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WEEK ENDED ON Dec. 12, 2013

Estimations and Agricultural Projections Department Buenos Aires Grain Exchange

Referencias: NOA: Salta+Tucumn+Jujuy+Catamarca+Oeste Sgo del Estero. NEA: Chaco+Este Sgo del Estero+Formosa. Ctro N Sfe: Centro-Norte de Santa Fe. Ctro N Cba: Centro-Norte de Crdoba. Ncleo Norte: Este de Crdoba+Centro-Sur de Santa Fe+Sudoeste de Entre Ros. S Cba: Sur de Crdoba. N LP-O BA: Norte de La Pampa+ Oeste de Buenos Aires. Ctro E ER: Entre Ros excluido Victoria y Diamante. Ctro BA: Centro de Buenos Aires. SO BA-S LP: Sudoeste de Buenos Aires+Sur de La Pampa. SE BA: Sudeste de Buenos Aires. SL: San Luis. Cuenca Sal: Este de la Cuenca del Salado. Otras: Corrientes+Misiones.


December 12th, 2013

At the beginning of the perspective, winds will rotate to the South, leading to a Sharp temperature drop. The south of the region will observe the likelihood of frosts, while the rest of the area will report moderate values. Later, winds will rotate to the North, bringing a rise in temperature, high atmospheric humidity and cloudiness. Towards the end of the first stage of the perspective, the passage of a Pampero front will reactivate precipitations over NOA, the north of Cuyo and northern Paraguay while the rest of the agricultural area will observe scarce values.

Up to date, the national sowing progress has covered 65.5 % out of a record surface projected in 20,450,000 hectares, reporting a weekly advance of 7.7 %, and a YOY increase of 2.2 percentile points. Overall, more than 13.4 million hectares were planted in the agricultural region. With the exception of the NE and NW areas, where the incorporation of first plots has just begun, the remaining areas under analysis are near to finishing the sowing of their first plots. On the whole, the sowing is developing normally, although rainfalls will be necessary to recover the surface moisture in areas of San Luis, La Pampa, SW of Buenos Aires, and some locations of Crdoba, which did not receive precipitations during the last weeks. First sowing plots sown on early dates are already developing from four to five nodules (V4-V5).

SOYBEAN PLANTING 2013/14 Season Hectareage (Ha) Zone 2012/13 2013/14 I NOA 1.360.000 1.130.000 II NEA 2.010.000 1.860.000 III Ctro N Cba 2.500.000 2.480.000 IV S Cba 1.440.000 1.481.000 V Ctro N SFe 1.150.000 1.155.000 VI Ncleo Norte 3.400.000 3.635.000 VII Ncleo Sur 2.680.000 2.820.000 VIII Ctro E ER 1.200.000 1.231.000 IX N LP-OBA 1.360.000 1.590.000 X Ctro BA 418.000 584.000 XI SO BA-S LP 415.000 420.000 XII SE BA 1.337.000 1.657.000 XIII SL 155.000 160.000 XIV Cuenca Sal 215.000 200.000 XV Otras 60.000 47.000 TOTAL 19.700.000 20.450.000

As of: Dec. 12, 2013 Porcentage Hectares planted (%) planted 1,0 10.800 5,0 92.850 56,8 1.409.495 86,4 1.280.296 50,8 587.124 94,6 3.440.240 88,7 2.501.075 72,9 897.150 81,5 1.295.070 76,6 447.288 62,4 261.900 53,2 880.900 76,1 121.760 71,9 143.830 73,2 34.400 65,5 13.404.178

The sowing of second or late corn plots is in progress over the center of the agricultural region, leveraged by the availability of moisture in the first centimeters of the soil. So far, 55.2 % of the area projected for this season has been incorporated, out of an estimation of 3,300,000 hectares, which represents an overall surface of over 1.8 MHA. The weekly advance posted 7.8 percentile points, and the YOY decrease resulted in -4.8 points. In the mid-north of Santa Fe and mid-east of Entre Ros there are plots in full blooming in optimal conditions. In the Belt areas the early plots are going through the last vegetative phases in optimal conditions. Commercial corn in the west of Buenos Aires and north of La Pampa presents a similar trend to that of the province of Crdoba, since there is a large percentage of late sowings of the crop. There is also a reduction of surface compared to last season, since producers have transferred part of the area to the sowing of soybean. On the other hand, the early sown plots are evolving through phases ranging from six to eight unfolded leaves (V6-V8) after being re-fertilized in very good conditions.

