How To Fix The Voting System
How To Fix The Voting System
How To Fix The Voting System
Wendy Weiser, Jonathan Brater, Diana Kasdan, Lawrence Norden
Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law
Te Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law is a nonpartisan law and policy institute that
seeks to improve our systems of democracy and justice. We work to hold our political institutions and
laws accountable to the twin American ideals of democracy and equal justice for all. Te Centers work
ranges from voting rights to campaign nance reform, from racial justice in criminal law to Constitutional
protection in the ght against terrorism. A singular institution part think tank, part public interest
law rm, part advocacy group, part communications hub the Brennan Center seeks meaningful,
measurable change in the systems by which our nation is governed.
Te Brennan Centers Democracy Program works to repair the broken systems of American democracy.
We encourage broad citizen participation by promoting voting and campaign reform. We work to secure
fair courts and to advance a First Amendment jurisprudence that puts the rights of citizens not special
interests at the center of our democracy. We collaborate with grassroots groups, advocacy organizations,
and government ocials to eliminate the obstacles to an eective democracy.
Red cover | Research reports oer in-depth empirical ndings.
Blue cover | Policy proposals oer innovative, concrete reform solutions.
White cover | White papers oer a compelling analysis of a pressing legal or policy issue.
2013. Tis paper is covered by the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivs-NonCommercial license
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Wendy Weiser is Director of the Brennan Centers Democracy Program, where she directs research, litigation,
advocacy, and public education eorts to enhance political participation, improve our voting system, reduce
the undue inuence of money in politics, address government dysfunction, promote fair redistricting, and
secure fair and impartial courts. She founded and directed the centers Voting Rights and Elections Project,
which has helped protect hundreds of thousands of voters in 2006, 2008, 2010, and 2012.
She has authored a number of nationally-recognized publications and articles on voting rights and election
reform; litigated ground-breaking lawsuits; testied before both houses of Congress and state legislatures;
and provided policy and legislative drafting assistance to federal and state legislators and administrators across
the country. She has appeared on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, PBS, ABC News, and NPR; her commentary
has been published in Te New York Times, USA Today, U.S. News & World Report, Roll Call, Te Hill, and
elsewhere; and she is frequently quoted by Te New York Times, the Washington Post, the National Journal,
Politico, and other news outlets across the country. She received her J.D. from Yale Law School and her B.A.
from Yale College.
Jonathan Brater serves as counsel for the Brennan Centers Democracy Program. His work focuses on
voting rights and elections. In this capacity, Mr. Brater has worked on litigation to block enforcement of
restrictive state voting laws, prevent unlawful purges, and ensure fair districts. Mr. Brater graduated cum
laude from Michigan Law School in 2011.
Lawrence Norden is Deputy Director of the Brennan Centers Democracy Program. He has authored
several nationally recognized reports and articles related to voting rights and voting technology, including
How to Fix Long Lines (February 2013), Better Design, Better Elections (July 2012), and Voting Law Changes
in 2012 (October 2011). His work has been featured in media outlets across the country, including
Te New York Times, Te Wall Street Journal, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, and NPR. He has testied
before Congress and several state legislatures on numerous occasions. He received his J.D. from New York
University School of Law.
Diana Kasdan is the author of Early Voting: What Works and State Restrictions on Voter Registration
Drives, and a co-author of Voting Law Changes: Election Update and Curbing Filibuster Abuse. As senior
counsel for the Brennan Centers Democracy Program, Ms. Kasdans work focused on litigation and
advocacy to enhance political participation, prevent voter disenfranchisement, and ensure election
integrity. She received her J.D. from New York University School of Law.
Many Brennan Center sta members contributed to this publication. Te authors would like to thank
Myrna Prez, Holly Maluk, Bridgett King, and Christopher Famighetti for their work on minimum
standards and voter registration modernization. Te authors are grateful to Carson Whitelemons, Lucy
Zhou, Amanda Melillo, and Syed Zaidi for their research and editing assistance. Te authors would also
like to thank Michael Waldman, John Kowal, Jeanine Plant-Chirlin, Desiree Ramos Reiner, Erik Opsal,
and Lena Glaser for their invaluable editorial assistance.
Introduction 1
I. Modernizing Voter Registration 2
A. States Should Implement Electronic Voter Registration at 4
Government Agencies
B. States Should Make Registration Portable 7
C. States Should Provide Online Voter Registration 8
D. States Should Ensure a Safety Net 10
II. Expanding Early In Person Voting 12
A. Te Benets of EIPV for Election Administration and Voters 12
B. Policy Recommendations for Early In Person Voting 14
III. Improved Management of Polling Place Resources 18
IV. Improving the Simplicity and Usability of Election Forms
and Publishing Data on Machine Performance 19
A. Improving Ballot and Election Form Designs and Instructions 19
B. Resolving Recurring Problems with Machine Failures 22
Endnotes 25
In the 2012 election, too many voters across the country waited in hours-long lines to cast a ballot. Te
problem was so acute that as he gave his victory speech, President Barack Obama took time to address
the scores of voters still waiting in line to vote: We have to x that.
Te problems were not limited to a single state or region. Newspapers ran photos of incredibly long
lines in Maryland, Minnesota, and the Carolinas. Long lines were also reported in Colorado, Indiana,
Rhode Island, Wisconsin, and Texas. In Florida and Virginia, voters were still casting ballots at midnight,
well after the presidential race had been called. Election observers gave disturbing accounts of would-be
voters walking away because of long lines in Ohio and Pennsylvania. In storm-ravaged New Jersey and
New York, voters stood in lines that did not move for several hours.
Te long lines of 2012 were visible evidence of longstanding aws in our current system of election
administration. Although the delays we saw 2012 were nothing new there were similar lines in other
recent presidential elections they rightly served as a wakeup call to policymakers. Te time has come
to take a hard look at the business of running elections.
In March, President Obama responded by forming the Presidential Commission on Election
Administration. Te Commissions charge is to promote the ecient administration of elections and
ensure that all eligible voters have the opportunity to cast their ballots without undue delay, improve
the experience of voters, and remove obstacles in casting their ballots.
Te Brennan Center submitted comprehensive testimony to the Commission outlining best practices
to improve election administration and the voting experience and to ensure, once and for all, that
American elections are no longer marred by long lines. Te following paper, which has been adapted
from that testimony, outlines policies that should be adopted by all jurisdictions. Although initially
presented to the Commission, these recommendations will assist all election ocials and citizens
seeking to improve their election systems. Everyone agrees that the long lines of 2012 were a disgrace.
Tis is a plan for how we can x that.
What follows are practical, evidence- and research-based best practices regarding four areas of reform
each of which will improve election administration and the voting experience:
1. Modernizing voter registration;
2. Expanding early voting;
3. Improving management of polling place resources; and
4. Improving the simplicity and usability of ballots and voting machines,
and publishing data on machine performance.
Harnessing technology to improve voter registration will make the voter rolls more ecient and
accurate. All states should use electronic systems to modernize, simplify, and enhance the security of
voter registration and voter rolls. By managing voter rolls with updated technologies and tools, states
will also better ensure that all eligible voters have the opportunity to cast their ballots without undue
delay and eliminate many of the obstacles voters face when attempting to cast ballots.
Te need for reform is great. Voter registration is the single biggest election administration problem
in the United States. A 2012 Pew study found that 24 million registrations nationwide are invalid or
have serious errors, such as an incorrect address.
A system in which 1 in 8 records has serious errors
raises the prospect of fraud and manipulation. Further, more than 50 million Americans, or 1 in
4 eligible citizens, are not registered to vote.
Tis leads to problems on
Election Day. Political scientist Stephen Ansolabehere examined election
data and determined that in 2008, up to 3 million eligible citizens could
not vote because of problems related to registration.
Recent data suggest
this problem has not abated. In the 2012 election, 2.8 percent of in-person
voters experienced registration problems, up from 2 percent in 2008.
Te paper-based voter registration system used in many jurisdictions is the principal source of the
problem. It relies on forms with illegible and incomplete information, which election ocials must then
transcribe. Tis leads to further errors stemming from misreading forms or making typos. Registrations
are dicult to update, meaning voter registration addresses do not match actual addresses. Tis outdated
system is wasteful and inecient, and relies on 19th-century technology that is out of step with the
kind of electronic transactions citizens have increasingly come to expect in all other aspects of modern
government, business, and life. Tis creates needless barriers to voting, opportunities for fraud, and
delay and confusion at polling places which in turn leads to long lines on Election Day.
Registration errors contribute to long lines in two signicant ways. First, poll workers waste time
searching poll books for names that have been improperly left o the rolls or misspelled, or when they
attempt to determine whether a voter is registered elsewhere. Second, voters with registration problems
often must cast provisional ballots, which take extra time and force poll workers to divert their eorts
from assisting other voters.
Te Brennan Center has studied voter roll management and documented eorts to improve voter
registration for a decade. Our reports have examined voter list maintenance,
domestic and international
models for voter roll management,
registration in a mobile society,
participation of military and overseas
and state-specic studies.
In 2010, the Brennan Center conducted the rst comprehensive
study of modernized registration, entitled Voter Registration in a Digital Age. Te report examined state
innovations in registration based on an extensive national study with detailed interviews of at least 29
state and local election ocials in 15 states.
Currently, we are expanding and updating our report
based on interviews conducted with ocials in almost 30 states, and will be publishing our ndings in
the coming months.
Voter registration is the single
biggest election administration
problem in the United States.
Based on our research, we recommend states upgrade their registration systems in four specic ways:
Use Electronic Registration: When eligible citizens interact with state agencies, they
should have the opportunity to register seamlessly, and the agencies should electronically
transfer the information collected from consenting applicants to election ocials
without relying on paper forms.
Make Registration Portable: Once an eligible citizen is on a states voter rolls, she should
remain registered and her registration should automatically move with her as long as she
continues to reside in that state.
Provide Online Registration: Allow eligible citizens to register to vote, and view, correct,
and update registration information online.
Ensure a Safety Net: Eligible citizens should be able to update and correct their registrations
up to and on Election Day.
Each of these elements for modernizing registration has proven benets. States that use modernized
registration systems have more accurate, reliable, and better managed rolls. Tis means less potential for
fraud and fewer problems on Election Day.
Electronic transfer and updates of voter data at government
agencies also increase registration through those agencies, assisting compliance with federal law and
helping get more voters on the rolls. Finally, modernizing registration
typically substantially reduces registration costs, freeing up resources for
other election needs.
Each of these reforms improves voter roll management in unique ways and
would help on its own, but implementing all four together will maximize
the accuracy, reliability, and manageability of voter rolls. For example,
electronic and online registration, along with portability, help keep the
voter rolls current at the front end, while Election Day safety nets correct
for any records not updated through one of the other three mechanisms.
Not surprisingly, these reforms are popular and enjoy bipartisan support. Te majority of states at
least 43 have already implemented at least one element in recent years. Te momentum continued
in the 2012-2013 legislative session. At least 25 states introduced bills to modernize registration in
whole or in part.
Several bills passed, including a wide ranging modernization bill in Colorado, a
bill in Maryland to expand same-day registration during early voting, electronic registration in New
Mexico, and online registration in Illinois, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Legislators, governors, and election administrators of both parties have led the way in designing and
implementing these systems. Bills were signed by both Democratic (Colorado, Maryland, Illinois, West
Virginia) and Republican (New Mexico, Virginia) governors, and earlier bipartisan eorts led reforms in
Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland,
Michigan, New Mexico, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Virginia.
States that use modernized
registration systems have more
accurate, reliable, and better
managed rolls. This means less
potential for fraud and fewer
problems on Election Day.
A. States Should Implement Electronic Voter Registration at Government Agencies
States should electronically collect and transfer voter registration information from citizens applying
for services at state agencies to election ocials. Since the passage of the National Voter Registration
Act (NVRA), states have provided voter registration opportunities at departments of motor vehicles,
public service and disability agencies, and other designated agencies. In many cases, agencies continue
to rely on ink-and-paper voter registration forms, limiting both the eectiveness of, and compliance
with, federal law. But there is no reason for the registration process to generate new paperwork when
an individual has already provided information to obtain, for example, a drivers license or veterans
benets. Instead, upon consent, the agency can electronically transfer the already-collected information
much of which is the same as that needed to complete a voter registration application, along with
the information specic to the registration process to election ocials.
States with electronic registration consistently nd it creates more secure and accurate rolls. Electronic
systems reduce problems stemming from paper forms, such as incomplete and illegible information
and data entry errors.
In 2009, Maricopa County, Arizona, examined registration forms containing
incomplete, inaccurate, or illegible information and found that although only 15.5 percent of
registrations were done on paper, these accounted for more than half the awed forms. Tis means
electronic records were ve times less likely to contain errors.
Electronic registration also increases registration rates at the agencies
implementing it and improves NVRA compliance. Virtually every state
that has adopted electronic registration at DMVs experienced a sharp jump
in voter registrations (including updates) at those agencies. For example, in
South Dakota, electronic registration led to a seven-fold increase in DMV
registrations between 2003 and 2008. When Kansas and Washington began
electronically transferring voter information in 2008, DMV registrations
nearly doubled.
Finally, electronic registration is more ecient, saving money and freeing up resources for other
election administration needs. Maricopa County found it costs only 33 cents to collect and process an
electronic registration, as opposed to 83 cents per paper form.
