Examples Class Lectures

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October 2011 CATAM Irena Borzym

12:19 PM 17/10/2011 Page 1 of 27 immb100@damtp.cam.ac.uk

These notes are intended to give some background information and some help for 1B
students starting their CATAM projects and Part 2 students who either did not do
CATAM in 1B or did not do well in CATAM in 1B.
Some useful web references have been included in the notes.
If you think of anything else which it would be useful to cover in the notes then please
let me know.
These notes are for the use of Cambridge undergraduates only as they include
copywrite material.

There will be two lectures. The lectures will cover,

1. The practical benefit to you of taking the time to try the CATAM projects.
2. How to write a project report for academia or industry. (Transferable skill.)
3. Instructions more specific to CATAM write-ups.
4. Some examples of things to think about
5. Referencing and crediting sources.
6. Numerical approximations
7. Errors and their analysis.
8. Complexity.

1. The practical benefits of CATAM.

Gauss called mathematics the Queen of Sciences. I found this more recent quote

I don't know if mathematics is the Queen of Sciences, but I think that C++ is the
King's Whore. An Experimental Physicist.

You are free to use any language you wish in your CATAM projects but it will not be
officially supported.

- Computer programming is a distinct skill to mathematics. A good
mathematician might not have an aptitude for programming and vice versa.

- Computer programming is now used in so many different branches of
mathematics, both pure and applied, that it is increasing difficult to argue, as
some have in the past, that it has no place in a mathematics undergraduate

- Computers are an incredibly valuable tool but they, like scalpels, are not safe
in untrained hands.

The existence of CATAM is an acknowledgement of these opinions.

The stated objectives of CATAM as a course are necessarily quite modest.
The aim is to provide some knowledge of how to use a standard high level package
such as MATLAB to solve simple mathematical problems.

Ref: http://www.mathworks.co.uk/products/matlab/index.html
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is a high-level language and interactive environment that enables you to
perform computationally intensive tasks faster than with traditional programming
languages such as C, C++, and Fortran.

You can gain a great deal more but you will need to actively try to extract as much
useful experience and knowledge as you can from the projects. CATAM is not going
to make you into a competent programmer but if you make the effort then it should
give you enough background to save your neck in the future.

1. The course is optional and the marks are added to your total Tripos score.
These are effectively FREE marks in both 1B and Part 2.

2. If you are likely to find yourself on a class boundary in the Tripos then you
SHOULD do CATAM as it may push you to the right side of the boundary.
You may be sure that there are people who are not here today and who will not
take this advice.

3. If you suffer from exam nerves and know that you will underachieve in the
written papers then you should do CATAM.

4. If you found that you had serious time problems in the 1A exams and could
not write down enough of the questions, which you knew how to do, in the
time allowed then you should do CATAM.

5. If you are a failure risk then you should definitely do CATAM. There are no
ordinary degrees awarded except in extenuating circumstances. So if you fail
to be classed with honours then you fail.

6. If you go on to a PhD or if you go on to a technical position outside
academia then it is very likely that you will need to learn a programming
language and use a computer to solve a specific problem. CATAM will not
give you enough programming experience but it should give you the
confidence to know that you can learn whatever language is required and be
able to correctly write a program to calculate the task demanded.

7. If you go on to join a software house or a computer manufacturer then you
may be surprised to learn that they often prefer mathematics graduates to
computer science graduates. Programming style has an aesthetic element.
They like to teach you their own bad habits in writing software and would
rather you did not import your own from your degree.

ASIDE: If you are thinking of a career option then please, please try to get a
placement after 1B in the summer. Employers increasingly treat placements as
extended interviews and most of the better opportunities are now offered to students
on placements. You need to know before you sign the contract that this is a job you
want and can handle.

The two parts of CATAM, 1B and Part 2 teach you different skills so you should do
the available number of projects in each of the two years.

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8. From the 1B projects you should gain some understanding and an intuitive feel
for how mathematical results look when presented in the form of numerical
data, whether in the form of tables or in graphs. The 1B CATAM projects are
based on mathematics which should be familiar from other courses. In
principle most of you should be able to solve the problems analytically. Of
course you are not usually expected to solve problems analytically but you
will be expected to have an understanding of the sort of solution you would
expect. When you write up you should use the terminology from your other
courses and you should reference course notes when this is useful. For
example, if the CATAM problem is about RSA the coding algorithm then you
can use your numbers and sets notes to help you with the project. If the
CATAM project is about a dynamical system with an obvious resonance then
you can use your 1A dynamics notes and your 1B Methods notes to help with
the project.

9. From the Part 2 projects you should gain some understanding of how to turn
numerical output and graphical information into a mathematical solution. In
other words how to read the numerical data and corresponding graphical
data and relate it to models. Most of the projects will be too long and too hard
for you to solve analytically so you will be reliant on the output to work out
what is happening. You should be able to recognise the difference between
real effects described in the original problem and artefacts introduced by
your solution method.

10. Solving a problem numerically involves rather more than finding a plausible
looking algorithm in numerical recipes and forcing your problem into the
selected form and slapping it onto your computer. I will mention some of the
issues in these talks and they may prove useful when you have to comment on
your results in specific CATAM projects.

2. How to write a project report for academia or industry.
A Transferable skill.

In general the form taken by your write-up or presentation depends on
whether you are working in academia or outside academia. It also depends on your
audience. We will assume that the report is intended for the team working on the
problem and not for some other purpose within the company or university such as
fundraising, public relations or outreach. Your write-up must be in a language which
is precise enough to satisfy the experts but with enough explanation to be
intelligible to any scientifically trained listener. Outside of academia your project
write-up, the questions you ask and the answers which you give are likely to be very
tightly specified. In a commercial setting you aim to answer all and only the
questions raised in the project specification. You may indicate directions to follow up
but the next contract must be in place before you continue your work. In academia
the report is likely to be broader and more open, picking up links to other work and
papers and suggesting the next stage of the research. You are expected to point out
interesting tangential directions and refer to other work which might be relevant. In
CATAM you are working in a university environment and your write-up should be
styled like a research report in a university.

