General Index
This is a concept-based index, designed to facilitate research. Specific instances of most generic
entries (e.g., particular canons, churches, fasts, feasts, foods, and monasteries) are as a general
rule to be found in this index as subheadings under their generic (conceptual) entries. Specific
entries requiring detailed treatment (e.g., patriarchal monasteries) are indexed separately, with
cross-references from the corresponding generic entries. Many generic entries are subdivided,
both for convenience and for greater analytic precision. Thus a reader seeking information on
churches will find a general entry for churches and additional entries for churches (parts of),
churches (specific), churches (types of), and churches and chapels (monastic). A reader seeking
information on monasteries will find a general entry for monasteries and additional entries for
monasteries (parts of), monasteries (specific), and monasteries (types of).
[ 1851 ]
acclamations: angelic (of monastic life), xiv, 76, 586, 1469, 1527, 1583, 1593; worthy, 484,
646, 816, 962, 996, 1053
acheiropoietos (not made by hand). See icons (specific); monasteries (specific); and Glossary
acquisitiveness. See vices, monastic
actors. See professions and trades
ad succurrendum. See tonsure
addresses, hortatory: to all serving in the monastery, 492-93, 593-94, 683, 1010-11, 1023-24,
1067-68, 1165; to emperors, 1230-32, 1661; to monks, 79, 179-81, 487, 818, 819, 820, 920-21,
926-27, 944-48, 969, 1024, 1079-80, 1081, 1159-60, 1221-22, 1604, 1661; to nuns, 705, 1268,
1269, 1281, 1355, 1532, 1558-59, 1566; to patriarchs, 1207, 1232-33; to protectors, 1019-20,
1077, 1661; to a recluse, 1357-58; to superiors, 71, 77, 182-84, 487, 573, 588, 676, 820, 921-22,
968, 1022-23, 1028-29, 1078-79, 1084-86, 1114, 1160, 1220-21, 1256, 1390, 1392, 1518, 1531-33,
1558-60, 1604, 1664
adelphata. See fellowships
adelphopoiia. See social relations
administrators (dioiketai, epitropoi): appointment of, 310, 1405; rights and duties of, 272, 312,
1343-44, 1352. See also trustees
administrators (specific): (dioiketai), of Christ Panoiktirmon, 338, 339, 345; (epitropoi), of Lavra,
197, 209, 210, 211, 271, 275, 276, 277, 278, 297, 299, 300, 312, of Mother of God Petritzonitissa,
521, 531, 533, 540, of Neophytos Holy Cross monastery, 1343, 1352, of St. Euthymios (Jerusalem), 1301, 1405, 1406
administrators (types of): ecclesiastical, 1405, 1406; lay, 271, 272; local, 271-72, 310
admissions: ceremonies, xxi; consent for, xxi, 22, 26, 1198, 1203; control over, 444; gifts to secure (kaniskia), 302, 314, 315, 319, 1213, 1218, 1486, 1498, 1501; regulation of and qualifications for, xiv, 26-27, 26n. 22, 459, 570, 592, 640, 644, 728, 733, 748, 787, 823-24, 1340, 1352;
requests for preferential admissions (parakaleseis), xxi, 302, 315, 319, 444n. 2, 445, 611, 733,
748, 1099
advocates (antileptores): ecclesiastical, 275; at law, see professions and trades; Western medieval,
xxviii, xxix, xxxv, xxxvi
aer. See cloths, liturgical (specific)
aerikon. See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
afterfeasts (metheortoi). See feasts (types of)
[ 1852 ]
agape (memorial meal). See meals (specific)
agents, fiscal (praktores). See imperial officials (specific)
agrarian legislation. See imperial legislation (specific)
agricultural tools. See tools (specific)
agridion (hamlet). See rural settlements
agros. See fields
agrypnia. See vigils
ainoi (lauds). See hymns (specific)
Akathistos. See hymns (specific)
akedia. See vices, monastic and Glossary
akephaloi (headless). See dissidents, religious
akolouthia (divine office). See hours, liturgical (specific)
akoubiton (dining table). See furniture
All Merciful (Panoiktirmon). See churches and chapels (monastic); icons (specific); monasteries
(specific); and Glossary
allagai/allaximata (vestments). See cloths, liturgical (specific)
allagator. See imperial officials (specific)
Allelouiarion (book of verses preceded by alleluia). See books, liturgical
allowances, living: (diakonia), 1389, 1390, 1393; (diarion), 348; (eulogiai), 1510, 1584, 1600;
(rogai), 327, 349, 350, 511, 512, 514, 534, 535, 699, 735, 767, 1210, 1225; (siteresia), 302, 329,
348, 694, 791, 840, 848, 864, 1117, 1162, 1491
almaia. See foods (particular kinds)
almonds. See foods (particular kinds)
alms. See charitable distributions
almshouse (ptochotropheion), of Attaleiates (Rhaidestos), 298, 303, 311, 326, 335, 336, 339, 340,
344, 345, 364, 367, 449, 1696
aloes. See fragrances
[ 1853 ]
Alphabetical Admonitions Attributed to Aphrem (Syriac rule). See monastic rules (non-Byzantine)
altar. See churches (parts of)
altar cloth/covering. See cloths, liturgical (specific)
ambo. See churches (parts of)
amiantos (steatite). See icons (types of)
ammoniakon. See supplies, medical
Amomos (Blameless). See psalms (specific)
amparateinos (made of elektron). See icons (types of)
amygdale (almond-shaped stud). See book covers, decoration of
anabathmos (gradual antiphon). See psalter (parts of)
anadochos (sponsor). See tonsure
anagnostes (reader). See ecclesiastical officials (specific)
anagnostikon (lectionary). See books, liturgical
anagrapheus (registrar). See imperial officials (specific)
analabos (scapular). See clothing (articles of)
Analepsis (Ascension). See feasts (specific, movable)
anaphora. See commemorations, liturgical
anaplion (bedspread). See bedding (specific kinds)
Anastasis (Resurrection). See feasts (specific, movable); icons (specific); and monasteries (specific)
anchorites and anchoritism. See cells, monastic; kelliotai and kelliotic monasticism; and solitaries
and solitary monasticism
anelaioi (oil abstainers). See dissidents, religious
anemomiliarion (cauldron). See utensils, household
angareia (compulsory labor, corve). See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
anger. See vices, monastic
[ 1854 ]
animals: all banned from monastic enclosure, 795, 843; compulsory labor of, 362, 366; females
banned, xviii, 71, 76, 86, 247, 259, 303, 382, 383, 410, 436, 874, 879, 938-39, 944, 1343, 1359,
1615, 1622, 1631, 1652; males tithed, xxxv, 1166; on Mount Athos, 239-40; restrictions on ownership of, 39, 239, 303, 511, 527, 1353; sexual intercourse with, 866, 94243; stabling of, 1342,
1360. See also livestock and property, animate
animals (specific): birds, 410; buffalo, 362, 366, 554, 1190; bullocks, 554; calves, 554; cats, 303;
cattle, 86, 286, 287, 362, 366, 843, 1178, 1179, 1190; cocks, xxiii; colts, 78; cows, 1190; dogs,
hunting, 362, 366; donkeys, xxii, 554, 1190, 1343, 1359; dove, 834; foals, 554; goats, 264, 286,
362, 366, 554; grazing animals, 526; heifers, 554; horses, xxii, 77, 247, 595, 1190, 1390, 1392;
jackasses, 362, 366; lion-griffin, 359 (see also cloths, liturgical [types of]); lions depicted on
textiles, 1186; mares, 362, 366, 554, 1190; mice, 303, 436, 438n. 16; mules, 77, 247, 1190, 1343,
1359; mules, pack, 362, 366; oxen, draft, 362, 366; oxen, grinding, 938, oxen, plow, 554; oxen,
team/yoke of, 286, 1190, 1416, 1417, 1422, 1423; pack animals, 362, 366; pigs, 362, 366, 1190;
plow animals, 526, 1190; quadrupeds, 410; rams, 554; she-asses, 362, 366; sheep, 69, 264, 286,
287, 362, 366, 554, 938, 1187, 1190, 1416, 1422, 1600; stallions, 554
anise (anison). See flavorings
annuities: of gold, 208; imperial pensions (rogai), 196, 212, 235, 242n. 4, (solemnia), 208, 211,
248, 260, 1043, 1047, 1051, 1107, 1116; monastic pensions (siteresia), see allowances, living
Annunciation. See dietary rules; feasts (specific, fixed); icons (specific); and liturgies (specific)
anogeokatogon (two-storied). See buildings (types of)
anthypatos. See titles and dignities
antikaniskon. See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
antilambanomenos. See protectors and the protectorate
antileptor. See advocates
antimitatikion. See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
antiphon. See psalter
Antiphonetes (of Christ). See icons (specific) and Glossary
Antiphonetria (of the Mother of God). See monasteries (specific) and Glossary
apaitetes. See imperial officials (specific)
apathy. See vices, monastic
aphegoumene. See superiors
aphoristria (place of confinement). See monasteries (parts of)
[ 1855 ]
aphypnistes (waker). See monastic officials (specific)
aplekton. See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
apodeipnon (compline). See hours, liturgical (specific)
Apodeipnon, Mega. See books, liturgical
apodekatosis (tithe). See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
apodosis. See closures
Apokreo (Meatfare). See commemorations, liturgical (types of) and weeks of the liturgical year
apokrisiarios. See imperial officials (specific)
aposchideumos. See immunities and exemptions
apostolikoi, 1161. See also Glossary
apostolikon. See monastic habit (specific kinds)
Apostolos. See books, liturgical
aqueducts. See water supply systems
Arabic. See languages
arbitration. See disputes: resolution of
archbishops: authentication of documents by, 792, 842; endowment of sees by, 299; judicial decision of, 168; quarrels of with monasteries, 639; of Serbian Orthodox church, 1331. See also archiepiscopal rights and metropolitans
archiepiscopal rights: confirmation of institutional independence, 1455; granting of stauropegia,
1339; installation of superior, 794, 800, 816; ownership, 187, 200; reporting on disputes, 794,
800. See also metropolitans rights
archimandrites. See ecclesiastical officials (specific)
architects. See professions and trades
archivist (chartophylax). See monastic officials (specific)
archon tes thymeles (magistrate of the stage). See imperial officials (specific)
archontarikia (quarters for official visitors). See monasteries (parts of)
archontes. See nobility, local
[ 1856 ]
archontia. See territorial jurisdictions
arcosolium (apsis). See burial sites
ariston (main/midday meal). See meals (specific)
Aristotelian argument, 1488
arkla (storage chest). See furniture
armarion (cabinet). See furniture
Armenian. See languages
army, Byzantine. See military services
aroula (brazier). See utensils, household
arson. See crimes
artist. See professions and trades
artoklasia. See bread: blessing of
artomeli (poultice). See supplies, medical
artopoios (baker). See laborers, monastic (specific)
arts and crafts. See handicrafts and handiwork
Artzibourios (legendary dog), 401, 415, 418n. 66, 907. See also dissidents, religious and Glossary
ascetic literature: citations from, 89, 132, 861, 876, 900; libraries of, 89, 133, 452, 1391, 1393-94;
use of, 88, 127, 133
ascetic observances: cited, 1700; emphasis on, xxvi; excesses condemned, 27, 27n. 25, 28; tradition studied, 862
asekretissa. See titles and dignities
asomata dikaia (unconditional rights). See rights
aspra. See coinage
assarion. See coinage
assassins. See criminals
[ 1857 ]
assemblies: Athonite, see consultative bodies; of monks at Lavra, 216, 228; of monks elsewhere,
310, 312, 640, 644; Sicilian parliament, 624
associations, sworn. See vices, monastic
asteriskos. See sacred vessels (specific kinds)
Athonite tradition and rules, 208, 447; constitutional charter of 1924, 213; subsequent influence
of, 571, 874, 1631. See also monastic foundation documents, (11) Ath. Rule, (12) Tzimiskes, (13)
Ath. Typikon, (14) Ath. Testament, (15) Constantine IX, and (59) Manuel II
athoosis. See legal documents (specific): exoneration
attendants. See servants (domestic)
augusta. See titles and dignities
aule. See buildings, secular (parts of) and Glossary
autexousios. See independent and self-governing monasteries
authoritarian rule. See monastic rule, styles of
autodespotos. See independent and self-governing monasteries
autodioiketos. See independent and self-governing monasteries
autokrator. See titles and dignities
axios. See acclamations: worthy
baiophoros (Palm Sunday). See dietary rules and feasts (specific, movable)
baker (artopoios, mankeps). See laborers, monastic (specific)
bakeries: as endowment, see endowments (specific); established for profit, 1652; rent of, 713
baking: for charitable distributions, 1589, 1609; flour for, 742, 755, 756, 762; on Holy Thursday,
403, 1706
bakteria. See staffs
balcony (heliakos, heliakon). See buildings, secular (parts of)
bambykinon (of paper). See books (specific types)
bandon (military district). See territorial jurisdictions
[ 1858 ]
baptism, monks as sponsors of laymen receiving, xx
barley. See grains (specific kinds)
basileus. See titles and dignities
Basilian tradition: citation of, 137, 215, 379; and Pachomian monasticism, 38; principles of, 21-30,
170; subsequent influence of, 247, 454, 458, 459, 874; and Syrian monasticism, 39, 40; works in,
see books, ascetic and patristic: Basil of Caesarea and Ps.-Basil. See also Index of People and
Places: Basil of Caesarea/Basil the Great, St.
basilikatou, tou (rights of). See rights
basilike pyle (royal gate). See churches (parts of)
basilissa. See titles and dignities
bathing: of the aged, xxvii, 1364; of laymen, 576, 585, 788, 841, 1292; payments for, 865, 868,
980, 1014, 1045, 1046, 1071; permitted, xxvii, 447, 460, 491, 612, 653, 696, 729-30, 748, 788,
841, 847, 865, 957, 965, 980-81, 1011, 1014, 1046, 1071, 1258, 1276, 1516, 1550, 1552, 1584,
1601; prohibited, 35, 38, 466, 491, 654, 730, 748, 865, 875, 925, 1298, 1340, 1343, 1364; of the
sick, xxvii, 460, 491, 653, 696, 788, 841, 875, 925, 1276, 1343, 1364, 1550, 1552
bathing articles, 653, 684, 730; basins (kaddaria), 745; ewers (epichytaria), 745; face towels
(prosopsia), 1186; hair wipers (komoekmagia), 745, 760; hand towels (lentia), 745, 760; soap
(sapon), 980, 1014; soap dishes (saponaria), 745; sponge, 762; towels (sabana), 745, 1186; wash
basin and ewer (cherniboxeston), 764
baths and bathhouses: construction of, 974, 980, 1033; patronage of public, 980, 986, 1014, 1045,
1046, 1070; sexual segregation at, 841
baths and bathhouses (specific): of Alousianos, 770; at Barelina, 1292; at confraternity of Krambeas,
771; at Evergetis, 460, 491; in Galata, 1292; of Isaac Komnenos at Kosmosoteira (public), 788,
789, 793, 847, 848, 849, (private), 788, 847; at Kecharitomene, 653, 696, 707, 708; at Pantokrator
hospital, 730, 760, 767; at Pantokrator monastery, 730, 748; at confraternity of Krambeas, 771; at
St. Mamas monastery, 974
bead rolls. See legal documents (types of)
bebaia elpis. See churches and chapels (monastic); monasteries (specific); monastic foundation
documents, (57) Bebaia Elpis; and Glossary
bebranon (of parchment). See books (specific types)
bedding: monks, 92, 115AB, 170, 176, 1341, 1364; nuns, 653, 684, 1519, 1543; records of, see
records (types of)
bedding (specific kinds): bedcover (ephaploma), 684, 1281; bedspread (anaplion), 1186; blanket,
fleece (pokrobion), 830, 850n. 40; blanket, fleece/woolen (malotarion), 115AB; blanket, goats
[ 1859 ]
hair (losnikion), 757, 777n. 88, (sagion), 684, (sthlavonikon), 1186; cover, heavy, woolen (sagion),
830; coverlets (ephaplomata), 757; mat (charadrion), 1364; mat, Cicilian goats hair (kilike),
115AB; mat, Cretan, woolen (kentouklon), 830, 850n. 38; mat, straw/rush (psiathion), 115AB;
mats (tzolia), 757; mattresses (pilota), 757, (stromnai), 1281; pillow, cloth (proskephalaion branea),
830, 851n. 41; pillows (pillota, proskephalaia), 684, 757, 1186; quilt (ephaploma), 1186; rug
(epeuchion), 1186; sheets (sindonia), 1186
beds. See furniture
bees. See insects
beggars. See professions and trades
Belial (Devil), 927
bells. See furniture; monasteries (parts of); and semantron
bema (sanctuary). See churches (parts of)
benefactions. See gifts and benefactions
benefactors (private). See patrons
benefices (monastic). See fellowships and incomes (monastic)
beneficiaries (lay), supported by monasteries, 445, 785, 849
bestiality. See vices, monastic
bibliophylax (keeper of books). See monastic officials (specific)
billeting (mitaton). See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
birds: parrots, 1673; peacocks, 360
bishops: authorizers of liturgies, 198; canonical prerogatives of, 314, 323, 324, 616, 1298; distrusted by founders, 298, 306, 513, 527, 963, 964; documents authored by, 53, 1588; opposition to
the allelengyon, 203; relations with monasteries, xxxv, 566, 1338, 1343, 1352, 1396; utilizing
charistike, 203, 306, 959, 964. See also episcopal (diocesan) monasteries; episcopal rights; and
episcopal sees
bishops (types of): absentee/resident in CP, 731, 751, 1520, 1567; expelled from Cyprus, 1108;
founders, 43, 167, 859, 1093, 1588; monks promoted to be, 1314, 1316, 1579, 1588, 1593; retired,
1579; titular (topon epechon), 1424
Blameless (Psalm). See psalms (specific)
blankets. See bedding (specific kinds)
[ 1860 ]
blattion. See textiles: silk cloths
blautai (shoes). See footwear (specific)
blessing (eulogia): allowance, see allowances, living; of bread, 391, 394, 417nn. 17 and 32; of
entrance gift, 1269; of gift of bread or food, 432, 585; of grain, 939; of grapes, 1009, 1065, 1326,
1714; of superior (sphragis), see episcopal rights (specific), metropolitans rights (specific), patriarchal rights (specific), and superiors rights; of a treat of wine, 1006, 1063, 1086, 1087, 1088,
1601; of waters, blessing of, 114B, 115A, 380, 416, 420n. 129
blood relationships. See family ties
bloodless sacrifice. See Eucharist, Holy, and liturgies
boats. See transportation systems
book covers (gospels and typika), decoration of: with almond-shaped studs (amygdalai), 358,
1032; with busts of saints, 1672; with clasps (kombothekai, tzinothekai), 358, 1032, 1672, 1676n.
21; with crosses, 358, 1672; with crucifixion, 1672; with enamel (cheimeusis), 552; with gamma
ornaments (gammatia), 358, 1672; with gold, 552; with images of the Evangelists, 1672; with
leather, 1673; with pearls, 526; with precious stones, 552; with silk cloth, 1672; in silver-gilt, 552;
with silver nails/studs (karphia), 358, 553, 1672
book station (topos biblion). See monasteries (parts of)
books: abridgement of, 378; acquisition of, 326, 368-69; bequeathing of, 1477; care of, 1477;
collections of, 727; donation of, 40, 144, 326, 329, 359, 367-68, 455, 473, 566, 567; extract from,
378; housing of, 567; inalienability of, see inalienability; lending of, xxviii, 93, 108AB, 1464,
1477; list of recommended, 379, 392-93; listed in inventories, see inventories (types of); owned
by superior, 1464, 1477; price of, 370; protection and safekeeping of, 589, 599, 1043, 1345, 1355,
1477; register of, 1345, 1355, 1596; rescue of, 574-75, 599; restoration of; 1464, 1477
books (specific types): florilegia, 377, 454; with gold initials, 1672; ledger, see records (specific);
miniscule (monokaira), 358, 1672; paper (bambykina), 359, 368, 1186, 1393, 1672, 1673, (kolyna),
1478, 1479, 1480n. 30; parchment (bebrana), 1186, 1393, 1394, 1478, 1479, 1672, 1673, (somatia),
359, 368; uncial (litographa), 358, 359, 368, 1672
For specific books, see the following nine categorical entries: ascetic and patristic; hagiography
and miracles; law and typika; liturgical; miscellaneous; New Testament; Old Testament; secular;
books, ascetic and patristic:
Alexander [the Monk]
[On the Cross], 359, 371n. 34
[Anastasios] the Sinaite
Erotemata, 1479, 1481n. 44
unspecified work of, 1479
Commentary on St. John the Theologian 359, 553
[ 1861 ]
books (cont.)
Logoi on the Translation of St. John Chrysostom, 1479
Pandektes, 358, 378, 1185
Apophthegmata patrum, xii, 454
Athanasios, see below, Ps.-Athanasios
Basil of Caesarea
Antirrhetics against Eunomios, 368, 1478
Ascetic Treatises, 21-32, 33, 76, 87, 368, 379, 386, 390, 392, 395, 404, 405,
406, 407, 433, 435, 477, 538, 566, 694, 810, 1185, 1365, 1471, 1472, 1630,
1658, 1672
Commentary on the Prophet Isaiah, 368
Commentary on the Psalms, 1185
Hexaemeros, 358, 368, 1185, 1478
Homilies on the Psalms, 1185
Liturgy (see books, liturgical)
Moralia, 515, 553, 645
Treatises, 1479, 1480n. 38
Basil of Caesarea (attributed to)
Ascetic Discourses (Sermones ascetici I et II), 30
Discourse on Ascetic Discipline (Sermo de ascetica disciplina), 29-30
Discourse on Renunciation of the World (Sermo de renunciatione saeculi), 30
Introduction to the Ascetic Life (Praevia instituto ascetica), 29
(see also below, Ps.-Basil)
[Blastares], Matthew
Against Barlaam and Akindynos, 1479
Against the Jews, 1479
Blemmydes, Nikephoros
De anima, 1197, 1199n. 9
De fide, 1197, 1199n. 9
De virtute et ascesi, 1197, 1199n. 9
De institutis coenobiorum, 392, 417n. 24 (see also Greek trans. in Ps.-Athanasios,
Dionysios of Alexandria
Letter to Basileides, 915-l6
Dorotheos [of Gaza]
[Didaskaliai], 368, 1185, 1479, 1673
unspecified work of, 370, 1185, 1673
Epiphanios, St.
Panarion, 876, 900
Euthymios of Peribleptos
Oratio contra Armenios I, 411, 420n. 120, 918, 948n. 61
Gerontika/Gerontikon, 387, 400, 417n. 5, 418n. 58, 435, 438n. 14, 906, 1185, 1630,
Gregory Nazianzen
[ 1862 ]
books (cont.)
Homilia 42, 369, 371n. 43
Homilia in diem natalem Christi (see below, Gregory of Nyssa)
Panegyrikon, 1672
unspecified works of, 358, 553, 645, 1185, 1478
Gregory of Nyssa
Homilia in diem natalem Christi, 400, 418n. 62, 433, 437n. 9
Isaac [of Nineveh]
Asketika, 1474, 1475, 1480nn. 18 and 27
unspecified work of, 553
John Chrysostom
Commentary on the Gospel according to Matthew, 368
Discourse on Philogonios, 413
Easter Sermon (see below Ps.-Chrysostom)
Epistle to the Corinthians, 400
Epistle to the Philippians, 406
Hexaemeros, 358, 1479, 1672
Homilia in I Thess. 4:13, 368
[Homiliai in] Joannem, 358, 369
De incomprehensibili dei natura II, 904
De Lazaro concio I, 904
Liturgy (see books, liturgical)
Pearls (Margaritai), 368, 1185, 1190
Statues (Andriantes), 358, 1185, 1672
unspecified works of, 359, 645, 1185, 1479
John Klimakos
Ladder of Heaven (Scala Paradisi), xiv, xv, xix, 76, 400, 433, 474, 478, 515, 553,
806, 810, 895, 899, 1139, 1185, 1393, 1469, 1470, 1474, 1475, 1478, 1672
(see also Index of People and Places: John Klimakos)
John Moschos
Spiritual Garden, 1311
John of Antioch
De monasteriis, 309, 425, 452
Tract and Memorandum of, 452
John of Damascus
Sacra Parallela, 1479, 1481n. 42
unspecified work of, 358
John of Nicaea, see above Euthymios of Peribleptos
Mark [the Hermit]
De lege spirituali, 1477, 1480n. 29
[Opuscula], 1185, 1191n. 2, 1394, 1395n. 8
Maximos the Confessor
Centuriae de caritate, 1468
Liber asceticus, 1468, 1479, 1480nn. 1, 2, 4, and 37
unspecified works of, 553
Neilos Damilas
On the Procession of the Holy Spirit, 1462
Neophytos the Recluse
[ 1863 ]
books (cont.)
Ascetic Chapters, 1355
Catechetical Instruction, 1355
Commentary on the Canons on the Twelve Feasts of the Lord, 1355
Commentary on the Hexaemeros, 1355
Commentary on the Lords Commandments, 1355
Commentary on the Psalms, 1355
Commentary on the Song of Songs, 1355
Neptikon, 1478, 1480n. 34
Telonia, 1355
Nikon of Black Mountain
Interpretations of the Commands of the Lord (Pandektes), 377-78, 379, 380, 381,
393, 399, 400, 409, 411
Small Book, 377, 378
Taktikon, 5, 15, 377, 378
Palamas, Gregory
Dogmatic Treatise, 1479, 1481n. 40
Lausiac History, 37, 876, 900
Rule of the Angel, 37
Paradeisos, 1479, 1481n. 48
Paul Evergetinos
Catechesis, Evergetinon, or Synagoge, 89, 383, 454, 473, 500n. 4, 566, 806
Paul Helladikos
Epistole, 939-42
unspecified work of, 1478
Epistula ad Castorem I, 404, 406, 407, 408, 417n. 24, 419n. 91, 420nn. 109, 111, and
Epistula ad Castorem II, 892, 946n. 6
Syntagma doctrinae ad monachos, 896, 900, 947nn. 10 and 20
Ascetic Constitutions (Constitutiones asceticae), 30, 31, 32, 87, 90, 397, 406, 474,
487, 496, 586, 592, 676, 820, 874, 889, 895, 912-14, 930-33, 1022, 1079,
1133, 1160, 1167nn. 9 and 28
Penitential (Poenae in monachos deliquentes), 30, 31, 32, 38, 44, 60, 87, 90, 404,
1094, 1109, 1114, 1157-58, 1167nn. 23 and 24, 1296, 1368, 1373nn.
[CB1]-[CB12], 1461n. 2, 1474, 1480n. 17
Easter Sermon, 100A
unspecified work of, 1394, 1395n. 8, 1479
[Ps.-] Clement of Rome
[The Acts] of the Apostle Peter, 359
unspecified works of, 369, 1673
[Ps.-] Dionysios
unspecified work of, 368
[ 1864 ]
books (cont.)
Symeon Metaphrastes
selection from the Ascetical Treatises of St. Basil, 368
unspecified work of, 645
Thalassios the African
unspecified work of, 1479, 1481n. 41
Theodore the Studite
Antirrhetics, 87
Catechesis (unspecified), 87, 89, 106B, 113AB, 247, 358, 1185, 1702
Catechesis on the Friday of the First Week of Lent, 401, 419n. 70
Eulogy of Plato (see books, hagiography and miracles)
Great Catecheses, 85, 86, 454, 566
Iambics of, 85, 86
Hymns of (attrib.), 85
Penitentials of (attrib.), 85, 86
Rule of, (see monastic foundation documents (4) Stoudios)
Small Catecheses, 72, 85, 8889
Testament of (see monastic foundation documents (3) Theodore Studites)
Theophanes of Nicaea
Dogmatic Writings, 1478, 1480n. 33
Theophylact of Bulgaria
Commentary on the Evangelists, 368, 371n. 42, 1185
unspecified books on the Mother of God, 553
unnamed, 645
books, hagiography and miracles:
Athanasios of Patmos
Eulogy of Christodoulos, 564
Eulogy of St. Paul the Younger of Latros, 135, 137, 139-41
Gabriel, metropolitan of Thessalonike
Enkomion of Makarios Choumnos, 1433
George the Hagiorite
Life of John the Iberian and Euthymios, 205, 216n. 3
Gregory II Kyprios
Life of St. Lazaros of Galesios, 150
Gregory the Galesiote
Life of St. Lazaros of Galesios, 45, 148, 151, 155-65
Life of Neilos Erichiotes, 1396, 1397n. 2
John of Rhodes
Life of Christodoulos, 564
John Xenos
Autobiography (Bios kai politeia), 14347
Life of Athanasios the Athonite, 205, 217n. 4
Life A, 205, 206, 209, 210, 249n. 2
Life B, 205, 210
Life of Athanasios the Meteorite, 1455, 1457
Life of Leontios of Patmos, 566
[ 1865 ]
books (cont.)
Life of Nicholas the Studite, 69
Life of Nikon the Metanoeite, 31314, 316n. 3
Life of St. Andrew the Fool, 368
Life of St. Antony, 127, 133
Life of St. Artemios, 359
Life of St. Chariton, 398
Life of St. Eustratios, 1042
Life of St. Euthymios (patriarch of CP), 120, 122, 12324
Life of St. Euthymios the Great, 587
Life of St. Joannikios, 1042
Life of St. John Chrysostom, 1185
Life of St. John of Rila, 125, 129-33
Life of St. John the Merciful, 1185
Life of St. Mary of Egypt, 1185
Life of St. Pachomios, 379, 390, 392, 396, 397, 402, 405, 409, 587
Life of St. Stephen the Thaumaturge, 1312
Life of St. Symeon (identity uncertain), 369
Life of St. Symeon the Wonderworker, 417n. 36, 418n. 41, 876, 900, 905-6, 939
Life of St. Thalassios, 393
[Life of] St. Theodore of Edessa, 1394, 1395n. 8
Life of Theodore the Studite
Vita A, 84
Vita B, 84
Vita C, 8485
Vita D, 85
Life of Theodosios the Koinobiarch, 127, 133
Miracle at Pege, 368
Miracles of St. Symeon (identity uncertain), 553
Neophytos the Recluse
Divine Sign (theosemeia), 1355
Nicholas of Methone
Life of Meletios the Younger, 955
Symeon Metaphrastes
Metaphraseis, 358, 368, 369, 1185, 1186, 1478, 1672
Theodore Prodromos
Life of Meletios the Younger, 955
Theodore the Studite
Eulogy of Plato, 85
Eulogy of Christodoulos, 566
Life of Michael Maleinos, 206
Translation of Theodore the Studites Relics, 85
Xanthopoulos, Nikephoros Kallistos
Synaxaria, 1479, 1481n. 49
unnamed, 645
[ 1866 ]
books (cont.)
books, law and typika:
Apostolic Canons, 403, 405, 900, 905, 1668-69, 1675nn. 2 and 3
Apostolic Constitutions, 388, 403, 916
[Blastares], Matthew
Nomokanon, 1478
Gregory of Nyssa
Canons, 1699, 1675n. 6
Nikephoros of Constantinople
Canon, 401
Nomokanon, great, 1672
Nomokanons, 359, 368, 1672
Peter of Alexandria
Epistula canonica, 905, 947n. 26
Theophilos of Alexandria
Prosphonesis, 394-95, 417n. 34, 907-8
Tome of Union, 411, 420n. 120, 918, 948n. 60
typika, 1185, 1186, 1190, 1355, 1478
See also synaxaria
books, liturgical:
Apodeipnon Mega, 1479
Apostolos, 100A, 104AB, 106AB, 305, 358, 416, 553, 1185, 1186, 1189
book of canons for the feasts of the Lord, 359
book of canons for saints, 1185
book of four Gospels (tetraevangelon), 358, 552, 553, 1185, 1393, 1478, 1672
[book of] Stichera (by Neophytos the Recluse), 1355
book of theotokia, 1186, 1393
book of troparia for matins (heothina), 1673
book of verses preceded by alleluia (allelouiarion), 359
Canons to the Virgin (by John Mauropous), 1393, 1395n. 6
Catholic Epistles, 359
Euchologion, 553, 1186, 1189, 1393, 1672
Exaposteilaria, 1185
Gospel lectionary (evangelion), 100A, 101A, 102AB, 103A, 106B, 358, 369, 552, 553,
1185, 1672
Gospel readings for Sundays (Kyriakodromion), 1185, 1186, 1189
Gospel synopsis, 359
Heirmologion, 359, 369, 1185, 1190, 1673
Heortologion, 1186, 1190
Horologion, 1673
Kontakarion, 359, 368, 1185, 1190, 1673
Lectionary, 358
Liturgy (kontakion) of St. Basil, 1185, 1190
Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, 1185, 1186, 1190, 1479
Menaion, 358, 385, 389, 553, 1185, 1186, 1190, 1393, 1478, 1479, 1673
Menologion, 1163
Oktoechos, 103A, 358, 385, 553, 1185, 1186, 1189, 1478, 1672
[ 1867 ]
books (cont.)
Panegyrikai (by Neophytos the Recluse), 1355
Panegyrikon, 358, 368, 1394, 1672, 1673
Parakletike, 553, 1185, 1186, 1189, 1393, 1672
Paterikon, 368, 407, 410, 1673
Pentekostarion, 1185, 1478, 1479
Praxapostolos, 359, 1393, 1478, 1672
Propheteia, 106B, 1185, 1186, 1189, 1394, 1478
Prophetes, 358, 1672
Prophetologion, 416
Psalter, 358, 359, 553, 1185, 1186, 1189, 1393, 1478, 1672
Schematologion, 359, 368, 1185, 1190, 1672
service (general), 637
service for communion, 1479, 1481n. 46
service for funerals, 1185, 1672
service for patronal feast, 1185
sorrowful canon of the Mother of God, 1479, 1481n. 43
Sticherarion, 358, 389, 1186, 1672
(with new notation), 1185, 1191n. 14
(with old notation), 1189
Sticherokathistarion, 1190
Stichophon, 390, 391
Synaxarion, 370, 1186, 1393, 1672 (see also synaxaria [specific])
Triodion, 388, 1185, 1186, 1189, 1394, 1478, 1672
See also Glossary for Greek terms
books, miscellaneous:
Blemmydes, Nikephoros
Partial Account (Diegesis merike), 1196, 1199n. 9
Glykas, Michael
unspecified work of, 1393, 1395n. 7
Lexicon, 1479
Melissa, 1673, 1676n. 28
Metochites, Theodore
Funeral Oration (for Theodora Palaiologina), 1254, 1264n. 8
Neophytos the Recluse
Letters, 1355
Notebook, 1355
Last Book, 1355
Schedos, 1479, 1481n. 45
books, New Testament:
Acts [of the Apostles] with commentary, 1185
Apocalypse, 358
Gospel of John, 1185
Gospel of Matthew, 1672
Gospel of Matthew with commentary, 1185
[ 1868 ]
books (cont.)
John the Evangelist
[Acts and Epistles], 1672, 1676n. 25
St. Paul
Epistles with commentary, 1185
Epistle to the Ephesians with commentary, 1185
books, Old Testament:
Chronicles, 359
Ecclesiastes, 359
Ezra, 368
Job, 359, 1478
octateuch, 782
psalter with commentary, 1181
Sirach, 359
Song of Songs, 359
Tetrabasileion (Kings IIV), 359
Wisdom of Solomon, 359
books, secular:
Achilles Tatius
Leukippe and Kleitophon, 369
Chronicle, 369
Barlaam [and Joasaph], 1181
[De consolatione philosophiae], 1479, 1481n. 39
book on earthquakes and thunders (seismobrontologion), 359
[Origines], 1479, 1481n. 39
[Flavius Josephus]
The Capture of Jerusalem, 359
Isaac Komnenos
[Book of] heroic, iambic and political verses, 844
Ekphraseis, 844
Letters, 844
John Kantakouzenos
Historiai (memoirs), 1625
Manasses, Constantine
[Breviarium historiae], 1479, 1481n. 39
Michael Attaleiates
History, 326, 359
unnamed, 645
books, unspecified, 596, 599, 993, 1019, 1076, 1162, 1307, 1334, 1596
bordonarios (muleteer). See laborers, monastic (specific)
boubalion (buffalo). See animals (specific)
[ 1869 ]
boution (casket). See reliquaries (types of)
bow-slit (toxike). See buildings, secular (parts of)
bows. See ritual observances
boxes. See furniture
boys: accepted as novices, xx, 313, 1177, 1181, 1197, 1202-3; appointed superiors, 290; banned,
238, 240, 263, 447, 512, 541, 822, 874, 939, 1155, 1583, 1588, 1601; ordained uncanonically,
282, 290; reared from infancy, 596; as threat to moral probity, xviii, 939-42; tolerated in monasteries, xix, 35, 38, 40; trained for priesthood, 550-51; visiting nunnery, 710. See also orphans and
bread: blessed (eulogia), 109AB, 113AB, 223, 226, 394, 395, 404, 743, 744, 1325, 1326, 1706,
1714; blessing of (artoklasia), 391, 394, 417nn. 17 and 32; eucharistic, 350, 545, 742, 755, 756,
1096; ordinary (see foods [particular kinds]); special (for sick and superior), 742
breeding, of cattle, 86
brevion. See inventories
bridges. See transportation systems
brigands. See criminals
brother, adoptive. See social relations
brotherhood: grants approval for alienations, 1305, 1308; notion of, 979, 1008; spiritual, 640, 644
(see also relationships); as substitute family, 1629, 1646
brothers. See family members (specific)
brothers-in-law. See family members (specific)
builder (dometor), new. See titles and dignities
building materials: quality of, 793, 843; use of spolia as, 314, 318, 1043
building materials (specific): beams, 317; brick, 126; debris, 210; gold, 835; lead, 835; marble,
728, 835, 838, 844; masonry (rubble, enchoregos), 169, 703, 833, 841, 844, 849, 851n. 52; plaster,
624; scaffolding, 210; stone, 126, 127, 317, 509, 789, 849; tile, 677, 830, 835; whitewash, 624;
wood, 288, 363, 366
buildings, secular: converted into churches, 1178, 1182; repair and maintenance of, 656, 677, 703,
708, 709, 828, 832-33, 842, 843, 1261, 1273; residence in, 1178, 1182; sites of (oikostasia), 524,
771, 772
buildings, secular (particular kinds): arcades, 1636; furnishings of, see furniture; houses/private resi-
[ 1870 ]
dences, 542, 677, 707-9, 712, 713, 733, 743, 769, 788, 791, 847, 848, 1013, 1517, 1558, 1563, 1636;
inn, 313, 771; kyklion, 343; mausoleum, 789, 849; perfumery, 341, 360; slaughterhouses, 314,
317; stalion (refuge), 542; taverns, 1364, 1652; warehouse (phoundax), 829, 850n. 37. See also
endowments (specific); philanthropic institutions; and Glossary for Greek terms
buildings, secular (parts of): aule, 341, 360, 367, 524, 769 (see also Glossary); balcony (heliakos,
heliakon), 711; bow-slit (toxike), 703; chapel, 509; colonnade, 52; columns (spolia), 318; courtyard, 1636; door (thyra), 703; first story, 509; gate (porta), 703; portico (heliakon), 1360; second
story, 509; side-gate (paraportion), 703; terraces, upper, 51; triklinos, 336 (see also Glossary);
wall (toichos), 703; wall, retaining, 314; window (thyris), 703
buildings, secular (types of): three-storied (tripata), 357; two-storied (anogeokatoga), 360, 711
burial: (founders), instances of, 725, instructions for, 53, 56, 122, 124, 149-50, 164, 460, 494,
523, 574, 601, 838-39, 1278, 1340, 1369, 1401, place of, 144, translation of remains of, 68, 150;
(lay), permitted within monasteries, xxxv, 613, 837, 1099, 1182, 1379, not permitted, 658, 699,
705, 1048; (monks), in cemetery, 789, 823, in chapel, 782, 849, as common responsibility, 34,
823, 837, 849, 1020, 1077, laity discouraged from attending, 39, in narthex, 135, 149, provisions
for, 785, 789, 823, 850, 1020, 1046, 1077, 1261, 1278; reburial of, 135, 974, 1042 (see also relics,
translation of), on right side of church, 981, 1020, 1077, services for, 93, 103B, 460, 464, 494;
(nuns), 649, 654, 655, 699, 704; (peasants), 795, 837; (of poor), 465, 495; (of sick), 495, 534,
734, 762, 795, 831, 879, 936; (of strangers), 936
burial sites: arcosolium, 169, 844; coffins, 823, 844, 1369; crypt, 509; graves, 1020, 1046, 1077;
tombs, 514, 536, 830, 838, 839, 1255, (founders), 169, 509, 514, 536, 1254, 1278, 1312, 1313,
(imperial), 697, 698, 704-5, 739, 743, 753, 754, 755, 756, 758, 973, 1277, (nuns), 699, (recluses), 1351, 1369, vaults, burial (stataraia), 699, (stoa), 823; wall, 509. See also burial
[ 1871 ]
1464, 1470, 1629, 1657, 1705, 1706; condemns alienations, 657, 673, 1670; disrespect for, 172,
186, 314, 323, 730, 752, 788, 822; exemption from, 729, 746; importance of documents for, 9, 20;
invoked to support testators will, 328, 338, 1390, 1394; and monastic typika, 447, 1103-4, 1586,
1588, 1599; respect for, 70, 78, 127, 133, 446, 616, 731, 734, 751, 794, 980, 1006, 1048, 1080,
1101, 1118, 1130, 1322, 1466, 1492, 1614, 1616, 1620; revival of, 308, 1103; and traditional
patronal rights, 328, 616, 1102, 1521, 1528; trial under, 1199, 1201; use against the charistike,
canon law (specific canons): Carthage, c. 26, 1669, 1675n. 5; c. 38, 1472, 1480n. 14; Chalcedon,
c. 4, xxxv; Constantinople I et II, c. 1, 1668, 1675n. 1; c. 2, 1470, 1480n. 10; c. 3, 588, 603n. 39;
c. 4, 1620, 1623n. 8; c. 5, 570, 593, 603n. 44; Constantinople VI, see below, Trullo; Gangra, c. 3,
1470, 1480n. 9; c. 12, 900, 947n. 18; Laodiceia, c. 50, 401, 402, 403, 414, 914, 1703; Nicaea I, c.
20, 896, 946n. 11; Nicaea II, c. 12, 1669, 1675n. 4; c. 20, 1471-72; c. 22, 1472, 1480n. 15; Trullo,
c. 40, 1202, 1205n. 7; c. 42, 1472, 1480n. 15; c. 75, 388, 417n. 7, 1474, 1480n. 20; c. 89, 403,
419n. 88, 915, 948n. 52, 1326, 1329n. 8; c. 90, 896, 947n. 12, 1706
canons (hymns). See hymns (specific)
canons, disciplinary: to be read to monks, 1344, 1354; to be read to postulants, 1342, 1344, 1366;
without punishments, 1345-46, 1366
canons, disciplinary (specific): of Basil of Caesarea, 1340 (see also monastic foundation documents, (45) Neophytos [CB1] - [CB12]); of Johannan bar Qursos, 40; of Luke of Messina, 638; of
Neophytos the Recluse, 1296, 1340 (see also monastic foundation documents, (45) Neophytos
[C1] - [C20]); for the Novices, 41; for the Nuns, 40; of the Monastery of Mar Mattai, 40; of
Rabbula of Edessa, 39-40, 41; for the Solitaries, 41; of Theodore the Studite, 70 (see also monastic foundation documents, (3) Theodore Studites [1] - [24]). See also penitentials
cardinal-legate. See ecclesiastical officials (specific)
carpenters. See laborers, monastic (specific)
cartularies (monastic), Athonite, 20; of Docheiariou, 1303, 1304; of Eleousa, 167, 168; of Iveron,
205; of Koutloumousi, 1409; of Latros, 136; of Lavra, 205, 210; of Menoikeion, 7, 1580; of
Patmian dependency of Stylos, 566; of Protaton, 205
Catechesis. See books, ascetic and patristic
catechetical instruction: for lay people, 1437, 1444; for monks, 35, 70, 78, 85, 89, 92, 106B,
107AB, 113AB, 247, 473, 500n. 4, 686, 805, 895, 1026, 1082, 1346, 1356
cattle byres (zeugelateia/zeugolateia). See endowments (specific)
celibacy, lapses from. See vices, monastic
cellarer (kellarites, m.; kellarea, f.). See hospitals and infirmaries, staff of (specific) and monastic
officials (specific)
cells, monastic (kellia): appropriate behavior in, 1515, 1566; associated properties of, 233, 237;
[ 1872 ]
bands of monks in, 197, 208; bequeathing of, 233, 237, 1314, 1316; celebration of office in, 474,
964, 1111, 1133; collections of, 201; construction of, 206, 233, 239, 455, 473, 622, 628, 1107,
1117, 1128, 1130, 1178, 1190, 1352, 1375, 1392, 1636; conversation in, see conversation; cooking
food in, 1385, 1387; demolition of, 1375; desire for, 1450; direction of, 236, 1460; donation of,
233, 237; eating in, 391, 511, 527, 965, 1364, 1542, 1607; entertainment of guests in, 427, 432,
512, 534, 1630, 1653; furnishing of, 1628, 1643; gathering in, 348; improvement of, 877, 884;
individual, 201; inspection of, 459, 466, 491, 788, 823, 875, 925, 1009, 1060, 1156, 1340, 1342,
1364, 1658; keys and locks to, 434, 875, 924; at Lavra, 253; maintenance of, 1445, 1451; manual
labor in, xxvi, 381, 408, 1320, 1328; mesoria in, 1133; new ones banned, 233, 247, 262, 264; not
to be locked, 924; as nucleus of future monastery, 454; occupied by one monk, 261, 490, 1443,
1592; occupied by two monks, 170, 175, 176, 459, 490, 512, 788, 822, 980, 1332, 1333, 1343,
1368; occupied by three monks, 788, 875, 924, 1332, 1333; personal possessions in, 56, 152,
1658; prayer in, 1320, 1328, 1384, 1387; proprietary rights over, 435, 436, 1314, 1316; psalmody
in, 392; purpose of, 1332, 1333; reading in, see reading (times and places for); recitation of the
office in, 156; recuperation from illness in, 729, 745; rent payments for, 1375; relation to monasteries, xxxii, xxxiii, 195, 253, 254, 261; repair, restoration, and renovation of, 1331, 1489, 1520,
1562, 1631, 1637; sale and purchase of, 233, 237, 248, 262, 1314, 1316; transfer of, 233, 237;
unused, 978, 1000; visiting in, 489, 956, 967, 1157, 1202, 1327, 1542, 1607, 1628, 1643, 1660.
See also kelliotai and kelliotic monasticism
cells, monastic (specific): of Athanasios the Athonite (Melana, Mount Athos), 206; of John
Chrysostom, St. (Mount Athos), 262; of John the Iberian (Mount Athos), 262; of Nikephoros II
Phokas, 207, 262; of Sabbas the Serbian (Karyes, Mount Athos), 1331-37. See also churches and
chapels (monastic)
cenobiticism (communal life): abandonment of, 212; alternatives to, 729, 752-53, 1112, 1209-10,
1342, 1505, 1515, 1565, 1628, 1641; Athanasios the Athonites conversion to, 207; Athonite, 194,
198, 207, 208, 232; Basilian, 23; defense/endorsement of, 46, 127, 131, 580, 585-86, 616, 658,
668, 978, 1012, 1183, 1209, 1228, 1288, 1292, 1297, 1384, 1386-87, 1411-12, 1421, 1496, 1500,
1515, 1566, 1628, 1633, 1642; exemption from requirements of, 611, 788, 824, 864, 1411, 1415,
1420, 1496, 1501, 1587, 1600, 1628, 1661; favored by the monastic reform movement, xiii, xxxii,
170, 444, 612, 613-14, 863, 870, 1094, 1097, 1300, 1302; hatred of, 209; inalterability of, 651,
653, 669-70, 694, 695-96, 784, 824, 788, 979, 1012, 1045, 1069, 1109, 1163, 1256, 1385, 1387,
1415, 1417, 1424; institution of, 1457, 1459; late Byzantine revival of, 1300, 1485, 1486, 1487,
1600; at Lavra, 232; observance of, 135, 136, 1000, 1057, 1460, 1600; Pachomian, 32, 33-34, 37;
reform of, 199; regulation of, 175-76, 381-82, 459-60, 511, 527-28, 570, 638, 640, 646, 729, 788,
801, 956, 964, 965, 962, 1022, 1112, 1177, 1183, 1258, 1364, 1387, 1436, 1443, 1451, 1464,
1469, 1470, 1471, 1501, 1508, 1536; requirements of, 454, 1505; restoration/revival of, 213, 425,
457, 567, 1409, 1456, 1614, 1618; as royal road, 162, 520, 530; Studite, 46, 85, 194; Syrian, 39;
traditional features of, 303
censer (thymiaterion). See sacred vessels (specific kinds)
censing. See ritual observances
Chalcedonian reform party, 450, 451, 452, 609
chalice. See sacred vessels (specific kinds)
[ 1873 ]
chalkotzykion (copper pot). See utensils, household
chancel screen. See churches (parts of)
chanters of the office (psaltai). See monks (types of)
charadrion (mat). See bedding (specific kinds)
charcoal burner. See professions and trades
charistikarioi: amends for damages caused by, 868, 869; appointment of, 426, 443, 446, 455, 565,
595, 596, 610, 869, 974; appointment as declined, 565; denounced by reformers, xxxvi, 282, 610,
862, 876, 918, 982; duties of, 575, 595; exclusion of relatives of, 572, 595, 596; expulsion of, 204;
imperial diplomas awarded to, 618; imposition of postulants by, 444; individual, 306, 309, 343,
449; and kelliotic and idiorhythmic monasticism, 444; misdeeds of, 443, 444, 445, 862, 869, 870,
872, 874, 918, 927, 974, 992, 1032, 1033, 1048; prohibited, 302, 328, 338, 957, 963; with reform
sympathies, xxix; restriction of rights of, xxix, 445, 446, 451, 572, 573, 586, 595, 598, 618; second, 306, 974; subordination to, 443, 599, 974; title of, 572; tonsuring of, 572, 595. See also
charistike: background to, xxviii, 49, 201-2, 237, 615; and Basil II, 203; and Christodoulos of
Patmos, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599; convent in, 302; as a dowry, 870; and epidosis, 246, 299; establishment of prohibited, 330, 460, 482, 571, 586, 610, 654, 667, 789, 804, 815, 957, 963, 981, 999;
and Evergetis, 449; exercised by a monastery, 331; fate of, 450, 619, 868; harm done by, xxviii,
xxix, 860, 869, 870, 985; justification for, 659; impact on Lavra, 202; imperial monasteries administered under, 730; institutions escaping, 200, 203, 442; and Michael Attaleiates, 300, 306,
308; opposed by monastic reformers, xiii, 283, 309, 443, 444, 451, 452, 610, 611, 613, 651, 862;
patriarchal attitudes towards, 202, 203, 305-6, 308-9, 443, 450, 451, 618, 619, 868, 869, 870; peril
posed by, 144-45, 153, 171, 204, 246, 310, 314, 330, 458; precautions against, 153; and the protectorate, 298, 305; registry of grants in, 204, 451, 618. See also Glossary
charitable distributions: alternatives to, 657; in Byzantine times, 29n. 30; at commemorations,
464, 494, 514, 545; in early monastic rules, 29, 30; enjoined, 72, 79; exclusion of women from,
xviii, 447, 465, 496, 794, 824, 866, 936, 1156, 1366, 1460; inclusion of women in, 496, 824, 937;
monks reliance on, 39, 1004, 1049, 1061, 1117, 1127; recommended, 72, 201, 794, 837-38, 1100;
regulation of, 575, 592, 735, 794, 801, 802, 803, 837-38; token nature of, 170, 794; to travelers,
1632, 1637; use of donations to increase, 658, 672
charitable distributions (specific kinds): annual, 879; of bread, 659, 698, 1118, 1156, 1521, 1555,
1565, 1585, 1588, 1597, 1599, 1609, 1631, 1660; of cooked food, 1631, 1660; daily, 465, 495,
659, 698, 747, 794, 801, 824, 1549; of entrance gifts, 248, 263; on fast days, 516, 535; on feast
days, 184, 350, 536, 697, 741, 742, 766, 794, 802, 803, 804, 815, 824, 827, 918, 1132, 1230, 1277,
1292, 1489-90, 1660; of fish, 342, 803; of food (non-specific), 342, 343, 347, 350, 516, 535, 741,
742, 747, 801, 802, 803, 804, 936, 1004, 1061, 1087, 1088, 1277, 1292, 1565, 1609, 1660; at the
gate, xxxv, 184, 342, 448, 464, 465, 494, 495, 496, 516, 535, 697, 698, 701, 702, 735, 741, 742,
747, 766, 801, 802, 815, 875, 879, 928, 936, 986, 1004, 1049, 1061, 1078, 1087, 1088, 1118,
1156, 1214, 1229, 1230, 1277, 1290, 1292, 1340, 1346, 1359, 1366, 1489-90, 1521, 1549, 1565,
1588, 1597, 1609, 1631, 1660; of grain, 697, 698, 701, 702; in honor of departed monks and
superiors, 546, 550, 700, 1565, 1660; in honor of emperor, 1087; in honor of founders and their
[ 1874 ]
families, 184, 445, 545, 546, 494, 701, 702, 743, 766, 929, 1088, 1229, 1565, 1567; of leftover
food, 1521, 1549, 1588, 1597; of meat, 342; of money, 342, 343, 350, 516, 517, 521, 535, 544,
545, 546, 550, 659, 697, 701, 702, 741, 742, 803, 804, 1087, 1088, 1228, 1229, 1230, 1277, 1292;
of old clothing, 936, 1214, 1225; of surplus income, 1212, 1226; of wheat, 342, 1189; of wine,
1521, 1555, 1565, 1588, 1597, 1631, 1659, 1660
charters. See legal documents (specific)
chartophylax (patriarchal chancellor). See ecclesiastical officials (specific)
chartophylax, m.; chartophylakissa, f. (archivist). See monastic officials (specific)
chartoularioi. See imperial officials (specific)
Cheesefare week. See commemorations, liturgical (types of); dietary rules; weeks of the liturgical
year; and Glossary
cheimeutos, chymeutos (enamel). See book covers, decoration of; icons (types of); reliquaries
(types of); and sacred vessles (types of)
cheirotonia (installation). See episcopal rights; metropolitan rights; monastic officials; patriarchal
rights (specific); stewards; and superiors
chiaton. See coinage
children: exclusion from Patmos, 570, 583; fathering of, 152, 155; foster, 791, 794, 845; instruction of, see education; of lay laborers, 571, 576, 585; of nuns, 1463, 1464, 1471; as postulants,
571, 579, 622, 623, 628, 629, 630, 632, 1197, 1202; postulants with, 570, 592; of priest, 574, 597;
reared from infancy, 571, 596, 1263; spiritual, 873, 879, 946; visiting nunnery, 710; women
with, 1463, 1471. See also boys; girls; and youths
choir. See churches (parts of); monks (types of): serving in choir or church; and nuns (types of):
serving in choir or church
choir leader (domestikos). See monastic officials (specific)
chorion (village). See rural settlements
choros. See choir and lighting devices (specific)
chouspa (broom). See utensils, household
chreia (lavatory). See hospitals and infirmaries (parts of)
chrysobulls, imperial. See imperial legislation (specific)
chrysoklabarikon (embroidered with gold thread). See cloths, liturgical (types of)
chrysoteleia. See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
[ 1875 ]
churches: addition of monasteries to, 973; adornment of, 793, 835, 1130; assigned places in, 60,
62; built in Ottoman times, 458, 567; burial within, 523, 525, 530, 704-5, 756, 782, 838, 844,
1099, 1278-79, 1389; conduct in, 63-64, 1501; construction/foundation of, 126, 175, 206, 252,
314, 317-18, 324, 455, 473, 508, 519, 523, 524, 567, 622, 628, 873, 946, 954, 973, 1043, 1101,
1107, 1113, 1117, 1128, 1130, 1162, 1178, 1182, 1237, 1375, 1390, 1392, 1411, 1417, 1423, 1466,
1473, 1579, 1593; construction of deferred, 1345, 1360; conversion of into mosques, 725, 783;
decoration of, 212, 1178, 1190; dedication of, 314, 317, 1254; demolition of, 127, 1375; enlargement of, 1456; furnishings (keimelia) of, 455, 473, 515, 869, 973; gifts suitable for use in, 1616,
1621; illumination of, 315, 320, 350, 521, 536, 644, 652, 680, 681, 696, 697, 698, 701, 702, 728,
740-42, 753-54, 756, 802, 803, 1086, 1111, 1131-32, 1257, 1277, 1389, 1393, 1555, 1565; inheritance of, 1375, 1379; maintenance of, 793, 835, 836, 843; model of, 509; parishioners offerings
in, 1491; purification of, 150; reconsecration/rededication of, 213, 1043; rent payments for, 1375;
repair, rebuilding, reconstruction, and restoration of, 150, 169, 208, 209, 212, 213, 313, 624, 782,
789, 793, 795, 843, 845, 869, 973, 1102, 1106, 1239, 1247, 1378, 1456, 1494, 1520, 1568; replacement of, 1303; rights of, 306; sale of, 1636; shares of ownership in, 457, 1494; site of future,
314, 317, 318; staffed by monks, 315, 319, 326; structural additions to, 659, 703; subordination of
to monasteries, 144; unification (henosis) with prohibited, 1516, 1528
churches (parts of): altar/holy table (thysiasterion, hagia trapeza), xxx, 185, 476, 484, 529, 587,
655, 674, 689, 697, 741, 751, 790, 808, 816, 996, 1027, 1053, 1117, 1132, 1133, 1137, 1140;
ambo, 100A, 277; apse, 740, 753, 754, 1456; apse conch (myax), 698, 741, 753, 756, 1277; atrium,
70; bell tower, 802, 804, 1520, 1568; capitals (kephalides, kephalokionia), 357, 716; chapel, auxiliary, 137, 169; chancel screen (kinklis, kankela), 98AB, 221, 473, 476, 536, 587, 740, 805, 808,
816, 894, 1027, 1083, 1150; chapels, side, 210, 213, 214, 509; choir, xxxvi, 107AB, 113AB, 169,
212, 224, 536, 741, 1150, 1155, 1545; cistern, 70, 1383, 1384; colonnade, 213; corner bay
(phournikon), 753; cross, 314, 317, 318; crucifix (for the holy table), 552; cupola, 212; dome
(troullos), 509, 698, 740, 753, 1186; door, principal/main, 167, 783; entrance, 213; exonarthex,
169, 213, 566, 655, 669, 687, 688, 698, 699, 704, 740, 741, 844, 1020, 1077, 1255; exonarthex,
preambulatory, 1254; facade, 169; floor, 793, 836; founders burial chapel, 135, 566; fountain in
atrium (louter), 114B, 115A, under church, 1383, in narthex, 702; katechoumeneion/katechoumenia,
272, 274, 1267, 1563; katholikon, 509, 566, 567, 1339, 1456, 1579; katholikon, gate of, 311n. 2,
749; lintel (of gate), 311n. 2; naos, 169, 1255; narthex, 98AB, 99A, 135, 149, 165, 169, 176, 221,
225, 478, 508, 566, 652, 687, 688, 689, 698, 702, 704, 739, 740, 741, 753, 754, 791, 802, 810,
837, 838, 839, 965, 1015, 1020, 1027, 1077, 1083, 1132, 1133, 1135, 1255, 1257, 1269, 1289,
1292, 1346, 1356, 1360, 1463, 1473, 1706; narthex, outer, 1020, 1046, 1077; narthex, second,
213; nave, see under naos; niches, 509; pavement, 728; phiale, 754; pillars, 716; porch, 62; portico, south, 169; prie-dieu (proseuchadion), 686; pterygia, 1277; right side of, 981, 1020, 1077;
roof, 69, 624, 793, 835; royal gate (basilike pyle), 98AB, 100A, 221, 740; sacristy (diakonikon,
skevophylakion), 352, 405, 406, 567, 656, 681, 682, 705, 732, 741, 751, 773, 792, 829, 835, 838,
845, 848, 975, 1036, 1048, 1059, 1076, 1209, 1360; sanctuary, 98AB, 99A, 100A, 221, 484, 536,
680, 698, 715, 716, 738, 739, 756, 816, 834, 1150, 1277, 1360, 1456; sanctuary doorposts
(harmosphinia), 716; sanctuary doors (hagiai thyrai, horaiai pylai), 357, 359, 716, 740, 741;
subsidiary chapels, 120, 1304; synthronon, 740, 753; templon, 357, 359, 552, 554, 696, 697, 698,
741, 753, 756, 1186; tombs, 169, 728, 738, 782, 791, 838, 839, 1255, 1258, 1270; vault (epitholion),
741; vault, groin, 70; vestry (vestiarion, vestion), 599, 840; walls, 69, 567, 789, 849. See Glossary
for Greek terms
churches (specific): Ambaros (CP), 1636; Archangel Michael (Rhaidestos), 306, 343; Blachernitissa
(CP), 1166; Christ (Lakedaimon), 324; of George Maniakes (Sicily), 626, 631, 633; Hagia Sophia
[ 1876 ]
(on Lemnos), 1494; Hagia Sophia, the Great Church (CP), 76, 101A, 150, 341, 360, 515, 555,
556, 599, 656, 705, 726, 992, 993, 994, 1043, 1048, 1051, 1076, 1216, 1631, 1637, 1659, 1672;
Holy Apostles (CP), 1668; Holy Mary (Lat., CP), 1279; Holy Sepulcher (Jerusalem), 955; Langres,
cathedral of (France), 975; Mother of God Eleousa (CP), 617; Mother of God Eleousa (Rhaidestos),
343; Mother of God Gorgoepekoos (Istanbul), 458; Palace church, 754; St. Akakios (CP), 1563;
St. Barbara (of Eustathios Boilas), 517n. 17; St. Barbara (Lakedaimon), 317; St. Demetrios (near
Philadelphia), 1189; St. Epiphanios (Lakedaimon), 317; St. George of Kyparission (CP), 341,
370n. 12; St. John the Forerunner (Rhaidestos), 343; St. Luke (CP), 766, 777n. 83; St. Marina,
oratory of (Galesios), 148; St. Nicholas Mesomphalos (CP), 1557; St. Onouphrios (CP), 1563; St.