And other states have reported low one-
time startup costs that are quickly oset by the savings Delaware saved $200,000 with electronic
registration, and Washingtons Secretary of States oce saved $126,000 in the rst year alone, with
additional savings to counties.
For all these reasons, electronic registration at voter registration agencies is increasingly popular. At
least 23 states have some form of electronic transmission of voter information
at DMVs, and in some
states at other voter registration agencies as well. Full implementation of electronic registration at every
appropriate state agency can build upon this progress.
Tere are various methods for implementing electronic registration. Below, we recommend best
practices and highlight successful approaches that some states are already using.
Maricopa County found it costs only
33 cents to collect and process an
electronic registration, as opposed
to 83 cents per paper form.
1. Incorporate Electronic Registration at as Many Appropriate Agencies as Possible
States should build upon the progress made at DMVs by expanding electronic registration to as
many state agencies as possible. Tis will maximize the eectiveness of agency-assisted registration by
expanding it beyond the DMV population. Tere is movement toward expanding electronic registration
at other agencies, including in Kentucky,
where social service agencies use a partially electronic system,
our research found.
And both California and Oregon recently considered legislation to implement
electronic registration at all NVRA agencies.
Appropriate agencies for electronic registration include all agencies legally required to provide voter
registration services, those that serve the largest number of eligible citizens, those that serve populations
not captured on other agencies lists, those with computerized records, and those that already capture
most of the information required for voter registration.
2. Minimize the Use of Ink-and-Paper Forms
States should design their electronic registration systems to minimize the use of ink-and-paper or mail
forms during the course of electronic registration. Te optimal approach is a fully electronic transfer
model. Tis would involve agency employees transferring an applicants information in an electronic
format that election ocials can review and directly upload into the voter registration database.
optimal is a partially electronic system, in which information is sent electronically, but the agency must
still print and mail the registration form or other information to election ocials. Electronic transfer
is better because it requires less paper and eliminates another level of data entry two outcomes that
reduce costs and errors.
At least 17 of the 23 states with some level of electronic registration at DMVs have a fully electronic
transfer process.
Tese states demonstrate the myriad options agencies can use to electronically
transfer voter information to election ocials. Arizona includes a voter registration questionnaire
on its paper DMV form. If an applicant is eligible and consents to register, the DMV transfers
the information in electronic format to a secure site. Te statewide voter registration system then
retrieves the information and distributes it to county election ocials for verication. Maricopa
County reports this has led to cost savings and increased reliability,
and other states have successfully
emulated Arizonas model. Pennsylvania integrates the registration application with an electronic
DMV application form.
DMV users enter information at self-service computer terminals, using
an electronic application that includes questions about voter registration. Pennsylvanias model also
helps reduce data entry errors and protects individuals from having to share potentially sensitive
information, such as party aliation, with agency employees.
Electronic transfer does not require a unied statewide voter registration system. Washington,
which does not have a single unied system, uses a bottom-up mechanism that links independent
county databases, allowing the state to directly transfer voter registration information to county
ocials for review.
3. Use Mechanisms for Signature Collection
States should use ecient mechanisms to collect a registrants signature during or after the course of the
electronic registration process. Tere are multiple methods and points in time for capturing an applicants
signature before her vote is cast. Tus, the inability to capture a hard signature at the time of electronic
registration should not render the process incomplete. Whether election ocials capture a signature from
pre-existing records, at the time of electronic registration, or at some other point before voting, that step
should not interfere with a registrants ability to cast a ballot that counts. States have had success with a
variety of approaches.
Te majority of states with electronic registration transfer a digital copy of each individuals wet signature
from the individuals DMV record.
Tis is an ecient approach for registrants already in the DMV
system. Other registration agencies, such as social services and veterans agencies, could implement a
similar system by collecting electronic signatures during transactions. Some states, such as Delaware
and New York,
use a pad and stylus to capture an electronic signature. Jurisdictions can also consider
other methods of electronic signature capture, such as touch-screens at government oces, tablets, and
smart phones.
If an electronic signature cannot be collected, states should still allow the registrant to vote a regular ballot
if the registrant provides an ink-and-paper signature at some point after registration but prior to voting.
Other options include sending the registrant a postage-paid return form to collect the signature, or having
voters sign at the polls before being permitted to vote. For any of these options to be eective, the state
should add the voter to the rolls whether she provides a signature during registration or at the polls.
4. Design Systems that Ensure Agencies Offer the Opportunity to Register
States should design their electronic registration systems in a manner that ensures all appropriate
agencies oer applicants the option to register. An ideal system of electronic registration requires
the applicant to provide a yes or no answer to the registration option before the transaction is
Investigations show that local oces sometimes do not oer registration services at all
transactions, that sta are unaware of the obligation to oer the opportunity to register, or that agencies
have no mechanism to ensure sta oer voter registration.
Proper safeguards at the transaction level
will guarantee agencies comply with the NVRA, give all eligible individuals the opportunity to register,
and increase agency registration rates.
One model of accomplishing this is by using a hard stop the DMV transaction cannot proceed
until the employee (or form) asks the customer whether she wishes to register, and the customer answers
yes or no. Rhode Island, Arkansas, Florida, Washington, and several other states use this approach.
hard stop ensures the agency asks the question and the customer makes the choice of whether to register
before the transaction is completed.
B. States Should Make Registration Portable
Te second key improvement to voter roll management is making registration portable. Tis means that
as long as an already-registered voter resides within the state, she remains registered and her registration
moves with her there is no need to ll out a new registration form at a new address. To accomplish
portable registration, states should capture address changes before and up through Election Day. Te
methods for accomplishing this include automatic address and name changes through electronic
registration at government agencies, online address and name updates, and mechanisms to enable
voters to update their addresses and names and vote on Election Day.
Making registration portable will substantially reduce one of the major sources of inaccuracy in the rolls:
incorrect addresses. According to Pews 2012 study, of the 24 million registrations that are signicantly
inaccurate, half contain an incorrect address.
Better mechanisms for keeping registration addresses
up to date are critical in our mobile society, in which 11 to 17 percent of Americans move in a year.
Better managing changes in registration addresses would alleviate a potential threat to election integrity.
Studies also suggest that making registration portable would address one of
the major reasons eligible citizens are unable to participate in elections. In
2002, Professor Tomas Patterson found that 1 in 3 unregistered eligible
individuals is a formerly registered voter who has moved.
Michael McDonald published a 2008 study looking at the potential eect
of portable registration on movers and found it could increase turnout by
up to 2 million.
Below, we highlight best practices and successful methods states use to
achieve or move toward portable registration.
1. Achieve Full Portability Through an Election Day Mechanism
Given our highly mobile society in which citizens frequently move for jobs, school, family obligations,
and changed economic circumstances, states can only fully achieve portable registration if they
allow voters to update their addresses through Election Day. Te ideal Election Day address update
mechanism would allow registered voters to cast a regular ballot if they moved within the state, even if
they moved to a dierent county. Tis would keep rolls current and reduce the possibility of an eligible
vote not being counted. Delaware and Oregon oer great models.
In Delaware,
voters may update
their address on Election Day and vote a regular ballot. In Oregon, where elections are conducted
by mail, voters can request ballots at their new address any time through Election Day, including by
picking up a ballot at an election oce on Election Day.
Other states oer an Election Day address
update mechanism at the polls and have movers vote by provisional ballot.
Of the 24 million registrations
that are significantly inaccurate,
half contain an incorrect
address. Better mechanisms for
keeping registration addresses
up to date are critical in our
mobile society, in which 11 to
17 percent of Americans move in
a year.
2. Move Toward Portability with Streamlined Address Updates Prior to Election Day
States should also use electronic and online registration systems to facilitate more frequent address
updates. Making address updates easier will decrease the number of voters whose registration addresses
do not match their current addresses when they show up to vote.
Every state is currently required by the federal Motor Voter law to automatically update the address of
any registered voter who updates her address with a motor vehicle agency and does not indicate that
the change of address is not also for voter registration purposes.
While most states do have a process
for motor vehicle address changes also to serve as voter registration address changes, the paper-based
processes fail to capture many voters who move. Te address update process works especially well in
states that use electronic registration at DMVs and seamlessly integrate voter registration into their
DMV services.
In addition to ensuring that the process for sharing address updates from the DMV is automatic and
electronic, states should expand this practice to all agencies that oer voter registration services. Tere is
no reason why a registered voter should have to update her address with multiple government agencies
when it can be accomplished in one transaction, so long as the individual is given the opportunity to
indicate that an address change should not apply for voter registration purposes.
C. States Should Provide Online Voter Registration
All states should oer online voter registration. Online voter registration consists of a secure,
based portal that eligible citizens may use to register to vote. Tis provides many of the same benets
as electronic registration at agency oces. Tere is less risk of inaccurate or incomplete information,
because voters enter registration information directly into the online system and digital records are
more secure and accurate than paper records.
In addition, online voter registration can further increase
access and expand the electorate, particularly among young voters.
voter registration is relatively inexpensive to implement. States that have
introduced online registration have recouped costs in as little as one election.
Oregon spent $200,000, the same amount it previously spent on printing
paper registration forms in a single election cycle.
For all these reasons, online registration is already highly popular and
expanding rapidly. When the Brennan Center released Voter Registration in
a Digital Age in 2010, only six states had online registration, and ve more were developing systems.
Today, 19 states have or will soon have online registration.
Below, we discuss best practices related to online registration.
Online voter registration can
further increase access and
expand the electorate, particularly
among young voters.
1. Make Online Registration Available to All Eligible Citizens
States should make online voter registration available to as broad a population as possible to increase
the number of people who use the system and maximize its benets to the state. Most states with online
voter registration have linked the system to DMV information, which limits its availability to the DMV
As with electronic registration, making online voter registration available to all eligible
citizens, even if they lack drivers licenses or state IDs, would improve the voter experience and allow
jurisdictions to realize greater benets.
California, Louisiana, Utah, and Virginia have partially addressed this issue by creating a hybrid online-
paper registration process for citizens who do not have a DMV ID number.
Tese residents may
complete a voter registration application online, using a Social Security number or other identifying
information, and then print, sign, and mail the completed form to their local registrar. Similarly,
Delaware allows individuals to register online using either a DMV ID or Social Security number and
then mail in the signed paper form as the nal step. Te voters information is added to the registration
database even before the signature is received. Delaware provides an additional voter-friendly feature:
Voters who do not complete the mail portion of the registration application or whose mailed-in
signatures are lost can still cast a regular ballot on Election Day by going to the polling place, showing
identication, and providing a signature at the polls.
While these hybrid systems have the advantage of allowing individuals without DMV records to at
least partially register online, it would be best if eligible individuals could complete their registrations
entirely online.
One way of achieving this is to design online registration systems that can interact
with other agency websites aside from DMVs. Voters for whom electronic signatures could not be
transferred could provide signatures on Election Day, or states can consider accepting electronic
armations without signatures.
2. Do Not Require Exact Matches to Permit Registration
States should not require an exact match between the information a registrant provides and existing
information in motor vehicle or other databases in order to allow an individual to register to vote
online. Our research has shown that almost 20 percent of records in voter registration databases do
not match records in motor vehicle databases because of typos by government ocials.
requiring an exact match with DMV information will prevent large numbers of eligible citizens from
getting on the voter rolls.
States that do require a match with DMV records should ensure their systems rely on more successful
data matching procedures. Nearly every states online voter registration system currently in use matches
to the DMV record in real-time,
and some states have helped registrants by providing clear instructions
after a failed initial match. Providing an immediate warning and, when possible, explanation of the basis
for a failed match, allows the registrant to attempt to complete the electronic process with corrected or
additional information. For example, in Utah, where the online registrants home address is a matching
eld, the system reminds the applicant that she must enter the address as it appears on her drivers
license or state ID. In Washington State, where voters must list their name on their voter registration
exactly the same as it is listed on their drivers license, the system auto-corrects a nearly matching
name (e.g., from Bill Smith to William Smith) as long as other elds (DMV ID number, date of
birth, and the issue date of the DMV ID) match.
Tese features increase the likelihood that a correct
match will be found.
States should also explore systems with the exibility to accept, search, and match nicknames and last
names with hyphens, spaces, or symbol-characters. Tis will prevent matching problems from prexes,
suxes, nicknames, and incorrect or alternate spellings. According to recent interviews, many states are
moving away from using the applicants name as a matching eld to avoid this problem, instead using
other elds such as DMV ID number, date of birth, the issue date of the DMV ID, or all or part of the
applicants Social Security number to locate the matching DMV record.
3. Allow Viewing and Updating Registration Records Online
Online systems should allow voters to review, update, and correct voter registration information using
the same secure site with which they can submit an application.
Tis is one more way beyond
the initial online registration that states can make voter rolls as accurate and up to date as possible.
Indeed, all states with online registration currently provide an online method for their residents to
submit certain updates to their voter registration. Ideally, voters should
have the option to use the system to update all of the basic information
in their registration record. Tis includes their political party aliation
(if collected), their address, and a name change, if applicable. With the
exception of California, currently all states that have online voter registration
and request party aliation allow this to be updated online.
D. States Should Ensure a Safety Net
Finally, states should provide a fail-safe correction process that allows voters to
correct errors in their registration or their omission from the rolls, up to and including on Election Day.