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In any project, whether in academia or in industry, you are likely to be part
of a team. In CATAM you are expected to work alone but your write-up should still
be structured in a lucid and informative manner as if you were addressing the rest of
the research team. You should assume that your audience is numerate and intelligent
but not expert in your project.

In order to point out the sorts of questions which you should have in mind
when commenting in a write-up we will begin by thinking about the issues involved
in setting up and solving a problem. There are of course different types of problems
which lead to slightly different sorts of issues. In essence there are only three or four
steps. You are given some physical phenomenon to describe and explain or some
mathematical situation to analyse. For example a differential equation to solve or an
algebraic problem whose solutions you need to find and possibly classify.

1. Select a model or method to describe the situation. When a model is
constructed in order to describe a physical problem, it tries to describe a,
sometimes, complicated system in terms of a manageably small number of
variables in a specified set of surroundings. It is important to have a clear list
of the assumptions made in providing the model and a good understanding of
their implications. In a CATAM project this step will be done for you, but
you will need to be able to identify the assumptions and be able to comment
on their implications for the model which you are analysing. You need to
understand the circumstances in which you expect the model to be applicable.
For example in the case of a differential equation you may choose to model a
more complicated system by a simple growing exponential in a specified
regime. A CATAM project of this sort will typically start with a proposed
differential equation describing the physical situation; with a given model.
You might get style marks for suggesting improvements or pointing out
interesting implications. You will not get credit for a long digression which
has not been requested in the question. Whenever you make a statement about
the observed data you must also back it up with a justification. For example,
you are given an exponential growth equation for some data and the data set.
You are told that it describes the growth of a type of bacteria in a petri dish as
a function of time. You plot the graph of the equation against the data set and
discover that the data to the far right hand side of the plot is not more scattered
but is diverging away from the theoretical curve. If the question asked you to
comment on the fit then your answer should point out the deviation and if you
have been given sufficient background in the question also suggest a reason
for the deviation and the form of a correction. For example a decrease in the
growth rate might indicate that the nutrient was running out. You should also
point out that the fact that the scatter of the data has not increased suggests
that the error is not due to some of the possible accuracy issues in this region.
Remember that a systematic error could look like a deviation from your
model, particularly if that error is proportional to population size, so you need
to be cautious in your assertions.

2. You now put the model into a mathematical form. The important factors
become variables and you check that the regime you are describing is
reasonable mathematically. In other words you check your mathematical
assumptions against the physical assumptions or the given data set. In 1B
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projects you will be handed this step on a plate. In part two projects some of
the questions may ask you to comment on the suitability of the given model or
perhaps to compare the pros and cons of two different approaches.

3. If you have a continuous problem then you recast the mathematics into
discrete algorithmic form. This involves making a suitable choice of
algorithm. In most CATAM projects you will be told which numerical
approximation to use but it is worth thinking about the implications of using
the given method. The section on numerical approximations will make clear
that one differential equation can be modelled in an infinite number of
different ways and the best scheme to choose will depend on the questions to
be answered and often on the expected form of the solution.

4. Select a platform and a language and then write the program to solve the
problem. In CATAM you are advised to use MATLAB so you can be sure
that all the projects will be amenable to choice. Although there is no
requirement to use MATLAB unless you are already very competent with
another language I would strongly recommend that you stick to MATLAB.
Many of the programming problems which have seriously affected both the
time taken and the eventual marks obtained in CATAM projects have
stemmed from students using unsupported languages and not really having the
competence to finish the projects without help.

Each one of these steps contributes to your solution technique so in each explanation
you should be able to identify the effect on your solution of each stage. This will be
made more explicit later when we look at some examples.

Whenever you write a program you must trade off several competing factors.

1. Readability of the program
Whether in the form of a code or an interactive session your program should
have sufficient comment to be readable. For the purposes of CATAM this is
especially important because this is your evidence that you have done the
project yourself. The advantage outside of CATAM is that you can go back to
the code and easily recall the workings. This means that you can reuse parts
and easily modify parts as well. It also means that other team members or
CATAM examiners have a reasonable change of understanding what you have

2. Generality of the program
You may not want to write into the program explicit numbers and parameters
which you will want to change in a later question. So read the whole project
before you start and make your code as versatile as possible without
introducing excessive complexity.

3. Error catching
You are told to assume in CATAM that the data has not been provided by an
idiot but you might want to trap errors which occur as part of a numerical
calculation for example division by small numbers. If you do this then you
should comment in the write up. Remember that your CATAM code is not
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read although it may be run so the computing marks are gained by evidence in
your write-up that you have performed the required tasks.

4. Simplicity verses efficiency
When you are dealing with a problem where memory is plentiful and the
program runs very quickly then you can afford to sacrifice efficiency in your
code for transparency of the code. It is up to you to find the right balance.
This balance will often depend on the details of the problem. You should
justify the choices you have made as part of your write-up.

5. Verification of Code
The subject area of safety critical programming is a very important and very
difficult branch of the subject. You never have to prove that your code works
you merely check that it is likely that it does. For example when calculating
solutions of some algebraic equation in modular arithmetic you can check
your code by doing some similar examples which are easy enough to check by
hand. It is a good idea to provide some sample output to prove that you have
made these checks.

When you write-up you should explain how you wrote your program and how you
tested that it works correctly. You should include some test data showing your
checks. You should comment on any particular points of interest.

Some Things to Consider in Your Write-ups

I am not allowed to consider specific examples from the CATAM project files but I
can provide a selection of examples of things which you might want to consider as
part of your write-up.


The practise project demonstrates three different ways of finding the root of an
equation. Each method is based on a technique and a bit of analysis which you have
either already met in 1A or will meet in 1B. When you need to find a root or a
turning point you should consider the most convenient way of getting at the answer.
This means that you should start with some idea of the position and multiplicity of the
root which you are trying to find. Once you have this information it might mean that
you use a mixture of one or more methods in order to speed things up or you might
use a very simple method because you already know that the search will be easy and
short even though you have chosen an inefficient algorithm. You should explain in
your write-up why you have used your chosen method if different options were
plausible. You should also comment on any special features which you need to take
into account.


