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Introduction : Employee job satisfaction is essential to face the dynamic and never

increasing challenges of maintaining productivity of the organization by keeping their workforce constantly engaged and motivated. In the present era of globalization, the varied and changing demands of consumers are putting consistent pressure on the employers to satisfy their needs and to be competitive in the business. Furthermore, environmental pressures, rising health costs and various needs of the workforce also pose a challenge for the management. This could be overcome by creating a work environment that maintains employee job satisfaction as well as motivates people towards exceptional performance at the workplace achieving work-life balance. Job satisfaction is being considered to be the key issue for organizations to retain the employees. Importance of improving job satisfaction Human capital in any organization is its greatest asset and this asset should not be compromised during times of economic disorder. The retention of good employees is essential for the organization to achieve consistent growth. It must be remembered that the supervisory and managerial staff has the capacity to maximize potential, creative abilities and talents of the entire workforce resulting in competitive advantage for the organization. The health of the organization depends on motivated workers and it is found that higher level of job satisfaction is achieved by keeping the employees engaged in their work. The productivity of the organization depends significantly on employee job satisfaction. It not only influences the maximum workforce but greatly improves the sense of morale and commitment towards the organization amongst the employees.

Conductive work environment is one that gives workers a sense of pride in what they do. However, employers that implements monetary as well as non-monetary initiatives to increase employee satisfaction definitely reap the benefits of reducing lethargy, absenteeism and lower employee turnover rates with greater organizational citizenship behavior and commitment.

1.2 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The research work on Employees Job satisfaction towards Muthu Lakshmi Spinning Mills (P) Ltd attempts to measure the employee attitude towards the mill. As the area in and around Srivilliputtur is famous and richly populated with Textile mills, the competition among the mills to attract the scarce manpower are crucial. Hence, a company to sustain in the competitive area has to satisfy its employees. Only talented human resource can help in achieving and obtaining the objectives of the concern. Muthu Lakshmi Spinning mills (P) Ltd is one of the well known mill, situated at Srivilliputtur. Hence the employees of the mill are taken as respondents for this study. The research throws light on the employees job satisfaction in the area of nature of work compensation, infrastructural facilities, Transportation facilities which gives the over all view of the organization as a whole. 1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To know the nature of the job: To study the working environment of employees To assess the opinion about compensation & incentives To identify the safety and welfare measures offered by the mill To analyse the relations between the manager and workers

1.4 METHODOLOGY 1.4.1 Research Design Vast data has been collected from both primary and secondary Sources. To present, describe and interpret such data, descriptive research is considered as the most appropriate for the study. Various statistical tools have been applied to analyse the data. Therefore this study is descriptive as well as analytical. 1.4.2 Source of Data The data required for the project were collected from primary and secondary Source. Primary Data The primary data were collected from the sample respondents through a well structured questionnaire/interview schedule. A specimen of the questionnaire is placed in the appendix of the project report. Secondary Data The secondary data pertaining to the study were gathered from the published records/websites. 1.4.3 Construction of Questionnaire/Interview Schedule The key aspects for the study were identified from the outcome of the pilot study and the first draft of the questionnaire has been constructed with the help of the guide. 1.4.4 Pre-test The structured questionnaires were extensively pre-tested. After pretesting, necessary modifications were made in the questionnaire to make them conform to the requirements of the present study. 1.4.5 Size of the Sample A sample of 50 respondents was taken for the study based upon the time and cost constraints. 1.4.6 Sampling Technique Convenient sampling technique was used for the selection of 50 respondents.

1.4.7 Field Work and Data Collection The researcher has carried out the field work and collected the primary data for the study. 1.4.8 Data Processing/Editing and Coding After completing the collection of primary data through questionnaire, they were edited to ensure its correctness and completeness and were duly coded. Then, the data were entered in the master chart. 1.4.9 Period of Study The data has been collected and analysed during the three months from November 2011 to January 2012 and the report has been prepared during February and March 2012. 1.4.10 Statistical Tools For the purpose of analysis, the following statistical tools have been used. I. Data Presentation Tables II. Data Analysis Percentage

1.5 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY This Research has been conducted on the basis of information furnished by the employees alone. Some Respondents hesitated to answer the questions as they do not want to reveal their view about the concern. As the study has been restricted to only 50 Respondents, the over all view of the Respondents in the organization is not known. The Respondents were not able to understand the questions because of lack of educational qualification. Due to time constraint, it was not possible to conduct detail study.