Prokopios (Bera, Thrace), 793, 795, 843; Sts. Kosmas and Damian (CP), 120, 122n. 3; unidentified ruined (Lakedaimon), 314; unnamed 5th c. parochial, 67; unnamed small basilica (Luxor),
52. See also churches and chapels (monastic)
churches (types of): cathedral (katholikon), 314, 1048, 1304, 1631; dependent, 621, 789, 792,
793, 845; family, 516, 571n. 17; house, 1178, 1182; main, 1376; monastic (private), 39, 296, 298,
1102, 1176; mortuary, 658, 705, 725, 1254; peasants, 793, 843, 1176; public/parochial (katholikai
ekklesiai), 43, 61, 306, 450; roofless, 974; ruined, 314, 457, 789, 845, 1043; small, 1176; stone,
126; triple, 725, 727; village, 203
churches and chapels (monastic):
Annunciation (Menoikeion), 1585, 1609
Annunciation, chapel of (Mar Saba, near Jerusalem), 1313
Annunciation of the Mother of God, katholikon of (Lavra, Mount Athos; subsequently
Dormition of St. Athanasios the Athonite), 206, 209, 210, 212, 213
Christ All-Merciful (Panoiktirmon, CP), 336
Christ Pantokrator (Pantokrator monastery, CP), 725, 728, 738, 740-42
Christodoulos, mortuary chapel of (Patmos), 566
Forty Saints, chapel of (Lavra, Mount Athos), 210, 221, 229n. 1
Great Church (Sabas, near Jerusalem), 1316
Holy Anargyroi (Ta Agathou, CP), l24
Holy Anargyroi, oratory (kellion, Menoikeion), 1592
Holy Apostles, chapel of (Patmos), 567
Holy Cross (Hermitage of Holy Cross, Cyprus), 1338, 1352
Holy Cross, chapel of (Patmos), 567
Holy Philadelphoi (Val Demone, Sicily), 631, 633
Holy Trinity (Hermitage of Holy Cross, Cyprus), 1345, 1360
Holy Trinity (Lavra, Mount Athos), 262
Hosios Loukas (Phokis), 314
Incorporeal (St. Leontios, Patmos), 566
Metamorphosis, see below, Transfiguration
Michael the Archangel (Pantokrator monastery, CP), 725, 756-57
Mother of God (Areia), 967
Mother of God (Bebaia Elpis, CP), 1555
Mother of God (Eleousa, Stroumitza) 167, 169, 175, 176, 184
Mother of God (Evergetis, CP), 473
Mother of God (Galesios), 149
[Mother of God] (Kecharitomene, CP), 696-97, 698, 702
Mother of God (Kosmosoteira, Bera, Thrace), 802-4, 834, 835, 843
Mother of God (Kouphou, Crete), 144
[ 1877 ]
churches and chapels (cont.)
Mother of God (Lips, CP), 167, 1254
Mother of God (Machairas, Cyprus), 1130
Mother of God (monastery of the Despot, Latros[?]), 1251
Mother of God (Pelion, Kos), 581
Mother of God (St. John the Forerunner, Mt. Menoikeion), 1609
Mother of God (St. Philip, Val Demone), 631, 633
Mother of God (Skoteine, near Philadelphia), 1182
Mother of God (Stoudios, CP), 112AB
Mother of God, the Consolation (Pausolype, Galesios), 149
Mother of God, Dormition of (Petritzonitissa, Backovo), 500, 508, 509, 519, 521, 523,
525, 530
Mother of God, [John Xenos] oratory of (Spelia, Crete), 144
Mother of God, oratory of (Kecharitomene, CP), 704
Mother of God, oratory of (Machairas, Cyprus), 1107, 1128, 1332
Mother of God Eleousa (Pantokrator, CP), 725, 728, 732, 738, 753-56, 759, 768
Mother of God Meteoritissa (Transfiguration, Meteora, Thessaly), 1455
Mother of God Nea Peribleptos (Charsianeites, CP), 1626, 1632n. 2
Mother of God tou Stylou (Latros), 135
Parorion (Lakedaimon), 319
[Paul the Younger], burial chapel of (Latros), 135
Prophet Elias (Thessalonike), 1434
Resurrection (Anastasis, CP), 1374, 1378, 1380
St. Aberkios (Ligmous), 1043
St. Basil, chapel of (Patmos), 567
St. Constantine (Skoteine, near Philadelphia), 1178, 1188
St. Demetrios (Kecharitomene, CP), 707
St. Demetrios of the Palaiologoi (St. Demetrios-Kellibara, CP), 1106, 1238, 1247
St. George (Nazogeraia, Crete), 144
St. George (Phlethra, loc. uncertain), 1251
St. George, chapel of (Petritzonitissa, Backovo), 509, 523
St. George Doubrikas (Rhoustika, Crete), 143
St. George Opsaropiastes (Choromonasteri, Crete), 143
St. Irene, chapel of (Lips, CP), 1267
St. John Chrysostom (Cyprus), 1350
St. John Damascene (Mar Saba, near Jerusalem), 1313
St. John the Evangelist/Theologian (Patmos), 595
St. John the Forerunner (Lips, CP), 1254, 1267
St. John the Forerunner (Mt. Menoikeion), 1592
St. John the Forerunner (Panoiktirmon, CP), 336
St. John the Forerunner (Psamathia, CP), 120
St. John the Forerunner (St. John the Forerunner, Mount Athos), 1392
St. John the Forerunner (St. John the Forerunner, Serres), 1594
St. John the Forerunner (St. Philip, Val Demone), 631
St. John the Forerunner (Stoudios, CP), 101A
St. John the Forerunner, chapel of (Machairas, Cyprus), 1113, 1115, 1162
St. John the Forerunner, chapel of (Patmos), 567
St. John the Forerunner, chapel of (Ta Agathou, Psamathia), 124
[ 1878 ]
churches and chapels (cont.)
St. John the Forerunner, funerary chapel of (Petritzonitissa, Backovo), 509, 516, 523,
St. John the Forerunner, oratory of (Lavra, Mount Athos), 227, 231n. 27
St. John the Merciful (Skoteine, near Philadelphia), 1178, 1182
St. John the Theologian (Patmos), 565
St. Lazarus, chapel of (Anastasis, CP), 1374, 1376, 1379, 1380
St. Mamas (CP), 973
St. Marina (Galesios), 148
St. Mark (St. Mark, Val Demone), 631, 633
St. Mary of Virgiotis (Evergetis, CP), 457
St. Michael, funerary chapel of (Pantokrator, CP), 725, 728, 739, 753, 754, 756-57, 1254
St. Michael the Archangel (Docheiariou, Mount Athos), 1303, 1307
St. Michael the Archangel (Psamathia, CP), 120
St. Michael the Archangel (Val Demone), 622, 628, 631, 633
St. Michael the Archangel, oratory of (Latros), 135
St. Nicholas (Bebaia Elpis), 1565
St. Nicholas (Lavra, Mount Athos), 210, 227, 231n. 27
St. Nicholas (Petritzonitissa), 551
St. Nicholas (St. Nicholas, near Serres), 522, 551
St. Nicholas, chapel of (Mar Saba, near Jerusalem), 1313
St. Nicholas, oratory of (Skoteine, near Philadelphia), 1178, 1182
St. Nicholas of Kasoulon (Apulia), 1320
St. Onouphrios, chapel of (Patmos), 567
St. Paul, oratory of (Aigialos, Crete), 144
St. Peter the Apostle (St. Peter, Val Demone), 631, 633
[St. Philip] (St. Philip, Val Demone), 628, 633
St. Prokopios (Aulax, near Philadelphia), 1178, 1190
St. Sabbas (kellion, Karyes), 1334
St. Stephen of the Aurelian (CP), 620, 789, 792, 793, 843, 845
St. Thallelaios (St. Thallelaios, Val Demone), 631, 633
Sts. Eutychios and Eutychianos (Rethymno, Crete), 143
Saints, The (Skoteine, near Philadelphia), 1178, 1189
Savior (Christ Savior, Messina), 644
Savior, Mother of God, and St. Kyriake (Lakedaimon), 313, 314, 317, 319
Transfiguration (Rila, Bulgaria), 126, 128n. 7
Transfiguration (Transfiguration, Meteora, Thessaly), 1455
Vaste, chapel at (Apulia), 1319
unnamed chapels
(Hermitage of Holy Cross, Cyprus), 1350
(Kosmosoteira, Bera), 789, 849
(Studios, CP), 70
unnamed chapel in old age home
(Kosmosoteira, Bera), 795, 831
unnamed oratory
(Kecharitomene, CP), 711
unspecified churches
(Lemnos), 457
[ 1879 ]
churches and chapels (cont.)
(Parorion, Lakedaimon), 319
(Sthlavochorion, Lakedaimon), 319
chytrokandela, kythrokandela (pot-shaped lamp). See lighting devices (specific)
cisterns. See convents (parts of); monasteries (parts of); and water supply systems
civil legislation. See imperial legislation
claustration. See virtues, monastic
clergy (local): churches staffed by, 326, 732, 756; distrusted by founders, 298; hired, 728, 729,
755; and monastic offices, 1165; patronage of foundations by, 1105; represent local residents, 51;
tax exemptions in favor of, 1105. See also ecclesiastical hierarchy and ecclesiastical officials
clergy (specific ranks of). See archbishops; bishops; deacons; ecclesiastical hierarchy; metropolitans; patriarchs; and priests
clocks, water (clepsydra). See furniture
closures. See feasts (types of) and Glossary: octave
clothing: allowance for, xxxiii, 512, 514, 980, 1014, 1071; communal purchase/distribution of,
xxxiii, 490, 512, 534, 653, 684, 729, 750, 788, 822, 956, 966, 980, 1013, 1110, 1112, 1152, 1210,
1222, 1288, 1292, 1506, 1507, 1509, 1510, 1516, 1543, 1551, 1583; desired qualities of, 25,
27-28, 303, 382, 406; donations of, 144, 936; equality in, 152, 160, 445, 459, 464, 490-91, 614,
653, 696, 788, 822, 875, 924, 956, 980, 1014, 1071, 1210, 1457, 1460, 1505; extra allotments of,
1209, 1225, 1583, 1586, 1600; gradations of monastic, 1198, 1202-3; inequality in, 513, 535,
1112, 1341, 1457, 1460; manufacture of, 652, 684, 1096, 1177, 1185, 1463, 1472, 1514; monks
possession of, 170, 176; old items of to be donated, 495; old items of to be returned, 490, 750, 826,
924, 1152, 1210, 1225, 1258, 1276, 1288, 1292; not to be sold, 1185; provided to solitaries, 1210,
1227; purchase of/allowance for, 511, 520, 534, 865, 868, 1014, 1045, 1071, 1584; quality of,
xxii, 72, 79, 259, 398, 406, 1365, 1516, 1552; raw materials for, 652, 684; records of, see records
(specific); regulation of, 25, 25n. 18, 27-28, 37, 92, 114AB115AB, 151, 164, 382, 464, 511, 788,
822; sets of monastic, 144; specified by superior, 1650; storage of, 462, 491; symbolism of, 179;
washing of, 1516, 1552
clothing (types of): dignified, 1516, 1552; durable, 1258, 1276; extra, 1209, 1225, 1583, 1586,
1600; heavier, 93; inexpensive, 1342, 1516, 1552; modest/modestly adorned, 1342, 1516, 1552;
necessary, 446, 570, 590; new, 1288, 1292; old, 490, 495, 750, 826, 924, 936, 1152, 1210, 1225,
1258, 1276, 1288, 1292; secular, xxi; worn, 1214, 1225
clothing (articles of): apron (thorakisterion), 762; cap (kamelaukion), 406, 407; capes, 1281; cloak
(mandyas, mandyon), xxii, 228, 406, 407, 490, 685, 694, 750, 757, 826, 831, 924, 966, 1152,
1225, 1276, 1510, 1543, 1551 (pallion), 647 and n. 9; cowl (koukoulion), 109AB, 113AB, 114AB,
179; headcloth (skepasma, skepe, magoulikion, phakiolion), heavy cloak (barymandy), 228, 406;
maphoria, 554, 559n. 53; outer garment (epanophorion), 114AB, 1516; pectoral, 369; phakiolion,
[ 1880 ]
1551; shifts (tzolia), 1281; shirts, 757; tunic (himation), 114AB, 179, 228, 406, 490, 694, 749,
826, 966, 1224, 1276, 1509, 1551; undergarment/undershirt (hypokamison), 114AB, 228, 826,
831, 1224; vest (epistethion, peristethion), 490, 750, 826, 924, 966, 1152, 1224, 1276, 1510,
1551. See also cloths, liturgical (specific); imperial garments; monastic habit (articles of); textiles; and Glossary for Greek terms
cloths, liturgical: care of, 1272; donation of, 515, 526, 877, 884; inalienability of, see inalienability; sale of, 1412, 1426
cloths, liturgical (specific): aer, 1186; altar cloth (endyte), 359, 369, 462, 491, 554, 1186, 1667,
1673; cuffs (epimanikia, hypomanika), 1186, 1393, 1567; curtain (epiplon, katapetasma, peplon),
359, 360, 371nn. 35 and 36, 716, 751; epitrachelion, 1186, 1479, 1567; fans (phlamoula), 1673,
1677n. 49; hangings, 369; inner cover for the altar (sarkesin), 1186, 1192n. 29; koukoula, 1673,
1677n. 49; liturgical cloth (epiplon), 360, 473, 1307, 1308, 1673; podeai, 360, 369, 1393, 1562,
1667, 1673; veil (poterokalymma), 359, 369, 473, 993, 1019, 1186, 1393, 1479, 1562, 1673; vestments (allagai, allaximata), 554, 1185, 1186, 1190, 1334, 1393, 1673. See also Glossary for Greek
cloths, liturgical (types of): with borders in style of Attaleia (peripheria attaleiotika), 369; with
designs of forty bands (?) (tessarakontasemos), 1673, 1677n. 44, of vine-tendril (ambelokladion),
360; embroidered with gold thread (chrysoklabarikon, syrmatinon), 993, 1186, 1562, 1570n. 66,
with letters, 968, with pearls, 1562, 1567; with representations of animals, 359, 360, 369, 1673, of
Christ, 1673, of emperors, 1673, of feasts, 1186; sprinkled with gold (chrysorantistos), 1673;
woven with silver and gold thread (argyroun diachryson), 716, (chrysoun), 1186, 1393. See also
coal. See fuels
cobblers. See laborers, monastic (specific)
coffins. See burial sites
cohabitation (sexual). See vices, monastic
coinage: aspra, 1406, 1420, 1422, 1423; assarion, 55, 58n. 4; chiaton, 595, 596, 600; of Constantine
IX Monomachos (monomachaton), 526, 558n. 9, 928; of Constantine X Doukas, 526, 558n. 9;
ducat (doukaton), 1415, 1417, 1421, 1600, 1610n. 15 (see also Glossary); follis, 541, 759, 760,
764; gellion, 1674; gold, 544, 545, 741, 742, 760, 762-63, 928, 1267, 1279, 1281, 1378, 1379,
1555; gold with cross (stauraton), 928; grosso, 1471; hagiogeorgaton, 756; holokotinon, 395;
hyperpyron, 595, 699, 712, 713, 755, 760, 761, 762, 764, 766, 767, 840, 1014, 1071, 1131, 1187,
1188, 1190, 1218, 1229, 1230, 1391, 1394, 1557, 1561, 1562, 1563, 1567, 1568, 1600, 1609,
1618, 1639; hyperpyron, new, 763, 764, 765; hyperpyron, old, 763, 771; hyperpyros litra, 761,
771, 840, 844; kokkion, 712, 713, 714; of Michael VII Doukas (michaelaton), 526, 558n. 9;
nomisma, 168, 185, 211, 212, 260, 341, 343, 347, 350, 367, 370, 535, 546, 550, 589, 590, 712,
713, 714, 928, 1002, 1003, 1030, 1048, 1116, 1279, 1280, 1281, 1292, 1351, 1375, 1516, 1555,
1567; nomisma, preferred, 741, 760, 762, 763; noummia, 697, 701, 702, 741, 742, 760; of Romanos
III Argyros (romanaton), 526, 558n. 9; with scepter (skeptraton), 526; tetarteron, 350, 741, 742,
760, 1087, 1088; theotokion, 761, 763, 764; trachy, aspron, 762; trachy, nomisma, 343, 350, 526,
697, 699, 701, 702, 759, 760, 761, 763, 764, 765, 803, 830, 840, 1277; trachy, standard, 535;
[ 1881 ]
trikephalon, 762, 765, 1014, 1051, 1087, 1088, 1128, 1187, 1188; trikephalon, old, 1014; trimesion,
57, 58n. 14. See also Glossary for Greek terms
coins, possession of prohibited, 459, 490
coins (types of): gold, 544, 545, 741, 742, 760, 762, 763, 928, 1267, 1279, 1281, 1378, 1379,
1555; small, 459, 490
collaborative government. See monastic rule, styles of
collation. See meals (specific)
colonnade. See buildings, secular (parts of) and churches (parts of)
columns. See buildings, secular (parts of) and monasteries (parts of)
commemorations, liturgical (anaphora [of the living], mnemosyna [of the departed]): contributions/endowments for (prosenexeis), 302, 329, 348, 515, 516, 548, 575, 581, 658, 672, 1514,
1561; designation of clergy for celebration of, 1096; as fund-raising devices, 428, 434, 448, 614,
1520; instructions for, 53, 56, 983, 1021, 1389; limits on, xxv, 458, 494; lists of, 658, 702, 872,
927-28; not to be neglected, 1514, 1562-63; prostheke regulating, 136, 705, 1376; in reform monasteries, 463, 516; times of, 184, 103AB, 222, 927, 1563, 1565, 1566
commemorations, liturgical (individual): of deceased (hospital) patients, 759, 762, 766; of departed monks and nuns, 39, 93, 103AB, 222, 427, 434, 458, 464, 49394, 515, 546, 548, 700, 789,
849, 866, 867, 875, 928, 969, 977, 1020, 1046, 1077, 1111, 1114, 1136, 1163, 1209, 1213, 1229,
1274, 1305, 1308, 1392, 1519, 1565, 1627, 1659; of the emperor, xxv, 314, 575, 595, 701, 743,
867, 1047, 1086-87, 1114, 1116, 1136, 1390, 1392, 1639; of eparch of CP, 331, 352; of founders,
patrons, and protectors, xxiv, 53, 56, 184, 300, 314, 315, 319, 341, 343, 428, 434, 445, 464, 468,
493, 499, 514, 515, 516, 521, 544-45, 548, 575, 595, 619, 655, 656, 669, 700-702, 730, 733,
742-43, 749, 755, 759, 774, 791, 839, 844, 866, 867, 872, 875, 927-28, 958, 962, 968, 983, 984,
985, 998, 999, 1005, 1021, 1047, 1048, 1056, 1062, 1087-88, 1099, 1114, 1115, 1117, 1131, 1133,
1136, 1162, 1163, 1178, 1182, 1184, 1199, 1201, 1209, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1228-29, 1261, 1278,
1287, 1289, 1292, 1319, 1332, 1344, 1355, 1375, 1376, 1380, 1390, 1391, 1392, 1412, 1426,
1486, 1488, 1514, 1518, 1519, 1556, 1567, 1568, 1627, 1630, 1660; of founders descendants,
1375, 1380, 1514, 1518, 1561; of founders families and relatives, 514, 515, 516, 521, 544-45,
656, 700-702, 743, 755, 759, 791, 823, 840, 866, 867, 927, 928, 958, 968, 983, 984, 1005, 1021,
1209, 1228, 1261, 1278, 1289, 1292, 1375, 1376, 1379, 1380, 1486, 1513, 1514, 1516, 1518,
1555-56, 1561-63; of imperial family members, 875, 927; of imperial officials, 733, 742-43; of
local bishops, xxv, xxxv, 168, 959, 963, 1101, 1107, 1118, 1128, 1130, 1346, 1355; of other bishops, 1520, 1567; of local magistrates, 314-15; 1164; of metropolitans, 875, 927, 1101; of monastic
brotherhood, 1390, 1392; of monks parents and families, 1021, 1113, 1114, 1136; of non-Byzantine
rulers, 1344, 1352; of patriarchs, 144, 866, 872, 875, 919, 927, 1406; of postulants, xxxv; of St.
Auxentios, 1374; of St. Lazarus of Galesios, 1376, 1380; of superiors, 136, 464, 494, 514, 515,
521, 529, 546, 550, 875, 927, 969, 981, 984, 1005, 1020-21, 1077-78, 1390, 1392; of the whole
world, 575, 595
commemorations, liturgical (types of): annual, 493, 546, 550, 700-702, 823, 840, 867, 875, 927,
962, 968, 983, 1021, 1087, 1209, 1228, 1278, 1376, 1389, 1555-56, 1561-63, 1567, 1568; daily,
[ 1882 ]
515, 548, 743, 983, 999, 1021, 1056, 1088, 1209, 1228; third-day, 184, 434, 546, 550, 700, 981,
1020, 1077, 1229; ninth-day, 184, 434, 700, 981, 1020, 1077, 1229, 1660; fortieth-day, 434, 546,
700, 928, 981, 1020, 1077, 1163, 1229, 1426; joint, 515, 548; multiple, 522, 548, 866, 928, 1020;
on Fridays, 1392, 1393; on Saturday of Cheesefare, 700, 742, 759, 762, 981, 1020, 1077; on
Saturday of Meatfare, 103B, 222, 700, 742, 759, 762, 981, 1020, 1077, 1563, 1565, 1566 (see also
Glossary); on Saturday of Pentecost, 103B, 222, 700, 742, 759, 762, 981, 1020, 1077, 1563, 1565,
1566; on Saturdays, 1376, 1380; of translated relics, 150; parastasimon, 343, 700, 1021, 1555,
1659, 1660 (see also Glossary)
commerce: attitudes toward, 25n. 16, 194, 196, 199-200, 304, 447, 1298; with laymen, 198; with
neighboring monasteries, 28; pursued, 24-25, 194, 1302; restrictions on, 24, 39, 198. See also
fundraising schemes
communion: guidelines for reception of, xxv, 62, 92, 113B, 114B, 115A, 447, 459, 475, 511, 653,
687, 807, 865, 896-97, 956, 965, 979, 1016, 1045, 1073, 1112, 1134, 1257, 1342, 1360-61, 1434,
1448, 1583, 1602; reconciliation prior to, 1368. See also Eucharist, Holy
compline. See hours, liturgical (specific)
conduit, water. See water supply systems
confession: discussion of, 956, 964; exhortation to, 979, 1015; of faith, see testaments, monastic,
and typika; frequency of, xv, xxv, 447, 459, 476, 521, 875, 898-900, 1434, 1435, 1448, 1515,
1553-54; Great/First, 459, 478, 787, 810, 875, 900, 1112, 1139; importance of, xxv, 1514, 1553-54;
introduction of, 640, 644; punishments for failing to confess, 477, 809, 899, 920, 1138, 1139,
1655; qualifications for hearing of, 1263, 1342, 1357, 1588, 1592; thoughts excluded from, 1269,
1282n. 14; time for, 92, 107AB, 459, 476, 1257, 1269. See also confessors
confession of faith. See faith
confessors: deacons, 459, 476; monks (for nuns), 1314, 1316; priests, xxv, 29, 459, 476, 1014,
1112, 1139; recluse, 1357; spiritual fathers, xxv, 679, 875, 1257, 1263, 1269, 1463, 1473, 1514,
1554, 1583, 1588, 1600, 1602, 1628, 1634; superiors, xxv, 24 and n. 14, 107AB, 215, 228, 456,
459, 476-77, 478, 511, 537, 729, 750, 759, 787, 808-10, 875, 898-900, 920, 956, 965, 978, 979,
1014, 1015, 1045, 1071, 1110, 1112, 1137, 1139, 1159, 1340, 1342, 1366, 1628, 1634, 1654;
superiors assistants/designees, 458, 478, 729, 750, 1340, 1342, 1360, 1366, 1435, 1443; others,
xxv, 459, 476, 808, 865, 898, 900, 979, 1014, 1110, 1112, 1137-38, 1045, 1071, 1137, 1342, 1360,
1435, 1443, 1448, 1581
confinement (monastic). See monasteries (parts of) and punishments (specific kinds)
confraternity (diakonia), 771, 777n. 92
conscience (syneidesis), xv
consultative bodies: administrative council, Athonite, 1614, 1615, 1620; assemblies, Athonite,
197-98, 199, 204, 233, 235, 236, 282, 283, 289, 290, 1614; council of elders, Athonite, 197; of
Wallachian voivodes ecclesiastical officials, 1410, 1411, 1415, 1420
consultative government. See monastic rule, styles of
[ 1883 ]
contemplation. See virtues, monastic
convents (female; monai, phrontisteria, semneia): access to, 1515, 1528, 1544; and the charistike,
306, 331, 343; construction of, 659; documents written for, xviii, 954, 649-724, 1093, 1295, 1484;
endowments of, 954, 956, 958, 960, 961; elections in, 674, 1488; financial support of, 656-58,
712-14, 1107, 1117, 1166; hearing of confessions in, 1463, 1473; inheritance of, 1516-17, 1557-58;
liturgical performances in, 652, 686-87, 688-89; manual labor in, 652, 671, 684, 704; priests
serving in, xix, 652, 704; relations of with neighboring monastery, 957, 961-62, 1465-66, 1473;
relocation of, 954, 961; repair, restoration, and maintenance of, 655, 657, 659, 703, 710, 1287,
1289, 1290, 1512, 1520, 1568; sacramental life in, 653, 687; sharing customs and cooperating
with one another, 1289, 1292; spiritual renewal of, 1288, 1291; subordination of, 1289, 1292; in
Syriac monasticism, 40; unification (henosis) with prohibited, 1516, 1528
convents (parts of): bathhouse, 653, 696, 707, 708; bow-slit, 703; cell for gatekeepers, 1464,
1476; cell for the sick, 653, 696; circuit-wall, 703; court, 707, 708; courtyard, 1464, 1476; doorway, 656, 710; dormitory, 652, 653, 671-72, 687, 688, 703; funerary/mortuary chapel, 619, 649,
654, 699; garden, 707, 708, 1463, 1476; gate, 654, 679, 697, 698, 701, 702, 703, 1290, 1292; gate,
inner, 679, 1515, 1546; gate, outer, 679, 1464, 1476, 1515, 1546; gate, side, 703; gate house,
1258, 1270; granary, 682; guesthouse, 1257, 1269; kitchen, 1384, 1387; lavatories (parakellia),
670, 711; omphaitos, 711 (see also Glossary); orchard, 708; private cell (tropike), 653, 670, 671
(see also Glossary); private residences, 655, 656, 704, 710; quarters for official visitors
(archontarikia), 654, 680; refectory, 653, 690; refectory apse, 653, 670-71; roof, 659, 703; storehouse/storeroom (vestion), 652, 657, 682, 684, 1258, 1276, 1514, 1516, 1521, 1549, 1551; vineyard, 1463, 1476; wall, 703, 1289, 1290; window, 703; workshop (ergodosion), 711, 1516, 1551
convents (specific): Aristenai (CP), 1032, 1038n. 36; of Basil of Caesarea, 26, 28, 32; Christ
Philanthropos (CP), 650, 1383-88, 1493n. 21; Constantine Lips (CP), 1097, 1100, 1104, 1254-86,
1301, 1493 n. 20; Eupraxia (Galesios), 149; Glabaina the protostratorissa, 1563; Holy Anargyroi,
see below, Sts. Kosmas and Damian; Mother of God (Areia, Peloponnesos), 954, 955, 960, 961;
Mother of God (Bouze, Peloponnesos), 954, 957, 961; Mother of God Bebaia Elpis (CP), 32,
1486, 1487, 1488, 1489, 1493n. 21, 1512-78; Mother of God Kecharitomene (CP), 617, 649-724,
976, 1255, 1493n. 21, cf. 89; Mother of God Pantanassa (Baionaia), xiii, 1297, 1302, 1462-82;
Petria (CP), 362, 367; St. Anna of Deuteron (CP), 710, 719n. 63; St. George Trapeza (Skoutari),
1262, 1280, 1283n. 34; St. John the Forerunner (Menoikeion), 1580; St. Mark (Val Demone), 626,
631, 633; St. Mary of the Mongols (CP), 1491; St. Nicholas (CP), 711, 719n. 64; St. Prokopios
(Rhaidestos), 306, 343; Sts. Kosmas and Damian (CP), 1097, 1100, 1104, 1287-94, 1301; Ta
Kellaraias (CP), 619, 649, 654, 699, 704, 718n. 30; Trapeza, see above, St. George Skoutari);
unidentified (CP?), 89; unnamed (CP), 650, 1563; unnamed (Tamasia, Cyprus), 1107, 1113, 1116,
1117, 1166
convents (types of): ancestral, 1517, 1568; cenobitic, 1097, 1462; dependent, 302; idiorhythmic,
1297, 1302, 1462; imperial, 1255, 1263; offered as entrance gift, 1262, 1280; patriarchal, 619,
649, 654, 699; ruined, 1104
conversation: conversatio morum, xviii; idle chatter, see vices, monastic; in journeys, 1018, 1074,
1607; in manual labor, 1018, 1074, 1602; in private/in cells, 62, 684, 1017, 1075, 1157, 1542,
1607, 1660; restriction of, 24n. 13, 1515, 1542; whispering, 64
converts: from Islam, 1408; from Judaism, 791, 840
cook. See laborers, monastic (specific)
[ 1884 ]
cooking, private: condemned, 527; special concessions, 528
cooking oils and fats: goat fat, 762; goose fat, 762; olive oil, 110AB, 111A, 112AB, 140, 226, 350,
395, 397, 401, 746, 747, 691, 901, 914, 917, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1063, 1064, 1144, 1146, 1275,
1321, 1322, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1598, 1660, 16981710, 171216; pig fat, 762; sesame oil,
1144, 17034. See also cooking techniques and seasonings
cooking techniques: boiling, 110AB, 111AB, 226, 915, 1006, 1007, 1063, 1144, 1275, 1326, 1598,
16981700, 17025, 1709-12; soaking, 900, 914, 1006, l007, 1063, 1064, 1144, 1326, 1660, 1699,
17024, 1706; with olive oil, 110AB, 111A, 112AB, 140, 226, 350, 395, 397, 401, 746, 747, 691,
901, 914, 917, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1063, 1064, 1144, 1146, 1275, 1321, 1322, 1324, 1325, 1326,
1328, 1598, 1660, 16981710, 171216; with sesame oil, 1144, 1703-4; without oil, 110AB, 226,
396, 400, 480, 691, 746, 747, 1146, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1598, 1660, 1702, 1709, 1713; with vinegar, 1326, 1598, 1660, 1699, 1702. See also flavorings and seasonings
coppersmiths. See laborers, monastic (specific)
Coptic. See languages
copyists. See professions and trades
Corpus consuetudinum monasticarum, xii
correspondence: preserved, 52, 378, 564; restricted or prohibited, 40, 444, 459, 490, 570, 594,
875, 923, 1157, 1316, 1340, 1368, 1628, 1653
correspondence (specific): of apa Abraham, 52; of Christodoulos of Patmos, 564; of Constantine
IX Monomachos, 282, 284-85; of Gregory II Kyprios, 150; of Honorius III, 456-57; of Nicholas I
Mystikos, 1042; of Nicholas Mesarites, 457; of Theodore the Studite, 85, 87
corrodies and corrodians. See pensions and pensioners
council of elders, Athonite. See consultative bodies
councils and synods: ecumenical councils, 68, 76, 140, 174, 1467, affirmation of same, 137, 140;
local councils and synods, 326, 456, 618, 808, 1103, 1207
councils and synods (specific): Blachernai (council of, 1283), 1207, (synod of, 1094), 326, 456,
618, 867, 868, 1103; Chalcedon, 1399; Constantinople I (381), 1399, 1470, 1480n. 10;
Constantinople II (553), 1311, 1400, 1470, 1480n. 10; Constantinople III (680-81), 1400;
Constantinople VI (see below Trullo); Ephesus, 1400; Lyons II (1274), 1396; Nicaea I (325),
1399, 1405, 1467; Nicaea II (787), 76, 1400, 1471, 1472, 1669, 1675n. 4; Trullo (691-92), 388,
403, 896, 915, 1202, 1326, 1472, 1474, 1706; unnamed (809), 68. See also canon law (specific
canons); icons (specific); and patriarchal synod (CP)
court officials. See imperial officials (specific)
courts (secular): appointment and deposition of superiors by, 281, 284; competence of restricted,
204; legal appeals in, xix, 53, 281, 284, 307, 427, 461, 463, 513, 542, 574, 596, 944, 1587, 1594,
1630, 1655-56; officers of, 282; testimony in, xix, 39
[ 1885 ]
crafts. See handicrafts and handiwork
craftsmen: lay, see professions and trades; monastic, see laborers, monastic
crimes: arson, xxxi, 795, 842-43; heresy, 39, 401, 416; sorcery, 209
criminals: assassins, 126; brigands/robbers, 126; pirates, 600, 954, 961, 1245, 1304, 1409, 1455
crops, agricultural: dues paid from, 1390-91, 1394; gathering and safekeeping of, 1110, 1111,
1147, 1538-39; half-share of, 1390, 1394; surplus of, 1457, 1458, 1460. See also grain
crops, agricultural (specific): grain, 1458, 1460; oil, 1458, 1460; from olive grove, 1390, 1394;
from vineyard, 1390, 1394; wine, 1458, 1460. See also grain (specific kinds) and wheat
cross: as architectural element, 314, 317, 318; greeting in form of, 107AB; Lenten veneration of,
112AB, 227
crosses (types of): with arched candlestands (kamarai), 716; with bosses (mela), 716; bread
(stauria), 688, 981, 1020, 1021, 1077, 1078, 1274 (see also Glossary); with glass jewels, 716; of
gold, 716; liturgical, 356, 552, 716, 968; military, 552; with pendants (kataseista), 716; with precious stones, 552; reliquary, 526; sanctuary, 552, 716, 827; of silver, 552, 716, 968; of silver-gilt,
356, 716; tzapotoi, 716, 719n. 70; of wood, 716; of wood covered with gold, 552
crucifix. See churches (parts of)
Crusades. See wars (specific)
crystal, rock (kryon). See stones, precious
cumin. See flavorings and supplies, medical
cupola. See churches (parts of)
curators (kouratores), 297, 310, 312 and n. 3, 363, 367
curses, reliance on, 53, 310, 312, 315, 319, 324-25, 463, 492, 1390, 1394, 1397
curses (specific): on archbishops, 968; on archimandrites, 968; on bishops, 146, 337-38, 482, 668,
825, 918, 968, 999, 1609; on clergy, 482; on emperors, 146, 337-38, 482, 668, 825, 918, 968, 999,
1609; of the founder, 492; on founders relatives, 513, 542; on metropolitans, 146, 298, 968; on
monks, 482, 999, 1056, 1361, 1397, 1402, 1609; on nuns, 668; on patriarchs, 146, 298, 482, 668,
918, 968; on predators, 304; on priests, 146, 337-38, 482, 668, 825, 918, 968, 999, 1397, 1402,
1609; on senators, 482, 668, 918, 999, 1056; on stewards, 482, 999, 1056; on superiors, 482, 668,
968, 999, 1056, 1361; of the three hundred and eighteen fathers of Nicaea, 146, 187, 325, 344,
483, 513, 542, 597, 599, 668, 918, 957, 968, 999, 1056, 1190, 1361, 1397, 1402, 1405, 1406, 1478
(see also Glossary); on transgressors, 130, 151, 164, 296, 312, 319, 324-25, 352, 542, 597, 599,
630, 633, 634, 668, 825, 968, 1022, 1078, 1131, 1164, 1190, 1218, 1335, 1424, 1428, 1528
[ 1886 ]
daily activities: sleeping, 93, 112AB; studying, 93, 112AB, 1378, 1379. See also bathing;
catechetical instruction; charitable distributions; commemorations, liturgical; confession; diet; fasts;
food; handicrafts and handiwork; hours, liturgical; liturgies; manual labor; prayers; psalmody;
reading; travel; vigils
daughters. See family members (specific)
daughters-in-law. See family members (specific)
day, length of, 91, 92, 93, 1363
days of the week:
Sunday: breaking fasting on, 916, 918; commemorations on, 546, 688, 1087; departure
of lay laborers for monastery on, 585; diet on, 395, 396, 401, 402, 480, 691, 692, 813, 914, 915,
970, 1006, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1144, 1227; election of superior on, 674, 996, 1053; evening office
on, 1087; fasting on, 1473; feast on, 317; garment worn on, 114AB; liturgy on, 386, 390, 393, 394,
533, 591, 687, 843, 956, 965, 1274, 1288, 1292, 1355, 1514, 1547, 1583, 1601; midnight office
on, 388; night vigil on, 390, 1209, 1225; no all night office on, 1457, 1460; no fasting on, 388,
394, 401, 402, 416, 535; no founders commemoration on, 1021; no genuflections on, 391, 412,
416, 1133; no private recitation of office on, 964; no prostrations on, 389; number of dishes/meals
on, 110AB, 184, 480, 1146, 1258, 1275, 1321, 1325; omission of patronal feast on, 493; postponement of commemorations occurring on, 927; presence of solitaries on, xxxiii, 570, 580, 585, 591,
1162; reading on, xxviii, 104AB, 390; reading out of excommuncation on, 1346, 1356; reception
of Eucharist on, 1583, 1602; recitation of hours on, 386; recitation of stichera on, 390; ringing of
bells on, 804; singing of canons on, 387; singing of kathisma on, 390; singing of odes on, 63;
singing of troparia on, 387; superior to inspect the sick on, 831; supper on, 1144; timing of meal
on, 399; vigils on, 478, 569, 537, 587, 689, 964, 970
Monday: consumption of Holy Broth on, 826; diet on, 395, 396, 399, 481, 691, 692,
1006, 1007, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1145, 1146, 1258, 1275, 1342, 1363; exemption from fasting on,
395, 400, 401, 403, 900, 1321, 1328; fasting on, 62, 227, 395, 396, 397, 399, 400, 401, 403, 480,
481, 691, 747, 813, 814, 914, 915, 916, 917, 1006, 1063, 1112, 1146, 1275, 1321, 1322, 1324-26,
1363, 1496, 1501; liturgy on, 1087; no liturgy on, 480, 1006, 1143; number of meals on, 184;
performance of matins on, 897; prostrations on, 391, 1473; return of lay laborers on, 585; singing
of kathismata on, 390, 391; singing/omission of psalms on, 394, 1145; timing of meal on, 397; use
of wine on, 499
Tuesday: diet on, 395, 396, 397, 401, 403, 481, 691, 692, 813, 814, 917, 1006, 1008,
1063, 1064, 1144, 1145, 1146; exemption from fasting on, 900, 1064; liturgy on, 1514, 1547,
1583, 1601; number of dishes/meals on, 184, 481, 1146, 1258, 1275, 1323; performance of matins
on, 897; singing of kathisma on, 390; use of wine on, 535
Wednesday: abstinence on, xxxi; commemorations on, 700; consumption of Holy Broth
on, 826; diet on, 395, 396, 397, 399, 401, 403, 481, 691, 692, 700, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1063, 1064,
1065, 1145, 1146, 1198, 1258, 1275, 1322, 1342, 1363; exemption from fasting on, 400, 401, 415,
691; fasting on, 62, 110A, 140, 226, 395, 396, 397, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 411, 480, 481, 628,
631, 691, 746, 747, 813, 814, 876, 900, 901, 904, 905, 906, 914, 915, 917, 1006, 1063, 1112, 1146,
1198, 1204, 1275, 1321, 1324-26, 1328, 1363, 1496-97, 1501, 1598; liturgy on, 405, 533, 687; no
[ 1887 ]
supper on, 1144; number of meals on, 184, 480; peasants diet on, 843; performance of matins on,
897; performance of the ninth hour on, 110AB, 405; reading of catechesis on, 106B; singing/
omission of psalms on, 1145; timing of meal on, 397; use of bath by women on, 841; use of wine
on, 499
Thursday: diet on, 395, 396, 397, 401, 691, 692, 813, 917, 1006, 1008, 1063, 1064, 1144,
1146; fasting on, 914; liturgy on, 1514, 1547, 1583, 1586, 1601; number of dishes/meals on, 184,
481, 1146, 1258, 1275, 1323; performance of matins on, 897; triodion on, 388; use of wine on,
Friday: abstinence on, xxxi; commemorations on, 700, 1020, 1077, 1392, 1393; consumption of Holy Broth on, 826; departure of lay laborers for home on, 585; diet on, 395, 396,
399, 401, 402, 403, 700, 813, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1063, 1065, 1144, 1145, 1146, 1198, 1322, 1324,
1325, 1342, 1363; exemption from fasting on, 400, 401, 415; fasting on, 62, 110A, 111A, 140,
226, 395, 396, 397, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 480, 481, 628, 631, 691, 692, 746, 747, 813, 814,
876, 900, 901, 905, 906, 914, 915, 916, 917, 1006, 1063, 1112, 1146, 1198, 1204, 1258, 1275,
1321, 1324-27, 1328, 1363, 1497, 1501, 1598; liturgy on, 405, 533, 687; night office on, 700;
number of meals on, 480; offering of kollyba on, 1390, 1392; peasants diet on, 843; performance
of matins on, 897; performance of ninth hour on, 110AB, 405; reading of catechesis on, 106B;
singing/omission of psalms on, 1145; timing of meal on, 397; use of bath by women on, 841; use
of wine on, 499
Saturday: bathing on, 965; breaking fasting on, 918; commemorations on, 546, 688, 700,
1021, 1376, 1380; diet on, 396, 401, 402, 691, 692, 700, 813, 914, 915, 1006, 1007, 1063, 1064,
1065, 1144, 1227; fasting on, 900, 914, 916, 1473; garment worn on, 114AB; liturgy on, 533, 591,
956, 965, 1355, 1363, 1376, 1380, 1514, 1547, 1583, 1601; no departures on, 1316; no fasting on,
394, 401, 402, 480, 535, 1064; no genuflections on, 391, 1133; no private recitation of office on,
964; no prostrations on, 389, 687; number of dishes/meals on, 110AB, 480, 1146, 1258, 1275;
offering of little crosses (stauria) on, 1274; preparation for election of superior on, 674, 995,
1053; reading of Epistle on, 104AB; recitation of hours on, 386; recitation of stichera on, 106B,
391; return of solitaries on, xxxiii, 570, 591, 1162; singing of exaposteilaria on, 105AB; singing
of kathisma on, 390; singing of psalms on, 387; slaughtering on, 317; supper/evening meal on,
399, 1144; vigils on, 390, 591, 8034, 1316, 1332, 1335, 1546, 1547, 1555
For specific instances of days of the week, e.g., Holy Thursday, see commemorations,
liturgical (types of); dietary rules; feasts (specific, movable); liturgies (specific); and meals (specific)
deacons: assigned to churches, 978, 1000, 1045, 1057; liturgical duties of, 98A, 99A, 100A, 106B,
114B, 115A, 510, 1111, 1133; living allowance of, 755; number of, xxiv, 510, 531, 738, 749, 754,
1000, 1045, 1057; order of precedence of, 740; ordination of, 282; as testamentary witnesses, 57,
597, 1031. See also monks (types of)
death: Lenten reminder of, 108AB, 224; reflection on, xiv, 133, 141, 169, 174, 594, 629, 631, 644,
874, 880-82, 1126, 1180, 1306, 1349, 1369, 1391, 1405, 1413-14, 1425, 1501
deceit. See vices, monastic
decorations: frescos, 137, 144, 169; murals, 212; wall paintings, 1339
[ 1888 ]
deeds of title. See legal documents (specific)
deer marrow. See foods (particular kinds)
Deesis. See icons (specific)
defection. See vices, monastic
defrocking. See punishments (specific kinds)
dekakeratoi (ten-horned). See dissidents, religious
delimitation. See legal documents (specific)
denigration. See vices, monastic
dependents (lay), of monasteries, 791, 840, 844-45, 848
despoina. See titles and dignities
despoteia (ownership). See patrons, rights of (specific)
despotikai heortai (feasts of the Lord/dominical feasts). See dietary rules; feasts; feasts (specific,
fixed); feasts (specific, movable); icons (specific); liturgies (specific); and Glossary
deutereuon. See ecclesiastical officials (specific)
diakainesimos (Renovation/Low Sunday/Sunday of the Apostle Thomas). See feasts (specific,
movable) and weeks of the liturgical year
diaklysmos (collation). See meals (specific)
diakonetai (monastic officials). See monastic officials
diakonetai (monks in menial service). See laborers, monastic (specific)
diakonia (course, dish). See meals
diakonia. See confraternity
diakonikon (sacristy). See churches (parts of)
diakrisis (special fare/treat). See meals (specific)
diarion (allowance). See allowances, living
diataxis (rule). See monastic foundation documents, (10) Eleousa, (19) Attaleiates, (34) Machairas,
and (41) Docheiariou
[ 1889 ]
diatheke (testament). See testaments, lay and testaments, monastic
diatyposis (testament). See testaments, monastic
diblattion. See textiles, colors of
diet: in Byzantine times, 25n. 17; caloric value of, xxvii; donations to increase, 121, 499; donations not to increase, 658, 672; in early monastic rules, 25, 37; in Pachomian tradition, 37; regulation of, 46, 90, 91, 151, 164, 170, 18384, 214, 215, 226, 296, 378, 379, 382, 460, 467, 478-80,
481-82, 512, 533-34, 570, 691, 729, 74346, 788, 801, 812-15, 826, 955, 962, 10059, 1046,
106266, 1112, 114346, 1198, 1204, 1210, 1227, 1258, 1274, 1275, 1297, 1298, 1299, 1320,
132123, 1332, 1334, 1495, 1496-97, 1501, 1506, 1516, 1547, 1548, 1584, 1597, 1696-1716;
superiors discretion in setting or changing, see superiors rights. See also dietary rules; drinks and
beverages; foods; and meals
diet (types of): abundant/bounteous, 612, 788, 794, 801, 1112; bread and water, 34, 138, 140, 396,
397, 398, 1322, 1705, 1709, 1716; dry food and water, 978, 1009; Evergetian, 612, 977, 1198,
1210, 1321, 1322, 1497; for aged and infirm, 111A, 140, 226, 395, 401, 402, 480, 481, 499, 692,
747, 813-14, 915, 1007, 1064, 1145, 1275, 1327, 1328, 1547, 1548, 1598; for guests, 433, 481,
1335; for nobly born, 670, 1278, 1550; for the sick, 1259, 1276, 1457, 1460, 1506, 1509; frugal,
1198, 1204; lenient, 382, 446, 612, 1112, 1144; moderate, 1516, 1548; spare, 1631, 1648; stricter/
rigorist/ascetic/austere, 382, 383, 405, 512, 539, 1112, 1144, 1321, 1340, 1342, 1363, 1497, 1699,
1701; Studite, 92, 96n. 49; unequal, 1412, 1423 (see also vices, monastic: dietary inequality);
vegetarian, 92. See also meals (types of)
dietary inequality. See vices, monastic
dietary rules, general, xxvii, 91, 1696-98; during Cheesefare Week, 226, 401, 747, 905, 907, 1008,
1065, 1146, 1198, 1327, 1329n. 15, 1598-99, 1716; during Christmastide, 226, 401, 401, 534,
1146, 1327, 1715; for Easter, 92, 109AB, 1145; for evening meal, 109AB, 226, 480, 534, 691,
693, 729, 745, 746, 747, 812, 814, 1006, 1063, 1143, 1144, 1325, 17001701; for fast days, 110AB,
140, 226, 395, 691, 729, 746, 788, 813, 814, 980, 1006, 1063, 1210, 1227, 1275, 1321-22, 1324,
1325, 1516, 1547, 1584, 1598, 1629, 1660-61, 1699-1700; for feast of the Annunciation, 92,
112AB, 140, 238, 402, 481, 692, 747, 813-14, 915, 1007, 1064, 1144, 1145, 1322, 1328, 17078;
for Good Friday, 111B, 226, 403, 481, 692, 747, 814, 915, 965, 1007, 1064, 1145, 1322, 1497,
1598, 17056; for Holy Saturday, 111AB, 226, 403, 69293, 747, 814, 876, 915, 916, 1007, 1064,
1145, 1322, 1326, 1598, 1706; for Holy Thursday, 111AB, 114AB, 115A, 226, 380, 403, 692, 747,
814, 914, 915, 1007, 1064, 1145, 1326, 1598, 1705; for Lent, 93, 110AB-111AB, 140, 226-27,
4014, 460, 480-81, 535, 653, 69193, 813, 814, 10067, 1063-64, 1143-45, 1322, 1324-26, 1334,
1342, 1363, 1584, 1598, 17019; for other fasts, 109AB-110AB, 226, 396, 401, 410-11, 460, 482,
535, 653, 693, 814, 900, 1008, 1064, 1065, 1145-46, 1325, 1326, 1334, 1584, 1598, 17001712;
for Palm Sunday, 111A, 747, 1144; for regular (non-fast) days, 109AB, 226, 395, 534, 653, 691,
729, 746, 788, 826, 977, 1006, 1063, 1210, 1227, 1275, 1321, 1324, 1325, 1516, 1547, 1598,
1698-99; for Saturday of Lazarus, 111A, 116n. 22, 4012, 965, 1321, 1322, 1327, 1328; from
Christmastide to Cheesefare Week, 401, 1715-16; from Easter to Sunday after Pentecost, 109AB,
394, 396, 534, 917, 1326, 1712; from feast of All Saints to feast of Holy Apostles, 1326; from
feast of Holy Apostles to feast of St. Philip, 110AB, 226, 396, 534, 1710, 1712-13; from Sunday
of Orthodoxy to Palm Sunday, 1326; on dominical feasts, 140, 226, 395, 399, 482, 746, 747, 814,
831, 980, 1006, 1063, 1132, 1210, 1227, 1258, 1275, 1325, 1327, 1584, 1598, 1713-15; on vari-
[ 1890 ]
ous feasts, 91, 970, 1210, 1227, 1258, 1275, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1584, 1598; historical development of, 1697-98; as special, 227, 1653, 1716. See also seasons (liturgical) and weeks of the
liturgical year
dikaiophylax, of the Great Church. See ecclesiastical officials (specific) and Glossary
dikaiou, Ho (representative). See monastic officials (specific)
dioiketes (tax collector). See imperial officials (specific)
diorthosis. See reformation, spiritual
Diospolis. See supplies, medical
diptychs: registration in, 1240, 1249; sets of, 1209, 1229; use of for commemorations, 52, 343,
345, 350, 494, 669, 688, 700, 702, 743, 823, 929, 999, 1021, 1047, 1056, 1077, 1163, 1209, 1213,
diseases. See illnesses and injuries
disciples: adolescent, 71, 78, 235, 259 (see also youths); founders, 135, 210, 246, 510, 637, 1107,
1311, 1338, 1352, 1397, 1401, 1433, 1443; superiors, 983, 1022-23, 1305, 1308, 1625
disciplinary official (epistemonarches). See monastic officials (specific)
discipline and disciplinary legislation, 24 n. 12, 28, 34, 46, 296, 611, 612, 1298, 1313-14, 1317,
1340, 1366. See also punishments and penitentials
dishypatos. See titles and dignities
diskopoterion (paten and chalice). See sacred vessels (specific kinds)
disobedience. See vices, monastic
disputes: avoidance of, 862; settlement of, 40, 792, 844; resolution of (by Athonite council), 1410,
1411, 1416, 1421; (by the patriarch of CP), 618, 620, 800, 846, 1433, 1433-34; (by the emperor),
89, 1099, 1222; of monasteries with metropolitans, 150; with neighboring monasteries, 136, 792,
dissidents, religious, 47; Armenians, 401, 415, 905, 907, 918; Artzibourians, 980, 1008, 1037n.
17, 1065, 1109, 1146, 1198 (see also Artzibourios); Bogomils, 1401, 1403n. 13; Chatzitzarii,
1401, 1403n. 14; Eustathianoi, 402, 419n. 74; Headless, 76, 81n. 3; Lapetianoi, 402, 419n. 74;
Markianistai, 402, 419n. 74; Medenistai, 1401, 1403n. 14; Messalianoi, 402, 419n. 74; oil abstainers (anelaioi), 397; Paulianists, 1401, 1403n. 14; ten-horned (Monophysites), 76, 81n. 4;
Tetraditai, 401, 418n. 68, 905, 907, 947n. 27, 1401. See also Index of People and Places: Apollinaris,
Arius, Cyrus, Didymos, Dioskoros, Eutyches, Evagrios, Honorius, Makarios (of Antioch),
Makedonios, Nestorios, Origen, Paul (of CP), Peter (of CP), Polychronios, Pyrrhos (of CP), Sergios
(of CP), Stephen (Monothelite), Theodore of Mopsuestia, and Theodore of Pharan
[ 1891 ]
district, military (bandon). See territorial jurisdictions
district, territorial (petiton). See territorial jurisdictions
docheiarios, m.; docheiaria, f. (cellarer or treasurer). See monastic officials (specific)
doctors: attitude of, 1518, 1532; caring for monks, 497, 745, 825, 830, 937, 1506, 1509, 1628,
1643; caring for nuns, 696, 1258, 1259, 1274, 1516, 1549-50; payment for, 1516, 1550; rental
properties of, 341; serving in hospitals, see hospitals and infirmaries, staff of (specific)
documents. See legal documents
dodeka heortai (Twelve Feasts). See icons (specific)
dodekaemeron (Twelve days of Christmas). See seasons (liturgical)
domestikoi. See imperial officials (specific)
dominion (kyriotes). See patrons, rights of (specific)
donations, pious (psychika): acceptability of, 382, 410; administration of, 339, 340, 344; alienation of by patron, 328, 349; anticipated, 426, 430, 431; to clergy (paramythiai), 730, 766; in
exchange for burial, 658, 705; in exchange for commemoration, 329, 348, 733, 743; mistreatment
of, 341; pressure for, 427, 434; recorded in inventories, see inventories (types of); refused, 127,
130, 383, 410; solicitation of, 1117, 1129; use of, 343, 345, 349; welcomed, 315, 319, 658, 672.
See also endowments and gifts and benefactions
donkey mill. See mills
donors. See patrons
doorkeeper. See monastic officials (specific)
Dormition (koimesis tes Theotokou). See dietary rules; feasts (specific, fixed); icons (specific);
liturgies (specific); and Glossary
doukaton (ducat). See coinage
doulos. See titles and dignities
doux. See imperial officials (specific)
dove. See animals (specific)
dowries. See women: dowries of
doxology, 98AB, 99AB, 106B, 113AB, 114B, 115A, 227, 349, 390, 586, 1009, 1066, 1131, 1137,
1308, 1546, 1547
[ 1892 ]
drakontarion (dragon-shaped bracket). See lighting devices (specific)
drinking (excessive and secret). See vices, monastic
drinks and beverages: brewed, 1704; customary, 1696; equality in, 183, 445, 459, 464, 490-91,
511, 527, 614, 653, 696, 788, 822, 875, 924, 956, 962, 980, 1017, 1045, 1073, 1112, 1117, 1153,
1342, 1457, 1460, 1487, 1496, 1501, 1506, 1508; quantities of, 480, 1696-97; use of water to
dilute, 140, 479, 811, 1699, 1701, 1704
drinks and beverages (specific): barley-water, 1281, 1283n. 36; hot water (cumin-flavored)
(eukraton, thermon, kyminaton), 111AB, 214, 481, 499, 691, 692, 813, 900, 914, 915, 1144, 1145,
1198, 1204, 1322, 1698, 1699, 1701, 1702, 1703, 1704, 17078, (fennel-flavored), 1198, 1204,
(honey-flavored), 1145; juice, 761, (unsweetened), 396, 1713; milk, 1712, 1714, 1715; water,
401, 403, 980, 1006, 1699, 1702, 1709-11, 1716; water, sip of (diaklysmos), 113B, 115A, 116n.