In the 1B CATAM projects you will be given the numerical approximation to use and
asked to comment on your data. It helps to know a little about the way in which these
approximations are derived. For the specific properties of approximations in the
projects you should use references and quote them. In the Part 2 projects there may
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be opportunity to discuss the relative merits of one numerical approximation over

There are essentially two distinct approaches to numerical approximations for solving
differential equations.

1. Finite difference methods
2. Finite element methods. (Finite difference method based on variation

Since these talks are aimed mainly at the 1Bs I will only discuss the first of these but I
will give some background on these methods and an example later on.

It is possible to calculate errors or optimal step lengths from the theory but it is also
possible to calculate these explicitly numerically. If it is realistic to use both methods
and check one against the other then that is a good strategy. In some situations you
will have only one method available for practical reasons. You should always explain
what you have done and why you have chosen your approach if there is more than one
approach available.

In both industry and academia the different stages of setting up the problem are
equally important and may involve collaboration of different people, with different
training, in a team. This is obvious in an industrial or commercial setting but even in
a university you might be the tame mathematician in, for example, a civil engineering
group working on optimising flows through a sewage drain system or traffic through
Londons busy road network. Since some of these people may be from completely
different disciplines, your project report must be written in a way which is accessible
to all.

3. Instructions more specific to CATAM write-ups.

1. First and foremost read the NEWS pages on the CATAM helpline.
2. Read the General Comments in the 1B instructions.
3. Before starting a project read the questions and answers related to that
4. Check that you are on the CATAM mail list.
5. If you chose not to try the sample project then read it and the model answer
available online carefully.
6. In 1B try to pick projects in subjects which you like as they may be useful
7. In part 2 there is no particular advantage or disadvantage to choosing short or
long projects, but if you are unsure of your ability to finish a long project then
two shorter projects may be a safer bet.
8. Some part 2 projects are based on 1B material. This is to allow you to get
started over the summer. I know that you are likely to be working for part of
the summer but your final year will also be disrupted with interviews and
assessment days so it is worth getting an early start.

Presentation of your Write-up

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Some of you are likely to have some help/advice in how to write-up your projects
from family and friends who write reports as part of their jobs. This next section is
intended to help those who do not have access to such informal help.

In CATAM most of the work is done for you. You are given the problem and told the
algorithm to use. You are then encouraged to use the standard package of MATLAB
to solve the problem. So you can be sure that the problem will be amenable to
solution in this manner. A typical beta answer to a CATAM project will simply
follow instructions correctly and produce a correct answer at the end. The CATAM
questions allow you the opportunity to demonstrate that you understand what you are
doing and appreciate both the limitations of the chosen method and the implications
of your results. This is required to secure an alpha answer. This is particularly
important in the Part 2 projects. The CATAM projects test your ability to solve and
understand a problem using a computer as a tool.

1. Readability

I recommend that you word process your write-up. You are allowed to write up the
projects by hand but word processing has the advantage that you can make changes
easily and quickly. Some students choose to word process the main explanation part
of their projects but write in the equations by hand. This is perfectly acceptable. No
one expects perfect grammar but it is important to ensure that your answers to
questions are clearly expressed, concise and detailed. Examiners are human and will
do their best to give you as much credit as possible but if they cannot read your work
or follow your reasoning then even if you have the right idea but have garbled the
write-up they cannot give you credit. Do not blag and do not waffle as it will not
improve your marks and may cost you some credit.

2. Maximising Marks

Try to structure your write-up in a way which will make it easy for examiners to
mark. Be careful to indicate that every task requested in the project has been carried
out. Suppose a project begins with Question 1.1 and then a Programming Task and
then Question 1.2. Then in your write-up you should mirror these sub headings. You
have a heading Question 1.1, then you have a sub heading Programming task for
Question 1.2 and finally a sub heading for Question 1.2.

For each question you must make sure that you have answered the question with as
much insight as well as detail as you can. If you are asked to draw a graph and
comment on your results then you need to give a detailed explanation of the data and
not just a description.

As a rule of thumb, ask the question
Would a savvy 1B Lawyer or English Student be able to make these comments?
If the answer is Yes then you have not said enough.

If a question asks you to comment on a data table it is often useful to draw a graph.
Commenting on the general shape of a graph is usually NOT sufficient.
You need to describe the form precisely and to relate it back to the mathematics.
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Going back to our model of the growth of a bacterial culture in a petri dish, suppose
the data looks like exponential growth which falls off rapidly after a certain time.
You model the system as an exponential growth for a fixed time ignoring the
correction required at later times. Writing simply that the graph shows that the
population is increasing with time is not sufficient. You need to say more. For
example, the original model predicts an exponential growth, from the graph, taking
early times, we have a best fit with the coefficients N(0) which represents the initial
population and an exponent k , and you give both the two values and errors if you can.
For later times the growth rate is reduced. This is the result of the numerical
approximation which is a polynomial and does not reflect the original data where
there is such a decay possibly due to lack of nutrient which was not included in the
original model.

If you have anomalous data, for example, some statistical information with
suspicious outlying points then you can comment on this and you can look at the
effect of ignoring the contribution from them in a best fit. For every feature which
you observe in your data you need to identify its origin. Is it a part of your original
problem, is it something in your original differential equation for example a term
which can be clearly seen to give rise to a resonance. Is it an artefact of your
numerical solution, for example, because your numerical method is a polynomial
modelling an exponential for large times from initial time zero. Is it an artefact of the
final stage on the computer because in your method rounding errors begin to grow in
the region. For every feature you need to look for echoes of it at each stage of your
working. You should then find that you have a lot more to say about the questions.

