The Uncertainty of The Mean: 11.1 Using A Set'S Mean As A "Best Guess"

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Now, for instance, it was reckoned a remarkable thing that at the last party in my
rooms, that upon an average we cleared about five pints a head.
--- Northanger Abbey
Imagine that we are doing an experiment, and we want to make the best possible guess as to
the true value of a quantity whose measured values are subject to some kind of random error, either
due to human estimation error (as in the case of the stopwatch measurements in the speed of light
lab) or random perturbing physical effects (noise), or both. In order to get a sense of the uncertain-
ty of the measurement, you have already taken N individual measurements of the quantity.
If the effects that perturb the measured value away from its true value are truly random,
then they are equally likely to cause any given measured value to be higher than the true value as
they are to cause it to be lower than the true value. This means that if you take a set of N measure-
ments of the same quantity and those measurements are subject to random effects, it is likely that
the set will contain some values that are too high and some that are too low compared to the true
value. If you think of each measurement value in the set as being the sum of the measurements
true value and some random error, what we are saying is that the error of a given measurement is
as likely to be positive as negative if it is truly random.
One way to get a good estimate of the true value of a quantity is therefore to calculate the
mean (average) of the measurement values in the set. When you calculate the mean of a set of
measurements, you sum the measurements and then divide by N, the number of measurements in
the set. If we imagine each measurement to be equal to the true value plus some random error, then
the sum of N measurements will be equal to N times the true value plus the sum of all the random
errors. Since the random errors are as likely to be negative as positive, they will tend to cancel each
other out when summed, meaning that the sum of N measurements is likely to be very close to N
times the true value. Dividing the result by N to get the mean thus yields a number that is likely to
be close to the true value. The mean thus represents a better guess as to a quantitys true value
than any of the individual values in set of measurements
The assumption that the errors cancel each other out gets better and better as the number of
measurements in the set increases. For example, if there are only three measurements in a set, there
is one chance in eight that all three measurements are too high, implying that the mean of these
measurements will not be a good estimate of the quantitys true value. As the number of measure-
ments in a set increases, though, the probability that there is an approximately even mix of meas-
ured values in the set that are too high and too low becomes larger and larger.
The mean of any finite set of measurements is not going to be exactly equal to the quantitys
true value: the random errors are not likely to perfectly cancel (especially if the number of measure-
ments is relatively small. Saying that the mean is a better guess than any single given measure-
ment is essentially saying that the uncertainty range of the mean is smaller than the uncertainty
range of any given single measurement. But how much smaller is it? How can we quantify the un-
certainty of the mean of the set of measurements?
We define the uncertainty of the mean U
of a set of N measurements to be that value such
that we are 95% confident that U
encloses the true value of the measurement (where is the
mean of the set). If were to take enough data so that we have many sets of N measurements, (as
we did in the Speed of Sound lab), then this definition means operationally that if U
has the cor-
rect value, the range U
should enclose the true value for 95% of the sets means. According to
the mathematicians, we can estimate the uncertainty U
of the mean of a normally distributed set
of measurement using just one set of N measurements as follows:
where s is the standard deviation of the set and t is the Student t-factor. In the Uncertainty of the
Mean lab, you should have verified that this expression was at least approximately consistent with
the definition of uncertainty just described.
Note that the estimate of the uncertainty of the mean given by equation 11.1 has two proper-
ties that we know (or at least intuitively expect) to be true. First, it implies that the uncertainty of
the mean is indeed smaller than the uncertainty of a single measurement (by the factor 1/ N ), as
we would expect from the argument given in the previous section. Second, the more measurements
we take, the smaller U
becomes, implying that the mean becomes a better estimate of the meas-
urements true value as the number of measurements it embraces increases (as we should expect).
Calculating uncertainties of the mean through the
standard deviation can quickly become very tedious,
particularly when an experiment involves a number of
sets of measurements. It would be nice to have a
method that allows us to determine the uncertainty of
the mean of a set of measurements at a glance.
Here is such a method. The first step is to comp-
ute the range R of your set of data, which is defined to
be the largest value minus the smallest value in your
set. (You can often compute R to one or two signifi-
cant digits in your head.) Then look in table shown to
the right for the number N of the measurements that
you took. An estimate of the value of the uncertainty
(expressed as a multiple of R) appears in the next col-
umn, and again, you can probably do the multiplication (to one or two significant digits) in your
head. For example, if you have 10 measurements of a period of time ranging from 2.05 s to 2.22
s, the range is 0.17 s and the uncertainty of the mean of these measurements is (according to the
table) U
= 0.23R = 0.23(0.17 s) = 0.04 s. Easy!
The downside is that the value one reads from this table is only an estimate of the value that
we would get by calculating U ts
N / , and not a particularly great one for small N (because it
turns out that when N is small, the range of a set of measurements fluctuates from one set to anoth-
er even more than the calculated value of s does). Still, if we are after a quick and dirty estimate
that is still good to about one significant digit, this method is hard to beat.
