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GATE Study Material, Forum, Downloads, Discussions & More!
GATE ME - 2006
6. For a four-bar linkage in togQle position, the value of mechanical advantage is:
(A) 0.0 ‘-:7
(B) 0.5
(C) 1.0
8. A pin-ended column of length L, modulus of elasticity E and second moment of the cross-
sectional area I is loaded centrically by a compressive load P. the critical buckling load (Pcr) is
given by
(A) Pcr22
(D) ‘°crL2
11. In a two-dimensional velocity field with velocities u and valong the x and y directions
respectively, the convective acceleration along the x-direction is given by
3u 3u
(A) u—+v—
3x 3y
3u v
(B) u—+v—
3v 3u
(C) u—+v-—
3x 3y
3u 3u
(D) v—+u—
Jx Jy
12. Dew point temperature is the temperature at which condensation begins when
the air is cooled at constant.
(A) volume
(B) entropy
(C) pressure
(D) enthalpy
13. In a composite slab, the temperature at the interface (7nter)bet9 two materials is equal to
the average of the temperatures at the two ends. Assuming steady one-dimensional heat
conduction, which of the following statements is true about the respective thermal
(A) 2k1 = k2
(B) k1=k2
(C) 2k1 = 3k2
(D) k1 = 2k2
14. In a Pelton wheel, the bucket peripheral speed is 10 m/s, the water jet velocity is 25 m/s
and volumetric flow rate of the jet is 0.1 m3 Is. If the jet deflection angle is 1200 and the flow
is ideal, the owe developed is:
(A) 7.5 kW
(B) 15.0 kW
(C) 22.5 kW
(D) 37.5 kW
19. The number of customers arriving at a railway reservation counter is Poisson distributed
with an arrival rate of eight customers per hour. The reservation clerk at this counter takes six
minutes per customer on an average with an exponentially distributed service time. The
average number of the customers in the queue will be
(A) 3
(B) 3.2
(C) 4
(D) 4.2
31. Twenty degree full depth involute profiled 19-tooth pinion and 37-tooth gear are in mesh.
If the module is 5 mm, the center distance between the gear pair will be
(A) 140 mm
(B) 150 mm
(C) 280 mm
(D) 300 mm
32. A cylindrical shaft is subjected to an alternating stress of 100 MPa. Fatigue strength to
sustain 1000 cycle is 490 MPa. If the corrected endurance strength is 70 MPa, estimated shaft
life will be
(A) 1071 cycles
(B) 15000 cycles
(C) 281914 cycles
(D) 928643 cycles
33. According to Von-Mises’ distortion energy theory, the distortion energy under three
dimensional stress state is repreented by
(A) [u +u +u -2v(u1u2 ±32±13)1
1—2v 2 2 2
35. If Cf is the coefficient of speed fluctuation of a flywheel then the ratio of will be:
(A) 1—2Cf 1 + 2Cf
(B) 2C, 2+ Cf
(C) l+2Cf l—2Cf
(D) 2+Cf 2- Cf
36. A bar having a cross-sectional area of 700 mm2 is subjected to axial loads at the positions
indicated. The value of stress in the segment QR is:
(A) 40 MPa
(B) 50 MPa
(C) 70 MPa
(D) 120 MPa
37. If a system is in equilibrium and the position of the system depends upon many
independent variables, the principle of virtual work states that the partial derivatives of its
total potential energy with respect to each of the independent variable must be
(A) -1.0
(B) 0
(C) 1.0
38. If point A is in equilibrium under the action of the applied forces, the values of tensions
TAB and TAC are respectively.
(A) 520 N and 300 N
(B) 300 N and 520 N
(C) 450 N and 150 N
(D) 150 N and 450 N
Column I Column II
(P) Higher kinematic pair (1) Grubler’s equation
(Q) Lower kinematic pair (2) Line contact
(R) Quick return mechanism (3) Euler’s equation
(S) Mobility of a linkage AT (4) Planer
(5) Shaper
(6) Surface contact
(A) P - 2 Q - 6 R - 4 5 - 3
(B) P - 6 Q - 2 R - 4 5 - 1
(C) P - 6 Q - 2 R - 5 S - 3
(D) P - 2 Q - 6 R - 5 5 - 1
A machine of 250 kg mass is supported on springs of total stiffness 100 kN/m.
