Memb1 Service Manual Englis 1 PDF
Memb1 Service Manual Englis 1 PDF
Memb1 Service Manual Englis 1 PDF
A D PAC%I &""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'
4.1 General..................................................................................................................................................................... 4.2 !echnical "ata.........................................................................................................................................................# 4.3 $roperties and Handling.........................................................................................................................................% 4.4 &echanical "esign...................................................................................................................................................' 4.( "escription of )ircuit...........................................................................................................................................11
Rev 1.1
Rev 1.1
1"$ !arranty
T e period o& %arranty &or t is unit is 12 "ont s$ beginning on t e day o& delivery to t e end user. Wit in t is period o& %arranty %e %ill re"edy &ree o& cost 6eit er by our service representatives?aut ori@ed dealers or directly in t e &actory6 and de&ects t at ave been caused by a "anu&acturing de&ect or by use o& de&ective "aterials. I45ortant ote
Any repairs to be per&or"ed on t e unit "ay be carried out only by t e "anu&acturer(s o%n personnel or by a 'uali&ied person or &ir" t at as been e=pressly aut ori@ed by us to per&or" suc %or#. I& repair %or# as been carried out by an aut ori@ed person or co"pany$ t e service"an is re'uired to issue to t e user?o%ner a certi&icate detailing about t e nature and scope o& t e "aintenance or repair %or# done. Suc certi&icate "ust s o% t e date % en t e %or# as been carried out and "ust be signed$ giving &ull particulars as to t e person?co"pany per&or"ing t e %or#. I& repair %or# as been carried out by a party ot er t an t e "anu&acturer$ t e e'uip"ent or parts repaired "ust be labelled also %it t e repairer(s identi&ication "ar#.
1"# )otline
In case you need in&or"ation o& a tec nical nature$ please use t e &ollo%ing otline. Martin Me1i6in7Tec8ni9 )otline Tec8nical Service Tel" :. /' *1; /.*7#'# (a< :. /' *1; /.*71,. Aur tec nical service representatives are available Monday t roug Briday &ro" 8 a.". to 9 p.". In case you ave any 'uestions concerning "aintenance contracts or training courses$ please contact our Tec nical Service "anager :Tel. 5:C5;>< 7;41 7546112<.
Rev 1.1
Co45ensation Clai4s In case any da"age or loss occurred$ t e user?buyer is re'uired to i""ediately noti&y eit er t e seller or t e carrier to t is e&&ectD ot er%ise t e buyer s all ave no rig t to clai" co"pensation. In said event$ a certi&icate o& loss "ust be establis ed i""ediately and "ust be sub"itted eit er to a MARTIN representative or to MARTIN directly so t at t e co"pensation clai"s involved can be duly &iled %it t e insurer.
Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual side o& t e board "ay ave touc able ig levels versus electronic ground level % ic "ay cause electric s oc#.
Rev 1.1
Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual It is t e nature o& an electrosurgery unit to generate ig voltages o& ig &re'uency &or dissection and coagulation o& corporal tissue. T oug body contact to suc voltages does not result in electric s oc#$ it "ay result in severe burns in a point even in case o& unipolar contact because o& ,B lea#age currents. )irect bipolar body contact o& t e ,B current "ay result in severe inGuries.
Ma=i"u" ;55 Watts o& ,B output po%er in t e cutting "ode$ "a=i"u" 295 Watts in t e
contact coagulation "ode and 125 Watts in t e spray coagulation "ode$ additional "a=i"u" 155 Watts in t e bipolar coagulation "ode %it t e ME MB1. coagulation %it t e ME MB1.
Separate settings o& ,B output po%er &or cutting and coagulation$ additional &or bipolar
Sel&6e=plaining design and easy andling. Microcontroller operated. Adaptive neutral electrode "onitoring$ alternatively use o& non6sectored as %ell as sectored neutral electrodes. Anly one &oots%itc &or "onopolar and bipolar operation %it t e ME MB1$ selectable at t e &ront panel. All6around closed case prevents t e ingress o& dust or li'uids. !an be &i=ed on a console %it "eans o& clic#6on bolts li#e t e ot er units o& t e ME series. Settable to t e global "ost co""on "ains voltages.
Rev 1.1
Autput voltages*
!utting 1* !utting 2* !ontact coagulation* Spray coagulation* Bipolar coagulation* :ME MB1 only<
"a=. 2155Fpp open circuit "a=. 2955Fpp open circuit "a=. 1255Fpp open circuit "a=. 4555Fpp open circuit "a=. 455Fpp open circuit
3rotection class* )egree o& ingress prot.* Type o& circuit* Mode o& operation* )i"ensions* Weig t*
I I3 H1 !B de&ibrillation proo& Inter"itting operation INT 15s?15s ;59"" H 119"" H 185"" :B=,=)< 8.1 #g
con&or" %it >1 ? ;2 ? EE!
