Block-1979 Time and Consciousness

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The passage discusses different psychological approaches to relating time and consciousness, focusing on the cognitive approach and comparing it to the internal clock approach. It reviews empirical evidence and theories on temporal experiences in both ordinary and altered states of consciousness.

The two main approaches discussed are the internal clock approach and the cognitive approach.

Theorists of the internal clock approach have assumed a single biological mechanism underlies all human temporal experience, while some cognitive theorists have assumed biological processes play little role. Both make somewhat implausible assumptions.

8 Time and Consciousness

Department of Psychology,
Montana State University
Introduction: Approaches to Time and Consciousness
Consciousness is permeated by a succession of temporally-defined
events and temporal relationships between events. Stated somewhat
differently, "the nature of experience itself is far more involved with
time than anything else" (Orme, 1969, p. 2). For this reason, it is not
surprising that theoretical and empirical work on time and conscious-
ness was done by some of the first psychologists in the late 1000s and
that the topic is currently receiving increasing interest. Most
psychological studies of consciousness were conducted either before
1920 or after 1960 (Ornstein, 1977), but the annual number of
psychological studies of time shows a fairly continuous acceleration
(Zelkind and Sprug, 1974). Notable psychological attempts to relate
time and consciousness include those by James (1890), Boring
(1933/1963), Schaltenbrand (1967) and Ornstein (1969,1977).
This chapter presents a selective review of relationships between
consciousness and several related kinds oftemporal experience, such as
simultaneity and successiveness, short temporal experiences, longer
temporal experiences and temporal perspective (cf. Ornstein, 1969).
The emphases are on empirical evidence and theories based on such
evidence. The review includes a consideration of temporal experience
in both "ordinary" waking consciousness and several categories of
altered states ofconsciousness. There are many possible approaches to
the study of time and consciousness, but this review assu mes a cogni-
t tive, or information processing, approach. Cognitive approaches to
temporal experience have been promoted by James (1890), Boring
(1933/1963), Frankenhaeuser (1959), Fraisse (1963), Ornstein (1969),
Michon (1972) and many others. Cognitive approaches to conscious-
ness have been promoted by many other theorists in recent years (see

1130 R. A. Block
Ch. 7). Abundant evidence suggests that a cognitive approach is the
most parsimonious and integrative approach to take in relating con-
sciousness and temporal experience.
In the literature on temporal experience, a persistent controversy has
revolved around the relative merits of"internal-clock" and "cognitive"
approaches (Michon, 1972; Ornstein, 1969). Most theorists have
argued that one of these two kinds of approaches is necessary and
sufficient to explain temporal experience, while the other is neither
necessary nor suflicient; however, difIerent theorists do not agree on
which approach is better. One cause of the nearly exclusively
dichotomous reasoning has been the rather implausible assumptions
made by both kinds of theorists. Some internal-clock theorists have
assumed that one simple biological (usually, neural) mechanism
underlies all human temporal experience. On the other hand, some
cognitive theorists have assumed that biological processes play little or
no role in temporal experience.
Internal-clock theories have roots in older philosophical and
psychological discussions of the "time sellse", but almost all recent
varieties of them have been in{1uenced by the seminal work ofFram,;ois
(cited by Hoagland, 1933) and Hoagland (1933,1951). In Hoagland's
Measurements of the estimations of short durations indicate the existence
of a master chemical clock of a specific nature .... Longer intervals of
time appear to be judged in terms of the velocities of other master
chemical reactions ... which determine cyclic diurnal rhythms, Large
scale conceptions of duration evidently depend upon slowly accumulat-
ing irreversible clfects in the internal environment composing the body
(Hoagland, 1933, p. 283)
Hoagland's only assertion that is directly supported by his evidence is
that a master chemical clock mediates estimations of short durations.
His data, which are remarkably shabby considering the specific nature
of his assertions, were obtained from just three subjects. All showed
increased body temperature, two as a result ofinfluenza and one as a
result of diathermy. When asked to count at the rate of I per sec, they
counted more rapidly as body temperature increased.
Since Hoagland's original proposal, many researchers have engaged
in a fruitless search for a specific internal-clock mechanism. However,
only Hoagland's assertion regarding short durations has received
much empirical testing. Some experiments in which body temperature
was either manipulated, or observed during normal diurnal variation,
support an internal-clock hypothesis, while others do not (O'Hanlon
el al., 1974; Ornstein, 1969). Inconsistent findings have also been
Time and Consciousness
reported in studies ofheart rate (Bell and Provins, 1963), cortical alpha
rhythm frequency (Legg, (968) anti other physiological variables.
Generally, studies measuring counting, tapping, handwriting and
other motor tasks support an internal-clock approach more consis-
tently than studies employing verbal estimation, production, reproduc-
tion and other more symbolic tasks. Ornstein's conclusion is typical of
some recent cognitive theorists' criticisms ofinternal-clock approaches:
The argument is not that increases in body temperature (or the speeding
upof a "biological'c1ock" with a drug) do not lengthen time experience,
but rather that these manipulations are more parsimoniously cOllsidered
as affecting cognitive processing rather than altering one of the maze of
possible "chronometers".
(Ornstein, 1969, p. 31)
In other words, it is foolish to attack all internal-dock approaches by
questioning the reliability of reported effects. But it is equally foolish to
ding to the bcliefthat all human temporal experiences are mediated by
an internal clock or even several clocks. In recent years there has been a
distinct shift of the "Zeitgeist" away from internal-clock approaches
and toward cognitive approaches. There is now abundant evidence
that cognitive processes playa central role in temporal experience, and
the present review emphasizes this evidence. What is needed is a
conciliation of the two approaches, with further research into the
questions ofhow physiological variations alTect cognitive processes and
how information-processing activities alTect physiological processes
(Kahneman, 1973).
2 Temporal Experiences in "Ordinary" Consciousness
2.1 The Psychological Moment: Fine Structure of Consciousness
When the fine structure of consciousness is considered, a recurring
question is whether consciousness is continuous or intermittent. Of
'course, no awareness accompanies some physiological conditions, such
as dreamless sleep, coma and some epileptic seizures; but the question
'can be asked nevertheless regarding "ordinary" wakillg cOllsciousness.
Phenomenologically, there is wide agreemellt that consciousness is
continuous, and James's (1890) metaphor of consciousness as a
"stream" certainly seems reasonable. However, some experimental
studies suggest that consciousness might actually he intermittent.
In 1898 Richet (cited by Fraisse, 1963) proposed a basic oscillation
in the nervous system. However, Stroud (1955, 1967) is usually ac-
knowledged as the originator of an explicit intermittency hypothesis.
182 R. A. Block
(The proposed intermittency has often been rclatcd to the cortical
alpha rhythm, but evidence supporting such a specific physiological
assertion is meagre and inconsistent.) Stroud's basic assumption was
that time is represented as a discrete, rather than a continuous, vari-
able. Thus, his hypothesis is usually called the "discrete-moment"
hypothesis. It says that information is processed in temporally distinct,
or non-overlapping, integrations and that the temporal order of in for-
mation within each integration is not preserved. In other words, events
that occur within a single moment are experienced as simultaneous,
while events that occur in different moments are experienced as succes-
sive. An alternative proposal, the "travelling-moment" hypothesis
(Allport, 1968), says that information is not processed in non-
overlapping integrations, but rather in a continuously moving tem-
poral "window". All events separated in time by less than the span of
the moving window, or travelling moment, are experienced as simul-
taneous; events separated by greater than the span are experienced as
successive. In order to evaluate these two hypotheses, empirical studies
concerning the duration of the psychological moment, as well as those
concerning phenomena of simultaneity and successiveness, need to be
Different sensory systems transduce and transmit information at
slightly different speeds, so that an experience of successiveness can
occur when stimuli in different sensory modalities are physically simul-
taneous. When simultaneous stimuli are presented in the same modal-
ity, an expected event may be experienced as occurring earlier than an
unexpected one. Most experiments on simultaneity, however, have
used stimuli presented in the same modality and expected to about the
same degree. In one early study, Hylan (1903) sllccessively presented
six letters that formed a word, and all observers reported them as
simultaneous if the total presentation duration was less than about 90
msec. Stroud (1955) reviewed a number of different kinds of studies,
including some concerned with motor as well as perceptual
phenomena, and concluded that the duration ofa moment was between
50 and 200 msec. White (1963) found that judgments of the number of
stimuli in a rapid sequence were underestimates, and he inferred from
them that the duration of a moment was about 14-0-170 msec. Allport
(1968) used a successive oscilloscope display of 12 lines that could be
cycled at various rates, and he found that all 12 lines were reported to-
be simultaneously present when the cycle period was decreased to
about 70-100 msec. Efron (1970, 1972) measured the duration ofvisual
and auditory perceptions by asking observers to adjust a brief index
stimulus, which was presented in a different modality from a control
stimulus, so that it seemed to be simultaneous with either the onset or
Time and Consciousness
the offset of the control stimulus. He found that the interval between
onset and offset of the index stimulus was adjusted to be about 130 msec
with any auditory or visual control stimulus duration less than about
13Q msec. Efron concluded that the duration of the perception of a
stimulus less than about 130 msec is constant.
Some theorists have regarded these and other similar findings, which
are consistent with the hypothesis of a discrete moment of about
50-200 msec, as evidence that a fairly constant biological pacemaker,
or internal dock, underlies human temporal experience. Some other
findings, however, complicate and contradict both the discrete-
moment hypothesis and the internal-clock hypothesis. Allport (1968)
obtained phenomenological evidence rejecting the discrete-moment
hypothesis in favour of the travelling-moment hypothesis. When sub-
jects observed his rapidly cycling oscilloscope display of lines, they
reported that a shadow appeared to move in a direction that was the
same as the sequence of lines. This effect is predicted by the
travelling-moment hypothesis, but it is the opposite of what is pre-
dicted by the discrete-moment hypothesis. Estimates ofthe duration of
a moment are also affected by stimulus variables, such as the lumi-
nance of the visual stimuli used (Allport, 1968; Efron and Lee, 1971).
Efron and Lee asserted that these findings make even the travelling-
moment hypothesis, "less interesting theoretically, since the duration
of the alleged 'moment' [is] primarily determined by stimulus para-
meters rather than by temporal parameters of any neurophysiological
sampling me,chanism" (p. 374).
Other experiments reveal that successiveness may be experienced
under certain conditions when the interval between two brief stimuli is
as short as 2 msec (Exner, cited by James, 1890; Hirsh, 1959). In
addition, trained could make jUdgmen ts of temporal order of
two stimuli with 75% accuracy when the interval between the stimuli
was as short as 20 msec (Hirsh and Sherrick, 1961), These findings
seem to be inconsistent with the discrete-moment hypothesis, the
travelling-moment hypothesis and any other hypothesis that attempts
to explain both the experience of simultaneity and the experience of
successiveness by referring to the duration of a moment in which
information is integrated. It may be that these findings are obtained
only under ideal conditions, using trained observers, repeated stimulus
presentations and so on. Another possiblity is to conclude, as
(1971) did, that, "there is no evidence ... for a periodic psycho-
logical moment which has anything to do with sllccessiveness discri-
mination" (p. 206). It seems to me, however, that psychological
moment hypotheses, which were originally proposed to explain experi-
ences of simultaneity, should also be able to explain experiences of
184 185

