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A Review of Spatial Interpolation Methods for Environmental Scientists

Jin Li and Andrew D. Heap

Record 2008/23
GeoCat # 68229


Geoscience Australia Record 2008/23

A Review of Spatial Interpolation Methods for Environmental Scientists

Jin Li and Andrew D. Heap Geoscience Australia, GPO Box 378, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia

Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism Minister for Resources and Energy: The Hon. Martin Ferguson, AM MP Secretary: Dr Peter Boxall, AO Geoscience Australia Chief Executive Officer: Dr Neil Williams, PSM

Commonwealth of Australia, 2008 This work is copyright. Apart from any fair dealings for the purposes of study, research, criticism, or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission. Copyright is the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer, Geoscience Australia. Requests and enquiries should be directed to the Chief Executive Officer, Geoscience Australia, GPO Box 378 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia. Geoscience Australia has tried to make the information in this product as accurate as possible. However, it does not guarantee that the information is totally accurate or complete. Therefore, you should not solely rely on this information when making a commercial decision.


1448-2177 978 1 921498 30 5 (hardcopy) 978 1 921498 29 9 (CD-ROM) 978 1 921498 28 2 (webcopy)

GeoCat # 68229

Bibliographic reference: Li, J. and Heap, A.D., 2008. A Review of Spatial Interpolation Methods for Environmental Scientists. Geoscience Australia, Record 2008/23, 137 pp.

Correspondence for feedback:

Sales Centre Geoscience Australia GPO Box 378 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia

Spatial continuous data (spatial continuous surfaces) play a significant role in planning, risk assessment and decision making in environmental management. They are, however, usually not readily available and often difficult and expensive to acquire, especially for mountainous and deep marine regions. As geographic information systems (GIS) and modelling techniques are becoming powerful tools in natural resource management and biological conservation, spatial continuous data of environmental variables are increasingly required. Environmental managers often require spatial continuous data over a region of interest to make effective and informed decisions and scientists need accurate data which are well-distributed across a region to make justified interpretations. However, spatial distribution data of natural phenomena are often collected from point sources. The marine environment in Australia is a typical case, where: seabed mapping, habitat classification, and prediction of marine biodiversity, essential for marine biodiversity conservation, need reliable spatial continuous data of the marine environment. In most of the Australian marine region, such data are not available, and only sparsely and unevenly scattered point samples have been collected. Therefore, spatial interpolation techniques are essential for estimating biophysical variables for the unsampled locations. The spatial interpolation methods, including geostatistics, have been developed for and applied to various disciplines. They are data-specific or even variable-specific. Many factors including sample size, sampling design and data properties affect the estimations of the methods. There are no consistent findings about how these factors affect the performance of the spatial interpolators. Therefore, it is difficult to select an appropriate spatial interpolation method for a given input dataset. This review aims to provide some guidelines and suggestions in relation to the application of the spatial interpolation methods to environmental data by comparing the features of the commonly applied spatial interpolators. Over 40 spatial interpolation methods are briefly described. They fall into three categories, namely: non-geostatistical interpolators (12), geostatistical interpolators (22) and combined methods (8). Many sub-methods or types are also included, for example, 8 stratified methods and 6 types of regression kriging. A list of the methods that are not commonly used is also provided for those readers interested. iii

The spatial interpolation methods were developed either for specific disciplines or even for specific variables based on the data properties modelled. Each method has its specific assumptions and features. These features, such as global versus local, exact versus inexact, deterministic versus stochastic, and gradual versus abrupt, are discussed. In total, 26 spatial interpolation methods are compared theoretically and their features are summarised. Commonly used assessment measures are summarised in relation to: 1) the performance of variogram models, 2) the performance of the spatial interpolation methods, and 3) the performance of a spatial interpolation method for datasets with different sample sizes. The criteria used to judge each measurement are also discussed. Two new measurements are proposed and a procedure is developed to compare the results of the performance of the spatial interpolation methods for different variables and from various disciplines. The spatial interpolation methods have been applied to many disciplines. The focus of this review is mainly on comparative studies in environmental sciences. For each of the 51 comparative studies considered, the following information, including the methods compared, sampling design, sample size, area of region studied and the results, is summarised. The performance of 62 methods and sub-methods in the 51 comparative studies is compared. Four types of method groups are identified based on the frequency of their application. Several factors that affect the performance of the spatial interpolation methods are discussed, including sampling design, sample spatial distribution, data quality, correlation between the primary and secondary variables, and interaction among various factors. The impacts of sample density, variation in the data, sampling design and stratification on the estimations of the spatial interpolation methods are quantified using data from 77 cases in 17 reviewed comparative studies. The results show that variation within the data is a dominant factor and has tremendous impacts on the performance of the spatial interpolators. As the variation increases, the accuracy of all methods decreases. Irregular-spaced sampling design and stratification would improve the accuracy of estimation. There is no evidence of the effects of sampling density on the performance of the spatial interpolation methods in this comprehensive comparative study. iv

A total of 26 commonly used spatial interpolation methods are then classified based on their features to provide an overview of relationships among these methods. These features are quantified and a cluster analysis is conducted to show similarities among these spatial interpolators. They are classified into 10 groups. To provide guidelines for potential users, a decision tree for selecting an appropriate method from the 26 spatial interpolation methods is developed according to the availability and nature of data. Finally, a list of available software packages for spatial interpolation is provided. Some important factors for spatial interpolation in marine environmental science are discussed, and recommendations are made for applying spatial interpolation methods to marine environmental data in Geoscience Australia.

AIC: Akaike information criteria AK: Akimas interpolator ANOVA: analysis of variance ASE: averaged standard error BIC: Bayesian information criteria BK: block kriging CART: regression tree CCK: colocated cokriging CK: cokriging Cl: classification CV: coefficient of variation DEM: digital elevation model DK: disjunctive kriging DuK: dual kriging EBLUP: empirical best linear unbiased predictor EF: model efficiency FK: factorial kriging FS: Fourier series GAM: generalised additive model GCV: generalised cross validation GIDS: gradient plus inverse distance squared GIS: geographic information systems GLM: generalised linear model GM: global mean GRNN: general regression neural network GWR: geographically weighted regression ICK: indicator cokriging IDS: inverse distance squared IDW: inverse distance weighting IK: indicator kriging IKED: IK with external drift KED: kriging with an external drift KT: kriging with a trend KWS: kriging within strata LM: linear regression model LMM: linear mixed model


LR: lapse rate LTS: local trend surfaces MAE: mean absolute error MBE: mean bias error MBK: model-based kriging MCMC: Markov chain Monte Carlo ME: mean error MFK: multivariate factorial kriging MG: multiGaussian MIK: median indicator kriging MSE: mean squared error MSE2: mean standardised error MSRE: mean square reduced error MWRCK: moving window regression residual cokriging NaN: natural neighbours NN: nearest neighbours OCCK: ordinary colocated cokriging OCK: ordinary CK OCKWS: ordinary cokriging within strata OIDW: optimal IDW OIK: ordinary IK OK: ordinary kriging OKWS: ordinary KWS PCA: principal component analysis PCK: principal component kriging PK: probability kriging RBFN: radial basis function network REML: residual maximum likelihood method REML-EBLUP: residual maximum likelihood-empirical best linear unbiased predictor RK: regression kriging RMAE: relative mean absolute error RMSE: root mean squared error RMSSE: root mean square standardised error RND: relative nugget difference RRMSE: relative root mean square error RVar: ratio of the variance of estimated values to the variance of the observed values SCCK: simple colocated cokriging


SCK: simple cokriging SCKWS: simple cokriging within strata SIK: simple IK SK: simple kriging SKlm: SK with varying local means SKWS: simple KWS SMSE: standardised mean square error SOCK: standardised OCK StGM: stratified GM StIDS: stratified IDS StIDW: stratified IDW StIDW-0: stratified moving average StNN: stratified NN StOCK: stratified OCK StOK: stratified OK StSK: stratified SK StTPS: stratified TPS TIN: triangular irregular network TPS: thin plate splines or Laplacian smoothing splines TSA: trend surface analysis UK: universal kriging UK-LD: UK with a linear drift UK-QD: UK with quadratic drift


Table of Contents
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................................... III ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................................. VI LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................................................................... XIII LIST OF TABLES.............................................................................................................................XVI CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................1 CHAPTER 2: SPATIAL INTERPOLATION METHODS................................................................4 2.1. NON-GEOSTATISTICAL INTERPOLATORS........................................................................................6 2.1.1. Nearest Neighbours ..............................................................................................................6 2.1.2. Triangular Irregular Network...............................................................................................6 2.1.3. Natural Neighbours ..............................................................................................................6 2.1.4. Inverse Distance Weighting ..................................................................................................7 2.1.5. Regression Models ................................................................................................................8 2.1.6. Trend Surface Analysis .........................................................................................................8 2.1.7. Splines and Local Trend Surfaces.........................................................................................8 2.1.8. Thin Plate Splines .................................................................................................................9 2.1.9. Classification ........................................................................................................................9 2.1.10. Regression Tree ..................................................................................................................9 2.1.11. Fourier Series .....................................................................................................................9 2.1.12. Lapse Rate.........................................................................................................................10 2.2. GEOSTATISTICS............................................................................................................................10 2.2.1. Introduction of Geostatistics ...............................................................................................10 2.2.2. Semivariance and Variogram .............................................................................................11 2.2.3. Kriging Estimator ...............................................................................................................13 2.3. GEOSTATISTICAL INTERPOLATORS ..............................................................................................14 2.3.1. Simple Kriging ....................................................................................................................14 2.3.2. Ordinary Kriging ................................................................................................................15 2.3.3. Kriging with a Trend...........................................................................................................15 2.3.4. Block Kriging ......................................................................................................................15 2.3.5. Factorial Kriging ................................................................................................................15 2.3.6. Dual Kriging .......................................................................................................................16 2.3.7. Simple Kriging with Varying Local Means .........................................................................16 2.3.8. Kriging with an External Drift............................................................................................16 2.3.9. Cokriging ............................................................................................................................16 2.3.10. Simple Cokriging ..............................................................................................................17


2.3.11. Ordinary Cokriging...........................................................................................................18 2.3.12. Standardised Ordinary Cokriging.....................................................................................18 2.3.13. Principal Component Kriging...........................................................................................19 2.3.14. Colocated Cokriging .........................................................................................................19 2.3.15. Kriging within Strata ........................................................................................................19 2.3.16. Multivariate Factorial Kriging .........................................................................................19 2.3.17. Indicator Kriging ..............................................................................................................19 2.3.18. Indicator Cokriging...........................................................................................................20 2.3.19. Probability Kriging ...........................................................................................................21 2.3.20. Disjunctive Kriging ...........................................................................................................21 2.3.21. Model-based Kriging ........................................................................................................21 2.3.22. Simulation .........................................................................................................................22 2.4. COMBINED PROCEDURES .............................................................................................................22 2.4.1. Classification Combined with Other Spatial Interpolation Methods ..................................22 2.4.2. Trend Surface Analysis Combined with Kriging.................................................................23 2.4.3. Lapse Rate Combined with Kriging ....................................................................................23 2.4.4. Linear Mixed Model............................................................................................................23 2.4.5. Regression Tree Combined with Kriging ............................................................................24 2.4.6. Residual Maximum Likelihood-empirical Best Linear Unbiased Predictor .......................24 2.4.7. Regression Kriging .............................................................................................................24 2.4.8. Gradient Plus Inverse Distance Squared ............................................................................25 CHAPTER 3: FEATURES AND THEORETICAL COMPARISON OF SPATIAL

INTERPOLATION METHODS.........................................................................................................27 3.1. FEATURES OF SPATIAL INTERPOLATION METHODS......................................................................27 3.1.1. Global versus Local ............................................................................................................27 3.1.2. Exactness ............................................................................................................................27 3.1.3. Deterministic versus Stochastic ..........................................................................................27 3.1.4. Gradual versus Abrupt........................................................................................................27 3.1.5. Linear Kriging versus Nonlinear Kriging...........................................................................28 3.1.6. Univariate versus Multivariate ...........................................................................................28 3.1.7. Irregular versus Regular System.........................................................................................28 3.2. COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES ..................................................................................................29 3.2.1. Non-geostatistical Methods and Kriging Methods..............................................................29 3.2.2. Geostatistical Methods........................................................................................................34 CHAPTER 4: ASSESSMENT MEASURES......................................................................................42 4.1. PERFORMANCE OF VARIOGRAM MODELS ....................................................................................42 4.2. PERFORMANCE OF SPATIAL INTERPOLATION METHODS ..............................................................43

4.3. PERFORMANCE OF SPATIAL INTERPOLATION METHOD FOR DATASETS WITH DIFFERENT SAMPLE SIZES ..................................................................................................................................................45 4.4. PERFORMANCE OF SPATIAL INTERPOLATION METHODS FOR DIFFERENT VARIABLES..................46 CHAPTER 5: COMPARISON OF SPATIAL INTERPOLATION METHODS APPLIED TO VARIOUS DISCIPLINES ...................................................................................................................47 5.1. COMPARISON BY STUDIES ...........................................................................................................47 5.2. COMPARISON BY VARIABLES.......................................................................................................51 5.2.1. Frequency of the Spatial Interpolation Methods Compared...............................................52 5.2.2. Performance of the Spatial Interpolation Methods Compared ...........................................53 5.3. COMPLICATING AND CONFOUNDING FACTORS ............................................................................56 CHAPTER 6: FACTORS AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF SPATIAL

INTERPOLATION METHODS.........................................................................................................57 6.1. SAMPLING DESIGN AND SAMPLE SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION ...........................................................57 6.1.1. Data Density .......................................................................................................................57 6.1.2. Sample Spatial Distribution ................................................................................................58 6.1.3. Surface Type........................................................................................................................59 6.1.4. Sample Size, Sampling Design and Variogram...................................................................59 6.1.5. Sample Size and Spatial Interpolation Methods..................................................................60 6.2. DATA QUALITY ...........................................................................................................................61 6.2.1. Distribution .........................................................................................................................61 6.2.2. Isotropism and Anisotropism ..............................................................................................62 6.2.3. Variance and Range............................................................................................................62 6.2.4. Accuracy .............................................................................................................................63 6.2.5. Spatial Correlation and Other Factors...............................................................................63 6.2.6. Secondary Variables ...........................................................................................................64 6.3. CORRELATION BETWEEN PRIMARY AND SECONDARY VARIABLES ..............................................64 6.4. OTHER ISSUES .............................................................................................................................65 6.5. INTERACTION AMONG FACTORS ..................................................................................................65 6.6. IMPACTS OF DATA QUALITY ........................................................................................................65 6.6.1. Sampling Density ................................................................................................................65 6.6.2. Data Variation ....................................................................................................................71 6.6.3. Sampling Design .................................................................................................................81 6.6.4 Stratification ........................................................................................................................85 CHAPTER 7: CLASSIFICATION AND SELECTION OF THE METHODS ..............................87 7.1. CLASSIFICATION OF SPATIAL INTERPOLATION METHODS ............................................................87 7.2. SIMILARITY OF SPATIAL INTERPOLATION METHODS ...................................................................88


7.3. SELECTION OF SPATIAL INTERPOLATION METHODS ....................................................................92 CHAPTER 8: SOFTWARE PACKAGES AND RECOMMENDATION FOR MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS ...................................................................................................96 8.1. SOFTWARE PACKAGES .................................................................................................................96 8.2. IMPORTANT FACTORS AND RECOMMENDATION ..........................................................................98 8.2.1. Important Factors ...............................................................................................................98 8.2.2. Recommendation for Marine Environmental Scientists ......................................................98 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...............................................................................................................100 REFERENCES:..................................................................................................................................101 APPENDICES ....................................................................................................................................109 APPENDIX A. APPLICATIONS OF SPATIAL INTERPOLATION METHODS IN VARIOUS DISCIPLINES ......109 A.1. Meteorology and Water Resources......................................................................................109 A.2. Ecology................................................................................................................................115 A.3. Agriculture and Soil Science ...............................................................................................115 A.4. Marine Environmental Science............................................................................................122 A.5. Other Disciplines.................................................................................................................124 APPENDIX B. SUMMARY



STUDIES. ...........................................................................................................................................126


List of Figures
RANGE, NUGGET (C0) AND SILL (C0+C1). .......................................................................................12

EXPONENTIAL; (C) LINEAR; AND (D) GAUSSIAN. ............................................................................13

COMPARATIVE STUDIES..................................................................................................................53


COMPARATIVE STUDIES IN TERMS OF RMAE(%). ..........................................................................54


COMPARATIVE STUDIES IN TERMS OF RRMSE(%). ........................................................................55


.......................67 .....................67


METHODS COMPARED IN THE 17 COMPARATIVE STUDIES WITH INTENSELY SAMPLED CASES IN TERMS OF RMAE(%).....................................................................................................................68

METHODS COMPARED IN THE 17 COMPARATIVE STUDIES WITH INTENSELY SAMPLED CASES IN TERMS OF RRMSE(%)...................................................................................................................68




......................................................................................................................................................72 FIGURE 6.8. EFFECTS OF THE VARIATION IN THE DATA ON THE ACCURACY OF THE SPATIAL

......................................................................................................................................................72 FIGURE 6.9. EFFECTS OF THE VARIATION IN THE DATA ON THE ACCURACY OF THE SPATIAL
INTERPOLATION METHODS COMPARED IN THE 17 COMPARATIVE STUDIES IN RELATION TO THE SAMPLE DENSITY IN TERMS OF RMAE(%).....................................................................................73

INTERPOLATION METHODS COMPARED IN THE 17 COMPARATIVE STUDIES IN RELATION TO THE SAMPLE DENSITY IN TERMS OF RRMSE(%)...................................................................................73



INTERPOLATION METHODS COMPARED IN THE 17 COMPARATIVE STUDIES IN RELATION TO HIGH SAMPLE DENSITY IN TERMS OF RMAE(%).....................................................................................74

INTERPOLATION METHODS COMPARED IN THE 17 COMPARATIVE STUDIES IN RELATION TO HIGH SAMPLE DENSITY IN TERMS OF RRMSE(%)...................................................................................74

INTERPOLATION METHODS COMPARED IN THE 17 COMPARATIVE STUDIES IN RELATION TO VERY HIGH SAMPLE DENSITY IN TERMS OF RMAE(%). ...........................................................................75


INTERPOLATION METHODS COMPARED IN THE 17 COMPARATIVE STUDIES IN RELATION TO VERY HIGH SAMPLE DENSITY IN TERMS OF RRMSE(%). .........................................................................76



RMAE(%).....................................................................................................................................77 FIGURE 6.18. EFFECTS OF THE VARIATION IN THE DATA ON THE ACCURACY OF THE SPATIAL

RRMSE(%)...................................................................................................................................77 FIGURE 6.19. EFFECTS OF THE VARIATION IN THE DATA ON THE ACCURACY OF EACH SPATIAL


......................................................................................................................................................80 FIGURE 6.21. EFFECTS OF SAMPLING DESIGN ON THE ACCURACY OF THE SPATIAL INTERPOLATION
METHODS COMPARED IN THE 17 COMPARATIVE STUDIES IN RELATION TO THE SAMPLING DESIGN IN TERMS OF RMAE(%).....................................................................................................................82

METHODS COMPARED IN THE 17 COMPARATIVE STUDIES IN RELATION TO THE SAMPLING DESIGN IN TERMS OF RRMSE(%)...................................................................................................................82


RMAE(%).....................................................................................................................................84 FIGURE 6.24. EFFECTS OF SAMPLING DESIGN AND THE VARIATION IN THE DATA ON THE ACCURACY OF



RRMSE(%)...................................................................................................................................84 FIGURE 6.25. EFFECTS OF STRATIFICATION ON THE ACCURACY OF THE SPATIAL INTERPOLATION
METHODS COMPARED BY BRUS ET AL. (1996) IN TERMS OF RMAE(%)..........................................86



METHODS COMPARED BY BRUS ET AL. (1996) IN TERMS OF RRMSE(%)........................................86

FEATURES IN TABLE 7.2.................................................................................................................92


PERFORMANCE OF FOUR SPATIAL INTERPOLATION METHODS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF GOTWAY ET AL. (1996)................................................................................................................................119


List of Tables

MCDONNELL (1998)......................................................................................................................31 TABLE 3.2. A COMPARISON OF GEOSTATISTICAL SPATIAL INTERPOLATION METHODS. ...........................35 TABLE 4.1. MEASUREMENTS USED TO ASSESS THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SPATIAL INTERPOLATION

2004; ISAAKS AND SRIVASTAVA, 1989; VICENTE-SERRANO ET AL., 2003). ...................................44 TABLE 5.1. SUMMARY OF THE 51 REVIEWED COMPARATIVE STUDIES.....................................................49 TABLE 5.2. FREQUENCY OF THE SPATIAL INTERPOLATION METHODS COMPARED AND THE NUMBER OF


SOFTWARE PACKAGES....................................................................................................................97



Chapter 1: Introduction
Spatial continuous data (or spatial continuous surfaces) play a significant role in planning, risk assessment, and decision making in environmental management. They are, however, usually not always readily available and often difficult and expensive to acquire, especially for mountainous or deep marine regions. Environmental data collected on field surveys are typically from point sources. However, environmental managers often require spatial continuous data over the region of interest to make effective and confident decisions, and scientists need accurate spatial continuous data across a region to make justified interpretations. As geographic information systems (GIS) and modelling techniques are becoming powerful tools in natural resource management and biological conservation, spatial continuous data of environmental variables are increasingly required (Collins and Bolstad, 1996; Hartkamp et al., 1999). Thus, the values of an attribute at unsampled points need to be estimated, meaning that spatial interpolation from point data to spatial continuous data is necessary. It is also necessary when 1) the discretized surface has a different level of resolution, cell size or orientation from that required; 2) a continuous surface is represented by a data model that is different from that required; and 3) the data we have do not cover the domain of interest completely (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). In such instances, spatial interpolation methods provide tools to fulfil such task by estimating the values of an environmental variable at unsampled sites using data from point observations within the same region. Predicting the values of a variable at points outside the region covered by existing observations is called extrapolation (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). In this study, extrapolation is regarded as part of interpolation because all spatial interpolation methods can be used to generate an extrapolation. In Australia, point biophysical data from the marine environment are collected for seabed mapping and habitat classification purposes, where biophysical data are sparsely and unevenly distributed, principally because of the high costs and difficulties associated with collecting samples from many regions of the marine environment. Spatial interpolation and extrapolation of the point data are required for such purposes and also for the prediction of marine biodiversity, biological conservation and ecosystem management. To support conservation and management of Australias marine biodiversity as part of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (United Nations, 1993), Geoscience Australia has undertaken studies that also require the spatial interpolation of the point biophysical data. The spatial interpolation methods, including geostatistics, have been developed for 1


and applied in various disciplines (Zhou et al., 2007). They are proposed for specific data types or a specific variable. Many factors including sample size, sampling design, and the nature of the data affect the estimation of a spatial interpolator. There are no consistent findings about how these factors affect the performance of the spatial interpolators. Therefore, it is difficult to address the key issue in spatial interpolation that is how to select an appropriate spatial interpolation method for a given input dataset (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). This review aims to provide guidelines and suggestions useful to environmental scientists, especially in marine sciences, on the spatial interpolation of biophysical data by comparing the features of commonly applied spatial interpolators. This review covers several aspects of spatial interpolation, which are presented in eight chapters. Following this introduction, Chapter 2 contains brief descriptions of the commonly used spatial interpolation methods. Features of 26 spatial interpolation methods are discussed and theoretically compared in Chapter 3. Several measurements that are usually used to assess the performance of variogram models and the spatial interpolation methods are presented in Chapter 4; and also two new measurements are proposed to assess the performance of the spatial interpolation methods using the results from different disciplines and for different variables. Applications of the spatial interpolators in environmental sciences are briefly described and then the results from 51 comparative studies are compared in Chapter 5. Factors that affect the performance of the spatial interpolators are discussed and examined in Chapter 6. The 26 methods discussed in Chapter 3 are then classified and a decision tree for selecting an appropriate interpolator according to the nature of input dataset is developed in Chapter 7. Finally, in Chapter 8, a list of software packages for spatial interpolation is provided, several important issues in applying the spatial interpolators are discussed in the context of marine environmental sciences and some recommendations are made for spatial interpolation in marine environmental sciences. Because this review is for environmental science researchers, jargon and mathematical and statistical formulas are avoided whenever possible. However, some mathematical and statistical nomenclature is provided to maintain a rigorous discussion of the methods. Explanations and/or definitions are provided for statistical terms, and equations are presented in a simplified, concise and easy-to-follow version. Relevant literature is also provided for further reference. Three significant challenges were encountered in this review, namely: 1) sometimes the same method is presented with different names in different references; 2) mathematical symbols often change with references although they represent the same


concept; and 3) methods are not described clearly in some references. Efforts have been made to match different names and symbols with the right methods and concepts and to assign the correct names to the methods used in various studies. In some cases, when it was impossible to find information on the method used in a reference, the reference is either discarded or a note is made to avoid confusion.

Spatial Interpolation Methods

Chapter 2: Spatial Interpolation Methods

Numerous methods have been developed for spatial interpolation in various disciplines and there are a number of different terms used to distinguish them, including: interpolating and non-interpolating methods or interpolators and non-interpolators (Laslett et al., 1987). In this review, all methods are referred to as spatial interpolation methods or spatial interpolators. The spatial interpolation methods covered in this review are only those commonly used or cited in environmental studies. As such, the list of the methods in this review is not an exhaustive one. In this chapter, a total of 42 spatial interpolation methods are briefly described. They fall into three categories: 1) non-geostatistical methods, 2) geostatistical methods, and 3) combined methods (Table 2.1). In geostatistics, the methods that are capable of using secondary information (see section 2.1.5 for definition) are often referred to as multivariate, while the methods that do not use the secondary information are called univariate methods. Here, it must be noted that multivariate usually refers to more than one response variable, despite of the fact that in some references it also refers to more than one explanatory variable (usually referred to as multiple variables). A brief introduction to geostatistics is provided prior to the descriptions of the geostatistical methods. The level of description of each method depends on the nature of the method. If it is relatively simple and straightforward, a full description of the method is provided. If it is relatively complex, then a brief description is provided and relevant publications for further reading are cited. Estimations of nearly all spatial interpolation methods can be represented as weighted averages of sampled data. They all share the same general estimation formula, as follows:

( x 0 ) = i z ( x i ) z
i =1


is the estimated value of an attribute at the point of interest x0, z is the where z observed value at the sampled point xi, i is the weight assigned to the sampled point, and n represents the number of sampled points used for the estimation (Webster and Oliver, 2001). The attribute is usually called the primary variable, especially in geostatistics.

Spatial Interpolation Methods

Table 2.1. The spatial interpolation methods considered in this review.

Non-geostatistical Nearest neighbours Triangular irregular network related interpolations Natural neighbours Inverse distance weighting Regression models Trend surface analysis Splines and local trend surfaces Thin plate splines Classification Regression tree Fourier series Lapse rate Univariate Simple kriging Ordinary kriging Block kriging Factorial kriging Dual kriging Indicator kriging Disjunctive kriging Model-based kriging Simulation Geostatistical Multivariate Universal kriging SK with varying local means Kriging with an external drift Simple cokriging Ordinary cokriging Standardised OCK Principal component kriging Colocated cokriging Kriging within strata Multivariate factorial kriging Indicator kriging Indicator cokriging Probability kriging Simulation Combined method Classification combined other interpolation methods Trend surface analysis combined with kriging Lapse rate combined with kriging Linear mixed model Regression trees combined with kriging Residual maximum likelihood-empirical best linear unbiased predictor Regression kriging Gradient plus inverse distance squared

Spatial Interpolation Methods

2.1. Non-Geostatistical Interpolators

A total of 12 non-geostatistical interpolation methods are briefly described.
2.1.1. Nearest Neighbours

The nearest neighbours (NN) method predicts the value of an attribute at an unsampled point based on the value of the nearest sample by drawing perpendicular bisectors between sampled points (n), forming such as Thiessen (or Dirichlet/Voronoi) polygons (Vi, i=1,2,, n). This produces one polygon per sample and the sample is located in the centre of the polygon, such that in each polygon all points are nearer to its enclosed sample point than to any other sample points (Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989; Ripley, 1981; Webster and Oliver, 2001). The estimations of the attribute at unsampled points within polygon Vi are the measured value at the (x0) = z(xi). The weights are: nearest single sampled data point xi that is z

i =

1 if xi Vi , 0 otherwise.


