,q,1;'enchyma, and does not., davelQP .. in tlie
collenchyma. The growth of the mycelium of the fungus was
respondingly restricted when the parenchyma was small in com-
parison with the amount of collenchyma. 4RJ;Jl!m affirmed the
idea by his observation (1902) that the ... Qi< ...,:ns_ts
may be llm ..ited in their dev'e1opment oy" the of
the tissues of Spartina. On the contrary WAnD conchideCl (1902)
that morphological' characters of Bromus had little effect on rust
resistance and COBB reported (1892) that the relative hairiness of
resistant wheat varieties was not sufficient to explain their
ance to rust. BBPJl.!lJx"P and others
,<?; wpeat flpwe:r:s,l;>y spores, th,rough thg
of the,. 'the spores WlilCh rea-en the stlgmas gernnnate
there, producing germ tubes wHicH grow. into the ovules.,
Howard S. Reed -294- A Short History
gations have shown that immunity to bunt infection in some vari-
eties of wheat is due to the way in which the glumes completely
enclose the flowers and prevent the bunt spores from reaching
the stigmas during the susceptible time.
The consensus of ideas has been that other types of resistance
are of more importance than the morphological characters of the
host. Genuine resistance to disease is undoubtedly linked to
hereditary factors. The genetical relations of resistance which
have been investigated indicate that it is inherited as a domi-
nant Mendelian character, as. a few chosen examples will show.
When Kanred (a resistant variety) and other varieties of com-
mon wheat were crossed by J\1ELCHERS and PARKER they found
(1922) that the .resistance to certain physiologic races of Puccinia
graminis was inherited in the ratio of three resistant to one sus-
ceptible descendant. MAINS and LEIGHTY found (1923) rye
plants which manifested high resistance to leaf rust, P. dispersa.
HENRY reported (1926) that the resistance of flax to Melampsora
lini, inherited as a dominant character, showed in some crosses a
ratio of 3 :1. but in others a ratio of 15:1. MAINS (1926) and
others have shown that resistance to various rusts may be sepa-
rately inherited and also that the host-resistance of varieties to
different physiologic races of rust fungi may be inherited sepa-
rately. EMSWELLER and JONES who studied the resistance of the
cultivated snapdragon, AntirrhinU'm, to Puccinia antirrhini found
(1934) that all plants in the F, generation were resistant to the
rust. When an Fl hybrid plant, free from modifying genes, was
self pollinated, the ratio of resistant to susceptible plants of F2
generation was 3:1. F.Al:IMY demonstrated (1936) that all the
F 1 .. of crosses of immune and susceptible cotton plants
were immune to the Fusarium causing wilt, in Egypt. In the F2
generation segregation occurred giving an average of, 75, per cent
i'mmunes, 1-5 per cent of tolerants. and 10 per cent of
susceptibles. WALKER has concluded (1935) that the resistance
of flax, tomatoes, tobacco, and other plants is due to a complex
genetic basis, while in the pea and others, resistance is controlled
by a single gene. He found two types of resistance in cabbage-one
which is controlled by a single gene, the other genetically complex.
Additional study win probably show how environmental conditions
affect these types of resistance in fungus diseases. The recent
discoveries of clons resistant to other diseases will be discussed in
connection with work on the selection and breeding of resistant
Physiological factors in resistance' and susceptibility are not
always easy to determine though they have been recognized for a
long time. The conditions due to the weather and season have
very intimate effects not only on the susceptibility of plants to
infection but also on the propagation of parq_sitic organisms. The
devastating epidemic of the late blight of potatoes in 1845 which
caused famine and suffering in Ireland is said to have been asso ...
eiated with weather conditions in the summer and autumn of that
year. Detailed information concerning the relation of the internal
physiological factors which affect the resistance of the host to
infectious agents is remarkably meager. Only a few cases ean be
cited and they show that investigations of the phenomena have
scarcely begun. ,,; ?onsidered that immunity is the en.
Chapter XIX -295- Plant Pathology
point in an ascending scale of resistance, but others define the
term differently. A distinct type of immunity was discovered
(1915) by :REED a.nd CRABILL in apples e1Scaping infection from
Gymnosporanoium. The immunity is actually due to hypersus-
ceptibility, as shown by the geath of, host surrounding
the centers of infection. The mycelium of obligate parasites fails
to develop in such cases because it meets a barrier of dead host
cells. ,;"
ANGELL, LINK, ,and WALKER found (1930) that of
onions to Golletotrichum circinnans is associated with their content
of water soluble . protocatechuic acid and catechol, both of which
are strongly toxic to' the fungus mentioned.\ Evidence given in
1930 by DUFRENOY and others indicated that the natural immunity
of many plants may be due to phenolic compounds which appear to
be formed rapidly in cells penetrated or surrounded by invading
parasites. The cells of a barrier either by their phenolic contents,
or by their reactions, exercise a detrimental effect on the patho-
gens. It is well known that injured sap wood of coniferous trees
secretes large amounts of resinous substances which are often
effective in preventing the spread of parasitic invaders';"
and GXUMANN have restricted the term immunity to cases
in wliich,,the host plant acquires the ability to, withstand infec-
tion as the result, either of the stimulation by the parasite, or by
the production of protective subst"ances. '" GXUMANN demonstrated
(1933) a local reaction in potato tubers inoculated with Bacillus
phytophthorus. The excess of temperature, which was but 0.005C.
above the surrounding air in a normal tuber, became 30 times as
great as a result of the inoculation. and the amount of CO
was correspondingly large. Following the subsidence of tempera-
ture and CO
production, GAUMANN reinoculated the tubers in
another place; in contrast to the former result, there was no defi-
nite reaction. He concluded that the ability of the tubers to react
had been exhausted by the first attack. "rhe influence of carbo-
hydrate supply on seedling infection of cereals by Gibberella is
fairly direct. Larger amounts of carbohydrate favor seedling
blight without much relation to temperatures. DlCKSON showed
(1923) that the available carbohydrate content of wheat seedlings
was greater at lower temperature but it was greater in maize at
higher temperatures.
Satisfactory evidence of acquired immunity from fungus para-
sites of perennial plants is scanty. BUTLER remarked that the
scab diseases of apples and pears caused by Venturia, appear
annually on the same plants with equal vigor if the weather condi-
tions are equally favorable. Evidence that Pelargonium zonale
may acquire immunity to Phytomonas barkeri was presented (1934)
by PASSALACQUA showing that the antigens had apparently caused
the formation of the appropriate antibodies.
The alluring hope that resistance might be conferred by the
application of chemicals to the soil has not been realized to any
great extent. DE PHILI?l'lS reported (1932) that beans were im-
munized by an appIicatiqn of a zhic. salt; H:OAGLAND and SNYl):mR
reported (1933) a resistance of strawberries to m.ildew following
the addition of cerlain micro-elements to the culture medium.
Investigations on the resistance and immunity of plants are
still so it is impossible to make any comprehensive
Howard S. Reed -296- A Short History
statements about them. Resistance is known to be hereditary or in-
duced, and may be complete or partial. It may be influenced by
histological or physiological conditions, especially by the age of the
plant, water relations. and temperature.
Virus diseases:- The discovery of virus diseases of plants and
their investigati.on have in the last 20 years opened a new chapter
in plant pathology. The unique nature of the phenomena, the
uncertain nature of the infective agent, and the futility of the con-
ventional technique of microbiology hindered for a time the finding
of the headlands on the new coast. Eventually the lay of the land
became known, but the work of discovery is not completed. It is
increasingly apparent that many of the diseases formerly desig-
nated "n.on-parasit,je' virus diseases, and that the continually
declining yields of some clons were due to the increasing infection
by a virus. The boundaries of the subject are not precisely known,
but it appears that studies on the viruses may contribute imp or"
tant information on problems of profound biochemical significance,
since viruses appear to share the properties of living and non-
living matter.
Omitting a few incidental reports such as the uBreaking''-
tylips described by L'EcLUSE in. 1576, the first historically signifi-
cant work on a virus disease of plants emanated from MAYER in
1886. He described then the mosaic and gave it the na:me
which is still used for describing the mottled type of virus disease.
In addition he demonstrated its infectivity by inoculating healthy
tobacco plants. E. F. SMITH worked on the enigmatical disease of
pef\..<;,h. trees called and (1888) that it could
be translUJtte9 PY of budding or grafting . Nothing further
was then discovered about the nature of the irifective principle.
It remained for D. IWANOWSKI to make an important advance
when he demonstrated (1892) that the sa_}) of affected tobacco
plants after passage through"-'a bacteriaf:'proof :filter tupe'
infect healthy plants with the mosaic disease. Although he could
not demonstrate the presence of an organism in the filtered juice
of a diseased plant
he nevertheless considered that the disease was
bacterial in nature. Subsequent workers verified IWANOWSKI's
filtration experiments and, adopting his criterion, for some time
the infective agent was designated as a filtrable virus.
:GEIJERINCK, . who formulated (1899) the concept of the "con-
tagium vivum fiuidum", made the next important advance.' By
diffusion experiments in agar he showed that the causative agent
was water-soluble and that it retained its infectiousness 'after dry-
ing or after precipitation' by alcohol. He concluded that it could
not be an ordinary bacterium and therefore fonnulated the hypothe-
sis of a living contagious fluid. He presented evidence that the
contagium was carried in the phloem, and that it increased in
quantity only in cells which were multiplying. He predicted that
other diseases of this kind might be found in plants.
The 30 years which followed BEIJERINCK's work were a period
of discovery and description of virus diseases. The symptoms of
virus diseases of plants have been described (but without complete
agreement) by many authors. The causal agents do not
anything definite, like spores, which may be used' for identification
and the effects on plant may be variously interpreted. In the
Chapter XIX -297- Plant Pathology
absence of more definite information about the virus itself, the
diseases were usually distinguished' by the symptoms of diseased
plants. MAYER alw1ied the term umosaic" to the affected tobacco
plants lie investigated and the name 'has been retained, though
now inadequate. E. F. SMlTH adopted the name "yellows" by
which farmers had long designated the peach disease which was
later determine a to be a virus disease. TOWNSEND employed the
name top" which had likewi,se been current to designate
the disease of sugar beets which is now known to be caused by a
virus. Many otIiei; iiisiimces might be cited.
These names described conspicuous symptoms of the host plant,
but, as cases were multiplied, it was apparent that such terms as
ucrinkle", "curl", or "bunchy top" lacked precision.
If!11,A,LP classified (!933) the effects as:
(a) 'pale color, due to lack of chlorophyll
(b) general reduction in size (dwarfness)
(c) excessive branching (sometimes accompanying b)
(d) premature yellowing and dropping of leaves
K. M., SMITH and BROOKS classified" (1934) virus diseases as:
" (a) mosaic diseases characterized by chlorosis or mottling
(b) necrotic diseases marked by dead spots, streaks or
stripes on leaves or stems
(c) distortion or hypertrophy of all or part of the plant
Other writers have endeavored at various times to make a
systematic classification of viruses, but their work has not resulted
in complete emancipation of the nomenclature from the chaotic
condition into which it was thrown by the rapid discoveries of
recent decades. BAWDEN has stated (1939) in a recent work the
rationale on which a classification should be based. His work
should be consulted for details.
The effects of virus were thought to be most plainly manifested
by the vegetative organs of the plant, but additional investigations
have broadened the views of their symptomology.
In 1923 PETRI showed that living cells in the root show derange-
ments when the vine is affected with a disease which he later found
to be caused by a virus borne in the soil.
The effects of virus are most frequently manifested by the shoot
of the plant, the roots frequently being symptomless. HUTCHINS
demonstrated, however, in 1927 that the virus of the
ease of the peach occurs in the root although the symptoms are
manifested by the tops. It has since been pointed out that other
viruses may occur in root and shoot and may be demonstrated by
appropriate methods of transmission (juice inoculation, grafting,
etc.). .
Subsequent investigators have confirmed BEIJERINCI{'S conc]u.;.
sion that the virus is chiefly located in the living cells of the host
plant. It may spread from cell to cell by diffusion, but the move-
ment is slow in the case of certain viruses. It probably travels
in the phloem, although the evidence is necessarily indirect and
the conclusions inferential. BENNETT girdled raspoerry plants by
removing a ring of bark and found that virus did not cross the
girdle in' either direction, from which he concluded (1927) that
virus movement was in the channels through which elaborated .fQod
materials travel. CALDWELL concluded (1931) that normally the
virus 'did not enter the water stream of plants,. but, if. introdu(!ed
Howard S. Reed -298- A Short History
experimentally, it might travel in the xylem vessels, though it did
not pass into the phloem or other living cells unless the vessels
were mechanically injured.
Virus pathologists usually describe the macroscopic rather than
the histological or cytological features associated with the dis-
ease, consequently, little information has been recorded which
portrays the cellular pathology of virus diseases.
The investigation of the histo-pathology of a virus disease was
initiated (1913) by QUANJER when he discovered the relationship
between phloem necrosis and the heavy accumulation of starch in
the potato leaf affected with leaf roll. CAJ;tSNER and STAHL demon-
strated (1924) necrosis of the phloem elements in sugar beets
affected' with the curly top disease, and subsequently Miss ESAU
described (1933 and 1935) the complex series of necrosis and
growth responses in the phloem degeneration of sugar beets affected
with the curly top disease. The initial hypertrophy and hyper-
plasia of certain phloem cells resulted in the collapse and necrosis
of the tissues. A second series of hypertrop1;lic and hyper-
plastic changes occurred around the necrotic areas, resembling
wound repair responses which led to the closure of internal cavi-
ties. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia outside the phloem produced
protuberances on the veins of affected leaves.