If states modernize their registration systems in the other ways recommended here, the number of voters
utilizing the safety net should be minimal. Nevertheless, it is an important safeguard to prevent problems
on Election Day. With a sensible fail-safe in place, eligible individuals with errors in their registration
will be able to vote without undue delay and without resorting to problematic, time-wasting provisional
An ideal safety net allows voters the maximum number of opportunities to correct errors in their registration
or their omission from the rolls. Te most common method allows voters to correct their omission from
the rolls or update their registration information on the same day they vote, whether it is prior to or on
Election Day. Tis gives voters and election ocials the best chance of keeping the rolls accurate.
Eleven states allow this on Election Day: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Iowa, Maine,
Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, along with the District of
Online systems should allow
voters to review, update, and
correct voter registration
information using the same
secure site with which they
can submit an application.
Other states employ a limited form of fail-safe correction through same-day registration
prior to Election Day.
In Maryland and Ohio, voters may register or make updates to registration
and vote during the early voting period, but not on Election Day.
Other Modernizing Tools: Electronic Poll Books
Electronic poll books, which states have used to streamline check-in at the
polling location and the updating of voter history, also have important
benets for maintaining up-to-date registration rolls. Jurisdictions in at least
27 states use some form of electronic poll books (E-poll books). Many states
deploy them on a wide scale, including for making corrections and updates
to voter registration records at the polls.
Maryland and Georgia deploy E-poll books statewide,
and Colorado will
use them statewide by 2014.
Te majority of jurisdictions in Florida,
Michigan, South Carolina, and Utah also use E-poll books.
In Kansas and North Carolina, 25 to 40
percent of jurisdictions have used them in previous elections.
In order to maximize functionality and security, we recommend that E-poll books have the following
features. First, they should have the capacity to interact with the statewide voter registration database in
real time. E-poll books in Colorado have this function. Although not a necessary feature, this provides list
maintenance and election security benets. Voters can update their registration information with the state
in real time or as soon as the poll books and database can be linked up. Although it is not necessary for
Election Day registration, states allowing voters to register or make updates at the time of voting may also
be able to use E-poll books to determine whether a voter is registered at another address or to verify that
the individual has not already voted. Second, each polling place should have a digital copy of the database
available to poll workers on a hard drive polling places should not be reliant solely on an online
connection for access. Finally, polling places using E-poll books should also have paper backup copies of
the qualied voter le on hand in the event of a loss of power or other problems.
With a sensible fail-safe in
place, eligible individuals with
errors in their registration will
be able to vote without undue
delay and without resorting
to problematic, time-wasting
provisional ballots.
Well-designed early in person voting (EIPV) systems improve election administration overall and
reduce problems and stress on Election Day. Every jurisdiction should provide EIPV using the best
practices described below.
A system of EIPV with certain characteristics can improve election administration performance
nationwide. Tirty-two states plus the District of Columbia already use some form of EIPV.
these systems vary dramatically from state to state ranging from just a few days or only a single
early voting location per county in some states, to multiple weeks of early voting and numerous
voting sites per county in other states. Tese dierent practices lead to vastly dierent results. Some
states see more than half their electorate turning out early, while others see less than one-quarter.
As more states consider adopting or expanding EIPV this past session at least 20 states saw
such proposals
the time is ripe for recommending minimum standards that can help all states
implement successful EIPV programs.
Toward that end, the Brennan Center has conducted a rst-of-its kind assessment of EIPV by
researching all state early voting laws, reviewing scholarly research and turnout data on early in person
voting, and conducting interviews with more than 20 state and local election ocials experienced in
administering early voting. We focused on those states whose early voting practices most resemble
those on Election Day. Tis included states with early voting systems in which any eligible voter can
arrive at a designated voting location, cast a regular ballot, and have her vote counted in the same
fashion as an Election Day ballot.
In conducting our research we focused most closely on the EIPV policies and practices in nine states
with the highest rates of EIPV in 2008 and 2012: Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, New Mexico,
North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah.
We found that EIPV dramatically improves election
administration and arrived at seven policy recommendations for successfully implementing EIPV in
every jurisdiction. Tese ndings and recommendations are based on a combination of the following
factors: similar legal requirements and practices in states with the highest rates of EIPV, points of
consensus among election ocials interviewed on what contributes to successful EIPV,
and related
evidence drawn from existing early voting research and data.
We released the results of this research in an October 2013 report, Early Voting: What Works. Here
we provide an overview of our key ndings and policy recommendations for how EIPV can improve
election administration and enhance the voting experience.
A. The Benets of EIPV for Election Administration and Voters
Most research on EIPV focuses on the question of whether it will increase overall turnout, but little oers
insight on other potential benets of EIPV. We focused our research on that latter question and found
EIPV can improve election administration in ve key ways: 1) reducing stress on the voting system
on Election Day; 2) alleviating long lines on Election Day; 3) improving poll worker performance; 4)
allowing early identication and correction of registration errors and voting system glitches; and 5)
providing greater access to voting and increased voter satisfaction.
First, EIPV alleviates many of the challenges and burdens a single Election Day poses for both full-time
election administrators and part-time election workers. According to election ocials we interviewed,
whether they were able to serve one-quarter or more than one-half of their anticipated total voter
turnout during the EIPV period, that distribution of substantial numbers of voters over multiple days
reduced overall Election Day stress.
EIPV also helps shorten lines and reduce evening (post-commute) rushes
come Election Day. Overwhelmingly, the election ocials we interviewed
identied this as one of EIPVs top benets. Tis was true even in counties
that reported longer lines during early voting than on Election Day.
Not only are shorter lines and more evenly distributed voter trac easier
for administrators and sta to manage, they are also less frustrating for
When voters can choose to vote on a day and time that does not
conict with work, family care, or other obligations, waiting in line is an
option not an obstacle.
Improving poll worker and sta performance is another distinct advantage of EIPV. An extended voting
period allows election workers to gain valuable experience, which in turn makes them more ecient
at handling the higher volume on Election Day. For example, some jurisdictions found that early
voting created the opportunity to develop an A team of highly experienced election sta to manage
early voting sites. Many others conrmed that even part-time election volunteers become increasingly
condent and capable over the course of EIPV.
Additionally, EIPV helps administrators and sta discover and correct problems before Election Day.
Tis provides tremendous benets in terms of correcting registration errors that might otherwise lead to
provisional ballots and catching glitches in electronic systems or voting machines before the increased
pressure of Election Day.
Finally, providing greater accessibility and exibility for voters is itself a key benet. Election ocials
agreed that EIPV enhanced election performance by better serving voters who would otherwise face
obstacles on Election Day because of work schedules, commutes, unexpected military deployment,
or bad weather. Increased convenience and voter satisfaction in turn leads to smoother interactions at
voting sites. Indeed, EIPVs convenience is unquestionably popular with voters. Turnout data conrms
that citizens are increasingly choosing EIPV instead of voting on Election Day. Between the 2004 and
2008 presidential elections, EIPV grew by one-third, to 13 percent of all votes cast nationally.
In some
regions, the growth of EIPV has been even more dramatic. In Nevada, North Carolina, Tennessee, and
Texas, a majority of voters used EIPV in 2008 and 2012.
Notably, among the growing population using early voting, the face of the electorate is becoming
more diverse. Until relatively recently, studies identied the typical early voter as older white
When voters can choose to vote
on a day and time that does not
conflict with work, family care,
or other obligations, waiting in
line is an option not an obstacle.
But more recent scholarship shows that in some parts of the country communities of
color disproportionately prefer early voting. For example, by 2012, 41 percent of blacks in the South,
compared to nearly 35 percent of whites, voted early.
Indeed, black voters are among the fastest
growing users of EIPV.
Between 2004 and 2008, in the South where EIPV rates are typically higher
than the rest of the nation, the rate of blacks voting early tripled.
One area that deserves further study is the potential resource eciencies and cost-savings that EIPV
might ultimately achieve. In our research, election ocials were split on the question of whether
providing EIPV increased or reduced overall election costs. Potential ways in which EIPV can create
eciencies, according to some ocials, is by reducing the number of voting machines or polling places
used on Election Day, and increasing the ratio of voters served per sta at each voting location. Notably,
even ocials that did not identify cost-savings expressed strong support and encouragement for EIPV
given its non-monetary benets.
B. Policy Recommendations for Early In Person Voting
1. States Should Begin EIPV a Full Two Weeks Before Election Day
Based on the nearly uniform policies of states with the highest EIPV turnout in 2008 and 2012, and the
experience of election ocials in those states, we recommend two full weeks of EIPV. In 2012, the states
with the highest rates of EIPV, with the exception of Florida, all began their early voting period between
two and three weeks in advance of Election Day for all general elections.
And, as of 2013, this is the
most common period among all states oering EIPV.
By contrast, states oering signicantly more or
less time to cast a ballot during the EIPV period have not seen signicantly greater use of early in person
In addition, election ocials interviewed consistently conrmed that a period of at least two weeks was the
minimum eective duration for generating the benets described above. On the other hand, they did not
think more voters would use EIPV if it was oered for longer, and did not anticipate that administrative
benets would increase.
2. States Should Provide EIPV on Weekends, Including the Last Weekend Before
Election Day
Weekend voting can help maintain a more manageable and even distribution of voters over each day of
EIPV. It also has the potential to increase overall usage of EIPV by drawing voters who are less likely to vote
during weekdays due to work schedules, or might otherwise wait until Election Day but for the convenience
of weekend voting. Indeed, in some jurisdictions, weekends are peak voting days, and the last weekend before
Election Day often sees the biggest day of EIPV turnout. For example, in Mecklenburg, North Carolina, in
2012, the rst weekend of early voting saw nearly 17,000 voters, about 11,000 of them on Saturday. For the
nal Saturday of early voting, the daily turnout was almost 21,000 voters the single highest day of turnout
in 17 days of early voting.
A similar pattern occurred in 2008.
And in Florida in 2012, the last Saturday
before Election Day was the highest EIPV turnout day across 9 of the states 10 most populous counties.
Not surprisingly, in states with the highest EIPV turnout, weekends are
consistently part of the EIPV period. Eight of the nine have statutory
mandates for at least one weekend day,
and in three of those states the
nal Saturday before Election Day is the last mandated day of EIPV.
Notably, in practice, election ocials chose to oer weekend voting hours
in all of the jurisdictions we interviewed, even when not mandated by
state law.
3. States Should Set a Consistent Number of Minimum Daily Hours for Each Day of
EIPV and Provide for Extended, Non-Business Hours
Election ocials can reduce lines during EIPV, enhance access for many voters, and even increase
EIPV turnout by maximizing daily hours and including a regular set of non-business hours. Eight
of the nine states with the highest EIPV turnout set minimum daily early voting hours by law, and
explicitly authorize local jurisdictions to oer additional hours beyond those minimums.
to election ocials, oering more beyond those minimums is often necessary to adequately manage
voter ow during EIPV. For this reason, in Montgomery County, Tennessee population 172,000
for example, early voting typically occurs from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., well beyond the daily three-
hour minimum set by law.
Tis schedule also provides an hour on either end of the typical 9-to-5
workday. Indeed, across the board, election ocials we interviewed chose to oer some range of evening
hours to make EIPV accessible to those more likely to vote outside work hours or on their commute
home. Recent research likewise conrms that oering extended hours during EIPV has the potential to
enhance early voting turnout.
4. Counties Should Be Able to Use Both Public and Private Facilities for EIPV Locations
Because early voting locations generally operate as vote centers serving all registered voters in a
county and must remain open several days, election ocials need the exibility to choose facilities
that can meet unique logistical, security, and capacity needs. Election ocials can best address these needs
when able to use a mix of public and private facilities.
In nearly all the states with the highest use of EIPV, the laws are exible enough that election ocials can use
a broad range of private and public facilities.
By contrast, Florida was a notable exception and it suered
as a consequence. Florida law imposed fairly strict limits in both 2008 and 2012.
Only a clerks oce, a
pre-existing permanent branch of the clerks oce, a city hall, or a permanent public library were acceptable
early voting sites.
After 2008, county election ocials protested that this roster was too restrictive to meet
In 2011, rather than expanding the types of permissible locations, the legislature compounded
the problem by reducing early voting days. Within six months of Floridas widely criticized 2012 election
performance, the legislature adopted a package of reforms, including an expansion of suitable EIPV locations,
allowing early voting in fairgrounds, civic centers, stadium and convention centers, and other locations.
Additionally, according to election ocials, and academic research,
many voters are more likely to turn
out at privately-owned locations they already visit as part of their regular schedule, such as malls
Weekend voting can help
maintain a more manageable and
even distribution of voters over
each day of early voting.
and shopping centers. And these private locations may also oer better space to accommodate large
numbers of voters and voting machines than local public facilities. Indeed, even when states mandate a
preference for government buildings as in North Carolina and Utah we found election ocials
commonly supplemented them with private locations.
5. Counties Should Distribute Early Voting Sites Fairly and Equitably
No less than for Election Day, fair and equitable siting policies are critical to the successful administration
of EIPV. An extensive body of academic literature addresses the ways in which siting policies can
impact, even increase, turnout.
Yet very few states with EIPV set standards for the distribution of
early voting facilities.
Not surprisingly, those states with high rates of EIPV are much more likely to
have either set rules about the number of early voting locations, how they are to be distributed within
each county, or both. Georgia, New Mexico, and Texas all mandate a minimum number of early voting
locations based on county population.
New Mexico additionally requires equitable distribution of
voting sites based on population density and travel time.