CORN PLANTING 2013/14 Season Zonas I NOA II NEA III Ctro N Cba IV S Cba V Ctro N SFe VI Ncleo Norte VII Ncleo Sur VIII Ctro E ER IX N LP-OBA X Ctro BA XI SO BA-S LP XII SE BA XIII SL XIV Cuenca Sal XV Otras TOTAL

Hectareage (Ha) 2012/13 2013/14 265.000 252.000 285.000 302.000 450.000 430.000 456.000 410.000 147.000 136.000 459.000 320.000 410.000 320.000 151.000 151.000 416.000 374.000 225.000 218.000 107.000 100.000 94.000 90.000 137.000 130.000 57.000 48.000 19.000 19.000 3.678.000 3.300.000

As of: Dec. 12, 2013 Porcentage Hectares planted (%) planted 2,0 5.040 4,0 12.080 28,9 124.270 47,5 194.750 59,5 80.920 83,8 268.000 82,5 264.000 61,8 93.243 79,8 298.265 87,5 190.750 86,3 86.250 87,3 78.525 54,5 70.850 94,0 45.120 52,0 9.880 55,2 1.821.943

Up to date, the crop of sunflower has presented heterogeneous conditions throughout the agricultural region, showing more advanced stages toward the north of the country as opposed to the PAS areas in the south, i.e Buenos Aires and La Pampa, where the sowing finished a few days ago. Consequently, the area covered with the oilseed remains at 1,480,000 hectares. In parts of the NE area, the crop is evolving in very good conditions, which is partly due to the abundant precipitations observed in the region. Likewise, in another important sunflower region such as the mid-north of Santa Fe, the plots sown are in very good conditions and nearing the end of the grain filling phase. Although the sunflower surface has dwindled by 20% against last year in the SE of Buenos Aires, we may point out that the sowing took place in good conditions due to the rainfalls accumulated during the last months. In the north of La Pampa, plots are generally in good conditions, expecting new water contributions to maintain and improve their state. However, in the west of Buenos Aires, the sunflower plots have unfolded between eight and ten pairs of leaves (V8-V10), and are about to begin the flower bud in the next few weeks.

SUNFLOWER PLANTING 2013/14 Season Hectareage (Ha) Zone 2012/13 2013/14 I NOA II NEA 370.000 230.000 III Ctro N Cba 3.000 3.000 IV S Cba 22.000 22.000 V Ctro N SFe 195.000 150.000 VI Ncleo Norte 7.500 7.000 VII Ncleo Sur 7.000 9.000 VIII Ctro E ER 9.500 5.000 IX N LP-OBA 115.000 100.000 X Ctro BA 27.000 45.000 XI SO BA-S LP 460.000 420.000 XII SE BA 475.000 380.000 XIII SL 32.000 30.000 XIV Cuenca Sal 73.000 75.000 XV Otras 4.000 4.000 TOTAL 1.800.000 1.480.000

As of: Dec. 12, 2013 Porcentage Hectares planted (%) planted 100,0 230.000 100,0 3.000 100,0 22.000 100,0 150.000 100,0 7.000 100,0 9.000 100,0 5.000 100,0 100.000 100,0 45.000 100,0 420.000 100,0 380.000 100,0 30.000 100,0 75.000 100,0 4.000 100,0 1.480.000

Up to date, 39.9 % of the suitable area was harvested, with an average yield of 2.11 Tons/HA, accruing a partial volume near to 3 MTN. Consequently we observe a slight YOY decrease of -2.5 percentile points, and a weekly advance of 10.4 points, this being the biggest weekly advance since the start of the harvest. The collection finished in the last few days in the mid-north of Cordoba and mid-north of Santa Fe, yielding 1.2 and 1.7 tons/HA respectively. Both regions were severely affected by the drought during winter and part of the spring, so much that the yields obtained are the lowest of the last five years. The west of Buenos Aires and north of La Pampa started the harvest in the last week. The yields observed so far are ranging from 1.8 to 4.5 tons/HA. The wheat Belt of the SW of Buenos Aires and South of La Pampa also have started the harvest. Up to date, the yields obtained range from 1.2 to 3 tons/HA, which is falling a little short of the original expectations even if the numbers are not bad for the region. Such decrease is due to the fact that there were no reainfalls during November, and the crop did not achieve an optimal grain filling. In the SE of Buenos Aires, which is another wheat Belt area, the plots went through the whole cycle with good-to-very good conditions of moisture and a month of November without elevated temperatures.