1.6 CHAPTERISATION Thepresent Study captioned A Study On Job Satisfaction among the Workers towards Muthu Lakshmi Spinning Mill in Srivilliputtur has branched off into five chapters. Chapter I Introduction and Design of the Study highlights the introduction, scope, objectives of the study, research design, methodology, statistical tools employed, limitations and chapterisation. Chapter II Spinning Mill An overview presents a vivid picture of the origin and growth of the Spinning mill. Chapter III Demographic Profile of the Respondents deals with the personal profile of the respondents like age, sex, educational qualification, income, experience of the job and soon. Chapter IV Job Satisfaction towards Muthulakshmi spinning mill is designed to explain the satisfaction towards working condition, welfare and safety measures, inter-relationship between the Respondents and Management, level of satisfaction of the Respondents towards their job. Chapter V Summary of Findings, Suggestions and conclusion summarizes the survey along with valuable suggestions is develop the MuthuLakshmi Spinning Mill.


The spinning jenny, a multi-spool spinning wheel invented 1764 by James Hargreaves, dramatically reduced the amount of work needed to produce yarn of high consistency, with a single worker able to work eight or more spools at once. At roughly the same time, Richard Arkwright and a team of craftsmen developed the spinning frame, which produced a stronger thread than the spinning jenny. Too large to be operated by hand, a spinning frame powered by a waterwheel became the water frame.

In 1779, Samuel Crompton combined elements of the spinning jenny and water frame to create the spinning mule. This produced a stronger thread, and was suitable for mechanization on a grand scale. A later development, from 1828/29, was Ring spinning. In the 20th century, new techniques including Open End spinning or rotor spinning were invented to produce yarns at rates in excess of 40 meters per second.

The Indian textile industry has a significant presence in the economy as well as in the international textile economy. Its contribution to the Indian economy is manifested in terms of its contribution to the industrial production, employment generation of excise collections, 18 percent of employment in the industrial sector, nearly 20 percent of excise collections, 18 percent of employment in the industrial sector, nearly 20 percent to the countries total export earning and 4 percent to the Gross Domestic Product.

India has been well known for her textile goods since very ancient times. The traditional textile industry of India was virtually decayed during the colonial regime. However, the modern textile industry took birth in India in the

early nineteenth century when the first textile mill in the country was established at fort gloster near Calcutta in 1818. The cotton textile industry, however, made its real beginning in Bombay, in 1850s. The first cotton textile mill of Bombay was established in 1854 by a parsi cotton merchant then engaged in overseas and internal trade. Indeed, the vase majority of the early mills were the handwork of Parsi merchants engaged in yarn and cloth trade at home and Chinese and African markets. The first cotton mill in Ahmadabad, which was eventually to emerge as a rival centre to Bombay, was established in 1861.

The spread of the textile industry to Ahmadabad was largely due to the Gujarati trading class. The cotton textile industry made rapid progress in the second half of the nineteenth century and by the end of the entry there were 178 cotton textile mills; But during the year 1900 the cotton textile industry was in bad state due to the great famine and a number of mills of Bombay and Ahmadabad were to be closed down for long periods. But 20th century the cotton textile industry occupies a pre-dominant position of the Indian economy and contributes 20% of the total foreign exchange earnings. At present, Indiass share in world trade of textile and clothing are 2.9% and 2.6% respectively. At present India have a number of cotton textile mills manufacturing various counts of yarn up to 160, under various process such as breaching, mercerizing, dyeing etc.

Company Profile Name Of the Company : Muthu Lakshmi Spinning Mill in Srivilliputtur. Location Founders Name Year of Establishment Finished Products: Cotton Number of Workers Beginning Number of Workers Present Constitution Initial Investment Present Investment Bankers Name Locational Advantages : : : : 25, 00,000 250, 00,000 Crores SBI Labours Facilities, Transport Facilities Welfare Benefits to Workers : PF, ESI, Bonus, Advance, Transporation and Water. : : 70 Workers 250 : Thailakulam Village, Sivakasi Road, Srivilliputtur, Virudhunagar(DT) : : Mr.S.Shanmugavel. 1997

Table 3.1. Age of the respondents S.No 1 2 3 4 Age (Years) Below 25 25 To 35 35 To 45 45 & Above Total Source : Primary Data The above table upshots that a majority of 40 percentage of the respondents belong to the age group of Below 25 years, 32 percentage of the respondents belong to the age group of 25 - 35 years, 18 percentage of respondents belong to the age group of 35 - 45 years and the remaining 10 percentage of the respondents lie in the age group of 45 years and above. Number of respondents 20 16 9 5 50 Percentage(%) 40 32 18 10 100

Table 3.2. Educational qualification of the respondents S.No 1 2 3 Education Level Below 5th 5th to 8th Above 8th Total Source : Primary Data It is observed from the above table that a majority of 58 percentage of the respondents Educational qualification is above 8th standard,26 percentage of the respondents educational qualification is 5th to 8th and the remaining 16 percentage of the respondents qualification is below 5th standard. Number of respondents 8 13 29 50 Percentage(%) 16 26 58 100


Table 3.3. Gender Of The Respondents S.No 1 2 Gender Male Female Total Source : Primary Data It is lucid from the above table that a majority of 60 percentage of the respondents belong to the female category and the remaining 40 percentage of the respondents belong to the male category. Number of respondents 20 30 50 Percentage(%) 40 60 100