Rev 1.1
Rev 1.1
Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual T e units ME M1 and ME MB1 ave a "onitoring syste" &or t e neutral electrode % ic "onitors unsectioned neutral electrodes &or correct connection or cable &aults as %ell as t%o6sectored neutral electrodes additional &or correct application. Monitoring o& correct application %ill be per&or"ed adaptive$ i. e. t e unit "atc es auto"atically to individual peculiarities o& electrodes &ro" di&&erent "anu&acturers as %ell as t ose o& di&&erent patients. T e p eno"enon t at alar" %ill not disappear or disappear a&ter long ti"e in one case and does not reappear t oug t e electrode is peeled o&& o& t e s#in &or "ore t an t e al& area in anot er case does not occur. T e unit %ill recogni@e a single use electrode % ic is &olded %it t e sections to eac ot er or attac ed to a "etal sur&ace as &aulty :i"pedance alar"<. In case o& alar" o& not connected or insu&&icient applied neutral electrode t e red lig t above t e neutral electrode soc#et %ill blin#. An atte"pt o& activation o& a "onopolar operation "ode an inter"itting acoustic alar" signal %ill be audible. In case o& i"pedance alar"$ t e blin#ing &re'uency o& t e red lig t %ill be al&$ so t is #ind o& alar" can be distinguis ed &ro" t e ot er one % ic %ill be i"portant &or correct trouble s ooting. In t e alar" state$ t e activation o& "onopolar ,B activation is disabled$ o%ever$ bipolar activation is not a&&ected by t is. T e units ME M1 and ME MB1 ave a "onopolar active electrode andle soc#et to % ic optional a andle %it MARTIN coa= connector or %it a t ree6pin connector as is co""on in t e LS "ar#et "ay be plugged. Activation o& ,B current "ay be per&or"ed by t e andle or by &oot6 s%itc . T ere is a "utual latc ing o& activation signals in a "anner t at in case o& si"ultaneous operation o& bot &inger s%itc es or bot &oots%itc pedals or o& one &inger s%itc toget er %it one &oots%itc pedal none o& bot &unctions %ill be valid. Additional$ t e ME MB1 as a coa= soc#et &or connection o& a MARTIN cable &or instru"ents &or bipolar coagulation. T e "ains soc#et &or detac able "ains cord toget er %it t e "ains &uses is at t e rear o& t e unit. T e lig ted "ains s%itc is at t e &ront. Setting o& t e unit to t e "ains voltage is per&or"ed at t e "anu&acturer(s site$ t e setting is "ar#ed at t e rear side. A later c ange to an ot er voltage can be done by use o& anot er bridging plug inside t e unit and e=c ange o& t e "ains &uses. Additionally$ at t e rear side$ t ere are an e'uipotential connector and an outlet &or t e acoustic signal as %ell as an align"ent ori&ice &or t e basic loudness. T e case is "ade &ro" s eet steel and as no venting slots. It is located on &our stands. Bor &i=ing t e unit at a console$ t ere are receptacles in t e botto" % ic enable t e clic#6on at ballpin bolts.
'"' Mec8anical Design +uideline &or t e design o& t e units ME M1 and ME MB1 ave been an al"ost si"ple and clearly visible asse"bly to "a#e service as easy as possible. T e botto" part o& t e case serves as a rac# % ic pic#s up t e ,B generator 3!B$ t e "ains inlet$ t e e'uipotential connector t e sound transducer and t e &ront part %it andling ele"ents and soc#ets. Rev 1.1 >
Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual T e &ront part is placed in guiding grooves belo% and &i=ed in its position %it t%o t readed bolts at t e upper side. At t is &ront part$ t e connection soc#ets are &i=ed %it scre%s eit er direct or %it "eans o& &langes$ t e &ront 3!B is &i=ed scre%less by snap6in bet%een elastic snap &i=tures. At t e &ront side$ t e top o& t e case is &i=ed in a groove in t e &ront part$ at t e rear side it is &i=ed by &our scre%s at its ri". T e unit consists o& t e &ollo%ing co"ponents in % ic it can be dis"antled easily %it out e=pense &or service or de"onstration purposes* !ase botto" %it t readed bolts &or 3!B "ount$ stands and type label !ase top Mains soc#et %it "ains &uses E'uipotential connector Sound transducer and loudness control subasse"bly !able set &or protective eart and e'uipotential conductors !onnection cable &or &ront 3!B ,B generator 3!B &ront part$ consisting o& subasse"blies as &ollo%s* 3lastic "ould %it receptacles and t%o6parted &ront layout Bront 3!B %it #eys and la"ps T%o or t ree setpoint potentio"eters %it rotary #nobs Mains s%itc %it connection cable
Neutral electrode soc#et %it insulation cup Monopolar co"bi6soc#et Boots%itc soc#et %it &lange Bipolar soc#et %it spacer and &lange :ME MB1 only<
Rev 1.1
:not connected<
Rev 1.1
Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual T e po%er supply consists o& an au=iliary supply and t e "ain supply &or ,B generator operation. T e au=iliary supply voltage is generated by a "ains trans&or"er % ic is placed at t e "ain 3!B %it consecuting SM3S &or 19 Folts. Bro" t is 19 Folts supply$ a 9F voltage controller is &ed % ic serves as supply &or t e "icrocontroller and its perip erals. T e "ains trans&or"er is protected by an integrated t er"os%itc and additionally by a &use B1 :119"A "ediu" blo%< at t e pri"ary side and by a &use B2 :1.4A "ediu" blo%<. An c ange to anot er "ains voltage by e=c ange o& t e plug H4$ t e pri"ary o& t is trans&or"er %ill also be c anged. T e variable po%er supply voltage &ro" 5F up to 119F to &eed t e ,B generator %ill be generated by a pri"ary6side s%itc "ode po%er supply unit %it al& bridge topology. T e output po%er o& t e ,B generator %ill be controlled by t e level o& t is )! voltage. T e pri"ary side protection o& t is SM3S is per&or"ed outside t e "ain board %it t%o slo% blo% &uses in t e "ains cord soc#et % ic &or" t e protective &uses o& t e unit. T e value o& t ese &uses is ;A &or t e "ains voltage range 225F 6 2;5F and 8A &or t e range 155F 6 127F. At t e rear side o& t e unit is a "ar# % ic indicates t e value o& t e applied &use and to % ic "ains voltage t e unit is set. T e c ange to anot er value o& "ains voltage %ill be per&or"ed by e=c ange o& t e plug H4. !arning@ I3 t8e unit >ill 2e connecte1 to $#.- i3 it is set to 1..- 7 1$/-A t8is 4ay cause 1a4age to t8e SMPS@ !ontrol o& t e SM3S is per&or"ed by a SM3S controller at t e secondary side % ic drives t e transistors at t e pri"ary via pulse trans&or"ers. T e operation &re'uency is about 155#,@. T e po%er supply circuit contains a current li"iter circuit % ic prevents da"age caused by a s orted circuit in a &ault condition. 3lease note t at a part o& t e po%er board is connected to "ains voltage directly. T is area is placed at t e rear"ost le&t side o& t e board and is separated by a "ar# in t e print. )esign precautions provide t at body contact to live parts is i"peded$ but generally it is possible. A&ter s%itc 6o&& o& "ains voltage$ t e capacitors at t e recti&ier lose t eir electric c arge rat er slo%ly$ so t ey #eep a@ardous voltage a&ter separation &ro" "ains &or a longer period o& ti"e. )( &enerator T e ,B generator is a s%itc "ode a"pli&ier % ic operates at &i=ed &re'uencies. It consists o& a po%er stage % ic %ill be driven by a pulse pattern generator. )epending on t e selected current "ode$ t is pulse pattern generator generates t e di&&erent signals &or t is current "ode. Bet%een t e po%er stage and t e output trans&or"er$ t ere is a "atc ing circuit$ t e branc es o& % ic %ill be selected by relays corresponding to t e selected current "ode. Wit t e ME MB1$ t e output signal o& t e po%er stage %ill be s%itc ed to a separate bipolar output trans&or"er on activation o& t e current "ode Jbipolar coagulationJ.
