Case - Budgeting 1
Case - Budgeting 1
Case - Budgeting 1
I started working here six months ago, in July 1996, for the vice president of administration. On September 15, my boss, Carl Johnson, received a letter from the director of Financial Planning and Budgets, Harrison Fielding, about the $1,000,000 overrun in our budget. The letter said: ". . . Carl, we are very concerned. It is awfully late in the year to still have uncertainties of this size in our operations." Harry was right. I felt I had to do something about it. Now, here I am, six months later. My salary has nearly doubled. My data systems are off and running. And we seem to have our expenses under better control; but there are still many things left to do. I don't know if I want to be, or even can be, the person to do them. Chip Wise was talking intensely, in his slow Southern drawl, about his experiences at the University of Trent. He was in his early 30s, an ex-Navy supply officer, and an MBA. He had chosen his job carefully and deliberately. "I always wanted a public sector career. And I know I have a lot to contribute. Not only my experience in the Navy and my training, but more importantly, the kind of person I am. I want to do a good job. I expect other people to do the same. If they don't, I deal with that issue. I not afraid to be tough. I don't expect everybody to love me. "Mainly, I want to do a good job here and to have a good life. I got my B.A. at this school. It was one of the greatest periods of my lifebeing a student here. And I'd like to show my thanks now. But I don't know if I can stay, there are so many problems.
"My own area has not helped the problem much. We have a budget of about $24 million. And, as you can tell from the letter from Fielding, we've had trouble in controlling it. "Under the vice president of administration are separate units for the Bookstore, Dining Services, Construction, Personnel, Real Estate, Physical Plant, and Security. On top of them we have an additional $12 million utility budget. All together, we employ 300 people. Carl Johnson and I, as well as one administrative assistant and a secretary, are sitting on top of this big budget. "When Harry Fielding's letter first arrived, I started looking at the activities of each of these different units and managed to effect significant changes in the operations of the bookstore, the dining services, and the physical plant. Let me tell you what I did in each of these areas."
"I did two things. First, I filled the vacant position of Head of Physical Plant with a guy who had worked his way up through the ranks. They used to hire engineers for this job, but I thought an insider would be better. Second, I put in an automated system which on the Monday after the end of the week prints out exactly how much overtime, vacation time, sick leave, etc., each person has put in for the week and cumulatively for the month and year-to-date. "We cut our costs by reducing overtime and laying off the temporary employees we normally used. Some of the things I found by reading the reports were amazing; for example, one person took his full sick leave allowance just before his employment anniversary date, took his next year's sick leave allowance just after the date, and then went on vacation. We had a little talk with him. "When I first put in this system, I used to go over every name with the head of the office. Now I just spend twenty minutes on it. I pick out the unusual cases and I call him about them. The system is really working. As you can see (Exhibit 2), the numbers are beginning to look a lot better. "Of course, there's still a lot left to do with this unit. I don't know how big the job backlog is for repairs and maintenancenor how the jobs are scheduled. I want to make sure that they've always got a number of useful projects on hand."
"Since a big part of our budget is linked to the amount of space in the university, I looked into consolidation of the buildings. One particular building looked like a good candidate for closing. It was built for the university by the state. Its classrooms and lecture halls were in use only fifty percent of the time. If the buildings were closed, over $500,000 a year could be saved. And we had classroom space elsewhere. "But a study committee looked into it and decided the building couldn't be closed. It would be embarrassing to tell the state we didn't need their building, when we ask for more capital funds. And no one was willing to tell the faculty who were the primary users of the building that they would have to walk further from their offices to teach class. Anyhow, nothing got done about it."
"The decision package was to include: the purpose of the activity, the consequences of not performing the activity, the measures of performance, alternative courses of action, and costs and benefits. The alternative courses of action were to include analysis of different ways of performing the activity as well as analysis of different levels of effort in doing so. These decision packages were to be evaluated and ranked in order of importance through benefit/cost analysis or other evaluation techniques. "I was very intrigued with this method of budgeting and went out and used it in three of our offices. (See Exhibit 3 for the analysis of one unit.) I did the analysis by talking to the managers of these different offices and expressing their ideas in ZBB terminology. I sent them to Harry and Carl, but I haven't gotten any feedback from them."