Under the Programming Task subheading you should include the name or your
program or session, which should also be a comment line at the top of your printout.
You should also make any comments which you think are important. For example in
a primality test program. Is it advantageous to check all non even smaller integers to
see if they are factors of some given N or is it better to store the primes found and
only check those to see if they divide N. Clearly the later is better for large N but for
some purposes because computers are so fast and if the number being checked is
sufficiently small it might not be worth the effort. You should justify any such
decisions which you make. In this section you should also explain how you checked
that your method was working correctly and provide sample test data if this is

Arrange your write-up in an easy to read structure. Graphs should be between 1/3 and
of an A4 page except in exceptional circumstances. This is not compulsory but I
would put graphical data which is part of the write-up into the script so that the
examiner can read your solutions and look at your graphs in order without having to
keep thumbing to the appendices. Graphical data which is in some way incidental
would be better placed in an appendix. Similarly large data tables should be
relegated to the appendices. I would label the appendices with the question number as
well as a title. In your appendix your first line is a title. This is appendix A.12.1.1a
for Question 1.1a. It is followed by the statement in which you give the title of the
table This table shows the step lengths and errors for the range specified in question
1.1.a. Then you reproduce the table. If you have a large data table but that data
contained a few lines which were needed for the write up then I would reproduce
those lines in the body of the script. I would write something like, The 6 lines below
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are an extract from table T.12.1.1 in the appendix for Question 1.1 which is the table
showing the errors in the required range showing the optimal range of values for the
step length h. You should comment on your reasons for calling your choice
optimal. You might want to consider the following questions.

1. Restrictions due to method of subdivision of data
2. Restrictions due to rounding and global error.
3. Restrictions due to number of iterations or time.
4. Is there an optimal choice
5. What is a acceptable range of choices and why

I use a numbering system where my appendix is labelled by, A for appendix, then the
project number, 12, followed by the question number 1.1. The table is then called T
for table, followed by the project and question numbers and parts. You can use a
different system if you wish

I would also place testing output for your programming in an appendix. So your
write-up would say that you have tested that everything is working correctly and that
sample test output can be found in appendix A12.1.1b. The actual output pages can
then go into an appendix with the usual introductory lines at the top of the appendix.

If the questions are numbered 1.1a then I would follow the same pattern for the
appendices and label them 1,1a(i) and 1.1(a)2 etc... If the questions are labelled 1.1(i)
then I would label the appendices 1.1(i)a, etc... where the final symbol is there in case
there is more than one appendix associated with a part of a given question.

Remember to check the instructions to make sure that you have left enough space on
the front page and have sufficient margin space. Do not forget to number pages and
label all diagrams, graphs and tables. Do not forget NOT to put your name on every
page of your script. Remember that the instructions in the CATAM manual will
include conventions needed for the electronic handling of your projects make
absolutely certain that you have followed instructions.

Try to finish your project with time to spare so that you can leave it for a week and
then read through your work. This is useful because when you are writing up
everything is very fresh and familiar. If you leave the work and do something else for
a couple of days you may find when you re-read the script that you need to fill out
some of your explanations because you have forgotten to state some of the details.

Both in 1B and in Part 2 the projects are set to be worth roughly a full lecture course
in total. Do not spend excessive time on the projects. In particular some of the Part 2
projects are very open ended so remember that once you have gained the available
marks there is no more to be done.

Do not leave handing in your projects to five minutes from the deadline on the final
day. Stop tinkering and get rid of them as soon as you can so that you can get on with
your other work.

3. Credit Checking

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In the first two projects you have a pro forma at the back to help you. When you have
completed your write-up go through it with the marking scheme in front of you and
check that you have written enough in your answer to each question to pick up all the
available marks. The marks are ALL available within the write-up. So if the scheme
says that there are 2M + 3C marks available in a question then you need to make two
marks worth of correct mathematical statements and demonstrate in your write-up that
you have made three marks worth of computing statements or results within the
question. In later projects and particularly in Part 2 projects, particularly the more
open ended projects, I suggest that you write your own mark scheme for each project
and then check that you have said enough in the right places. You will need to write
the mark scheme when you have more or less finished the project and write up as you
will need to have some idea of how much work goes into each section.

4. References and Sources

You must always credit all the sources which you have used in your write-
up. If you give proper credit then it is not plagiarism. It does not matter whether you
put your references at the end of the document or as footnotes in the write up. You
are likely to have different kinds of references. For example.

1. Lectures.
2. Supervisions.
3. Books.
4. Web based sources.
5. Private conversations.

Clearly you are expected to make use of the knowledge you have acquired through
lectures and supervisions in Cambridge so you do not need to specifically mention
them in your references unless you wish to emphasise a specific point.

The exception to this is in the case of help with a specific unsubmitted CATAM
project. Some colleges arrange CATAM supervisions for their students. Much of the
material covered is of the general form contained in these lectures. Supervisors are
not allowed to give very specific help with the unsubmitted projects nor are they
allowed to point out errors. Please do not embarrass your supervisor by trying to get
them to give you excessive help with details of unsubmitted projects. They can tell
you that your explanation needs more work. It might be too vague or there might be
insufficient comment or there might be an error. When I supervised these projects I
was often unwilling/unable to say which of these options was the case. If you feel
that your supervisor or some other individual has given you too much help with the
details of the project then you should declare the help.

When you refer to a book you do not need to give a detailed page reference but you
might find it helpful to do so in case you want to check something in the future.

There is nothing wrong with using web based sources it is often a very quick and
efficient way of finding information but whenever you credit a reference you should
also consider the trustworthiness of that reference and make it clear that you have
done so. Suppose you are asked to use you computer to count the number of primes
below 3300. You can almost certainly find both lists and counting utilities online. If
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you find a little demonstration on some teaching site at harvard.edu then you can give
the reference and also comment that since your answer agrees with the Harvard
answer then you are confident that it is correct. If you find a solution in some thread
from a chat room then you need to be a bit more cautious. The best you can say is
that the answer agrees with yours and that the probability of your both getting the
same wrong answer is small. (Be careful though because in some circumstances
students make the same sort of errors and these lead to the same results!) If you have
time then you should try to find a better reference.