All points (or locations) within each polygon are assigned the same value (Ripley, 1981; Webster and Oliver, 2001). A number of algorithms exist to generate the polygons (Gold and Condal, 1995), including pycnophylactic interpolation (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998).
2.1.2. Triangular Irregular Network

The triangular irregular network (TIN) was developed by Peuker and co-workers (1978) for digital elevation modelling that avoids the redundancies of the altitude matrix in the grid system (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). In TIN, all sampled points are joined into a series of triangles based on a Delauneys triangulation. Each triangle is empty so it does not contain any of the sampled points. TIN forms a different basis for making estimates in comparison with those used in NN. The value of a point within a triangle is estimated by linear or cubic polynomial interpolation (Ripley, 1981; R Development Core Team, 2007; Webster and Oliver, 2001). The advantages and disadvantages of TIN are discussed in Burrough and McDonnell (1998).
2.1.3. Natural Neighbours

The natural neighbours (NaN) method was introduced by Sibson (1981). It combines the best features of NN and TIN (Webster and Oliver, 2001). The first step is a triangulation of the data by Delauneys method, in which the apices of the triangles are the sample points in adjacent Thiessen polygons. This triangulation is unique 6

Spatial Interpolation Methods

except where the data are on a regular rectangular grid. To estimate the value of a point, it is inserted into the tessellation and then its value is determined by sample points within its bounding polygons. For each neighbour, the area of the portion of its original polygon that became incorporated in the tile of the new point is calculated. These areas are scaled to sum to 1 and are used as weights for the corresponding samples (Webster and Oliver, 2001).
2.1.4. Inverse Distance Weighting

The inverse distance weighting or inverse distance weighted (IDW) method estimates the values of an attribute at unsampled points using a linear combination of values at sampled points weighted by an inverse function of the distance from the point of interest to the sampled points. The assumption is that sampled points closer to the unsampled point are more similar to it than those further away in their values. The weights can be expressed as:

i =

1 / d ip

1 / d
i =1

p i

where di is the distance between x0 and xi, p is a power parameter, and n represents the number of sampled points used for the estimation. The main factor affecting the accuracy of IDW is the value of the power parameter (Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989). Weights diminish as the distance increases, especially when the value of the power parameter increases, so nearby samples have a heavier weight and have more influence on the estimation, and the resultant spatial interpolation is local (see section 3.1.1 for definition) (Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989). The choice of power parameter and neighbourhood size is arbitrary (Webster and Oliver, 2001). The most popular choice of p is 2 and the resulting method is often called inverse square distance or inverse distance squared (IDS). The power parameter can also be chosen on the basis of error measurement (e.g., minimum mean absolute error, resulting the optimal IDW) (Collins and Bolstad, 1996). The smoothness of the estimated surface increases as the power parameter increases, and it was found that the estimated results become less satisfactory when p is 1 and 2 compared with p is 4 (Ripley, 1981). IDW is referred to as moving average when p is zero (Brus et al., 1996; Hosseini et al., 1993; Laslett et al., 1987), linear interpolation when p is 1 and weighted moving average when p is not equal to 1 (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998).

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2.1.5. Regression Models

This method is essentially a linear regression model (LM) and assumes that the data are independent of each other, normally distributed and homogeneous in variance. Regression methods explore a possible functional relationship between the primary variable and explanatory variables (e.g., geographical coordinates, elevation) that are easy to measure (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). These explanatory variables are usually referred to as secondary variables, auxiliary variables or ancillary variables. The information provided by these variables is called secondary information. The final model can be selected by a thorough understanding of the relationships between the primary variable and secondary variables and/or by using Akaike information criteria (AIC) or Bayesian information criteria (BIC).
2.1.6. Trend Surface Analysis

The trend surface analysis (TSA) is a special case of LM, which only uses geographical coordinates to predict the values of the primary variable. TSA separates the data into regional trends and local variations (Collins and Bolstad, 1996). TSA shares the same assumption as LM, and always contains all variables. It has also been extended to include other variables (Collins and Bolstad, 1996), in which case, it should be classified as LM.
2.1.7. Splines and Local Trend Surfaces

The splines consist of polynomials with each polynomial of degree p being local rather than global. The polynomials describe pieces of a line or surface (i.e., they are fitted to a small number of data points exactly) and are fitted together so that they join smoothly (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998; Webster and Oliver, 2001). The places where the pieces join are called knots. The choice of knots is arbitrary and may have a dramatic impact on the estimation (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). For degree p = 1, 2, or 3, a spline is called linear, quadratic or cubic respectively. Typically the splines are of degree 3 and they are cubic splines (Webster and Oliver, 2001). The local trend surfaces (LTS) fit a polynomial surface for each predicted point using the nearby samples (Venables and Ripley, 2002). There are two approaches in LTS. The first is a local polynomial regression fitting that is detailed by Cleveland et al. (in: Chambers and Hastie, 1992) and Cleveland and Devlin (1988). The second is a bilinear or bicubic spline that was developed to implement bivariate interpolation onto a grid for irregularly spaced point data (Akima, 1978; Akima, 1996). This method is also known as Akimas interpolator (AK). Both approaches are unable to choose the smoothness (Venables and Ripley, 2002).

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2.1.8. Thin Plate Splines

Thin plate splines (TPS), formally known as laplacian smoothing splines, were developed principally by Wahba and Wendelberger (1980) for climatic data. The smoothing parameter is calculated by minimising the generalised cross validation function (GCV). This method is relatively robust because the minimisation of GCV directly addresses the predictive accuracy and is less dependent on the veracity of the underlying statistical model (Hutchinson, 1995). TPS provides a measure of spatial accuracy (Hutchinson, 1995; Wahba and Wendelberger, 1980).
2.1.9. Classification

The classification method (Cl) uses easily accessible soft information (e.g., soil types, vegetation types, or administrative areas) to divide the region of interest into subregions that can be characterised by the moments (i.e., mean, variance) of the attribute measured at locations within the region of interest (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). The model for classification is: ( x0 ) = + k + z (4)

is the estimated value of the attribute at location x0, is the general mean of where z the attribute over the region of interest, k is the deviation between and the mean of unit (type) k, and is the residual (pooled within-unit) error (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). Cl can be computed using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) method or LM by specifying the attribute as a response variable and the soft information as an explanatory factor with k classes. This method shares the same assumptions as LM.
2.1.10. Regression Tree

The regression tree (CART), also known as binary decision trees, uses binary recursive partitioning whereby the data of the primary variable are successively split along the gradient of the explanatory variables into two descendent subsets or nodes. These splits occur so that at any node the split is selected to maximise the difference between two split groups or branches (Breiman et al., 1984). The mean value of the primary variable in each terminal node can then be used to map the variable across the region of interest (Balk and Elder, 2000).
2.1.11. Fourier Series

The Fourier series (FS) method is used to estimate the values of an attribute by interpolating the samples using a linear combination of sine and cosine waves in twodimensional space (Davis, 1973), as follows: 9

Spatial Interpolation Methods

= cos 2nX i cos 2nY j Z ij nm

n =1 m =1

+ nm cos
n =1 m =1

2nX i

sin cos sin

2nY j

2nY j

+ nm sin
n =1 m =1

2nX i


2nY j

+ nm sin
n =1 m =1

2nX i

is the value estimated at a point with coordinate Xi and Yj, , , and are where Z ij coefficients, and x and y are the wavelength along x and y axis. The FS method has been proved useful in sedimentary geology in relation to periodic features such as spatial distribution of sand dunes, ripple marks and gilgai (Burrough, 1991; Davis, 1973). This method is only applicable to strict periodic variables. Given its rare application, this method will not be considered any further.
2.1.12. Lapse Rate

The lapse rate (LR) was developed to estimate air temperature in relation to elevation/altitude. It uses the temperature value of the nearest weather station and the difference in elevation to estimate air temperature at the unsampled point on the basis of the relationship between air temperature and elevation for a region. It is also termed smart interpolation (Vicente-Serrano et al., 2003; Willmott and Matsuura, 1995). It makes the assumption that the lapse rate is constant across the study region (Collins and Bolstad, 1996). Several variants of LR have been proposed for air temperature (Stahl et al., 2006). Given it is limited to only predicting temperature using elevation, this method will not be discussed any further.

2.2. Geostatistics
A brief introduction to geostatistics is initially provided for reference before the description of geostatistical interpolators. Most of the information about geostatistics in this section and in the next section is from Goovaerts (1997), and other relevant references are also cited when necessary.
2.2.1. Introduction of Geostatistics

Geostatistics is usually believed to have originated from the work in geology and mining by Krige (1951), but it can be traced back to the early 1910s in agronomy and 1930s in meteorology (Webster and Oliver, 2001). It was developed by Matheron (1963) with his theory of regionalised variables (Wackernagel, 2003). A mineralized phenomenon can be characterized by the spatial distribution of a certain number of 10

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measurable quantities called regionalized variables (page 10); and this concept is termed regionalisation (Journel and Huijbregts, 1978). Other key concepts of geostatistics include: When a variable is distributed in space, it is said to be regionalized (page 27) and geostatistical theory is based on the observation that the variabilities of all regionalized variables have a particular structure (page 10) (Journel and Huijbregts, 1978). Geostatistics includes several methods that use kriging algorithms for estimating continuous attributes. Kriging is a generic name for a family of generalised least-squares regression algorithms, used in recognition of the pioneering work of Danie Krige (1951).
2.2.2. Semivariance and Variogram

Semivariance () of Z between two data points is an important concept in geostatistics and is defined as:

( xi , x0 ) = (h) = var[Z ( xi ) Z ( x0 )]

1 2


where h is the distance between point xi and x0 and (h) is the semivariogram (commonly referred to as variogram) (Webster and Oliver, 2001). A plot of (h) against h is known as the experimental variogram (Figure 2.1), which displays several important features (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). The first is the nugget, a positive value of (h) at h close to 0, which is the residual reflecting the variance of sampling errors and the spatial variance at shorter distance than the minimum sample spacing. The range is a value of distance at which the sill is reached. Samples separated by a distance larger than the range are spatially independent because the estimated semivariance of differences will be invariant with sample separation distance. If the ratio of sill to nugget is close to 1, then most of the variability is non-spatial (Hartkamp et al., 1999). The range provides information about the size of a search window used in the spatial interpolation methods (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998).


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Figure 2.1. An example of a semivariogram as illustrated by an exponential model, with range, nugget (C0) and sill (C0+C1).

The semivariance can be estimated from the data, as follows:

(h) =

1 n ( z ( xi ) z( xi + h))2 2n i =1


where n is the number of pairs of sample points separated by distance h (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). Variogram modelling and estimation is extremely important for structural analysis and spatial interpolation (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). The variogram models may consist of simple models, including: Nugget, Exponential, Spherical, Gaussian, Linear, and Power model or the nested sum of one or more simple models (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998; Pebesma, 2004; Webster and Oliver, 2001). Four commonly used variogram models are illustrated in Figure 2.2 based on equations in Burrough and McDonnell (1998).


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Figure 2.2. Examples of four commonly used variogram models: (a) spherical; (b) exponential; (c) linear; and (d) Gaussian. 2.2.3. Kriging Estimator

All kriging estimators are variants of the basic equation (8), which is a slight modification of equation (1), as follows: ( x ) = [Z ( x ) ( x )] 0 i i 0
i =1 n


where is a known stationary mean, assumed to be constant over the whole domain and calculated as the average of the data (Wackernagel, 2003). The parameter i is kriging weight; n is the number of sampled points used to make the estimation and depends on the size of the search window; and (x0) is the mean of samples within the search window. The kriging weights are estimated by minimising the variance, as follows: 13

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( x )] = E[{Z ( x ) Z ( x )}2 ] var[Z 0 0 0 2 2 = E ( Z ( x0 )) + ( Z ( x0 )) 2 Z ( x0 ) Z ( x0 )



= i j C ( xi x j ) + C ( x0 x0 ) 2 iC ( xi x0 )
i =1 j =1 i =1

where Z(x0) is the true value expected at point x0, n represents the number of observations to be included in the estimation, and C(xi-xj) = Cov[Z(xi), Z(xj)] (Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989). The step by step procedures for finding equation (9) and linking it to are given by Clark and Harper (2001). The assumptions of kriging are stationarity of difference between x and x+h and variance of differences, which define the requirements for the intrinsic hypothesis (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998; Journel and Huijbregts, 1978). This means that semivariance does not depend on the location of samples and only depends on the distance between samples, thus the semivariance is isotropic.

2.3. Geostatistical Interpolators

In this section 22 geostatistical interpolators are briefly described. Geostatistical approaches are used to: 1) describe spatial patterns and interpolate the values of the primary variable at unsampled locations; and 2) model the uncertainty or error of the estimated surface.
2.3.1. Simple Kriging

The estimation of simple kriging (SK) is based on equation (7) and a slightly modified equation (8), leading to equation (10) as:
n n ( x ) = Z ( x ) + 1 Z 0 i i i i =1 i =1


where is a known stationary mean. The parameter is assumed constant over the whole domain and calculated as the average of the data (Wackernagel, 2003). SK is used to estimate residuals from this reference value given a priori and is therefore sometimes referred to as kriging with known mean (Wackernagel, 2003). The parameter (x0) in equation (8) is replaced by the stationary mean in equation (10). The number of sampled points used to make the estimation in equation (10) is determined by the range of influence of the semivariogram (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). Because SK does not have a non-bias condition, 1 i is not
i =1 n

necessarily 0; the greater the value of 1 i , the more the estimator will be drawn
i =1


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toward the mean; and in general the value of 1 i increases in relative poorly
i =1

sampled regions (Boufassa and Armstrong, 1989). SK assumes second-order stationary that is constant mean, variance and covariance over the domain or the region of interest (Wackernagel, 2003; Webster and Oliver, 2001). Because such an assumption is often too restrictive, ordinary kriging (no a priori mean) is most often used (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998).
2.3.2. Ordinary Kriging

The ordinary kriging (OK) is similar to SK and the only difference is that OK estimates the value of the attribute using equations (7) and (8) by replacing with a local mean (x0) that is the mean of samples within the search window, and forcing n n 1 i = 0 , that is i = 1 , which is achieved by plugging it into equation (8) i =1 i =1 (Clark and Harper, 2001; Goovaerts, 1997). Therefore, OK essentially uses equations (7) and (1) to make the estimation. OK estimates the local constant mean, then performs SK on the corresponding residuals, and only requires the stationary mean of the local search window (Goovaerts, 1997).
2.3.3. Kriging with a Trend

The kriging with a trend (KT) is normally called universal kriging (UK) that was proposed by Matheron (1969). It is an extension of OK by incorporating the local trend within the neighbourhood search widow as a smoothly varying function of the coordinates. UK estimates the trend components within each search neighbourhood window and then performs SK on the corresponding residuals.
2.3.4. Block Kriging

The block kriging (BK) is a generic name for estimation of average values of the primary variable over a segment, a surface, or a volume of any size or shape (Goovaerts, 1997). It is an extension of OK and estimates a block value instead of a point value by replacing the point-to-point covariance with the point-to-block covariance (Wackernagel, 2003). Essentially, BK is block OK and OK is point OK.
2.3.5. Factorial Kriging

The factorial kriging (FK) is designed to determine the origins of the value of a continuous attribute (Goovaerts, 1997). It models the experimental semivariogram as a linear combination of a few basic structure models to represent the different factors operating at different scales (e.g., local and regional scales). FK can decompose the kriging estimates into different components such as nugget, short-range, long-range,


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and trend, and such components could be filtered in mapping if considered as noise. For example, the nugget component at sampled points could be filtered to remove discontinuities (peaks) at the sampled points, while the long-range component could be filtered to enhance the short-range variability of the attribute. FK assumes that noise and the underlying signal are additive and that the noise is homoscedastic. Given the nature of this method, it will not be further considered in this review.
2.3.6. Dual Kriging

The dual kriging (DuK) estimates the covariance values instead of data values to elucidate the filtering properties of kriging (Goovaerts, 1997). It also reduces the computational cost of kriging when used with a global search neighbourhood. It includes dual SK, dual OK, and dual FK. Given its restricted application, it will not be given further consideration in this review.
2.3.7. Simple Kriging with Varying Local Means

The SK with varying local means (SKlm) is an extension of SK by replacing the stationary mean with known varying means at each point that depend on the secondary information (Goovaerts, 1997). If the secondary variable is categorical, the primary local mean is the mean of the primary variable within a specific category of the secondary variable. If it is continuous, the primary local mean is a function of the secondary variable or can be acquired by discretising it into classes. SK is then used to produce the weights and estimates.
2.3.8. Kriging with an External Drift

The kriging with an external drift (KED) is similar to UK but incorporates the local trend within the neighbourhood search window as a linear function of a smoothly varying secondary variable instead of as a function of the spatial coordinates (Goovaerts, 1997). The trend of the primary variable must be linearly related to that of the secondary variable. This secondary variable should vary smoothly in space and is measured at all primary data points and at all points being estimated. KED is also called UK or external drift kriging in Pebesma (2004). KED could be extended to include both secondary variables and coordinate information if gstat is used (personal communication with Edzer Pebesma, at useR! 2008, Dortmund, Germany, August 13, 2008).
2.3.9. Cokriging

Unlike SK within strata (see section 2.3.15), SKlm and KED that require the availability of information of secondary variables at all points being estimated, cokriging (CK) is proposed to use non-exhaustive secondary information and to


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explicitly account for the spatial cross correlation between the primary and secondary variables (Goovaerts, 1997). Equation (8) can be extended to incorporate the additional information to derive equation (11), as follows: ( x ) = Z ( x ) ( x ) + [ Z ( x ) ( x )] Z i1 i1 i1 ij j ij j ij 1 0 1 1 1
i1 =1 j = 2 i j =1 n1




where 1 is a known stationary mean of the primary variable, Z1 ( xi 1 ) is the data of the primary variable at point i1, 1 ( xi 1 ) is the mean of samples within the search window, n1 is the number of sampled points within the search window for point x0 used to make the estimation, ( i1 ) is the weight selected to minimise the estimation variance of the primary variable, nv is the number of secondary variables, nj is the number of jth secondary variable within the search widow, i j is the weight assigned to ijth point of jth secondary variable, Z j ( xi j ) is the data at ijth point of jth secondary variable, and

j ( xi ) is the mean of samples of jth secondary variable within the search widow.

The cross-semivariance (or cross-variogram) can be estimated from data using the following equation:

12 (h) =

1 n [ z1 ( xi ) z1 ( xi + h)][ z2 ( xi ) z2 ( xi + h)] 2n i =1


where n is the number of pairs of sample points of variable z1 and z2 at point xi, x1+h separated by distance h (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). Cross-semivariances can increase or decrease with h depending on the correlation between the two variables and the Cauchy-Schwartz relation must be checked to ensure a positive CK estimation variance in all circumstances (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998).
2.3.10. Simple Cokriging Replacing 1 ( xi 1 ) with the stationary mean (1) of the primary variable, and replacing

j ( xi ) with the stationary mean j of the secondary variables in equation (11) will

give the linear estimator of simple cokriging (SCK) (Goovaerts, 1997) as: (x ) = Z (x ) + + Z i1 1 i 1 1 1 i j [Z j ( xi j ) j ] 1 0
i1 =1 j = 2 i j =1 n1



= i1 Z1 ( xi 1 ) + i j Z j ( xi j ) + (1 i1 ) 1 i j j
i1 =1 j = 2 i j =1 i1 =1 j = 2 i j =1








If the primary and secondary variables are not correlated, the SCK estimator reverts to the SK estimator (Goovaerts, 1997). The weights generally decrease as the 17

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corresponding data points get farther away from the point of interest. When the point of interest is beyond the correlation range of both the primary and secondary data, the SCK estimator then reverts to the stationary mean of the primary variable. If all secondary variables are recorded at every sampled point, it is referred to as equally sampled or isotopic. If the primary variable is undersampled relative to the secondary variables, it is referred to as undersampled or heterotopic. When the secondary variables are linearly dependent, one should be kept and other correlated variables discarded, and multivariate analysis such as principal component analysis (PCA) may be used to eliminate such dependency. The sill of the cross semivariogram model is the correlation coefficient between the primary and secondary variables.
2.3.11. Ordinary Cokriging

The ordinary cokriging (OCK) is similar to SCK (Goovaerts, 1997). The only difference is that OCK estimates the value of the primary variable using equation (13) by replacing 1 and j with a local mean 1(x0) and j(x0) (i.e., the mean of samples within the search window), and forcing

i1 =1



= 1 , and

i j =1



= 0 . These two

constraints may result in negative and/or small weights. To reduce the occurrence of negative weights, these two constraints are combined to form the single constraint:

i1 =1 i1 i j =1




= 1.

OCK amounts to estimating the local primary and secondary means and applying the SCK estimator (equation 13) with these estimates of the means rather than the stationary means (Goovaerts, 1997). Related primary information, such as constraint intervals (indicating the intervals of the primary variable) or categorical information (indicating occurrence of a particular facies), is referred to as soft information rather than secondary information because they relate directly to the primary variable (Goovaerts, 1997). OCK can also be used for interval-type soft information by replacing z j ( xi j ) with indicator data. However, all soft information is treated as secondary information in this review.
2.3.12. Standardised Ordinary Cokriging

The OCK has two drawbacks by calling for the secondary data weights to sum to zero (Goovaerts, 1997). The first is that some of the weights are negative, thus increasing the risk of getting unacceptable estimates. The second is that most of the weights tend to be small, thus reducing the influence of the secondary data. To overcome these drawbacks, the standardised OCK (SOCK) estimator was introduced, which calls for

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knowledge of the stationary means of both the primary and secondary variables. These means can be estimated from the sample means. SOCK still accounts for the local departures from the overall means as OCK.
2.3.13. Principal Component Kriging

The principal component kriging (PCK) applies PCA to a few (nv) secondary variables to generate nv orthogonal or uncorrelated PCA components (Goovaerts, 1997). OK is then applied to each of the components to get principal component estimates. The final estimate is then generated as a linear combination of the principal component estimates weighted by their loadings and plus the local attribute mean.
2.3.14. Colocated Cokriging

The colocated cokriging (CCK) is a variant of CK (Goovaerts, 1997). It only uses the single secondary datum of any given type closest to the point being estimated. Like CK, CCK can also have several variants like simple colocated cokriging (SCCK), and ordinary colocated cokriging (OCCK). CCK is proposed to overcome problems, such as screening effects of samples of the secondary variables close to or colocated with the point of interest. This situation arises when the sample densities of the secondary variables are much higher than that of the primary variable. OCCK is also the preferred method for categorical soft information.
2.3.15. Kriging within Strata

The kriging within strata (KWS) is characterised by 1) stratifying the study region based on secondary information, 2) calculating experimental semivariogram within each stratum, and 3) estimating the primary variable within each specific stratum using the semivariogram model and the closest primary data samples within the stratum (Goovaerts, 1997). It may include simple KWS (SKWS), ordinary KWS (OKWS), simple cokriging within strata (SCKWS) and ordinary cokriging within strata (OCKWS).
2.3.16. Multivariate Factorial Kriging

The multivariate factorial kriging (MFK), also called factorial kriging analysis, analyses the relationships between variables at the spatial scales detected and modelled from experimental semivariograms (Goovaerts, 1997). Given that, it will not be further considered in this review.
2.3.17. Indicator Kriging

The indicator kriging (IK) and all its extensions below are proposed mainly to assess the uncertainty about the unknown rather than to estimate the unknown (Goovaerts, 19

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1997), so these methods will only be briefly described here. IK may also be applied to the spatial generalisation for categorical data (Jerosch et al., 2006). Besides IK, the multiGaussian (MG) approach and local uncertainty models (e.g., conditional variance, local entropy, and interquartile range) are also proposed for this purpose, and are not described in this review. In IK, the original data are transformed from a continuous to a new scale and different indicator coding types are proposed depending on the nature of the local information available (Goovaerts, 1997). For hard data (a precise measurement of the primary variable) a binary indicator scale is resulted by scoring it as 1 if it is less than or equal to a specified threshold, and 0 otherwise. This is the most commonly used indicator coding type. Indicator coding is also used for other data types like constraint intervals, soft categorical data, soft continuous data and colocated sources of information. IK may include simple IK (SIK) and ordinary IK (OIK). They are similar to SK and OK, but vary by only replacing the values of continuous attribute with the indicator values. IK is exact as SK and OK. Like OK, IK can also be extended to kriging over a block, and like SK, SIK can be extended to SIK with local prior means. IK can also be combined with KED by applying the KED framework for each indicator, resulting in IK with external drift (IKED) (Haberlandt, 2007).
2.3.18. Indicator Cokriging

SIK and OIK ignore indicator data at the thresholds that are different from that being estimated (Goovaerts, 1997). Information from all thresholds can be accounted for using the cokriging method introduced in section 2.3.9. The primary and secondary variables in CK are replaced by indicator values at each threshold, resulting in indicator cokriging (ICK). In short, ICK is the sum of IK over all thresholds. IK and ICK estimators become identical when all indicator data are intrinsically correlated (i.e., all indicator direct- and cross- semivariogram models are proportional to a common semivariogram, and all vectors of hard indicator data are equally sampled; Goovaerts, 1997). The resultant estimator is called median indicator kriging (MIK) because the common model is usually inferred from the indicator semivariogram at the median threshold value. When hard and soft indicator data are used as the primary and secondary variables in ICK, the resultant estimator is called soft cokriging, in which the soft information needs no longer to be exhaustive (Goovaerts, 1997). The demanding computation of soft cokriging can be alleviated by a Markov-Bayes algorithm. When soft data are much more numerous than hard data, only the datum closest to the point being


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estimated (e.g., the colocated soft indicator datum) is retained in the ICK, resulting colocated ICK.
2.3.19. Probability Kriging

The probability kriging (PK) is the cokriging of the indicator data using the rankorder transform as a secondary variable (Goovaerts, 1997). The indicator data are values of 0 or 1. The rank-order transform is the standardised ranks that are the rankorder of each datum of the primary variable divided by sample size. Replacing the values of the primary variable in CK by indicator data and using the rank-order transform as the secondary variable in CK would result in a PK estimator.
2.3.20. Disjunctive Kriging

The disjunctive kriging (DK) is used for the primary variable that the conventional transformations (e.g., logarithm or square-rooting) cannot yield a near-normal distribution. In DK, the primary variable is transformed into Hermite polynomials, which are a series of normally distributed sub-variables that are kriged separately. The resultant estimates are summed to give the DK estimator (Gaus et al., 2003). DK also provides an estimate of the conditional probability that a random variable located at a point, or averaged over a block in two-dimensional space, exceeds certain thresholds. DK produces a nonlinear unbiased, distribution-dependent estimator with the characteristics minimum variance of errors (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998; Yates et al., 1986). The theory of disjunctive kriging and examples of its practical application are described by Armstrong and Matheron (1986a; 1986b), Rendu (1980) and Oliver et al. (1996). Methods for uncertainty assessment at unsampled points will not be discussed any further in this review. For those interested in application of these approaches, further information could be found in the following studies. Lark and Ferguson (2004) compared IK and DK for mapping risk of soil nutrient deficiency or excess. Emery (2006) used ordinary multiGaussian kriging, ordinary DK, ordinary IK and conditional expectation for assessing the risk of deficiency or excess of a soil property at unsampled locations. Carr and Deng (1987) compared DK and IK using earthquake ground motion data.
2.3.21. Model-based Kriging

Model-based kriging (MBK) was developed by Diggle et al. (1998). This method embeds the linear kriging methodology within a more general distributional framework that is characteristically similar to the structure of a generalized linear model. A Bayesian approach is adopted and implemented via the Markov chain


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Monte Carlo (MCMC) methodology, to predict arbitrary functionals of an unobserved latent process whilst making a proper allowance for the uncertainty in the estimation of any model parameters (Moyeed and Papritz, 2002). This method was further illustrated in Diggle and Ribeiro Jr. (2007). Given its heavy computational demanding (Moyeed and Papritz, 2002), this method will not be considered further in this review as it is not applicable to large dataset such as those for the Australian marine region.
2.3.22. Simulation

The MG and indicator-based algorithms provide only models of local uncertainty in that each conditional cumulative distribution function is specific to one single location (Goovaerts, 1997). Stochastic simulation models the spatial uncertainty about attribute values at several locations taken together by generating multiple realisations of the joint distribution of attribute values in space. It is heavy computationally demanding and its interpolated surface should be very similar to OK interpolation if enough realisations are used (>500) (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). Given the nature of this approach, it will not be described further and detailed information of stochastic simulation can be found in Goovaerts (1997). There is also brief description of procedures of simulation in Burrough and McDonnell (1998).

