Ramalan Jayabaya
Ramalan Jayabaya
Ramalan Jayabaya
One day there will be a cart without a horse. Suatu Hari dimana telah ada kereta tanpa kuda. Tanah Jawa kalungan wesi. The island of Java will be circled by an iron necklace. ulau Jawa akan dikelilingi !leh kalung "esi. rahu mlaku ing dhuwur awang#awang. There will be a boat flying in the sky. Terdapat perahu ter"ang di langit. $ali ilang kedhunge. The river will loose its current. Sungai $ehilangan arah asar ilang kumandhang. There will "e markets with!ut %r!wds. &ku tanda yen tekane jaman Jaya"aya wis %edhak. These are the signs that the Jaya"aya era is %!ming. Bumi saya suwe saya mengkeret. The earth will shrink. Sekilan "umi dipajeki. '(ery in%h !) land will "e ta*ed. Jaran d!yan mangan sam"el. H!rses will de(!ur %hili sau%e. +!ng wad!n ngangg! pakaian lanang. +!men will dress in men,s %l!thes. &ku tandane yen w!ng "akal nem!ni w!lak#waliking jaman. These are the signs that the pe!ple and their %i(ili-ati!n ha(e "een turned upside d!wn. Akeh janji !ra ditetepi. Many pr!mises unkept. Akeh w!ng wani mlanggar sumpahe dhewe. Many "reak their !ath. Manungsa pada seneng nyalah. e!ple will tend t! "lame !n ea%h !ther. .ra ngindahake hukum Allah.
They will ign!re /!d,s law. Barang jahat diangkat#angkat. '(il things will "e li)ted up. Barang su%i di"en%i. H!ly things will "e despised. Akeh manungsa mung ngutamake duwit. Many pe!ple will "e%!me )i*ated !n m!ney. Lali kamanungsan. &gn!ring humanity. Lali ka"e%ikan. 0!rgetting kindness. Lali sanak lali kadang. A"and!ning their )amilies. Akeh Bapa lali anak. 0athers will a"and!n their %hildren. Akeh anak wani nglawan i"u. 1hildren will "e disrespe%t)ul t! their m!thers. Nantang "apa. And "attle against their )athers. Sedulur pada %idra. Si"lings will %!llide (i!lently. $ulawarga pada %uriga. 0amily mem"ers will "e%!me suspi%i!us !) ea%h !ther. $an%a dadi mungsuh. 0riends "e%!me enemies. Akeh manungsa lali asale. e!ple will )!rget their r!!ts. 2kuman Ratu !ra adil. The 3ueen,s judgements will "e unjust. Akeh pangkat sing jahat lan ganjil. There will "e many pe%uliar and e(il leaders. Akeh kelakuan sing ganjil. Many will "eha(e strangely. +!ng apik#apik pada kepen%il.
/!!d pe!ple will "e is!lated. Akeh w!ng nyam"ut gawe apik#apik pada krasa isin. Many pe!ple will "e t!! em"arrassed t! d! the right things. Luwih utama ngapusi. 1h!!sing )alseh!!d instead. +egah nyam"ut gawe. Many will "e la-y t! w!rk. $epingin urip mewah. Sedu%ed "y lu*ury. Ngum"ar na)su angkara murka4 nggedhekake duraka. They will take the easy path !) %rime and de%eit. +!ng "ener thenger#thenger. The h!nest will "e %!n)used. +!ng salah "ungah. The dish!nest will "e j!y)ul. +!ng apik ditampik#tampik. The g!!d will "e reje%ted. +!ng jahat munggah pangkat. The e(il !nes will rise t! the t!p. +!ng agung kesinggung. N!"le pe!ple will "e w!unded "y unjust %riti%ism. +!ng ala kepuja. '(il d!ers will "e w!rshipped. +!ng wad!n ilang kawirangane. +!men will "e%!me shameless. +!ng lanang ilang kaprawirane. Men will l!!se their %!urage. Akeh w!ng lanang !ra duwe "!j!. Men will %h!!se n!t t! get married. Akeh w!ng wad!n !ra setya marang "!j!ne. +!men will "e un)aith)ul t! their hus"ands. Akeh i"u pada nged!l anake. M!thers will sell their "a"ies.