DUFRENQY (1928) and SHEFFIELD (1933) have examined the
cells of virus-affected leaves, showing that the formation of chloro-
phyll in them is characteristically inhibited and that they often
have symptoms of hyperplasia. They concluded that chloroplast
deficiencies were due to the inhibition of formation rather than to
a destruction of plastids. DUFRENOY has also described the abnor-
mal starch content or tKe fatty degeneration often occurring in
the plastids of affected cells. Miss CLINCH discovered (1931) an
enhanced formation of starch in the leaf-roll disease of potato
plants. BAWDEN reported (1932) that necrosis in the leaf-roll
disease of the potato remained localized in the phloem and, though
accompanied by some enlargement of the adjacent parenchyma
cells, did not result in cork formation.
Other and more profound physiological derangements of the
host cells which may not appear until a comparatively late stage
of a virus disease await elucidation.
Investigators soon found that virus disease symptoms are often
modified, if not eliminated, by environmental conditions. JOHNSON
reported (1922) that the optimum temperature for potato mosaic
lay between 14-18C., and that temperatures of 24-25C. caused
symptoms to disappear in one to two weeks. TOMPKINS reported
(1926) that recovery from potato mosaic followed exposure of the
infected plants for nine hours to temperatures above 24C., al-
though subsequently exposed to temperatures favorable to the virus.
l(UNKEL demonstrated (1934) that peach yellows and peach rosette
in nursery trees were cured apparently by destruction of the virus,
when they were exposed to temperatures of 34.4 to 36.30. for two
weeks or longer. SPENCER found (1934) that nutritive conditions
appreciably influenced the susceptibility of seedlings to yellow to-
bacco mosaic.
Our knowledge o:E the nature of the virus is still extremely hazy
owing largely to the difficulty of obtaining it in pure state. The
problem is complicated by certain unique difficulties, such as the
Chapter XIX --299- Plant Pathology
simultaneous existence of more than one virus in an affected plant,
and the fact that in some plants an infectious virus may show no
symptoms. BENNETT in 1932 concluded that insufficient informa-
tion was available to indicate the number of distinct viruses in-
volved in raspberry mosaic. Other investigators confirm the idea
that diseases in plants due to composite viruses are not rare. K.
M. SMITH demonstrated (1931) the composite nature of several
potato mosaic diseases and succeeded in isolating at least two com-
ponents which he designated X and Y.
. The first qefinite proof of the agency of insects in transmitting
VIrus di.seEl;ses obtained by who suc-
ceeded In Infecting healthy rICe p1ants wIth the stunt dIsease, by
means of a leaf-hopper (Nephotettix). Abundant evidence has
since been obtained of the role of insects in virus transmission.
Sucking, and, to a less extent, biting insects are capable of carry-
ing the virus from plant to plant. ,BALL found (1906 and 1909)
that curly top of the beet and other plants was carried by a leaf-
hopper (Eutettix) , and CARSNER and STAHL demonstrated (1924)
that under field conditions the disease cannot be transmitted by
any other agent, SEVERIN conchided (1923) that infected beet
leaf-hoppers retain the infective principle of the curly top virus
during life. KUNKEL found (1926) that aster yellows is trans-
mitted by a leaf-hopper (Cicadula) and that a period of at least
ten days.' incubation of the juice of diseased plants in the leaf-
hopper must elapse before the insect can infect healthy asters.
The voluminous literature on the subject of virus vectors con-
tains many other discoveries, but lack of space forbids their dis-
cussion in this place. It seems advisable, however, to mention the
selective transmission of plant viruses by insects and also the
phenomenon of virus selection by the host plant. HOGGAN (1929)
and K. M. SMITl! (1929) showed that insects wIiich had fed on
tobacco plants c'ontaining more than one virus would transmit only
one to a healthy plant. S:(v.II'l'H also showed (1931). that aphis
transmission from a plant containing a complex of viruses would
transmit only one disease, whereas needle inoculation transmitted
a distinctly different virus. .
Data on the power of the plant to select a certain virus from
a complex are scanty. M. SMITEt repoxted .. (1929) thaLaphids
allowed to feed on potato plants affected with leaf ron and mosaic
virus Y and subsequently colonized, some on potato and some on
tobacco, transmitted leaf-roll only to the potato and mosaic only
to the tobacco. Apparently the aphids acqldred both viruses, but
the plants selected one or the other from the complex.
BEIJERINCK's theory that the virus was a living contagium
aroused no little comment and speculation in subsequent years.
Various ideas were advanced by others. Attempting to explain
the destruction of chlorophyll in the affected leaves, WOOn5..,,};>:ro-
posed (J899 and later) that the cause of the mosaic disease of
tobacco might be an oxidizing enzyme. The hypothesis, accepted
for a time, was later rejected, especiaI1y when it was found that
some viruses do not destroy chlorophyll. Moreover ALLARD dem-
onstrated (1916) that the oxidase of sap pressed from diseased
leaves was destroyed by hydrogen peroxide without destroying the
infectivity of the sap and, conversely, that infectivity may not be
destroyed by treatments which impaired the oxidase. .
Howard S. Reed -300- A Short History
Iw ANOWSKI made a cytological study (1903) of affected tissues
and described plastic, ameboid bodies in the cells of diseased tobacco
plants. Since the causal agent was filtrable, he concluded that
these bodies must be the result rather than the cause of the disease.
Subsequently other investigators described abnormal inclusions
which they regarded as flagellates or protozoa and gave them vari-
ous interpretations. Eventually, however, they were found to be
inanimate bodies, products of the reaction of the cell to the presence
of the 'virus. l\IIiss GOLDSTEIN designated (1924) these enigmatical
objects as X-bodies and KLEBAHN also studied them. 'rhe bodies
are usually well-denned and stain more or less readily with aniline
'dyes. They vary in shape, are often rounded, and are typically
vacuolated. KUNKEL (1921) found them in the Fiji disease of
maize and NARASIMllAN (1928) in the Spike disease of sandal.
J. HENDERSON SMITH was able to follow their development from the
first to the final stages and emphasized (1930) that the X-bodies
are not artefacts, nor degenerate forms of any of the organized
structures of the cell. The evidence, pro and con
has been sum-
marized by K. M. SMITH who shows that the weight of
evidence supports the idea that X-bodies are reaction products
rather than living, ameboid organisms.
DUFRENOY made comprehensive studies (1928 and 1935) on
virus-affected cells. As stated in Chapter XI of this work
described the phenomena of vacuolization in the course of which
strands of cytoplasm penetrate all parts of the cell. These strands,
he stated, contain many which may be short near
the rounded vacuole, but otherwise long and filamentolls with ends
of ad.facent elements apparently united. The mitochondda ap-
peared to divide rapidly and, in leaves infected while young, evolved
into 8.myloplasts - seldom into chloroplasts. The cytoplasm of
virus infected cells lost its original properties and
contracted into a vacuolated mass which was connectod by many
filaments with the cellulose wall at the points of intercellular com-
munication. The X-bodies, DUFRENOY concluded, are merely
tions of the chromatophilic cytoplasm which evolved into vacuolated
nlasses. Another type of inclusion in virus-affected cells is the
Hstriate material", discovered by RAWLINS and JOHNSON in 1925,
which is usually found in contact with the nucleus. and may he
related to it. This striate material may be seen in living cells,
but the striations are accentuated by fixing agents.
Precise information about the nature of the ultimate virus
particle was sought for many years. For a time the problem
where Iw ANOWSKI left it when he showed that the virus
passed through bacterial-proof filter tubes.. :QJ.TQGAR and
discovered (1921) that collodion filters were bettef'tltitb. the porous
clay cylinders originally used and concluded that the particle of
the virus of tobacco mosaic was comparable in size to haemoglobin
i.e., ,30p.,u in dia,meter, but subsequent workers did not
agree on that point. THQRNBERRY, who employed ultrafiltration
methods, fQund (1935) that tobacco mosaic virus in purified prep ..
arations contained particles estimated to be in diameter.
The problem of the actual nature of the virus particle was evi-
dently outside the field of conventional biological investigations.
Opinion was divided f01" some time as to whether the vh'us parti-
cle wa,s a submicroscopic organism or some new type of infectious
Plant Pathology
agent. 'Those who held the former idea were inclined to follow'
IWANOWSKI" those who held the latter followed BElJERINCK; The
evidence' initially obtained did not unqualifiedly support either
and PETRE successfully separated (1927 ,and later)
the VIrus tobacco mosaic from much of the extraneous material,
precipitated and redissolved it. They found two fractions which
could be separated by heat-precipitation, one at about 85
C., and
another above 90
C. After the removal of the first fraction,
which contained an appreciable amount of nitrogen, the plant
juice was still infectious, although the concentration of the
virus was appreciably reduced. TAKAHASHI and RAWLINS discov-
ered (l,93p} the property of stream double refraction' when the
sap of mosaic tobacco plants was examined in polarized light. The
phenomenon was interpreted to mean that the virus of tobacco
mosaic, or some substance regularly associated with it, is composed
of submicroscopic rod-shaped particles, possibly liquid crystals or
tactoids., .
The results of a vast amount of work on virus afforded evi-
dence, confusing at times, of its protein nature, but without defi-
nite proof that it was an organized prQtein, one great obstacle
being the difficulty of obtaining the virus in a pure state. When
Sl.ANLEY prepared (1935 and 1937) from mosaic-affected plants
a. Ci-'Yifa1line protein which had all the properties of a virus, a
technique for further" studies was available. He found that from
80 to 90 percent of the total protein of severely affected tobacco
plants might consist of this virus protein, and that this material
was about 500 times more infective than the original. One cc. of a
solution containing 10-
grams per cc. of the protein usually
proved infectious to plants. and STANLEY de
termined (1937) that the protein had a molecular 'weight of
17,000,000. The conventional tests indicated that the
and that :vas lost
by They were not dIgested by trypsin, but were
slowly by with loss of infectivity. Tomato leaves which
had been infected with the tobacco mosaic virus Yielded the same
protein 'as STANLEY had obtained from affected tobacco plants
none was obtained from healthy tobacco and toroato plants. EaYi-
(1936) nt1cle9proteins, from sap .of ,ldru.s-affected
plants and concluded that each nUcleoprotein molecule has a semi-
regular structure, being built of approximately similar subunits.
and STANLEY isolated (1937) four distinctly different crys-
proteins from the four different
strains of tobacco mosaic designated as "ordinary", "single lesion",
tlyellow", and "masked,t. STANLEY concluded that the mutation
which originates a new strain of virus is accompanied by the pro-
duction of a new protein.
In view of the specific dysgenic activity of these protein mole-
cules when they enter the liVing cell and of their ability to incite the
production of more molecules of their kind, some revision of the
conventional ideas of living matter has been suggested. The sit-
uation recalls the startling inovations introduced during the pre-
vious century by the proponents of the cell theory and by the
pathologists. STANLEY proposed (1987) that this type of protein
molecules may be considered as infectious agents in the same
Howard S. Reed -302- A Short History
category as bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. The entrance of a few
molecules of a virus protein into the cells of a susceptible host
plant may alter the processes of metabolism to such an extent that
they produce, not normal protein, but great quantities of virus
protein. The resulting changes in the metabolic equilibrium of the
cell constitute what we call disease.
It is obviously premature to formulate a satisfactory and
prehensive idea of the nature of virus diseases, since the problem
is still in the stage of discovery and exploration. The casual agent
is so different from any heretofore associated with diseases of
plants that it is imperfectly envisioned. In a field where so much
dogmatism and hasty observation have occurred, it is natural that
investigators did not see eye to eye.
Resistance to virus diseases in the plant kingdom appears to be
widespread, with the exception of the families Solanaceae, Legum-
inosae, and Rosaceae. Investigations have shown that in each sus-
ceptible species or variety there may be strains which have suffi-
cient resistance to be valuable for cultivation. .
In 1933 a new strain of sugar beets showing remarkable resist-
ance to the curly top disease was isolated and described by CARSNER
. and his colleagues. This strain. designated ,J. S. No.1. possesses
such resistance that it has become a commercially important vari-
ety. ABEGG and OWEN discovered (1935) that resistance to the
curly top disease of beets is conditioned by a partially dominant
factor C, which is linked to the red-crown factor R with 20-30 per
cent crossing over. The factor C has been found associated with
selections from the resistant variety designated U. S. No.1. P,1ERCEl
and WALKER developed a mosaic. resistant Refugee bean from a
single plant selected in ,1929. When crossed with Refugee green,
it gave completely resistant hybrids which segregated in the :Fl!
generation for resistance and susceptibility. Ultimately resistant
families were isolated. It was uncertain whether the inheritance
was strictly Mendelian.
The probability that one .. virus may ilIlIrl;uni,.l',;Q the .host plant
against another was suggested by THUNG (1931), SALAMAN
(1933), KUNKEL (1934), .PRICE (1934), and K. M. SMITH (1935).
The immunity was conferred, however, only by similar viruses and
virus strains. not by a virus of a different tY}Je. For example,
when a healthy tobacco plant and one infected with the green
strain of tobacco mosaic are infected with the yellow strain, the
healtliy plant only develops the characteristic yellow spots. SPEN-
CER demonstrated (1935) that the state of nutrition influenced
the susceptibility to tobacco mosaic virus. rrhe application of small
amounts of potassium increased, but larger amounts decreased the
susceptibility of the plants.