t "
R. A. Block

successiveness. This viewpointwas im plici t in the work ofRobin so net al.

(cited by Robinson and Pollack, 1971), who proposed an "overlapping-
moment" hypothesis. It retains the notion of discrete moments, which ,
can explain experiences of simultaneity, but it says that there is a
substantial overlapping ofsuccessive moments. In that regard, it is like
, I
the travelling-moment hypothesis, except that it regards the movement
of the travelling window as discontinuous in time. Experiences of
simultaneity are related to the duration of the moment, while experi-
ences of successiveness are related to the relatively short (several
milliseconds) time period during which successive moments do not
overlap. Another solution to the problem ofexplaining the evidence on
experiences o{successiveness may be to modify the travelling-moment
hypothesis. It might be assumed that the trailing edge of the travelling
window is blurred over a few milliseconds and that successiveness is
experienced when this edge "passes by" successive stimuli separated I
by more than a few milliseconds. Experiences of simultaneity would
still be related to the duration of the moment.
All of the moment hypotheses discussed so far have proposed a
relatively stimulus-independen t intermittency or scanning process,
and none of them seems completely satisfactory. A radically different
kind of approach would be to assume that both the experience of
simultaneity and the experience of successiveness are based on com-
parisons of the duration and overlapping of the initial registration of
events-the activation ofperceptllal traces-in some central location.
Specifically, Efron (1963) presented evidcnce indicating that the left
cerebral hemisphere of most individuals is intimately involved in
experiences of simultaneity and successiveness. (This notion is
explored further in Section 3.8 of this review.) Regardless of the ulti-
mate resolution of these complex issues, it is clear that phenomena of
the psychological moment do not indicate the existence of an internal- ';-;-,
clock mechanism. Rather, these phenomena are apparently based on
dynamic aspects of the human information-processing system. A more
complCle understanding of the dynamic processes that are involved
requires additional research.
2.2 Sensory Information Storage and the Indifference Point
Some researchers have attempted to determine psycho-physical func-
tions describing judgments of durations ranging from fractions of a
second to many years. Michon (1975) provided an excellent theoretical
integration of some of the findings. Of relevance here is Michon's
(1967) finding that judgments ofdurations between about 100 and 500
msec increase approximately with the square root of the actual dura-
Time and Consciousness
tions, while judgments of durations between about 500 msec and 2 sec
increase linearly. Thus, diflcrellt processes apparently underlie experi-
ences ofdurations less than 500 msec and those greater than 500 msec.
Michon (1975) ascribed the difference to, "the transition from immedi-
ate memory to short term memory" (p. 304). It is notable that the
transitional time period (about 500 msec) corresponds closely with the
most typically obtained "indifference point" 1963; Woodrow,
1951). The point, which is sometimes called the "indiffer-
ence interval", is a .time period that is, on the average, neither over-
estimated nor underestimated. What is usually called "Vierordt's
Law" was apparently first discovered by Boring (cited by Fraisse,
1963), who was a student of Vierordt. It refers to the finding that
relatively short time periods tend to be overestimated while relatively
long time periods tend to be underestimated compared to physical, or
clock, time. The indifference point is usually found to be about 500-700
msec, although estimates range from about 300 msec-5 sec or longer
-,(Woodrow, 1951). Many studies show that the indifference point can
be affected by various factors, especially the range of time periods used,
and that it varies from subject to subject and from task to task. Some
well-designed studies have found no indifference point at all. Early
theorists related the indiflerence point to the duration of physiological
processes underlying heart rate, walking rate and so on. Fraisse (1963)
speculated that the indifference point is related to reaction time and the
"complete perceptual process" (p. 126). In modern cognitive ter-
minology, it seems that Fraisse was referring to the processing of
information in the sensory information storage systems. Blumenthal
(1977) provided a recent review of" buffer delays" (in sensory informa-
tion storage) that makes the relationship between the transitional time
period and information storage systems more explicit. He asserted that
the indifference point "may be an artifact of an intrinsic buffer delay.
That is, short events may be prolonged subjectively by the holding
action of buffer processes and slightly longer events may be constricted
subjectively by the same process" (p. 64). Support for Blumenthal's
assertion comes from the freq uent finding that brief stimuli which are
more intense seem longer in duration than those which are less intense
(Derglundet al., 1969). One possible explanation is that intense stimuli take
longer to decay from sensory information storage than weak stimuli.
2.3 Very Short Duration Experiences
Many other studies have investigated variables that affect very short
duration experiences. (For present purposes, "very short" duration
experiences are those typically resulting from stimulus durations ofless
187 186 R. A. Block
than about I sec.) At least two additional cognitive processes must be
considered in attempts to explain the findings: pre-attentive processes
through which a stimulus contacts a memorial representation; and
processes of selective attention, which may involve time-sharing be-
tween attention to stimulus information and attention to the passage of
time itself. These processes are probably intimately related; the nature
of the relationship is made explicit in the theoretical account that
When a stimulus occurs for a very short duration, the experienced
duration ofthe stimulus depends on the observer's familiarity with it. A
recent series of experiments (Avant and Lyman, 1975; Avant et at.,
1975) found a lengthened experience of duration of an unfamiliar
non-word (e.g. E10) compared to a familiar word (e.g. DIG), a famil-
iar word compared to a familiar letter (e.g. 1) and an inverted word
(e.g. DIG) compared to an upright word. Since these diHerences were
found with stimulus durations of 10-30 msec, it follows that two
different types of stimuli presented for an equal duration less than that
of the psychological moment may produce different duration experi-
ences. Regarding the findings ofEfron (1970, 1972), which were discus-
sed in Section 2.1, Avantet at. said that "while the real-time duration of
the processing of a single perceptual unit may be no briefer than 130
msec ... the apparent or subjecliue duration of shorter presentations is not
constant" (p. 253, their italics). Further, the differences were found
even when identification of the stimuli was at chance level. A tentative
hypothesis is that the experienced duration of a brief presentation of a
stimulus depends on the time taken for the stimulus to contact a
memorial representation.
With somewhat longer but still very short durations, a number of
different stimulus variables lengthen duration experience, including
increased numerosity of pattern elements (Mo, 1971), increased area
and decreased perimeter of a tigure (Cantor and Thomas, 1977) and
higher frequency of occurrence or words in a language (Warm and
McCray, 1969). Although some of the effects seem to contradict the
findings of Avant and his colleagues (Avant and Lyman, 1975; Avantel
al., 1975), an important difference is the much shorter durations used
by Avant. As Avant and Lyman note, with durations that allow
identification (full recognition) of a stimulus, other cognitive activities
may occupy a greater proportion of the duration. This kind of notion
has been clarified by Thomas and his colleagues (Thomas and Weaver,
1975). They developed and tested a mathematical model of experi-
enced duration of visual stimuli in which attention is shared between
two parallel processors, a temporal information processor ("timer")
and a non-temporal information processor ("visual information pro-
Time and Consciollsness
cessor"). As visual information increases, more attention is allocated to
the visual information processor; as visual information decreases, more
attention is allocated to the timer. When more attention is allocated to
one p r o ~ e s s o r the other becomes more unreliable. Thus, experienced
duration is assumed to be a weighted average of the information
encoded by each processor.
2.4 Longer Temporal Experiences: Durations and Intervals
A clarification of the distinction between the terms duration and inler-
val seems necessary at this point. The term "duration" refers to "the
time during which something exists or lasts", while the term "interval"
refers to "a space of time belween events" (Webster's New Collegiate
Dictionary, 1977). The more neutral term "time period", or simply
"period", is used here to refer in a general way to either a duration or an
The distinction is both historically and theoretically necessary in
order to understand diverse temporal phenomena involving longer
time periods. Historically, phenomena related to intervalshave been a
concern of psychologists primarily studying memory, while phenom-
ena related to durations have been a concern of psychologists pri-
marily studying time. To my knowledge, only Michon (1975) has
attempted to integrate these topics, and his discussion was limited. A
comprehensive synthesis of the two separate lines of research is clearly
Some recent memory research has focuscd on the nature of memory
attributes and processes mcdiating judgment of recency, temporal
position and spacing (lag). A "recency" judgment involves thc estima-
tion of an in terval betwecn a past even1 and the prescn t occu rrcnce of
an equivalent event. A "temporal-position" judgment, which is similar
to a recency judgment, involves the estimation of the temporal location
of a past event on a scale representing a given sequence of events. A
"spacing" ("lag") judgment involves the estimation of an interval
between two past events. In memory research on these judgments, the
events to be judged arc typically embedded in a sequence of similar
events. In contrast, some psychological research on time has focussed
on the nature of the processes mediating judgment of duration. When
longer duration experiellces are studied, researchers typically use cohe-
sive sequences ofevents. Distinctive even ts mark the begiuning and end
of the durations, and a distinctive cognitive context is present through-
out each. The distinctive cognitive context is what unifies long dura-
tions, so that even long time periods can be properly called durations.
188 R. A. lJiock
Given these clarifications, an attempt can be made to synthesize
diverse studies of longer temporal experience.
2.5 The Psychological Present: Contents of Consciousness
