Friday Bulletin: From The Middle School Office
Friday Bulletin: From The Middle School Office
Friday Bulletin: From The Middle School Office
During the grade level assemblies this week we had a number of students stand and give speeches in the
hopes of being elected as a grade level representative to the MS Student Council. We congratulate all the
candidates for stepping forward and expressing their desire to serve and lead the Middle School students.
It’s not easy standing before a crowd of one’s peers to deliver a speech, yet all the students did an admirable
job. We wish them all the best as the students cast their votes.
After school activities began this week, and the excitement was obvious. Students dashed off to various
activities and clubs, such as Digital Imagery, Dance, Martial Arts and Salinlahi. We are thrilled that a large
number of students are getting involved and exploring their interests. If your child has not yet signed up for a
club or activity, it’s not too late. Registration is still open.
Please note that PowerSchool will open to parents on Friday, August 28. If you do not have a password to
access your account and check on your child’s progress, please contact the MS office.
Monday, August 31 is a holiday celebrating National Heroes Day. This particular holiday is considered a
“Special Holiday”. Please be reminded of the note listed on the bottom of the school calendar:
This year we have decided to specify the country’s usual “Special Holidays” to enable parents,
faculty and staff to plan the year more accurately. The asterixed holidays will be fixed according to
the dates so marked in the calendar, and we shall not amend these if any subsequent official
announcement positions them earlier or later.
Looking ahead…MS Open House will occur on Tuesday, September 8 from 5:00 – 7:00 P.M. Please mark
your calendars and plan to attend.
Once again the ES art department are on the hunt for materials to use in creating art
works. At the moment we have plenty of Styrofoam trays, boxes, bottles and magazines.
What we are really in need of is oddments such as keys, tools, wood scraps, fabric, rocks,
pebbles, beads, jewels, caps/lids metal or plastic, coat hangers (big and tiny), curtain rings, packing materials
such as foam, hair clips, cutlery, toys, badges etc. Broken items are fine. The idea is to recycle the seemingly
useless. The more random the item the better! If you are not sure if we will want it just email me at or drop it off at room 1189 opposite the ES Gym.
Many thanks,
Olivia Jones
ES Art
Girl Scouts
USA Girl Scouts – Manila is part of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and is open to all
girls, of all nationalities, attending an international school. Open to girls from ECLC – Gr. 12. Registration
forms available at the ES Office. For more information contact Tess Herzog 09266807904 /
This will be a great way to meet new and returning ISM parents, meet the ISM Administration and many
of the international organizations available for ex-pats in Manila. We look forward to seeing you there. If
you have any questions about ISM or the PTA before that time, please feel free to contact one of the
members of the PTA Hospitality Committee:
Welcome to ISM!
Please get in touch with the Admissions Office or Middle School Office if there has been
any change in your home address and other contact information over the summer.
Let’s Go Green.
If you would like more information or you wish to sign up to receive any of the above vaccines, please call in
at the clinic to pick up a registration form (next to the elementary canteen). Only people with a valid ISM ID
may participate in this program.
Many thanks
Debbie Duckworth
ISM Clinic Administrator
840 8581
In an effort to keep everyone informed of developments during the current H1N1 influenza epidemic, the clinic
will be issuing regular updates via the newsletters. Every day we monitor the number and symptoms of chil-
dren who have not reported to school or who have been sent home from the clinic. We aim to identify any
emerging patterns or clusters of illness.
I am happy to report that there is currently no reason for concern in any of the schools and we are not aware
of any confirmed case of H1N1 within the school community. As ever, we rely heavily on information given to
us by parents and appreciate your cooperation in keeping sick children at home.
If you have any questions or concerns for your child’s health, please do not hesitate to call or visit us.
The car stickers for school year 2009/10 are available from the security office.
For vehicles already displaying an exiting sticker, parents should submit a completed
renewal form with a copy of a current LTO official receipt. For new vehicles, parents
are reminded that a copy of the vehicle’s certificate of registration and a current official receipt need to be
submitted with the application. Applications for vehicles registered with companies or other institutions
should be supported by a letter of assignment.