While Florida and North Carolina impose
no population-based minimum number of EIPV locations, they do have provisions requiring equitable
distribution of discretionary satellite locations. And Utah applies a similar standard to the distribution
of early voting locations in its most populous county, Salt Lake, which represents nearly 40 percent of
Utahs entire population.
Moreover, we found that election ocials implement self-initiated policies to achieve equitable
distribution of early voting locations and to enhance access among dierent communities. Tese shared
many similar criteria including projected turnout based on past elections, equitable geographic
coverage across the county, proximity to parking and public transport, and targeting high-turnout areas
for extra voting locations or hours. Tese same criteria were used in selection of EIPV sites.
6. Counties Should Update Poll Books Daily
Providing a choice of multiple days and locations for voting before Election Day poses challenges for
maintaining up-to-date and accurate poll books both during the EIPV period and for Election Day.
Electronic poll books can address two primary concerns related to implementation of early voting.
First, if a countywide poll book is updated daily by each early voting site, administrators will not face
the crunch of manually updating and preparing accurate precinct-specic poll books just days, or less,
before Election Day. Second, ocials will have a real-time mechanism to verify that a voter has not
already cast an early ballot at another early voting location, or absentee.
Although most state laws establishing EIPV do not address this issue at all, or in any detail, election
ocials we interviewed uniformly do so in practice. Using electronic poll books or computers at each
voting site networked to the countywide or state registration database, election sta access and update
voter rolls at least daily if not more. Election ocials overwhelmingly agreed that in addition to easing
the management of poll books, particularly in preparation for Election Day, electronic systems also
enhanced the integrity of the election system.
7. States and Counties Should Educate Voters About EIPV
States should ensure counties provide sucient advance notice and widespread public education
about EIPV opportunities. Tis will achieve two goals. First, it gives voters the specic information
they need to determine when and where they can most readily vote in light of their work and family
schedules and travel options. Second, according to election ocials we interviewed, and academic
research, counties can increase usage of EIPV by widely publicizing its availability through a range
of public communications.
States with the highest rates of EIPV require localities to publicly announce
their EIPV schedules in advance of the early voting period.
However, for
the most part, public education eorts depend on the initiative of local
election administrators. For example, Bernalillo County, New Mexico,
truly adapted to the needs of its constituents by oering a mobile app that
allowed early voters to nd the nearest polling place, learn approximate
wait times, and get directions.
Likewise, in Travis County, Texas,
election ocials widely promoted EIPV through public media in order to
encourage early turnout. Research conrms these initiatives can succeed in
encouraging EIPV use in other jurisdictions as well. A study of EIPV in
Georgia in 2008 found the greater the variety of forms of public education,
the greater the eect on early voting turnout. A combination of newspaper, radio and television
announcements, public billboards and signs, notices in utility bills, and presentations to neighborhood
groups all contributed to turnout in the counties studied.
Ensuring equal and fair access
to early voting opportunities
nationwide will help eliminate
many of the obstacles that
impede access to voting and
improve the voting experience
of millions.
States should also look at the management of polling places themselves as a method of improving
the voter experience on Election Day. Research suggests that long lines reduce voter turnout and
A recent analysis by Professor Teodore Allen estimated that in Florida alone, more
than 200,000 voters may have been discouraged from participating because of long lines.
To date,
insucient attention has been paid to the eect of resource allocation, especially machine and poll
worker distribution, on long lines.
Although long lines were found across the country in 2012 (as in prior elections), data shows that some
precincts are more likely than others to experience long lines, and that disparities persist from year to
year. Charles Stewart and Stephen Ansolabehere examined the results of a survey of more than 10,000
voters in 2012 and found that four states Florida, Maryland, South Carolina, and Virginia (in
addition to D.C.) had particularly long wait times.
Te data also showed that states with longer
lines in 2008 were also more likely to have longer lines in 2012, suggesting that some of the long lines
of 2012 could have been predicted.
Moreover, the data showed that voters in urban areas experienced
longer lines.
Professor Stewart also found that signicant racial disparities in wait times:
African-American voters waited an average of 24 minutes, Hispanics waited
19 minutes, and whites waited only 12.
Tere were also racial disparities
on an aggregate basis. All residents of zip codes with a higher percentage of
non-white voters waited longer on average than residents of zip codes with
a lower non-white population.
Te Brennan Center is currently completing its own analysis of precinct-level data in three states with long
lines in 2012 Florida, Maryland, and South Carolina. Our analysis has identied positive correlations
between the ratio of voters to polling place resources (specically machines and poll workers) and the
length of voting lines. We have also found that polling locations serving larger percentages of minority
voters are more likely to have longer lines.
Based on these ndings, we recommend that states take a number of steps to improve the management
of polling place resources. First, states should ensure election ocials provide adequate resources
at polling locations, and have the information and resources needed to make good decisions about
resource allocation. Tis should include examination of the number of machines and pollworkers,
relative to the number of voters, that will be needed to avoid long lines at each polling place, as well as
consideration of demographic factors. Second, as a baseline protection to voters, states should identify
a maximum acceptable wait time no more than one hour and allocate resources to ensure that
this is not exceeded. Tird, states should adopt and enforce standards for resource allocation to make
sure minimum standards are actually adhered to.
More than 200,000 voters may
have been discouraged from
participating because of long lines.
Tere is probably nothing more basic to voter condence than the assurance that votes will be counted
as they were intended to be cast. Unfortunately, in every federal election, poorly worded instructions,
confusing design, and machine failures cause hundreds of thousands of lost and miscounted votes.
Te move to vote by mail across the country in recent years is, in many cases, making the situation even
Based on the recommendations of experts in the eld and our own
research spanning nearly a decade the Brennan Center recommends
three key strategies
for minimizing these kinds of errors.
First, all election ocials should adopt well-established ballot design
guidelines and usability testing prior to elections. Ballot and election form
design is an area where small improvements that often cost close to nothing
can make a big dierence in election administration.
Second, all election districts should conduct post-election audits and publish regular reports of Election
Day data. Tis will allow state and local election ocials to quickly identify and share across
all districts issues that arise with certain voting machines. A centralized resource collecting this
information will enable election ocials to correct known problems that may occur well in advance of
Election Day.
Tird, state and local election ocials need to address problems reported. If, for example, certain
election districts report high overvote rates, state and local boards of elections should have the authority
to address any problems.
But even if all election ocials were to faithfully follow the above steps, many would still be stymied
by legal barriers to using the best technology and design. Century old laws that no longer make
sense given modern election practices are still on the books and continue to get in the way of better
solutions. States should eliminate or update these laws wherever necessary.
Below we describe in greater detail how state and local election ocials can best implement these
strategies to improve ballot design, prevent machine failures, and improve the integrity of our elections.
A. Improving Ballot and Election Form Designs and Instructions
Poor ballot and election form (i.e., absentee ballot and provisional ballot envelopes) design increases
the risk of lost or misrecorded votes among all voters, but the risk is even greater for particular groups,
including low-income citizens and the elderly. As Brennan Center research documents, several hundred
thousand votes were not counted in the 2008 and 2010 elections because of voter mistakes undoubtedly
related to poor design, in some cases aecting the outcome of critical contests.
In every federal election, poorly
worded instructions, confusing
design, and machine failures
cause hundreds of thousands of
lost and miscounted votes.
Te rise of absentee and provisional voting since 2000 has only increased the risk of lost votes. Absentee
ballots were 12.1 percent of ballots cast in 2004, 14.6 percent of ballots cast in 2006, 17.7 percent of
ballots cast in 2008, and 19.1 percent of ballots cast in 2010.
Charles Stewart estimates that the
absentee ballot rate rose to 21 percent in 2012.
By the Brennan Centers estimates, between 150,000
and 200,000 absentee ballots were not counted in the 2008 presidential election. In the 2010 midterm
election, when fewer voters participated, between 100,000 and 150,000 absentee ballots were not
counted. Tese votes were lost due to technical errors, such as the voters failure to sign her name in the
correct place or seal the envelope before mailing it to election ocials.
Likewise, we estimated that
more than 50,000 provisional ballots were not counted between the 2008 and 2010 elections because
of technical errors on the provisional ballot envelope.
Te good news is that when election ocials review lost vote data from previous elections, conduct
usability tests, and work with experts to nd design problems and solutions, the improvements are
dramatic. For example, in Minnesotas 2008 election, 3,906 absentee ballots were not counted because
the voter did not sign the envelope. Tis was the same year the Senate election between Al Franken
and Norm Coleman was decided by a mere 312 votes. After the contest was settled, the Minnesota
Secretary of States oce worked with usability experts to redesign the absentee ballot envelope. Te
new envelope had a large X identifying the signature block, and the number of absentee ballots that
went uncounted because the voter failed to sign the envelope dropped from 1.2 percent in 2008 to 0.6
percent in 2010.
Te Minnesota Secretary of States oce continued to test and improve the envelope
after the 2010 election. Draft Election Assistance Commission (EAC) data suggests this has further
reduced the percentage of absentee ballots rejected for technical reasons.
Tis is a prime example of a
minimal and low-cost change that led to far fewer votes being tossed out.
Other jurisdictions can easily replicate Minnesotas success. Below we describe how, and why, every
state and locality should adopt eld-tested guidelines for ballot design and voter instructions, regularly
implement usability testing, and start to revise outdated laws that impede good ballot design.
1. State and Local Election Offcials Should Follow Expert Guidelines for Ballot Design
Across-the-board, better ballot design will reduce the potential for lost votes (and delay at the polling
place) due to cluttered and confusing ballots. Our report Better Design, Better Elections collects these
in an easy-to-reference checklist of expert-recommended designs to allow for greater simplicity and
usability for voters. Specically: 1) ballot instructions should be brief, simple, and clear; 2) ballots
should not split contests across pages or columns; 3) ballot design should be consistent, including all
design elements such as font, text size, headings, and location of response option; and 4) ballots should
be easy to understand visually and designed to avoid visual clutter.
Additionally, ballots should give voters maximum exibility. Electronic ballots should allow voters to
select or change language at any point during the voting process. Voters should also be able to change
the text size and contrast levels for better visualization, or get audio support at any time during the
voting process. And counties should use voting machines that work with usability-tested ballots. As
counties and states purchase new voting machines, they should demand machines that will use ballots
that satisfy the EAC-recommended standards for eective ballot design.
2. Election Administrators Should Conduct Usability Testing and Voter Information
Campaigns in Advance of Elections
Even when following the best design recommendations and practices, there is no substitute for usability
testing. Tis uncovers potential problems often unique to a particular ballot or election and
allows election ocials time to either redesign and rewrite the ballot or address them in poll worker
training or voter education.
For example, voters in Sarasota, Florida, were going to use paper ballots for the rst time in September
2008. Election ocials in Duval and Sarasota counties invited usability experts, including the Brennan
Center, to conduct a day of testing. Te majority of participants had just voted in the primary, but
several did not turn their ballot over to vote for contests on the other side until given a prompt to
do so. Tey never noticed the instruction VOTE BOTH SIDES OF BALLOT in a grey bar at the
bottom of the ballot. With this nding in hand, election ocials made one simple adjustment
changing the instruction language to TURN BALLOT OVER and placing it directly beneath the
last contest on the page. Tis modest improvement had a substantial impact. In the 2008 presidential
election, the residual vote rate for the rst question on the second page of the ballot was 10.2 percent
in Duval and Sarasota counties, compared to 14.7 percent in the 15 other counties where contests
also continued onto a second page. Tis meant 28,000 fewer lost votes on ballot initiatives in Duval
and Sarasota counties.
Usability testing also leads to solutions through voter education. When Port Chester, New York, rst
adopted cumulative voting, Usability in Civic Life conducted usability testing for both the ballot and
voter education brochures prior to the election. UCL found that while voters understood the general
concept of cumulative voting, they had a hard time remembering they could cast more than one vote
for a candidate. To address this, election ocials sent voters an education yer called How to Vote with
Cumulative Voting, which included illustrations of what dierent choices would look like. An exit poll
from the election showed that many voters had seen the materials before the election, and more than 95
percent of voters reported using all of the available votes. Election returns also showed a lower residual
vote rate in Port Chester than in other communities that used cumulative voting.
As seen in both Florida and Port Chester, usability testing can lead to simple redesign and better
education of voters to help them complete their ballots correctly. Another form of voter education
that can help in any election is making sure voters do not encounter a new ballot style for the rst
time on Election Day. Providing voters with sample ballots in advance of Election Day allows voters to
familiarize themselves, at their leisure, with the ballot choices and the correct method of completing the
ballot. Tis may also help reduce the residual vote rate.
3. States Should Revise Laws that Impede Good Ballot Design
States should revise, as necessary, laws and regulations that discourage good ballot design. In many cases
lawyers and others lacking familiarity with usability principles draft laws mandating designs that make
it unnecessarily dicult for voters to cast ballots for candidates of their choice. For example, New Yorks
law and regulations require a full-face paper ballot that lists every candidate and contest on a single
screen or piece of paper. It further requires both that all candidates of a single party be placed in a single
row or column (labeled with the party name), and that each candidates name be surrounded by a party
name and party emblem. Tese rules lead to ballots that present too much information to voters at
the same time and cause voter confusion.
New Yorks law also mandates design elements that violate
basic usability principles, such as printing candidate names with all capital letters and inclusion of legal
and election jargon in ballot instructions.
As a result, under current law, it is impossible for election
ocials in New York to implement the very design principles that experts recommend to improve
ballot usability. States should remove these and similar barriers to eective ballot design.
