Chapter 4 — Appendix
Parameter Worksheet
Company Machine No. Date:
Fanuc 10 Software Version Masterboard No.
Setting Screen (Handy Sereen
NC-Servie Parameters
Pare Part | Value
S0oT S10
S02 su
30 500 S12
ar Sam 3120)
2: ETTEY 3121 300
z sa
Pact [Ope [Value [Hex [Part [Ope Pare
oT ore ors
3101 our O55
3102 one OS
3105 ony 735
310 1a IE
3105 3121 OST
7106 1a O15
3I07 31 O57
3108 32s 7200
3109 [ 0 3135 3201
cr a 3136 02
oraz 312 ay
ones mae 39 oa
ost 3139[ 30 05
ori s SET EL 7206
ois [6 ist 3207
Par.¥= Parameter No, Op? = Option No. (Ta be entered Wom the LPL wareen)
To conver the 9100 parameters to Hex, separate the left half ofthe parameter from the right hal look up the bit
combination foreach half onthe following char, and pu the two back together to form the Hex value
xg. Param 9100= 1101 0110 > becomes 1101 and 0110 oF im hex
D and 6 > become “Ds
[New value for Param 9100 = Dé.
‘000 =0 o100=4 1000=§ 1100=c
01 =1 oi =s 101 =9 Ho1=D
10 =2 o110=6 lo10=A M10=E
oon =3 out lo=B nuk
Page 20
@ nitro”™ professionalChapter 4— Appendix
Dae [ No
Coates Kap Raa
Preset | Curent | No [Data
Data Tables
No of Das One Table Nod)
‘The remainder of the Data Tables can be written down on the folowing chart
Photocopy the chart as many times as you need to record the rest ofthe Data
Line 0 ofthe No. of Data column in the previous char, wil tell you how many tables there are.
‘The remaining lines inthe No. of Data column vil tell you how many entries are in each table,
age Down through each table, to record all the data on each
Page 21
@ nitro”™ professionalChapter 4— Appendix
Data Table No.
Ne, Date
Page 22
@ nitro”™ professional