Agriculturists and experimenters have long had a va.6YllC notion
of dysgenic factors which caused some clons to "run out" while
others retained their virility and integrity. It: is now experiment-
ally demonstrated that deterioration was due in most cases to
infection with virus diseases not originally recognized. The sta-
bility of clons may well be related to their resist.ance to virus in-
fection, whether due 1;0 genetic immunity or to characters which
repel virus-carrying insects. The problem awaits comprehensive
Chapter XIX -303- Plant Pathology
The control of plant 'diseases:- The quest for prophylactic meas-
ures is almost invariably the goal of researches on the eti.ology of
plant diseases. The prodigious economic losses frequently
tered in modern agricultural operations have impelled specialists
to undertake new and highly technical investigations. The con-
tinually increasing growth of knowledge has changed the many
popular ideas of plant disease. Not many generations ago our
ancestors believed implicitly in witchcraft, sorcery, and magic. As
long as blights and mildews of crop plants were assumed to be due
to mystical causes, it is small wonder that people resorted to pre-
ventive measures of a superstitious nature, such as incantations,
sowing seed in the dark of the and sticking branches of laurel
trees in the grain-fields to absorb the "blighting vapors". It was
many years before scientifically directed measures were practiced.
The pioneer work of men like PREVOST, ROBERTSON, and KNIGHT
seemed as good as lost. In the course of time, however, scientific
investigators found methods for partly controlling some of the
most destructive diseases and thus opened the way for further
The inception of the modern period of plant disease control was
due to a discovery in EmlJ.G,e in._ .18_82, made by Whose
investigations on the 'Vtne mildew have been mentioned. It is
sometimes said that his discovery of the efficacy of sulfa.te-
lime mixtures as fungicides was purely fortuitous, but the
hig quotations indicate that quite the contrary was the case. His
account of the discovery was prefaced by the following =
41 Since the appearance of mildew in France in :1,.8_'78, I have not ceased to
atudy Peronoapolfa in the hope of discovering in its development some
able point that might permit of its mastery. The results of my observations
are set forth in various publications.
HI had noticed in the course of my researches that the Bummer spores or
conidia of Peronospora easily lose their germinating power. This observation
and the failure of all the treatments attempted until then had led me to
formulate this conclusion, - that a practical treatment of mildew ought to
have 01' its objective not the killing of the parasite in the leaves infected by
it, which seems impossible without killing the leaves themselves, but of pre-
venting its development by covering; preventively, the surface of the leaves
with various substances f!apable of making the spores lose their vitality or,
at least; of impeding their germination". (From translation by F. J.
MILLARDET had observed that the conidia did not germinate in
water from his domestic well, though he did not ascertain until
later that it was due to the presence of a small amount of copper
derived from the brass pump, When, however, he observed (1882)
that vine leaves sprinkled with a lime and copper sulfate spray
to discourage thievery were free from mildew, he started to investi-
gate anew the action of copper salts on the conidia of mildew.
Spraying experiments conducted during the next two years in
the Medoc and in Central France gave proof that covering leaves
and young buds of the vine with Bordeaux mixture before they
were infected with spores of the Plasmopara protected the crop,
whereas unsprayed vines would develop rot on the infected bunches,
would suffer defoliation, and produce no crop (Fig. 37). The idea
of preventive treatment is so familiar to us now that it is hard to
realize that it seemed so preposterous to men of that time.
Howard S. Reed -304- A Short History
ILLARDET published his results in 1885, and stated in con-
of these considerations, it seems to me, sufficiently warrant lIly
affirming in the most positive manner the efficacy of the treatment, concerning
which I speak, against a scourge that, until now, has withstood all efforts in
Europe as well as in America; that is to say, mildew, properly speaking, and
rot .or mildew of grapes. But there is more; the close analogies that exist
between the Pe?'onospora of the vines and that causing the disease of the
potato and tomato cause me to hope that we shall henceforth have at hand
a real prophylactic treatment for these latter diseases". (From translation by
MILLARDET gave directions for preparing the fungicide by mix-
ing lime water (freshly prepared) and copper sulfate solution and
emphasized the necessity of its application prior to fungus infec-
tion. This fungicide which has since been known as HBordeaux:
mixture" was promptly tested in England and America and found
wide application in many other countries. The successful combina-
tion of Bordeaux mixture with arsenical compounds for the control
of insects increased its value. So far as known
no effort to obtain pecuniary gains from his discovery.
Lime-sulfur consisting of a mixture of calcium po]y-
sulfides, was employed in France as early as 1852, but apparently
did not come into general use as a fungicide at that time. M.
GRISON, chief gardener of the plant houses at Versailles, appears
to have been the first to employ heat in the preparation ot this
fungicide. solution was used at that time for the con-
trol of Oidium Tuckeri on grape vines and was applied with the
type of at that time commonly. used in glass house
work. In deference to the man who made the discovery, the method
was called, at the time, Grison".
The use of lime-sulphur solution in American orchards appears
to have been stal-ted about 1880 in California. A combination of
lime, sLllfur and salt had been used in"'Australia as a sheep dip for
scab, and later for the same purpose in California. The spray
was i.n general use on peach trees in and about Hanford and Visa-
lia, California, as early as ;t883, 1884, and 1885. rrhe concentra-
tions then employed were suitable only :for application during the
season in which the trees were dormant, but it was soon found to
be efficacious for the control of IJeach leaf curl. NmwToN B. FIERCE
(1900) made all extensive report on the treatment of trees and
gave pUblicity to the use of lime-sulfur solution as a dormant spray.
A dilute lime-sulfur solution eventually proved valuable as a sum-
mer spray on fruits which would be injured by copper-containing
solutions. CORDLEY of Oregon and PIPER of Washington elaborated
(1906-1908) this technique which rapidly was adopted in many
Long years after B;ttempts to kill bunt spores 011
seeds the problem of seed dlSlufectlOn was again: taken up. JENSEN
described (1888) a method for treating oat seed to kill adhering
Ustilago spores by a modified hot water tl:eatment, subsequently
employed with great success. The use. of formaldehyde for seed
disinfection was announced in 1888 by 'l' in France and in
1.8915 by...{lENTHER in Germany .. BOLLEY de:monstrated (1897) its
usefulness 'as a germicide for diseases of flax in North
Dakota. Formaldehyde has long been utilized for treating seed
potatoes to prevent scab. was prepared in
Chapter XIX
Plant Pathology
1926 by SAYRlll,a;Qd the control of
and to prevent the of seedlings. This dust was pre- .
pared by mixing commercial formalin with infusorial earth or
other inert absorbents. DARNELL .. SMI'rEs"work in Australia dem-
onstr-?ted that ,clry"JineJy ground. is .an
effectIve fungICIde for the bunt of wheat and since that time dust-
ing of seed has .. emp!oyed.
of were I:p,trqq,uced ,111.1912 m as seed." ..
fectants and found to be effective for the control of cereal diseases.
A was placed on the :market about
1915 In Germany under the'trade name of "UI;!:IHllun". Subse-
qUently similar compounds designated "Chl()l'Qpholi:l 'and f'Seme-
san" were placed on the market in the United States. In general
it may be said that organic mercury seed-disinfectants produce
very little injury to the seed so treated. .
Investigators at Cornell University and elsewhere perfected the
art of making and applying sulfur dusts for the control of fungi on
fruit and vegetable crops, reviving, as it were, the classical dis-
coveries of 9thers. FinelY-:-Qivided has been
produced through new and effective p'rocesses of grinding, which
is an exce.llent product for
of. such have gIven prom-
ISIng results. Bordeaux mIxture, also, has been prepared as a
powder, mixed with suitable inert materials and applied econom-
ically as a dust. Some of the so-called insoluble coppers have been
used successfully on Bordeaux-sensitive plants and on crops used
for canning, e.g., tomatoes. Efficient machines for blowing these
dusts on plants have been in general use for several years. . In
Bome cases the work of dusting has been successfully and econom-
ically done by the use of airplanes. .
For long years fanners have practiced an empirical selection
of .varieties. No individual can claim the sole
credit for the control of plant disease by the introduction of im-
mune or resistant crop plants. The "w<?,:t:'k. of men like
QRTON was successfully contInued by
F:REEMAN; JO:N'1l!S, . NOR.'l'Q:N. The survIval of
a . system of agriculture has often depended chiefly on the resist-
ance of the crop plants to disease. In the agro-biological province
disease is as much a part of the environment as drought, cold, or
heat. The control of plant diseases by fungicides must be regarded
as a technique which should be abandoned eventually when resistant
plants shall have been introduced.
Modern agricultural explorations have paid great attention to
varieties which possess notable r(:!sistance to disease. Happily some
degree of success has been achieved in introducing into cultivation
some of these races. The use of resistant stocks in the propagation
of fruit trees has been extensively employed in the last half cen-
tury. A recital of the work cannot be attempted in this place ..
Recognition of the inherent resistanqe of native or introduced
crop plants to diseases encouraged attempts to hybridize them with
cultivated races. Since the opening years of the 20th century this
work has progressed. It was logical to start the breeding of vari-
eties resistant to pathogens like Fusarium which inhabit the 'soil
and penetrate the roots of plants. The success attenaing the initial
work of in the United
Howard S. Reed -306- A Short History
States encouraged others to attack the problem. Through a period
of thirty years the United States Department of Agriculture in co-
operation with state experiment stations and with institutions in
Canada has been developing rust-resistant varieties of wheat. The
hybrid varieties which have been obtained possess resistance to
rust and yield flour having excellent milling and baking qualities.
Numerous examples have been cited previously in this chapter.
Breeding resistant plants has become increasingly important since
the discovery of virus diseases for which the ordinary application
of germicides is obviouslY useless.
Definite progress is being made in the genetics of plant disease
resistance. In the case of a few crops like sugar cane and sugar
beets the results are rather spectacular. COONS (1936) estimated
that on nearly 1,4, the total farm acreage of the United States vari-
eties recognized as disease resistant were planted. The Extension
Service of the Department of Agriculture of the United States
listed 14 important vegetables, of which there were 123 varieties
known to possess :resistance to diseases of various kinds. .
HARTLEY and RATHBUN-GRAVATT pointed out (1937) that the
effect of Phytophthora 011 potatoes increased the variability of the
national yields, as illustrated by the tragic effects of the crop
failure resulting in the historic Irish famine of 1845. They also
gave credit to the progress which has been made in the control of
this disease as a stabilizing factor in agriculture. The control has
changed it from a catastrophic thing that upset all expectations
into 'One that no longer seriously affects the dependability of total
regional yields. .
Govenlmental inspection of plants or of fruits for the purpose
of eliminating infected material is a comparatively recent phase
of plant disease control. In several European and American coun-
tries there is inspection at ports of entry whereby plants bearing
evidence of certain diseases are prohibited entry.
gists and entomologists generally cooperate in the work of inspec-
tion. The inspection of plants and control of shipn1ents was under-
taken by various countries after it became evident that some seri-
ous epidemics had been inadvertently introduced and, free from
their natural checks, often spread with unwonted rapidity.
rrhe problems of control are thus briefly enumerated and it will
be evident that they are relatively new. Further work is needed to
bring greatel' precision into the field. Closer cooperation between
physiologists, and biochemists is needed to solve the
more elusive phases 0:[ the problems. An international
mont for the control of plant diseases is most urgently needed, since
it is known that international boundaries are no barrier to them.
A retrospective glance at the history of plant patho1ogy reveals
some efforts to bring many diverse factors into opcration in the
control of plant discases. The zealous. amateurs and experienced
farmers had such inadequate technique that they Illude little prog-
ress until their problems were clarified by mycologists in the middle
of the 19th centul'y. The enlightening results of DE BARY'S experi-
ments with pure cultures of fungi, his concepts -of parasitism, and
the etiology of disease .were as waters in the deSert .
. In the closing years of the 19th century valuable information
. concerning the life histories of pathogenic fungi began to be ob-
Chapter XIX -307- Plant Pathology
tained 13y scientifically trained men who took their work to the field.
Consciously or unconsciously they evolved a new technique in the
study of the etiology of plant diseases. These men found
lems which could not be solved in the fusty -cabinet, nor within
the limits of the laboratory. Out in the open air they began to
understand the epidemiology of diseases and there to see how many
hitherto unsuspected phenomena had been overlooked. They were
a new generation of plant pathologists many of whom were deeply
impressed by the tragic results of crop losses caused by plant
The field pathologists often obtained valuable clues from the
and, in turn, taught them what had been learned by
scientific research. In field-meetings, in farmel."s associations, and
in agricultural societies, many thousands received instruction in
the life history of pathogenic organisms and in the principles of
disease control.
It is true that hasty surveys of doubtful value were sometimes
made, but discoveries of .. bQs.t::;, of resting stages, of infec-
tive centers, of air-borne spores followed tIle" worK of' "the field
investigators. A wealth of specimens on which further investiga-
tions were made came to the laboratories and herbaria. The field
pathologists came to know the place of fungi in the complex living
world and to extend the discoveries of the laboratory. It was like
the great period of expansion which followed the 18th century
botanical explorations in the the Indies, and in the New
Among many who originally worked in what may be termed
agropathology, one may mention the following: I:iARTrG, and ADER-
lj:QLP . in Germany; P"$JLLIEUX, and VIALA in France;
WARD and SALMON in England; ERIKSSON in Sweden; BURRILI",
States. . . . .
While the investigation of the diseases caused by fungi was
rapidly advancing, the field was extended by the discovery of a
small, but important group of diseases caused by bacteria and with
it an appreciation of the r61e of insects in disseminating the
genic organisms.
The diseases caused by viruses had long eluded scientific re-
searches although their existence had impressed itself on the agri-
cultural world for many generations. BEIJERINCK's work in the
closing yea_rs. .Of the :t9tll. century placed-the"vl:rus problem clearly
before the" scientific plant pathologists: -KrioWIE3dge -<1f"tJiis obscure
etiological agent has grown in the last 20 years and has elucidated
many fundamental problems in plant pathology.
