English Hindi Dictionary
English Hindi Dictionary
English Hindi Dictionary
adaptive attack adversary affine function Application Programming Interface asymmetric cryptography, public key cryptography attack audit authentic authorization availability Avalanche criterion
! "" % #$ & & # "
% ( (( )
) & ( *+ ,
Maulikta ka pramanaka
Balanced Boolean function balancedness BAN logic Bent function Binding Biometric device
birthday attack
Birthday paradox Bit commitment Blind signature blinding Block cipher Brute-force attack,exhaustive attack bug biometric
CBC(cipher block chaining) card issuer certificate certificate of primality
challenge-response protocol checksum Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) chosen plaintext attack
ciphering Cipher strength ciphertext Ciphertext only attack classified Collision resistance Commercial security completeness
Computational security
computationally infeasible, intractable computer network security confidentiality confusion correlation immunity covert channel
) ( ' & ) &
% &% ( ) ) & ) ) ( (
) ( &
* &
( &
( , ( ( ( ( ( (
Cryptographic module
cryptosystem cut and choose (protocol) DEK (Data Encryption Key)
data integrity data origin authentication data protection decipherment, decryption dedicated hash function dictionary attack discrete logarithm differential cryptanalysis diffusion digital notary digital signature digital signature law distinguishing identifier distinguished name domain DRC (Data Recovery Centre) dual signature eavesdropping ECB (electronic code book) EDI (electronic data interchange) electronic cash electronic commerce electronic payments elliptic curve elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC elliptic curve discrete logarithm encipherment, encryption entity authentication exhaustive (key space) attack exponent
& +
koSha dhava(A)
phailAva a +kya kh patra pram ak r a +kya hast k ara a +kya hast k ara niyama Vikhyta abhij paka Vikhyta naam kShetra
hast k ara pracchanna rava a ilk(rnika(R) nakada ilk(rnika(R) v ijya ilk(rnika(R) bhuktan vakra
factorization / factoring fault injection feedback shift register fingerprint firewall frequency analysis hacker hardware
An a banana ki vidhi(R) a +gul-cihna Bachav hetu liye gaye nirnaye(R) vr* ti vi l a a ghusapai(hiy . lh ptala di k vastu'
hash function hash value, hash code HEART (Hybrid Encryption, Authentication and non-Repudiation Transcoder) home banking identification impersonation, masquerade initial value initialisation vector (IV) instance hiding computation, blind computation integrity interception interleaving attack iterated block cipher ITSEC (Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria) KEK (Key Encryption Key) key key agreement key archival key backup key distribution Key Distribution Center (KDC) key escrow key escrow cryptography key establishment key exchange key generation key management key recovery key scheduling key stream key transport key validation knapsack problem known plaintext attack
Prarambhik mula
& +
) , &% (
law enforcement LEAF (law enforcement access field) linear complexity, linear span linear cryptanalysis
) ( ( &
linear function MAC (message authentication code) man-in-the-middle attack MDC (Modification Detection Code) meet in the middle attack merchant message message authentication message digest mode of operation modular arithmetic modulus monoalphabetic cipher multiparty computation multiple encipherment mutual authentication nonce nonlinearity non-repudiation notary NSA (National Security Agency) Number Field Sieve number theory oblivious transfer OFB (output feedback) one-time pad one-way function on-line password guessing attack
Vyapari Sandesh
Sandesh + Vidhi +
Ek niyam se banaya gaya kuta lekh
) ) ( & PC
PIN (Personal Identification Number) PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) plaintext policy polyalphabetic cipher preimage resistance 2nd preimage resistance primality test prime (number) privacy private key proactive cryptography probabilistic encryption product cipher propagation criterion proprietary cipher provably secure prover pseudoprime (number) pseudorandom public key public key cryptosystem quadratic sieve quantum computer quantum cryptography random randomizer redundancy reflection attack registration authority related key attack replay attack reverse engineering revocation risk analysis root certification authority round function salt SAM (Secure Application Module) S-box
Visudhya padhya
) $) )
* !) )
) (O) (
(O) Namak
secrecy secret key secret sharing secure envelope secure messaging security security layer security mechanism security module (SM) security policy security service seed semantic security semi-bent function sender session key shortcut attack signature signature scheme signature verification signing smart card software S-P Network spoof spread spectrum standard stand-alone steganography, disappearing cryptography, information hiding, obfuscation techniques stream cipher strict avalanche criterion (SAC) strong authentication strong primes subliminal channel substitution symmetric cryptography, classical cryptography system security officer tamper evident tamper proof tamper resistant TEMPEST threshold scheme
) ) Gupt & ) & ) ) ! ) %
(O) (O)
Kuta lekhana ki kala (O)
ticket ticket-granting ticket (TGT) timestamp timestamping (digital) timing attack token traffic analysis trapdoor function trapdoor one-way function trusted third party (TTP) Trojan horse undeniable signature unpredictable unconditional security verifier virus visual cryptography VPN (Virtual Private Network) weak key white noise wired logic card wiretap wiretapping web browser work factor workstation worm WWW (World Wide Web)
(O) yantra
(O) (O) (O) Sahasi(O)