James (1890) proposed that humans "arc constantly cOllscious of a
certain duration-the specious present-varying in length from a few
seconds to probably not more than a minute" (p. 642), with longer
durations conceived by adding and shorter durations by dividing por-
tions of the specious present. A metaphor James used was that of "a
saddle-back, w.ith a certain breadth of its own on which we sit perched,
and from which we look in two directions into time" (p. 609). His
statement that the nucleus of the specious present "is probably the
dozen seconds or less that have just elapsed" (p. 613) contained the
seeds of a controversy about the temporal extent of the phenomenon.
Boring (1933/1963) said that the "conscious present can certainly
include a rhythmical grouping that occupies a second or a second and a
half, and that with somewhat less 'immediacy' ... may extend to
include a rhythm of a quarter or perhaps even halfa minute" (p. 135).
Fraisse (1963) said that the "psychological present", as he called it,
enables us to "perceive units of change which ... are clements from
which we construct the unity of our whole psychological life" (p. 98).
From a cognitive viewpoint, it seems clear that the psychological
present is related to the temporal dynamics of short-term memory.
Unrehearsed information is "lost" from short-term memory over a
period of about 10-20 sec. This is an upper limit, and for practical
purposes the psychological present may be limited to about 5 sec
(Fraisse, 1963; Woodrow, 1951). Some memory theorists equate the
contents of short-term memory with the contents of consciousness (see
Ch. 7). Thus, the direct awareness of succession or continuous
change-what James (1890) called the "stream" of consciousness {po
607)-pervades short-term memory, which is thought to relate infor-
mation from the sensory information storage and long-term memory
systems. When attention is focused on discrete events, there is appar-
ently an automatic awareness of their durations. Under uninformed
{"incidental learning") conditions, subjects can make somewhat accu-
rate judgments of event duration when the events are no longer within
the psychological present (Hintzman, 1970). Awareness of rhythm
seems to be an awareness of durations of events and of intervals
between related events in the psychological present (Fraisse, 1963).
If an event is repeated in two similar contexts, we seem to be
frequently (perhaps always, if the contexts are similar enough) aware of
and able to judge the approximate rec("Jlcy of the first occllrrcnce of the
Time and Consciouslless
I;venl. It has been proposed that judgment of recellcy is hased on the
decreased "strength" (Hinrichs, 1970) or "Iragili ty" (Wickelgren,
1974) of the retrieved representation, or memory trace, of an event.
However, evidence from studies in which judgments of the temporal
position of events were req uested seriously discredits these hypotheses
(Hintzman and Block, 1971; Hintzman et al., 1973; Tzeng et al., 1979).
Instead, a "contextual-association" hypothesis is supported. It pro-
poses that judgment C!f recency is based on retrieval of contextual
information associated 'with the earlier occurrence. Automatically-
retrieved contextual information may produce an awareness of the
approximate recency of the event, as well as of other attributes such as
its duration and sensory modality. In other words, awareness of
recency is apparently the result ofan implicit comparison ofthe context
associated with the previous occurrence and the context prevailing
during the present occurrence. It must be noted that we are ordinarily
not automatically aware ofan interval separating two unrelated events.
Judgments ofspacing between two remembered, but unrelated, events
that occurred in a sequence of similar events are usually very inac-
curate (Hintzman and Block, 1973; Hintzman et al., 1975; Underwood,
1977). However, if one event creates a unique cognitive context and
another event terminates that context, we may properly speak of the
experience of duration. A judgment of the duration of a sequence of
events no longer within the psychological present may be mediated by
an effortful memorial reconstruction ofcertain aspects of the conscious'
contents during the duration (see Section 2.9).
2.6 Short, Long and Very Long Temporal Experiences
In evaluating research and proposing theories cOllcerninglonger tem- ,
poral experiences, a general issue is whether different processes medi-
ate experiences of time periods of different lengths. For present u r ~
poses, "short" time periods are those within the psychological present,
or up to about 10 or 20 sec; "long" time periods are those from about 10
or 20 sec to a few hours; and "very long" time periods are those longer
than a few hours.
First, consider whether or not experiences of durations of different
lengths are mediated by different processes. Abundant psycho-physical
evidence shows that judgments ofdurations ranging from a few tenths
ofa second to a few minutes can be described by a power function. The
exponent ofthe function varies between about o 7and I '3, but averages
about 1'1, across experiments (Eisler, 1975, 1976; Michon, 1975).
Simply stated, such duration judgments are approximately veridical,
since the exponent is probably not significantly difIcrent from 10.
190 R. A. Block
Based on this evidence, Michon hypothesized that the transition be-
tween short-term and long-term memory is not observable in the dura-
tionjudgments of normal subjects. To my knowledge, Michon has not
overlooked any evidence showing a discontinuity at durations ofabout
10 or 20 sec. An exception mentioned by Michon is the case of"B.M.",
which is often cited as evidence for a distinction between short-term
and long-term memory. A bilateral hippocampectomy was performed
on H.M. to relieve his frequent epileptic seizures, and the resulting
deficit has been described as an inability to transfer new information
from short-term to long-term memory. An experiment conducted by
Richards (1973) revealed that different power-function exponents are
needed to.characterize H.M.'sjudgments of durations less than about
20 sec (an exponent of I-OS) and his judgments oflonger durations (an
exponent of 0'44). Richards extrapolated the data in order to remark
that, "one hour to us is like 3 minutes to H.M." (p. 281). With the
exception of ILM., however, we can evaluate research on duration
experiences without distinguishing between those using short and
those using long durations, since there is no evidence that the under-
lying processes differ. There are few studies using very long durations,
and to my knowledge no one has investigated durations between a few
minutes and a few hours. However, a study by Crombag el al. (cited by
Michon, 1975) found that judgments ofduratioll are linear and approx-
imately veridical in the range from about 5-80 h. Results of this study
suggest that processes mediatingjudgment of long and very long dura-
tions do not difler. Thus, there is no evidence that different processes
mediate judgments of durations between about 500 msec and 80 h.
A related question is whether or not processes underlying judgment
of an interval between events differ depending on the length of the
interval. Experiments investigating judgment of spacing between two
equivalent or related events reveal no discontinuity in such judgments
over a range of onset-to-onset intervals from 5-130 sec (Bintzman and
Block, 1973; Hintzman et al., 1975). Similarly, Hinrichs and Buschke
(1968) and Hinrichs (I970) found no discontinuity in recency judg-
ments across onset-to-onset intervals from 3-45 sec. Apparently no
distinction between processes involved in judging short and long inter-
vals (such as, short-term and long-term memory processes) is neces-
sary. The observed psycho-physical relationship relating judgment of
recency and actual recency could he described by either a logarithmic
or a power function, with the former filling the data slightly better. The
exponent of the best-fitting power function was 046. This exponent is
clearly different from the exponent ofabout 11 that is usually found for
judgments ofdurations ofsimilar length. Thus,judgment ofan interval
between events must be based on different processes than 'those
Time and Consciousness
involved in judgment of duration. This conclusion is supported by an
earlier study ofthe apparent recencies of" real-world" events (Cohcn et
al., 1954). Subjects were asked to indicate subjective temporal positions
of past events on a line from "birth" to "now". They found a
logarithmic function for events within the past 6 months; intervals
closer to "now" were judged disproportionately longer than more
remote intervals. For events which occurred more than about a year
previously, judgments were related to actual temporal position in a
linear way. Coher:t et al. suggested that a process ofcalculation based on
calendar dates cpuld explain the linear relationship. Other theorists
have suggested that judgment ofrecency or temporal position ofevents
which occurred months or years previously are mediated by logical
inferences based on direct or indirect associations with well known
calendar dates, distinctive temporal "landmarks", seasons of the year,
and so on (Linton, 1975; Underwood, 1977). Thus,judgments of very
long intervals seem to be based on different processes thanjudgments of
shorter intervals.
2.7 Experienced and Remembered Duration
Following James (1890), some theorists have emphasized the need to
distinguish between duration experiences in passing-referred to here
as "experienced duration" -and duration experiences in rctro-
spect-referred to here as "remembered duration". In fact, James
proposed tJ:!at apparently contradictory effects could occur:
In general, a timefilled with varied and inlereJtin,1J experiences seems short in /,assillg,
but lon,lJ (IS we look back. On the other hand, a tract o/time empty q/e:"/IIrimccs seems
lon,{ in passing, but in retros/Ject short.
Uamcs, 1890, p. 624, his italics)
In an attempt to explain effects such as these, James proposed that
experienced duration lengthens when "we grow attentive to the pas-
sage of time itself' (p. 626), while remembered duration lengthens with
"the multitudinousness of the memories which the time affords" (p.
624). Fraissc (1963) proposed that "direct time judgments [are]
founded immediately on the changes we experience and later on the
changes we remember" (p. 234).
. Experiments typically have studied either expcrienced duration or
remembered duration by informing a subject either before or after the
time period that the experimenter is requesting a duration judgment.
Some researchers have studied only remembered duration in order to
avoid attempts of some subjects to be accurate by counting, tapping
and so on. When experienced duration is studied, subjects are usually
193 192 R. A. Biock.
asked not to count or tap unless, of course, counting or tapping rate is
the dependent variable of interest. The psychological cfIcct of such
instructions on both conscious and unconscious processes is admittedly.
not known, but most subjects seem to be quite willing and able to
comply. In Some recent studies, experienced duration has been com-
pared with remembered duration in the same experiment. Hicks el ai.