2.4. Combined Procedures

A range of combined procedures could be developed to generate the estimation based on the above spatial interpolation methods and other statistical approaches. Here, eight methods identified in the literature are listed. Within each method there may be several sub-methods or types.
2.4.1. Classification Combined with Other Spatial Interpolation Methods

A significant explanatory secondary categorical variable, such as vegetation classes or geomorphic units, can be used as prior information to stratify the data into subsets for each category. Other spatial interpolation methods are then applied within each stratum, resulting in various combinations, such as: 1) SK within classes (Stein et al., 1988; Voltz and Webster, 1990) or stratified SK (StSK) (Brus et al., 1996); 2) Stratified OK (OK with classes, i.e., StOK) (Hernandez-Stefanoni and Ponce-Hernandez, 2006; Stein et al., 1988); 3) Stratified OCK (StOCK) (Hernandez-Stefanoni and Ponce-Hernandez, 2006);


Spatial Interpolation Methods

4) Stratified TPS (StTPS) (Brus et al., 1996); 5) Stratified NN (StNN) (Brus et al., 1996); 6) Stratified moving average (a special case of IDW with limited number of neighbourhoods and a zero distance power) (StIDW-0) (Brus et al., 1996); 7) Stratified global mean (GM) (StGM) (Brus et al., 1996); and 8) Stratified IDW (StIDW) (Hernandez-Stefanoni and Ponce-Hernandez, 2006) and stratified IDS (StIDS) (Brus et al., 1996). Separate variograms could be derived for each class if there are enough samples (Stein et al., 1988), otherwise a single pooled variogram within classes can be used if separate variograms require too many samples (Voltz and Webster, 1990) or, in other words, if the sample size is too small. The first three methods in the list above are variants of KWS.
2.4.2. Trend Surface Analysis Combined with Kriging

The TSA is fitted to the data, which describes the large scale (global) spatial variability; the residuals from the TSA are then modelled using OK and OCK; and the final estimates are the sum of the kriged residuals and the estimated trend surface (Wang et al., 2005).
2.4.3. Lapse Rate Combined with Kriging

Wang et al. (1996), cited by (Li et al., 2005), proposed LR combined with kriging. The data are corrected using LR to the same altitude. OK is then applied to the corrected data that no longer contain any altitude information. Lastly, the estimations are the sum of the kriged values and the corrections of altitude effect by using LR of air temperature.
2.4.4. Linear Mixed Model

An approach, similar to TSA combined with kriging, was proposed in the context of the linear mixed model (LMM) (Gilmour et al., 2004; Welham et al., 2004). The global trend that accounts for changes with coordinates was fitted as the fixed effects; local trend that is the difference between the observed values was estimated through a covariance structure; and both global and local trends were estimated using the residual maximum likelihood method (REML) in a single analysis. The resultant surface is the sum of global trend and local trend.


Spatial Interpolation Methods

2.4.5. Regression Tree Combined with Kriging

Regression tree (CART) is fitted to the data to produce a tree with optimal tree size; the residuals produced by the tree regression analysis are then analysed using OK (Balk and Elder, 2000; Bishop and McBratney, 2001; Erxleben et al., 2002) or OCK (Balk and Elder, 2000; Erxleben et al., 2002). The final estimations are the sum of the CART estimates and the kriged residuals.
2.4.6. Residual Maximum Likelihood-empirical Best Linear Unbiased Predictor

Residual maximum likelihood-empirical best linear unbiased predictor (REMLEBLUP) is implemented in the context of the linear mixed model that comprises fixed effects (such as a trend model), random effects (i.e., spatially dependent random variables) and an independent random variable (Lark et al., 2006). It consists of these three computations to generate the EBLUP estimate for an unsampled point. The first is the estimation of a variance structure (e.g., a variogram) for some specified linear mixed model using REML. This is then used to obtain estimates of the model coefficients for the fixed and random effects that we need to form the EBLUP. The estimated variance model is then used to compute the EBLUP estimates or predictions at unsampled points. The predicted value consists of two components, namely: 1) a prediction based on the polynomial trend model or external drift variables and 2) a kriging estimate of the spatially dependent random effect.
2.4.7. Regression Kriging

Several types of regression kriging (RK) have been proposed (Hengl, 2007; Minasny and McBratney, 2007; Odeh et al., 1994; Odeh et al., 1995): 1) RK-A, type A (Odeh et al., 1994), called kriging combined with (linear) regression (Ahmed and De Marsily, 1987; Knotters et al., 1995), performs regression and then kriges the regressed values; 2) RK-B, type B (Odeh et al., 1994), called kriging with a guess field (Ahmed and De Marsily, 1987), involves regression, then kriges the predicted values and the residuals separately, and sums both values to generate the final prediction; 3) RK-C, type C (Odeh et al., 1995), variously called regression with residual simple kriging (Asli and Marcotte, 1995), detrended kriging (Jef et al., 2006; Nalder and Wein, 1998), modified residual kriging and cokriging (Erxleben et al., 2002; Martnez-Cob, 1996) or residual kriging (Mardikis et al., 2005), is similar to type B, but only kriges the residuals and then sums the predicted values


Spatial Interpolation Methods

and the kriged values to obtain the final prediction; 4) RK-D, is similar to RK-C, but uses generalised least squares (GLS) instead. GLS is fitted to the data, the GLS residuals are interpolated using SK, and then the final estimates are the sum of the kriged residuals and the GLS surface (Hengl, 2007); 5) RK-E is a mixture of RK-C and RK-A. The key feature is that points with either measured or predicted values (values estimated using RK-C, i.e., the sum of the predicted values by regression and the kriged values from residuals) are treated as equivalent in the interpolation process (Li et al., 2007); and 6) RK-F, a further type of RK, is similar to RK-C, but uses generalised additive model (GAM) instead. GAM is fitted to the data, the GAM residuals are interpolated using OK, and then the final estimates are the sum of the kriged residuals and the GAM surface (Bishop and McBratney, 2001). In RK, the regression can have any form, such as generalised linear models (GLM) (Gotway and Stroup, 1997; Pebesma et al., 2005) or non-linear models, which provides a possibility to include more ancillary variables (Li et al., 2007). A generic framework for RK was proposed by Hengl et al. (2004)
2.4.8. Gradient Plus Inverse Distance Squared

Gradient plus inverse distance squared (GIDS) is proposed by Nalder and Wein (1998). It performs LM using spatial coordinates and elevation data as secondary information and then the developed model is used to predict the primary variable. The predicted values are then used to derive the estimation for the unsampled points using IDS. Several other methods have been proposed by various authors and applied to environmental data in addition to those described above. These methods are not described in this review because they are either relatively straightforward or have been rarely used. These methods include: 1) LM combined with IDW (Jarvis and Stuart, 2001; Jef et al., 2006; VicenteSerrano et al., 2003); 2) LM combined with partial TPS (Jarvis and Stuart, 2001) and with splines (Vicente-Serrano et al., 2003); 3) Kriging combined with Q-mode factor analysis (Juang and Lee, 1998);


Spatial Interpolation Methods

4) IK combined with PCK, resulting in indicator principal component kriging (Suro-Perez and Journel, 1991); 5) Density estimation (Silverman, 1981); 6) A moving window regression residual cokriging (MWRCK) (Sun, 1998); 7) LSZ or Bayesian multivariate interpolation with data missing-by-design (Sun, 1998); 8) A radial basis function network (RBFN, a variant of neural network) and an improved RBFN by Lin and Chen (2004); 9) General regression neural network (GRNN) (Kanevski et al., 2008); and 10) A consistently well behaved method of interpolation (Stineman, 1980). Geographically weighted regression (GWR) (Fotheringham et al., 2002) has immense potential for the spatial interpolation of the environmental data. The advantages of this method are that it: 1) is based on the traditional regression framework, and 2) incorporates local spatial relationships into the framework in an intuitive and explicit manner (Fotheringham et al., 2002). Although no reference on the application of this method has been acquired in this review, many unpublished applications are available online. The field of geostatistics reached its peak around 1996-1998 in terms of the annual total citation of articles, but the total number of annually published articles is still growing (Zhou et al., 2007). The development of hybrid methods is certainly not over and the methods will continue to evolve both from theoretical and practical aspects (Hengl, 2007). Five developments are anticipated in the near future in geostatistics according to Hengl (2007): 1) design of more sophisticated prediction models, 2) derivation of local regression-kriging, 3) development of user-friendly sampling optimisation packages, 4) intelligent data analysis reports generation, and 5) introduction of multi-temporal, multi-variate prediction models. In short, the spatial interpolation methods are developed for specific types of environmental data or even specific environmental variable. They each have their specific assumptions, data requirements and properties and will be compared in the next chapter.


Features and Theoretical Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Chapter 3: Features and Theoretical Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods

The spatial interpolation methods described in Chapter 2 were developed either for specific disciplines or even for specific variables according to the nature of the data. Therefore, each of the methods has its specific assumptions and features. In this chapter, a few important features, such as global versus local, exact versus inexact, deterministic versus stochastic, and gradual versus abrupt, are discussed. The features of each of the individual methods are then summarised and compared.

3.1. Features of Spatial Interpolation Methods

3.1.1. Global versus Local

The spatial interpolation methods can be classified as either global or local methods. Global methods use all available data of the region of interest to derive the estimation and capture the general trend. Local methods operate within a small area around the point being estimated (i.e., use samples within a search window) and capture the local or short-range variation (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998).
3.1.2. Exactness

The spatial interpolation methods can be either exact or inexact. A method that generates an estimate that is the same as the observed value at a sampled point is called an exact method. All other methods are inexact, which means that their predicted value at the point differs from its known value (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998).
3.1.3. Deterministic versus Stochastic

Stochastic methods incorporate the concept of randomness and provide both estimations (i.e., deterministic part) and associated errors (stochastic part, i.e., uncertainties represented as estimated variances). All other methods are deterministic because they do not incorporate such errors and only produce the estimations. In other words, deterministic methods have no assessment of errors with the predicted values, while stochastic methods provide an assessment of the errors associated with the predicted values.
3.1.4. Gradual versus Abrupt

Some methods (e.g., NN) produce a discrete and abrupt surface, while some other methods (e.g., distance-based weighted averages) produce a smooth and gradual surface. The smoothness depends on the criteria used in the selection of the weight


Features and Theoretical Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods

values in relation to the distance. Criteria include simple distance relations (e.g., IDW), minimisation of variance (e.g., SK, OK and CK), and minimisation of curvature and enforcement of smoothness (e.g., splines).
3.1.5. Linear Kriging versus Nonlinear Kriging

Kriging methods are often classified as linear and nonlinear (Moyeed and Papritz, 2002; Papritz and Moyeed, 1999). There are no formal definitions for linear and nonlinear kriging. Linear kriging can be defined as kriging methods that derive the estimation using observed values by assuming a normal distribution of the samples. Non-linear kriging are those methods that derive predictions based on the transformed values of the observed data. Linear kriging may include SK, OK and UK. Nonlinear kriging methods consist of DK, IK, multiGaussian kriging, lognormal OK and MBK. Nonlinear kriging methods have two major advantages over linear kriging, namely: 1) they were developed to model the conditional distribution of the primary variable (i.e., to give an estimate of its probability distribution conditional on the available information); and 2) their estimations should theoretically be more precise when a Gaussian random process is inappropriate to model the observations.
3.1.6. Univariate versus Multivariate

The spatial interpolation methods that only use samples of the primary variable in deriving the estimation are termed univariate methods. Methods that also use the secondary variables are often referred to as multivariate methods. In geostatistics, the methods accounting for a single variable, such as SK, OK, BK, are univariate, and methods accounting for secondary information, like SCK, OCK, KED, are multivariate. Although UK is classified as a method accounting for a single variable by Goovaerts (1997), it is considered as a multivariate method in this review because it uses coordinate information. TPS can also be extended to include a multivariate spline function (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998; Hutchinson, 1995; Mitasova et al., 1995). It should be noted that in the gstat package in R, multivariate kriging means that there are several variables that can be either primary variables with or without secondary variables, while multiple kriging implies that several primary variables are kriged separately at the same time (personal communication with Edzer Pebesma, 25 and 26 August 2008).
3.1.7. Irregular versus Regular System

The estimation can be interpolated based on either the regular grid system or irregular (e.g., triangular) network. The advantages and disadvantages of an irregular network


Features and Theoretical Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods

are discussed in Burrough and McDonnell (1998). Most of the methods in this review are based on the point data in a regular grid system that has several advantages (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998).

3.2. Comparison of the Features

The features of the spatial interpolation methods vary from one method to another, so it is difficult to summarise the features of all methods in one table. In this section, the non-geostatistical methods are first compared with the common features of geostatistical methods. The features of geostatistical methods are then summarised and compared amongst themselves.
3.2.1. Non-geostatistical Methods and Kriging Methods

The features of non-geostatistical methods and geostatistics are summarised in Table 3.1, which is mainly based on the Burrough et al. (1998). For geostatistical methods, their common features are summarised for a comparison with non-geostatistical methods. The NN is a special case of IDW with p being zero and n equal to 1 (Brus et al., 1996; Laslett et al., 1987). NN is best for qualitative data when other spatial interpolation methods are not applicable (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998; Hartkamp et al., 1999). The disadvantages are that the estimated values at each point are based on just one sample point, there is no error estimate, and other nearby sampled points are ignored (Webster and Oliver, 2001). The TIN is a simple, local and deterministic method (Webster and Oliver, 2001). It is better than NN, although each estimate still depends on only three samples. The estimated surface is continuous but with abrupt changes in gradient at the margins of the triangles (Webster and Oliver, 2001). The NaN is local and deterministic (Webster and Oliver, 2001). It is somewhat better than NN and TIN because its estimated surface is continuous and smooth except at the data points where its derivative is discontinuous. However, such abrupt changes can be smoothed (Sibson, 1981). At local maxima and minima in such data it can generate an artefact known as Prussian helmets (Sibson, 1981; Webster and Oliver, 2001). The IDW works well with regularly spaced data, but it is unable to account for clustering (Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989). The TSA is considered to be a stochastic method (Collins and Bolstad, 1996). However, in other publications it is described as a deterministic method with a local


Features and Theoretical Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods

stochastic component (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). The classification method assumes that all spatial changes take place at boundaries, which are sharp instead of gradual (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998).


Features and Theoretical Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Table 3.1. Comparison of non-geostatistical spatial interpolation methods and kriging as a generic model for geostatistical methods (mainly modified

from Burrough and McDonnell (1998).

Method Nearest neighbours (NN) Triangulation (TIN) Assumption Best local predictor is nearest data point Best local predictor is data points on the surrounding triangle Univariable / Deterministic/ Multivariable stochastic Univariable Deterministic Local/ global Local Exact/ inexact Exact Abrupt/ Limitation of the procedure Computing gradual load Abrupt No error assessment, only Small one data point per polygon. Tessellation pattern depends on distribution of data. Abrupt No error assessment. TIN Small pattern depends on distribution of data and there a few ways to form triangulation and no one is better than any other. Gradual or No error assessment Small abrupt Output data structure Polygons or gridded surface Suitability Nominal data from point observations

Univariable Deterministic



Triangles or Quick interpolation from Gridded sparse data on regular or surface irregularly spaced samples.

Natural neighbours (NaN) Inverse distance weighting (IDW)

Best local Univariable Deterministic predictor is data points in the surrounding polygons underlying surface Univariable Deterministic is smooth



Gridded surface

Quick interpolation from sparse data on regular or irregularly spaced samples. Quick interpolation from sparse data on regular grid or irregularly spaced samples.


Regression models (LM)

Samples are Univariable/ independent, Multivariable normal and homogeneous in variance



Trend surface Phenomenological Multivariable analysis explanation of (TSA) trend, normally distributed data



Inexact Gradual No error assessment. Results depend on size of search (but can window and choice of be forced weighting parameter. Poor to be choice of window can give exact) artefacts when used with high data densities such as digitised contours. Inexact Gradual if Results depend on the fit of inputs the regression model and the have quality and detail of the gradual input data surfaces. Error variation assessment possible if input errors are known. Inexact Gradual Physical meaning of trend may be unclear. Outliers and edge effects may distort surface. Error assessment limited to goodness of fit.


Gridded surface, contours


Polygons or Simple numerical modelling continuous, of expensive data when gridded better methods are not surface available or budgets are limited continuous, gridded surface Quick assessments and removal of spatial trend



Features and Theoretical Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods



Splines & Best local Local trend predictor is the surfaces nearest data point (LTS) and data normality Classification Homogeneity Univariable Deterministic (Cl) within boundaries "soft" information

Univariable / Deterministic/ Multivariable stochastic Multivariable Stochastic

Local/ global Local

Exact/ inexact Inexact

Abrupt/ Limitation of the procedure gradual Gradual Results depend on span parameter and detail of the input data surfaces. Abrupt Delineation of areas and classes may be subjective. Error assessment limited to within-class standard deviations. ?

Computing load Moderate

Output data structure continuous, gridded surface Classified polygons

Suitability Quick interpolation from sparse data on regular grid or irregularly spaced samples. Quick assessments when data are sparse Removing systematic differences before continuous interpolation from data points




Regression Phenomenological Multivariable Stochastic tree (CART) explanation of variance Thin plat Underlying Univariable/ Deterministic splines (TPS) surface is smooth Multivariable everywhere

Global Local

Inexact Exact

Small Small

Gridded surface Gridded surface, contours Quick interpolation (univariate or multivariate) of digital elevation data and related attributes to create digital elevation models (DEM) from moderately detailed data When data are sufficient to compute variograms, kriging provides a good interpolator for sparse data. Binary and nominal data can be interpolated with Indicator kriging. Soft information can also be incorporated as trends or stratification. Multivariate data can be interpolated with co-kriging.

Gradual Goodness of fit possible, but within the assumptions that the fitted surface is perfectly smooth.


Interpolated Univariable/ surface is smooth. Multivariable Statistical stationarity and the intrinsic hypothesis.




Gradual Error assessment depends on variogram and distribution of data points and size of interpolated blocks. Requires care when modelling spatial correlation structures.


Gridded surface

* Of the kriging methods, BK is an inexact interpolator.


Features and Theoretical Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Splines are deterministic with locally stochastic properties. Splines are piece-wise functions using a few points at a time. The interpolation predictions can be quickly calculated and predictions are very close to the values being interpolated, providing the measurement errors associated with the data are small (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998; Mitasova et al., 1995). Splines retain small-scale features, but there are no direct estimates of the errors (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). The application of splines and other nonparametric regression models to data on a grid is sometimes questionable because the dataset does not have the direct information needed for reliable prediction and the dataset yields no direct information on residual variance (Laslett, 1994). Exact splines may produce local artefacts of excessively high or low values. These artefacts can be removed using TPS, where an exact spline surface is replaced by a locally smoothed average (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). TPS can also be extended to include multivariate spline function (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998; Hutchinson, 1995; Mitasova et al., 1995). TPS may provide a view of reality that is unrealistically smooth and thus generate misleading results (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). Kriging has few advantages and also some drawbacks (Nalder and Wein, 1998). It provides the best linear unbiased estimate. It also provides a measure of the error or uncertainty at the unsampled points; and it is an exact method with an exception of BK. It does not produce edge-effects resulting from trying to force a polynomial to fit the data as with TSA (Collins and Bolstad, 1996). However, it assumes stationarity of data, which is usually not true, although this assumption can be relaxed with specific forms of kriging. Definition of the required variogram models is time consuming and somewhat subjective; and definition of neighbourhoods is also required which is difficult to do objectively. It also assumes that the data are isotropic. Data transformation may be needed for non-stationary data and anisotropy needs to be considered. Kriging also requires a large number of samples, at least 100, to produce a reliable estimation of variogram (Webster and Oliver, 1992). This requirement could be overcome by using the REML variogram because predictions based on REML variograms were generally more accurate than those from the conventional moment variograms with fewer than 100 samples (Kerry and Oliver, 2007). In such cases, a sample size of 50 appears adequate (Kerry and Oliver, 2007). Kriging variance is independent of the data values. Hence, it does not reflect the


Features and Theoretical Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods

uncertainty expected at a specific point. It is a ranking index of data geometry (and size) and is not a measure of the local spread of errors (Goovaerts, 1997). The error variance provided by kriging algorithms is also poorly correlated with actual estimation error. Therefore, in general, the kriging variance cannot be used alone as a measure of local uncertainty (Goovaerts, 1997).
3.2.2. Geostatistical Methods

The features of 16 geostatistical methods are summarised in Table 3.2 according to the findings in Goovaerts (1997) and other previous studies cited in Chapter 2. Some of the methods reviewed in Chapter 2 are excluded because either they are for uncertainty assessment, for categorical variables, or rarely used in practice. However, a few frequently used variants or sub-methods are included. Prior to the comparison and discussion of geostatistical methods, issues relevant to kriging weights and search neighbourhood windows are discussed.


Features and Theoretical Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Table 3.2. A comparison of geostatistical spatial interpolation methods.

Geostatistical method Univariable/ Multivariable Univariate Univariate Univariate Multivariate Multivariate Multivariate Multivariate Multivariate Multivariate Multivariate Multivariate Multivariate Multivariate Multivariate Multivariate Multivariate Stationary/ local mean stationary local local local local local stationary local both# local stationary local within strata stationary local within strata stationary local Local trend no no no yes no/yes* yes no no no no no no no no no no Information of coordinates no no no yes no yes no no no no no no no no no no Secondary variable no no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no yes yes Point/ block estimation point point block point point point point point point point point point point point point point Exhaustive secondary information na na na yes yes yes no no no no no no na na no no Stratification Orthogonalisation of secondary information na na na no no no no no no yes no no na na no no Single or multiple samples in the search window multiple multiple multiple multiple multiple multiple multiple multiple multiple multiple single single multiple multiple multiple multiple

Simple kriging (SK) Ordinary kriging (OK) Block kriging (BK) Universal kriging (UK) SK with varying local means (SKlm) Kriging with an external drift (KED) Simple cokriging (SCK) Ordinary cokriging (OCK) Standardised OCK (SOCK) Principal component kriging (PCK) Simple colocated cokriging (SCCK) Ordinary colocated cokriging (OCCK) Simple kriging within strata (SKWS) Ordinary kriging within strata (OKWS) Simple cokriging within strata (SCKWS) Ordinary cokriging within strata (OCKWS)

no no no no no no no no no no no no yes yes yes yes

* The local trend is no if the secondary variable is categorical and yes if it is continuous. # Need the stationary means of both the primary and secondary variables.


