PID Buck-Boost
PID Buck-Boost
PID Buck-Boost
The aim of this paper is to design a best compensator for the buck-boost converter system operates in a continuous conduction mode. The small signal of the buck boost is derived first to find the line-to-output and control-to-output transfer functions which they help to design the feedback controller and help in the study of the system stability. key words: Converter, Control, Switching
In all switching converters, the output voltage Vo(t) is a function of the line voltage Vi(t), the duty cycle d(t), and the load current iLoad(t), as well as the converter circuit element values. In a dc-dc converter application, it is desired to obtain a constant output voltage Vo(t)=Vo, in spite of disturbances in Vi(t) and iLoad(t), and in spite of variations in the converter circuit element values[1,2]. The sources of these disturbances and variations are many, the input voltage of an off-line power supply may typically contain periodic variations at the second harmonic of the ac power system frequency (100Hz or 120Hz), produced by a rectifier circuit. [3,4]. The magnitude of vi(t) may also vary when neighboring power system loads are switched on or off. The load current iLoad(t) may contain variations of significant amplitude, and a typical power supply specification is that the output voltage must remain within a specification range when the load current take a step change form. The values of the circuit elements are constructed to a certain tolerance, and so in high volume manufacturing of a converter, converters are constructed whose output voltages lie in some disturbances [5,6].
Fig.(1) subinterval (1) The inductor voltage and capacitor current are:
vL(t ) = L * ic (t ) = C *
Small ripple approximation: replace waveforms with their low frequency averaged values.
vL(t ) = L * ic (t ) = C *
ii (t ) = d (t ) * ii (t ) ........(13)
The converter averaged equations are:
vL(t ) = L * ic(t) = C *
These equations are non-linear. By considering a certain steady state values and add a small a.c variation (the a.c component are very small), the above equations become:
Small ripple approximation: replace waveforms with their low frequency averaged values.
vL(t ) = L * ic(t ) = C *
vo (t ) ] + d (t ) * R vo (t ) [ iL(t ) ]................................(11) R ic (t ) = d (t ) * [
iL(t ) ii ( t ) = 0
The d.c terms equal zero, and the second order ac terms are small values and can be neglected.
(t ) (t ) vo (t ) .(20) (t ) vo C* = D * iL + Io * d dt R
The a.c equivalent circuit of the above equation is shown in Fig(4).
Gvi( s ) = Gvd ( s ) =
(s ) vo vi( s ) ( s) vo ( s) vd
= 0 .(24) d
=0 vi
By solving the small signal model we can get these transfer functions as follows:
Gvi( s ) =
1 sL s 2 LC 1+ 2 + D R D2
1 R Vi Vo sC Gvd = + * sL 1 D + R sC D2 sL 1 IL * ( 2 R )................................(27) sC D
(t )) * ( IL + i L (t )) ...(21) ( Ii + ii (t )) = ( D + d
The d.c terms equal zero, and the second order ac terms are small values and can be neglected.
(t ) * IL ...(22) (t ) + n * d ii (t ) = D * iL
The a.c equivalent circuit is shown in Fig.(5)
Vref G Ve(s) Vc(s) G 1 Vo(s)
Fig.(6) Block diagram which models the smallFig.(5) The a.c equivalent circuit of the input port. signal ac variation of the complete system of the converter.
The formula of output voltage variation that represents the effect of the feedback control on the system is as follows:
The quiescent value of the control voltage, Vc, will be equal: Vc=D*VM Vc=0.238*3=0.714V Thus, the quiescent conditions of the system are known. It remains to design the compensator gain Gc(s). The open loop converter normalized transfer
H (s ) * Gc ( s ) * Gvd ( s ) T ( s) = ..(29) VM
From equation (28) it is very clear that the change of the reference voltage, input voltage and load current depend on a certain transfer functions T/(1+T) and 1/(1+T). These transfer functions are very important in the design of the compensator.