From year to year plant pathology has invoked the assistance
of cognate branches of science such as physiology, genetics,
istry, physics, and meteorology, Its recognition was earned
through demonstrations of its significance in agriculture, forestry,
and to a' certain extent, in medicine. The establishment of de-
partments of plant pathology in universities and in governmental
agencies has occurred within the memory of many now living.
The international aspects of pathology have been the subject
of comment. Plant diseases are- not merely national problems.
Students who have been eager to avail themselves of the oppor-
Howard S. Reed -308- A Short History
tunity to study in foreign c.ountries have found hospitable welcome
in the important centers of research of all' nations.
The discoverers have made no attempts to enrich themselves at
the expense of those who benefitted by the discoveries.
Finally, the control measures evolved have been given the widest
publicity for the stabilization of the agricultural industries and
for the increase of the world's food supply.
ApPEL, O. (1915): Disease resistance in plants. Science, 41: '773"782.
ARTHUR, J. c. (1929): The plant rusts (Uredinales). Wiley, New York;
Chapman & Hall, London.
BAWDEN, F. C. (1939): Plant viruses and virus diseases. Chronica. Botaniea,
Waltham, Mass. (formerly Leiden).
BUTLER, E. J. (1936): The nature of immunity from diseases in plants. Srd.
Internat. Congress of Compo Pathol., 1 (2) :1"14.
DELACROIX, G. (1908-09): Maladies des plantes cultivees. BajIliere, Faris.
DUFnENOY, J. (1935); Structure at MetaboHsme cellulaires. Arch. Anat.
Microscop. 31:
ERIKSSON, J. (1930): Fungous diseases of plants in agriculture, horticulture.
and forestry. 2d ed., tr. from the German by W. GOODWIN. BailUere,
Tindall and Cox, London.
R. (1900): Lehrbuch der PtIanzenkrankheiten. 3. vollig neubearb.
AutI. des Lehrbuches del' Baumkrankheiten. Springer, Berlin.
(1894): Text-book of the diseases of trees. Transl. by W. SOMER-
VILLE, Rev. and ed. by H. M. WARD. Macmillan, London and New York.
HEALD, F. D. (1933): Manual of plant diseases. 2d McGraw"Hill, New
York and London.
HUMIPlIREY; H. B. (1936): The development of disease resistnnt plants. Srd.
Internat. Congress of Compo Pathol., 1 (2)
PIERCE, B. (1892); The California Vine Disease. U. S. Dept. Agor., Div.
Veg. Path., Bull. 2.
B. (1807): Memoire sur Ia cause immediate de la carie ou charbon
des bles. Bernard, Paris. English transl. by G. W. KEITT. 1989, Phyto-
path. Classics no. 6.
PRlLt.IEUX. E. (1895-97): Maladies des plantes agricoles. Firmin-Didot"
REESS, M. (1888): ANTON DE BARY (biography). Ber. D. Bot. Gesellsch. (;:
SMITH, E. F. (1.905-14): Bacteria in relation to plant diseases. Carnegie
Inst. of Washington, Pub. no. 27, v. 1"3. .
SMITH, K. M. (1933): Recent advances in the study of plant viruses. Church-
ill, London. (Contains valuable bibliography),
SORAUER, P. (1933): Handbuch del' Pflanzenltrankheiten. 6. neubearh.
Autl., hrsg. von Dr. O. APl'EL. Parey, Berlin.
STANLEY, W. M .. (1987): Crystalline virus protein. Amer.
J our. Bot. 24: 59-68. (Contains valuable bibliography).
TILLET, MATHIEU DU (1755): Dissertation sur la cause qui corrompt at
noirdt les grains du bled . . Brun, Bordeaux. English transl. by
HUMPHREY, 1937, Phytopath. Classics no. 5. Ithaca, N. Y.
WHETZEL, H. H. (1918): An outline of the history of phytopathology.
Saunders, Philadelphia. (With bibliography).
WonoNIN, M. S. (1878): Plasmodiophora brassieae, Ul'heber del' Kohlpfian ..
Jahrb. wiss. Bot. 11: 648-574. lllnglish transl. by C. ClIUPP,
1934, Phytopath. Classics no. 4.
Chapter XX.
The young student often becomes bewildered by the vast num-
ber of names of workers in his chosen field of study. Although
there is no precise means for estimating the renown of great men,
each student of their works tries to formulate an approximate
estimate of their importance. After consideration of the matter,
and in consultation with various colleagues, I have drawn up the
foHowing list of 50 important names in the hope that it may stimu-
late others to make similar attempts. To facilitate the estimation
of their eminence
four groups have been made concerning which
I beg' to offer the following explanation:
1. Discoverers: men who may be considered notable because of the basic
botanical knowledge which they discovered.
2. Describers and Classifiers: men who made successful attempts to
systematize the knowledge of the plant kingdom.
3. Specialists: men who made important discoveries in certain fields.
(The distinction between this class and the Discovcl'c:rs is not sharply defined).
4. Exponents: men who by the excellence of their skill in teaching or
writing have made significant contributions to the literature of botany.
It is evident that a few names are included in more than one
DlJsorillllrs and
niIf<10v(Jrl'rll Cla88iji(J1'S Speaia!ists E:rJponents
'1' lIEOprrRASTLJ8 INGElN-Housz DrosCOIllDES
(1628-1711 ) (371-286 E.C.) (1730-179!J) century A. D.)
(1628-10\14 ) ( IGll1r,82) (17114-1878 ) (1400-1566 )
( l(HlIi1.7:lt) ( 1;;87-161\7) (1809-1882) (lG1G-1544)
01;77-17111) (11128-170;') ( 1811i-18B5) (1742-180!)
DB DE .Tu8l3mll MENmll. VON HUMDOLD'r
(171l7- Hl.lfi 1 (1748.1836 ) (1820188'.1 ) ( 1769-1809)
( 1Hllti-lR72) (17071778) (18241877 ) (180<1.1881 )
(llH'i-18ll1) (1761-18:1(1) (1831-1888) (1806.189&)
DE CANI}Ol.l.l!1 GnAY
(18:1 2-1 !11\7 ) ( 1806-1893) (1851.1930) (18101888 )
Pl'fWl"NtI J. D. HQOlam SADllS
( 1811)-1 !120) (1817-1011 ) (185(;-1032 ) (1882-1897)
(lIM8-1!):!r. } ( 1831"1888) (1856-1934 ) (18401.1012)
AnSORl>TION. 242
ALl HARAWI. author of a
herbal. 58. 54
Acclimatization. 128
Actino-m1Jce8, 283
Agricultural chemistry, 243,
Agriculture. International In-
stitute of. 4.
AnULItON. H .. 269
AUMAD AL-GlIAFlor. (i4
ALnllwrUS MAnNus. 67
Ar,1l)XANDEIl. pupil of Ams-
TO'.rLE, 38
AI,LAlm, H. A.. 291>
Ar.r.-A!-1M:A'I OF BASllA, ri2
AJ.LEl'I", C. E .. 168
Allgemcine Morpholooic by
ALLISON, R. V .. 260
Allimlt .sativum, 54
Alt<.ll'nation of generations,
lS8. 140
Amboinn. 02
American Ind!ans, plant lore
of, 20
A]'.lIcr. G., 166
Ammonia, 224. 225. 240
Nutritive valuc of, 219, 220
TlwOl'Y of Lmum, 215
AmmOllification. 21B
A 1tat01I'6 l'lanta.1'U7lL by
l'lmn. 87
Anntomy in thc 17th century.
TIL" anatomy of IJla1tts l)y
Gmnw, 88
A.nllichtll?t flllr Natltr by nU)!-
IIOW'I'. 121
Antj'luiLy, Gardene1's ItnO Her-
bnllats of. 7
Allian! cell. 144. 1-15
APIelUl:l Oom,lus. 46
ArlO!{lllUY. 1:W
ApoHpol'Y, 1:ltf
AIPW., 0., 202
Alllll!! tree, early ti gil re of,
BAnnAllUS, <18
Arabs. IJlnnt illtl'oduel.iullll in-
to 8llldJl. 1i2
Al\lIlm, A., 1[)0
Al'huMClIi<m. 281
AmI:lTO'l'I.I'l, 32
Mnjol' wodm (If, 84
Tlwol':,! of VitnliHm, B<1
AlINAIlLl, A" 108
AIINON, D. L. 220, 2Hl, 26[
AnTllUIt, J. C., 270. 2ml
AHIlUl'ap;in, 22:1. 2:11i, 237
AfHiyrilL. J:'iaut lm'u oL', 8
AHKyl'iUl1 lWl'hnl, !J
.. 261
Atmnnwlcr, 188
AtmosJlheric hll!nidity. Effect
on tl'fl.lIH}Jinltiun, lR8
Al'WA'.rrm. W.O., 22!l
A mllJl:I'l'INl'l, 48
Auxin. 2():), 27!l
Avmllwm'l, Ii"
AVOClldo, food and medicinal
propcrtil!l>. 28
Azotobaoter, 228. 20.j
BABtOCI.c, E. B., 161
Baeteria, chemoaynthesiA by.
212; discovered by LEEU-
WENHOEK. 87; impol-tancc as
plant pathogens, 2111; pur-
)lIe, 206, 212
Bl1.cteriophllge. 233
BADlANUS Manuscript, 21
BA.I!lYEIt, A. VoN, 2011
BAll,BY, 1. W., 1511
BAIN, S. M., 260
BAI.DWIN. 1. L. and E.
B., 231
DALY, E. C. C., HI!lII.BRON, 1.
1\1: and BARKER, W. F.. 20!1
BA.NKS, Sir .JOSBI'H, 111, 121
Barley. Egyptian. 12. 18
BAHTSllll, JOHANN. 122
BAllY. A. 1m, 141, 103. 1M,
270. 273, 27n. 279. 284, 2Ul
Basl! exchangc. 24M. 251
BNJ'CI'XELOR. L. D. nnll Rm<:IJ,
H. S., 246
riAUlIlN, .JoHANN. 7a
KASPAR, 7[1. sa
BAWIlBN, F. 0" 207
BI';Nl'H. O. A., 264
Bl';IJEIUNl:K. M. W" 22K. 2a I,
:WO, 2()!)
C., lllil
BgNrmNN. E. VAN. llil
BmNNE'r'l', C. W., 1H7, 217
R. R. 172
BBHKEUW, M J .. 270
BmINAIUl, N., 281
IH11l'rI-IELO.r. M. P. E .. 227
--. -- jLIlI1 G., 2r;r,
G., 2()2
.. --- JAvILLllm, M .
IlmTTs, E. M., 276
Binominl NonwllclILtU'!"O. fLII-
lllied by LINNABUl:I, l01
BIltNlm, Ho, Ul)\! Ll]()ANlTS, 2ri7
B1ucknmn HCllctioll. !.lOti. 20(1
Bl.AKESLEB, A. 1"., 276
Bl-ilth(Jndialll'ammo hy EICH-
LEn, lolB
BOCK, HumoN)'MUS. Oli
Bl)lm, H. R.. LSI
BiiIal, J.. 18U, :!tiG
!:logr,. (Bu!.l.), WIl,LIAlI[. 1.:,u
BOI.LSTMIT, AI,man VON, worlt
of, [)7 .. fiU
HONNl';'L'. 10ii
I1oNNUm. G.. 2fW
.- ------- -,,--_ lLud FI.AHAIfI.'f. C.,
I1C1NL'I.ANll, AIM):;, 127
B<lnu'lH Itni'{JOl'salc (h, ajlihllH
(lC 'l'HOl\[AS 01" CANTllIH'Itl::,
BUl'tie!ltlx mixtllre. 30,1
HcmOIllN, 1.. 2BIl
Buron, 2fi!l; HYJl1lltunlH of 11".
iiciency, 317
Dcml'I';J.hl. 1L, 204
Botl1l1icltl in the
Orient. 76, 7\1: in the Amer-
iCIlA, 77
BotlL'tlisQlwll J>-raloti/mll> l,y
S'I'UAl:lnUIIOl'lIl, 100
Butanists. emilH'nt. lion
BI.ltanll of Terra Allnlralil-l, ]Jy
BltOWN, 127
Bound water of pI until. IllS
BOtlst:HNoAul:r r. n., 20G, 211i,
217, 220, 222, 221), 2:10,
242, 2411
Bowl'lH, I,'. 0., HI!), 142, 148,
BIIADLBY, n.ICIIAItD. 120. 126
BIIAUN, A., 13(l
BumFmm, 0., 164. 203
BIIENCIILgy, W. E" 250
host<l. 275
BIIIGQS, L. J. and SHAN1'Z, H.
1.., 102, IUS
Britillh Uredincao and U.stila-
ni1lcac by PI.OWllIGJ.lT, 270
H, T. und EI:iCOMm1,
1>'., 1\)0. 207
-_ -- nnd MOltnlS, D 210.
BIWWN, I-touml'l', 127, laS. 1[;,1.
Brown (I.E hIJ.'nills due
to hOl'OIl dl,!flcl<mc:'!, 321
BnUNGHOlIl:l'l', .1" 2aO
BlIuNI"lnLS. (l,1
g . 278
HIWt I)f wheat. 2!lJi. 2!H1
BUIlII, J. S., 21i1
---- ._- -_ - and MAII'l'IN, .r, C .
--,- unt] G. It ..
[1111111(1.1., T r., 21)1
Btl'l'Lll:It. E. J., 21)[;
CAGNJArr.u-LA1'OUI(, C.,
. Culcium. 21;(;
Ouml)ium, 141
HUllol.rH, Hli
CANllOLLN, Al.l'HONI:lN 12!!