Akeh w!ng wad!n nged!l awake. +!men will engage in pr!stituti!n. Akeh w!ng ij!l "e"!j!. 1!uples will trade partners. +!ng wad!n nunggang jaran. +!men will ride h!rses. +!ng lanang linggih plangki. Men will "e %arried in a stret%her. Randa seuang l!r!. A di(!r%ee will "e (alued at 56 %ents. rawan seaga lima. A (irgin will "e (alued at 57 %ents. 8uda pin%ang laku sem"ilan uang. A %rippled men will "e (alued at 69 %ents. Akeh w!ng nged!l ngelmu. Many will earn their li(ing "y trading their kn!wledge. Akeh w!ng ngaku#aku. Many will %laims !ther,s merits as their !wn. Nja"ane putih njer!ne dadu. &t is !nly a %!(er )!r the di%e. Ngakune su%i4 nanging su%ine palsu. They will pr!%laim their righte!usness despite their sin)ul ways. Akeh "ujuk akeh l!j!. Many will use sly and dirty tri%ks. Akeh udan salah mangsa. Rains will )all in the wr!ng seas!n. Akeh prawan tuwa. Many w!men will remain (irgins int! their !ld age. Akeh randa nglairake anak. Many di(!r%ees will gi(e "irth. Akeh ja"ang "ayi lahir ngg!leki "apakne. New"!rns will sear%h )!r their )athers. Agama akeh sing nantang. Religi!ns will "e atta%ked.
erikamanungsan saya ilang. Humanitarianism will n! l!nger ha(e imp!rtan%e. .mah su%i di"en%i. H!ly temples will "e hated. .mah ala saya dipuja. They will "e m!re )!nd !) praising e(il pla%es. +!ng wad!n la%ur ing ngendi#endi. r!stituti!n will "e e(erywhere. Akeh laknat. There will "e many w!rthy !) damnati!n. Akeh pengkhianat. There will "e many "etrayals. Anak mangan "apak. 1hildren will "e against )ather. Sedulur mangan sedulur. Si"lings will "e against si"lings. $an%a dadi mungsuh. 0riends will "e%!me enemies. /uru disatru. Students will sh!w h!stility t!ward tea%hers. Tangga pada %uriga. Neigh"!urs will "e%!me suspi%i!us !) ea%h !ther. $ana#kene saya angkara murka. And ruthlessness will "e e(erywhere. Sing weruh ke"u"uhan. The eyewitness has t! take the resp!nsi"ility. Sing !ra weruh ketutuh. The !nes wh! ha(e n!thing t! d! with the %ase will "e pr!se%uted. Besuk yen ana peperangan. .ne day when there will armaged!n. Teka saka wetan4 kul!n4 kidul lan l!r. &n the east4 in the west4 in the s!uth4 and in the n!rth.
Akeh w!ng "e%ik saya sengsara. /!!d pe!ple will su))er m!re. +!ng jahat saya seneng. Bad pe!ple will "e happier. +ektu iku akeh dandang diunekake kuntul. +hen this happens4 a ri%e %!!ker will "e said t! "e an egret. +!ng salah dianggep "ener. The wr!ng pers!n will "e assumed t! "e h!nest. engkhianat nikmat. Betrayers will li(e in the utm!st !) material %!m)!rt. 8urj!n! saya sempurna. The de%eit)ul will de%line e(en )urther. +!ng jahat munggah pangkat. The e(il pers!ns will rise t! the t!p. +!ng lugu ke"elenggu. The m!dest will "e trapped. +!ng muly! dikunj!r!. The n!"le will "e impris!ned. Sing %urang garang. The )raudulent will "e )er!%i!us. Sing jujur k!jur. The h!nest will unlu%ky. edagang akeh sing keplarang. Many mer%hants will )ly in a mess. +!ng main akeh sing ndadi. /am"lers will "e%!me m!re addi%ted t! gam"ling. Akeh "arang haram. &llegal things will "e e(erywhere. Akeh anak haram. Many "a"ies will "e "!rn !utside !) legal marriage. +!ng wad!n nglamar w!ng lanang. +!men will pr!p!se marriage. +!ng lanang ngas!rake drajate dhewe. Men will l!wer their !wn status.