Table 3.4. Monthly Income Level S.No 1 2 3 4 Monthly income (in Rs.) Below Rs.2000 2000 to 3000 3000 to 4000 4000 & above Total Source : Primary Data It is significant from the above table that, a majority of 40 percentage of the respondents belong to the monthly income level of Rs.2000 to Rs.3000, 36 percentage of the respondents whose monthly income level is Rs.4000 and above, 16 percentage of the respondents earnRs.3000 to Rs. 4000 per month and the remaining 8 percentage of the respondents monthly income is below Rs.2000. Number of respondents 4 20 8 18 50 Percentage(%) 8 40 16 36 100


Table 3.5 Family Composition of the respondents S.No 1 2 3 4 Family Members Below 4 Members 4 - 6 Members 6 - 8 Members Above 8 Members Total Source : Primary Data It is apparent from the above table that a majority of 40 percentage of the respondents family consists of below 4 members, another 40 percentage of the respondents family has 4 - 6 members, 16 percentage of the respondents family consists of 6 - 8 members and the remaining 4 percentage of the respondents family consists of above 8 members. Number of respondents 20 20 8 2 50 Percentage(%) 40 40 16 4 100


Table 3.6 Years of experience S.No 1 2 3 4 Years of experience Fresher Below 2 Years 2 - 4 Years 4 Years & above Total Source : Primary Data Among 50 Respondents a majority of 36 percentage of the respondents having work experience of 2 - 4 years , 30 percentage of the respondents have experience of below 2 years, 20 percentage of the respondents have experience of 4 years and above and the remaining 14 percentage of the respondents are freshers. Number of respondents 7 15 18 10 50 Percentage(%) 14 30 36 20 100


Table 4.1 Influencing Factors S.No 1 2 3 4 Influencing Factors Self Interest Idea from friends & Relatives Good working environment Good Reputation Total Source : Primary Data It is clear from the above table that, a majority of 48 percentage of the respondents join the concern because of self interest,38 percentage of the respondents join the mill because of the idea given by their friends and relatives, 8 percentage of the respondents indicate that good working environment is the main factor which induces them to join the mill and the remaining 6 percentage of the respondents join the concern because of good reputation. Number of respondents 24 19 4 3 50 Percentage(%) 48 38 8 6 100


Table 4.2 Opinion about the Working Hours S.No 1 2 3 4 Opinion Heavy Schedule Tolerable Good Normal Total Source : Primary Data It is clear that a majority of 50 percentage of respondents feel good towards their working hours while 26 percentage of the respondents feel that the working hours are tolerable, 20 percentage of the respondents feel that their working hours are normal and the remaining 4 percentage of the respondents feel heavy schedule towards the working hours. Number of respondents 2 13 25 10 50 Percentage(%) 4 26 50 20 100


Table 4.3 Respondents view about nature of job S.No 1 2 3 4 Nature of job Very hard Hard Easy Very easy Total Source : Primary Data It is inferred from the above table that a majority of 56 percentages of the respondents view that their job is hard to execute, 20 percentages of the respondents feel that their job is very hard. 18 percentages of the respondents opines that easy and the remaining 6 percentage of the respondents feel that their job is very easy to complete. Number of respondents 10 28 9 3 50 Percentage(%) 20 56 18 3 100


Table 4.4 Time gap for Tea Break S.No 1 2 3 4 Opinion Sufficient Long Not sufficient Neutral Total Source: Primary Data It is apparent from the above table that a majority of 46 percentage of the respondents says that the time gap for tea break is sufficient to them, 30 percentage of the respondents feel that the time gap for tea break is neutral,14 percentage of the respondents say that the time gap for tea break is not sufficient and the remaining 10 percentage of the respondents opinion towards the time gap for tea break is long. Number of respondents 23 5 7 15 50 Percentage(%) 46 10 14 30 100


Table 4.5 Provision of Tools And Equipments S.No Provision of Tools and Equipments 1 2 3 Sufficient Not sufficient Neutral Total Source : Primary Data From the above table it is clear that a majority of 52 percentage of the respondents opines that the tools and equipments provided for doing the job is sufficient,30 percentage of the respondent feel that the tools and equipments are neutral to carry out the work and the remaining 18 percentage of the respondents opinion is not sufficient towards the provision of tools and equipments for doing the job. 26 9 15 50 52 18 30 100 Number of respondents Percentage(%)


Table 4.6 Level of freedom for using the Tool & Equipments S.No 1 2 3 4 Level of freedom Free to use Should get the permission from the superior Depends Upon the nature Neutral Total Source: Primary Data A striking disclosure from the above table that a majority of 52 percentage of the respondents feel that their freedom for using the tools and equipments depends upon the nature of the job, 36 percentage of the respondents should get the permission from the superior to use the tools and equipments, 10 percentage of the respondents have complete freedom in using the tools and equipments and the remaining 2 percentage of the respondents opinion is neutral for using the tools and equipments. Number Of Respondents 5 18 26 1 50 Percentage(%) 10 36 52 2 100