41. In a four-bar linkage, S denotes the shortest link length, L is the longest link length, P and
Q are the lengths of other two links. At least one of the three moving links will rotate by 360°
(A) S+LP+Q
(B) S+L>P+Q
(C) S+PL+Q
(D) S+P>L+Q
42. A 60 mm long and 6 mm thick fillet weld carries a steady load of 15 kN along the
weld. The shear strength of the weld material is equal to 200 MPa. The factor of
safety is
(A) 2.4
(B) 3.4
(C) 4.8
(D) 6.8
43. A two-dimensional flow field has velocities along the x and y directions given by u = x2t
and v = -2xyt respectively, where t is time. The equation of streamlines is:
(A) x2y = constant
(B) xy2 = constant
(C) xy = constant
(D) not possible to determine
44. The velocity profile in fully developed laminar flow in a pipe of diameter D is given by u =
u0 (1 _4r2/D2), where ris the radial distance from the center. If the viscosity of the fluid is p,
the pressure drop across a length L of the pipe is:
(A) pu0L
(B) 4pu0L
(C) 8pu0L
(D) l6pu0L
45. A siphon draws water from a reservoir and discharges it out at atmospheric pressure.
Assuming ideal fluid and the reservoir is large, the velocity at point P in
the siphon tube is: P
(B) h1
(C) .J2g(h2—h1)
(D) .,J2g(h2+h1)
46. A large hydraulic turbine is to generate 300 kW at 1000 rpm under a head of 40 m. for
initial testing, a 1:4 scale model of the turbine operates under a head of 10 m. the power
generated by the model (in kW) will be
(A) 2.34
(B) 4.68
(C) 9.38
(D) 18.75
49. A thin layer of water in field is formed after a farmer has watered it. The ambient air
conditions are: temperature 20 °C and relative humidity 5%.
An extract of steam tables is given below.
Temperature (°C) -15 -10 -5 0.01 5 10 15 20
Neglecting the heat transfer between the water and the ground, temperature in the field after
phase equilibrium is reached equals
(A) 10.3 °C
(B) -10.3 °C
(C) -14.5 °C
(D) 14.5 °C
50. A horizontal shaft centrifugal pump lifts ware at 65°C. The suction nozzle is one meter
below pump centerline. The pressure at this point equal 200 kPa gauge and velocity is 3 m/s.
Steam saturation pressure at 65°C is 25 kPa, and specific volume of the saturated
liquid is 0.001020 m3/kg. The pump Net
(A) 24
(B) 26
(C) 28
(D) 30
52. Determine the correctness or otherwise of the following Assertion [a] and the Reason [r].
Assertion [a]: In a power plant working on a Ranking cycle, the regenerative feed water
heating improves the efficiency of the steam turbine.
Reason [r]: The regenerative feed water heating raises the average temperature of heat
addition in the Rankine cycle.
(A) Both [a] and [r] are true and [r]. is the correct reason for [a].
(B) Both [a] and [r] are true but [r] is NOT the correct reason for [a].
(C) Both [a] and [r] are false
(D) [a] is false and [r] is true.
53. Determine the correctness or otherwise of the following Assertion [a] and the Reason [r].
Assertion [a]: Condenser is an essential equipment in a steam power plant.
Reason [r]: For the same mass flow rate and the same pressure rise, a water
pump requires substantially less power than a steam compressor.
(A) Both [a] and [r] are true and [r] is the correct reason for [a].
(B) Both [a] and [r] are true but [r] is NOT the correct reason for [a].
(C) [a] is true but [r] is false
(D) [a] is false and [r] is true.
sa Specific volume (m3
e Enthalpy (kJ/kg)
(bar) 1kg)
Saturated Saturated Saturated
liquid liquid vapour
55. Group I shows different heat addition processes in power cycles. Likewise, Group II shows
different heat removal processes. Group III lists power cycles. Match items from Groups I, II
and III[\ b
Group Group
Group II Group III Group V
When added to the system, Differentia
Function Phenomenon
is l
E Heat G Positive I Exact K Path M Transient
F Work H Negative J Inexact L Point N Boundary
57. The ultimate tensile strength of a material is 400 MPa and the elongation up to maximum
load is 35°h. If the material obeys power law of hardening, then the true stress-true strain
relation (stress in MPa) in the plastic deformation range is:
(A) u = 540s°°
(B) u = 775s°3°
(C) u = 540s°5
(D) u = 775s°35
58. In a sand casting operation, the total liquid head is maintained constant such that it is
equal to the mould height. The time taken to fill the mould with a top gate is tA If the same
mould is filed with a bottom gate, then the time taken is t8. Ignore the time required to fill the
runner and frictional effects. Assume atmospheric pressure at the top molten metal surfaces.
The relation between tA and t8 is:
(A) tB=JtA
(B) tB=2tA
(C) t8 = - - -
(D) tB=2%JtA
59. A 4 mm thick sheet is rolled with 300 mm diameter rolls to reduce thickness without any
change in its width. The friction coefficient at the work-roll interface is 0.1. The minimum
possible thickness of the sheet that can be produced in a single pass is:
(A) 1.0 mm
(B) 1.5 mm
(C) 2.5 mm
(D) 3.7 mm
60. In a wire drawing operation, diameter of a steel wire is reduced from 10 mm to 8 mm. the
mean flow stress of the material is 400 MPa. The ideal force requied for drawing (ignoring
friction and redundant work) is:
(A) 4.48 kN
(B) 8.97 kN
(C) 20.11 kN
(D) 31.41 kN
63. If each abrasive grain is viewed as a cutting tool, then which of the following represents
the cutting parameters in common grinding operations?