Rev 1.1
Rev 1.1
19F 9F T; Au=. po%er supply
T7 T9
Mains po%er input Bi5olar 5atient circuit :ME MB1 only; 19F6155F )! C125 T8 C126 T10 C121 C122 X13
2F 6 12F )!
2F 6 12F )!
Setpoint generator Relay driver K1 /1 K4 K3 K2 T1 Active electrode ,andpiece control secondary side L1A L1B ,andpiece control pri"ary side X10
Microcontroller X8
Sound generator
Bloc# diagra"
Bront 3!B
!ase %all
155F6127F H1 H9
!LT !AA+
H12 NE
BI6 !AA+
blac# % ite?blac# % ite?bro%n bro%n
Wiring diagra"
Rev 1.1
Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual Set5oint &enerator an1 Over1ose (ault Monitor T e re'uired ,B output po%er %ill be set by rotary potentio"eters. !orresponding to t e selected operation and current "ode$ t e signal o& one o& t ese potentio"eters %ill be selected$ "atc ed to t e current "ode and &ed to t e SM3S as its setpoint value. T is analogous signal pat control appens in t e setpoint generator. To prevent t at a &ault in t e setpoint generator %ill result in an overrated output po%er$ all setpoint values in t e units ME M1 and ME MB1 %ill be generated t%ice. W ile one o& bot values is &ed to t e SM3S as its setpoint value$ t e ot er value is &ed to a "onitoring circuit % ic co"pares it to t e output value o& t e SM3S. I& t is circuit recogni@es t at bot values di&&er too "uc $ t en it interrupts t e energy &lo% pat by cutting o&& t e au=iliary energy % ic is used to drive t e relays in t e output circuit o& t e ,B po%er stage % ic results in an interruption o& t e lin# bet%een po%er stage and ,B output trans&or"ers. )an15iece control circuit Activation o& ,B po%er "ay be per&or"ed optionally and in t e sa"e "anner by &oots%itc or by an electrode andle %it &inger s%itc es. Activation o& ,B po%er by "eans o& &inger s%itc es at t e electrode andle is enabled by an inter&ace circuit % ic trans&ers t e control signals by "eans o& special optocouplers over t e re'uired insulation barrier according to t e IE! 451 standard. Bor t e trans&er o& t%o signals over a t%in %ire line$ an encoding o& current direction is per&or"ed in t e andle % ic as to be decoded in t e inter&ace circuit by t%o signal pat s %it counter%ise current direction per"ittivity. To #eep co"patibility to t e t ree6pin connectors as #no%n &ro" t e LS "ar#et$ t e encoding &or t is connectors as to be per&or"ed subse'uent in t e unit. T e po%er supply o& t is circuit is per&or"ed by a s"all converter$ t e output voltage o& % ic %ill be trans&erred over t e insulation barrier by "eans o& a trans&or"er.
eutral Electro1e Monitoring T e units ME M1 and ME MB1 are able to "onitor a neutral electrode &or correct connection. Bor t is purpose$ t e neutral electrode %ill be connected to t e unit %it a cord %it t%o %ires to % ic t e current returning to t e unit %ill be divided. T ese t%o %ires "ay be lin#ed eit er toget er to a single6plated electrode or to bot o& t e sections o& a split6plated neutral electrode. Monitoring o& t e neutral electrode is per&or"ed by "onitoring t e i"pedance bet%een bot o& t ese %ires. Wit single6plated electrodes$ a "onitoring o& connection o& t e electrode and o& non6interruption o& t e cord is possible$ %it spliced electrodes an additionally "onitoring o& correct application at t e patient % ic is part o& t e "onitoring circuit in t is case is possible. T e units need not to be set to t e electrode type being used.
Rev 1.1
Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual Controller T e ME M1 as a ,B generator &or "onopolar operation "ode % ic is controlled central by a "icrocontroller syste". Wit t e ME MB1$ t e generator "ay be s%itc ed to bipolar operation "ode. T e controller per&or"s t e &unctions as &ollo%s* Sel& test o& t e progra" "e"ory and t e perip erals Input o& &ront #ey operation 3er"anent "e"ory o& &ront #ey settings Manage"ent o& &inger and &oots%itc signals !o6ordination o& control signals Activation o& ,B generator !ontrol o& pulse pattern generation Selection o& operation "ode o& ,B generator Activation o& t e relays &or current "ode selection !ontrol o& indication la"ps &or activation and NE alar" Adaptive neutral electrode "onitoring Activation o& acoustic alar" signal Besides t e "icrocontroller$ t e activation o& ,B current as to be per"itted by a parallel installed circuit % ic is independent &ro" t e "icrocontroller syste".
Sa3ety (unctions Because a ,B electrosurgery unit i"poses input o& energy to a patient treated %it it$ t ere is generally a a@ard &or t e patient$ i& t is input o& energy occurs %it out control. So t ere is a re'uire"ent &or "ini"i@ing t is a@ard to an acceptable lo% level by "eans o& appropriate design precautions as &ar as t is is "anageable &ro" t e unitNs side.