It is inevitable that students will compare results during informal conversations at tea.
You should avoid any discussion which involves you in showing another student any
of your work or which involves you in writing down on paper how to solve a given
problem. Keep your work secure. Do not leave copies of write-ups or print outs lying
around as there are some very unscrupulous people around. I would also keep both
hard and electronic copies of all your work. The 1B projects are sometimes helpful
when you start the Part 2 projects.

Floating Point Real Numbers and Small Numbers

This is in response to a question from a 1B student.
Integers can be represented exactly on a computer but the range is restricted. In some
languages you can specify the type of a number and it might pay to work with integers
only for some problems such as finding primes. The floating point representation of a
real number allows a larger range of numbers to be represented than would be the
case with fixed point or integer representations. The notation is the familiar scientific
notation. Numbers are represented by an approximation to a fixed number of
significant digits and scaled using an exponent.
Significant digits base

The base for the scaling is normally 2, 10 or 16. The term FLOATING POINT refers to
the fact that the decimal point or binary point can "float"; that is, it can be placed
anywhere relative to the significant digits of the number. Floating-point representation
can support a much wider range of values, but the floating-point format needs slightly
more storage to encode the position of the decimal or binary point, so when stored in
the same space, floating-point numbers achieve their greater range at the expense of
precision. The speed of floating-point operations is an important machine
characteristic, especially in large-scale mathematical calculations. Single precision is
comparable in its requirements to integer calculations, perhaps 4 bites, whereas
double precision, not surprisingly, takes more storage. If storage is unlikely to be an
issue than working with doubles keeps things simple.
Small Number Calculations

( )
( )

= +
0 r
r r
! r
t f h
) h t ( f

Finite Difference Methods
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In the 1A Analysis a real analytic function was defined as a function which had a
convergent Taylor series.

( )
( )

= +
0 r
r r
! r
t f h
) h t ( f

From this we know that a real analytic function on the real line can be completely
specified either by giving all the values on the line or by giving its Taylor series at a
point. We can approximate the value of the function by truncating the series to

( )
( )
( ) h , t R
! r
t f h
) h t ( f
0 r
r r
+ = +


Where the Lagrange form of the remainder is

( )
( )
( )
h t t
! 1 N
f h
) h , t ( R
1 N 1 N
+ < <

+ +

Finite difference methods are numerical methods for approximating the solutions to
differential equations by using finite difference equations to approximate derivatives.
In the numerical analysis the real line is replaced by a grid which is often, but not
always, equally spaced. The parameter h is called the step length and the derivatives
in the Taylor series can be approximated and replaced by finite differences between
points on the grid.
The ERROR in a method's solution is defined as the difference between its
approximation and the exact analytical solution.
In finite difference methods there are two sources of error
1. Rounding Error
This is the loss of precision due to computer rounding of decimal quantities.

2. Truncation Error
This is the difference between the exact solution of the finite difference
equation and the exact quantity ignoring the rounding error.

k k
f ) t ( f where ) t ( f
is the exact
value of the function at the point
t t = and
f is the numerical approximation
t t = .
This error is often expressed using the big O notation. Recall the definition
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( ) ( ) t g O ) t ( f = as a t iff ( ) ( ) t g M t f : 0 M , s > o - for o < a t
If the function g(t) is non zero in a neighbourhood then we have an equivalent form
( ) ( ) t g O ) t ( f = as a t iff
( )
( )

t g
t f
sup lim
a t
for o < a t
The remainder term of a truncated Taylor series is convenient for analyzing the local
truncation error.
Notation and terminology
A FORWARD DIFFERENCE has the form | | ( ) ( ) ( ) x f h x f x f
+ = A
A BACKWARD DIFFERENCE has the form | | ( ) ( ) ( ) h x f x f x f
= V
A CENTRAL DIFFERENCE has the form | | ( )



+ = o
x f
x f x f

Depending on the application, the spacing h may be variable or constant.
Relation with derivatives
The right derivative is defined by

( )
( )
( ) ( )
x f h x f
lim x f
0 h

Therefore the forward difference approximates the right derivative when h is small.

( ) ( )
| | ( )
x f
x f h x f

The error in this approximation can be derived from Taylor's theorem,
| | ( )
( )
( ) ( ) 0 h h O x f
x f
The left derivative is defined by

( )
( )
( ) ( )
h x f x f
lim x f
0 h


Therefore the backward difference approximates the left derivative when h is small.

( ) ( )
| | ( )
x f
h x f x f

The error in this approximation can be derived from Taylor's theorem,
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| | ( )
( )
( ) ( ) 0 h h O x f
x f
The central difference yields a more accurate approximation, with an error
proportional to square of the spacing.

| | ( )
( )
( ) ( ) 0 h h O x f
x f
2 1
A problem with the central difference method, however, is that oscillating functions
can yield zero derivative.
Higher-order differences
We can similarly obtain finite difference approximations to higher order derivatives.
2nd Order Central
Apply a central difference formula for the derivative of
( )
( ) x f
at x with a spacing of
, and then substitute into this the central difference formula for the derivative.
| | ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
2 2
1 1
h x f x f 2 h x f
x f
x f
x f
+ +




( )
( )
| | ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
2 2
h x f x f 2 h x f
x f
x f
+ +
Similarly we can apply other difference formulae in a recursive manner.
2nd Order Forward
( )
( )
| | ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
2 2
x f h x f 2 h 2 x f
x f
x f
+ + +

The n
-order forward, backward, and central differences are
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( )
( )
| | ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) h j n x f
x f
) h ( O x f
0 j
n n

= +


( )
( )
| | ( )
( ) ( ) jh x f
x f
) h ( O x f
0 j
n n


= +


( )
( )
| | ( )
( ) |



= +

h j
x f
x f
) h ( O x f
0 j
n n
2 n

In the central difference formula the odd n terms have non integer multiples of h.
This changes the grid size. We can get around this by taking averages of
| |

x f
and | |

+ o
x f
Higher-order differences can also be used to construct better approximations. The
finite difference can be centered about any point by mixing forward, backward, and
central differences.
Using Taylor Series we can make approximations, which sample an arbitrary number
of points to the left and a possibly different number of points to the right of the center
point, for any order of derivative. This is useful for differentiating a function near a
grid edge.
This means that we have an infinite supply of numerical approximations to our
original differential equation. In CATAM you are usually told which method to use
but if you are asked to compare two different methods then remember that if you were
choosing a method for yourself then you would be taking into account the following

1. The required accuracy of the approximation.
2. Special features of the differential equation and how they would be reflected
in a given numerical approximation.
3. The type of solution you expect.

