Office (Eng)

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(Administrative & Indirect Department) 11 November 2005, SCC&C

TPM in Office

The Goal
Human Resources Account Engineering


Process Man & Machine





The goal for TPM in Office is to provide excellent services to the synergy of man

(operator) and machine. TPM Office contributes toward cost reduction & reinforce competitiveness .
Since different department in TPM in Office has different throughput, it is advised that every department determine its specific goal and measurement. The goal must have maximum impact on the synergy between man and machine.

Improvement of Business Efficiency

Management decision making Improvement of productivity Development of strategies & tactics Supporting productivity improvement

Increase Throughput :

Improving the image of the enterprise & products Improving the working environment

Enhancing trust in customers

Clean office Reduction of office overhead Simplification & acceleration of office work

Decrease Input :

Reduction of losses & waste

Reduce Efficiency Loss : Decision making losses (error, rework, adjustment)

Communication losses (timing, waiting, movement, searching,response) Data & Document processing losses (Outdated work/procedure)

Main Pillars of TPM Office

Autonomous Maintenance

Focus Improvement

Training/People Development

Autonomous Maintenance

= Stress Free office environment, excellence administration through standardization of administrative task.

Focus Improvement

= Continuously improve administration efficiency and accuracy.

Training / People Development = Develop Skill and competency, expertise, office professional.

Scope of TPM Office

Autonomous Maintenance
- Theme of the Month - Risk Assessment - DupontAudit 5's - Sort Out - Set Limit - Shine - Standarisation - Stick to It

Visual Management
- Controlled Environment - Focused Communication - Safety Working - Public Relations

TPM in Administrative and Support Department

Development of People
- Clearer Roles - Skill Enhancement Autonomous Working

KAIZEN - Identify your Loss - Measure - Target Set - Analyses - PDCA

- Your contribution to the Business - Your objectives - - Your image of the perfect office

Training/People Development

Focussed Improvement

Autonomous Maintenance
7. Fully self-manage (Autonomous Management) 6. Perform comprehensive inspection (General Inspection) 5. Education and training

4. Standard and Manual (WI) Preparation 3. Identify problem of functional (administrative job) and implement countermeasures 2. Identify problem of workplace and environment (physical) 1. Initial cleaning and stocktaking job and function

S-1. Initial cleaning & stocktaking job and function

ACTIVITY : Develop cleaning schedule for its area Make area more accessible for cleaning Checking temperature, humidity, ventilation, lighting, sound insulation Define department function Stocktaking job : make a list of all kind of handled job/process/manhours/cost Review sources, quantify situation relating to administrative work, is there any job that was not handled Summarize and formulate the load vs resources Introduce visual control

OBJECTIVE : Implement 3S at area, continuously Stress free Pursue optimal condition

a. Seiri ( Sorting Out )

Barang2 yang tidak terpakai : - Sampah - Barang2 rusak non asset tidak bisa diperbaiki - Obsolete, expired ( Ada list barang2 yg mempunyai masa pakai )

b. Seiton ( Set Limit )

Owners name.

Theme ( Tema )
No. Dibuat tgl. 23 Apr 03 Dept. Head Group Leader Prepared by


Standarisasi Penempatan Alat / Equipment


Classification Klasifikasi Basic Knowledge Improvement Cases Trouble Cases Implementation Pelaksanaan Tgl. Parap Nama

1. Alat /Equipment di beri tempat 2. Alat / Equipment di beri indentitas spt nomor dan nama & pada tempatnya juga di beri identitas nomor dan nama 3. Ada List / daftar alat /equipment 4. Ada prosedur pinjam

Prepared by Nita / 23 May 200

Theme ( Tema )
No. Dibuat tgl. 23 Jan 03 Dept. Head Group Leader Prepared by


Standarisasi Stationary / Stock barang

Contoh Kartu Persediaan

Visual control : Contoh Batas Minimum


Classification Klasifikasi Basic Knowledge Improvement Cases Trouble Cases Implementation Pelaksanaan Tgl. Parap Nama

1. Stationary ditempatkan / disusun dengan rapih didalam laci / rak 2. Laci / rak diberi nama sesuai dengan barang 2. Catat barang masuk dan keluar di kartu persediaan 3. Ada batas minimum