Rev 1.1
Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual Bro" t e unitNs side$ t e &ault conditions as &ollo%s s all be recocni@ed and "anaged* Lnintended activation o& ,B po%er output Autput po%er at a ig er dose t an set %it t e ME M1 and ME MB1$ t ere are a nu"ber o& design precautions "ade to "eet bot o& t is aspects. An unintended activation "ay occur in t ree %ays*
Lnintended operation o& a &inger or &oots%itc $ t is also "eans JGa""ingJ a&ter intended
operation as a conse'uence o& a &ault o& an activation ele"ent. Lnintended activation as a conse'uence o& a &ault in t e control signal pat o& t e e=ternal accessory. Lnintended activation as a conse'uence o& a &ault in t e inner signal pat o& t e unit. T e &irst ite" cannot be recogni@ed reliably by devices incorporated into t e unit. A tec nical unit is not able to "a#e a decision % et er an operation o& a s%itc by an e=ternal &orce %as intended by t e user or not. Also$ a tec nical unit does not di&&er bet%een an intended operation o& a s%itc and a s ort o& t e cable or a rupture o& a reset spring in t e s%itc . So$ %it t is sa&ety aspect t e user as to be involved in t e decision % et er t is is a case o& &ault or not. !o""only ,B electrosurgery units ave an acoustic activation indicator % ic enables t e user to recogni@e also an unintended activation o& po%er. So t e sa&ety proble" is &ocused to t e reliability o& t is acoustic indicator. At t e ME M1 and ME MB1$ t e acoustic signal is generated by a progra""able sound generator. Activation o& t is sound generator can be per&or"ed eit er by t e control or by a direct signal o& t e ,B po%er stage. In case o& unusual long activation ti"e :"ore t an 19 Seconds< t e loudness o& t e activation signal rises because t is "ay be a &ault condition. A c ec# o& t e &unction o& t e activation signal is to be per&or"ed by t e user be&ore eac use o& t e unit. In case t at an activation #ey is operated be&ore t e unit is s%itc ed on$ ,& output po%er is disabled because t is condition "ay occur i& &aulty accessory is connected to t e unit.
Rev 1.1
Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual T e occurrence o& overrated output po%er "ay be caused by &aults as &ollo%s* Bault at one o& t e setpoint potentio"eters or its connection cables Bault in t e analogous signal pat &or SM3S output control Bault in t e regulator circuit o& t e SM3S
T e occurrence o& one o& t is t ree &aults %ould result in an output po%er % ic is not in accordance %it t e setting o& t e rotary #nob. T ere is an overdose protection circuit incorporated into t e ME M1 and ME MB1 to prevent t is. By use o& double potentio"eters$ t e setpoint value o& eac operation "ode is present t%ice. T e signal pat s o& bot setpoint values are separated &ro" eac ot er. Ane out o& bot :identical< setpoint values %ill be &ed to t e SM3S as control voltage. T e output voltage o& t e SM3S %ill be co"pared %it t e second setpoint value. Beyond a certain di&&erence$ t e output po%er %ill be disabled. T e co"pare circuit is designed in a "anner t at its &ailure %ill result in a disabling o& output po%er. T is protection circuit acts bot at t e controller syste" and directly at t e current "ode relays .1 to .;. T e controller syste" per&or"s a sel& c ec# on po%er6on o& t e unit. A &ault in t e ,B po%er stage and its ,B output circuit cannot result in an increased po%er output because t ere is no additional &eed o& energy to t is parts o& t e circuitry.
Rev 1.1
Rev 1.1
Set o& Asse"bling 3arts ME M1$ ME MB1$ !onsisting o&* 586518655615 45 41 42 41 4; 49 44 47 48 4> !ase Stand Spacer 4?1.9 H 15 T readed Bolt inside?outside M; H 19 ,e= Nut M1 )IN >1; ,e= Nut M; )IN >1; /oc# Was er S1 /oc# Was er S; Sel&6Tapping Scre% 2.> H 11 Sel&6Tapping Scre% 2.> H >.9 Spacer 8?;.9 H 25 Set o& Sel& Ad esive Sy"bols &or ME Lnits Incandescent Bulb &or Bront 3!B Buse Buse Buse Buse ;A Slo% Blo% :Mains Buse 225F62;5F< 8A Slo% Blo%:Mains Buse 155F6127F< 5.119A Mediu" Blo% :Buse B1< 1.4A Mediu" Blo% :Buse B2< 586518655652 586512655651 58651;655619 58651;65561; 58651;655619 58651;655 28 586558655621 586558655622
Rev 1.1
$1 $$
*' ** *,
H1 H9
($ (1
*+ *#
BI6 !AA+
H12 NE
H11 BI3
*$ *. $
*$ *. '$
M A NA 3 A / AR
B I3A /A R
# '
5. 3us case top co"pletely at t e rear %all o& t e case botto" :2< and &i= it %it scre%s :48<.
)onNt pull t e case top %it t e scre%s to%ards t e &ront else t e ri" "ay be de&or"ed. 3ut unit at an even underground and c ec# &or correct ground contact o& all o& t e &our stands else release "ec anical tension by loosening and retig tening o& t e scre%s.
5. 3ace spare part &ro" t e inside %it t e cable tree directed to t e rig t. An tig tening t e nut$
#eep potentio"eter eld counter%ise by and else t e setting "ay get an o&&set in cloc#%ise direction. 4. Rearrange rotary #nob. I& t e #nob cannot be turned &reely$ t e potentio"eter is not centered correctly. !orrect centering by loosening and retig tening o& t e nut. 7. Reconnect cable connector to t e ,B generator 3!B :91< to t e corresponding connection H2$ H1 or :%it ME MB1 only< H;. 8. 3er&or" sa&ety c ec#s according to ite" 4.9. >. !lose case according to ite" 9.2.
Rev 1.1
Rev 1.1
9 ; 7 8 > 1 15 1 15 2 > 1 8 7 1 2 4 9 ;
Bront section ME M1
Rev 1.1
+ + + MANA3A/AR
9 ; 7 8 > 1 15 1 15 2 > 1 8 7 1 2 4 9 ;
!LT !AA+.
1 2 1 15 9 ; 4 7 8 >
Rev 1.1
#1 #1
#+ #'
*/ #$
+"' E<c8ange o3 Soc9ets an1 Asse42le1 Parts :#$7#0; at t8e (ront Part
1. Apen unit according to ite" 9.2. 2. )isconnect connections H2 and H1$ at t e ME MB1 also H; o& setpoint potentio"eters :11< &ro" t e ,B generator 3!B :91<. 1. )isconnect t e &lat cable :;2< to t e &ront 3!B &ro" t e connector H8 at t e ,B generator 3!B :91<.