Expenditures (by function) Instruction Research Libraries Other educational and medical activities Student aid Student services Alexander Hospital Operation and maintenance General expense General administration Auxiliary enterprises: Bookstore Dining services Other $ 39,420 24,600 3,946 7,991 2,470 3,888 30,245 7,457 6,161 4,726 3,127 2,874 10,906 $147,811 $ 43,979 25,184 4,326 8,771 2,612 3,789 31,492 8,361 7,748 5,741 3,164 2,242 11,111 $158,520 $ 47,575 27,187 4,872 9,661 2,836 3,905 37,589 10,011 9,106 6,293 3,327 2,533 11,949 $176,844 $ 48,661 32,648 5,252 17,002 4,406 4,476 47,589 12,077 11,571 6,411 3,790 2,898 12,507 $209,288 $ 54,412 36,864 5,583 22,209 7,066 4,474 55,620 12,252 8,514 6,311 3,839 3,009 13,203 $233,356
Exhibit 1B Balance Sheet, June 30, 1996 with Comparative Totals as of June 30, 1995 (thousands of dollars)
6/30/96 Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Investment in Plant $ $ 7,984 Permanently Restricted Loan Funds $ Endowment $ 873 31,456 29 1,722 $ 33,207 41 100,984 10,928 564 2,301 8,819 $124,510 239 2 694 $935 Similar Funds $
Totals Cash Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $3,977 Contributions receivable, net of allowance of $392 Loans receivable, net of allowance for doubtful loans of $570 Inventories, at cost Prepaid expenses and deferred charges Investments: Stocks and bonds Real estate, mortgages, etc. Invested in plant Interfund balances: Advances for plant Other $462,794 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSET BALANCES Accounts payable and accrued expenses Student deposits Notes payable, principally banks Long-term debt Advances on research contracts Deferred income Agency funds Reserves Net asset balances $ 5,863 1,295 19,993 63,013 3,759 2,796 739 1,524 363,812 $462,794
$ 1,866 25,017
$ 11,662 1,342 5,780 94,717 4,365 2,929 935 2,228 389,143 $513,101
1,337 78,095
4,154 24,026
2,443 30,764
$ 935 $935
203,465 $282,897
124,510 $124,510
$ 28,180
$ 33,207
Exhibit 2
Number of Weeks in Period Regular time Overtime: Timeandahalf Double time Shift differential Subtotal Other paid time: Vacation Sick leave Personal days Holidays Union business Other Subtotal Training Total payroll Employee benefits Total compensation Budget at average week Deviation from average
Exhibit 3
Identification Purpose/Function
Office required to assure compliance with specifications in construction contracts; to ensure repairs or additions to mechanical and electrical systems are compatible and appropriate; facilitates hundreds of minor construction jobs each year that require estimates. 1. Reduction of one-half ($16,000) mechanical designer from FY 1997 proposed in CON (6 of 6)a 2. Reduction of one-half ($18,000) electrical designer from FY 1997 proposed in CON (6 of 6)b 3. Reduction of one-half ($15,000) estimator from FY 1997 proposed in CON (5 of 6)a
1. Mechanical design staff will be reduced 50% so that development program work cannot be adequately done in-house, nor can existing Physical Plant minor construction projects be properly supported 2. Electrical design for development program and in-house Physical Plant projects cannot be accomplished. 3. Requests for estimates will be delayed an additional 7-14 days by 33% reduction (from 3 to 2); inspection of minor construction projects will become less frequent.
Eliminate officeIncreased costs from inadequate coordination, inspection, and liaison of major construction projects; inadequate planning and improper additions to major University systems which will be costly to correct. CON (1 of 6)Keep central office staff only, could not provide construction, engineering estimating, or design services in-house. CON (2 of 6)Add accounting function for transfer and control of funds. CON (3 of 6)Provide construction coordination and inspection of major projects over $100,000. CON (4 of 6)Provide engineering services for repairs and additions to mechanical and electrical systems. CON (5 of 6)Provide estimator/inspector for minor contracts and Physical Plant projects. CON (6 of 6)Provide in-house architectural, electrical, and mechanical design work for minor construction projects and in-house work.
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Package CON (1 of 6) CON (2 of 6) CON (3 of 6) CON (4 of 5) CON (5 of 6) CON (6 of 6) CON (5 of 6)a CON (6 of 6)b CON (6 of 6)c
FY 1997 Gross $44,483 16,506 57,110 55,346 34,509 35,437 15,000 18,000 16,000
FY 1998 Gross $44,483 16,506 57,110 55,346 34,509 35,437 15,000 18,000 16,000
Cumulative Gross $44,483 60,989 118,099 173,445 207,954 243,391 258,391 276,391 292,391