We will call this method the range method of determining the uncertainty of the mean and
the method of directly computing the uncertainty of the mean using U ts
N / the formal
method. You may freely use the range method for quick estimates and for checking formal calcu-
11. The Uncertainty of the Mean 9 8
lations, but you should be sure to use the formal method when doing the final calculations that you
will report in an analysis summary or full report.
The program RepDat (see chapter 3) also calculates the uncertainty of the mean of a set of
measurements using the formal method (as you can easily check). This is probably the fastest way
to do the formal method if the program is available.
The discussion in the previous sections suggests that if you want to determine a measured
value as precisely as possible, it is better to take a set of measurements of that quantity and com-
pute the mean than it is to take just one measurement. IMPORTANT: In this lab program, when a
measurement is repeatable, you should always (automatically!) take a set of four to twenty meas-
urements of the quantity in question, compute the mean of the set to get a best guess for the meas-
urement value, and then compute the uncertainty of that mean.
But when is a measurement repeatable? There are three different kinds of measurements
that are not repeatable. The first are intrinsically unrepeatable measurements of one-time
events. For example, imagine that you are timing the duration of a foot-race with a single stop-
watch. When the first runner crosses the finish line, you stop the watch and look at the value regis-
tered. There is no way to repeat this measurement of the race duration: the value that you see on
your stopwatch is the only measurement that you have and could ever have of this quantity.
In the second category are subjectively influenced measurements where a subjective
human judgment is required to make the measurement and such a judgment can be influenced by
knowledge of past results or what the answer should be. In such cases, while we can technically
repeat the measurement process, our knowledge of previous results, or our expectation of a certain
outcome influences our judgment to such an extent that we cannot be sure that those measurements
will remain randomly distributed. For example, imagine measuring the size of an object using a
ruler. The first measurement that you take of this quantity may be subject to random effects (for
example, the way that you line up the ruler on the object, the orientation of your eye with respect to
the ruler, and so on). The second and subsequent measurements that you take of this quantity will
be strongly influenced by your knowledge of the first value that you obtained. It is very difficult to
be completely unbiased about such measurements after the first, particularly when it comes to read-
ing linear scales (after reading it once, it is hard to avoid looking at the scale the same way subse-
This is not generally a problem with digital readouts (where you do not make a subjective
judgment about the measurement) or when the random influences overwhelm the influences of
subjectivity. For example, if you are using a gauge to read the pressure of steam in a boiler and
clearly the reading is fluctuating dramatically from moment to moment, your memory of a previous
measurement is not likely to have much influence on subsequent measurements.
The final kind of unrepeatable measurement is a unvarying measurement whose value al-
ways comes out to be exactly the same if we do try to repeat it. This is a particular problem with
digital readouts, and is an indication that any random errors that might influence the measurement
are smaller than the precision of the instrument. In such a case, equation 11.1 cannot be used (it
would clearly yield a zero uncertainty): instead, we have to estimate the uncertainty from our
knowledge about the instruments precision.
Here is a general rule for distinguishing a repeatable from unrepeatable measurements:
A measurement is repeatable if (1) you are sure that you are really measuring the same
quantity each time you repeat the measurement and (2) you can be surprised by the result.
11. The Uncertainty of the Mean 9 9
The first condition excludes intrinsically unrepeatable one-time events, and the second excludes the
other two cases. (To decide whether you can be surprised in a given situation, you should prob-
ably take the measurement at least twice and find out.)
In this laboratory program, you should assign an uncertainty to every measured quantity as a
matter of course. If the measurement of that quantity is repeatable, take a set of measurements
(however many you have time for, but at least four) and compute the mean and the uncertainty of
the mean. Use the mean as the measurement value in any subsequent calculations.
If the measurement is not repeatable, estimate the uncertainty of your single measurement
based either on previous experience, on the principles that the uncertainty of linear scale or dial is
greater than one tenth of the smallest division and that the uncertainty of a digital readout is 1 in
the final digit, or your common sense. For example, you may remember that the uncertainty of
stopwatch measurements in the Inertial Mass experiment was a certain value: this would be a good
estimate of the uncertainty of a unrepeatable stopwatch measurement.
Remember that all uncertainty estimates (calculated or otherwise) are estimates good only to
about one significant figure. Do not waste a lot of time trying to calculate the uncertainty exactly:
use the range method (unless you really need the greater accuracy of the formal method).
Exercise 11.1
Which of the following measurements are repeatable? Explain your response.
(a) Measuring the length of a sheet of paper with a ruler.
(b)Measuring the width of a building with a meter stick.
(c) Measuring the outside temperature with a thermometer.
(d) Measuring how long it takes a rock to drop 5 ft using a watch with a sweep second hand.
(e) Measuring the duration of a speech with a single watch.
Exercise 11.2
Consider the set of time measurements given in exercise 3.3 in chapter 3 of this lab reference
guide. What is the mean of these measurements, and what is its uncertainty? Calculate the latter
using both the formal method and the range method. Are the results about the same?
11. The Uncertainty of the Mean 1 0 0

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