4. )isconnect connectors H12 o& t e neutral electrode soc#et :12< and H15 o& t e active
electrode soc#et :11<$ at t e ME MB1 also H11 o& t e bipolar soc#et :14< at t e &ront side o& t e ,B generator 3!B :91<. 9. )isconnect t e plugs o& t e "ains s%itc cable tree :;5< &ro" t e connection H1 at t e rear o& t e ,B generator 3!B :91< and &ro" t e "ains cord soc#et :21<. 4. Lnscre% t readed bolts :42< &ro" t e upper le&t and rig t &ront inside o& t e &ront part :1<. Ta#e a%ay &ront part &ro" t e &ront o& t e case botto". 7. Lnscre% and replace &aulty soc#et. Note &or correct "ounting position. An e=c ange o& bipolar soc#et :14< o& t e ME MB1$ re"ove cla"p ring &ro" t e old soc#et$ ta#e old soc#et out o& t e &lange :17< and replace by spare part. Note spacer :18< % en reasse"bling to t e &ront part.
8. Bor e=c ange o& t e "ains s%itc :21<$ disconnect t e plugs o& t e cable tree :;5<. 3ress do%n
plastic springs at t e upper and lo%er side o& t e body o& t e s%itc and press s%itc out%ards. 3ress in spare part &ro" t e &ront side$ note t at t e J5J at t e roc#er as to be upside. Reconnect cable tree as s o%n in t e %iring diagra". Ta#e care o& correct connection. Baulty connection o& t e %ires "ay result in da"age o& t e s%itc .
9. Bor re"oving t e &ront 3!B :95< &ro" t e &ront part :1<$ t e plastic spring olders at t e upper
edge o& t e board ave to be bent a%ay. T en tilt board a%ay &ro" t e &ront part until it can be ta#en out o& t e receptacles at t e lo%er edge o& t e board. T e spring olders are only to be bent bac#%ards % en t e &ront part is disasse"bled. I& t e &ront part is asse"bled to t e case botto"$ t e transversal bar at t e &ront o& t e case botto" in ibits t at. Bor reasse"bling$ place board into t e receptacles belo% t e #ey ori&ices in t e &ront part. Ta#e care o& rig t positioning o& t e #eys in t eir ori&ices. T en latc t e upper edge be ind t e spring olders % ile t e olders are to be bent slig tly a%ay by and.
Rev 1.1
Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual 15. Bor reasse"bling$ place &ront part :1< at t e &ront edge o& t e case botto" :2<. Rearrange t readed bolts :42< at t e le&t and rig t upper inside o& t e &ront and tig ten.
3lace cable tree :;5< o& t e "ains s%itc into t e space beneat t e le&t side o& t e ,B generator 3!B :91<$ rearrange connection H1 at t e ,B generator 3!B and rearrange connection o& t e bro%n and t e bro%n and % ite cable to t e "ains cord soc#et :21<.
12. Rearrange connection o& t e neutral electrode soc#et :12< to t e connector H12 at t e le&t side o& t e &ront o& t e ,B generator 3!B. 11. Rearrange connection o& t e active electrode soc#et :11< to t e connector H15 at t e le&t side o& t e &ront o& t e ,B generator 3!B. 1;. Rearrange connection o& t e &oots%itc soc#et :1;< to t e connector H7 at t e &ront o& t e ,B generator 3!B. 19. Wit t e ME MB1$ rearrange connection o& t e bipolar electrode soc#et :14< to t e connector H11 at t e &ront o& t e ,B generator 3!B. 14. Rearrange connection o& &lat cable :;2< &ro" t e &ront 3!B to connector H8 at t e rig t side o& t e ,B generator 3!B.
Rearrange connections o& t e setpoint potentio"eters :11< to t e connectors at t e &ront o& t e ,B generator 3!B$ t e le&t potentio"eter &or cutting to H2$ t e potentio"eter &or "onopolar coagulation to H1. Wit t e ME MB1$ additionally reconnect t e potentio"eter &or "onopolar coagulation to H;. 3er&or" sa&ety c ec#s according to ite" 4.9. !lose unit according to ite" 9.2.
18. 1>.
Rev 1.1
+"+ Disasse42ling an1 Reasse42ling o3 )( &enerator PCB :+1; 1. Apen unit according to ite" 9.2. An disasse"bling o& t e ,B generator board$ please #eep in
"ind t at t e capacitors in t e SM3S section #eep voltage &or about 25 Seconds a&ter s%itc ing o&& and disconnection &ro" "ains until t ey are disc arged. 2. )isconnect all connectors &ro" t e board. 1. /oosen t e seven e= nuts :4;< &ro" t e &i=ation bolts %it a 7"" soc#et %renc . Re"ove nuts and loc# %as ers :44<. ;. Re"ove board to t e upside. 9. An "ounting o& a ne% board$ c ange t e plug :;1< or :;;< respectively &ro" t e connector H4 o& t e old board to t e ne% board. Bot o& t e "icrocontrollers I! )15 and I! )1> ave also to be trans&erred to t e ne% ,B generator board :re&er to ite"s 4.1 and 4.;<.
6. An reasse"bling$ please note t at all o& t e seven plastic spacers :4>< are present at t e
&i=ation bolts. 3lace board &ro" t e upside at t e &i=ation bolts. 7. 3ut on loc# %as ers :44< and e= nuts :4;< and retig ten.
8. Reconnect all cable connections* connect cable :;5< &ro" t e "ains s%itc to H1 at t e le&t
rear edge$ cable &ro" NE soc#et :12< to H12 at t e le&t &ront edge$ t e connector o& t e active electrode soc#et :11< to H15 at t e le&t &ront edge$ t e connector o& t e &oots%itc soc#et :1;< to H7 in t e "iddle o& t e &ront edge$ %it t e ME MB1 t e connector o& t e bipolar soc#et :14< to H11 in t e "iddle o& t e &ront edge. Reconnect t e connectors o& t e setpoint potentio"eters to H2 and H1$ %it t e ME MB1 also to H; at t e &ront edge$ t e connector o& t e &lat cable :;2< to t e &ront board to H8 at t e rig t side and t e connector o& t e sound transducer asse"bly :15< to H1; at t e rig t rear edge according to t e %iring diagra". >. 3er&or" align"ents according to ite" 8.2. 15. 11. 3er&or" sa&ety c ec#s according to ite" 4.9. !lose case according to ite" 9.2.