Are you trying to model the surface of the Grand Canyon or the Cambridge fenlands?
Are you interested in small scale or large scale features?
Is your data in the form of large amounts of height above sea level measurements or is
it in the form of derivative and gradient information.

Using derivative data rather than functional values in your algorithm is often useful is
in numerical minimisation of functions. As usual there is a trade off. The algorithms
with derivative data are faster but more complicated in general. You need to use your
judgement in each particular case. In a CATAM project you might want to compare
run times for two such algorithms and comment on the results.
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A Naive Example Problem
When presented with a problem one might think that a numerical
approximation can be obtained from the Taylor Series.

For example suppose you are given the equation
0 k t 0 0 ) t ( Y k
) t ( Y d
> < s =
A ) 0 ( Y
0 t
= =

We can numerically approximate this by having a grid on which we give values of our
function or a combination of values and derivatives.

( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
2 2
h O
! 2
t f h
t hf ) t ( f ) h t ( f + + + = +
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
2 2
h O
! 2
t f h
t hf ) t ( f ) h t ( f + + =
So we have

( )
( ) ( ) h O
) t ( f 2 ) h t ( f ) h t ( f
t f
+ +

and for the first derivative we are forced to use only forward terms so

( )
( ) ( )
2 1
h O
) t ( f ) h t ( f
t f +

Hence with step length h and ( )
n n
t Y Y = and h t t
n 1 n
+ =

( ) 0 k t 0 0 Y Y k h 2 Y
1 n n
2 2
1 n
> < s = + +

and Ak
0 t
( )
( )
2 n 1 n
h O
Y +

( )
0 1


Solving ( ) 0 1 k h 2
2 2 2
= + + so
( ) ( )
4 k h 2 k h 2
2 2 2 2
+ +


+ =
k h
1 hk
k h
2 2 2 2

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2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
k h
1 hk
k h
1 b
k h
1 hk
k h
1 a Y



+ +


+ +

+ =
b a A Y
+ = =
( )
kA Y
0 1

= =
( )



+ +
k h
1 hk 2
k h
1 Ahk
k h
1 A Ah 1 k
2 2
2 2 2 2

( )


+ +

+ +
k h
1 hk 2
k h
1 Ahk
k h
1 A Ah 1 k
2 2
2 2 2 2

You now have to worry about the stability of this method before you can do anything
with it.
Numerical Stability
If we ignore truncation and rounding errors then numerical algorithms are constructed
to approach the correct solution in the limit when the step length goes to zero and the
number of steps to infinity.
Depending on the computational method chosen the errors can be magnified or
damped. If they are damped then the method is called NUMERICALLY STABLE. There
are different definitions of numerical stability depending on the application.
Sometimes a calculation which can be carried out in several ways, all of which are
algebraically equivalent in terms of ideal numbers, but which yield different results
when carried out on computers.
Reducing the step size h reduces the truncation error of the difference approximation.
As we have seen this error decreases more rapidly for central difference
approximations and more slowly for forward and backward difference
approximations. When h becomes too small, the difference approximations are taken
for almost equal values of f(x) at the two points. Any rounding error of computations
of f(x) is magnified by a factor of 1/h. As a result, the rounding error grows with h
for very small values of h. An optimal step size h = h
can be computed from
minimization of the sum of truncation and rounding errors.

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It is also possible to identify an optimal range of values for h in any given problem
just by numerical trials. It then makes sense to choose a convenient h within the
given range. Note that for practical purposes it is sometimes useful to choose h to be
of a specific form, for example a multiple of 7 because that is convenient for the grid
being used.

We will look at an example a little later which gives you three different difference
methods for solving the heat equation. In each case there are advantages and
disadvantages to using the specified method.
Explicit methods calculate the state of a system at a later time from the state of the
system at the current time. We solve an equation of the form
( ) ( ) ( ) x f G h x f = +
Implicit methods find a solution by solving an equation involving both the current
state of the system and the later one. We solve an equation of the form
( ) ( ) ( ) 0 h x f , x f G = + to find ( ) h x f +
Implicit methods require an extra computation and they can be much harder to
implement. Implicit methods are used because there are many problems arising in
practice for which the use of an explicit method requires impractically small time
steps to keep the error in the result bounded. (For example see stiff probelms.) For
such problems, to achieve given accuracy, it takes much less computational time to
use an implicit method with larger time steps. The choice of explicit or implicit
method depends upon the problem to be solved.
Example 1:
Consider the ordinary differential equation
| | a , 0 y y
c = with initial Condition ( ) 1 0 y =
We can write down discrete versions of this equation. The simplest explicit method is
the Forward Euler and the simplest implicit is the Backward Euler method.