(1976) found that the experienced duration of a 42-second time period

was shorter when more information was processed, but remembered
duration was not aficcted by the manipulation. Miller et ai. (1978)
found that the experienced duration of a 32- to 54-second time period
spent rehearsing verbal information was lengthened as the number of
previous study trials was increased, but remembered duration was
shortened. Both of these studies suggest that cognitive control pro-
cesses, which presumably require conscious involvement, differ depend-
ing upon whether the focus is 011 experienced duration or remembered
duration. It seems thatJames (1890), Fraisse (1963) and others were
justified in making such a distinction.
recently, many researchers and theorists have failed to realize

the importance of distinguishing between experienced and remem-
bered duration. An effect of this negligence has been a general confu-
sion, with different studies seeming to find opposite or contradictory
effects of certain variables on duration judgments. When one adds to
this confusion the misleading and vague terminology used to describe
effects found using diflcrent duration judgment methods, the net clfect
is apparent chaos. When careful distinctions are made, though, some-
what orderly relationships emerge.
2.8 Experienced Duration: Awareness of Passing Time
In addition to the experiments already described, many others have

been conducted examining experienced duration. Let us consider some :\

of the more suggestive findings and reasonable hypotheses regarding

experienced duration. Some theorists have attempted to explain
experienced duration by postulating an internal clock, or pacemaker,
mechanism that generates regularly-spaced "pulses". Most of these
models are implicitly based on the discrete-moment hypothesis, which
is inferior to other moment hypotheses for reasons discussed earlier in