Akeh "arang#"arang mle"u luang. The mer%handise will "e le)t uns!ld. Akeh w!ng kaliren lan wuda. Many pe!ple will su))er )r!m star(ati!n and ina"ility t! a))!rd %l!thing. +!ng tuku nglenik sing d!d!l. Buyers will "e%!me m!re s!phisti%ated. Sing d!d!l akal !k!l. Sellers will ha(e t! use their "rains and mus%le t! d! "usiness. +!ng g!lek pangan kaya ga"ah diinteri. &n the way they earn a li(ing4 pe!ple will "e as ri%e paddies "eing swung ar!und and "l!wn up. Sing ke"at kliwat. S!me will g! wild !ut !) %!ntr!l. Sing telah sam"at. Th!se wh! are n!t am"iti!us will %!mplaint !) "eing le)t "ehind. Sing gede kesasar. The !nes !n the t!p will get l!st. Sing %ilik kepleset. The !rdinary pe!ple will slip. Sing anggak ketunggak. The arr!gant !nes will "e impaled. Sing wedi mati. The )ear)ul !nes will n!t sur(i(e. Sing nekat m"rekat. The risk takers will "e su%%ess)ul. Sing jerih ketindhih. The !nes wh! are a)raid !) taking the risks will "e %rushed under )!!t. Sing ngawur makmur4 The %areless !nes will "e wealthy. Sing ngati#ati ngrintih.
The %are)ul !nes will whine a"!ut their su))ering. Sing ngedan keduman. The %ra-y !nes will get their p!rti!n. Sing waras nggagas. The !nes wh! are mentally and physi%ally healthy will think wisely. +!ng tani ditaleni. The )armers will "e %!ntr!lled. +!ng d!ra ura#ura. Th!se wh! are %!rrupt will spend their )!rtune la(ishly. Ratu !ra netepi janji4 musna kekuasaane. The 3ueen wh! d!es n!t keep her pr!mises will l!se her p!wer. Bupati dadi rakyat. The leaders will "e%!me !rdinary pers!ns. +!ng %ilik dadi priyayi. The !rdinary pe!ple will "e%!me leaders. Sing mendele dadi gede4 The dish!nest pers!ns will rise t! the t!p. Sing jujur k!jur. The h!nest !nes will "e unlu%ky. Akeh !mah ing nduwur jaran. There will "e many pe!ple !wn a h!use !n h!rse"a%k. +!ng mangan w!ng. e!ple will atta%k !ther pe!ple. Anak lali "apak. 1hildren will ign!re their )athers. +!ng tuwa lali tuwane. arents will n!t want t! take their resp!nsi"ility as parents. edagang ad!l "arang saya laris. Mer%hants will sell !ut !) their mer%handise. Bandane saya ludes.