Features and Theoretical Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Kriging Weights A number of factors affect kriging weights (Webster and Oliver, 2001). The value of

the weight assigned to a sample increases as the distance to the estimated point or block decreases. The larger the nugget, the smaller the value of the weight of a sample that is nearest to the point or block estimated. The value of the weight of the nearest sample decreases but the weights of the more distant samples increase as the block size increases. Clustered samples carry less weight individually than isolated samples at the same distance. Samples can be screened by those lying between them and the target point. Goovaerts (1997) raised several issues in relation to kriging weights. Kriging weights depend only on the shape of the semivariogram (i.e., the relative nugget effect and anisotropy, correlation range), not on its global sill. Samples outside the correlation range may be assigned a non-zero weight, due to their contribution to the estimation of the trend component at points of interest. Samples may get negative weights when they are screened by a closer sample. Negative weights allow the kriging estimate to take values outside the range of the data, which is referred to as the non-convexity of the estimator and may yield unacceptable results such as negative estimates or estimated proportions larger than one. A larger nugget effect reduces the impact of distance of sample points to the point of interest and also reduces the screening effect. In the presence of a pure nugget effect, all weights are equal to 1/n and the kriging estimate then reverts to the arithmetic average of the data retained (i.e., moving average). There are a few ways to deal with the non-convexity problems (i.e., the kriging estimate takes values outside the range of the data due to negative weights; Goovaerts 1997). The first is to force all weights to be positive. The next is to add to all the weights a constant (i.e., the absolute value of the largest negative weight), and then reset the weights to sum to one. The third is to reset any faulty estimate to the nearest bound (e.g., 0 if negative values are not acceptable, or 1 for excessive proportions). The last method is to impose constraints on the kriging estimates through the use of indicator constraint intervals.
Search Neighbourhood Window Several aspects should be considered in selecting the search neighbourhood window

(Goovaerts, 1997). The shape of the window is typically taken as a circle centred on the point being estimated. When the variation of the data is anisotropic, an ellipse with its major axis oriented along the direction of the maximum continuity should be used. If samples are clustered, the window should be split into equal angle sectors, but 36

Features and Theoretical Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods

quadrants should be avoided when data are grided and the estimation grid is aligned with the sampling grid. Although there are reasons for restricting the size of the window, one should avoid limiting a priori the maximum search distance to the correlation range of data (Goovaerts, 1997). In a sub-region where sample density is low, the search distance should be increased to retain enough data or simply retain n closest samples regardless their distance. The semivariogram distance (x0-xi), instead of Euclidian distance |x0-xi|, should be used for data selection so that data are preferentially selected along the direction of maximum continuity. In addition to size and orientation of the window, the minimum and maximum number of samples need to be specified for estimation (Goovaerts, 1997). The minimum needs to be equal at least to the number of constraints on kriging weights and should be larger where data are clustered. The maximum should be limited to depict local features of the attribute and should be larger to depict long-range structures. Isaaks and Srivastava (1989) have also discussed the search strategy.
Simple Kriging versus Ordinary Kriging OK is usually preferred to SK because: 1) it requires neither knowledge nor

stationarity of the mean over the region of interest; 2) OK allows one to account for local variation of the mean by limiting the domain of the stationarity of the mean to the local neighbourhood centred on the point being estimated, but SK requires the stationary mean of the whole region of interest; 3) OK estimates better follow the data fluctuations than SK estimates; and 4) OK estimates changes proportionally with the local data means (Goovaerts, 1997). Hence the OK with local search neighbourhood already accounts for trends (varying mean) in the values of the attribute (Goovaerts, 1997). However, OK requires a stationary mean of the local search window. This requirement of stationarity of OK and OCK has been relaxed to allow them to krige non-stationary data by using RK (Knotters et al., 1995), universal CK (Stein et al., 1988), and KED and UK (Verfaillie et al., 2006) if the statistical properties of the primary variable are not constant within the search window.
Ordinary Kriging versus Universal Kriging OK and UK yield similar interpolating estimates, but quite different extrapolating

estimates, depending on the trend fitted to the last few data values (Goovaerts, 1997). OK with local search neighbourhoods is preferred in interpolations because it provides results similar to UK estimates, but is easier to implement. In extrapolations, UK should be used whenever the attribute suggests a particular function form for extrapolating a trend fitted from the sampled data. UK may yield aberrant 37

Features and Theoretical Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods

extrapolation estimates (e.g., negative estimates depending on the trend fitted to the last few values; Goovaerts, 1997).
Kriging with External Drift versus Simple Kriging with Varying Local Means Like UK, KED amounts to evaluating the regression coefficients from samples within

each search window, estimating the trend component at all primary data points and at the point being estimated, and then performing SK on the corresponding residuals (Goovaerts, 1997). The KED estimator is similar to SKlm. KED and SKlm differ in their definition of the trend component. The trend coefficients are derived once and independently of the kriging system in SKlm, but are implicitly estimated through the kriging system within each search window in KED (Goovaerts, 1997).
Simple Kriging versus Simple Cokriging The SK and SCK are compared according to Goovaerts (1997). SCK is theoretically

better than SK because its error variance is always smaller than or equal to the error variance of SK. However, SCK is much more demanding than SK because of the additional modelling and computational requirements. SCK and SK produce identical estimates when: 1) the primary and secondary variables are uncorrelated; or 2) the primary and secondary variables are measured at the same locations and the cross covariance is proportional to the primary autocovariance. SK and SCK estimates are essentially the same in the isotopic case and the difference between estimates increases as the samples of secondary variables become more numerous than those of the primary variable. Cokriging improves over kriging only when the secondary variables are better sampled than the primary variable, or more accurately reflect the real world. CK is most effective when the covariate is highly correlated with the primary variable (Hartkamp et al., 1999). Goovaerts (1997) discussed further the effects of a secondary variable. The contribution of the secondary variable to the SCK estimate should depend on: 1) correlation between the primary and secondary variables, 2) its pattern of spatial continuity, 3) the spatial configuration of the primary and secondary sample points, and 4) the sample density of each variable. The relative influence of the secondary variable can be measured by the ratio of the sums of absolute values of the secondary and primary data weights. The ratio increases exponentially as: 1) the correlation coefficient increases, 2) the relative nugget effect on the primary semivariogram model increases, 3) the secondary data points get further away from the primary data point and get closer to the point of interest, and 4) the sample size of the secondary variable increases. The secondary variable may screen the influence of the colocated primary data when both the primary and secondary variables are highly correlated and


Features and Theoretical Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods

the secondary variable varies more continuously in space than the primary variable.
Ordinary Kriging versus Ordinary Cokriging If both the primary and secondary variables are all measured at the same points then

OCK will not produce estimates that are different from OK (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998).
Colocated Cokriging versus Cokriging The CCK is valuable alternative to CK when the sample density is high for the

secondary variables (Goovaerts, 1997). It avoids instability caused by highly redundant secondary data and is computationally fast. However, it requires: 1) the samples of secondary variables at all points being estimated; and 2) knowledge of the stationary means of the primary and secondary variables. CK and the computationally fast CCK give similar results.
Colocated Cokriging versus Kriging with External Drift The CCK and KED use exhaustively sampled secondary information, but they differ

in many aspects (Goovaerts, 1997). In CCK the colocated datum directly influences the primary cokriging estimate and CCK accounts for the global linear correlation between primary and secondary variables as captured by the semivariogram. In KED the secondary information provides information only about the primary trend of the point of interest and tends to influence strongly the estimate especially when the estimated slope of the local trend model is large. The influence of the residual covariance required by KED is not straightforward. Modelling direct and cross semivariograms in CCK is straightforward although computationally demanding.
Block Kriging versus Ordinary Kriging The BK estimates vary more smoothly in space than OK estimates; and the

smoothness increases with increasing size of the block (Goovaerts, 1997). BK smoothes out short-range variation of the attribute and can erase the artefact discontinuities near sample points. As such, BK is not an exact method. If the objective is to map large-scale features of an attribute, BK is preferred to point kriging (Goovaerts, 1997).
Limitations of Principal Component Kriging Although PCK remains computationally less demanding than cokriging, it suffers

from three major limitations (Goovaerts, 1997). The first is that only those data points where all variables are jointly measured can be considered. The next is that the cross correlation between principal components at h 0 may not be negligible. The third is that the modelling of the principal components semivariogram cannot capitalise on


Features and Theoretical Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods

available ancillary information about the original variables.

Features of Regression Kriging The RK is mathematically equivalent to the spatial interpolation method variously called UK and KED (Hengl et al., 2007). RK combines a regression of the primary

variable on secondary variables with SK of the regression residuals, but UK and KED use secondary variables directly to solve the kriging weights. The advantage of RK is its ability to extend the method to a broader range of regression techniques such as GAM, and CART (Bishop and McBratney, 2001), and GLM (Gotway and Stroup, 1997; Pebesma, 2005) and to allow separate interpretation of the two interpolated components (Hengl et al., 2007). Knotters et al. (1995) discussed the advantages and disadvantages of RK in comparison with CK. Three advantages were identified: 1) in RK, the relationship between the primary variable and the secondary variable can have any form and is physically interpretable, but CK does not use physically interpretable relationships and assumes a linear relationship; 2) for RK, only a model of the spatial correlation of the primary variable is required, but in CK with m variables, m generalised covariance functions and m(m-1)/2 generalised cross-covariance functions need to be estimated; and 3) RK is thus less computationally demanding and therefore is more efficient than CK. RK also considers the local trend within the search window by kriging nonstationary data. A disadvantage of RK is that assumptions are required about the errors of the values predicted by the regression model, namely: they are unsystematic, not autocorrelated and not correlated with the variable. Knotters et al. (1995) suggested that by adding variables to the regression model, thereby explaining a greater part of the variance, the assumption of the absence of autocorrelation of the errors will be satisfied more. We would also argue that if a GLM is used, such assumptions could be avoided. Several limitations of RK were also discussed by Hengl (2007), including data quality, sample size, reliable estimation of the covariance/correlation structure, extrapolation outside the sampled feature space, secondary variables with uneven relationships to the primary variable, and intermediate-scale modelling.
Splines versus Regression Kriging-D It was claimed that regularised splines with tension and RK-D would yield very

similar results; and the major difference is that the splines require a user specified smoothing parameter, while the smoothing is determined objectively in the kriging (Hengl, 2007).


Features and Theoretical Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Residual Maximum Likelihood-empirical Best Linear Unbiased Predictor versus Regression Kriging There is a bias at long lags when the variogram of the residuals were estimated using RK-C (Lark et al., 2006). Such bias may be reduced but not removed when using RK-

D. However, the bias in the variance for REML is very small and negligible by comparison with the bias for RK-C (Lark et al., 2006). Such bias will have two consequences: 1) underestimation of the overall variation of the random variable and 2) incorrect estimation of spatial structure (Lark et al., 2006). Therefore, REMLEBLUP was recommended over various RK types unless datasets are very large because REML-EBLUP is applicable only when the sample size is small (<200) (Minasny and McBratney, 2007).
Model-Based Kriging versus Other Kriging Methods OK, lognormal OK, DK, and IK ignore the additional uncertainty caused by inferring

the covariance structure from the data when they make predictions; but MBK does not suffer from this obvious disadvantage because it incorporates parameter uncertainty in a natural way into the predictions (Moyeed and Papritz, 2002). However, MBK is computationally demanding and not suitable for large datasets (> 300 samples) (Moyeed and Papritz, 2002). This limitation may be overcome as the computing power increases.
Simulation Conditional bias (i.e., an underestimation of large values and an overestimation of

small values) dramatically affects the evaluation of the extent of an attribute. Simulated maps could correct for the conditional bias of estimated maps if they are applied (Goovaerts, 1997).


Assessment Measures

Chapter 4: Assessment Measures

In this chapter, performance assessment measures are reviewed. These measurements are for assessing the performance of: 1) the variogram models, 2) the spatial interpolation methods, and 3) the spatial interpolation methods for datasets with different sample sizes. Two new measurements are proposed for assessing the performance of the spatial interpolation methods for different variables. The measurements reviewed are those commonly used, so the list of the measurements is intentionally non-exhaustive.

4.1. Performance of Variogram Models

As discussed in Chapter 2, there are a number of variogram models that could be employed; and different variogram models may lead to different interpolations. Thus selecting an appropriate model to capture the features of the data is critical. The ratio of the square sum of deviance to the total sum of squares provides information on which model best fits the semivariance. If the model fits the semivariogram well, the ratio will be small, otherwise the ratio will approach 1 (Hartkamp et al., 1999). Crossvalidation techniques could be used to choose the best semivariogram model from the candidates (such as spherical, exponential, and Gaussian). Cross-validation techniques could also be used to select an optimal search radius which minimises the kriging variance. The best-fit variogram model could also be determined by selecting the model having the lowest AIC (Erxleben et al., 2002). The spatial structure of the data affects the performance of geostatistical interpolators. To test for anisotropy, the semivariogram needs to be determined in different directions. To ensure isotropy, the semivariogram model should be unaffected by the direction in which h is taken (Hartkamp et al., 1999). The variogram may show directional changes in different spatial scales, different semivariances, and different forms (Webster and Oliver, 2001). The structural variance, which determines the variance due to spatial dependence explained by the variogram model, is calculated as the difference of total variance and nugget variance divided by the total variance (Hernandez-Stefanoni and PonceHernandez, 2006). The relative noisy nature of the spatial variability is represented by the values of the nugget variance (Hernandez-Stefanoni and Ponce-Hernandez, 2006). The nugget variance may result from 1) the sampling error, and 2) the spatial dependence that may exist at finer scales than the minimum separation distance between samples (Hernandez-Stefanoni and Ponce-Hernandez, 2006). The ratio of nugget to sill reflects the spatial heterogeneity of the data (Robertson et 42

Assessment Measures

al., 1997; Wang et al., 2005). If the ratio is big, the spatial variation is mainly resulted from the random process and the measurement error is high, and if it is small, the variation is mainly due to the spatial structure.

4.2. Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

With the wide and increasing applications of the spatial interpolation methods, there is also a growing concern about their accuracy and precision (Hartkamp et al., 1999). As any other statistical modelling techniques, the spatial interpolation methods also produce a certain degree of errors associated with the estimation. The statistics of the differences (absolute and squared) between the measured and predicted values at sampled points are often used as an indicator of the performance of an inexact method (for definition of exactness see section 3.1.2) (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). Several error measurements have been proposed (Table 4.1). Commonly used error measurements include: mean error (ME), mean absolute error (MAE), mean squared error (MSE) and root mean squared error (RMSE). ME is used for determining the degree of bias in the estimates, often referred to as the bias (Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989) but it should be used cautiously as an indicator of accuracy because negative and positive estimates counteract each other and resultant ME tends to be lower than actual error (Nalder and Wein, 1998). RMSE provides a measure of the error size, but it is sensitive to outliers as it places a lot of weight on large errors (Hernandez-Stefanoni and Ponce-Hernandez, 2006). MSE suffers the same drawbacks as RMSE. Whereas MAE is less sensitive to extreme values (Willmott, 1982; Vicente-Serrano et al., 2003) and indicates the extent to which the estimate can be in error (Nalder and Wein, 1998). MAE and RMSE are argued to be similar measures, and they give estimates of the average error, but they do not provide information about the relative size of the average difference and the nature of differences comprising them (Willmott, 1982). Of course, we can also use cross-validation in together with these measurements to assess the performance of both exact and inexact methods.


Assessment Measures

Table 4.1. Measurements used to assess the performance of the spatial interpolation methods (Ahmed and De Marsily, 1987; Burrough and McDonnell, 1998; Hu et al., 2004; Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989; Vicente-Serrano et al., 2003).
Measurement Mean error (ME) or mean bias error (MBE) Definition*

ME = MAE = MSE = RMSE = [ MSRE =

1 n ( pi oi ) n i =1 1 n | pi oi | n i =1 1 n ( pi oi )2 n i =1 1 n ( pi oi )2 ]1 / 2 n i =1

Mean absolute error (MAE)

Mean square error (MSE)

Root mean square error (RMSE)

Mean square reduced error (MSRE)

1 n ( pi oi )2 / s 2 n i =1 1 n ( psi osi ) n i =1

Mean standardised error (MSE2)

MSE 2 = RMSSE = [ ASE = [

Root mean square standardised error (RMSSE)

1 n ( psi osi )2 ]1 / 2 n i =1

Averaged standard error (ASE)

n 1 n ( p ( pi ) / n) 2 ]1 / 2 i n i=1 i =1

Willmotts D

D =1

( p
i =1 n i =1 i

oi ) 2
2 i

(| p' | + | o' |)
Var[ p] Var[o]

Ratio of the variance of estimated values to the variance of the observed values (RVar) Model efficiency (EF)

RVar =

EF = 1

( p
i =1 n i =1

oi ) 2
2 i

(o + o )

* n: number of observations or samples; o: observed value; p: predicted or estimated values; os: standardised observed value; ps: standardised predicted value; s: standard deviation of the estimation error; o : mean of observed values; oi: oi- o ; and pi: pi- o .

Hu et al. discussed several criteria for using error measurements to judge the performance of the spatial interpolation methods (Hu et al., 2004). If ME, MSE, and MSE2 are closer to zero, and RMSE is smaller, the better the model. ASE and RSME should be the same or close. If ASE>RSME, then the method overestimates the 44

Assessment Measures

primary variable. If ASE<RSME, then the method underestimates the primary variable. RMSSE should be close to 1. If RMSSE>1, the method underestimates the primary variable, and if RMSSE<1, it overestimates the primary variable. MSRE, also called studentised residuals for regression diagnostics in statistics (Venables and Ripley 2002) or standardised mean square error (SMSE; Martnez, 1996) , should approach one (Ahmed and De Marsily, 1987). The index of agreement, or Willmotts D, scales with the magnitude of the variable, retains mean information, and does not amplify outliers (Willmott, 1982). If D is closer 1, the more accurate the method is considered to be (Vicente-Serrano et al., 2003). The closer RVar is to 1, the better the ability of a spatial interpolation method to preserve the observed variance (Haberlandt, 2007). Greenwood, Neeteson and Draycott (1985) cited by Vicente-Serrano et al. (2003) proposed an accuracy measurement known as model efficiency (EF). The closer EF to 1, the better the method. If EF is close to zero, it indicates that the mean value of the observations is more reliable than the estimations and the model has significant limitations (Vicente-Serrano et al., 2003). RMSE and MAE are argued to be among the best overall measures of model performance as they summarise the mean difference in the units of observed and predicted values (Willmott, 1982). The correlation between the observed values and predicted values, usually described by Pearsons product-moment correlation coefficient or coefficient of determination, is also a commonly used performance measurement. However, it is argued that it should not be used as a model performance measure because it is insufficient and often misleading (Willmott, 1981; Willmott, 1982).

4.3. Performance of Spatial Interpolation Method for Datasets with Different Sample Sizes
The performance of a spatial interpolation method for two different sizes of datasets was compared in terms of the nugget effects of the variogram (Hartkamp et al., 1999). As an indication of measurement accuracy, if the nugget of the large dataset is larger than the nugget of the small dataset, then the large dataset is probably less accurate, providing that 1) for each variogram, the number of lags and the lag distance are kept constant; and 2) the model type fitted through the variogram is also the same for each


Assessment Measures

dataset. Thus the nugget difference is independent of model, number of lags, and lag distance. The relative nugget difference (RND) can be calculated as: Nuggetl arg e dataset Nuggetsmall dataset (14) ) *100% RND = ( Nuggetl arg e dataset

4.4. Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods for Different Variables

All of the measures listed in section 4.2 have been developed to assess the performance of the spatial interpolation methods for individual primary variables. The magnitude of these measurements depends on the unit of the primary variable. In some cases, it is necessary to compare the performance of the spatial interpolation methods among different studies, in which the primary variables are in different measurement units or scales. It is impossible to use the scale-dependent measurements for such comparisons, so new types of measurements are needed to compare results for variables with different measurement units. Here we propose two new measurements that remove the effect of measurement units and they are not sensitive to the changes in measurement unit or scale. The first is relative mean absolute error (RMAE) that is given as:

1 n | ( pi oi ) / oi | n i =1


RMAE can be understood as a relative error in predictions. And the second is relative root mean square error (RRMSE), as follows:

1 n ([ pi oi ] / oi ) 2 ]1 / 2 n i =1


However, in most published studies, the information required to calculate RMAE and RRMSE is not available. To overcome this problem, RMAE and RRMSE are modified by using MAE/mean (i.e., mean of the validation dataset) and RMSE/mean instead. The second one is also called standardised RMSE (Haberlandt, 2007). The mean of the validation dataset is, however, often not reported in publications. They are further modified by using the mean of the dataset for estimation that is more frequently available in publications. These new measurements provide effective tools to compare the results of various variables from different studies and from various disciplines.


Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods Applied to Various Disciplines

Chapter 5: Comparison of Spatial Methods Applied to Various Disciplines


The spatial interpolation methods have been applied to many disciplines such as mining engineering (Journel and Huijbregts, 1978) and environmental sciences (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998; Goovaerts, 1997; Webster and Oliver, 2001). On the basis of a bibliographic research (Zhou et al., 2007), it was found that the top 10 fields that employ geostatistics are: 1) geosciences, 2) water resources, 3) environmental sciences, 4) agriculture or soil sciences, 5) mathematics, 6) statistics and probability, 7) ecology, 8) civil engineering, 9) petroleum engineering and 10) limnology. Our focus in this review is on environmental sciences, including: water resources, meteorology, ecology, agriculture and soil science, and marine environmental science. Examples of the application of different spatial interpolation methods in each of these disciplines are provided in this chapter. The focus is further narrowed down on comparative studies that compared the performance of the spatial interpolation methods. Sample density, sample size and spatial distribution of samples as discussed in the next chapter are important in assessing the performance of the spatial interpolation methods. However, such information is often not clearly stated or unavailable in publications. In this review, such information is provided whenever it is available in the references, and information on the area of region studied, resolution, sampling strategy or experimental design is also provided. The spatial interpolation methods compared, sampling design, sample size, area of region interested, and results are summarised for each of 51 comparative studies, namely: 16 studies in meteorology and water resources, one study in ecology, 25 studies in agriculture and soil sciences, four studies in marine environmental science and five in other disciplines (Appendix A).

5.1. Comparison by Studies

The 51 comparative studies reviewed above are summarised in Table 5.1. The spatial interpolation methods compared are listed and the results are briefly discussed. The frequency of each spatial interpolation method compared in these 51 studies is summarised in Table 5.2. Given that the times of recommendation of a spatial interpolation method in Table 5.2 depend on the methods compared, it should be assessed in together with all spatial interpolation methods compared (Table 5.1). These 51 comparative studies illustrate the following major characteristics: 1. The spatial interpolation methods have been applied widely in environmental


Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods Applied to Various Disciplines


3. 4. 5. 6.

sciences, with about 62 various methods including combined methods employed; Different studies have compared a suite of different methods, which makes it difficult to draw general conclusions. However, by numbers, OK, IDW including IDS and OCK are the most commonly compared methods (Table 5.2); In general, kriging methods perform better than non-geostatistical methods, with only a few exceptions; RK, KED and OCK frequently performed better than other methods, and IDS TPS and LM occasionally outperformed other methods; GIDS and other highlighted methods in Table 5.2 are worthy of attention because of their good performance; and Stratification may improve the estimation.


Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods Applied to Various Disciplines

Table 5.1. Summary of the 51 reviewed comparative studies.

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Reference Hartkamp et al., 1999 Erxleben et al., 2002 Martnez-Cob, 1996 Vicente-Serrano et al., 2003 Haberlandt, 2007 Collins and Bolstad, 1996 Jarvis and Stuart, 2001 Jef et al., 2006 Goovaerts, 2000 Nalder and Wein, 1998 Mardikis et al., 2005 Naoum and Tsanis, 2004 (Lin and Chen, 2004 Sun, 1998 Li et al., 2005 Hosseini et al., 1993 Hernandez-Stefanoni and PonceHernandez, 2006 Schloeder et al., 2001 Wang et al., 2005 Voltz and Webster, 1990 Brus et al., 1996 Van Kuilenburg et al., 1982 Goovaerts, 1997 Goovaerts, 1997 Goovaerts, 1997 Hu et al., 2004 Discipline Meteorology and Water resources Methods compared IDW, TPS & OCK IDW, OK, RK-C, OCK, CART with OK & CART with OCK OK, OCK & RK-C TSA, LM, NN, IDW, splines, SK, OK, BK, OK, UK, OCK, LM with IDS & splines with LM NN, IDS, OK, OIK, KED & IKED IDS, OIDW, splines, LM, TSA, LR, kriging & CK LM-IDW, TSA, RK-C & partial TPS with secondary variables RK-C, IDW (with distance power 4) & LM with IDW SKlm, KED, OCCK, LM, NN, IDS & OK GIDS, IDS, NN, CK, OK, RK-C & UK GIDS, IDS, OK & RK-C Splines, IDW, NN, LM & kriging RBFN, improved RBFN & OK MWRCK, CK & LSZ IDS, OK, OCK & OK combined with LR OK, UK, TSA, IDW & AK Ecology Agriculture and soil science OK, OCK, IDS, StOK, StOCK, StIDW & Cl OK, IDW & TPS TSA-OK & TSA-OCK SK, StSK, Cl & cubic spline Cl, GM, IDS, OK, NN, IDW-0, TPS & their combination with soil strata NN, IDS & OK OCK, SCK, SOCK & OCCK KED & SKlm OIK & OICK SK, OK, lognormal kriging, UK, DK & IDW Result No difference, but TPS preferred. CART with OK and CART with OCK more accurate. OCK more accurate. Kriging and LM more accurate. KED the best. LM the best. Partial TPS with secondary variables the best. RK-C the best. SKlm the best. GIDS preferred. GIDS the best. Kriging preferred. Improved RBFN the best. LSZ the best. OK combined with LR the best. OK preferred. StOK the best. OK and IDW better. TSA-OCK better. StSK the best. StOK the best. OK preferred. OCK and SOCK better. Similar Similar UK the best.


Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods Applied to Various Disciplines

No 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Reference Moyeed and Papritz, 2002 Laslett et al., 1987 Laslett and McBratney, 1990 Laslett, 1994 Knotters et al., 1995 Bishop and McBratney, 2001 Odeh et al., 1994 Odeh et al., 1995 Meul and Van Meirvenne, 2003 Minasny and McBratney, 2007 Li et al., 2007 Bourennane et al., 2000 Ahmed and De Marsily, 1987 Wu et al., 2006 Gotway et al., 1996 Kravchenko and Bullock, 1999 ICES, 2005 Verfaillie et al., 2006 Rivoirard and Wieland, 2001 Ruddick, 2006 Boufassa and Armstrong, 1989 Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989 Zimmerman et al., 1999 Weber and Englund, 1992 Puente and Bras, 1986

Discipline Agriculture and soil science

Marine environmental science

Other fields

Methods compared OK, lognormal OK, DK, IK & MBK TPS, OK, global means and medians, NN, IDW-0, IDS, AK, NaN & TSA NN, TPS, AK, SK? & REML UK Cubic splines & SK OK, OCK & RK-A GAM, LM, CART, OK, KED, RK-F & RK-C LM, OK, UK, OCK, RK-A, and RK-B LM, OK, UK, OCK, RK-A, RK-B & RK-C OK, UK, SKlm & OCK REML-EBLUP, OK & RK-C OK, OCK and RK-E KED & LM OCK, KED, RK-A & RK-B OK & OCK OK & IDW OK, lognormal OK & IDW OK & KED OK, KED & LM KED & OK OK, OCK, IDW, NN & T2R OK, lognormal OK, SK, lognormal SK, disjunctive OK & disjunctive SK OK, IDS, TIN & NN OK, UK & IDS OK, SK, lognormal OK, rank OK, global mean, IDW, TSA & Projected Slope UK, DK & local mean estimator

Result Similar TPS and OK better. REML UK the best. SK better. RK-A the best. KED the best. RK the best. RK-C the best. UK + OCK the best. RK-C recommended. RK-E better. KED better. OCK and RK-A preferred. OCK better. OK better. Lognormal OK better. KED better. KED the best. KED better. Similar. SK and OK recommended. OK the best. OK preferred. IDS better. UK better.


Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods Applied to Various Disciplines

Table 5.2. Frequency of the spatial interpolation methods compared and the number

of times the method was recommended in the 51 reviewed comparative studies. Methods with 100% rate of recommendation are highlighted.
Method OK IDW OCK LM IDS NN KED RK-C UK SK TSA Splines TPS CK lognormal OK RK-A AK Cl DK GM kriging RK-B SKlm BK GIDS OCCK OIK StOK CART with OCK CART CART with OK Frequency 37 18 14 13 12 11 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 Recommendations 8 1 4 2 1 0 6 3 2 2 0 0 3 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 1 Method disjunctive OK disjunctive SK GAM IK IKED improved RBFN local mean lognormal SK LR LSZ MWRCK NaN OICK OK combined with LR Projected Slope RBFN REML UK REML-EBLUP RK-E RK-F SOCK StIDS StIDW StOCKStSK StTPS T2R TIN TSA-OCK UK+OCK Frequency 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Recommendations 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1

5.2. Comparison by Variables

Of the 51 comparative studies from the various disciplines contained in this review, 17 were selected for a comparative analysis. The criteria for the selection are that the following information should be reported: 1) the mean and CV of the primary variable for either the estimation dataset or validation dataset, 2) the sample size for the estimation and validation datasets, 3) the area of the region studied, and 4) appropriate accuracy measurements of the spatial interpolation methods (i.e., MAE and/or RMSE or MSE). Of course, the spatial interpolation methods need to be named properly, appropriately referenced, or clearly described. The information has been summarised in Appendix B. In the 17 studies, there were 33 methods and their variants and 77


Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods Applied to Various Disciplines

cases (i.e., variables). For some methods, the method and its variants have to be grouped into one method. Taking IDW as example, some studies clearly stated the power of distance, but in others no such information was provided, so IDW and its variants are treated as a single method. However, information on their variants is provided in the appendix for those interested. In this section, the frequency and accuracy of the spatial interpolation methods are discussed. The performance of various methods is then further compared in relation to sampling density, variation in the data, and sampling design in the next chapter, based on the information provided by the 17 selected studies.
5.2.1. Frequency of the Spatial Interpolation Methods Compared

The frequency with which the individual spatial interpolation method was compared varies considerably between methods in the 17 comparative studies (Fig. 5.1). The spatial interpolation methods can be divided into four groups in terms of their frequency. The first group contains the most frequently compared methods with a frequency > 30 which are OK, IDW, IDS and TPS. The high frequency of IDW and TPS was mainly because their variants were all counted individually, thus increased the number of occurrences of these two methods (see Appendix B). The next group contains frequently compared methods with a frequency between 20 and 30 which are two methods, OCK and RK-C. The third group includes GIDS, IDW-0, LM, TSA and UK that were less frequently compared (with a frequency between 8 and 15). The last group contains the remaining methods that were occasionally compared (with a frequency < 8).


Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods Applied to Various Disciplines

Figure 5.1. The frequency of 33 spatial interpolation methods compared in the 17

reviewed comparative studies.