this review (Section 2.1). The best-known model of this kind is Trcis-

man's (19G3). He proposed a counter that records the number of pulses

between two events, one dCining the start and another the end ofa time
period. The total number of pulses is then deposited in a store, ;-,1
can be by a comparator (decision mechanism) in making a
duration judgment. In my opinion, this kiud of model obscures a
7i"me and Consciousness
number of aspects of the cognitive processes mediating experienced
duration. It also is subject to the same kind of criticism to which other
internal-clock hypotheses are subject, since it fails to explaiu ad-
the effects of information-processing manipulations on
experienced duration.
There are a number ofolder studies ofexperienced duration that are
difiicult to explain by referring to an internal-clock mechanism. The
most extensive of these was Loehlin's (1959) study of experienced
duration ofa 2-mihute period spent performing one of 16 different kinds
of tasks. He concluded that "time may seem long during an interval
because the activity is boring, because attention is being paid to the
passage of time, because the activity is unfamiliar, or because [the
subject] is relatively passive" (p. 16). Loehlin's review of previous
studies generally supported his conclusions about the importance of
these factors.
More recently, Hicks and his colleagues (Hicks et ai., 1976, 1977)
have used quantitative variations in information-processing activities
to investigate hypotheses about experienced duration. Summarizing
their findings, as well as those of others, they concluded that:
Events on which [experienced duration] is based require attention (pro-
cessing capacity) for storage. Stimuli requiring no processing can
increase experienced duration by increasing the number of events in
storage. Stimuli requiring processing can decrease experienced duration
because fewer of the events defining duration arc siored.
(Hicks el al., 1977, p. 443)
The proposal is reminiscent of that of Thomas and his colleagues
regarding experienced duration of very short intervals (see Section
2.3). A problem with this kind of hypothesis is that it does not ad-
equately specify the nature of the "events defining duration". In other
words, when a person attellds to the "passage of time itself' Oames,
1890, p. 626), what are the momentary contents of consciousness?
Surely attention to clocks should not be equated with attention to time,
and in most experiments subjects do not have access to clocks anyway.
A proposal that may represent an initial move ill the direction ofgreater
specificity is that attendillg to the passage of time means attending to
changes in cognitive context-that is, certain aspects of the contents of
,consciousness. This hypothesis is clarified following a discussion of
remembered duration.
2.9 Remembered Duration: Awareness of Past Time
A wide variety offactors have been found to allcct remembered dura-
tion. However, hypotheses have tended to foclIs Oil a single kind of
194 R. A. Block
variable and to attempt a parsimonious explanation in terms ofpro-
cesses presumably causing an eflect ofthat variable on remembered
duration. What is needed is an hypothesis that integrates all reliable
findings in a coherentway. Blockand Reed (1978) recentlydiscussed
tional", "attentional", "event-memory" and "contextual-change"
hypotheses. Tosome extent these are overlapping hypotheses, since
encoding and the timeofretrieval, and retrieving information at the
time the duration is remembered. However, the relative emphases
Informational and attentional hypotheses emphasize infimnation-
processing activities during encoding. Informational hypotheses pro-
pose thatthemostimportantconsiderationis theamountofinforma-
of hypothesiscomesfrom Vroon's(1970)findings thatifovertrespond-
ing to presentedinformation wasnotrequired, remembered duration
tivity of attention required by the information-processing task
(Underwood, 1975). For example, Underwood and Swain (1973)
found thata prose passagewhich required moreattentionforanalysis
was remembered as longer in duration than one which required less
thattheymustrelyonotherhypothesesloranexplanationof theroleof
memorystorageandretrievalprocessesill rememberingduration. Itis
notobvious how a person remembers the amountofinformation pre-
sented and processed or the amount ofattention demanded by the
information-processingtask performed during theduration.
oryretrieval processes, in addition to encodingandstorageprocesses.
tion is the process ofcovert retrieval ofmemory representations of
stimulus events thatoccurred during theduration. Ornstein's (1969)
"storage size" hypothesis is the most well known event-memory
hypothesis. It asserts that rememhered duration is a cognitive COIl-
ofrepresentations ofstimulusevents"remaining in sIOra,lte" (p. 104, his
italics). Thehypothesiswas proposed in orderto explain his findings
thatremembereddurationlengthenedwithanincreasein thenumber
Time and Consriousness
and theassumed complexityofcodingof a stimulus.
The contextual-change hypothesis is similar to the storage-size
hypothesis, except that it maintains that encoding, storage and
r.etrieval ofcontextual information-rather than stimulus informa-
tion-is the critical factor. The basicproposal is that remembered
the remembered amount ofchange in cognitive context during the
duration (Block, 1978; Block and Reed, 1978). The four kinds of
hypotheses were.tested by Block and Reed, and they interpreted the
changehypothesis. Intheirfirstexperiment,adurationspentprocess-
inginformationata "deep" (semantic) level was not remembered as
longer than onespent processing information at a "shallow" (struc-
events and presumably demanded more attention. In their second
mation ata single level, even though theamountofinformation pre-
sented and processed was equivalent in the two conditions. The
ing that a unique cognitive context is associated with each kind of
information-processingtask (Underwood, 1977);when differentkinds
oftasks areperformed, thecognitivecontextchangesaccordingly. In
addition, several studies (Block, 1974, 1978; mock and Reed, 1978)
obtained bothdurationjudgmentsand memoryjudgmentsregarding
t ~ contentsoftheduration. Theresults indicated thatretrieval pro-
cesses involved in rememberingstimulus events thatoccurred-such
asthoseinvolvedinjudgmentof11 umberofevents,recallorrecognition
ofevents and assignment ofrecognized events to the correct dura-
tion-do not mediate remembered duration. Since the contextual-
change hypothesis does not emphasize memory for stimulus events,
these findings arenot unexpected.
Thecontextual-change hypothesis emphasizeschangein aspectsof
the cognitive context, which are presumably partofthe contents of
environmental stimuli, internal sensations, characteristicsofthe task
being performed and cognitiveand aOcctive reactions to the task (cf.
Hintzmanet at., 1973).Onemodelofmemoryassertsthatexperiences
areencodedina propositionalformat(AndersonandBower, 1973). In
this model, contextual aspects areassumed to be encoded directly in
propositions, hut new propositions are encoded only when some
changeoccurs. Such a change might be a result ofawareness ofnew
196 R. A. Block
incoming information, new contextual aspects, or both. Ordinarily
these two kinds of causes are related, since processing information
usually produces changes ill aflective reactions, "cognitive strain" and.
other contextual aspects. The encoding, storage and retrieval of non-
contextual information, such as cOllcerning stimulus events that
occurred during a duration, may playa role in remembered duration if
the accessibility ofcontextual associations in memory is affected. How-
ever, the evidence suggests that the primary emphasis must be on
encoding, storage and retrieval of contextual information.
To illustrate the integrative nature of the contextual-change
hypothesis, consider how it might explain the efIects of some variables
on remembered duration. When the number of stimulus events pre-
sented during a time period is increased, a persoll attends to the more
rapid change ofcontextual elements correlated with:'cognitive strain"
(cf. Hintzman el al., 1973), and remembered duration is lengthened
accordingly. A similar explanation is oHcred to explain the lengthened
remembered duration of a time period containing a more diflicult
stimulus detection task (Underwood and Swain, 1973). However, if a
person must actively generate a rapid sequence of responses, there is
little residual processing capacity (attention) for encoding contextual
changes, and remembered duration is shortened (Vroon, 1970). When
a more complex stimulus is presented, contextual elements associated
with diflerent interpretations of the stimulus change more frequently
(cf. Block, 1974), and remembered duration is lengthened. I:inally, the
first of two equal durations is remembered as being longer, perhaps
because contextual clements correlated with affective reactions such as
boredom change more rapidly at the start of a llew experience, such as
an experiment (Block, 1978; Block and Reed, 1978; Hintzman et al.,
A contextual-change hypothesis on remembered duration also has
implications for hypotheses on experienced duration. Perhaps refer-
ences to attention to time itself that are found in the literature on
experienced duration can be understood in terms of attention to
changes in contextual aspects of consciousness. Performing a task that
requires relatively little information processing allows a person to
allocate more attention to eneoding contextual aspects. In addition,
such a task produces relatively large changes in contextual aspects
involving emotions such as boredom. On the other hand, performing a
diHicult information-processing task seems shorter in experienced
duration because fewer contextual aspects are attended to and thereby
encoded. To state this proposal somewhat differently, a relatively idle,
"empty" duration seems long in passing because ofincreased attention
to changes in contextual informatio!,!. It seems short in retro-
Tillie alld COllSciOUSIU'SS
spect-especially after a delay-because there are fewer retrieval
routes to contextual information as a result of the relative lack of
memories ofstimulus events. Opposite eHects are found for a relatively
busy, "filled" duration for exactly opposite reasons. It remains to be
seen whether the contextual-change hypothesis can succeed in integrat-
ing phenomena of experienced and remembered duration in the way
described here.
2.10 Temporal Perspective: Past, Present and Future Tillle
The concept of "temporal perspective", "temporal horizon" or "tem-
poral orientation" has been used to refer to all-encompassing
philosophical and metaphysical viewpoints on time. Various theorists
have described the concept somewhat dincrently. Fraisse (1963)
characterized it as "the way in which we behave in rclation to three
aspects of time: the past, the present, and the future" (p. 153). Ornstein
(1969) referred to it as "philosophical, social, cultural constructions of
the world and their effects on the interpretation of time experience" (p.
23). Gorman and Wessman (1977) defined it as "the degree to which a
person, group, or society conceptualizes events removed from the
present situation" (p. 228). From a cognitive viewpoint, an important
point is that the contents ofconsciousness ordinarily consist of remem-
brances of past events, responses to present events and anticipations of
future events. It is usually difficult to separate these components, since
the normal performance of any task depends on all three of them.
However, individual and cultural differences in cognition must be
acknowledged. Some people and some cultures place relatively more or
less emphasis on each of the three components, and resulting differ-
ences in the overall conception of time may be substantial. Further-
more, an individual's temporal perspective changes dramatically as he
or she experiences certain altered states of consciousness, since mem-
ory, information-processing and planning functions are altered.
In psychological literature on time, questions about temporal per-
spective of most people in ordinary waking consciousness have been
addressed mostly by those concerned with developmental, personality,
and social factors. Few cognitive psychologists have been concerned
with these kinds ofissues, although a basic understanding of cognitive
proeesses involved in temporal perspective would seem to be a pre-
