Congregation Stands
!Congregation Kneels
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Todays Revived by His Word reading is Psalm 143. Please keep reverence in Gods house. Please reserve balcony for overflow seating and mothers with young children. Thank you for supporting MAS AMOR EN NAVIDAD! Check out the recap video on YouTube by searching: Mas Amor en Navidad Roatan 2013 2014 Morning Watch Devotional Books available for purchase at the Adventist Book store. Choir Meets TODAY at 4:00pm for practice. TUESDAY: New Years Eve Vespers 4:30pm. All are invited to bring in the New Year together at sunset.
ANNOUNCEMENTS !Convocation !Doxology !Invocation !Opening Hymn !Scripture Reading !Pastoral Prayer Welcome Worship in Giving
SPIRIT OF PROPHECY GEM Yesterday was Christmas. Did you do as the Wise Men did by offering your DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS gifts to Jesus? Or has the Joshua Barrett 3 enemy changed the order of Dexel Hyds 11 things, and directed the Penny Elwin 12 worship to himself? The gifts Freddy Dixon 15 are now bestowed upon friends Caroline Merren 22 instead of Him who has made Melba Caballero 24 so great a sacrifice for us. All the gifts should flow in another DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES channel, where they could be Allan & Yvette Hyde 2 used in the salvation of men. Samir & Joni Galindo 21 The new year is just Kern & Ruby Hyde 26 before us. Shall not the gifts be Junior & Dessery Barrett 30 turned to a better account than Landry & Cynthia Hynds 30 heretofore? Shall not confession be made and shall we not avail ourselves of the blood of Christ, who is able and willing to cleanse from all sin? For our sakes Christ became poor. Christ came and set the example in sacrificing, and if we are Christ's, then we will do the works of Christ. Instead of pleasing ourselves, we will be seeking to do others good, and to impart benefits to suffering humanity. And unless this is done, we cannot expect to have a part with Christ. Let each strive to have a better record for the coming year, and live so near to God that you may be surrounded with the atmosphere of heaven, and thus be a representative of Christ.Manuscript 60, December 26, 1886, a sermon preached in the Tramelan, Switzerland, town hall, John Vuilleumier translating.
The Cheerful Givers Plan: Tithe (10% of all income) Used to support the worldwide mission of the church Marked Offering (love offering of any amount) is used in the following ways: o Unspecified: ! 60% Local church Budget ! 20% Local conference development ! 20% World Missions o You may also specify your offering to fund specific departments such as: church budget, education, radio, poor fund, etc. Loose offering: Local church budget PLEASE MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO MISION ADVENTISTA
(Updated weekly) (777) Revival & Reformation, Pastors and their families, Lettie Martinez, Roy Woods, Lovita Dixon, Elsabeth, Lillybeth, Stephany Nicole, Mas Amor en Navidad, Students Traveling mercies, Fausta Elwin, Cynthia & Family, Messiahs Mansion Guatemala. OFFICERS SERVING YOU Pastor: Perry Elwin, Jr. youcanreachperry@gmail.com Head Elder: Emmer Ebanks e_ebanks@hotmail.com Treasurer: Delano Mejia delanomejia@yahoo.com Church Clerk: Norma Francis nf270160@yahoo.com SS Superintendant: Valjean Dixon valjean.dixon@yahoo.com Pathfinder Club Director: Dessery Barrett desseryh@yahoo.com Bulletin Editor: Jenna Hyde jennahyde@me.com 9792-0022 9479-1057 9460-0560 9921-5955 9990-4937 9735-3261 9747-6298
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Mission:! The Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist church is to proclaim to all peoples the everlasting gospel in the context of the Three Angels messages of Revelation 14:612, leading them to accept Jesus as their personal Savior and unite with His church, and nurturing them in preparation for His soon return. Meetings Sunday Night Evangelism at 7:00pm Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7:00pm AY Meeting Friday at 7:00pm Sabbath School 9:00am Sabbath Church Service 11:ooam