Table 4.7 Nature of work in the machinery S.No 1 2 3 4 Nature of work Safety Protective Better Bad Total Source : Primary Data It is vivid from the above table that a majority of 50 percentage of the respondents opines that the nature of work in the machine is better, 24 percentage of the respondents says that the nature of work in the machine is safety and another 24 percentage of the respondent s feel that protective and the remaining 2 percentage of the respondents feel that the nature of work in the machinery is bad. Number of respondents 12 12 25 1 50 Percentage(%) 24 24 50 2 100


Table 4.8 Improvement of skill S.No 1 2 Total Source : Primary Data It is obvious from the above table that a majority of 78 percentage of the respondents agree that their skills have improved after joining the mill and the remaining 22 percentage of the respondents says that their skills have not improved after joining the mill. Statement Yes No Number of respondents 39 11 50 Percentage(%) 78 22 100


Table 4.9 Opinion about the drinking water facility

S.No 1 2 3 4 5

Opinion Excellent Very good Good Fair Bad Total

Number of respondents 6 21 23 _ _ 50

Percentage(%) 12 42 46 _ _ 100

Source : Primary Data It is manifestation from the above table that a majority of 46 percentage of the respondents feels that the drinking water facility is good in the concern,42 percentage of the respondents who opines that the drinking water facility is very good and the remaining 12percentage of the respondents feel that the drinking water facility is excellent.


Table 4.10 Opinion about the bathroom facility S.No 1 2 3 4 Opinion Adequate Inadequate Better Bad Total Source : Primary Data It is clear inference from the above table that a majority of 50 percentage of the respondents opines that the bathroom facility offered by the mill is better, 30 percentage of the respondents feel that adequate and the remaining 20 percentage of the respondents say that the bathroom facility provided by the concern is inadequate. Number of respondents 15 10 25 _ 50 Percentage(%) 30 20 50 _ 100


Table 4.11 Opinion about the ventilation and air circulation facility S.No 1 2 3 4 Opinion Very good Good Fair Poor Total Source : Primary Data It is evident from the above table that a great majority of 92 percentage of the respondents feel that the ventilation and air circulation facility in the working place is good,4 percentage of the respondents opines that very good, 2 percentage of the respondents feel that fair and the remaining 2 percentage of the respondents feel that ventilation and air circulation facility is poor in the mill. Number of respondents 2 46 1 1 50 Percentage(%) 4 92 2 2 100


Table 4.12 Opinion about mobility (movement) in the work Pplace S.No 1 2 3 4 Opinion Comfortable Uncomfortable Better Bad Total Source : Primary Data A striking disclosure here is that a majority of 54 percentage of the respondents feel that the movement in the work place is comfortable, 26 percentage of the respondents opines that movement in the work place is better and the remaining 20 percentage of respondents says that the movement in the work place is uncomfortable. Number of respondents 27 10 13 _ 50 Percentage(%) 54 20 26 _ 100


Table 4.13 Opinion about working environment S.No 1 2 3 4 Opinion Always Some time Rarely Never Total Source : primary data The above tables shows that a majority of 62 percentage of the respondents says that the working environment is sometime good, 26 percentage of the respondents feel that the working environment is rarely good and the remaining 12 percentage of the respondents feels that working environment is always good. Number of respondents 6 31 13 _ 50 Percentage(%) 12 62 26 _ 100


Table 4.14 Opinion about salary S.No 1 Opinion Correct &Justified Payment 2 3 Satisfactory Not satisfactory Total Source : Primary Data The above table reveals that a majority of 64 percentage opines that the salary received by them is satisfactory, 22 percentage of the respondents opinion is correct and justified payment towards the salary and the remaining 14 percentage of the respondents are not satisfactory towards the salary. 32 7 50 64 14 100 Number of respondents 11 Percentage(%) 22


Table 4.15 View about the increment S.No 1 2 3 4 Increment Sufficient Very good Fair Not sufficient Total Source : Primary Data It is obvious from the above table that a majority of 46 percentage of the respondents opines that the increment received by them is very good and another 46 percentage of the respondents say that the increment received by them is sufficient, 4 percentage of the respondents feel that the increment received by them is fair and another 4 percentage of the respondents opinion towards the increment received by them is not sufficient. Number of respondents 23 23 2 2 50 Percentage(%) 46 46 4 4 100


Table 4.16 Opinion about bonus

S.No 1 2 3

Opinion Very good Sufficient Satisfactory Total

Number of respondents 1 23 3 50

Percentage(%) 2 46 6 100

Source : Primary Data It is vivid from the above table that a majority of 46 percentage of the respondents opines that the bonus received by them is sufficient and another 46 percentage of the respondents are satisfied,6 percentage of the respondents are not satisfied and the remaining 2 percentage of the respondents says that the bonus received by them is very good.