requisite to an understanding of individual differences in cognition.
Little can 'be said, however, about relationships between temporal
perspective and cogni tive aspects of temporal experience discussed in
this review.
As a pre-rcq uisite to all understanding ofaltered temporal perspective,
198 R. A. Block
LeShan's discussions of normal temporal perspective are particularly
useful. Most humans are assumed to operate most of the time from a
metaphysical viewpoint he called the "Sensory Reality" (LeShan,
1974) or "sensory modes of being" (LeShan, 1976). Regarding tem-
poral perspective, the basic laws, or limiting principles, are that every
event has a cause which occurs before the event; that events in the past
can be remembered but not changed; and that events in the future can
be anticipated and influenced (LeShan, 1976,88-91). Ornstein (I 977)
called this the "linear mode", in which "time is directional, a duration
carrying us from the past into the future" (p. 103). Many people would
not be aware of the possibility of other realities or modes of being
regarding time unless altered states ofconsciousness were experienced.
I t is to temporal experiences in certain altered states of consciousness
that we now must look for an understanding of the experience of
alternate realities.
3 Temporal Experiences in Altered States of Consciousness
3.1 Approaches to Time in Altered States of Consciousness
Any reasonably comprehensive discussion of relationships between
time and consciousness must consider temporal experiences associated
with altered states of consciousness. There are two main reasons why
this is important. First, a full understanding of temporal experiences in
"ordinary" waking consciousness may not be possible without con-
sidering implications from experiences of "non-ordinary" states of
consciousness. Second, any discussion of differences between altered
states of consciousness and ordinary waking consciousness or ofdiffer-
ences among various altered states of consciousness must include an
account of alterations in temporal experience.
Although attempts have been made to identify discrete states of
consciousness, a definitive listing seems remote. I n fact, some
definitions of the concept of altered states of consciousness in terms of
continuous, quantitative variations obviously preclude such a listing,
which assumes that there are discrete, qualitatively different states. At
present, we can only speak ofcertain general categories ofaltered states
of consciousness, with each category being distinguished by the use of
certain techniques or the presence of certain conditions. Although it is
probably a mistake to equate techniques or conditions and altered
states of consciousness, given our present lack of understanding of
altered states it is easiest to organize a discussion around general kinds
of techniques or conditions. This review discusses several of the more
Time and C01lsciousness
common categories of altered states of consciousness. Within each
category, only those aspects of temporal experience that have been
studied experimentally are discussed. In general, few studies have
investigated changes in experiences of simultaneity, succession and
very short durations; while many studies have investigated changes in
the psychological present, longer duration experiences and temporal
3.2 Sleeping and Dreaming
Researchers have attempted to answer several related questions about
temporal phenomena associated with sleeping and dreaming. One
question concerns processes underlying judgments of the duration of
dreamless sleep periods, which are generally associated with the
absence ofrapid eye movements. It is generally agreed that the remem-
bered duration of dreamless sleep periods is not related to the experi-
enced duration of such periods, since there is usually no awareness
during non-rapid-eye-movement periods. Studies (Noble and Lundie,
1974) in which subjects were awakened at various intervals after sleep
onset reveal some degree of accuracy in judging the duration of non-
rapid-eye-movement periods, although the absolute error is consider-
able. Since only brief fragments of mental activity are sometimes
reported upon awakening from even long non-rapid-eye-movement
periods, it seems that people make inferences about duration based on
other cues. Such cues ordinarily include external stimuli; but in the
absence of any change in external stimuli, people rely on internal cues
noticed upon awakening, such as general feelings of restedness or
fatigue, stomach and bladder sensations and the apparent recency of
pre-sleep events (Boring and Boring, 1917).
Some people claim to be able to awaken at any pre-selected time.
Five studies conducted over 40 years ago (Tart, 1970) lend some
support to this possibility, although they reveal nothing about the
underlying processes. Tart investigated some subjects who believed
that they could successfully awaken at any pre-selected time. Most of
them reported doing so on six experimental nights at home. He then
instructed three of the more successful individuals to awaken at various
times while sleeping in the laboratory. The results confirmed a substan-
tial ability in these subjects. There were no obvious physiological
correlates of successful awakenings, such as sleep stage upon awaken-
ing. One confounding effect, however, was a substantially increased
frequency of awakening. Interestingly, one person who in this case
apparently misunderstood or forgot the pre-selected time of 01.23
hours, awoke at 02.22 hours, about a minute after mumbling in his
201 200 R. A. Block
sleep, "Wake at 2:23"! Zung and Wilson (1971) used a more represen-
tative sample ofsubjects, and they found about 32% awakenings within
10 minutes of a pre-selected time between 02.00 and 05.00 hours.
This accuracy is equivalent to the accuracy of waking estimates of
comparable durations (Webb and Ross, 1972). In general agreement
with Tart's findings, successful awakenings were independent of prior
sleep stage, as well as the particular pre-selected time. In an attempt to
explain their findings, Zung and Wilson proposed a "specific arousal
system" that is unrelated to the 90-minute sleep cycle of alternating
rapid- and non-rapid-eye-movement periods. In my opinion, their
findings suggest the operation of subconscious (dissociated)
information-processing mechanisms. The processes that underlie this
phenomenon are still unknown, and it is also not known why only
relatively few individuals apparently are able to consistently at
any pre-selected lime. It might be revealing to study the temporal
abilities ofsuch persons in ordinary waking consciousness. It is possible
that they simply represent an extreme portion ofa normal distribution
of temporal abilities.
Other investigators have studied the experienced duration of dream
periods, which are generally associated wilh rapid eye movements.
Although many people apparently believe that dreams last only a few
seconds, electrophysiological records show that rapid-eye-movement
periods last up to I hour. In one study (Dement and Klcitman, 1957),
subjects were awakened either 5 or 15 minutes after the onset of rapid
eye movements, and they were over 80% accurate in discriminating
between the two time periods. In another study (Dement and Wol-
pert, 1958), subjects who had been showing rapid eye movements for a
few minutes were exposed to an external stimulus, such as a spray of
cold water, and then were awakened after a certain interval. In 10
instances in which the stimulus was incorporated into an ongoing
dream, "the amount of dream action in the interval between the modi-
fying stimulus and the awakening did not vary far from the amount of
action that would have been expected to take place during an identical
time in reality" (p. 550). Of course, it is possible, and perhaps even
common, for an "ordinary" temporal sequence of events to be dis-
torted, reversed or telescoped in dreams (Sturt, 1925), and some
dreams may seem "timeless" (Cohen, 1951). It is not known to what
extent these are produced by memory retrieval processes upon
awakening, but it is unlikely that temporal distortions during dreams
can be entirely explained in this way. One intriguing explanation is
suggested by evidence indicating that in most people there is both
greater activation of the right cerebral hemisphere and greater in-
(kpendence or reduced commullication I)etween the two hemispheres
Time alld GOIISciollslless
during rapid-eye-movement sleep (Bakall, 1977-78). Since the right
cerebral hemisphere seems to be less involved iu the analysis of tem-
poral sequences than the left hemisphere, distortions of temporal
sequ'ences in dreams are understandable. Ordinarily, however,
sequences ofdream events are remembered upon awakening as having
occurred in approximately "real-time", and processes involved in
experiencing and remembering duration of dreams are probably not
radically different fwm those mediating experienced and remembered
duration of awake periods. In other words, awakened persons prob-
ably rely on retrieval of aspects of dream content in much the same
way that awake persons rely on retrieval of certain aspects of conscious
content in judging duration.
3.3 Daydreaming
Like nocturnal dreaming (i.e. rapid-eye-movement) periods, day-
dreaming periods tend to recur in an approximately 90-minute cycle
in adult humans. This cyclic variation in consciousness apparently
involves changes in present-centredness as well as duration experience.
Recent work on daydreaming has begun to clarify the nature of these
changes. For present purposes, "daydreaming" is defined as any con-
scious activity that is not related to immediate external information-
processing demands. This definition emphasizes that daydreaming is
stimulus-independent or task-irrelevant mentation. Daydreaming
draws attention away from processing incoming information, so that
consciousness shifts toward reconstructing the past or anticipating the
future, often in ways involving considerable fantasy. One eficct of this
different orientation of attention seems to be a shortening of duration
experience. To my knowledge, the only study investigating the rela-
tionship between daydreaming and temporal experience is that of
Wheeler (1969). He found that subjects who reported more stimulus-
independent mentation, especially of an emotionally positive nature,
during a boring signal-detection task tended to remember the task
duration as shorter than did other subjects. One possible explanation is
, that the daydreamer is encoding fewer changes in contextual informa-
tion, either because certain elemeuts of the cognitive context (such as
those involving feelings of boredom) are changing less rapidly or
, because less attention is being allocated to existing It is also
possible that memories of daydream content become less accessible
'once consciousness has returned to task-relevant information, perhaps
for reasons similar to those underlying state-dependent retrieval
eficcts. Regardless of the ultimate explanation, daydreaming may be
beneficial in tolerating long periods ofrepetitious, monotonous activity
203 202 R. A. Block
(such as assembly-line work) because of the shortening of duration
experience it apparently produces.
3.4 Sensory Deprivation and Sensory Overload
During the past 2D years, there has been some interest in possible
altera,tions in temporal experience resulting from what is usually called
"sensory deprivation". There are a number of older anecdotal reports
given by people isolated in caves and other remote environments, many
of which suggest that a shortening ofduration experience accompanies
isolation. Virtually all of the experimental evidence has been obtained
by researchers primarily concerned with sensory deprivation rather
than temporal experience, and they have made little effort to comment
on the broader implications of their findings. Some psychologists
primarily interested in temporal phenomena ha\;'e attempted to relate
sensory deprivation studies of temporal experience to the old con-
troversy about the relative effects offilled and unfilled intervals (Doob,
1971, 117-118). It is apparent that only in a very narrow definition of
an unfilled, or "empty", interval-one devoid or nearly devoid of
changes in external stimuli-can a period ofsensory deprivation be said
to represent an "empty" interval. All subjects, in fact, report that
conscious mental activity continues during most of the deprivation
