52 Mental Factors
52 Mental Factors
52 Mental Factors
aasamna (common mental factors and supporting other mental factors) (13)
(connected with every type of consciousness)
sa (perception, remembrance, memory) cetan (volition) ekaggat (one-pointedness, concentration) jivitindriya (mental-life vitality) manasikra (attention) vitakka (tought-conception, initial application) vicra (discursive thinking, sustained application) adhimokkha (determination, decision) virija (effort, energy) pti (enthusiasm, joy, zest) chanda (intention, desire) moha (delusion)
C E T A S I K A 52 M E N T A L F A C T O R S -
(connected with wholesome or unwholesome types of consciousness)
(connected with root of ignorance)
ahirika (shamelessness, lack of moral shame) anottapa (fearlessness of wrong, lack of moral dread) uddhacca (restlessness, distraction) lobha (greed) ditthi (wrong view) mna (conceit, pride) dosa (hatred + fear, sadness and depression) iss (envy) macchariya (stinginess, avarice) kukkucca (worry) thna (sloth) middha (torpor) vicikicch (doubt, scepticism) saddh (confidence, faith) sati (mindfulness) hri (moral shame, modesty) ottapa (moral dread, discretion) alobha (non-greed, generosity - dna) adosa (non-hatred, amity, lovingkindness - mett) tatramajjhattat (neutrality of mind, equanimity upekkh) kya-passadhi (composure, tranquility of ment. properties) citta-passadhi (composure, tranquility of consciousness) kya-lahut (buoyancy, agility or lightness of ment. properties) citta-lahut (buoyancy, agility or lightness of consciousness) kya-mudut (pliancy,malleability,elasticity of ment.properties) citta-mudut (pliancy, malleability, elasticity of consciousness) kya-kamaat (wieldiness, adaptability of ment. properties) citta-kamaat (wieldiness, adaptability of consciousness) kya-pguat (proficiency of mental properties) citta-pguat (proficiency of consciousness) kya-ujjukat (rectitude, uprightness of mental properties) citta-ujjukat (uprightness of consciousness)
(connected with root of greed)
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c o n c o m i t a n t s
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(connected with abstinences of immoral deeds)
samm-vc (right speech) samm-kammant (right bodily action) samm-jiv (right livelihood) karun (compassion) mudit (altruistic, appreciative joy) pa (wisdom)
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(connected with boundless types of consciousness, brahma-vihra)
(connected with non-delusion, amoha)
by Sati Santikaro