27, 404. See also wine
dromos, mandator of. See imperial officials (specific)
drought. See calamities
droungarios. See imperial officials (specific): megas droungarios
droungarokometes. See imperial officials (specific)
ducat. See coinage
[ 1893 ]
Great Church, 1415; exarchs (proexarchontes), 377; inspector (epiteretes), 1199, 1200;
koubouklesios, 242 and n. 9; notaries, 565, 572, 595, 619; protosynkellos, 369; (other):
archimandrites and archimandrital authority, 616, 617, 623, 624, 638, 639, 641, 643, 644, 646,
647, 968, 1032, 1043, 1200, 1237. visitor (periodeutes), 1199, 1200; See also archbishops; bishops; deacons; ecclesiastical hierarchy; metropolitans; patriarchs; and priests
echos. See modes
economy (oikonomia). See virtues, monastic
education: elementary (hieragrammata), 550; of future monks and priests, see monasteries (parts
of): schools; of future nuns, 1514, 1564; of lay children, xix, xxi, 28 and n. 27, 40, 41, 447, 1343,
1353, 1458, 1460, 1521, 1564, 1588, 1601; of nuns, 1464, 1470, 1477. See also teaching
Egyptian. See languages
eidikos. See imperial officials (specific)
eikonostasion. See iconostasis
eisagogikoi. See novices
Eisodia (Entry of the Virgin into the Temple/Presentation in the Temple). See feasts (specific,
fixed) and icons (specific)
ekklesiarches (ecclesiarch). See monastic officials (specific)
ekklesiarchissa (ecclesiarchissa). See monastic officials (specific)
ekklesiastikoi (church/choir monks). See monks (types of), serving in choir or church
ekphrasis. See books, secular
ektenes. See litanies (specific)
ekzestos (boiled). See cooking techniques
elections: of monastic officials, see monastic officials: election of; of patriarchs of CP, see patriarchs of CP: election of; of priests, see priests: election of; of stewards, see stewards: election of;
of superiors, see superiors: election/internal selection of; use of lots in, xxx, 617, 655, 675, 731,
751, 862, 982, 995, 1052, 1053
elektron. See icons (types of) and lighting devices (specific)
elements, consecrated. See Eucharist, Holy
Eleousa. See churches (specific); churches and chapels (monastic); icons (specific); monasteries
(specific); and Glossary
[ 1894 ]
eligma (lozenge). See supplies, medical
embraces. See ritual observances and vices, monastic
emperors and the imperial government: appeals by monks to, 210, 232, 789, 815; attend services
in convent, 1257, 1277; cash grants from, 144, 168, 427, 870, 1108, 1116, 1131, 1212, 1230;
dedicatory offerings (solemnia) of, 127, 203, 208, 211, 248, 260, 871, 1043, 1047, 1051; deputations to, 153, 163; documents authored by, 607, 1093, 1483; grants of exemption by, xxix, 361-67;
grants for illumination (photapsiai) by, 203; grants of incomes by, 208 (see also annuities); grants
of monasteries by, 120; grants of property by, 90, 121, 1128, 1262, 1279; patronage, oversight
(pronoia), and control of monasteries by, xxxv, 47, 48, 49, 71, 86, 136, 149, 195, 196, 197, 200,
203, 207, 233, 245, 281, 299, 323, 324, 460, 463, 571, 582-83, 584, 607, 608-10, 625, 870, 878,
927, 1097, 1107, 1110, 1128, 1300, 1345, 1433, 1487-88, 1507, 1508, 1579, 1584, 1587, 1593-94,
1605; rebuilding of churches and monasteries by, 1106; serving as protectors, xxix, 306, 1232,
1249, 1259, 1266, 1276, 1352, 1605; serving as trustees, 1108, 1163-64; signature of, 233, 241,
727, 1181, 1193n. 61; sponsors of charistike, 49, 200, 202, 204; on visits to convents, 1258, 1270;
on visits to monasteries, 121, 167, 783. See also imperial legislation (specific) and Index of People
and Places under names of particular emperors
emperors and the imperial government, rights of: appointment of administrator, 211; appointment
of superior, 196, 1433; bestowment of superiors staff of office, 1584, 1585, 1607; choice of
superiors, 1099, 1211, 1219; conducting inquests, 208, 210, 211, 232, 281-83; confirmation of
chrysobulls, 209, 211, 281, 981, 999, 1108, 1131; confirmation of donations, 1213, 1232; confirmation of institutional independence, 153, 163, 170, 211, 365, 448, 513, 515, 555-56, 860, 871,
1113, 1128, 1579, 1584, 1595, 1600, 1629, 1661; confirmation of property, 212, 566, 575, 581,
1107; confirmation of typika, 283n. 4, 1579; donation under epidosis, 211, 246; expulsion of
monks, 208, 233, 248; grant of institutional independence, 246; imposition of guests or postulants
(katapemptoi), 44, 659, 695, 1435, 1447, 1627, 1661; installation of superiors, xxx-xxxi, 212,
1099, 1211, 1218, 1219, 1240, 1259, 1267; legislate for monasteries, 281; making laws, 734, 772;
mastery over personal possessions, 734, 772; mediation of disputes, 208, 232, 281, 1099, 1211,
1215, 1222; requisition of ecclesiastical property, 444, 448-49, 450, 451, 515, 651, 871, 878,
1584, 1609; resolution of disputed elections, 1240; subordination of one monastery to another,
1259, 1265; unification (henosis) of two monasteries, 1259, 1265
emphyteusis, 344. See also Glossary
emplastron (plaster). See supplies, medical
emporion. See markets
empress: prerogatives of, 1260, 1269, 1588, 1601; wardrobe of, 711
enamel (enkausis, cheimeutos, chymeutos) decoration. See book covers, decoration of; icons (types
of); reliquaries (types of); and sacred vessels (types of)
enchoregos (rubble, masonry). See building materials (specific)
endowments: absence of, 870, 1301, 1436, 1451; acquisition of prohibited, 1340, 1344, 1353;
alienation not permitted, see inalienability; alienation permitted, 1099, 1116, 1154; confiscation
[ 1895 ]
of, 327, 1211, 1223, 1409, 1490, 1491, 1492, 1587, 1594, 1625, 1637; and dependencies, 1178,
1182; diversity of, 1411, 1416; donation of, xxxiv, 48, 50, 302, 329, 462, 493, 672, 791, 804,
1107, 1129-30, 1182, 1190, 1230, 1247, 1414, 1416; exchange of, 565, 582; growth of restricted,
201, 304, 436, 870; increase in, 1520, 1564, 1626, 1637; inventories of, see inventories; leasing of
not permittted, 515, 551; loss of, 212, 1042, 1108, 1289, 1291, 1303, 1304, 1339, 1520, 1580;
management of, see financial management; payment of taxes on, 1489; productivity of, 172; purchase of, 143, 167, 170, 175, 233, 253, 515, 516, 548, 614, 793, 844, 872, 928, 1045, 1520, 1567;
reconstitution/restoration/recovery of, 1047, 1051, 1287, 1288, 1289, 1304, 1580, 1626, 1639;
revenues from, 149, 164, 566, 1102; size of, 712, 713; sources of, 329, 341, 871; support derived
from, 1099
endowments (specific): animals, 526, 1140, 1190, 1417, 1423; aulai, 769; bakeries, 341, 360;
bathhouses, 771; books, 326, 329, 1393-94, 1465, 1478-79 (see also below, service books); cash,
313, 872, 928, 1261, 1262, 1271, 1272, 1507, 1508, 1518, 1520, 1561, 1562, 1567; cattle byres
(zeugelateia/zeugolateia), 600, 1178, 1179, 1190, 1279, 1416, 1422; entrance gifts, xxv, 626, 628,
658, 672, 1117, 1140, 1262, 1280, 1435, 1447, 1489, 1600, 1616, 1621; episkepseis, 770; estates,
149, 212, 341, 360, 367, 454, 583, 594, 595, 600, 657, 677, 768-71, 782, 800-801, 828-29, 1280,
1292, 1557; fairs (panegyreis), 793, 828, 829, 1292; field hands, 201; fields, 524, 525, 526, 769,
1187, 1188, 1189, 1190; fisheries/fish ponds, 769, 772, 793, 827, 1262, 1279; ford (perama), 770;
fortification, 1433; gardens, 524, 641, 645, 1108, 1116, 1131, 1178, 1188, 1279, 1280, 1292,
1558, 1563; granaries, 641, 645; hostels, 768, 769; houses, 677, 733, 743, 769, 1158; housing for
laborers, 641, 645; icons, 877, 884, 1019, 1518, 1562 (see also icons [specific]); ironworkers
shop, 1186, 1192n. 35; landed (immovable) property, 125, 143, 144, 149, 247, 259, 329, 341, 348,
426, 430, 455, 462, 473, 493, 514, 525, 581, 631, 638, 639, 733, 743, 770, 794, 824, 872, 878,
927, 958, 962, 985, 1000, 1107, 1117, 1128, 1129-30, 1131, 1140, 1163, 1182, 1187-90, 1212,
1230, 1237, 1262, 1271, 1279-80, 1289, 1290, 1291-92, 1303, 1319, 1339, 1344, 1353, 1411,
1417, 1423, 1507, 1508, 1519, 1557, 1561, 1562, 1580, 1587, 1600, 1625, 1639; liturgical cloths,
515, 526, 877, 884, 968, 1019, 1465, 1479 (see also cloths, liturgical [specific]); livestock, 1178,
1190, 1345, 1360; maritime rights, 772; markets, 769, 770, 793, 829; mills, 526, 549, 770, 771,
1187, 1188, 1262, 1279, 1280, 1588, 1609; monasteries, 1433, 1456; olive groves, 641, 645, 1178,
1188, 1262, 1280, 1391, 1392, 1394; pastures, 69, 524, 526, 1188, 1292; peasants, dependent,
167, 208, 499, 1108, 1113, 1116, 1131, 1280, 1292; perfumery, 341, 360; pier (skala), 1262, 1280;
pronoia, 769 (see also Glossary); rental properties (enoikika), 341, 342, 344, 360, 361, 708, 713,
770, 771, 1262, 1280, 1563; sacred vessels, 144, 329, 356, 455, 473, 637, 877, 884, 968, 985,
1019, 1178, 1262, 1271, 1289, 1291, 1465, 1479, 1518, 1561; salt marsh (halmikon), 1188; salt
works (halikai), 770; service books, 637, 869n. 11, 877, 884, 1019, 1178, 1393-94; ships, 793,
829; taxes, 771; tithes, 770, 1166; urban real estate, 329, 341, 1433; villages, 125, 315, 320, 524,
525, 542, 555-57, 768-71, 793, 795, 828-29, 844, 846, 1188, 1212, 1230, 1262, 1280, 1433, 1519,
1557, 1625, 1636; vineyards, 121, 144, 465, 499, 524, 526, 551, 626, 628, 631, 641, 645, 712,
713, 714, 769, 771, 792, 843, 1178, 1182, 1188, 1189, 1190, 1262, 1279, 1280, 1292, 1344, 1360,
1391, 1394, 1397, 1401, 1416, 1417, 1423, 1518, 1557, 1558, 1562, 1563, 1568, 1636; wharves,
771; workshop, 1433, 1434
endowments (types of): given by Bulgarian rulers, 125; given by founders, 622, 628, 631; given
by local officials, 315; given by metropolitans, 148; of imperial monasteries, 149, 768-72, 1098,
1217, 1279-80, 1291-92, 1509; of independent monasteries, 48, 49, 201, 203, 303, 451, 508, 612,
614, 616, 733, 768-72, 871, 1300, 1489, 1639; for lighting (photapsia/photaugeia), 203, 641,
642n. 26, 644; memorial, 149; of metropolitan see (autourgia), 619; for performance of hymnody,
641, 644; of private monasteries, 71; royal, 641, 644; tax-exempt, xxxiv, 864, 962, 966, 1116,
[ 1896 ]
endyte (altar cloth). See cloths, liturgical (specific)
enkainia. See feasts (specific, movable) and Glossary
enkausis (enamel). See book covers, decoration of; icons (types of); reliquaries (types of); and
sacred vessels (types of)
enkleistra (hermitage). See monasteries (types of)
enkleistos. See recluses
enkolpion, 802, 838, 1426. See also Glossary
enoikika. See property, rental
entrance gifts/offerings: acceptability of, 248, 263, 464, 658, 672, 878, 929-30, 958, 966, 985,
1117, 1495, 1627; allocation of, 1616, 1621; ban on, xvii, xxxv, 302, 463, 495, 1434, 1448, 1587,
1630, 1647-48; concessions in exchange for, 152, 161; do not create presumption of acceptability,
1332, 1334; donation of, 248, 263, 1187, 1189; effects of on community, 248, 733, 748, 1616,
1618; handling of, 1621; irretrievability of, see inalienability; restricted, 1498, 1502; solicitation
of, 1437, 1448; as source of endowment, xxxv, 1489, 1588, 1600
entrance gifts/offerings (types of) (apotage, eulogia, prosenexis, synetheia, trapeziatikon): free-will,
xxxv, 23, 161, 463, 495, 612, 618, 672, 748, 793, 824, 864, 930, 966, 985, 1000, 1010, 1048,
1057-58, 1117, 1140, 1262, 1269, 1271, 1280, 1298; mandatory, 27, 262, 263, 347, 348, 445, 463,
495, 520, 614, 618, 658, 672, 732, 748, 793, 824, 864, 878, 929-30, 1010, 1048, 1057, 1067, 1100,
1117, 1140, 1262, 1269, 1334, 1448, 1486, 1489
epanophorion (outer garment). See clothing (articles of)
eparch. See imperial officials (specific)
epeixis (levy). See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
epereia (imposition). See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
epeuchion (rug). See bedding (specific kinds)
ephaploma (bedcover, quilt). See bedding (specific kinds)
ephoreia (protectorate). See protectors and the protectorate
ephoros (imperial). See imperial officials (specific)
ephoros (private). See protectors and the protectorate
epidosis: condemned, 613, 667, 815, 962; establishment of prohibited, 188, 610, 654, 667, 789,
815, 981, 992, 999, 1056, 1098, 1217, 1249, 1516, 1528; patriarchal attitudes toward, 202, 203;
threat from ignored, 1113; tolerated by Leo of Chalcedon, 451; use of, 209, 211, 299, 307, 772,
860, 870, 958, 962. See also Glossary
[ 1897 ]
epilorikon (over-tunic). See imperial garments
epimanikia/hypomanika (cuffs). See cloths, liturgical (specific)
epiplon (curtain, liturgical cloth). See cloths, liturgical (specific)
episcopal (diocesan) monasteries: independent monastery mistaken as, 957, 958; not founded by
bishops, 43; possible instance of, 1338, 1343; revenues of diverted, 860
episcopal rights: accepted, 172, 185, 1455; adjudication of, 1688; canonical basis for, xxxv; imperial support of, 1102, 1199; maximal statement of, 1103; rejected, xxxvi, 187, 616, 731, 867,
958-59, 1094, 1197, 1199, 1200, 1456; restricted, 954, 1107, 1128, 1588, 1595
episcopal rights (specific): alteration of typikon, 1588, 1595; appointment and expulsion of monks,
1588, 1595; bestowal of permission to hear confessions, xxx, xxxvi, 729, 734, 750, 759, 1298,
1342, 1346, 1357, 1588; blessing (sphragis) of superior, xxi-xxii, xxx, xxxvi, 49, 172, 185, 616,
731, 751, 959, 961, 1101, 1118, 1159; confirmation of typika, 1343, 1346, 1361; consecration of
churches, 314; correction (diorthosis) of spiritual faults, xxxvi, 168, 1199, 1200; demand for financial accounting, 1588, 1595; exercise of authority over monastery, 1588, 1595; grant in
charistike, 959, 964; granting of permission to celebrate liturgy, 233, 238; granting of stauropegia,
1101, 1102, 1105, 1107, 1118, 1130; honoraria, xxx, 1218; imposition of guests (katapemptoi),
959, 964; installation (cheirotonia) of superior, xxx, xxxvi, 731, 957, 1101, 1107, 1114, 1118,
1130; institutional oversight, 1094; investigation (anakrisis) of spiritual faults, xxxvi, 959, 963,
1199, 1200; liturgical commemoration (anaphora, mnemosynon), see commemoration, liturgical
(individual); participation in election of superior, 959, 964; permission to rent property, 1455;
receipt of kanonikon, 169, 1588, 1595
episcopal sees (episkopeia): endowments of, 299; kept out of the charistike, 306; relocation of, 51
episkepsis. See territorial jurisdictions and Glossary
epistekon (chief pharmacist). See hospitals and infirmaries, staff of (specific)
epistemonarches, m.; epistemonarchissa, f. (disciplinary official). See monastic officials (specific)
epistethion (pectoral vest). See clothing (articles of)
epitaphios. See hymns (specific)
epiteretes (overseer). See monastic officials (specific)
epi ton hippodromon. See imperial officials (specific)
epi ton oikeiakon. See imperial officials (specific)
epi tou hippodromou. See imperial officials (specific)
epi tou kanikleiou. See imperial officials (specific)
[ 1898 ]
epi tou stratou. See imperial officials (specific)
epitrachelion. See cloths, liturgical (specific)
epitropos (administrator). See administrators; monastic officials (specific); and protectors and the
epomion/epomis (scapular). See clothing (articles of)
equality, monastic (isonomia): in earlier monastic rules, 30 and n. 35, 34, 36; in the Evergetian
tradition, xix, 445, 459, 490-91, 614, 784, 788, 875, 1487; in post-Byzantine times, 1384; qualifications of, 1100, 1101; recommended by individual founders, 152, 160, 170, 1263; rejected, 1411,
1417, 1423
eremitism. See kelliotai and kelliotic monasticism and solitaries and solitary monasticism
ergocheiron. See handicrafts and handiwork
ergodotria (work organizer). See monastic officials (specific)
esokouros (tonsured at home monastery). See monks (types of)
esomonitai (internal monks). See monks (types of) and Glossary
Ethiopic. See languages
Eucharist, Holy: chapter concerning, 1027, 1083; daily celebration of, 545, 1142, 1145, 1155,
1162; disposal of elements of, 836; purity of elements in, 1096, 1112, 1135, 1197, 1201, 1620;
reception of, 29, 29n. 31, 160, 533, 591, 687, 729, 743, 787, 807, 965, 1274, 1583, 1601-2. See
also communion
Euchologion. See books, liturgical
eukraton. See drinks and beverages (specific)
eulogetarion. See hymns (specific)
eulogia. See blessing
eunuchs (eunouchoi, thladiai): anomalous status of, xxii; banned, xix, 233, 238, 263, 282, 285,
447, 512, 521, 541, 570, 583, 787, 800, 1314, 1316, 1615, 1621-22; as doctors, xix, 653, 696; as
monks, see monks (types of); as postulants, xix, 248, 263, 327, 348, 612-13, 824; as priests, xix,
xxii, 653, 656, 678; as spiritual fathers, xix; as stewards, 656, 577; and transvestite nuns, 1621
evangelion (gospel lectionary). See books, liturgical
Evangelismos. See Annunciation
Evergetian canon and reform tradition: and Attaleiates, 330-31; and Christodoulos, 570, 575; and
[ 1899 ]
Gregory Pakourianos, 509; and lay protectors, 789, 815, 865; and Lazaros of Galesios, 152; and
Nikon of the Black Mountain, 303, 309, 377, 382-83, 425, 428; and patriarchal rights, 879, 1199;
and Stoudios, 69, 84, 89, 90, 465; alliance with the ecclesiastical hierarchy, 618, 867, 1103; anticipation of, 32, 36, 38, 40, 47, 272, 302-03, 314, 330, 382; Basilian sources of, 31, 32, 570; comparison with Western medieval reform tradition, xii, xiii; contemporary impact of, 167, 210, 211-12;
dietary provisions of, see diet (types of); egalitarian aspects of, 464, 479, 491, 733, 734, 784, 793,
977, 1263; endorsements and developments of, 862-64; first generation of, 610, 611, 860-61, 864,
1110; influence on the aristocracy, 464, 613, 861; influence on the imperial family, 464-65, 650,
728; influence on the protectorate, 307, 309; influence on Mount Athos, 198-99, 281-83; influence outside Byzantium, 609, 613, 625, 638, 640; institutional philanthropy, 465, 495-96, 497,
516; later influence of, 468, 651, 784, 873, 955, 956, 960n. 20, 975, 984, 985, 986, 1043, 1108,
1109-10, 1214n. 10, 1297, 1298-99, 1300, 1302, 1305, 1331, 1340, 1384, 1436, 1485, 1488, 1490,
1505, 1515, 1580, 1588, 1627; intensification of concerns of, 614-15, 860; liturgical typikon of
(see synaxaria [specific]); Maman recension of, 456, 861, 975, 1044, 1094, 1109-10, 1581-82,
1583, 1723; misogynist tendency, 465, 1213; neo-Evergetian revival, 457, 1299, 1486, 1494; qualification of principles of, 610-613, 860; refectory procedures, 478-80, 861, 980, 1097; reuse of
typikon, 784-85, 859, 860-65, 866, 867, 868, 873, 1094, 1263, 1581; routes of dissemination, 861,
1094; second generation of, 650, 651, 861, 958, 977-78, 1581; and sexual segregation, 465; study
of the ascetic tradition, 862; third generation of, 859, 978; triumph of, 308, 309, 978: use and
adaptation of, 613-14, 864, 1094, 1095, 1100, 1297, 1485, 1513, 1718-21
Evergetian canon and reform tradition, principles of, 442-45, 609; advocacy of cenobitic life, 444,
458, 459-60, 490, 613, 863, 1457, 1582; ameliorations in lifestyle, 865; concern for peasantry,
330, 448; consultative government, 447, 861; control over admissions, xx, xxi, 444, 459, 463,
494-95, 613; emphasis on liturgical duties, 170; exclusion of women, 382-83, 730; hostility to
commercial activity, 200, 211; hostility towards alternative forms of monasticism, 428, 432, 870,
958, 1096, 1112, 1209, 1581, 1584; hostility towards ownership of property by monks, 428, 436,
626; hostility towards privileges, 458, 464, 479, 487-88, 516, 659, 676, 1117, 1262; inalienability
of consecrated property, 282, 328, 330, 365, 428, 434, 462, 463, 488-89, 613, 675, 862-63, 1099,
1109, 1340, 1375, 1614, 1667; increased attention to commemorative observances, 463; increased
emphasis on sacramental life, 447, 459, 474-75, 476-78, 861, 864; importance of patristic precedents, 199, 204, 283, 575; independent and honest financial management, 458, 462, 515, 614,
650, 792, 863-64, 877, 958, 978, 1115, 1212; internal selection of the superior, 461, 573, 790, 862;
institutional independence and self-governance, 136, 442, 443, 460, 482-83, 509, 568, 613, 861,
862, 876; lenient regulations for fasting, 460; monastic equality, 445, 459, 490-91, 614, 733, 788,
956, 1177, 1342, 1384, 1487, 1496, 1515; no mandatory entrance gifts, xvii, 463, 495, 614, 732,
864, 1100, 1262; not anti-aristocratic, 464-65, 494, 496, 878-79; not concerned with homoeroticism, 512; opposition to the charistike, 283, 309, 425, 443, 619; rejection of externally imposed
appointments, 615, 658, 791; rejection of fund-raising schemes, 329, 614-15; restriction of patronal
privileges, 445, 609; stress on unanimity, 461, 485; use of canon law, 575, 616, 1103; use of
inventories, 658, 1094, 1485-86, 1667
Evergetis. See churches and chapels (monastic); monasteries (specific); monastic documents; and
exagion. See measures (surface and weight)
exaleimmatike (abandoned land). See land (types of)
[ 1900 ]
Exaposteilaria (book of). See books, liturgical
exaposteilarion. See hymns (specific)
excommunication. See punishments (specific kinds)
exemptions. See immunities and exemptions
exhortations. See addresses, hortatory
exkoubitor (ward watcher). See hospitals and infirmaries, staff of (specific)
exkousseia. See immunities and exemptions
exodiastikon biblion (book of the funeral service). See books, liturgical
exokouritides (nuns tonsured at other monasteries). See nuns (types of)
exomonitai (external/non-resident monks). See monks (types of) and Glossary
exomonitides (external/non-resident nuns). See nuns (types of)
exonarthex. See churches (parts of)
exoneration (athoosis). See legal documents (specific)
expansion (institutional): disallowed, xxxiv, 247, 253, 1353; favored, 248, 281, 612; by territorial
acquisition, 194, 204
expenditures (monastic): records of, see records (specific); superior kept informed of, 1212, 1226.
See also obligations, fixed (monastic)
expropriations. See requisitions
external relations: hostility to, 36, 39; in Pachomian tradition, 35, 38; for settlement of disputes,
40, 618, 620, 862; in Syriac tradition, 39, 40; with dependents relatives, 791, 845; with founders
relatives, 26, 171, 181, 445, 1263; with monks relatives, 25, 29, 34, 36, 39, 71, 77, 258, 462, 485,
654, 679, 730, 766, 788, 822, 1343, 1365, 1496, 1502, 1588, 1601; with nuns relatives, 1258,
1270, 1463, 1464, 1471, 1515, 1545; with neighboring monasteries and convents, xviii, 28, 32,
1462, 1466, 1473; with people outside the monastery, 912-14; with public authorities, 28, 1466,
1472, 1477; with secular society, xix. See also typika: regulation of external relations in
[ 1901 ]
of, 261; commemorations of, see commemorations, liturgical (individual); correspondence with,
see correspondence; favors for, 488, 658, 677, 983, 986, 1023, 1047, 1048, 1079; gifts to, 1471;
preferential privileges of, 327, 348, 1263; threat to monasteries from, 53, 56, 171, 181, 247, 258,
328, 513, 527, 542, 572, 574, 1177, 1184; visits from, see guests and visitors. See also external
relations and family members
family members: collateral, 328, 340; female, 328, 338-39; of monks and nuns, 488, 512, 534,
654, 679-80, 787, 822, 959, 960n. 25, 967, 968, 1270, 1365, 1439, 1471, 1502, 1627; of superiors,
77, 258, 443, 512, 531, 532, 922, 967, 1023, 1079, 1161, 1502
family members (specific): brothers, 331, 355, 679, 959, 968, 1514, 1561; brothers-in-law, 679,
1514, 1562, 1610n. 20; daughters, 726, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1262, 1278, 1383, 1464, 1470, 1476,
1512, 1517, 1518, 1519, 1520, 1521, 1556, 1566, 1579, 1610n. 20; daughters-in-law, 1514, 1561;
fathers, 679, 959, 968, 1375, 1520, 1562; fathers-in-law, 1514, 1562; grandfathers, 1176, 1181,
1207, 1212; granddaughters, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1261, 1262, 1278, 1512, 1518, 1520, 1561, 1568;
great-granddaughter, 1520, 1568; grandmothers, 1180, 1610n. 20; grandson, 1579; husbands, 331,
355, 1464, 1470, 1512, 1513, 1518, 1556; mothers, 654, 679, 959, 968, 1259, 1270, 1375, 1380,
1383, 1464, 1476; nephews, 623, 1339, 1344, 1358, 1518, 1562, 1588; niece,1512; parents, 622,
633, 654, 679, 1021, 1198, 1203, 1514, 1515, 1518, 1562, 1579; second cousin, 1610n. 20; sisters,
959, 968, 1259, 1270, 1514, 1561, 1610n. 20; sons, 1375, 1512, 1517, 1518, 1519, 1529, 1556;
sons-in-law, 710, 1042, 1207; spouses, xxi, 22; sympentheros, 1562 (see also Glossary); uncles,
67, 85, 86, 659, 968, 973, 1177, 1181, 1304, 1307, 1579, 1583, 1586, 1588, 1591; wives, 570, 571,
683, 1375, 1376, 1379, 1380, 1383, 1520, 1567, 1579, 1610n. 20. See also children and families
family ties: appointments due to, 282, 290, 512, 513, 529, 657, 685, 1498, 1502; discounted,
1344, 1358; in Basilian monasticism, 25, 29; in Pachomian monasticism, 34, 36; in Syriac monasticism, 39, 40, 41; inheritance rights due to, 53, 56, 90, 144, 339-40, 350-351, 354, 541, 1375;
renunciation of, 1496, 1500, 1629, 1646, 1647; regulation of, 26n. 20. See also relationships:
famine. See calamities
famuli. See servants (domestic)
fare (transportation), price of, 1351
farmers: laymen as, see peasants; monks as, see laborers, monastic
fasts (nesteiai, tessarakostai): basis for regulation of, 137, 138; breaking for dominical feasts,
110AB, 226, 227, 395, 482, 747, 813-14, 901, 1146, 1197, 1204, 1363, 1495, 1496, 1501, 1598,
1700, 1711, 1713-15; breaking of for major/great feasts, 399, 901, 905, 1006, 1007, 1063, 1064,
1146, 1496, 1713-14; breaking of for medium feasts, 399, 1713; breaking of for minor feasts,
399-400, 1713-14; breaking forbidden, 1204, 1501; days for, 110AB, 140, 226, 395, 691, 746,
813, 814, 1006, 1063, 1112, 1146, 1275, 1324, 1325, 1699-1700; day-long, 63, 1697, 1702; during Holy Week, 110AB, 226, 403, 814, 1007, 1064, 1145, 1598, 17056; dispensations from,
111A, 112AB, 402, 481, 499, 876, 901, 917, 1007, 1064, 1144, 1363, 1598, 17069, 1716; effect
on mealtimes, 917, 1697; forbidden on weekends, 402, 691, 914, 918, 1006, 1063, 1144, 1699,
1715; how to determine, 482, 814, 917, 1008, 1065, 1145, 1711; importance of, 60; lenient regulations for, 460; moderation of for friends visit, 1332, 1335; rejection of sectarian, 401, 402, 907,
[ 1902 ]
1112, 1146, 1701, 1715-16, cf. 1197, 1204; regulation of, 380, 382, 400, 460, 480-81, 729, 746-47,
788, 812-15, 1513, 1546; requirements for, 63, 140, 416, 1697; self-imposed, 653, 694; strict
regulations for, 460
fasts (specific): Monday, 63, 227, 395, 396, 397, 399, 400, 401, 403, 480, 481, 691, 747, 813, 814,
914, 915, 917, 1006, 1063, 1146, 1275, 1324-26, 1363, 1501; Wednesday, 63, 110A, 140, 226,
395, 396, 397, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 480, 481, 628, 631, 691, 746, 747, 813, 814, 900, 901,
904, 905, 906, 914, 917, 1006, 1063, 1146, 1204, 1275, 1324-26, 1363, 1501, 1598; Friday, 63,
110A, 111A, 140, 226, 395, 396, 397, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 480, 481, 628, 631, 691, 746, 747,
813, 900, 901, 905, 906, 914, 917,1006, 1063, 1146, 1204, 1275, 1324-27, 1363, 1501, 1598;
Cheesefare/Cheesefast, 1323, 1327, 1329n. 15, 1716; Lenten, xxviii, 64, 91, 92, 106B-107AB,
108AB, 110AB-112AB, 224, 226, 227, 233, 238, 4014, 460, 465, 499, 480-81, 535, 587, 628,
631, 691, 730, 744, 747, 748, 813-14, 876, 900907, 914, 915, 966, 10067, 1063-64, 1112,
1143-45, 1258, 1259, 1276, 1322, 1324-26, 1334, 1363, 1497, 1547, 1598, 1660, 17016; of the
Holy Apostles, 91, 92, 104AB, 109AB-110AB, 223, 396, 401, 411, 460, 482, 628, 631, 693, 744,
746, 814, 917, 966, 980, 10078, 1064-65, 1145-46, 1276, 1323, 1325, 1326, 1363, 1497, 1598,
1661, 1709-10, 1713; of the Holy Cross, 412, 1326; of the Mother of God, 380, 410-11, 876,
917-18, 1276, 1497, 1661, 1711-12, 1713; of St. Philip (Holy Nativity), 64, 91, 92, 110AB, 223,
226, 401, 411, 460, 482, 628, 631, 693, 744, 746, 814, 917, 1008, 1065, 1146, 1276, 1323, 1325,
1326, 1363, 1497, 1598, 1661, 1710-11, 1713; private, 27. See also Glossary
fathers. See family members (specific)
fathers-in-law. See family members (specific)
feasts: charitable distributions on, 184, 350, 536, 659, 697, 741, 742, 766, 794, 802, 803, 804, 815,
827, 918, 1132, 1230, 1277, 1292, 1489-90, 1660; concelebration of, 1111, 1132; in conjunction
with commemorations, 983, 1021; dietary dispensations for, 110AB, 111A, 112AB, 226, 227,
395, 399400, 402, 481, 482, 1007, 1064, 1144, 132528, 17069; lighting arrangements for,
652, 696-98; liturgies on, 956, 965; personal designation of, 400; regulation of, 459, 787, 827,
843; use of donations for, 658, 672, 1516, 1554-55. See also feasts (specific, fixed); feasts (specific, movable); and feasts (types of)
feasts (specific, fixed):
of the angels (see below, Archangels)
Annunciation (Evangelismos, March 25), 101A, 112AB, 140, 238, 402, 414, 481, 692, 697,
741, 742, 747, 755, 813-14, 836, 907, 915, 965, 1007, 1064, 1144, 1145, 1322, 1328,
1354, 1497, 1609, 1703, 1704, 17078
Archangel Gabriel (July 13), 415, 907
Archangel Michael (September 6), 412, 906
Archangel Michael, Miracle in Chonai (November 6), 1214, 1230
Archangels Michael and Gabriel (November 8), 413, 907, 1229, 1305, 1308, 1309, 1325;
Beheading of St. John the Baptist (August 29), 386, 393, 399, 412, 415, 907, 1162, 1268,
Birth of the Mother of God (Genethlion tes Theotokou, September 8), 105AB, 224, 412,
697, 741, 755, 836, 906, 1257, 1268, 1276, 1277, 1292, 1354
Birth of St. John the Baptist (June 24), 222, 350, 386, 393, 399, 412, 415, 481, 907, 1162,
1257, 1268, 1276, 1277, 1292, 1325, 1326, 1351, 1700, 1713, 1714
Blessed Hilarion (October 21), 413
[ 1903 ]
feasts (cont.)
Christmas/Nativity of Christ (December 25), 105AB, 107AB, 222, 224, 235, 350, 39l, 401,
413, 474, 491, 534, 535, 545, 599, 697, 741, 804, 826, 907, 1258, 1276, 1325-27,
1354, 1586, 1700, 1714
Commemoration of the Mother of God (December 26), 1132
Commemoration (synaxis) of St. John the Baptist (January 6), 4l4, 804, 907
Conception of St. Anne (December 9), 413, 907
Consecration of the Church of the Holy Resurrection (September 13), 412
Daniel the Prophet (December 17), 413, 970
Discovery of the Head of St. John the Baptist (February 24), 67, 111A, 116n. 24, 222, 402,
414, 481, 692, 813, 907, 915, 1007, 1064, 1144, 1700, 1703, 17068, 1710
Discovery of the relics of the Apostle Bartholomew (August 24), 415
Dormition of the Mother of God (Koimesis, Metastasis, August 15), 105AB, 224, 235, 240,
242n. 3, 350, 380, 391, 411, 415, 433, 447, 474, 482, 491, 511, 535-36, 687, 696-97,
742, 755, 787, 794, 803, 804, 806, 814, 827, 833, 836, 876, 907, 1008, 1045, 1065,
1070, 1086, 1111, 1118, 1132, 1257, 1258, 1276, 1277, 1322, 1326, 1327, 1514,
1554-55, 1627, 1631, 1659, 1711, 1714-15
Dormition of St. Anne (July 25), 415
Elijah the Prophet (July 20), 415, 970
Elisha the Prophet (June 14), 415, 970
Entry of the Virgin into the Temple/Presentation in the Temple (Eisodia, Hagia ton Hagion,
November 21), 184, 224, 411, 693, 697, 741, 907, 1111, 1132, 1184, 1325, 1711,
Epiphany (Phota, Theophania, January 6), 105AB, 222, 224, 350, 380, 391, 394, 401, 414,
416, 534, 554, 697, 702, 741, 900, 907, 1277, 1326, 1327
Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14), 105AB, 222, 224, 412, 689, 697, 741, 758,
906, 1009, 1066, 1181, 1320, 1321, 1322, 1326, 1351, 1714-15
Forty Martyrs/Forty Saints (March 9), 111A, 116n. 23, 226, 402, 414, 48l, 692, 747, 813,
915, 1007, 1064, 1144, 1703, 1707
Holy Anargyroi (Sts. Kosmas and Damian, November 1, July 1), 413, 415, 761, 765, 907,
Holy Apostles (Sts. Peter and Paul, June 29), 110AB, 222, 386, 393, 396, 399, 412, 415,
599, 689, 691, 697, 742, 826, 907, 970, 1207, 1258, 1276, 1325, 1709
Holy Father Pachomios (May 15), 415
Holy Fathers [of Raithou] (January 14), 414
Holy Innocents (hagia nepia, December 26), 1673, 1676n. 27
Holy Maccabees (August 1), 411, 415
Holy Twelve Apostles (June 30), 415, 689, 691, 697, 907, 1146
Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Hypapante, February 2), 105AB, 224, 402, 414, 697,
744, 755, 765, 814, 907, 1709
St. Ananias (October 1), 412
St. Andrew the Apostle (November 30), 413, 907, 970
St. Anthimos (September 3), 412
St. Antony (January 17), 414
St. Arethas (October 24), 413
St. Athanasios [translation of relics of] (May 2), 414
St. Barbara (December 4), 413
St. Basianos (October 10), 1045, 1086, 1089n 31
[ 1904 ]
feasts (cont.)
St. Basil, martyr (November 28), 1673
St. Basil the Great (January 1), 31, 391, 970
St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory the Theologian, and St. [John] Chrysostom (January 30),
St. Chariton (September 28), 412
St. Clement of Ankyra (January 23), 414
St. Clement of Rome and St. Peter (November 25), 413
St. Cyprian (October 2), 412
St. Demetrios (October 26), 413, 697, 907, 1660
St. Dionysios (October 3), 412
St. Ephraem (January 28), 414
St. Euphemia (July 11 and September 16), 412, 415
St. Eustathios (September 20), 412, 544
St. Eustratios (December 13), 413
St. George (April 23), 157, 414, 907
St. Gregory of Armenia (September 30), 412
St. Gregory the Theologian (Nazianzen, January 25), 414, 550, 907
St. Helen (see below, Sts. Constantine and Helen)
St. Ignatios (December 20), 413, 907
St. James the brother of God (October 23), 413, 907
St. James the son of Alphaios (October 9), 413
St. James the son of Zebedee (April 30), 414, 907
St. John Chrysostom (November 13), 413, 907
St. John Chrysostom, deposition of his relics (January 27), 414
St. John the Baptist and Forerunner (see above, Beheading of, Birth of, Commemoration of,
and Discovery of the Head of)
St. John the Merciful (November 12), 413
St. John the Theologian (Evangelist, September 26, May 8), 412, 414, 906
St. Kyriake (July 7), 318, 415
St. Lazarus of Galesios, translation of his head (October 25), 1374
St. Luke the Apostle (October 18), 413, 907
St. Mamas (September 2), 412, 995
St. Mark the Apostle (April 25), 414, 907
St. Martin (April 13, September 20), 1672
St. Mary Magdalene (July 22), 415
St. Matthew the Apostle (November 16, August 9), 413, 415, 907
St. Meletios of Antioch (February 12), 129
St. Menas (October 11), 413
St. Nicholas (December 6), 413, 804, 907, 1325, 1565, 1598, 1711, 1714
St. Niketas (September 15), 412
St. Panteleemon (July 27), 415, 907, 1673
St. Paul the Confessor (November 7), 413
St. Peter [the Hesychast] (November 25), 413
St. Philip (November 14), 110AB, 396, 413, 631, 742, 907, 1710
St. Prokopios (July 8), 415, 1672
St. Sabas (December 5), 413
St. Simon the Zealot (May 10), 414
[ 1905 ]
feasts (cont.)
St. Stephen, deposition of his relics (August 2), 123, 415
St. Stephen the Younger (November 28), 1672
St. Symeon the Ancient (September 1), 412
St. Symeon the Receiver of God (February 3), 414, 814, 907
St. Symeon the Wonderworker (the Younger, May 24), 415, 907, 1709
St. Thekla (September 24), 412
St. Theodore the Commander (June 8), 415
St. Thomas the Apostle (October 3), 412, 907
St. Timothy (January 22), 414
St. Trypho (February 1), 414
Sts. Athanasios and Cyril (January 18), 414
Sts. Bartholomew and Barnabas the Apostles (June 14), 415, 907
Sts. Constantine and Helen (May 21), 415
Sts. Joachim and Anne (September 9), 412
Sts. Kyrikos and Iulitta (July 15), 415
Sts. Sergios and Bakchos (October 7), 412
Transfiguration (Metamorphosis, August 6), 105A, 350, 415, 640, 644, 697, 741, 755, 761,
765, 804, 1277
venerable chain of the Apostle Peter (January 16), 414
venerable girdle of the Mother of God (timia zone, August 31), 415
venerable robe of the Mother of God (timia esthes, July 2), 415, 907
Zachariah the Prophet (September 5), 412, and silence of (siope Zachariou, September 23),
412, 420n. 125
feasts (specific, movable): All Saints (Sunday of, Kyriake ton hagion panton, first Sunday after
Pentecost), xxvi, 109AB, 226, 390, 391, 1326, 1700, 1709, 1712; Ascension (Analepsis), 103AB,
222, 394, 697, 917; Easter/Paschal feast, 98AB-100A, 103B, 109B, 235, 350, 390, 394, 491, 512,
534, 535, 599, 697, 741, 787, 843, 1261, 1272, 1586, 1599, 1601, 1700, 1712 (see also below,
Radiant Sunday); Enkainia, 1268, 1282n. 11, 1380; Good/Holy Friday, 111B, 224, 391, 403, 481,
17056, 1708; Holy Saturday (Holy Easter Eve), 106B, 107AB, 111AB, 222, 226, 391, 394, 403,
481, 1698, 1706, 1708; Holy Thursday, 111AB, 114B, 115A, 222, 224, 226, 394, 403, 481, 652,
697, 702, 742, 762, 765, 767, 804, 1705, 1708; Low Sunday (first Sunday after Easter), 102B,
222, 390 (see also Sunday of Renovation); Mid-Pentecost, 394; Palm Sunday (Kyriake tes
Baiophorou), 111A, 113A, 697, 704, 741, 747, 1326; Passover, 1354; Pentecost Sunday, 102B,
103AB, 104B, 222, 223, 388, 390, 394, 401, 534, 599, 697, 741, 917, 1325, 1564, 1712; Radiant
Sunday (lamprophoros Kyriake, Easter Sunday), 99A, 101A, 1326, 1712; Resurrection (Anastasis),
98B, 390, 896, 1268, 1277 (see also above, Easter/Paschal Feast); St. Lazarus (Saturday before
Palm Sunday), 111A, 116n. 22, 402, 965, 1327, 1328, 1380, 17089; St. Theodore (Saturday of
the first week of Lent), [111A], [226], 401, 480, 499, 747, 813, 914, 1322, 1326, 1702, 1703,
1708; Saturday of Meatfare, 103B, 222 (see also Glossary); Saturday of Pentecost, 103B, 222;
Saturday of Renovation (Saturday of Easter Week), 101AB, 221; Sunday of Orthodoxy (Kyriake
tes Orthodoxias, first Sunday of Lent), 111A, 1326; Sunday of Renovation (diakainesimos, Nea
Kyriake, Antipascha, first Sunday after Easter), 102A, 227 (see also above, Low Sunday)
feasts (types of): afterfeasts (metheortoi), 105AB, 224, 413, 415, [481], 803, 813, 915, 918; of the
angels, 1700; with closures, 414, 1268; dominical/feasts of the Lord (despotikai heortai), 140,
226, 315, 320, 350, 395, 399, 478, 482, 521, 535, 587, 689, 691, 741-42, 746, 747, 762, 814, 901,
[ 1906 ]
feasts (cont.)
979, 1009, 1016, 1045, 1066, 1072, 1257, 1274, 1322, 1325, 1326, 1332, 1335, 1376, 1380, 1495,
1699, 1700, 1713-15 (see also Glossary); forefeasts (proeortia), 412, 413, 414, 415; inauguration
of a chapel, 1376, 1380; major/great, 381, 399, 411, 1257, 1274, 1322, 1713-14; medium, 381,
399, 411, 412-15, 1713; minor, 381, 399-400, 411, 412-15, 1713-14; of the Mother of God, 399,
482, 696-97, 729, 755, 787, 794, 802, 804, 831, 1007, 1008, 1064, 1065, 1070, 1086, 1111, 1132,
1144, 1145, 1177, 1184, 1268, 1276, 1322, 1325-28, 1700, 1713, 1714; with octaves, 1325, 1327,
1700, 1714; of patron saints, 184, 482, 511, 521, 535, 640, 644, 654, 659, 696-97, 710, 803, 874,
896, 918, 1045, 1086, 1113, 1132, 1184, 1209, 1229, 1230, 1257, 1261, 1268, 1292, 1305, 1308,
1358, 1380, 1514, 1516, 1554-55, 1565, 1586, 1627, 1631, 1659; of other saints, 91; of patrons,
464, 467, 493, 1516, 1555, 1631-32, 1660; of the Twelve Apostles, 901, 1146, 1276, 1700, 1714
fellowships (adelphata), 309 and n. 25, 515, 551, 1491, 1557, 1587, 1600, 1628, 1648, 1652,
1661. See also monks (types of): external/non-resident (exomonitai) and internal/imposed
fennel. See drinks and beverages (specific) and supplies, medical
fields (agroi): development of, 247, 264; irrigated, 1187; price of, 1187, 1188; purchase of, 233,
253; size of, 1187, 1188, 1190; speculative activity in, 233, 238; waterless, 1187, 1188. See also
endowments (specific)
fighting. See vices, monastic
financial accounts: auditing of, 444, 574, 589-90, 641, 646, 657, 678; receipts for, 444, 574, 589,
678, 682, 985, 1003, 1060; reconciliation of, 1100, 1115, 1116, 1132, 1152, 1212, 1226;
record-keeping for, see records; register of, 682, 1003, 1060, 1100, 1148, 1271-72, 1289, 1292
financial management: anticipated benefits of, 427, 978, 985, 1000, 1019, 1045, 1048, 1057, 1076;
carelessness in condemned, 444, 485, 488, 515, 547-48, 589, 677, 792, 922, 997, 1055, 1149,
1587, 1607; difficulties in, 1514, 1562-63; disinterest in, 997, 1055, 1149, 1297-98; expertise in,
1211, 1224; of fiscal emergencies, 462, 488-89, 1099; honest and independent, 614, 863, 1100;
interest in, 1488; procedural safeguards in, 444, 491, 590, 785, 792, 825, 842-43, 863, 962, 1003,
1060, 1100, 1152, 1489; review of, 301, 312, 344; superiors role in, see superiors, rights of
fines. See punishments (specific kinds) and taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
fire. See calamities
firewood. See fuels
firmans. See legal documents (specific)
first hour (prote). See hours, liturgical (specific)
fisc. See imperial offices
fish: mussels, 747, 1699, 1701; octopus, 485, 1110; oysters, 747, 1699, 1701; scallops (neura),
747, 776n. 51, 1701; shellfish, 480, 481, 691, 692, 700, 701, 813, 814, 914, 915, 1006, 1007,
[ 1907 ]
1063, 1064, 1258, 1275, 1696, 1698, 1700, 1702, 1708
fishery. See endowments (specific)
fishing: grounds (epochai), 769, 772; places for (opsarotopia), 525; pond (vivarion), 1279; rights
over, 828
fishing boats (sandalia). See transportation systems
flatulence. See illnesses and injuries (specific)
flavorings: anise, 111A, 1701; cumin, 111A, 480, 747, 1144, 1145, 1198, 1204, 1698, 1701, 1708;
fennel, 1198, 1204; honey, 532, 747, 761, 1145, 1598, 1708; sugar, 761. See also seasonings
florilegia. See books (specific types)
flour (wheat). See baking: flour for
flowers: lilies (krina), silver gilt, 716; palm tree flower (halation), 901
fodder, requisition of. See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
follis. See coinage
food: benefactors gifts of, 395, 396, 397, 480, 482, 1696, 169899, 1701, 17023, 170910,
17121713, 1715; brought to hospitalized monks, 981, 1017; communal provision of, xxxiii, 1210,
1222, 1342; complaints about, 17n. 25, 497, 696, 937, 1017, 1074, 1153, 1364-65; cost of, 1516,
1549, 1555; equality in, 152, 160, 175, 183, 445, 464, 490-91, 511, 516, 527, 614, 696, 733, 788,
822, 875, 924, 956, 962, 980, 1017, 1045, 1073, 1112, 1117, 1153, 1177, 1183, 1225, 1274, 1327,
1342, 1439, 1451, 1457, 1460, 1487, 1496, 1501, 1506, 1508, 1515, 1547, 1628, 1653; individual
diets, 25, 27; inspection of by superior, 878, 921; must be tasted, 25; no special, 25, 1101; preparation of, 875, 944; purchase of, 1516, 1549; quantities and qualities of, 397-98, 1506, 1508,
1696-97; sharing of, 479, 689, 811, 909, 1094; should be easily procured, 25, 398, 1696; storage
of in cells, 511, 527, 1342, 1364; supply and preparation of, 1261. See also foods (particular
kinds) and foods (types of)
foods (particular kinds): almaia, 110AB, 111AB, 116n. 20, 226, 398, 747, 762, 1144, 1702, 1704,
1705; almonds, 761, 825; barley meal, 762; barley water (chylos ptisanes), 762; bean flour
(phabatinon aleuron), 762; beans, 110AB, 111AB, 226, 398, 759, 812, 814, 915, 1006, 1063,
1144, 1322, 1326, 1696, 17025, 1714; beets, 762; bran, 762; bread, 36, 92, 111A, 140, 227, 287,
396, 397, 398, 401, 480, 482, 495, 511, 527, 691, 693, 729, 733, 746, 752, 812, 814, 912, 916,
1006, 1063, 1065, 1118, 1146, 1156, 1326, 1585, 1599, 1609, 1631, 1632, 1660, 1697-1706, 1709,
1710, 1714, 1716; bread, dry (for penitents), 585; cheese, xxxi, xxxv, 109AB, 110AB, 111B, 226,
342, 395, 396, 399, 401, 4l6, 533-34, 691, 699, 747, 766, 767, 803, 826, 907, 917, 1006, 1008,
1063, 1065, 1145, 1146, 1258, 1275, 1320, 1324, 1334, 1696, 1698, 1699, 1700, 1701, 1706,
1709, 171216; chestnuts, 110AB, 226, 1702, 1705; chickpeas, 110A, 226, 398, 418n. 48, 762,
1696, 1702, 1705; dates (phoinikes), 762; deer marrow (myelos elaphon), 762; eggs, xxxi, 109AB,
110AB, 226, 395, 399, 401, 762, 907, 917, 1008, 1065, 1145, 1146, 1320, 1324, 1696, 1698-1700,
1706, 1709, 1712, 1713, 1716; figs, dry, 110AB, 398, 762, 1007, 1009, 1063, 1066, 17025, 1714;
[ 1908 ]
fish, 92, 109AB, 110AB, 111B, 112AB, 140, 184, 226, 238, 287, 342, 395, 399, 480, 481, 482,
692, 693, 697, 700, 701, 733, 746, 752, 757, 803, 813, 814, 826, 827, 831, 915, 917, 965, 970,
1006, 1007, 1008, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1132, 1144, 1258, 1275, 1321, 1323, 132428, 1334, 1516,
1549, 1557, 1598, 1696, 16981702, 1706, 1708-16; fruits, 110A, 111A, 226, 286, 315, 319, 397,
398, 401, 403, 404, 459, 480, 481, 490, 691, 729, 746, 812, 814, 831, 912, 1006, 1007, 1063,
1064, 1065, 1144, 1145, 1146, 1322, 1464, 1471, 1661, 1696, 1699, 1700, 1702-11, 1713; grapes,
761, 1009, 1065, 1066, 1132, 1326, 1714; gruel (groute), 481, 501n. 22, 813, 915, 1144; holy
broth, 826, 850n. 33, 1699; kollyba, 111A, 700, 742, 743, 759, 761, 765, 981, 1020, 1077, 1087,
1229, 1322, 1326, 1392, 1555, 1557, 1601, 1702, 1703 (see also Glossary); legumes (ospria),
109AB, 110AB, 111AB, 184, 226, 362, 366, 395, 399, 401, 402, 480, 48l, 495, 691, 692, 699, 746,
759, 901, 1003, 1063, 1145, 1258, 1268, 1275, 1322, 1324, 1321, 1325, 1598, 1696, 1698-1706,
170810, 1712, 1714-15; legumes soaked in water, 747, 813, 814, 826, 900, 914, 1006, 1007,
1063, 1064, 1144; lentils, 398, 418n. 48, 762, 1696; meat, xxxi, 92, 342, 362, 366, 397, 626, 631,
640, 644, 1112, 1155, 1696; melons, 1009, 1066, 1714; milk, 1145, 1275; mussels, 747, 1699,
1701; nuts, 398, 1326, 1702, 1704; oats, 362, 363; olives, 93, 110A, 398, 1146; olives, black,
111A, 1006, 1063; olives, crushed, 762; olives, green (prophaia kokkoelaia), 111A, 116n. 25;
olives, pickled (kolymbades), 762; olives, white, 111A, 1696, 17024, 1706, 1710; onions, 759;
oysters, 747, 1699, 1701; pears (cooked), 110AB, 1702, 1705; peas, 759; plums, 762; pomegranates (roiai), 377, 425, 761; prunes, 110AB, 1702, 1705; raisins, 398, 762, 1696; rice, 398, 418n.
48, 761, 1696; scallops (neura), 747, 776n. 51, 1701; shellfish, 480, 481, 691, 692, 700, 701, 813,
814, 914, 915, 1006, 1007, 1063, 1064, 1258, 1275, 1696, 1698, 1700, 1702, 1708; soup of legumes (mageiria), 398, 399, 401, 402, 403, 418n. 49, 1698, 1705, 1708, 1709; squash, 1326,
1715; vegetables, 691, 729, 746, 759, 900, 914, 915, 1006, 1258, 1275, 1321, 1324, 1325, 1328,
1696, 1700, 1701, 1703, 1704, 1710, 1714; vegetables, boiled/cooked, 109AB, 110AB, 111A,
226, 395, 396, 398, 402, 901, 916, 1006, 1007, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1322, 1698, 1699, 1702, 1705,
1706, 17089, 1712-15; vegetables, fresh/raw, 398, 401, 403, 404, 480, 481, 691, 692, 693, 813,
1006, 1007, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1145, 1322, 1326, 1702, 17046, 1708, 1710; vetches (orobinos),
762; walnuts, 1007, 1063. See also drinks and beverages (specific); flavorings; and seasonings
foods (types of): cooked, 986, 1004, 1112; dry (uncooked) (xerophagia), 110A, 111A, 140, 226,
396, 397, 399, 401, 570, 591, 1006, 1063, 1065, 1137, 1157, 1322, 1342, 1363, 1497, 1598, 1699,
1661, 1700, 17015, 170911, 1713; favorite, 1628, 1653; harmful, 27; leftover, 92, 109AB, 226,
481, 735, 746, 794, 801, 986, 1004, 1521, 1549, 1697, 1700, 1708, 1712; salty, 1628, 1653; sweet,
1628, 1653
footstools. See furniture
footwear (hypodysis): equality in, 491, 696, 822, 924; manufacture of, 1463, 1472; old to be
donated, 495; provision of to monks, 92, 115AB, 491, 822, 924, 966, 1013, 1070, 1152, 1225,
1584, 1600; provision of to nuns, 696, 1258, 1276, 1557; provision of to solitaries, 1210, 1227;
purchase of, 1507, 1509; return and repair of, 1276, 1516, 1551; storage of, 462, 491
footwear (specific): boots (kalegia), 228, 750, 1584, 1600, (mouzakia), 490, (tzangia), 826; leggings (kaltsai), 115A, (toubia), 826; long-legged boots (makrotzangia), 115AB; sandals (sandalia),
534, (podorgyroi), 406; shoes (kalegia), 115B, (blautai), 1276, (hypodemata), 228, 490, 534, 1510,
(papoutsia), 1584, 1600; shoes for church, 836; shoes for winter (ortaria), 826, 850n. 31;
short-legged boots (kondotzangia), 115AB
ford (perama). See endowments (specific)
[ 1909 ]
forefeasts. See feasts (types of)
forts (kastra) and fortifications: compulsory provisioning of, 366; construction of, 524, 584, 639,
783, 1303, 1412, 1414; donation of, 524, 525, 526, 542, 770, 771; financing of, 1409, 1410;
reasons for, 1492
forts and fortifications (specific): Kosmosoteira, 783, 795, 846; Koutloumousi, 1410, 1414, 1415,
1416, 1419, 1420, 1422; Lakedaimon, 324; Menoikeion, 1585, 1609; Panion, 769; Patmos, 584;
Petritzos, 519; Stenimachos, 524; Zichna, 1579
forts and fortifications (types of): citadel, 783; fortress, 1585, 1609; forts (kastra), 1411, 1417,
1422; towers, 52, 126, 127, 628, 630, 631, 1303, 1410, 1419, 1460, 1609, 1637, 1639; town, 1579;
walls, 524, 584, 1303, 1417, 1419
founders (ktetores, ktitores): documents authored by, 510, 520, 558n. 3; entitlement to status of,
1375, 1410, 1512, 1518, 1556, 1585, 1606; justification for rights of, 1466, 1473; legal representation by, 975; portraits of, 509, 791, 835, 1512, 1521n. 3; title of, 121, 136, 207, 455, 1630, 1636.
See also patrons
founders (types of): ancient/original/first, 464, 499, 867, 1044, 1047, 1088, 1287, 1288, 1289,
1630; heavenly, 1517, 1527, 1629, 1662; new, 508, 568, 1044, 1339, 1412, 1423, 1520, 1568;
second, 464, 499, 872, 878, 927-28, 1288, 1303, 1331, 1404; true, 1411, 1421
fountain (in the atrium). See churches (parts of)
fragrances: aloes, 697, 741, 1277; rose essence, 697. See also incense
freedom (eleutheria): institutional, 1332, 1335; from interference by ecclesiastical officials, 185,
324, 335, 338, 341, 344, 365, 520, 527, 543, 586, 667, 773, 804, 815, 918, 957, 960, 961, 963,
999, 1056, 1130, 1184, 1200, 1249, 1265, 1528, 1595; from interference by imperial government,
199, 337, 338, 341, 344, 365, 520, 527, 543, 586, 667, 773, 804, 815, 918, 960, 999, 1056, 1184,
1265, 1595. See also institutional independence and self-governance
frescos. See decorations
friends: correspondence with, 459, 490; entertainment of, 512, 534, 1332, 1335, 1436, 1439
friendships: forbidden, 1496, 1628, 1643; private, 1536, 1643, 1652; special, see vices, monastic
fuels: charcoal, 1176, 1180; coal, 762; firewood, 240, 247, 761, 762, 764, 830; lamp oil, 531, 696,
761, 827
fundraising schemes, 448, 614-15. See also commerce
funds, private (pekoulia). See private property
funerals: canon for, 494, 670; provisions for, 641, 646, 762, 789, 823; service books for, 1185,
1672. See also burial
[ 1910 ]
funerary chapels. See convents (parts of) and monasteries (parts of)
furniture: beds (klinai, krabbatoi), 35, 63, 516, 549, 729, 745, 1254, 1364; bells, 225; cabinets
(armaria), 830, 984, 1002, 1047, 1059; cash/money boxes (kibotia), 657, 682, 792, 825, 984,
1002, 1060, 1115, 1151, 1152; clocks, water (clepsydra), xxiii, 98AB, 221, 223; document boxes,
xxxi, 1036, 1260, 1261, 1267, 1272; footstools, 214, 225; hospital beds, 1281; seat, wooden
(xylosellion), 762; storage chests, 1186; stoves, 516, 549; table bell (kontion, kondy), 1186, 1192n.