5.2.2. Performance of the Spatial Interpolation Methods Compared

The performance of the spatial interpolation methods compared exhibits dramatic variation in terms of RMAE and RRMSE (Figs. 5.2 and 5.3). The RMAE values of some methods such as DK, KED, LM, are missing because the studies reviewed did not report this information. Of the four most frequently compared methods, OK is the most accurate. In the second group, RK-C performed better than OCK and both of these methods are more accurate than the four most frequently compared methods in group 1. Likewise, GIDS performed better than other less frequently compared methods in group 3 and is also more accurate than all methods in group 1 and 2. For the occasionally used methods (group 4), the results are not reliable due the small number of times of application. In general, RK-C, OCK, KED and GIDS are the best performing (i.e. the most accurate) methods.


Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods Applied to Various Disciplines

However, these conclusions are only based on the results from 77 cases in the 17 comparative studies. Other methods might display similar features, but were unfortunately not compared in this review due to the lack of relevant information for appropriate comparison between different variables. Moreover, some comparative studies may have been missed in this review because only 51 comparative studies are assessed but there are 2,866 publications identified by the Institute for Scientific Information between 1967 to 2005 in geostatistics (Zhou et al., 2007). Nonetheless, the most influential comparative studies are believed to have been included in this review.

Figure 5.2. The accuracy of 33 spatial interpolation methods compared in the 17

comparative studies in terms of RMAE(%).


Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods Applied to Various Disciplines

Figure 5.3. The accuracy of 33 spatial interpolation methods compared in the 17

comparative studies in terms of RRMSE(%).


Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods Applied to Various Disciplines

5.3. Complicating and Confounding Factors

Several complicating and confounding factors were encountered in this review that may have some bearing on the outcomes. Information about the study region, experimental design and primary variable were missing at times. The measurements of the performance of the spatial interpolation methods varied between studies. Occasionally the methods used for interpolation were not clearly or adequately described or referenced. For example, some studies mentioned the use of kriging or cokriging. This is not sufficient because there are many different kriging methods and more than one cokriging method. All these factors make it difficult to compare the performance of the spatial interpolation methods using results from the published studies, consequently preventing any possible generalisation of the observed patterns. Only 5 out of 16 studies in meteorology and water resources, and 12 of 25 studies in soil science provided appropriate information for possible comparison between different variables and studies. All of the studies reviewed in the other disciplines failed to report relevant statistics for further comparative research between different variables. Here we would recommend that future studies should report relevant information clearly in their publications, including: the area of region studied; experimental and sampling design, particularly the sample size of datasets for estimation and validation; summary statistics of the primary variable for both estimation and validation datasets; and appropriate references or descriptions of the spatial interpolation methods used. The measurements should include at least MAE or MSE for comparing the results of different variables. Correlation coefficient has been used in many studies as a measurement of the performance of the spatial interpolation methods. However, as discussed in section 4.2, it is often misleading and it should be either avoided or extreme care should be taken in using it. In summary, the spatial interpolation methods have been applied in many disciplines. Although some methods perform better than others, there is no consistent pattern in the performance observed and thus no definite conclusion could be drawn on which method is the best or most appropriate. It is clear that some methods are only applicable to a certain types of data. The performance of a spatial interpolation method depends not only on the features of the method itself, but also on other factors such as the nature and quality of the data. These factors are discussed in the next chapter. It was even argued that improvements in prediction do not rely on more sophisticated methods, but rather on gathering more useful and high quality data (Minasny and McBratney, 2007).


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Chapter 6: Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

In this chapter, several factors that affect the performance of the spatial interpolation methods are discussed. The impacts of sampling density, variation in the data, sampling design and stratification on the estimation of the spatial interpolation methods are quantified using data from 77 cases in the 17 comparative studies (Appendix B). The variability, sampling density, detectability and other properties of some common environmental variables have been summarised by Hengl (2007).

6.1. Sampling Design and Sample Spatial Distribution

6.1.1. Data Density

Data density plays a significant role in the performance of the spatial interpolation methods. The following sections discuss the effects of data density on the performance of the spatial interpolation methods.
High Density When data density is high, most methods produce similar results (Burrough and

McDonnell, 1998). It was found that kriging does not show significantly greater improvement in prediction than simpler methods, such as IDS and NN for highdensity networks (i.e., 13 rain gauges over a 35 km2 region) (Dirks et al., 1998). Bregt (1992), cited in (Brus et al., 1996), compared local mean, global mean, IDW and kriging at several grid densities ranging from 8 to 200 samples per km2 for the depth to the pyritic layer and found no statistically significant differences between these methods at any density. Little difference was also found in the performance of OK, UK, UK with a linear drift, IDS and TSA for a intensively sampled region, however the interpolated surfaces were very different, resulting a preference for OK (Hosseini et al., 1993). Using datasets of regularly spaced and high density samples, Gotway et al. (1996) found that the use of wider sample spacings greatly reduced the information in the resultant maps, although the sample density was still relatively high.
Low Density When data are sparse, the underlying assumptions about the variation among samples

may differ and the choice of a spatial interpolation method and parameters may become critical (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998; Hartkamp et al., 1999). The performance of the spatial interpolation methods is better when the sample density is greater (Englund et al., 1992; Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989; Stahl et al., 2006). However, it is claimed that the accuracy of regression modelling is not really 57

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dependent on the sampling density, but rather on how well the data are sampled and how significant the correlation is between the primary variable and secondary variable(s) (Hengl, 2007). Sample size also affects the predicted error. It was found that with small samples, both UK and DK may dramatically over- or under-predict the predicted estimation error (Puente and Bras, 1986). This suggests that such predicted errors should not be used in an absolute sense, but as a relative measure of spatial estimation accuracy (Puente and Bras, 1986). In addition, it is found that the smoothing of the estimations (or map) increased at lower sample densities (Goovaerts, 1997). Issues relating to sample size are further discussed below.
6.1.2. Sample Spatial Distribution

Sample spatial distribution may affect the performance of the spatial interpolation methods. Splines performed much better when dense, regularly-spaced data were available, but not for irregular-spaced data (Collins and Bolstad, 1996). For irregularly-spaced data, the interpolated map was more variable where sample density was high than where it was low, which may result in structures that are pure artefacts of the data configuration; and one potential solution is to use simulation algorithms instead of kriging algorithms (Goovaerts, 1997). In contrast, sample patterns (i.e., random, cellular stratified, and regular grid) were found not to be significant in determining the performance of OK (Englund et al., 1992). Sample clustering affects the accuracy of the estimations and the effects may also depend on the spatial interpolation methods. High clustering reduced the correlation coefficient between the observed and estimated values for all four methods studied, OK, IDS, TIN and NN; reduced the MAE for OK, TIN and NN and increased the MAE for IDS; reduced the MSE for OK, NN, increased the MSE for IDS, while had little influence on TIN (Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989). SK outperformed cubic splines if the sample points were highly clustered (Laslett, 1994). In addition, sample clustering reduced the accuracy of all methods tested (i.e., OK, UK, IDS) (Zimmerman et al., 1999). While spatial scale, relative spatial density and distribution of samples can be determinant factors on the performance of the spatial interpolation methods (Collins and Bolstad, 1996), other relevant factors may also be important. For example, altitudinal and seasonal changes in data have been shown to play a significant role in predictions (Stahl et al., 2006). Where temporal scales are short, preliminary data analyses are especially important to determine the suitability of a particular spatial


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

interpolation method (Collins and Bolstad, 1996).

6.1.3. Surface Type

The surface type may play a significant role in the performance of the spatial interpolation methods. The variability in the surface tremendously increases the estimation error of the spatial interpolation methods; and estimation error consistently increases with an increasing rate as sample size decreases (MacEachren and Davidson, 1987). It has also been found that the performance of the spatial interpolation methods decreased with increasing variability of the surface (Zimmerman et al., 1999). Distinct and sharp spatial changes, like changing soil types across a region, may also cause problems with the estimations (Stein et al., 1988; Voltz and Webster, 1990).
6.1.4. Sample Size, Sampling Design and Variogram

Sample size and sampling configuration or design affect the reliability of the variogram. Generally, if the sample size is <50, the variograms derived are often erratic with little or no evident spatial structure (Webster and Oliver, 2001). The larger the sample size from which the variogram is computed, the more precisely is it estimated, although the precision is unknown in most instances (Brus and de Gruijter, 1994; Webster and Oliver, 2001). If the sample size is too small, a noisy variogram would be generated (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). Sample spacing must relate to the scale or scales of variation in a region, otherwise samples might be too sparsely spaced to identify correlation and could result in a pure nugget (Webster and Oliver, 2001). In such cases, the accuracy of the estimation could be reduced, as evidenced by the findings in Gotway et al. (1996) that the use of wider sampling spacings greatly reduced the information in the resultant maps. In addition, the smoothness of the estimations (or map) may increase with the relative nugget effect (Goovaerts, 1997). The spatial structure of the data may also affect the sample size and variogram. For data with a short range of variograms, intensive sampling with a large proportion of clustered points is required; and conversely for variables with a long range, fewer and more evenly spaced samples are required (Marchant and Lark, 2006). Variogram is also sensitive to sample clustering, particularly when it is combined with a proportional effect that is a form of heteroscedasticity where the local mean and local variance of data are related (Goovaerts, 1997). The number of pairs of samples at each lag is an important factor that needs to be


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

considered in modelling the variogram. A rule of thumb, as suggested by Burrough and McDonnell (1998) is that at least 50-100 samples are necessary to achieve a stable variogram. Alternatively, 30-50 pairs of samples with the lag distance less than half of the dimension of sampled region are required to achieve the same result (Journel and Huijbregts, 1978). For REML variograms, 50 samples may be adequate (Kerry and Oliver, 2007). Even a sample size of 28 has been suggested for kriging and CK in a case study (Chang et al., 1998). Another rule of thumb is that the product of the lag interval distance and the number of lags should not exceed half of the largest dimension of the region of interest (Verfaillie et al., 2006). In addition, Burrough and McDonnell (1998) discussed some issues regarding how to use variograms to optimise the sampling so as to improve the overall estimations.
6.1.5. Sample Size and Spatial Interpolation Methods

The impacts of sample size on the estimation depend on the spatial interpolation methods. On the basis of the comparison of SK (incorrectly termed OK in the study, but in fact it is SK as it used global mean, see page 14 in Hengl 2007) and RK-D on two datasets with sample sizes of 222 and 2251 respectively, it was found that RK-D performed better than SK in terms of the level of detail and accuracy, and RK-D (222) even performed better than SK (2251) (Hengl, 2007). It was suggested that future studies should focus more on the quality of sampling and on quality of auxiliary environmental predictors, rather than on making more observations (Hengl, 2007). Findings in this research imply that the effects of sample size on the estimations also depend on the spatial interpolation methods. In practice, we believe there is a threshold beyond which any increase in sample size does not improve much the accuracy of the estimations; otherwise sample size is still a critical factor. Other factors like variance inherited in the data also play a significant role (as discussed below). Care should be taken in applying this suggestion in future research. OK, OCK and RK-E were compared for several sample sizes that are 40, 70, 100, 130 and 160 (Li et al., 2007). The results showed that as sample size increased, the performance of all three methods increased, with exceptions that OK and OCK were more accurate when sample size was 70 than when sample size was 100, RK-E was less accurate when sample was 160 than when sample size was 130, 100 and 70 in terms of RMSE. A similar result was observed by Wang et al. (2005) for TSA-OK and TSA-OCK. KED and LM were applied for sample densities of 40, 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 (Bourennane et al., 2000). The results revealed that despite a couple of anomalies, generally KED performed better when the sample size increased. The performance of


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

LM remained largely stable across all the sample sizes, which implies that 40 samples provided sufficient information or there is no useful information contained in the extra samples for linear model. The exceptions found in these studies imply that factors other than sample size may play a major role in determining the performance of a spatial interpolator. It is likely that in these cases, other properties of the data, such as spatial distribution and spatial structure, also influenced the performance. Notwithstanding these additional factors, the results of these studies into the effects of sample size suggest that its effect on the performance of the spatial interpolators depends largely on the features of the spatial interpolators themselves. Therefore, there is no definite conclusion on the relation of sample size and the performance of the spatial interpolators.

6.2. Data Quality

Five major factors relevant to the quality of the data are discussed in this section: distribution, isotropism and anisotropism, variance and range, accuracy, spatial correlation and other factors, and secondary variables. The sources of errors in spatial continuous data and factors affecting the reliability of spatial continuous data have been discussed in Burrough and McDonnell (1998).
6.2.1. Distribution

Data normality can influence the estimation of certain spatial interpolation methods that assume that the input data are distributed normally about their mean. Data normality can be tested using such as the Kolgorov-Smirnov test. If this assumption is not met, log transformation is commonly applied, thus resulting in lognormal methods (e.g., lognormal kriging; Cressie, 1993). The predictions are then transformed back to the original scale by a marginally unbiased back transformation proposed by Cressie (1993). However, back-transforming the estimated values can be problematic because exponentiation tends to exaggerate any interpolation-related error (Goovaerts, 1997). Other transformation functions may also be used to achieve the normality, resulting in trans-Gaussian kriging and multi-Gaussian kriging (Cressie, 1993). Rank and normal score transformation could also be applied prior to kriging (Rossi et al., 1992; Weber and Englund, 1992; Wu et al., 2006). In addition, the prediction error may also be used to determine whether the data should be transformed (Nalder and Wein, 1998). Wu et al. (2006) found that data transformation of highly skewed data generally improved the estimations by OK and OCK, especially for low concentrations of zinc, but the differences among normal score, log-normal and rank-order transformations were relatively small for OCK. Kravchenko and Bullock (1999) also found a similar


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

result that log-transformation generally improved the performance of OK. OK failed to model the conditional distribution of the marginally skewed data, while the nonlinear methods modelled the conditional distribution with similar success (Moyeed and Papritz, 2002). In contrast, log transformation was found to have little effect on the performance of OK (Moyeed and Papritz, 2002), or even reduce the accuracy of OK prediction (Weber and Englund, 1992).
6.2.2. Isotropism and Anisotropism

Isotropism of data is assumed for kriging methods. Data may display evidence of anisotropism, which should be considered in the modelling; otherwise biased estimation may result. However, in some cases, the anisotropism could be ignored to simplify model fitting and to maintain some consistency between the semivariograms in the multivariate model (Martnez-Cob, 1996). Conditions that allow for this are: 1) anisotropism is not evident with the specified search distance; 2) the secondary variable and primary variable are colocated, thus the influence of surrounding values would be small, so anisotropy would make little difference; and 3) the directions of maximum and minimum spatial variability for the different variables did not coincide. A similar result was also observed by Haberlandt (2007). It was found that the impact of the semivariogram on interpolation performance was not great because no significant differences could be found in prediction performance between isotropic and anisotropic variograms, although anisotropy was clearly present in the data. The best estimations were obtained using an automatic fitting procedure with isotropic variograms.
6.2.3. Variance and Range

The variance of the data affects the performance of the spatial interpolators and the resultant predictions. The performance of the spatial interpolation methods decreased rapidly when the coefficient of variation (CV) increased (Martnez-Cob, 1996; Schloeder et al., 2001). It was also found that the variance and range of the data can influence the performance and choice of a spatial interpolation technique after comparing eight spatial interpolators across two regions for two temperature variables (maximum and minimum) at three temporal scales (Collins and Bolstad, 1996). When temperature variances were large, the performance of all spatial interpolation techniques suffered, which means that increasing temperature variance negatively affected the performance of the spatial interpolators. As the temperature range increased, MAE values across all spatial interpolators also increased significantly. Temporal scale also affected the choice of a spatial interpolator as temperature range, temperature 62

Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

variance, and temperature correlation with elevation, all changed with temporal scale (Collins and Bolstad, 1996). The chosen sampling scheme also affects the performance of the spatial interpolation methods through the variation in the data. Data should be collected at a range of separations to capture changes in the scales of the variation (Laslett, 1994).
6.2.4. Accuracy

Data accuracy is an important factor influencing the estimations of the spatial interpolation methods. Where the data are not representative of the surface being modelled, it may result in interpolation biases (Collins and Bolstad, 1996). Where sample elevations are not representative of regional elevations, care must be taken in comparing observed and interpolated data. Data noise can negatively affect the performance of the spatial interpolation methods (i.e., OK, UK and IDS in Zimmerman et al., 1999; NaN in Webster and Oliver, 2001). When data are too noisy, a pure nugget effect is produced in the variogram and the resultant interpolation is not sensible (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). In contrast, sampling precision (i.e., zero error and high-level normally distributed error with a relative standard deviation of 32% of the true value) was found not to be significant in determining the performance of a spatial interpolator, being OK in this case (Englund et al., 1992) Outliers affect the performance of the spatial interpolation methods and interact with sampling schemes. The variogram is sensitive to outliers and to extreme values (Webster and Oliver, 2001). Exceptionally large or small values will distort the average as evident from its definition (i.e., Equation 6 and 7). This effect depends on the location of the data point in the region and also on the spatial pattern of data (Webster and Oliver, 2001). All outliers must be regarded with suspicion and investigated. Outliers should be removed if they are believed to not belong to the population and strongly skewed distributions need to be transformed to approximate normal before conducting geostatistical analyses (Webster and Oliver, 2001). For example, removing outliers resulted in considerable improvement in the performance of the spatial interpolation methods, particularly when additional samples were included to allow estimation of short-range variation (Laslett and McBratney, 1990).
6.2.5. Spatial Correlation and Other Factors

Spatial correlation in samples is also essential for reliable estimation. The performance of OK, UK and IDS was negatively affected when the spatial correlation between samples decreased (Zimmerman et al., 1999).


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

The performance of different spatial interpolation methods changes with the variable estimated. It was found that the best method varied as a function of the region and the spatial scale required for estimation (Vicente-Serrano et al., 2003). Accuracy was lower in regions of great topographic complexity and regions with contrasting atmospheric or oceanic influences than in flatter regions or regions with constant atmospheric patterns. Even the performance of the same spatial interpolation method differed considerably with different variables, which resulted from the fact that data quality (in this case variance and range) changed with different variables.
6.2.6. Secondary Variables

The quality of secondary information is important for methods using auxiliary information. In these methods, secondary variables are assumed to be well and accurately sampled at a large number of locations in space and to give a good image of the underlying structure of the primary variable that means they need to be strongly correlated with the primary variables (Ahmed and De Marsily, 1987).

6.3. Correlation between Primary and Secondary Variables

Correlation between the primary and secondary variables is critical for the spatial interpolation methods that use auxiliary information. A number of studies have shown that the strength of the correlation between the primary and secondary variables can considerably affect the performance of CK and OCK (Ahmed and De Marsily, 1987; Goovaerts, 1997; Hernandez-Stefanoni and Ponce-Hernandez, 2006; Juang and Lee, 1998). In addition, the performance of GAM, LM, CART, OK, KED, RK-C and RKF depended on the choice of secondary information (Bishop and McBratney, 2001). Conversely, Optimal IDW (OIDW) was found to be superior over kriging when data were isotropic and the primary variable was not correlated with secondary variable (Collins and Bolstad, 1996). Non-related or non-significant variables can be eliminated using a stepwise procedure in regression models. As the correlation increases, the information brought from the secondary variable on to the primary value increases (Goovaerts, 1997). The accuracy of regression modelling depends on how well the data are sampled and how significant the correlation is between the primary variable and secondary variable (Hengl, 2007). It has been shown that stronger correlations would result in more accurate estimations by CK and OCK (Goovaerts, 1997), by OCK over OK and RK-C (Martnez-Cob, 1996) and by SKlm, KED and OCCK (Goovaerts, 2000). In another study, it was found that as correlations between elevation and temperature increased, MAE values dropped significantly for those spatial interpolation methods which used elevation as ancillary information (Collins and Bolstad, 1996). For a correlation >0.4, SCK and 64

Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

OCK performed better than other methods (SK, OK, LM), and KED was almost as accurate as CK (Asli and Marcotte, 1995). When the correlation increased from 0.77 to 0.99, the RMSE for CK was reduced by 48.3% (Wang et al., 2005). Erxleben et al.(2002) have suggested that Morans I should be used to test whether the primary variable and the secondary variable are spatially independent in terms of cross-correlation statistics. They concluded that only variables that were spatially cross-correlated with the primary variable should be included in OCK models.

6.4. Other Issues

The choice of semivariogram models may play a significant role in the resultant estimation. It was found that the first-order trend OK performed better with Gaussian semi-variogram model than with spherical and exponential models (Hu et al., 2004). Some practical guidelines are provided for selecting an appropriate variogram model by Hartkamp et al (1999), Goovaerts (2000) and Cressie (1993). Some relevant issues are also discussed in sections 4.1 and 6.1. The scale (i.e., grid size or resolution) can also affect the accuracy of the estimations. As the grid becomes coarser, the overall information content will progressively decrease (Hengl, 2007). The accuracy may increase as the grid size decreases, but computing time will also increase (Hengl, 2007).

6.5. Interaction among Factors

Interactions among different factors may also exist and should be considered in evaluating the performance of the spatial interpolation methods. All two-way interactions of method, surface type, sampling pattern, noise, and correlation and three way interactions of method-surface type-sampling patterns, method-surface type-noise, and surface type-sampling pattern-noise, were found to significantly affect the performance of the spatial interpolation methods (Zimmerman et al., 1999).

6.6. Impacts of Data Quality

The performance of various methods is analysed in relation to sampling density, variation in the data, sampling design and stratification based on information in the 17 reviewed comparative studies in Appendix B. Two measurements proposed in section 4.3 are used to assess the performance of the spatial interpolation methods for different variables.
6.6.1. Sampling Density

The sampling density may play a role in the performance of the spatial interpolation


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

methods as discussed above. Considering all 17 reviewed comparative studies, there is no apparent pattern to the performance of the spatial interpolation methods in relation to sampling density (i.e., area per sample) in terms of RMAE and RRMSE (Figs. 6.1 and 6.2). It is often argued that if the sample size is big enough, then the effects of sample size would disappear, which means that a threshold exists. Apparently this assertion is not true as seen in this review because, in intensely sampled cases, there is still a clear pattern where as sample size increases the performance of the spatial interpolation methods continues to improve (Figs. 6.3 and 6.4). However, this result is probably misleading because the pattern is confounded by the effects of variation in the data as illustrated in Figs. 6.12 to 6.16 in 6.6.2. For each method, there is little relation between the performance and the sampling density in terms of RMAE and RRMSE (Figs. 6.5 and 6.6). The difference in observations for RMAE and RRMSE is due to the fact that in some studies, both MAE and RMSE were reported, but in some only one of them was presented. The effects of sampling density are dominated by the other factors such variation in the data.


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Figure 6.1. Effects of sampling density on the accuracy of the spatial interpolation

methods compared in the 17 comparative studies in terms of RMAE(%).

Figure 6.2. Effects of sampling density on the accuracy of the spatial interpolation

methods compared in the 17 comparative studies in terms of RRMSE(%). 67

Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Figure 6.3. Effects of sampling density on the accuracy of the spatial interpolation

methods compared in the 17 comparative studies with intensely sampled cases in terms of RMAE(%).

Figure 6.4. Effects of sampling density on the accuracy of the spatial interpolation

methods compared in the 17 comparative studies with intensely sampled cases in terms of RRMSE(%).


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Figure 6.5. Effects of sampling density on the accuracy of each spatial interpolation

method compared in the 17 comparative studies in terms of RMAE(%).


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Figure 6.6. Effects of sampling density on the accuracy of each spatial interpolation

method compared in the 17 comparative studies in terms of RRMSE(%).


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

6.6.2. Data Variation

Data variation significantly affects the performance of the spatial interpolation methods. There is a strong pattern of the performance of the spatial interpolation methods in relation to the variation in the data in terms of RMAE and RRMSE (Figs. 6.7 and 6.8). As the variation increases, the performance declines, which is consistent with previous findings (Collins and Bolstad, 1996; Martnez-Cob, 1996; Schloeder et al., 2001). This relationship maintains when the sampling density changes in terms of RMAE and RRMSE (Figs. 6.9 and 6.10). The pattern is further illustrated for datasets with high sample densities where the area per sample is <50 km2 (Figs. 6.11 and 6.12) and even <0.3 km2 (Figs. 6.13, 6.14, 6.15 and 6.16). This relationship also persists for data with relatively low sample densities where the area per sample is >1500 km2, although in this case the results were only available from one study and the area per sample is 1783 km2 (Figs. 6.17 and 6.18). These results suggest that the effects of variation in data on the performance of the spatial interpolation methods are independent of sampling density.


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Figure 6.7. Effects of the variation in the data on the accuracy of the spatial

interpolation methods compared in the 17 comparative studies in terms of RMAE(%).

Figure 6.8. Effects of the variation in the data on the accuracy of the spatial

interpolation methods compared in the 17 comparative studies in terms of RRMSE(%).


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Figure 6.9. Effects of the variation in the data on the accuracy of the spatial

interpolation methods compared in the 17 comparative studies in relation to the sample density in terms of RMAE(%).

Figure 6.10. Effects of the variation in the data on the accuracy of the spatial

interpolation methods compared in the 17 comparative studies in relation to the sample density in terms of RRMSE(%).


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Figure 6.11. Effects of the variation in the data on the accuracy of the spatial

interpolation methods compared in the 17 comparative studies in relation to high sample density in terms of RMAE(%).

Figure 6.12. Effects of the variation in the data on the accuracy of the spatial

interpolation methods compared in the 17 comparative studies in relation to high sample density in terms of RRMSE(%).


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Figure 6.13. Effects of the variation in the data on the accuracy of the spatial

interpolation methods compared in the 17 comparative studies in relation to very high sample density in terms of RMAE(%).

Figure 6.14. Effects of the variation in the data on the accuracy of the spatial

interpolation methods compared in the 17 comparative studies with very high sample density (<0.3 km2 per sample) in terms of RMAE(%).


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Figure 6.15. Effects of the variation in the data on the accuracy of the spatial

interpolation methods compared in the 17 comparative studies in relation to very high sample density in terms of RRMSE(%).

Figure 6.16. Effects of the variation in the data on the accuracy of the spatial

interpolation methods compared in the 17 comparative studies with very high sample density (<0.3 km2 per sample) in terms of RRMSE(%).


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Figure 6.17. Effects of the variation in the data on the accuracy of the spatial

interpolation methods compared in relation to low sample density in terms of RMAE(%).

Figure 6.18. Effects of the variation in the data on the accuracy of the spatial

interpolation methods compared in relation to low sample density in terms of RRMSE(%).


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

The relationship between the performance of the spatial interpolation methods and the variation in the data is largely maintained for each individual method in terms of RMAE and RRMSE (Figs. 6.19 and 6.20; see also Figs. 6.17 and 6.18). The results show that the performance of all frequently used methods is affected by the variation in the data, but the overall impact is method-dependent. GIDS and RK-C are less sensitive to the variation in the data than OK, OCK, IDS, IDW and TPS, and OCK is less sensitive to the variation in the data than OK in terms of RRMSE. Such method dependency was also observed in the improved RBFN, which performed well especially when the variance of the reference surface was large in comparison with RBFN and OK (Lin and Chen, 2004). The results are consistent with findings by Gotway et al. (1996) who found that the performance of a spatial interpolator (IDW in this case) may be affected by variation of the dataset in terms of CV. Although they claimed that the performance of OK was generally unaffected by variation in the data, but it turned out to be that the performance of OK, like IDW, also declines as the variation increases (as illustrated in Figs A.1 and A.2). This again supports the results observed in this review.


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Figure 6.19. Effects of the variation in the data on the accuracy of each spatial

interpolation method compared in the 17 comparative studies in terms of RMAE(%).