Gvd(s) = Gdo *
s ) wz
s s 1+ ( ) + ( )2 Qo * wo wo
Gvi(s) = Gio *
1 ...(31) s s 2 1+ ( )+( ) Qo * wo wo
5.Controller Design
A Combined PID compensator will be used to control the dc-dc Buck-Boost converter system. The first step is to select the feedback gain H(s). The gain H is chosen such that the regulator produces a regulated -15V dc output. Let as assume that we will succeed in designing a good feedback system, which causes the output voltage to accurately follow the reference voltage. This is accomplished via a large loop gain T(s), which leads to a small error voltage: ve 0. Hence, Hv=vref. So we should choose :
Gio = Gdo = o =
D 0.238 = = 0.3123 D 0.762 Vo 15 = = 82.71 D * D 0.238 * 0.762 = 0.762 50*106 * 220*106 = 7265.3
D L* C
H ( s) =
Vref 5 1 = = Vo 15 3
The quiescent duty cycle is given by the steady-state solution of the converter:
Vo = Vs *
D 1 D
T ( s ) = Gc ( s ) * (
1 ) * Gvd (s ) * H ( s ) (32) VM
by inserting the input and output voltages, we can find the duty cycle:
The uncompensated loop gain Tu(s), with unity compensator gain Gc(s)=1, is:
Tu(s) =
H(s) *Gdo VM 1+ (
s ) wz
s s ) + ( )2 Qo* wo wo
The uncompensated loop gain has a crossover frequency of approximation 3.2 kHz with phase margin 0 degree. In this paper, we will design a
Gc( s ) = Gcm
(1 +
compensator to attain a crossover frequency of fc=10kHz, or one twentieth of the switching frequency. The uncompensated loop gain has a magnitude at 10 kHz equal to -18 dB. In addition the compensator should improve the phase margin, since the phase of the uncompensated loop gain is nearly 220 degree at 10KHz. So a PD compensator is needed. According to the relation between the phase margin and the Q-factor, we will select the phase margin equal to 52 degree to get Q-factor equal to 1. With fc=10KHz and !=52 degree, leads to the following compensator pole and zero frequencies:
Gc( s ) = 2.8 *
(1 +
The pole and zero fp and fz1 are unchanged. The midband gain (Gcm) is chosen to be the same as the previous (Gco). Hence, for frequencies greater than the fL, magnitude of the loop gain is unchanged by the inverted zero. The loop continues to exhibit a crossover frequency of 10 KHz. The frequency fL
will chosen to be one-tenth of the cross over frequency, or 1 KHz. The inverted zero will then increase the loop gain at frequencies below 1KHz, improving the low frequency regulation of output voltage. With PID controller, the loop gain will be:
1 sin( 52) fz1 = (10 KHz) * = 3.442 KHz 1 + sin( 52) fp = (10 KHz) * 1 + sin( 52) = 29 KHz 1 sin( 52)
To obtain unity loop gain at 10 KHz and approximate the compensated loop gain by its high frequency, then the low frequency compensator gain must be:
Gco = (
fc 2 1 ) *( )* fo Tuo
margin and that will effect the stability of the system. It is found that when we design compensator for crossover frequency equal to 20kHz (10% of the switching frequency), the phase margin will be equal
to 23 degree. Also, by putting the cross over frequency equal to 30KHz (15% of the switching frequency) the phase margin will be equal to 14 degree. The small value of the phase margin ( in T(s)) cases the close loop transfer functions (1/(1+T)) and (T/(1+T)) to exhibit resonant poles with high Q. The system transient response exhibit overshoot and ringing. As the phase margin is reduce these characteristics become worst (higher Q, longer ringing) until the system becomes unstable. From the previous figures of bode plots, we can see that the loop gain at 120Hz is equal to 47 dB. This gain can be improved by increasing (fL); however, this would require redesign of the PD portion of the compensator to maintain an adequate phase margin. Fig.( 7)Output voltage versus the input voltage step change from 44V to 52V at 0.004s and from 52V to 44V at 0.005s
6. Simulation
A MATLAB/Simulink model is build to simulate the design of buck boost compensator which is designed before. Fig.( 7) and Fig.( 8) show the output voltage versus the input voltage step change from 44V to 52V at 0.004s and from 52V to 44V at 0.005s. From these figures it is very clear that the controller respond very well under this change.
Fig.( 8)Output voltage versus the input voltage step change from 44V to 52V at 0.004s and from 52V to 44V at 0.005s
The overshoot and the settling time for the input change from the 44V to 52V are equal to 0.5% and zero ( according to the definition of "2%, but if we just calculate the time till it become stable is equal to 0.5ms) respectively. The overshoot and the settling time for the input change from the 52V to 44V are equal to 0.5833% and zero (according to the definition of "2% of the output signal, but if we just calculate the time till it become stable is equal to 0.5ms) respectively. Fig.( 9) and Fig.(10) show the output voltage versus the load step changes from 100% to 50% at 0.003s and from 50% to 100% at 0.006s. From these figures it is very clear that the controller respond very well under this change. The overshoot and the settling time for the load change from the 100% to 50% are equal to 0.66% and zero ( according to the definition of "2%, but if we just calculate the time till it become stable is equal to 0.1ms) respectively.
The overshoot and the settling time for the load change from the 50% to 100% are equal to 0.8% and zero (according to the definition of "2% of the signal, but if we just calculate the time till it become stable is equal to 0.1ms)respectively.
Fig.(10)The output voltage versus the load step changes from 100% to 50% at 0.003s and from 50% to 100% at 0.006s
Fig.(11) and Fig.(12) show the output voltage versus the voltage reference step changes from 0V to 5V at 0.001s and from 5V to 0V at 0.003s. From these figures it is very clear that the controller can not overcome the big change in the reference voltage. The overshoot and the settling time for the reference voltage change from the 0V to 5V are equal to 73% and 0.002s respectively. The overshoot and the Fig.( 9)The output voltage versus the load step changes from 100% to 50% at 0.003s and from 50% to 100% at 0.006s settling time for the reference voltage change from the 5V to 0V are equal to zero and 0.0026s respectively.
7. Conclusion
In this paper a design of the feedback controller (PID controller) for the buck boost converter is done to get the best performance. A MATLAB/Simulink model is build to verify the performance of the compensator design. By applying large signal variation (for example by applying changes for the reference voltage from 0V to 5V) the system work fine but there is some overshoot and undershoot at the time of changes. Also, the compensator is test for changes in the input voltage and changes in the load. During these changes the system behaves very well with very less overshoot and settling time. The PI compensator is used to increase the low frequency loop gain, such that the output is better regulated at d.c and at frequencies well below the loop crossover frequency. PD is used to increase the bandwidth of the feedback loop and to increase the Fig.(11) Output voltage versus the voltage reference step changes from 0V to 5V at 0.001s. phase margin at the crossover frequency. The crossover frequency (fz) is should be chosen to be successfully less than crossover frequency, such that an adequate phase margin is maintained.
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