(A) Large negative rake angle, low shear angle and high cutting speed
(B) Large positive rake angle, low shear angle and high cutting speed
(C) Large negative rake angle, high shear angle and low cutting speed
(D) Zero rake angle, high shear angle and high cutting speed
62. In an arc welding process, the voltage and current are 25 V and 300 A respectively. The
arc heat transfer efficiency is 0.85 and welding speed is 8 mm/sec. the net heat input (in
J/mm) is:
(A) 64
(B) 797
(C) 1103
(D) 79700
64. Arrange the processes in the increasing order of their maximum material removal rate.
Column I Column II
(P) Wrinkling (1) Yield point elongation
(Q) Orange peel (2) Anisotropy
(R) Stretcher
(3) Large grain size
(5) Earing (4) Insufficient blank holding force
(5) Fine grain size
(A) P - 4 Q - 5 R - 3 5 - 2
(B) P - 3 Q - 5 R - 1 S - 4
(C) P - 2 Q - 4 R - 3 5 - 5
(D) P - 4 Q - 2 R - 1 5 - 3
66. A manufacturing shop processes sheet metal jobs, wherein each job must pass through
two machines (Ml and M2, in that order). The processing time (in hours) for these jobs is:
The optimal make-span (in hours) of the shop is:
(A) 120
(B) 115
(C) 109
(D) 79
Column I Column II
(P) Charpy test (1) Fluidity
(Q) Knoop test (2) Microhardness
(R) Spiral test (3) Formability
(S) Cupping
(4) Toughness
(5) Permeability
Machine Jobs
Ml 15 32 8 27 11 16
M2 6 19 13 20 14 7
68. A firm is required to procure three items (P, Q and R). The prices quoted for these items
(in Rs.) by suppliers Si, S2 and S3 are given in table. The management policy requires that
each? item has to be supplied by only one supplier and one supplier supply only one item. The
minimum total cost (in Rs.) of procurement to the firm is:
(A) 350
(B) 360
(C) 385
(D) 395
69. A stockist wishes to optimize the number of perishable items he needs to stock in any
month in his store. The demand distribution for this perishable item is:
Order quantity
Unit price (Rs.)
< 500 10
500 9
Si S2 S3
P 110 120 130
Q 115 140 140
R 125 145 165
The stockist pays Rs.70 for each item and he sells each at Rs.90. if the stock is left unsold in
any month, he can sell the item at Rs.50 each. There is no penalty for unfulfilled demand. To
maximize the expected profit, the optimal stock level is:
(A) 5 units
(B) 4 units
(C) 3 units
(D) 2 units
71. The values of shear angle and shear strain, respectively, are
(A) 30.3° and 1.98
(B) 30.3° and 4.23
73. The percentage of total energy dissipated due to friction at the tool-chip interface
(A) 30°h
(B) 42°h
(C) 58°h
(D) 70°h
74. What is the relation between the angular velocities of Gear 1 and Gear 4?
(A) 15_6 (04 — (05
(B) 04 (0 =6 (V -(t
(C) 12 =—i:•-: (04—a)3 3
75. For a = 60 rpm clockwise (cw) when looked from the left, what is the angular velocity of
the carrier and its direction so that Gear 4 rotates in counterclockwise (ccw) direction at twice
the angular velocity of Gear 1 when looked from the left
(A) 130 rpm, cw
(B) 223 prm, ccw
(C) 256 rpm, cw
(D) 156 rpm, ccw
80. The amount of heat lost by the air in the football and the gauge pressure of air in
the football at the stadium respectively equal
(A) 30.6], 1.94 bar
(B) 21.8], 0.93 bar
(C) 61.1], 1.94 bar
(D) 43.7], 0.93 bar
81. Gauge pressure of air to which the ball must have been originally inflated so that it would
equal 1 bar gauge at the stadium is:
(A) 2.23 bar
(B) 1.94 bar
(C) 1.07 bar
(D) 1.00 bar
82. The mass flow rate (in kg/s) across the section q—ris:
(A) zero
(B) 0.05
(C) 0.10
(D) 0.15
83. The integrated drag force (in N) on the plate, between p—s, is:
(A) 0.67
(B) 0.33
(C) 0.17
(D) zero
85. The standard deviation of the critical path of the project is:
(A) Jii days
(B) /i days
(C) Jöö days
(D) days