International Standard of Occupations

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International Standard Classification of Occupations

The ISCO-08 divides jobs into 10 major groups: 1- anagers !-"rofessionals #-Technicians and associate professionals $-Clerical support %or&ers '-Service and sales %or&ers (-S&illed agricultural) forestr* and fisher* %or&ers +-Craft and related trades %or&ers 8-"lant and machine operators) and assemblers ,--lementar* occupations 10-.rmed forces occupations

/ 0nderlined occupations %as considered in 11S2s 3abor force surve* -!010 MANAGERS

11 Chief e4ecutives) senior officials and legislators 111 3egislators and senior officials 11! anaging directors and chief e4ecutives

1! .dministrative and commercial managers 1!1 1usiness services and administration managers 1!! Sales) mar&eting and development managers 1# "roduction and speciali5ed services managers 1#1 "roduction managers in agriculture) forestr* and fisheries 1#! anufacturing) mining) construction) and distribution managers

1## Information and communications technolog* service managers 1#$ "rofessional services managers 1$ 6ospitalit*) retail and other services managers 1$1 6otel and restaurant managers 1$! 7etail and %holesale trade managers 1$# Other services managers


21 Science and engineering professionals

211 Physical and earth science professionals 212 Mathematicians, actuaries and statisticians 213 Life science professionals 214 Engineering professionals (excluding electrotechnology 21! Electrotechnology engineers 21" #rchitects, planners, sur$eyors and designers

22 %ealth professionals

221 Medical doctors 222 &ursing and mid'ifery professionals 223 (raditional and complementary medicine professionals 224 Paramedical practitioners 22! )eterinarians 22" *ther health professionals 22+ Medical #ssistant professionals

23 (eaching professionals

231 ,ni$ersity and higher education teachers 232 )ocational education teachers 233 Secondary education teachers 234 Primary school and early childhood teachers 23! *ther teaching professionals

24 -usiness and administration professionals

241 .inance professionals 242 #dministration professionals 243 Sales, mar/eting and pu0lic relations professionals

2! 1nformation and communications technology professionals

2!1 Soft'are and applications de$elopers and analysts 2!2 2ata0ase and net'or/ professionals

2" Legal, social and cultural professionals

2"1 Legal professionals 2"2 Li0rarians, archi$ists and curators 2"3 Social and religious professionals 2"4 #uthors, 3ournalists and linguists 2"! 4reati$e and performing artists


31 Science and engineering associate professionals

311 Physical and engineering science technicians 312 Mining, manufacturing and construction super$isors 313 Process control technicians 314 Life science technicians and related associate professionals

31! Ship and aircraft controllers and technicians

32 %ealth associate professionals

321 Medical and pharmaceutical technicians 322 &ursing and mid'ifery associate professionals 323 (raditional and complementary medicine associate professionals 324 )eterinary technicians and assistants 32! *ther health associate professionals

33 -usiness and administration associate professionals

331 .inancial and mathematical associate professionals 332 Sales and purchasing agents and 0ro/ers 333 -usiness ser$ices agents 334 #dministrati$e and speciali5ed secretaries 33! 6egulatory go$ernment associate professionals

34 Legal, social, cultural and related associate professionals

341 Legal, social and religious associate professionals 342 Sports and fitness 'or/ers 343 #rtistic, cultural and culinary associate professionals

3! 1nformation and communications technicians

3!1 1nformation and communications technology operations and user support technicians 3!2 (elecommunications and 0roadcasting technicians


41 7eneral and /ey0oard cler/s

411 7eneral office cler/s 412 Secretaries (general

413 8ey0oard operators

42 4ustomer ser$ices cler/s

421 (ellers, money collectors and related cler/s 422 4lient information 'or/ers

43 &umerical and material recording cler/s

431 &umerical cler/s 432 Material9recording and transport cler/s

44 *ther clerical support 'or/ers

441 *ther clerical support 'or/ers


51 Personal service


!11 (ra$el attendants, conductors and guides !12 4oo/s !13 :aiters and 0artenders !14 %airdressers, 0eauticians and related 'or/ers !1! -uilding and house/eeping super$isors !1" *ther personal ser$ices 'or/ers

5" Sales Wor!ers

!21 Street and Mar/et Salespersons !211 Stall and Mar/et Salespersons !212 Street .ood Salespersons