B. Resolving Recurring Problems with Machine Failures
In 2008, the Brennan Center co-authored with Common Cause and Veried Voting a report entitled Is
America Ready to Vote? We found that election ocials in many jurisdictions fail to systematically prepare
for voting machine problems on Election Day despite widespread documentation of problems in
past elections.
In our 2010 report, Voting Machine Failures: A Database Solution, we recommended
concrete practical solutions drawing in part from oversight models used in other industries.
highlighted below, and detailed more extensively in those reports, this is another area where simple,
low-cost solutions can alleviate recurring election problems.
In our research we consistently found that ocials typically depend on vendors for information about
voting machine failures, but vendors do not always provide good information even when they are
aware of problems. Additionally, turnover in election administrators leads to the loss of institutional
knowledge about past problems. For example, when election ocials in Ohio began reconciling vote
totals from the state primary in 2008, one Ohio county noticed that several votes had been dropped
from the machines memory cards. State ocials then conducted an investigation that determined
at least 1,000 votes were not counted in 9 of Ohios 44 counties that used Premier touch screen or
optical scan voting systems. Despite the machine vendors awareness of this same problem occurring
four years earlier in DuPage County, Illinois, neither the company nor other election ocials appeared
to understand the cause of the problem when it was rst publicized. In fact, the vendor originally
argued that antivirus software and human error were probably the cause. After several tests conrmed
the problem was actually a software glitch that caused lost votes when administrators simultaneously
uploaded multiple cards from individual machines, the vendor notied more than 30 states of the
problem, telling them to be on the lookout for missing votes.
Humboldt County, California, provides another example of known problems persisting across multiple
election cycles. A programming error in Premier Elections Solutions Global Election Management
System (GEMS) software resulted in the rst batch (or deck zero) of optical scanned ballots being
deleted when they were scanned into GEMS. Tis meant all the votes in this batch could be lost.
According to a report by the California Secretary of State, Premier (formerly Diebold) was aware of this
problem no later than October 2004.
However, the vendor did not notify the EAC, the National
Association of State Election Directors, or the California Secretary of State. Instead, the company sent
an email to election ocials in the 11 California counties using the software. Tis email, which the
California secretary of state described as vague, advised a workaround procedure in which ocials
would create and immediately delete an empty deck zero before scanning any real ballots. However,
the email did not explain why this procedure was necessary or that failing to do so could result in lost
Four years later, the exact same problem occurred in Humboldt County. Te registrar of voters
for 2008, Carolyn Crirnich, apparently never received the 2004 email or any other documentation
of the problem. Te former county elections ocer who had received the email left the oce in
2007 and had not passed on the information. Only after the county implemented a post-election
Transparency Project using an independent scanner did it determine that the deck zero problem
caused approximately 200 lost votes in 2008.
Without a more systematic approach to information gathering and sharing, these types of problems will
continue. Jurisdictions should implement the following four strategies to catch voting machine defects
early, notify ocials in aected jurisdictions immediately, and take action to correct all such systems
wherever they are used in the United States.
1. All Jurisdictions Should Review Lost Vote Data After Each Election
Election ocials should look at the residual vote rate in order to diagnose problems. To eectively do
this on a wide scale, each election district in each state should report undervotes and overvotes. Florida
provides a good model for this. Te state adopted practices that require all counties to report election
totals, including undervotes and overvotes, by precinct. Further, after every federal election the state
issues a report that assesses voting system performance and administrative procedures. Tis type of
reporting system allows election ocials to quickly identify and correct the kinds of issues that lead to
overvotes for future elections.
2. The EAC Should Systematize Voting Machine Information Sharing
Election ocials could easily identify problems before they occur with the aid of a publicly available,
searchable online database of reported voting system aws. A national clearinghouse of election
information and guidance such as the EAC is ideally situated for providing this resource to all
states and local jurisdictions.
Such a database could include ocial information from election ocials
and vendors as well as unocial information from voters about system failures and vulnerabilities. Tis
sort of national clearinghouse will dramatically improve the security and reliability of voting machines
by enabling election ocials to make informed choices and anticipate any problems far enough in
advance of an election to correct for them.
3. Election Offcials Should Improve Individual Vendor Contracts
Certain provisions in voting machine contracts make it more dicult for election ocials to get
information about system problems in other parts of the country. Further, it is dicult to hold vendors
responsible for problems if something goes wrong. Counties and states should include key contract
terms that will increase voting system reliability and hold vendors more accountable in order to
minimize risk.
4. States Should Require Disclosure From Vendors Who Contract Within the State
States can also choose to enact stronger regulation of contracts with vendors, requiring them to disclose
information about any machine problems to election ocials. For example, California passed legislation
requiring vendors selling voting systems within the state to notify the secretary of state and all local
election ocials using those systems of any defect, fault, or failure, within 30 days of discovering it.
Every state should pursue options to more directly regulate government contracts with vendors.
Piw Cixrii ox rui Sraris, Ixaccuiari, Cosri\ axo Ixiiiiciixr: Evioixci ruar Axiiicas Vorii Ricisriariox
S\srix Niios ax Uiciaoi 2 (2012), available at
Stephen Ansolabehere, Testimony Before the U.S. Senate Rules Committee (Mar. 11, 2009), available at http://; see also R. Micuaii Aivaiiz, Sriiuix
Axsoianiuiii, Aoax Biiixsx\, Ganiiii Lixz, Cuaiiis Sriwair III, axo Tuao Haii, :oo8 Suivi\ oi rui
Piiioixaxci oi Axiiicax Eiicrioxs, Exicurivi Suxxai\ 5 (2009), available at
Cuaiiis Sriwair III, :o1: Suivi\ oi rui Piiioixaxci oi Axiiicax Eiicrioxs, Fixai Riioir 70 (2013), available
Lawiixci Noioix, Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici, How ro Fix Loxc Lixis 2 (2013), available at http://www.
Jusrix Livirr, Wixo\ R. Wiisii, x Axa Muxoz, Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici, Maxixc rui Lisr: Daranasi
Marcuixc axo Viiiiicariox Piocissis ioi Vorii Ricisriariox (2006), available at http://www.brennancenter.
org/publication/making-list-database-matching-and-verication-processes-voter-registration; M\ixa Piiiz, Biixxax
Cixrii ioi Jusrici, Vorii Puicis (2008), available at
Maicaiir Cuix x Jixxiiii S. Rosixniic, Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici, Exiaxoixc Dixociac\: Vorii
Ricisriariox Aiouxo rui Woiio (2009), available at
democracy-voter-registration-around-world; Lauia Siaco, Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici, Goviixxixr Lisrs: How
Riao\ Aii Tui\ Foi Auroxaric Ricisriariox: (2009), available at
government-lists-how-ready-are-they-automatic-registration; Lauia Siaco, Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici, Auroxaric
Ricisriariox ix rui Uxirio Sraris: Tui Siiicrivi Siivici Exaxiii (2009), available at http://www.brennancenter.
M\ixa Piiiz, Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici, Wuix Voriis Movi (:oo,), available at
publication/when-voters-move; Aoax Sxaccs x Joxaruax Biirzii, Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici, Piixaxixr Vorii
Ricisriariox (2009), available at
Aoax Sxaccs, Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici, Ricisriiixc Miiirai\ axo Oviisias Cirizixs ro Vori (2009), available
Wixo\ R. Wiisii, Aoax Sxaccs x Cuiisroiuii Poxoioii, Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici, Mooiixizixc Ouios
S\srix ioi Ricisriiixc Voriis: Auroxaric x Oxiixi Ricisriariox (2009), available at http://www.brennancenter.
org/publication/modernizing-ohio%E2%80%99s-system-registering-voters-automatic-online-registration; Wixo\ R.
Wiisii x Nuu-Y Nco, Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici, Mooiixizixc Vorii Ricisriariox: Moxixrux ix rui Sraris
(:o1o), available at
Cuiisroiuii Poxoioii, Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici, Vorii Ricisriariox ix a Dicirai Aci 15 (Wendy Weiser ed.,
2010), available at
pdf. Additional appendices with detailed state proles are available at
Voter Registration Modernization in the States, Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici,
voter-registration-modernization-states (last updated May 10, 2013).
For example, North Dakota Secretary of State Craig Nelson has concluded that electronic registration helped reduce the
number of provisional ballots cast in his state. Poxoioii, supra note 11, at 1.
See Voting Laws Roundup 2013, Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici,
voting-laws-roundup (last updated Aug. 15, 2013) (detailing pending and passed voting reform bills from 2013 state
legislative sessions).
Poxoioii, supra note 11, at 13. In interviews this year, ocials in Arkansas, Delaware, Iowa, Rhode Island, Maryland,
Mississippi, Kentucky, and South Dakota stated that electronic registration improved accuracy. Telephone Interview with
Rob Hammons, Dir. of Elections, Ark. Secy of State (May 21, 2013); Telephone Interview with Elaine Manlove, Commr
of Elections, Del. Oce of the State Election Commr. (Feb. 20, 2013); Telephone Interview with Sarah Reisetter, Dir. of
Elections, Iowa Secy of State (May 9, 2013); Telephone Interview with Mike Narducci, Deputy Dir., John Fleming, Chief
of Sta & Rob Rock, Elections Div., R.I. Secy. of State (Apr. 4, 2013); Telephone Interview with Mary Cramer Wagner,
Dir. of Voter Registration Div., Md. State Bd. of Elections & Ross Goldstein, Deputy State Admr, Md. Bd. of Elections
(Mar. 5, 2013); Telephone Interview with Madalan Lennep, Elections Consultant, Miss. Secy of State (Apr. 12, 2013);
Telephone Interview with Maryellen Allen, Exec. Dir., Ky. Bd. of Elections (Apr. 12, 2013); Telephone Interview with
Brandon Johnson, Senior Elections Coordinator, S.D. Secy of State (Apr. 5, 2013).
Poxoioii, supra note 11, at 13.
Id. at 1.
Id. at 1:. Electronic registration records also allow for the use of automated processes to assist in verifying the accuracy
of voter registration information, which can reduce the cost of processing to as little as 3 cents per registration. Tese are
currently used in Arizona, Florida, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Washington. Id. at , 1:.
Id. at 1:.
Arizona, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan,
Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South
Dakota, Texas, and Washington. VRM in the States: Electronic Registration, Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici, http://www. (last updated Apr. 4, 2013).
Telephone Interview with Maryellen Allen, supra note 15.
California S.B. 361, 2013-2014 Leg., Reg. Sess. (Cal. 2013), available at
billStatusClient.xhtml; Oregon H.B. 3521, 2013 Leg., Reg. Sess. (Or. 2013), available at
To safeguard privacy, agencies should transfer only the information needed for voter registration, and the process should
be limited to a one-way transfer of data from the source agency to election ocials. States should avoid two-way linking
of multiple state databases within a single superstructure, but rather should utilize a secure, one-way transfer. Ideally,
agencies should transfer information in real time or overnight as is done in Arizona, Kansas, Pennsylvania and Washington.
Poxoioii, supra note 11, at 5.
Id. at 12-14.
Te initiation of the process for obtaining consent to use information for registration purposes varies. Often, the agency
employee, at the prompting of a computer program, asks the customer if she would like to register. Tis is done in at least
5 states: Delaware, Florida, Kansas, Rhode Island, and Washington. Id. at 3. In contrast, in Arizona, the agency application
contains the voter registration question. Id. at 4.
Id. at 4, 12-14.
Id. at 4.
In Florida, Kansas, and Washington, the customer answers questions orally. Id. at 4. In Delaware and Rhode Island, an
individual uses a stylus and electronic pad to answer eligibility questions. Id.
Id. at 15.
Id. at 4.
VRM in the States: Delaware, Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici,
(last updated June 14, 2012).
In order to register electronically, an individual must meet registration requirements, including age, citizenship, and
residency, just as with traditional registration. All states require an individual to arm that she is eligible and wants
to register prior to electronic registration. If a voter declines to register or is ineligible, the DMV transaction proceeds.
However, an ideal system of electronic registration will ensure that neither the agency ocial nor the potential voter will
bypass the voter registration portion of the transaction.
Lisa J. Danetz, Senior Counsel, Demos, Testimony to the U.S. Commn on Civil Rights 5 (Apr. 19, 2013), available at
Poxoioii, supra note 11, at 3; Telephone Interview with Rob Hammons, supra note 15; Telephone Interview with Maria
Matthews, Dir. of Elections, Fla. Secy of State & Maureen Johnson, Dir., Fla. Dept of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
(May 20, 2013); Telephone Interview with Lori Augino, Dir. of Elections, Shane Hamlin, Deputy Dir. of Elections, Patty
Murphy, IT Specialist, & Nick Pharris, Program Specialist, Wash. Secy of State (Mar. 20, 2013). In other states, the
transaction continues whether or not the question is asked or answered.
Currently, twelve states oer portability through Election Day registration: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho,
Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Seven other states oer
portability through an Election Day address update procedure: Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Maryland, Ohio, Oregon, and
Utah. Te states that oer electronic registration at state agencies discussed in the previous section make address updates
more seamless for voters.
Piw Cixrii ox rui Sraris, Ixaccuiari, Cosri\ axo Ixiiiiciixr, supra note 1, at 3.