34; tables (akoubitoa), 109AB, (trapezia), 1118, 1156, 1186, 1496, 1501
[ 1911 ]
for appointments (kaniskia), 302, 314, 315, 319, 1213, 1218, 1486, 1498, 1501; to the eparch of
CP, 331, 352; of fish, 481, 482, 1696, 1709, 1710; of other food, 1515, 1548. See also endowments
girls (reared in convent), xix, 671, 1257, 1263, 1271, 1464, 1470, 1514, 1520, 1521, 1564, 1568
glass (lamp). See lighting devices (specific)
godfathers. See relationships: spiritual
gold. See precious metals (specific)
gonyklisia (genuflections). See ritual observances
gorgoepekoos. See monasteries (specific) and Glossary
Gospels. See books, liturgical and books, New Testament
governor (toparches). See imperial officials (specific)
governors (military) (strategoi). See imperial officials (specific): strategos
graffiti. See inscriptions
grain (sitos): blessing of, 939; charitable distribution of, 697, 698, 701, 702; compulsory purchase
of, 362, 366; donation of, 261; export of, 567; speculation in condemned, 39; used to make bread,
1588-89, 1609; yearly allowance of, 699, 763, 764, 765
grain (specific kinds), 763, 764, 765; barley (krithe), 286, 340, 362, 366, 761, 764, 1272, 1281,
1292; barley, husked (gymnokrithon), 762; millet (kenchrion), 762; rice, 398, 418n. 48, 761, 1696;
spelt (zeai), 761. See also wheat
grammistos (shown in profile). See icons (types of)
grandfathers. See family members (specific)
grandmothers. See family members (specific)
graptai. See monastic officials (specific) and Glossary
graves. See burial sites
gravestone. See monasteries (parts of)
Great Canon. See hymns (specific) and vigils (specific)
grief. See vices, monastic
griffins. See cloths, liturgical (types of) and textiles
[ 1912 ]
grooms. See professions and trades
grosso. See coinage
grotto. See monasteries (parts of)
groute (gruel). See foods (particular kinds)
grudges, bearing of. See vices, monastic
grumbling. See vices, monastic
guardians: ephors, 1239, 1250; epitropoi, 1211, 1212, 1233; heavenly, 1517, 1527; lay, 1512,
1580; patriarchal, 1211, 1212, 1233; phrontistai, 298, 1097; prostates, 1259, 1266, 1629; of widows, 1629, 1657. See also protectors and the protectorate
guestmaster. See monastic officials (specific)
guesthouses. See hospices and hostels
guests and visitors: ban on overnight stays of, 1259, 1270; entertainment of, xxxv, 303, 432, 905,
1345, 1346, 1353, 1466, 1477, 1631, 1653, 1715; escaping from, 149; at feasts and commemorations, 1113, 1343, 1366; feeding of, xxxv, 342, 432, 1653, 1696; lodging of, 654, 679; meeting
with, 1258, 1270, 1464, 1471. See also hospitality
[ 1913 ]
591, 1365; practiced by monks and nuns, xxvi, 161, 347, 381, 408, 409, 447, 492, 671, 684, 704,
817, 925, 965, 1133, 1156, 1227, 1328, 1341-42, 1357, 1365, 1463, 1464, 1471, 1514, 1551;
private practice of prohibited, 170, 511, 1111, 1156, 1385, 1387, 1514, 1542; produced for children and relatives, 1463, 1471; profiteering in banned, 1342, 1365, 1385, 1387; prohibited in
church, 1514, 1540-41; sale of, 1463, 1471; supplies of materials for, see supplies, storeroom
handicrafts and handiwork (specific): baskets (margounia), 1156; monks habits, 1472; nuns habits, 1472, 1551; plaited work (ploke), 1162; shoes, 1472. See also professions and trades
harvests, poor. See calamities
hay. See supplies, stabling
headless ones (akephaloi, Monophysites). See dissidents, religious
healing. See medicine and medical assistance and supernatural phenomena
hegoumene/hegoumenos. See superiors
Heirmologion. See books, liturgical
hekte hora (sixth hour). See hours, liturgical (specific)
heliakon/heliakos. See buildings, secular (parts of)
Heortologion. See books, liturgical
hepsema (must concentrate). See supplies, medical
heptapappadon (sacrament of unction). See sacraments and sacramental life and unction
heresy. See crimes
hermitage (enkleistra). See monasteries (types of)
heroon. See monasteries (parts of) and Glossary
hesperinos (vespers). See hours, liturgical (specific)
hesychast controversy. See religious controversies
hesychasts and hesychastic monasticism, xvi, xxxiii, 1096, 1257, 1269, 1297, 1313, 1331, 1433,
1455, 1462
Hetoimasia. See icons (specific)
Hexaemeros. See books, ascetic and patristic: Basil of Caesarea and John Chrysostom
hexagion (exagion). See measures (surface and weight)
[ 1914 ]
hexapsalmos (Six Psalms). See psalms (specific)
hexapteryga. See sacred vessels (specific kinds) and Glossary
hiera nosos (leprosy). See illnesses and injuries (specific)
hieromonachos (ordained monk). See monks (types of)
highways. See transportation systems
hilasterion (sanctuary). See churches (parts of)
himation (tunic). See clothing (articles of)
hippodromon, epi ton (judge). See imperial officials (specific)
hippodromou, epi tou (judge). See imperial officials (specific)
hoarding. See vices, monastic
Hodegetria. See icons (specific) and Glossary
hodostrosis (paving of roads). See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
Holies. See Eucharist, Holy
holmos (mortar). See supplies, medical
holokotinon. See coinage
Holy Cross, veneration of, 112, 215, 227. See also churches and chapels (monastic); fasts (specific); feasts (specific, fixed); and monasteries (specific)
homosexuality and homoerotic associations. See vices, monastic
honey (meli). See flavorings and supplies, medical
honor, seat of, claiming. See vices, monastic
horai. See hours, liturgical
horaia pyle (sanctuary door). See churches (parts of)
horeiarios. See imperial officials (specific)
horeiarios (provisioner). See monastic officials (specific)
Horologion. See books, liturgical
[ 1915 ]
hospices (xenodocheia): attendants in, 426; replacement of, 428, 437; support of, xxxv, 426, 516,
549-50, 641, 644; unification (henosis) with prohibited, 1516, 1528
hospices (specific): Evergetis, 49596; Galesios, 158; Lavra, 225, 260; Machairas, 1102, 1118,
1156; Marmarion (Petritzonitissa), 522, 549-50; of Petritzonitissa, 516; Roidion, 303, 309, 311,
426, 428, 430, 432, 434, 435-36, 437; St. Nicholas (Petritzonitissa, Prilonkos), 522, 550; San
Salvatore (Messina), 615, 641, 644, 645; Stenimachos, 522, 549; Stoudios, 108AB
hospital supplies. See supplies, medical
hospitality: to Franks, 432; to pilgrims, 207, 343, 426, 427, 432, 1118, 1314, 1317, 1339; to officials and dignitaries, 432, 1117, 1118, 1156, 1314, 1477; to Venetian officials, 1466, 1472, 1477;
to visiting friends, 534; to visiting monks, 158, 432, 1156, 1628, 1650; to poor, 495, 516, 549,
575, 592, 1156, 1317; to sick, 432, 495, 534, 549, 879, 936; to shipwrecked, 592; to strangers,
158, 186, 278, 1184, 1450, 1650; to travelers, 260, 278, 516, 549, 791, 793, 827, 848, 868, 879,
936; limits on, 432, 534, 1118, 1156, 1317, 1650; obligations of, 34, 39, 158, 448; risks of, 433,
1628, 1650; upgrading of, 516, 550. See also guests and visitors
hospitals and infirmaries (nosokomeia, xenones): (lay), patronized by monks, 28, 981, 986, 1017,
1046, 1074; (monastic), clothing of, 1281; supplies of, see supplies, medical; support of, xxxv,
641, 644, 645, 1263, 1279-80; unification (henosis) with prohibited, 1239, 1249
hospitals and infirmaries (parts of): bakery, 760; bath, 760; beds, 460, 497, 876, 937, 1281; cemetery, 766; church for men, 734, 761, church for women, 761; dining room, 762; lavatories (chreiai),
761; mill, 759, 760, 764; storehouse, 1259, 1275; wards (ordinoi), xxvii, 734, 746, 757, 762, 764;
wards for men, 734, 757; wards for women, 734, 757, 760, 762
hospitals and infirmaries (specific): Evergetis (CP), 448, 460, 465, 497, 615, 876; Lips (CP),
1102, 1254, 1256, 1263, 1265, 1275, 1279, 1280, 1281; Ospedale Grande (Palermo), 624;
Pachomian (Egypt), 34; Phoberos, 876, 937; San Salvatore (Messina), 615, 641, 644, 645; unnamed katagoge (Anastasis[?], CP), 1374. See also old age homes (specific) and Pantokrator
hospital (CP)
hospitals and infirmaries, staff of: listing of, 617; obligations of, 732; promotion of, 760; salaries
of, see salaries
hospitals and infirmaries, staff of (specific): attendants (optiones), 757, 763, 765, 1263, 1281;
auxiliary assistants (perissoi hypourgoi, m.; perissai hypourgissai, f.), 757, 758, 760, 763, 765;
bakers, 759, 764; bloodletter (phlebotomos), 1263, 1281; caterer (opsoniator), 759, 764; cellarer,
734, 761, 763; certified assistants (embathmoi hypourgoi, m.; embathmoi hypourgissai, f.), 757,
758, 759, 763, 765; cooks, 759, 764, 1263, 1281; cooper (kaddaras), see below, coppersmith;
coppersmith, 765, 765; doctor treating fractures (klasmatikos), 830; doctors (iatroi, m.; iatrainai,
f.), xix, 460, 497, 653, 696, 730, 734, 745, 757, 758, 759, 760, 763, 765, 789, 794-95, 825, 830,
937, 1276, 1281, 1549; doorkeeper, 759, 764; drain cleaner (kanaloplytes), 759, 764; druggists
(pementarioi), 734, 759, 763, 1263, 1281; druggists, auxiliary, 759, 763; druggists, certified, 759,
763; gatekeeper, 759, 764; groom (strator), 759, 764; hernia doctor (kelotomos), 764, 765;
infirmarian (nosokomos), 734, 758, 760, 761, 763, 765; laundress, 1263, 1281; man who heats
water (lebetarios), 759, 764; miller, 759, 764; nurse, 1281; orderlies (hyperetai, m.; hyperetriai,
f.), 460, 497, 757, 759, 760, 761, 763, 787, 826, 831; pharmacist, chief (epistekon), 734, 759, 763,
[ 1916 ]
1281; physicians (diaitetikoi iatroi), 757, 763; priests, 734, 1281; primikerioi, 757, 758, 762-63;
protomenitai, 757, 763, 765; protos, 743; servants, 788, 826, 1263, 1281; sharpener (akonetes),
764; steward, 768; superintendent (meizoteros), 734, 758, 760, 761, 762, 763; surgeons (traumatikoi
iatroi), 734, 757, 763; surgeons, assistant, 763; teacher of medicine, 734, 757, 765; undertakers
(nekrothaptai), 759, 764; ward watchers (exkoubitores), 757, 759, 765; washerwomen (saponistriai),
759, 764. See Glossary for Greek terms
hostels: of Attaleiates (Rhaidestos), 343; of Kottabos, 768; of Kypsella, 770; of Nestongos, 769;
of Pakourianos (Backovo), xxxv, 311
hours (horai), daily: for awakening, 98B, 787, 828; for eating, 112AB, 386, 393, 399, 403, 404,
482, 693, 814, 915, 916, 917, 1008, 1064, 1146; for work, 112B, 381, 408
hours, daily (specific):
first hour (of the day, sunrise): breaking fasting at, 916; brings light, 473, 686, 894, 1026,
1082, 1131; confession at end of, 897; departure for cells or work at end of, 474, 979, 1026, 1132;
genuflection to superior at end of, 808, 1026, 1027, 1082, 1083; singing of psalms at, 473. See
also hours, liturgical (specific): first hour
second hour (of the day, approximately 8:00 a.m.): procession at, 101A
third hour (of the day, approximately 9:00 a.m.): assembly in narthex at, 1015, 1072,
1133; gift of Holy Spirit occurred at, 917; liturgy at, 109AB, 393; reminder of death at, 109AB;
work until, 408. See also hours, liturgical (specific): third hour
fourth hour (of the day, approximately 10:00 a.m.): liturgy at, 393; meal after, 399; meal
at, 393
fifth hour (of the day, approximately 11:00 a.m.): liturgy at, 393; meal at, 393, 399
sixth hour (of the day, approximately noon): akedia occurring at, 890; assembly in narthex
at, 1015, 1072; conclusion of liturgy at, 393; consumption of blessed bread at, 394; hunger at, 890;
liturgy at, 108AB-109AB, 405, 1133; meal at, 109AB, 110AB, 393, 399; meal during, 112AB;
striking of semantron at, 1015; work until, 113AB, 408. See also hours, liturgical (specific): sixth
seventh hour (of the day, approximately 1:00 p.m.): meal at, 482, 693, 814, 917, 1008,
1064, 1146; rest until, 113B; return to work at, 112A
eighth hour (of the day, approximately 2:00 p.m.): return to work at, 112B
ninth hour (of the day, approximately 3:00 p.m.): assembly in narthex at, 1027; confession to superior during, 1135; dismissal to cells after, 1135; fasting until, 396, 900; meal at, 110AB,
386, 393, 394, 396, 397, 399, 401, 416, 482, 693, 814, 900, 917, 1008, 1065; meal concludes at,
1135; rest until, 113A; striking of semantron at, 1027; work until, 112AB. See also hours, liturgical (specific): ninth hour
eleventh hour (of the day, approximately 5:00 p.m.): meal at, 386; office of lamplighting
at, 111AB
[ 1917 ]
third hour (of the night, approximately 9:00 p.m.): meal at, 403, 404
fourth hour (of the night, approximately 10:00 p.m.): completion of offices at, 404
sixth hour (of the night, approximately midnight): meal at, 915
seventh hour (of the night, approximately 1:00 a.m.): rise from bed at, 98B
ninth hour (of the night, approximately 3:00 a.m.): rise from bed at, 98A
See also watches (of the night)
hours, liturgical: absence from, 1009, 1066, 1137, 1473; attendance of, 787, 835, 1009, 1066,
1137, 1443, 1449, 1501; dietary concessions for, xxvii, 1702; exemption from attendance at, 787,
835, 978, 1009, 1111, 1137, 1463, 1473; importance of, 978-79, 1109, 1496, 1501; neglect of,
1457, 1460; omission of, 102B, 103AB, 104B, 109AB, 110AB, 112AB, 222, 223, 1709, 1713;
participation by laymen in, 1313, 1316, 1376, 1380; performance and regulation of, xxv, 24, 62,
91, 92, 98AB-105AB, 106AB, 112AB, 170, 221-24, 296, 327, 349, 381, 385-90, 412, 442, 458-59,
473-76, 482, 569, 586-87, 652, 686-87, 738-39, 787, 805-8, 874, 894-98, 964, 978, 980, 987,
1006, 1015, 1072, 1082-84, 1111, 1132-33, 1135-36, 1177, 1256, 1267, 1332, 1334-35, 1341,
1354, 1363, 1376, 1380, 1435, 1443, 1449, 1514, 1547, 1566, 1583, 1601, 1660; proper deportment during performance of, 1496, 1501; punishment for failure to attend, 63, 978, 1009, 1066,
1137, 1298, 1463, 1473; symbolism of, 177; synchronized performance of, 1376, 1380
hours, liturgical (specific):
first hour (prote hora, prime): mesoria of, 687; performance of, 92, 104A, 106B, 107B,
112AB, 113A, 177, 223, 224, 227, 389, 473-74, 686, 687, 805-8, 894, 896, 897, 979, 1026, 1027,
1082, 1083, 1114, 1133, 1334
third hour (trite hora, terce): mesoria of, 687; performance of, 92, 106B, 109AB, 177,
223, 224, 386, 394, 399, 408, 474, 686, 687, 743, 806, 895, 978, 1015, 1027, 1072, 1083, 1133,
1267, 1334
sixth hour (hekte hora, sext): mesoria of, 687; performance of, 92, 106B, 109AB, 110AB,
113AB, 177, 223, 224, 386, 394, 408, 474, 686, 687, 743, 806, 895, 978, 1015, 1027, 1072, 1083,
1133, 1267, 1334; and timing of meal, 393, 1713
ninth hour (enate hora, none): mesoria of, 688; performance of, 92, 104A, 106B, 108AB,
112AB, 113A, 177, 223, 224, 386, 405, 475, 688, 743, 807, 814, 895, 896, 897, 1008, 1027, 1083,
1135, 1334, 1475, 1501; and timing of meal, 394, 396, 399, 400, 401, 416, 482, 744, 881, 900,
1008, 1083, 1135 1711-13, 1715
compline (apodeipnon): performance of, 92, 101AB, 102B, 104AB, 106B, 107AB, 221,
222, 223, 227, 385, 386, 388, 390, 475, 476, 536, 688, 746, 807, 897, 1027, 1083, 1115, 1135,
1155, 1267, 1326, 1501, 1607; and timing of confession, 459, 476
lamplighting (lychnikon), office of: performance of, 100AB, 101A, 102AB, 104B, 105AB,
106B, 108AB, 111AB, 112AB, 221, 223, 227, 385, 386, 591, 700, 743, 745, 746, 896, 1027, 1083;
[ 1918 ]
and timing of meal, 386, 746, 1711. See also Glossary
matins (orthros): on fast days, 482, 693, 814, 917, 1008, 1065, 1711; performance of, 62,
92, 99AB, 100A, 102AB, 104AB, 105AB, 106AB, 107AB, 176-77, 221, 222, 223, 224, 227, 385,
387, 388, 389, 390, 416, 473, 476, 532, 536, 537, 544, 686, 688, 689, 693, 698, 700, 738, 740,
741, 743, 756, 761, 804, 805, 807, 827, 831, 843, 894, 897, 898, 1021, 1026, 1082, 1083, 1087,
1132, 1137, 1155, 1163, 1277, 1334, 1335, 1355, 1501; and timing of confession, 459, 476
mesoria: in cells, 1133; performance of, 177, 385, 386, 687, 688, 895, 1133, 1135, 1661;
at vespers, 1661, 1711; See also Glossary
midnight office (mesonyktikon), 92, 385, 387, 388, 390, 476, 688, 739, 808, 1027, 1083,
1136, 1267, 1335, 1341, 1362-63, 1501; sung in cells, xxvi, 898
night office (pannychis), 222, 277, 475, 494, 688, 700, 743, 756, 766, 807, 808, 897, 928,
1087, 1163, 1457, 1460. See also Glossary
vespers (hesperinos): outdoor procession before, 215, 227; performance of, 92, 221, 223,
385, 416, 475, 536, 688, 698, 700, 740, 741, 743, 756, 761, 766, 803, 804, 807, 831, 839, 897,
1135, 1155, 1163, 1267, 1475, 1501, 1601, 1661; timing of, 62, 226, 227, 475, 897, 1027, 1083,
1087, 1277, 1334, 1335, 1355, 1706; and timing of meal, 111AB, 226, 397, 402, 403-4, 481, 693,
747, 1007, 1064, 1699, 1706, 1708, 1711, 1712
housemaster (oikokyrios; superior of kellion). See monastic officials (specific)
humility. See virtues, monastic
hunger. See illnesses and injuries (specific)
husbands. See family members (specific)
hydrorosaton (rose water). See supplies, medical
hyelia (glass jewels). See crosses (types of) and icons (types of)
hyelion (small glass lamp). See lighting devices (specific)
hylographia (painting on wood). See icons (types of)
hymnody: assignments to, 1095, 1486; for the departed, 93, 103B; excessive variety in, 1463,
1474; importance of, 828, 1096; neglect of, 787, 828; regulations for, xxv, 510, 531, 536, 569,
586-87, 787, 800, 828, 1205; uninterrupted performance of, 447, 531, 569
hymns (specific): Akathistos, 226, 1144, 1661; alleluia (on fast days), 482, 693, 814, 897, 917,
1008, 1065; canons, 63, 99B, 102AB, 105AB, 113AB, 222, 224, 1660-61; canon of the cross,
111A, 116n. 21; canon for the dead, 103AB, 222, 1020, 1046, 1077, 1229, 1319; canon of Easter,
1475; canons of the Mother of God, 386, 1335, 1479, 1660; epitaphios hymn, 789, 823, 840;
eulogetaria, 1335, 1336n. 6; exaposteilaria, 103B, 105AB, 222; funeral canon, 494, 670; Great
Canon, 111A, 226, 402, 480, 689, 691, 1006, 1063, 1144, 1322, 1328, 1708; hypakoe, 470; inter-
[ 1919 ]
cessory canon, 803; kathismata, 1205; kontakion, 99A, 221, 388; lauds (ainoi), 106B, 113AB,
1475; ode, 64, 99A, 107AB, 221, 385, 1087, 1155, 1463, 1474; oikos, 388; prosomoia, 1475;
stichera, 102A, 103AB, 385, 388, 389, 390, 391, 1380; stichera of the Crucifixion, 103A, idiomela,
388; stichera of the Resurrection, 106B, stichera of the Saints, 223, 908; theotokion, 156, 739,
801, 849; trinitarian canon, 386, 388; triodion, 103A, 104A, 106B, 224; trisagion, 101AB, 103A,
106B, 107AB, 176, 221, 222, 385, 386, 387, 389, 473, 474, 476, 689, 801, 805, 806, 808, 1027,
1083, 1114, 1116, 1133, 1135, 1137, 1149, 1335; troparion, 64, 98A, 99B, 102A, 105AB, 113B,
115A, 221, 222, 387, 388, 389, 674, 687, 689, 739, 808, 1026, 1053, 1082, 1083, 1087, 1136; of
vigil service, 1376, 1380. See also Glossary for Greek terms
hypakoe. See hymns (specific)
hyperpyron. See coinage
hyperpyros litra. See coinage
hypertimon. See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
hypertimos. See titles and dignities
hypodiakonos (subdeacon). See ecclesiastical officials (specific)
hypokamison (undergarment/undershirt). See clothing (articles of)
hypomanika (cuffs). See cloths, liturgical (specific)
hypomnema. See memoranda, official
hypotyposis (Rule). See monastic foundation documents, (4) Studios, (11) Ath. Rule, (24)
Christodoulos, (30) Phoberos, (43) Kasoulon, (52) Choumnos, and (55) Athanasios I
hypourgos, m.; hypourgissa, f. (assistant). See hospitals and infirmaries, staff of (specific); monks
(types of); nuns (types of); and servants, domestic
[ 1920 ]
152, 156, 170, 176; parading of, 726; patronal, 462, 491, 654, 710; pilgrimages to see, 727; protection of, 1345, 1355; reception of pastoral staff from, xxx, 752, 967; recorded in inventories, see
inventories (types of); repository for, 726, 727; restoration of, 791, 845, 887; survival of, 869n.
11; use in installation of officials, 1116, 1149, 1261, 1273; veneration (proskynesis) of, 357, 444,
654, 696, 698, 710, 74l, 753, 756, 802, 805, 1229, 1674
icons (specific): Annunciation, 715; Archangels, 1186; Ascension, 1671; Baptism of Christ, 715;
Birth of the Mother of God, 715; Christ, 462, 491, 526, 738, 802, 805, 839, 877, 925, 1149, 1186,
1379; Christ (in chapel of St. Lazarus, Anastasis monastery, CP), 1375, 1379; Christ (in convent
of Christ Philanthorpos, CP), 1383; Christ the All-Merciful (Panoiktirmon), 357; Christ
Antiphonetes, 715; Christ appearing to the Marys, 754; [Christ] greeting [the Marys] (to chairete),
714; Christ and Mother of God, 715; Christ, Mother of God, and Archangel Michael, 596; Christ
and Sts. Peter and Paul, 1671; Christ Pantokrator, 739, 740, 741, 752, 754; Christ the Savior, 357,
741, 756, 1671; Crucifixion, 552, 714, 715, 740, 741, 754, 1671; Crucifixion with St. John the
Theologian (Evangelist), 596; Deesis, 357, 1671; Descent from the Cross, 714; Dormition, 715,
740, 1186, 1393, 1562; Ecumenical councils, 740; Emmanuel the Savior, 1671; Entombment,
714; Entrance into the Holy of Holies (Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple), 1671; Evangelists, 714; Feasts of the Lord, 596; Forty Martyrs, 715, 1671; Hetoimasia, 357 (see also Glossary);
Holy Anargyroi, 357, 1671; [Holy] Sepulcher, 1186, 1192n. 31; Incorporeal, see below, St. Michael;
Last Supper, 740, 741; Military Saints, 1671; Mother of God, 357, 462, 491, 552, 714, 1150, 1261,
1273, 1561, 1562, 1567, 1671, 1676n. 16; Mother of God Acheiropoietos , 1237, 1248; Mother of
God with Child, 357, 715, 1671; Mother of God Hodegetria, 726, 756; Mother of God the Intercessor (presbeia), 1671; Mother of God Kecharitomene, 654, 710; Mother of God Kosmosoteira,
798, 801, 802, 805, 827, 828, 830, 839; Mother of God the Merciful (Eleousa), 753, 754, 755,
1671; Nativity of Christ, 715, 1186, 1626, 1632n. 2, 1671; Presentation of Christ in the Temple,
715; Prophet Daniel, 715; Resurrection, 714, 740, 741, 754, 1671; St. Akindynos, 357; St. Artemios,
357; St. Auxentios with St. Stephen the Younger, 1671; St. Basil, 715; St. Blasios, see below, St.
Eleutherios, St. John Chrysostom, and St. Blasios); St. Catherine, 357; St. Demetrios, 714, 725,
726, 1671; St. Eleutherios, St. John Chrysostom, and St. Blasios, 1671; St. Eupraxia, 715; St.
George, 357, 536, 552, 1186; St. Helen, see below, Sts. Constantine and Helen; St. Ismael, see
below, St. Manuel, St. Sabel and St. Ismael); St. John Chrysostom, 714, 715, 1671; St. John the
Forerunner and Baptist, 357, 536, 754, 873, 877, 887, 925, 1393, 1671; St. John the Theologian
(Evangelist), 714, 715; St. Loukilianos, 357; St. Manuel, St. Sabel, and St. Ismael, 1671, 1676n.
17; St. Mary Magdalene, 714; St. Menas, 1671; St. Methodios, 357; St. Michael the Archangel,
357, 756, 1186, 1561; St. Nicholas, 357, 714, 1671; St. Onouphrios, 1562; St. Panteleemon, 357;
St. Paul, 714; St. Peter, 714, 1671; St. Sabel, see under, St. Manuel, St. Sabel, and St. Ismael); St.
Stephen, 714; St. Stephen the Younger, see above, St. Auxentios with St. Stephen the Younger);
St. Theodore, 357, 552; Sts. Constantine and Helen, 1671; Sts. Kosmas and Damian, see above,
Holy Anargyroi; Sts. Peter and Paul, 357; Saints Theodore, 715; Scourging of Christ, 714; Second
Coming [of Christ], 1671; Three Hierarachs, [St. Basil], St. John Chrysostom and St. Gregory,
715; Transfiguration, 552; Twelve Feasts, 536, 552, 1186; Washing of the Feet (nipter), 740, 741,
767; unnamed, 473, 884, 993, 1019, 1162, 1165, 1182, 1186, 1190, 1307, 1358, 1369, 1370; unnamed new, 715; unnamed old, 715
icons (types of): adorned, 1667; banner (signon), 753, 754, 1671; bronze (sarout), 357, 552, 1186,
1671; bronze gilt, 1561; on bridges, 828; bust (laimin, laimion, laimos), 356, 357, 1671; carved in
ivory, 1186; diptych, 596; of elektron (amparateinos), 716, 719n. 73; enameled (cheimeutos),
552; with figure in profile (grammistos), 1671, 1676n. 13; with figure seated (kathisma), 1671;
with figure standing (stasidion), 357, 1671; with frames (peripheria), 357, 715, 1671; glass-jeweled
[ 1921 ]
(hyelia), 357, 371n. 32, 715; of gold, 552, 1562, 1567; with haloes/nimbuses (petala), 552, 559n.
42, 1672, (phengia), 1671; miracle-working, 807, 1383; monopetalos, 1671, 1676n. 13; in mosaic, 753, 754, 798, 827, 838; patronal, 658, 677, 877, 1237; with pearls, 554, 1567; with picture
of founder, 1671; with precious stones, 552, 1562, 1567; reliquary, 552; with rings (krikellia),
715, 716; in shape of shield (skoutarion), 1167, 1676n. 18; of silver, 347, 370, 716; of silver-gilt,
357, 714; silver-mounted, 508; of steatite (amiantos), 1671; of stone, 552, 828; with studs (karphia),
716; on textiles, 554, 714; on tombs, 791, 830, 839, 845; triptych, 1671; unadorned, 1667, 1671;
with wings (thyrai), 356, 552, 715, 1671; of wood (hylographia), 257, 526, 552, 596, 715, 1671
idiodespotos. See independent and self-governing monasteries
idioktesia (private ownership). See private religious foundations
idiomela (stichera). See hymns (specific)
idiorhythmic monks and monasticism: critique of, 958, 967, 1384, 1457, 1628, 1653; establishment of, 212, 1304, 1580; lifestyle of, xxxiii, 213, 309, 641, 1409, 1411, 1487, 1614, 1616, 1618,
1628, 1644, 1646; permitted, xxxiv, 1297, 1300, 1302; restricted or prohibited, 609, 640, 644,
967, 1302, 1487, 1649, 1650
idleness. See vices, monastic
illnesses and injuries: acute, 757; care for, xxxvii; of founder, 785, 830, 1409; remedies for, 1260,
1268, 1518, 1526, 1650
illnesses and injuries (specific): ear illness, 623; flatulence, 1198, 1204, 1698; fractures, 757;
gangrene, 585; hunger, 1458, 1460; leprosy (hiera nosos), 738, 767, 777n. 84, 1118, 1166, 1167n.
37; opthalmia, 757; pestilence, 585; plague, 314, 317, 1255, 1312, 1409, 1412, 1425; stomach
sickness, 757, 1436, 1451; swellings, inflamed, 1650; wounds, 757
immunities and exemptions, xxxiv, 344, 449, 499, 584, 600, 793, 829, 958, 962; from customs
duties, 565, 566; from ecclesiastical taxation, 144; from fiscal obligation, 575, 583, 962; from
interference by lay officials, 144; from interference or visitations by ecclesiastical officials, 137,
144, 622; from new taxes or services, 330; from personal and property taxes, 1580; from property
taxes, 1108, 1131, 1626, 1639; from public charges, 167; from secular taxation (exkousseia), xxix,
125, 127, 344, 449, 499, 829; from secularization, 1098; from seizure (aposchideumos), 556,
560n. 67; from servitudes, 575, 583; from taxation generally, 313, 1116; total, 329, 330, 344
imperial garments: of Alexios I and his brother Isaac, 526; belted outer garments (sphinktouria),
553, 559n. 49; over-tunics (epilorika), 553; silk garments (blattia), 553; skaramangia, 553. See
also Glossary for Greek terms
imperial legislation: circulation of, 575; citation of, 328, 338, 573, 575, 587, 657, 673, 1198,
1203, 1669; original copies of, 211, 232, 234n. 2, 565, 566, 568, 1580; patristic precedent preferred to, 282; quotation of prior, 330, 365-67
imperial legislation (specific): agrarian legislation, 200-201, 203, 298, 330; chrysobulls: of Alexios
I Komnenos, 167, 168, 170, 187, 450, 452, 466, 565, 575, 583, 594, 1408, 1673; of Alexios III
Angelos, 1116, 1131; of Andronikos II Palaiologos, 150, 1279, 1280, 1374, 1589n. 6, 1594, 1610n.
8; of Andronikos III Palaiologos, 1584, 1589nn. 1 and 8, 1594, 1610n. 8; of Basil II, 281; of Basil
[ 1922 ]
II and Constantine VIII, 209; of Constantine VII Porphyrogennitos, 211; of Constantine IX
Monomachos, 211, 281, 460; of Constantine X Doukas, 211, 297; of John I Tzimiskes, 208, 209,
211, 248, 260, 263, 275; of John III Doukas Vatatzes, 168, 1673; of John VI Kantakouzenos,
1636; of Manuel I Komnenos, 870, 981, 984, 993, 999, 1036, 1046, 1056, 1113, 1118, 1128, 1131;
of Manuel II Palaiologos, 1622; of Michael VI Stratiotikos, 211; of Michael VII Doukas, xxix,
329, 330, 361-63, 555; of Nikephoros II Phokas, 195-96, 207, 208, 209, 245, 253-54, 255, 256-57,
260, 261-62, 272, 274, 275, 1615; of Nikephoros III Botaneiates, 168, 303, 308, 326, 329, 330,
363-67, 462, 565, 575, 581, 600; of Romanos III Argyros, 144; of unspecified emperors, 200, 272,
281, 284, 313, 329, 354, 449, 455, 467, 482, 483, 501n. 27, 513, 515, 523, 524, 525, 527, 543,
555, 556, 564, 568, 575, 860, 871, 1232, 1557, 1580, 1584, 1588, 1595, 1667; Codex of Justinian,
1669, 1675n. 8; decrees (prostaxeis) of Manuel I Komnenos, 168, 1673, 1676nn. 33 and 34; horismoi
of unspecified emperors, 1610n. 8; Institutes of Justinian, 587, 603n. 37, 1669, 1675n. 8; Novels
of Justinian, 1198, 1203, 1462-63, 1466, 1473, 1476, 1480nn. 16 and 28, 1670, 1675nn. 7 and
9-12; ordinance of Manuel I Komnenos, 168; prostagmata: of Andronikos III Palaiologos, 1584,
1589n. 7, 1595, 1600; of John II Komnenos, 168, 1673, 1676n. 30; of John [III] Doukas [Vatatzes],
1673, 1676n. 41; of Manuel I Komnenos, 1673, 1676nn. 31 and 32; of Manuel II Palaiologos,
1622; of union (1439), 727; rescript (epilysis) of Manuel I Komnenos, 168. See also Glossary for
Greek terms
imperial monasteries: in 12th c., 607-17, 864; and the charistike, 730; early, 47n. 6; endowment
of, 149; features of, 1255; patronage of, 48-49; origins of, 195, 207, 1487; patrons rights in, 1208;
royal analogues of, 625, 638; seizure of, 1098; structure of, 1259; use of, 783, 973
imperial monasteries (specific): Bessai, 153; Christ Pantokrator (CP), 725; [Christ] Philanthropos
(CP), 974, 975; Elegmoi (Kurunlu), 1042; Kolobou, 232; St. Andrew of Peristerai, 211; St.
Demetrios-Kellibara (CP), 1238, 1490; St. John the Forerunner of Phoberos, 872; St. Mamas
(CP), 973; St. Michael of Docheiariou, 1304; St. Michael at Kataskepe, 870; Sts. Sergios and
Bakchos, 120; Stoudios (CP), 69
imperial offices: oikeiaka, 361, 363, 367, 771; oikonomion, 361, 363; praetorium, 56, 58n. 7;
sakelle, 341, 362, 363, 367; sakellion, 255; sekreton, 1655; treasury (fisc), 574, 583, 770, 1212,
1230, 1656-57; vestiarion, 362, 367. See also Glossary for Greek terms
imperial officials: as authors of typika, 859, 871; demands of on monasteries, 211; hospitality to,
see hospitality; as investigators of rights and privileges, 792, 829, 1587, 1594; as patrons, 206,
314, 1301; as protectors, 299, 300; retirement of, 206, 207; threat posed by, 513, 527, 985, 1019;
as upholders of typika, 1104, 1118, 1130
imperial officials (specific): allagator, 1182, 1190, 1191n. 6; ambassadors/envoys, 727;
apokrisiarios, 1407; chartoularios, 363, 367, 927; chartoularios of the dromos, 263, 367;
chartoularios of the themes, 363, 367; count of the court, 363, 367; domestikos of the themes,
363, 367; domestikos ton scholon, 363, 367; doux, 362, 363, 366, 367, 526; dromos, mandator of,
362, 367; droungarokometes, 363, 367; eidikos, 363, 367; eparch of CP (urban prefect), 331, 352;
ephoros of the imperial curatories, 363, 367; epi ton oikeiakon, 311, 363, 367, 771; epi tou
kanikleiou, 202, 209, 211, 271, 275, 297, 300, 301; epi tou stratou, 1562; fiscal agents, 361, 362,
364, 365, 366; general, 326, 377, 1238; governor (toparches), 524; horeiarios, 363, 367; judges
(kritai), 297, 315, 319, 320, 323, 324, 326, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367; judges of the army, 1280,
1283n. 33; judges of the Velum, 363, 366; judges of the Velum and epi ton hippodromon, 1035;
judges of the Velum and epi tou hippodromou, 333, 366, 455, 1035; katepano, 362, 363, 366, 367;
[ 1923 ]
logariastes, 363, 367; logothetes, 633, 1415; logothetes genikos, 361, 362, 363, 367; logothetes
ton oikeiakon, 1407 and n. 6; logothetes tou dromou, 1287, 1292; logothetes stratiotikos, 361,
362, 363, 367; magistrate of the stage (archon tes thymeles), 1279; mandator, 362, 366, 367;
megas domestikos, 523, 555, 725, 742, 1228, 1242, 1580, 1605, 1606; megas domestikos of the
West, 507, 519, 557; megas doux, 742, 1228, 1242; megas doux ton scholon in the East, 702;
megas droungarios, 773; megas logariastes, 1035; megas stratopedarches, 1416, 1512, 1525,
1556; merarches, 362, 267; mystikos, 743, 865, 869, 870, 871, 982, 991, 998, 999, 1004, 1021,
1028, 1032, 1033, 1034, 1036, 1042, 1043, 1050, 1055, 1088; mystographos, 337, 338; nomophylax,
335, 336, 974, 1032, 1035; notary, 146, 337, 338, 347, 351, 352, 363, 365; oikistikos, 363, 367;
orthotes, 361, 363, 364, 365, 367; parakoimomenos, 1562; pinkernes, 829; praipositos, 357, 358,
360; proeleusimaios, 362, 363, 366, 367; protasekretis, 455; protekdikos, 597; protoallagator,
1189; protokentarchos, 362, 363, 366, 367; protokometes (village headman), 57; protonotarios,
773, 1035, 1436, 1437, 1445; protostrator, 1556, 1557, 1561; ptochotrophos, 298, 339, 340; public defender (ekdikos), 57, 58n. 20; quaestor, 336, 1032, 1034, 1035; registrar (anagrapheus),
361, 364, 365, 367; sakellarios, 362, 363, 367; senator, 326, 482, 668, 918, 1056; steward of
imperial treasury, 974; strategos, 146, 206, 298, 314, 315, 319, 320, 321n. 12, 323, 324, 363, 366,
367, 369, 463; strateutes, 363, 364, 365, 367; tax collectors (dioiketai), 313, 319, 1176, (phorologoi),
361, 362, 364, 365, 366, 958, 962, (praktores), 1667, 1674; tax gatherers (apaitetai), 362, 366,
1630, 1656; taxiarches, 363, 367; topoteretes, 362, 367; tourmarches, 362, 363, 367; treasurer,
1042; treasury officials, 1259, 1265; tribounos, 699; vestiarites, 743. See also Glossary for Greek
imposed guests (katapemptoi, m.; katapemptai, f.): disciplinary concessions for, 1301; entitlements of, 426, 430, 458, 574; failure to persevere, 1412, 1422; permitted, 611, 791, 1301, 1410;
political prisoners as, xxii, xxxiv, 726; prohibited, xix, xxxiv, 611, 613, 615, 619, 648, 658, 659,
694, 695, 868, 959, 964, 978, 986, 1012, 1013, 1048, 1069, 1070, 1297, 1434, 1447, 1583,
1599-1600, 1627, 1661
inalienability: of all consecrated properties, 307, 308, 330, 365, 452, 453, 463, 488-89, 613, 792,
821, 825, 862, 922, 1019, 1076, 1109, 1299, 1305, 1308, 1340, 1355, 1375, 1389, 1390, 1392; of
all donations, 282; of books, 792, 844, 1019, 1076, 1332, 1334, 1335; canon law and, 463, 657,
673, 1669-70; of endowments, 328, 329, 349, 466, 614, 673, 1000, 1155, 1279; of entrance donations, 495, 672, 792, 824, 930, 966, 985, 1000, 1057, 1141, 1262, 1271, 1614, 1618, 1621, 1630;
of gardens, 551; of icons, 1332, 1335; of landed (immovable) properties, 344, 444, 450, 462, 467,
488, 515, 551, 574, 619, 657, 658, 673, 785, 792, 820, 825, 863, 985, 1000, 1048, 1057, 1099,
1116, 1154, 1212, 1233, 1262, 1279, 1308, 1492; of liturgical cloths, 1332, 1334; of movable
properties, 444, 450, 462, 466, 488, 515, 552, 574, 657, 658, 673, 820, 825, 863, 985, 1000, 1048,
1057, 1110, 1150, 1151, 1308; of sacred vessels, 488, 573, 820, 922, 1019, 1076, 1086, 1150,
1308, 1355
incense: safekeeping of, 1003, 1060; supplies of, 350, 531, 538, 546, 551, 697, 756, 761, 762,
766, 1332, 1334; types of, 1201; use of, 546, 1555
incomes (ecclesiastical): confiscation of, 448; diversion of, 860
incomes (monastic): anticipated increase in, 985, 1000, 1212, 1224; confiscation of, 427, 434,
1490; deposit of into treasury, 1507, 1508; drawn by laity (siteresia), see allowances, living; drawn
by monks, 233, 239, 240, 302, 303, 304, 329, 345, 426, 430, 865, 870, 1013-14, 1045, 1070, 1487;
drawn by priests, 1585, 1609; in-kind, 1212, 1226; management of, 657, 677, 1212, 1226; and
[ 1924 ]
philanthropic activities, 795, 841; records of, see records (specific); reliance on, 1630, 1656; sharing of, 40; shortfalls in, 1587, 1607; surplus of, 329, 345, 463, 657, 682, 1212, 1214, 1226-27,
1261, 1272; termination of, 1212-13, 1232. See also annuities
incomes (private): monks, 614; from villages, 791, 846. See also fellowships
independent and self-governing monasteries (autexousios, autodespotos eleuthera, idiodespotos,
autodioiketos): conditional entitlement to status of, 122, 171, 303, 308, 326, 328, 340, 342, 351,
449, 791, 804, 974, 981, 994; constitutions of, 204, 246, 450, 509, 510, 513; designation as, 527,
542, 571, 586, 623, 638, 667, 668, 730, 732, 773, 789, 804, 815, 862, 876, 918, 954, 957, 968,
977, 981, 994, 999, 1046, 1049, 1056, 1113, 1130-31, 1177, 1184, 1199, 1200, 1208, 1210, 1217-18,
1239, 1249, 1259, 1265-66, 1288, 1291, 1299, 1487, 1488, 1505, 1516, 1527-28, 1581, 1584,
1595, 1661; and the ecclesiastical hierarchy, xxxv, 153, 955, 1103; and founders of, 197, 509, 513,
541; historical development of, 49-50, 441-48, 859-68, 1093-1102; imperial confirmation of, see
emperors and the imperial government, rights of; imperial patronage of, 245, 568, 1044, 1086-87;
in late Byzantine times, 1208, 1483-90; longest surviving, 568, 569; loss of status as, 150, 1097,
1106, 1197, 1238, 1487, 1490, 1491, 1505, 1629; maintenance of, 1629, 1661; and monastic reform movement, 442, 443; origins of, 195-96, 297; patriarchal confirmation of, see patriarchal
rights (specific); and patriarchal stauropegia, 144, 1102, 1105; and the protectorate, 309; as
rebuilders of churches, 1102; status of, 149, 167, 197, 202, 211, 271, 299, 327, 448, 452, 460,
482-83, 572, 597, 610, 650, 1496. See also institutional independence and self-governance
inebriation. See vices, monastic: drunkenness
infants, reared in convent, 1257, 1263, 1271
infidels (Ottoman Turks), 1636, 1637
infirmaries. See hospitals and infirmaries
innovation: fiscal (kainotomia), 361, 366; religious, xiii
inns. See buildings, secular (particular kinds)
inscriptions: dedicatory, 126, 167, 783, 954, 959n. 1, 1389; epitaphial, 782, 1043; Georgian, 508;
graffiti, 52; Greek, 509; on icon mount, 508; on sacred vessels, 52; monumental, documents preserved as, 13, 14, 295, 305, 311, 323
insects: bees, 834; wasps, 318, 320n. 9
institutional autonomy: and financial security, 194-95; grant of, 622; notion of, 44, 45, 46, 71,
296; threats to, 47, 302
institutional independence and self-governance: assertion of, 136, 171, 186, 188, 442, 467, 957,
963, 1584; attenuation of meaning of, xxix, 1097, 1487-88; benefits of, xxix; confirmation of,
153, 163, 168, 323, 324, 455, 860, 861; demonstration of, 138n. 6; desire for, xxviii, 233; exercise
of, 443; imperial grants of, 167, 208, 313, 1101, 1107, 1128; incompatible with unrestrained patronal
privilege, 445, 1098; justification for, 1210, 1218; limited understanding of, 171, 246, 1584; model
for, 211; patriarchal grants of, 974; praised, 1097; preservation of, 272, 274, 275; recognition of,
[ 1925 ]
446, 613, 619, 862, 867, 1097, 1487; reluctant acceptance of, 171, 308, 327, 330; requirements
for, 1098; restored, 1491; threats to, 862, 1097
insubordination. See vices, monastic
inventories (brevia): chrysobulls transcribed in, 330, 361-67; copies of, 984, 1035; earliest, 329;
forbidden, 172, 186; preservation/safekeeping of, 790, 792, 835, 842, 974, 1036, 1047; recording
of alienations in, 462, 489; use of, xxviii, 307, 450, 451, 618, 658, 878, 984, 1001, 1002, 1048,
1076, 1094, 1151, 1261, 1271, 1485, 1668, 1670, 1675
inventories (specific): (19) Attaleiates [INV], 303, 329, 355-70; (22) Evergetis (lost), 462, 489;
(23) Pakourianos [33], 515, 552-57; (27) Kecharitomene [Appendix A], [Appendix B], 608, 656,
658, 712-17; (28) Pantokrator [65], 608, 731, 732, 768-72; (31) Areia [T11], 859, 958, 968; (35)
Skoteine [24]-[45], 1094, 1176, 1178, 1185-90; (37) Auxentios [17] (lost), 1094, 1234; (39) Lips
[43]-[49], 1094, 1279-80; (40) Anargyroi [4], 1094, 1289, 1291-92; (48) Prodromos [14], 1296,
1389, 1391, 1393-94; (54) Neilos Damilas [Inventory], 1296, 1462, 1465, 1477, 1478-79, 1484;
(61) Eleousa Inv., 5, 14, 168, 1483, 1484, 1485, 1486, 1487, 1667-78; of Christodoulos (lost),
596; of Evergetis (lost), 473, 489, 500n. 2; of Galesios monastery (lost), 151, 164; of Heliou
Bomon monastery (two, both lost), 1048, 1051, 1076; of Kosmosoteira (lost), 835, 844; of Machairas
monastery (lost), 1094, 1113, 1117, 1150, 1151, 1162; of Mamas monastery (lost), 984, 993, 1019,
1035; of Menoikeion monastery (lost), 1595; of Neophytos the Recluse (lost), 1345, 1360; of
Patmos, 566; of Phoberos monastery (lost), 877, 884, 923
inventories (types of): of animate property, 190, 1178, 1190; of books, xxviii, 358-59, 367-69,
515, 552-53, 566, 596, 877, 884, 1048, 1076, 1162, 1185, 1189-90, 1393-94, 1462, 1464, 1465,
1478-79, 1667, 1672-73; of icons, 356-57, 714-16, 1076, 1162, 1185, 1667, 1670-71; of immovable (landed) property, 303, 360, 451, 768-72, 1178, 1187-89; of imperial chrysobulls, 361-67,
555-56, 1667, 1673; of lighting devices, 554, 1667, 1674; of liturgical cloths, 359, 369, 553-54,
1186, 1190, 1667, 1673; of movable property, 303, 984, 985, 1001, 1019, 1048, 1076, 1116, 1150,
1151, 1178, 1185, 1393, 1465, 1587, 1596, 1667, 1671-74; of pious donations, 329, 357, 358, 359,
360, 515, 1162; of sacred vessels, 357, 369, 552, 716-17, 968, 1048, 1076, 1190, 1668
ironworkers shop. See endowments (specific)
irrigation. See water supply systems
isokodikon. See legal documents (specific)
isonomia. See equality, monastic
ithmos. See sacred vessels (specific kinds)
ivory, 1186
[ 1926 ]
jugerum. See measures (surface and weight)
[ 1927 ]
karyon tripton (ground nutmeg). See seasonings
kastrision. See textiles
kastrisios, 595, 596, 598, 599. See ecclesiastical officials (specific) and Glossary
kastroktisia (construction of fortresses). See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
kastron. See forts and fortifications
katablattion (silk cloth of the highest quality). See textiles
katapemptos. See imposed guests
kataplasma (plaster). See supplies, medical
kataseista (pendants). See crosses (types of)
katastaton (starch). See supplies, medical
katechoumeneion. See churches (parts of)
katepanikion. See territorial jurisdictions and Glossary
katepano. See imperial officials (specific) and Glossary
kathegetes. See superiors
kathegoumenos, m.; kathegoumene, f. See superiors
kathisma. See hymns (specific); psalter (parts of); and Glossary
kathisma (of icon showing a seated figure). See icons (types of)
kathiste/kandela (standing lamp). See lighting devices (specific)
katholike ekklesia (public church). See churches (types of)
katholikon. See churches and chapels (monastic)
katovlia. See reliquaries (types of)
katzion/katzior (standing censer). See sacred vessels (specific kinds)
kaukion (cup). See utensils, household
kaukopinakia (cups and plates). See utensils, household
Kecharitomene. See churches and chapels (monastic); icons (specific); monasteries (specific);
[ 1928 ]
monastic foundation documents, (27) Kecharitomene; and Glossary
kellarites, m.; kellarea, f. (cellarer). See monastic oficials (specific)
kellia. See cells, monastic and Glossary
kelliotai and kelliotic monasticism: entitlements of, 426, 430, 729; held in disfavor, 729, 752-53,
1581, 1631; lifestyle of, 197, 232, 234, 239, 304, 309, 430, 619, 620, 730, 733, 752-53, 1300,
1493; on Mount Athos, 235, 238, 1615; permitted, 198, 201, 303, 617, 730, 752-53, 1297, 1302;
property rights of, 233, 239; relations with, 260-61, 1043, 1342, 1358; restricted or prohibited,
xxxiv, 427, 432, 730, 870, 978, 986, 1012-13, 1044, 1048-49, 1069-70, 1096, 1177, 1183, 1457,
1460, 1487, 1583, 1587, 1599-1600, 1628, 1630, 1648-50; stipends of, 260, 261
kelotomos (hernia doctor). See hospitals and infirmaries, staff of (specific)
kentarchos. See imperial officials (specific): protokentarchos
kentemata. See calendars, liturgical and Glossary
kentenarion. See measures (surface and weight)
kentenarion (of gold). See coinage
kentouklon (Cretan woolen mat). See bedding (specific kinds)
kephalides (capitals). See churches (parts of)
kephalokionia (capitals). See churches (parts of)
kerastikon (wine pitcher). See utensils, household
keys and locks: of monastic offices, 444, 462, 491, 492, 680, 817, 877, 925, 1001, 1058, 1114,
1116, 1150; to cabinet for documents, 984, 1002, 1047, 1059; to monastic cells, 434, 875, 924; to
reliquary, see reliquaries (types of)
kilike (Cilician goats hair mat). See bedding (specific kinds)
kinklis (chancel screen). See churches (parts of)
kinship ties. See family ties
kisses. See ritual observances
kitchens: care of cooking vessels in, 36; restricted entry into, 1157; staff of, 866; work assignments in, 381, 407. See also convents (parts of) and monasteries (parts of)
klimakes (hospices), 548. See also hospices (specific) and Glossary
klokion (chamber pot). See utensils, household
[ 1929 ]
klyster (enema). See supplies, medical
koimesis (Dormition). See feasts (specific, fixed); dietary rules; icons (specific); and liturgies
koinobia. See monasteries (types of)
kokkion. See coinage and measures (surface and weight)
kokkoelaia prophaia (green, beanlike olives). See foods (particular kinds)
kollyba. See foods (particular kinds) and Glossary
kolymbades (olives, pickled). See foods (particular kinds)
kolynon (of paper). See books (specific types)
kombotheke (clasp). See book covers, decoration of
komes tes cortes (count of the court). See imperial officials (specific)
komodromikion. See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
komoekmagion (hair wiper). See bathing articles
Kontakarion. See books, liturgical
kontakion. See hymns (specific) and Glossary
kontakion (liturgy). See books, liturgical
kondotzangia (short-legged boots). See footwear (specific)
kontion, konti. See bells
Kosmosoteira. See churches and chapels (monastic); icons (specific); monasteries (specific); monastic foundation documents, (29) Kosmosoteira; old age homes (specific); and Glossary
koubouklesios. See ecclesiastical officials (specific)
koudai, 756. See also Glossary
koukoulion (cowl). See clothing (articles of)
koukoulon. See cloths, liturgical (specific)
koukoumion (kettle). See utensils, household
kouratores. See curators
[ 1930 ]
kouropalates. See titles and dignities
koutroubin (boats). See transportation systems and Glossary
kraktai. See professions and trades
krasobolion (measure). See measures (cups of wine)
krater (crater lamp). See lighting devices (specific)
kreophagos (Meatfare). See weeks of the liturgical year and commemorations, liturgical (types of)
krikellion (ring). See icons (types of)
krina. See flowers
kritai. See imperial officials (specific); judges
kryon (rock crystal). See stones, precious
kyklion. See buildings, secular (particular kinds)
kyminaton (hot water flavored with cumin). See drinks and beverages
kyminon (cumin). See flavorings and supplies, medical
Kyriake ton hagion panton (Sunday of All Saints). See feasts (specific, movable)
Kyriakodromion (Gospel readings for Sundays). See books, liturgical
Kyrie eleison. See prayers (specific)
kyriotes (dominion). See patrons, rights of (specific)
[ 1931 ]
1600; rotation of, 381, 407, 1213, 1225, 1257, 1270
laborers, monastic (specific): baker (artopoios, mankeps), 492, 511, 532, 728, 749, 817, 926,
1111, 1154, 1209, 1225, 1240, 1250, 1506, 1508, 1517, 1543, 1583, 1600; bakery workers, 215,
227, 511, 532, 1111, 1154, 1716; bath attendants, 728, 749; beekeeper, 1667, 1675; carpenters,
215, 227, 1111, 1154, 1716; clothing manufacturers, 1096; cobblers, 1111, 1153, 1154; construction workers, 1422; cook (mageiros, opsopoios), 492, 511, 532, 569, 590, 728, 749, 817, 926, 979,
1003, 1045, 1209, 1225, 1517, 1543, 1583, 1597, 1600; coppersmiths, 1111, 1153, 1154; cowhands, 1209, 1224; farmers (georgoi), 866, 1045, 1065, 1071, 1096, 1099, 1209, 1224, 1225;
fishermen, 866, 1045, 1065, 1071, 1321, 1328, 1667, 1675, 1716; food servers, 729, 745, 980,
1006, 1517, 1543; gardeners, 728, 749, 866, 979, 1008, 1031, 1045, 1065, 1146, 1158, 1209,
1225; kitchen staff, 866; meal servers, 653, 691; metal workers, 215, 227, 1716; muleteers, 215,
227, 492, 818, 926, 1716; shepherds, 1209, 1224; shipwrights, 215, 227, 1716; shoemakers, 1435,
1441, 1453n. 8, 1506, 1508; smiths, 1154; tailor, 1667, 1675; teamsters, 1667, 1675; vine-dressers
and other vineyard workers, 215, 227, 866, 979, 1008, 1014, 1031, 1045, 1065, 1096, 1146, 1158,
1209, 1224, 1341, 1350, 1583, 1600, 1716; water carriers, 1113, 1155
laimin/laimion/laimos (bust). See icons (types of)
lamna. See lighting devices (specific)
lampas (taper). See lighting devices (specific)
lamplighting, office of. See hours, liturgical (specific)
lamprophoros Kyriake (Radiant Sunday/Easter Sunday). See feasts (specific, movable)
lamps. See lighting devices (specific)
land. See endowments (specific): landed (immovable) property
land (types of): abandoned (exaleimmatike), 1280; arable, 1279, 1280, 1292; common (ho tou
koinou topos), 282, 288
languages: Arabic, 51, 378, 425; Armenian, 557, 560n. 71; Bulgarian, 125; Coptic, 51, 52, 53,
(Egyptian), 55, 57; Ethiopic, 378; Georgian, 552, 557; Greek, 125, 624, (Hellenike), xiii, 53, 55,
57, 1216, (Romaike), 552, 557; Italo-Calabrian, 638; Latin, xiii, xxiii, 624, 975; Slavonic, 61, 125,
378, 425, 457; vernacular, xxiii
laosynaktai. See monastic officials (specific)
lashane (village headman). See imperial officials (specific): protokometes
lathrophagia (secret eating). See vices, monastic
Latin. See languages
laughter. See vices, monastic
[ 1932 ]
lavatories. See hospitals and infirmaries (parts of) and monasteries (parts of)
lavras. See monasteries (types of)
laymen: resident, xix, 1013, 1070; as superintendents of dependencies, 1154; as bestowers of
investiture on superiors, xxx
learned societies: American Byzantine Institute, 1255; British School at Athens, 314; Egypt Exploration Society, 52; Ephorate of Antiquities, Dodekanese, 568; Greek Ministry of Education,
568; Russian Archaeological Institute (CP), 15, 70, 783, 784; Socit d Archologie Copte, 51
lectionaries. See books, liturgical: Apostolos, Evangelion, and Propheteia
lector, ecclesiastical (anagnostes). See ecclesiastical officials (specific)
ledger. See records (specific)
legal documents: authentication of, 169; borrowing of, 984, 1035-36, 1047, 1076; collections of,
213, 568, 623; forgery of, 145, 622; interpolations in, 622; lending of, 1260, 1272; list of, 515,
555; loss of, 168, 792, 829; preservation of, 311, 329, 352-53, 515, 564, 681, 860, 974, 1002,
1035-36, 1047, 1261, 1272; receipts for, 984, 1035-36, 1047, 1076; storage of, see furniture;
transcriptions of, 792, 829; translations of, 622
legal documents (specific): charters, 125, 234n. 2, 622; codicils, 568, 598, 1412, 1428; confirmations of liberties and concessions, 624; concession of legatine authority, 622; deeds of title, 120,
353, 589, 792, 829, 840, 842, 984, 1036, 1100; delimitation (periorismos), 524, 557, 710, 1563;
depositions, 1117, 1140; diplomas, 624, 637; document of abdication, 1304, 1307; exoneration
(athoosis), 555; firmans, 126, 567, 1312, 1409, 1580; gift and grant ordinance, 792, 848; grant
and dedication document, 1117, 1140; judicial confirmation, 975, 984, 1031-32; judicial decision,
168; list, enrollment (katastichon), 730, 752; list of valuation (praktikon), 658, 673; lysis, 984,
993, 1036; memorandum, voivodes, 1411, 1416; officially registered, 1465, 1477; papal bull,
622; papal confirmations and directives, 456-57; pittakion, 555, 556, 731, 751; praktika, 168,
556, 565; promissory note, 600, 791, 840; rescript, 168, semeioma, xxix, 90, 599, 860, 975, 981,
984, 1031, 1032-34, 1035, 1036-37; semeiosis, 555; sigillidion, 1673, 1677n. 43; sigillion, 181,
185, 286, 1352; sigillon, 1589n. 7; synodical letter, 1339; survey, cadastral (isokodikon), 556;
visitation report, 624. See also cartularies; imperial legislation (specific); inventories; memoranda,
official; and Glossary for Greek terms
legal documents (types of): authenticated copies, 568, 792, 829, 1047, 1059; bead roll, 508; bilingual, 624; chancery, 624; forged/inauthentic, 1404, 1408; original, 568, 984, 1036-35, 1047, 1076
Lent, Great. See fasts (specific); dietary rules; seasons (liturgical); and Glossary
lention (hand towel). See bathing articles
lepers sanatorium, Pantokrator (CP), 615, 725, 735, 738, 767-68
leprosy (hiera nosos). See illnesses and injuries (specific)
[ 1933 ]
lepton. See measures (surface and weight)
Lexicon. See books, miscellaneous
libellikon. See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
libellos, 555. See also Glossary
librarian. See monastic officials (specific)
libraries: ecclesiastical, 727; monastic, see monasteries (parts of); private, 727
libraries (specific): of Docheiariou monastery, 1304; of Evergetis monastery (CP), 452; of Fragala
monastery, 624; of Galesios monastery, 150; of Geromeri monastery, 1396; of Iveron monastery
(Mount Athos), 1613; of John Mavrocordato, 727; of Kellibara monastery, 1237; of Latros monastery, 619; of Lavra monastery (Mount Athos), 151, 213, 216; of Mar Saba (near Jerusalem),
1313; of Mega Spelaion monastery, 727; of Patmos monastery, 566, 568; Patriarchal Library
(Istanbul), 727, 973; of Petra monastery (CP), 1043; of Petritzonitissa monastery (Backovo), 507;
of San Salvatore monastery (Messina), 641; of Seraglio (Istanbul), 782; of Stoudios monastery
(CP), 93, 108AB; of Theological School, Halki, 727, 973
lighting devices: donation of, 515, 526; at grave, 983, 1921; listed in inventories, see inventories
(types of)
lighting devices (specific): candelabra (manoualia), 554, 697, 702, 1186, 1277, 1393, 1555, 1561,
1567, 1674; candelabra, large (statareai), 1674, 1677n. 53; candelabra with eight candleholders
(manoualia oktaphota), 802; candelabra with twelve candleholders (manoualia dodekaphotia),
697, 698, 741, 742, 1087, 1229; candles, 53l, 536, 546, 551, 590, 680, 681, 696, 697, 698, 702,
741, 743, 753, 754, 756, 761, 762, 805, 843, 1277, 1332, 1334, 1555; candles, Easter, 98A, 100A,
221A; candlestands (manoualia tou templou), 554, 559n. 55; candlestands, arched (manoualia
kamarai), 554, 716, 719n. 79, 1674, 1677n. 56; candlesticks (manoualia), 526, 536, 697; chandeliers (polykandela), 526, 552, 554, 696, 702, 741, 754, 1555; choros, 698, 740, 753, 1132; glass
(lamp), 615; lamnai, 698, 802, 1186, 1190, 1393, 1674; lamps (kandelai), 152, 156, 514, 526, 536,
698, 705, 740, 743, 753, 756, 761, 802, 831, 1132, 1277, 1561, (thryallides), 802, 827; basket-shaped
lamps (kaniskia), 554, 1674; crater lamps, (krateres), 696, 698, 740, 753, 754; glass lamps, small
(hyelia), 350, 370n. 21, 615, 702; night lamps, 741; pot-shaped lamps, (chytrokandelai,
kythrokandelai), 357, 369, 1277; standing lamps (kathistai), 740, 753, 754; triple lamps (thryallides
triphyeis, trikandela), 740, 741, 753, 756, 761, 802; lamp-brackets, dragon-shaped (drakontaria),
554, 559n. 58; lamp chains (abenai, halysidia, bastagia, kremastaria), 357, 554, 1674; lamp glasses
(mouchroutia), 554, 559n. 62; lanterns (phanaria), 754; skewer-lights (manoualia), 1277; tapers
(lampades), 1132, 1229, 1555, 1567; torches (phatlia), 759; torch, pine, 762; wicks (cotton), 696,
697. See Glossary for Greek terms
lighting devices (types of): of bronze, 554, 702, 802, 1674; of bronze-gilt, 1674; of elektron, 1674,
1677n. 57; of glass, 1277; of silver, 526, 552, 696, 802, 1277, 1561; of silver-gilt, 357, 369
lilies (krina). See flowers
linen. See textiles
[ 1934 ]
lions. See animals (specific)
Lips hospital (CP). See hospitals and infirmaries (specific)
list, enrollment (katastichon). See legal documents (specific)
list of valuation (praktikon). See legal documents (specific)
litanies: on commemorations, 756; on Easter, 227, 843; on feast of the Annunciation, 112AB, 227;
on feast of the Dormition, 827; on Fridays, 753-55; on Saturday of Meatfare, 103; on Saturday of
Pentecost, 103 103B; unspecified, 704
litanies (specific): ektenes, 101A, 277, 360, 385, 389, 494, 674, 704, 754, 755, 756, 801, 803, 827,
929, 962, 1021, 1053, 1087, 1137, 1218; synapte, 114B, 115A, 221, 385, 527, 1218, 1601. See
also Glossary for Greek terms
literacy: examples of, 53; ignored, xxviii, 47; promoted, xxviii, 28, 35 and n. 55, 38, 39, 41; in
Studite tradition, 46; in Western medieval orders, xiii, xxviii. See also reading
literature: profane/secular, 640, 645 (see also books, secular); sacred, 640, 645 (see also books,
New Testament and books, Old Testament)
litographon (in uncials). See books (specific types)
litra. See measures (surface and weight)
liturgical offerings: for emperors, 687, 742, 743, 755, 756, 1261, 1274; for founders, 687, 1261,
1274, 1355, 1563, 1566; for founders ancestors, 1261, 1274; for founders families, 687, 743,
755, 756, 1261, 1274, 1563, 1566; for monks, 494, 928, 1020, 1077, 1163; for nuns, 687, 700,
1274, 1565, 1566
liturgies: assignments to perform, 730, 766, 1095, 1486; coordination of, 1380; deportment at,
1197, 1205, 1496, 1501; disinterest in regulation of, 1486, 1506, 1507; effect on mealtimes, 393,
478, 1697; frequency of, xxv, 381, 393, 447, 459, 474-75, 482, 533, 687, 730, 742, 756, 762, 766,
807, 865, 896, 956, 965, 979, 1015, 1045, 1072, 1096, 1112, 1134, 1257, 1274, 1288, 1292, 1340,
1341, 1355, 1375, 1380, 1463, 1475, 1486, 1514, 1547, 1583, 1601, 1659; importance of, xxiii,
24n. 15, 447, 807, 866, 896, 1016, 1072, 1096, 1134, 1496, 1501; Latin, 975; lay participation in,
1437; private, 28, 956, 964; proper of, 91; public performance of, 1197, 1205; punishment for
absence or lateness, 60, 532; regulation of, 46, 90, 91, 151, 164, 170, 184, 214, 215, 221, 296, 378,
381, 459, 467, 474-75, 511, 533, 569, 638, 640, 646, 728, 755-56, 756-57, 864, 865, 955, 956,
962, 964, 978, 979, 1015-16, 1045, 1057, 1072-73, 1094, 1112, 1134, 1197, 1299, 1332, 1335,
1463; silence during, 537; simultaneous celebration of, 1257; sitting during lections, 1197, 1205;
timing of, 108AB-109AB, 223, 393; unauthorized celebration of, 198, 233, 238. See also calendars, liturgical and liturgies (specific)
liturgies (specific): on afterfeasts, 105AB, 224; on commemorations, 494, 544, 742, 743, 755,
756, 1020, 1077, 1087, 1156, 1229, 1426, 1561, 1562, 1566, 1567; on dominical feasts, 315, 320,
393, 532, 533, 738, 965, 1016, 1072, 1274, 1335; on Easter Sunday, 91, 98AB-100A, 215, 221,
545; during fast of the Holy Apostles, 393, 482, 693, 814, 917, 1008, 1064; during fast of St.