Table 4.17 Financial incentives received by the respondents S.No 1 2 Statement Have received Have not received Total Source : Primary Data It is found from the above table that a majority of 80 percentage of the respondents have received the financial incentives from the mill and the remaining 20 percentage of the respondents havent received any financial incentives from the concern. Number of respondents 40 10 50 Percentage(%) 80 20 100


Table 4.18 Occasions on which the respondents receive the incentives S.No 1 Incentives On the basis of services 2 3 4 5 Talented services Full attendance Festival time Have not received Total 10 10 8 2 40 25 25 20 5 100 Number of responses 10 Percentage(%) 25

Note: It is observed from the previous table that 40 out of 50 respondents have received financial incentives. It is significant from the above table that a majority of 25percentage of the respondents have received incentives on the basis of services and another 25 percentage of the respondents have received incentive because of talented services and another 25 percentage of the respondents have received incentives for full attendance,20 percentage of the respondents have received incentives during festival time and the remaining 5 percentage of the respondents have not received incentives.


Table 4.19 Advance received by the respondents S.No 1 2 Statement Have received Have not received Total Source : Primary Data From the above table it is highlighted that a majority of 70 percentage of the respondents have received advance from the mill and the remaining 20 percentage of the respondents have not received advance from the concern. Number of respondents 35 15 50 Percentage(%) 70 30 100


Table 4.20 Opinion about PF & ESI benefits S.No 1 2 3 4 5 Total Source: Primary Data Among the 50 respondents a majority of 54 percentage of the respondents feel that the PF & ESI benefits offered by the mill is good 36 percentage of the respondents opines that the PF & ESI benefits are very good 8 percentage of the respondents opinion towards the PF & ESI benefits are excellent and the remaining 2 percentage of the respondents feel that the PF & ESI benefits offered by the mill is fair. Opinion Excellent Very good Good Fair Bad Number of respondents 4 18 27 1 50 Percentage(%) 8 36 54 2 100


Table 4.21 Awarness level during accidents

S.No 1 2

Statement Aware Not Aware Total

Number of respondents 23 27 50

Percentage(%) 46 54 100

Source : Primary Data It is lucid fact from the above table that, a majority of 54 percentage of the respondents are not aware about the precautions and steps to be carried out during accidents and the remaining 46 percentage of the respondents are aware about the precautions and steps to be followed during accidents.


Table 4.22 Provisions Of Safety Measures S.No 1 2 3 4 5 Safety measures Fire extinguishes First aid box Alarm Water Buckets Mud Buckets Total Source: Primary Data It is inferred from the above table that a majority of 58percentage of the respondents say that first aid box is provided in the mill 18 percentage of the respondents are aware of the alarm 14 percentage of the respondents are aware of fire extinguisher to safeguard them against the accidents and the remaining 10 percentage of the responses are aware of the water bucker provided in the mill for safety purposes. Number of respondents 7 29 9 5 _ 50 Percentage(%) 14 58 18 10 _ 100


Table 4.23 Opinion About The Mess Facility Provided By The Mill

S.No 1 2 3 4 5

Opinion Excellent Very good Good Fair Bad Total

Number of respondents 1 12 36 1 _ 50

Percentage(%) 2 24 72 2 _ 100

Source : Primary Data The above table denotes that a majority of 72 percentage of the respondents have good opinion towards the mess facility provided by the mill 24 percentage of the respondents opinion is very good 2 percentage of the respondents opinion is excellent and another 2percentage of the respondents have expressed fair opinion towards the mess facility provided by the mill.


Table 4.24 Satisfaction towards the van facility S.No 1 2 3 4 5 Level of satisfaction Excellent Very good Good Fair Bad Total Source : primary data It is clear from the above table a majority of 58 percentage of the respondents feel that the van facility provided by the mill is good, 32 percentage of the respondents say that very good 8percentage of respondents opines that excellent and the remaining 2 percentage of the respondents say that van facility provided by the mill is fair. Number of respondents 4 16 29 1 _ 50 Percentage(%) 8 32 58 2 _ 100


Table 4.25 Respondents above medical facility

S.No 1 2 3 4 5

Opinion Excellent Very good Good Fair Bad Total

Number of respondents 5 9 35 1

Percentage(%) 10 18 70 2



Source : Primary Data It is significant from the above table that a majority of 70 percentage of the respondents view that the medical facility offered by the mill is good. 18 percentage of the respondents feel that the medical facility is very good. 10 percentage of respondents opines that the medical facility is excellent and the remaining 2 percentage of respondents opinion towards the medical facility offered by the concern is fair.