Each ISM family will be issued one vehicle sticker free of charge. Any additional stickers will be issued fol-
lowing payment of Php100.00 to the cashier’s office.
In order to facilitate the easy recognition of authorized cars at the gates, the stickers should be affixed to the
top right corner of the windshield. Further to this, old ISM stickers issued in previous years should be re-
Vehicles not displaying this year’s car sticker will not be allowed access from August 30.
ID Cards
Parent IDs
Parent IDs issued for the school year 2008-2009 will continue to be valid for the new school year 2009-2010.
Parents who require replacement school IDs due to loss or damage can acquire these from the Security Of-
fice upon payment of Php100.00 to the Cashier.
School Passes
School passes issued to parents’ employees and representatives need to be replaced for this school year.
As of August 31, 2009, the blue bordered passes issued for the school year 2008/2009 will be invalid.
Each family will be given two free school passes. Additional school passes may be obtained after paying a
processing fee of Php100.00 each to the Cashier’s Office.
Visitor’s Passes
All visitors must secure a pass from the guardhouse at Gate 3. Before entry will be allowed, a telephone
check will be made with the relevant office to confirm the visitor’s business within the school.
Thank you for your cooperation. We are looking forward to another successful year at International School
Mike Flynn
Director, Operations & Security
IASAS Housing
Dear ISM Parents/Students:
Questions will no doubt arise?
The IASAS Soccer housing letter is now available via par- What if I cannot house? You have to find a friend who can
ent bulletins, the ATAC office and it has been distributed to and get them to sign off on the form with full name, details
our HS first season athletes via their coaches. etc.
HS Students participating in ATAC activities must What if I am away at the IASAS Volleyball/Cross Coun-
house in order to be on a team. This is an expected try tournament? You still can house as your parents may
obligation and is mandated in the school planner and now have space in the house. Quite a number of parents
on the ATAC page of the school website. housed last year when their children were away at the
IASAS Soccer event in Taipei.
Housing visiting athletes is an integral part of the
IASAS experience as all of our varsity athletes will be What if I can’t house for IASAS Soccer? You must com-
housed when they go away to tournaments during their mit to house for an event. Other options during the year
HS career. In order for us to ensure we are able to host are: Pre-I Basketball in November and IASAS Art/Music in
successful IASAS exchange weekends and IASAS tourna- March. You should indicate on the return slip which event
ments we hope that all members of our community who you will house for and have your parents sign off.
have students involved in ATAC activities will be willing to
house for this fantastic tournament from October 14-18. We What if I live too far away? Alabang and Merville for ex-
require 160 housing placements for our visiting ample are not too far away! We have had a number of stu-
male/female soccer players from the IASAS schools. dents housed here at past tournaments. As a general rule
we do not want visiting athletes to travel more than 45 min-
Expectations of host familes: utes to/from school. Please contact us if you have ques-
Pick up and drop off of visiting athletes each day to tions about the travel distance.
school. Visiting athletes can ride the school bus if that
is how your children get to school. “HOUSING FOR IASAS EVENTS IS AN EXPECTATION
Provide a comfortable place for athlete to sleep/assist We hope you will support the 28th Annual IASAS Soc-
the athlete with laundry of their uniforms. cer Championships. Our varsity girls will be gunning
for a “THREE-PEAT” and defending the gold medals
Provide a breakfast each morning and some evening they have won the past two years and we are anticipat-
meals. Athletes will buy lunches at ing a great home performance from our boys team as
school and may have a team dinner they strive for a medal this year.
If you or your parents have questions please call the ATAC
Be available each evening to receive office and/or talk with your coach.
curfew calls from the athletes
coaches around 10:00 P.M. Mark Pekin
Athelectics & Activities Director
Ensure there is parental supervision at home each eve-
ning you are hosting.