[ 1935 ]
Philip, 223, 393, 482, 814, 917, 1008, 1065, 1711; for departed monks, 1583, 1601; in honor of
emperor, 1583, 1601, 1627, 1639; in honor of emperors family, 1627, 1630; of founder, 533, 545,
546, 1583, 1601; of Hagiopolites (St. Andrew), 728, 754, 777n. 63; of the Presanctified Gifts, 401,
907, 1716; on feast of the Annunciation, 393, 455, 545, 1132; on feast of the Ascension, 545; on
feast of the Birth of the Mother of God, 393; on feast of the Dormition, 393; on feast of the
Epiphany, 545; on Holy Saturday (Easter vigil), 393, 915, 1326, 1706; on Holy Thursday, 393,
546; on feasts of important saints, 965; on medium feasts, 393; on minor feasts, 393; on patron
saints feast, 536, 545, 1538, 1601; on Pentecost, 545; on vigil of feast of the Epiphany, 394
livestock: ban on importation of, 233, 239; care of, 37; donations of, 201, 1190. See also animals
loans: cancellation of, 1411, 1417; made by monasteries, 1630, 1656; made by patrons to monasteries, 1410, 1411, 1417; from patrons, 1410, 1411, 1417; security for, 1411, 1417
locks. See keys and locks
lodging (compulsory). See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
logariastes. See imperial officials (specific)
logisima. See property, tax-free
Logos (of Christ), 1594. See also Glossary
logothetai. See imperial officials (specific)
lots, use of. See elections
louter (fountain in atrium). See churches (parts of)
loyalty. See virtues, monastic
lumber. See supplies, shipbuilding
lychnikon (lamplighting office). See hours, liturgical (specific)
lysis. See legal documents (specific)
[ 1936 ]
magnates. See nobility, local
magoulikion. See clothing (articles of) and Glossary
makrotzangia (long-legged boots). See footwear (specific)
malagma (pure gold). See precious metals (specific)
malaratoi. See soldiers (types of)
malotarion (woolen blanket). See bedding (specific kinds)
mandator. See imperial officials (specific)
mandyas/mandyon (cloak). See clothing (articles of)
mankeps/mankips (baker). See monastic officials (specific)
mankipeion (bakery). See monasteries (parts of)
manoualia (candelabra, candlestands, candlesticks). See lighting devices (specific)
manual labor: commendation of, 383, 492-93, 683, 818, 875, 926, 944, 1011, 1068, 1340, 1363,
1450, 1453, 1514, 1550, 1599; compassion for those unaccustomed to, 1450, 1451; as cure for
akedia, 1450; effect on mealtimes, 1697; everyone to perform, 1208, 1209, 1223, 1341, 1363,
1435, 1448, 1450; exemption from, 981, 1017; heavy, 381, 408-9, 1209, 1225, 1435; idle talking
during, 980, 1018; ignored, 172, 1257, 1313; importance of, xxvi, 46, 61, 215, 409, 447, 1384,
1387, 1434, 1435, 1448, 1450, 1451; in Basilian tradition, 22, 24-25, 28, 29, 32, 61, 92; in Bulgarian monasticism, 127, 133; in Byzantine times, 24n. 15, 47, 61; in cells, xxvi, 381, 408, 1133,
1148; in monastic reform movement, 303, 865, 866, 1581; in Pachomian tradition, 34, 35, 37, 38,
47, 61, 92; not allowed in church, 652, 704; place for, 1342, 1359; practice of, 569, 590, 1111,
1133; praying during, 1514, 1540; psalmody during, 521, 538; readings during, see reading (times
and places for); regulation of, 62, 65, 137, 141, 215, 227, 381, 408, 409, 459, 511, 531-32, 538,
569-70, 590-91, 787, 826, 835, 979, 1010-11, 1026, 1045, 1067-68, 1082, 1148, 1156, 1177, 1185,
1463, 1474, 1583, 1599; rest from, 137, 140, 228, 628-29, 631; revival of in late Byzantine times,
1095, 1096, 1298, 1486; rotation of assignments to, 1209, 1225, 1228; sale of, 1339; in Studite
tradition, 46, 48, 71, 86, 88, 92, 108AB, 112AB, 133A; supervised by treasurer, 1209, 1224; in
Syriac tradition, 39, 41, 61; times for, 92; years of service in, 1435, 1450
manuscripts: chronological distribution of, 14; collections of, 727; colophons of, 649; destruction
of by fire, 727; donation of, 726; folia in, 1034, 1256; loss of, 1320; scholiast on, 1321; scribal
notes in, 150, 168, 213, 455, 457-58, 623, 625, 1264n. 6, 1320, 1391n. 2; verso of, 623
manuscripts (of particular works): Arethas ms. of Plato, 568; of John Xenos Autobiography (Bios
C and Bios K), 143; of Nikon of the Black Mountains Pandektes, 378; of Nikon of the Black
Mountains Taktikon, 378; of Paul Evergetinos Evergetinon, 454; of Pseudo-Dionysios the
Areopagite, 1256; of Studite Catecheses, 90; of Studite typikon, 88; of typikon of Kosmosoteira,
782, 784, 796n. 1
[ 1937 ]
manuscripts (specific):
Ambrosianus H. 81 sup., 1374
Atheniensis (National Library) 788, 454, 455, 456, 458
Atheniensis (National Library) 2587, 1579
Backovo ms. gr. 50 and 143, 517n. 11
Berlin, State Library, graecus fol. 55, 120, 122n. 2
Berlin, State Library, Phillippicus 1489, 1512
British Library Additional 22748, 1254, 1287, 1263n. 2
Bucharest 694, 560n. 71
Chios Koraes 1598, 507, 517n. 1
Cisamensis, 143, 145 and n. 13
Constantinopolitanus Metochii Sancti Sepulchri 375, 326
Docheiariou 1, 1389
Edinburgh University, Ms. Laing 811, 1338
Graecus bibliothecae Taurinensis 326, 954
Grottaferrata Cryptensis 401, 642n. 14
Halki 85, nunc 79, 326, 725, 727, 973, 1207
Iveron (1096), 281, 283n. 1
Iveron 754, 205, 216n. 2, 245, 271
Jenensis Bibliotheca universitatensis graecus G.B. q. 6a, 638, 642n. 14
Koutloumousiacus 210, 316n. 3
Lavra, unnumbered ms., 245, 271
Lavra lambda 99, 151, 154n. 26
Lavra ms. E 194, 216n. 2, 249n. 2
Lavrioticus I.127, 148
Messinensis gr. 115, 637
Messinensis gr. 159, 643
Monacensis gr. 225, 1196
Monacensis gr. 467, 85, 94n. 4
Moscow, Hist. Mus. 363, 1237
Moscow, Hist. Mus. 369/353, 148, 153n. 4
Oxford, Baroccianus 59, 1462
Oxford, Baroccianus 69, 1466n. 2
Oxford, Bodleiana 995-92, 59, 62
Oxford, Lincoln College, ms. graecus 35, 1512
Oxford, Clarke 39, 568
Parisinus, supplment grec 855, 323
Parisinus, supplment grec 92, 973, 987n. 1
Parisinus, supplment grec 1090, 959n. 7
Parisinus, supplment grec 1222, 167, 172n. 2, 1667
[Parisinus] Coislinianus [graecus] 243, 1625
Parisinus Coislinianus graecus 295, 1314n. 2
Parisinus graecus 301, 1346n. 4
Parisinus graecus 384, 649
Parisinus graecus 389, 725, 727
Parisinus graecus 891, 67
Parisinus graecus 1295, 1462
Patmos 265, 1042, 1043
Patmos 267, 564
[ 1938 ]
Romanus Vallicellianus graecus 30 (olim C 4), 1196
Sainte-Croix 57, 660n. 2
Shuwar 165, 384n. 12
Sinaiticus 1096, 1311
Sinaiticus graecus 441, 377, 378, 384n. 12, 425
University of Turin, gr. 216, 1319, 1320
Vaticanus arabicus 76, 383n. 3, 384n. 12
Vaticanus Barberini graecus 583, 316n. 3
Vaticanus graecus 704, 135
Vaticanus graecus 1787, 1256, 1264n. 6
Vaticanus graecus 2029, 84, 91
Vaticanus graecus 2219, 1495
Vaticanus latinus 8201, 642nn. 1, 6, 8, 11
Vatopedi 3:106, 1176, 1179n. 1
Vatopedi 322, 84, 91
Vindobonensis historicus graecus 55, 1625
Vindobonensis philologicus graecus 95, 1264n. 8
unnamed, of Theodore the Studites Small Catecheses, 89
unnamed Muscovite, 59, 62
manuscripts (types of): authenticated copy, 13-14; autograph, 13, 14, 19, 273n. 7, 564, 637, 649,
727, 880n. 2, 987n. 1, 1043, 1107, 1179n. 1, 1389, 1408, 1613; bilingual, 508; Georgian, 507;
Greek, 566, 1319; illuminated, 1512; isotypes, 13, 19, 126, 128n. 1, 168, 189, 283n. 1, 305, 329;
Italian, 566; miniatures in, 1512, 1521n. 3; modern copies, 14, 128n. 1; Old Church Slavonic, 14,
45, 59, 61
manuscripts, location of: Archivio de Stato (Catania), 621; Backovo monastery, 508; Berlin, 1512;
Bibliotheca Marciana (Venice), 1320; Bibliothque Nationale (Paris), 378, 1320, 1339; Bodleian
Library (Oxford), 59, 62, 143, 144, 1462; British Library, 13; Crete, 143; Docheiariou monastery
(Mount Athos), 18; Edinburgh University, 13; Escorial library, 1199n. 9, 1320; Esphigmenou
monastery, 649; Evergetis scriptorium, 455; Galesios monastery, 150, 151; Geromeri monastery,
1396; Greek patriarchate of Jerusalem, 1313; Historical Library (Moscow), 1462, 1466n. 4; Historical Museum (Moscow), 148; Holy Martyrs monastery (Lakedaimon), 313; Iveron monastery
(Mount Athos), 13, 18, 172n. 2, 1613; Kutlumus monastery (Mount Athos), 13, 18; Latros, 136,
137; Lavra monastery (Mount Athos), 151, 213; Lincoln College (Oxford), 13; Mar Saba (Jerusalem), 1312, 1313; Meteora (Thessaly), 1456; National Library (Athens), 19, 326; Patmos monastery, 564, 566, 567, 568; Patmos Stylos dependency (Crete), 566; Patriarchal Library (Istanbul),
973; Public Library, St. Petersburg, 872, 880n. 2; St. Catherines monastery (Mount Sinai), 378;
St. Gerasimos monastery (Cephalonia), 15, n. 48; University of Jena, 638; University of Messina,
637; University of Turin, 1319; Vatican Library, 1320; Vatopedi monastery (Mount Athos), 19
maphoria. See clothing (articles of) and Glossary
marble. See building materials (specific)
margounia (baskets). See handicrafts and handiwork
markets (emporia): of Brachionion, 769; of Koila (in Chersonesos), 770; of Lakedaimon, 315,
320; of Madytos, 770; Sagoudaous, 829
[ 1939 ]
martyrs. See relics and relics (specific)
masonry, rubble (enchoregos). See building materials (specific)
mastic oil (schinelaion). See oils (specific kinds)
mastrapas (water container). See utensils, household
masturbation. See vices, monastic
matins. See hours, liturgical (specific)
matzoukation. See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
meals: abandonment of common, 426; absence of superior and officials from, 1005, 1496, 1501;
equal portions at, 34, 490-91, 1508, 1547; frequency of, 110AB, 226, 482, 535, 691, 693, 729,
814, 901, 917, 1008, 1065, 1198, 1204, 1325, 1326, 1334, 1547, 1598, 1661, 1700, 1701, 1704,
1708, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1713; number of courses/dishes at, 110AB, 111AB, 395, 396, 512, 533-34,
691, 692, 693, 741, 742, 744, 813, 814, 914, 965, 970, 1006, 1008, 1063, 1064, 1086, 1087, 1112,
1144, 1204, 1275, 1321, 1322, 1323, 1325, 1326, 1497, 1598, 1698-1715; punishment for lateness
or absence at, 27, 34, 478, 479, 480, 956, 965, 811, 812, 909, 914, 1009, 1066, 1142, 1143; rations
in place of, 227, 1716; readings at, see reading (times and places for); secret eating and drinking,
see vices, monastic; served to the sick, 653, 696; silence at, 478-79, 533, 744, 811, 909, 1005,
1062, 1142, 1210, 1227, 1274, 1327, 1501, 1508, 1548; timing of, 108AB-109AB, 223, 394, 396,
399, 482, 535, 693, 814, 917, 1008, 1064, 1145. See also diet; food; meals (specific); meals (types
of); and refectories
meals (specific): collation (diaklysmos), 116n. 27, 350, 405, 406, 478, 481, 693, 759, 810, 814,
915, 965, 1005, 1007, 1062, 1064; common, 46, 152, 158, 956, 962, 965, 1177, 1183; Easter
Sunday, 535, 1712; evening or supper, 92, 109AB, 121, 226, 394, 399, 401, 480, 691, 693, 729,
735, 745-46, 812, 814, 901, 912, 1006, 1063, 1065, 1143, 1144, 1146, 1197, 1204, 1320, 1321,
1322, 1325, 1697-1710, 1712, 1714-15; memorial (agape), 56, 58n. 9, 435, 521, 544; midday,
dinner, or main, 92, 109AB, 110A, 225, 226, 399, 480, 482, 653, 691, 693, 729, 735, 743-45,
746, 901, 980, 1006, 1063, 1065, 1143, 1198, 1204, 1261, 1273, 1325, 1697-1716; refreshments
and snacks, 395, 396, 397, 480, 482, 534, 691, 692, 693, 744, 747, 813, 814, 914, 1006, 1007,
1008, 1063, 1064, 1144, 1561, 1562, 1598, 1697, 1701, 1702, 1704, 1709, 1710, 1713; special
fare/treat (diakrisis), xxvii, 156, 165n. 4, 183, 184, 481, 701, 702
meals (types of): bountiful, 729; costly, 1516, 1555. See also diet (types of)
measures (cups of wine, exagia/krasobolia), 512, 533, 534, 535, 544, 840, 901, 1696; customary,
110AB, 111AB, 226, 395, 396, 398, 914, 1006, 1063, 1144, 1145, 1146, 1699, 1702-4, 1708,
1709; greater/larger, 480, 481, 482, 691, 692, 812, 813, 840, 915, 917, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1063,
1064, 1065, 1697, 1698, 1700, 1702, 1703, 1705, 1706, 1708-10; greater than customary, 746,
1713; monastic, 826, 1698; two-thirds, 1007, 1064, 1704; smaller (half), 691, 692, 693, 813, 915,
917, 1006, 1063, 1064, 1697, 1702-5, 1708; usual, 747, 1701, 1704
measures (liquid, metra), 343, 350, 353, 962, 1267, 1272, 1292, 1562; annonika, 756, 765, 766;
maritime, 761, 766, 1087. See also Glossary
[ 1940 ]
measures (surface and weight): cubit (pechys), 707, 711; exagion/hexagion, 394, 395, 716, 742,
1600; jugerum, 55, 58n. 4; kentenarion, 556, 681; kokkion, 1188, 1189; lepton, 712; litra, 342,
350, 357, 369, 548, 600, 699, 716, 717, 741, 761, 762, 766, 764, 1277, 1334, 1562; modios (surface), 712, 713, 1187-89, (weight), 260, 286, 340, 549, 550, 697, 698, 699, 702, 741, 742, 756,
762, 763, 764, 766, 829, 840, 962, 1087, 1267, 1277, 1279, 1280, 1292, 1557, 1562, 1660; modios,
local (choritikos), 803, 830; modios, maritime (thalassios), 699, 747, 755, 766, 767, 1281, 1555;
modios, monastic, 759, 761, 764, 766; modios, small (modopoulion), 713; modios annonikos,
343, 763, 764, 765, 766, 1272, 1281, 1555, 1565; ounce (oungia), 357, 717, 968, 1415, 1417,
1421 (see also Glossary); peisa, 761, 762, 764, 766; plinthion, 266n. 17; pseudo-cubit, 1671; span
(spithame), 369, 1671; steelyard (kampanos), 761, 777n. 70; tetartion, 1555; zeugarion, 1639.
See also Glossary for Greek terms
meat. See foods (particular kinds)
Meatfare (Apokreo/Kreophagos), week of. See weeks of the liturgical year and commemorations
medical supplies. See supplies, medical
medicine and medical assistance: hostility towards, 39; and medical supplies, see supplies, medical; regulation of use, xv, 25, 28, 460, 497, 729, 745, 830-32, 1506, 1509; use of external providers for, 868, 1516, 1550, 1628, 1642-43. See also hospitals and infirmaries
megale Paraskeve (Good/Holy Friday). See feasts (specific, movable) and dietary rules
megale Pempte (Holy Thursday). See feasts (specific, movable); dietary rules; and liturgies (specific)
mega Sabbaton (Holy Saturday). See feasts (specific, movable); dietary rules; and liturgies (specific)
megas domestikos. See imperial officials (specific)
megas domestikos of the West. See imperial officials (specific)
megas doux. See imperial officials (specific)
megas doux ton scholon in the East. See imperial officials (specific)
megas droungarios. See imperial officials (specific)
megas konostaulos. See titles and dignities
megas logariastes. See imperial officials (specific)
megas primikerios. See titles and dignities
megas stratopedarches. See imperial officials (specific)
[ 1941 ]
meizoteros (superintendent). See hospitals and infirmaries, staff of (specific)
Melissa. See books, miscellaneous
memoranda, official (hypomnemata): countersigning of, 1043; episcopal, 860, 954, 957, 960, 961,
963, 964, 968, 1673 (see also monastic foundation documents, (31) Areia, Memorandum [M]);
patriarchal, 599, 619, 860, 867, 868, 869, 870, 876, 879 and n. 1, 919, 955, 974, 981, 986, 992,
993, 994, 999, 1036, 1043, 1046, 1048, 1049, 1050, 1051, 1054, 1102; of superiors, 1352, 1416
memorial donations and services. See commemorations, liturgical
mena (pitcher, green). See utensils, household
Menaion. See books, liturgical
Menologion. See books, liturgical
merarches. See imperial officials (specific)
mercenaries. See soldiers (types of)
mesaplekton. See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
mescid (mosque without pulpit). See mosques
mesonyktikon (midnight office). See hours, liturgical (specific)
mesoria. See hours, liturgical (specific)
Metamorphosis (Transfiguration). See feasts (specific, fixed), icons (specific), and monasteries
metanoia. See obeisance and prostrations
Metastasis. See Dormition and Glossary
metheortoi (afterfeasts). See feasts (types of)
metochia (dependent monasteries). See monasteries (types of)
metochiarios (superintendent of the dependencies). See monastic officials (specific)
metron. See measures (liquid)
metropolitans: abandonment of see, 137; disputes with monasteries, 150; endowment of monasteries by, 148; endowment of sees, 299; honoraria of, 1218; promotion of monks as, 1314, 1316;
relations with patrons, 49, 148, 149, 298, 513, 527, 1101, 1179
metropolitans rights: conceded, 1240; rejected or restricted, 149, 200, 211, 1199, 1200, 1213,
1218, 1396
[ 1942 ]
metropolitans rights (specific): blessing (sphragis) of the superior, 1101, 1179, 1184, 1213-14,
1219; correction (diorthosis) of spiritual faults, 1101, 1179, 1184, 1199, 1200, 1213, 1218; counsel superior, 794, 819; financial oversight, 1099, 1178, 1179, 1184; gift of wax, 1213, 1218; honoraria (kaniskia), 1213, 1218; installation (cheirotonia) of superior, xxx, 800, 816, l101, 1184,
1179, 1184; investigation (anakrisis) of spiritual faults, 1199, 1200; kanonikon, 169, 1588, 1595;
liturgical commemoration (anaphora), 513, 527, 1101, 1179, 1184, 1213, 1218, 1595; mediation
of disputes, xxxvi, 800, 819, 1179, 1184; overlordship, 1489; oversight/supervision (epiteresis),
1210, 1217
miara (mice). See animals (specific)
midnight office. See hours, liturgical (specific)
military services: army, Byzantine, 377; navy, Byzantine, 60, 1493
millet. See grain (specific kinds)
mills: animal-driven, 526; donkey-driven, 836; on estates, 770, 771; horse-driven, 759, 760, 764;
owned by monasteries, see endowments (specific); two-eyed (dyophthalmos), 1279; water, 526,
1178, 1182, 1187, 1188, 1190; winter, 1280
ministeriales. See peasants (types of)
minsos (course/dish). See meals
miracles. See supernatural phenomena
misogyny. See women
mitaton (billeting). See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
Mithridate. See supplies, medical
mnemosynon. See commemorations, liturgical (types of)
mochlion (pestle). See supplies, medical
mochthera (pigs). See animals (specific)
modes (echoi): first, 102AB, 222; grave, 102A, 222; plagal, 98A, 99B, 102AB, 114B, 115A,
116n. 4, 221, 388, 908
modioi. See measures (surface and weight)
Moechian controversy. See religious controversies
monarchs (non-Byzantine): issuance of chrysobulls by, 1580; patronage of monasteries by, 125,
126, 456, 508, 566, 622, 622-24, 625, 628, 633, 638, 641, 644, 1343, 1352, 1409, 1410, 1456,
1580; protection of monasteries by, 954, 1113, 1164, 1319, 1409
[ 1943 ]
monasteries (monasteria, monai, phrontisteria, semneia):
abandonment of, 126, 955
access to, 1654
artisanal activity at, 86
capital improvement of, 869
commercial/entrepreneurial activities of, 215, 232, 233, 238, 239-40, 247, 248, 253, 281,
282, 285-86, 289, 567, 1463, 1465, 1472, 1630, 1656
concession of prohibited, 196
confiscation of, 71, 639, 783, 1097, 1106, 1114, 1127, 1210, 1238, 1289, 1290
construction of, 126, 507, 514, 565, 637, 1338, 1352, 1636
costs of maintaining, 48
destruction of, 144, 150, 153, 378, 1238, 1247
dispersal of, 377
donations of monks to, 427, 435-36
economic base of, 47
economic development of, 248
endowment of, see endowments
episcopal rights over, see episcopal rights
friendly relations between, 28, 128, 209
historical continuity of, 45, 135
imperial patronage and protection of, see emperors and the imperial government: patron
age, oversight, and control of monasteries
imperial rights over, see emperors and the imperial government, rights of
inalterability of, 702-3
independent financial management of, 315, 319-20
inheritance of, 1579, 1586, 1593
inheritance of property by, 331, 355
internal disputes in, 463
landed endowments of, see endowments
leadership of, 461, 483-85
legal status of, 43
maintenance of, 615, 865
metaphoric representation of, xv
movable properties of, see endowments (specific)
as mystical bodies, 86
not to store up wealth, 72, 247, 1208, 1229
origins of, 135
papal protection of, 639
patriarchal rights over, see patriarchal rights
patrons rights in, see patrons, rights of
physical descriptions of, xv, 833
private ownership of (idioktesia), see private religious foundations (types of)
purchase of site for, 1625, 1636
relations of with kelliotai and solitaries, 247, 248, 260-61, 570, 580, 590-91
repair, rebuilding, reconstruction, restoration, and renovation of, 69, 126, 201, 202, 378,
508, 622, 624, 702, 727, 833, 973, 974, 1207, 1254, 1304, 1313, 1339, 1374, 1375,
1378, 1405, 1406, 1412, 1426, 1437, 1451, 1585, 1594
retirement to/refuge in, 975, 1042
[ 1944 ]
monasteries (cont.)
rivalries between, 208, 209, 210, 232
sacking of, 278
sale, donation, and bequeathing of, 45, 46, 47, 52, 55, 198, 233, 237, 296, 456, 708, 955,
1305, 1308, 1312, 1313
size and scale of, xvi-xvii, 34, 38, 48, 164, 176, 196, 198, 200, 287, 304, 311, 346, 612, 869,
1296-97, 1486
size limitations on, 172
subordination of, 144, 377, 1320
suppression of, 639
wealth of, xxxiv, 72, 1226
monasteries (parts of):
auxiliary buildings, 869
bakery (mankipeion), 641, 645, 735, 760, 1178, 1182, 1342, 1360
bath/bathhouse, 460, 491, 730, 748, 788, 841, 847
bell towers, 802, 804, 1568
book station (topos biblion), 108AB
cave, 1207
cell, superiors, 1489, 1631, 1637
cell for sick, 460, 497
cells for lay servants, 645
cemetery, 766, 789, 823, 973
chapel, see churches and chapels (monastic)
chapel, funerary, 516, 548, 730, 753, 766, 782, 849
circuit-wall, 581, 645, 703, 799, 843, 849
cistern, 137, 728, 782, 793, 833, 847
column (stylos), 137, 149, 152
confinement, places of (aphoristria), xxii, 60, 108AB, 121, 225, 455, 973
court, 645
court, divine, 645
courtyard, 1342, 1359
dormitory, 135, 793, 832
fortifications, 565, 1303, 1414, 1415, 1416, 1422, 1492, 1585, 1609
garden, 1342, 1358-59, 1563, 1653
gate (pyle; Lat.: porta), xxxv, 184, 228, 342, 448, 482, 494, 495, 496, 535, 741, 747, 749,
766, 801, 802, 815, 827, 936, 1003-4, 1045, 1060-61, 1078, 1087, 1088, 1118, 1156,
1229, 1230, 1277, 1292, 1360, 1366, 1489-90, 1546, 1588, 1589, 1597, 1609
gate, inner, 679
gate, outer, 679
granaries, 645, 799
gravestone, 126
grotto, 137
hegoumeneion, 1107
heroon, 753 (see also Glossary)
kitchen, 1003, 1045, 1060, 1178, 1182, 1342, 1360
latrines (soteria), 847
lavatories (parakellia), 670, 711
[ 1945 ]
monasteries (cont.)
libraries, 31, 93, 108AB, 150, 151, 213, 216, 452, 508, 566, 568, 619, 624, 641, 727, 1209,
1229, 1237, 1304
lodging facilities, 568
mill, 641, 645, 836
museum, 568
ossuary, 509
palisade, 1117, 1130
philanthropic institutions, 1311
private residences, 1013, 1631, 1637
quarters for official visitors (archontarikia), 609, 641, 644, 645
sanatorium (triklinarion), 729, 730, 745
schools, 447, 516, 550, 568
scriptorium, 455, 1237, 1312
stables, 1342, 1360
storehouse/storeroom (docheion), 490, 491, 512, 822, 924, 925, 1151, 1274, 1275, 1276,
1342, 1360, 1539, 1543, 1628, 1643
strangers burial place (xenotaphion), 465, 495
tetrakarikoxylon, 711 (See also Glossary)
towers, 126, 127, 622, 628, 630, 631, 1303, 1304, 1419, 1460, 1609, 1639; treasury, 213,
785, 958, 962, 1212, 1507, 1508
wall, enclosure, 137, 641, 787, 789, 795, 837, 841, 843, 1303
wall, fortified, 565
wall, outer periphery, 794, 830
wall, perimeter, 1043
wall, S-shaped, 843
wardrobe, (vestiarion), 817, 822, 826
wine cellar, 799
See also cells, monastic; churches and chapels (monastic); convents, (parts of); furniture;
kitchens; refectories; and semantron
monasteries (specific):
Agathou, Ta (CP), 121, 122, 123
of the Akapniou (Thessalonike), 1433, 1434
Alessano (Apulia), 1319
Alypiou (Mount Athos), 1409
Amalfitans (Mount Athos), 287
Anargyroi (CP), 283n. 2
Anargyroi (Mount Athos), 291
Anthemiou (CP), 730, 752, 753, 771, 776n. 57
Archangel Michael (Mount Auxentios), xii, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1106, 1207-35, 1301
Archangel Michael (Val Demone), 633 (see also below, Archistrategos and St. Michael)
Archistrategos (Mount Athos), 291
Berroiotou (Mount Athos), 291
Bessai, see below, Mother of God (Bessai)
Black Mountain (Luke of Anazarbos, near Antioch), 377, 378, 383n. 1
Black Mountain (Nikons, near Antioch), 377, 378, 383n. 1
Blakserai (CP), 727
[ 1946 ]
monasteries (cont.)
Bordai (Opsikion), 731, 772, 777n. 95
Castro (Apulia), 1319
Caves (Kiev), 88
Chachou (location uncertain), 556
Charsianeites, see below, Mother of God Nea Peribleptos
Chenolakkos (near Bursa), 1251
Chilandar (Mount Athos), see below, Hilandar
Chora (CP), 782, 790, 838, 839, 840
Christ All-Merciful (Panoiktirmon, CP), 326-76
Christ All-Seeing (Pantepoptes, CP), 1280
Christ Pantokrator (CP), 611, 617, 649, 725-81, 843, 870, 1104, 1493n. 20, 1626
[Christ] Philanthropos (CP), xix, 89, 649, 699, 705, 707, 861, 974, 975, 993, 1030, 1032,
1034, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1384
Christ Philanthropos (possibly another, also CP), 1383, 1384
Christ Savior of Koutloumousi (Mount Athos), 13, 18, 1408-32
Christ the Savior (Christos Soter, CP), 1251
Christ the Savior (Latros), 135
Christ the Savior (Oulas, location uncertain), 1291
Christ-Who-Is (Ematha), xxi, 150, 1097, 1106, 1196-1206
Chryse Petra (Pontos/Paphlagonia), 313
Cteaux (France), xii
Cluny (France), xii, xvii
of the Despot [John Palaiologos] (near Latros [?]), 1251
Divine Mother (Patriarch Alexios Studites), 16n. 49, 88
Docheiariou (Mount Athos), 18, 291, 1303-10, 1391, 1392, 1394, 1428
Dorotheos of Gaza (Palestine), 87
Doupiane, skete of (Thessaly), 1455, 1456
Elegmoi (Kurunlu), see below, Mother of God ton Heliou Bomon
Elusa (Idumaea), 948n. 77
Epiphanios (Upper Egypt), 52
Esphigmenou (Mount Athos), 291
Forty Martyrs (Lakedaimon), 313
Fulda (Germany), xvii
Galakrenai (near Chalcedon), 730, 752, 753, 772, 776n. 59
Galesios (confederation of), 150, 1097, 1106
Galiagra (Mount Athos), 291
Golgotha (Wallachia), 1456
Gomatou (near Hierissos), 209
Gouverneto (Akrotiri, Crete), 144
Heptastomos, lavra of (Sabaitic, near Jerusalem), 1311
Hexapterygon (Bursa), 1251
Hilandar (Mount Athos), 126, 456, 457, 1331, 1332, 1428
Holy Anargyroi (near Stroumitza), 1673
Holy Cross (Ktima, Cyprus), 1298, 1338-73 (see also hermitage)
Holy Cross of the Iberians (location uncertain), 1301, 1406
Holy Philadelphoi (Val Demone), 633
Holy Trinity (Nicaea), 1251
[ 1947 ]
monasteries (cont.)
Horaiozele (location uncertain), 772, 777n. 96
Iannoba (Thrace), 524
Iasites (CP), 1032
Ivan Shishman (Bulgaria), 125
Iveron (Mount Athos), 13, 18, 168, 172n. 2, 205, 209, 210, 285, 289, 291, 507, 1384, 1428;
Jeremias, lavra of (Sabaitic, near Jerusalem), 1311
Jumiges, xvii
Kabalos (near Bursa), 1251
Kaletze (Mount Athos), 291
Kanchres (location uncertain), 769
ton Karkasion (Hierapetra, Crete), 1462, 1463, 1465
Karya (Latros), 135, 137
Karyes (Mount Athos), 206, 208, 232, 285, 289, 1331
Kaspakos (Mount Athos), 291
Kellia (Egypt), 942, 949n. 81
Kellia (Thessaly), 582
Kolobou (near Hierissos), 195, 198, 232
Kosmidion, (CP), 1287, 1557, 1570n. 54, 1625, 1636
Koula/Koulas (near Serres), 1435, 1585, 1609, 1610n. 24
Kounion (Lydia), 1182, 1191n. 5
Koutloumousi, see above, Christ Savior of Koutloumousi
Kykko (Cyprus), 1108
Kyriotissa (CP), 1251, 1563
Lady Euphrosyne (Libadion, Macedonia/Thrace [?]), 555
Latros (confederation), 135-42, 452, 564, 574, 575, 599, 619, 1237, 1338, 1351
Lavra, Great (Mount Athos), 48, 88, 151, 193-99, 205-31, 232-34, 237, 239, 240, 241, 245-70,
271-80, 283, 285, 286, 287, 289, 290, 291, 299, 567, 568, 1237, 1303, 1311, 1428,
1434, 1495, 1615, 1618, 1619
Lrins (France), xvii
Life-Giving Cross (Jerusalem), 1405, 1406
Lips (CP), 1254
Lord Athanasios (Mount Athos), 291
Loutrakiou (Mount Athos), 291
Makariotissa (near Vizye), 1251
Mangana (CP), 363, 367
Manikophagos (location uncertain), 1251
Manuel (CP), 455
Mar Mattai (West Syria), 40
Mar Zakkai (Syria), 41
Mathaia (Galesios), 157
Medikariou (Chalcedon ?), 730, 752, 766, 771, 776n. 58
Mega Spelaion (Peloponnesos), 13, 727
Melendugno (Apulia), 1319
Mese (Mount Athos), 239, 242n. 8 (see also below, Protaton)
Metanoia (Alexandria), 33
Meteora/Great Meteoron, see below, Transfiguration
Minervino (Apulia), 1319
Monokastanon (Asiatic coast), 730, 752, 753, 771, 776n. 56
[ 1948 ]
monasteries (cont.)
Monte Cassino (Italy), xii, 456, 457, 1104
Mosele (CP), 1563, 1570n. 72
Mother of God (Areia, Peloponnesos), 954-72
Mother of God (Bessai), 149, 150, 153, 164
Mother of God (Galesios), 149, 152, 164
Mother of God (Hilandar, Mount Athos), 1333, 1428
Mother of God (Mount Athos), 291
(another) Mother of God (Mount Athos), 291
Mother of God (Mount Tmolos), 296, 297, 310-12
Mother of God (Myriokephala, Crete), 143-47
Mother of God (Pelion, Kos), 564-65, 575, 581, 600, 601
Mother of God (Skoteine, near Philadelphia), 1096, 1176-95
Mother of God (Val Demone), 633
(another) Mother of God (Val Demone), 633
Mother of God Acheiropoietos (Kellibara), 1106, 1237-38
Mother of God of Alexios Studites, see above, Divine Mother
Mother of God Antiphonetria (Myriokephala, Crete), 143, 144
Mother of God of Daphne (Rhaidestos), 343
Mother of God Eleousa (Stroumitza), 167-91, 1487, 1688, 1675
Mother of God Evergetis (CP), 9, 31, 89, 211, 448, 449, 452, 454-506, 869, 1104, 1493n. 21,
Mother of God of Gomatou (Mount Athos), 203
Mother of God Gorgoepekoos (CP), 1563, 1570n. 73
Mother of God ton Heliou Bomon (Kurunlu), 865, 869, 870, 1042-91
Mother of God Hodegetria (Geromeri, Epiros), 1396-1403
Mother of God ton Hodegon (CP), 726
Mother of God Kosmosoteira (Bera, Thrace), 620, 782-856
Mother of God of Machairas (Cyprus), 457, 1104, 1107-75, 1299
Mother of God Nea Peribleptos (Monastery of Charsianeites) (CP), 90, 1043, 1462, 1487,
1489, 1492, 1493n. 20, 1625-66
Mother of God the New Hodegetria (Rossano), 637
Mother of God Pantanassa (Hagia Glykeria), 726
Mother of God Petritzonitissa/Petritziotissa/Petritsoni (Backovo), 89, 450, 507-63
Mother of God Psychosostis (CP), 770
Mother of God tou Roidiou (Roidion), 309, 377, 425-39
Mother of God tou Stylou (Stylos, at Latros), 135-42, 564, 1237, 1238, 1239
Mount Kyminas (Mount Olympos, Bithynia), 206, 250, 251
Myrelaion (CP), 973
Nea Gephyra (Lakedaimon), 296, 323-25
Nea Mone (Chios), 1179, 1181, 1190
Nea Mone (Thessalonike), 1301, 1433-54
New Lavra (Sabaitic, near Jerusalem), 1311
New Sion, see above, Holy Cross
Nossiai (Asiatic coast), 730, 752, 753, 771, 776n. 55
Panagios (CP), 205, 210, 441, 442, 445, 446, 450, 510, 519, 520, 534, 536, 539, 557, 609
Panteleemon (Mount Athos), 1331, 1408
Parorion (Lakedaimon), 319
Patir (Italy), 7n. 49
[ 1949 ]
monasteries (cont.)
Patras (Pylopithia, location uncertain), 1251
Pausolype (Galesios), 164
Peribleptos (CP), 845, 1032
Petra (CP), 16n. 49, 1043
Petra (hermitage on Kos), 600
Petritzos (of Empress Maria, location uncertain), 507
Phakenou (Mount Athos), 291
Phalakrou (Mount Athos), 291
Philadelphou (Mount Athos), 291
Philotheou (Mount Athos), 1428
Piperatos (location unknown), 202, 299
Policastro (Apulia), 1319
Prmontr (France), xii
Protaton (Mount Athos), 205, 208, 232, 241, 1331
Psamathia (CP), 120-24
Raiktor (Chalcedon), 1251
Requier (France), xvii
Resurrection (Anastasis) (CP), 150, 1301, 1374-82, 1493n. 20
Resurrection (Galesios), 149, 151, 152, 164
Rila, the Old Hermitage (western Bulgaria), 125-34, 168
St. Andrew (Evergetis, CP), 457
St. Andrew of Peristerai (near Thessalonike), 195, 208, 211, 246, 248, 249n. 8, 263-64,
270n. 51
St. Antony (Mount Auxentios), 405, 406
St. Auxentios (Chalcedon), 167, 174
St. Bartholomew of Trigona (near Sinopoli), 638
St. Basianos (CP), 870, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1049, 1056, 1086
St. Catherine (Mount Sinai), 377, 378, 425, 1237, 1396
St. Constantine (near Philadelphia), 1188
St. Demetrios of the Palaiologoi-Kellibara (CP), 1097, 1104, 1106, 1237-53, 1301, 1489,
1490, 1493n. 20, 1505-11
St. Dimiter (Bulgaria), 125
St. Diomedous (CP), 121, 122n. 4
St. Ephraem (Mount Athos), 291
St. Eustathios (Mount Athos), 248, 252-53
St. Eustratios (Mount Athos), 291
St. Eustratios (Mount Olympos), 1042
St. Euthymios (monydrion of, Jerusalem), 148, 1301, 1404-7
St. Euthymios the Great (near Jerusalem), 1404
St. George (hermitage of, Mt. Pappikion, Thrace), 524, 556
St. George (Phlethra, near Latros [?]), 1251
St. George (Rhaidestos), 343
St. George Kouperiotes (location uncertain), 1251
St. John Chrysostom (CP), 1369, 1371n. 19
St. John Chrysostom (Cyprus), 1338, 1345, 1350, 1351, 1370n. 1
St. John the Forerunner (Mount Athos), 1389-95
St. John the Forerunner (Palestine), 782
[ 1950 ]
monasteries (cont.)
St. John the Forerunner (Pantelleria), 59-66
St. John the Forerunner (Petra, CP), 89
St. John the Forerunner (Val Demone), 633
St. John the Forerunner (Serres), 1585, 1594
St. John the Forerunner on Mount Menoikeion (near Serres), xii, 7, 1487, 1488, 1489, 1490,
1491, 1493, 1579-1612
St. John the Forerunner of Phoberos (Bosphorus), 619, 869, 872-953, 978
St. John the Merciful (near Philadelphia), 1182
St. John Stoudios (CP), 48, 67-119, 120, 121, 122, 198, 205, 214, 232, 331, 351-52, 379,
449, 574, 596, 609, 1032, 1104, 1433, 1493n. 20, 1637
St. John the Theologian (Patmos), 90, 136, 452, 564-606, 619, 1299
St. Luke (Bulgaria), 125; St. Mamas (CP), 865, 869, 870, 973-1041, 1043
St. Marina (Chrysopolis), 974
St. Marina (Galesios), 148, 149
St. Mark (Val Demone), 633
St. Michael (Kataskepe, CP), 870
St. Nicholas (Daphne), 1303
St. Nicholas (Mount Athos), 291
St. Nicholas (location uncertain), 1251
St. Nicholas (Petritzonitissa, Prilonkos), 550
St. Nicholas (near Philadelphia), 1182
St. Nicholas (near Serres), 551
St. Nicholas (Val Demone), 633
St. Nicholas of Kastellon (Val Demone), 630
St. Nicholas of Molibotos (CP, outside the Golden Gate), 771
St. Nicholas Phalkon (Rhaidestos), 343
St. Nikephoros (Mount Athos), 291
St. Onouphrios (Mount Athos), 291
St. Panteleemon (Mount Athos), 126, 1043
St. Peter (Mount Athos), 291
St. Peter (Val Demone), 633
(another) St. Peter (Val Demone), 633
St. Philip of Fragala (Val Demone), 613, 621-36
St. Phoibammon (Upper Egypt), 51-58
St. Photios (Thessalonike), 1433
St. Prokopios (Aulax, near Philadelphia), 1182, 1186, 1187, 1188, 1189, 1190
St. Sabas, Great Lavra of (Arabic Mar Saba, near Jerusalem), 45, 86, 148, 378, 380, 426,
430, 437, 1298, 1299, 1300, 1311-18
St. Symeon the Wonderworker (also the Younger; in Syria), 377, 378, 380, 426, 431, 437
St. Thallelaios (Val Demone), 633
Sts. Peter and Paul (Rila, Bulgaria), 126
Sts. Sergios and Bakchos (CP), 120
Saints (Cyprus), 207
Saints (near Philadelphia), 1189
Sakkoudion (Mount Olympos), 67, 68, 85, 86
San Salvatore dellAcroterio (Messina), 609, 613, 615, 616, 623, 624, 637-48, 1299
San Talleleo (Sicily), 624
[ 1951 ]
monasteries (cont.)
SantIppolito (Sicily), 624
Satyros (on the Asiatic coast of Marmara), 620, 730, 752, 753, 771, 776n. 60
Savior (Mount Athos), 291
Savior (Soter, Galesios), 149, 152, 164
Savior, the Mother of God, and St. Kyriake (Lakedaimon), 313-22
Sisoes (Mount Athos), 291
Skenouriou (Strobilos, Asia Minor), 564, 565, 581, 583, 597
Sthlavochorion (Lakedaimon), 319
Stylos (Crete), 566, 567
Theoktistos (Mount Athos), 242
Theologian (Vizye), 1251
Theologian (location uncertain), 1251
Tima (location uncertain), 1251
Transfiguration (Metamorphosis, Meteora, Thessaly), 18, 1302, 1455-61
Trulazzo (Apulia), 1319
Tzympa (location uncertain), 1251
Vaste (Apulia), 1319
Vatopedi (Mount Athos), 13, 19, 91, 199, 210, 285, 289, 291, 1331, 1428
Xenophon (Mount Athos), 1304
Xerokastrou (Mount Athos), 291
Xeropotamou (Mount Athos), 291, 1303
Zagora (see above, Kellia in Thessaly)
Zoodochos Pege (CP), 368, 712, 714
Zygou (Mount Athos), 290, 291
future dependency of Lavra (CP), 247, 248, 259
unknown monastery dedicated to a martyr saint, 93
unnamed dependency of Eleousa, 170, 186, 189n. 10
unnamed dependency of Lavra (Mount Athos), 276
unnamed dependency of St. Demetrios-Kellibara near Manias (location uncertain), 1251
unnamed dependency of St. George of Mount Pappikion (Mosynopolis), 524
unnamed monastery (Western), xiv
unnamed monastery near Attaleia, 148
unnamed monastery near the Jordan River (Mar Saba?), 1396
unnamed monastery in Thessalonike, 1422
monasteries (types of):
abandoned/deserted, 69, 508, 622, 628, 630, 639, 955, 1303, 1304, 1312, 1331, 1580
administrative headquarters, 208
ancestral, 1405, 1406
Arab, 940
archimandral, 623
aristocratic, 327
Basilian, 21-30, 624, 639
Benedictine, 456, 457, 624
Bulgarian, 125-27
Cappadocian, 1311
cenobitic, 752, 753, 1237, 1304, 1311, 1410 (see also cenobiticism)
[ 1952 ]
monasteries (cont.)
in charistike, 331, 343
Cisterican, xxxv
communal, 1097
confederations of, 70, 84, 86, 136, 150, 452, 574, 575, 599, 619, 1043, 1097, 1106, 1237
dependent (Gr.: metochia; Slav.: metoh)/daughter, xxii, xxxv, 49, 68, 121, 122, 123, 126,
144, 168, 169, 170, 209, 210, 211, 213, 247, 248, 252-53, 259, 272, 276, 302, 313,
315, 319, 456, 457, 458, 462, 492, 516, 550, 566, 616-17, 620, 621, 622, 624, 625,
633, 634, 638, 640, 641, 646, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 733, 751, 752-53, 771,
772, 863, 870, 958, 962, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1048, 1049, 1056, 1069, 1086,
1096, 1099, 1102, 1148, 1154, 1176, 1178, 1182, 1186-90, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240,
1250, 1251, 1259, 1265, 1295, 1300, 1301, 1303, 1304, 1314, 1316, 1319, 1331,
1339, 1389, 1390, 1405, 1434, 1456, 1557, 1561, 1562, 1585, 1594, 1609, 1615,
1619, 1621, 1673
depository, 1047, 1076
dilapidated, 209
double, xviii, 649, 652, 861, 1383, 1466, 1470-71, 1473
dual nationality, 1313, 1317
episcopal, see episcopal (diocesan) monasteries
expanding/expansionist, 247, 248, 281, 983, 1004
fortified, 783
Georgian, 205, 507, 522, 1405, 1406
great, 210, 283
Greek (Sicilian), 622, 624, 638, 639
hermitage (enkleistra), 455, 483, 1351-52, 1358, 1360, 1369, 1370
imperial, see imperial monasteries
independent and self-governing, see independent and self-governing monasteries
kelliotic, 753, 1331-37
kephalika, 623, 638
koinobia, xxxii, 201
large/larger, 211, 234, 282, 728, 1408
lavras, xxxii, xxxiii, 201, 206, 207, 1311
main/mother houses, 144, 1045, 1048, 1239, 1300, 1331, 1332, 1389, 1390
mixed/hybrid, 136, 570, 580, 1237, 1311
model, 253
named after founder, 1630
neighboring, xviii, 23, 28, 958, 969, 1209, 1229, 1409, 1433, 1462, 1463, 1465
Pachomian, 34-37
patriarchal, see patriarchal monasteries
patrimonial, 564
poor/mendicant, xxxiv, 1588, 1597
post-Byzantine, 126-27, 144, 212-13, 1300
principal/head, 622, 628, 641, 646, 726, 1319
priories, xxxii
private/family, see private religious foundations (types of)
provincial, 859
ranking, 737
rich, 208, 212
[ 1953 ]
monasteries (cont.)
royal, 638
ruined/destroyed, 49, 310, 728, 869, 872, 974, 982, 992, 1106, 1207, 1239, 1287, 1320,
1389, 1404, 1406, 1437, 1451
Russian, 126
Serbian, 1304, 1331
skete, 213, 1455, 1636 (see also Glossary)
small (monydrion), 208, 282, 1389, 1404, 1408, 1433
stauropegial, 1108, 1396
subdependent, 1239, 1240, 1250
subordinated, 623
surviving, 1409
Trapezuntine, 1405, 1405, 1406
monastic foundation documents:
(1) Apa Abraham, 2, 4, 13, 17, 18, 21, 36, 44, 45, 47, 51-58, 70, 71, 144, 232, 328, 1297, 1304
(2) Pantelleria, 3, 7, 14, 17, 21, 33, 37, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 59-66, 92, 1697
(3) Theodore Studites, xx, 2, 14, 15, 16, 17, 31, 44, 45, 46, 48, 67-83, 84, 86, 88, 89, 90, 127, 137,
138, 169, 193, 194, 208, 215, 246, 247, 248, 303, 378, 379, 382, 460, 461, 512, 570, 571, 640,
862, 984, 1214
(4) Stoudios, xi, xxii, 2, 4, 11, 15, 17, 21, 40, 44, 45, 46, 48, 60, 70, 84-119, 127, 169, 170, 171,
193, 194, 198, 210, 213-14, 215, 246, 247, 296, 380, 381, 382, 425, 442, 458, 459, 464, 465, 625,
monastic foundation documents (cont.)
631, 640, 657, 956, 1320, 1345, 1582, 1697-98, 1700-1703, 1705-12, 1715; Version [A], 4, 11, 14,
15, 88, 91, 92, 93, 94n. 1, 97-115, 193, 213-14, 247, 382, 466, 1698, 1700-1703, 1705-12, 1715;
Version [B], 2n. 6, 11, 15, 16, 85, 88, 91, 92, 93, 94n. 1, 97-115, 193, 213-14, 382, 465-66, 1698,
1700-1703, 1705-12, 1715
(5) Euthymios, 7, 14, 16, 17, 44, 45, 48, 49, 52, 120-24, 144, 151, 169, 198, 296, 299, 608, 1239,
(6) Rila, 6, 14, 17, 44, 45, 49, 125-34, 169, 245, 248, 296
(7) Latros, 5, 14, 16, 44, 45, 46, 49, 70, 135-42, 144, 151, 169, 296, 310, 569, 1237, 1312, 1497,
1697, 1699, 1701, 1707
(8) John Xenos, 5, 6, 8, 14, 44, 45, 49, 52, 143-47, 151, 169, 245, 296, 298, 304, 310, 328, 442,
(9) Galesios, 5, 14, 17, 44, 45, 46, 49, 145n. 5, 148-66, 169, 170, 199, 204, 245, 281, 296, 298,
303, 304, 306, 426, 448, 460, 463, 465, 511, 512, 879
(10) Eleousa, xx, xxii, 5, 14, 15, 17, 45, 47, 49, 70, 71, 122, 167-91, 245, 304, 307, 308, 310, 328,
[ 1954 ]
monastic foundation documents (cont.)
329, 442, 443, 511, 512, 513, 575, 610, 625, 654, 859, 957, 959, 982, 1485, 1588, 1667
(11) Ath. Rule, xxii, xxvi, 3, 4, 14, 15, 31, 60, 84, 88, 89, 90, 122, 171, 193, 194, 205-31, 232, 246,
247, 249n. 2, 272, 296, 379, 381, 442, 458, 461, 567, 568, 640, 956, 1044, 1345, 1485, 1582,
1613, 1614, 1615, 1696, 1698-1701, 1703, 1705-6, 1709-16
(12) Tzimiskes, xx, xxi, xxxiii, 3, 8, 13, 16, 20, 69, 89, 193, 194, 197, 198, 199, 205, 208, 210, 211,
215, 232-44, 247, 281, 282, 425, 609, 1484, 1485, 1613, 1615, 1616, 1696, 1701
(13) Ath. Typikon, xvi, xix, xxi, xxxii, 3, 4, 14, 15, 17, 70, 71, 84, 88, 89, 121, 127, 145n. 5, 193,
194, 196, 197, 205, 206, 207, 208, 216, 232, 245-70, 271, 272, 273, 296, 297, 299, 302, 303, 327,
379, 441, 442, 443, 444, 459, 460, 465, 466, 510, 512, 514, 568, 570, 571, 608, 609, 867, 874,
879, 1615, 1616
(14) Ath. Testament, 3, 4, 14, 52, 171, 193, 194, 196, 197, 202, 205, 208, 216, 249n. 2, 271-80,
282, 297, 299, 300, 301, 305, 310, 442, 568, 572, 1434, 1613, 1614, 1615
(15) Constantine IX, xvi, 3, 8, 13, 16, 20, 31, 89, 149, 153, 163, 193, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 202,
204, 205, 210, 211, 232, 281-93, 304, 307, 377, 425, 448, 461, 463, 512, 609, 1484, 1613
(16) Mount Tmolos, xvii, 8, 13, 17, 295, 296, 297, 299, 301, 303, 304, 305, 310-12, 426, 465, 734
(17) Nikon Metanoeite, 2, 8, 31, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 304, 305, 313-22, 323,
(18) Nea Gephyra, 3, 8, 13, 14, 16, 17, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306,
310, 311, 323-25, 463, 959
(19) Attaleiates, xvii, xix, xxix, xxxiii, 3, 4, 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19, 53, 89, 127, 171, 295, 296, 297,
298, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 311, 326-76, 426, 443, 448, 449-50, 460, 461,
462, 463, 465, 509, 512, 513, 571, 572, 573, 575, 610, 611, 612, 654, 656, 785, 870, 982, 984,
1239, 1299, 1696; imperial chrysobulls, 11, 326, 329, 330, 361-67, 393, 449, 513; Inventory
[INV], xxix, 11, 31, 89, 303, 308, 326, 329, 355-70, 425, 462, 513
(20) Black Mountain, xiv, xix, xxii, xxv, 5, 15, 17, 31, 37, 89, 295, 296, 297, 298, 303, 377-424,
426, 428, 446-47, 454, 460, 465, 466, 512, 516, 570, 575, 876, 1103, 1120, 1299, 1312, 1321,
1322, 1342, 1462, 1497, 1696-99, 1701-3, 1705-9, 1711-13, 1715-16
(21) Roidion, 5, 11, 15, 17, 20, 40, 169, 295, 296, 298, 301, 302, 303, 309, 310, 311, 425-39, 454,
458, 459, 512, 515, 730, 870, 1299, 1312, 1313, 1314, 1462, 1484; Typikon [A], 11, 304, 378, 382,
426-27, 429-31, 444, 515, 730; Treatise [B], 11, 303, 304, 425, 426, 427-28, 459, 431-37, 512,
1299, 1313, 1314
(22) Evergetis, xi, xv, xvi, xix, xx, xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxiv, xxv, xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, xxx, 4, 8, 12, 14,
15, 16, 31, 34, 40, 88, 89, 90, 91, 127, 169, 170, 211, 248, 307, 308, 310, 330, 383, 425, 441-50,
452-53, 454-506, 509-15, 568, 571, 573, 575, 607, 609, 610, 612, 614-18, 650-55, 657-59, 729-32,
784, 785-86, 787, 788, 789, 790, 792, 793, 861-68, 873-79, 955-58, 975-76, 877, 978-82, 985-87,
[ 1955 ]
monastic foundation documents (cont.)