Yet4 they will l!se m!ney. Akeh w!ng mati kaliren ing sisihe pangan. Many pe!ple will die )r!m star(ati!n in pr!sper!us times. Akeh w!ng nyekel "anda nanging uripe sengsara. Many pe!ple will ha(e l!ts !) m!ney yet4 "e unhappy in their li(es. Sing edan "isa dandan. The %ra-y !ne will "e "eauti)ully attired. Sing "engk!ng "isa nggalang ged!ng. The insane will "e a"le t! "uild a la(ish estate. +!ng waras lan adil uripe nggrantes lan kepen%il. The !nes wh! are )air and sane will su))er in their li(es and will "e is!lated. Ana peperangan ing njer!. There will "e internal wars. Tim"ul amarga para pangkat akeh sing pada salah paham. As a result !) misunderstandings "etween th!se at the t!p. 8urjana saya ngam"ra#am"ra. The num"ers !) e(il d!ers will in%rease sharply. enjahat saya tam"ah. There will "e m!re %riminals. +!ng apik saya sengsara. The g!!d pe!ple will li(e in misery. Akeh w!ng mati jalaran saka peperangan. There will "e many pe!ple die in a war. $e"ingungan lan k!"!ngan. .thers will "e dis!riented4 and their pr!perty "urnt. +!ng "ener saya tenger#tenger. The h!nest will "e %!n)used. +!ng salah saya "ungah#"ungah. The dish!nest will "e j!y)ul.
Akeh "anda musna !ra karuan lungane. There will "e disappearan%e !) great ri%hes. Akeh pangkat lan drajat pada minggat !ra karuan sa"a"e. There will "e disappearan%e !) great titles4 and j!"s. Akeh "arang#"arang haram4 akeh "!%ah haram. There will "e many illegal g!!ds. Bejane sing lali4 "ejane sing eling. There will "e many "a"ies "!rn with!ut )athers. Nanging sauntung#untunge sing lali. Th!se pe!ple wh! )!rget /!d,s +ill may "e happy !n earth. &sih untung sing waspada. But th!se wh! are remem"er /!d,s will are destined t! "e happier still. Angkara murka saya ndadi. Ruthlessness will "e%!me w!rse. $ana#kene saya "ingung. '(erywhere the situati!n will "e %ha!ti%. edagang akeh alangane. 8!ing "usiness will "e m!re di))i%ult. Akeh "uruh nantang juragan. +!rkers will %hallenge their empl!yers. Juragan dadi umpan. The empl!yers will "e%!me "ait )!r their empl!yees. Sing suwarane seru !leh pengaruh. Th!se wh! speak !ut will "e m!re in)luential. +!ng pinter diingar#ingar. The wise !nes will "e ridi%uled. +!ng ala diuja. The e(il !nes will "e w!rshipped. +!ng ngerti mangan ati. The kn!wledgea"le !nes will sh!w n! %!mpassi!n. Banda dadi memala. The pursuit !) material %!m)!rt will in%ite %rime.
angkat dadi pemikat. J!" titles will "e%!me enti%ing. Sing sawenang#wenang rumangsa menang. Th!se wh! a%t ar"itrarily will )eel as i) they are the winners. Sing ngalah rumangsa ka"eh salah. Th!se wh! a%t wisely will )eel as i) e(erything is wr!ng. Ana Bupati saka w!ng sing as!r imane. There will "e leaders wh! are weak in their )aith. atihe kepala judi. Their (i%e regent will "e sele%ted )r!m am!ng the ranks !) the gam"lers. +!ng sing atine su%i di"en%i. Th!se wh! ha(e a h!ly heart will "e reje%ted. +!ng sing jahat lan pinter jilat saya derajat. Th!se wh! are e(il4 and kn!w h!w t! )latter their "!ss4will "e pr!m!ted. emerasan saya ndadra. Human e*pl!itati!n will "e w!rse. Maling lungguh wetenge m"lenduk. The %!rpulent thie(es will "e a"le t! sit "a%k and rela*. itik angkrem saduwurane pikulan. The hen will ha%th eggs in a %arrying p!le. Maling wani nantang sing duwe !mah. Thie(es will n!t "e a)raid t! %hallenge the target. Begal pada ndugal. R!""ers will dissent int! greater e(il. Ramp!k pada kepl!k#kepl!k. L!!ters will "e gi(en applause. +!ng m!m!ng mitenah sing diem!ng. e!ple will slander their %aregi(ers. +!ng jaga ny!l!ng sing dijaga. /uards will steel the (ery things they are t! pr!te%t.
