Zfs Internals Uli Graef
Zfs Internals Uli Graef
Zfs Internals Uli Graef
Is not a!aila,le on /eiser;< e-t=9e-t>< ?'F.< -fs ?ill ,e a!aila,le on ,trfs< when it is finished 1,ut not all other ZFS features6
ZFS mirror
ZFS mirror
ZFS mirror
ZFS Structure
ZFS Structure0
U,er,loc# ree with +loc# (ointers "ata only in lea!es
' =EB M+ hole for ,oot code 2CF#, ,loc#s for data of the @&ool
. .
. .
ZFS0 uberblock
Magic num,er 1 3-33,a,2oc 6 for endianess Version ransaction Grou& num,er ime7stam& $hec#sum
(ointer to the root of the @&ool tree
y&e and si@e of ,loc# 1logical< allocated6 $om&ression information 1ty&e< si@e6 ransaction grou& numer $hec#sum of ,loc# 1d!a &oints to this ,loc#6
.. %
.. %
.. %
ZFS0 ransactions
2E Starting at a consistent structure CE +loc#s may ,e changed ,y &rograms
8nly &re&ared in main memory +loc#s are ne!er o!erwritten on dis# Structure is com&leted u& to the root ,loc# +loc#s are written to vdevs 8nly free ,loc#s are used he ne-t u,er,loc# slot is written
=E ransaction is &re&ared
ZFS0 ransaction
"S. "ataset
Im&lemented ,y a "MU dnode
8,Iect %ash into (ointer a,le (ointers go to Name9Value storage
ZFS Volume
8nly one o,Iect in "S. 8,Iect set the Volume
ZFS0 Misc
"ata is com&ressed when s&ecified Metadata is com&ressed ,y default
'll internal nodes Z'( "S. "irectories< "S. "atasets