1044, 1048, 1094-97, 1100, 1109-18, 1208-9, 1211, 1213, 1255-58, 1260, 1262-63, 1289, 1297,
1321-22, 1331, 1340-42, 1344, 1346, 1410, 1436-37, 1457-58, 1486, 1496, 1498, 1506, 1513,
1515, 1517-18, 1581-83, 1587, 1614-16, 1627-28, 1630-31, 1700-1711, 1713-14, 1718-21; Appendix, 658
(23) Pakourianos, xxii, xxiii, xxiv, xxv, xxxiii, xxxv, 3, 4, 5, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 31, 89, 169, 170,
171, 210, 307, 308, 310, 311, 329, 382, 383, 441-51, 465, 507-63, 568, 569, 571, 573, 574, 575,
609, 610, 614, 654, 656, 657, 731, 958, 984, 1212, 1518, 1698, 1701, 1709, 1711-12, 1715-16
(24) Christodoulos, xiv, xxi, xxxi, xxxiii, 2, 3, 11, 14, 31, 37, 89, 136, 442-48, 452-53, 564-606,
608, 610, 875, 1112, 1299, 1300, 1312, 1314, 1412; Rule [A], xiv, xxi, xxxi, xxxiii, 2, 11, 16, 136,
306, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 452, 453, 564, 565, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 576,
578-94, 619, 654, 875, 1048, 1112, 1299, 1300, 1314; Testament [B], 11, 13, 89, 442, 443, 444,
446, 453, 565, 568, 569, 571, 572, 573, 574, 594-98, 610, 619, 654; Codicil [C], xxxiii, 11, 13,
442, 453, 565, 568, 569, 571, 572, 573, 574, 598-601, 1048, 1412
(25) Fragala, 2, 8, 11, 32, 90, 195, 607, 608, 609, 613, 617, 621-36, 640, 641, 1296, 1297, 1314,
1696; First Testament [A], 8, 11, 13, 16, 609, 616, 617, 621, 622, 625, 626, 628-30, 1696; Second
Testament [B], 2, 11, 13, 15, 90, 609, 617, 621, 622, 623, 625, 626, 630-33, 640, 1314, 1696; Third
Testament [C], 2, 11, 13, 609, 617, 621, 622, 623, 625, 626, 633-34, 640
(26) Luke of Messina, xiii, xv, xx, 5, 13, 16, 32, 90, 607, 608, 609, 613, 615, 616, 617, 623,
637-48, 1299, 1696
(27) Kecharitomene, xvi, xix, xxi, xxvi, xxx, 2, 3, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16, 53, 89, 441, 456, 460, 467,
570, 607, 608, 609-17, 619, 640, 641, 649-724, 729, 730, 731, 732, 733, 784, 785, 789, 791, 792,
793, 859, 860, 861, 862, 863, 864, 865, 866-67, 867-68, 873, 879n. 1, 956, 958, 976, 977, 979,
980, 981, 982, 983, 984, 985, 986, 987, 1044, 1093, 1095, 1212, 1213, 1255, 1256, 1257, 1259,
1261, 1262, 1297, 1321, 1322, 1344, 1376, 1384, 1385, 1410, 1514, 1515, 1516, 1519, 1521,
1581, 1584, 1631, 1696, 1698-1711, 1722; Appendix A, 608, 658, 712-14; Appendix B, 31, 608,
656, 658, 714-17
(28) Pantokrator, xvi, xxii, xxiii, xxvii, xxx, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxiv, 1, 3, 4, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 31,
311, 441, 456, 460, 607, 611-17, 619, 652, 725-81, 789, 859, 860, 865, 866, 955, 957, 958, 981,
1048, 1113, 1300, 1321, 1322, 1340, 1344, 1434, 1457, 1697-1708, 1710-11, 1713, 1716
(29) Kosmosoteira, xi, xiv, xv, xviii, xix, xx, xxii, xxx, xxxi, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxvi, 5, 14, 15n. 48, 17,
34, 53, 127, 311, 314, 323, 331, 441, 466, 468, 456, 508, 607-18, 620, 641, 782-858, 859, 860,
861, 864, 865, 866, 868, 873, 956, 958, 975, 978, 980, 981, 986, 1044, 1095, 1112, 1113, 1117,
1179, 1212, 1213, 1300, 1321, 1341, 1434, 1626, 1631, 1696, 1698-1703, 1707-11, 1713
(30) Phoberos, xv, xvi, xvii, xviii, xxii, xxv, xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, xxx, 5, 13, 15, 17, 32, 34, 37, 382,
441, 456, 460, 466, 467, 468, 607, 610, 612, 616, 619, 650, 653, 654, 731, 785, 789, 859-70,
872-953, 955, 976, 1044, 1102, 1321, 1322, 1497, 1582, 1696-97, 1699-1709, 1711-16
(31) Areia, xv, xviii, xxvi, xxvii, xxx, xxxvi, 2, 3, 8, 11, 14, 31, 60, 90, 456, 859-67, 954-72, 979,
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1116, 1178, 1262, 1340, 1588, 1701, 1710-11; Memorandum [M], xv, xviii, xxx, xxxvi, 2, 11,
16-17, 860, 862, 863, 864, 867, 870, 954, 955, 956, 957, 958, 959, 960-64, 1116, 1262; Typikon
[T], xxvi, xxvii, xxx, 11, 859, 861, 862, 864, 865, 866, 867, 870, 954, 955, 956, 957, 958, 959,
964-70, 979, 1116, 1178, 1262, 1701, 1710-11
(32) Mamas, xi, xv, xvi, xix, xxi, xxiii, xxiv, xxvii, xxix, xxx, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxvi, 3, 4, 6,
14, 15, 17, 38, 40, 90, 441, 456, 457, 468, 610, 611, 649, 650, 652, 653, 657, 789, 791, 859-70,
956, 973-1041, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049, 1094, 1095, 1102, 1109-15, 1117,
1210-13, 1257, 1261, 1321, 1322, 1342, 1344, 1345, 1485, 1487, 1489, 1490, 1496, 1506, 1518,
1520, 1581-88, 1696, 1698-1702, 1704-8, 1710-11, 1713-16, 1723; Addition, 975, 1035-36; First
Semeioma, xxix, 90, 860, 975, 981, 984, 1032-35, 1036; Judicial Confirmation, 974, 975, 984,
1031-32; Second Semeioma, 860, 975, 984, 1036-37, 1047
(33) Heliou Bomon, xi, xv, xxiv, xxv, 4, 13, 15, 17, 90, 456, 610, 640, 649, 651, 652, 859-71, 956,
974, 987, 1042-91, 1095, 1096, 1102, 1109, 1111, 1112, 1211, 1288, 1300, 1344, 1345, 1457,
1581, 1630, 1696, 1698-1702, 1704-8, 1710-11, 1713, 1716
(34) Machairas, xviii, xix, xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxv, xxvi, xxvii, xxx, xxxiii, xxxv, 2, 3, 7, 12, 13, 17,
32, 38, 60, 457, 468, 987, 1093, 1094, 1095, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1103,
1104, 1107-75, 1178, 1209, 1211, 1213, 1260, 1299, 1300, 1313, 1314, 1322, 1332, 1340, 1341,
1344, 1345, 1457, 1518, 1696, 1700-1701, 1703-8, 1710-12, 1714-16
(35) Skoteine, xx, xxxii, xxxvi, 6, 13, 15, 19, 31, 145n. 5, 1093, 1094, 1095, 1096, 1097, 1099,
1100, 1101, 1105, 1110, 1176-95, 1208, 1211, 1332, 1397, 1458
(36) Blemmydes, xx, xxi, xxv, xxxvi, 4, 8, 14, 17, 150, 1093, 1094, 1095, 1096, 1097, 1105, 1179,
1196-1206, 1208, 1210, 1463, 1496, 1698, 1700, 1714, 1716
(37) Auxentios, xii, xv, xxiii, xxv, xxix, xxx, xxxi, xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxvi, 3, 4, 14, 17, 1093, 1094,
1095, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1105, 1106, 1207-36, 1238, 1240, 1256, 1257,
1288, 1299, 1301, 1384, 1457, 1485, 1497, 1498, 1505, 1506, 1512, 1517, 1518, 1584, 1631,
1697, 1698
(38) Kellibara I, xxiii, xxxv-xxxvi, 3, 4, 7, 11, 14, 16, 1093, 1094, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1101,
1104, 1106, 1211, 1237-53, 1259, 1263, 1289, 1301, 1485, 1487, 1505, 1507, 1512, 1513, 1630
(39) Lips, xxi, xxiii, xxiv, xxxi, xxxvi, 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 650, 1093, 1094, 1095, 1096, 1097, 1099,
1100, 1101, 1102, 1104, 1106, 1208, 1209, 1254-86, 1287, 1288, 1289, 1299, 1301, 1384, 1457,
1465, 1498, 1506, 1513, 1514, 1515, 1516, 1517, 1518, 1519, 1520, 1521, 1584, 1585, 1692,
1697, 1700, 1714
(40) Anargyroi, xxiii, 5, 11, 13, 14, 1093, 1094, 1095, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1104, 1106,
1287-94, 1301, 1486, 1630, 1691, 1692
(41) Docheiariou, 6, 8, 13, 52, 1295, 1296, 1297, 1299, 1303-10, 1389
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(42) Sabas, xvi, xx, xxii, xxxiii, 4, 14, 16, 71, 640, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1299, 1300, 1311-18
(43) Kasoulon, 4, 5, 13, 16, 382, 460, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1299, 1319-30, 1497, 1696-97, 1699-1701,
1703-12, 1714-16
(44) Karyes, xiv, xvi, 3, 14, 17, 52, 456, 1295, 1296, 1300, 1301, 1331-37, 1389
(45) Neophytos, xv, xvi, xvii, xxii, xxiv, xxvii, xxxiii, xxxiv, 2, 7, 11, 13, 17, 18, 37, 60, 1096,
1111, 1208, 1209, 1212, 1260, 1295, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1313, 1314, 1338-73, 1497, 1518, 1700,
1701, 1710-1711; Canons [C], xvii, xxii, xxvii, 11, 1298, 1340, 1341, 1342, 1345, 1362-67, 1710;
Basilian Canons [CB], 11, 32, 1298, 1340, 1341, 1342, 1345, 1367-70, 1497, 1518
(46) Akropolites, xxiii, 6, 14, 516, 658, 1262, 1295, 1296, 1298, 1374-82, 1518
(47) Philanthropos, xviii, 3, 14, 16, 650, 1255, 1295, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1299, 1300, 1383-88,
(48) Prodromos, xxii, xxv, 6, 8, 13, 52, 1295, 1296, 1300, 1304, 1389-95, 1405, 1457
(49) Geromeri, xxxvi, 2, 7, 14, 15, 70, 1296, 1298, 1299, 1301, 1396-1403, 1584
(50) Gerasimos, xvi, xxxvi, 3, 5, 14, 15, 52, 1296, 1298, 1299, 1404-7
(51) Koutloumousi, xxiii, xxxi, xxxiv, 6, 8, 11, 13, 126, 195, 608, 1295, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1299,
1301, 1408-32, 1453, 1457; First Testament [A], xxxi, 126, 1297, 1298, 1299, 1410-11, 1412,
1413-18, 1456, 1457; Second Testament [B], xxiii, 1410, 1411-12, 1418-24, 1457; Third Testament [C], 11, 1409, 1412, 1424-28
(52) Choumnos, xix, xxv, xxvi, 7, 14, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1299, 1301, 1412, 1433-54, 1463, 1497,
1498, 1628; Rule [A], xix, 1298, 1412, 1433, 1434, 1435, 1436, 1437, 1438-45, 1497, 1628;
Testament [B], xxv, xxvi, 1297, 1298, 1434, 1435, 1436, 1437, 1446-52, 1463, 1498
(53) Meteora, xviii, 5, 14, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1299, 1302, 1455-61, 1521, 1588
(54) Neilos Damilas, xiii, xv, xviii, xx-xxi, xxv, xxvi, xxviii, 5, 13, 14, 15, 17, 22n. 8, 1103, 1295,
1296, 1297, 1298, 1302, 1457, 1462-82; Inventory, 31, 1478-79
(55) Athanasios I, xix, xxii, xxxi, 8, 14, 17, 20, 193, 212, 1214, 1299, 1384, 1436, 1457, 1483-90,
1495-1504, 1627, 1700, 1714
(56) Kellibara II, 3, 11, 14, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1258, 1259, 1299, 1384, 1457, 1483-87, 1489,
1490, 1505-11, 1513, 1584, 1697
(57) Bebaia Elpis, xiv, xv, xx, xxiii, xxvi, xxx, xxxi-xxxii, xxxvi, 5, 13, 14, 17, 57, 1256-57, 1258,
1299, 1436, 1457, 1483-89, 1491, 1498, 1512-78, 1584, 1585, 1587, 1691, 1697-98, 1701-2;
Second Typikon of Euphrosyne Palaiologina, 1483, 1484, 1487, 1513, 1521n. 1, 1564-68
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monastic foundation documents (cont.)
(58) Menoikeion, xii, xv, xxx, xxxi, xxxiv, xxxvi, 3, 6, 7, 14, 987, 1299, 1384, 1397, 1483-89,
1491, 1493, 1496, 1497, 1498, 1579-1612, 1614, 1615, 1627, 1628, 1699-1701, 1703-6, 1710,
1714, 1716
(59) Manuel II, xx, xxx, xxxii, xxxiv, 3, 8, 13, 16, 193, 281, 1483-89, 1493, 1496, 1613-24, 1667
(60) Charsianeites, xx, xxvi-xxvii, xxix, xxx, xxxiii, xxxiv-xxxv, 3, 8, 11, 14, 17, 32, 38, 90,
1210, 1297, 1299, 1320, 1457, 1462, 1483-89, 1493, 1496, 1497, 1498, 1507, 1616, 1625-66,
1702, 1710-12, 1714; Autobiography [A], xxix, xxxv, 11, 60, 90, 1488, 1493, 1494, 1625, 1626,
1627, 1629, 1630, 1631, 1632, 1633-40; Rule of Mark and Neilos [B], xxvi-xxvii, xxxiii, 11,
1210, 1484, 1485, 1486, 1487, 1488, 1489, 1496, 1497, 1498, 1507, 1616, 1626, 1627, 1628,
1629, 1630, 1631, 1640-51; Subsequent Chapters [C], xx, xxix, xxx, xxxiv, 11, 1484, 1485, 1486,
1488, 1489, 1490, 1626, 1627, 1628, 1629, 1630, 1631, 1632, 1651-62, 1702, 1710-12, 1714
(61) Eleousa Inv., 5, 14, 169, 172, 1483, 1484, 1485, 1486, 1487, 1667-78
monastic habit: bestowal of, 148, 653; classes of, 78, 155, 653, 685; emphasis on, xxii, 1117;
manufacture of, 1463, 1472; no distinctions permitted in, 78, 155, 1203. See also handicrafts and
handiwork; monastic habit (articles of); and monastic habit (specific kinds)
monastic habit (articles of): cap, xxii, 406; cowl, sacred, 179; girdle (monastic), 56, 58nn. 12 and
13; headcloth (skepasma, skepe, magoulikion, phakiolion), 694, 1276, 1551; introductory robe
(eisagogikon esthema), 592; novices rags (rake), 494, 823, 929, 1010, 1067, 1140, 1203; pallium,
647 and n. 9; raso, 407 (see also Glossary); raso braids (seiradia), 407; robe of renunciation
(apotaktikon endyma), 570, 592; robe of submission (hypotages himation), 685; scapular (epomion,
epomis), 114AB, 115AB, 179, 647n. 9; scapular, cruciform (stauroeides analabos), 179; shoes,
406. See also clothing (articles of) and footwear (specific)
monastic habit (specific kinds), 78, 155; of the angels, 152, 155, 653, 685; of the apostles
(apostolikon), xxii, 152, 155, 1114, 1117, 1152, 1161, 1167n. 21; great (mega schema), xxii, 101A,
148, 247, 653, 685, 699, 1112, 1114, 1117, 1137, 1161, 1341, 1342, 1357; little/small, 78, 178-79,
247; of the martyrs, 152, 155
monastic laborers. See laborers, monastic
monastic offices (liturgical). See hours, liturgical and synaxaria
monastic officials (diakonetai): accountability of, 310, 312, 444, 515, 522, 863, 967, 1001, 1003,
1058, 1060, 1262, 1272, 1539, 1596; appointment of, xxxi-xxxxii, 447, 484, 589, 638, 680, 817,
966, 1001, 1058, 1224, 1251, 1271, 1488, 1501, 1502, 1619, 1621; cooperation of with other,
1287, 1293; definition of, xxiii, 617; distribution of food and clothing by, xxxiii-xxxiv; election
of, xxxi, 1465, 1476, 1517, 1544-45; examination of, 1586, 1607; exhortation of, 85; foolish
expenditure by, 515, 548; hands and eyes of the community, 86; installation/investiture of, 462,
491, 680, 790, 817, 925, 977, 984, 1001, 1047, 1058, 1116, 1149-50, 1517, 1545; list of, 790;
misconduct by, 462, 543, 573, 574, 650, 651, 658, 1110; proper deportment towards, xxii; qualifications of, 1211, 1224; removal of, 444, 462, 485, 492, 514, 515, 543, 548, 818, 1114, 1150-51,
1211, 1225, 1271-72, 1582, 1587, 1596, 1607; replacement of through co-option, 1586, 1607,
[ 1959 ]
1615, 1620; responsibilities of, 86, 462, 489, 491-92, 531-32, 589-90, 614, 615, 651, 655, 680-85,
817-18, 821, 925-27, 962, 978, 983, 1001-4, 1058-61, 1100, 1148, 1151, 1224-25, 1271-73, 1538-39,
1543, 1544, 1582, 1596-97; review of, 1615, 1620; role of in governance, xxxi, 443, 485, 529,
589, 919, 967, 995, 1052, 1211, 1226; tenure of, 272, 276-77, 302, 315, 319, 492, 655, 677, 790,
817-18, 1114, 1150, 1211, 1225, 1262, 1272, 1332, 1333, 1587, 1607
monastic officials (specific):
administrator, property (epitropos), 511, 514, 531, 535
archivist (chartophylax, m.), 749, 773, 983, 984, 1002, 1047, 1059, 1508, (chartophylakissa,
f.), 681
building superintendent (oikologos), 678
caretaker (pronoetes), 678
cellarer (docheiarios, m.), 878, 921, 957, 966, 979, 983, 1003, 1045, 1047, 1060, 1261,
1262, 1591, 1597, (docheiaria, f.), 1272, 1517, 1543, (kellarites, m.), 79, 151, 161,
259, 492, 532, 534, 535, 569, 590, 817, 926, 1003, 1004, 1060, 1111, 1149, 1151,
1154, 1155, 1185, 1209, 1225, 1240, 1250, 1582, 1586, 1597, 1667, 1675, (kellarea,
f.), 682, 1543, (tanouteres, m.), 532
cellarer, assistant (parakellarites), 569, 590, 979, 983, 1003, 1045, 1047, 1060
choir leader (domestikos), 755
councillors (Athonite), xxx, 1607, 1608, 1615, 1616, 1619, 1620, 1693
disciplinary official (epistemonarches, m.), xxii, 93, 107AB, 216, 224, 492, 790, 806,
817, 895, 925, 1111, 1136, (epistemonarchissa, f.), 655, 684, 1517, 1542
doorkeeper (thyroros), xix, 216, 225, 228
ecclesiarch (m.), 98A, 106B, 225, 242, 272, 274, 327, 339, 426, 430, 473, 494, 510, 514,
531, 535, 569, 573, 574, 589, 739, 740, 746, 749, 756, 773, 805, 808, 836, 894,
898, 922, 957, 958, 962, 966, 967, 978, 980, 983, 984, 1001-2, 1005, 1019, 1026,
1030, 1047, 1059, 1062, 1075, 1083, 1111, 1116, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1177, 1178, 1185,
1209, 1212, 1224, 1226, 1229, 1313, 1316, 1507, 1508, 1509, 1583, 1596, 1667,
ecclesiarch, assistant (parekklesiarches, m.), xxiv, 984, 985, 1002, 1341, 1350, 1583,
ecclesiarchissa (f.), xxxi, 655, 673, 680, 681, 686, 688, 1256, 1260, 1272, 1514, 1517, 1537
ecclesiarchissa, assistant (parekklesiarchissa, f.), 655, 673, 1256, 1261, 1272
first brother (protos adelphos), 1436, 1439
food buyer, 655, 681
four brothers, 1586, 1587, 1597, 1607, 1615
gatekeeper (pyloros, pyleonarios), 216, 228, 232, 511, 532, 655, 684-85, 979, 983, 1003-4,
1045, 1047, 1060-61, 1209, 1225, 1256, 1271, 1434, 1442, 1464, 1465, 1476, 1505,
1508, 1517, 1520, 1544, 1586, 1588, 1597
graptai, 754, 755 (see also Glossary)
guestmaster (xenodochos), 158, 426, 427, 430, 511, 532, 749, 1111, 1156
housemaster (oikokyrios), 1332, 1334
infirmarian (nosokomos), 511, 532, 749, 1281
keeper of books (bibliophylax, epi ton biblion), 93, 108AB
keeper of incense, olive oil, and wax, 1003, 1060
kitchen helper, 728, 749
lamplighter, 531, 755, 1133, 1136
laosynaktai, 754, 755 (see also Glossary)
librarian, 466
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monitor of choir and refectory (taxiarches), 93, 100A, 107AB, 109AB
notary (notarios), 547
overseer (epiteretes), 93, 107AB, 216, 225, 511, 532, (pristavniki), 62, 64
precentor (kanonarches), 63, 98A, 99A, 100A, 101A, 382, 408, 749, 754, 755, 1011, 1068,
1380, 1586, 1597
property manager/administrator, see property managers/administrators
protos (Athonite), 197, 209, 233, 235, 236, 238, 240, 251, 272, 276, 281, 282, 283, 285,
286, 288, 289, 290, 291, 1303, 1305, 1306, 1308, 1331, 1332, 1334, 1390, 1392,
1408, 1411, 1412, 1414, 1417, 1418, 1423, 1424, 1425, 1426, 1455; (of Latros),
452, 564, 580, 619 (see also Glossary)
provisioner (horeiarios, m.), 749, 1111, 1149, 1153, 1209, 1225, 1261, (horeiaria, f.),
655, 682
refectorian (trapezarios, m.), 426, 430, 492, 511, 532, 569, 590, 744, 745, 747, 790, 817,
925, 1327, 1329n. 13, 1582, 1586, 1597, 1628, 1653, (trapezaria, f.), 655, 682, 1543
representative [of the superior], 1428, 1430n. 28
sacristan (skevophylax, m.), 317, 318, 462, 491, 511, 514, 531, 535, 749, 817, 825, 877, 925,
983, 984, 1002, 1036, 1047, 1059, 1100, 1586, 1587, 1596, (skevophylakissa, f.),
655, 657, 658, 673, 680-81, 1256, 1260, 1261, 1272
sacristan, assistant, 1272
secretary, 1615-16, 1620
spiritual father, see spiritual fathers
steward (oikonomos), see stewards
storehouse/room manager/supervisor, 1111, 1153, 1514, 1516, 1517, 1519, 1530, 1543, 1551
superintendent of dependency (metochiarios, metochites), 272, 276-77, 314, 492, 818, 1148,
1154, 1167n. 22, 1585, 1609, 1615, 1619
superior, see superiors
tender of the old (gerotrophos), 532
thurifer (thymiatos [sic]), 385
treasurer (docheiarios/docheiarios ton nomismaton, m.), xxii, 462, 466, 489, 491, 511, 515,
531, 548, 574, 589, 749, 785, 790, 792, 817, 825, 877, 925, 957, 958, 962, 966, 984,
985, 1002, 1030, 1047, 1060, 1086, 1100, 1111, 1114, 1115, 1149, 1151, 1152, 1178,
1185, 1209, 1212, 1224, 1226, 1240, 1250, 1314, 1317, 1344, 1353, 1507, 1509,
1615, (docheiaria, f.), 655, 657, 678, 682, 1256, 1260, 1271-72
treasurer for linen/textiles (docheiarios ton panion/hyphasmaton), 462, 491, 590, 790, 792,
817, 877, 925, 1111, 1114, 1152, (docheiaria tou vestiou), 655, 657, 682, 684
treasurer [of the workshop], 1111, 1115, 1153
waker (aphypnistes), 93, 98AB, 99A, 107AB, 186, 216, 225
wine-pourer/steward (oinochoos), 511, 532, 569, 590, 655, 682
work organizer (ergodotria), 652, 655, 684
work supervisor, 382, 408
See also laborers, monastic (specific)
monastic poverty: implications of, 1486, imposition of, 490, 612, 653, 693-94, 879, 910-11, 1009,
1066, 1353, 1385, 1388, 1426, 1427, 1646-47; not to lead to expulsion, 1499, 1502; not required,
xxxiii, 612; preservation of, 1412, 1426
monastic property: anticipated acquisitions of, 329, 354; ban on further acquisitions of, 247, 264;
communal ownership of, 78, 247, 259; defense of rights to, 1630, 1655-56; management of for
profit, see profit; privatization of, xxix, 36, 307, 443, 512, 515, 959; punishment for theft of, 171,
[ 1961 ]
186, 330, 331, 345, 462, 490, 877, 923, 1670. See also endowments (specific) and property,
monastic reformers and the reform movement (11-12th c.). See Evergetian canon and reform
monastic rule, styles of: arbitrary/autocratic/authoritarian, xxxi, 34, 60, 88, 152, 171, 283, 290,
447, 461, 464, 514, 538, 573, 866, 1011, 1023, 1047, 1068, 1079, 1098, 1099, 1114, 1184, 1208,
1226, 1260, 1268, 1305, 1309, 1488, 1518, 1532, 1535, 1536, 1586, 1630, 1644; collaborative,
1178, 1184, 1390, 1392, 1488, 1498, 1502, 1585-86, 1607, 1615; collective/communal, 121, 461;
by consensus, 1260, 1273; consultative, xxxi, 23n. 11, 71, 72, 164, 247, 283, 290, 464, 617, 732,
768, 790, 861, 866, 957-58, 967, 1099, 1211, 1226, 1240, 1251, 1614, 1619, 1620, egalitarian,
464, 516, 1178, 1183; Evergetian, 447, 485, 617, 861; manly, xxxi, 1531; paternalistic, 1211,
monastic rules (non-Byzantine): Alphabetical Admonitions Attributed to Aphrem, 41; Basil of
Caesarea: Longer Rules [LR], 21, 22-26, 44, 899, 947n. 13, 1139, 1167n. 10, Shorter Rules [SR],
21, 26-29, 31; Coptic, 32-38; of Hilandar monastery (Mount Athos), 457; of the Later Roman
Empire, 10, 21-41; of medieval Serbia, 10, 17; of Norman Italy, 10; of Norman Sicily, 10, 18, 608,
609, 612; Old Church Slavonic translations, 10, 14, 16n. 49, 17, 61, 88, 457; Pachomios: excerpts
of, 33, 37, Precepts, xii, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 44, 46, 1109, Precepts and Institutions, 33, 35,
Precepts and Laws, 33, 35, Precepts and Penal Statutes, 33, 35, Preface of Jerome, 33, Rule of,
10, 33, 34-35, 37, 38; Philoxenos of Mabbug, Rules from the Letter of, 41; Rabbula, Canons of,
39-40; Regula IV Patrum, xiii; Rule of the Angel, 37; Rule of Benedict, xii, xiii, xv, xviii, xxi,
xxviii, xxxi, xxxiv; Rule of the Master, xiii; Rules for the Monastery of Mar Zakkai, 41; Russian,
10; Syriac, 10, 38-41; typikon for the Monastery of the Caves (Kiev), 88
monastic stability. See virtues, monastic
monasticism, Byzantine. See convents; monasteries; monks; and nuns
monasticism, non-Byzantine: Basilian, 21-32; Bulgarian, 125-34; Egyptian, 247; Latin (medieval
Western), xi-xxxvii; Pachomian, 32-38; Syrian, 38-41
money: donation of, see endowments (specific): cash; love of, see vices, monastic
appointment of, 301, 302, 315, 319
assignment to fixed duties, 1095
attempted assassination of, 208
care of aged, 278, 1016, 1075
see commemorations (liturgical, individual)
conspiring to flee, 1157, 1368
as contract workers, 239
definition of, 1501
dietary concessions for, 111AB, 140, 184, 226, 227, 228, 287, 396, 481, 491
documents authored by, 859, 1093, 1295, 1299, 1483
expulsion of, see punishments (specific)
as feet of the community, 86
[ 1962 ]
monks (cont.)
form electoral college, 272, 277
foundation of monasteries by, 206, 298, 1093
and going out alone, 1502
inheritance of property by, 1390, 1391
and invitations to festivals, 1366
liturgical responsibilities of, 640, 644-45
massacres of, 1311, 1312, 1313
mercenary pursuits of, 238
military activities of, 1043
minimum age of, xix, 787, 800, 822, 1177, 1198, 1203 (see also novices)
missionary work of, 313
monastic names of, 148, 206, 974, 1043, 1512, 1625, 1662n. 15
moral supervision of, 301, 338-39, 429-30
number of, xvi-xvii, 48, 121, 149, 151, 164, 172, 175, 196, 209, 211, 213, 304, 310, 311,
315, 320, 327, 329, 346, 377, 444, 458, 490, 510, 520, 531, 569, 612, 617, 624,
626, 630, 727, 728, 749, 786-87, 800, 821, 838, 872, 874, 875, 918, 923, 956, 961,
978, 1000, 1046, 1052, 1057, 1095, 1107, 1108, 1111, 1128, 1165, 1177, 1181, 1182,
1208, 1223, 1239, 1250, 1304, 1312, 1313, 1339, 1340, 1341, 1345, 1352, 1365-66,
1390, 1392, 1408, 1410, 1434, 1455, 1456, 1627
as nuns confessors, 1316
orders of, 513, 514, 535
as owners of landed property, xxxiii, 239, 253, 258
pastoral work of, xxiv, 795, 843
personal decorum of, 137, 141
personal freedom of, 1345
preferential treatment of, 1101, 1183, 1221, 1652
private resources of, 427, 432
promotion of, 1314, 1316
ranks of, 152, 158, 460, 591, 1094, 1101, 1161, 1167nn. 22 and 29, 1197, 1203
ransoming of, 1409, 1412, 1426
readmission of, 1497, 1502
recruitment of, 69
relocation of, 150
replacement of, 1627, 1646
seizure of property of, 427, 434
sharing cells with other monks, see cells, monastic
shortage of, 870
unnecessary traveling by, 640, 644, 1436, 1444
visits of to convents, 1316
vows of, 178
monks (types of):
ambassadors, 69, 198, 200, 204, 240, 251, 252, 284, 285, 290, 616
arbiters of disputes, 89
aristocratic, see below, noble
bearded, xxvii, 1111, 1113, 1155
beggar/mendicant, xix, xxii, 1004, 1061
[ 1963 ]
monks (cont.)
beneficed, 427
better, 513, 529
brothers, 1044, 1045, 1062, 1072, 1080
Bulgarian, 508, 1409
cave-dwelling, xxxiii, 1338, 1339, 1351
cenobitic, 1237, 1257, 1269 (see also cenobiticism)
chanters of the office (psaltai), xxvii, 704, 754, 755, 800, 1006, 1011, 1063, 1068, 1086,
1144, 1277, 1702, 1708
child, 571, 579, 622, 623, 628, 629, 630, 632, 1177, 1198
Cilician, 940
conversi, xxiv, xxviii
courtroom witnesses, 1657
deceased, 458, 493-94, 739, 766, 785
of dependent monasteries, 617, 752-53, 1148, 1154, 1251
disgruntled, 216
distinguished, 790, 792, 816, 878, 929, 979, 1010, 1045, 1048, 1067, 1075, 1140
disobedient/rebellious, 170, 181, 490, 569, 1179, 1183, 1397, 1401
disorderly, 211
domestic servants, xxxiii, 236, 282, 289, 327, 353, 490, 528, 611-12, 924, 1012, 1070, 1600
Dominican, 975
educated, 459, 490, 492, 818, 874, 878, 923, 1099, 1199, 1201
elders, see below, older/elderly
eunuch, xix, xxii, xxxiii, 302, 327, 348, 512, 653, 656, 678, 787, 800, 824, 974, 1313, 1316
external/non-resident (exomonitai), xix, xxxiv, 618-19, 730, 752, 753, 776n. 62, 869, 974,
1013, 1628, 1661
factious, 170, 181
fathers, 1044, 1045, 1062, 1072, 1080
foremost (proechontes), 71, 79, 461
former soldiers, 509, 1512
formerly married, xx
fratres laici, xxiv
fugitive, 1338, 1345, 1351, 1368, 1497, 1502
Georgian, xxii, 508, 510, 521, 547, 557
Grandmontine, xx
Greek (Roman), xxii, 508, 510, 521, 547, 726, 940, 954, 975, 1314, 1317, 1319, 1409,
1411, 1417
healthy, 460, 654, 730, 745, 981, 1017, 1507, 1509
hermit, 125, 208, 232
hermit, iconodule, 67
hesychasts, see hesychasts and hesychastic monasticism
idiorhythmic, see idiorhythmic monks and idiorhythmic monasticism
illiterate/unlettered, xxiii-xxiv, xxviii, 152, 159, 161, 216, 408, 458, 459, 492, 641, 731,
751, 818, 926, 981, 1016, 1075, 1341, 1350
from imperial family, 456, 499
independent (Lat.: sarabaitae), xxxiv
internal/imposed (esomonitai), xix, xxxiv, 302, 314, 315, 319, 611, 619, 730, 752, 753,
776n. 61, 791, 844, 864, 964, 1012, 1013, 1069, 1070, 1297, 1410, 1628, 1661
[ 1964 ]
monks (cont.)
kelliotai, see kelliotai and kelliotic monasticism
laboring, see laborers, monastic
learned, 513, 529, 981, 1016, 1075, 1211, 1215, 1218
literate, xxiii-xxiv, 93, 152, 159, 216, 347, 459, 476, 640, 641, 645, 646, 1239, 1250, 1320,
martyr, 1311
Mesopotamian, 22
more eminent, 790, 816, 1046, 1052
more important, 790, 816
more pious, xxxi, 458, 462, 729, 750, 1211, 1218, 1488, 1498, 1502
more prominent, 589
more prudent and spiritual, 272, 277
more reverent, 476, 927, 1112, 1137
more virtuous, 513, 529
noble, 787, 872, 873, 875, 878, 879, 946, 986, 1024, 1043
non-resident, see above, external/non-resident
nutriti, xxiv
oblati, xxiv
older/elderly, 170, 175, 459, 462, 490, 512, 516, 528, 729, 750, 788, 822, 878, 927, 957,
958, 962, 966, 980, 980, 985, 1016, 1018, 1019, 1046, 1048, 1075, 1197, 1205, 1210,
1211, 1218, 1227, 1496, 1501, 1507, 1509, 1619, 1628, 1646
oratores, faithful, xxiv
ordained (hieromonachoi), xxiii, xxiv, 143, 148, 150, 235, 241, 242, 292, 315, 319, 455,
520, 531, 532, 535, 623, 629, 653, 678, 795, 831, 1030, 1031, 1111, 1113, 1114, 1115,
1147, 1159, 1165, 1166, 1212, 1226, 1238, 1239, 1250, 1338, 1346, 1352, 1390,
1392, 1405, 1406, 1462, 1463, 1475, 1505n. 1, 1588, 1629, 1661, 1667, 1674
Origenist, 1311
Palestinian, 1107, 1311-12
parakelliotai, 1457, 1459, 1460 (see also Glossary)
of peasant background, 1435, 1443
Persian, 940
poor/indigent/impoverished/suppliant, 39, 167, 986, 1004, 1049, 1061, 1338, 1350, 1627,
preeminent/leading (ekkritoi, prokritoi), xxx, xxxi, 171, 185, 255, 272, 277, 290, 310, 443,
461, 464, 484, 587, 589, 617, 641, 646, 655, 790, 792, 794, 816, 818, 821, 835, 866,
877, 919, 922, 958, 967, 986, 1019, 1044, 1052, 1099, 1115, 1117, 1152, 1211, 1212,
1218, 1222, 1298, 1342, 1364, 1436, 1447, 1498, 1518, 1614, 1615, 1620
psaltai, see above, chanters of the office
recalcitrant, 1586
refugee, 567, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1374
relatives of founder, 510, 515, 547
Roman (Byzantine), 1417, 1423
Sabaite, 88, 1312
select (logades), 340
self-sustaining, 1412, 1423
senior (Lat.: seniores), xxxi, 514, 529, 543, 573, 1117
serving in choir or church (ekklesiastikoi), xxiii, 46, 152, 159, 458, 476, 510, 532, 640,
[ 1965 ]
monks (cont.)
644-45, 728, 749, 800, 835, 875, 898, 978, 1006, 1177, 1183, 1208, 1209, 1223,
1226, 1239, 1250-51, 1341, 1352
serving in menial services (diakonetai, hypourgoi), xxiii, 152, 159, 458, 476, 511, 531-32,
728, 749, 800, 842, 875, 898, 979, 1010, 1117, 1208, 1223, 1239, 1250, 1341, 1352
sick/infirm, 111AB, 140, 184, 227, 228, 278, 460, 465, 491, 497, 516, 528, 729, 731, 745,
750, 788, 789, 795, 823, 825, 841, 865, 876, 925, 937, 962, 981, 1007, 1016-17,
1046, 1064, 1074, 1111, 1112, 1137, 1145, 1153, 1197, 1205, 1210, 1227, 1436, 1451,
1457, 1460, 1496, 1497, 1501, 1505, 1507, 1509, 1628, 1642-43, 1646, 1653, 1699,
1700, 1701, 1703, 1716
sleepless (akoimetoi), 67, 68, 72n. 5, 87
solitaries, see solitaries and solitary monasticism
stronger, 1112, 1144
stylite, 40, 135, 148, 156, 163
Syrian, xxii, 425, 1207, 1313, 1314, 1316, 1317
Thessalian, 940
thieves, 462, 490
tonsured at home monastery (esokouroi), 257
tonsured in other monasteries (see xenokouritai)
troublemakers, 956, 967
undisciplined, 211, 490, 787, 795
uneducated/unlearned, 458, 459, 476, 490, 787, 795, 898, 923, 1137
upper-class, 787
used to luxurious living, 512, 528, 1412, 1421
very exalted, 512, 516, 528, 571, 1587, 1600
violent, 1298
virtuous, 787, 795, 957, 962, 1583, 1602
Vlach, 1409, 1411
vulgar, 787, 795
wandering (Lat.: gyrovagi), xxxiv, 158, 233, 237, 283, 287-88
weaker, 1112, 1144
western, 726
young/younger, 170, 175, 459, 490, 512, 788, 822, 980, 981, 1017, 1018, 1343, 1363, 1383,
1627, 1634
monks rights: admonish superior, 1199, 1201, 1211, 1215; expel superior, 377, 514, 543; indict
superior, 543, 1099, 1178, 1184, 1201; select superior, see superiors: election/internal selection
of; share governance with superior, 1607, 1608, 1619, 1620
monokairon (in miniscule). See books (specific types)
monopetalos. See icons (types of)
months of the year: April, 1258, 1276; November, 1258, 1276
mosques: Eski Saray Camii (possibly former church of Nea Mone) (Thessalonike), 1434; Fenari
Isa Camii (formerly church of St. John at convent of Lips) (CP), 1255, mescid of; Imrahor or
Mirahor Camii (formerly St. John of Stoudios) (CP), 69-70; Zeyrek Kilise Camii (formerly
[ 1966 ]
Pantokrator monastery church) (CP), 725, 727; unnamed (formerly Kosmosoteira monastery
church), 783
mouchroution (lamp glass). See lighting devices (specific)
murals. See decorations
museums: British Museum, 51; Coptic Museum (Cairo), 52; Egyptian Museum (Berlin), 51, 52;
Episcopal Museum (Alexandroupolis), 782; Metropolitan Museum (New York), 52
music, church: ability to sing, 1514, 1537; as aid to hymnody, 645; new notation (neophonos),
1185, 1191n. 14; old notation (palaiophonos), 1189; unadorned, 1475; unsuitability of, 1197, 1204,
music, secular: attitudes towards, xix, xxv, 1298, 1463, 1474-75
myax (apse conch). See churches (parts of)
mydia (mussels). See foods (particular kinds)
mysteria. See sacraments and sacramental life
mystery, divine. See liturgies
mystikos. See imperial officials (specific)
mystographos. See imperial officials (specific)
[ 1967 ]
ninth hour (enate). See hours, liturgical (specific)
nipter (washing of the feet). See ritual observances and Glossary
nitre. See supplies, storeroom
nobility, local (archontes): as patrons, 314, 623, 1176, 1182, 1301, 1397, 1401, 1402, 1520, 1567;
as predators, 313-14; as preservers of testament, 315, 320; as protectors, xxxvi, 299, 300, 319,
324, 1397; restrictions on, 200, 203; as threats to monasteries, 985, 1019; as upholders of a typikon,
1104; as visitors to monasteries, 464, 496, 1466, 1477, 1631, 1653
nomisma. See coinage
Nomokanon. See books, law and typika
nomophylax. See imperial officials (specific)
nosokomeion. See hospitals and infirmaries
nosokomos (infirmarian, nurse). See monastic officials (specific)
notaries. See ecclesiastical officials (specific); imperial officials (specific); and monastic officials
notarios (notary). See notaries
noummia. See coinage
novices (eisagogikoi, rakendytountes): age of, 787, 788, 800, 822, 1202, 1270, 1271, 1464, 1470,
1583, 1601, 1627, 1634; assignment of sponsors to, 1463, 1471; compassion for, 1435, 1448;
disciplinary concessions to, 733, 748; dismissal of, 407; instruction and training of, 92, 108AB,
1448; not to be sought out, 1298; punishment of, 474; rags (rake) of, see monastic habit (articles
of); rank of, 591; reception of, 108AB, 225, 494, 592, 685, 929, 1010, 1067; rules for, 24, 41,
1010, 1067, 1203; servile duties of, 494, 593, 823, 929, 1010, 1067, 1101, 1111, 1140, 1209, 1213,
1228, 1270; supervision of, 1435, 1447
novitiate (rakendysia): accelerated, 1096; discussion of, 1486; length of, xxi, 92, 108AB, 214,
225, 233, 236, 248, 258, 459, 464, 494-95, 570, 575, 592-93, 629, 632, 653, 685, 728, 748, 787,
824, 878, 929, 979, 1010, 1045, 1067, 1111, 1140, 1177, 1198, 1202-4, 1209, 1228, 1257, 1270,
1271, 1463-64, 1470, 1627, 1652; probationary, 444, 613, 787, 864
nunneries. See convents
commemoration of deceased, 700, 866, 867, 1565
commercial transactions of, 1302, 1463, 1464, 1465, 1471, 1472
consumption of wine by, 691, 692, 693, 1543, 1697
grounds for expulsion of, 1477
household duties of, 1096, 1540
[ 1968 ]
internal recruitment of, 1257
lifetime seclusion of, 1258, 1270
monastic names of, 1254, 1383, 1512
number of, 652, 658, 671, 672, 956, 960, 1095,1256, 1266, 1267, 1288, 1292, 1486, 1513,
1520, 1529-30, 1564
permission required to leave, 1268
permission required to receive anything, 1268
protected from expulsion, 611, 655, 669, 1465, 1476
punishment for missing offices, 1298, 1473-74
relations with monks, xviii, 78, 961-62
responsibilities of, 1095
in Syriac tradition, 40
tonsure of, 335, 685, 1269-70
visitation regulations for, 679-80, 1270, 1288, 1292, 1471, 1545-46
nuns (types of):
attendants, 1278
cenobitic, 1302, 1464, 1471
chanters, 704, 1474-75
chaperones, 654, 679
cloistered, 1261
contemplative, xxiv
of distinguished families, 1258, 1278
domestic servants, 611-12, 670, 671, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1278
external (exomonitides), 615, 619, 658, 659, 694
fugitive, 1465, 1477
girls, 652, 671
healthy, 653, 696
idiorhythmic, 1297, 1464, 1471
illiterate, 1514, 1540-41
from the imperial family, 611, 614, 654, 656, 669, 694, 1278
literate, 1477, 1515, 1542
mothers (form of address for older nuns), 1269
noble/aristocratic, xxxiii, 360, 652, 653, 659, 670-71, 1101, 1176, 1180, 1262, 1263, 1278,
1489, 1515, 1520, 1521, 1550
novices, 1463, 1471
old/older/elderly, 654, 679, 1258, 1276, 1463, 1464, 1471, 1473, 1515, 1546
preeminent/leading, xxiv, 1257, 1260, 1261, 1268, 1271, 1272, 1273, 1275, 1277, 1278,
1488, 1517, 1519, 1530, 1538, 1539, 1542, 1543
relatives of founder, 1513, 1566-67
serving in choir or church, xxiii, 662, 686, 688-89, 1256, 1259, 1266, 1267, 1288, 1292,
1486, 1513, 1517, 1530, 1538, 1539, 1545
serving in menial services, xxiii, 653, 691, 1256, 1257, 1267
sick/infirm, 653, 690, 693, 696, 1258, 1259, 1270, 1274, 1276, 1288, 1292, 1463, 1473,
1513, 1515, 1516, 1521, 1539, 1548, 1549-50
sponsors, 1463, 1464, 1471
stewards, 1488, 1538-39
tonsured in other convents (exokouritides), 615, 659, 695, 867, 1257, 1271, 1288, 1292
troublemakers, 1465, 1477
[ 1969 ]
nuns (cont.)
widows, 1257, 1271
young/younger, 1258, 1276, 1515, 1546
nuns rights: elect superior, 674; financial oversight, 1488, 1538-39; indict superior, 1260, 1268;
seek redress for alienations, 657, 673
[ 1970 ]
oil: bulk purchase of, 788, 826; with healing grace, 927; for lighting, 531, 696, 761, 827; manufacture of, 1434; miraculous exudation of, 840, 1246, 1247; supplying of, 1332, 1334; yearly
allowance of, 350, 581, 590, 699, 714, 1334
oil abstainers. See dissidents, religious
oil-press (tzymilareion). See tools (specific)
oils (specific kinds): aromatic, 1464, 1469; cooking, see cooking oils and fats; flax-seed oil
(linelaion), 1281; lamp oil, 761; mastic oil (schinelaion), 827; vine oil (oinanthion), 761, 777n. 71
oinochoos (wine steward). See monastic officials (specific)
oinokolle (wine syrup). See supplies, medical
Oktoechos. See books, liturgical
oktoemera (octaves). See feasts (types of) and Glossary
old age homes (gerokomeia): allowances for, 766, 767; clergy in, 735, 766; directors of (gerokomoi),
363, 367, 735, 767; repair of, 793, 832; residents in (gerokomitai), 310, 311, 735, 766, 795, 825;
staff of, 304, 310, 311, 735, 766, 795, 826; support of, xxxv; unification (henosis) with prohibited,
1239, 1249, 1516, 1528
old age homes (specific): Kosmosoteira (Bera), 311, 615, 788, 789, 793, 794, 825-26, 830-31,
832, 850nn. 38 and 40, 851n. 41; Mother of God Petritzonitissa (Backovo), 522, 548-49; Pantokrator
(CP), 311, 615, 725, 730, 732, 738, 764, 766-67, 768; of Romanos I Lekapenos, 767, 777n. 85; Ta
Derma (Philadephia), 296, 297, 303, 304, 310-12; of Theodora Kathare, 712
old age homes (types of): imperial, 363, 367, 615, 735, 766-67; private, 296, 297, 303, 304, 310-12,
522, 548-49
olive groves. See endowments (specific)
omphaitos. See convents (parts of) and Glossary
omphakomeli (sour grape juice with honey). See supplies, medical
opsoniator (caterer). See hospitals and infirmaries, staff of (specific)
option (assistant). See hospitals and infirmaries, staff of (specific)
oratories. See churches and chapels (monastic)
ordinon (ward). See hospitals and infirmaries (parts of)
orphans: acceptability of, 22, 32; education of, 1198; guardianship of, 1629, 1657; as lamplighters,
754, 755; as novices, 135, 1486, 1514, 1526, 1579; support of, xxxv, 1102, 1214, 1227
[ 1971 ]
ortaria (shoes for winter). See footwear (specific)
orthomilion (plate). See utensils, household
orthotes. See imperial officials (specific)
orthros (matins). See hours, liturgical (specific)
ospria (legumes). See foods (particular kinds)
ossuary. See monasteries (parts of)
ostraca. See writing materials
ostria/strakoderma (shellfish). See foods (particular kinds)
Ottoman officials: grand vizier, 1456; Phanariote Greeks, 1456; relations with monasteries, 126,
ounce (oungia). See measures (surface and weight)
ownership (despoteia, ktetoreia, somatike despoteia). See patrons, rights of (specific)
oxy (purple). See textiles, colors of
oxykastoron (violet purple). See textiles, colors of
oxymeli (oxymel). See supplies, medical
[ 1972 ]
pansebaste sebaste. See titles and dignities
pansebastohypertatos. See titles and dignities
pansebastos sebastos. See titles and dignities
Pantanassa. See convents (specific) and Glossary
Pantokrator, xvi. See also hospitals and infirmaries (specific); icons (specific); monasteries (specific); monastic foundation documents, (28) Pantokrator; and Glossary
Pantokrator hospital (CP), 611, 617, 725-81; bathing of the sick in, 760; bedding and clothing in,
757; beds of, 734, 757, 758, 762; burials at, 766; cash distributions to patients and staff of, 759,
765; clergy assigned to, 759, 762, 763, 764; female patients of, xix, 734, 757, 762; food and
beverage supplies of, 759-63; funerals at, 762; medical supplies of, see supplies, medical; miscellaneous supplies of, 761-64, 766; outside patients of, 757, 758, 763, 765; parts of, 734, 757,
759-62, 764; patients allowances at, 759-760; staff of, 734, 757-65; utensils of, 760, 762-64,
777nn. 72 and 82
panyoikeiotatos. See titles and dignities
papa (father). See titles and dignities and Glossary
paper. See writing materials
papoutsia (shoes). See footwear (specific)
papyrus. See writing materials
Paradeisos. See books, ascetic and patristic
parakellarites (assistant cellarer). See monastic officials (specific)
parakellion (lavatory). See monasteries (parts of)
parakelliotai. See monks (types of)
paraklesis (refreshment). See meals (specific)
Parakletike. See books, liturgical
parakoimomenos. See imperial officials (specific)
parangareia (additional compulsory labor). See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
paraoikonomos. See stewards (types of): assistant
parastasimon. See commemorations, liturgical (types of)
[ 1973 ]
parchment. See books (specific types) and writing materials
parekklesiarches, m.; parekklesiarchissa, f. (assistant ecclesiarch). See monastic officials (specific)
parents. See family members (specific)
parrots. See birds
Pascha (Easter). See feasts (specific, movable); dietary rules; and liturgies (specific)
Paschalia. See seasons (liturgical)
Passover. See feasts (specific, movable)
pastures. See endowments (specific)
Paterikon. See books, patristic and ascetic
patriarchal monasteries: books in, 574; concessions of, 202, 450, 620, 860, 868, 974, 1046, 1052;
conversion into, 212, 327, 1491; designation as, 1433, 1584, 1588, 1595; and imperial monasteries, 730, 752, 1238, 1487, 1490; and independent monasteries, 1487; instances of, 135, 574;
privatization of, xxix, 200, 868, 869, 981, 986, 994; regulation of, 1495; restorations of, 868, 869
patriarchal offices: sakelle, 992, 993, 994; sekreton, 599
patriarchal rights: assertion of, 1214, 1495-96, 1521; conceded/respected, 734, 751, 794, 800,
986, 1014, 1049, 1054; definition of, 959; ignored, 879; rejected, 618, 794, 846, 1199, 1200,
1240, 1249; release from, xxix, 1033; restricted, 1521, 1528; support for, 1199, 1488
patriarchal rights (specific): abolition of institutional independence, 150; appointment of superior,
136, 973; bestowal of blessing (sphragis) required to hear confession, xxx, 979, 986, 1014, 1049,
1071, 1263; bestowal of pastoral staff, xxx, 1489, 1521, 1530; blessing (sphragis) of the superior,
xxx, 616, 619, 876-77, 879, 919, 920, 986, 996, 1049, 1054, 1489, 1521, 1530; confirmation of
administrative union (henosis), 1409; confirmation of institutional independence, 144, 153, 163,
566, 567, 860, 867, 986, 1033, 1456, 1629, 1661; confirmation of typika, 1579; correction
(diorthosis) of spiritual faults, xxxvi, 618, 1101, 1199, 1200, 1240, 1249, 1263, 1266; donation of
monasteries (epidosis), 209; excommunication, 212; granting of institutional independence, 876,
919, 1339; granting of monasteries for improvement (beltiosis) and maintenance (systasis), 1410,
1585; granting of stauropegia, 144, 1043, 1102-3, 1105, 1185, 1396, 1409, 1456, 1584; imposition of guests (katapemptoi), 659, 695, 1048, 1070, 1627, 1661; imposition of postulant
(esomonites), 444, 618-19, 864; inquest into property rights, 1237; installation (cheirotonia) of
superior, xxx, 212, 731, 867, 870, 1102, 1530; interpretation of typika, 456; investigation (anakrisis)
of spiritual faults, 1199, 1200; issue binding legislation, 1495; liturgical commemoration after
death (mnemosynon), 1263, 1266, 1405, 1406; liturgical commemoration while living (anaphora),
xxxvi, 144, 872, 879, 919, 1101, 1240, 1249, 1263, 1266, 1406; mediation of disputes, 794, 800,
846, 1396; notification, 732, 773; overlordship, 1485, 1489; overriding of typika, 870, 1495; oversight (epiteresis), 618; proclamation (ekphonesis), 1101; receival of reports on transgressors of
Rule, 1503; removal of superior, 1497; subordination of one monastery to another, 1259, 1265;
[ 1974 ]
unification (henosis) of two monasteries, 150, 1259, 1265; visitation, 137
patriarchal synod (CP): adjudication of disputes between monasteries and ecclesiastical hierarchy
by, 168; adjudication of founders rights by, 457, 1491, 1494; adjudication of other disputes by,
1375; memoranda of, 599; participation in, 1409; and regulation of the charistike, 619, 868, 870;
trial of individuals by, 451, 1099, 1199, 1201, 1238, 1375, 1505; upholding of episcopal rights by,
619, 868
patriarchs of Antioch: commission of, 298; designation of, 726; exarchs (proexarchontes) of, 377;
individual, 564, 726; interregnum of, 377, 425; patrons relations with, 299, 309, 870
patriarchs of CP: acts of, 137; appeals to, 136; as benefactors, 872, 927; bequest to, 1426; candidates for, 726; canonical and legal responsibilities of, 657, 673; canonical prerogatives of, 616;
and the charistike, 202, 203, 204, 308-9, 618, 981-82, 992; claimant to, 457; communion with,
1489; concession of church by, 789, 845; correspondence of, 564; distrusted by founders, 513,
527, 879; documents authored by, 120-24, 1483, 1627; election of, 150, 456, 1625, 1626; exile of,
121; as guardians, see guardians; imperial support for, 1106; installation of, 457; as monastic
protectors, see protectors; monks promoted to be, 1625, 1626, 1629, 1637; papal monarchist claims
of, 1495, 1498; and patrons rights, 49, 1301, 1488, 1490-91, 1493-94; resignation of, 456; retirement of, 213, 1580; support for episcopal rights, 1102; support for monastic reform, 879. See also
patriarchal rights
patriarchs of Jerusalem, 557, 1312-13, 1314, 1406
patriarchs of Turnovo (Bulgaria), 126, 508
patrikios. See titles and dignities
patristic authority: for acceptability of offerings, 382, 410; citation and endorsement of, 70, 78,
90, 137, 139, 215, 247, 377, 379, 446, 512, 541, 570, 573, 587, 592-93, 874, 876, 896, 915, 1094,
1197, 1204, 1305, 1308, 1321, 1326, 1328; for confession, 228, 459, 477-78; for dietary observances, 390, 403, 411, 901, 1497, 1501, 1699; for having all possessions in common, 1457, 1460;
knowledge of, 1497, 1501; for practice of manual labor, 127, 133; for reading, 1464, 1475; revival
of, 199, 204; on theft as sacrilege, 1498, 1502; on unauthorized departures, 228, 283, 287
patronage. See patrons
patrons: accountability of, 328, 338-39, 349; attitudes towards canon law, see canon law;
charistikarioi as, 200; correspondence of, 85, 378, 564; families and family lines of, 45, 47, 298,
302, 303, 328, 330, 331, 340-41, 351, 513, 866, 867, 1486, 1513; family properties of, see property, non-consecrated; hereditary/intergenerational obligations of, 1098, 1213, 1232, 1239, 1485;
list of, 508; liturgical commemoration of, see commemorations (specific); loans of to monastery,
see loans; monks relations with, 1345, 1360, 1436-37, 1443-44, 1445; and patriarchal stauropegia,
see patriarchal rights (specific); portraits of, see portraits; provide for self-governance, see independent and self-governing monasteries; rejection of patriarchal rights, see patriarchal rights; relations with ecclesiastical hierarchy, see ecclesiastical hierarchy: relations with founders; relations with holy men, 245; reprimanding of, 328, 349; response to charistike, 49; role of, 27n. 23,
47, 197; signatures of, 188, 560n. 71, 594, 598, 601, 651, 706, 1088, 1126, 1166, 1180, 1305n. 2,
1306, 1411, 1412, 1416; spiritual advisors of, 1383, 1384; visits by, 456, 457
[ 1975 ]
patrons (types of): charistikarioi, 200; former military officers, 377, 507, 1238, 1247; heavenly,
462, 658, 677, 1240, 1250, 1629, 1662; hereditary, 1239, 1376; intergenerational, 1209, 1228; late
antique, 43; late Byzantine, 1299; local, 1097; noble, 872, 927; non-resident, 40; peasants, 203;
restorer (anakainistes), 1375; traditional private, 47, 272, 1584, 1585; villagers, 314; who become
monks, 974, 1456
patrons, rights of: acknowledged, 1044, 1088; definition of, 197, 1304, 1307; denied, 122, 172,
1491, 1494, 1497; entitlement to, 1518, 1519, 1556, 1561; extraordinary, 982, 1255; financial
aspects of, 1376; justification of, 1466, 1473; redefinition/restriction of, 201, 445, 616, 619, 1099,
1298, 1301, 1344, 1488, 1491, 1519, 1627; traditional, 609, 1296; transferral of, 181, 1304, 1307.
