Dane Rudhyar - The Three Faces of Your Horoscope

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While most popular religions have spoken of man as a twofold being soul and body, or even angel and

d beast the more occult and philosophical traditions have described him as a tri-une being: spirit, soul and body, or spiritual monad, psychic being and physical-vital organism. Early this century, Alan Leo, who was influential in reviving astrology in England, singled out three factors in a birth-chart: the Sun, the oon and the Ascendant, which were said to represent respectively man!s spiritual nature, his outer personality and his physical body. Alan Leo was a "heosophist who sought to lin# the traditional concepts of astrology with the basic beliefs about human nature spread by the early teachers of "heosophy and $ew "hought. "hese teachers often spo#e of man!s spiritual nature as the %individuality,% in contrast to the outer %personality.% A higher self was opposed to a lower, more personal self& the former was seen e'pressed in the natal Sun, the latter was identified with the position of the natal oon. "he Ascendant was understood to indicate the basic character and structure of the physical organism. "hese correspondences are no doubt valid& yet their validity essentially depends on a certain type of metaphysical or psychological philosophy. (ndeed, the meaning and function of all the factors used in astrology are inevitably conditioned by the philosophical approach of the astrologer to the universe, to man and to society. Astrology is, in a very real sense, a %language.% A language is a comple' system in which symbols are used to convey meanings and directives for human behavior. "he planets of astrology, the signs of the )odiac, the natal hori)on and meridian which define the four basic angles of the birth-chart, are symbols. Li#ewise numbers in ancient numerology *hinese, +indu, +ebrew or ,ythagorean and geometrical forms -li#e mandalas. in the secret practice of theurgy, occult meditation or ceremonial magic, whether Asiatic or /estern, are symbols powerful symbols. ost esoteric groups, past and present, also use %words of power% and mantrams& and the 0nostics of the editerranean +ellenic world spo#e of the %creative word% or Logos as the foundation of all e'istence. THREE BASIC FACTORS "hus if Alan Leo gave to the natal Sun, oon and Ascendant certain definite meanings, it was because his theosophical outloo# on life and on man led him to such an attribution of meaning. An astrologer with a different #ind of philosophical approach would naturally interpret these three factors differently. "here are, nevertheless, basic and incontrovertible astronomical facts behind these astrological symbols& and these facts establish an undeniable relationship between the Sun, the oon and the Eastern hori)on -or dawn point. at a person!s birth. 1ut again all depends on the position one ta#es in viewing these astronomical factors. "he position of the observer, his capacity for observation and the #ind of mind he uses to define and interpret what he has observed are determining factors in any interpretation a point which astrologers often forget. "o an observer who considers every living entity from the point of view of the energy which this entity uses for its vital operations, the Sun must seem the most basic factor in a chart because the Sun is the source of all energies operating within, and affecting, the earth!s biosphere, and thus all living organisms. Another observer may not thin# so much of energy per se but he may have a 2uasi-mystical approach to %light%& he will then be deeply impressed by the contrast between the radiant, heat-producing light of the Sun and the cool reflected glow of the 3ull oon. "his contrast will become for him a contrast between spirit, as the source of light, and soul, as a personali)ed reflection of the spiritual or divine light. "o him also the Ascendant, as the symbol of dawn and sunrise, will have a special meaning& he may thin# of it as the way in which spiritual-solar illumination reaches a particular earth-born human being.1ut there may also be astrologers who feel themselves deeply and basically rooted in the