Mobility of the Population, U.S. Cixsus Buiiau,
the_population/ (last updated Aug. 27, 2013); see also Wendy R. Weiser & Vishal Agraharkar, Book of the States 2013:
Modernizing Elections, Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici, (July 1, 2013),
Tuoxas Parriisox, Tui Vaxisuixc Vorii: Puniic Ixvoivixixr Ix ax Aci oi Uxciiraixr\ 178 (2002).
Michael P. McDonald, Portable Voter Registration, 20 Poiiricai Biuavioi 499 (2008).
In Florida, voters who move within the state vote a provisional ballot, which is counted unless there is evidence of fraud.
In Ohio and Utah, voters who update their address must also vote a provisional ballot. Tis is better than nothing, but
provisional ballots may not be counted and create additional unnecessary administrative burdens.
VRM in the States: Delaware, Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici,
(last updated June 14, 2012).
VRM in the States: Oregon, Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici, (last
updated June 11, 2012).
42 U.S.C. 1973gg-3(d).
States employ a variety of security measures to safeguard online voter registration systems and voter information. Tese
tools include websites that will time out automatically after a certain period of inactivity, CAPTCHA tests to prevent
hacking or automated attacks on the system, and monitoring suspicious activity, including the volume of failed drivers
license numbers. Additional security measures may be needed in certain states. For example, in 2013, both Maryland and
Washington added the issue date of the applicants DMV ID in order to enhance security because their drivers license
numbers can be predicted with a publicly known algorithm based on the individuals name. See Letter from J. Alex
Halderman, Professor, Te Univ. of Mich., Dr. David R. Jeerson, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab., and Dr. Barbara Simons,
IBM Research (retired) and Former President, Assn for Computing Machinery, to Robert L. Walker, Chairman, Md. State
Bd. of Elections, et al. (Sept. 25, 2012), available at
Poxoioii, supra note 11, at 13.
When Arizona began online registration the 18-24 year old registration rate jumped from 29 percent in 2002 to 48 percent
in 2004 and 53 percent in 2008. Id. at 18.
Id. at 11.
Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Nevada,
New York, Oregon, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia. VRM in the States: Online Registration,
Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici, (last updated July
27, 2013).
Fourteen states currently oer paperless online voter registration to residents with a DMV ID number. New York is
included among these 14 states, as the system will be paperless once the second stage of its implementation process is
completed. Telephone Interview with Robert Brehm, Co-Executive Dir. of N.Y. Bd. of Elections & Anna Svizzero, Dir. of
Election Operations, N.Y. (Mar. 15, 2013). Some states, such as Arizona and Maryland, do not require UOCAVA voters to
have a DMV ID number in order to submit a voter registration application online. Telephone Interview with Mary Fontes,
HAVA Business Analyst, Ariz. Secy of State (July 23, 2013); E-mail from Ross Goldstein, Deputy Admr, Md. State Bd.
of Elections, to Holly Maluk, Voting Rights Researcher, Brennan Center for Justice (May 29, 2013 15:42 EST) (on le
with author). In Maryland, for example, UOCAVA applicants are permitted to use their Social Security number in lieu of
a Maryland drivers license number to register to vote online in a paperless process. E-mail from Ross Goldstein, Deputy
Admr, Md. State Bd. of Elections, to Holly Maluk, Voting Rights Researcher, Brennan Center for Justice (May 29, 2013
15:42 EST) (on le with author).
In addition to making online registration available to the non-DMV population, states should to make sure websites may
be used with screen readers or are otherwise accessible to the disabled. Websites should also be accessible for pre-population
by third-party tools such as Rock the Votes registration website.
Telephone Interview with Jennie Bretschneider, Asst Chief Deputy, Cal. Secy of State (Mar. 22, 2013); Telephone
Interview with Chrissie Weatherford, Info. Tech. Dir., La. Secy of State (May 2, 2013); Telephone Interview with Mark
Tomas, Dir. of Elections, Utah Oce of the Lieutenant Governor (May 3, 2013); Telephone Interview with Donald
Palmer, Secy, Va. Bd. of Elections & Matt Davis, Info. Servs. Manager, Va. Bd. of Elections (July 31, 2013).
Maryland allows military and overseas voters to register online with a social security number. E-mail from Ross Goldstein,
supra note 49.
Livirr, Wiisii, x Muxoz, supra note 6, at 4.
Delawares online registration system does not involve a real-time match because the system is not linked to DMV records.
As of March 2013, Kansass online registration system also did not include a real-time match with DMV records, although
State Election Director Brad Bryant noted that the Secretary of States oce intends to incorporate a real-time match as
soon as possible. According to Mr. Bryant, the lack of a real-time match has created an administrative problem for the
DMV. Telephone Interview with Brad Bryant, State Election Dir., Kan. Secy of State (Mar. 14, 2013).
Telephone Interview with Lori Augino, et al., supra note 34.
Many states operate public websites with which voters may verify that they are registered and view the polling place
associated with their residential address. All but two states have some form of polling place lookup tool available online,
and all but nine have a registration status lookup tool. Online Lookup Tools for Voters 2012, Piw Cixrii ox rui Sraris, (last updated
Apr. 30, 2013). Many states also allow voters to check the status of their absentee ballot online. Id. Tese are useful tools
but not a substitute for allowing registration updates online.
A voter can update his political party aliation using the online registration system in Arizona, Colorado, Kansas,
Louisiana, Maryland, Nevada, New York, Oregon, and Utah. Other online registration states (South Carolina, Virginia,
and Washington) do not ask voter-applicants to identify a political party aliation. Another model of failsafe correction
is found in Vermont. Voters in that state who are not listed on the poll book are permitted to vote if they swear they are
registered in that precinct on a written adavit. VRM in the States: Vermont, Biixxax Cixrii ioi Jusrici, http://www. (last updated June 11, 2012).
All of the states with Election Day Registration, aside from Colorado, Connecticut and New Hampshire, also allow voters
to register and vote prior to Election Day.
In Illinois, citizens can register to vote during the grace period from the normal close of registration up through the third
day before the election. Once registered, these voters may cast a ballot during the grace period, but not on Election Day.
Electronic poll-books have been used statewide in Georgia since 2005 and in Maryland since 2006. Email from Linda
Ford, Dir. of Elections, Ga., to Holly Maluk, Voting Rights Researcher, Brennan Center for Justice (May 24, 2013;
Telephone Interview with Mary Cramer Wagner et al., supra note 15.
Telephone Interview with Judd Choate, Dir. of Elections, Colo. Secy of State (July 31, 2013).
Telephone Interview with Maria Matthews et al., supra note 34; Telephone Interview with Kristi Dougan, Elections
Specialist, Mich. Secy of State (Apr. 9, 2013); Telephone Interview with Howard Snider, Dir. of Voter Servs., S.C. Election
Commn. (Apr. 10, 2013); Telephone Interview with Mark Tomas, supra note 51.
Telephone Interview with Brad Bryant, supra note 54; Telephone Interview with Veronica DeGraenreid, Voter Registration
Dir. & Marc Burris, Chief Info. Ocer, N.C. Bd. of Elections (May 3, 2013).
Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, D.C., Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma,
South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. Te two exclusively vote by mail
states, Oregon and Washington, are not counted among the states with early in person voting since virtually no voting
including Election Day takes place in person in those states. See U.S. Eiicriox Assisraxci Coxxx, :o1: Sraruroi\
Oviiviiw :,-o (Feb. 2013), available at
Voting Laws Roundup, supra note 14.
Accordingly, we did not research or analyze how no excuse absentee or vote by mail systems impact election administration
or voter experience, and we oer no ndings or recommendations on those forms of early voting.
In nine states, over one-quarter of all voters who cast a ballot in the 2008, did so early and in person. U.S. Eiicriox
Assisraxci Coxxx, :oo8 Eiicriox Aoxixisriariox axo Vorixc Suivi\ 1, 22-25 (Nov. 2009), available at http://
Report.pdf (reporting EIPV percentages as follows: AR (29.6%), FL (31.3%), GA (44.9%), NV (57.9%); NM (40.1%),
NC (55.8%), TN (57.9%), TX (60.6%), UT (28.7%)). EIPV usage of 25% or more signicantly exceeded the national
average in 2008, which was about thirteen percent. Id. at 22-23. In 2012, the Election Assistance Commission reported
that across 29 states reporting early voting data, the proportion of early and in person voting was 9%. See U.S. Eiicriox
Assisraxci Coxxx, :o1: Eiicriox Aoxixisriariox axo Vorixc Suivi\, Table 28 Ballots Cast by Means of Voting
23-26 (2013), available at and
U.S. Eiicriox Assisraxci Coxxx, :o1: Eiicriox Aoxixisriariox axo Vorixc Suivi\, Corrected Table 28 Ballots
Cast by Means of Voting (2013), (on le with author). However, the 2012 EIPV rate does not include EIPV reporting
from Georgia and Texas (which it did in 2008) and thus substantially understates the use of EIPV nationwide. Georgia and
Texas were among the states with the highest use of EIPV nationally in 2012. In Georgia, as a percentage of all ballots cast
for president (3,897,839), 43.8% were cast advance in person (1,706,236). See Biiax P. Kixi, GA. Sic\ oi Srari, :o1:
Oiiiciai Eiicriox Risuirs, Piisioixr oi rui Uxirio Sraris Suxxai\ n\ Vori T\ii, http://results.enr.clarityelections.
com/GA/42277/113204/en/vts.html?cid=5000 (last visited Oct. 7, 2013), (reporting ocial top of ticket statewide results
by vote type). In Texas, the Secretary of State does not publish the total of all early in person ballots cast statewide, but
does publish the number cast for the 15 counties with the highest number of registered voters. As a percentage of all
ballots cast (5,106,453) in those same 15 counties, 62.4% were cast early in person (3,188,396). See Joux Sriix, Tix.
Sic\ oi Srari, :o1: Gixiiai Eiicriox, Piisioixr/ Vici-Piisioixr Toi oi Ticxir :o1: Caxvass Riioir, Voris
ioi Piisioixr, (last visited Oct. 7, 2013) (query 2012 General Election and
query 2012 General Election and County by County Canvass Report, then select President/Vice-President for race
to nd total top of ticket ballots cast for each county in Texas, including Harris, Dallas, Tarrant, Bexar, Travis, Collin, El
Paso, Denton, Fort Bend, Hidalgo, Montgomery, Williamson, Nueces, Galveston, Cameron) and Joux Sriix, Tix. Sic\
oi Srari, Novixnii o, :o1: Eaii\ Vorixc Cuxuiarivi Torais,
nov2.shtml (last visited Oct. 7, 2013) (reporting 3,188,396 Cumulative In-Person Voters for Harris, Dallas, Tarrant,
Bexar, Travis, Collin, El Paso, Denton, Fort Bend, Hidalgo, Montgomery, Williamson, Nueces, Galveston, Cameron).
When more complete national data sets are used, it indicates the early in person voting rate remained fairly steady between
2008 and 2012. Charles Stewart and Daron Shaw note that in contrast [to the 2012 EAC data], based on responses from
the Voting Registration Supplement of the Current Population Survey, the distribution of voters [was reported as] 14%
early. Te discrepancies [between the two surveys]. . . appear primarily due to a handful of states with in-person early voting
(notably Texas and Georgia) combining early voting statistics with absentee statistics. Cuaiiis Sriwair III axo Daiox
Suaw, Lissoxs Fiox rui :o1: Eiicriox Aoxixisriariox axo Vorixc Suivi\ 9 (2013), available at https://www. (citing data from the 2012
Census Current Population Survey Voting Registration Supplement). Additionally, comprehensive studies drawing on a
direct survey of voters nationwide report an even higher steady usage of EIPV 18% in 2008 and again in 2012. See
Early Voting in the 2012 General Election, Piw Cuaiiranii Tiusrs (Aug. 6, 2013),
early-voting-in-the-2012-general-election-85899495516 (citing 2012 Survey of the Performance of American Elections
Data); see also R. Michael Alvarez, Ines Levin & J. Andrew Sinclair, Making Voting Easier: Convenience Voting in the 2008
Election, 65 Poi. Ris. Q. 248, 251 (2012) (citing 2008 Survey of the Performance of American Elections Data).
We interviewed a total of 21 election ocials. Tese ocials represented county and state election oces in seven of the
nine states with the highest rates of EIPV: Georgia, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah.
We also interviewed election ocials from Colorado and Illinois.
Nationwide the average wait time is longer during early voting days than on Election Day. See Charles Stewart III, Waiting
to Vote in 2012, at 21 (MIT Political Science Dept Research Paper No. 2013-6, Apr. 1 2013), available at http://papers. However, the academic research on what election practices might cause
or reduce long voting lines is still primitive and inconclusive. Id. at 10 (explaining there is no published analysis of how
the allocation of election resources has aected long lines at the polls.[and] the empirical study of waiting in line to vote
is still in its infancy.).
But careful planning and resource management can and should be used to avoid overly long lines during EIPV, just as on
Election Day. Bernalillo County, NM achieved average EIPV wait times of less than 4 minutes in 2012. Rai Arxisox,
Aiix Aoaxs x Lisa Bi\axr, Assissixc Eiicroiai Piiioixaxci ix Niw Mixico Usixc ax Ecos\srix Aiiioacu
104-105 (Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project, 2012), available at
sved/papers/BernCoFinalReport.pdf. And other counties reported 15-20 minutes was the longest wait time during early
voting. Id.