Prepared by Nita / 21 Jan 2003

C. Seiso ( Shining )

S-1. Eg1. Task of IED

S-1. Eg2. Secretary to Technical Manager

Incoming Letter Hard Copy Correspondence E-Mail Soft Copy/Computer Disket/CDR/CDRW Telephone Facsimile Typing ( Document Preparation ) Computer Typing machine Lokal Interlokal International Letter/Memo/Fax Reports Training Materials Presentation Materials Formats CP TN ( Travel Notification ) Filing Document / Hardcopy Document computer / soft copy Kaset video, CDR,CDRW Preparing Meeting - Making Invitation Letter - Preparing Minutes & Agenda / Training - Preparing room, Projector, Stationery, & snacks Appointment & Receiving Entertainment Travel & Accommodation Transportation Providing advancement Reimbursement / payment process Stationary LCD Projector Claim transport + Tol Claim Taxi Claim medical Claim By Perjalanan Dinas Claim uang makan, etc. - Form Entertainment - Form Travel Notification Letter Memo Fax 12. Prosedur System Filing Outgoing Letter Letter Memo Fax 1. Prosedur Penerimaan incoming letter 2. Etika Menggunakan Telephone 3. Prosedur tata tertib pengiriman surat di ULI 4. OPL Penggunaan Map Plastic berwarna 5. Prosedur setting message text (OPL) 6. Prosedur (OPL) Print Screen 7. Prosedur (OPL) Write CD dg Software HP 8. OPL Perbedaan CD R & CDRW 9. Prosedur petunjuk penggunaan telephone 10. Prosedur Facsimile 11. Catatan tugas dan telp masuk

Secretarial Activity

13. Agenda/Schedule for Conello Conf. Room

Travelling & Guests

14. Prosedur pembuatan TN 15. Prosedur Pengisian NOP 16. Prosedur tata cara pemesanan mobil kantor 17. Advance Procedure 18. Meal Allowance Claim Procedure for Staff 19. Standard directive for Meal Allowance


Equipment Management

20. Prosedur order stationary via Intranet 21. Prosedur Penggunaan alat & pinjam alat

S-2. Identify problem of workplace and environment (physical)

ACTIVITY : Review the existing lay out then promote the most efficient for working Review your existing condition : Desk, File, Office tools, Telephone, etc Establishing filing system Correct defect ( local overcooling, noise of air conditioners, chair height, inappropriate illumination, ventilation, color balance, flaws on walls, etc) Identify and eliminate irregularities losses (in -efficiency) relating to equipment

OBJECTIVE : Create awareness of work environment to all member Identify characteristic of physical problem Determine most priority and propose improvement plan


Identify problem of functional (administrative job) and implement countermeasures

ACTIVITY : Confirm the objective and functions of administrative work Expose administrative losses (manhours, cost, information accuracy, timing, etc) and promote improvement Use job analysis, flow analysis, Makigami, Fish-bone, etc.
01- Failure losses

OBJECTIVE : Create awareness of gap of administration function and completion Drive motivation to promote improvement Eradicate all administrative losses



11,09 4,37 ___ 6,12 3,87 44,76 3,37 0,00 7,78 0,03 3,54 6,16 1,76 1,42 5,73 0,00



(Apr) Apr)

9,34 3,41 ___ 4,71 3,21 40,52 1,73 0,00 0,60 0,03 2,72 6,16 1,43 1,29 6,34 0,00

5,29 2,67 ___ 3,33 3,34 14,26 2,17 3,27 0,77 0,03 2,35 5,64 5,07 1,30 6,74 0,00

(Apr) Apr)

1,53 1,35 ____ 0,24 2,28 3,03 1,33 1,02 1,14 0,00 0,92 0,03 2,01 0,11 0,00 0,00

Confirm Department strategy and define losses

02 - Set - up / adjustment losses 03 - cutting - blade losses 04 - StartStart-up losses 05 - Minor stoppage / idling losses 06 - Speed losses 07 - Defect / rework losses 08 - Shutdown losses 09 - Management losses 10 - Motion losses 11 - Line organisation losses 12 - Losses resulting from failure to automate 13 - Measuring & adjutment losses 14 - Energy losses 15 - Yield losses 16 - Die, Die, jig and tool lossses


Strategy & Policy Board.