earth. "he Ascendant may symboli)e for them the first moment of human e'istence& and, as astrology always primarily deals with %the beginning of things% and the starting point of cycles, they may feel that this astrological factor contains the #ey to the whole of life development of the individual somewhat as the germinating seed contains in potentiality the entire form of the mature plant. 3or these astrologers the Sun may still represent the %energy principle,% but what interests them more is the %form principle% of the organism within which the energy operates. "here was a time when the oon played an essential role in astrology, probably because for nomadic people tending their floc#s, and sleeping under the night s#y, the rapid movements and changes of shape of the oon as she passed in front of the bac#drop of the stars seemed filled with mysterious meanings and, indeed, messages. "he monthly lunar cycle was seen to be related to animal and human fruitfulness& thus it was of special meaning to cattle-raising tribes. (t is indeed almost certain that the first %)odiacs% man#ind devised were lunar )odiacs divided into 45 or 46 %mansions.% (n those ancient times matriarchy was the dominant principle of social-tribal organi)ation& and the oon has usually been related to the feminine gender, perhaps because of the character and 2uality of her light, in contrast with that of the Sun. +owever, since the days of the Egyptian ,haraoh A#hnaton, who sought to establish a cult of the Sun disc, Aton, as a manifestation of the one cosmic 0od -and perhaps long before, in (ndia and elsewhere. the Sun has been worshiped as the male deity, as the one *reative ,rinciple. (t was logical, therefore, for Alan Leo to believe that the Sun!s position in a natal chart informs us about the spiritual nature of the %native% -i.e., of the person whose birthchart is being studied.. 3or the "heosophist spirit is everywhere, but in what may be called a higher dimension of being& and the Sun is li#e a lens focusing this diffuse energy of universal Spirit in various ways according to the angle at which the sun rays stri#e the earth. Li#ewise the Spirit in man, atman, is but a condensed form of the universal Spirit, Brahman. According to the time of year a person is born, the spiritual energy operates in one or another of twelve basic forms, or 7ays, symboli)ed by the signs of the )odiac. an is an individuali)ed unit of Spirit, a %solar Self% this is his true %individuality%. 1ut this spiritual entity, the %real man,% in order to manifest on earth and to reach consciousness and mastery, has to e'perience duality, change and conflict. And here we reach the lunar realm a realm where solar-spiritual power is e'perienced only in a reflected manner, where change is constant. (t is the psychic realm, uncertain, filled with shadows and mystery. "he position of the oon in a birth-chart was therefore believed by Alan Leo, and still is believed today by many astrologers, to be the indication of the %personal% character of a human being and the basic nature of his %feelings% and his outer responses to life and society that is, of what "heosophists and followers of $ew "hought mean when spea#ing of the %personal ego,% or the %lower self.% "he third basic factor in an astrological chart is, according to this general philosophical and psychological approach, the Ascendant and, in a broader sense, the %cross of hori)on and meridian,% that is, the hori)ontal and vertical lines in the chart where these two lines meet the circular boundaries of the chart, astrology spea#s of the four angles. "he Eastern Angle -left side of the chart. is called the Ascendant because, as already said, it represents the sunrise point& it is the degree of the )odiac which rises in the East as a newborn ta#es his first breath. (ts opposite is the 8escendant, or sunset point. 1ecause we are dealing here with a physical and organic factor, the Ascendant is understood to be the symbol of the body, or perhaps more accurately, of the in ivi ual rh!thm of the physical organism. 3or "heosophist Alan Leo the birth of a body was merely one of many episodes in the cyclic development of a spiritual Self -or %individuality%. which time after time incarnates into such material earthly organisms. "hus the Ascendant was said to refer only to the %suit of clothes% worn by the spiritual Self during one of its incarnations.

