Coal TarInfo
Coal TarInfo
Coal TarInfo
Coal tar is a brown or black liquid of extremely high viscosity. Coal tar is among the by-products when coal is carboni ed to make coke or gasified to make coal gas. Coal tars are complex and variable mixtures of phenols, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons !"#$s%, and heterocyclic compounds.&'(
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' #pplications '.' "avement )ealcoat '.* +ndustrial '., -edical * )afety , Coal tar distillers . )ee also / 0otes 1 2eferences 3 4xternal links
Pavement Sealcoat[edit]
Main article: Sealcoat Coal tar is incorporated into some parking-lot sealcoat products, used to protect and beautify the
"avement )ealer% underlying pavement.&*(!#bout 5 )ealcoat products that are coal-tar based typically contain *6 to
,/ percent coal-tar pitch.&,( )ubstantial concerns have been raised about the safety of this application of coal tar, given that coal tar is known to cause cancer in humans
in coal tar are toxic to aquatic life. 7efenders of coal-tar use in sealcoat have pointed out that humans are exposed to "#$s through many pathways, and similarly that the urban environment has many
Coal 8ar and "olycyclic #romatic $ydrocarbons !"#$s%% potential sources of "#$s.&*(!#bout 5
8he primary use of coal tar based sealcoats is regional within the 9) &,( but federal research &/( shows it is used in states from #laska to Florida and several areas have banned its use in sealcoat products
including; 8he 7istrict of Columbia< the City of #ustin, 8exas< 7ane County, Wisconsin< Washington
>eing flammable, coal tar is sometimes used for heating or to fire boilers. ?ike most heavy oils, it must be heated before it will flow easily. Coal tar was a component of the first sealed roads. +n its original development by 4dgar "urnell $ooley, tarmac was tar covered with granite chips. ?ater the filler used was industrial slag. 8oday, petroleum derived binders and sealers are more commonly used. 8hese sealers are used to extend the life and reduce maintenance cost associated with asphalt pavements, primarily in asphalt road paving, car parks and walkways. # large part of the binders used in the graphite industry for making @Areen >locks@ are Coke Bven Colatiles or CBC. # considerable portion of these CBC used as binders is coal tar. 7uring the baking process of the green blocks as a part of commercial graphite production, most of the coal tar binders are vaporised and are generally burned in an incinerator to prevent release into the atmosphere, as CBC and coal tar can be inDurious to health. Coal tar is also used to manufacture paints, synthetic dyes, and photographic materials.
#lso known as liquor carbonis detergens !?C7%,&''( and liquor picis carbonis &a( !?"C% >"&'*( it can be used in medicated shampoo, soap and ointment, as a treatment for dandruff and psoriasis, as well as being used to kill and repel head lice. When used as a medication in the 9.)., coal tar preparations are considered over-the-counter drug pharmaceuticals and are subDect to regulation by the 9)F7#. 0amed brands include 7enorex, >alnetar, "soriasin, 8egrin, 8EAel, and 0eutar. When used in the extemporaneous preparation of topical medications, it is supplied in the form of Coal 8ar 8opical )olution 9)", which consists of a *6F wEv solution of coal tar in alcohol, with an additional /F wEv of polysorbate :6 9)"< this must then be diluted in an ointment base such aspetrolatum. !"ine tar has historically also been used for this purpose, but has been banned as a medical product by the F7#, since no evidence was submitted proving it is effective. &',(% Carious phenolic coal tar derivatives have analgesic !pain-killer% properties. 8hese included acetanilide, phenacetin, and paracetamol !acetaminophen%.&'.( "aracetamol is the only coaltar derived analgesic still in use today, but industrial phenol is now usually synthesi ed from crude oil rather than coal tar.
#ccording to the +nternational #gency for 2esearch on Cancer, preparations that include more than five percent of crude coal tar are Aroup ' carcinogen. #ccording to the 0ational "soriasis Foundation and the F7#, coal tar is a valuable, safe and inexpensive treatment option for millions of people with psoriasis and other scalp or skin conditions.
Coal tar concentrations between 6./F and /F are safe and effective for psoriasis, and no scientific
evidence suggests that the coal tar in the concentrations seen in non-prescription treatments is !or is not% carcinogenic because there are too few studies and insufficient data to make a Dudgement. Coal tar contains approximately '6,666 chemicals, of which only about /6F have been identified, &'1( and the composition of coal tar varies with its origin and type of coal !for example,; lignite, bituminous or anthracite% used to make it. Coal tar causes increased sensitivity to sunlight,&'3( so skin treated with topical coal tar preparations should be protected from sunlight. 8he residue from the distillation of high-temperature coal tar, primarily a complex mixture of three or more membered condensed ring aromatic hydrocarbons, was listed on *: Bctober *66: as asubstance of very high concern by the 4uropean Chemicals #gency.
>ritish 8ar "roducts ?ancashire 8ar 7istillers -idland 8ar 7istillers 0ewton, Chambers G Company !owners of + al brand disinfectant%
See also[edit]
Creosote Cresolene "reservative 2ed .6