Compare U.S. Eiicriox Assisraxci Coxxx, :oo8 Eiicriox Aoxixisriariox axo Vorixc Suivi\, supra note 67, at
22-25 with U.S. Eiicriox Assisraxci Coxxx, A Suxxai\ Oi :oo Eiicriox Da\ Suivi\ 6 (Sept. 2005), available
at (reporting that 8.4% of
ballots were cast by early voting in the 2004 election). EIPV turnout is consistently lower in non-presidential election
years. See, e.g., U.S. Eiicriox Assisraxci Coxxx, :o1o Eiicriox Aoxixisriariox axo Vorixc Suivi\ 1 (Dec. 2011),
available at (reporting 8.2% of ballots
were cast by early voting in the 2010 midterm election).
See U.S. Eiicriox Assisraxci Coxxx, :oo8 Eiicriox Aoxixisriariox axo Vorixc Suivi\, supra note 67; See also R.
Michael Alvarez, Ines Levin & J. Andrew Sinclair, Making Voting Easier: Convenience Voting in the 2008 Election, 65 Poi.
Ris. Q. 248, 251 (2012) (noting states where 50% of voters reported voting early in the 2008 election). According to EAC
data, and state data, in the 2012 election these states again surpassed 50% for EIPV usage. See U.S. Eiicriox Assisraxci
Coxxx , 2012 Eiicriox Aoxixisriariox axo Vorixc Suivi\ oiair oara, supra note 67.
See, e.g., Paul Gronke, Eva Galanes-Rosenbaum, Peter A. Miller, & Daniel Toey, Convenience Voting, 11 Axx. Riv. Poi.
Sci. 437, 443 (2009), available at (Early
research on the demographic prole of individual voters who took advantage of convenience voting painted a portrait of
a voter who is conservative, middle-to-upper-class, generally interested in politics, and Republican.(internal citations
Paul Gronke & Charles Stewart, Early Voting in Florida 6-7 (MIT Pol. Sci. Dept, Research Paper No. 2013-12), http:// (citing 2012 Cooperative Congressional Election Study data); see
also Alvarez, supra note 72, at 251 (noting that while 2008 is commonly described as a game-changer in terms of African-
American use of EIPV, strong evidence demonstrates this trend developed in prior to 2008).
See Alvarez, supra note 72.
Gronke & Stewart, supra note 74, at 7 (African American usage of early in-person voting in the South nearly tripled in
the 2008 presidential election when compared to the 2004 presidential election . . . . Data from the 2012 CCES show that
African Americans continuing [sic] to use early in-person voting in the South at high rates, comparable to the outcomes
of the 2008 presidential election.). Tis increase is also reected when comparing midterm elections. For example, in
Florida from 2006 to 2010, there was an increase of nearly 75% in African Americans using early in person voting. Florida
v. United States, 885 F. Supp. 2d 299, 365 (D.D.C. 2012) (quoting Rebuttal Decl. of Prof. Gronke).
Aix. Cooi Axx. 7-5-418(a)(1) (requiring 15 days); (Ga. Cooi Axx. 21-2-385(d)(1) (early voting period from the
fourth Monday prior to election day to the Friday before election day); Niv. Riv. Srar. Axx. 293.3568(1) (early voting
from third Saturday before an election to the nal Friday before the election); N.M. Srar. Axx. 1-6-5.7(A) (early voting
from third Saturday before an election to the nal Saturday before the election); N.C. Gix. Srar. 163-227.2(b) (early
voting from third Tursday before an election to last Saturday before election); Tixx. Cooi Axx. 2-6-102(a)(1) (early
voting from 20 days before an election to 5 days before an election); Tix. Eiic. Cooi Axx. 85.001 (early voting from
17th day prior to election to 4th day before an election); Urau Cooi Axx. 20A-3-601(2) (early voting begins 14 days
prior to election and ends Friday before election). Compare Fia. Srar. Axx. 101.657(1)(d) (2011) with 2013 Fla. Sess.
Law Serv. Ch. 2013-57, sec. 13, 101.657(1)(a). Meanwhile, the recent reduction of early voting in North Carolina means
North Carolina will no longer oer a full two weeks of early voting, although it did in both 2008 and 2012. H.B. 589,
2013 Leg. Sess. (N.C. 2013).
As of 2013, seventeen states required that early voting locations open between two and three weeks in advance of Election
Day for all general elections, making this the most common period among all states oering some form of EIPV: Alaska,
Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah,
West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Tese periods apply to general elections, and may be dierent for other elections, such as
primaries or municipal elections.
According to EAC data for each of these states, it appears that most ballots cast early were cast and counted as absentee. For the
eleven states with over three weeks of early voting, the 2012 percentage of votes cast early in person and those cast absentee (not
counting UOCAVA voters) were reported as follows: Arizona (EIPV 0%, absentee 50.6%), California (EIPV 0.4%, absentee
39.8%), Indiana (EIPV 0%, absentee 19%), Iowa (EIPV 0%, absentee 43.1%), Maine (EIPV 0%, absentee 25.5%), Montana
(EIPV 0%, absentee 57.5%), Nebraska (EIPV 0%, absentee 25.4%), Ohio (EIPV 10.7%, absentee 22.4%), South Dakota (EIPV
4.1%, absentee 8.9%), Vermont (EIPV 3.6%, absentee 20.4%), and Wyoming (EIPV 0%, absentee 26.2%). See U.S. Eiicriox
Assisraxci Coxxx, 2012 Eiicriox Aoxixisriariox axo Vorixc Suivi\, supra note 67. In 2008, the percentage of votes cast
early in person and those cast absentee were reported as follows: Arizona (EIPV 1.9%, absentee 50.6%), California (EIPV 1.0%,
absentee 41.7%), Indiana (EIPV 0%, absentee 23.6%), Iowa (EIPV 0%, absentee 37.8%), Maine (EIPV 0%, absentee 31.0%),
Montana (EIPV 0%, absentee 42.2%), Nebraska (EIPV 0%, absentee 21.5%), Ohio (EIPV 6.8%, absentee 22.7%), South
Dakota (EIPV 6.5%, absentee 13.2%), Vermont (EIPV 0%, absentee 27.5%), and Wyoming (EIPV 0%, absentee 25.0%). See
U.S. Eiicriox Assisraxci Coxxx, 2008 Eiicriox Aoxixisriariox axo Vorixc Suivi\, supra note 67.
2012 General Election No Excuse Voting Totals, Cir\ oi Cuaiiorri x Micxiixnuic Cxr\,
mecklenburg/county/BOE/data/Documents/earlyvoting/2012GeneralNoExcuseVoting.pdf (last visited August 26, 2013).
See 2008 General Election No Excuse Voting, Cir\ oi Cuaiiorri x Micxiixnuic Cxr\.,
mecklenburg/county/BOE/data/Documents/earlyvoting/2008GeneralEV.pdf (last visited July 10, 2013). While North
Carolina counties formerly had the discretion to continue early voting until 5:00 p.m. on the nal Saturday, as of 2014 all
early voting must end at 1:00 p.m. on the Saturday prior to Election Day. H.B. 589, 2013 Leg. Sess. (N.C. 2013).
Te ten counties are Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Hillsborough, Orange, Pinellas, Duval, Lee, Polk, and Brevard. In
Brevard County, the last Saturday was the second highest day for turnout, after the last Friday. Notably, however, unlike the
other nine counties, Brevard did not oer the full twelve hours for voting on Saturday. See Statewide Early Voting Summary
Files, Fia. Sic\ oi srari,
(last visited Oct. 15, 2013) (reporting daily early voting turnout for each county in Florida); Early Voting Sites by County,
Fla. November 6, 2012, Fia. Sic\ oi srari, (last
visited Oct. 15, 2013) (listing early voting site hours by county for 2012). Additionally, scholarly analysis of daily turnout
data in Florida, before and after legislative changes were made to the available weekend voting days, conrms that the last
weekend before Election Day is likely to see very heavy, or highest, usage. See Gronke & Stewart, Early Voting in Florida,
supra note 74, at 22.
See Aix. Cooi Axx. 7-5-418(a)(1)(A) (requiring Saturday hours); Fia. Srar. Axx. 101.657(1)(d) (requiring Saturday
and Sunday voting); Ga. Cooi Axx. 21-2-385(d)(1) (requiring weekend hours); Niv. Riv. Srar. Axx. 293.3568
(requiring Saturdays, giving discretion to provide Sunday hours); N.M. Srar. Axx. 1-6-5.7(A) (requiring Saturday
hours); N.C. Gix. Srar. 163-227.2(b) (requiring Saturday hours); Tixx. Cooi Axx. 2-6-103(a)(1) (requiring
Saturday hours); Tix. Eiic. Cooi Axx. 85.006(a),(e) (requiring weekend hours for counties with more than 100,000
people, and giving discretion to smaller counties); Urau Cooi Axx. 20A-3-602(2)(c)(ii)(B) (giving discretion to oer
weekend hours). Among all EIPV states in 2008, at least 18 statutorily required weekend voting or explicitly provided
discretion to election ocials to oer it: Arkansas, D.C., Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana,
Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia.
Fia. Srar. Axx. 101.657(1)(d) (requiring nal Saturday, Sunday optional); N.M. Srar. Axx. 1-6-5.7(A) (ending on
nal Saturday before Election Day); N.C. Gix. Srar. 163-227.2(b) (ending on nal Saturday before Election Day).
Additionally, in Arkansas the nal Saturday is required, but early voting resumes on the Monday before Election Day. Aix.
Cooi Axx. 7-5-418(a)(1)(A).
See Aix. Cooi Axx. 7-5-418(a) (requiring 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM hours on weekdays at the county clerks designated
early voting location); Fia. Srar. Axx. 101.657(1)(d) (requiring a minimum of 8 hours per day and allowing up to 12
hours per day); Ga. Cooi Axx. 21-2-385(d)(1) ([C]ounties and municipalities may extend the hours for voting beyond
regular business hours . . . .); Niv. Riv. Srar. Axx. 293.3568(2),(3) (requiring permanent locations to be open from
8 AM to 6 PM on weekdays and allowing locations be open until 8 PM during the second week of early voting); N.M.
Srar. Axx. 1-6-5.7(C) (providing that early voting locations shall open no earlier than 7:00 a.m. and shall close no later
than 9:00 p.m. and must be open for at least eight consecutive hours); N.C. Gix. Srar. 163-227.2(f ) (specifying that
in addition to operating during regular business hours, ocials may conduct one-stop absentee voting during evenings);
Tixx. Cooi Axx. 2-6-103 (requiring a minimum of three hours between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM and requiring certain
larger counties to be open from 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM for at least three days during the early voting period); Tix. Eiic.
Cooi Axx. 85.005(c) (requiring counties with more than 100,000 people to have 12 hours of early voting each weekday
during last week of a general election). See also Urau Cooi Axx. 20A-3-602 (giving discretion to election ocer to
determine the hours for early voting). At least another ve states also fall in this category: Colorado, D.C., Louisiana,
Maryland, and Oklahoma.
See State & County Quick Facts, U.S. Census Bureau (last visited August 29, 2013), (estimating
Montgomery County 2012 population of 172,000); see also Clarksville-Montgomery County voters taking advantage of
early voting, Ciaixsviiii Oxiixi (Tenn.) (Oct. 25, 2012),
montgomery-county-voters-taking-advantage-of-early-voting/ (publicizing 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM early voting hours).
At least one recent study of EIPV in Georgia supports the view that providing extended non-business and weekend hours
will enhance convenience and increase EIPV turnout. In that study of 117 of Georgias 159 counties, it was found that
[i]ncreasing the hours of operation for early voting sites . . . appears to be the most cost-eective measure for boosting
turnout. M.V. Hood III & Charles S. Bullock III, An Examination of Eorts to Encourage the Incidence of Early In-Person
Voting in Georgia, 2008, 10 Eiicriox L. J. 103, 110 (2011).
See Aix. Cooi Axx. 7-5-418(b)(1)(A) (Te county board of election commissioners may decide to hold early voting at
additional polling sites outside the oces of the county clerk . . . .); Fia. Srar. Axx. 101.657(1)(a) (allowing discretion
to establish certain types of early voting sites in addition to the main branch oce of the supervisor of election); Ga. Cooi
Axx. 21-2-385(d)(1), 21-2-382(a) (giving elections ocials discretion to establish locations provided the location is
county courthouse, a courthouse annex, a government service center providing general government services, or another
government building generally accessible to the public); oce as satellite advance voting sites.); Niv. Riv. Srar. Axx.
293.3561, 293.3564, 293.3572 (allowing the county clerk to establish permanent and temporary early voting locations);
N.M. Srar. Axx. 1-6-5.7(B) (allowing discretion for counties to establish alternate voting locations aside from the
clerks oce and requiring counties with certain populations to have a minimum number of locations); N.C. Gix. Srar.
163-227.2 (allowing county boards of elections to establish one or more early voting locations); Tixx. Cooi Axx.
2-6-103(a)(1) (Te county election commission oce or another polling place appropriately designated by the county
election commission shall be open [for early voting]); Tix. Eiic. Cooi Axx. 85.062 (allowing for the establishment
of temporary branch locations and requiring certain counties with large populations to establish branch locations); Urau
Cooi Axx. 20A-3-603 (giving discretion to election ocer to establish one or more early voting polling places). In
contrast, just a handful of states, such as Maine, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin, limit early in person voting
to only the county clerks oce (sometimes via absentee ballot), or only permit early voting in a single alternate location in
place of the clerks oce.