Rev 1.1
Rev 1.1
,B po%er and current "eter type MARTIN E3M 2 or BM 25>7 or co"parable unit Folt"eter
1?;NN coa= plug %it resistor 275 A "s 1?;NN coa= plug s orted Monopolar MARTIN andpiece or Monopolar andpiece %it LS t ree pin connector Set o& "onopolar "easure cords Sy""etrical bipolar "easure cord Scre% driver &or align"ent
*"1"$ La2ellingC /abel JE'uipotentialJ under t e e'uipotential ter"inal at t e outside o& t e rear case %all. /abel J3rotection Eart J beneat t e 3E ter"inal at t e inner side o& t e rear case %all. Serial nu"ber at t e type label and at t e inner side o& t e rear case %all. !E label at t e rear case %all.
Ty5e la2elC
&e2r" Martin Lu1>igstaler StraDe 1#$ D /0+#$ Tuttlingen
Medi@in6Tec ni#
100-127/230-240V 50/60 Hz 800VA Type CF Class I -------------------------------------Monop : 400W/300 !" 450 #Hz $n% 10s/30s -------------------------------------&e'$al (o): M*M1 0000+8,,,,
Ma1e in &er4any
Rev 1.1
Medi@in6Tec ni#
100-127/230-240V 50/60 Hz 800VA Type CF Class I -------------------------------------Monop : 400W/300 !" 450 #Hz -$p : 100W/100 !" $n% 10s/30s -------------------------------------&e'$al (o): M*M-1 0000+8,,,,
Ma1e in &er4any
Designation o3 3usesC
*"1"# (unctional c8ec9s
1. !onnect &oots%itc to unit. !onnect active electrode soc#et and neutral electrode soc#et o& t e
unit %it "onopolar "easure cords to t e po%er "eter. Set po%er "eter to 155 A "s and operate "ains s%itc o& t e unit. ! ec# "ains s%itc &or proper operation.
2. W en t e po%er6on sel&test is over$ c ec# all #eys &or proper operation. Aperate % ic belong
to t e sa"e &unctional bloc# alternating. I& t e #eys operate properly$ s%itc over occurs on "oderate operating &orce % ic %ill be ac#no%ledged by lig ting o& t e operated #ey and si"ultaneous beco"ing dar# o& t e neig bour #ey.
3. Aperating o& setpoint potentio"eters$ c ec# &or Ga" o& "ove"ent or ot er "ec anical &aults.
;. )isconnect "easure cord &ro" neutral electrode soc#et. T e red alar" la"p over t e soc#et as to start blin#ing. Aperate one o& t e &inger s%itc es at t e electrode andle. An inter"itting acoustic %arning signal "ust be audible. Reconnect "easure cord. T e alar" la"p "ust stop blin#ing.
Rev 1.1
5. Aperation o& JcuttingJ &unction %it t e yello% &oots%itc pedal and t e yello% #ey at t e
electrode andle successively. T en an acoustic activation signal "ust be audible and t e yello% indication la"p J!LTJ as to lig t. ! ec# &or continuous alteration o& output po%er by turning t e rotary #nob &or cutting po%er setting and observing t e display o& t e po%er "eter. 4. Aperation o& JcoagulationJ &unction %it t e blue &oots%itc pedal blue #ey at t e electrode andle successively. Wit t e ME MB1$ t e signal pat o& t e &oots%itc signal "ust be set to t e "onopolar coagulation c annel by operation o& t e corresponding selection #ey. T e acoustic activation signal "ust be audible and t e blue indication la"p J!AA+J as to lig t. ! ec# &or continuous alteration o& output po%er by turning t e rotary #nob &or coagulation po%er setting and observing t e display o& t e po%er "eter.
7. Wit t e ME MB1$ connect t e bipolar output %it t e bipolar "easure cord to t e po%er
"eter$ set #ey &or &oots%itc signal pat selection to bipolar coagulation. Activate bipolar coagulation %it t e blue &oots%itc pedal. ! ec# &or continuous alteration o& output po%er by turning t e rotary #nob &or bipolar po%er setting and observing t e display o& t e po%er "eter.
1. Align"ent o& neutral electrode "onitor. !onnect volt"eter to t e test points H18 :ground< and
H22 :plus<. 3lug 1?;NN coa= plug %it incorporated 275 resistor into NE soc#et. Set tri""er JNEJ to a display o& 2.1F.
2. Align"ent o& cutting po%er* !onnect active electrode soc#et and neutral electrode soc#et %it
"easure cords to ,B po%er "eter % ic is set to 155 . Set rotary #nob &or JcutJ po%er setting to "a=i"u" :position 15<. 3us t e le&t selection #ey &or cut 1 selection. Activate cutting "ode. Set tri""er J!LTJ to a display o& ;55 W. T en select #ey &or cut 2$ activate cutting "ode and c ec# displayed value o& ,B po%er. T e value as to be in t e range o& 155 W 45 W.
Rev 1.1
H1 H9
($ (1
NE H22 H18
BI6 !AA+
H12 NE
H11 BI3
Setting o3 o5eration 5oint o3 E 4onitorC Bet>een B10 an1 B$$ $"#- >it8 resistor $/. at E soc9et
Out5ut 5o>er Out5ut 5o>er Cut 1C Conta9t CoagulationC '.. !atts at #.. $+. !atts at $..