+!ng njamin njaluk dijamin. /uarant!rs will ask )!r %!llateral. Akeh w!ng mendem d!nga. Many will ask )!r "lessings. $ana#kene re"utan unggul. '(ery"!dy will %!mpete )!r pers!nal (i%t!ry. Angkara murka ng!m"r!#!m"r!. Ruthlessness will "e e(erywhere. Agama ditantang. Religi!ns will "e 3uesti!ned. Akeh w!ng angkara murka. Many pe!ple will "e greedy )!r p!wer4 wealth and p!siti!n. Nggedeake duraka. Re"elli!usness will in%rease. 2kum agama dilanggar. Religi!us law will "e "r!ken. erikamanungsan di#iles#iles. Human rights will "e (i!lated. $asusilan ditinggal. 'thi%s will le)t "ehind. Akeh w!ng edan4 jahat lan kelangan akal "udi. Many will "e insane4 %ruel and imm!ral. +!ng %ilik akeh sing kepen%il. .rdinary pe!ple will "e segregated. Amarga dadi k!r"ane si jahat sing jajil. They will "e%!me the (i%tims !) e(il and %ruel pers!ns. Banjur ana Ratu duwe pengaruh lan duwe prajurit. Then there will %!me a 3ueen wh! is in)luential. Lan duwe prajurit She will ha(e her !wn armies. Negarane am"ane sapra#wal!n. Her %!untry will measured !ne#eighth the %ir%um)eren%e !)the w!rld.
Tukang mangan suap saya ndadra. The num"er !) pe!ple wh! %!mmit "ri"ery will in%rease. +!ng jahat ditampa. The e(il !nes will "e a%%epted. +!ng su%i di"en%i. The inn!%ent !nes will "e reje%ted. Timah dianggep perak. Tin will "e th!ught t! "e sil(er. 'mas diarani tem"aga. /!ld will "e th!ught t! "e %!pper. 8andang dikandakake kuntul. A ri%e %!!ker will "e th!ught t! "e an egret. +!ng d!sa sent!sa. The sin)ul !nes will "e sa)e and li(e in tran3uility. +!ng %ilik disalahake. The p!!r will "e "lamed. +!ng nganggur kesungkur. The unempl!yed will "e r!!ted up. +!ng sregep krungkep. The diligent !nes will "e )!r%ed d!wn. +!ng nyengit kesengit. The pe!ple will seek re(enge against the )ier%ely (i!lent !nes. Buruh mangluh. +!rkers will su))er )r!m !(erw!rk. +!ng sugih krasa wedi. The ri%h will )eel unsa)e. +!ng wedi dadi priyayi. e!ple wh! "el!ng t! the upper %lass will )eel inse%ure. Senenge w!ng jahat. Happiness will "el!ng t! e(il pers!ns. Susahe w!ng %ilik. Tr!u"le will "el!ng t! the p!!r.
Akeh w!ng dakwa dinakwa. Many will sue ea%h !ther. Tindake menungsa saya ku%iwa. Human "eha(i!ur will )all sh!rt !) m!ral enlightenment. Ratu kar! Ratu pada rem"ugan negara endi sing dipilih lan disenengi. Leaders will dis%uss and %h!!se whi%h %!untries are their )a(!urites and whi%h !nes are n!t. +!ng Jawa kari separ!4 The Ja(anese will remain hal). Landa#1ina kari sej!d!. The 8ut%h and the 1hinese ea%h will remain a pair. Akeh w!ng ijir4 akeh w!ng %ethil. Many "e%!me stingy. Sing eman !ra keduman. The stingy !nes will n!t get their p!rti!n. Sing keduman !ra eman. The !nes wh! re%ei(e their p!rti!n will "e gener!us. Akeh w!ng m"am"ung. Street "eggars will "e e(erywhere. Akeh w!ng lim"ung. Bewildered pers!ns will "e e(erywhere. Sel!t#sel!te m"esuk w!lak#waliking jaman teka. These are the signs that the pe!ple and their %i(ili-ati!n ha(e "een turned upside d!wn