Pak Studies Science 01

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INTERMEDIATE EXAMINATION, 2012 (ANNUAL) Date: 08.05.2012 9:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.


(Science, Home Economics & Medical Technology Groups) SECTION A (MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS) (M.C.Qs.)

Max. Marks: 10 Time: 15 minutes



This section consists of 20 part questions and all are to be answered. Write this Code No. in the Answerscript. Each question carries mark. ii) Do not copy down the part questions in your answerbook. Write only the answer in full against the proper number of the question and its part. iii) The code number of your question paper is to be written in bold letters in the beginning of the answerscript. The correct answers are Choose the correct answer for each from the given options: highlighted in red colour.
i) The Second World War began in A.D. 1939 and ended in A.D.: * 1942 * 1943 * 1944 * 1945


ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii)

Sindh was separated from Bombay in A.D.: * 1934 * 1935 In the north, Pakistan borders: * China * Russia The United Nations was founded in A.D.: * 1944 * 1945

* * *

1936 Nepal 1946

* * * * *

1937 Bhutan 1947 1973 1965

The first constitution of Pakistan was implemented in A.D.: * 1956 * 1958 * 1962 The first Five Year plan of Pakistan began in A.D.: * 1947 * 1955 * 1960

General Ayub Khan took over the post of Chief Martial Law Administrator in A.D.: * 1956 * 1957 * 1958 * 1959 The Constitutional name of Pakistan is: * Peoples Republic of Pakistan * Islamic State of Pakistan The second Islamic Summit was held in: * Iraq * Pakistan * * * Democratic State of Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan Tunisia * * Shaikh Akbar U.S.A. *

ix) x)

The name of Hazrat Mujadid Alif Sani was: * Shaikh Ahmed * Shaikh Abdal
This province of Pakistan is known as Babul Islam: * Punjab * Sindh *

Shaikh Asghar

Khyber Pukhtoon Khwa

xii) xiii) xiv) xv) xvi) xvii) xviii)

The partition of Bengal was annulled in A.D.: * 1905 * 1907


* * *

1911 1913 Delhi Radcliffe * 785960 Ayub Khan

The All India Muslim League was founded in the year A.D.: * 1911 * 1905 * 1906 In A.D. 1930, Allama Iqbal presented his presidential address at: * Dhaka * Allahabad * Lahore

The Chief of the Boundary Commission at the time of partition of India was: * Cripps * Mountbatten * Simon * The first president of Pakistan was: * Quaid-e-Azam * Iskander Mirza * 796096 Liaquat Ali Khan *

The total area of Pakistan, in square kilometres is: * 996096 * 896096 *

The agreement, signed between the All India Muslim League and Congress in A.D. 1916, is known as: * Simla Agreement * Lucknow Pact * Indus Basin Treaty * Indian Independence Act The highest mountain peak of Pakistan is: * Nanga Parbat * Godwin Austin (K-2) Masjid Mahabat Khan is situated in the city of: * Thatta * Peshawar * Lahore * Trichmir * Multan * Peer Panjal

xix) xx)


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