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Figure 6.20. Effects of the variation in the data on the accuracy of each spatial

interpolation method compared in the 17 comparative studies in terms of RRMSE(%).


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

6.6.3. Sampling Design

Difference in sampling design affects the performance of the spatial interpolation methods. In the 17 comparative studies, samples collected from point locations that are irregularly distributed in space lead to a higher accuracy of the estimations of the spatial interpolators than samples colleted from regularly distributed points (Fig. 6.21 and 6.22). Therefore, the irregular sampling design could improve the performance of the spatial interpolation methods. However, splines performed poor for irregular spaced data (Collins and Bolstad, 1996); and sample patterns were found not to be significant in determining the performance of the spatial interpolator (i.e., OK) (Englund et al., 1992).


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Figure 6.21. Effects of sampling design on the accuracy of the spatial interpolation

methods compared in the 17 comparative studies in relation to the sampling design in terms of RMAE(%).

Figure 6.22. Effects of sampling design on the accuracy of the spatial interpolation

methods compared in the 17 comparative studies in relation to the sampling design in terms of RRMSE(%). 82

Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

It is obvious that although the average value of the RMAE and RRMSE is relatively lower for samples collected from irregularly distributed points than from regularly sampled ones, the variation in the RMAE and RRMSE is much higher for samples colleted from irregularly distributed points (Figs. 6.21 and 6.22). This high variation in the RMAE and RRMSE is mainly due to the relatively high variations in the datasets for the irregularly spaced samples (Figs. 6.23 and 6.24). The high CV comes from three studies that used irregularly sampling method (Odeh et al., 1994; Odeh et al., 1995; Schloeder et al., 2001). However, this does not necessarily mean that the irregularly sampling method would always lead to high variation in the collected data, and further investigation is warranted.


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Figure 6.23. Effects of sampling design and the variation in the data on the accuracy

of the spatial interpolation methods compared in the 17 comparative studies in terms of RMAE(%).

Figure 6.24. Effects of sampling design and the variation in the data on the accuracy

of the spatial interpolation methods compared in the 17 comparative studies in terms of RRMSE(%).


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

6.6.4 Stratification

Stratification pertains to the method of spatial interpolation rather than features of the data. Although it was claimed that there was no statistically significant stratification ( Brus et al., 1996), the trend of improvement in the performance of the spatial interpolation methods is apparent for all methods compared in terms of RMAE and RRMSE (Figs. 6.25 and 6.26). It was found that stratification improved the performance of SK by Voltz and Webster (1990), because it avoids the effects of nonstationary. However, stratification has two major limitations: 1) it may dramatically reduce the number of samples in the kriging neighbourhood, and 2) it depends on the goodness of the classification (Voltz and Webster, 1990). Further research into the effects of stratification is warranted.


Factors Affecting the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Figure 6.25. Effects of stratification on the accuracy of the spatial interpolation methods compared by Brus et al. (1996) in terms of RMAE(%).

Figure 6.26. Effects of stratification on the accuracy of the spatial interpolation methods compared by Brus et al. (1996) in terms of RRMSE(%).


Classification and Selection of the Methods

Chapter 7: Classification and Selection of the Methods

In this chapter, the spatial interpolation methods are classified based on their features to provide an overview of the differences and relationships among the various spatial interpolation methods. These features are then quantified and a cluster analysis is conducted to show similarities and relationships among these spatial interpolators. Lastly, a decision tree is developed for selecting an appropriate method according to the nature and availability of data to provide guidelines for potential users.

7.1. Classification of Spatial Interpolation Methods

The spatial interpolation methods are classified based on the comparisons summarised in Tables 3.1 and 3.2. This classification assists in further understanding these methods and provides a base for developing a decision tree for selecting an appropriate method in practice. The classification of the spatial interpolation methods has not been addressed before apart from the study of Lam (1983) who proposed a simple classification of four types of the spatial interpolation methods. In this review, an approach used in taxonomy is adopted to classify the 26 spatial interpolation methods according to their features, as follows: 1 Non-geostatistical, no error assessment 2 Deterministic 3 Global .....................................Cl 3* Local 4 Exact 5 Abrupt 6 Tessellation and using one sample........................................................NN 6* Using more than one sample 7 Triangulation and using three samples..................................................TIN 7* Combination of triangulation & tessellation .....................................NaN 5* Gradual 8 Univariate........................................................................NaN 8* Univariate/multivariate, exact within smoothing limit......... TPS 4* Inexact ...............................................................IDW 2* Stochastic 9 Global 10 Abrupt......CART 10*Gradual 11 Coordinates only..TSA 11* Coordinates and other secondary variables.....LM 9*Local..Splines & LTS 1* Geostatistical, with error assessment 12 Univariate 13 Stationary meanSK


Classification and Selection of the Methods

13* Local means 14 Point estimate...OK 14* Block estimateBK 12* Multivariate 15 Stationary mean 16 Non-stratification 17 Search window with multiple samples....SCK 17* Search window with single sample....SCCK 16* Stratification 18 Non-continuous secondary information...SKWS 18* With continuous secondary information.....SCKWS 15*Local means 19 Exhaustive secondary information and/or local trend 20 Coordinates only....UK 20* Non-coordinate secondary variable 21 A secondary variable and search window with multiple samples 22 Regression coefficients estimated within each search window....KED 22* Regression coefficients estimated once.....SKlm 21* One or more secondary variable and search window with single sample....OCCK 19* Non-exhaustive secondary information and no local trend 23 Stratification 24 No secondary information....OKWS 24* Secondary information.OCKWS 23* Non-stratification 25 Orthogonalisation of secondary information....PCK 25* Non-orthogonalisation of secondary information 26 No information of the stationary means of the primary and secondary variables.....OCK 26* With information of the stationary means of both the primary and secondary variables..........SOCK

7.2. Similarity of Spatial Interpolation Methods

The similarity between 26 spatial interpolation methods is analysed in this section. A total of 21 features extracted from Table 3.1 and 3.2 and from those used for the classification are converted into qualitative variables with factor levels ranging from 0 to 1 or not applicable (na) (Table 7.1). Information of each feature for each of the 26 spatial interpolation methods is summarised in Table 7.2.


Classification and Selection of the Methods

Table 7.1. Conversion between feature status and factor levels.

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Feature Univariate Multivariate Deterministic/stochastic Local/global Exact/inexact Abrupt transition Gradual transition Output: polygons Output: triangular Output: grids Stationary/ local mean Stationary mean of secondary variable Local trend-constant Local trend-non-constant Info of coordinates Secondary variables Point/ block Exhaustive secondary information Stratification Orthogonalisation of secondary information Single or multiple samples in the search window 0 no no deterministic global exact no no no no no stationary no no no no no point no no no single Level 1 yes yes stochastic local inexact yes yes yes yes yes local yes yes yes yes yes block yes yes yes multiple na*

na na na na

na na

*na: not applicable.


Classification and Selection of the Methods

Table 7.2. The qualified data of the 21 features of 26 spatial interpolation methods.

For the feature corresponding to each number please see Table 7.1. The methods are arranged in an order according to the results from Figure 7.1. The bold values highlight the key differences among the methods within each non-single-method group.
Method UK SKlm KED SKWS OKWS SCK OCK SOCK PCK SCCK OCCK SCKWS OCKWS LM CART TSA LTS Cl SK OK BK IDW TPS NN TIN NaN 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 na na na na na 0 1 1 na na na na na 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 13 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 1 1 1 na na 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 20 0 0 0 na na 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 1 1 0 na na 0 na na 0 na na na na na na na na na na na na na 1 1 1 na na na na na 0 0 0 na na na na na

0 0 0 1 0 1 0 na 0 na 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 na na na na na na na na

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 na 0 na 0 na 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 na na na na na na na na


Classification and Selection of the Methods

The data in Table 7.2 were first analysed using hierarchical cluster analysis on Gowers distance in R 2.6.2 (R Development Core Team, 2007). In a further cluster analysis, NA was replaced by 0, because it was treated as missing when calculating the distance in the first analysis. However, both analyses produced the same classification results. The results from the first analysis are presented in Figure 7.1. If a threshold line is added at 0.2 in Figure 7.1, these methods could be classified into 10 groups. The results show that: 1) LM, CART and Cl each forms a single method group, and they are group 4, 5 and 7 respectively, which indicate that they are different for each other and also from all the other methods. 2) Group 1: SKlm, UK and KED are alike and they all use secondary information and/or coordinate information in making their estimations and they are different in local trend and utilisation of coordinate and secondary information. 3) Group 2: SKWS and OKWS form a group of kriging methods without using secondary information but with stratification; and they differ due to the stationary mean for SKWS and local means for OKWS. 4) Group 3: all cokriging methods are grouped together. Within this group there are two subgroups as distinguished by stratification. Methods with stratification differ in the choice of mean; and methods without stratification differ in the choice of mean, using secondary information, the number of samples in search window and orthogonalisation in producing their estimations. 5) Group 6: TSA and LTS form a group that uses coordinate information in deriving the estimations; and they are different in estimation in that the TSA is a global approach and LTS is a local one. 6) Group 8: BK, SK and OK are most similar and they do not use secondary information; and their differences are from the choice of point or block estimation and the choice of the stationary mean or local means. 7) Group 9: IDW and TPS are in the same group and their features are similar; and they differ in exactness of estimation and TPS could be multivariate. 8) Group 10: NN, TIN and NaN are similar for most of features considered except the output and the smoothness. The relationship among these 10 groups can be further explored if a threshold line is added at 0.4 in Figure 7.1, and these groups can be merged into four major groups. Group 1, 2 and 3 are similar because of their common features like multivariate, stochastic, local, inexact, gradual, grid-output and with point estimation. Group 4, 5 and 6 share similar features that are multivariate, stochastic, inexact, utilisation of coordinate information, point-estimation, stratification, multiple samples in search


Classification and Selection of the Methods

widow and with grid-output. Group 7 is unique due to the combination of the requirement of exhaustive secondary information and block estimation, and polygonoutput. Group 8, 9 and 10 are all featured with univariate, local, and non-utilisation of coordinate and secondary information.

Figure 7.1. Classification of the spatial interpolation methods based on the 21 binary

features in Table 7.2.

7.3. Selection of Spatial Interpolation Methods

Selection of an appropriate spatial interpolation method for the data at hand is critical, but it is not an easy task. The performance of the spatial interpolators depends on many factors including: the variable under study, the spatial configuration of the data, and the underlying assumptions of the spatial interpolation methods. It seems that there is no simple answer regarding the choice of an appropriate spatial interpolator, because a method is best only for specific situations (Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989).


Classification and Selection of the Methods

There are a number of factors that should be considered in making an appropriate selection, given that there is no one best spatial interpolation method. The choice of method may depend on the assumption and properties of each method, nature and spatial structure of the data for the primary variable, sample size or sample density and distribution, the availability of secondary information, and the factors discussed in Chapter 6. They can be used prior to interpolation to eliminate some inappropriate methods. The availability of software may also be an important issue. The computational demands are also crucial depending on the sample size, the power of the computer, and the efficiency of software. In this section, a decision tree for selecting an appropriate spatial interpolation method is developed according to the availability and nature of the data and the expected estimation in combination with the features of each spatial interpolator. All 26 spatial interpolation methods listed in Table 7.2 are considered. Again this decision tree is represented in an easy following taxonomic fashion. 1 Data or residuals show spatial structure 2 Estimation of continuous variable 3 No information of secondary variables available 4 Global mean known .................................SK 4* Global mean unknown and using local means 5 Point estimation............................................OK 5* Block estimation..BK 3* Information of secondary variables available 6 Global mean known 7 Secondary variable is only categorical 8 Stratification....SKWS 8* Non-stratification.....SKlm 7* Secondary variable is not only categorical 9 Stratification.SCKWS 9* Non-stratification 10 Sparse samples of secondary variable and multiple samples in search window....SCK 10* Dense samples of secondary variable and single sample in search window.....SCCK 6* Global mean unknown and using local means 11 Secondary information available for each point being estimated 12 Spatial trend is apparent and only coordinates available ...UK 12* Other secondary variable available 13 An apparent global relation with the secondary variable.SKlm 13* The relation is not so apparent.KED 11* Secondary information not available for each point being estimated 14 Secondary variables including a categorical variable 15 Only a categorical variable available 16 Multiple samples in search window...OKWS 16* Dense samples of secondary variable and single sample in search


Classification and Selection of the Methods

window....OCCK 15* Other secondary information available.OCKWS 14* Secondary variables without categorical variable 17 Sparse samples of secondary variable and multiple samples in search window 18 Many secondary variables and PCA needed..PCK 18* PCA not needed to reduce the number of secondary variables 19 Avoid negative weights and artificially limiting the effect of secondary variableSOCK 19* Accept above two drawbacksOCK 17* Dense samples of secondary variable and single sample in search windowOCCK 2* Estimation of categorical variable or uncertainty assessment.IK & its variants 1* Data or residuals show no spatial structure 20 No secondary variables available 21 Abrupt estimation acceptable 22 Using single sample for estimation...NN 22* Using multiple samples for estimation 23 Using three samples for estimation...TIN 23* Using more than three natural neighbour samples for estimation..NaN 21* Abrupt estimation unacceptable 24 Using more than three natural neighbour samples weighted by area.....NaN 24* Using nearest several samples weighted by distance...IDW 20* Secondary variable available 25 Using information of coordinates 26 Only coordinates information used with inexact estimation 27 Using nearby samples.....Splines & LTS 27* Using all samples...TSA 26* May use other variables with exact estimation......TPS 25* Not using information of coordinates 28 Only categorical secondary information available 29 Only one variable available......Cl 29* Multiple variables availableCART 28* Continuous secondary information available 30 Univariate or multiple secondary information..LM 30* Require multiple secondary informationCART The above decision tree only provides a guideline for selecting an appropriate spatial interpolator according to the nature and availability of the data and the expected outcomes. There are also many other factors as discussed in previous chapters that could influence the choice of the spatial interpolation methods. For example, one might use a spatial interpolator that does not incorporate secondary information even if such information is available if it is considered a reasonable approach. Joint application of two spatial interpolation methods might produce additional benefits such as the combined procedures in section 2.4. If sharp spatial changes, such as those caused by soil and rock types, vegetation classes, and habitat types, are expected, stratified spatial interpolation methods may be used to improve the estimation


Classification and Selection of the Methods

(Hernandez-Stefanoni and Ponce-Hernandez, 2006; Stein et al., 1988; Voltz and Webster, 1990). For kriging methods, a number of factors including sample size, isotropy and anisotropy of the data, need to be considered for selecting appropriate variogram model. Data transformation may need to be considered when the data are skewed and anisotropic. Three methods of data transformation (logarithms, standardised rank order, and normal scores) can be employed to reduce the skewness ( Wu et al., 2006). Non-stationary methods like KED should be used in cases with a general anisotropy or trend (i.e. drift) (Verfaillie et al., 2006). If different types of nonstationarity exist inside a study region, application of different spatial interpolation methods to each type may be a good practice because the estimation resulted from the combination of the results from different methods can be more precise than when only a single method is used (Meul and Van Meirvenne, 2003). It is recommended that one should try several search strategies on a test subregion before running any kriging over an entire region (Goovaerts, 1997). Cross-validation can be used to evaluate the effects of different search parameters on the estimations, but it should be noted that the search strategy that generates the best cross-validated results may not necessarily produce the best estimations at unsampled locations. When datasets consist of relatively few samples, it is recommended that least square error and ranking procedures should be used rather than Delfiners methodology for estimating the generalised covariance function (Puente and Bras, 1986). Guidelines have been also proposed in previous studies for selecting a spatial interpolator from subsets of the methods listed above. For instance, a decision tree for selecting a suitable spatial prediction method from RK, OK, IDW and LM was developed by Hengl (2007). Pebesma (2004) proposed a decision tree for IDW, TSA and a few kriging methods available in gstat package in R. There are also some guidelines for choosing between DK and IK according to the nature and structure of the data (Lark and Ferguson, 2004). In addition, several steps have been provided for using kriging methods by Burrough and McDonnell (1998) who also provide guidelines for selecting an appropriate spatial interpolation method. This review is the first to provide guidelines in the form of a decision tree for selecting an appropriate spatial interpolator from 26 spatial interpolation methods according to data properties. It is the most comprehensive comparative study that has been published for environmental scientists. The next chapter lists software packages for the application of the spatial interpolation methods to the environmental data.


Software Packages and Recommendation for Marine Environmental Scientists

Chapter 8: Software Packages and Recommendation for Marine Environmental Scientists

8.1. Software Packages
There are many software packages that contain functions to interpolate spatial point data to spatial continuous data (Table 8.1). The list of software packages and the spatial interpolation methods in each package is acquired from various sources and is not exhaustive. Several packages in R perform spatial interpolation, including: akima, deldir, fields, geoR, GeoRglm, GRASS, gstat, spatial, sgeostat, RandomFields, and tripack. Large parts of the geoR and GeoRglm packages address the uncertainty of estimated covariance parameters in Bayesian framework (also known as MBK; Diggle and Ribeiro Jr., 2007) (Pebesma, 2004). Due to heavy computational requirements, MBK seems to be only relevant to datasets of small sample sizes (Moyeed and Papritz, 2002). Given that the power of the computer has been increased dramatically recently and some improved algorithms have been adopted in geo-statistics that could easily handle sample size of 10,000 (personal communication with Edzer Pebesma, 9 July 2008), the previous statements made about the computation requirements of the spatial interpolation methods may no longer valid. This should be taken into account in the future studies. Computer programs available for the methods of surface pattern analysis are listed and briefly described by Legendre and Legendre (1998). They include Geo-EAS, GEOSTAT, GSLib, ISATIS, Kelloggs, MACGRIDZO and UNIMAP, which also include some spatial interpolation methods. The computing capacities of some popular statistical and GIS packages were compared by Hengl (2007). Some spatial interpolation methods are also available in GS+ (Robertson, 2000). Two types of the spatial interpolation methods, OK and UK, are provided in the S+SpatialStats module in S-PLUS (Kaluzny et al., 1998).


Software Packages and Recommendation for Marine Environmental Scientists

Table 8.1. Availability of the spatial interpolation methods in several commonly used software packages.
Method/ package NN TIN NaN Cl TSA IDW LM TPS SK OK UK SCK OCK Universal CK BK SCCK KED StOK/StSK IK MBK Simulation ArcGIS/ ArcView GIS yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes? yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes? yes yes yes yes yes GS+ stats akima deldir yes yes fields geoR geoRglm R GRASS gstat spatial sgeostat RandomFields tripack yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes SPLUS SURFER

yes yes


yes yes yes yes yes


Software Packages and Recommendation for Marine Environmental Scientists

8.2. Important Factors and Recommendation

8.2.1. Important Factors

There are many potential factors that should be considered as secondary information for the spatial interpolation of marine environmental data. For instance, in marine science, combined flow bed shear stress (i.e., a combination of the effects of surface ocean waves, tidal, wind and density driven ocean currents) strongly influence benthic habitats on the continental shelf by mobilising sediments or directly influencing organisms. It was suggested that both magnitude and frequency of combined-flow bed shear stresses must be considered when characterising the benthic environment (Hemer, 2006). Bathymetry has been used to improve the performance of the spatial interpolators (Verfaillie et al., 2006). The relation between the bathymetry and grain-size depends on the morphology, topography, and the substrate type (Verfaillie et al., 2006), so inclusion of such information would probably further improve the estimations. Distance to coastline may be important in improving the prediction of geospatial data. Other factors like those used in Whiteway et al. (2007) may also provide useful information to improve the prediction. As in statistical analysis, understanding the mechanisms underpinning the observed phenomena and incorporation of professional knowledge in the estimation could improve the performance of the spatial interpolation methods. For example, inclusion of in-water distance instead of Euclidean distance and trend component improved the prediction accuracy by a reduction of 10-30% of the prediction error variance in a study for predicting contaminant and water quality variables in an estuary (Little et al., 1997). There are also many other factors affecting the performance of the spatial interpolation methods as discussed in previous chapters. These factors should be considered in data collection, field survey design and selection of the spatial interpolation methods. Irregular sampling design may be preferred over regular one, but not for splines.
8.2.2. Recommendation for Marine Environmental Scientists

A number of the spatial interpolation methods show their strength in practical application. For instance, RK-C and GIDS are less sensitive to the variation in the data and more accurate than other methods. KED and OCK have also proven to obtain


Software Packages and Recommendation for Marine Environmental Scientists

high accuracy when appropriate high quality secondary information is available. RKD and those methods highlighted in Table 5.2 are also worth a further investigation. OK and UK could be good candidates when the correlation between the primary variable and secondary variables are weak. TPS should be considered if no spatial structure is detected. IDW, although performs poorly in most cases, should provide a good control as it is a standard spatial interpolation tool used for geospatial data in Geoscience Australia. In addition, GWR is worth attention in the future. Stratification could improve the estimation of the spatial interpolators when relevant information is available by reducing the variance of the data (Stein et al., 1988; Voltz and Webster, 1990). The geomorphic features of Australian continental margin (Harris et al., 2005; Heap and Harris, 2008) would provide valuable information for employing stratification method together with the spatial interpolation techniques. If such information stratifies relevant Australian marine environmental variables so that the variance within each geomorphic feature is reduced, then the accuracy of spatial interpolation of the environmental variables is expected to be improved. LR and its variants (Stahl et al., 2006) are developed specifically for air temperature in relation to elevation. Given this, they are probably not as applicable to other environmental science disciplines. However, if similar relationships can be found between seabed physical variables and bathymetry, LR could be possibly adopted to spatial interpolation of marine environmental variables.



We would like to thank Hideyasu Shimadzu and Brendan Brooke for their valuable comments and suggestions. We also thank Edzer Pebesma for his helpful explanation about computational aspect of geo-statistical methods in gstat package. We are grateful to Maggie Tran for her careful proofreading. Tara Anderson, Shoaib Burq, David Ryan and Frederic Saint-Cast are acknowledged for providing references relevant to marine environmental science. This record is published with permission of the Chief Executive Officer, Geoscience Australia



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Appendix A. Applications of Spatial interpolation Methods in Various Disciplines
A.1. Meteorology and Water Resources

A total of 16 studies that compared the performance of the spatial interpolation methods in meteorology and water resources have been reviewed in this section.
Study1: OK, UK with a linear drift (UK-LD), UK with quadratic drift (UK-QD),

TSA (with first, second, third and fourth order), IDW (with distance powers 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4) and AK were employed for smoothing hydraulic conductivity data using 383 samples, 500 m apart over an area of 16,000 ha (Hosseini et al., 1993). Leave-one-out cross-validation was used for validating the performance of these spatial interpolators. The best methods were OK, UK with a linear drift and IDS in terms of MAE. Although overall, the poor performance of all methods due to the very high variation (coefficient of variation (CV) = 78.68%) in the data, OK was considered the most appropriate method because of its precision and the smoothness of its interpolated surface. The similarity in the precision of these methods might be due to the high sampling density, as discussed in the Chapter 6.
Study 2: IDS, Optimal IDW (OIDW, the power parameter is chosen based on the

minimum MAE), cubic splines, LM, TSA, LR, kriging, and CK were compared in temperature estimation (i.e., minimum and maximum) for three temporal scales (10 year average, seasonal and daily) in two regions (Collins and Bolstad, 1996). The results show that: 1) IDS performed consistent poorly across all temporal and regional scales. Where data were sparse, the results were implausible. It also suffered from discontinuities at station locations resulting in temperature peaks (i.e., "birds eye" patterns in the interpolated surface). OIDW was recommended over IDS because OIDW would always yield equal or better MAE results than IDS since the power parameter was chosen on the basis of minimum MAE. When the data were isotropic, IDS had lower MAE values than kriging. OIDW, however, was not always as visually plausible as kriging. When the data were not correlated and isotropic, the most preferred method turned out to be OIDW. 2) TSA was not recommended for temperature interpolation because: a) it was not representative of the original data range as its interpolated temperature range was typically narrower than the original data range; b) although it tended to capture broad regional trends, due to bias introduced by multicollinearity, these trends 109








were suspect; and c) where station distribution resulted in extrapolation beyond the convex data hull, the estimated temperatures were well beyond the original data range. Splines generated poor visual and cross validation results. Where data variances were high, splines tended to have interpolated values well outside the observed data range. Splines also produced high MAE values across all temporal scales, across both regions, for both minimum and maximum temperatures. Splines performed much better when dense, regularly-spaced data were available. A similar conclusion was made by Hutchinson and Gessler (1994) that cubic splines was generally not recommended for interpolation of irregularly-spaced data. Splines are useful for quickly obtaining a clear map showing the main features of the variable, but they are not an accurate spatial interpolator. Generally speaking, splines produced more outliers than kriging. LM was clearly superior to all other methods, with the lowest MAE value of the eight methods considered. The performance of LM did not appear to be affected by data range. However, care must be taken with LM to ensure the results are representative of the original data range. Where station elevations are not representative of regional elevations, care must be taken in comparing observed and interpolated data. While LR performed poorly in terms of MAE, its results were more plausible than methods that did not use elevation as ancillary information. When elevation and temperature were not correlated, LR degraded into a NN where estimated values simply took on the value of the nearest station point. LR resulted in some banding effects and island-like isothermal tessellations around certain influential stations. Outlier stations were less noticeable with LM than with LR. In Stahl et al.s study (2006), it was found that methods that compute local lapse rates performed better for datasets with a greater number of higher-elevation stations. Kriging produced better results than OIDW when the data were anisotropic. Kriging appeared similar to splines, but had lower MAE values than splines for every case tested. Perhaps the greatest advantage of kriging is that the geostatistical process provides the users greater information about the spatial variability of the regionalised variable of interest via the semivariogram and variogram surfaces. CK produced visually implausible results and when elevation and temperature were not correlated. Its overall performance beared a strong resemblance to kriging. However, further evaluation is not possible because the methods of kriging and cokriging method used in this study were not stated. Stronger correlations between elevation and temperature favoured LM and LR.



LR, CK and LM were found to be inappropriate when correlations between temperature and elevation were below 0.72. Inverse distance squared, optimal inverse distance, and kriging showed similar robustness to a priori data range, correlation (between elevation and temperature), and variance. Of all the methods assessed, splines seemed to be most sensitive to a priori data characteristics. Kriging was favoured over optimal inverse distance when data were anisotropic. When data were isotropic, OIDW was favoured. When data variance was high or correlation between temperature and elevation were low, CK produced specking or birds eye effects around station locations.
Study 3: OK, OCK and RK-C were used to interpolate long-term mean total annual

reference evapotranspiration and long-term mean total annual precipitation for a 47,000 km2 complex topographic region (Martnez-Cob, 1996). A total of 108 and 132 samples were used for estimation for evapotranspiration and precipitation respectively, and 50 samples for validation. Elevation was used as secondary information. It was found that OCK was more accurate thane OK and RK-C, and that RK-C did not improve OK results. The good performance of OCK was probably due to a good correlation between the primary and secondary variables.
Study 4: GIDS, IDS, NN, CK, OK, RK-C, and UK were compared for the spatial

interpolation of monthly temperature and monthly precipitation using 32 samples with elevation as the secondary information (Nalder and Wein, 1998). Leave-one-out method was used for validation. GIDS produced the lowest MAE and RMSE while providing low MEs for both temperature and precipitation. It also produced a more consistent performance than any other method from month to month. However, it was not significantly better than RK-C for temperature or better than OK, CK, NN and IDS for precipitation. Nevertheless, GIDS was considered preferable because it is robust and relatively simple to apply.
Study 5: MWRCK, CK and LSZ (a Bayesian alternative) were used to predict the NO3 in rainfall using 48 monthly samples for 35 datasets with SO4 as secondary

information and leave-one-out cross validation was used (Sun, 1998). It was found that LSZ yielded a slightly smaller MSE than MWRCK. LSZ also produced an almost correct coverage probability, but MWRCK yielded a low coverage probability.
Study 6: IDW, TPS and OCK were evaluated using a DEM to a resolution of 1 km2 over a 20,000 km2 square region (Hartkamp et al., 1999). A total of 169 samples of

monthly precipitation were used for predictions and 25 samples for validation. For monthly mean maximum temperature 125 samples were used for estimation and 15 samples for validation. The validation showed no difference among the three methods 111


for predicting precipitation. For maximum temperature, splines performed best. The rigid prerequisites of cokriging regarding the statistical properties of the data used (e.g., normal distribution, non-stationarity), along with its computational demands, may put this approach at a disadvantage. Taking into account error prediction, data assumptions, and computational simplicity, TPS was recommended for interpolating climate variables.
Study 7: SKlm, KED, OCCK, LM, NN, IDS, and OK were compared using 36 samples of annual and monthly rainfall data in a 5000 km2 region (Goovaerts, 2000).