These conditions allowed the crop to develop normally and without shortening the phenological stages, thus achieving a high expectation upon the harvest. Therefore, the coast areas of Mar del Plata, Miramar, and Necochea, have not seen a season like this one in more than 4 years, and the yields expected are already reaching 6-6.5 tons/Ha, with peaks of 7.5 tons/Ha. It is relevant to point out that these regions will have to wait for the harvest to gain speed before analyzing whether the productivities achieved coincide with the yields projected. Otherwise, it will be necessary to adjust the estimations nationwide. Bearing in mind the afore described scenario, we maintain the wheat estimation for the end of the season at 10,350,000 tons.

WHEAT HARVEST 2013/14 Season Hectareage (Ha) Porcentage Zone Sown Lost Harvestable Harvested (%) I NOA 50.000 20.000 30.000 100,0 II NEA 140.000 50.000 90.000 100,0 III Ctro N Cba 320.000 30.000 290.000 100,0 IV S Cba 156.000 10.000 146.000 72,0 V Ctro N SFe 192.000 10.000 182.000 100,0 VI Ncleo Norte 315.000 12.000 303.000 92,0 VII Ncleo Sur 280.000 5.000 275.000 59,0 VIII Ctro E ER 180.000 5.000 175.000 93,0 IX N LP-OBA 300.000 7.000 293.000 15,0 X Ctro BA 165.000 2.000 163.000 8,0 XI SO BA-S LP 800.000 10.000 790.000 1,5 XII SE BA 650.000 650.000 0,0 XIII SL 4.000 500 3.500 42,0 XIV Cuenca Sal 60.000 60.000 0,0 XV Otras 8.000 500 7.500 100,0 TOTAL 3.620.000 162.000 3.458.000 39,9

Hectares Harvested 30.000 90.000 290.000 105.120 182.000 278.760 162.250 162.750 43.950 13.040 11.850 1.470 7.500 1.378.690

As of: Dec. 12, 2013 Yield Production (qq/Ha) (Tn) 12,0 36.000 6,0 54.000 12,0 348.000 14,0 147.168 17,0 309.400 25,5 710.838 40,0 649.000 26,0 423.150 30,0 131.850 44,0 57.376 19,0 22.515 13,0 1.911 25,0 18.750 21,1 2.909.958

The harvest of barley is spreading over the agricultural region, reaching the SE of Buenos Aires, the main barley producing area. So far, 26.2 % of the suitable area has been harvested, reporting a YOY decrease of 7.5 percentile points. In the center and north of the agricultural region (Crdoba, mid-east of Entre Ros, mid-north of Santa Fe and North Belt) the harvest advanced rapidly, leaving only a few plots to collect in the south of Crdoba and the North Belt. In this latter region the harvest is at its final stage, still short of covering 90 % of the suitable surface. Although the region has received important winds, these did not produce substantial losses of yield, only slight de-grainings on specific plots. The north of La Pampa and west of Buenos Aires observed important progress based on good weather conditions, with random yields ranging from 4 to 2 tons/HA. In the SE of Buenos Aires, which concentrates 56 % of the barley surface nationwide, the harvest is in fast progress, with yields averaging 4.6 tons/Ha. In the neighboring regions of the SW of Buenos Aires and south of La Pampa, which reported lack of rains during the grain filling stage, the harvest has covered 26 % of the suitable surface with yields next to 2.6 tons/Ha. Upon this scenario, we maintain our estimation of 4,700,000 Tons.

BARLEY HARVEST 2012/13 Season Zone I NOA II NEA III Ctro N Cba IV S Cba V Ctro N SFe VI Ncleo Norte VII Ncleo Sur VIII Ctro E ER IX N LP-OBA X Ctro BA XI SO BA-S LP XII SE BA XIII SL XIV Cuenca Sal XV Otras TOTAL

Sown 500 5.000 1.500 25.000 90.000 3.000 110.000 63.000 245.000 710.000 17.000 1.270.000

Hectareage (Ha) Lost Harvestable 300 200 2.000 3.000 800 700 10.000 15.000 8.000 82.000 900 2.100 10.000 100.000 2.500 60.500 5.000 240.000 10.000 700.000 2.000 15.000 51.500 1.218.500

Porcentage Harvested (%) 100,0 93,0 100,0 96,0 84,0 100,0 62,0 25,0 36,0 9,0 22,0 26,2

Hectares Harvested 200 2.790 700 14.400 68.880 2.100 62.000 15.125 86.400 63.000 3.300 318.895

As of: Dec. 12, 2013 Yield Production (qq/Ha) (Tn) 12,0 240 14,0 3.906 20,0 1.400 21,0 30.240 34,0 234.192 27,0 5.670 32,0 198.400 38,0 57.475 26,0 224.640 46,0 289.800 35,0 11.550 33,2 1.057.513

Buenos Aires, December 12th, 2013

Buenos Aires Grains Exchange

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