Philipsek Part 5

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Freda: “Anyway, in 1927 (I was 22), Dad decided to build on that 49-acre field he

worked. This is the house and farm that all you boys would remember. First he built a barn.
Then he built a house out of cement blocks, which became the chicken coop. We lived in that
coop for a whole year.”

Lucy, Freda, Frances, Charles, Anton,, Louie Freda washing her hair

Chicken coop c. 1985 Marv Welna on coop c. 1932

Freda: That farm also has that sway-back tree branch that we and you kids used to climb.”

Sway-back tree c. 1985 Back entrance, Freda at last farm c. 1985

Barn c 1985 Louie and Freda, front entrance c.1985

Marv Welna, Billy Philipsek Lucy, Freda, Frances Frances, Anna, Freda, Lucy,
Hilary Welna c 1940 Marv and Hilary c 1940 and Jane c 1940

Charles and Frances Philipsek,, Anton Philipsek, Lucy Katzmarek,

Louis Philipsek, and Freda Welna

Freda: “Dad had a rope attached from the house to the barn. When there was a blizzard,
he would hold the line to guide him. There were so many stories of farmers who got lost during
a storm, who became disorientated, and were found frozen to death.”

On the farm about 1943/1944?

Hilary Welna, Melissa Katzmarek Melissa Katzmarek holding Louis D.Welna

Marv Welna, Lita Katzmarek, Louis D. Welna Louis and Freda Welna,
Leo and Lucy Katzmarek, Frances and
Charles Philipsek

Lucy Katzmarek Louis Philipsek, Frances and Charles Philipsek, Anton Philipsek, Freda Welna

Note from LDW: In the early 1990s we took Freda and Louie to Holdingford to take a look at the last farm
house owned by Charles and Frances before they retired. We traveled west and took the third turn to the north. All
we found was that huge pile of rocks that Charles took out of his corn patch. The farmhouse was not there. It had
fallen to disrepair and was burned to the ground that spring. The tree was gone, too.

Note from LDW: In August 2007, I went back to the farm to photograph the rock pile, but I couldn’t find it.
I talked to a Mr. Jung who remembered Tony. He told me that the rocks were loaded up and taken somewhere. The
rest were buried. Where all the building stood are now acres and acres of corn.

Louis Philipsek, Freda Welna, Frances and Charles Philipsek, Lucy Katzmarek, Tony Philipsek

50th Wedding Anniversary 1947

Louis & Freda Welna, Lucy Katzmarek, Anton Philipsek, Charles & Frances Philipsek, Anna and Louis Philipsek

Charles Philipsek 1948 Anton, Frances and Charles Philipsek 1948

Note: Billy Philipsek said that the telephone signal
for the Philipsek house was “4 shorts”

The Philipseks

Anton , Jane, Betty, Anna, Charles, Louis, Frances, Lucy

Freda: “In 1949, Mom and Dad retired and moved to Holdingford Town."

On January 29, 1949, Harry and Elizabeth Litchy sold to Anton Philipsek: Lot numbered
One (1) and the South Half (S1/2) of Lot numbered two (2) in Block numbered Six (6) in the Soo
addition to Holdingford according to the plat and survey thereof on file” for $3650. (Book 267,
Page 116)

Front of house in Holdingford which Tony William Philipsek, Louie Philipsek, and Tony Philipsek
called “Woodpecker Hill” making music on a Sunday afternoon

Louis, Anton, Frances, Charles, Anna Philipsek Frances (Pyka) and Charles Philipsek John and Mary (Deja) Welna
c 1951 before 1959

Fifty-Fifth Wedding Anniversary October 12, 1952

Frances & Charles Philipsek

Frank & Caroline Charles & Frances Louis & Anna Philipsek
Pyka Philipsek Freda Welna

November 1954

Lucy Katzmarek, Anton Philipsek, Charles and Frances Philipsek, Louis Philipsek, Freda Welna

Charles Philipsek’s 80th Birthday Party 1956 60th Wedding Anniversary 1957

Louis Philipsek. Freda Welna, Tony Philipsek, Lucy Kasmarek Frances and Charles Phjilipsek
Frances and Charles Philipsek

‘Golden Agers’ Take Part In

Holdingford Communion Sunday
HOLDINGFORD - For the fifth Mr. and Mrs. George Dullinger Mrs. Josph Lichy and Mr. and Mrs.
annual Communion Sunday nine (married 53 years); Mr. and Mrs., John Haddell; second row, Mr. and
couples of St. Mary's parish here Michael Salitros (married $4 years). Mrs. Frank Meier and Mrs. and Mr.
were present for the event that has All told, these eleven couples repre- Charles Philipsek; third row, Mr.
become traditional in this parish. sent 624 years of married life. and Mrs: Gerhard Kuepers and Mrs.
The couples are all "Golden- The Golden-Agers received Holy and Mr. J. J. Botz; fourth row, Mr.
Agers" - that is, married for fifty Communion at the 7:30 o'clock and Mrs. George Paggen and Mr. and
years or more. Solemn High Mass on Sunday, July Mrs. George Dullinger; fifth row,
There are eleven such couples 5. Celebrant of the Mass was Father Bernard Karels, the pastor,
who have this distinction in the Father Benedict, T.O,E., with and Mrs. and Mr. Michael Salitros.
parish. Two of the couples, Mr. and Father J. B. Grenier and Father (Photo by Bob Molitor.)
Mrs. Joseph Zeis (married 62 years) Bernard Karels, the pastor, as
and Mr. and Mr. Louis Douvier (mar- deacon and subdeacon respectively"
ried 53 years) were unable to be Father Benedict also delivered the
present because of sickness. sermon during the Mass.
The other Golden-Agers who were The remainder of the day was spent
present for the Mass and received in family reunions at the respective
Holy Communion in a group were: homes of the Golden-Agers.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lichy (mar- Children and grandchildren came
ried 58 years); Mr. and Mrs. John from many miles to visit with the
Hadrich (married 58 years); Mr. Golden Agers.
and Mrs. Frank Meier (married 59 "This is," says Father Karels the
years); Mr. and Mrs. Charles Philip- pastor, "a great day for the senior
sek (married 62 years); Mr. and members of the parish. They look
Mrs. Gerhard Kuepel's (married 58 forward to the occasion each year
years); Mr and Mrs, J. J: Botz with great interest."
(married 56 years); Mr. and Mrs. Shown in the photo below are,
George Paggen (married 51 years); front row left to right, Mr. and

Second Row on Right: Frances and Charles Philipsek


Louis Philipsek in middle, at the Pool Hall in Holdingford

Charles Philipsek c. 1896 about 20 years old

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