See also protectors, rights of
patrons, rights of (specific): administration, 654, 667; appointment of imposed guests, xxxiv;
appointment of monks, 1410, 1411, 1415, 1420; appointment of steward, 328, 339, 346, 347, 655,
677, 791, 801; appointment of superior, xxix, 55-56, 71, 75, 170, 181, 195, 246, 328, 344-46, 347,
461, 484, 513, 514, 529, 550, 613, 617, 623, 625, 629, 632, 655, 674, 726, 727, 731, 732, 751,
790, 791, 804, 805, 957, 961, 977, 994, 1114, 1159, 1211, 1219, 1304, 1307, 1392, 1397, 1401,
1406, 1436, 1439, 1488, 1497, 1629, 1630, 1636; appointment of other officials, 732; be honored
with charitable donations, 733, 743; burial within monastery, 514, 525, 574, 601, 658, 705, 725,
726, 730, 733, 743, 749, 789, 791, 792, 823, 837, 838, 844, 845, 985, 1013, 1178, 1182, 1238,
1254, 1255, 1261, 1278, 1344, 1369, 1397, 1401, 1518, 1519, 1562; changing typikon/making
new rules, 658, 672-73; composition of typikon, 983, 994; confirmation of superior, xxxi, 1411,
1412, 1417, 1423; dominion (kyriotes), 253, 254, 255, 265n. 9, 278, 339, 344, 351, 352, 555, 595;
exercising personal rule, 328, 345-46; installation of superior, 1211, 1219; maintenance of residence in/near monastery, 649, 655, 656, 704, 710, 732, 772, 791, 792, 824, 848, 1178, 1182, 1263,
1466, 1473, 1625, 1631, 1637; mediation of disputes, 328, 348, 1211-12, 1222; nomination of
candidates for superiorship, 731, 751; ownership (despoteia, somatike despoteia), 168, 253, 265n.
2, 339, 353, 364, 524, 542, 595, 667, 828, 829, (ktetoreia), 330, 1376, 1397, 1581; preferential
admissions for relatives of, 327, 348, 510, 515, 547, 574, 595, 650, 655, 656, 659, 670-71, 1255,
1260, 1278; preferential admissions for themselves, 793, 824, 983, 1030, 1254, 1456, 1513, 1561-62;
presiding over community reconciliations, 328, 348; primogeniture, 339; private profit, 302, 329,
330, 345, 443, 513, 542; receiving commemorative services, see commemorations, liturgical (individual); receiving financial accounts, 328, 344; receiving liturgical offerings, 656, 687-88; rendering of unappealable judgments, 328, 348; resolution of disputes, 328, 348
peacocks. See birds
peasants (types of): dependent, see peasants, dependent; entered on tax rolls, 168; free, 330, 352;
hereditary, 168; landowning, 143; leaseholding, 551; serving in monastic hostel (Lat.: ministeriales),
xxv; tax-exempt, 167, 208; zeugaratoi, 499 (see also Glossary)
peasants, dependent (paroikoi): charitable distributions to, 517, 545; concern for welfare of, 151,
164, 303-4, 320, 330, 352, 448, 517, 524, 545, 615, 659, 685, 795, 829, 832, 834, 865; considered
necessary, 571; defending monastery, 783; diet regulated by superior, xxxi, 843; freedoms of, 304;
as gift, see endowments (specific); leasing of land to, 515, 551; ministry to, xxiv, 795, 843; not to
be disturbed, 315, 320; as patrons, 203; property of protected, 200, 551; tax status of, 168, 208;
working on monastic lands, xxxv, 167, 320, 499, 526, 549, 769, 770, 832, 1099, 1673
pechys (cubit). See measures (surface and weight)
[ 1976 ]
peisa. See measures (surface and weight)
pekoulia. See private property
pementarios (druggist). See hospitals and infirmaries, staff of (specific)
penalties. See punishments (specific kinds)
penance. See punishments (specific kinds)
pendants. See crosses (types of)
penitentials: attributed to Theodore the Studite, 85; pseudo-Basilian, 30, 31, 32, 33, 38, 44, 60,
1298, 1343, 1345; of St. Nicholas of Kasoulon, 1319; Western, xxii. See also canons, disciplinary
pensions (siteseis) and pensioners (of monasteries), xxxii, xxxiv, 327, 331, 348, 351, 353, 611
Pentekostarion. See books, liturgical
perama (ford). See endowments (specific)
perfumery. See buildings, secular (particular kinds)
Peribleptos (of the Mother of God). See monasteries (specific) and Glossary
periorismos (delimitation). See legal documents (specific)
peripherion (frame). See icons (types of)
peristethion (vest). See clothing (articles of)
personal possessions. See private property
petalon (nimbus). See icons (types of)
petiton (territorial district). See territorial jurisdictions
Petritziotissa/Petritzonitissa. See churches and chapels (monastic); monasteries (specific); and
phaba (beans). See foods (particular kinds)
phakiolion. See clothing (articles of) and Glossary
phengion (halo/nimbus). See icons (types of)
phiale. See churches (parts of)
philanthropic institutions: associated with a monastery, 311; ban on construction of, 201; directors
[ 1977 ]
of, 200; renewed interest in, 303; servants in, 729, 762-65, 767, 789, 826, 831. See also almshouse;
confraternity; hospices; hospitals and infirmaries; lepers sanatorium; and old age homes
Philanthropos (of Christ). See monasteries (specific) and Glossary
philanthropy (institutional): commitment to, xxxv, 448, 516-17, 615, 1049, 1061, 1101-2; disinterest in, 865, 868, 986, 1489, 1521. See also charitable distributions
phlamoulon (fan). See cloths, liturgical (specific)
phlebotomon sideron (lancet). See supplies, medical
phlebotomos (bloodletter). See hospitals and infirmaries, staff of (specific)
phorologos. See imperial officials (specific)
phoundax (warehouse). See buildings, secular (particular kinds)
phournikon (corner bay). See churches (parts of)
physicians. See doctors
pier (skala). See endowments (specific)
pilgrims and pilgrimages: to CP, 727; donations from, 1345; foundations on routes for, 1298;
to the Holy Land, 195, 425, 1107, 1128, 1313, 1314, 1317; hostel for, xix, 343, 425, 427;
monks as/on, xviii, 207, 427, 457, 508, 564, 623, 632, 1107, 1128; to Neophytos Holy Cross
monastery, 1339
pillows (pillota). See bedding (specific kinds)
pinkernes. See titles and dignities
pirates. See criminals
pitch (pissa). See supplies, shipbuilding
pitchmaker. See professions and trades
pittakion. See legal documents (specific)
plague. See illnesses and injuries (specific)
platidion. See boats (particular kinds) and Glossary
plinthion. See measures (surface and weight)
plot (stichos). See territorial jurisdictions
[ 1978 ]
podea. See cloths, liturgical (specific)
podorgyroi (sandals). See footwear (specific)
poems: in commemoration of superiors, 1320; dedicatory, 1207
poet. See professions and trades
pokrobion (blanket, fleece). See bedding (specific kinds)
polyeleos. See psalms (specific)
polykandelon (chandelier). See lighting devices (specific)
portico (heliakon). See buildings, secular (parts of)
portraits (specific): of apa Abraham, 52; of Georgi and Constantine, 508; of Manuel of Stroumitza,
portraits, donor, 52, 169, 508, 509
postulants: disqualifications of, 22, 521, 547, 570, 592, 867, 1470; entrance gifts of, 151, 161,
1269, 1448, 1647-48; examination of, 1647; expectations/qualifications of, xxviii, 615, 638, 1434,
1435, 1447, 1498-99, 1502, 1627; and family, 1646; imposition of, 44, 547, 1447; married men as,
22; minimum age of, xix, 787, 822; and poverty, 1498, 1502, 1630-31, 1648; reading of typikon or
canons to, see reading (subjects for); reception of, 748, 1366, 1447; renunciation (apotage) of
property of, see private property; rotation of through work assignments, 1096; and secular considerations for admission of, 1498, 1502, 1631, 1648; vows of, 1500, 1502; wealth of, xvii, 1648;
who is to admit, 824, 867; women as, 1470. See also novices
poterokalymma (veil). See cloths, liturgical (specific)
poverty: lay, 570, 592; monastic, see monastic poverty
praetorium. See imperial offices
praipositos. See imperial officials (specific)
praitorion (inn). See buildings, secular (particular kinds)
praktika. See legal documents (specific)
praktor (fiscal agent). See imperial officials (specific)
Praxapostolos. See books, liturgical
prayers: appropriate conduct during, 536, 537, 1514, 1541; avoiding carelessness in, 1514, 1539;
correct performance of, 1514, 1537; efficacy of, 1260, 1273; importance of, xxiv, 493; private,
1515, 1542; punishment for lateness at, 34, 478, 811, 909, 1142, 1143, 1157; recitation versus
[ 1979 ]
singing of, 1197, 1204; seasoning work with, 1513, 1540; times for recitation of, 63
prayers (specific): Kyrie eleison, 101AB, 104AB, 176, 177, 221, 223, 224, 277, 385, 387, 389,
391, 476, 484, 674, 739, 746, 755, 756, 759, 801, 803, 804, 808, 816, 833, 839, 898, 996, 1027,
1087, 1601; Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon me, 1474; Lords Prayer, 62;
trisagion, 160, 185, 343, 349, 354, 360, 484, 491, 674, 677, 680, 739, 743, 756, 839, 895, 967,
996, 1053, 1087, 1136, 1228, 1356, 1545. See also Glossary for Greek terms
prayers (types of): for all Christians, xxv, 1260, 1273, 1392; for the army, 136, 511, 542, 1086,
1402; for bishops, 1344, 1355; for emperor, 511, 542, 595, 600, 706, 739, 767, 768, 774, 1081,
1086, 1131, 1136, 1344, 1355, 1406, 1412, 1427-28, 1586, 1601; for founders, 1136, 1260, 1261,
1273, 1586, 1601; for local nobility, 1397, 1402; for magistrates, 1344, 1355; for monks, 1344,
1355; for nuns, 1260, 1273; for patrons and benefactors, 1397, 1401; for patriarch, 1406; for
rulers, 1397, 1401, 1402, 1412, 1427; for ones soul, 511, 542; hypocritical, 521; in refectory, 478,
744, 810, 908, 1005, 1075, 1142; private, xxvi, xxxii, 474, 806, 1261, 1274, 1463, 1474. See also
commemorations, liturgical (individual)
precious metals: hoarding of, 72, 79, 82n. 21, 130, 590; ownership of disclaimed, 53, 57
precious metals (specific): gold, decorative, 552, 716, 993, 1186, 1562, 1672, 1673; gold, lust for,
1210, 1225; malagma (pure gold), 1561; silver, objects and decorations, 52, 347, 356, 357, 358,
369, 370, 526, 552, 553, 696, 714, 716, 902, 968, 1277, 1393, 1561, 1562, 1672. See also coinage
Presanctified Gifts (prohegiasmena dora). See liturgies (specific)
pride. See vices, monastic
prie-dieu (proseuchadion). See churches (parts of)
priests: allowances/salaries of, see salaries; appointments of, 301, 302; assigned to burials, 460,
464, 494, 699; assigned to churches, 978, 1000, 1045, 1057, 1116, 1166, 1239, 1250, 1313, 1316,
1375, 1380, 1585, 1609; assigned to funerary chapel, 516, 548, 729, 766; duties of, 510, 511, 658,
673, 1514, 1547; election of, 1475; income of, 729, 766; installation of superior by, 1259-60,
1267; liturgical instructions for, 98AB, 99AB, 100A, 101A, 114B, 115A; may not be stewards,
xxxii, 264, 744; order of precedence, 740; ordination of, 282, 285, 377, 1588; preferential seating
of, 986, 1019, 1048, 1075, 1143; and rank among the more prominent monks, 573, 589; role in
elections, 655, 674; selection of, 1463, 1475-76, 1514, 1547; serving as singers in church, 652,
704, 1463, 1475; tenure of, 302, 319, 1463, 1475; training for, 447, 516, 1673
priests (types of): beggar, 1597; eunuch, xix, 653, 678, 1514; Greek, 521, 547; Latin, 1320; married, xix, 1514, 1547; mature/old/older, 514, 516, 551, 1514, 1585, 1609; mendicant, 1588, 1597;
oldest, 1259, 1267; replacement, 1257, 1267; resident, 264, 319, 320, 520, 531, 532, 535, 551,
589, 704, 738, 749, 754, 1000, 1057, 1267, 1292, 1380; secular, 1475-76, 1547; stationed in
hospitals, 759, 762, 764; stationed in old age home, 735, 767; stewards, 677; vagabond/migratory,
198, 233, 238
primate (protothronos). See ecclesiastical officials (specific)
primikerios. See hospitals and infirmaries, staff of (specific)
[ 1980 ]
primogeniture. See patrons, rights of (specific)
priories. See monasteries (types of)
prisoners: monks as, 1343, 1351; political, xxii, xxxiv, 726, 783; of war, xxv, 600, 628, 630, 1102,
1214, 1226-27, 1426, 1427
prisons: lay, 1343, 1351; monastic, see monasteries (parts of): confinement, places of
private church system. See private religious foundations
private monasteries. See private religious foundations
private ownership (idioktesia), of religious institutions. See private religious foundations
private property (pekoulia): acquisition of discouraged, 427, 436; allowed to monks, xxxiii, 40,
46, 53, 151, 161-62, 228, 233, 239, 240, 614, 1304, 1614, 1619; allowed to nuns, 1464, 1468;
bequeathed to lay people, 1616; confiscation of, 120, 459, 491; desire for, xxxii; donation of to
poor, xxxv, 57, 1437, 1448, 1631, 1648; donation of to relatives, 1631, 1648; lifetime usufruct of,
1614, 1619; prohibition of, 23, 27, 34, 36, 39, 77, 78, 152, 161, 170, 215, 247, 258, 303, 427, 432,
444, 446, 459, 466, 490, 511, 530, 570, 590, 626, 632, 634, 640, 644, 653, 694, 875, 923, 956,
965, 1094, 1112, 1148, 1157, 1210, 1222, 1340, 1342, 1356, 1364, 1366, 1436, 1451, 1457, 1460,
1496, 1502, 1505, 1515, 1536, 1618, 1628, 1643, 1646, 1650, 1651; redistributed at death, xxxiv,
40, 434, 1619; renunciation (apotage) of, 23, 1448, 1496, 1502, 1614, 1618, 1629, 1646; respect
for, 1492; restriction of, 170, 176; retained for illness/old age, 1496, 1497, 1507, 1587, 1600,
1616, 1628, 1646; retention of, 879; sold by peasants to founder, 143; treatment of, 23n. 9
private religious foundations: and alternative forms of monasticism, 1300; and the charistike,
246, 283, 327; condemned, 513, 542; confiscations of, 49, 120, 204, 299, 307, 444, 616; conservative usages of, 170, 1297; contrasted unfavorably to independent foundations, 1210, 1218; conversion into imperial foundations, 609; decay of monastic life in, 46, 151; examples of, 1436,
1465; family rights in, 45, 53, 171, 181, 327; legal framework of, 46, 122; model for large monasteries, 199; mores of, 170, 198, 199, 233, 282, 327, 794; needs of, 298; perils to, 323; problems
endemic in, 330; property rights in, 303, 380; and the protectorate, 298, 302; reliance on cash
incomes, 48; rights of, 1495; sale and purchase of, 120; secularization of, 45, 68, 71, 313, 328;
state support of, 1212; transformation into independent monasteries, 1177; transmission of, 328,
1304, 1305, 1308
private religious foundations (types of): late Byzantine, 1295-1302; medieval Western, xxviii;
private churches, 39, 296, 1102, 1176; private monasteries, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 51-52, 53-57, 67,
71, 170, 181, 184, 186, 187, 201, 202, 245, 246, 1176; private nunnery, 1465; Syriac, 40; traditional, 43-50, 330, 654
privileges, aristocratic: accepted, xix, xxxiv, 516, 733, 748, 784, 793, 844-45, 1489, 1550, 1587-88;
ambivalence towards, 1100; defense of, 785, 848, 1101, 1221, 1269, 1412, 1423; equality of
(isotimia), 1263, 1269; hostility towards, xxii, 153, 199, 282, 464, 487-88, 659, 676, 793, 811,
819-20, 1012, 1069, 1631; rationalization of, 1213, 1221; restriction of, 445
privileges, aristocratic (specific): access for worship, 788, 847; better diet, 656, 670, 733, 752,
[ 1981 ]
1412, 1421; entitlement to servants, 526, 656, 670, 1258, 1259, 1278, 1515, 1520, 1550, 1587,
1600; exemption from cenobitic rules, xxxiii, 653, 670-71, 1258, 1260, 1278, 1410, 1411, 1417,
1423, 1424; exemption from common meals, 1258, 1260, 1278; exemption from monastic equality, 614, 733, 1213, 1221; exemption from novitiate, 494, 878, 929; exemption from sexually
based exclusion, 71, 447, 878, 937, 1258, 1270, 1588, 1601; lighter regimen, 1587, 1600; meals at
special times, 1631, 1653; preferential admissions, 615, 659, 670, 794, 824; retention of private
property, 152, 161; shorter novitiate, 494, 1010, 1045, 1067, 1096; special living quarters, 656,
659, 670; special treatment generally, 1410, 1423; special visitation privileges, 654, 679; use of
bathhouse, 788, 847
privileges, patronal. See patrons, rights of and protectors, rights of
proasteia (estates). See rural settlements
processions, liturgical: commemorative, 732, 759; at dedication of church, 314, 317; at funerals,
789, 823; before vespers, 215, 227
processions, liturgical (specific): Feast of Annunciation, 101A; Easter, 93, 101A, 704, 787, 843;
Epiphany, 114B, 115A; Palm Sunday, 101A; feast of Dormition, 787, 827, 843
procheirisis (appointment). See superiors
procuress. See professions and trades
Prodromos (of St. John the Baptist). See Index of People and Places: John the Baptist and Forerunner, St. and Glossary
proedros. See titles and dignities: protoproedros
proeleusimaios. See imperial officials (specific)
proestos, m.; proestosa, f. See superiors
professions and trades: actors, 1463, 1475; advocates, 1629, 1657; architects, 725; artist, 1515,
1531; beggars, 1004, 1049, 1061, 1588, 1597; calligraphers, 163, 215, 242, 278, 569, 590, 640,
645; charcoal burner, 1176, 1180; copyists, 93, 112AB, 216, 640, 645, 1319, 1478; craftsmen,
787, 841; grooms, 759, 764, 843, 979, 1031; kalliphonoi, 1257, 1277, 1376, 1380; kraktai, 1376,
1380; painters, 241, 1182; pitchmaker, 1279; poet, 367; procuress, 1465, 1477; retainers, 791,
804, 844, 845; rush mat maker, 712, 713; scribes, 163, 597, 599, 630, 633, 634n. 7; seaman, 595;
secretary, 791, 804, 844; shepherds/herdsmen, 212, 1110, 1115, 1116, 1148, 1154; singers, professional, 652, 704; teacher, 1370; tenant farmers, 1110, 1116, 1148, 1154; tutors, 848. See also
hospitals and infirmaries, staff of (specific); laborers, monastic (specific); and Glossary for Greek
profit: management for, 657, 667, 1458, 1460, 1630, 1652, 1656; patrons right to, see patrons,
rights of (specific); rejected, 792, 825, 1342, 1357, 1365
prohegiasmena dora. See liturgies (specific): presanctified gifts
[ 1982 ]
prohegoumenos. See superiors (types of): former
prokeimenon. See psalms (specific)
promiscuity. See vices, monastic
promissory note. See legal documents (specific)
pronoia. See endowments (specific) and Glossary
prooimion. See psalms (specific)
property, animate, gifts of, 526, 1140, 1190
property, ecclesiastical. See monastic property
property, immovable. See endowments (specific)
property, movable: emergency alienations of, 461, 488-89, 657, 673, 784, 790, 792, 820-21, 863,
877, 922, 985, 1262, 1279; gifts of, 631, 1117, 1140; increase of, 1305, 1308; inventories of,
356-60, 368-70, 552-54, 714-17, 859, 958, 968; purchased with income from immovable property, 658, 673; storage of, 869; survival of despite structural ruination, 869n. 11
property, non-consecrated, 329, 336, 342, 431, 656, 706-9, 1517, 1519, 1557-58
property, rental (enoikika). See endowments (specific)
property, tax-free: eleuthera, 1639; logisima, 524, 594
property managers/administrators: accountable to patron, 328, 329, 344; accountable to steward,
1148, 1212, 1224; accountable to superior, 657, 678, 1154; appointed by stewards, 1272; appointed by superiors, see superiors rights; and cultivation of landed properties, 1099; laymen
banned from serving as, 1116, 1154; laymen serving as, 749, 958, 1212, 1226; monks serving as,
1110, 1154, 1212, 1226; and peasantry, 615; qualifications and duties of, 493, 657, 659, 685, 790,
818, 878, 927, 1116, 1147, 1148, 1153, 1154; spiritual risks of, 1116, 1154
Prophetologion/Prophetes/Propheteia. See books, liturgical
proprietary churches and monasteries. See private religious foundations
proseuchadion. See churches (parts of): prie-dieu and reliquaries
proskephalaion (pillow). See bedding (specific kinds)
prosodion. See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
prosomoia. See hymns (specific)
prosphora (eucharistic bread). See bread; Eucharist, Holy; and liturgical offerings
[ 1983 ]
prostagmata. See imperial legislation (specific)
prostates. See protectors and the protectorate
prostaxeis (decrees). See imperial legislation (specific)
prostrations (metanoiai). See ritual observances
protectors (ephoroi, epitropoi, prostatai, antilambanomenoi) and the protectorate (ephoreia),
295-309; abolition of, 271, 1491; absence of, 1629, 1637; acceptance of, 975; appointment/establishment of, xxxvi, 271, 272, 275, 310, 312, 315, 319, 323, 324, 326, 327, 339, 426, 568, 572, 595,
598, 619, 650, 654, 655, 669-70, 709-10, 731, 732, 773, 865, 981, 998, 1043, 1046, 1055-56,
1097, 1104, 1211, 1233, 1239, 1250, 1259, 1266, 1298, 1517, 1528, 1529, 1581, 1582, 1585,
1605; concept of, 330; consolation for deposed, 331, 350-51; deposition of, 302, 331, 345, 350-51;
discredited by the charistike, 306; establishment of prohibited, 331, 338, 352, 571, 586, 610, 613,
654, 667, 789, 804, 815, 957, 963, 981, 992, 999, 1034, 1056, 1098, 1210, 1217, 1249; financial
compensation for, 301, 302; gifts to, 301, 315, 319; given copy of typikon, 656, 705; historical
antecedants of, xxxvi, 297, 1584; influence of reform movement on, 611; justification of, 1259,
1266; over Lavra, 197, 202, 210, 300; privatization of, 300, 610; reform of, 978; responsibilities
and duties of, xxxvi, 272, 296, 301, 315, 320, 426, 428, 657, 669, 673, 703, 710, 790, 804, 981-82,
998, 1019-20, 1046, 1052, 1053, 1056, 1077, 1113-14, 1344, 1385, 1397, 1401, 1517, 1529, 1582,
1584, 1585, 1587, 1605-6; restrictions on, 443, 611, 613, 655, 669, 671, 703, 710, 731, 773, 865,
978, 999, 1056; revival of, 211, 271, 610-11, 865, 866; serve without pay, 998, 1047, 1056; signature of, 974, 1034, 1088; succession to, 326, 328, 731, 773, 982, 998; titles of, 297-98, 315, 331,
610, 1488. See also administrators; curators; and guardians
protectors (types of): of convents, 957, 961-62, 1113, 1166, 1517; dishonest, 331, 345, 350-51,
985, 1019; dual, 209, 301; external (outside), 328, 331, 338; female, 300, 328, 331, 338-39, 351,
355, 654, 655, 669, 709-10; future, 983, 999; heavenly, xxxvi, 311, 317, 329, 337, 341, 354, 427,
437, 492, 515, 552, 681, 790, 804, 805, 818, 926, 995, 999, 1002, 1053, 1056, 1084, 1163, 1465,
1478, 1517, 1527, 1629, 1662; hereditary, 655, 709-10, 1240, 1250, 1259, 1266, 1505; imperial,
324, 1097, 1113, 1163-64, 1232, 1249, 1259, 1266, 1605-6, 1607; local nobility, 1397; nuns, 655,
710; patriarchal, xxxvi, 1211, 1233, 1626, 1629, 1637; private (internal), 572, 654; public officeholders, 314, 654, 1046, 1055; regional, xxxv; self-perpetuating, 271
protectors, rights of: description of, 978, 998-99; exercise of, xxix; financial aspects of, 300-301,
302; spiritual aspects of, xxxvi, 1585, 1608; and traditional patronal powers, 865. See also patrons, rights of
protectors, rights of (specific): act as overseer and corrector, 272, 277; appoint/enroll monks and
nuns, 315, 319, 655, 669, 982, 999, 1056; appoint priests, 315, 319; appoint superior, 272, 277,
300, 301, 310, 315, 320, 323, 324, 656, 1629, 1661; appropriate assets, 655, 669, 982, 999, 1056;
assist in spiritual matters, 1585, 1608; be buried within monastery, 655, 704, 983, 999; be listed in
diptychs after death, 669, 999, 1047, 1056; change/revise typikon, 655, 669, 865, 982, 998, 999,
1004, 1056; control property, 655, 669; designate successor, 300; exempt from sexually based
exclusion, 1257, 1258, 1270, 1277; expel monks and nuns, 655, 659, 669, 671, 999, 1056; informed of emergency alienations, 658, 673; install superior, 272, 277; issue typikon, 1043, 1046,
1049, 1052, 1084, 1613; liturgical commemoration, 655, 669, 983, 999, 1047, 1056; maintain
residence in/near monastery, 654, 655, 656, 669, 704; oversee monastic discipline, 1585, 1606;
[ 1984 ]
preside at/intervene in elections, 655, 674, 982, 995, 1024, 1046, 1053, 1054; provide for ascetics,
272, 278; receive financial accounts, 310, 312, 655, 669, 982, 999, 1056; remove steward, 657,
678; remove superior, 272, 278, 323, 324, 655, 669, 982, 983, 998, 999, 1056, 1113, 1161; uphold
monks moral character, 315, 320
protekdikos. See imperial officials (specific)
protoallagator. See imperial officials (specific)
protokentarchos. See imperial officials (specific)
protokometes (village headman). See imperial officials (specific)
protomenites. See hospitals and infirmaries, staff of (specific)
protonotarios. See imperial officials (specific)
protopapas. See ecclesiastical officials (specific)
protoproedros. See titles and dignities
protos. See hospitals and infirmaries, staff of (specific) and monastic officials (specific)
protospatharios, m.; protospatharissa, f. See titles and dignities
protostrator. See imperial officials (specific)
protostratorissa. See titles and dignities
protosynkellos. See ecclesiastical officials (specific)
protothronos (primate). See ecclesiastical officials (specific)
protovestiarios, m.; protovestiaria, f. See titles and dignities
psalmody: clarity of, 1224; exemption from performance of, 93, 112AB; on Holy Wednesday,
390; for Lent, 1627, 1660, for other periods of fasting, 1627, 1660; and manual labor, 511, 538,
1474; participation by laymen in, 1313, 1316; performance of, 24; private recitation of, 392, 474,
866; recitation of at first hour, 473-74, at third hour, 1710, at sixth hour, 1710; regulations for, 91,
104-5, 1209, 1225-26, 1474-75; sleeping during, 1368; and unadorned music, 1475. See also
psalms (specific): Blameless (Amomos, Psalm 118 [119]), 102B, 104AB, 105AB, 222, 385, 387,
739, 898, 918, 1335; God is the Lord (Psalm 117 [118]) (sung on non-fast days), 402, 403, 411,
414, 473, 475, 535, 686, 688, 740, 805, 806, 807, 894, 895, 897, 1006, 1008, 1063, 1065, 1083,
1135, 1137, 1145, 1335; Polyeleos, 160, 1146; prokeimenon, 100A, 101A, 102AB, 106AB, 222,
389; prooimion (Psalm 103 [104]), 100A, 101A, 103A, 104B, 105AB, 223; refectory psalm (Psalm
144 [145]), 394, 478, 689, 743, 810, 908, 965, 1005, 1062, 1142; Six Psalms (hexapsalmos),
99AB, 102AB, 105AB, 113AB, 177, 221, 222, 224, 386, 389, 474, 532, 689, 740, 806, 808, 898,
[ 1985 ]
1028, 1083, 1137, 1155; typika, 687. See Glossary for Greek terms
psalter: memorization of, 1350; reading of, see reading (subjects for); recitation of, 104A, 112AB,
227, 866, 895, 1475, 1515, 1542; study of, 93, 113B, 216, 1111, 1113, 1155
psalter (parts of), 103B; antiphon, 100A, 106AB, 1335; gradual antiphon (anabathmos), 102B,
222; kathisma, 64, 102AB, 103B, 104AB, 106B, 113AB, 222, 223, 224, 387, 388, 390, 391, 739,
740, 898, 1334, 1335, 1660; verses from (typika), 109AB. See Glossary for Greek terms
psaltes (chanters of the office). See monks (types of)
psomozemia. See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
psychikon. See donations, pious
Psychosostis. See monasteries (specific) and Glossary
psychrokauter (cauterizer, cold). See supplies, medical
pterygia. See churches (parts of) and Glossary
ptisane (barley water). See drinks and beverages (specific)
ptochotropheion. See almshouse
ptochotrophos. See imperial officials (specific)
punishment, instruments of: rods, 171, 183; straps, 171, 183; whips, 108AB
punishments: corporal, 93, 108AB, 183, 216, 957; emphasis on, 60; humane, 1366; instruments
of, 171, 183; moderate, 216, 224, 1366; moderation of, 331; not too severe, 171, 183; spiritual,
171, 183; symbol of, 1211, 1219
punishments (specific kinds): blinding, 726, 783; capital, 1516, 1520, 1527; confinement/imprisonment, xxii, 93, 108AB, 121, 171, 215, 225, 862, 866, 955, 956, 967, 1042, 1314, 1317, 1345;
defrocking, 65, 382, 406-7; deposition, 331, 345, 350-51; deprivation of blessed bread, 1368;
deprivation of food/fasting, 60, 141, 479, 585, 978, 1009, 1066, 1157, 1366, 1518, 1542; dry food
diet, 1137, 1359; excommunication, 63, 477, 821, 1137, 1157, 1343, 1345, 1346, 1356, 1361,
1366, 1368, 1457, 1460, 1465, 1477; expulsion, xv, xviii, 60, 62, 63, 141, 171, 183, 185-86, 348,
382, 407, 456, 459, 462, 464, 477, 479, 490, 514, 537, 570, 585, 592, 956, 957, 967, 973, 1115,
1117, 1139, 1148, 1149, 1179, 1183, 1213, 1223, 1314, 1317, 1340, 1343, 1364, 1366, 1385,
1387, 1397, 1401, 1435, 1450, 1465, 1476, 1497, 1499, 1502, 1586, 1596, 1603, 1604, 1628,
1630, 1643, 1644, 1649, 1654; genuflections, 1142, 1518, 1542; humiliation, 93, 113AB, 348;
lying face down, 60, 64; manual labor, 511; performance of service, 1117, 1143; prostrations,
1157, 1158, 1473; reduction in rank, 570, 591; restitution, 302, 330, 345, 490, 842, 877, 923;
vigils, standing, 1518, 1542; water-only diet, 1518, 1542; whipping, xxii, 108AB, 171, 183
purchases: in bulk, 788, 826; compulsory, see taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
[ 1986 ]
pyleonarios/pyloros. See monastic officials (specific): gatekeeper
pyria (poultice). See supplies, medical
pyrromaches/pyrrostia (tripod for cooking pot). See utensils, household
reconciliations (community): by patriarch of CP, 800, 846; by protectors, 301, 347
records: countersigning of, 1616, 1620; keeping of, 657, 825, 877, 1003, 1060, 1110, 1115, 1148,
1151, 1152, 1375, 1378, 1488-89, 1519, 1539, 1616, 1620
records (specific): cartularies, 7, 20, 136, 167, 168, 205, 210, 566, 1303, 1304, 1409, 1580; inventories (brevia), see inventories; ledgers, 985, 1003; registers, 1100, 1494, 1615, 1620; tabularies,
xiii, 623, 624, 1477
records (types of): of alienations, 462, 489; of bedding, 1519, 1543; of clothing, 1519, 1543; of
crops, 1519, 1539; of expenditures, 462, 489, 657, 682, 792, 817, 821, 877, 1115, 1151, 1212,
1226, 1616, 1620; of incomes, 462, 489, 657, 682, 792, 817, 821, 877, 1115, 1151, 1212, 1226,
1616, 1620; of property, 1100; of supplies, 1519, 1543
refectories (aristeterion, trapeza): assignment of seating in, see superiors rights; books read in,
1658; common meals in, 135, 152, 158, 459, 653, 694, 956, 979, 1008, 1045, 1065, 1112, 1146,
1258, 1260, 1274, 1384, 1387, 1436, 1443, 1515, 1536; construction of, 206, 508, 974, 1107,
1117, 1130, 1178, 1182, 1304, 1411, 1417, 1423, 1456, 1579, 1593; decoration of, 212, 1190;
eating with guests in, 427, 432, 433, 1630, 1653; eating outside of, 391; elimination of, 426, 430;
equality in, see food, equality in; exemptions from eating in, 512, 528, 653, 690; lateness at, 478,
811, 909, 1142, 1143, 1157; poor invited to, 342, 430; prayer in, 478, 744, 810, 908, 1005, 1062;
procedures for, 25, 27n. 26, 30, 34, 37, 92, 394, 478-79, 533, 689-90, 744, 810-12, 861, 908-10,
965, 980, 1005, 1062, 1097, 1258, 1274, 1451, 1496, 1501, 1506, 1508, 1515, 1548, 1566, 1584,
1597-98; psalm recited on the way to, 394, 478, 689, 743-44, 810, 908, 965, 1005, 1062, 1142;
raising of Panagia, 394, 747, 1327 (see also Glossary); raising of toasts in, 1327; reading in, see
reading (times and places for); reconstruction and rehabilitation of, 212, 566; second sitting at,
480, 691, 653, 691, 729, 745, 812, 914, 980, 1006, 1062, 1157, 1274; silence in, 394, 478, 690,
811, 909, 1142, 1274, 1501, 1508, 1548, 1597; superior not to leave table in, 1496, 1501; superior
to inspect food in, 878, 921; when to open, 1706
refectories (parts of): dome, 566; semantron, 478, 810, 908, 965, 1005, 1062, 1142; vault, 566
refectories (specific): Lavra, 206, 212; Mar Saba, 1313; Patmos, 566; Petritsoni, 508
reformation, spiritual (diorthosis), xiii, 640, 644
registers. See records (specific)
registrar (anagrapheus). See imperial officials (specific)
relationships: blood, see family ties; spiritual, with lay people (synteknia), xix, 78, 81n. 11, 233,
238, 259, 1314, 1316, 1389, 1616, 1621, 1652 (see also brotherhood: spiritual)
relatives. See families and relatives
relics: collections of, 568, 725, 1456; donation of, 207, 515, 526, 975; of founder, 566; listed in
inventory, 1345, 1355; loss of, 69; miraculous, 566; pilgrimages to see, 727, 1346; repository for,
726, 727; translation of, 85, 126, 150, 1374
[ 1988 ]
relics (specific): of Christs burial slab, 725-26; of Christodoulos of Patmos, 566; of Emperor
Laskariasaf, 1238; fragments of the Holy Cross, 207, 216n. 1, 714, 1339, 1351, 1358; head of St.
Basil of Caesarea, 207; head of St. Blasios, 726; head of St. John the Baptist, 67; head of St.
Lazarus of Galesios, 150, 1374; head of St. Mamas, 975; of St. John Damascene, 650; of Luke of
Mesembria, 927; of Neophytos the Recluse, 1339; of St. Demetrianos, 716; of St. Sabas, 1313; of
unnamed martyrs, 714, 1360
religious controversies: hesychast, 212, 1491; Iconoclastic, 47, 59, 68, 71, 91, 1312; Moechian,
68; Origenist, 1311; Unionist, 212
reliquaries: proseuchadion, 67, 369, 371n. 45; syrtarion, theke, 552, 714, 717, 1671
reliquaries (types of): with caskets (?), 714, 719n. 69; with enamel, 369; in gold, 714; with katovlia,
714; with key, 714; with lock, 714, 719n. 72; with ring, 714, 719n. 71; silver-gilt, 714; tzapotos,
714, 719n. 70; wood, 716. See also Glossary for Greek terms
rent: of houses, 713, 771; of mills, 1609, 1610n. 25; of workshops, 713
renunciation (apotage). See family ties and postulants
representative (ho dikaiou/ho dikaio). See monastic officials (specific)
requisitions (of ecclesiastical property). See emperor and the imperial government, rights of
restitution. See punishments (specific kinds)
restorer (anakainistes). See patrons (types of)
retainers (personal). See soldiers (types of)
reunification, church: efforts at, 150, 212, 1207, 1396, 1485; Union of Lyons, 1397
revenues (monastic). See incomes (monastic)
rice. See grains (specific kinds)
rights: basilikatou, tou, 829, 850n. 36; conditional (somatika), 771, 772, 777n. 94; of departure,
22; maritime, 769, 772; unconditional (asomata), 771, 772, 777n. 94. See also episcopal rights;
metropolitans rights; patriarchal rights (specific); patrons, rights of (specific); and superiors rights
rings, 714, 715, 716, 719n. 71. See also icons (types of) and reliquaries (types of)
ritual observances: bows, as mark of respect, 983, 1011, deep (proskynemata, proskyneseis), 61,
62, 100A, 103A, 473, 805, 895, 1026, 1082; censing, 98AB, 221, 385, 387, 476, (in form of
cross), 739, 740, 808, 898, 1027, 1083, 1137; embraces (Easter), 99AB, 221; genuflections
(gonyklisiai), as punishment, see punishments (specific kinds), performance of, xxvi, 60, 104AB,
185, 223, 389, 390, 391, 412, 413, 473, 474, 475, 674, 686, 688, 805, 807, 894, 895, 897, 900,
1025, 1026, 1082, 1083, 1133, 1513, 1546, 1547, 1702, omission of in cells, 412, 474, 806, 874,
895, 896, 907, 1026, 1083, 1133, omission of in church, 103AB, 222, 391, 412, 413, 473, 686,
[ 1989 ]
805, 806, 894, 895, 896, 907, 1026, 1083, 1133, 1547, replaced by bows, 473, 805, 895, 1026,
1082; kisses, of peace, 62, of steward-elect, 484, 1001, 1058, of superior-elect, 587, 675, 816,
967, 996, 1053; obeisance (metanoia, proskynesis) to superior, 476, 478, 484, 587, 689, 748, 808,
908, 1011, 1027, 1068, 1142; prostrations (metanoiai), performance of, xxvi, 104B, 106B, 222,
223, 277, 389, 391, 686, 687, 1335, 1463, 1473, omission of, 102B, 110AB, 111A, 222, 385, 389,
687, as punishment, see punishments (specific kinds); washing of the feet (nipter), xxvi, 114B,
115A, 652, 702, 762, 765, 767 (see also icons [specific] and Glossary)
road (public). See transportation systems
robbers. See criminals
rods: disciplinary, see punishment, instruments of; of office, xxx, 1211, 1219
roga. See allowances, living and annunities
rose essence. See fragrances and seasonings
rose water. See supplies, medical
royal legislation: bull of confirmation of Roger II, 624; diploma of Roger II (1131), 637; diplomas of Queen Margaret, 624; donations and confirmations, 623; foundation charter of Roger I, 22;
golden bull of Roger II, 623, 624; of Tancred of Lecce, 624; of William II, 624
royal officials: Greek-speaking, 623; privileges of, 641
royal officials (specific), kaprilingas, 633. See also Glossary
royal road (of Rule of Jerusalem), 1274, 1546. See also cenobiticism (communal life)
Rule of the Angel. See monastic rules (non-Byzantine)
Rule of Jerusalem. See synaxaria (specific)
Rule of St. Athanasios/of the Holy Mountain. See synaxaria (specific)
Rules. See typika
Rules for the Monastery of Mar Zakkai. See monastic rules (non-Byzantine)
rules of the Mountain (Mount Athos). See typika (specific, lost)
rural settlements: estates (proasteia), 149, 212, 341, 360, 367, 454, 507, 572, 583, 594, 595, 600,
657, 677, 768-71, 782, 828-29, 1280, 1292, 1557; hamlets (agridia), 525, 542; villages (choria),
524, 525, 542, 555-57, 769-71, 795, 828-29, 843, 846, 1043, 1188, 1280, 1557, 1625, 1636, relocation of, 795, 829, 843, shares of, 1519, 1557
rush mat maker. See professions and trades
[ 1990 ]
Sabas, St., liturgical typikon of. See synaxaria (specific)
sacraments (mysteria) and sacramental life: bestowed by eunuch priests, 653, 678; emphasized,
447; regulation of, 92, 215, 459, 467, 474-75, 476-78, 511, 537-38, 729, 743, 750, 787, 807,
808-09, 810, 861, 864, 956, 965, 1015-16, 1045, 1072-73, 1112, 1316, 1463. See also communion; confession; Eucharist, Holy; and unction
sacred disease. See illnesses and injuries (specific): leprosy
sacred vessels: acquisition of, 884, 993; care of, 462, 491; deposit of as security (pawning), 1099,
1411, 1417, 1422; donation of, see endowment (specific); inalienability of, see inalienability;
emergency alienation of, 488-89, 673, 820-21; listing of in inventories, see inventories (types of);
procedure for alienation of, 821, 1262, 1279, 1670; protection and safekeeping of, 869n. 11, 1043,
1345, 1355; purchase of, 313, 1262, 1279; theft of, 1668-69, 1670; treasure of, 52; upgrading of,
1262, 1279
sacred vessels (specific kinds): asteriskos, 357, 369, 716, 717, 1479; basin (kaldaropolion, lekane),
369, 554; basin and ewer (cherniboxeston), 554; casket (kamptrion), 357, 552; casket (part of
reliquary, boution), 714; censer (thymiaterion), 98AB, 99A, 221, 476, 500n. 12, 552, 689, 739,
1186, 1393, 1674; censer, standing (katzion, katzior), 357, 1674; chalice, 526; chalice and paten
(diskopoterion), 357, 369, 552, 716, 717, 968, 1393, 1479; hexapteryga, 716; ithmos, 357, 358,
369, 716, 717; oil vessel, 1561; paten, 717, 1190; spoon, 357, 369, 552, 716, 717, 968, 1190,
1479; unnamed, 473, 884, 1190, 1307, 1308, 1354, 1355, 1358. See also Glossary for Greek
sacred vessels (types of): bronze, 968, 1150; gold, 1561; jasper, 552, 1561; silver, 52, 552, 716,
968, 1150, 1190, 1308; silver-gilt, 552, 716, 717, 993; with enamel, 357; with gold enameling,
552; with precious stones, 552
sacrilege (hierosylia): alienation of monastic property as, 303, 308, 330, 365, 428, 434, 450, 462,
488, 820, 863, 878, 985, 1019, 1058, 1116, 1154, 1232, 1498, 1502, 1669; careless management
as, 1165; holding back handicrafts as, 1514, 1550; in canon law, 1670; in the Old Testament, 1669;
leaving monastery as, 22; monastic inequality as, 1457, 1460; punishment for, 1670; reclamation
of entrance donations as, 463, 495, 658, 672, 878, 930, 1000, 1048, 1057-58, 1141, 1616, 1618;
sin of, 434; terminology of, 452, 466
sagion (blanket). See bedding (specific kinds)
saints: female, 1515, 1531, 1560; patron, xxxvi, 169, 304, 311, 317, 337, 354, 437, 492, 681, 818,
926, 995, 1002, 1053, 1084, 1131, 1150, 1164, 1266, 1273, 1394, 1527, 1588, 1601, 1662. See
also feasts (specific, fixed) and Index of People and Places: Mother of God
sakellarios. See ecclesiastical officials (specific); imperial officials (specific); and Glossary
sakelle: of the Great Church, see patriarchal offices; imperial, see imperial offices and Glossary
sakellion. See imperial offices
salaries: of clergy, 728, 755, 1289, 1292; of hospital employees, 729, 734, 759, 762-65, 767, 1263,
1281; of priests, 699, 714, 755, 1116, 1257
[ 1991 ]
salt marsh (halmikon). See endowments (specific)
salt works (halikai). See endowments (specific)
salvation, 1498, 1502, 1503
samite (hexamiton). See textiles
sandalion (fishing boats). See transportation systems
Saracen cloth. See textiles
sarkesin (inner cover for the altar). See cloths, liturgical (specific)
schedos. See books, miscellaneous
schema. See monastic habit
Schematologion. See books, liturgical
schideumos. See sequestration
schisms. See vices, monastic
schools. See monasteries (parts of)
scribes. See professions and trades
Scripture, Holy: appeals to and citations from, 12, 446, 876, 910, 916-17, 1198, 1204, 1506, 1509;
exegesis of, 26, 39; reading of, see reading (subjects for); training in, 516, 551, 1111, 1155; use of,
379, 380. See also books, New Testament and books, Old Testament
seals, lead: on box of legal documents, 1036; on testament, 320
seaman. See professions and trades
seasonings: nutmeg, ground (karyon tripton), 110AB, 111AB, 226, 1703, 1705; olive oil, 110AB,
111A, 112AB, 140, 226, 286, 350, 362, 366, 480, 481, 482, 535, 691, 692, 693, 747, 766, 813,
814, 826, 901, 914, 917, 1003, 1006, 1060, 1198, 1204, 1268, 1275, 1324-26, 1334, 1547, 1598,
1660, 1661, 1702-3, 1704, 1705, 1712, 1715; 1713; pepper, 111A, 1701; rose essence, 741; salt,
1281; spices, 1334; vinegar, 761, 1598, 1660, 1702, 1704, 1710, 1715; of legumes, 691, 692,
1006, 1063, 1701, 1704; of shellfish, 1699, 1701; of squash, 1326, 1715; of vegetables, 691, 692,
1006, 1063, 1699, 1701, 1703, 1710, 1715; of wine, 1706. See also flavorings
seasons (annual), effects of: on availability of produce, 729, 746; on choice of clothing, 826,
1276; on cost of commodities, 788, 826; on harvest, 829; on hour of awakening, 787, 828; on
liturgical performances, 91, 494, 928; on manual labor, 92; on number and timing of meals, 110B,
482, 693, 814, 1008, 1065, 1697, 1709, 1710, 1711; on timing of vigils, 689
[ 1992 ]
seasons (annual, particular): summer, 91, 92, 109A, 482, 689, 693, 787, 814, 826, 828, 829, 833,
1008, 1065, 1232, 1710; winter, 91, 92, 109A, 494, 689, 787, 826, 828, 850n. 31, 928, 1276
seasons (liturgical): Eastertide (Paschalia), 91, 105A, 109AB, 224, 226, 386, 474, 1027, 1083,
1145, 1321, 1325, 1631, 1659; Lent, 64, 106B-112AB, 138, 140, 224-27, 401-4, 480-81, 865,
900-907, 957, 966, 1006-7, 1143-45, 1627, 1631, 1659, 1660, 1701-9 (see also fasts [specific]);
Pentecost, 874, 896, 1027, 1083, 1133, 1145; Twelve Days of Christmas (dodekaemeron), 226,
401, 687, 874, 896, 907, 1027, 1083, 1133, 1146, 1598, 1715
seat, wooden (xylosellion). See furniture
sebastokrator, m.; sebastokratorissa, f. See titles and dignities
sebastos, m.; sebaste, f. See titles and dignities
secular law. See imperial legislation
security deposits: deeds as, 984, 1036-37; sacred vessels as, 1099, 1411, 1417, 1422
Seismobrontologion (book of earthquakes and thunders). See books, secular
sekreton: imperial, see imperial offices; patriarchal, see patriarchal offices
self-governing. See independent and self-governing monasteries
self-reliance (self-sufficiency). See virtues, monastic
semantron, 62, 64, 65n. 1, 108, 474, 689, 739, 806, 1015, 1027, 1083, 1133, 1183; big, 1137;
bronze, xxiii, 476, 688, 689, 808, 1027, 1083; great, xxiii, 476, 739, 808, 1027, 1083; heavy, 1136;
iron, 1136; large, xxiii, 1133; in refectory, 478, 743, 744, 745, 810, 908, 965, 1005, 1062, 1142;
small, xxiii, 688, 804, 1027, 1083; wooden, 98AB, 107AB, 108AB, 109AB, 112AB, 221, 223,
224, 804, 1224, 1363, 1540. See also Glossary
semeioma. See legal documents (specific)
semeiosis. See legal documents (specific)
Septuagint, version employed, 12
sepulcher (holy), icon of. See icons (specific)
sequestration (schideumos), 770, 777n. 88
servants (domestic): acceptability of as novices, 1464, 1470; as monks, 749, 835, 842; entering or
leaving monasteries, 1615, 1619-20; famuli, xxxiv; housing for, 615, 645; of female protectors,
300, 331, 355, 656; of monks, xxxiii, 247, 259, 302, 327, 353, 444, 447, 460, 490, 512, 516, 528,
570-71, 611-12, 641, 730, 753, 788, 789, 800, 826, 831, 864, 866, 875, 924, 980, 1012, 1017-18,
1069, 1073, 1074, 1113, 1148, 1155, 1213, 1223, 1392, 1489, 1584, 1587, 1600, 1615, 1619,
1620, 1652; of nuns, 670, 671, 699, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1278, 1489, 1515, 1550; lodging of, 1464,
[ 1993 ]
1470; of superiors, 199, 233, 236, 282, 289, 1390, 1392, 1630, 1652; supplied by convent, 1258,
1259, 1260, 1261, 1278
service books. See books, liturgical and endowments (specific)
services, breakaway, 705
sexual misconduct. See vices, monastic
sexual segregation, xviii, 26, 28n. 28, 40, 71, 303, 465, 1515. See also virtues, monastic: claustration
sexual temptation, xviii, xix, 70, 447, 465, 576, 879
shaving. See haircuts
shepherds. See professions and trades
shipbuilding supplies. See supplies, shipbuilding
shipping. See transportation systems
ships. See endowments (specific) and transportation systems
sick, the: attitudes towards, 25n. 19, 28; care of, 432, 495, 497, 696, 734, 762, 795, 825, 868, 937,
981, 1007, 1016-17, 1064, 1074, 1145, 1153, 1275, 1501, 1509, 1549-50, 1659; monks, see monks
(types of); nuns, see nuns (types of); obligations of, 732, 759; special concessions to, 653, 690,
956, 965. See also hospitals and infirmaries and old age homes
sigillidion. See legal documents (specific)
sigillion. See legal documents (specific)
sigillon. See legal documents (specific)
signon (banner icon). See icons (types of)
silence, practice of. See virtues, monastic and women
silk cloth (blattion). See book covers; cloths, liturgical; imperial garments; and textiles
silver. See precious metals (specific)
simony. See admissions: gifts to secure
sin: examples of, see vices, monastic; frequency of, 1514-15, 1553
singers, professional. See professions and trades
singing. See music, church
[ 1994 ]
siteresia. See allowances, living and incomes (monastic)
sitesis. See pensions and pensioners
sixth hour (hekte). See hours, liturgical (specific)
skala (pier). See endowments (specific)
skaramangion. See cloths, liturgical (specific); imperial garments; and textiles
skepasma/skepe (nuns headcloth). See clothing (articles of)
skeptraton (coin with scepter). See coinage
skete. See monasteries (types of)
skevophylakion (sacristy). See churches (parts of)
skevophylax, m.; skevophylakissa, f. (sacristan). See monastic officials (specific)
skoutarion (in shape of shield). See icons (types of)
skoutelion (bowl). See utensils, household
slaughterhouse. See buildings, secular (particular kinds)
slavery, condemned, 1208, 1210, 1218
slaves: monks cannot own, 71, 76, 77, 86, 247, 259; of nuns, 670; unacceptability of as postulants,
sleeping. See daily activities
social relations: adoptions of lay brothers or sisters (adelphopoiiai), xix, 78, 81n. 11, 238, 259,
644, 1312, 1616, 1621, 1652
soldiers: land holdings of (pronoiai), 1490; in service of monasteries, xxxvi, 574, 599, 846; as
patrons, 314; as monks, 509
soldiers (types of): malaratoi, 362, 366; mercenaries (Turkish), 209; retainers (personal), 611,
804, 823, 829, 837, 844, 845, 846, 848, 1630, 1652; stratiotai, 795, 846; tagmata, 362, 363, 366,
367; vestiaritai (imperial bodyguards), xxxvi, 795, 846. See also Glossary for Greek terms
solemnion. See annuities; emperors and the imperial government; and Glossary
solitaries and solitary monasticism: cells of, xxxiii, 1162, 1227; diet of, 398, 591, 1162; coexistence with, 1237, 1313, 1316, 1317; instances of, 125, 250; lifestyle of, 46, 86, 131, 143, 144, 148,
152, 160-61, 197, 206, 208, 234, 461, 483, 580, 590-91, 1112, 1162, 1227-28, 1301, 1332, 1333,
1338, 1350, 1493, 1641; manual labor by, 569, 591; not favored, xxxii; number of, 570, 592;
[ 1995 ]
permitted, 132-33, 135, 232, 250, 272, 278, 445, 1096, 1112, 1209, 1227, 1300, 1301; preference
for, 152, 207; prestige of, 85; provisions provided to, xxxiii, 591, 1112, 1162, 1210, 1227; regulations for, 198, 235, 237, 261, 262; relations with, 127, 132-33; rejected, 1177, 1183; restricted, 39,
592; as a reward for virtue, 1210; risks of, 162; rules for, 41, 261, 591, 1162, 1316; in Western
medieval monasticism, xiii
solitude. See virtues, monastic
somatika dikaia. See rights, conditional
somation (parchment). See books (specific types)
sorcery. See crimes
soteria (latrines). See monasteries (parts of)
spatharokandidatos. See titles and dignities
sphinktourion (belted outer garment). See imperial garments
sphragis (blessing). See episcopal rights; metropolitans rights; patriarchal rights (specific); superiors; superiors rights; and Glossary
spices. See abstinences (specific); flavorings; and seasonings
spiritual directors, 228, 236, 359, 368, 750; assignment to new, 216, 228; eunuchs serving as, 679
spiritual fathers: cannot alter founders instructions, 1465, 1473; cannot expel nuns, 1465, 1476;
death of, 564; determine frequency of communion, 1583, 1602; eunuchs as, xix; examples of,
1390, 1520, 1567; inexperience of, 1554; must be priests, 1545; qualifications of, 1554; remove
superiors, 1099, 1268; role of, 1257, 1259, 1260, 1261, 1263, 1268, 1271, 1272-73, 1288, 1292,
1463, 1464, 1473, 1476, 1517, 1583, 1588, 1600, 1602; selection of, 1288, 1292, 1465, 1475-76,
1514, 1554; special visits of, 1257, 1269, 1515, 1554; superiors to consult with, 1099, 1268-69,
1292. See also confessors
spithame (span). See measures (surface and weight)
spouses. See family members (specific)
squatters, 974, 1292
stability: institutional, 39; monastic, see virtues, monastic
stabling supplies. See supplies, stabling
staffs: episcopal, 962; for support, 156, 214, 225; pastoral (bakteriai, poimantikai rabdoi), xxx-xxxi,
185, 484, 587, 675, 752, 790, 816, 957, 967, 996, 1053, 1211, 1219, 1259, 1267, 1411, 1412,
1417, 1427, 1521, 1550, 1584, 1585, 1607
[ 1996 ]
stalion (refuge). See buildings, secular (particular kinds)
star(s): miraculous appearance of, 318; timekeeping by, xxiii
stasidion (with standing figure). See icons (types of)
stataraia (burial vault). See burial sites
statarea (large candelabra). See lighting devices (specific)
stauraton (coin with cross). See coinage
stauria. See crosses (types of) and Glossary
stauropegia (foundation charters): archiepiscopal, see archiepiscopal rights; episcopal, see episcopal rights (specific); patriarchal, see patriarchal rights (specific)
steel yard (kampanos). See measures (surface and weight)
stewards (oikonomoi): accountable to patron, 329, 353; accountable to superiors, 522, 547, 574,
589, 678, 967, 1001, 1058; allowed to meet with women, 576, 585; chosen by founders or patrons,
see patrons, rights of (specific); chosen by superiors, see superiors rights; deposition/removal of,
462, 485, 790, 792, 794, 818-19, 877, 1115, 1149; diet of, 1508; election of, 300-301, 484, 790,
816, 1465, 1477, 1544; elevation of to superiorship, 340, 461, 462, 484, 616, 818, 862, 876, 877,
919, 1344, 1358; installation/investiture of, 484, 491, 589, 658, 677, 790, 816-17, 919, 983, 984,
1001, 1047, 1058, 1115, 1147, 1261, 1273; not to be absent overnight, 730, 768; number of, 732,
768; promotion to office of, 656, 678; qualifications of, xxii, 484, 1115, 1146-47, 1519, 1538;
rank of among more prominent monks, 573, 589, 641; removal of, 444, 445, 484-85, 657, 678,
818-19, 919-20, 1149; salaries of, 1272, 1288, 1292; work of under superiors supervision, 79,
259, 264, 1100, 1147, 1224, 1539
stewards (specific): of Athonite Mese, 239, 240, 264, 286; of church of Eleousa, 768; of convent
of Petria (CP), 362, 367; of Latros, 599; of Philanthropos monastery, 861
stewards (types of): assistant (paroikonomoi), 89-90, 547, 574, 596, 656, 678; of chief monastery,
732, 768; of convents, 362, 367, 958, 961-62; of dependent monasteries, 731, 753, 768; dual, 732,
738, 1148, 1465, 1477; eunuchs, 656, 677-78, 1260, 1261, 1272, 1289, 1292, 1519; heavenly,
801, 1629, 1662; lay, 1100; of monastic church, 732, 768; non-resident, 1261, 1273, 1288, 1292;
nuns, 1488, 1519, 1538; ordained, 1115, 1147; of pious (philanthropic) institutions, 362, 367, 732,
768; priests, 1147; second, 1110, 1115, 1148; Syrian, 1314, 1317
stewards, duties of, 651, 656, 657, 677-78, 985, 1256, 1260, 1273; administer/visit estates, 149,
589, 677, 678, 1100, 1147, 1261, 1273, 1519, 1538; appoint property managers, 1212, 1224, 1261,
1273; building maintenance, 677, 1261, 1273; examine accounts, 1115, 1148; govern in association with superior, 1465, 1477; handle charitable distributions, 29; handle distributions to monks,
426, 430; hold superior financially accountable, 515, 548; keep careful records, 1519, 1539; look
after visitors and the sick, 1115, 1148; preside over meals, 980, 1005; prevent theft and damage,
1261, 1273; regulate monks diet, 1112, 1151; return favors to benefactors, 27; share in financial
management, 958, 962, 1115, 1147-48, 1212, 1226; substitute for superior, 1100, 1115, 1148,
[ 1997 ]
1586; supervise dependent stewards, 731, 753; supervise kelliotai, 430; supervise property managers and laborers, 1147, 1148, 1209, 1212, 1224, 1538
sthlabopolos. See titles and dignities
sthlavonikon (blanket). See bedding (specific kinds)
stichera. See hymns (specific)
Sticherarion. See books, liturgical
Sticherokathistarion. See books, liturgical
Stichophon. See books, liturgical
stipend (roga). See allowances, living
stones, precious: crystal, rock (kryon), 554; jasper, 1561
storage chests (arklai). See furniture
storeroom supplies. See supplies, storeroom
straps. See punishment, instruments of
strategoi. See imperial officials (specific)
strateia. See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
strateutes. See imperial officials (specific)
strator (groom). See hospitals and infirmaries, staff of (specific)
Studite monastic reform, rules and tradition, 84-90; later development of, 214; principles of, 46,
47, 85-87, 612, 862, 1198; sources for studying, 84-85; sources of, 87-88, 215, 247, 1312; subsequent influence of, 31, 88-90, 151, 152, 194, 211, 213, 214-15, 233, 247, 248, 382, 383, 447, 458,
465, 571, 631, 632, 640, 865, 874, 879, 955, 964, 967, 984, 1047, 1214, 1226, 1631. See also
monastic foundation documents, (3) Theodore Studites and (4) Stoudios.