Table 4.26 Respondents who are staying in the hostel

S.No 1 2

Statement Yes No Total

Number of respondents 13 37 50

Percentage(%) 26 74 100

Source : Primary Data It is exhibited from the above table that a majority of 74 percentage of the respondents not stay in the hostel and the remaining 26 percentage of the respondents are stay in the hostel.


Table 4.27 Facility available in the hostel S.No 1 2 3 4 5 Facility available Excellent Very good Good Fair Bad Total Source: Primary data It is vivid from the above table that a majority of 61 percentage of the respondents opines that the facilities available in the hostel is good 31 percentage of the respondents viewed that the facilities available in the hostel is very good and the remaining 8 percentage of the respondents feel that the facilities available in the hostel is fair. Number of respondents _ 4 8 1 _ 50 Percentage(%) _ 31 61 8 _ 100


Table 4.28 Approach of the management towards problem S.No 1 2 3 4 Approaches Any time Some times Rarely Never Total Source: Primary Data It is noted from the above table that a majority of 50 percentage of the respondents have approached the management some times to represent their problems, 42 percentage of respondents have approached the Number of respondents 1 25 21 3 50 Percentage(%) 2 50 42 9 100

managementrarely, 9 percentage of the respondents have never approached the management and the remaining 2 percentage of the respondents have approached the management at any time to get solution for their problems.


Table 4.29 Effect of approach S.No 1 2 3 4 Effect Immediate action Slow action Some time No care Total Source : Primary Data It is manifestation from the above table that a majority of 66 percentage of the respondents opines that immediate action is taken by the management against the problems faced by them, 26 percentage of the respondents says that the remedy steps taken by the management is slow and the remaining 8 percentage of the respondents feel that the management sometimes take effective steps to solve the grievances represented by the employees. Number of respondents 33 13 4 _ 50 Percentage(%) 66 26 8 _ 100


Table 4.30 Nature of relation with the management S.No 1 2 3 4 Relationship Smooth Normal Problematic No relation Total Source: Primary Data It is evident from the above table that a majority of 70 percentage of the respondents have normal relationship with the management and the remaining 30 percentage of the respondents have smooth relationship with the management. Number of respondents 15 35 _ _ 50 Percentage(%) 30 70 _ _ 100


Table 4.31 Level of motivation by the management S.No 1 2 3 Motivation Always Sometime Rarely Number of respondents 3 31 16 Percentage(%) 6 62 32

Total Source: Primary Data



It is obvious to note that a majority of 62 percentage of the respondents says that the management sometimes motivate them towards their work, 32 percentage of the respondents feel that they are rarely motivated by the management, and the remaining 6 percentage of the respondents opines that the management always motivates their work .


Table 4.32 Opinion about superiors S.No 1 2 3 4 Opinion Very strict Strict Liberal Jovial Total Source: Primary Data From the above table it is clear that a majority of 46 percentage of the respondents opines that their superior are liberal, 44 percentage of the respondents says that they are strict, 6 percentage of the respondents view that their superiors are very strict and the remaining 4 percentage of the respondents opines that their superiors are jovial. Number of respondents 3 22 23 2 50 Percentage(%) 6 44 46 4 100


Table 4.33 Open door system S.No 1 2 Statement Yes No Total Source : Primary Data It is manifestation from the above table that a majority of 66 percentage of the respondents are aware of the existence of open door system in the mill and the remaining 34 percentage of the respondents are unaware of the open door policy in the concern. Number of respondents 33 17 50 Percentage(%) 66 34 100


Table 4.34 Negative impressions towards the concern S.No 1 2 3 Negative impressions Demanding more work Low salary Inadequate tool equipment Absence of open door policy Any other specify Total Source :Primary Data It is inferred from the above table that a majority of 44 percentage of the respondents have negative impressions towards the concern because of low salary, 26 percentage of the respondents opines that the concern demanding more work from them,16 percentage of the respondents says that the tools and equipments for doing the work is inadequate and remaining 14 percentage of the respondents opines that absence of open door policy in the mill create negative impression among the employees. Number of respondents Percentage(%) 13 22 8 26 44 16

4 5

7 _ 50

14 _ 100


Table 4.35 Level of satisfaction S.No 1 2 3 4 Level of satisfaction Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Total Source : Primary Data It is found from the above table that a great majority of 94 percentage of the respondents are satisfied towards the mill and the remaining 6 percentage of the respondents are dissatisfied towards the mill. Number of respondents _ 47 3 _ 50 Percentage(%) _ 94 6 _ 100


Table 4.36 Idea of moving to any other organization S.No 1 2 Total Source : Primary Data It is lucid from the above table that a majority of 52 percentage of the respondents have an idea of moving to some other mill/ organization in future and the remaining 48 percentage of the respondents do not have the idea of moving to other mill/ organization in future. Statement Yes No Number of respondents 26 24 50 Percentage(%) 52 48 100