CA.Nnor.r,E, AUOl.I!lnN
12U, 137. 140. 1>1:.l, 1711.
HW, 222, lIU)
ti((!<Il'Y of BliuM, iHO
CurlI0bycll'l.ltl), ZUIl. 2011, :>.r.7
'l"'UlUlflll'mllt!oll, 2011
CfH'h()Il fixation hy IJlnntH. 1117
G"r!"lJlu',.r In:;Utu1.". :!7ri
Carotin. lUll
Cal'l'ot. Intl'oduction iIlt() Ohi-
nIL. 1\1
CAHl:INlm, g.. lind };'1'AIII,. C.
1'\, !!HH
Catechol. 2!1r.
CA'ro, Celulo1,1J, ,11
L 1" 1:111
C(,lI, 11l1lnll<1 hy 11 Oil I\;, HIi: II
vlHlnll, 1(;0; t1w<lI'Y. Ir"J;
wall, U;8
Cl.!lI11loHI!. WHo :: 11
CW;.'I.l.I'INO, A NIIIII:A. 71
ClutlllrwH11Jil lutll/iliJ-l, !Ill
C/t,wti>!b'/I in UdltU"n io "!Ud-
CUltttl"<1 ... lIIl J'/qllliolf'IJIJ )}y
CI1l'mo>lynth""i .. , 212
blight. :lIlO
OIIIIINAl,j" A. C .. :>.:1lJ
C1JiIlCNC )JllLllj, 1<11'(', 1Ii; wt'it-
hl!>:1i In thl' 11th 1\1111 12t.h
C(.mtu l'iQM. ri(J
Chllll'ollhyll, 1(;7. 1 D7, Ill!!, WII.
201, :W2; CIH"ll\HtI'Y of. lUll;
uri :,!OO; )1 J'fJ-
tinction n!'. 1\0:':. :Jlla
Chlnl'(Jphylilm, !.lOl
Chlol'lmhylhwllJl. :;0,1
111(1, 111'/, 1 !III. 1 (In
ChlnrofllH. 2(11
Chlo1'OVll))O}'hmtiun, lAl-!
CtHlU W ANU lllllAU. 74
1CiO. l.!12
Reed's Short History
CIEZA DB LEON. Chronic" del
Peru, 26
Citron. 58
Citrus cl;I.nker, 202
Citrus medica, 53
Classification I
Idel;l.s of ALBlilRTUB MAGNUS,
58; of CEsAr,PINo. 72
Developml!nt 0:1: sY<ltems in
the 17th century, 83
System oj' Moms ON 84; of
RAY, 85
Progress in the 18th cen-
tury, 90
System of LIN NJI.!;m:iJ , 100
System of DE Jussmu. 102
CLEMENTS, H. F., 185, 1!)D
Clostridium Pasteuria.num. 221
Clubl'oot of cubbage, 274
Cr.mUUB, CATWloU I:l, 68, 77, 117.
Rc'fel'ence t.o potnto culture.
Cou,s. WII,l,IAM, 120
COLUMEl.l.A, 41
Congr<:'\s Intern'l-tional
culture, S
Congress, 1st International
Plant Sclenco, 8
CONN, H . .T 219
Contagium vivum fluidllrn, 296
COOKEl. M. C., 270
COOMBS. G. E. and GHAN'r-
HAM .J .. 246
Coullel'ntiun, international in
Illllnt llrotoctiorl, 4
Copper, 2G9
CaRDA. A. C. J.. 269
Conn US, EmllcLUs. 015
Conn us. VALliinIUS, 66
Cork-IIIlot in npplc.a. 250
OonTES. Comrntlnts an
nal plnnts in Mexico, 20
COWLES, H. C., 134
C!tAI"1'S, A. 8., 18G, 187
J. H., 161, 277
PI, CnESCEN'l'US, 116, 116, 11'1'
CronartiU'm. 200
Crown gall, 21J2
by DODOENS. 68
Curly tOIl. disease of huot".
21J7, 302
O. F., 1811, 18(1. lU'l
Cuano}lhuccrw, 2(Ui
Cy()le of carbon in nllturc, 107
Cytolol<Y, lCioi
P. A .. 104. 172. 274
A.. Hl7
DAnwIN, laO, 13:J,
lGlI, 173, 247
DARWIN, Io'nANciS. 181:1. 1IHl,
DUR cntd(w/otc (h,hllimnilltJ dM'
NuttM' by Sl'ILBNtlEI., 07
J)nh! palIn, U. Ui; fruit of, 54
DJl.VII:!, W. A., nAISH, A, J.,
and G. C . 210
DlUIBIlAIN, I'., 227
-- -- lLnd MAqUgNNl,. I. ..
DIUMocm'l'UB 01" AummA, 8 t
DEMOI,QN. A. lind A
DIJ nat1Wu, 1'C1'wn of 'I'llOMAS
01,' CANTIMI'IH1, 60
J)l)uUl'ogl'aph 0' MACUOU(lAI.,
Denitrification, 224, 225
De 11lantis by CBSAU'INO, 72
Da 7'OrU'1I! of
Del' Sinn der MlICo7'rhi;>:enbU-
dung by S'l'AIU. 280
De BI.l:tlU pta.ntomulI fJlliotola by
CAME'IAmuH, 96
E . 207
Die 1(ranlcheiten der !{1tltur-
lJew(i(Jh8e by KOHN. 287
Dia Mikro81copischon Feindo
cle8 Walde8 by WrLLKoMM,
Die PiZze by ZOPF. 284
DiB vBoetabilischll Zelle by VON
MOHL, 156, 177
DILLENlUB, .J. .J., 206
DIOSCOnIDES, herbal of, 42;
Codom A1ticiae J'Ulianae, 43
Di88ertation Bur La cause qui
cOl'rompt at noircit les
,grai1t8 de bled . by Tn,-
LET, 286
DIXON, 11. H. and JOT.Y, 181
DonE. W. H., 160
Doxo8copiac 1)hvsicae ,ninorll8,
by JUNO, 82
DnABDI.l!l. E., and DIlA.Dnl.E, H.,
Drought resistance, 103
PnuDE, 0.. 182
DUFIIr:!NOY. J . 168, 174, 2VIi,
298. 801
DU(JQAII. D. M., 800
CEAU). H .. 116
DUTDOClIET, H. H. J U;4. 176
EAMICS. A. Joo 1liO
Ecology, IS3
EgYllt, plant lore of, 10; Dlant
remains in tombs, 11
ErCHUilR. A., 140
Eighteenth Century, !Hi
ELI.IS, J., 1l1)
EMIll'l!CGIllH. L., 170
EMERSON, R.. 208
EMMAlt'r. EMILY W., 21
Emmel;', 8, 12
Endemism. lao
ENDI,WHJ1l!l, S., 137
Endothia, 200
ENO!TII,MANN. W., 200, 212
EN'<I/.InR. A., 182, 28,1
1!,'numcratio Sllst01llu,tioa Pml-
porum by OUDEMANS. 284
E(IUllibrium factors. 2;'2
ElgOllterol. 271)
EIUKSSON. J .. 4, 276, 2!lB
E::lAU, K .. 181
RRlJai. do 1lhlltoBtatiq'llo hy
'rHUItMANN, 129
liJ8sa1l on tho food of 1)!antlJ
and tho rClIovatirm of BOi!
gtlolhl, 204
2GO, 2BG
Rm1ulri011ocil IIILr !'u,ctioH dll let
l'IHlli()1'c lIolai1'll danH la
vopctation hy 1011
l?x1)1.lrimontl1l1o ]>jlanzcn1)hVHio-
Zoui" by SACHS. 178
R''Cl)f\"t'imcntH and Ob8()T1lat-ion8
dijJorrmt /ci7J.{lll of (tir hy
l'nIESTIol11Y, 106. 3Iu
l!.';l)l'c7'i1ll0nt6 on VO(,lIJtahlc8 by
Explol'aL[ons in the 17th Cl1n-
tlll'Y, Ill; U!t,h Century. lOll
W. II .. lUR
Ii'AHA. 61
l',AIHIICIUH. J. Coo Oil
Pamdllcs des 1'lantcs hy
SON, 110
1"AHWW. W. G., 130. 2S:l
l"ARTtUm. J. D., 168
FAnn, W. Ie,. Hill
l' .... nnl'lll. R, ,r., 122
Paaoienl'tIB StirlJiu"m IJrUfl't11ll-
carum by RAY. 80
J!'ermentll.tlon. 25G, 27'1, 278
Fortili:mtion. lWl. Itll, 163,
165. 166
Field nnd DiaL experlmentll,
Filtrable virus, 296
FISUER, R. A.. 246
Flalling grain, illustration
from P. OkESCENTUS. lUi
Flora Antarctioa by IIOOltElR.
Flora of 13ritinh 111dia by
Flora by
Flower. morrjhology of, 1,10.
Foliar theory, 160
FONtAN-ilo. IH), 266
FORBES. R. n..
l''''ol'est Pathology. 289
l"ormo.ldchYde theol'Y, 201)
FosTIm, A. 8., 146
FUANClC. J.. 208
FUANI<:. B., 281. 280
---- -- and OTTO R .. 237
FnANltE. 1(, W .. 264
IPn(.:MY. E .. 1110. 11)7
FIlIEa. lJ)" 261), 271)
Ll';oNIIARn. (Ill
l"uco:ltanthln. llHl
Fungi, 18th century wrltlng",
on, 98; early
of. 206; Ilal'lL",itic nn uni-
mals, 282
F'usarimn, 806
GALLAU[), I., 281
r,f GJmAIlIl. 70; 11inntll
mentioned by BIUINl'IJlI.a. 61i
Gardcnel's' DialianarlJ. by 1'.
MII,IoIl:Il, 124
GlU'dening- ACIH1(\ from 1,C8
dll!l Moill, 1 '14
Gnnhmll in. mIHl!U!tl.ll'Y Ilf St.
Gall. 116; North EuroPlJ,
116: '(lost l'llllldHSUnCI.l devel-
opments in llJumpe, 118;
Roman, 11:1; Botanic
l\:cw, 120; Univorslty IIr
I,elden. 117
GlI.rlic. li4
GAUNJ;;U, W, W., 2117
Gart elm' GCBllndheit. lrith
century hln'bul, 02
GXUMANN. Iil" 271, Iwn
GAYON. U. lIlHl J)OI'Ir.'rl'l', (I ..
GmmoIz, K. 1(., 248
Gene, tlll.!ol'Y (If, 11i2
OmHJTa ['{antal'lInt hy LIN"
O1'lli?wli natll'rnlilll dllllwl.lita
by ))1,1 SlTj,Jsmu, 102
GtllU!Vll, C0l1HC1'vntoh'e llotnni-
que, 31U
Ot!'){} )'ulJhiD llOtanilJ "'0 ritilllm-
'llde by DIll CANlJOI.t,B, 11.1\)
GmiAnI) 011 CIIRMONA, Ii'l. Ii Ii
GlmAltO, .fOUN, '10
OIl,'1'A);,. E. nTHl AmmlloN, .1,
IL. 22(i
IIl.llm, t)'ll.llflllll'l\tiIlU ur,
..l G., till, {lU. 2nn
G0D1,BW81CI, E., 17!1
GmmI%. 1(, VON. 1<1:1, 1.1.\1, lii:j
GOtlN,tE. S. W. YON, 1:J1i, 144,
GOL!)Ii!'l'MlN, n.. BOO
GQ:NZ,tI,I.IllZ 1m MI1:NllOZA. J .. 7!\
"Good Henry", 116
GonosclIANIUN, .r. N .. 163. 161i
Graftage. f1'Ol'l'l I'. Cm';HG!,CN'l'l!!i\,
Gt'EIPe, 14
FIG. 29. - One of the tables from GnEw's Anatomy of 1"lants, London 1682. F.l. The
Bud cut transvtll'sly. and palt of the Radiole by tho Length, in t1. Bean newly lI):lrunS' up.
J.l'.2. Sheweth the Wood as It to the naked lllye. ]',8. the Cane BJllit down. F.4, the
Corn now)y SPl'outed. 11'.1}. A Branch of fiva years B'lOWth. F1'QITI the Olrcumferenoe. to the
utmost black Ring. !,tocs the DIU-Que. F.G. n, u piece of the Stnlk; b. magnified. F.7. n. a piece
of Oak-wood cut trp.!1$veraly; b. the Bnme magnified. The white Llnca B.:t'll the lessor and
greater Inaertiona. The Prioka. nre the Wood. The Uttle and gl"eat Holes two lIortB of Aer.
Veaseill. F.8. Part of n Branch ten years old, with the :Barque stripped ofl!. nnd cut both
transversly and down the lImgth, to shew how tbe Barque i8 Inserted Into the Wood.
Reed's Short History
GRAY. ASA, 130, 131; Herbar-
ium of. 131
Greco-Horrmn writers, 40
Gl,'(.!ck, decline of, 40
GnEGOIRE, V., 150
dmwlnga representing Jllant
anatomy, 313
Grey IIpecl!:, 261
GRIS, E .. 2{)8
GrmmmAou, A" 131
Gl"Und1'i,Qs (1m' l("ii'Mtcr/cU7ule
l' cnt1uorien
1>y 126
Gl"'lIIIcl1'is8 d.)r l("iht'tcl'Tcltnde
lichen Botanil, by SCHJ,EJ-
meN. 15(;
GUWNAIW, Hi1. 166. 167
GUILI.rli:RMOND, A., 161, 164.