Out5ut 5o>er Out5ut 5o>er Bi5olar CoagulationC S5ray CoagulationC 1.. !atts at 1.. 1$. !atts at #.. :ME MB1 only;
3. Align"ent o& contact coagulation ,B po%er* Set ,B po%er "eter to 255 . Turn rotary #nob &or
JcoagulationJ po%er setting to "a=i"u" :position 15<. 3us t e le&t selection #ey &or contact coagulation. Activate t e "onopolar coagulation "ode. Set tri""er J!AA+J to display o& 295 W at t e ,B po%er "eter. T8is setting also in3luences t8e out5ut 5o>er align4ent 3or s5ray coagulation" SoA on altering t8is settingA t8e align4ent 3or s5ray coagulation is also to 2e 1one ane>@ JcoagulationJ po%er setting to "a=i"u" :position 15<. 3us t e rig t selection #ey &or spray coagulation. Activate t e "onopolar coagulation "ode. Set tri""er JS3RAMJ to display o& 125 W at t e ,B po%er "eter. T8is setting reEuires t8e 5rece1ing align4ent o3 contact coagulation@
4. Align"ent o& spray coagulation ,B po%er* Set ,B po%er "eter to 155 . Turn rotary #nob &or
5. Wit t e ME MB1$ align"ent o& bipolar coagulation ,B po%er* !onnect bipolar output soc#et
%it bipolar "easure cord to ,B po%er "eter % ic is set to 155 . Turn rotary #nob &or Jbipolar coagulationJ to "a=i"u" :position 15<. 3us t e selection #ey &or &oots%itc signal pat selection in t e bipolar section o& t e &ront panel. Activate t e bipolar coagulation "ode. Set tri""er KBI6!AA+I to display o& 155 W o& t e ,B po%er "eter.
Rev 1.1
*"' So3t>are U51ating The units ME M1 and ME MB1 are equipped ith t ! "i#r!#!ntr!$$ers hi#h #!ntain the pr!%ra" "e"!ries &e"'edded #!ntr!$$er(. )n #ase !* a s!*t are updatin%+ !ne !* the #!ntr!$$er itse$* !r '!th !* the" are t! 'e e,#han%ed. This is t! 'e per*!r"ed as *!$$! s1. .pen the #ase a##!rdin% t! ite" 5.2. /e$ease the "i#r!#!ntr!$$er #hip *r!" its s!#0et '1 $i*tin% it !** !* the s!#0et '1 use !* a suited t!!$ &s#re dri2er !r si"i$ar( thr!u%h the !ri*i#e at the side a$$ and ta0e it a a1 up ards. 2. 3$a#e the ne #!"p!nent+ n!te that the 4pin 14 "ar0 is dire#ted t! ards the 'i% heatsin0.
Rev 1.1
IC D1, 4icrocontroller
H1 H9
($ (1
BI6 !AA+
H12 NE
H11 BI3
IC D1. 4icrocontroller
Rev 1.1
Test Re5ort
Tester* ........................................................
1. Measure"ents re&er to reverse o& t is test report 2. 3oints o& non6co"pliance* .................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ 1. No &aults o& &aults % ic do not concern sa&ety. T e unit "ay be operated &or &urt er use. ;. T e unit "ay be operated &or &urt er use i& t e &aults "entioned above are re"oved. 9. Errors % ic re'uire "aintenance or repair o& t e unit be&ore ne=t operation else patients$ users or t ird persons "ay be obGect o& a@ard. )ate* Signature* Ne=t date o& c ec# *
Rev 1.1
!urrent No.*
o"C """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
GA Co44"
Correc Uncorr t " 1. Type label 2. LserNs instruction "anual 1. /abelling ;. Aperation ele"ents 9. E'uipotential connector 4. +enuine accessoriesP :Else designation o& "anu&acturer< 7. Fisual c ec# o& ,B connection cords 8. Boots%itc at A3 site %aterproo& and A3 proo& >. Aperation "ode o& neutral electrode "ar#ed 15. No output po%er % en neutral electrode "issing 11. Monitoring circuit o& t e neutral electrode 12 ! ec# &or operation o& ands%itc and &oots%itc control 11 ! ec# &or optical and acoustic signal on ,B activation 1; ,B po%er "easure"ent :"a=i"u" at no"inal resistance< !utting 1 at 155 A "s :;55W C 5 W ? Q 85W<* !utting 2 at 155 A "s :155W 45W<* !ontact coagulation at 255 A "s :295W 95W<* Spray coagulation at 155 A "s :125W 2;W<* Bipolar coagulation at 155 A "s :155W 25W<*
.............. Watts .............. Watts .............. Watts .............. Watts .............. Watts
!o""ents* .................................................................................................................................... .... ...................................................................................................................................................... ..... ...................................................................................................................................................... ..... Electrical 4easure4ents accor1ing to IEC *.1C 19. Isolation resistance "ains versus case* ............... M 14. Isolation resistance applied part* ............... M 17. Measure"ent o& protective eart conductor resistance* ............... 18. /o% &re'uency lea#age current$ nor"al condition* ............... A 1>. /o% &re'uency lea#age current$ single &ault condition* ............... A 25. Enclosure lea#age current$ nor"al condition* ............... A 21. Enclosure lea#age current$ single &ault condition 3E conductor* ............... A 22. Enclosure lea#age current$ single &ault condition "ains* ............... A 21. 3atient lea#age current$ nor"al condition* ............... A 2;. 3atient lea#age current$ single &ault condition 3E conductor* ................ A 29. 3atient lea#age current$ single &ault condition "ains* ............... A 24. 3atient au=iliary current$ nor"al condition* ................ A 27. 3atient au=iliary current$ single &ault condition 3E conductor* ................ A 28. 3atient au=iliary current$ single &ault condition "ains* ............... A 2>. 3atient lea#age current %it voltage in parallel to applied part* ................ A 15. dto.$ interc anged p ases* ................ A Unit c8ec9e1 at ............................. (ro4C ....................................................................................
Rev 1.1
Rev 1.1
Mains s it#h i$$u"inati!n $i%hts+ the e$e"ents at the *r!nt re"ain dar0+ n! !perati!n !* unit.