Table 4.37 Highlighting feature of the mill S.No 1 2 3 4 Opinion Safety Infrastructure Effective management Any other specify Total Source : Primary Data From the above table it is highlighted that a majority of 40 percentage of the respondents say effective management is the highlighting feature of the mill, 34 percentage of the respondents opines that the infrastructure facility is the highlighting feature of the concern and the remaining 26 percentage of the respondents opines that safety provision is the highlighting feature of the mill. Number of respondents 13 17 20 _ 50 Percentage(%) 26 34 40 _ 100


FINDINGS A majority of 40 percentage of the respondents belong to the age group of below 25 years. A majority of 58 percentage of the respondents educational qualification is above 8th Standard. A majority of 60 percentage f the respondents belong to the female category. A majority of 40 percentage of the respondents belong to the monthly income level of Rs.2000-Rs.3000. A majority of 36 percentage of the respondents family consists of below 4 members. A majority of 36 percentage of the respondents have work experience of 2-4 years. A majority of 48 percentage of the respondents join the concern because of self interest. A majority of 50 percentage of the respondents feel Good forwards working hours. A majority of 56 percentage of the respondents view that their job is hard to execute. A majority of 46 percentage of the respondents says that the time gap for tea break is sufficient to them. A majority of 52 percentage of the respondents opines that the tools and equipments provided for doing the job is sufficient. A majority of 52 percentage of the respondents feel that, their freedom for the using the tools and equipments depends upon the nature of the job. A majority of 50 percentage of the respondents opines that, the nature of work in the machine is better. A majority of 78 percentage of the respondents agree that, their skill have improved after joining the mill.


A majority of 46 percentage of the respondents feel that, the drinking water facility is good in the concern. A majority of 50 percentage of the respondents opines that, the bath room facility offered by the mill is better. A majority of 92 percentage of the respondents feel that the ventilation and air circulation facility in the working place is good. A majority of 54 percentage of the respondents feel that, the movement in the work place is comfortable. A majority of 62 percentage of the respondents says that, the working environment is some time good. A majority of 64 percentage of the respondents opines that, the salary received by them is satisfactory. A majority of 46 percentage of the respondents opines that, the increment received by them is very good. A majority of 46 percentage of the respondents opines that, the bonus received by them is sufficient. A majority of 80 percentage of the respondents has received financial incentive from the mill. A majority of 25 percentage of the respondents have received incentives on the basis of services. A majority of 70 percentage of the respondents have received advance from the mill. A majority of 54 percentage of the respondents feel that, the PF&ESI benefit offered by the mill is good. A majority of 54 percentage of the respondents are not aware about the precautions and steps to be carried out during accidents. A majority of 58 percentage of the respondents were that, they say first aid box is provided in the mill. A majority of 72 percentage of the respondents have good opinion towards the mess facility provided by the mill.


A majority of 58 percentage of the respondents feel that, the van facility provided by the mill is good. A majority of 70 percentage of the respondents view that, the medical facility offered by the mill is good. A majority of 74 percentage of the respondents not stay in the hostel. A majority of 61 percentage of the respondents opines that, facilities available in the hostel is good. A majority of 50 percentage of the respondents have approached the management some times to represent their problems. 35.A majority of 60 percentage opines that, immediate action is taken by the management against the problem faced by them. A majority of 70 percentage of the respondents have normal relationship with the management. A majority of 62 percentage of the respondents says that, the management sometimes motivate them towards their work. A majority of 70 percentage of the respondents says that, the management sometimes motivate them towards their work. A majority of 46 percentage of the respondents opines that, their superiors are liberal. A majority of 66 percentage of the respondents are aware of the existence of open door system in the mill. A majority of 44 percentage of the respondents have negative impressions towards the concern because of low salary. A majority of 94 percentage of the respondents are satisfied towards the mill. A majority of 52 percentage of the respondents have an idea of moving to some other mill organization in future. A majority of 52 percentage of the respondents say effective management is the high lighting feature of the mill.


SUGGESTIONS The analysis of working condition of workers in Muthulakshmi Spinning Mills enable the researcher to come out the following suggestions. In this concern most of the workers are illiterates, so informal education may be arranged to them. To provide a better working environment the organization should be improved ventilation facilities, lighting facilities and canteen facilities. Also they may be put under constant check up by the management and representative of the work force. The management may be come forward to protect the workers from accident by giving proper training about how to save the life at the time of accident. The management may be come forward to provide separate rest room facilities to the men and women workers and it should be maintained properly.


CONCLUSION Job satisfaction results from the employees perception that the job content and context actually provide what an employee values in the work situation. Organizationally speaking, high level of job satisfaction reflects a highly favorable organizational climate resulting in attracting and retaining better workers. The productivity and profitability of the concern is in the hands of employees. So the employees must be satisfied with their job.