US$ Hours Base 100

22.561.741,15 73.759,21 100

18.384.633 61.448,72 82

12.686.899,68 42.325,70 63,23

3.386.714,22 11.981,90 15,01


Identify problem of functional (administrative job) and implement countermeasures

Project File Index

S-3. Eg. Loss identification

Identify and prioritise Office losses TPM

Define Losses

Long Document Retrieval time Too much paper, complex ISO procedures.

PERFORMANCE MACHINE VOLPAK JUNE - 2005 ( wk.23 - wk.26 ) OEE 77.5 %

8.3 8.0 7.0 6.0 Los s es ( % )

Measure Losses

5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.7 0.8 0.4 0.4 3.7 2.9 2.6 1.7

PrioritiesDepartment & Business

Choose Kaizen

0.0 Breakdown Change Over Change wrapper Start Up/ Ramp Down Management Others (cleaning) Minor Stop Speed Defect & Rework

Internal Process

Physical Layout

ISO Procedures

EC Office

Makigami ; Tujuan

Mempromosikan transparansi daripada proses administrasi

Analisa alur proses pada proses administrasi di atas

Karyawan terkait bersama-sama mengkonfirmasi fakta dan mengkuantifikasi permasalahan

Melakukan improvement yang realistis dengan kondisi yg ada

5 Step Analisa Makigami

Step Step 1



Pendataan dan penetapan Menentukan latar belakang dari pemilihan tema tema-tema yang akan dipilih dan aktivitas yang terkait di dalamnya Menjabarkan kondisi sekarang Menuliskan alur kerja dan situasi sekarang pada kertas roll.
Tuliskan masalah di kertas post it & tempelkan pada kertas roll. Teliti kualitas, biaya dan waktu untuk jenis-jenis tugas.

Step 2

Step 3

Mengumpulkan masalah & mengelompokkan loss Membuat usulan perbaikan dan penerapannya Verifikasi dari hasil dan kesinambungannya.

Step 4

Perbaiki design layout, visual kontrol dsb Hasil dinyatakan dengan nilai Dibuatkan standarisasi, IK dan rutinitas pelaksanaan.

Step 5

Eg. Workflow Chart of SC normal operation

H/O Mid term plan Sales Demand Plan Material Order Sales Plan Production Plan

Factory Short term plan 1~4 Weeks Manufacturing Plan Resource Plan Sourcing/supplier Plan


Delivery Depot W/H

Standard Stock Manufacturing Products Order : Case Study

Membuat Makigami

Contoh Makigami

Makigami Proses Planning-Production Walls Ice Cream Factory Cikarang

S-4. Standard and manual (WI) preparation

ACTIVITY : Establish all activity : Quality and OBJECTIVE : Maintain the quality and quantity of administration Build good discipline in controlling step Towards having best practice Progress systematically toward multi -skill

Quantity of all administrative job through

WI Develop flow chart for all essential of

administrative job
Develop a new control system for each

Take action : create One Point Lesson to ensure that improvement is sustained.

S-4. Standard and manual (WI) preparation

Standards and 1 point lessons.

S-5. Education and training

ACTIVITY : Identify where is our competency is

OBJECTIVE : Ensure the skill and competency are maintained as standard Promote the new method for improving speed of finishing report

lacking ?
Relay teaching Formulate regular refreshment


Skills Matrix Board.

S-6. Perform comprehensive inspection (General Inspection)

ACTIVITY : Revise monitoring system, review


Create and apply systematic methods for monitoring administration

Ensure regulation and standards

meeting structure
Implement inspection and make it work in practice

always be updated

Rectify deficiency

S-6. Eg. Monitoring by Radar Chart

5s Radar Chart For:

Seri (Sort)


20 15

Shitsuke (Stick to it)


10 5

Seiton (Set Limits)


Seiketsu (Set Standards)


Seiso (Shine)

Score 80 60 40 20 0 Aim











Month Score Aug-99 37 Oct-99 21 Nov-99 18 Feb-00 May-00 Aug-00 Nov-00 Feb-01 May-01 Aug-01 Nov-01 Feb-02

Responsible Person : xxxxx Last Update: Feb. 2000 Next update: March 2000


S-6. Eg. Monitoring by Trafic Light

S-7. Fully self-manage (Autonomous Management)

ACTIVITY : Practice full self-management based on

OBJECTIVE : Ensure that Audit became standard practice

gap and situation Review all step continuously

and ensure that it can be implemented well Develop competency and skill through established training

Combine FI and AM activities


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