Leave-one-out cross validation was used for validating the performance of these spatial interpolators. This study revealed that: 1) three multivariate geostatistical methods (i.e., SKlm, KED and OCCK) using elevation as a secondary variable outperformed the other spatial interpolators in terms of MSE; 2) SKlm yielded the best predictions; and it also provided an easier way to incorporate several secondary variables than the other two multivariate methods; 3) OK was better than LM when the correlation coefficient between rainfall and elevation was smaller than 0.75; 4) the three multivariate methods generally reduced the OK prediction error as long as the correlation coefficient was larger than 0.75; and the benefit of the multivariate techniques was marginal when the correlation was too small; and 5) when the correlation ranged between 0.4 and 0.7 and the secondary information (i.e., elevation data) exhibited a much smaller relative nugget effect than rainfall data, inclusion of secondary information still improved the prediction, in particular when the nugget effect of their cross semivariogram was small.
Study 8: LM with IDW, TSA extended to include secondary information, RK-C

(detrended OK) and partial TPS incorporating secondary information were applied to interpolating the maximum and minimum daily air temperatures to a resolution of 1 km using 174 samples in England and Wales region (Jarvis and Stuart, 2001). Several variables including elevation and land cover classes were used as secondary information or guiding variables. Prior to the inclusion of secondary variables, all methods produced similar estimates for both minimum and maximum temperatures in terms of RMSE, with the exception of TSA which was less accurate than the others. After incorporating the covariates, the performance of all methods improved considerably, and the differences in estimation accuracy among partial PTS, OK and IDW results were not significant although the performance of TSA was poorer. Best accuracies were achieved using partial TPS.
Study 9: IDW, OK, RK-C and OCK, and CART with OK and OCK were used to

estimate snow depth using three datasets of 550 samples collected from an area of one



km2 within each of three study regions (Erxleben et al., 2002). Elevation, slope, aspect, net solar radiation and vegetation were used as the secondary information. Leave-one-out cross-validation was used to assess the performance of these spatial interpolators. It was found that the tree-based models provided the most accurate estimate, explaining up to about 30% of the observed variability. Kriging of the regression tree residuals did not substantially improve the models. The poor performance of all models was largely due to the lack of spatial structure. The value for the power parameter for IDW was not provided in this study. However, it was found previously that combining regression tree and OK or OCK could explain 6-20% more of the variance and thus improve the estimation of snow depth over 6.9 km2 in the same region (Balk and Elder, 2000).
Study 10: IDW (with power parameters 1, 2 and 3), LM, NN, splines (with a tension

parameter of 400 and 500, and a smoothing parameter of 0 and 400), TSA (with first, second, third, fourth and fifth order), SK, OK, BK, OK with anisotropy, UK with linear drift, UK with quadratic drift, CK (perhaps OCK), LM plus IDS, and splines (with tension of 400) of the residuals of LM were applied to annual precipitation and temperature for a mountainous region of over 20,000 km2 (Vicente-Serrano et al., 2003). Several variables including longitude, latitude, distance to Mediterranean Sea, elevation, radiation and their two-way interaction were used as secondary information. These variables were highly correlated with the primary variable. A total of 99 samples were used for precipitation and 61 for temperature, of which 70% were used for estimation and the remaining 30% for validation. It was found that the geostatistical methods and a regression model generated the best estimations for precipitation and the regression-based method produced the most accurate results for temperature.
Study 11: RBFN, improved RBFN and OK were compared using 20 simulated

datasets consisting of 25 samples randomly sampled from 100 evenly spacing grid points in a square area of 81 grid cells and the remaining 75 data points were used for validation (Lin and Chen, 2004). The data for each grid point of each dataset was generated using an exponential semivariogram model. These methods were also applied to 64 datasets of hourly rainfall records of 55 samples in a region of 2726 km2 and leave-one-out cross validation was used. The results showed that improved RBFN was the best, then OK and the least is RBFN regardless of the arrangement of sample points in terms of RMSE. A similar pattern of performance was observed for the rainfall data. The improved RBFN had a higher computation speed for larger dataset as compared to OK.



Study 12: Two spline methods (regularized and tension), IDW, NN, LM and kriging

with different variogram models were compared using daily rainfall records of sample size 187, 280 and 374 in a region of 41,284 km2 with a resolution of 500 m, 1,000 m, 5,000 m, and 10,000 m (Naoum and Tsanis, 2004). The remaining 280, 187 and 93 samples out of the total 467 samples were probably employed for validation respectively. Kriging with exponential and universal_1 models showed consistent performance and provided reliable estimates in terms of MAE and standard deviation regardless of sample size and resolution. However, it is not clear which specific kriging method was used in this research and this study was conducted in ArcView GIS 3.2.
Study 13: IDS, OK, OCK and OK combined with LR were applied for spatial

analysis of monthly mean air temperature using 90 samples in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with a resolution of 0.5 (Li et al., 2005). The results revealed that the performance of these methods was as follows: OK combined with LR performed the best, followed by COK and OK, and then IDS in terms of subjective analysis. The limited availability of the secondary information affected the performance of COK.
Study 14: GIDS, IDS, OK, and RK-C were compared for the prediction of reference

evapotranspiration using 74 samples for estimation and 19 samples for validation in a region of 131,944 km2 with a resolution of 7.62 km (Mardikis et al., 2005). GIDS was found to be the most accurate method in terms of MAE and RMSE. GIDS also performed better than NN, LM and several LR related methods (Stahl et al., 2006),.
Study 15: RK-C, IDW (with distance power 4) and LM with IDW were used for the

spatial interpolation of ambient ozone concentrations to a resolution of 5 km from sparse monitoring points (sample size = 38) in Belgium (land area is 30,278 km2). Population density data were used as auxiliary data (Jef et al., 2006). Leave-one-out method was used for validation. RK-C was the best spatial interpolator in terms of RMSE and it significantly improved the estimation in comparison with IDW.
Study 16: NN, IDS, OK, OIK, KED and indicator KED (IKED) were compared for

predicting hourly precipitation (21 stations with 64 time steps) with secondary information from daily precipitation (281 stations), elevation and radar in a region of 25,000 km2 with 14,436 grid cells (Haberlandt, 2007). It was found that KED and IKED clearly outperformed the other methods in terms of standardised RMSE. The best performance was achieved when all additional information were used simultaneously with KED. IKED produced, in some cases, smaller RMSEs than the compared methods, which used the original data, but at the expense of a significant loss of variance. 114


A.2. Ecology

Only one study was found in ecology that compared the performance of the spatial interpolation methods. StOK was found to be the best in terms of the accuracy of the estimations (i.e., MAE, RMSE and correlation coefficient) in comparison with six other methods that are OK, OCK, IDS, StOCK, StIDW with p=1, and Cl using 141 samples of plant diversity data collected from a tropical landscape mosaic of 64 km2 in GS+ (Hernandez-Stefanoni and Ponce-Hernandez, 2006). Vegetation indices were used as secondary information and leave-one-out method was used for validation. The relative poor performance of OCK and StOCK was due to the poor correlation between the primary variable and secondary variables. Geostatistical tools have been applied for modelling and interpreting ecological spatial dependence to many aspects of ecology and their application in this discipline dates back to 1960 (Rossi et al., 1992). LM was used to predict the spatial distribution of biomass of three plant species using aquatic environmental variables including sediment and depth (Lehmann, 1997). OK was used to assess the impacts of disturbances on the distribution of grass shrimp in estuaries (Porter et al., 1997).
A.3. Agriculture and Soil Science

A total of 25 studies have been reviewed in this section, which compared the performance of the spatial interpolation methods in agriculture and soil science. McBratney et al. (2003) summarised some application of the spatial interpolation methods in soil science.
Study 1: NN, IDS and OK were applied for predicting the soil moisture using 530

sample for estimation and 661 samples for validation in an area of 359 ha (Van Kuilenburg et al., 1982). OK was the most accurate of these methods, but it was only marginally better than IDS in terms of RMSE.
Study 2: OCK, KED, RK-A and RK-B were applied for estimating transmissivity at a

resolution of 3 km using 72 samples of transmissivity measurements and 235 samples of specific capacity data as secondary information in a region of 80 by 40 km (Ahmed and De Marsily, 1987). These methods were also applied to 15 simulated datasets. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) OCK was found to be the most rigorous method and should be used if the residuals of the regression of one variable on the other are spatially correlated and if the correlation coefficients between the primary and secondary variables are high, but it requires all variables have a significant number of common data points for a reasonable estimation of the cross variogram; 2) RK-A could be used only if the residuals of the regression are spatially uncorrelated



or if the correlation coefficients between the primary and secondary variables are high, and it requires all variables to have a significant number of common data points to fit a regression; 3) KED could be used for an unlimited number of variables, like OCK and it does not require any common data points between the variables; and 4) RK-B did not show any advantage.
Study 3: TPS and OK were found to be the most accurate methods for estimating soil

pH data using 121 samples collected in an area of 10 by 10 grid of 10 m spacing in comparison with global means and medians, NN, IDW-0 (averages of three nearest samples), IDS, AK, NaN, and quadratic TSA in terms of MSE based on 64 validation samples (Laslett et al., 1987).
Study 4: Laslett and McBratney (1990) further compared NN, TPS, AK, global

kriging using generalised covariances (SK?) and REML UK (a global UK fitted by REML) using regularly spaced 121 soil samples as in study 3 to predict soil pH, with and without 80 additional samples to account for spatial variation at short distances. Two datasets of 121 and 64 samples were used for validation. The results showed that REML UK trend was consistently the best performing method. The inclusion of close data pairs usually improved the predictions of the methods, but no dramatic improvement occurred with REML UK as the best overall method for the dataset.
Study 5: SK, StSK, Cl, and a cubic spline were evaluated and compared for clay

content data (Voltz and Webster, 1990). One dataset consists of 321 samples collected along a transect 3.2 km long at 10 m intervals; of which 107 samples were used for estimation and 212 for validation. Two other datasets were collected from point locations with 100 m spacing in an area of 92 ha. The first dataset consisted of 34 samples for estimation and 143 for validation and the second one with 114 samples for prediction and 63 for validation. StSK and SK were found to perform better than Cl and spline in terms of MSE, and StSK was more precise than SK.
Study 6: Cubic splines and SK were compared using two sampled surface datasets

(Laslett, 1994). One dataset consisted of 1150 samples of heights measured at 1 micron intervals along the drum of a roller and the other dataset was collected along a transect at 365 sampling locations of 4 m spacing. The results revealed that SK sometimes outperformed the splines by considerable margins, particularly if the samples are highly clustered; and it never performed worse than the splines in terms of MSE.
Study 7: LM, OK, UK, OCK, RK-A, and RK-B were applied to 161 samples of four

soil properties data in an area of 400 by 700 m and 71 samples were used for



validation (Odeh et al., 1994). RK-A produced the best results for the depth of solum and subsoil clay, while RK-B gave the best estimation for the depth of bedrock and topsoil gravel in terms of RMSE. Generally speaking RK methods outperformed all the other methods. The poor performance of OK was largely due to the strong trend in the data as evidenced by the performance of LM.
Study 8: LM, OK, UK, isotopic OCK, heterotopic OCK, RK-A, RK-B and RK-C were further compared using the datasets in Study 7 by Odeh et al.(1995). In this

study, both RK-C and heterotopic OCK performed well in terms of RMSE, and RK-C generally performed the best and was more flexible than heterotopic OCK.
Study 9: OK, OCK and RK-A (kriging combined with regression) were compared for

539, 141, 55 and 33 samples of non-stationary data (with a drift of degree 0, 1, and 2) for soil layer depth in an area of about 97 ha (Knotters et al., 1995). A total of 117 samples were used for validation. Soil electrical conductivity was used as auxiliary variable. RK-A was found to be the most accurate method in terms of RMSE.
Study 10: Cl, GM, IDS, OK, NN, IDW-0, and TPS and their combination with soil strata (i.e., stratified using soil units) were used to estimate soil properties (thickness

of A1 horizon, maximum areic mass of phosphate adsorbed by soil, mean highest water table, and mean lowest water table) using 188 samples (a square grid of 12 x 16 points, spaced 500 m apart) in a region of 6 x 8 km (Brus et al., 1996). A dataset consisting of 96 samples was used for validation. Soil units were used to stratify the data. It was found that: 1) IDS and OK were more reliable, although differences between methods were small and not statistically significant, 2) the stratification slightly improved the estimation but the effect was not statistically significant, and 3) the combined effect of methods and stratification was usually not significant. However, OK performed better for values near data points. Combined with soil map stratification, OK was a more reliable estimator in the sense that it estimated all soil properties well.
Study 11: OK and IDW (with distance power parameters 1, 2 and 4) were compared using two datasets of regularly spaced and high density samples (Gotway et al.,

1996). The first dataset consisted of 255 soil N and organic matter samples collected from an area of 90 x 518 m with a sampling space of 6 x 15 m plus 60 extra samples at closer spacings of 0.76, 1.5, 2.3, 3.7, and 5.3 m. Samples were divided into subsets for the prediction (195, 119) and validation (119 and 136) respectively. The second dataset consisted of about 1388 soil N and organic matter samples collected from an area of 53 ha. Samples were again divided into subsets for the prediction (731, 657) and validation (657, 709) respectively, and two further subsets of 192 samples and 88 117


samples were sampled on a regular grid of size 48 x 48 m and 72 x 72 m respectively for prediction, and 657 samples were used for validation. The results revealed that 1) the accuracy of IDW tended to increase with the power of distance for datasets with a CV of <25%; 2) for datasets with greater variation (with a CV of >25%), IDW using high distance powers (2 or 4) can produce poor estimations; 3) OK was slightly better than IDW for all sampling scenarios in terms of MSE; 4) the accuracy of predictions from kriging was generally unaffected by the coefficient of variation, but this statement is not correct because a further analysis showed that OK had a similar response to changes in CV for both soil nitrate (Figure A.1) and soil organic matter (Figure A.2); and 5) the use of wider sampling spacings greatly reduced the information in the resultant maps.



Figure A.1. Impacts of the variation in the dataset of soil nitrate on the performance of four spatial interpolation methods based on the results of Gotway et al. (1996).

Figure A.2. Impacts of the variation in the dataset of soil organic matter on the performance of four spatial interpolation methods based on the results of Gotway et al. (1996).



Study 12: Goovaerts (1997) compared several geostatistical methods using the Jura

dataset collected at Lausanne. The results showed that OCK was compared with SCK, SOCK and OCCK. OCK estimates better followed the data fluctuations than SCK estimates. OCK and SOCK performed equally. OCCK only slightly reduced the accuracy of estimation in comparison with OCK.
Study 13: KED and SKlm estimates displayed similar long-range features, but KED

yielded more local details and might produce unacceptable negative estimations for soil mineral concentration using the Jura dataset (Goovaerts, 1997).
Study 14: OIK and OICK with a single unbiasedness constraint produced similar

estimations except that OICK resulted in more variable estimations beyond data range and OICK might produce estimations outside the data range such as predicted probabilities being negative or >1 (Goovaerts, 1997). PK, as a special case of OICK, shared the same features of OICK as discussed above.
Study 15: OK, lognormal OK and IDW (with distance powers 1, 2, 3 and 4) were

compared for predicting soil P and K using 30 datasets of sample size ranging from 36 to 1752, with sample spacing from 25 to 100 m (Kravchenko and Bullock, 1999). The results showed that OK with the optimal number of the neighbouring samples, a careful selected variogram model and appropriate log-transformation generally performed better than IDW in terms of ME and MAE.
Study 16: KED and LM were applied for predicting the thickness of a silty-clay-loam

horizon with different sample densities (40, 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150) in an area of 380 ha and with a resolution of 20 m (Bourennane et al., 2000). A total of 69 samples were used for validation. The results showed that irrespective of sample size, KED estimates were on average more accurate than LM in terms of RMSE. KED performed better when the sample size increased, but the performance of LM remained unchanged over all sample sizes. Moreover, KED performed even better at a sample size of 40 than LM at whatever the sample size. KED can improve estimations, resulting in a considerable reduction of sampling intensity and while maintaining high prediction accuracy.
Study 17: GAM, LM, CART, OK, KED, RK-F and RK-C were compared for soil

cation exchange capacity with a number of secondary variables in an area of 74 ha (Bishop and McBratney, 2001). A total of 113 samples were used for estimation and leave-one-out method was used for validation. It was found that the better prediction methods were KED, RK-C and RK-F in terms of RMSE, of which KED was the best.



Study 18: OK, IDW (with distance powers 0.5, 1 and 2, and two search radii 12 and

22 km), and TPS with tension method (with weights 0.01, 0.1, and 0.5, and two variations of the number of points parameter = 8 and 16) were applied to predict several soil properties (clay content, pH, Na, Ca, Mg, total available P, and organic matter) using 44 samples in a region of 20 x 70 km (Schloeder et al., 2001). Leaveone-out method was used for validation. OK and IDW produced similar accuracies and were similarly effective, and TPS with tension performed poorly by comparison.
Study 19: OK, lognormal OK, DK, IK and MBK were compared using a calibration

dataset consisting of 500 samples of the trace element (Co and Cu) concentrations and a validation dataset consisting of 2149 samples over a region of 3500 km2 (Moyeed and Papritz, 2002). No method was found to be superior to the others when the data were marginally skewed. OK failed to model the conditional distribution of the marginally skewed data. Between them, the nonlinear methods modelled the conditional distribution with similar success.
Study 20: OK, UK, SKlm and OCK were compared for soil silt content for 96

samples with elevation as secondary information in an area of 8 x 18 km (Meul and Van Meirvenne, 2003). A total of 164 samples were used for validation. OCK best accounted for the global trend while UK was best for accounting for the local nonstationarity in terms of MSE. Estimations from combining the results of these two methods (i.e., UK + OCK) were more precise than when any single method was used over the entire study region.
Study 21: SK, OK, lognormal kriging, UK, DK and IDW and their combinations with

linear and quadratic trend were applied to 70 samples of soil surface Hg content data collected over a region of 1039 km2 (Hu et al., 2004). Leave-one-out method was used for validation. It was found that the methods with a trend effect were better than those without a trend effect; and first-order trend UK method was the best, while the IDW the worst. However, the results are slightly contentious as the value of the power parameter used for IDW was not stated in the study.
Study 22: TSA-OK and TSA-OCK (perhaps OCK) were compared for predicting soil Cl- concentration using 119, 120 and 239 regularly spaced samples collected over a region of 5862 km2 (Wang et al., 2005). Soil total salt was used as secondary

information and leave-one-out cross validation was used to assess the performance of these spatial interpolation methods. The results revealed that OCK was more accurate than OK in terms of RMSE.
Study 23: OK and OCK was applied for predicting soil Zn using 293 samples of



highly skewed data with a testing set of 294 samples in the 18 counties of Northern North Dakota (approximately 78,000 km2) (Wu et al., 2006). Soil organic carbon and pH were used as auxiliary variables for OCK. Three methods of data transformation (logarithms, standardised rank order, and normal scores) were carried out to reduce the skewness. OCK, using soil organic carbon or pH as secondary variable, was consistently more accurate than OK in terms of RMSE. OCK with soil organic carbon and pH together provided additional benefit. Data transformation generally improved the estimations, especially for low Zn concentrations. The differences in the performance between normal score OCK, log-normal OCK and rank-ordered OCK were relatively small.
Study 24: OK, OCK and RK-E were compared using 160 samples of soil bulk electrical conductivity over an area of 10.5 ha (Li et al., 2007). A total of 80 samples

were used for validation. The results showed that irrespective of the sample size of the primary variable (i.e., 40, 70, 100, 130 and 160), RK-E produced, on average, more accurate predictions than OK and COK in terms of RMSE. RK-E was more accurate at a sample size of 70 compared to OCK at any of the sample size. And RK-E was more accurate at a sample size of 40 than OK at any of the sample size. The study concluded that RK-E showed promise for improving predictions with considerable reduction of sampling intensity while maintaining high prediction accuracy.
Study 25: REML-EBLUP, OK and RK-C were compared for four topsoil properties datasets, namely: 1) 155 Zn concentration samples in an area of 10 km2, 2) 399

samples of soil pH with 200 m spacing between sites, 3) 341 samples of soil clay content with approximately 2.8 km sampling spacing, and 4) 248 samples of soil nitrogen in an area of 83 ha (Minasny and McBratney, 2007). The results revealed that although REML-EBLUP generally improved the prediction in terms of RMSE, the improvement was small compared with RK-C. Therefore, RK-C is a robust method for practical application, while REML-EBLUP is useful when the spatial trend is strong and the number of observations is small (<200).
A.4. Marine Environmental Science

A total of four studies that compared the performance of the spatial interpolation methods in marine environmental science have been reviewed in this section.
Study 1: KED and OK was used for predicting haddock of ages 1, 2 and 3 years using

200-300 samples in each year from 1983 to 1997 in a region of about 369,154 km2 (Rivoirard and Wieland, 2001). Day/night indicator and time of day were used as external drift. The results from cross-validation indicated that KED with day/night



indicator and with time of day performed better than OK in terms of MSE.
Study 2: OK and KED with bathymetry as external drift were compared for grain size

data (ICES, 2005). The results revealed that the estimations from KED were 15.7% more accurate than those generated by OK in terms of MSE. This research was further reported in detail by Verfaillie et al.(2006), as discussed next.
Study 3: OK, KED and LM were applied for predicting the surficial sand distribution on continental shelf over a region of 3600 km2 using about 6,000 samples, of which

70% of the samples were used for estimation and the remaining for validation (Verfaillie et al., 2006). Bathymetry, with a resolution of 80 m, was used as a secondary variable. KED proved to be the most accurate method in terms of ME, MAE, MSE and RMSE; and the resulting map was more realistic than that from the other methods and separated clearly the sediment distribution over the sandbanks from the swales.
Study 4: OK, OCK, IDW with three distance power parameter (1, 1.5, and 2) and two

search radii, NN and Topo to Raster (T2R, hydrological splining) were compared using sand data in the northern Australian marine region (Ruddick, 2007). Sample size for prediction and validation, summary statistics of input data and area of study region were not reported in this study. However, the results showed that IDW, OK, NN and T2R performed similarly in terms of RMSE, although T2R produced slightly poor estimations. The failure of OCK was attributed to the weak correlation between sand concentrations and bathymetry. The comparison studies of the spatial interpolation methods in marine environmental science are scarce. However, there are some applications of the spatial interpolation methods for estimating marine environmental variables. DK has been used to model regions of high fish density (Petitgas, 1993). NN has been used to interpolate bathymetry, sea temperature and seismic data (Gold and Condal, 1995). OK has been used to predict the spatial patterns of microphytobenthic biomass (Guarini et al., 1998) and the spatial distribution of nutrients in the surficial sediments (Danielsson et al., 1998). OK and DK have been used for the assessment of the spatial structure and biomass evaluation in Mediterranean Sea (Maynou et al., 1998). IK has been applied to mapping of the spatial distribution of benthic communities following a categorical classification scheme (Jerosch et al., 2006). Kriging has been used to determine sediment transport (Lucio et al., 2006). Finally, OK has been used for seabed mapping and characterisation of sediment variability (Goff et al., 2008).



A.5. Other Disciplines

A total of five studies that compared the performance of the spatial interpolation methods in other disciplines have been reviewed in this section.
Study 1: UK, DK and a local mean estimator were compared using 36 datasets

chosen randomly on simulated stationary and nonstationary fields (Puente and Bras, 1986). The fields were generated on a rectangular region of 30, 000 km2, with side on proportion 2 to 1, on a regular 21 x 11 grid. Half of the datasets consist of about 50 points and the other half of datasets about 30 points. The results revealed that in all cases, UK and DK performed better than the local mean estimator, with UK either performed better than or as good as DK in terms of MSE. UK performed particularly well with nonstationary fields, but often underestimated the predicted estimation variance.
Study 2: OK, lognormal OK, SK, lognormal SK, disjunctive OK and disjunctive SK

were compared using 122 samples in geology (Boufassa and Armstrong, 1989). The results showed that lognormal kriging produced comparable results to the corresponding type of disjunctive kriging. Results produced by linear kriging (OK and SK) were similar to those produced by the corresponding nonlinear methods. OK, SK, disjunctive OK and disjunctive SK can produce negative estimates because of the presence of negative weights, but lognormal OK and lognormal SK never generate negative estimates since the estimator is an exponential. It was recommended that SK should be used when the mean of the distribution is known, otherwise OK should be used. The similar results from linear and nonlinear methods were argued to be due to the CV was only 1.53. However, this CV is very high and the observed similarity might actually result from the high sampling density instead.
Study 3: It was found that the accuracy of four spatial interpolation methods was as

follows: OK > IDS > TIN > NN in terms of MAE when the samples were least clustered; and the order became OK > TIN > IDS > NN in terms of MAE and MSE when the samples were most clustered (Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989). The datasets used in this study are probably simulated data.
Study 4: OK, SK, lognormal OK, rank OK, global mean, IDW (with distance power

1), IDS, TSA and Projected Slope were compared using 54 subsets of data drawn from an exhaustive set of 19,800 data points in a 110 x 180 array, and 198 block (2 x 2 array) estimates were made with each method for each subset (Weber and Englund, 1992). The subsets were drawn independently according to a factorial design with three sample sizes (104, 198 and 308), three sample patterns (random, cellular



stratified, and regular grid), and two sampling precisions (zero error and high level normally distributed error with a relative standard deviation of 32% of the true value). It was found that the accuracy of these methods in terms of MSE was as follows: IDS > IDW > OK > SK > the other methods compared. However, it was suggested that the results from this study should not be interpreted to mean the IDW and IDS are superior to kriging methods in all cases.
Study 5: Four spatial interpolation methods (OK, UK, IDS-6 using the nearest six

observations, and IDS-12 using the nearest 12 observations) were compared using a factorial computational experiment that included three simulated surface types (plane, sombrero and Morrisons surface), four sampling patterns (hexagonal, inhibited, random and clustered), two variances and two correlation strength parameters (Zimmerman et al., 1999). The results revealed that the two kriging methods performed substantially better than the two IDS methods over all levels of surface type, sampling pattern, noise and correlation. Moreover, there was little difference between two kriging methods, although OK performed marginally better when the data were inhibited, clustered, high of noise or less correlated or when the data were for a sombrero surface.