studs, 716. See also book covers, decoration of and icons (types of)
studying. See daily activities
stylites. See monks (types of)
sugar. See flavorings and supplies, medical
superiors (hegoumenoi, kathegetai, kathegoumenoi, proestotes, m.; aphegoumenai, hegoumenai,
kathegoumenai, proestosai, f.):
[ 1998 ]
superiors (cont.)
absences of from monastery, 78, 247, 259, 1363, 1392
accountable to brotherhood, 522, 547
accountable to God, 1260, 1268
admonitions to, see addresses, hortatory
appointment (procheirisis) of by archimandrite, 646
appointment of by courts, 284
appointment of by current superior, see superiors rights
appointment declined, 207, 1390, 1392
appointment of by emperor, see emperors and the imperial government, rights of
appointment of by eparchs of CP, 331, 352
appointment of by founders or patrons, see patrons, rights of
appointment of by preeminent monks, xxx, 1619
appointment of by protectors, see protectors, rights of
appointment of by others, 282, 288
assumed to be fallible, 1518
authority of, 60, 427, 655, 667-68
auto-investiture of, xxx
blessing (sphragis) of, see episcopal rights (specific), metropolitans rights (specific), and
patriarchal rights (specific)
cannot change typika, 127, 130, 247, 258, 446, 514, 529
cell assigned to, 1489, 1637
choice of officials restricted, 512, 529
compared to artists model, 30, 30n. 35
corruption of cenobitic discipline by, 589
as donors of books, 267-68, 326, 359
election/internal selection of, xiv, xxix-xxx, 71, 77, 121, 123, 133, 151, 164, 171, 185, 196,
254-55, 331, 351, 461, 484, 485, 513, 514, 529, 573, 587, 613, 616, 617, 632, 641,
646, 655, 674, 731, 751, 790, 815-16, 835, 862, 865, 919, 957, 967, 977, 982,
986, 996, 1024, 1046, 1052, 1054, 1098, 1114, 1118, 1130, 1177, 1184, 1211, 1218,
1219, 1240, 1251, 1256, 1259, 1267, 1289, 1292, 1340, 1344, 1356, 1411, 1412,
1417, 1423, 1426, 1427, 1465, 1477, 1488, 1495, 1497, 1517, 1530, 1585, 1603,
1607, 1608, 1615, 1619
epithets of, xxxi, 135, 1220
excluded from financial management, 72, 79, 247, 259, 862, 863-64, 866, 984, 1029, 1047,
excluded from mercenary pursuits, 1652
financially accountable, 515, 548
funeral service for, 641, 646
as head of the community, 86
as imperial emissaries, 69
installation/investiture of, xiv, xxx-xxxi, 171, 185, 196, 212, 272, 277, 351, 463, 484, 529,
587, 616, 620, 646-47, 674-75, 731, 751-52, 790, 794, 800, 816, 867, 877, 920, 957,
962, 967, 996-97, 1052, 1053, 1101, 1102, 1130, 1218, 1219, 1267, 1340, 1356, 1530,
1607, 1615, 1619
jurisprudential teaching of, 151
lists of, 508, 1319, 1320
must consult with spiritual fathers, 1099, 1268-69, 1292
[ 1999 ]
superiors (cont.)
nomination of, 617, 646, 674, 751, 994, 995, 996, 1052, 1184
not necessary, 426, 430, 431, 436
not to have private property, 511, 530
not to live luxuriously, 79, 247, 259
not to seek higher office, 78, 247, 259
not to spend wealth improperly, 488, 1113, 1161
not to travel unnecessarily, 78, 138, 141, 259, 461, 483, 1363, 1390, 1392
offering of money or property by prospective, 464, 488
opposition to the allelengyon, 203
ordination of, 641, 647
pastoral duties of, xxxi, 638, 1220-21
personal service of to monks, 24, 487, 676, 820, 921, 1022, 1079
political activities of, 144
property of, 51, 237
provide for monasterys prosperity, 1437, 1451
qualifications of, 171, 184-85, 253, 254, 255, 256, 324, 346, 793-94, 819-20, 867, 962, 967,
995, 1044, 1046, 1052, 1054, 1096, 1161, 1211, 1218, 1251, 1390, 1393, 1397, 1423,
1497, 1500-1501, 1517, 1530, 1588, 1603, 1631, 1645
recruitment of, 974, 993, 1625, 1636
reformers uphold authority of, 443, 485, 613
relations of with charistikarios, 572, 598
relations of with imperial officials, 168
relations of with monks, 487, 516, 531, 983, 1022, 1047, 1078, 1086, 1101, 1652
relations of with patrons and protectors, 328, 349, 982, 993
removal of, xxxi, 171, 186, 272, 278, 282, 288, 301, 324, 328, 346, 444, 485-86, 521, 543,
572, 573, 574, 589, 598, 655, 658, 669, 676-77, 920, 983, 997-98, 1047, 1054-55,
1099, 1184, 1199, 1201, 1238, 1268
responsible for building maintenance, 615, 659, 703, 828, 832-33, 835, 840, 842, 843
retirement/resignation of, 127, 133, 136, 726, 790, 805, 1584, 1608
rules of conduct for, 71, 77-79, 477-78, 530, 587-88, 820, 987, 1022, 1028-30, 1183-84,
1652 (see also addresses, hortatory)
seclusion of, 466, 467, 483
signatures of, 233, 241, 1030, 1034, 1036, 1348, 1370, 1667, 1675
style of rule of, see monastic rule, styles of
subject to penalties, 985, 1019, 1161
teaching reading, 1464, 1477
teaching typikon, 1519, 1559
tenure of, 513, 529, 1495, 1497
theft and misappropriation by, 77, 171, 186, 258, 330, 345, 444, 488, 573, 589, 655, 658,
677, 1023, 1079, 1161
title of, 1456
to visit patriarch annually, 1631, 1659
wills and testaments of, 282, 288, 290
superiors (types of):
bad, 461, 463
collaborative, 1607
[ 2000 ]
superiors (cont.)
collective, 121, 123
commendatory abbots, xxxvi, 624, 1320
consultative, 1619, 1620
corrupt, 655, 677
deposed, 461, 486, 1260, 1268
designee, 623, 625, 629, 632, 1114, 1159, 1314, 1389, 1390, 1392, 1393, 1397, 1401, 1405,
enclosed, 455
eremitic, 461, 483
former (prohegoumenoi), 1035
heavenly, 1629, 1662
hereditary, 290
heretical, 1199, 1201
imposed, 246, 256
joint, 1390, 1392, 1405
male, 1518, 1532
manly (f.), 1518, 1531
nobly born, 71, 464, 487-88, 793, 820, 1024, 1048, 1080, 1588, 1603, 1631, 1645
ordained (hieromonachoi), 241, 242, 641, 647, 1211, 1218, 1390, 1393
orthodox, 1211, 1218, 1497, 1501
patriarchs, 1626, 1637
recently tonsured, 464, 488
senior, 1390, 1392
sequential, 1405, 1406
spiritually destroyed, 426, 429
unconfined, 455
uneducated/unlearned, 239, 464, 488
unfit/unworthy/worthless, 272, 461, 483, 655, 677, 983, 997-98, 1332, 1334
unordained, 241, 242, 456, 979, 986, 1014, 1071, 1518, 1532
unreformed, 486, 610
unworldly, 464, 488
virtuous, 1390, 1393, 1631, 1645
wealthy, 1631, 1645
young, 209
youths, 290, 1344, 1358
See also xenokouritai
superiors rights (pronomia):
absolute rule, 171, 181, 272, 278
allow bequeathing of cells, 1314, 1316
appointment of solitaries, 570, 591
assignment of monks to cells, 459, 490
assignment of monks to manual labor, 24, 381, 407, 569, 590, 1011, 1208, 1209, 1223,
1486, 1627, 1650
assignment of seating in refectory, 464, 479, 486, 516, 533, 659, 690, 733, 745, 793, 811,
878, 909, 956, 965, 980, 985-86, 1018, 1019, 1048, 1075, 1117, 1143, 1191, 1274,
1412, 1423
[ 2001 ]
superiors (cont.)
audit accounts, 657, 678
blessing (sphragis) of another superior, 331, 351-52, 491, 817, 925, 1001, 1058
cancellation of benefactions, 282, 288
cannot be investigated or examined by monks, 785, 790, 835
cannot be removed from office, 1304, 1307
change liturgical procedures, 731, 733, 750
choose property managers, 462, 493, 614, 657, 677, 678, 685, 818, 927, 958, 966, 1154
choose stewards, 72, 121, 123, 151, 164, 461, 484, 569, 589, 614, 655, 656, 677, 732, 768,
790, 792, 816, 919, 957, 962, 1001, 1058, 1147, 1209, 1224, 1260, 1272, 1292
choose other officials, xxxi-xxxii, 573, 589, 616, 655, 657, 680, 682-83, 732, 756, 790, 817,
957, 962, 966, 983, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1047, 1061, 1098, 1114, 1151, 1211,
1224-25, 1240, 1250, 1260, 1268, 1271, 1332, 1334, 1465, 1488, 1498, 1502, 1517,
1530, 1542, 1586, 1597, 1615, 1619
choose their own successors, 51-52, 55-56, 71, 76-77, 123, 133, 171, 181, 246, 254-55, 282,
290, 461, 484, 513, 529, 655, 674, 731, 751, 790, 805, 816, 995, 1052, 1098, 1099,
1107, 1114, 1129, 1159, 1177, 1184, 1307, 1339, 1344, 1358, 1392, 1405, 1406, 1417,
1488, 1629, 1630, 1635, 1645, 1661-62
confiscate unauthorized possessions, see below, inspect monks cells
consecrate other superiors, 89
consult with property managers, 657, 679
decide acceptability of gifts, 27
determine frequency of reception of communion, 459, 475, 787, 807, 956, 965, 979, 1016
determine lighting in church, 1257, 1260, 1277
discipline monks, 24, 170, 181, 1541-42, 1603, 1650
distribute extra clothing, 1583, 1586, 1600, 1629, 1650
enforce attendance at choir, 787, 835
enjoy special diet, 733, 752
exercise honorary prerogatives, 199
govern dependent monasteries, 731, 753
govern independently (without outside interference), 731, 752, 790, 805, 876, 919, 957,
1098, 1099, 1114, 1199, 1200, 1211, 1218, 1240, 1250, 1465, 1476, 1477, 1585,
hear monks confessions, see confessors
inspect monks cells, 459, 466, 491, 788, 823, 875, 925, 980, 1009, 1060, 1156, 1364, 1628,
instruct novices, 92, 108AB, 1435, 1447
interrogate monks after journeys, 26, 26n. 21, 1546, 1619
introduce (tonsure) and remove monks, 92, 108AB, 170, 171, 181, 377, 514, 543, 653, 685,
790, 815, 867, 868, 979, 1010, 1067
make disciplinary concessions, 1520, 1521, 1550
nominate their successors, 207
not be financially accountable, 463, 488, 752, 790, 835, 922, 983, 1023, 1079, 1114, 1436,
1447, 1630, 1660
not be removable, 40, 170, 181, 661, 669, 1307
ordain monks, 148
oversee care of supplies, 1114, 1151
own property, xxxiii, 170, 181, 237, 1464, 1477
[ 2002 ]
superiors (cont.)
permit handicrafts to be given as gifts, 1464, 1471
permit monks to leave, xvii, 39, 211, 237, 283, 288, 728, 734, 748, 868, 1345, 1368, 1616,
permit monks to own personal property, 459, 490
permit monks to pursue solitary life, 135, 233, 237
permit visitors, see visitation privileges
regulate bathing, see bathing
regulate conversation, 1515, 1542
regulate travel, see travel
remove officials, 681, 1002, 1059, 1114, 1150
remove steward, 675, 678, 794, 819
set or change diets, 25, 140, 215, 227-28, 481, 512, 534, 612, 691, 729, 731, 733, 734, 746,
866, 965, 980, 981, 1006, 1008, 1017, 1063, 1065, 1112, 1145, 1151, 1210, 1227,
1260, 1275, 1321, 1322, 1327, 1328, 1584, 1598, 1628, 1650, 1653, 1697-1701, 1703,
1709, 1710, 1716
share in financial management, 50, 488, 515, 548, 574, 589-90, 732, 792, 825, 863, 922,
958, 962, 1098, 1100, 1110, 1114, 1147-48, 1178, 1184, 1212, 1224, 1226, 1344,
1488, 1498, 1502, 1517, 1538, 1615, 1620, 1621
supervise convent, 961, 962, 1113, 1166
supervise officials, 71, 79
supervise officials of neighboring convent, 958, 961-62
supervise peasants diet, xxxi, 843
supernatural phenomena: cult, healing, 314; miracles, healing, 623, posthumous, 566 (see also
icons [types of]: miracle-working); stars, miraculous, 318; visions, 143, 207, 1351, 1352; voices,
1351, 1352; waters, healing, 1189
supplies, medical: bandages, 1259, 1275; catheter, 764; cauterizer, cold, 761, 777n. 73; cumin,
1204; Diospolis, 761, 777n. 69; enema (klyster), 761; fennel, 1204; forceps (odontagra), 764;
gum ammoniac (ammoniakon), 762; herbs (medicinal), 763; honey (for medicinal preparations),
761; jelly (tremousa), 762, 777n. 81; lancets, 764; linseed (linokkokos), 761; lozenges (eligma),
761, 777n. 77; mastic, 762; mithridate, 761, 777n. 75; must concentrate (hepsema), 761, 777n. 78;
myrrh, 762; olive oil (for medicinal preparations), 761; oxymel, 761, 777n. 69; plaster (emplastron,
kataplasma), 760, 761; poultice (pyria), 761, 777n. 74; poultice, dry, 762; poultice, hot, 761,
777n. 76; purgative, 762; rose water, 761, 762, 777n. 69; salves, 1259, 1275; sour grape juice,
761, 777n. 69; starch, 762, 777n. 80; sugar, 825; theriac, 761, 777n. 75; vine oil, 761, 777n. 71;
vinegar (for medicinal preparations), 761; wine syrup, 761, 777n. 79
supplies, shipbuilding: lumber, 287; pitch (pissa), 287; planks, thin, 287
supplies, stabling: fodder, 362, 366; hay, 763, 764, 1342, 1360; saw dust (prisma), 762; straw, 764
supplies, storeroom: agricultural implements, 1110; clothing, 590, 1152, 1288, 1292; coverings,
590; materials for handicrafts, 569, 591, 1112, 1162, 1209, 1514, 1551; nitre (for washing), 1552;
oil, 590; wax, 590; work tools, 1110
survey, cadastral (isokodikon). See legal documents (specific)
[ 2003 ]
sympentheros. See family members (specific) and Glossary
sympepathemenon. See property, tax-free
synapte. See litanies (specific)
synaxaria (liturgical typika): as dietary guides, 88, 92, 402, 403, 404, 405, 482, 965, 1227, 1701,
1702, 1714; endorsement of, 1208, 1225, 1227; instruction to draw up, 569, 587, 600; as sources
of biographical information, 59. See also books, liturgical
synaxaria (specific): of Charsianeites monastery (lost), 1627, 1629, 1660; continuous 24-hour,
87; Evergetian, 88, 90, 455, 460, 467, 469n. 6, 473, 475, 476, 478, 482, 499, 687, 688, 689, 693,
702, 801, 805, 808, 810, 814, 815, 862, 865, 895, 898, 900, 908, 917, 975, 987, 1002, 1008, 1024,
1025, 1028, 1044, 1045, 1133, 1145, 1299, 1581; of Grottaferrata, 639; of Hagia Sophia, 87, 455;
of Luke of Messina for San Salvatore, 637, 638, 639, 640; of Machairas monastery (lost), 1111,
1132, 1137, 1145; of monasteries on Mount Olympos (lost), 455; Rule of Jerusalem, 45, 46, 137,
138, 140, 142n. 8, 385, 387, 389, 391, 392, 393, 403, 404, 414, 4l6, 646, 1145, 1146, 1225, 1227,
1274, 1275, 1507, 1546, 1547, 1596, 1598, 1601, 1604, 1697; Rule of St. Athanasios/of the Holy
Mountain (lost), 390, 393, 394, 401, 402, 403, 404, 408, 411, 646, 901, 1319, 1326, 1485, 1613,
1614, 1615, 1619, 1620, 1622nn. 3, 4, 5, 7, 1714; of St. Lazarus of Galesios (lost), 150; of St.
Nicholas of Kasoulon (unpublished), 1319; of St. Sabas (Sabaitic), 140, 379, 380, 381, 566, 587,
600, 1094, 1111, 1208, 1209, 1225, 1227, 1256, 1258, 1274, 1299, 1312, 1313, 1314n. 2, 1315n.
11, 1319, 1457, 1485, 1486, 1495, 1506, 1507, 1513, 1516, 1546-47, 1583, 1584, 1596, 1597,
1601 (see also above, Rule of Jerusalem and Index of People and Places: Sabas, St., liturgical
typikon of); of Skoteine monastery (lost), 1177, 1183, 1185; Studite, 87, 385, 389, 390, 391, 392,
393, 402, 404, 405, 411, 416, 646, 862, 865, 955, 956, 964, 965, 966, 1044, 1045, 1059, 1064,
1065, 1081, 1082, 1083, 1084 (see also monastic foundation documents, (4) Stoudios); of
Theodosios the Koinobiarch, 88, 95n. 29, 1314n. 2
synaxis (commemoration of saint). See feasts (specific, fixed)
synkellos. See ecclesiatical officials (episcopal)
synone. See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
synteknia. See relationships: spiritual
synthronon. See churches (parts of)
syrmatinon (embroidered with gold thread). See cloths, liturgical (types of)
[ 2004 ]
tanouteres (cellarer). See monastic officials (specific)
tavern. See buildings, secular (particular kinds)
tax collectors (dioiketai, phorologoi). See imperial officials (specific)
tax gatherers (apaitetai). See imperial officials (specific)
taxation. See taxes and fiscal obligations (specific)
taxes and fiscal obligations: arrears of, 1320; donations of receipts of, 201; exemption/immunity
from, see immunities and exemptions; forms of, 362, 366; grants paid from local, 168; liability for
defaults of (allelengyon), 203; monks arrears of, 28; payment of by diocese, 771; payment of by
monasteries, xxxiv, 1613, 1630, 1657; property donations exempt from, 864; property liable for,
1489; receipts from, 714, 771; to the Roman church, 1320
taxes and fiscal obligations (specific): aerikon, 362, 366; antikaniskon, 362, 366; antimitatikion,
362, 366; aplekton, 362, 366; billeting (mitaton), xxix, 364, 366; building of bridges (gephyrosis),
362, 366; cargo, 792, 829; chrysoteleia, 712, 713, 719n. 67; compulsory labor (angareia), 361,
362, 364, 366, 367, 517, 524; compulsory labor, additional (parangareia), 361, 362, 364, 366,
367; construction of fortresses (kastroktisia), 362, 366; dues, agricultural, 1301; fine, 56; fodder,
requisition of, 362, 366; hearth (kapnikon), 362, 366; hypertimon, 364, 366, 367; imposition
(epereia), 186, 361, 362, 363, 364, 366, 367, 520, 549; imposition, exceedingly abusive
(hyperepereia), 517, 524; kaniskion, 362, 366; kanonikon, 169, 1595; komodromikion, 362, 366;
levy (epeixis), 260, 266n. 13; libellikon, 556; lodging of armies, 362, 367, of officers, 362, 367;
matzoukation, 362, 366; mesaplekton, 362, 366; oars, transport of, 362, 366; oikomodion, 362,
363; paving of roads (hodostrosis), 362, 366; prosodion, 362, 366; provisioning of fortress, 366;
psomozemia, 846, 847, 851n. 58; purchase of livestock, compulsory, 362, 366; requisitions, additional (parolke), 517, 524; self-taxation, 567; strateia, 362, 365, 769; synone, 362, 363, 366, 367;
taxation, 362, 366; tithe (apodekatosis) of crops, 1639, of male animals, xxxv, 1117, 1166, of
vineyards, 712, of wheat harvest, 1656, of wine harvest, 770, 1656; tolls, highway, 795, 848;
tribute (Ottoman), 212. See also Glossary for Greek terms
taxiarches. See imperial officials (specific)
taxiarches (monitor of choir and refectory). See monastic officials (specific)
teaching: of medicine, 734, 757, 765; of reading, 1464, 1477; of typikon, 1519, 1559. See also
tears (of repentance), 1470, 1531
Telonion. See books, ascetic and patristic
templon. See churches (parts of)
ten-horned [ones] (dekakeratoi, Monophysites). See dissidents, religious
tenants (ekleptores), 330, 352
[ 2005 ]
territorial jurisdictions: archontia, 525; district, military (bandon), 524, 524; district, territorial
(petiton), 769, 770, 777n. 87; episkepsis, 770, 771, 846, 847; katepanikion, 1279; plot (stichos),
188, 1192n. 47; theme, 174, 175, 187, 313, 361, 363, 364, 499, 523, 524, 525, 531, 555, 556, 772,
1050, 1051, 1279, 1287, 1291. See also Glossary for Greek terms
tessarakoste (fast). See fasts (specific)
tessarakoste, megale. See fasts (specific) and Lent, Great
testaments (diathekai), lay: preservation of, 732, 773, 1288; sanctity of, 328, 338, 1098, 1485,
1492; secret, 209, 274, 608, 609, 773, 799, 841, 848, 1434, 1439, 1446-52
testaments (diathekai, diatyposeis), monastic: author free to revise, 1411, 1417; confirmation of,
1396, 1397, 1402; creation of, 151, 153; dating of, 145, 146; denial of originality in, 137; distinguished from typika, 6, 7, 10; folklore elements in, 314; in form of a typikon, 137, 296; overall
philosophy of, 1178-79; pairing of with typika, 36, 44, 90, 122; preservation of, 89, 272, 274, 305,
315, 320, 848; professions of faith in, 70, 71, 75-76, 137, 139-40; prototypes of medieval, 36;
recopying of, 126, 128n. 1, 129; regulation of constitutional matters in, 71, 127, 152-53, 625,
1177-78, 1390, 1436-37; regulation of external relations in, 1179, 1437; regulation of financial
matters in, 71-72, 127, 626, 1178, 1390-91, 1437; regulation of monastic life in, 70-71, 127,
137-38, 151-52, 625, 1177, 1390, 1434-36; revision of, 625; signatures to, 57, 134, 146, 594, 598,
601; summary of contents of, 151, typology of, 44; 164; use of prior, 1340, 1349; use of to designate successor, 127, 133, 625, 1303, 1307, 1390, 1392, 1397, 1401, 1405, 1406, 1436, 1439; use
of to set up a protectorate, 271; use of to transmit foundation, 51, 55, 137, 455, 472, 1389, 1390,
testaments (specific): of Apa Abraham, 51-58; of Apa Jacob, 51-52; of Cardinal Bessarion, 1320;
of Eustathios Boilas, 517n. 17; of Germanos of Patmos, 567; of Ignatios of Machairas (lost),
1094, 1107, 1109, 1114, 1129, 1130; of Irene Komnene, 654, 669; of Isaac Komnenos, 608, 799,
841; of John II Komnenos (lost), 609, 732, 756, 773, 777n. 67; of John Xenos, 143, 144, 145 and
n. 13; of Lazarus of Galesios, 148, 151, 152; of Manuel II Palaiologos (lost), 1626; of Neilos
Damilas, 1462, 1467, 1478; of Neilos Kerameus (lost), 1626, 1635; of Neophytos the Recluse,
1340 (see also monastic foundation documents, (45) Neophytos [1][22]); of Neophytos the Recluse (earlier, lost), 1338, 1340, 1343, 1344, 1349, 1352, 1353; of Nikephoros Blemmydes, 1197;
of Nikephoros Choumnos, 1383; of Paul Evergetinos (lost), 455, 472; of Paul of Latros, 137; of
Peter, 51; of Sabbas of Patmos, 567; of Theodore the Studite (first), 68, 70; of Theodosios the
Koinobiarch, 88, 1314n. 2; of Theoktistos of Patmos, 566. See also monastic foundation documents, (1) Apa Abraham, (3) Theodore Studites, (5) Euthymios, (7) Latros, (8) John Xenos, (9)
Galesios, (14) Ath. Testament, (41) Docheiariou, (44) Karyes, (48) Prodromos, (49) Geromeri,
(50) Gerasimos, and (52) Choumnos
testaments (types of): autograph, 273n. 7, 1389, 1408; Coptic, 10, 36; secret, 272, 274, 732, 773,
1412, 1428; superiors, 282, 288, 290
tetarteron. See coinage
tetartion. See measures (surface and weight)
Tetrabasileion. See books, Old Testament
[ 2006 ]
Tetraditai. See dissidents, religious
Tetraevangelon (book of four Gospels). See books, liturgical
tetrakarikoxylon. See monasteries (parts of)
textiles (pania): of the highest quality (katablattion), 1672, 1676n. 22; kastrision, 359; linen, 359;
Maurianites, 553, 554; narthekoton, 1673, 1677n. 47; reversible? (diphoton), 369, 371n. 48; samite
(hexamiton), 554; Saracen, 369; silk cloths (blattia), 369, 371nn. 35, 36, and 44, 968, 1086, 1186,
1190, 1672, 1673, 1677; skaramangion, 359; wool fleece (pokarion), xxxv, 826, 850n. 31, 1166.
See also cloths, liturgical (types of); imperial garments; and Glossary
textiles, colors of: gold, 1186; green, 359; pistachio (pistakeon), 360; purple, 369; purple in two
shades (oxyn diblattion), 360, 371n. 35; scarlet, 1186, 1673; tricolored (blattion triblattion), 553;
violet-purple (oxykastoron), 553, 559n. 50, l573, 1677n. 46; white, 360, 554, 1186, 1673; white in
three shades (leukotriblatton), 369; yellow in three shades (kitrinotriblatton), 369, 1673
theft (of monastic property): condemned, 330, 345, 449-50, 462, 463, 466, 490, 498, 570, 573,
589, 594, 878, 923, 944, 1018, 1075, 1148, 1498, 1502, 1514, 1520, 1527, 1550; of monastic
income, 302; penalty for, 658, 677; prevention of, 44, 216, 228, 1110, 1115, 1140, 1152, 1261,
1273, 1520, 1544; use of inventories to deter, see inventories
themes. See terrritorial jurisdictions
theotokion. See coinage and hymns (specific)
Theotokos. See Index of People and Places: Mother of God
theriake (theriac). See supplies, medical
third hour (trite). See hours, liturgical (specific)
thladiai. See eunuchs
thorakisterion (apron). See clothing (articles of)
three hundred and eighteen fathers of Nicaea. See curses (specific)
thryallis. See lighting devices (specific)
thurifer (thymiatos). See monastic officials (specific)
thyrai (wings). See icons (types of)
thyroros (doorkeper). See monastic officials (specific)
thysiasterion (altar). See churches (parts of)
titles and dignities: abba(s)/apa, 51, 52, 53, 55, 57, 278, 407, 435; anthypatos, 333, 361, 362;
[ 2007 ]
asekretissa, 336; augusta, 664; autokrator (of the Romans), 361, 363, 1622; basileus, 701, 731,
742, 743, 755, 773; basilissa, 1397, 1401, 1403n. 17; builder, new (neos dometor), 981, 991, 998,
1013, 1021, 1030, 1034; caesar, 701, 742, 743; caesarissa, 701, 707, 742, 743; despoina, 701,
927, 1274, 1278, 1557, 1562; despot, 727, 1237, 1251, 1301, 1383, 1397, 1401, 1416, 1422;
dishypatos, 365; doulos, 1030, 1034, 1088, 1269, 1274, 1278, 1407; hypertimos, 1407, 1415,
1424; kaballarios, 1402; kouropalates, 742, 1032, 1035; magistros, 278, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367,
523, 525; megas konostaulos, 1556, 1561, 1563; megas primikerios, 1436, 1444; panhypersebastos,
701, 742; pansebaste sebaste (f.), 702; pansebastohypertatos, 701; pansebastos sebastos (m.),
499, 702, 743, 1280; panyoikeiotatos, 1036; papa (father), 1675; patrikios, 271, 275, 333, 341,
354; Prince of Princes (title of Pakourianos father), 507, 519, 523; protoproedros, 702;
protospatharios (m.), 146, 311, 320; protospatharissa (f.), 335, 336, 364; protostratorissa, 1563;
protovestiaria (f.), 742, 1563; protovestiarios (m.), 702, 837; sebaste (f.), 927; sebastokrator (m.),
526, 701, 774, 778n. 102, 798, 927, 1556; sebastokratorissa (f.), 701; sebastos (m.), 499, 519,
523, 557, 643, 742, 743, 770, 927, 1188, 1190; spatharokandidatos, 367; vestarches, 600; vestes,
336; vestiaritissa, 1190; vitizes, 1415, 1420, 1429n. 7; voivode, 1414-17, 1419-26, 1429n. 3, 1456;
zupan, 1415, 1420. See also Glossary for Greek terms
tombs. See burial sites
tonsure: age for, 1257, 1263, 1270, 1583, 1593; agreement to bestow, 1411, 1416, 1422; before
marriage, xx, 1338, 1349; bestower of, 377; confession at, 459, 478; on deathbed, 649, 1198,
1203, 1513; donations at, 626, 631; emphasis on, xxii; gifts not required for, 302, 495; immediate
(ad succurrendum), xxi; of charistikarios, 572, 595; of novices brought up in convent, 1257,
1271, 1520, 1568; requirements for, 236, 258, 263, 347, 494, 1096, 1629, 1646; as second baptism, xv, 1452, 1658; sponsors at, 1470-71; symbolism of, 178. See also xenokouritai
tools: care for, 28, 1110, 1115, 1148; considered common property, 24
tools (specific), agricultural: oil-press (tzymilareion), 1652; plowshares (hynia), 1186; pruning
hooks (kladeuteria), 1186; spades (lisgaria), 1014, 1186; troughs (gournai), 1189; tzieron, 1186
(see also Glossary); wine-press, 1562
toparches (governor). See imperial officials (specific)
topon epechon (titular bishop). See ecclesiastical officials (specific)
topoteretes. See imperial officials (specific)
tourmarches. See imperial officials (specific)
towers (monastic). See forts and fortifications
trachy, aspron. See coinage
trachy, histamenon (standard). See coinage
trades. See professions and trades
Tragos (billy goat) affair, 208, 232-34, 248. See also monastic foundation documents, (12) Tzimiskes
[ 2008 ]
transportation systems: boats: fishing (sandalia), 827, 970, koutroubin, 595, platidion, 595; of
Areia, 970; of Kosmosoteira, 827; of Mount Athos, 285, 286, 287; of Patmos, 565, 566, 567, 595,
599, 600; bridges, xxxv, 296, 303, 323, 324, 362, 363, 549, 793, 827, 828; highways, imperial,
795, 848, 1187, 1189; pier (skala), 1280; road, public, 710, 711, 1563; shipping, regular (hemera
ploia), 582, 602n. 18; ships, as endowment, see endowments (specific), capacity of, 829, owned
by monastery, 567; wagons, 1190, wharves, 771. See also Glossary for Greek terms
trapeza. See refectories
trapezarios, m.; trapezaria, f. (refectorian). See monastic officials (specific)
traumatikos iatros (surgeon). See hospitals and infirmaries, staff of (specific)
travel (monks and nuns): regulation of, 29n. 29, 35, 38, 980; restricted, 46, 78, 259, 484, 644,
1343, 1363, 1436, 1444, 1629, 1647; superiors permission required for, 29, 521, 538, 585, 1157,
1260, 1268, 1313, 1316, 1345, 1436, 1444, 1515, 1518, 1526, 1546, 1619
treasury (building). See monasteries (parts of)
treasury (imperial). See imperial offices
tremousa (jelly). See supplies, medical
triblattion. See textiles, colors of
tribounoi. See imperial officials (specific)
trikandelon (triple lamp). See lighting devices (specific)
trikephalon. See coinage
triklinos. See buildings, secular (parts of)
trimesion. See coinage
Triodion (book). See books, liturgical
triodion (hymn). See hymns (specific)
tripaton (three-storied). See buildings, secular (particular kinds)
trisagion (hymn). See hymns (specific)
trisagion (prayer). See prayers (specific)
troparion. See hymns (specific)
tropike. See convents (parts of) and Glossary
[ 2009 ]
trough, kneading (skaphidion). See utensils, household
troughs (gournai). See tools (specific)
troullion (cooking pot). See utensils, household
troullos (dome). See churches (parts of) and refectory (parts of)
trustees (epitropoi): of convent, 1113, 1166; of monastery, 1108, 1113, 1163-64. See also protectors and the protectorate
tutors. See professions and trades
typika (verses from the psalter). See psalter (parts of)
accidents of preservation of, 45
additions to, 467, 655, 709-10
alteration of, 1340, 1361
appendices to, 456, 464, 465, 467, 468, 499-500, 1287, 1513
authentication of, 860, 974, 975, 1034-35
authoritative status of, 240, 283n. 1, 443, 496, 656, 1103, 1465, 1476, 1517, 1527
autobiographical detail in, xiv, 151, 164, 174-75, 250-54, 327, 333-34, 377, 442, 543, 579-83,
665, 1215-17, 1231-32, 1242-46, 1338, 1349-51, 1414, 1419, 1420, 1426, 1449,
1525-26, 1592-94, 1633-40
blank pages in, 329, 354
boundary descriptions in, 710-11, 1513, 1517, 1563
cancellation of, 120
chapter division in, 466, 785, 1256
chapter headings in, 465, 467
chapter numeration in, 465-66, 873, 977, 987, 1044
chronological distribution of, 19
citation of canon law in, see canon law
commentaries on, 17-18
compositional breaks in, 214, 467, 786, 1581
copies of chapters in, 657, 677
cross-references in, 467, 1357
cross-references to, 213, 245, 272, 274, 281, 284-85, 1287, 1292, 1340, 1352, 1353, 1362,
dictation of, 135
different versions of, 91, 93, 214
disregard of, 281, 284
dissemination of through synopsis, 861
drawing up/issuance of, 163-64, 204, 206, 208, 211
editions of, 14-16, 1108
editorship of, 785, 986-97, 1256
encapsulated in hagiographic texts, 44, 45, 90, 144, 151, 296, 1296, 1457
encapsulated in other works, 378
foundation histories in, 129, 164, 169, 206, 245, 250-52, 296, 314, 317-18, 252-54, 442,
[ 2010 ]
typika (cont.)
467, 468, 472-73, 522-24, 568, 583-95, 873, 884-87, 975, 991-94, 1032-33, 1051-52,
1127-30, 1217, 1239, 1247-48, 1333-34, 1351-52, 1378-79, 1391-92, 1581, 1591-94,
geographic distribution of, 18-19
ghostwriter of, 1254, 1256, 1287, 1288
historical development of, 45, 91, 169
how to use, 1697
imperial confirmation of, see emperors and the imperial government, rights of
inalterability of, 77, 130, 240, 258, 328, 349, 496, 551-52, 655, 669, 969, 984, 1004, 1005,
1022, 1031, 1034, 1061, 1078, 1164, 1335, 1361, 1387, 1606, 1608, 1622
incorporation of by reference, 1094, 1485
incremental change in, 210, 465-66, 786, 861, 1044
interpolations in, 467, 1314n. 1, 1581, 1582
introductions to, 466, 468, 472, 981, 991-94, 1042, 1047, 1050-52
judicial confirmation of, xii, 90, 860, 974, 975, 1031-32
lengthiest, 607, 859
and oral tradition, 151, 640, 646, 1109
overall philosophy of, 464-65, 516, 733-34, 793-94, 878-79, 985-96, 1048-49, 1117, 1213,
1262-63, 1290, 1345-46, 1520-21, 1587-88, 1631
paragraph numberings in, 93
patriarchal rights regarding, see patriarchal rights (specific)
patristic precedent preferred to, 283, 383
preservation/safekeeping of, xiii, 14, 164, 169, 305, 329, 353, 466, 496, 510, 514, 522, 550,
551-52, 639, 656, 705, 732, 792, 842, 860, 974, 984, 1036-37, 1047, 1076, 1109,
1113, 1164, 1261, 1267, 1288, 1292, 1465, 1473
previous translations of, 16-17
principles for inclusion of in collection, 9-10, 1526-27
quotation of prior, xi, 213-14, 246, 248, 455, 468, 784, 873, 1255, 1321, 1340, 1485, 1614,
1616, 1621, 1626
quotation and summarization of chrysobulls in, 245, 253-54, 255, 256-57, 260, 261-62
ratification of, 1103
reading of, see reading (subjects for)
reasons for drawing up, 153, 163, 1114, 1126-27, 1513, 1556-57, 1587, 1594-95
re-edition of, 465, 466, 467, 468, 873, 879n. 1
reference to prior, 378, 392, 399, 400, 456, 784, 1312
regulation of administrative and constitutional matters in, 93, 170-71, 216, 315, 328-29,
382, 460-61, 513-15, 571-74, 641, 654-56, 730-32, 789-92, 876-77, 957-58, 981-84,
1046-47, 1113-15, 1210-12, 1239-40, 1256, 1259-61, 1288-89, 1343-44, 1465, 1507,
1516-19, 1584-86, 1629-30
regulation of external relations in, 172, 315, 382, 465, 516-17, 575-76, 641, 659, 734-35,
794-95, 879, 958-59, 986, 1049, 1118, 1213-14, 1240, 1263, 1346, 1465-66, 1521,
1588-89, 1631-32
regulation of financial matters in, 172, 315, 329-30, 382, 462-64, 515-16, 574-75, 641,
656-59, 732-33, 792-93, 877-78, 958, 984-85, 1047-48, 1115-17, 1212-13, 1240,
1261-62, 1289-90, 1344-45, 1465, 1507, 1519-20, 1587, 1630-31
regulation of monastic life in, 91-93, 170, 214-16, 314-15, 327, 381-82, 458-60, 510-13,
569-71, 638, 640-41, 652-54, 728-30, 786-89, 874-76, 956-57, 978-81, 1045-46,
[ 2011 ]
typika (cont.)
1111-13, 1208-10, 1239, 1256-59, 1288, 1341-43, 1384-85, 1463-64, 1506-07,
1513-16, 1583-84, 1627-29
reliance on external, 1208, 1225, 1227, 1298, 1342, 1363, 1457, 1495, 1506, 1507, 1711
repetitious treatments in, 245, 331, 466, 786, 788, 797n. 28, 1321
rescinded provision of, 331, 355
reuse of, 40, 72, 88, 89, 379, 455, 465, 468, 650, 987, 1093, 1384
revision of by founder, see patrons, rights of (specific)
revision of by protector, see protectors, rights of (specific)
right to issue, 609, 860, 869, 983, 994, 1043, 1046, 1049, 1052, 1084
setting aside of, 171, 186, 379, 411, 416
signatures to, 188, 233, 241, 354, 355, 651, 706, 1030, 1034, 1036, 1088, 1126, 1166
sources and prototypes of, xi, 30, 32, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 44, 88, 209, 246, 296, 640, 646,
650, 784-85, 976-77, 1044, 1109-10, 1255
stages of composition, 34, 45, 245, 331, 332n. 9, 441, 465-68, 785-86, 1320
subsequent influence/utilization of, 45, 455-56, 468, 987
supplements to, 1484; tables of contents in, 441, 520-22, 1122-26, 1296, 1348, 1484, 1522-23,
1581, 1582, 1583
topical interrelationships of, 468, 1717-23
topographical information in, 93, 127, 129
transcription of, 639, 955
transitional statements in, 467, 488, 489, 493, 1582
translation of, 509, 638, 1331
typology of, 640
use of boilerplate in, 45, 151, 164, 304, 1582
use of in installation ceremonies, 463, 484, 790, 816, 877, 957, 967
use of precedents in, 379-81
utility of for Byzantine monastic history, 19-20, 650-51, 977-78, 1044, 1110
For specific documents, see also monastic foundation documents and typika (specific, lost)
typika (specific, lost):
Anargyroi (prior, of the logothetes tou dromou), 1094, 1288, 1289, 1291, 1292
ancient regulation of Machairas, 1109, 1127
of Attaleiates, 327, 349
of Basil II, 281, 286
of Charsianeites (liturgical), 1660
of Euthymios Psamathia monastery, 44, 121, 122, 123
of George Akropolites for Anastasis monastery (CP), 1376, 1381
of the Holy Mountain, 1714, 1715
of Joachim of Zichna for Menoikeion (first version), 1484, 1579, 1582
of Latros, 136, 138n. 6
of Lazarus of Galesios, 45
Lost [Evergetian], 652, 663, 785
of Luke of Messina (1133), 638, 640, 641, 644, 646
of Meletios the Younger, 862, 864, 955, 956, 962
of Michael Maleinos for Kyminas, 206
of the monasteries of the East and the West, 515, 551, 559n. 38
of Neilos Damilas male monastery, 1463
[ 2012 ]
typika (cont.)
of Neilos of Tamasias (unnamed) convent, 1113, 1166
of Neophytos the Recluse (first), see testaments (specific)
of Neophytos the Recluse (liturgical), 1340, 1341, 1354, 1363, 1710, 1711
of Nossiai, 730, 752
of the Panagios monastery, 210, 441, 442, 445, 446, 450, 509, 510, 511, 512, 516, 520, 534,
539, 557n. 2, 609
of Patriarch Alexios Studites, 16n. 49
of Petritzonitissa monastery (liturgical), 510-11
of the Philanthropos monastery, 649, 652, 784, 861, 976, 977, 1384
rule (kanon) of Gregory of Fragala, 625, 628, 631
rules of the Mountain (Mount Athos), 1304, 1308
of St. Symeon the Wonderworker, 380, 409-10
vulgate version of (22) Evergetis, 785
typika (specific, preserved): Evergetis (liturgical), see Synaxaria (specific); Jerusalem/Palestine,
see Rule of Jerusalem; Lincoln College Typikon, 1512 (see also monastic foundation documents,
(58) Bebaia Elpis); of Patir or Bartholomew of Semeri, 638. For all others, see monastic foundation documents and monastic rules (non-Byzantine)
typika (types of): Arabic translation of, 378, 425; Armenian, 510; authoritative, 510, 1587, 1594;
bilingual, 508; with chrysobulls attached, 329, 361-67; copies for safekeeping, 510, 656, 705,
984, 1036; Evergetian family of, 15; excerpts of, 1384; founders (typika ktetorika), 6, 7, 9, 10, 44,
91, 296-97, 1093, 1239, 1498, 1513; fragmentary, 650; Georgian, 508, 510, 517n. 1; Greek, 510;
hybrid, 296, 442; imperial, 607-17, 859; in situ, 18-19; intermediary, 652; interpolated, 210; lengthiest, 607, 859; liturgical (typika leitourgika), 2, 9, 10, 44, 45, 91, 151, 215, 296, 378, 608, 1094,
1183, 1299, 1460, 1546, 1547, 1660 (see also synaxaria [specific]); model, 207, 210, 213-14,
215, 216, 379, 456, 510, 640, 649, 651-52, 784-85, 788, 793, 873, 955, 976-77, 1043, 1044, 1045,
1046, 1047, 1048, 1049, 1255, 1256, 1385, 1513, 1581-82, 1583, 1613-14, 1627; monastic, 2, 3,
9; neo-Evergetian, 1208, 1256, 1384, 1457, 1627; normative, 20, 46, 151, 197, 1484-85;
non-normative, 151, 425, 569, 1484; older/prior, 380, 1614; original texts and isotypes of, 13-14,
19, 189, 232, 234n. 2, 283n. 1, 329, 456, 508, 649, 727, 732, 735n. 1, 880n. 2, 1042, 1043, 1107,
1263n. 2, 1303, 1305n. 2, 1338, 1512, 1613; post-Byzantine texts and collections of, 1300, 1484;
prefaces to liturgical, 455, 640; re-edited, 210, 441, 1484; reform, 307, 785; second, 1512, 1521n.
1, 1579, 1580, 1582; Serbian, 1331; Slavic, 457; Slavonic translations of, 10, 14, 16n. 49, 17, 61,
88, 378, 425, 457; supplementary, 1238, 1512, 1626; unedited, 16n. 49; unoriginal, 1044; working
copies of, 656, 705, 1287
Tyrophagos (Cheesefare week). See commemorations, liturgical (types of); dietary rules; weeks
of the liturgical year; and Glossary
tzangia (boots). See footwear (specific)
tzapotos. See crosses (types of) and reliquaries (types of)
tzieron. See tools (specific)
tzinotheke (clasp). See book covers, decoration of
[ 2013 ]
tzolion (shift, mat). See bedding (specific kinds) and clothing (articles of)
tzounganion (game), 317. See also Glossary
tzykalion (cooking pot). See utensils, household
[ 2014 ]
vestes. See titles and dignities
vestiarion. See imperial offices
vestiaritai (imperial bodyguards). See soldiers (types of)
vestiarites. See imperial officials (specific)
vestiaritissa. See titles and dignities
vestments, ecclesiastical. See cloths, liturgical (specific)
vices, monastic:
acquisitiveness, xxxii
akedia, xvi, 159, 261, 262, 474, 591, 806, 890-91, 895, 1133, 1162, 1450, 1461, 1537
anger, 475, 807, 897, 1016, 1073, 1602
apathy, 1542
appropriation/alienation of monastic property, 462, 463, 485, 498
associations, sworn, 1501
attachments, unreasonable, 485
bestiality, 866, 942-43, 1343
carelessness and indifference, 462, 485, 792
carnal sin, 1343, 1364
celibacy, lapses from, 155
chatter/conversation/talking, idle, 24n. 13, 63, 141, 474, 570, 594, 895, 923, 967, 1018,
1074, 1133, 1542, 1586, 1602
cheating, 1314, 1317
cohabitation (sexual), 46, 152, 155
concubinage, practice of, 152, 155
deceit, 475, 807, 897, 1016, 1073, 1602
demands for better/favorite foods, 1263, 1274, 1342, 1364, 1628, 1653
denigration, 475, 807, 897, 1016, 1073, 1602
departures, unauthorized, 216, 228, 930-36
dietary inequality, 1436, 1451, 1506, 1508, 1547
dishonesty, 462, 492, 1211, 1225
disobedience, xxxii, 585
disputing over places at table, 497, 705, 824, 944, 1018, 1025, 1045, 1075, 1109, 1117,
1143, 1164, 1258, 1263, 1274
disruptive associations and unions, 1314, 1317, 1496, 1501
doing favors for relatives, 462, 463, 485
drinking (bouts and parties), 1496, 1501, 1506, 1508
drunkenness, 1314, 1317
embracing or kissing (one another), 63, 1343, 1363
fathering of children, 152, 155
fighting, 1313, 1317
fraternization, private, 1628, 1643
fraternization with lay people, 1630, 1652
friendships, improper (special), 497, 705, 824, 875, 944, 1025, 1064, 1081, 1164, 1213,
1223, 1317, 1496, 1501
[ 2015 ]
vices, monastic (cont.)
gathering, idle, 489, 923, 1602
gazing (at each others face), 941, 942
gluttony, 1436, 1451, 1628, 1653
grief, 475, 807, 897, 1016, 1073, 1602
grudges, bearing of, 475, 807, 897, 1016, 1073, 1602
grumbling, 475, 807, 897, 1016, 1073, 1602
hoarding, 46, 79, 138, 141
homosexuality and homoerotic associations, 30, 35, 41, 46, 60, 62, 63, 65, 78, 152, 162,
512, 788, 822, 866, 879, 939-43, 1343, 1621, 1622
idiorhythmism, 609, 967, 1302, 1487, 1649
idiorhythmism, tendency towards, 1506, 1508
idleness, xxvi, 891, 1514, 1550
inequality (general), 1457, 1460
insubordination (to superior), 514, 537-39
laughter, 24n. 13, 474, 570, 594, 806, 895, 897, 1026, 1082, 1133, 1501, 1602
luxury and indulgence, 463, 498
masturbation, 41
money, love of, 498, 705, 824, 1025, 1081
pride, 24
private cooking, 527
promiscuity, 644
quarreling, 497, 705, 944, 956, 965, 1025, 1064, 1164, 1211, 1223, 1628, 1643
riding beasts of burden together, 63
schisms, 497, 705, 944, 1025, 1064, 1164
secret eating and drinking, 30, 34, 391, 404, 405, 479, 511, 527, 528, 570, 594, 640, 644,
653, 693, 729, 743, 745, 812, 821, 875, 878, 910, 923, 956, 965, 977, 980, 1009,
1066, 1258, 1274, 1340, 1342, 1356, 1364, 1506, 1508, 1515, 1548, 1628, 1653
sexual misconduct, xviii, 41, 46, 47, 170, 247, 259, 939-43
talking, idle/frivolous, 141, 474, 895, 923, 967, 980, 1018, 1045, 1074, 1075, 1133, 1515,
1542, 1583, 1602
theft/stealing, see theft (of monastic property)
unnecessary travelling, 78, 138, 141, 259, 461, 483, 1363, 1392
unsuitable attachments, 282, 290
violence, 1314, 1317
willfulness, xxxii
vigils (agrypniai): behavior during, 160; exemption from genuflections during, 474, 687, 896,
1083; exemption from participation in, 978, 1009; hymnody of, 1376, 1380; importance of keeping, 261; occasions for, 478, 689, 908, 964; participation of solitaries in, xxxiii, 570; in Sabaitic
typikon, 587, 1225, 1513, 1546
vigils (specific) (paramonai): on burial of superior, 529; of Christmas, 197AB, 222, 394, 907,
1325, 1326, 1601, 1715; in commemoration of departed monks, 548; of Dominical feasts, 478,
689, 810, 908, 995-96, 1053, 1146; of Easter, 481, 705, 1064, 1706, 1712; of Epiphany, 394, 907,
1325, 1326, 1715; of feast of Dormition, 803, 1086; of feast of Exaltation of Holy Cross, 689; of
feast of St. Mamas, 995-96; of feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, 689; for founder/patron, 729, 754,
803-4, 1313, 1316; on Friday, 729, 754, 755, 756; of Great Canon, 689; of great/important feasts,
[ 2016 ]
746, 908, 964, 1146; of Holy Week, 689; Lenten, 569, 587; of Marian feasts, 689, 964, 1053,
1086; on Saturday, 390, 537, 591, 803-4, 1053, 1316, 1332, 1335, 1546, 1547, 1555; on Sunday,
390, 478, 569, 587, 689, 908, 964, 970, 1209, 1225
villages (choria). See rural settlements
vine-dressers. See laborers, monastic (specific)
vinegar (oxos). See seasonings and supplies, medical
vineyards: abandoned, 1401, 1639, 1663n. 24; ancient, 1397, 1401; dispute over, 792, 843; establishment of, 144, 247, 264; monks working in, xxiv, 227, 1181, 1401, 1463, 1476; planting of,
253, 645, 826, 1392, 1394, 1435, 1443; procession around, 101A; purchase of, 233, 253; restoration of, 1397, 1401; tax on, 712; yield of, 319. See also endowments (specific)
violence. See vices, monastic
virginity. See virtues, monastic
virtues, monastic, 638, 733, 748, 1500, 1501
almsgiving, 879, 910-11
claustration, 40, 138, 140, 748, 1007, 1064, 1203, 1269-70 (see also sexual segregation)
contemplation, 1450
economy (oikonomia), 1411, 1416
good order, 640, 644
humility, 640, 644, 705, 893-94, 1203, 1274, 1440, 1470
loyalty (to superior), 497, 705, 943, 1024, 1081
obedience, see obedience and submission
poverty, see monastic poverty
respect/deference, 328, 339, 349, 978, 1011
righteousness, 733, 748
self-reliance (self-sufficiency), 35, 41, 47, 48, 86, 127, 151, 194, 427, 434
silence, practice of, xvi, 24, 537, 682, 684, 821
solitude (hesychia), xxxii, 1614, 1618 (see also hesychasts and hesychastic monasticism)
stability, xviii, 22 and n. 8, 23, 29, 31, 874, 930-36, 1497
virginity, 1469, 1470
visions (miraculous). See supernatural phenomena
visitation privileges, 25, 29 and n. 29, 35, 38, 39, 158, 670-71, 679, 730, 750, 1113, 1258, 1270,
1313, 1316, 1471, 1496, 1502, 1545-46
visitors (to convents and monasteries). See guests and visitors
viticulture, monks practicing, 208, 1096, 1177, 1189. See also vineyards and wine
vitizes (title of Wallachian dignitary). See titles and dignities
voices (miraculous). See supernatural phenomena
[ 2017 ]
voivode. See titles and dignities
vows, monastic. See monks: vows of and postulants: vows of
[ 2018 ]
third of Lent, 110AB, 224, 1703; fourth (Great or middle) of Lent, 111A, 226, 227, 402, 480-81,
691, 747, 813, 1006, 1063, 1703; fifth of Lent, 110AB, 224, 813, 914, 1006, 1063, 1144, 1703,
1708; sixth of Lent, 110AB, 224, 1703; before Meatfare, 401, 415, 1008, 1146, 1598, 1715-16; of
Meatfare, 1198, 1598, 1701; after Pentecost, 1598, 1701; Renovation, 101AB-102AB, 227, 394,
1145, 1712; of Tax Collector and Pharisee, 1659
wharves. See transportation systems
wheat: charitable distribution of, 342, 1281; compulsory purchase of, 362, 366; for eucharistic
offering, 350, 353; tax on harvest of, 1656; yearly allowance of for bread, 350. See also grain
whips. See punishment, instruments of
widows. See nuns (types of) and women (types of)
wilderness, as site of monasteries, 127, 129, 798, 799, 884, 1200, 1592
willfulness. See vices, monastic
wine: blessing of (extra treat), 1006, 1063, 1086, 1087, 1088, 1132, 1163; compulsory purchase
of, 362, 366; consumption of permitted, 41, 46, 61, 92, 109AB, 110AB, 111AB, 112AB, 140, 226,
465, 480, 481, 482, 499, 532, 533, 534, 535, 544, 585, 691, 692, 693, 699, 747, 813, 901, 914,
915, 917, 980, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1132, 1144, 1146, 1163, 1204, 1229, 1230,
1321, 1325-28, 1334, 1598, 1601, 1696-1716; consumption of prohibited, 35, 38, 39, 111AB,
400, 401, 480, 481, 499, 585, 1704, 1709-12, 1714, 1716; consumption of restricted, 121, 395,
396, 1324, 1326, 1334; gifts of to protectors, 301, 315, 319; and manual laborers, 63, 227; for
medicinal purposes, 396, 830, 1698; purchase of, 788, 826; quality of, 121; sale of, 238, 285, 286;
for the sick, 745, 760, 763; substitute for, 214; for superior, 752; supplies of, 1261, 1272, 1281;
surplus of, 1460; tax on harvest of, 1656; varieties of, 511, 531; yearly allowances of, 350. See
also viticulture
wine (specific kinds): better, 1436, 1451; Eucharistic (nama), 253, 350, 531, 756, 761, 766; fermented, 832, 1508; mulled (eukras), 761
wine-press. See tools (specific)
wings (of icons). See icons (types of)
witnesses: to alienations, 658, 673; in court, 1657; to financial accountings, 985, 1003; to meetings between the sexes, 28; to monastic testaments, 53, 57, 145, 146, 1404; to opening of testament, 732, 773
wives. See family members (specific)
allowed restricted access, 496, 511, 546, 730, 749, 794, 836, 937, 986, 1013, 1070, 1086,
aversion to, 41, 410, 447
banning of, 39, 46, 78, 82n. [16], 137, 141, 303, 382, 410, 447, 511, 521, 546, 585, 878, 936,
978, 1013, 1048, 1070, 1113, 1155, 1156, 1213, 1228, 1314, 1316, 1359, 1460, 1501,
[ 2019 ]
women (cont.)
1588, 1601, 1631, 1652
characterization of, 1259, 1266, 1517, 1518, 1529, 1531
dowries of, xxxv, 870, 1102, 1214, 1227
and emulation of male temperament, 1531
excluded from charitable distributions, xviii, 447, 496, 824, 866, 878, 936, 1110, 1118,
1156, 1340, 1346, 1359, 1366, 1460
excluded from burial in monastery, 1213, 1229, 1631, 1652
excluded from worship, 1213, 1228
frail nature of, 1528
as guests, xix, 35
included in commemorations, 1229
included in festal distributions, 496, 824, 937
male protection of, 1528
and misogyny, xix, 35n. 53, 38, 41, 53, 383, 410, 465, 1458
rationale for exclusion of, xix, 496
relations with, xviii, 71, 78, 82n. [9], 247, 640, 644, 1314, 1316
role of in monasticism, 29
and silence, 1266
threat to moral probity posed by, 46, 879
women (types of): ascetic, 40; childless, 1470; with children, 1470; imperial and noble, 496,
1013, 1213, 1228, 1601; married, 447, 585, 1470; postulants, 1470; protectors, 338, 351, 355;
transvestite, 1615, 1621; widows, 1629, 1657
wood. See building materials (specific) and fuels
wood (specific kinds): Carian (karikoxylon), 702; of the Holy Cross, 714
wool fleece (pokarion). See textiles
workshops (ergodosia): in convent, 711; for manufacturing oil, 1434; as part of endowment, see
endowments (specific); in monastery, 1153; owned by convent, 713, 714, 1279; owned by monastery, 1178, 1182, 1188; rental income of, 713, 714; used by treasurer, 1153; with watermills, 1182,
worthy. See acclamations
wounds. See illnesses and injuries (specific)
writing materials: ostraca, 51, 52; paper, 622, 656, 705, 1261, 1272; papyrus, 13, 45, 52, 555;
parchment, 208, 232, 234n. 2, 705
[ 2020 ]
xenokouritai (alt.: xenokouroi; monks tonsured in other monasteries): acceptability of, 22n. 8,
256, 258, 459, 495, 653, 685, 728, 734, 748, 867, 868, 979, 1010, 1067, 1096, 1111, 1141, 1181,
1435, 1445, 1600, 1614, 1616, 1620; appeal to, 983, 1022-23, 1047, 1079; banned, xviii, 327,
875, 929, 967; can become superior, 246, 256-58, 655, 675, 982, 997, 1046, 1054, 1161, 1177,
1184, 1211, 1219-20, 1305, 1308, 1616, 1629, 1645-46; cannot become superior, 196, 246, 323,
324, 790, 816, 957, 967, 1114, 1161; cannot change typikon, 1211, 1220; careers of, 1177, 1181,
1182; examination of, 257, 444, 495; example of, 974; must assent to typikon, 1257, 1271; procedures for acceptance of, 1115, 1141, 1620; as threats to institutional independence, 867, 957, 967.
See also nuns (types of): tonsured in other convents (exokouritides)
xenon (hospital). See hospitals and infirmaries
xerophagia (dry food). See foods (types of) and punishments (specific kinds)
youths: accepted, 1627, 1634; banned, 46, 186, 570, 794, 822, 874, 939, 1314, 1316, 1583, 1588,
1601, 1631, 1652; beardless, xviii, 35 and n. 54, 137-38, 141, 238, 282, 285, 583, 874, 939,
1313, 1316, 1615, 1621, 1622, 1652; danger posed by, 512; education of, 1198, 1203; hostility
towards, 170, 186; longing for, 152, 162, 939-42; not to be educated, 1111, 1155; not to be tonsured, 233, 238; promoted to superiorship, 290, 1344, 1358; raised in monastery, 1344, 1358;
studying to become monks, 170, 186, 939, 1155; working for monastery, 571, 599. See also boys
and disciples: adolescent
[ 2021 ]