period, and e1ectrophysiological recording supports such introspective
reports. Nevertheless, it is quite reasonable to determine whether gross
reductions in external stimulus information affect temporal experience.
Of particular relevance here are introspective reports and empirical
findings indicating that many suhjects experience altered states of
consciousness, especially under certain conditions and durations of
sensory deprivation.
Different kinds of environments have been used in sensory depriva-
tion research, but the most commonly used are the isolation room or
cubicle and the water-immersion tank. Forgays and McClure (1974)
found that experienced duration-measured by repeated production of
3D-minute intervals-was longer during a period spent in a tank than
during a period spent in a cubicle. Unfortunately, as in many sensory
deprivation studies, a non-deprivation control was not used, so no
conclusions could be made about changes in duration experience pro-
duced by sensory deprivation relative to more ordinary environmental
condi tions.
It is, however, usually concluded tila t experienced dura tion is short-
ened in sensory deprivation relative to more normal environmental
conditions (Doob, 1971). The actual experimental evidence is meagre
and inconclusive. Banks and Cappon (1962) reported that the duration
Time and Consciousness
of a period of "reduced sensory input" was underestimated more than
that of a period spent reading or filling out questionnaire forms; but
they did not describe the "reduced sensory input" environment, indi-
cate what temporal judgment method was. used or report the mean
judgments. Vemon and McGill (1963) obtained both prospective and
retrospective es tima tes ofduration ofa sensory depriva tion period up to
96 hours long. Prospective estimates-repeated productions of 60-
minute intervals-averaged about 81 % of the actual duration. Retro-
spective estimates-=-'verbal estimates of the total time period-were
also underestimates, averaging about 92% of the actual duration. Un-
fortunately, no firm conclusions about relative duration experience are
possible, since no control condition was used. To my knowledge, no
well-controlled study comparing temporal experience in sensory depri-
vation and more normal environmental conditions has been conducted.
The shortening of duration experience in sensory deprivation must be
considered to be a hypothesis that needs to be adequately tested.
In spite of the lack of any definitive conclusion regarding relative
effects of deprivation, duration judgments have proved to be useful to
some sensory deprivation researchers. Murphy et al. (cited by Myers,
1969) reported a significant negative correlation between the degree of
overestimation of the first 4 hours of deprivation and the number of
hours ofdeprivation endured. The "early release" subjects gave a mean
verbal estimate of 7,7 hours, while the "long staying" subjects gave a
mean estimate of5-1 hours. Surprisingly, both types ofsubjects verbally
over-estimated the duration. Regardless ofthis inconsistency with other
findings, it appears that duration judgments can be used to predict
endurance of sensory deprivation.
A related question is whether duration experience is altered during
"sensory overload" conditions, which produce some of the same effects
as sensory deprivation conditions. One report (Ludwig, 1972) sug-
gested that "disturbances in sense of time" may occur and that the
effect may be related to alterations in consciousness experienced by
some subjects. However, the reported evidence on temporal experi-
ences consisted entirely of excerpts of retrospective accounts given by
i three subjects. Further research is clearly needed on the effects of
, sensory deprivation and sensory overload, with the use of a more
normal environmental condition as an appropriate and necessary con-
trol and with greater use of a variety of temporal judgment methods.
3.5 Hypnosis
The term "hypllosis" is llsed here to rt'fer to a range of altered states of
consciousness that a sufficiently suggestible person may be enabled to
205 204 R. A. Blvd
experience as a result of the use of any of a number of different
techniques. Let us first consider temporal experience ill a typical
no specific suggestions regarding temporal experience. Some early
investigations(CooperandErickson, 1959) suggestedthatdurationis
judged more accurately during hypnosis than during "ordinary"
waking consciousness; however, many of the experiments lacked a
no significant difference. For example, Stalnaker and Richardson
(1930)askedsubjectstoproducedurationsof 1,2and3minutesduring
botha hypnotic"trancestate"andanordinary"wakingstate".There
be more accurate. There was also no significant lengthening or
shortening ofexperienced duration during hypnosis. More recently,
Tebecis and Provins (1974) found no significant difference between
remembereddurationofaperiodof hypnosis.Sincesomepeopleshow
partial amnesia ror events that occurred during hypnosis-an effect
that may be an example ora state-dependent retrieval e!Tect-it is
given to hypnotized subjects that they will not be able to remember
subjects show a dramatic amnesia eflcct. Given such a suggestion,
subjects would beexpected to reporta greatlyshortenedremembered
A number ofstudies have investigated effects ofspecific "time-
pioneeringwork,CooperandErickson (1959) gavedeeplyhypnotized
subjectsthesuggestion thata shortduration(e.g. 10sec) would seem
likeaverylongone'(e.g. 1h).Theyweretoldthatsumcienttimewould
beavailableforthecompletionof anactivity,suchasdesigningadress,
whichordinarilywould requiremuch moreclock time. Subjectsoften
reportedcompleting thetask,sayingthatthedurationseemedgreatly
lengthened (e.g. "aboutanhour").CooperandEricksonclaimedthat
orpractical benefit to a person wishing to engage in creative mental
activityinanareaorinterest.BarberandCalverley(1964) challenged
might actually be constructed by the subjectafter the periodofhyp-
Time and COllscivumess
nO'sis;"110t during it. Theycompared hypnotized subjectsgiven time-
dilitortion suggestions, non-hypnotized subjectsgiven similarsugges-
.tions, and non-hypnotized control subjects given no time-distortion
suggestiori!$. Both groups receiving the suggestions agreed that time
.seemed to go slowly during a 5-minute period, and both diflered
significantlyfrom theno-suggestion controlgroup.Thediflerence be-
tween thehypuotized- and waking-suggestion subjects' retrospective
duration estimates was not statistically sigllilicant, although mean
estimates were89'1and46'9 minutes, respectively; bothweresignifi-
minutes. Barber and Calverley concluded that the induction ofan
apparent hypnotic trance stateis not necessary to produce the time-
time-distortion suggestions beyond what is implied by Barber and
Calverley. Zimbardo el al. (1973) measured the behavioural con-
beconsidered to bea manipulationof experiencedduration. When it
or speeding up, hypnotized subjects showed substantial effects on a
didnot.It seemsreasonabletoassertthatexperiencedandremembered
arealtered bysuchsuggestions.
have also been studied. Cooper and Erickson (1959) reported that
hypnotictime-distortion produceda markedenhancementoflcarning
ability; that is, memory for information processed under hypnotic
time-distortion increased. In contrast, Barber and Calverley (1964)
founda decrementinlearningabilityduringhypnotictime-distortion.
More recently, Krauss el al. (1974) conducte,d a well-designed
experiment in which subjects attempted to learn a 60-word list.
Hypnotized subjects who were allocated 3 minutes for the task and
given thesuggestion thatit wouldseemlike 10 minutesrecalledabout
10 minutes. Bothofthese groups recalled morewords than a control
group given 3 minutes for the task. Krauss et al. suggested that "a
hypnotic time-distortion procedure might ...increase the ratio of
effectivetimeto nominaltimeinfree-recalllearning"(p. 143).Further
useofhypnotictime-distortionasanaid in learningandcreating.
temporalperspective(Aaronson,1972;Zimbardoelal., 1971).Aaronson's
207 206 R. A. lJlock
experiments are the most extensive. In them, hypnotized subjects and
non-hypnotized simulators were given the suggestion that one or two of
the three temporal categories-past, present and future-either did
not exist or was expanded. The behaviour and retrospectively reported
experiences of hypnotized subjects under each condition were used to
make inferences about the role played by each temporal category in
normal temporal perspective. (It should be noted that non-hypnotized
simulators often behaved differently from hypnotized subjects, so the
results cannot be entirely explained in terms of demand characteris-
tics.) The present is associated with "aliveness" and "attention to
ongoing stimulation" (p. 307). Eliminating the present produced
immobility, sleepiness and withdrawal; expanding the present pro-
duced emotionally positive reactions characterized by greater attention
to ongoing events. The past gives "meaning and inhibition" to the
present (p. 308). Eliminating the past produced confused, regressive
behaviour, as well as loss ofself-identity in the extreme case; expanding
the past produced introverted disengagement from ongoing activities,
although positive emotions dominated. Finally, the future is "the
source of ambitions, goals, and anxiety" (p. 309). Eliminating the
future reduced anxiety as well as motivation; expanding the future
produced positive emotional states ranging from happiness to mystical
euphoria. Aaronson concluded that "every mode of orienting to time
has its existential consequences" (p. 310). These studies are valuable in
pointing to the possibilities ofdifferen t temporal perspectives, as well as
suggesting how certain psycho-pathologies may be able to be under-
stood and treated when viewed as disorders of temporal perspective.
3.6 Psycho-active Drugs
When discussing effects ofpsycho-active drugs on temporal experience,
there is a tendency to refer to standard pharmacological categories of
drugs and to make the simplifying assumption that all drugs within a
given category induce a similar state of consciousness in all users.
Actually, there are many variables that affect the nature of a drug-
induced experience. The focus here is on typical experiences, drawing
on both phenomenological reports and experimental observations of a
variety of people. Reviews of relevant literature include those by Orme
(1969), Ornstein (1969) and Doob (1971); these sources may be con-
sulted for additional references.
It is frequently concluded that duration experience is altered by a
wide variety ofdrugs. However, there is some disagreement on effects of
specific drugs, with inconsistencies both between suhjects and between
studies. It is possible that some drugs increase the variability of tem-
Time and Consciousness
poral experience and behaviour. Orme (1969) concluded that "the
work on the effects of drugs on time estimation is unsatisfactory" (p.
86). Nevertheless, duration experience is usually reported to be length-
ened under the influence of stimulants (such as amphetamine and
caffeine) and psychedelics (such as marijuana and LSD), while it is
usually reported to be shortened under the influence of sedatives and
hypnotics (such as secobarbital and alcohol) and tranquilizers (such as
chlorpromazine). Some drugs produce relatively dramatic alterations
in awareness of time and lengthening or shortening ofduration experi-
ence, while other drugs produce only slight changes.
Although the specific physiological effects of some drugs are not yet
understood completely, many drugs which alter duration experience
probably have an effect on both autonomic and central nervous sys-
tems. Fischer (I 971) proposed a "perception-hall ucination con-
tinuum" of increasing ergotropic arousal (hyperarousal) and a
"perception-meditation continuum" of increasing trophotropic
arousal (hypoarousaI). In his proposal, such drugs as psychedelics lead
to a state of hyperarousal and cause lengthened duration experiences
similar to those in creative, psychotic and ecstatic states; while such
drugs as minor tranquilizers lead to a state of hypoarousal and cause
shortened duration experiences similar to those in meditative states
(such as Zen satori and Yoga samadhi). The controversy about
internal-clock and cognitive approaches has been especially prominent
in discussions of drug effects. Hyperaroused states can be described in
terms of an acceleration of an internal clock, an increase in the rate of
