Agricultural Development Programmes

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Agricultural Development Programmes:

S.No. 1 " $ # , 6 2 4 9 10

Agricultural Development Year of Programme Beginning Intensive Agriculture Development Program (IADP) 1960

Objective/Description To provide loan , seeds , fertilizer tools to t e farmers! To develop t e special arvest! To increase productivit( of foodgrains )( adopting latest varieties of inputs for crops! To increase t e foodrains , speciall( food production! To provide loans for agriculture , rural development and ot er priorit( sector! 0or tec nical and financial assistance to marginal and small farmer and agricultural la)or! 0or tec nical and financial assistance to small farmers! To popularize t e use of improved agricultural instruments and tool .its! 0or insurance of agricultural crops! To e6empt )an. loans upto +s! 10,000 of rural artisans and 7eaver! To en ance t e production, per unit area t roug (a) tec nolog( transfer, ()) suppl( of 8ualit( seeds, (c) elevating IP/ activities9 and (d) providing ade8uate and timel( suppl( of inputs to t e farmers ! To increase t e productivit( )( popularising t e use of ne7l( released ()rid9 ig (ielding varieties and spread t e area coverage under location specific ig (ielding varieties9 ()rids! To increase maize production and productivit(

Intensive Agriculture Area 196# Program (IAAP) %ig &ielding 'ariet( Program (%&'P) *reen +evolution 1966 1966

-ationalization of # )an.s 1969 /arginal 0armer and Agriculture 1a)or Agenc( (/0A1A) 192$

3mall 0armer Development 192# Agenc( (30DA) 0armer Agriculture 3ervice 194$ 5entres (0A35) 5ompre ensive 5rop Insurance 3c eme 194,

Agricultural and +ural De)t 1990 +elief 3c eme (A+D+3) Intensive 5otton Development Programme (I5DP)




/ Programme for +ice, : eat ; 5oarse 5ereals Accelerated /aize




Development Programme (A/DP) -ational Pulses Development Pro=ect (-PDP) >il Palm Development Programme (>PDP)

in t e countr( from 10 million tonnes to 11!## million tonnes and from 1!, tonnes9 ectare to 1!40 tonnes9 ectare respectivel( upto t e terminal (ear of 9t Plan i!e! "001<"00" (revised)! 1946 199" To increase t e production of pulses in t e countr( to ac ieve self sufficienc(! To promote oil palm cultivation in t e countr(! T e main functions of t e ->'>D ?oard are ver( compre ensive and cover t e entire gamut of activities associated 7it t e oil seeds and vegeta)le oil industr( including @ production, mar.eting, trade, storage, processing, researc and development, financing and advisor( role to t e formulation of integrated polic( and programme of development of oil seeds and vegeta)le oil! To increase production and productivit( of coconut To )ring additional area under coconut in potential non<traditional areas To develop ne7 tec nologies for product diversification and )(<product utilisation To strengt en mec anism for transfer of tec nologies To elevate t e income level of small and marginal farmers engaged in coconut cultivation! To )uild up sound information )asis for coconut industr( and information To generate ample emplo(ment opportunities in t e rural sector! 5entral 3ector 3c eme(%A 3c eme)

1# 1,


-ational >ilseeds and 'egeta)le >ils development 194# ?oard (->'>D)


5oconut Development ?oard



:aters ed Development 5ouncil (:D5)


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