Equi-spaced grid for t:
= with step length
h = and n k 0 s s
The numerical approximation of the analytic function ) t ( y
at the grid point
t t =
will be denoted
y .
The Forward Euler method
The forward Euler method is the explicit method.
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| | ( )
k 1 k
t t
y y
y y


k k 1 k
hy y y =
for each n ,..., 0 k =

Backward Euler method
The Backward Euler method is the implicit method
| | ( )
1 k
k 1 k
t t
y y
y y

1 k 1 k
y hy y = +
+ +
1 k

This is a quadratic equation, having one negative and one positive root. The positive
root is picked because in the original equation the initial condition is positive, and
then y at the next time step is given by

h 2
hy 4 1 1
1 k
+ +

In the vast majority of cases, the equation to be solved when using an implicit scheme
is much more complicated than a quadratic equation, and no exact solution exists.
Then one uses root-finding algorithms, such as Newton's method.
Example 2: The heat equation in one dimension with homogeneous
Dirichlet boundary conditions

Differential Equation:
( ) ( )
t , x U
t , x U

Boundary Condition: ( ) 0 t , 1 U ) t , 0 ( U = =
Initial Condition: ( ) x U ) 0 , x ( U

METHOD (1) Explicit method solves

Equi-spaced grid for x:
J 0
x ,..., x with step length h
Equi-spaced grid for t:
N 0
t ,..., t with step length k
The numerical approximation of the analytic function ) t , x ( U
n j
at the grid point
) t , x (
n j
will be denoted
U .
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Use a forward difference at time t

Use second-order central difference for the space derivative at position x
We get the recurrence equation:
1 j
1 j
1 n
U U 2 U

To apply this method we rewrite it in the form,
1 j
1 j
1 n
2 1 U
+ +

0 U
= and 0 U
= are the boundary conditions.
So given the values at a time n t = on the right hand side we can evolve to the next
time step.
Numerically stable and convergent for
s with numerical errors
( ) ) h ( O k O U
+ = A
METHOD (2) Implicit method
Use a backward difference at time t

Use second-order central difference for the space derivative at position x

We get the recurrence equation:

1 n
1 j
1 n
1 n
1 j
1 n
U U 2 U

+ +

To apply this method we rewrite it in the form,
1 n
1 j
1 n
1 j
1 n
2 1 U


+ =
0 U
= and 0 U
= are the boundary conditions.
We solve this linear system of equations for
U .
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Numerically stable and convergent for
s with numerical errors
( ) ) h ( O k O U
+ = A
METHOD (3) CrankNicolson Method
Use a central difference at time t

Use second-order central difference for the space derivative at position x




+ +
1 j
1 j
1 n
1 j
1 n
1 n
1 j
1 n
U U 2 U
U U 2 U

We can obtain
1 n
from solving a system of linear equations
1 j
1 j
1 n
1 j
1 n
1 j
1 n
2 2 U
2 2

+ +



The scheme numerically stable and convergent.
The error is ( ) ) h ( O k O U
4 2
+ = A away from the bhoundaries but may rise to
( ) ) h ( O k O U
2 2
+ = A near the boundaries.
However, near the boundaries, the error is often O(h
) instead of O(h
Usually the CrankNicolson scheme is the most accurate scheme for small time steps.
The explicit scheme is the least accurate and can be unstable, but is also the easiest to
implement and the least numerically intensive. The implicit scheme works the best for
large time steps.
Sources of Error

1. Your original model includes assumptions. These introduce errors. In
CATAM projects we are given the model so with the exception of some part 2
projects which explicitly ask for comments on the difficulties or advantages of
the model you can ignore these issues.

2. The next step might be turning a continuous system into a discrete system. I
hope we have covered enough material about discrete methods for you to
realise that these are a source of error and also that each problem must be
considered on its own merits. Many CATAM projects ask questions which
invite you to comment about the choice of numerical approximation or to
compare different numerical approximations. If you check sources then you
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will be able to say much more. In principle it is easy to take a Taylor series
and use it to find a discrete analogue of a differential equation. It is harder to
show that the resulting approximation actually works. You can always find
discussion of the accuracy, stability and key features of the most commonly
used algorithms in CATAM. You can quote these results but you can also
verify that they are consistent with your data in your particular project.

3 This might be relevant in some Part 2 CATAM projects were you are
explicitly making comparisons between different numerical algorithms. Ask
yourself would a different approach be better.


Some of you are conscientious enough to have gone online or looked in
books or talked to compsci friends about the definition of complexity and you may
now be very confused. CATAM takes a very simple minded approach to complexity
and you really only need to follow instructions in each project and in the CATAM
lectures which were given last term.

The CATAM definition of complexity is the number of arithmetic operations needed
to carry out an algorithm. All the operations are given equal weight. This is hugely
oversimplified but provides a good starting point from which to develop your
experience. Do not be confused by things which you may hear from Computer
Science students or read on the web. For the purposes of CATAM you are only
interested in arithmetic operations and you give them all equal weight as instructed in
the manual. You may find that the instructions for complexity calculations differ
slightly from project to project always follow instructions.

I am going to give you a little background so that you have some idea of the issues
involved and also being ignored. The first thing to recognise is that complexity is
defined in different ways by different disciplines and therefore you need to be careful
when talking to strangers!

The complexity analysis of numerical algorithms is an important part of the broader
subject of computational complexity theory. Computational complexity provides
theoretical estimates for the resources needed by any algorithm to solve a given
computational problem.

The COMPUTATIONAL TIME COMPLEXITY of a problem is defined as the number of
steps that it takes to solve a function as a function of the size of the input, which is
usually measured in bits, using the most efficient algorithm.

The COMPUTATIONAL SPACE COMPLEXITY of a problem is defined as the volume of
the memory used by the algorithm required to solve an instance of the problem as a
function of the size of the input measured in bits and using the most efficient

An axiomatic approach to these two ideas exists and allows the classification of
problems into complexity classes such as polynomial P and non polynomial NP time.

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- The travelling salesman problem can be solved in time O(n
), where n is
the size of the network to visit. As the size of the network of cities grows, the
time needed to find the route grows more than exponentially.

- The binary search is said to run in a number of steps proportional to the
logarithm of the length of the list being searched, O(log(n)).

In theoretical analysis of algorithms it is common to estimate their complexity
asymptotically. Asymptotic estimates are used because different implementations of
the same algorithm may differ in efficiency. However the efficiencies of any two
"reasonable" implementations of a given algorithm are related by a constant
multiplicative factor called a HIDDEN CONSTANT.