16B, 17{J, 172
Gumnos1,oramui1'1n. 295
HARBlU,ANIlT. G 147, 1\)4
B.. lU1
HAli:NKI>, '1'., 222
HAI,gll. curnte of
'l'eddingtol1., 103. 2H; ex-
periments on tnuuwil'ation,
lOti, ISH: on girdling, 10<1
lland/woft of IJriCish by
COOKE. 270
Ifltn,l/Hwh der P/lanil:cn{loo-
1I1'a1'ltie by DmJDt'l. 132
i:lq,ndlmch dcr l'Jla11.'iwnkra'l1-k-
hdtcn by SOlt<'l.UEIl,
liandlnwh dor T{)(lhniachclI
by :LAl'.(\.lt, 28Jj,
I!ANSI.:N. E 275
HAN!1TEIN, .J. VON, 145
HAIll)EN, A.., 278
_'-_. -- nnd YOUNG, W"
J 2r,o
HAnmS, .r. A .. 246
HAR'rIG, R" 289.
HAlvrW, TIr.. 18"
0.. and RA'rlInUN-
GRAVA'r'l', A., 300
HlI l'VD. I'd Univm'flity, Gl'ay
HIl1'hllrium. 181
Hehrew PhiloHOphy, 5th Cen-
tUl'y B.C 30, 111
Ht'll,I,)UB(n'JI,. l-I., 22g
_'_ --- Itnd WIUPAltTU, If .
230. 2!l2. 281
.r. B. VAN. 90
II (mw1'ocani8, Illustrntiot\ from
ChincMc H(.!lb,ll. 75
Hcmicellul<me. 211
Hlll'bnl of. Anu MANSUR Mu-
018; BAlIIUN, KABI'.hIl,
74; BnnNl'E[,S, 0.. (j,j:
C)cI>lAl,llNo. ANIl:tlBA. '12;
CIU1NI1 LI'll, 1)0; enou WANI]
HSIAO. 74: ClllflHicllI, 02:
OonnlHl, V AI.lmm8, G(): Dl-
08COHlllm,(, "2; GBRAllIl, JOHN.
70; KUNUA!) (H' MEnI>lNlINlUl.
(12: PSBllllO-J\PIJ I.BIU:1. 0:1 0.;
'l'uHNmt, WU,I,IAM. 70
Hel'hnlh,tH in the Orient, 74
IJe)'l)aJ"iltln by
HIl MI' III US. 92
JJm'ba-rilll! L.ti?lllR, hcl'_
1ml lll'inLllrl in Gennl\ny. 62
IIm'/Jil?'!WI ,/)i1!UO OiOMWII, by
llrtUNI,EI,I3. 0'1
HrmN AN llJ'l I'. , Ji'ltAN()JSOO, 77
cOJnmcuttl on
)i)1rYIl I,inll agJ"iotlltm'e. U,
lB; on papYl'lJll. H: on
lotu!!. 14
HlmOI'Im.ul'J. ""0
HrcssrnMAN, H., 1SH
Hct(,lloc,lBm. 273
l1etC1'othulliam, 27lJ, 276
Hu.oAnll, Ia. W .. 247
lIrpt'ocRA1'r.s, "The Fnth!!!' of
Mediolne", 82
D. J., 248
Histogen 145
Hiatoil'o nat1trdlc d", Senegal
by ADANSON. 110
IJifJtoria. lJ1antaTl?H by RAY,
HOAOl,AND, D. R., 220
-- and BnOYEIt, '1'. C
-- -- (l.mI CtrANDum, W.
H .. 21,2
-- --- and DAVIA, A. R.,
and MARTIN, J. C.,
and SNYDEIt. W. C.,
._- --- and S'l'OUT, r. R.,
HOFMmISTER. W" Ulll, 11(), 155,
It.i7. IBn. 171
HOl:r:;;!'fAltK. G. {Llld LARSJilN,
B. Il., !]41J
HOOlq;.:. HOIIIQIU'. 80
Sir .TOImPH D., 12ll:
ouk to. 1:iO
HOOICElJl. Sir WII,l,lAM J" 121,
E. F. !., 201
Hormone, :!.03
IIost Index. ,1 111'0viNional hy
Ji'AIlWW, 28:1
HUAN<l-'l'r. 10
HUMlloLIl'r. AU'>XhNlllntt VON.
H!7. 1113
A 251\
HUTI.1IIINS. L. M., 207
HUTCIllNHON, H. 11 .. anCi Mil,'
N. H, J 211). 228
Hybrid" made by KOln.!mU'1'fm.
IIlN SINA. /;4
100'1108 Iwl(]clao hY'IIW1i011LIICll-
tum by FIlms, !lOll
lliloll [!lam. IG7
IKlmo. S .. IGr.
TmiJibition theory ol: SAcua,
170, 180
Immunlt.y to !.l1l3, 802
Infeetioll, 287
IN(ll';NHOtJS:-', JAN, 107
Inspectiol1 of phmtf.! for dill-
cns!!s, BOa
Intl'oduced Illnnta. IIlIteli l}y
F'UCHS, (;(1
Introll'ltction to CrJ/:pto{lamk
lJotanll by 270
In LIIBHl1ACelltion. IllS
Iris. enrly 1igure ufo 68
Iron, 2r.8
Isltl700(l \)" ,1UNll.
Ifllamic flcience, iiI
IWAN()Wl:Iltl, n .. 21l6, 300
JAVIl,I.mR, M 2H2
la. C,. 141.
G .. A .. , 221
If.J., 22", 221>
T. L 1I00l.
.fOlINS'I'ON. Ii:. S. nud Dmm.
W. n., 21i9
JONES. W. J. alllI lIUH'I'ON. II.
A., 250
JOUfHU Nll1llCR out of the
N(J'Il}o b'lnmtlo WO!'ldo hy
MONAllDl'':S, tl'unHhlLed l>y
l"IIAMl'1'ON, 77
.1UNU, .lOA(}H!M, 111. 82. 80. {jO
JUSSIllllI, AN'roINB-LAurmN'I.' 1m,
JtIe!:l[(f.U, m.:, t01
JUSTINIAN, llge (lr. 41l
KA'MTmNS1<I, F .. 280
A, D., 256
-- --. Dom!), W. H. and
DROWN. S. M., 248
KELLNEIl. 0., 224
KBMPTON, J. H., on t.eosinte.
22. 29
KHANO-HI. dh:lc[Jvel'Y of "Im-
lJel"!al rice", 19
KTEBSEI.DACII, '1'. A.. 180. 103
KNlUl-{'I', TnoMAs ANDlll!lW,
176. 286
KOClI. L.. 145
KOCH. W. und REJI!)J) , H. S.,
KOELnBtJ'l'[,R, J. G., D7. 1(;6
A., ID2
I(llA. !JB. E. J. lind I{llAYllll,I.,
n. H." 223
](.rllptogamcn F'tora DOHI.lloh-
la.ndll of UAilBNII ORS'f, 2!H
Kuuown'z, F 261
KC"UN. J., 287
W., 107
I{uNl;:tOL, L, (),' 2118. 300.
LAI".hU, 21l"
La 1lhUlli'ltw des a7'III"lJB by l.l [1-
l.(AlIUl{,. 101i. 111)
LA QTJJN'l'lN,);E 1'. 1m, 110. 12:1
I,ATHUOJ. E. C.. 21U
Lati.n IH)l1IU'e. 2<\.G
LlIW uf the Millimum, 247
!,IlW of llhYHiDlogilml l'elatiOllfl,
J,AWl)JS, .T. B., awl GU,lIETlT 1'.
H., 21H. 222, IN''
- --', - _'" anll I'UOH. 11.,
A. VAN. 80
I,(JA"unum, t1/1, 2111
do'!' by
S'fllAsllUllmm, Nlll,[,. SCXllONCIt
Itnd SmuMl'loJIt, 1(10
/,cfwIH!ch dVl'
hiJitlm by HAIt'I'W, 2BO
[,dL-ro von dll>' I' Jh!?t;lll?t;:d((1 l\y
HOI"MtWi1'r,:lI, 1SH
r,m'l'(!Tw. II.. 100
J,emllU. in Chinll. 1il
J. W. anll MA.NN. M ..
Li':SZOYl:"SllllHfIHl(I, Count .T ..
LeucopllYll, 203.
LIJUC()1,JHHI,II, lIHl. 170
L(.:vml.I,(.:, J. II.. 2(1)
G., lOB
jOl'lnata by FII1l!lH, :.llW
Llcht1:r>H. 271)
l)y '1's' J\f, HHlAN(J,
LI1'1n[(l,.. .T. VON", 21ri ..
21'\ 1, 277
Jlllhllsh()l' (lr thu
lltll'lJal'iu'In "f. Al'IJI,I'.lJIH. lill
from l;.l:.!
I,lmo"Hulflll' Holut.toJl, BO'l
LINNAJmS, UAUOl,I.1H, 11\1. 101,
122: vl
lltnll,Lul"I.1 llllllll whieh pJ'Ultl"l
emll(l 11(' IlluHHlI1ll'1. :117
LJl'JIlAN, 0. B. Mlil ,I.
l( .. 21"101
JAl).MAN, G., 22H
1,1110, .f, t.. 20a
Ll 8HI OllNN, 7 r,.
l(mf, lwa
LIVINUH'I'ON. H. B .. H18. 1112
1.\ IHI
Hilt! l:lcAll'l'U, G. W ..
L()[,.w, 0 26". !.!1i7
1.00i"J'l"ml,ll. J. V., til t
],O(lAN. J.d,\llil'l:I. lUJ
LtlnNIB, 221
J.,owUolmo, .TUAN 11,:, 101)
I,untr,H{Nl,;:o. W., 20,1. 207
FlO. - Al'lpl1l:atuB used by .JOSmI>H pnmSTLEY to demonstrate the evolution of oxygen.
Fig. 1, a, pnuumlttlc trough: b, flat Ilton-es: n, cyllnddcnl jara: d, tall beel' gll1BB inverted over
It mouse: c, smull bottle ;Cram which wel'" il1ttodueecl to oyllnders. Fig. 2, cyJlndriclll
Fig. 8, weighted ,receiver in whioh mice WeL'C kept. li'jg. 4, nngled rod bearing a conicnl
cork. Fig. 6, support ffH' a smnll dish ("gall!pot"). Fig. 6, funnel. '1 to 10 nQt
in th!1l plnte. Fig. ) t, glnss c:yJindel'. Fig, 12, wax candle on fLTI Angled rod. - li'rom
"Experiments Ilnd Observ>Ltions on Diffet'ellt Kind3 (If Ail''', Vol. I (Ed. 17I)D).
Reed's Short History
SIS, 4.8
W. J., 284
LUT:!;. A. M., 161
Lychee, :first mentioned by Eu-
ropea.n writer, 79; mono-
graph by TS'AJ HSIANG in
1059, 50
MACAI,LUM, A. B .. 258
MACDOUGAL. D. T., 182. 192
Maller !loridu8 de virtutibuB
hllrba.r1l:m, 49
McHArmUE, J. S., 261
MACl{'lNNElY, G., 19a
Magnesium, 256
Magnolia; ora;ndi!lora;, 119
MAGROU, J., 281
MD. Huang, in China, 20
MAll:-IS, E. B., 11,]1<1 LEIQU1:Y.
C. E., 2114
MAIRB, R 165
MaiM, an()catry of, 22. 28;
CINTIJlU'l'L, goddess of, 22;
culhU'e at by Indians, 24.:
early :figurc of in a Euro-
pean bo01,. 67: introduction
into Ohinn, 791 mentioned
by LI SIll CUlm, 76; ill
Peru, 21
MA(,PlOll:l. MAnclla,I,O, 87, {)O,
lOll, 105, .2211
Mllnchon mcrlBtematlquc, 160
Mllngltn<l!le, 261
MANO[i)LSllORF, P. C. l'Lnd
REEVI]S, U. C., Odglll of
22, 20
MANGIN, L. A., 151)
MAHCEI.Lua IDl'iUWllcus. 46
MARCIlLJ]W61CI, L., 201
MARCO POLO, '76, 264-
MUL'sh Marigold, flgurc from
GIilIMtW's hel'btd, 71
MASKIT.LI., E. J., 185, 187, 238
MASON, T. G., 18li. 187, 288
MAXIMOV, N., 1111, 1\14-
MAYllln, A. :m., 2116
MAZru, :E' .. 210, 262
Medicnl pnpYl'l, :EIlEnJ:l, l-Ir.M.IlST,
Mcdoc l'o.crlo11 of Fl'uncc, vlne-
Ylml. 323
MEtlENnElnl, K. YON, 41. GO, 62,
MlliDale. 161
J. II., 21M
MElJ.tN. E,. 281
MrJ1Iloire Bnr la cat.,fj<J immdfli-
uta de la carie charbon
des bIds by I)REVOll'l', 28{\
Mel'lstem, 144. 146
Mtmnn.l" G. P., 248
Mc?'ulil'B. 28(J
M<ltamO)'Ilhoijia. 136, 143. 144
1I1cawdttll F1tnIJOI'lUIL, by Gr,E-
DITscn, 1)9, 266
Mr,:YJ11N. Ii'. J. 12B, 177
MICIlIilLI, P. A" liB. 266
Micl'o-e!llmcnts, 2li8
Mim'oOTltlJMa. by HOOI(E, B6
:MIcroscopy jn the 11th Cen-
hlry. 86
MILLAUOI'J1', A., 288. 303; Vine-
Y(lrd scen(!, tYfllClul of the
Medoo rlJgion, 328
l'UII.IP, 124.
1I11ne1'nI8, of the aoll, 248
xolQ of In metabolism, 264
nbaOl'}ltion by plo.nts, 242
Mitochondria. 170
MI'l'SClIlilULIClI, E. A., 241
MIYADIll, K., 288
MtiDIua, M.. 168
M01-ll .. , H. VON, 166, 168, 166,
177, 178, 186, H)O, 205; Bo-
tanicul Institute built by.