mental events, or both; hypoaroused states can be described in opposite
Some drugs, most notably the psychedelics, apparently produce
qualitatively different temporal phenomena at high doses than they
produce at low or moderate doses. Effects at higher doses are often
characterized as ineffable. Attempts to describe these kinds oftemporal
experiences include: loss of awareness of time, feelings of eternal or
infinite time, awareness ofonly the present, feelings of archetypal time
and feelings that time has slowed down so much that it has stopped
(Anonymous, 1969; Hoffer and Osmond, 1967). According to Ornstein
(1977), "the best the verbal-logical mode can do for these experiences is
to term them timeless" (p. 108, his italics). Such phenomenological
reports suggest that duration experience and temporal perspective
might be intimately connected. Radical changes in duration experience
may precede and, perhaps, cause radical changes in temporal perspec-
tive. Similar alterations in temporal perspective occur in mystical
experiences (Pahnke and Richards, 1966), which are discussed in
Section 3.7. These similarities support Fischer's (1971) notion that
208 R. A. Block
there is a similarity between extreme hyperaroused and hypoaroused
states. Ornstein (1977) hypothesized that large doses of psychedelic
drugs can "overwhelm the linear construction {of time] and allow 'an
infinite present' to exist" (p. 109). This proposal is examined in more
detail in the following sections of the present review.
3.7 Meditation and Mystical States
Temporal experiences resulting from meditation can be discussed in
general terms without making distinctions among the varieties ofmedi-
tation techniques. Indeed, different meditation techniques may ulti-
mately produce similar alterations in consciousness. Further, some
meditative states are similar to mystical states, in which there are
"experiences of union with supernatural power" that occur "during a
period of mental emptiness" (Zales, 1978, 254-255; Deikman, 1963,
1966). Mystical experiences are commonly reported by some prac-
titioners of meditation, although a wide range of activities, such as
physical exercise and scientific or artistic work, may promote mystical
Meditation typically produces a decreased amount of spontaneous
mental activity, and it is commonly reported that the experienced
duration of a meditation period is shortened compared to physical
time. Attention to the passage of time is usually greatly minimized or
absent, perhaps because concentrative meditation techniques involve
attending to a single stimulus, such as a mantra or a physical move-
ment. If an inexperienced meditator is unsuccessfully engaged in a
struggle to concentrate, however, the experienced and remembered
duration of the time period may be lengthened (Dcikman, 1963).
A remarkable alteration in temporal expericnce of advanced
meditators occurs in the state ofsam ad hi, which is variously described
as an experiencing of "voidness", "no-thingness" or "blankness" in
which there is a paradoxical "pure" awareness without thoughts or
"cgo-involvement" (Capra, 1975; Naranjo and Ornstein, 1971). There
is a qualitative change in temporal pcrspective ill the state ofsamadhi,
a change which is similar or identical to that described in both mystical
experiences and psychedelic drug-induced experiences. This altered
mode of temporal perspective has been characterized by the terms
"timelcss" and "eternal", where both tcrms refer to a shift in temporal
perspective outside the ordinary rangc of duration experiences. There
is a similarity with descriptions of the "Clairvoyant Reality" (LeShan,
1974) or "clairvoyant modes of being" (LeShan, 1976), in which the
following laws, or limiting principles, operate: .. Divisions of time,
including divisions into past, present, and future, are errors and iIIu-
Time and Consciousness
sion. Events do not 'happen' or 'occur,' they 'are'" (LeShan, 1976, p.
92). Ornstein (1977) called this the "nonlinear mode", and he said, "In
this mode, all action occurs in an infinite prescnt. There is no attribu-
tion of causality or construction of sequence. All events occur simul-
tancously" (p. Ill). A cognitive explanation of this kind of qualitative
shift in temporal perspective might assume that ordinary human tem-
poral perspective is stabilized by certain contents of consciousness (cf.
Tart, 1975, 63-69)-reconstructions of past evcnts, responses to pres-
ent events and anticipations offuture events. When there is a decrcase
or an elimination of these contents of consciousness during samadhi,
ordinary tcmporal perspective is disrupted and replaced by a temporal
perspective that may be more ontogenetically "primitive." Ordinary
temporal concepts, which were learned during socialization with the
development of the ego, cease to be maintained.
Capra, a "high-energy" (particle) physicist, identified similarities
between the temporal perspective described by some mystics and the
space-time views of some modern physicists (especially those instru-
mental in developing relativity theory). He said that:
Because of the awareness that space and time are intimately connected
and interpenetrating, the world views of modern physics and of Eastern
mysticism are both intrinsically dynamic views which contain time and
change as essential elements.
(Capra, 1975,p. 173)
In comparison with the mystical experience of "timclessness" , Capra
asserted that the "space- time ofrelativistic physics is a similar timeless
space of a highcr dimension" (p. 186). Furthermore, thc emphasis in
Eastern mystical traditions on becoming free from thc bondage of
karma by transcending time i;ll rerIected in the "liberation from time" of
relativistic physics, which may view interconnections between cvents
(e.g. intcractions ofsub-atomic particles) as acausal. Capra's synthesis
points clearly to the importance of investigating statements made by
some explorers ofaltered states ofconsciousncss. After all, it seems that
certain viewpoints on the nature of physical reality must be at lcast
partially credited to the much earlier Eastern mystical traditions.
; 3.8 Cercbral Hemispheres, Altered States ofConsciousness and TCI11-
poral Expcriences
Ornstein (1977) reviewed evidence suggcsting that thc two cerebral
hemispheres are specialized to process information in different ways.
He interpreted the evidence as indicating that thc left hemisphere of
most humans operates in a more linear way, processing information
210 R. A. Block
more sequentially; while the right hemisphere operates in a more
holistic way, processing information more simultaneously. Several
recent studies of experienced duration of very brief stimuli (Avant and
Puffer, 1978; Polzellaet ai., 1977) have explored the normal functioning
of the two hemispheres in ordinary waking consciousness, but no broad
implications can be drawn from these studies at present. Some older
research, however, has clear implications for some of the issues dis-
cussed in this review. For example, Efron (1963) compared discrimina-
tion of temporal sequence in normal subjects and subjects with left-
hemisphere damage. The relatively poor performance of subjects with
damage in the left hemisphere supported his hypothesis that "temporal
analysis of sequence ... is performed in the left hemisphere" (p. 423).
Based on this and other evidence, Ben-Dov and Carmon (l976) pro-
posed a two-stage model of hemispheric asymmetry in information
processing. In the IIrst stage, the left hemisphere resolves temporal
information, while the right hemisphere resolves spatial information.
In the second stage, the left hemisphere codes information by extrac-
tion (analysis) of features, while the right hemisphere codes informa-
tion by integration (synthesis) of features. In short, several theorists
have proposed that the left hemisphere is ordinarily more intimately
involved in temporal experience than the right.
Other theorists (e.g. Bakan, I 977-78) have suggested that the rela-
tive contribution of the hemispheres to conscious experience shifts from
the left to the right hemisphere during certain altered states of con-
sciousness. If this is the case, we can begin to appreciate the dramati-
cally different temporal experiences and perspectives mediated by the
functioning of the two hemispheres. The left hemisphere apparently
plays the major role in "ordinary" temporal experiences by analysing
events and temporal sequences ofevents. The right hemisphere appar-
ently plays the major role in temporal experiences in some altered
states of consciousness by synthesizing atemporal interconnections
between events and by enabling humans to experience the timelessness
of existence. An understanding of both modes of temporal functioning
seems to be an essential pre-requisite to an understanding of con-
4 Summary and Conclusions
Temporally-defined sequences of events permeate human conscious-
ness, and temporal experiences originate in certain aspects and pro-
cesses ofconsciousness. An internal-clock approach cannot adequately
explain diverse influences on temporal experience, but a cognitive
Time and Consciousness
approach has few apparent drawbacks. The present review clarifies
and extends a cognitive approach to understanding and explaining the
origins of human temporal experiences in both "ordinary" and altered
states of consciousness.
Experiences ofsimultaneity and successiveness, which form the basis
of the notion ofa psychological moment, do not reflect the operation of
a pacemaker mechanism. Instead, such experiences are apparently
derived from aspects of cognitive processes, although the nature of the
processes remains. obscure. Dynamics of sensory information storage
may mediate very short duration experiences and underlie the notion of
an indifference point. Both unconscious, pre-attentive processes and
conscious, post-attentive processes are involved in very short duration
experiences. The psychological present is a phenomenon that appar-
ently originates in the maintenance of information in short-term mem-
ory. Outside the range of the psychological present, intervals between
events are probably experienced as a result ofa comparison of previous
and present contextual aspects of consciousness. Longer duration
experiences can be explained in terms of the encoding, storage and
retrieval of changes in contextual information throughout an entire
duration. The experienced duration ofa time period might be affected
mostly by processes involved in encoding contextual changes, while
remembered duration might be affected mostly by processes involved
in storing and retrieving contextual changes. The "ordinary" temporal
perspective of most humans may arise as a result of conscious recon-
structions of past events, responses to present events and anticipations
of future events.
Temporal experiences may be altered in several categories ofaltered
states ofconsciollsness. The duration ofsleeping and dreaming periods
is usually able to be judged in a fairly veridical way, but distortions of
temporal sequences and durations may occur in some dreams. The
experienced and remembered duration ofdaydreaming periods is USll-
ally shortened. A shortening of duration experience may occur in
sensory deprivation conditions, although the evidence is meagre. In
hypnosis, specific time-distortion suggestions apparently can substan-
tially modify duration experience, and suggestions regarding each of
the three temporal categories-past, present and future-can alter
temporal perspective and behaviour. Alterations in duration experi-
ence and temporal perspective typically accompany the use of certain
drugs, and psychedelics may produce an experience of
"timelessness". Similar experiences occur in mystical states, which
may result from meditation and a variety of other teclmiques and
situations. Differences in the functioning of the two cerebral hemis-
pheres may underlie the linear and nonlinear constructions of time.
213 212 R. A. Block
In the future, theorists should pursue a unified cognitive approach to
temporal experience in ordinary and altered states ofconsciousness, an
approach that is sketched in the present review.
5 Acknowledgements
1 thank Edward George for locating references and for commenting on
the manuscript; Douglas Hintzman, Michael Posner and Sheldon Zack
for commenting on parts ofa previous draft; and Geoffrey Underwood
for scholarly and editorial assistance.
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