Established patient, 39 years of age, presents today for a follow-up visit. She indicates she is feeling extremely tired and run down. History and exam performed. I ordered a CBC and hepatic function tests to assess the patients viral hepatitis B and progressive anemia. Patient to return in 5 days to discuss the results. Case 1: Hospital Outpatient Laboratory Directions: The patient face sheet/charge detail, laboratory requisition, and laboratory report are included in this case. Complete this case and prepare a CMS-1450 (UB-92) as follows: Step 1: Assign revenue codes (see Appendix B) to each category of services listed on the patient face sheet/charge detail. Submit your patient face sheet/charge detail to your instructor for review. Step 2: The Coding Worksheet included in this case must be completed before data can be entered on the computer. Complete the Case 1 Coding Worksheet as follows: a. Record the code(s) describing the admitting, principal and other diagnoses. b. Record HCPCS code(s) describing the laboratory procedures. c. Record the code(s) for the items listed below the charge detail. All other charges listed on the patient face sheet have been coded and posted by other departments. d. Assign UB data codes (see Appendix B) to other information, as required, on the Coding Worksheet. Submit your Coding Worksheet to your instructor for review. Step 3: Complete a CMS-1450 (UB-92) claim form for this case. Claim forms can be completed manually or utilizing the software. Your instructor will advise if a manual claim is required. Otherwise begin completing the Student Software Case. Student Software Case 1 Directions: After installing the CD-ROM bound into the back of this textbook, use your completed Coding Worksheet and the software program to produce a completed CMS-1450 (UB-92). Follow these instructions to complete Student Software Case 1. Step 1: The Coding Worksheet should be completed before entering data into the software. Use your completed Coding Worksheet and the patient face sheet/charge detail (after they are reviewed by your instructor) to enter information into the proper elds on the software. Follow the software screen by screen. Step 2: Once you have completed each screen, preview your completed CMS-1450 (UB-92). Make required corrections before printing. Step 3: Save your completed CMS-1450 (UB-92) to your computer or disk in PDF format. Print your completed claim form and submit to your instructor for review.
Actual hospital cases offer students an opportunity to apply the concepts used throughout the chapters to real-life scenarios.
Appendix A: Cases
Assignment Ben Y
Treatment Authorization #
Treatment Authorization #
Condition/Value Info