MOLISCII. H . 11)1, 212
Molybdenum, 264
MONAnoES, NICOLAS, '77, 70
Monte Cassino, monastery, 55,
MORGAN, T. H., 162
Morphologie 1md Phvaiolopi(l
dB?' Pil:!Hl, Flcchten und
Ml1iJlomyceton by DE BARY,
Morphology, 82. 185
ideas of ALBllJR').'US MAGNUS,
MonsTATT, H., 298
Mosaic disel,se. 206, 200
MOTHJ]S, K.. 289
Motillty of ccII eontenta, 156
MOTTIER. D. M., Hill
Mottle leaf, 268
MULDElt, G., 167
MUNCIl, E., 186, 187
Mtl'wrz. A. and COUDON, H.,
-- -- p,nd GAlJl)ECHON, II.,
MURN!!:l'llt, A. E., 212
M1Icolor/iu, Ellropaca by l'ER-
800:N, 268
Mycology, 26(\) Encyclopedic
wOl'l,s on. 288
Mycoplasm theory, 288
MycorrhizlL, 280
Nabathean agriMtltltre by InN
NXOEl,I, O. YON, 138, 144. 145.
165. 157, 158, 168, 206
NaB<lcnt period of botimy, 80
NVttural lawlI oj lu.sbaml.ry by
Nattu'Il1 I>hilosophy. l'evlvnl or
intol'est in, 81: of. 80
Natih'liclwn Pjlanz(Jnfamiticn,
Die, of ENOt.ICR 1\l;ld l'HANTI.,
Neollthlc period. 7
N cue8 dcr l'J!anzcn-
lJhYlJiologio by Mli:YEN, 177
NEwcoMBre, F. C .. 211
New 1(rllUtt01/mch by BOCH:, Oli
NEWTON, n. und MAll'l'IN. 1113
NICOl'. Jl!JA:N, 78
NmUillilN, N., 279
HM'!>aU by HlGNIlY
I,Y'rm, 68
NU<:l,('WBI<I, n., 225
Nile, 10, Iii
Nitrate, llS n llutrient, 2HI,
Nitl'nte of Soda, Chllcnn. 222
Nltl'iflc:ntlon, 220
Nitrollactcr. 221
Nltl'()gen, ACQUisition by
J)il,nta, 216, 21H
Assimlintion of, 2lo
1"lx!1.tlon by non-symbiotlo
(ll'gunismB, 227: by Ilymbi-
otic organisms, 22U; by
gl'e<ln pln.nta, 284
M"tnholism, 2Sr;
Nit1'08Cl IIW1Ut8, 221
Nodulcs of legume l'outS. 229,
230, 261
NO/Jtoo, 284
Nova 1'lantanmt (hmera by
Mw:mu.l. 266
Nuelllus. 160
Dlaeovel'y of, 1134
Nutrition of plants, 241, 242.
N\JT'l'AI,I., THOMAS, 122
O'BRlIllN. D. G. and DENNIS,
R. W. Q" 260
Od<ls 1O;f Pin, trl1.nalationa frOm,
o lArlO , M. D., 261
Olive galla. 292
ONSLOW, M. W 2311
Orange. in China. 18, HI;
monograph on, 61
Orange t.wig showing the ef-
fect of 2Iinc deficiency, 321
Orchard and gal'den plants,
disoussed by Al,lIEn'fUS MAO-
NUS, 69
Oroanograpltie der Ptlan:ocn
PY GOEDE I., 143
01 ganog'l'aphy, aystematic, 142
Origin of 81)f!ciea by D"'IIWIN.
Bns'rEo, A. S., 270, 278
On:ro1>(. W. A., 805
OsnOltNlil, T. B., 288
Osmometers, 176
Osmoti() l>r()SAUl'c, 188, 103
OUDEl'>lANS, 284
OutUn(!1I of Britillh
by DSIlJWan" 270
l'>AC,['AIJIN. W., 202. 2(18
Papas, 26
l'npYl'us, 13, 14
l'nrullitism. 271. 273, 280. 287
l?f\l'enchyml1o dlBcClvered by
GIllSW, 89
l'AIIIUN, J., 210
PAUIUNBON, .TOlIN, 118, 120.
PAS'l:mun. I,,, 220, 2.[;U. 277
PAYIllN, A,. lllf:l
I>EcR, C. H., 270
I>ectic Rull!ltallcea, 1llH
J. B., 1117
PI>NS'roN, N. L" 258
J>en ta'no 'cano 1JtU by Ll Sxn
C. n,. 208
J:>wf1mMA:NN, A.. 21!4
J;>m'l'IllTl MA!ITYTI, 26
l'J;'rW!;'f1H, W" 171, 172. 18M.
184. 1114. 200, 20G, 2115
]'Jlanz(J)1!gco(l,'aJlhir; auf
(hwndlaYG by
SCHIMl'!m, 13:.1
I'UIUX' II. 77
1'hilo/JojJhia B()tartictL by LIN
NAEUS. 100
1'}wcni:tl daot1)liJom" IH
PhOll}JhorUB, 2ti4.
l'hotOBYllthclIis. 204. 20U.
EhCl"gy relatioJl" of, 207
l')'lIduet!l of. 20(1
Indu(:tiol1 20B
PhYHiulnll'ic I'HCeH. l.l711
PhYHioiogicll.1 nnntomy, 14(i,
I'hyniulogicnl 111ll.lIt Il'co!;t)'l\)Jhy.
'mil.' by HAIlf'lU,ANIl'l', 1-17
PhY!llology III the 17th CUll-
tury, 00; initlatloll (I.C ex.
llcdmentnl wOl'k in, 103
.Phyto!Jlitho!oghllli /:I(Jcicty, Am-
(ll'lclln. 28U
Phytollntho}oe;y, Am. Joul"fud.
l'ncIWUI, N. H .. 201. 30.;1
Pina;l) by KAIWAIl 1M.UllIN, 71
I-'llInt, chl:mlcnl cOIllIWaiUQII
o.c, 2110
Plant control of, 303,
Plunt kCOgl'llphy, 126
Phlnt introduc.tlollil. 121
I'hmt numOR, AQllyl'lnn, 101
rccol'da, EglilltLnn, 11
:Plant Dl1.tholollY, 281)
The plant ruot8 by AnTHun,
l'hmtll, Water economy of, 176
FlO. 81. - The Linnea.n classes of plants as shown in one of the plates of
Genera Plantarum, Ed. 1, 1737. - 1, Monand'l"ia; 13, Polllandria; 14, Didynamia; 18,
Monadelphia j' 20, Gynandria; 21, Monoecia; 24, Oryptogamia,
Reed's Short History
-318- Index
Pla8'11wdioJ)ho1'a. 288
Plas1Jlopora, 288, 803
PiaEltida, 166; OI'igin of, 16B,
16!1; Sh'uctu1"e of. 201
PLINY, writings on natural
Ide'L<J on clasgHlCfltion of
Illants, ,12
Interest in ml1t'i{et gaNions,
114, 116
Pr.owllrGH'L', 27(1
Plum, 53. 76
Polurity, II faciol' in morpho-
genesis, 146
Pollinlltion of flower'A, 97
]:'olYmorphiam, 271
PoiYllhenoi oxidus(), 261
:Polyploidy, 161
POmCl!:l'nllatc. 8, 14, lfl, 5<1
POI'omctCl', 1!l1
POblsHium. 257, 302
1'0 tato,
EIll'ly h\h'odllCt!OIl by CUI-
Brus, (IS
Di8(luSKed by Gli:RAnD, 70
POl.1CUJ:<:T, l1'. A.i 278
POUND, R. and Cl.1lMl'lN'l:Il, F.
C., 134
Pl'CSlilll'C fiow in sieve tullcs,
186, 187
B,. 28G
I'mANIlllUINIKOV, D. N., 219.
220. 288
l?'lmm1'I.BY, .TOSl-lPII, 106; Ap-
ll!ll'f,tUl! uscd by, :111l
.I'nms1I.BY. J. n., lli7, 202
PRu,Lllmx, E., 287
Primor(lIai uLriclo. Hili
Pl'ilnula ,upest,i8. 122
N . Btl, 163. 201.
l't'inting, invention of, (10
Pl'ot()ln, rnetclholiam of, 236
In needs, 238
ProtQchlorophyll, 203. 20<1
l'rnto)Jiusm, 11lli. 107
Protozon, diucoV01'cd by LEBU.
WBNHOEt<, 87
)'r1('11;1(8 OO'flL1nttnis, i1Jusb'lItion
ft'(lm Ohlmlso h()rblll, 76
l'tolemnic school lit All!xIlll-
l"l'OUlMY 1, [10
l'ubliMtiona, botanical, Ii
araminia, 275. 2U3,
Pilch (Bllch) d(l1' Nat1tt" llY
l{ONItAll OF MJ:<:Ol'lNUlmU, 41.
GO, G!!. 76
l'Hnica Ilranatnlll, f>4
I'lIIUONJll, ,J. E., 100
!'YlUUto tho al,oIltic, 40
QUAN,lIm, H. M., 29S
qw.moll. 21l
RAnrnNHonei', 2fl4
RANIlOLPlI, 1.. 1" lG!!, 90
RAUloIN, J" 2fi8. 2liO, 262
RA UlIUlIt , VON, 21i(;
HAVf.JNhll,. II. W" 270
ItAW[,INI:1, '1'. E. nnc1 JO)UII:lIlN,
:r., [100
nAY Nl-m , M. c,. 281
RcchMVhc8 ch':miqltca 1/111" la
by Om SAUStiUm:.
G" 2102
Hmnl, II. S.
J., 203
-- --- lind HAAS, A. n. 0.,
266, 207
M., 27 .[
RBlN1Tzlm. F.. 11).1
RENNIllII, 0., 182
Resistance to, 287,
293. 21ld, 302. 806
RetrogressiVe period in bot-
any, 45
(c[Juminosaru?n, 231
Rhizoctonia Bolani. 27G
Rhizopin, 279
Rice fields, 224
RIXFORD, E. P .. 283
RODEII'rSON, .T .. 286
Root pmSSUl'C,
Routs, !\Cql,lisition of solutes
by, 252
Rosa, 63
Ro.m chinensis. R. IIl-I!Uif(ora
val'. CCl1'1'U;lCl, R. ado1ata, 123
Ros'rnup, E., 2!l0
Rothnmsted Experimental St.u.
tion, 244. 2dfi
RonUlMuND, P., 203
ROUE I. I.E, 2315
{{UJ)OI.pIt, K .. IBll
RUHJ.AND, W .. 185
RUMPF'). !lZ
E . 1.. 210. 222, 21>7
RtmL of 20(i, 281), 288
SAnnA'l'reAr. YEAR, of the! He-
SAnOtTIlAUD, R .. 2B2
SACf!AIlJ)O. :to. A.. 283
SAGHS, J. VON, 111, 143. 1<11"i,
147, 178. 181, 184, 11l7, 200,
203, 204, 300, 2dS, 26<1
SnlerJ1f>, Schoul u:C. 55
SAT.M-lIOIts'rMAn, 242
SAI.MON, E. S., 27r.
Sllitl1tions, 276
SAMuml" G. ahd PIl'mll, C. S.,
"Sand Dl'f>wn". 257
Sap 179. lBO, 1Rl
Sllll cll'oltlntlon, theory of
MAI.I'!GIII, 110
t:lAI'OSClINIlWJl'r.', W.o !lOri, 2l!J
SAPPIN-TIlOUFI'Y, P .. 104, 27<1..
Sll.llrophytlam. 273
SAllNVP.IIS, ill .. Ilia
Tn. om, 107. 2001.
215, 2011
SAVAI:lT .... NO. L" 201
G. W., 11ll
K. nnd SCI[ROpl',
W., Z5U, 261
SmmNCI{, II., 1:1:!
SculMmn. A. F'. W., 13:1. 1M.
1GB, 210, 229. 260
SCHIMrlm. 1<. F .. 1a6
SCIII.EIIlEN, M. ,T., lall, 138.
1[;<1, lilli, lOll
SCHI.iltilN!1, '{'H., 221i
-_. --- nnd LAlJlmN['. E .
227. 29cl
--- --- nnd MtiN'l'r" 220
BClllllunT, A.. 14Ci
Scrrouw, ,1. 128
SmIIIAlIt:M, .J. It., 2:la
SmIIIBINBlt. O. lind REI,:, lL
s .. 2G3
- .. -- -- and SKINNI':n, ,1. J.,
SCIWOf'J1'tm, C., 133
.J., 270
Sm-mum, :m., 211, :!12. 286,
Selenium, 268
SemeSlln, 305
SENEInEIt, JE .... N, 108. 204
Sequoia and its hiatol'lI by
GRAY, 131
Seventeenth Century, 81
Sexuality. Discovery of, flr,
R. L., 193
SHAll.!', L. W., 167
SumAn, C. I,. and DOOOli:, n.