Appendix B. Summary statistics of the information from the 17 reviewed comparative studies.
Case study 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 Reference (Hartkamp et al., 1999) (Hartkamp et al., 1999) (Hartkamp et al., 1999) (Hartkamp et al., 1999) (Hartkamp et al., 1999) (Hartkamp et al., 1999) (Hartkamp et al., 1999) (Hartkamp et al., 1999) (Erxleben et al., 2002) Discipline Meteorology Variable Precipitation-April Area (km^2) 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sampling design Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Sample size 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 549 549 549 549 549 549 Area per sample 118.3432 118.3432 118.3432 118.3432 118.3432 118.3432 118.3432 118.3432 118.3432 118.3432 118.3432 118.3432 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 0.001821 0.001821 0.001821 0.001821 0.001821 0.001821 method IDW OCK TPS IDW OCK TPS IDW OCK TPS IDW OCK TPS IDW OCK TPS IDW OCK TPS IDW OCK TPS IDW OCK TPS IDW OK TSA RK-C CART CART-OK Method IDW OCK TPS IDW OCK TPS IDW OCK TPS IDW OCK TPS IDW OCK TPS IDW OCK TPS IDW OCK TPS IDW OCK TPS IDW OK TSA RK-C CART CARTOK Mean 5.9 5.9 5.9 27.2 27.2 27.2 197.6 197.6 197.6 166.4 166.4 166.4 31.9 31.9 31.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.2 28.2 28.2 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 CV (%) MAE 1.9500 1.8500 2.3500 6.0000 5.9500 5.8000 32.5500 36.3500 45.5000 33.8000 36.7000 39.3000 2.7000 2.6000 1.6000 2.5000 2.3000 1.4000 2.0000 1.8000 1.2000 1.9000 1.9000 1.1000 0.0822 0.0820 0.0817 0.0817 0.0800 0.0797 RMSE RMAE (%) 33.05 31.36 39.83 22.06 21.88 21.32 16.47 18.40 23.03 20.31 22.06 23.62 8.46 8.15 5.02 7.60 6.99 4.26 7.07 6.36 4.24 6.74 6.74 3.90 14.17 14.14 14.09 14.09 13.79 13.74 RRMSE (%)




PrecipitationAugust PrecipitationSeptember Temperature-April






TemperatureAugust TemperatureSeptember Snow depth1



19.83 19.83 19.83 19.83 19.83 19.83

0.1090 0.1092 0.1088 0.1087 0.1043 0.1048

18.79 18.83 18.76 18.74 17.98 18.07



Case study 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17

Reference (Erxleben et al., 2002)

Discipline Meteorology

Variable Snow depth2

Area (km^2) 1 1 1 1 1 1

Sampling design Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular

Sample size 549 549 549 549 549 549 549 549 549 549 549 549 108 108 108 132 132 132 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

Area per sample 0.001821 0.001821 0.001821 0.001821 0.001821 0.001821 0.001821 0.001821 0.001821 0.001821 0.001821 0.001821 435.1852 435.1852 435.1852 356.0606 356.0606 356.0606 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027



Mean 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1087 1087 1087 2770.6 2770.6 2770.6 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 3.17 3.17 3.17

CV (%) 19.36 19.36 19.36 19.36 19.36 19.36 21.07 21.07 21.07 21.07 21.07 21.07 15.6 15.6 15.6 7.4 7.4 7.4 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.8 14.5 14.5 14.5

MAE 0.1503 0.1479 0.1468 0.1429 0.1391 0.1367 0.2268 0.2200 0.2409 0.2180 0.2196 0.2094 40.3000 38.6000 49.3000 48.9000 44.8000 53.8000 0.1900 0.0800 0.2500 0.1500 0.1900 0.0800 0.2000 0.1100 0.2000 0.0700 0.2300 0.0900 0.2900 0.0700 0.3800

RMSE 0.1877 0.1904 0.1851 0.1814 0.1764 0.1748 0.3368 0.3351 0.3595 0.3322 0.3200 0.3134 51.9711 53.3198 64.7765 62.3699 59.4390 67.3795 0.0500 0.0200 0.0700 0.0400 0.0500 0.0200 0.0600 0.0300 0.0600 0.0200 0.0700 0.0200 0.0800 0.0200 0.1100

RMAE (%) 13.79 13.57 13.47 13.11 12.76 12.54 12.81 12.43 13.61 12.32 12.41 11.83 3.71 3.55 4.54 1.77 1.62 1.94 15.83 6.67 20.83 12.50 11.80 4.97 12.42 6.83 9.01 3.15 10.36 4.05 9.15 2.21 11.99

RRMSE (%) 17.22 17.47 16.98 16.64 16.18 16.04 19.03 18.93 20.31 18.77 18.08 17.71 4.78 4.91 5.96 2.25 2.15 2.43 4.17 1.67 5.83 3.33 3.11 1.24 3.73 1.86 2.70 0.90 3.15 0.90 2.52 0.63 3.47

(Erxleben et al., 2002)


Snow depth3

1 1 1 1 1 1

MartnezCob, 1996 MartnezCob, 1996 Mardikis et al., 2005







Mardikis et al., 2005



Mardikis et al., 2005



Mardikis et al., 2005



47000 47000 47000 47000 47000 47000 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944



Case study 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26




Mardikis et al., 2005



Mardikis et al., 2005



Mardikis et al., 2005



Mardikis et al., 2005



Mardikis et al., 2005



Mardikis et al., 2005



Mardikis et al., 2005



Mardikis et al., 2005



Area (km^2) 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 131944 160

Sampling design Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Regular

Sample size 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 382

Area per sample 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 1783.027 0.418848



Mean 3.17 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 6.02 6.02 6.02 6.02 5.57 5.57 5.57 5.57 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 1.62 1.62 1.62 1.62 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 2.72

CV (%) 14.5 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 21 21 21 21 29.6 29.6 29.6 29.6 38.9 38.9 38.9 38.9 78.68

MAE 0.0700 0.3500 0.0900 0.4000 0.1200 0.4900 0.1800 0.5400 0.2400 0.6000 0.2400 1.0300 0.3200 0.5500 0.2300 0.5500 0.3000 0.4500 0.1500 0.4800 0.1600 0.2900 0.1100 0.3300 0.1300 0.2500 0.0800 0.3700 0.1300 0.2000 0.0900 0.3500 0.1600 1.4320

RMSE 0.0200 0.1100 0.0200 0.1300 0.0400 0.1400 0.0500 0.1700 0.0700 0.1900 0.0700 0.3400 0.0900 0.1700 0.0800 0.1700 0.0900 0.1300 0.0500 0.1400 0.0500 0.0800 0.0300 0.0900 0.0400 0.0700 0.0300 0.1100 0.0400 0.0600 0.0300 0.1000 0.0500

RMAE (%) 2.21 8.20 2.11 9.37 2.81 8.99 3.30 9.91 4.40 9.97 3.99 17.11 5.32 9.87 4.13 9.87 5.39 10.87 3.62 11.59 3.86 11.07 4.20 12.60 4.96 15.43 4.94 22.84 8.02 15.87 7.14 27.78 12.70 52.65

RRMSE (%) 0.63 2.58 0.47 3.04 0.94 2.57 0.92 3.12 1.28 3.16 1.16 5.65 1.50 3.05 1.44 3.05 1.62 3.14 1.21 3.38 1.21 3.05 1.15 3.44 1.53 4.32 1.85 6.79 2.47 4.76 2.38 7.94 3.97

Hosseini et al., 1993

Water resources

Hydraulic conductivity-6



Case study 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30




Hosseini et al., 1993

Water resources

Hydraulic conductivity-12

Hosseini et al., 1993

Water resources

Hydraulic conductivity-18

Area (km^2) 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400

Sampling design Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular

Sample size 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 43 43 43 43 43 43

Area per sample 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 0.418848 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814



Mean 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 631 631 631 631 631 631

CV (%) 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 16.64 16.64 16.64 16.64 16.64 16.64

MAE 1.4320 1.4350 1.4460 1.4610 1.4920 1.4970 2.1590 1.3990 1.4050 1.4020 1.4110 1.4300 1.4750 1.4020 1.8550 1.3730 1.6930 1.7390 1.3920 1.4170 1.4710 1.3830 1.6930 1.8050 1.4620 1.4460 1.4060 1.4080 83.0000 81.8000 80.1000 79.5000 82.7000 83.3000


RMAE (%) 52.65 52.76 53.16 53.71 54.85 55.04 79.38 51.43 51.65 51.54 51.88 52.57 54.23 51.54 68.20 50.48 62.24 63.93 51.18 52.10 54.08 50.85 62.24 66.36 53.75 53.16 51.69 51.76 13.15 12.96 12.69 12.60 13.11 13.20


Hosseini et al., 1993

Water resources

Hydraulic conductivity

Schloeder et al., 2001

Soil science


32.2800 31.3688 30.7083 30.6105 31.4006 31.8748

5.12 4.97 4.87 4.85 4.98 5.05



Case study 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35




Schloeder et al., 2001

Soil science


Schloeder et al., 2001

Soil science


Schloeder et al., 2001

Soil science


Schloeder et al., 2001

Soil science


Schloeder et al., 2001

Soil science

Area (km^2) 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400

Sampling design Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular

Sample size 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43

Area per sample 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814

method TPS-0.5 OK IDW-0.5 IDW-1 IDW-2 TPS-0.01 TPS-0.1 TPS-0.5 OK IDW-0.5 IDW-1 IDW-2 TPS-0.01 TPS-0.1 TPS-0.5 OK IDW-0.5 IDW-1 IDW-2 TPS-0.01 TPS-0.1 TPS-0.5 OK IDW-0.5 IDW-1 IDW-2 TPS-0.01 TPS-0.1 TPS-0.5 OK IDW-0.5 IDW-1 IDW-2 TPS-0.01


Mean 631 7.82 7.82 7.82 7.82 7.82 7.82 7.82 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 27.56 27.56 27.56 27.56 27.56 27.56 27.56 7.64 7.64 7.64 7.64 7.64 7.64 7.64 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68

CV (%) 16.64 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 66.48 66.48 66.48 66.48 66.48 66.48 66.48 19.92 19.92 19.92 19.92 19.92 19.92 19.92 42.41 42.41 42.41 42.41 42.41 42.41 42.41 120.73 120.73 120.73 120.73 120.73

MAE 85.0000 0.2100 0.2600 0.2500 0.2200 0.2400 0.2400 0.2500 0.9800 1.5300 1.4300 1.2900 1.0600 1.0600 1.0600 4.4400 4.2600 4.2500 4.3900 5.7600 5.8800 6.0600 2.3700 2.1600 2.1400 2.1000 2.7000 2.7300 2.8000 3.1200 3.4900 3.4300 3.6100 3.9000

RMSE 32.6497 0.2828 0.3317 0.3162 0.3000 0.3162 0.3317 0.3317 1.2247 1.8815 1.7776 1.6186 1.2806 1.2689 1.2649 5.7166 5.4827 5.4360 5.5498 7.4559 7.6440 7.9265 3.0332 2.7964 2.7477 2.7221 3.5256 3.5749 3.6401 4.7812 5.0666 4.9071 4.8415 5.2659

RMAE (%) 13.47 2.69 3.32 3.20 2.81 3.07 3.07 3.20 27.15 42.38 39.61 35.73 29.36 29.36 29.36 16.11 15.46 15.42 15.93 20.90 21.34 21.99 31.02 28.27 28.01 27.49 35.34 35.73 36.65 66.67 74.57 73.29 77.14 83.33

RRMSE (%) 5.17 3.62 4.24 4.04 3.84 4.04 4.24 4.24 33.93 52.12 49.24 44.84 35.47 35.15 35.04 20.74 19.89 19.72 20.14 27.05 27.74 28.76 39.70 36.60 35.97 35.63 46.15 46.79 47.64 102.16 108.26 104.85 103.45 112.52



Case study 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 43 43 43




Schloeder et al., 2001

Soil science

Soil organic matter

Wang et al., 2005 Wang et al., 2005 Wang et al., 2005 Voltz and Webster, 1990 Voltz and Webster, 1990 Voltz and Webster, 1990 Brus et al., 1996

Soil science

Cl Cl Cl

Soil science


Soil science


Soil science


Soil science

Thickness of A1 horizon

Area (km^2) 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 5862 5862 5862 5862 5862 5862 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

Sampling design Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular

Sample size 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 238 238 119 119 118 118 107 107 107 107 34 34 34 34 114 114 114 114 188 188 188 188 188 188 188

Area per sample 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 32.55814 24.63025 24.63025 49.2605 49.2605 49.67797 49.67797 0.000299 0.000299 0.000299 0.000299 0.027059 0.027059 0.027059 0.027059 0.00807 0.00807 0.00807 0.00807 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319

method TPS-0.1 TPS-0.5 OK IDW-0.5 IDW-1 IDW-2 TPS-0.01 TPS-0.1 TPS-0.5 OK OCK OK OCK OK OCK Classification SK StSK Cubic Spline Classification SK StSK Cubic Spline Classification SK StSK Cubic Spline Classification GM StGM IDW-0 StIDW-0 NN StNN


Mean 4.68 4.68 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.1 20.4 20.4 20.4 20.4 21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

CV (%) 120.73 120.73 28.57 28.57 28.57 28.57 28.57 28.57 28.57 88.1 88.1 88.1 88.1 88.1 88.1 62.82 62.82 62.82 62.82 32.33 32.33 32.33 32.33 31.06 31.06 31.06 31.06 62.07 62.07 62.07 62.07 62.07 62.07 62.07

MAE 4.0100 4.1700 2.2000 2.1000 2.2000 2.2000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000

RMSE 5.3796 5.5624 0.8944 0.8944 0.8944 0.8944 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.1902 0.0997 0.2179 0.0824 0.1364 0.1222 8.0747 7.0640 6.8044 7.2042 5.1575 4.7434 4.5387 5.3292 5.3292 4.6043 4.5607 4.7958 19.9000 18.3000 16.6000 19.5000 18.6000 20.8000 19.5000

RMAE (%) 85.68 89.10 15.71 15.00 15.71 15.71 17.86 17.86 17.86

12.2000 11.4000 9.7000 13.2000 11.7000 13.4000 12.2000

42.07 39.31 33.45 45.52 40.34 46.21 42.07

RRMSE (%) 114.95 118.85 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 7.14 7.14 7.14 84.53 44.31 96.84 36.62 60.62 54.31 32.17 28.14 27.11 28.70 25.28 23.25 22.25 26.12 24.67 21.32 21.11 22.20 68.62 63.10 57.24 67.24 64.14 71.72 67.24



Case study 43 43 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 46 46




Brus et al., 1996

Soil science

Brus et al., 1996

Soil science

Mean lowest water table

Brus et al., 1996

Soil science

Mean highest water table

Area (km^2) 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

Sampling design Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular

Sample size 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188

Area per sample 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319

method IDS StIDS TPS StTPS OK StOK Classification GM StGM IDW-0 StIDW-0 NN StNN IDS StIDS TPS StTPS OK StOK Classification GM StGM IDW-0 StIDW-0 NN StNN IDS StIDS TPS StTPS OK StOK Classification GM


Mean 29 29 29 29 29 29 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 132 132

CV (%) 62.07 62.07 62.07 62.07 62.07 62.07 71.43 71.43 71.43 71.43 71.43 71.43 71.43 71.43 71.43 71.43 71.43 71.43 71.43 70.97 70.97 70.97 70.97 70.97 70.97 70.97 70.97 70.97 70.97 70.97 70.97 70.97 36.36 36.36

MAE 11.6000 10.2000 12.7000 10.2000 11.7000 9.5000 1.0500 0.9500 1.0100 0.9000 1.1600 1.0800 0.9900 0.9400 1.0500 0.9300 1.0000 0.9400 24.7000 29.5000 25.8000 28.4000 23.7000 31.3000 24.1000 26.1000 23.0000 27.8000 24.5000 26.7000 22.2000 29.3000 35.8000

RMSE 17.6000 17.1000 18.9000 16.8000 17.9000 16.4000 1.5100 1.4400 1.5000 1.4100 1.7000 1.6000 1.4800 1.4300 1.5200 1.4100 1.4600 1.4200 37.0000 43.6000 38.8000 39.4000 36.3000 47.4000 34.2000 38.4000 34.4000 38.8000 37.5000 38.3000 34.1000 43.2000 48.2000

RMAE (%) 40.00 35.17 43.79 35.17 40.34 32.76 50.00 45.24 48.10 42.86 55.24 51.43 47.14 44.76 50.00 44.29 47.62 44.76 39.84 47.58 41.61 45.81 38.23 50.48 38.87 42.10 37.10 44.84 39.52 43.06 35.81 22.20 27.12

RRMSE (%) 60.69 58.97 65.17 57.93 61.72 56.55 71.90 68.57 71.43 67.14 80.95 76.19 70.48 68.10 72.38 67.14 69.52 67.62 59.68 70.32 62.58 63.55 58.55 76.45 55.16 61.94 55.48 62.58 60.48 61.77 55.00 32.73 36.52



Case study 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 49 49 49




Hu et al., 2004

Soil science


Area (km^2) 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 1039 1039 1039 1039

Sampling design Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular

Sample size 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 69 69 69 69 69 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121

Area per sample 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 0.255319 15.05797 15.05797 15.05797 15.05797 15.05797 8.26E-05 8.26E-05 8.26E-05 8.26E-05 8.26E-05 8.26E-05 8.26E-05 8.26E-05 8.26E-05 8.26E-05 8.26E-05 8.26E-05 8.26E-05 8.26E-05 8.26E-05 8.26E-05 8.26E-05

method StGM IDW-0 StIDW-0 NN StNN IDS StIDS TPS StTPS OK StOK OK Lognormal OK DK UK with a linear trend IDW NaN AK IDS GM NN IDW-0 TSA TPS OK isotropic OK anisotropic NaN AK IDS GM NN IDW-0 TSA


Mean 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49

CV (%) 36.36 36.36 36.36 36.36 36.36 36.36 36.36 36.36 36.36 36.36 36.36 45.57 45.57 45.57 45.57 45.57 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.76

MAE 30.9000 33.3000 27.6000 36.9000 27.7000 29.9000 26.2000 33.3000 29.4000 31.6000 27.0000

RMSE 44.6000 43.6000 40.7000 55.0000 39.5000 40.6000 38.2000 44.0000 42.7000 42.7000 39.0000 0.0267 0.0266 0.0269 0.0254

RMAE (%) 23.41 25.23 20.91 27.95 20.98 22.65 19.85 25.23 22.27 23.94 20.45

RRMSE (%) 33.79 33.03 30.83 41.67 29.92 30.76 28.94 33.33 32.35 32.35 29.55 33.77 33.66 34.00 32.14

Laslett et al., 1987

Soil science

pH in water

1039 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

0.1930 0.1867 0.1700 0.1975 0.1831 0.1636 0.1747 0.1650 0.1656 0.1622 0.1809 0.1834 0.1733 0.2167 0.1745 0.1723 0.1892

0.0282 1.9209 1.8466 1.7464 1.9925 1.8303 1.6941 1.7972 1.7088 1.7146 1.7059 1.8601 1.8439 1.7550 2.1587 1.7972 1.7692 1.9183

3.67 3.55 3.23 3.75 3.48 3.11 3.32 3.14 3.15 3.08 4.03 4.09 3.86 4.83 3.89 3.84 4.21

35.70 36.52 35.11 33.20 37.88 34.80 32.21 34.17 32.49 32.60 32.43 41.43 41.07 39.09 48.08 40.03 39.40 42.72

Laslett et al., 1987

Soil science

pH in CaCl2

0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01



Case study 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 53 53




Area (km^2) 0.01 0.01 0.01

Sampling design Regular Regular Regular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular

Sample size 121 121 121 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161

Area per sample 8.26E-05 8.26E-05 8.26E-05 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739

method TPS OK isotropic OK anisotropic LM OK UK OCK RK-A RK-B OCK heterotropic RK-C LM OK UK OCK RK-A RK-B OCK heterotropic RK-C LM OK UK OCK RK-A RK-B OCK heterotropic RK-C LM OK UK OCK RK-A


Mean 4.49 4.49 4.49 73.5 73.5 73.5 73.5 73.5 73.5 73.5 73.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 44.4 44.4 44.4 44.4 44.4

CV (%) 4.76 4.76 4.76 24.66 24.66 24.66 24.66 24.66 24.66 24.66 24.66 32.96 32.96 32.96 32.96 32.96 32.96 32.96 32.96 127.69 127.69 127.69 127.69 127.69 127.69 127.69 127.69 34.99 34.99 34.99 34.99 34.99

MAE 0.1708 0.1714 0.1723

RMSE 1.7378 1.7521 1.7720 11.9200 15.7600 13.8900 15.7000 8.4500 11.2000 21.7400 10.0100 21.0400 26.7100 26.4300 24.8600 20.2200 19.8900 22.4500 16.5100 4.9700 12.8200 10.3100 8.9800 9.6500 4.5400 3.7200 5.0100 10.2200 15.2000 14.6300 10.2400 9.1100

RMAE (%) 3.80 3.82 3.84

RRMSE (%) 38.70 39.02 39.47 16.22 21.44 18.90 21.36 11.50 15.24 29.58 13.62 19.94 25.32 25.05 23.56 19.17 18.85 21.28 15.65 46.89 120.94 97.26 84.72 91.04 42.83 35.09 47.26 23.02 34.23 32.95 23.06 20.52

Odeh et al., 1994, 1995

Soil science

Depth of solum

0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28

Odeh et al., 1994, 1995

Soil science

Depth of bedrock

0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28

Odeh et al., 1994, 1995

Soil science

Topsoil gravel

0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28

Odeh et al., 1994, 1995

Soil science

Subsoil clay

0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28



Case study 53 53 53 54 54 54 55 55 55 56 56 56 57 57 57 58 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 65 65




Area (km^2) 0.28 0.28

Sampling design Irregular Irregular Irregular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular Irregular

Sample size 161 161 161 160 160 160 130 130 130 100 100 100 70 70 70 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 75 75 100 100 125 125 150 150 293 293

Area per sample 0.001739 0.001739 0.001739 0.000656 0.000656 0.000656 0.000808 0.000808 0.000808 0.00105 0.00105 0.00105 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 0.002625 0.002625 0.002625 0.095 0.095 0.076 0.076 0.050667 0.050667 0.038 0.038 0.0304 0.0304 0.025333 0.025333 266.2116 266.2116



Mean 44.4 44.4 44.4 123.8 123.8 123.8 123.8 123.8 123.8 123.8 123.8 123.8 123.8 123.8 123.8 123.8 123.8 123.8 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 1.01 1.01

CV (%) 34.99 34.99 34.99 58.32 58.32 58.32 58.32 58.32 58.32 58.32 58.32 58.32 58.32 58.32 58.32 58.32 58.32 58.32 32.31 32.31 32.31 32.31 32.31 32.31 32.31 32.31 32.31 32.31 32.31 32.31 95.05 95.05


RMSE 9.2600 5.8900 8.0400 42.8500 32.8600 32.1500 44.4100 32.5400 27.2200 47.2800 35.5100 27.6800 46.5400 33.0600 31.3000 52.8500 38.2900 39.3800 0.2500 0.2000 0.2400 0.1700 0.2400 0.1900 0.2300 0.1600 0.2300 0.1700 0.2400 0.1500 0.7900 0.6600

RMAE (%)

RRMSE (%) 20.86 13.27 18.11 34.61 26.54 25.97 35.87 26.28 21.99 38.19 28.68 22.36 37.59 26.70 25.28 42.69 30.93 31.81 38.46 30.77 36.92 26.15 36.92 29.23 35.38 24.62 35.38 26.15 36.92 23.08 78.22 65.35

Li et al., 2007 Li et al., 2007 Li et al., 2007 Li et al., 2007 Li et al., 2007 Bourennane et al., 2000 Bourennane et al., 2000 Bourennane et al., 2000 Bourennane et al., 2000 Bourennane et al., 2000 Bourennane et al., 2000 Wu et al., 2006

Soil science

Electrical conductivity Electrical conductivity Electrical conductivity Electrical conductivity Electrical conductivity Thickness of a soil horizon Thickness of a soil horizon Thickness of a soil horizon Thickness of a soil horizon Thickness of a soil horizon Thickness of a soil horizon Soil zinc

Soil science

Soil science

Soil science

Soil science

Soil science Soil science Soil science Soil science

0.28 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 78000 78000

Soil science Soil science Soil science



Case study 66 66 66 66 67 67 67 67 68 68 68 68 69 69 69 69 70 70 70 70 71 71 71 71 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 73 74 74

Reference Gotway et al., 1996

Discipline Soil science

Variable Soil nitrate

Gotway et al., 1996

Soil science

Soil nitrate

Gotway et al., 1996

Soil science

Soil organic matter

Gotway et al., 1996

Soil science

Soil organic matter

Gotway et al., 1996

Soil science

Soil nitrate

Gotway et al., 1996

Soil science

Soil nitrate

Gotway et al., 1996

Soil science

Soil nitrate

Gotway et al., 1996

Soil science

Soil nitrate

Gotway et al., 1996

Soil science

Soil organic matter

Area (km^2) 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53

Sampling design Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular

Sample size 195 195 195 195 119 119 119 119 195 195 195 195 119 119 119 119 731 731 731 731 657 657 657 657 192 192 192 192 88 88 88 88 731 731

Area per sample 0.000241 0.000241 0.000241 0.000241 0.000395 0.000395 0.000395 0.000395 0.000241 0.000241 0.000241 0.000241 0.000395 0.000395 0.000395 0.000395 0.000725 0.000725 0.000725 0.000725 0.000807 0.000807 0.000807 0.000807 0.00276 0.00276 0.00276 0.00276 0.006023 0.006023 0.006023 0.006023 0.000725 0.000725



Mean 3.97 3.97 3.97 3.97 4 4 4 4 27.1 27.1 27.1 27.1 26.7 26.7 26.7 26.7 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 22.4 22.4

CV (%) 29.47 29.47 29.47 29.47 25.75 25.75 25.75 25.75 11.88 11.88 11.88 11.88 11.16 11.16 11.16 11.16 36.31 36.31 36.31 36.31 38.77 38.77 38.77 38.77 36.31 36.31 36.31 36.31 36.31 36.31 36.31 36.31 21.12 21.12


RMSE 1.0198 1.0344 1.0198 1.0247 0.9798 0.9695 0.9747 1.0149 2.4166 2.6134 2.4960 2.4083 2.3854 2.4556 2.3685 2.3409 1.1358 1.1314 1.1446 1.1832 1.2288 1.2247 1.2369 1.2689 1.1489 1.1269 1.1747 1.3229 1.1874 1.1705 1.2124 1.3115 2.6495 3.0265

RMAE (%)

RRMSE (%) 25.69 26.06 25.69 25.81 24.49 24.24 24.37 25.37 8.92 9.64 9.21 8.89 8.93 9.20 8.87 8.77 36.17 36.03 36.45 37.68 37.81 37.68 38.06 39.04 36.59 35.89 37.41 42.13 37.82 37.28 38.61 41.77 11.83 13.51



Case study 74 74 75 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 77




Gotway et al., 1996

Soil science

Soil organic matter

Gotway et al., 1996

Soil science

Soil organic matter

Gotway et al., 1996

Soil science

Soil organic matter

Area (km^2) 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53

Sampling design Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular

Sample size 731 731 657 657 657 657 192 192 192 192 88 88 88 88

Area per sample 0.000725 0.000725 0.000807 0.000807 0.000807 0.000807 0.00276 0.00276 0.00276 0.00276 0.006023 0.006023 0.006023 0.006023



Mean 22.4 22.4 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4

CV (%) 21.12 21.12 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.12 21.12 21.12 21.12 21.12 21.12 21.12 21.12


RMSE 2.7695 2.6552 2.7893 3.2000 2.9240 2.8000 2.9394 3.5693 3.0773 3.0594 3.9128 4.0410 3.8665 4.1749

RMAE (%)

RRMSE (%) 12.36 11.85 12.51 14.35 13.11 12.56 13.12 15.93 13.74 13.66 17.47 18.04 17.26 18.64


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