BIBILIOGRAPHY Organisation Behaviour Sashi K.Guptha Marketing Research, Applications and Cases Dr.D.D.Sharma


A study on workers job satisfaction towards Muthu lakshmi spinning mill(p) ltd, srivilliputtur. Personal Information: 1. Age (a) Below 25 (b) 25 to 35 (c)35 to 45 (d) Above 45 2. Educational Qualification (a) Below 5th (b) 5th to 8th (c) Above 8th 3. Gender: (a) Male (b) Female 4. Monthly Income (a) Below Rs.2000 (b) Rs.2000 to Rs.3000 (c) Rs.3000 to 4000 (d) Rs.4000 and above 5. Family composition (a) Below 4 Members (b) 4 to 6 Members (c) 6 to 8 Members (d) above 8 Members 6. Year of Experience (a) Fresher (b) Below 2 years (c) 2-4 years (d) 4years & above I. NATURE OF THE JOB: 1. How did you join this concern? (a) Self interest (b) Idea from friends & relatives (c) Food working environment (d) Good reputation 2. Are you satisfied with the working hours? (a) Heavy schedule (b) Tolerable (c) Good (d) Normal 3. Your nature of work (a) Very Hard (b) Hard (c) Easy (d) Very Easy 4. Time gap for tea break is (a) Sufficient (b) Long (c) Not Sufficient (d) Neutral 5. Provision of tools and equipments for doing the job is (a) Sufficient (b) Not Sufficient(c) Neutral


6. Your Freedom level to use the tools & Equipments (a) Free to use (b) Should get the permission from the superior (c)Depends upon the nature (d) Neutral 7. Your nature of work in the Machinery (a) Safety (b) Protective (c) Better (d) Bad 8. Did your skill improve after joining this mill (a) Yes (b) No WORKING ENVIRONMENT OF EMPLOYEES: 9. Opinion about the drinking water facility (a) Excellent (b) very good (c) Good (d) Fair (e) Bad 10. Opinion about the Bathroom facility (a) Adequate (b) Inadequate (c) Better (d) Bad 11. Opinion about the ventilation and air circulation in the working place (a) Very good (b) Good (c) Fair (d) Poor 12. Your mobility (movement) in the work place (a) Comfortable (b) Un comfortable (c) Better (d) Bad 13. Is your working environment good (a) Always (b) Sometime (c) Rarely (d) Never COMPENSATION & INCENTIVES: 14. Salary received by you is (a) Correct & Justified (b) Satisfactory (c) Not Satisfactory 15. Increment received by you is (a) Sufficient (b) Very good (c) Fair (d) Not sufficient 16. Bonus received during this year is (a) Very good (b) Sufficient (c) Satisfactory (d) Not Sufficient 17. Have you received (financial) incentives? (a) Yes (b) No 18. Occasions on receiving incentives (a) On the basis of service (b) Festival time (c) havent received 19. Have you received any advance? (a) Yes (b) No

20. Your opinion about PF & ESI benefits (a) Excellent (b) Very good (c) Good (d) fair (e) Bad IV. SAFETY AND WELFARE MEASURES OFFERED BY THE MILL 21. Are you well aware about the precautions and step to be carried out during accidents? (a) Yes (b)No 22. What types of safety measures are provided in the mill? (a) Fire extinguisher (b) First and box (c) Alarm (d) Water bucket (e) Mud bucket 23. Opinion about the mess facility provided by the mill? (a) Excellent (b) Very good (c) Good (d) Fair (e) Bad 24. Are you satisfied with the Van facility? (a) Excellent (b) very good (c) Good (d) Fair (e) Bad 25. Opinion about medical facility. (a) Excellent (b) very good (c) Good (d) Fair (e) Bad 26. Do you stay in the Hostel? (a) Yes (b) No 27.If yes, the facilities available in the hostel is (a) Excellent (b) very good (c) Good (d) Fair (e) Bad V. RELATIONS BETWEEN THE MANAGER AND WORKERS 28. Have you approached the management with any problems? (a) Anytime (b) sometime (c) Rarely (d) Never 29. What was the effect? (a) Immediate action (b) Slow action (c) Some time (d) No relation 30. Specify the nature of relation with the management (a) Smooth (b) Normal (c) Problematic (d) No relation 31. Whether the management motivates your work (a) Always (b) Some time (c) Rarely (d) Never 32. What do you think about your superiors? (a) Very strict (b) Strict (c) Liberal (d) Jovial


33. Is there an Open Door System? (a) Yes (b) No 34. Tick the negative impressions you have towards the concern. (a) Demanding more work (b) Low salary (c) In adequate tool & equipment (d) Absence of open door policy (e) Any other specify 35. Do you have any idea to moving of any other organization in future? (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Dissatisfied (d) Neutral 36. Do you have any idea of moving to any other organization in future. (a) Yes (b) No If Yes,

If No,

37. What is the high lighting feature of your organization in your point of view? * *


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