0., 276
SnJ:<:FI'llcT.IJ, L. M., 208
Sllfi1N-NuNG, 16, 18, 20; he)'-
bal of, 18
E. C., 240
Sieve tube, 184, 186, 186. 187
Significllnt names ill tl1(J hill-
tory of Botany, 309
Sill, culture. introduotion into
EUl'lJI1l;l, 49
SI{'OOO, 1<'., 21lS
SLOAN)], Sil' HANS, Ill, 121
SMITH, A" 224
1,'., 2n, 2110, 21)7
SMI'I'H, J. n., 300
SM!nt, I{' M., 2!l9
Soli, dynamic nntlu1i! of, 248;
hydrogen-ion cOl1(amt)'atioll
of, Cl'LilILY, 2,17: inoc-
Ulation, fIO!utl()lI, 24!1;
wHtm' cxtl'flCLH (,r, 2GO
Soianltlll, anditnln'IWI, S. tn.
blN'OIlUII!, 27
Solllto 18:1, 18G. 187
Smnntio mutnti()lls, 276
Sor.nmn. A. 1... l:lGO
-,-_ ..-. --- and I,I.I'JlIAN, C. B.,
!:lii!!, 21i2
SOR.o\.t.mH. r., 1[10. 21)3
SorflhU-JIl, intl'mluctitlu inLtI
OhhuJ., GO
Spain, in the time or the
Aruba, 52
cci(;!1I l'lantul'f11ll. l.Jy I.IN-
N4lCua, 100
Sl'in1lch, 116
Srormn, H. A.. 2011
Silongiolt), 1713
SJ'(), O. r." HiS. 1fil), 211
SI)[)ntnnll()UN 1{t.JtH'L'lll.ion, 278
SJ)!)l"O])h:vtc, l:ll.); SLntHht!tio
view of, 110;
view (lf, 1<10
SI'Rl':N ClIll I., CItHlti'('IAN l(ONIIAU,
SfAIH., A. I,. lind SnIVN. ,J,
STAllr.. E., Ell)
STARMAN, g. 0., 2711
S'rANWY. W. M., :101
Stlll'ch, 167, :.lOti, :Jon, 2111
Stntisticui 241l
ll!l!lIl'll\!l, It. A .. mla. 21111
Stcle, 140: ullntUrtl,Y or. 14:!:
t1Hl0t':Y l'C, 141
1'" VAN. 20U
STOllMANN, 1"" 2(;6
STOl;:I.AHA, ,J., 2:17
SLOJnlltR, (lilH:OVUl't:t] by MJ\l,-
PoweL' to l'CgUliltll
mUon, Hm, 1110
A'>I:l'Cm'I!H, l!ll
B., 1110, 169, lilli,
106, 1H7, 1'11), lHO
Stmmll. or thl! I)lustid. 1117
SucroHc. 210,
I:!uctiou i(1l'OL1, IH:t: jll',,""
lI\1I'e, lH:I
SUHCI!I,tillIliL,Y ttl :.lilt!
SIlU0(10 Ji'lmll(lrUIII hy SAl:.
SeulJI.ZlJl. M., 156
SCnUMAlJIWlt. W,' 187
Sl1IHVANN, '1'., It;Ii, 271'i
SCIIWiJlNPUll:fn, G., 11, 13
L. n. VON, 270
S(lHWF:NlllUl'!lm, S., l,lli, 147,
IUD, 280
t:Almo, 21la
l:iymhiotliH, 2BO
S;ml\'(lmy, 1(111, 104.
Rc.lievG fi'awina lIeriJal by
Cuou WANel HSIAQ, 7r;
IttJUnsllont D(!l'iod In bot(my, r,7
S<:07'T, D. H., 110
S"tc(lta, i"lmf]()f'WIJI Curllalogiu
by 'rUl,AI:IN[" 272
SY1t(11IHili [i'U'III1I11'fL 111 'in A.111<.'1.
il'u , , by Se!lWmNI'fl'., 27IJ
1)S'iH Mtlthodloa
by PWtsOON, :lOil
1;"10, 82, - The Conservl1.toil:e Botnnlque at Geneva (drawn by C. C, '!:'EBIlUTT), Tho Con-
aCl'vntoil'e nen1' the of. the Lengue of Nations, in the Botanical Garden, whiah
WIIS innugul"ated by AUGUB'l'!N PYHil-ME Illl CANIlOI.LE in 1817, He atnl'ted building' the Con-
servatail'(l about U124, The Bel'biel' DELl!JSSJiln'r WIlS adder1 in 11lfi9 Ilnd tho lll'csent buildlng,
IlhoWll Il.bOVIl, was lnRl1gul'ated in 19114 and f,mlarged In 1912.
FlO, 8R, - The Botanical Inatitute built by VON MOUL !l.t the Univlll'sity of Ttibingen. at
whloh liD muoh l'Uitful )'''BIlIlI'oh work hils been done. Drawn by C. C. l'mmU'l'T dtCl' II photo-
Irl'aph by D. T, MACDoUGAr ..
Reed's Short History
Synopsis Pla11tarum by l"ER-
SOON, 268
Syste1lur- Mv"olQoiaum by FIlIEs,
Sllstema NaturfJ,e by LIN-
NAEUS, 100
'rACltHOL1.t, V. L 12
TlI.kadiastRse, 279
'rAICAHASIU, W. N. nl\d RAW-
, LINII, T. E" 301
TAKA1\U, N., 290
Tamarind1l8 indica, 64
TANGL, E., 156
Tea, CUltivation in China. 10
Tl)mperllture summations,
computed by DJ;] CANDI)LUl,
Teosinte, Eucltlaena mllxiaana,
Theatr1t1n fit'ltuorwrn by VAN
STmllJE!!JCIC, 206
T,HI):OJ'HII;\S'rUs 0,", Eml:sml, 32,
Sli, 9{1
Princ.\Jllcs of c\l1.llsifl.cati<lU,
Deftnitions of plant organs,
l{!!(,mgnition of "1colngicml
groups (If wild JllllntH, 38
Comm(mt on flllontaneOUB
generation, $0
THonAY', D., 11)2-
'l'HOMAl:I, II., lr,l
TnOMl'KlNS. C, M .. 211B
'l'uoMNION. J, M.. l!;1
'l'nollNTON. II. G.. 281
TummT, G., 163
'rnunMANN, J., 129
'rHU-r, H. I"" 18\1
VAl'I 'l'nmUI1lM, P. L., ldl, Id3.
188, 274
'l'lOr,ATH-PILI1lBER I, 8
'1'ILLwr. M. ou, 90, 28r.
rrIMlIllAZIWF, 0" 167, 200, 202,
'rubncc(), 78
lila ves exhibiting
cienciea of mioroelements.
Ol!:, 83
'rOWNSl>lNU. a. 0 .. 2!l2
'l'l"llde routes of the RomunA.
'rItAIIr.:SCANT, JOlIN, 121
'.('nAous (Hl1'mONY!I1Us BOCR) ,
'l'l'nnsp i!'lttion , 188, WI, 103.
194: efficiency of, 1\'14:
tive. compuLQ(l by JAVINO-
B'1"ON, 188; 81 .. nlficancc of.
exotic, 1111
'mNCIIINET'l'I, 242
'1'1\01,1" W., lGI
TS'AI IISlANQ, trclltifle <In ly-
chee, 60
Tllolunou. A., 280
'l'SWI):TT, M., 11l8, 100, 201, 202
TUUElUF, K. VON, 289
TUbingen, University of, 66
Botunlcnl Institute built by
TULABNE, L. It. and aHAm,Ee.
16S. 271, 27D, 287
SpClreJl of Urcdlnalcs nnd
Ustilnglnl1.lea, S22
Tulips, 118
'.('unica-corpuB theory, 140
Twig blight, 291
TWISS. W. C., 16!)
Utlbm' den Bau und VerTic"'.
in den Pjlan::cn by STrlAS-
BUIlGER, 179
UNGIJ!n, ;F., 286
U'1Iter8'4ohmtl7en iUJcr die
Bra.ndpill'lfJ ,. by UN )3ARY,
272, 287
UpAala. DO, 26D
UnSPllUNG, A., 182, 188
Uijpu)un, a05
VAGUOJ.t'Js, 171, 1'12., 173
'V ANIlI<CAVEYI!l. S. C" 23:1
'V AN Nrm" C. n., 200, 213
V ARnO, 41
I,. N .. 235
VAVU.QV, N. l., 23, 2ti. 27
Velletable by lIAI.ll:s,
Vegetation Erdc by GmBH-
llACH, 131
VIllIOlL. 41
Anatomic (!('"
1'1lU(Jtativcrt OJ'gaml , by
IlE nAllY, 27:1
Morll/wloniCt Ittl,d
Biolo(Jic dm' I'i/.:<:(!, 1Ii1l<wto-
und Baot()I'i(Jn by m;
DAIl-Y. 273. 2f)1
VI,r!1!!Jir-hwnd(J MOr}lholonill dcr
Pilt(J by GAUMANN, 271
V'l'lIl,ciohende Untll1'8l1chnngett
by lIOFMl'lIS'l'lC1I, IIlB
Veraltclt cin(w
DC80hioiLtc de'1' I'JZ(tnZ(lIvwclt
by l1:N()J.EII, 1 B2
Vlc'ron ElI[ANtlElL III, 01
YIJ..t,Il:, G., 217, 218, 222, 2M
Vll'IllON, C. G 801
VlR'l'ANEN, A. r., 2:12
---,_ ILn<l I,AING, '1'., 2!17
Virus cliHenKcH, ZUO:
of, 800; IIl'oteln, :101: tl"ltn!l-
locatim\ In 11 itmL" , 187
Vital dYI!f1, 171, 172
Vitaminll II. C, 1), 27!l
'VllmI'I'IN(l, II. VON, 10:16
YOEI.rJImR, ,r, A" 262
YOI,IU!NS, G 194
VorUi1tfiu(! Nae/wioht , by
l{OI!ll,BwOTtm, 97
V()lIIL/)GI (tlt:ll 'l'CpiDIIH
alca , by HUMIlOl.u'r ILlIU
BONl'I.AN[), 127
V01Ja(J(! cln {,evant l1Y
li'Q'i\ 1:1:1
Vuml:l, H. PR, 1'11, 172
WAKlmR, J. II., 2D1
WAI.lWTt, J. C., 21lo1
WAI,LACE, 'T. A., 222
WALTER, H., 193
WANN. F. B,. 235
WARllUI\<1. 0., 206
WARD, H. M., 280, 275
WAItIN(lTON, R .. 221, 224
Water bo.lanc(! of the plnnt,
Wnter cultures, of plants, 243
Water, Imbibed In tl'Mheal
walls, 178
Water letluircmenta of plants.
IBI1, 198
Wnt(.u tension In wood vessels,
WAY, J. '1'., 248
WEnm,R, H. J .. 165
WEEVERB, 'rlI" 210
WEN'r, 1'" A. F. 0., 172
Wheat, 7, 12
White bud, 203
White pine bllstm' rust, 21)0
Wnrrs;, 1>. R., 1813
WHI'rNI,Y, M. !lnll CAMtmoN.
I'" l{., 249
'VlICQMANN, A. 1''0 J. and
P(lJ,I:ITOHF'F', A. L,. 242
J" 208
WlIllI'r, W. It'., origin (If the
J)otnto, 26, 2B, 29
Wll,tcAIlTII, H., lUhnm, II, lnllt
WIM;MBII. G., 2{)O, 2114
Wllol.OlGNOW, G. I_" 120
M .. UBIl
WIl,I.I:1TA'fl'EII, R" lOB, IOU,
201, 202, 201i. 206
- ._,,- nJ1(l 8TOI.r" A" 20r"
WU,BON. P. W .. lwt, 21J11
Wilt; of 201
Wilting cocillchmt of BDII, 1112
1::1., 212, 221,
2:!7, 228
C. F" 13ti
WO(Ill. '1', l3, .mel S'1"IlA'f'tON.
10'. ,J. M" 2M;
Wmlns. A. .. 211H
WOltONIN, M, S., 280, 274
X()chltl, 21
Y AJlfANOUCIII, S., 1(111
'Y M'l'. It. 11 .. lll\1
c.JIIQt, 274.
Ydlow dlllt!UHIJ of h:o'ILoin1.hH.
Yl!II()WIl, 268,
YII, 1(1
V,;\WI:lIU, W .. Zag
ZI'W)ilrilt't1ll mid
by Ino
Zinc. iW2
Z!nc <!cfioltmcy, IIIhowl'l by
II1lg0 t.wlg, 321
C" 167
FlO. 8.(. - "Brown of turnips to
boron deficiency. The necrosis and cracking' of
the tissue in the turnip are symptoms of extreme
deficiency. Reproduced by permls.ion from E:URST
and MAC[,EOO, Sci. 17:209214 (1036).
FlG. 35. - twig the effect of
:Illne deficiency upon leaf and shoot g"l'owth. A, the
TIOI'tlon of the twig which developed while IIlne was
deficient; n, portion whioh developed dtOi!t the tree
hud been sprayed with a ,.inc-lIme mixture. Drawn'
from an origln",l photograph by the authol'.
f if l'I,.,.,illl.\ (:,;\l1I;lIi, ... ',' .,1, /f ;:.h-j I /'11"]1""'.< ;11'1"'H,j;"II),"II,' i )0',,1,;,., '"
11111111','11111 ,I",,,,Y,\,,,' 11',',,:.::; 1'111'.,,1,111.,11111 E'II'IIlWI. 'I',.'I.lilllll LUI"1III,j,iw
. -
1o'w. :In. -. L. n. Tm,A8NT;, Reconcl l\:I:(!mnh'(! 10i! UI'Mln<'it!R ct leli 1'111(,,\ l),
(lCJl{eml nlH)V(), :from. Ann. Sci. N'lt., not., S{;l'. 4 t. 2, 11:11;4),
FIG. 37. _:_ Farmhouse and Vineyard in the Medoc Region 01. France in
which lVIILLARDI!1'l' conducted his work on the use of copper sulphate and lime'
mixtures for the control of vine mildew. Drawn by C. C. TEB13UT'l' ,a.fter a
photogl'aph by W. V. CRUEBS.