Mains s it#h i$$u"inati!n $i%hts+ e$e"ents at the *r!nt !perate n!r"a$$1+ n! 89 !utput p! er and n! a#!usti# a#ti2ati!n si%na$ 5! !utput p! er ith !n$1 !ne 9au$t !* the setp!int E,#han%e setp!int #urrent "!de p!tenti!"eter !* this #urrent p!tenti!"eter "!de !r its #a'$e #!nne#ti!n 9au$t !* the setp!int si%na$ path E,#han%e 89 %enerat!r '!ard
7 it#h !n unit Che#0 *uses in the unit6s "ains s!#0et and rep$a#e hen needed. )* the *use '$! s a%ain i""ediate$1+ there is a *au$t ith the 7M37. /ep$a#e 89 %enerat!r '!ard. 3ri"ar1 *use 91 !* the au,i$iar1 Che#0 *!r pr!per "ar0in% !* "ains trans*!r"er is '$! n "ains 2!$ta%e at the unit6s rear side. Che#0 *use 91 inside the unit and rep$a#e i* needed. )* *use 91 !r 92 '$! s a%ain i""ediate$1 a*ter e,#han%e+ then e,#han%e 89 %enerat!r '!ard. 7e#!ndar1 *use 92 !* the Che#0 *!r pr!per "ar0in% !* au,i$iar1 "ains trans*!r"er is "ains 2!$ta%e at the unit6s rear '$! n side. Che#0 *use 92 inside the unit and rep$a#e i* needed. )* *use 92 !r 91 '$! s a%ain i""ediate$1 a*ter e,#han%e+ then e,#han%e 89 %enerat!r '!ard. 9au$t !* the 89 %enerat!r E,#han%e 89 %enerat!r '!ard
Rev 1.1
I! )19$ pin 2 I! )19$ pins 11 and 1; I! N1$ pin 1 Setpoint voltage Autput signals o& t e !urrent li"iter signal signal o&SM3S 3WM controller appro=. ;F* Not active 5.9F to 9F appro=. 2F* Active
H1 H9
($ (1
NE H22 H18
BI6 !AA+
H12 NE
H11 BI3
Rev 1.1
0" Alterations
0"1 Proce1ure
As e=perience s o%s$ during t eir sales li&eti"e tec nical products undergo repeated tec nical alterations due to steady product i"prove"ents. To t e service t is i"poses t e proble" o& aving several versions o& t e sa"e type o& unit and prior to eac repair it "ust be clari&ied % ic version is present. Prior to any 4ani5ulation o3 t8e unit it is necessary to 9no> t8e state o3 t8e version@ Wit t e units ME M1 and ME MB1$ t is is indicated in t e serial nu"ber* ME MB1 BB BB BB BBBB Type o& unit ,ard%are state So&t%are state Mear o& production !onsecutive nu"bering
T e ard%are state is de&ined by* Revision state o& boards Revision state o& "ec anical construction Revision state o& align"ents T e boards are e'uipped %it t%o labels. Ane o& t e labels contains t e "anu&acturerNs identity nu"ber !;56HHHH and a consecutive test nu"ber %it signature or identity nu"ber o& t e tester. T e second label indicates t e state o& revision. I& suc a revision is present in t e "ar#et$ it %ill be concern o& t e &ollo%ing ite"s. I& suc a board %ill be repaired at t e "anu&acturerNs site$ it %ill get a t ird JrepairJ label. I& possible$ suc boards %ill be updated to t e actual state o& revision and$ a&ter co"plete test procedure$ %ill be used &or repairs as e=c ange boards. I& it as t e sa"e MARTIN ordering code as t e old part according to ite" 9.1$ a board %it a ig er state o& revision "ay replace a board o& lo%er state o& revision :stepdo%n co"patibility<. -ice versaA t8is is generally not vali1@ Rev 1.1 ;1
Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual W at "a#es t e di&&erence bet%een ne% revisions and t eir predecessors and % ic co"patibilities are valid %ill be e=plained in t e ite"s corresponding to t e di&&erent con&igurations. An release o& a ne% revision$ a description o& t e ne% con&iguration %ill be created and distributed by t e MARTIN Service !enter by t e sa"e %ay li#e t is service docu"entation.
Rev 1.1
0"' Con3igurations ME M1
0"'"1 Con3iguration .... Serial nu"bers* So&t%are* Bront 3!B* ,B generator 3!B* Bro" ME M1 5555 >8 5155 to ME M1 5555 >8 511> 1.52 MB1 )15 :Ardering code 586558655621<. 1.59 MB1 )1> :Ardering code 586558655622<. !;561971 version 55. As a spare part$ also version 51 "ay be used :ordering code 5865156556;5<. !;561972 version 55. As a spare part$ also version 51 "ay be used :ordering code 58651;655624<.
0"'"$ Con3iguration .1.. Serial nu"bers* So&t%are* Bront 3!B* Bro" ME M1 5155 >8 5125 1.52 MB1 )15 :Ardering code 586558655621<. 1.59 MB1 )1> :Ardering code 586558655622<. !;561971 version 51 :ordering code 5865156556;5<.
Rev 1.1
0"+"1 Con3iguration .... Serial nu"bers* So&t%are* Bro" ME MB1 5555 >8 5155 to ME MB1 5555 >8 51;> 1.51 MB1 )15. As a spare part$ use 1.52 MB1 )15 :Ardering code 586558655621<. 1.52 MB1 )1>. As a spare part$ use 1.59 MB1 )1> :Ardering code 586558655622<. !;5619;1 version 55. As a spare part$ also version 51 "ay be used :ordering code 58651565561><. !;561911 version 51 or 52. As a spare part$ also version 51 "ay be used :ordering code 58651;655629<.
0"+"$ Con3iguration ...1 Serial nu"bers* So&t%are* Bront 3!B* ,B generator 3!B* Bro" ME MB1 5551 >8 5195 to ME MB1 5551 >8 51>> 1.52 MB1 )15 :Ardering code 586558655621<. 1.59 MB1 )1> :Ardering code 586558655622<. !;5619;1 version 55$ Fersion 51 :ordering code 58651565561><. !;561911 version 52. As a spare part$ also version 51 "ay be used :ordering code 58651;655629<.
0"+"# Con3iguration .1.1 Serial nu"bers* So&t%are* Bront 3!B* ,B generator 3!B* Bro" ME MB1 5151 >8 5255 1.52 MB1 )15 :Ardering code 586558655621<. 1.59 MB1 )1> :Ardering code 586558655622<. !;5619;1 version 51 :ordering code 58651565561><. !;561911 version 51 :ordering code 58651;655629<.
Rev 1.1