!22 Shop Salespersons

!221 Shop/eepers

!222 Shop Super$isors !223 Shop Sales #ssistants

!23 4ashiers and (ic/et 4ler/s

!23; 4ashiers and (ic/et 4ler/s

!24 *ther Sales :or/ers

!241 .ashion and *ther Models !242 Sales 2emonstrators !243 2oor9to9door Salespersons !244 4ontact 4entre Salespersons !24! Ser$ice Station #ttendants !24" .ood Ser$ice 4ounter #ttendants

!3 Personal care 'or/ers

!31 4hild care 'or/ers and teachers< aides !32 Personal care 'or/ers in health ser$ices

!4 Protecti$e ser$ices 'or/ers


"1 Mar/et9oriented s/illed agricultural 'or/ers

"11 Mar/et gardeners and crop gro'ers

"12 #nimal producers "13 Mixed crop and animal producers

"2 Mar/et9oriented s/illed forestry, fishery and hunting 'or/ers

"21 .orestry and related 'or/ers "22 .ishery 'or/ers, hunters and trappers

"3 Su0sistence farmers, fishers, hunters and gatherers

"31 Su0sistence crop farmers "32 Su0sistence li$estoc/ farmers "33 Su0sistence mixed crop and li$estoc/ farmers "34 Su0sistence fishers, hunters, trappers and gatherers


+1 -uilding and related trades 'or/ers, excluding electricians

+11 -uilding frame and related trades 'or/ers +12 -uilding finishers and related trades 'or/ers +13 Painters, 0uilding structure cleaners and related trades 'or/ers

+2 Metal, machinery and related trades 'or/ers

+21 Sheet and structural metal 'or/ers, moulders and 'elders, and related 'or/ers +22 -lac/smiths, toolma/ers and related trades 'or/ers +23 Machinery mechanics and repairers

+3 %andicraft and printing 'or/ers

+31 %andicraft 'or/ers +32 Printing trades 'or/ers

+4 Electrical and electronic trades 'or/ers

+41 Electrical e=uipment installers and repairers

+42 Electronics and telecommunications installers and repairers

+! .ood processing, 'ood 'or/ing, garment and other craft and related trades 'or/ers

+!1 .ood processing and related trades 'or/ers +!2 :ood treaters, ca0inet9ma/ers and related trades 'or/ers +!3 7arment and related trades 'or/ers +!4 *ther craft and related 'or/ers


>1 Stationary plant and machine operators

>11 Mining and mineral processing plant operators >12 Metal processing and finishing plant operators >13 4hemical and photographic products plant and machine operators >14 6u00er, plastic and paper products machine operators >1! (extile, fur and leather products machine operators >1" .ood and related products machine operators >1+ :ood processing and paperma/ing plant operators >1> *ther stationary plant and machine operators

>2 #ssem0lers

>21 #ssem0lers

() Drivers an* +o,ile -lan. o-era.ors

>31 Locomoti$e engine dri$ers and related 'or/ers >32 4ar, $an and motorcycle dri$ers >33 %ea$y truc/ and 0us dri$ers >34 Mo0ile plant operators

>3! Ships< dec/ cre's and related 'or/ers


?1 4leaners and helpers

?11 2omestic, hotel and office cleaners and helpers ?12 )ehicle, 'indo', laundry and other hand cleaning 'or/ers

?2 #gricultural, forestry and fishery la0ourers

?21 #gricultural, forestry and fishery la0ourers

?3 La0ourers in mining, construction, manufacturing and transport

?31 Mining and construction la0ourers ?32 Manufacturing la0ourers ?33 (ransport and storage la0ourers

?4 .ood preparation assistants

?41 .ood preparation assistants

?! Street and related sales and ser$ice 'or/ers

?!1 Street and related ser$ice 'or/ers ?!2 Street $endors (excluding food

?" 6efuse 'or/ers and other elementary 'or/ers

?"1 6efuse 'or/ers ?"2 *ther elementary 'or/ers


;1 4ommissioned armed forces officers

;11 4ommissioned armed forces officers

;2 &on9commissioned armed forces officers

;21 &on9commissioned armed forces officers

;3 #rmed forces occupations, other ran/s

;31 #rmed forces occupations, other ran/s

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