THE TWO "EA#I#$S OF %ERSO#ALIT& (n many astrological te'tboo#s, the Ascendant and the 3irst +ouse of which it is the starting point are said to represent %the personality of the man.% "o add to the confusion, the meaning of the term %personality% differs basically according to whether one listens to a "heosophical or an esoteric author, or to a modern psychologist li#e *.0. 9ung or a philosopher li#e (an Smuts. 3or 9ung the spiritual goal of human e'istence is %the integration of the personality% that is, the integration of all the energies and drives of human nature into a formed person, a definite, well-organi)ed and positive whole able to operate creatively and constructively in society and, in relation to the universe. "he word, %personality% has, on the other hand, a rather negative meaning for so-called %spiritual% groups& and many of them pay attention only to the dualism of individual reality and personality, of spirit and matter, a dualism which has a strongly ethical character. (ndeed, astrology is still dominated today by the opposition of %good% and %bad,% of benefic and malefic planets, of %fortunate% and %unfortunate% )odiacal, signs and aspects. /ords are indeed most confusing, as they are being used in many different and often nearly opposite senses. uch of the confusion e'isting in astrology today is due to this fact and the only way to dispel such confusion is first of all to understand clearly that if there are different %schools% which interpret differently even the most basic factors in astrology, it is because each of these schools or groups brings to its interpretations basically different philosophies. Astrology is not a type of #nowledge or science unrelated to the essential attitude of life of the astrologer. Every system of astrology is actually the practical application of a philosophy and a cosmology even if the astrologer is not aware of the fact. 3or instance, the real issue behind the present controversy of sidereal versus tropical )odiacs resides in the different ways in which the %siderealist% and the %tropicalist% approach the very nature of astrology. (f anyone comes to an astrologer he should always as#: %/hat, in your opinion, is astrology:% 1ut this is not a uni2ue situation. (f you come to a psychologist for therapy you had better #now whether he is a 3reudian, a 9ungian, a 0estalt therapist, a student of behavioristic philosophy or an %esotericist.% "he school or group to which the psychologist belongs may well indicate whether or not he can deal successfully with your problem. "he same is true also in medicine, for there are several entirely different types of medicines. "he %regular% . 8. approaches the problems of illness and cure -or healing. in a way which basically differs from that of the homeopath, the osteopath, the acupuncturist, the glandular therapist, the naturopath, etc. Every approach has validity and can produce %cures%& but nothing is really gained by confusing one with another. -And one can also give various meanings for the word %cure.%. A %ERSO#'CE#TERE( ASTROLO$& As ( see it, astrology is most valuable for human beings living in our disturbed and chaotic society if it is able to help individuals understand more ob;ectively their inner conflicts and their problems of interpersonal relationship, and to fulfill more completely and more harmoniously the possibilities inherent in their total person-body, soul and mind. "hus ( spea# of a %person-centered% or %humanistic% astrology. (t is not a predictive and even less a fortune-telling type of astrology. $either is it an astrology which claims to deal with a transcendent Soul, or past incarnations, or other such mystical or occult topics. (t deals first and last with the individual person but this person considered in all his aspects and as a living, feeling, thin#ing, self-transforming whole operating in the midst of a geographical and social environment. "he interpretation ( give to the Sun, the oon, the Ascendant and indeed all the planets and related factors li#e nodes and %parts% derives naturally, and ( believe logically, from this approach to astrology. "he birth-chart as a whole represents, in abstract outlines, the person as a whole. (t can be compared to the acorn which contains in potentiality the full-

