Fundamentals of Accounting
Fundamentals of Accounting
Fundamentals of Accounting
2:25 – 3:00 pm
Course Textbook:
Fundamentals of Accounting
Claudia B. Gilbertson CPA, Mark W. Lehman CPA, and Kenton E. Ross CPA
Grading Scale:
A 93 – 100
B 82 – 92
C 70 – 81
D 60 – 69
F 0 – 59
Class Goals:
1. Be on time
2. Stay on task
3. Respect each other
4. Respect the equipment
Computer Lab Rules
Daily attendance in this course is essential as most of the assignments will be completed in class
or on the computer. Absences will result in students falling behind in daily work. Each student
will have the opportunity through attendance and class participation to earn up to 20 class
participation points per week. Poor attendance, disruptions in class, not participating in class
discussions, and behavioral problems can lower this grade and will affect your overall score for
this course.
If you are absent please bring your admit slip to Mr. Bartz before class starts on the day you
return to school. The policy for make up work will follow the school guidelines detailed in the
student handbook unless otherwise stated by the teacher (ex. Projects taking more than a week to
complete). It is the responsibility of the student to check for any missing assignments when they
return to school. Class time will rarely be given to students who need to make up missing
assignments. Students should plan on making up those assignments before / after school, during
lunch, or during their study hall. Late work will not be accepted.
Hall Passes
Each student will be given 3 hall passes per nine weeks to use to go to their lockers, the
restroom, drinking fountain, etc. Bonus points will be awarded for unused passes at the end of
the nine weeks.
All work should be saved on the students Z:/ drive in the appropriate Accounting class folder.
The computers in the lab are periodically “cleaned out” to optimize performance and could result
in the deletion of improperly saved files. Most assignments will be turned in electronically
through the P:/ drive or recorded in your Accounting Journal.