Fia. Srar. Axx. 101.657(1)(a).
Te supervisor of elections shall allow a voter to vote early in the main or branch oce of the Supervisor. Fia. Srar.
Axx. 101.657(1)(a). In order for a branch oce of the supervisor of elections to be used for early voting, it must be a
permanent facility of the supervisor and should have been designated and used as such for at least one year prior to the
election. Fia. Srar. Axx. 101.657(1)(a). Te supervisor of elections was also permitted to designate any city hall or
permanent public library facility as early voting sites, and they must be geographically located so as to provide all voters
in the county an equal opportunity to cast a ballot. Id.
See Tony Marrero, Early Voting Hours to Drop, Taxia Ba\ Tixis (Sept. 8, 2011),
localgovernment/early-voting-hours-to-drop/1190501 (noting that Floridas voting changes in 2011 did not include
exibility for supervisors of elections to establish early voting locations, which was the only request supervisors had made
for new legislation).
Pursuant to newly enacted legislation, elections ocials can now designate a fairground, civic center, courthouse, county
commission building, stadium, convention center, government-owned senior center, or government-owned community
center as early voting cites in addition to city halls and libraries. Te amended statute further allows for the supervisor of
election to designate an additional site if an area of the county does not have one of the eligible early voting locations. 2013
Fla. Sess. Law Serv. Ch. 2013-57, sec. 13, 101.657(1)(a).
See, e.g., Roberta M. Stein & Patricia A. Garca-Monet, Voting Early but Not Often, 78 Soc. Sci. Q. 657, 665 (1997),
available at (Te number of early voting sites
located at familiar and frequented locations (e.g., supermarkets, convenience stores, shopping malls, and mobile unites) is
signicantly related to a higher percentage of votes cast early, but the eect is marginal).
See, e.g., M.V. Hood III & Charles S. Bullock III, An Examination of Eorts to Encourage the Incidence of Early In-Person
Voting in Georgia, 2008, 10 Eiicriox L. J. 103, 109-10 (2011) (nding that as ratio of square miles per voting site was
reduced there was an increase in early voting); James G. Gimpel, Joshua J. Dyck, & Daron R. Shaw, Location, Knowledge
and Time Pressures in the Spatial Structure of Convenience Voting, 25 Eiicroiai Sruo. 35, 52 (2006) (nding physical
location of [early voting] sites appears to have had a signicant impact on the use of convenience voting among those who
live most proximate to those sites but that the impact is signicantly less for low-turnout locations where the electorate
is heavily burdened by obstacles to voting other than inconvenience); see also J.G Gimpel & J.E. Schuknecht, Political
participation and the accessibility of the ballot box, 22 Poi. Giociaiu\ 471, 2003 (nding, in context of Election Day, that
accessibility a function of distance and impediments to travel has signicant inuence on turnout).
Eight states require, or provide guidance on, equitable distribution specically for early voting locations; Coio. Riv. Srar.
Axx. 1-5-102.9(1)(a)(I)(A) (2013) (listing multiple specic factors for consideration by each county in determining
locations and sites for early voting centers); D.C. Mux. Rics. tit. 3 703.3 (Early voting centers shall be equitably
distributed geographically throughout the District); Fia. Srar. Axx. 101.657(1)(a) ([S]ites must be geographically
located so as to provide all voters in the county an equal opportunity to cast a ballot, insofar as is practicable); La. Riv.
Srar. Axx. 18:1309.2(B) (instructing the Secretary of State to select additional locations for early voting based on
feasibility, accessibility, and the number of registered voters); Mo. Cooi Rics. (providing that local boards
of elections must submit a form including whether proposed voting locations is within a specied distance of a certain
percentage of voters depending upon the size of the county); N.M. Srar. Axx. 1-6-5.7(A)(1) (Te county clerk shall...
ensure that voters have adequate access to alternate voting locations for early voting in the county, taking into consideration
population density and travel time to the location of voting); Urau Cooi Axx. 20A-3-603(3) (requiring counties
of the rst class to ensure that the early voting polling places are approximately proportionately distributed based on
population within the county); W. Va. Cooi R. 153-13-3.3 (requiring county clerks to submit proposals for satellite
early voting that considers that considers neutrality of the location based on distance from the main voting location,
population centers, turnout rates, and the party aliation ratios in the precincts).
Ga. Cooi Axx. 21-2-382(b); N.M. Srar. Axx. 1-6-5.7(B); Tix. Eiic. Cooi Axx. 85.062(d).
In New Mexico, each county shall ensure that voters have adequate access to alternative voting locations for early voting
in the county, taking into consideration population density and the travel time to the location of voting. N.M. Srar. Axx.
1-6-5.6(A) (2012).
In Florida, any satellite voting locations beyond election oces must be geographically located so as to provide all voters
in the county an equal opportunity to cast a ballot, insofar as is practicable. Fia. Srar. Axx. 101.657(1)(a). North
Carolina also has a provision that provides a regulatory check on the selection and distribution of EIPV locations. If
a county proposes to provide one-stop voting in a building that the county board of elections is not entitled to . . .
demand and use as a polling locations, such as a private facility, the State Board of Elections must nd that other equally
suitable sites were not available and that the use of the sites chosen will not unfairly advantage or disadvantage geographic,
demographic, or partisan interests of that county. N.C. Gix. Srar. 163-227.2(g1). And Utahrequires counties of
the rst class, which are dened as those with a population over 700,000, to ensure that the early voting polling places are
approximately proportionately distributed based on population within the county. Urau Cooi Axx. 20A-3-603(3);
see also Urau Cooi Axx. 17-50-501 (dening county classes by population). While currently only Salt Lake County
meets this threshold, it is home to nearly 40 percent of the entire state population. See State & County Quick Facts, U.S.
Census Bureau (last visited August 8, 2013), (estimating Salt Lake County 2012 population
of 1,063,842 and State population of 2,855,287). Additionally, in any county, if during the early voting period it is
determined the number of established early polling places is insucient to serve the number of registered voters turning
out, the local election oce may designate additional polling places. Urau Cooi Axx. 20A-3-603(2)(a).
Just 13 states with EIPV have statutes of this sort (Alaska, California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Nevada,
New Mexico, North Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah). Six of those are among the nine states with the highest EIPV
rates. See Ga. Cooi Axx. 21-2-385(d)(2) ( Niv. Riv. Srar. Axx. 293.3576(2) (requiring public posting ve days
before Election Day); N.M. Srar. Axx. 1-6-5(C), (J) (requiring schedule to be xed 90 days before Election Day, but
publicizing of schedule only to begin ten days before early voting); Tixx. Cooi Axx. 2-6-103(c) (requiring public notice
25 days before Election Day); Tix. Eiic. Cooi Axx. 85.007 (requiring public notice 72 hours before EIPV starts);
Urau Cooi Axx. 20A-3-604 (requiring notice ve days before early voting). Other states, such as Louisiana, Vermont,
West Virginia, and Wisconsin, have statutes that only require public notice of early voting hours and locations if a county
uses locations other than the clerks oce.
Interview with Maggie Toulouse Oliver, Cnty. Clerk, Bernalillo Cnty., N.M. (Mar. 22, 2013); see also, My Vote Centers,
Biixaiiiio Cxr\., N.M., (last visited July 8, 2013) (displaying map of voting locations and
providing hours, directions, and current wait times).
Based on county level survey results and a multivariate model, Hood and Bullock predicted that by utilizing all fteen types
of measured outreach eorts counties could achieve an EIPV rate six percentage points higher than counties who did not
utilize any of the measured outreach eorts. M.V. Hood III & Charles S. Bullock III, An Examination of Eorts to Encourage
the Incidence of Early In-Person Voting in Georgia, 2008, 10 Eiicriox L. J. 103, 108-09 (2011).
Professor Teodore Allen found that long lines in Florida caused an estimated 49,000 people in central Florida not
to vote. He previously found that long lines in Franklin County, Ohio discouraged approximately 20,000 people from
voting. Voters who have experience longer lines have less positive evaluations of their voting experience Scott Powers
and David Damron, Researcher: Long Lines at Polls Caused 49,000 not to vote, Dec. 29, 2012, available at http://articles.
(citing analysis of Teodore Allen).
Scott Powers and David Damron, Analysis: 201,000 in Florida Didnt Vote Because of Long Lines, Oiiaxoo Sixrixii, Jan.
23, 2013, available at
Cuaiiis Sriwair III axo Sriiuix Axsoianiuiii, Wairixc ix Lixi ro Vori 7 (July 28, 2013) (Submitted to the
Presidential Commission on Election Administration).
Id. at 10.
Id. at 11.
Id. at 12.
See Lawiixci Noioix ir ai., Biixxax Cixrii Foi Jusrici, Birrii Disicx, Birrii Eiicrioxs 3 (2012), available
Lawiixci Noioix x Suxoiii I\ii, Biixxax Cixrii Foi Jusrici, Disicx Diiiciixciis axo Losr Voris (:o11),
available at
Lawiixci Noioix ir ai., Biixxax Cixrii Foi Jusrici, Birrii Disicx, Birrii Eiicrioxs (2012); Lawiixci
Noioix, Biixxax Cixrii Foi ;usrici, Vorixc S\srix Faiiuiis; A Daranasi Soiuriox (2010), available at http://
Te reason for this is simple. When voters cast ballots by mail, there is no warning if the voter lls out the ballot wrong
or fails to properly prepare the return envelope. As discussed in more detail below and in our report a high number
of ballots get thrown out for these types of technical mistakes, See Lawiixci Noioix ir ai., Birrii Disicx, Birrii
Eiicrioxs, supra note 109, at 3.
We address these recommendations in greater depth in our report, Disicx Diiiciixciis axo Losr Voris. See supra
note 109.
See Noioix ir ai., Birrii Baiiors, supra note 109, at 1. See also Noioix x I\ii, Disicx Diiiciixciis axo Losr
Voris, supra note 109, at 2-3.
Id. at 30.
Sriwair III, :o1: Suivi\ oi rui Piiioixaxci oi Axiiicax Eiicrioxs, Fixai Riioir, supra note 4, at i.
See Noioix ir ai., Birrii Disicx, Birrii Eiicrioxs, supra note 109, at 30.
Id. at 31-32.
Election Administration and Voting Survey data shows the percentage dropping from 2.01% in 2010 to 1.51% in 2012.
See 2012 Eiicriox Aoxixisriariox axo Vorixc Suivi\ Diair Dara, supra note 67. Technical reasons for rejection
relevant to Minnesota are missed deadlines (Question C5a on the EAVS), no voter signature (C5b), no witness signature
(C5c), and no resident address on envelope (C5i).
Another example of clearer instructions saving votes can be seen by comparing the dierent ballot instructions and dierent
overvote rates in three Florida counties. In 2010, Miami-Dade gave voters detailed instructions to voters about how to
cast in-person and absentee ballots, but, those instructions were not suciently clear and did not include information on
how to correct a mistake. As a result, the Miami-Dade overvote rate was ve times higher in 2010 that the state average.
In comparison, during the same election, Volusia and Citrus Counties gave clear instructions that specically addressed
the issue of how to make corrections without voiding the ballot. As a result, those counties had close to zero overvotes for
the U.S. Senate contest at the top of the ticket, compared Miami-Dades overvote rate of nearly 1 percent. Noioix ir ai.,
Birrii Disicx, Birrii Eiicrioxs, supra note 109 at 22-23.
See Noioix ir ai. Birrii Disicx, Birrii Eiicrioxs, supra note 109 at 11 for the specics for each of these guidelines.
See also Dana Chisnell, ed., Field Guides to Ensuring Voter Intent, AIGA Disicx ioi Dixociac\ (2012), http://; Top 10 Election Design Guidelines, AIGA Disicx ioi Dixociac\ (last visited Nov. 13,
2013),; Plain Language Checklist, Cixrii ioi Piaix Laxcuaci (last visited
Nov. 13, 2013),
U.S. Election Assistance Commission, Eiiicrivi Disicxs ioi rui Aoxixisriariox oi Fioiiai Eiicrioxs (2007),
available at
Tat is, had the rate in Duval and Sarasota Counties been 14.7% instead of 10.2%, 28,000 more votes would have been
lost in those counties. Id. at 37-38.
Id. at 41.
Id. at 14.
Noioix ir ai., Birrii Baiiors, supra note 109, at 13.
Id. at 64-67.
Is America Ready to Vote? State Preparations for Voting Machine Problems in 2008 at 1,
See Noioix, Vorixc S\srix Faiiuiis, supra note 109.
Id. at 10-11.
Dinia Bowix, Caiiioixia Sic\ oi Srari, Riioir ro rui Eiicriox Assisraxci Coxxissiox Coxciixixc Eiiois
axo Diiiciixciis ix Diinoio/Piixiii GEMS Viisiox 1.18.1, 2-4 (2009),
See Noioix, Vorixc S\srix Faiiuiis, supra note 109 at 12.
See Noioix, Disicx Diiiciixciis axo Losr Voris, supra note 109, at 5.
While the EAC does currently operate a database of this nature, it is only for EAC-certied machines, which make up a
fraction of those currently in use. See Election Assistance Commission, Vorixc S\srix Riioirs Coiiicriox, http://eac.
gov/testing_and_certication/voting_system_reports.aspx (last visited Aug. 27, 2013).
See Noioix, Vorixc S\srix Faiiuiis, supra note 109, at 4.
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