Bible 2 Thessalonians
Bible 2 Thessalonians
Bible 2 Thessalonians
CHAPTER 1 and exclusion from the pres-
1 Paul, Silva'nus, and Timo- ence of the Lord and from the
thy, To the church of the Thes- glory of his might,
salo'nians in God our Father 10 when he comes on that
and the Lord Jesus Christ: day to be glorified in his
2 Grace to you and peace saints, and to be marveled at
from God the Father and the in all who have believed, be-
Lord Jesus Christ. cause our testimony to you
3 We are bound to give was believed.
thanks to God always for you, 11 To this end we always pray
brethren, as is fitting, because for you, that our God may
your faith is growing abun- make you worthy of his call,
dantly, and the love of every and may fulfil every good re-
one of you for one another is solve and work of faith by his
increasing. power,
4 Therefore we ourselves 12 so that the name of our
boast of you in the churches of Lord Jesus may be glorified in
God for your steadfastness you, and you in him, according
and faith in all your persecu- to the grace of our God and
tions and in the afflictions the Lord Jesus Christ.
which you are enduring.
5 This is evidence of the CHAPTER 2
righteous judgment of God, 1 Now concerning the coming
that you may be made worthy of our Lord Jesus Christ and
of the kingdom of God, for our assembling to meet him,
which you are suffering — we beg you, brethren,
6 since indeed God deems it 2 not to be quickly shaken in
just to repay with affliction mind or excited, either by spir-
those who afflict you, it or by word, or by letter pur-
7 and to grant rest with us to porting to be from us, to the
you who are afflicted, when effect that the day of the Lord
the Lord Jesus is revealed from has come.
heaven with his mighty angels 3 Let no one deceive you in
in flaming fire, any way; for that day will not
8 inflicting vengeance upon come, unless the rebellion
those who do not know God comes first, and the man of
and upon those who do not lawlessness is revealed, the
obey the gospel of our Lord Je- son of perdition,
sus. 4 who opposes and exalts
9 They shall suffer the pun- himself against every so-called
ishment of eternal destruction god or object of worship, so