grown oa#. /hat it reveals is only the potentiality of e'istence as an individual person. 1ut this potentialit! of e'istence has a relatively uni2ue character. Every moment of time, when referred to a particular place on this earth surface, is uni2ue. Each newborn is in some degree uni2ue. (ts uni2ueness can only be symboli)ed by the most rapidly changing factor in a birth-chart and this factor is the Ascendant, or, more accurately, the four angles of the chart. %Esoteric% astrologers often spea# of the %cross of incarnation% but ( would ( rather not go beyond actual, concrete facts& that is, this %cross% is simply the )rame*ork *hich e)ines the uni+ue in ivi ualit! o) the person. +owever, by %individuality% ( do not mean anything transcendent and %spiritual,% but simply the fact that each newborn is in some way different from other newborns and that he has within himself the potentiality of becoming also, mentally and emotionally, an %individual self,% distinguishable from other people by a character that is truly his own. As astrology uses the signs and degrees of the )odiac to characteri)e all the elements of a birth-chart, the sign and degree of the Ascendant, plus the sign and the degree of the other angles, gives us information concerning the basic individual character of the person whose birth-chart we are considering. "hese four angles are, thus, the basic factors describing the individual uni2ueness of the person. "he greatest problem in astrology is that these factors depend on the precise moment of the first breath the act which establishes the individual rhythm of this particular human being. As such a precise moment is in most cases only appro'imately #nown, the most important fact in astrological interpretation remains imprecise. /hat is #nown 2uite accurately, whenever a good record of the birth has been #ept, are the )odiacal degrees of the Sun, the oon and the planets. ,opular or maga)ine astrology, because it can only refer to the )odiacal sign of the natal Sun i.e., you are a %Leo% or a %"aurus,% etc. does not and cannot deal with the truly individual factor in a person. /hat it deals with is the ,asic t!pe o) vital energies which operate within the body, and to a lesser e'tent the psyche of the person. ( have often said that the Sun in a birth-chart indicates the #ind of %fuel% on which the engine of the personality runs. (t ma#es, of course, a fundamental difference if the engine burns wood, coal or gasoline, or uses steam and, more recently, electric current or atomic power. "hese different modes of releasing energy determine the basic character of an engine& and so does the Sun Sign determine the basic character of the vital energies of a person. "his, however, simply means that a person!s basic vitality is related to his season of birth. "here are many modifying factors though heredity factors, environmental factors, and others which we can hardly define and which presumably astrology cannot describe, though it may suggest their presence inndirectly. "he oon is very important because it is the one satellite of the earth, and by circulating rapidly around our globe, %she% may be said to collect and distributed the %influences% of planets which are located both insi e Earth!s orbit - ercury and <enus, and of course the Sun. and outside of the orbit - ars, 9upiter, Saturn, =ranus, $eptune and ,luto.. "he oon refers thus logically in astrological symbolism to all #inds of circulatory systems, to the constant ebbs and flows of the vital forces, to the rhythm of glands and organs of metabolism which so deeply affect a person!s feelings and his or her moods. /hat we call the psychic life of an individual has much to do the oon, because such an inner life is in most cases conditioned, and very often entirely determined, by the constantly changing interplay of biological processes, which in turn have psychological processes or overtones. THE #ATAL HO-SES "he Sun and the oon in an e'actly calculated natal chart are located not only in signs of the )odiac but in houses as well. "here are twelve houses, which are produced by dividing into three sections each of the four 2uarters of the chart defined by the %cross% of hori)on

and meridian. "raditional astrology has been so hypnoti)ed by the )odiac and the Sun factor that it has made the houses subservient to the )odiac. Actually natal houses have nothing to do with )odiacal signs. "hey are simply twelve e2ual sections of the space surrounding the newborn. Si' of the houses are above the hori)on& the si' others divide the ace below the earth surface which of course includes the entire half of the universe that is invisible to us at any time. "o say that each house contains an e2ual >? degrees of the )odiac is to misunderstand totally the meaning of the houses. (t ma#es it impossible to define accurately the individual character of a chart. "he position of the Sun and the oon with reference to the four angles of the birth-chart -i.e., their house positions. is essential in the determination of the potentialities of individual development of a person. Each house refers to a basic type of e'perience. "hrough these e'periences a human being is able or fails to reach individual fulfillment. +e must meet again and again these twelve essential types of e'periences. "he position of the Sun in a house indicates the type of e'perience which will most contribute to the person!s selffulfillment, if he concentrates his vital forces on it. "he house in which the oon is located tends to indicate in which realm of e'perience the most basic @armic problems have to be overcome, for the oon is normally connected with the past. (t shows how one can emerge from the past and %the past% includes the family, culture and tradition in which one has been born and, one might add, %past incarnations% or #armas, if one believes in these transcendent factors. Such an emergence is the condition for the reali)ation of one!s true individuality one!s deepest rhythm of e'istence. /hat has been said in the last part of this article barely suggests how the three most important factors in a birth-chart, the Sun, the oon and the Ascendant, can be interpreted in terms of a philosophy of life and a psychology which differs from the more traditional approach. Alan Leo!s interpretation was mentioned at first because it is still very widely accepted by astrologers. 3rom, a certain point of view, derived from a religious or esoteric tradition, such an interpretation, ( repeat, is assuredly valid. +owever, and this is what ( have tried mainly to convey in these pages, there are various possibilities of astrological interpretation. Each type is actually derived from a particular philosophy -or worldview.& and it is my belief that new times demand a new philosophy. "herefore a reformulation of most of the traditional concepts of astrology is imperative.

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