All this seems and in fact is well defined. Clearly with a nice linear algorithm things
will work well but we need to consider cases where the algorithm is a very
complicated tree.

Intuitively we clearly need to define complexity as the average time taken through the
algorithm. There are two things we can mean by time.

- The actual time taken to complete the calculation.
- The number of operations, steps, required to complete the algorithm.

Clearly the first of these is very dependent on the computer chip and is only really
useful as a tool to compare different algorithms on the same computer. Many
computers and programs have a function which will track the time and print out the
result for you. This can be very useful provided you keep in mind the limitations. It
is an excellent way of comparing different versions of an algorithm on the same
machine. It is clearly useless as a comparison of different algorithms across different

The second method is better because it is less dependent on the platform chosen.
Here the difficulty is to assign weights to the operations and decide which operations
to include. The operations of multiplication and division take much longer than
simple addition and subtraction. In more detailed work you might find that operations
have weights assigned to them and that a weighted sum is taken as the total.

Remember that different disciplines will have a different focus. For a computational
scientist, looking a large data set it would make sense to add the time taken to write to
external disc as an operation since this can be slow. Whereas if the data was held
inside the computer then writing the data into an array held internally would be quick
and would not need to be counted as an operation. The computer scientist is
interested in the final step when the algorithm is implemented on a given computer.
The size and nature of the data set would be a consideration. A mathematician would
concentrate on the properties of the algorithm in the abstract and before a choice of
computer is made. (Different steps in our solution process.)

An algorithm can be very linear and then the time taken through it is easy to calculate.
Many algorithms have more of a tangled tree structure and then we are forced to talk
about mean times through the algorithm. In such cases it often pays to look at worst
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and best case scenarios. For example if you are given a list to sort and it is already in
alphabetical order then the sort program to put it into alphabetical order will drop
straight through and finish in a short time. If you are given the same list, maximally
disordered with respect to your sorting algorithm, then it will take a lot longer for the
program to run and sort the list. In some CATAM projects you are asked to consider
worst and best case scenarios. It obviously makes sense to worry about the worst case
if that might cause the program to fail on a particular computer. It is therefore in your
interest to ask yourself in any particular project whether the structure of your
algorithm is sufficiently complicated for it to be worth looking at the worst and best
cases. As always in a given CATAM project you should use your common sense. Do
not shoot off along a tangent just because worst and best cases were mentioned today
but do make a comment if the problem merits a remark.

When you are calculating complexity it is often not necessary to count every detailed
step. Most algorithms have a few start and finish steps and then some loops. If you
know that the loops will be run many times within the algorithms then there is no
point in counting the steps which are only carried out once. Since you are interested
in large n behaviour you can afford to ignore all but the dominant contribution. In
your answer you should give the asymptotic form, that is the leading term only. I
would include the hidden constant in the term unless your specific CATAM
instructions tell you to ignore it but very often people do not include this constant
because it is compiler dependent. Whichever you decide to do you must explain in
your write-up why you have made this choice. In a CATAM calculation of
complexity you should explain how you count the operations. If you are not sure
whether to include an operation then ask the Catam Helpline. If that fails then ask
around to find out how long the operation takes. This may not be easy to find out!
Once you know then you can say in your write up that, for example, you are including
checking for equality as an arithmetic operation because it takes a time which is
comparable or greater than the standard operations of addition and subtraction. If you
do not know then make an executive decision and justify it as best you can in your
write up.

One further level of complication can arise, and this is one reason why I might
include the hidden constant in my estimate of complexity. If you are inverting an n
by n matrix once then you will have a contribution of
n from the Gauss-Jordan
elimination due to the size of the matrix. If you are repeating the operation a million
times in your implemented algorithm, which in real life is not an uncommon situation,
then you will need to take
3 6
n 10 which is a big difference if 1000 n = . In other
words you may have more than one n and you will need to string the contributions
together. In this case we have
mn . This final consideration should not arise in

REF: For nice list of complexities.

REF: Example calculation source material, modified.

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EXAMPLE: Evaluating run-time complexity
The run-time complexity for the worst-case scenario of a given algorithm can
sometimes be evaluated by examining the structure of the algorithm and making some
simplifying assumptions. Consider the following code.
Step 1 Read the first number n from the input vector
Step 2 If the number is greater than ten
Step 3 then print Large
Step 4 For i = 1 to n
Step 5 For j = 1 to i
Step 6 Print i*j
Step 7 Print Finished.
In the algorithm above, steps 1, 2 and 7 will only be run once. For a worst-case
evaluation, it should be assumed that step 3 will be run as well. Thus the total amount
of time to run steps 1-3 and step 7 is:

We still need to evaluate the loops in steps 4, 5 and 6.
The outer loop test in step 4 will execute ( n + 1 ) times. The extra step is needed to
terminate the for loop. This takes T
( n + 1 ) time.
The inner loop, on the other hand, is governed by the value of i, which iterates from 1
to n. On the first pass through the outer loop, j iterates from 1 to 1. The inner loop
makes one pass, so running the inner loop body, step 6, takes T
time, and the inner
loop test, step 5, takes 2T
time. During the next pass through the outer loop, j iterates
from 1 to 2. The inner loop makes two passes, so running the inner loop body, step 6,
consumes 2T
time, and the inner loop test, step 5, consumes 3T
Altogether, the total time required to run the inner loop body can be expressed as an

The total time required to run the inner loop test can be evaluated similarly.

Therefore the total running time for this algorithm is:

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Usually we can assume that the highest-order term in any given function dominates its
rate of growth and thus defines its run-time order. In this example, n is the highest-
order term, so we conclude that f(n) = O(n).

For positive integer n we have

Let k be a constant greater than or equal to [T

= 12kn

for c = 12k, n
= 1

One final word of advice.

CATAM is about using your common sense as well as your mathematical training to
understand a given project. You only have to demonstrate you thinking to do well.

Good Luck

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